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Biomedical Research and Regulation icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Anonymous Compartments: No defined compartments

Mappings for the ClinicalUseDefinition resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

ClinicalUseDefinition clinical.general
    identifier FiveWs.class
ClinicalUseDefinition Definition
    identifier Definition.identifier
    subject Definition.subject
    status Definition.status
ClinicalUseDefinition Contraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects
    identifier n/a
    type (the type of IDMP class, out of Contraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects)
    category n/a
    subject (the link between the IDMP class and Medicinal Product)
    status n/a
    contraindication Contraindication
        diseaseSymptomProcedure Contraindication.Contraindications as "Disease / Symptom / Procedure" and Contraindication.Contraindications Text
        diseaseStatus Contraindication.Disease Status
        comorbidity Contraindication.Comorbidity
        indication (the link from Contraindication to Therapeutic Indication)
        applicability n/a
        otherTherapy Contraindication.Other Therapy Specifics
            relationshipType Other Therapy Specifics.Therapy Relationship Type
            treatment Other Therapy Specifics.Medication
    indication Therapeutic Indication
        diseaseSymptomProcedure Therapeutic Indication.Indication as "Disease / Symptom / Procedure", and Therapeutic Indication.Indication Text
        diseaseStatus Therapeutic Indication.Disease Status
        comorbidity Therapeutic Indication.Comorbidity
        intendedEffect Therapeutic Indication.Intended Effect
        duration[x] Therapeutic Indication.Timing / Duration
        undesirableEffect Therapeutic Indication.Undesirable Effects
        applicability n/a
        otherTherapy Therapeutic Indication.Other Therapy Specifics
    interaction Interactions
        interactant Interactions.Interactant and Interactions.Interactions Text
            item[x] Interactions.Interactant and Interactions.Interactions Text
        type Interactions.Interactions Type
        effect Interactions.Interactions Effect
        incidence Interactions.Interactions Incidence
        management Interactions.Management Actions
    population Population Specifics
    library n/a
    undesirableEffect Undesirable Effects
        symptomConditionEffect Undesirable Effects.Undesirable Effect as "Symptom / Condition / Effect"
        classification Undesirable Effects.Symptom / Condition / Effect Classification
        frequencyOfOccurrence Undesirable Effects.Frequency of Occurrence
    warning n/a
        description n/a
        code n/a