XpanDH Hospital Discharge Report
0.1.0 - ci-build 150

XpanDH Hospital Discharge Report, published by XpanDH Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7-eu/xpandh-hdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Hospital Discharge Report
... 3 Examples
... 5 Artifacts Summary
.... 5.1 A - Hospital Discharge Report (eHN)
.... 5.2 A.2.1 - Advance Directives (eHN)
.... 5.3 A.2.2 - Alerts (eHN)
.... 5.4 A.2.3 - Encounter (eHN)
.... 5.5 A.2.4 - Admission evaluation (eHN)
.... 5.6 A.2.6 - Patient history (eHN)
.... 5.7 A.2.7 - Hospital stay (eHN)
.... 5.8 A.2.8 - Discharge details (eHN)
.... 5.9 A.2.9 - Care plan and other recommendations after discharge (eHN)
.... 5.10 Hospital Discharge Report (SK)
.... 5.11 Encounter to this guide
.... 5.12 Bundle: EU Hospital Discharge Report
.... 5.13 CareTeam
.... 5.14 Composition: Hospital Discharge Report
.... 5.15 Condition Xpandh Hospital Dischage Encounter
.... 5.16 Condition Xpandh Profile
.... 5.17 Coverage: Encounter Payer
.... 5.18 Device (Xpandh)
.... 5.19 Flag
.... 5.20 Inpatient Encounter Xpandh
.... 5.21 Medication (Xpandh)
.... 5.22 MedicationDispense Xpandh
.... 5.23 MedicationRequest
.... 5.24 MedicationStatement
.... 5.25 Observation Results
.... 5.26 Observation Results: pathology
.... 5.27 Observation Results: radiology
.... 5.28 Observation: Cancer Stage Group
.... 5.29 Observation: TNM Distant Metastases Category
.... 5.30 Observation: TNM Primary Tumor Category
.... 5.31 Observation: TNM Regional Nodes Category
.... 5.32 Patient: HDR
.... 5.33 Practitioner
.... 5.34 PractitionerRole
.... 5.35 Procedure (Xpandh)
.... 5.36 ServiceRequest: Encounter Request
.... 5.37 Vital Signs Observation
.... 5.38 Xpandh Alergy Intolerance Profile
.... 5.39 Xpandh Assessment Observation Profile
.... 5.40 Xpandh Blood Pressure Profile
.... 5.41 Xpandh BMI Profile
.... 5.42 Xpandh Body Height Profile
.... 5.43 Xpandh Body Temperature Profile
.... 5.44 Xpandh Body Weight Profile
.... 5.45 Xpandh Circumference Measurement Profile
.... 5.46 Xpandh Clinical Impression Profile
.... 5.47 Xpandh Condition Problems Profile
.... 5.48 Xpandh Functional Status Observation Profile
.... 5.49 Xpandh Heart Rate Profile
.... 5.50 Xpandh Organization Profile
.... 5.51 Xpandh Oxygen Saturation Profile
.... 5.52 Xpandh Pediatric Head Occipital Frontal Circumference Profile
.... 5.53 Xpandh Respiratory Rate Profile
.... 5.54 Xpandh Skinfold Thickness Profile
.... 5.55 Xpandh WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) Profile
.... 5.56 Encounter Voluntary Status
.... 5.57 Admission Urgency Value Set
.... 5.58 Allergy Intolerance - Xpandh
.... 5.59 AllergyIntoleranceSubstancesXpandhVS
.... 5.60 Anthropometric Observation Value Set
.... 5.61 BMI Observation Unit Value Set
.... 5.62 BMI Observation Value Set
.... 5.63 Body Height Observation Value Set
.... 5.64 Body Weight Observation Value Set
.... 5.65 Body Weight Observation Value Set
.... 5.66 Cancer Stage Grading: Snomed CT
.... 5.67 Cancer Stage Group: SNOMED CT
.... 5.68 Circumference Observation Value Set
.... 5.69 Clinical M
.... 5.70 Clinical N
.... 5.71 Clinical T
.... 5.72 Clinical T
.... 5.73 Condition Present on Admission (POA) Value Set
.... 5.74 Condition Value Set
.... 5.75 Encounter Class Value Set
.... 5.76 Encounter Voluntary Status Value Set
.... 5.77 In-patient Encounter Type Value Set
.... 5.78 Mandatory Condition Value Set
.... 5.79 Medical Devices (SNOMED CT) - Xpandh
.... 5.80 Medical Devices - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS
.... 5.81 Medications - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown (IPS)
.... 5.82 Observation Codes for Distant Metastases Category
.... 5.83 Observation Codes for Primary Tumor Category
.... 5.84 Observation Codes for Regional Node Category
.... 5.85 Pathological M
.... 5.86 Pathological N
.... 5.87 Primary tumor T
.... 5.88 Procedure codes: Snomed CT
.... 5.89 Procedures - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS
.... 5.90 Skinfold Thickness Units Value Set
.... 5.91 Skinfold Thickness Value Set
.... 5.92 TNM M Category
.... 5.93 TNM N Category
.... 5.94 Treatment Class Value Set
.... 5.95 Vital Signs Observation Value Set
.... 5.96 Xpandh Assessment Observation Category
.... 5.97 Xpandh Functional Assessment Scales
.... 5.98 Xpandh WHODAS Codes Valueset
.... 5.99 Xpandh WHODAS Domain Valueset
.... 5.100 Xpandh WHODAS Result Valueset
.... 5.101 Present on Admission (POA) Indicator
.... 5.102 WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0
.... 5.103 Xpandh Assessment Category
.... 5.104 eHN HDR header metadata to this guide Map
.... 5.105 eHN Recipient to this guide Map
.... 5.106 eHN Recipient to this guide Map
.... 5.107 example-it-1
.... 5.108 example-it-1-1
.... 5.109 example-it-1-2
.... 5.110 Mracena
.... 5.111 org-example-it
.... 5.112 SK-Hospital-Encounter
.... 5.113 SK-Organization-GP
.... 5.114 SK-Organization-Hospital
.... 5.115 SK-Organization-Hospital-Department-1
.... 5.116 SK-Practitioner-1
.... 5.117 SK-Practitioner-2