This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon CodeSystem http://hl7.org/fhir/animal-tissue-type

Biomedical Research and Regulation icon Work Group  Maturity Level: 1 Trial Use Use Context: Country: World
Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/animal-tissue-type Version: 6.0.0-ballot2
active as of 2021-01-04 Computable Name: AnimalTissueType
Flags: CaseSensitive, Complete. All codes ValueSet: Animal Tissue Type OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.2033

"This Code system is used in the following FHIR core-defined or referenced value sets:

A tissue type of an animal.

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem animal-tissue-type

Last updated: 2025-03-19T00:49:06.036+11:00

Profile: Shareable CodeSystem

This case-sensitive code system http://hl7.org/fhir/animal-tissue-type defines the following codes:

100000072091 All relevant tissues btn btn
100000072092 Fat btn btn
100000072093 Honey btn btn
100000072094 Liver btn btn
100000072095 Fresh Milk btn btn
100000072096 Muscle and skin in natural proportions btn btn
100000072104 Eggs btn btn
100000072105 Skin and fat btn btn
100000072106 Kidney btn btn
100000072107 Meat and offal btn btn
100000072108 Muscle btn btn
100000072109 Unspecified btn btn
100000111053 Adipose tissue btn btn
100000111054 Adrenal btn btn
100000111055 Blood vessels btn btn
100000111056 Bone btn btn
100000111057 Bone marrow btn btn
100000111058 Brain btn btn
100000111059 Connective tissue btn btn
100000111060 Cornea btn btn
100000111061 Dental pulp btn btn
100000111062 Duodenum btn btn
100000111063 Dura mater btn btn
100000111064 Egg, embryonated btn btn
100000111065 Egg btn btn
100000111066 Egg white btn btn
100000111067 Egg yolk btn btn
100000111068 Embryos btn btn
100000111069 Enteric plexuses btn btn
100000111070 Esophagus btn btn
100000111071 Feathers btn btn
100000111072 Foetus btn btn
100000111073 Fore-stomach (ruminants only) btn btn
100000111074 Gingival tissue btn btn
100000111075 Hair btn btn
100000111076 Heart/pericardium btn btn
100000111077 Hide btn btn
100000111078 Hooves btn btn
100000111079 Ileum btn btn
100000111080 Jejunum btn btn
100000111081 Kidney btn btn
100000111082 Lard/lard oil btn btn
100000111083 Large intestine btn btn
100000111084 Liver btn btn
100000111085 Lung btn btn
100000111086 Lymph nodes btn btn
100000111087 Mammary gland btn btn
100000111088 Udder btn btn
100000111089 Mammary tumour btn btn
100000111090 Meat extract btn btn
100000111091 Nasopharyngeal btn btn
100000111092 Nictitating membrane btn btn
100000111093 Nasal mucosa btn btn
100000111094 Ovary btn btn
100000111095 Pancreas btn btn
100000111096 Peripheral nerves btn btn
100000111097 Pituitary gland btn btn
100000111098 Placenta btn btn
100000111099 Prostate btn btn
100000111100 Epididymis btn btn
100000111101 Seminal vesicle btn btn
100000111102 Rennet, calf btn btn
100000111103 Retina btn btn
100000111104 Optic nerve btn btn
100000111105 Salivary gland btn btn
100000111106 Shank btn btn
100000111107 Skeletal muscle btn btn
100000111108 Skin btn btn
100000111109 Spinal ganglia btn btn
100000111110 Spinal cord btn btn
100000111111 Spleen btn btn
100000111112 Stomach btn btn
100000111113 Abomasum btn btn
100000111114 Submaxillary glands btn btn
100000111115 Tallow btn btn
100000111116 Tendon btn btn
100000111117 Testis btn btn
100000111118 Thymus btn btn
100000111119 Thyroid gland btn btn
100000111120 Tongue btn btn
100000111121 Tonsil btn btn
100000111122 Trachea btn btn
100000111123 Trigeminal ganglia btn btn
100000111124 Tripe btn btn
100000111125 Uterus (Non-gravid) btn btn
100000111126 Wool btn btn
100000111127 Ascites fluid btn btn
100000111128 Bile btn btn
100000111129 Blood1 btn btn
100000111130 Blood, foetal btn btn
100000111131 Colostrum btn btn
100000111132 Cord blood btn btn
100000111133 CSF btn btn
100000111134 Faeces btn btn
100000111135 Milk btn btn
100000111136 Nasal mucus btn btn
100000111137 Placenta fluids btn btn
100000111138 Plasma btn btn
100000111139 Saliva btn btn
100000111140 Secretion from bees btn btn
100000111141 Semen btn btn
100000111142 Serum, calf btn btn
100000111143 Serum, donor adult bovine btn btn
100000111144 Serum, donor calf btn btn
100000111145 Serum, foetal bovine btn btn
100000111146 Serum, newborn calf btn btn
100000111147 Serum/plasma derivate, adult bovine btn btn
100000111148 Serum/plasma, adult bovine btn btn
100000111149 Sweat btn btn
100000111150 Tears btn btn
100000111151 Urine btn btn
100000111152 Venom btn btn
100000111153 Whey btn btn
100000111154 Casein btn btn
100000111155 Fermentation products btn btn
100000111156 Gelatin btn btn
100000111157 Lactose btn btn
100000111158 Protein btn btn
100000111159 Insulin btn btn
100000111160 Collagen btn btn
100000111161 Animal Charcoal btn btn
100000111162 Peptones btn btn
100000111163 Fatty acids btn btn
100000111164 Glycerol btn btn
100000125717 Not applicable btn btn
100000136180 Meat and offal, milk btn btn
100000136181 Agar blood btn btn
100000136182 Casamino acid btn btn
100000136183 Casein, hydrolysate btn btn
100000136184 Casein, pancreatic digest btn btn
100000136185 Casein, peptides N3 btn btn
100000136186 Cells btn btn
100000136187 Cells, BHK21 btn btn
100000136188 Cells, CHO btn btn
100000136189 Cells, CRFK btn btn
100000136190 Cells, embryo SPF btn btn
100000136191 Cells, IRC5 btn btn
100000136192 Cells, kidney btn btn
100000136193 Cells, MDCK btn btn
100000136194 Cells, red blood btn btn
100000136195 Collagen, hydrolysate btn btn
100000136196 Cholesterol btn btn
100000136197 Egg, SPF embryonated btn btn
100000136198 Enzyme btn btn
100000136199 Enzyme, pancreatic enzymes btn btn
100000136200 Enzyme, pancreatin 6NF btn btn
100000136201 Enzyme, pepsin btn btn
100000136202 Enzyme, pronase btn btn
100000136203 Enzyme, trypsin btn btn
100000136204 Heart, digest btn btn
100000136205 Heart, extract btn btn
100000136206 Intestinal mucosae btn btn
100000136207 Lactalbumin hydrolysate btn btn
100000136208 Liver, digest btn btn
100000136209 Lymphocytes btn btn
100000136210 Meat btn btn
100000136211 Meat, enzymic hydrolysate btn btn
100000136212 Medium, cooked meat btn btn
100000136213 Medium, F10-199 medium btn btn
100000136214 Medium, FMD culture medium btn btn
100000136215 Medium, Glasgow MEM culture btn btn
100000136216 Medium, LB Agar Lennox btn btn
100000136217 Medium, LB Broth Lennox btn btn
100000136218 Medium, modified thioglycolate medium btn btn
100000136219 Medium, trypticase soy broth btn btn
100000136220 Medium, tryptose phosphate broth btn btn
100000136221 Milk, skimmed btn btn
100000136222 Pancreas, extract btn btn
100000136223 Peptones, casein hydrochloric peptone btn btn
100000136224 Peptones, casein tryptic peptone btn btn
100000136225 Pituitary extract btn btn
100000136226 Rennet btn btn
100000136227 Medium, nutrient broth btn btn
100000136228 Medium, NZ-Amine btn btn
100000136229 Medium, thioglycolate medium btn btn
100000136230 Peptones, proteose peptone btn btn
100000136231 Serum btn btn
100000136232 Serum, albumin btn btn
100000136233 Serum, Iron fortified calf btn btn
100000136234 Skin, connective tissue and bone btn btn
100000136235 Sperm btn btn
100000136236 Tryptone btn btn
100000136237 Meat, extract desiccated btn btn
100000136247 Stomach mucosa btn btn
100000136248 Transferin btn btn
100000136554 Non-neural btn btn
100000136555 Not specified btn btn
100000136556 Organ tissue btn btn
100000142485 Skin and fat in natural proportions btn btn


See the full registry of code systems defined as part of FHIR.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. See Code System for further information.
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance). If the code is in italics, this indicates that the code is not selectable ('Abstract')
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code