New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - release

New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide, published by Accident Compensation Corporation. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: ACC ICD-10 Codes

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-20 Computable Name: ACCIcd10Code

ICD-10 codes for health providers in New Zealand for the purpose of mapping SNOMED to Read in the use of registering ACC Claims.


This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet acc-icd10



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion done internally based on codesystem ACC ICD-10 Codes v1.0.0 (CodeSystem)

This value set has 18,778 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1,000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown.

  1100300 of >= 3 hours duration
  1100600 electroencephalography
  1101200 [EMG]
  1101201 studies on 1 nerve
  1101202 studies on 1 nerve with electromyography
  1101500 studies on 2 or 3 nerves
  1101501 studies on 2 or 3 nerves with electromyography
  1101800 studies on >= 4 nerves
  1101801 studies on >= 4 nerves with electromyography
  1101802 studies with electromyography of single fibres of nerves and muscles
  1102100 with quantitative computerised analysis
  1102101 neuromuscular conduction studies
  1102102 neuromuscular conduction studies with quantitative computerised analysis electromyography
  1102400 of central nervous system evoked responses, 1 or 2 studies
  1102700 of central nervous system evoked responses, >= 3 studies
  1120000 test for glaucoma
  1120300 for glaucoma
  1120400 [ERG]
  1120500 [EOG]
  1121000 electroretinography
  1121100 adaptation study
  1121200 of optic fundi
  1121500 photography of 1 eye
  1121800 photography of both eyes
  1122100 quantitative computerised perimetry, bilateral
  1122400 quantitative computerised perimetry, unilateral
  1123500 of eye by impression cytology of cornea
  1124001 coherence interferometry
  1130000 stem evoked response audiometry
  1130300 by extratympanic method
  1130400 by transtympanic method
  1130600 audiometry
  1130900 conduction audiometry, standard technique
  1130901 conduction audiometry using visual reinforcement
  1131200 and bone conduction audiometry, standard technique
  1131202 and bone conduction audiometry using visual reinforcement
  1131501 discrimination test
  1131502 discrimination test with background noise
  1132100 of glycerol induced cochlear function changes
  1132400 using standard probe tone
  1132401 using high frequency probe tone
  1133200 evoked otoacoustic emissions evaluation
  1133201 product otoacoustic emissions evaluation
  1133202 otoacoustic emissions evaluation
  1133300 test of labyrinth
  1133600 bithermal caloric test of labyrinths
  1133900 [ENG]
  1150300 of respiratory muscle strength involving transdiaphragmatic or oesophageal pressures
  1150301 of respiratory muscle strength at multiple lung volumes
  1150302 of respiratory muscle endurance or fatigability
  1150303 respiratory muscle strength, before & after IV injection placebo & anticholinesterase drugs
  1150304 testing to assess respiratory status
  1150305 with exercise testing
  1150306 of phrenic nerve function
  1150307 of pulmonary distensibility
  1150308 of arterial carbon dioxide tension or cardiac output, rebreathing method
  1150309 of resistance of anterior nares or pharynx
  1150310 of gas exchange
  1150311 of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity
  1150312 of total lung volume
  1150313 of airway or pulmonary resistance
  1150314 of ventilatory and/or occlusion pressure responses to progressive hypercapnia & hypoxia
  1150315 of ventilation perfusion ratios using multiple inert gas elimination techniques
  1150316 monitoring of pulmonary function for >= 6 hours duration
  1150317 provocation testing
  1150318 of distribution of ventilation
  1150319 altitude test
  1150600 measurement of respiratory function
  1151200 measurement of relationship between flow and volume during expiration or inspiration
  1160000 intracavity blood pressure monitoring
  1160001 arterial pressure monitoring
  1160002 venous pressure monitoring
  1160003 arterial pressure monitoring
  1160200 & record wave forms peripheral veins 1 or more extremities at rest using CW or pulsed Doppler
  1160400 & recording of wave forms of peripheral veins in 1 or more extremities using plethysmography
  1160500 & record wave forms periph veins low extrem dur & foll exercise, infrared photoplethysmography
  1161000 systolic arterial pressure indices bilaterally & assess arterial wave form lower extremities
  1161100 systolic arterial pressure indices bilaterally & assess arterial wave form upper extremities
  1161200 systolic arterial pressure indices bilat at rest & following exercise in lower extremities
  1161400 & recording of wave forms of intracranial arterial circulation using transcranial Doppler
  1161500 of digital temperature
  1170000 electrocardiography [ECG]
  1170800 continuous ECG recording
  1170900 ambulatory continuous ECG recording
  1171000 actvtd ambulatory ECG monitor/record at least 20secs prior to & 15secs after each activation
  1171100 activated ambulatory ECG monitoring, recording for at least 30 seconds after each activation
  1171200 stress test
  1171300 averaged ECG recording
  1171500 dye - dilution indicator test
  1171800 of other cardiac pacemaker
  1172103 of atrioventricular [AV] sequential, rate responsive or antitachycardia cardiac pacemaker
  1172200 activated implantable cardiac event monitoring
  1172400 tilt table testing
  1180000 motility test
  1181000 of gastro-oesophageal reflux involving 24 hour pH monitoring
  1182000 via camera capsule
  1183000 manometry
  1183001 of anorectal sensation
  1183002 of rectosphincteric reflex
  1183300 of pudendal and spinal nerve motor latency
  1183301 of pelvic floor and anal sphincter muscles
  1190000 flow study
  1190600 pressure profilometry [UPP]
  1190900 pressure profilometry [UPP] with urethral sphincter electromyography
  1191200 with measurement of rectal pressure
  1191500 with urethral sphincter electromyography
  1191700 with 1 or more measurements
  1191900 with contrast micturating cystourethrography
  1192100 washout test study
  1200000 sensitivity testing using <= 20 allergens
  1200300 sensitivity testing using >= 21 or more allergens
  1201200 patch test using less than the total number of allergens in standard patch test battery
  1201500 patch testing using all the allergens in standard patch test battery
  1201800 patch testing using <= 50 allergens
  1202100 patch testing using >= 51 allergens
  1230600 densitometry using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
  1230900 densitometry using quantitative computerised tomography
  1250000 volume nuclear medicine estimation
  1250300 radioactive uptake survival time test
  1250301 kinetic test
  1250600 nuclear medicine blood loss estimation
  1250900 nuclear medicine protein loss test
  1251200 B12 absorption test, 1 isotope
  1251500 B12 absorption test, 2 isotopes
  1251800 uptake study
  1252100 discharge study
  1252400 function nuclear medicine test
  1253000 medicine whole body count
  1253300 labelled urea breath test
  1302000 oxygen therapy, > 90 minutes and <= 3 hours
  1302500 oxygen therapy, more than 3 hours
  1310001 haemofiltration
  1310002 haemofiltration
  1310003 haemodiafiltration
  1310004 haemodiafiltration
  1310006 dialysis, short term
  1310007 peritoneal dialysis, long term
  1310008 peritoneal dialysis, long term
  1310400 and training for home dialysis
  1310600 of an external arteriovenous shunt
  1310900 and fixation of indwelling peritoneal catheter for long term peritoneal dialysis
  1310901 of indwelling peritoneal catheter for peritoneal dialysis
  1311000 of indwelling peritoneal catheter for peritoneal dialysis
  1311200 of peritoneal dialysis by abdominal puncture and insertion of temporary catheter
  1320000 reproductive services, using drugs to induce superovulation
  1320300 monitoring services, for superovulation treatment cycles and artificial insemination
  1320600 reproductive services, unstimulated ovulation or ovulation stimulated by clomiphene citrate
  1320900 and management for assisted reproductive technologies
  1321200 oocyte retrieval
  1321201 oocyte retrieval
  1321500 intrafallopian transfer [GIFT]
  1321501 transfer to uterus
  1321502 transfer to fallopian tube
  1321503 reproductive medicine procedure
  1322100 of semen for reproductive medicine procedures
  1329000 of semen using a device
  1330000 of other vein in neonate
  1330001 vein catheterisation/cannulation in neonate
  1330002 vein catheterisation/cannulation in neonate
  1330300 artery catheterisation/cannulation in neonate
  1330600 transfusion in infant
  1331200 of blood for diagnostic purpose in neonate
  1331900 vein catheterisation in neonate
  1350000 hypothermia
  1350600 balloon tamponade
  1370000 of bone marrow for transplantation
  1370600 bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, matched related donor, w/o in vitro processing
  1370601 of whole blood
  1370602 of packed cells
  1370603 of platelets
  1370604 of leukocytes
  1370605 of gamma globulin
  1370606 bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, matched related donor, with in vitro processing
  1370607 bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, without in vitro processing
  1370608 bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, with in vitro processing
  1370609 bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, other donor, without in vitro processing
  1370610 bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, other donor, with in vitro processing
  1370900 of blood for transfusion
  1375000 plasmapheresis
  1375001 leukopheresis
  1375002 erythropheresis
  1375003 plateletpheresis
  1375004 of stem cells
  1375005 of stem cells with cryopreservation
  1375006 therapeutic haemapheresis
  1375500 haemapheresis
  1375700 venesection
  1376000 vitro processing of bone marrow or peripheral blood for autologous stem cell transplantation
  1381500 vein catheterisation
  1381501 central vein catheterisation
  1381800 of right heart balloon catheter for monitoring
  1383900 of blood for diagnostic purposes
  1383901 sampling
  1383902 vein sampling
  1384200 cannulation for blood gas analysis
  1385100 of circulatory support device
  1388200 of continuous ventilatory support, <= 24 hours
  1388201 of continuous ventilatory support, more than 24 hours and less than 96 hours
  1388202 of continuous ventilatory support, 96 hours or more
  1393902 (alone) of vascular access device
  1394202 (alone) of drug delivery device
  1405000 and ultraviolet A therapy of other site
  1405001 B therapy of other site
  1405002 band ultraviolet B therapy of other site
  1405300 and ultraviolet A therapy of hand
  1405301 and ultraviolet A therapy of foot
  1405302 and ultraviolet A therapy of hand and foot
  1405303 B therapy of hand
  1405304 B therapy of foot
  1405305 B therapy of hand and foot
  1405306 band ultraviolet B of hand
  1405307 band ultraviolet B of foot
  1405308 band ultraviolet B of hand and foot
  1410000 photocoagulation of cutaneous vascular lesions, continuous laser, individual blood vessels
  1410600 photocoagulation of cutaneous vascular lesions, pulsed laser, extensive area
  1420000 lavage
  1420300 subdermal hormone implantation
  1420301 living tissue implantation
  1420600 implantation by cannula
  1420601 tissue implantation by cannula
  1421200 reduction of intussusception
  1421201 reduction of intussusception
  1421500 of gastric band
  1500000 treatment, superficial, 1 field
  1500300 treatment, superficial, >= 2 fields
  1501200, eye, using strontium plate
  1501201, eye, using scleral plaque
  1510000 treatment, orthovoltage, 1 field
  1510300 treatment, orthovoltage, >= 2 fields
  1522400 treatment, megavoltage, 1 field, single modality linear accelerator
  1523900 treatment, megavoltage, >= 2 fields, single modality linear accelerator
  1525400 treatment, megavoltage, 1 field, dual modality linear accelerator
  1526900 treatment, megavoltage, >= 2 fields, dual modality linear accelerator
  1530300, intrauterine, low dose rate
  1530400, intrauterine, high dose rate
  1531100, intravaginal, low dose rate
  1531200, intravaginal, high dose rate
  1531900, combined intrauterine and intravaginal, low dose rate
  1532000, combined intrauterine and intravaginal, high dose rate
  1532700 with implantation of removable single plane, low dose rate
  1532701 with implantation of removable single plane, pulsed dose rate
  1532702 with implantation of removable multiple planes or volume implant, low dose rate
  1532703 with implantation of removable multiple planes or volume implant, pulsed dose rate
  1532704 with implantation of permanent implant, < 10 sources
  1532705 with implantation of permanent implant, >= 10 sources
  1532706 with implantation of removable single plane, high dose rate
  1532707 with implantation of removable multiple planes or volume implant, high dose rate
  1533800 with implantation of permanent implant, prostate
  1533900 of sealed radioactive source
  1534200 and application of radioactive surface mould
  1535100 and application of eye applicator
  1536000, intravascular
  1550000 field setting using simulator, simple
  1550300 field setting using simulator, intermediate
  1550600 field setting using simulator, complex
  1550601 field setting using dedicated CT scanner
  1550602 field setting for intensity modulated radiation therapy [IMRT]
  1550900 field setting using diagnostic xray unit
  1551800 by CT interfacing computer, simple
  1552100 by CT interfacing computer, intermediate
  1552400 by CT interfacing computer, complex
  1552401 by CT interfacing computer for intensity modulated radiation therapy [IMRT]
  1552700 by non-CT interfacing computer, simple
  1553000 by non-CT interfacing computer, intermediate
  1553300 by non-CT interfacing computer, complex
  1553600 planning, simple
  1553601 planning, intermediate
  1553602 planning, complex
  1553900 planning, prostate
  1554100 planning, intravascular
  1555000 field setting for three dimensional conformal radiation therapy [3DCRT]
  1555600 by CT interfacing computer for three dimensional conformal radiation therapy [3DCRT]
  1555601 by non-CT interfacing computer for three dimensional conformal radiation therapy [3DCRT]
  1560000 radiation treatment, single dose
  1560001 radiation treatment, fractionated
  1560002 body irradiation
  1560003 body irradiation
  1560004 skin irradiation
  1600300 of a therapeutic dose of Yttrium 90
  1600900 of a therapeutic dose of Iodine 131
  1601200 of a therapeutic dose of Phosphorous 32
  1601500 of a therapeutic dose of Strontium 89
  1601800 of a therapeutic dose of 153 SM-Lexidronan
  1650100 version
  1650101 external version
  1651100 of cervical suture
  1651200 of cervical suture
  1651400 fetal monitoring
  1651401 fetal monitoring
  1652000 classical caesarean section
  1652001 classical caesarean section
  1652002 lower segment caesarean section
  1652003 lower segment caesarean section
  1656400 evacuation of uterus by dilation and curettage
  1656401 evacuation of uterus by suction curettage
  1656700 management of postpartum haemorrhage
  1657000 correction of inverted uterus
  1657001 correction of inverted uterus
  1657100 of current obstetric laceration of cervix
  1657300 of third or fourth degree tear of perineum
  1660000 amniocentesis
  1660300 villus sampling
  1660600 blood sampling
  1660900 fetal intravascular blood transfusion
  1661200 fetal intraperitoneal blood transfusion
  1661500 fetal intraperitoneal and intravascular blood transfusion
  1661800 amniocentesis
  1662400 of fetal fluid cavity
  1662700 of feto-amniotic shunt
  1821600 infusion of local anaesthetic
  1821603 infusion of opioid
  1821606 infusion of other or combined therapeutic substance(s)
  1821609 infusion of local anaesthetic
  1821612 infusion of opioid
  1821615 infusion of other or combined therapeutic substance(s)
  1821618 infusion of local anaesthetic
  1821621 infusion of opioid
  1821624 infusion of other or combined therapeutic substance(s)
  1821627 injection of local anaesthetic
  1821628 injection of opioid
  1821629 injection of local anaesthetic
  1821630 injection of opioid
  1821631 injection of local anaesthetic
  1821632 injection of opioid
  1822800 block
  1823000 injection of neurolytic agent
  1823001 injection of neurolytic agent
  1823300 blood patch
  1823400 of anaesthetic agent around primary branch of trigeminal nerve
  1823600 of anaesthetic agent around peripheral branch of trigeminal nerve
  1823800 of anaesthetic agent around facial nerve
  1824000 or peribulbar administration of anaesthetic agent
  1824200 of anaesthetic agent around occipital nerve
  1824400 of anaesthetic agent around vagus nerve
  1824600 of anaesthetic agent around glossopharyngeal nerve
  1824800 of anaesthetic agent around phrenic nerve
  1825000 of anaesthetic agent around spinal accessory nerve
  1825200 of anaesthetic agent around cervical plexus
  1825400 of anaesthetic agent around brachial plexus
  1825600 of anaesthetic agent around suprascapular nerve
  1825800 of anaesthetic agent around single intercostal nerve
  1826000 of anaesthetic agent around multiple intercostal nerves
  1826200 of anaesthetic agent around iliohypogastric nerve
  1826201 of anaesthetic agent around ilio-inguinal nerve
  1826202 of anaesthetic agent around genitofemoral nerve
  1826400 of anaesthetic agent around pudendal nerve
  1826600 of anaesthetic agent around ulnar nerve
  1826601 of anaesthetic agent around radial nerve
  1826602 of anaesthetic agent around median nerve
  1826800 of anaesthetic agent around obturator nerve
  1827000 of anaesthetic agent around femoral nerve
  1827200 of anaesthetic agent around saphenous nerve
  1827201 of anaesthetic agent around posterior tibial nerve
  1827202 of anaesthetic agent around popliteal nerve
  1827203 of anaesthetic agent around sural nerve
  1827400 of anaesthetic agent around paravertebral cervical nerve
  1827401 of anaesthetic agent around paravertebral thoracic nerve
  1827402 of anaesthetic agent around paravertebral lumbar nerve
  1827403 of anaesthetic agent around paravertebral sacral nerve
  1827404 of anaesthetic agent around paravertebral coccygeal nerve
  1827600 of anaesthetic agent around paravertebral nerves, multiple levels
  1827800 of anaesthetic agent around sciatic nerve
  1828000 of anaesthetic agent around sphenopalatine ganglion
  1828200 of anaesthetic agent around carotid sinus nerve
  1828400 of anaesthetic agent around cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system
  1828600 of anaesthetic agent around thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system
  1828601 of anaesthetic agent around lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system
  1828602 of anaesthetic agent around other sympathetic nerve
  1828800 of anaesthetic agent around coeliac plexus
  1828801 of anaesthetic agent around splanchnic nerve
  1829000 of neurolytic agent into other cranial nerve
  1829200 of neurolytic agent into other peripheral nerve
  1829201 of neurolytic agent into sphenopalatine ganglion
  1829202 of neurolytic agent into other sympathetic nerve
  1829400 of neurolytic agent into coeliac plexus
  1829401 of neurolytic agent into splanchnic nerve
  1829600 of neurolytic agent into lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system
  1829800 of neurolytic agent into cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system
  1829801 of neurolytic agent into thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system
  1836000 of botulinum toxin into soft tissue, not elsewhere classified
  1836600 of botulinum toxin for strabismus
  1836800 of botulinum toxin into vocal cord
  1837000 of botulinum toxin into eyelid
  2200700 intubation, single lumen
  2200701 of endotracheal intubation, single lumen
  2200800 intubation, double lumen
  2200801 of endotracheal intubation, double lumen
  2205500 of organ
  2206000 body perfusion
  2206500 therapy
  2207500 hypothermia with circulatory arrest
  3001000 of burn, < 10% of body surface area dressed
  3001400 of burn, >= 10% of body surface area dressed
  3001701 debridement of burn, < 10% of body surface area excised or debrided
  3002000 debridement of burn, >= 10% of body surface area excised or debrided
  3002300 debridement of soft tissue
  3002301 debridement of soft tissue involving bone or cartilage
  3002600 of wound of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other site, superficial
  3002900 of wound of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other site, involving soft tissue
  3003200 of wound of skin and subcutaneous tissue of face or neck, superficial
  3003500 of wound of skin and subcutaneous tissue of face or neck, involving soft tissue
  3005200 of wound of external ear
  3005201 of wound of eyelid
  3005202 of wound of lip
  3005203 of wound of nose
  3005204 of fistula of mouth
  3005500 of wound
  3005801 of postoperative haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
  3006100 of foreign body from skin and subcutaneous tissue without incision
  3006101 of foreign body from pharynx without incision
  3006102 of superficial foreign body from cornea
  3006103 of superficial foreign body from sclera
  3006104 of superficial foreign body from conjunctiva
  3006400 of foreign body from skin and subcutaneous tissue with incision
  3006800 of foreign body in soft tissue, not elsewhere classified
  3007100 of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3007101 suction biopsy
  3007102 of eyelid
  3007500 of lymph node
  3007501 of soft tissue
  3007502 of parathyroid glands
  3007503 of thyroid gland
  3007504 of adrenal gland
  3007505 of pituitary gland, transfrontal approach
  3007506 of pituitary gland, transsphenoidal approach
  3007507 of thymus
  3007508 of pineal gland
  3007509 of spleen
  3007510 of bladder
  3007511 of internal mammary lymph node
  3007512 of stomach
  3007513 of small intestine
  3007514 of large intestine
  3007515 of gallbladder or bile duct
  3007516 of pancreas
  3007517 of abdominal wall or umbilicus
  3007519 of tongue
  3007520 of blood vessel
  3007521 of seminal vesicle
  3007522 of salivary gland or duct
  3007523 of oral cavity
  3007524 of soft palate
  3007525 of tonsils or adenoids
  3007526 biopsy
  3007527 of penis
  3007528 of external ear
  3007529 of middle ear
  3007530 of inner ear
  3007531 of urethra
  3007532 of perirenal or perivesical tissue
  3007533 biopsy of ureter
  3007534 of anus
  3007535 of lacrimal gland
  3007536 of extraocular muscle or tendon
  3007537 of peritoneum
  3007538 of perineum
  3008100 of bone marrow
  3008400 biopsy of bone marrow
  3008700 biopsy of bone marrow
  3009000 needle biopsy of pleura
  3009300 biopsy of vertebra
  3009400 [needle] biopsy of soft tissue
  3009401 [needle] biopsy of parathyroid glands
  3009402 [needle] biopsy of adrenal gland
  3009403 [needle] biopsy of spleen
  3009404 needle biopsy of gall bladder or bile duct
  3009405 needle biopsy of pancreas
  3009406 needle biopsy of intra-abdominal mass
  3009407 [needle] biopsy of testis
  3009408 [needle] biopsy of seminal vesicle
  3009409 needle biopsy of salivary gland or duct
  3009410 [needle] biopsy of thyroid gland
  3009411 [needle] biopsy of pineal gland
  3009412 [needle] biopsy of thymus gland
  3009600 of scalene node
  3009900 of sinus of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3010300 of sinus involving soft tissue, not elsewhere classified
  3010400 of pre-auricular sinus
  3010700 of ganglion, not elsewhere classified
  3010701 of small bursa
  3011100 of large bursa
  3011400 of Baker's cyst
  3016500 of abdominal apron
  3016800, 1 excision
  3017100, 2 or more excisions
  3017400 of abdominal apron, subumbilical
  3017700 of abdominal apron, radical
  3017800 of secondary defect of abdomen with umbilicus reconstruction
  3018000 excision of axillary sweat glands
  3018300 excision of axillary sweat glands
  3018600 of plantar wart
  3018601 of palmar wart
  3018900 of molluscum contagiosum
  3018901 of other wart
  3019000 to lesion of face or neck
  3019200 destruction of lesion of skin
  3019500 of lesion of skin, single lesion
  3019501 of lesion of skin, multiple lesions
  3019502 to lesion of skin, single lesion
  3019503 to lesion of skin, multiple lesions
  3019504 of lesion of skin, single lesion
  3019505 of lesion of skin, multiple lesions
  3019506 of lesion of skin, single lesion
  3019507 of lesion of skin, multiple lesions
  3020500 to lesion involving skin and cartilage, single lesion
  3020501 to lesion involving skin and cartilage, multiple lesions
  3020700 of agent into skin lesion
  3021300 of telangiectases of head or neck
  3021301 of agent to telangiectases of head or neck
  3021600 of haematoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3021601 of abscess of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3021602 aspiration of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3022300 and drainage of haematoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3022301 and drainage of abscess of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3022302 incision and drainage of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3022303 and drainage of abscess of soft tissue
  3022400 drainage of abscess of soft tissue
  3022401 drainage of intra-abdominal abscess, haematoma or cyst
  3022402 drainage of retroperitoneal abscess
  3022500 of soft tissue abscess drainage tube
  3022600, not elsewhere classified
  3022900 of muscle, not elsewhere classified
  3023500 of ruptured muscle, not elsewhere classified
  3023800 of fascia, not elsewhere classified
  3024100 of lesion of bone, not elsewhere classified
  3024400 of styloid process of temporal bone
  3024700 excision of parotid gland
  3025000 excision of parotid gland with preservation of facial nerve
  3025300 excision of parotid gland
  3025500 of submandibular ducts
  3025600 of submandibular gland
  3025900 of sublingual gland
  3026200 of salivary gland or duct
  3026201 of salivary gland or duct
  3026600 of salivary gland or duct
  3026601 of cyst of salivary gland or duct
  3026602 of calculus from salivary gland or duct
  3026900 of fistula of salivary gland or duct
  3027200 excision of tongue
  3027500 excision of intraoral lesion
  3027800 fraenectomy
  3027801 of adhesions of tongue
  3027802 fraenotomy
  3028100 fraenotomy
  3028101 fraenectomy
  3028300 of cyst of mouth
  3028600 of branchial cyst
  3028900 of branchial fistula
  3029301 of oesophagostomy
  3029400 oesophagectomy
  3029401 and plastic reconstruction
  3029600 thyroidectomy
  3029700 thyroidectomy, following previous thyroid surgery
  3029701 thyroidectomy, following previous thyroid surgery
  3030000 lymph node biopsy
  3030600 thyroid lobectomy, unilateral
  3030800 thyroidectomy, bilateral
  3030900 thyroidectomy for thyrotoxicosis
  3031000 thyroidectomy, unilateral
  3031300 of thyroglossal cyst
  3031400 excision of thyroglossal cyst or fistula
  3031500 parathyroidectomy
  3031501 parathyroidectomy
  3031700 of lymph node of neck
  3032000 of mediastinum via mediastinotomy
  3032001 of thymus via mediastinotomy
  3032100 of retroperitoneal neuroendocrine lesion
  3032300 of retroperitoneal neuroendocrine lesion with retroperitoneal dissection
  3032900 of lymph node of groin
  3032901 excision of lymph nodes of groin
  3033000 excision of lymph nodes of groin
  3033200 of lymph node of axilla
  3033500 excision of lymph nodes of axilla
  3033600 excision of lymph nodes of axilla
  3037300 laparotomy
  3037501 enterostomy
  3037503 of small intestine
  3037504 colostomy
  3037508 of intussusception of small intestine
  3037509 of Meckel's diverticulum
  3037510 of perforated ulcer
  3037511 of intussusception of large intestine
  3037512 of gastric volvulus
  3037514 and drainage of pancreas
  3037515 with removal of foreign body
  3037517 of volvulus of large intestine
  3037518 of volvulus of small intestine
  3037519 repair of small intestine
  3037521 procedures on spleen
  3037522 gastroscopy
  3037523 examination of large intestine via laparotomy
  3037524 of small intestine
  3037525 of laceration of large intestine
  3037527 of pancreatic cyst
  3037528 colostomy
  3037529 ileostomy
  3037800 of abdominal adhesions
  3038200 repair of enterocutaneous fistula of small intestine
  3038201 repair of enterocutaneous fistula of small intestine
  3038202 repair of enterocutaneous fistula of large intestine
  3038203 repair of enterocutaneous fistula of large intestine
  3038400 laparotomy for lymphoma
  3038500 reopening of laparotomy site
  3039200 of intra-abdominal lesion
  3039300 division of abdominal adhesions
  3039400 of intra-abdominal abscess, haematoma or cyst
  3039600 and lavage of peritoneal cavity
  3039700 via previous surgical wound
  3039900 of laparostomy
  3040200 of retroperitoneal abscess
  3040300 of incisional hernia
  3040301 of other abdominal wall hernia
  3040303 of postoperative disruption of abdominal wall
  3040304 closure of granulating abdominal wound
  3040305 of abdominal wall following procurement of myocutaneous flap
  3040500 of incisional hernia with muscle transposition
  3040501 of incisional hernia with prosthesis
  3040502 of incisional hernia with resection of strangulated intestine
  3040503 of other abdominal wall hernia with muscle transposition
  3040504 of other abdominal wall hernia with prosthesis
  3040505 of other abdominal wall hernia with resection of strangulated intestine
  3040600 paracentesis
  3040800 of peritoneovenous shunt
  3040900 [closed] liver biopsy
  3041100 biopsy of liver
  3041200 needle biopsy of liver
  3041400 of lesion of liver
  3041500 resection of liver
  3041600 marsupialisation of liver cyst
  3041700 marsupialisation of multiple liver cysts
  3041800 of liver
  3041900 of liver
  3042100 resection of liver
  3042200 of traumatic superficial laceration of liver
  3042500 of traumatic deep, multiple lacerations of liver
  3043100 drainage of liver abscess
  3043300 drainage of multiple liver abscesses
  3043400 of hydatid cyst of liver
  3043401 of hydatid cyst of peritoneum
  3043402 of hydatid cyst of abdominal organ
  3043600 of hydatid cyst of liver with omentoplasty or myeloplasty
  3043601 of hydatid cyst of peritoneum with omentoplasty or myeloplasty
  3043602 of hydatid cyst of abdominal organ with omentoplasty or myeloplasty
  3043800 of hydatid cyst of liver with drainage and excision of liver tissue
  3043900 cholangiography
  3043901 pancreatography
  3043902 ultrasound of biliary tract
  3044000 transhepatic cholangiography
  3044001 biliary drainage
  3044100 ultrasound for staging of intra-abdominal lesion
  3044500 cholecystectomy
  3044600 cholecystectomy proceeding to open cholecystectomy
  3044800 cholecystectomy with removal of common bile duct calculus via cystic duct
  3044900 cholecystectomy w removal of common bile duct calculus via laparoscopic choledochotomy
  3045000 of calculus of biliary tract by imaging techniques
  3045001 of calculus of renal tract by imaging techniques
  3045100 replacement of biliary stent
  3045101 removal of biliary stent
  3045102 replacement of biliary stent
  3045103 removal of biliary stent
  3045200 with dilation
  3045201 with stenting
  3045202 with removal of calculus
  3045401 with choledochotomy
  3045500 with choledochotomy and biliary intestinal anastomosis
  3045700 choledochotomy with removal of intrahepatic bile duct calculus
  3045800 of sphincter of Oddi
  3045801 of sphincter of Oddi
  3045802 excision of lesion of bile ducts or sphincter of Oddi
  3045803 of bile duct calculus from sphincter of Oddi
  3045804 of sphincter of Oddi
  3045806 of pancreatic duct sphincter
  3046008 intestinobiliary bypass
  3046100 resection of porta hepatis
  3046300 resection of hepatic ducts
  3046400 resection of hepatic ducts with resection of segment of liver
  3046600 of left hepatic ductal system by Roux-en-Y loop to peripheral ductal system
  3046700 of right hepatic ductal system by Roux-en-Y loop to peripheral ductal system
  3046900 of biliary stricture
  3047200 of hepatic duct
  3047201 of common bile duct
  3047300 to duodenum
  3047301 to duodenum with biopsy
  3047302 through artificial stoma
  3047304 with biopsy
  3047305 to ileum
  3047306 to ileum with biopsy
  3047307 to duodenum with administration of tattooing agent
  3047308 to ileum with administration of tattooing agent
  3047500 dilation of gastric stricture
  3047501 dilation of gastroduodenal stricture
  3047600 administration of agent into nonbleeding lesion of oesophagus
  3047601 administration of agent into nonbleeding lesion of oesophagogastric junction
  3047602 banding of oesophageal varices
  3047603 banding of gastric varices
  3047800 to duodenum with removal of foreign body
  3047801 to duodenum with diathermy
  3047802 to duodenum with heater probe coagulation
  3047803 to duodenum with laser coagulation
  3047804 to duodenum with excision of lesion
  3047805 endoscopic jejunostomy [PEJ]
  3047806 administration of agent into bleeding lesion of oesophagus
  3047807 administration of agent into lesion of stomach or duodenum
  3047808 of gastrostomy tube
  3047809 administration of agent into bleeding lesion of oesophagogastric junction
  3047810 with removal of foreign body
  3047811 with diathermy
  3047812 with heater probe coagulation
  3047813 with excision of lesion
  3047814 to ileum with removal of foreign body
  3047815 to ileum with diathermy
  3047816 to ileum with heater probe coagulation
  3047817 to ileum with laser coagulation
  3047818 to ileum with excision of lesion
  3047819 with other coagulation
  3047820 to duodenum with other coagulation
  3047821 to ileum with other coagulation
  3047900 laser therapy to oesophagus
  3047901 laser therapy to rectum
  3047902 laser therapy to large intestine
  3048100 insertion of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy [PEG] tube
  3048200 insertion of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy [PEG] tube
  3048300 of percutaneous nonendoscopic gastrostomy button
  3048400 retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP]
  3048401 retrograde cholangiography [ERC]
  3048402 retrograde pancreatography [ERP]
  3048500 sphincterotomy
  3048501 sphincterotomy with extraction of calculus from common bile duct
  3048700 of small intestine
  3049000 insertion of oesophageal prosthesis
  3049001 replacement of oesophageal prosthesis
  3049002 removal of oesophageal prosthesis
  3049100 stenting of other parts of biliary tract
  3049102 stenting of pancreatic duct
  3049103 replacement of pancreatic stent
  3049104 removal of pancreatic stent
  3049200 stenting of biliary tract
  3049201 replacement of biliary stent
  3049202 removal of biliary stent
  3049300 manometry
  3049400 dilation of other parts of biliary tract
  3049500 dilation of biliary tract
  3049600 vagotomy
  3049601 vagotomy with pyloroplasty
  3049602 vagotomy with gastro-enterostomy
  3049700 vagotomy with partial gastrectomy and gastroduodenal anastomosis
  3049701 vagotomy with partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunal anastomosis
  3049702 vagotomy with partial gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y reconstruction
  3049900 selective vagotomy
  3050000 selective vagotomy with duodenoplasty
  3050200 selective vagotomy with dilation of pylorus
  3050300 gastrectomy w gastroduodenal anastomosis following previous procedure for peptic ulcer dis
  3050301 gastrectomy w gastrojejunal anastomosis following previous procedure for peptic ulcer dis
  3050302 gastrectomy w Roux-en-Y reconstruction following previous procedure for peptic ulcer disease
  3050303 vagotomy w part gastrectomy & gastroduodenal anastomosis foll prev proc for peptic ulcer dis
  3050304 vagotomy w part gastrectomy & gastrojejunal anastomosis foll prev proced for peptic ulcer dis
  3050305 vagotomy w part gastrectomy & Roux-en-Y reconstruct foll prev proced for peptic ulcer dis
  3050500 of bleeding peptic ulcer
  3050900 of bleeding peptic ulcer by gastric resection
  3051100 reduction
  3051101 gastric reduction
  3051200 bypass
  3051201 biliopancreatic diversion
  3051202 diversion
  3051400 reversal of procedure for morbid obesity
  3051700 of pyloroplasty
  3051701 of gastro-enterostomy
  3051800 distal gastrectomy with gastroduodenal anastomosis
  3051801 distal gastrectomy with gastrojejunal anastomosis
  3051802 proximal gastrectomy with oesophagogastric anastomosis
  3052000 excision of lesion of stomach
  3052100 gastrectomy
  3052300 gastrectomy
  3052400 gastrectomy
  3052700, laparoscopic approach
  3052701, laparoscopic approach, with closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3052702, abdominal approach
  3052703, abdominal approach, with closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3052704, transthoracic approach
  3052705, transthoracic approach, with closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3052900, abdominal approach, with oesophagoplasty
  3052901, transthoracic approach, with oesophagoplasty
  3053000 with cardiopexy
  3053200 myotomy, laparoscopic approach
  3053201 myotomy, abdominal approach, with closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3053202 myotomy, abdominal approach
  3053203 myotomy, thoracic approach, with closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3053204 myotomy, thoracic approach
  3053205 myotomy, laparoscopic approach, with closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3053300 myotomy, abdominal approach, with fundoplasty
  3053301 myotomy, abdominal approach, with fundoplasty and closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3053302 myotomy, thoracic approach, with fundoplasty
  3053303 myotomy, thoracic approach, with fundoplasty and closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3053304 myotomy, laparoscopic approach, with fundoplasty
  3053305 myotomy, laparoscopic approach, with fundoplasty & closure of diaphragmatic hiatus
  3053500 by abdominal and transthoracic mobilisation, w thoracic oesophagogastric anastomosis
  3053600 by abdominal and transthoracic mobilisation, w cervical oesophagogastric anastomosis
  3053601 by abdominal and transthoracic mobilisation, with cervical oesophagostomy
  3054100 oesophagectomy by abdominal and cervical mobilisation, with oesophagogastric anastomosis
  3054101 oesophagectomy by abdominal and cervical mobilisation, with oesophagojejunal anastomosis
  3054500 abdo & thoracic mobilise w thoracic anastomosis, large intest interpos & anastomosis
  3054501 by abdo & thoracic mobilisation w thoracic anastomosis using Roux-en-Y reconstruction
  3055000 abdo & thoracic mobilise w cervical anastomosis, large intest interpos & anastomosis
  3055001 by abdo & thoracic mobilisation w cervical anastomosis using Roux-en-Y reconstruction
  3055400 with reconstruction by free jejunal flap
  3055401 with reconstruction by other free flap
  3055900 excision of lesion of oesophagus
  3056000 of oesophageal perforation
  3056200 of loop ileostomy
  3056201 of ileostomy with restoration of bowel continuity, without resection
  3056202 of loop colostomy
  3056203 of colostomy with restoration of bowel continuity
  3056204 of other stoma of small intestine
  3056205 of other stoma of large intestine
  3056300 of stoma of small intestine
  3056301 of stoma of large intestine
  3056302 of parastomal hernia
  3056303 of parastomal hernia with resiting of stoma
  3056400 of small intestine
  3056500 of small intestine with formation of stoma
  3056600 of small intestine with anastomosis
  3056800 examination of small intestine via intraoperative enterotomy
  3056900 examination of small intestine via laparotomy
  3057200 appendicectomy
  3057500 and drainage of pancreatic abscess
  3057700 pancreatic or retropancreatic dissection
  3057800 of lesion of pancreas or pancreatic duct
  3058000 of lesion of duodenum
  3058100 of pancreas
  3058101 of duodenum
  3058300 pancreatectomy
  3058400 with formation of stoma
  3058600 of pancreas to duodenum
  3058601 of pancreas to stomach
  3058700 of pancreas to Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum
  3059301 with splenectomy
  3059600 splenectomy
  3060000 of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
  3060100 of diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal approach
  3060101 of diaphragmatic hernia, thoracic approach
  3060200 of portocaval shunt
  3060300 of mesocaval shunt
  3060500 of splenorenal shunt
  3060600 transection via stapler
  3060601 of gastric varices
  3060900 repair of femoral hernia, unilateral
  3060901 repair of femoral hernia, bilateral
  3060902 repair of inguinal hernia, unilateral
  3060903 repair of inguinal hernia, bilateral
  3061400 of femoral hernia, unilateral
  3061401 of femoral hernia, bilateral
  3061402 of inguinal hernia, unilateral
  3061403 of inguinal hernia, bilateral
  3061500 of incarcerated, obstructed or strangulated hernia
  3061700 of umbilical hernia
  3061701 of epigastric hernia
  3061702 of linea alba hernia
  3062800 aspiration of hydrocele
  3063100 of hydrocele
  3063500 of varicocele
  3064100, unilateral
  3064101, bilateral
  3064102 with insertion of testicular prosthesis, unilateral
  3064103 with insertion of testicular prosthesis, bilateral
  3064401 of spermatic cord
  3064402 of vas deferens
  3064403 of spermatic cord
  3064404 biopsy, unilateral
  3064405 biopsy, bilateral
  3064406 of spermatic cord, epididymis, or vas deferens
  3064407 of lesion of testicle
  3064408 of lesion of spermatic cord or epididymis
  3064409 of spermatic cord
  3064410 repair of vas deferens and epididymis
  3064411 repair of spermatic cord and epididymis
  3064412 procedures on spermatic cord, epididymis or vas deferens
  3065300 circumcision
  3066300 of haemorrhage following male circumcision
  3066600 of paraphimosis
  3067200 of coccyx
  3067600 of pilonidal sinus or cyst
  3067601 of pilonidal sinus or cyst
  3067900 of agent into pilonidal sinus or cyst
  3100000 controlled serial excision of lesion(s) of skin
  3120500 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other site
  3120501 of ulcer of skin and subcutaneous tissue
  3123000 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of eyelid
  3123001 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of nose
  3123002 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of ear
  3123003 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of lip
  3123004 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of finger
  3123005 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of genitals
  3123500 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other site of head
  3123501 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of neck
  3123502 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of hand
  3123503 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of leg
  3123504 of lesion(s) of skin and subcutaneous tissue of foot
  3124500 excision of axillary sweat glands
  3124501 excision of sweat glands from natal cleft
  3124502 excision of inguinal sweat glands
  3124503 excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue for sycosis, from face or neck
  3134000 of muscle, bone or cartilage involved with lesion of skin
  3135000 of lesion of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified
  3140000 of lesion of upper aerodigestive tract
  3140900 of parapharyngeal lesion by cervical approach
  3141200 of recurrent or persistent parapharyngeal lesion by cervical approach
  3142300 of lymph node of neck
  3142301 excision of lymph nodes of neck
  3143500 excision of lymph nodes of neck
  3146200 of feeding jejunostomy tube
  3146600 fundoplasty
  3147000 splenectomy
  3150000 of lesion of breast
  3150001 biopsy of breast
  3151500 of lesion of breast
  3151800 mastectomy, unilateral
  3151801 mastectomy, bilateral
  3152400 mastectomy, unilateral
  3152401 mastectomy, bilateral
  3153300 needle biopsy of breast
  3153600 of lesion of breast
  3154800 biopsy of breast
  3155100 and drainage of breast
  3155400 of breast
  3155700 of duct (central) of breast
  3156000 of accessory breast tissue
  3156300 eversion of inverted nipple
  3156600 of accessory nipple
  3200000 excision of large intestine with formation of stoma
  3200001 hemicolectomy with formation of stoma
  3200300 excision of large intestine with anastomosis
  3200301 hemicolectomy with anastomosis
  3200400 colectomy with formation of stoma
  3200401 right hemicolectomy with formation of stoma
  3200500 colectomy with anastomosis
  3200501 right hemicolectomy with anastomosis
  3200600 hemicolectomy with anastomosis
  3200601 hemicolectomy with formation of stoma
  3200900 colectomy with ileostomy
  3201200 colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis
  3201500 proctocolectomy with ileostomy
  3202400 anterior resection of rectum
  3202500 anterior resection of rectum
  3202600 low anterior resection of rectum
  3202800 low anterior resection of rectum with hand sutured coloanal anastomosis
  3202900 of colonic reservoir
  3202901 of colonic reservoir
  3203000 with formation of stoma
  3203300 of bowel continuity after Hartmann's procedure
  3203600 of presacral lesion
  3203900 proctectomy
  3204700 proctectomy
  3205100 proctocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis
  3205101 proctocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis and formation of temporary ileostomy
  3206000 proctectomy
  3206900 of ileostomy reservoir
  3206901 of ileostomy reservoir
  3207500 sigmoidoscopy

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code