This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Administration icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Device, Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Mappings for the Appointment resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

Appointment workflow.scheduling
    identifier FiveWs.identifier
    status FiveWs.status
    class FiveWs.class
    specialty FiveWs.class
    priority FiveWs.class
    replaces FiveWs.context
    supportingInformation FiveWs.context
    previousAppointment FiveWs.context
    originatingAppointment FiveWs.context
    start FiveWs.init
    end FiveWs.done[x]
    subject FiveWs.who
        actor FiveWs.who
Appointment Request
    identifier Request.identifier
    status Request.status
    serviceType Request.code
    reason Request.reason
    priority Request.priority
    replaces Request.replaces
    supportingInformation Request.supportingInfo
    start Request.occurrence[x]
    end Request.occurrence[x]
    minutesDuration Request.occurrence[x]
    requestedPeriod Request.occurrence[x]
    created Request.authoredOn
    note Request.note
    basedOn Request.basedOn
    participant Request.performer, Request.subject
    identifier SCH-1, SCH-2, ARQ-1, ARQ-2
    status SCH-25
    class PV1-2
    serviceType ARQ-8, SCH-8
    appointmentType ARQ-7, SCH-7
    reason AIS-3
    priority ARQ-12, SCH-11.6 / TQ1-9
    description NTE-3
    start ARQ-11.1, SCH-11.4 / TQ1-7
    end SCH-11.5 / TQ1-8/ calculated based on the start and the duration which is in ARQ-9
    requestedPeriod ARQ-11
    note NTE-3
    patientInstruction NTE-3
    subject PID-3-Patient ID List
    participant PID, AIP, AIG, AIL
        type AIP-4, AIG-4
        actor PID-3-Patient ID List | AIL-3 | AIG-3 | AIP-3
        status AIP-12, AIG-14
Appointment Act[@moodCode <= 'INT']
    identifier .id
    status .statusCode
    cancellationReason n/a
    class .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=LIST].code
    serviceCategory n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation
    serviceType n/a, might be inferred from the ServiceDeliveryLocation
    specialty .performer.AssignedPerson.code
    appointmentType .code
    reason .reasonCode
    priority .priorityCode
    description .text
    replaces .inboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'SPRT'].observation
    virtualService N/A
    supportingInformation .inboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'SPRT'].observation
    previousAppointment N/A
    originatingAppointment N/A
    start .effectiveTime.low
    end .effectiveTime.high
    minutesDuration .activityTime[@xsi:type = ('SXPR_TS', 'PIVL_TS')].width
    requestedPeriod .activityTime[@xsi:type = ('SXPR_TS', 'PIVL_TS')]
    slot .outboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'REFR'].act[@classCode = 'ACT'][@moodCode = 'SLOT']
    account .pertains.A_Account
    created .author.time
    note .subjectOf.observation[@moodCode = 'EVN'][code = 'annotation'].value
    patientInstruction .subjectOf.observation[@moodCode = 'EVN'][code = 'annotation'].value
    basedOn .outboundRelationship[@typeCode = 'FLFS'].act[@classCode < 'ActCareProvisionRequestType'][@moodCode = 'RQO']
    subject subject.patient
    participant performer | reusableDevice | subject | location
        type (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).@typeCode
        period n/a
        actor performer.person | reusableDevice.manufacturedDevice | subject.patient | location.serviceDeliveryLocation
        required (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).@performInd
        status (performer | reusableDevice | subject | location).statusCode
    recurrenceId N/A
    occurrenceChanged N/A
    recurrenceTemplate N/A
        timezone N/A
Appointment VEVENT
    identifier UID
    status STATUS
    serviceCategory CATEGORIES
    appointmentType CLASSIFICATION
    priority PRIORITY
    description SUMMARY
    replaces ATTACH
    supportingInformation ATTACH
    start DTSTART
    end DTEND
    minutesDuration DURATION (e.g. PT15M)
    created CREATED
    note DESCRIPTION (for internal use)
    patientInstruction DESCRIPTION (for patient use)
    participant ATTENDEE component to be created
        type n/a
        actor ATTENDEE: (Need to provide the common name CN and also the MAILTO properties from the practitioner resource) where the participant type is not "information-only"
        required ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT (roleparam)
        status ATTENDEE;CN="John Doe";RSVP=TRUE:mailto:john@doe.com (rsvpparam | partstatparam)
        timezone TZID
        recurrenceType FREQ
        lastOccurrenceDate UNTIL
        occurrenceCount COUNT
        occurrenceDate RDATE
        excludingDate EXDATE