HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: DK Core
3.2.0 - ci-build Denmark flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: DK Core, published by HL7 Denmark. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.2.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7dk/dk-core/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 3 Extensions
... 4 Guidance
... 5 Profiles
... 6 Terminology
... 7 Artifacts Summary
.... 7.1 Danish Core Basic Observation Profile
.... 7.2 Danish Core Condition Profile
.... 7.3 Danish Core Observation Profiles
.... 7.4 Danish Core Organization Profile
.... 7.5 Danish Core Patient Profile
.... 7.6 Danish Core Practitioner Profile
.... 7.7 Danish Central Business Register (CVR) Identifier
.... 7.8 Danish Central Person Register (CPR) Identifier
.... 7.9 Danish Health Professionals Authorization Identifier
.... 7.10 Decentralised eCPR, called D-eCPR
.... 7.11 GLN Identifier
.... 7.12 Kombit Org Identifier
.... 7.13 National eCPR service, called X-eCPR
.... 7.14 SOR Identifier
.... 7.15 ConditionLastAssertedDate
.... 7.16 Danish Core Municipality codes
.... 7.17 Danish Core Regional Sub Division Codes Extension
.... 7.18 NotFollowedAnymore
.... 7.19 Dk Core IEEE Basic Observation
.... 7.20 DK Core LOINC Basic Observations
.... 7.21 DK Core Marital Status
.... 7.22 Dk Core NPU Basic Observation
.... 7.23 Dk Core SNOMED CT Basic Observation
.... 7.24 DK Core SOR Organization Type
.... 7.25 Dk Core UCUM Basic Units
.... 7.26 DK D-eCPR OID values
.... 7.27 DK Municipality Codes
.... 7.28 DK Profession Group
.... 7.29 DK Regional Subdivision Codes
.... 7.30 DK TechniquesSCTCodes
.... 7.31 DK Address Type
.... 7.32 DK Address Use
.... 7.33 DK Administrative Gender Supplement
.... 7.34 DK CareTeam Status
.... 7.35 DK Consent State
.... 7.36 DK Days Of Week
.... 7.37 DK Decentralised eCPR Systems
.... 7.38 DK Episode Of Care Status
.... 7.39 DK Greenland Municipality Codes
.... 7.40 DK Marital Statuses
.... 7.41 DK Municipality Codes
.... 7.42 DK Profession Group Codes
.... 7.43 DK Publication Status
.... 7.44 DK Regional Subdivision Codes
.... 7.45 DK Request Status
.... 7.46 cpr
.... 7.47 sor
.... 7.48 AbrahamLæge
.... 7.49 BPMonitor.C4F312FFFE53F2C9
.... 7.50 Center for Diabetes
.... 7.51 Center for Diabetes Team Diabetes
.... 7.52 Center for Diabetes Team Hjerte
.... 7.53 Center for Diabetes Team Kvalitet
.... 7.54 CoincidentTimeStamp.0222
.... 7.55 Else Graviditet
.... 7.56 Else's TOBS measurements
.... 7.57 ElseBloodPressure
.... 7.58 ElseBodyTemperature
.... 7.59 ElseConsciousness
.... 7.60 ElseHeartRate
.... 7.61 ElsePainVRS
.... 7.62 ElseRespirationRate
.... 7.63 ElsesTOBSscore
.... 7.64 ElseUrinStix
.... 7.65 Example of a patient with confidential adress and name
.... 7.66 Example of a woman of childbearing age
.... 7.67 Example of valid patient unknown identifier registry
.... 7.68 Example of valid patient with a D-eCPR as identifier
.... 7.69 Example of valid patient with a X-eCPR as identifier
.... 7.70 Example of valid patient with danish marital status
.... 7.71 Example of valid patient with full address
.... 7.72 Example of valid patient with multiple names
.... 7.73 HanneSocialrådgiver
.... 7.74 HeartRate.Poul.1974654
.... 7.75 Henvisning vedr. modermærkekræft
.... 7.76 John diabetes
.... 7.77 John fraktur
.... 7.78 John mistanke om Modermærkekræft
.... 7.79 John pacemaker
.... 7.80 John tryksår
.... 7.81 John's oxygen saturation measurement (Basic observation)
.... 7.82 John's oxygen saturation measurement (Observation)
.... 7.83 John's Respiratory rate measurement (Basic observation)
.... 7.84 LaegerneHasserisBymidte
.... 7.85 Max TOKS measurements, including Glasgow Coma Scale assesment
.... 7.86 MaxBloodPressure
.... 7.87 MaxBodyTemperature
.... 7.88 MaxConsciousness
.... 7.89 MaxGlasgowComaScale
.... 7.90 MaxHeartRate
.... 7.91 MaxRespirationRate
.... 7.92 MaxSaturation
.... 7.93 MaxVitalSignsPanel
.... 7.94 MedCom Test Organization
.... 7.95 Poul
.... 7.96 Poul's A&D weight scale
.... 7.97 Poul's daily weighing on Feb. 21st
.... 7.98 Poul's home blood pressure measurement
.... 7.99 SidselSygeplejerske