This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Care icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Mappings for the CareTeam resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

CareTeam clinical.careprovision
    identifier FiveWs.identifier
    status FiveWs.status
    category FiveWs.class
    subject FiveWs.subject[x]
    period FiveWs.init
        member FiveWs.actor
    reason FiveWs.why[x]
CareTeam Participant
    identifier Participant.identifier
    status Participant.active {map: active = true; :default = false}
    name Participant.name
    participant REL (REL.4 is always the Patient) ( or PRT?)
        role REL.2 (or PRT-4?)
        member REL.5 (or PRT-5 : ( PRV-4 {provider participations} ) / PRT-5 : ( PRV-4 {non-provider person participations} ) / PRT-5 : ( PRV-4 = (patient non-subject of care) ) / PRT-8?)
CareTeam Role
    participant .participation[typeCode=PRF]
        role .functionCode
        member .role