This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions

Example SubstanceProtein/example (Turtle)

Biomedical Research and Regulation Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: No defined compartments

Raw Turtle (+ also see Turtle/RDF Format Specification)

Example of substanceprotein

@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

#  numberOfMoieties value="2"/>
#   <identifier>
#      <system value="http://substanceidOID"/>
#      <value value="POYFG4531Y (Artificial ID)"/>
#   </identifier>
#   <substanceType>
#      <coding>
#         <system value="http://substancetypeOID"/>
#         <code value="Chemical"/>
#      </coding>
#   </substanceType>
#   <moiety>
#      <moietyRole>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://moietyroleOID"/>
#            <code value="SaltMolecule"/>
#         </coding>
#      </moietyRole>
#      <moietyId>
#         <system value="http://moietyidOID"/>
#         <value value="HJFGTE8954 (Artificial ID); [QTT17582CB (UNII)]"/>
#      </moietyId>
#      <moietyName value="Hydrochloric acid"/>
#      <stereochemistry>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://stereochemistryOID"/>
#            <code value="Achiral"/>
#         </coding>
#      </stereochemistry>
#      <opticalActivity>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://opticalactivityOID"/>
#            <code value="N/A"/>
#         </coding>
#      </opticalActivity>
#      <molecularFormula value="HCl"/>
#      <amount>
#         <amountType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://amounttypeOID"/>
#               <code value="MoleRatiotoParent"/>
#            </coding>
#         </amountType>
#         <average>
#            <value value="1"/>
#            <unit value="1"/>
#         </average>
#         <nonNumericValue value="Mole Ratio to Ponatinib"/>
#      </amount>
#   </moiety>
#   <moiety>
#      <moietyRole>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://moietyroleOID"/>
#            <code value="Parentsubstance"/>
#         </coding>
#      </moietyRole>
#      <moietyId>
#         <system value="http://moietyidOID"/>
#         <value value="PONG785632B (Artificial ID); [QTT17582CB (UNII)]"/>
#      </moietyId>
#      <moietyName value="Ponatinib"/>
#      <stereochemistry>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://stereochemistryOID"/>
#            <code value="Achiral"/>
#         </coding>
#      </stereochemistry>
#      <opticalActivity>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://opticalactivityOID"/>
#            <code value="N/A"/>
#         </coding>
#      </opticalActivity>
#      <molecularFormula value="C29H27F3N6O"/>
#      <amount>
#         <amountType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://amounttypeOID"/>
#               <code value="MoleRatiotoAcid"/>
#            </coding>
#         </amountType>
#         <average>
#            <value value="1"/>
#            <unit value="1"/>
#         </average>
#         <nonNumericValue value="Mol Ratio Ponatinib/ Ponatinib hydrochloride (1:1)"/>
#      </amount>
#   </moiety>
#   <referenceInformation>
#      <substanceClassification>
#         <domain>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://domainOID"/>
#               <code value="HumanPharmaceutical"/>
#            </coding>
#         </domain>
#         <substanceClassificationCode value="L01XE24"/>
#         <substanceClassificationType value="Ponatinib"/>
#         <referenceSource>
#            <publicDomain value="true"/>
#            <referenceSourceType>
#               <coding>
#                  <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#                  <code value="WHOCollaboratingCentreforDrugStatisticsmethodology(WHOCC)"/>
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#               <coding>
#                  <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
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#            </referenceSourceClass>
#            <referenceSourceCitation value="http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=L01XE24 "/>
#         </referenceSource>
#      </substanceClassification>
#      <substanceRelationship>
#         <relatedSubstanceId>
#            <system value="http://relatedsubstanceidOID"/>
#            <value value="GHF26754YQ (Artificial ID), [4340891KFS (UNII)]"/>
#         </relatedSubstanceId>
#         <relatedSubstanceName value="Ponatinib"/>
#         <relationship>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://relationshipOID"/>
#               <code value="Parentsubstancetosalt"/>
#            </coding>
#         </relationship>
#         <relationshipType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://relationshiptypeOID"/>
#               <code value="Ionic"/>
#            </coding>
#         </relationshipType>
#         <isDefining value="true"/>
#         <amount>
#            <amountType>
#               <coding>
#                  <system value="http://amounttypeOID"/>
#                  <code value="Weightpercenttosalt"/>
#               </coding>
#            </amountType>
#            <average>
#               <value value="93.6"/>
#               <unit value="1"/>
#            </average>
#            <unit>
#               <coding>
#                  <system value="http://unitOID"/>
#                  <code value="Weightpercent"/>
#               </coding>
#            </unit>
#            <nonNumericValue value="Equivalent factor: 0.936"/>
#         </amount>
#      </substanceRelationship>
#   </referenceInformation>
#   <referenceSource>
#      <publicDomain value="false"/>
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#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#            <code value="MarketingAuthorizationApplication"/>
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#      </referenceSourceType>
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#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
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#               <code value="Textfile"/>
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#         </referenceSourceDocumentType>
#      </referenceSourceDocument>
#   </referenceSource>
#   <structure>
#      <stereochemistry>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://stereochemistryOID"/>
#            <code value="Achiral"/>
#         </coding>
#      </stereochemistry>
#      <opticalActivity>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://opticalactivityOID"/>
#            <code value="N/A"/>
#         </coding>
#      </opticalActivity>
#      <molecularFormula value="C29H28F3ClN6O"/>
#      <molecularFormulaByMoiety value="C29H27F3N6O.HCl"/>
#      <molecularWeight>
#         <molecularWeightMethod>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://molecularweightmethodOID"/>
#               <code value="Calculated"/>
#            </coding>
#         </molecularWeightMethod>
#         <molecularWeightType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://molecularweighttypeOID"/>
#               <code value="Numberaverage"/>
#            </coding>
#         </molecularWeightType>
#         <amount>
#            <amountType>
#               <coding>
#                  <system value="http://amounttypeOID"/>
#                  <code value="Exact"/>
#               </coding>
#            </amountType>
#            <average>
#               <value value="569.02"/>
#               <unit value="1"/>
#            </average>
#            <unit>
#               <coding>
#                  <system value="http://unitOID"/>
#                  <code value="g/mol"/>
#               </coding>
#            </unit>
#         </amount>
#      </molecularWeight>
#      <referenceSource>
#         <publicDomain value="true"/>
#         <referenceSourceType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#               <code value="ChemIDplus"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceType>
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#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
#               <code value="PublicDatabase"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceClass>
#         <referenceSourceCitation value="http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/unii/96R6PU3D8J "/>
#      </referenceSource>
#      <structuralRepresentation>
#         <type>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://structuralrepresentationtypeOID"/>
#               <code value="Full"/>
#            </coding>
#         </type>
#         <representation value="Figure B.40"/>
#      </structuralRepresentation>
#      <structuralRepresentation>
#         <type>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://structuralrepresentationtypeOID"/>
#               <code value="InChI"/>
#            </coding>
#         </type>
#         <representation value="InChI=1S/C29H27F3N6O.ClH/c1-20-5-6-22(16-21(20)8-10-25-18-33-27-4-3-11-34-38(25)27)28(39)35-24-9-7-23(26(17-24)29(30,31)32)19-37-14-12-36(2)13-15-37;/h3-7,9,11,16-18H,12-15,19H2,1-2H3,(H,35,39);1H"/>
#      </structuralRepresentation>
#      <structuralRepresentation>
#         <type>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://structuralrepresentationtypeOID"/>
#               <code value="SMILES"/>
#            </coding>
#         </type>
#         <representation value="Cc1ccc(cc1C#Cc2cnc3n2nccc3)C(=O)Nc4ccc(c(c4)C(F)(F)F)CN5CCN(CC5)C.Cl"/>
#      </structuralRepresentation>
#      <structuralRepresentation>
#         <type>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://structuralrepresentationtypeOID"/>
#               <code value="MOL"/>
#            </coding>
#         </type>
#         <attachment>
#            <contentType value="text/plain"/>
#         </attachment>
#      </structuralRepresentation>
#   </structure>
#   <substanceCode>
#      <code value="1114544-31-8"/>
#      <codeSystemStatus>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://1.1.149"/>
#            <code value="Active"/>
#         </coding>
#      </codeSystemStatus>
#   </substanceCode>
#   <substanceCode>
#      <code value="96R6PU3D8J"/>
#      <codeSystemStatus>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://1.1.150"/>
#            <code value="Active"/>
#         </coding>
#      </codeSystemStatus>
#   </substanceCode>
#   <substanceName>
#      <substanceName value="Ponatinib hydrochloride"/>
#      <substanceNameType>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://substancenametypeOID"/>
#            <code value="Official"/>
#         </coding>
#      </substanceNameType>
#      <language>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://languageOID"/>
#            <code value="en"/>
#         </coding>
#      </language>
#      <substanceNameDomain>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://substancenamedomainOID"/>
#            <code value="Drug"/>
#         </coding>
#      </substanceNameDomain>
#      <jurisdiction>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://jurisdictionOID"/>
#            <code value="EU,US"/>
#         </coding>
#      </jurisdiction>
#      <officialName>
#         <officialNameType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://officialnametypeOID"/>
#               <code value="USAN"/>
#            </coding>
#         </officialNameType>
#         <officialNameStatus>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://officialnamestatusOID"/>
#               <code value="Current"/>
#            </coding>
#         </officialNameStatus>
#      </officialName>
#      <referenceSource>
#         <publicDomain value="true"/>
#         <referenceSourceType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#               <code value="Martindale"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceType>
#         <referenceSourceClass>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
#               <code value="Officialnamesource"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceClass>
#         <referenceSourceCitation value="Martindale The complete drug reference"/>
#         <referenceSourceUrl value="https://www.medicinescomplete.com/mc/martindale/current/ms-28485-s.htm?q=Ponatinib%20hydrochloride&amp;t=search&amp;ss=text&amp;tot=12&amp;p=1#_hit"/>
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#            <publicDomain value="true"/>
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#         </referenceSourceDocument>
#      </referenceSource>
#   </substanceName>
#   <substanceName>
#      <substanceName value="3-(2-(Imidazo(1,2-b)pyridazin-3-yl)ethynyl)-4-methyl-N-(4-((4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)methyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)benzamide monohydrochloride"/>
#      <substanceNameType>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://substancenametypeOID"/>
#            <code value="Systematic"/>
#         </coding>
#      </substanceNameType>
#      <language>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://languageOID"/>
#            <code value="en"/>
#         </coding>
#      </language>
#      <referenceSource>
#         <publicDomain value="true"/>
#         <referenceSourceType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#               <code value="ChemIDplus"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceType>
#         <referenceSourceClass>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
#               <code value="PublicDatabase"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceClass>
#         <referenceSourceCitation value="http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/unii/96R6PU3D8J "/>
#      </referenceSource>
#   </substanceName>
#   <substanceName>
#      <substanceName value="Benzamide, 3-(2-imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazin-3-ylethynyl)-4-methyl-N-[4-[(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)methyl]-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-,hydrochloride (1:1)"/>
#      <substanceNameType>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://substancenametypeOID"/>
#            <code value="OtherName"/>
#         </coding>
#      </substanceNameType>
#      <language>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://languageOID"/>
#            <code value="en"/>
#         </coding>
#      </language>
#      <referenceSource>
#         <publicDomain value="true"/>
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#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#               <code value="CAS"/>
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#         <referenceSourceClass>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
#               <code value="Othernamesource"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceClass>
#         <referenceSourceCitation value="CAS Registry Name"/>
#      </referenceSource>
#   </substanceName>
#   <substanceName>
#      <substanceName value="XYWZ123"/>
#      <substanceNameType>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://substancenametypeOID"/>
#            <code value="CompanyCode"/>
#         </coding>
#      </substanceNameType>
#      <language>
#         <coding>
#            <system value="http://languageOID"/>
#            <code value="en"/>
#         </coding>
#      </language>
#      <referenceSource>
#         <publicDomain value="false"/>
#         <referenceSourceType>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourcetypeOID"/>
#               <code value="MarketingAuthorizationApplication"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceType>
#         <referenceSourceClass>
#            <coding>
#               <system value="http://referencesourceclassOID"/>
#               <code value="Regulatorysubmission"/>
#            </coding>
#         </referenceSourceClass>
#         <referenceSourceId value="CBG345267C (Artificial ID)"/>
#      </referenceSource>
#   </substanceName 

<http://hl7.org/fhir/SubstanceProtein/example> a fhir:SubstanceProtein ;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
  fhir:id [ fhir:v "example"] . # 

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.