This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Administration icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Device, Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Mappings for the ChargeItem resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

ChargeItem financial.support
    identifier FiveWs.identifier
    status FiveWs.status
    code FiveWs.what[x]
    subject FiveWs.subject[x]
    encounter FiveWs.context
    occurrence[x] FiveWs.done[x]
        actor FiveWs.actor
    enterer FiveWs.actor
    reason FiveWs.why[x]
    service FiveWs.why[x]
ChargeItem Event
    identifier Event.identifier
    status Event.status
    partOf Event.partOf
    code Event.code
    subject Event.subject
    encounter Event.encounter
    occurrence[x] Event.occurrence[x]
    performer Event.performer
        function Event.performer.function
        actor Event.performer.actor
    performingOrganization Event.performer.actor
    reason Event.reason
    service Event.reason
    note Event.note
ChargeItem FT1
    identifier FT1.2
    definitionUri Varies by domain
    definitionCanonical Varies by domain
    status Varies by domain
    partOf Varies by domain
    code FT1.7
    subject PAT in proximity to FT1 segment
    encounter PV1 in proximity to FT1 segment
    occurrence[x] Varies by domain
    performer EVN.5 or by domain
        function Varies by domain
        actor EVN.5 or by domain
    performingOrganization N/A
    requestingOrganization N/A
    costCenter FT1.13
    quantity FT1.10
    unitPriceComponent FT1.22
    totalPriceComponent FT1.22
    enterer EVN.5 or by domain
    reason EVN.4 or by domain
    service EVN.4 or by domain
    note NTE
ChargeItem Act[moodCode=EVN]
    identifier .identifier
    definitionUri .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target
    definitionCanonical .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target
    status .status
    partOf .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[moodCode=EVN]
    code .code
    subject .participation[typeCode=SBJ].role
    encounter .inboundRelationship(typeCode=COMP].source[classCode<=PCPR, moodCode=EVN]
    occurrence[x] .effectiveTime
    performer .participation[typeCode=PRF].role[scoper.determinerCode=INSTANCE]
        function .participation.functionCode
        actor .player
    performingOrganization .scoper
    requestingOrganization .scoper
    bodysite .targetBodySiteCode
    enterer .player
    reason .reasonCode
    service .outboundRelationship[typeCode=RSON].target
    product .participation[typeCode=CSM].role
    note .inboundRelationship(typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=ANNGEN, moodCode=EVN].value[xsi:type=ST]