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15.14 Resource SubstanceSourceMaterial - Content

Biomedical Research and Regulation icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 0 Trial UseSecurity Category: Anonymous Compartments: No defined compartments

Source material shall capture information on the taxonomic and anatomical origins as well as the fraction of a material that can result in or can be modified to form a substance. This set of data elements shall be used to define polymer substances isolated from biological matrices. Taxonomic and anatomical origins shall be described using a controlled vocabulary as required. This information is captured for naturally derived polymers ( . starch) and structurally diverse substances. For Organisms belonging to the Kingdom Plantae the Substance level defines the fresh material of a single species or infraspecies, the Herbal Drug and the Herbal preparation. For Herbal preparations, the fraction information will be captured at the Substance information level and additional information for herbal extracts will be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. See for further explanation the Substance Class: Structurally Diverse and the herbal annex.

For an overview of this resource and others in the Medication Definition domain, also see the module page

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NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. SubstanceSourceMaterial TU DomainResource Source material shall capture information on the taxonomic and anatomical origins as well as the fraction of a material that can result in or can be modified to form a substance. This set of data elements shall be used to define polymer substances isolated from biological matrices. Taxonomic and anatomical origins shall be described using a controlled vocabulary as required. This information is captured for naturally derived polymers ( . starch) and structurally diverse substances. For Organisms belonging to the Kingdom Plantae the Substance level defines the fresh material of a single species or infraspecies, the Herbal Drug and the Herbal preparation. For Herbal preparations, the fraction information will be captured at the Substance information level and additional information for herbal extracts will be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. See for further explanation the Substance Class: Structurally Diverse and the herbal annex

Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
... sourceMaterialClass Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept General high level classification of the source material specific to the origin of the material
... sourceMaterialType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of the source material shall be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. For vaccines, this subclause refers to the class of infectious agent
... sourceMaterialState Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The state of the source material when extracted
... organismName Σ 0..1 string The organism accepted Scientific name shall be provided based on the organism taxonomy
... parentSubstanceId Σ 0..* Identifier The parent of the herbal drug Ginkgo biloba, Leaf is the substance ID of the substance (fresh) of Ginkgo biloba L. or Ginkgo biloba L. (Whole plant)

... parentSubstanceName Σ 0..* string The parent substance of the Herbal Drug, or Herbal preparation

... countryOfOrigin Σ 0..* CodeableConcept The country where the plant material is harvested or the countries where the plasma is sourced from as laid down in accordance with the Plasma Master File. For “Plasma-derived substances” the attribute country of origin provides information about the countries used for the manufacturing of the Cryopoor plama or Crioprecipitate

... geographicalLocation Σ 0..* string The place/region where the plant is harvested or the places/regions where the animal source material has its habitat

... developmentStage Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Stage of life for animals, plants, insects and microorganisms. This information shall be provided only when the substance is significantly different in these stages (e.g. foetal bovine serum)
... fractionDescription Σ 0..* BackboneElement Many complex materials are fractions of parts of plants, animals, or minerals. Fraction elements are often necessary to define both Substances and Specified Group 1 Substances. For substances derived from Plants, fraction information will be captured at the Substance information level ( . Oils, Juices and Exudates). Additional information for Extracts, such as extraction solvent composition, will be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. For plasma-derived products fraction information will be captured at the Substance and the Specified Substance Group 1 levels

.... fraction Σ 0..1 string This element is capturing information about the fraction of a plant part, or human plasma for fractionation
.... materialType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The specific type of the material constituting the component. For Herbal preparations the particulars of the extracts (liquid/dry) is described in Specified Substance Group 1
... organism Σ 0..1 BackboneElement This subclause describes the organism which the substance is derived from. For vaccines, the parent organism shall be specified based on these subclause elements. As an example, full taxonomy will be described for the Substance Name: ., Leaf
.... family Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The family of an organism shall be specified
.... genus Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The genus of an organism shall be specified; refers to the Latin epithet of the genus element of the plant/animal scientific name; it is present in names for genera, species and infraspecies
.... species Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The species of an organism shall be specified; refers to the Latin epithet of the species of the plant/animal; it is present in names for species and infraspecies
.... intraspecificType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The Intraspecific type of an organism shall be specified
.... intraspecificDescription Σ 0..1 string The intraspecific description of an organism shall be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. For Influenza Vaccine, the intraspecific description shall contain the syntax of the antigen in line with the WHO convention
.... author Σ 0..* BackboneElement Author type (Conditional)

..... authorType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of author of an organism species shall be specified. The parenthetical author of an organism species refers to the first author who published the plant/animal name (of any rank). The primary author of an organism species refers to the first author(s), who validly published the plant/animal name
..... authorDescription Σ 0..1 string The author of an organism species shall be specified. The author year of an organism shall also be specified when applicable; refers to the year in which the first author(s) published the infraspecific plant/animal name (of any rank)
.... hybrid Σ 0..1 BackboneElement Hybrid species maternal organism ID (Optional)
..... maternalOrganismId Σ 0..1 string The identifier of the maternal species constituting the hybrid organism shall be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. For plants, the parents aren’t always known, and it is unlikely that it will be known which is maternal and which is paternal
..... maternalOrganismName Σ 0..1 string The name of the maternal species constituting the hybrid organism shall be specified. For plants, the parents aren’t always known, and it is unlikely that it will be known which is maternal and which is paternal
..... paternalOrganismId Σ 0..1 string The identifier of the paternal species constituting the hybrid organism shall be specified based on a controlled vocabulary
..... paternalOrganismName Σ 0..1 string The name of the paternal species constituting the hybrid organism shall be specified
..... hybridType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The hybrid type of an organism shall be specified
.... organismGeneral Σ 0..1 BackboneElement Kingdom (Conditional)
..... kingdom Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The kingdom of an organism shall be specified
..... phylum Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The phylum of an organism shall be specified
..... class Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The class of an organism shall be specified
..... order Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The order of an organism shall be specified,
... partDescription Σ 0..* BackboneElement To do

.... part Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Entity of anatomical origin of source material within an organism
.... partLocation Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept The detailed anatomic location when the part can be extracted from different anatomical locations of the organism. Multiple alternative locations may apply

doco Documentation for this format icon

See the Extensions for this resource


Additional definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis

Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

(No search parameters for this resource)