This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Clinical Decision Support icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 1 Trial UseSecurity Category: Not Classified Compartments: No defined compartments

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the ArtifactAssessment resource.

Element Id ArtifactAssessment

This Resource provides one or more comments, classifiers or ratings about a Resource and supports attribution and rights management metadata for the added content.

Short Display Adds metadata-supported comments, classifiers or ratings related to a Resource
Cardinality 0..*
Type DomainResource
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.identifier

A formal identifier that is used to identify this artifact assessment when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance.

Short Display Additional identifier for the artifact assessment
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier

Allows externally provided and/or usable business identifiers to be easily associated with the artifact assessment.

Summary true

This may be used for identifiers that can go in an HL7 V3 II (instance identifier) data type, and can then identify this artifact assessment outside of FHIR, where it is not possible to use the logical URI.

Element Id ArtifactAssessment.title

A label for use in displaying and selecting the artifact assessment.

Short Display A label for use in displaying and selecting the artifact assessment
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.citeAs

Display of the bibliographic citation of the comment, classifier, or rating.

Short Display How to cite the comment or rating
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.artifact[x]

A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about.

Short Display The artifact assessed, commented upon or rated
Cardinality 1..1
Type Reference(Any)|canonical|uri
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary true
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.relatesTo

Relationship that this ArtifactAssessment has with other FHIR or non-FHIR resources that already exist.

Short Display Relationship to other Resources
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.relatesTo.type

The type of relationship to the related artifact.

Short Display documentation | justification | predecessor | successor | derived-from | depends-on | composed-of | part-of | amends | amended-with | appends | appended-with | cites | cited-by | comments-on | comment-in | contains | contained-in | corrects | correction-in | replaces | replaced-with | retracts | retracted-by | signs | similar-to | supports | supported-with | transforms | transformed-into | transformed-with | specification-of | created-with | cite-as | summarizes
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Artifact Relationship Type (Required)
Type code
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.relatesTo.target[x]

The artifact that is related to this ArtifactAssessment Resource.

Short Display The artifact that is related to this ArtifactAssessment
Cardinality 1..1
Type uri|Attachment|canonical(Any)|Reference(Any)|markdown
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.date

The date (and optionally time) when the artifact assessment was published. The date must change when the disposition changes and it must change if the workflow status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the artifact assessment changes.

Short Display Date last changed
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Alternate Names Revision Date
Summary true

The date is often not tracked until the resource is published, but may be present on draft content. Note that this is not the same as the resource last-modified-date, since the resource may be a secondary representation of the artifact assessment. Additional specific dates may be added as extensions or be found by consulting Provenances associated with past versions of the resource.

Element Id ArtifactAssessment.copyright

A copyright statement relating to the artifact assessment and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the artifact assessment.

Short Display Use and/or publishing restrictions
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Consumers must be able to determine any legal restrictions on the use of the artifact assessment and/or its content.

Alternate Names License; Restrictions
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.approvalDate

The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.

Short Display When the artifact assessment was approved by publisher
Cardinality 0..1
Type date
Summary false

The 'date' element may be more recent than the approval date because of minor changes or editorial corrections.

Element Id ArtifactAssessment.lastReviewDate

The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.

Short Display When the artifact assessment was last reviewed by the publisher
Cardinality 0..1
Type date

Gives a sense of how "current" the content is. Resources that have not been reviewed in a long time may have a risk of being less appropriate/relevant.

Summary true

If specified, this date follows the original approval date.

Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content

A component comment, classifier, or rating of the artifact.

Short Display Comment, classifier, or rating content
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.summary

A brief summary of the content of this component.

Short Display Brief summary of the content
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.type

Indicates what type of content this component represents.

Short Display What type of content
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Evidence Certainty Type (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.classifier

Represents a rating, classifier, or assessment of the artifact.

Short Display Rating, classifier, or assessment
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Evidence Certainty Rating (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.quantity

A quantitative rating of the artifact.

Short Display Quantitative rating
Cardinality 0..1
Type Quantity
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.author

Indicates who or what authored the content.

Short Display Who authored the content
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Device)
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.path

A URI that points to what the comment is about, such as a line of text in the CQL, or a specific element in a resource.

Short Display What the comment is directed to
Cardinality 0..*
Type uri
Summary false

The target element is used to point the comment to aspect of the artifact, such as a text range within a CQL library (e.g. #content?0:0-120:80).

Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.relatesTo

Relationship that this content component has with other FHIR or non-FHIR resources that already exist.

Short Display Relationship to other Resources
Cardinality 0..*
Type See ArtifactAssessment.relatesTo
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.freeToShare

Acceptable to publicly share the comment, classifier or rating.

Short Display Acceptable to publicly share the content
Cardinality 0..1
Type boolean
Summary false

Absence of a value should be interpreted as inheriting any freeToShare value present in a containing structure, else inheriting data from the ArtifactAssessment.copyright element, else value unknown.

Element Id ArtifactAssessment.content.component

A component comment, classifier, or rating of the artifact.

Short Display Comment, classifier, or rating content
Cardinality 0..*
Type See ArtifactAssessment.content
Summary false
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.workflowStatus

Indicates the workflow status of the comment or change request.

Short Display submitted | triaged | waiting-for-input | resolved-no-change | resolved-change-required | deferred | duplicate | applied | published | entered-in-error
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Artifact Assessment Workflow Status (Required)
Type code
Summary true
Element Id ArtifactAssessment.disposition

Indicates the disposition of the responsible party to the comment or change request.

Short Display unresolved | not-persuasive | persuasive | persuasive-with-modification | not-persuasive-with-modification
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Artifact Assessment Disposition (Required)
Type code
Summary true