This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions
Patient Administration ![]() | Maturity Level: 2 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: Device, Patient, Practitioner |
Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the Account resource.
Account | |||||||||
Element Id | Account | ||||||||
Definition | A financial tool for tracking value accrued for a particular purpose. In the healthcare field, used to track charges for a patient, cost centers, etc. | ||||||||
Short Display | Tracks balance, charges, for patient or cost center | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Type | DomainResource | ||||||||
Alternate Names | Cost center; Record | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.identifier | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.identifier | ||||||||
Definition | Unique identifier used to reference the account. Might or might not be intended for human use (e.g. credit card number). | ||||||||
Short Display | Account number | ||||||||
Note | This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Type | Identifier | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.status | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.status | ||||||||
Definition | Indicates whether the account is presently used/usable or not. | ||||||||
Short Display | active | inactive | entered-in-error | on-hold | unknown | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Account Status (Required) | ||||||||
Type | code | ||||||||
Is Modifier | true (Reason: This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid) | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Comments | This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes inactive and entered-in-error that mark the Account as not currently valid. | ||||||||
Account.billingStatus | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.billingStatus | ||||||||
Definition | The BillingStatus tracks the lifecycle of the account through the billing process. It indicates how transactions are treated when they are allocated to the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Tracks the lifecycle of the account through the billing process | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Example Account Billing Statuses (Example) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.type | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.type | ||||||||
Definition | Categorizes the account for reporting and searching purposes. | ||||||||
Short Display | E.g. patient, expense, depreciation | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Account Types (Example) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | true | |||||||| | |||||||||
Element Id | | ||||||||
Definition | Name used for the account when displaying it to humans in reports, etc. | ||||||||
Short Display | Human-readable label | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | string | ||||||||
Alternate Names | Title | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.subject | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.subject | ||||||||
Definition | Identifies the entity which incurs the expenses. While the immediate recipients of services or goods might be entities related to the subject, the expenses were ultimately incurred by the subject of the Account. | ||||||||
Short Display | The entity that caused the expenses | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Patient | Device | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Location | HealthcareService | Organization) | ||||||||
Alternate Names | target | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Comments | Accounts can be applied to non-patients for tracking other non-patient related activities, such as group services (patients not tracked, and costs charged to another body), or might not be allocated. | ||||||||
Account.servicePeriod | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.servicePeriod | ||||||||
Definition | The date range of services associated with this account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Transaction window | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | Period | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Comments | It is possible for transactions to be posted outside the service period, as long as the service was provided within the defined service period. | ||||||||
Account.covers | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.covers | ||||||||
Definition | An account that collects the charges for a specific set of services offered over a limited time period. For example, a hospital account might contain all charges related to a given admission, including any inpatient appointments, and possibly re-admissions, of the billing for those re-admissions should be grouped with the initial admission for the purpose of claim submission. | ||||||||
Short Display | Episodic account covering these encounters/episodes of care | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Encounter | EpisodeOfCare) | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Comments | Episode Accounts often exist for the duration of a relatively short billing cycle (for example, a month, or possibly a quarter). One a given billing cycle ends, the associated Episodic Account would close, and a new account would open for the next billing cycle. A patient that is admitted for 6 months, where the billing cycle is monthly, would have 6 episodic accounts each covering one month. | ||||||||
Account.coverage | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.coverage | ||||||||
Definition | The party(s) that are responsible for covering the payment of this account, and what order should they be applied to the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | The party(s) that are responsible for covering the payment of this account, and what order should they be applied to the account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Comments | Typically. this may be some form of insurance, internal charges, or self-pay. Local or jurisdictional business rules may determine which coverage covers which types of billable items charged to the account, and in which order. Where the order is important, a local/jurisdictional extension may be defined to specify the order for the type of charge. | ||||||||
Account.coverage.coverage | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.coverage.coverage | ||||||||
Definition | The party(s) that contribute to payment (or part of) of the charges applied to this account (including self-pay). A coverage may only be responsible for specific types of charges, and the sequence of the coverages in the account could be important when processing billing. | ||||||||
Short Display | The party(s), such as insurances, that may contribute to the payment of this account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Coverage) | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.coverage.priority | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.coverage.priority | ||||||||
Definition | The priority of the coverage in the context of this account. | ||||||||
Short Display | The priority of the coverage in the context of this account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | positiveInt | ||||||||
Alternate Names | coordination of benefit priority | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Comments | It is common in some jurisdictions for there to be multiple coverages allocated to an account, and a sequence is required to order the settling of the account (often with insurance claiming). | ||||||||
Account.owner | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.owner | ||||||||
Definition | Indicates the service area, hospital, department, etc. with responsibility for managing the Account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Entity managing the Account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Organization) | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.description | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.description | ||||||||
Definition | Provides additional information about what the account tracks and how it is used. | ||||||||
Short Display | Explanation of purpose/use | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | markdown | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.guarantor | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.guarantor | ||||||||
Definition | The parties responsible for balancing the account if other payment options fall short. | ||||||||
Short Display | The parties ultimately responsible for balancing the Account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Summary | false | |||||||| | |||||||||
Element Id | | ||||||||
Definition | The entity who is responsible. | ||||||||
Short Display | Responsible entity | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization) | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.guarantor.onHold | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.guarantor.onHold | ||||||||
Definition | A guarantor may be placed on credit hold or otherwise have their role temporarily suspended. | ||||||||
Short Display | Credit or other hold applied | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | boolean | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.guarantor.period | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.guarantor.period | ||||||||
Definition | The timeframe during which the guarantor accepts responsibility for the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Guarantee account during | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | Period | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.diagnosis | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis | ||||||||
Definition | When using an account for billing a specific Encounter the set of diagnoses that are relevant for billing are stored here on the account where they are able to be sequenced appropriately prior to processing to produce claim(s). | ||||||||
Short Display | The list of diagnoses relevant to this account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Constraints |
| ||||||||
Account.diagnosis.sequence | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis.sequence | ||||||||
Definition | Ranking of the diagnosis (for each type). | ||||||||
Short Display | Ranking of the diagnosis (for each type) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | positiveInt | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.diagnosis.condition | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis.condition | ||||||||
Definition | The diagnosis relevant to the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | The diagnosis relevant to the account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Condition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes (Example) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableReference(Condition) | ||||||||
Alternate Names | indication | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Constraints |
| ||||||||
Account.diagnosis.dateOfDiagnosis | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis.dateOfDiagnosis | ||||||||
Definition | Ranking of the diagnosis (for each type). | ||||||||
Short Display | Date of the diagnosis (when coded diagnosis) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | dateTime | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Constraints |
| ||||||||
Account.diagnosis.type | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis.type | ||||||||
Definition | Type that this diagnosis has relevant to the account (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …). | ||||||||
Short Display | Type that this diagnosis has relevant to the account (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Encounter Diagnosis Use (Preferred) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.diagnosis.onAdmission | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis.onAdmission | ||||||||
Definition | Was the Diagnosis present on Admission in the related Encounter. | ||||||||
Short Display | Diagnosis present on Admission | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | boolean | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.diagnosis.packageCode | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.diagnosis.packageCode | ||||||||
Definition | The package code can be used to group diagnoses that may be priced or delivered as a single product. Such as DRGs. | ||||||||
Short Display | Package Code specific for billing | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | diagnosis-package-code: | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.procedure | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure | ||||||||
Definition | When using an account for billing a specific Encounter the set of procedures that are relevant for billing are stored here on the account where they are able to be sequenced appropriately prior to processing to produce claim(s). | ||||||||
Short Display | The list of procedures relevant to this account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Constraints |
| ||||||||
Account.procedure.sequence | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure.sequence | ||||||||
Definition | Ranking of the procedure (for each type). | ||||||||
Short Display | Ranking of the procedure (for each type) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | positiveInt | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.procedure.code | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure.code | ||||||||
Definition | The procedure relevant to the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | The procedure relevant to the account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Procedure Codes (SNOMED CT) (Example) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableReference(Procedure) | ||||||||
Alternate Names | indication | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Constraints |
| ||||||||
Account.procedure.dateOfService | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure.dateOfService | ||||||||
Definition | Date of the procedure when using a coded procedure. If using a reference to a procedure, then the date on the procedure should be used. | ||||||||
Short Display | Date of the procedure (when coded procedure) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | dateTime | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Constraints |
| ||||||||
Account.procedure.type | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure.type | ||||||||
Definition | How this procedure value should be used in charging the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | How this procedure value should be used in charging the account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | procedure-type: | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.procedure.packageCode | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure.packageCode | ||||||||
Definition | The package code can be used to group procedures that may be priced or delivered as a single product. Such as DRGs. | ||||||||
Short Display | Package Code specific for billing | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | procedure-package-code: | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.procedure.device | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.procedure.device | ||||||||
Definition | Any devices that were associated with the procedure relevant to the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Any devices that were associated with the procedure | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Device) | ||||||||
Summary | true | ||||||||
Account.relatedAccount | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.relatedAccount | ||||||||
Definition | Other associated accounts related to this account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Other associated accounts related to this account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.relatedAccount.relationship | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.relatedAccount.relationship | ||||||||
Definition | Relationship of the associated Account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Relationship of the associated Account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Account Relationship (Example) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.relatedAccount.account | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.relatedAccount.account | ||||||||
Definition | Reference to an associated Account. | ||||||||
Short Display | Reference to an associated Account | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Type | Reference(Account) | ||||||||
Hierarchy | This reference may point back to the same instance (including transitively) | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.currency | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.currency | ||||||||
Definition | The default currency for the account. | ||||||||
Short Display | The base or default currency | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Currencies (Required) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.balance | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.balance | ||||||||
Definition | The calculated account balances - these are calculated and processed by the finance system. The balances with a | ||||||||
Short Display | Calculated account balance(s) | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..* | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.balance.aggregate | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.balance.aggregate | ||||||||
Definition | Who is expected to pay this part of the balance. | ||||||||
Short Display | Who is expected to pay this part of the balance | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Account Aggregate (Extensible) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.balance.term | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.balance.term | ||||||||
Definition | The term of the account balances - The balance value is the amount that was outstanding for this age. | ||||||||
Short Display | current | 30 | 60 | 90 | 120 | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Terminology Binding | Account Balance Term (Extensible) | ||||||||
Type | CodeableConcept | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.balance.estimate | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.balance.estimate | ||||||||
Definition | The amount is only an estimated value - this is likely common for | ||||||||
Short Display | Estimated balance | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | boolean | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.balance.amount | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.balance.amount | ||||||||
Definition | The actual balance value calculated for the age defined in the term property. | ||||||||
Short Display | Calculated amount | ||||||||
Cardinality | 1..1 | ||||||||
Type | Money | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Account.calculatedAt | |||||||||
Element Id | Account.calculatedAt | ||||||||
Definition | Time the balance amount was calculated. | ||||||||
Short Display | Time the balance amount was calculated | ||||||||
Cardinality | 0..1 | ||||||||
Type | instant | ||||||||
Summary | false | ||||||||
Comments | The total(s) are not typically updated using the restful API but more often by back-end processes included in a typical finance system. |