This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Security icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Not Classified Compartments: Device, Group, Patient, Practitioner

Mappings for the AuditEvent resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

AuditEvent infrastructure.information
    type FiveWs.class
    subtype FiveWs.what[x]
    action FiveWs.what[x]
    occurred[x] FiveWs.done[x]
    recorded FiveWs.recorded
    outcome FiveWs.what[x]
        code FiveWs.what[x]
        detail FiveWs.what[x]
    authorization FiveWs.why[x]
    patient FiveWs.subject[x]
    encounter FiveWs.why[x]
    agent FiveWs.who
        type FiveWs.who
        role FiveWs.who
        requestor FiveWs.who
        location FiveWs.where[x]
        policy FiveWs.why[x]
        network[x] FiveWs.where[x]
        authorization FiveWs.why[x]
    source FiveWs.witness
        site FiveWs.witness
        observer FiveWs.witness
        type FiveWs.witness
    entity FiveWs.what[x]
        what FiveWs.what[x]
        securityLabel FiveWs.context
        description FiveWs.context
        query FiveWs.context
        detail FiveWs.context
            type FiveWs.context
            value[x] FiveWs.context
AuditEvent Event
    type Event.category
    subtype Event.code
    occurred[x] Event.occurrence
    authorization Event.reason
    basedOn Event.basedOn
    patient Event.subject
    encounter Event.encounter
    agent Event.performer
        type Event.performer.function
        who Event.performer.actor
        location Event.location
AuditEvent ControlAct[moodCode=EVN]
    type .code (type, subtype and action are pre-coordinated or sent as translations)
    subtype .code (type, subtype and action are pre-coordinated or sent as translations)
    action .code (type, subtype and action are pre-coordinated or sent as translations)
    severity N/A
    occurred[x] ./effectiveTime[type=IVL_TS]
    recorded .effectiveTime
    outcome .outboundRelationship[typeCode=OUT].target.text
        code .outboundRelationship[typeCode=OUT].target.text
        detail .outboundRelationship[typeCode=OUT].target.text
    authorization * .reasonCode [ControlActReason when Act.class = CACT Control Act]
    basedOn Act.code
    patient participation[typeCode=RTGT]
    encounter Act.code
    agent .participation
        type .typeCode and/or .functionCode
        role .role
        who .id
        requestor If participation.typeCode was author, then true
        location * Role.Class =SDLOC
*Role.Code = ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType
*Entity.Code = PlaceEntityType = df.Types of places for Entity.Class = PLC
*EntityClass = PLC = df.A physical place or site with its containing structure. May be natural or man-made. The geographic position of a place might or might not be constant.
        policy ActPolicyType
        network[x] .player.description
        authorization *.reasonCode [ActHealthInformationPurposeOfUseReason codes/v:PurposeOfUse
* .outboundRelationship[typeCode=RSON or SUBJ].target
    source .participation[typeCode=INF].role[classCode=ASSIGN].player[classCode=DEV, determinerCode=INSTANCE]
        site .scopedRole[classCode=LOCE].player.desc
        observer .id
        type .code
    entity .outboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].target or .participation[typeCode=SBJ].role
        what .id
        role role.code (not sure what this would mean for an Act)
        securityLabel .confidentialityCode
        description .text
        query No mapping
        detail .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN]
            type .code
            value[x] .value
        agent ./author/role
AuditEvent Message
    type EventTypeCode
    subtype EventID
    action EventActionCode
    severity PRI
    recorded EventDateTime
        code EventOutcomeIndicator EventOutcomeIndicator
    authorization EventPurposeOfUse
    agent ActiveParticipant
        type prime RoleIdCode
        role all RoleIdCode
        who UserName and UserId
        requestor UserIsRequestor
        policy ParticipantRoleIDCode
        network[x] NetworkAccessPointID and NetworkAccessPointTypeCode
    source AuditSourceIdentification
        site AuditEnterpriseSiteId
        observer AuditSourceId
        type AuditSourceTypeCode
    entity ParticipantObjectIdentification
        what ParticipantObjectTypeCode, ParticipantObjectName, ParticipantObjectID and ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode
        role ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole
        securityLabel ParticipantObjectSensitivity
        description ParticipantObjectDescription
        query ParticipantObjectQuery
        detail ParticipantObjectDetail
            type ParticipantObjectDetail.type
            value[x] ParticipantObjectDetail.value
        agent ActiveParticipant.MediaType

The provenance resource is based on known practices in the HL7 implementation space, particularly those found in the v2 EVN segment, the v3 ControlAct Wrapper, the CDA header, and IHE ATNA. The conceptual model underlying the design is the W3C provenance Specification icon. Though the content and format of the resource is designed to meet specific requirements for FHIR, all the parts of the resource are formally mapped to the PROV-O specification, and FHIR resources can be transformed to their W3C PROV equivalent.

    type Activity
    occurred[x] Activity.startTime & Activity.endTime
    recorded Activity.when
    authorization Activity.Activity
    basedOn Activity.Activity
    patient Entity.Identity
    encounter Activity.Activity
    agent Agent
        type Agent.Attribution
        role Agent.Attribution
        who Agent.Identity
        location Activity.location
        network[x] Agent.Location
        authorization Agent.Activity
    entity Entity
        role Entity.role
    subtype Provenance.activity
    occurred[x] Provenance.occurred[x]
    recorded Provenance.recorded
    authorization Provenance.authorization
    agent Provenance.agent
        type Provenance.agent.type
        role Provenance.agent.role
        who Provenance.agent.who
        location Provenance.location
        policy Provenance.policy
    entity Provenance.target, Provenance.entity
        what Provenance.target, Provenance.entity.what
        agent Provenance.entity.agent