New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - release

New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide, published by Accident Compensation Corporation. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Read Code

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-20 Computable Name: ACCReadCode

Read codes for health providers in New Zealand for the purpose of mapping SNOMED to Read in the use of registering ACC Claims.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem acc-read-code

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes:

14L.. H/O: drug allergy
158.. H/O: abnormal uterine bleeding
16C2. Backache
191.. Tooth symptoms
191Z. Tooth symptom NOS
1927. Dry mouth
198.. Nausea
199.. Vomiting
19C.. Constipation
1A23. Incontinence of urine
1A32. Cannot pass urine - retention
1B1G. Headache
1B62. Syncope/vasovagal faint
1B75. Loss of vision
1BA2. Generalised headache
1BA3. Unilateral headache
1BA4. Bilateral headache
1BA5. Frontal headache
1BA6. Occipital headache
1BA7. Parietal headache
1BA8. Temporal headache
1C13. Deafness
1C131 Unilateral deafness
1C132 Partial deafness
1C133 Bilateral deafness
1C14. Blocked ear
1C15. Popping sensation in ear
1C1Z. Hearing symptom NOS
22J.. O/E - dead
22J4. O/E - dead - sudden death
22L4. O/E - Wound infected
2542. O/E - dental caries
2554. O/E - gums - blue line
2555. O/E - hypertrophy of gums
2FF.. O/E - skin ulcer
2I14. O/E - a rash
39C0. Pressure sore
39C1. Superficial pressure sore
39C2. Deep pressure sore
62... Patient pregnant
6332. Single stillbirth
66G4. Allergy drug side effect
72001 Enucleation of eyeball
7443. Exteriorisation of trachea
744D. Tracheo-oesophageal puncture
7511. Surgical removal of tooth
75141 Root canal therapy to tooth
7610. Total excision of stomach
7645. Creation of ileostomy
773C. Other operations on bowel
773Cz Other operation on bowel NOS
7826. Incision of bile duct
7840. Total excision of spleen
7B01. Total nephrectomy
7C032 Unilateral total orchidectomy - unspecified
7E117 Left salpingoophorectomy
7E118 Right salpingectomy
7E119 Left salpingectomy
7G321 Avulsion of nail
7H220 Exploratory laparotomy
7J174 Manipulation of mandible
8HG.. Died in hospital
94B.. Cause of death
A.... Infectious and parasitic diseases
A0... Intestinal infectious diseases
A00.. Cholera
A000. Cholera - Vibrio cholerae
A001. Cholera - Vibrio cholerae El Tor
A00z. Cholera NOS
A01.. Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
A010. Typhoid fever
A011. Paratyphoid fever A
A012. Paratyphoid fever B
A013. Paratyphoid fever C
A01z. Paratyphoid fever NOS
A02.. Other salmonella infections
A020. Salmonella gastroenteritis
A021. Salmonella septicaemia
A022. Localised salmonella infection
A0220 Local salmonella infection unspecified
A0221 Salmonella meningitis
A0222 Salmonella pneumonia
A0223 Salmonella arthritis
A0224 Salmonella osteomyelitis
A022z Other local salmonella infection
A02y. Other specified salmonella infection
A02z. Salmonella infection NOS
A03.. Shigellosis
A030. Shigella dysenteriae (group A)
A031. Shigella flexneri (group B)
A032. Shigella boydii (group C)
A033. Shigella sonnei (group D)
A03y. Other specified shigella infection
A03z. Shigellosis NOS
A04.. Other bacterial food poisoning
A040. Staphylococcal food poisoning
A041. Botulism
A042. Clostridium perfringens food poisoning
A043. Other clostridia causing food poisoning
A044. Vibrio parahaemolyticus food poisoning
A04y. Other specified bacterial food poisoning
A04y0 Foodborne Bacillus cereus intoxication
A04z. Food poisoning NOS
A05.. Amoebiasis
A050. Acute amoebic dysentery
A051. Chronic intestinal amoebiasis
A052. Amoebic nondysenteric colitis
A053. Amoebic liver abscess
A054. Amoebic lung abscess
A055. Amoebic brain abscess
A056. Amoebic skin ulceration
A05y. Amoebic infection of other sites
A05y0 Amoebic appendicitis
A05y1 Amoebic balanitis
A05y2 Amoeboma
A05yz Amoebic infection of other sites NOS
A05z. Amoebiasis NOS
A06.. Other protozoal intestinal diseases
A060. Balantidiasis
A061. Giardiasis - Lambliasis
A062. Coccidiosis
A063. Intestinal trichomoniasis
A064. Cryptosporidiosis
A06y. Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases
A06z. Protozoal intestinal diseases NOS
A07.. Intestinal infection due to other organisms
A070. Escherichia coli gastrointestinal tract infection
A0700 Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection
A0701 Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection
A0702 Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli infection
A0703 Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection
A071. Arizona paracolon gastrointestinal tract infection
A072. Aerobacter aerogenes gastrointestinal tract infection
A073. Proteus gastrointestinal tract infection
A0730 Proteus mirabilis gastrointestinal tract infection
A0731 Proteus morganii gastrointestinal tract infection
A073z Proteus gastrointestinal tract infection NOS
A074. Other specified gastrointestinal tract bacterial infection
A0740 Staphylococcal gastrointestinal tract infection
A0741 Pseudomonas gastrointestinal tract infection
A0743 Campylobacter gastrointestinal tract infection
A0744 Enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica
A0745 Helicobacter pylori gastrointestinal tract infection
A074y Other specified other gastrointestinal infection
A074z Other specified gastrointestinal tract infections NOS
A075. Unspecified bacterial enteritis
A076. Enteritis due to specified virus
A0760 Enteritis due to adenovirus
A0761 Enteritis due to enterovirus
A0762 Enteritis due to rotavirus
A076z Enteritis due to specified virus NOS
A07y. Gastrointestinal tract infection specified organism NEC
A07y0 Viral gastroenteritis
A07y1 Infantile viral gastroenteritis
A07z. Gastrointestinal tract infection specified organism NOS
A08.. Ill-defined intestinal tract infections
A080. Infectious colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis
A0801 Infectious colitis
A0802 Infectious enteritis
A0803 Infectious gastroenteritis
A0804 Catarrhal dysentery
A0805 Haemorrhagic dysentery
A080z Infectious colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis NOS
A081. Colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis presumed infectious
A0810 Colitis - presumed infectious origin
A0811 Enteritis - presumed infectious origin
A0812 Gastroenteritis - presumed infectious origin
A081z Colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis presumed infect NOS
A082. Infectious diarrhoea
A0820 Dysenteric diarrhoea
A0821 Epidemic diarrhoea
A082z Infectious diarrhoea NOS
A083. Diarrhoea of presumed infectious origin
A08z. Ill defined gastrointestinal tract infections NOS
A0y.. Other specified infectious diseases of intestinal tract
A0z.. Intestinal tract infectious disease NOS
A1... Tuberculosis
A10.. Primary tuberculous infection
A100. Primary tuberculous complex
A101. Tuberculous pleurisy in primary progressive tuberculosis
A10y. Other primary progressive tuberculosis
A10z. Primary tuberculous infection NOS
A11.. Pulmonary tuberculosis
A110. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
A111. Nodular lung tuberculosis
A112. Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation
A113. Tuberculosis of bronchus
A114. Tuberculous fibrosis of lung
A115. Tuberculous bronchiectasis
A116. Tuberculous pneumonia
A117. Tuberculous pneumothorax
A11y. Other specified pulmonary tuberculosis
A11z. Pulmonary tuberculosis NOS
A12.. Other respiratory tuberculosis
A120. Tuberculous pleurisy
A1200 Tuberculosis of pleura
A1201 Tuberculous empyema
A1202 Tuberculous hydrothorax
A120z Tuberculous pleurisy NOS
A121. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
A1210 Tuberculosis of hilar lymph nodes
A1211 Tuberculosis of mediastinal lymph nodes
A1212 Tuberculosis of tracheobronchial lymph nodes
A121z Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes NOS
A122. Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis
A1220 Isolated tracheal tuberculosis
A1221 Isolated bronchial tuberculosis
A122z Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis NOS
A123. Tuberculous laryngitis
A124. Resp TB bacteriologically and histologically confirmed
A1240 TB lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture
A1241 Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only
A1242 Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically
A1243 Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means
A1244 TB intrathoracic lymph nodes confirm bact histologically
A1245 Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea & bronchus conf bact/histy
A1246 Tuberculous pleurisy, conf bacteriologically/histologically
A1247 Primary respiratory TB confirm bact and histologically
A125. Respiratory TB not confirmed bact or histologically
A1250 Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically & histology neg
A1251 Tuberculosis lung bact and histological examin not done
A1252 Prim respiratory TB without mention of bact or hist confirm
A125X Resp TB unspcf,wout mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn
A12y. Other specified respiratory tuberculosis
A12y0 Tuberculosis of mediastinum
A12y1 Tuberculosis of nasopharynx
A12y2 Tuberculosis of nasal septum
A12y3 Tuberculosis of nasal sinus
A12yz Other specified respiratory tuberculosis NOS
A13.. Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system
A130. Tuberculous meningitis
A1300 Tuberculosis of cerebral meninges
A1301 Tuberculosis of spinal meninges
A1302 Tuberculous leptomeningitis
A1303 Tuberculous meningoencephalitis
A130z Tuberculous meningitis NOS
A131. Tuberculoma of meninges
A132. Tuberculoma of brain
A133. Tuberculous abscess of brain
A134. Tuberculoma of spinal cord
A135. Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord
A136. Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis
A1360 Tuberculous encephalitis
A1361 Tuberculous myelitis
A136z Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis NOS
A13y. Other specified tuberculosis of central nervous system
A13z. Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS
A14.. Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands
A140. Tuberculous peritonitis
A14y. Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis
A14y0 Tuberculosis of anus
A14y1 Tuberculosis of large intestine
A14y2 Tuberculosis of small intestine
A14y3 Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph glands
A14y4 Tuberculosis of rectum
A14y5 Tuberculosis of retroperitoneal lymph nodes
A14yz Other gastrointestinal tract tuberculosis NOS
A14z. Tuberculosis of gastrointestinal tract NOS
A15.. Tuberculosis of bones and joints
A150. Tuberculosis of vertebral column - Potts
A151. Tuberculosis of hip
A152. Tuberculosis of knee
A153. Tuberculosis limb bones - Tuberculous dactylitis
A154. Tuberculous mastoiditis
A15x. Tuberculosis of other specified bones
A15y. Tuberculosis of other specified joint
A15z. Tuberculosis of bones or joints NOS
A16.. Tuberculosis of genitourinary system
A160. Tuberculosis of kidney
A1600 Tuberculous nephropathy
A1601 Tuberculous pyelitis
A1602 Tuberculous pyelonephritis
A160z Tuberculosis of kidney NOS
A161. Tuberculosis of bladder
A162. Tuberculosis of ureter
A163. Tuberculosis of other urinary organs
A164. Tuberculosis of epididymis
A165. Tuberculosis of other male genital organs
A1650 Tuberculosis of prostate
A1651 Tuberculosis seminal vesicle
A1652 Tuberculosis of testis
A165z Tuberculosis of other male genital organs NOS
A166. Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis
A1660 Tuberculous oophoritis
A1661 Tuberculous salpingitis
A166z Tuberculous oophoritis or salpingitis NOS
A167. Tuberculosis of other female genital organs
A1670 Tuberculous cervicitis
A1671 Tuberculous endometritis
A167z Tuberculosis of other female genital organs NOS
A16z. Genitourinary tuberculosis NOS
A17.. Tuberculosis of other organs
A170. Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue
A1700 Tuberculosis - lupus exedens
A1701 Tuberculosis - lupus vulgaris
A1702 Tuberculosis - scrofuloderma
A1703 Tuberculosis - lupus NOS
A1704 Tuberculosis colliquativa
A1705 Tuberculosis cutis
A1706 Tuberculosis lichenoides
A1707 Tuberculosis papulonecrotica
A1708 Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis
A170z Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue NOS
A171. Tuberculosis with erythema nodosum hypersensitivity reaction
A1710 Bazins disease - erythema induratum - TB hypersensitivity
A1711 Tuberculous erythema nodosum
A171z Erythema nodosum with tuberculosis NOS
A172. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes
A1720 Tuberculous - cervical lymphadenitis
A1721 Scrofulous tuberculous abscess
A1722 Tuberculous adenitis
A172z Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes NOS
A173. Tuberculosis of eye
A1730 Tuberculous chorioretinitis
A1731 Tuberculous episcleritis
A1732 Tuberculous interstitial keratitis
A1733 Tuberculous chronic iridocyclitis
A1734 Tuberculous keratoconjunctivitis
A173z Tuberculosis of eye NOS
A174. Tuberculosis of ear
A175. Tuberculosis of thyroid gland
A176. Tuberculosis of adrenal glands - Addisons disease
A177. Tuberculosis spleen
A178. Tuberculosis oesophagus
A17y. Tuberculosis of other specified organs
A17y0 Tuberculosis endocardium
A17y1 Tuberculosis myocardium
A17y2 Tuberculosis pericardium
A17y3 Tuberculosis of stomach
A17y4 Tuberculosis of liver
A17yz Tuberculosis of other specified organs NOS
A17z. Tuberculosis of other organs NOS
A18.. Miliary tuberculosis
A180. Acute miliary tuberculosis
A1800 Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site
A1801 Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites
A18y. Other specified miliary tuberculosis
A18z. Miliary tuberculosis NOS
A1y.. Other specified tuberculosis
A1z.. Tuberculosis NOS
A2... Zoonotic bacterial diseases
A20.. Plague
A200. Bubonic plague
A201. Cellulocutaneous plague
A202. Septicaemic plague
A203. Primary pneumonic plague
A204. Secondary pneumonic plague
A205. Pneumonic plague, unspecified
A206. Plague meningitis
A20y. Other specified plague types
A20y0 Abortive plague
A20y1 Ambulatory plague
A20y2 Plague - pestis minor
A20yz Other specified plague NOS
A20z. Plague unspecified
A21.. Tularaemia
A210. Ulceroglandular tularaemia
A211. Enteric tularaemia
A2110 Cryptogenic tularaemia
A2111 Intestinal tularaemia
A2112 Typhoidal tularaemia
A211z Enteric tularaemia NOS
A212. Pulmonary tularaemia
A213. Oculoglandular tularaemia
A21y. Other specified tularaemia
A21y0 Generalised tularaemia
A21y1 Glandular tularaemia
A21yz Other specified tularaemia NOS
A21z. Tularaemia NOS
A22.. Anthrax
A220. Cutaneous anthrax
A221. Pulmonary anthrax
A222. Gastrointestinal anthrax
A223. Anthrax septicaemia
A22y. Other specified anthrax manifestations
A22z. Anthrax NOS
A23.. Brucellosis
A230. Brucella melitensis
A231. Brucella abortus
A232. Brucella suis
A234. Brucella canis
A23y. Other brucellosis
A23z. Brucellosis NOS
A24.. Glanders
A25.. Melioidosis
A250. Acute and fulminating melioidosis
A251. Subacute and chronic melioidosis
A26.. Rat-bite fever
A260. Rat-bite spirillary fever
A261. Rat-bite Streptobacillary fever
A26z. Rat-bite fever NOS
A27.. Other zoonotic bacterial disease
A270. Listeriosis
A2700 Listeria infection
A2701 Listeria septicaemia
A2702 Cutaneous listeriosis
A2703 Listerial cerebral arteritis
A2704 Listerial endocarditis
A2705 Oculoglandular listeriosis
A270z Listeriosis NOS
A271. Erysipelothrix infection, unspecified
A2710 Erysipelothrix infection
A2711 Erysipelothrix septicaemia
A2712 Cutaneous erysipeloid
A271z Erysipelothrix infection NOS
A272. Pasteurellosis
A2720 Pasteurella mesenteric adenitis
A2721 Pasteurella septic infection (cat or dog bite)
A272z Pasteurellosis NOS
A273. Extraintestinal yersiniosis
A27y. Other specified zoonotic bacterial disease
A27z. Other zoonotic bacterial disease NOS
A2y.. Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases
A2z.. Zoonotic bacterial disease NOS
A3... Other bacterial diseases
A30.. Leprosy
A300. Lepromatous leprosy (type L)
A3000 Borderline lepromatous leprosy
A301. Tuberculoid leprosy (type T)
A3010 Borderline tuberculoid leprosy
A302. Indeterminate leprosy (type I)
A303. Borderline leprosy (type B)
A30y. Other leprosy
A30z. Leprosy NOS
A31.. Other mycobacterial diseases
A310. Pulmonary mycobacterial infection
A311. Cutaneous mycobacterial infections
A31y. Other specified mycobacterial disease
A31z. Mycobacterial disease NOS
A32.. Diphtheria
A320. Faucial diphtheria
A321. Nasopharyngeal diphtheria
A322. Anterior nasal diphtheria
A323. Laryngeal diphtheria
A32y. Other specified diphtheria
A32y0 Conjunctival diphtheria
A32y1 Diphtheritic myocarditis
A32y2 Diphtheritic peritonitis
A32y3 Diphtheritic cystitis
A32y4 Cutaneous diphtheria
A32y5 Diphtheria of penis
A32yz Other specified diphtheria NOS
A32z. Diphtheria NOS
A33.. Whooping cough
A330. Bordetella pertussis
A331. Bordetella parapertussis
A33y. Whooping cough - other specified organism
A33y0 Bordetella bronchiseptica
A33yz Other whooping cough NOS
A33z. Whooping cough NOS
A34.. Streptococcal sore throat and scarlatina
A340. Streptococcal sore throat
A3400 Streptococcal angina
A3401 Streptococcal laryngitis
A3402 Streptococcal pharyngitis
A3403 Streptococcal tonsillitis
A340z Streptococcal sore throat NOS
A341. Scarlet fever - scarlatina
A34z. Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS
A35.. Erysipelas
A36.. Meningococcal infection
A360. Meningococcal meningitis
A361. Meningococcal encephalitis
A362. Meningococcal septicaemia
A3620 Acute meningococcaemia
A3621 Chronic meningococcaemia
A363. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
A364. Meningococcal carditis
A3640 Meningococcal carditis unspecified
A3641 Meningococcal pericarditis
A3642 Meningococcal endocarditis
A3643 Meningococcal myocarditis
A364z Meningococcal carditis NOS
A36y. Other specified meningococcal infection
A36y0 Meningococcal optic neuritis
A36y1 Meningococcal arthropathy
A36yz Other specified meningococcal infection NOS
A36z. Meningococcal infection NOS
A37.. Tetanus
A370. Obstetrical tetanus
A38.. Septicaemia
A380. Streptococcal septicaemia
A3800 Septicaemia due to streptococcus, group A
A3801 Septicaemia due to streptococcus, group B
A3802 Septicaemia due to streptococcus, group D
A381. Staphylococcal septicaemia
A3810 Septicaemia due to Staphylococcus aureus
A3811 Septicaemia due to coagulase-negative staphylococcus
A382. Pneumococcal septicaemia
A383. Septicaemia due to anaerobes
A384. Septicaemia due to other gram negative organisms
A3840 Gram negative septicaemia NOS
A3841 Haemophilus influenzae septicaemia
A3842 Escherichia coli septicaemia
A3843 Pseudomonas septicaemia
A3844 Serratia septicaemia
A384z Other gram negative septicaemia NOS
A38y. Other specified septicaemias
A38z. Septicaemia NOS
A39.. Actinomycotic infections
A390. Cutaneous actinomycosis
A391. Pulmonary actinomycosis
A392. Abdominal actinomycosis
A3921 Actinomycosis of caecum
A3922 Actinomycosis of liver
A393. Cervicofacial actinomycosis
A394. Madura foot - actinomycosis
A395. Actinomycotic septicaemia
A39y. Other specified actinomycosis
A39y0 Pulmonary nocardiosis
A39y1 Cutaneous nocardiosis
A39z. Actinomycosis unspecified site
A39z0 Maduromycosis NOS
A39z1 Nocardiosis NOS
A39zz Actinomycosis unspecified site NOS
A3A.. Other bacterial diseases
A3A0. Gas gangrene
A3A00 Gas gangrene caused by clostridium histolyticum
A3A01 Gas gangrene caused by clostridium oedematiens
A3A02 Gas gangrene caused by clostridium perfringens
A3A03 Gas gangrene caused by clostridium septicum
A3A04 Gas gangrene caused by clostridium sordellii
A3A05 Gas gangrene
A3A06 Gas gangrene-neck
A3A07 Gas gangrene-back
A3A08 Gas gangrene-shoulder
A3A09 Gas gangrene-arm
A3A0A Gas gangrene-forearm
A3A0B Gas gangrene-hand
A3A0C Gas gangrene-pelvis
A3A0D Gas gangrene-thigh
A3A0E Gas gangrene-leg
A3A0F Gas gangrene-foot
A3A0z Gas gangrene caused by organism NOS
A3A1. Rhinoscleroma
A3A2. Whipples disease
A3A3. Necrobacillosis
A3A4. Legionella
A3A40 Nonpneumonic Legionnaires disease
A3A5. Brazilian purpuric fever
A3A6. Necrotising fasciitis
A3Ay. Other specified bacterial disease
A3Ay0 Tropical pyomyositis
A3Ay1 Toxic shock syndrome
A3Ay2 Clostridium difficile infection
A3Ayz Other specified bacterial disease NOS
A3B.. Bacterial infections - causative organisms
A3B0. Streptococcal infection
A3B1. Staphylococcal infection
A3B11 Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
A3B2. Pneumococcal infection
A3B3. Friedlanders bacillus infection
A3B4. Escherichia coli infection
A3B5. Haemophilus influenzae infection
A3B6. Proteus infection
A3B60 Proteus mirabilis infection
A3B61 Proteus morganii infection
A3B6z Proteus infection NOS
A3B7. Pseudomonas infection
A3BX. Bacterial causes of diseases classified elsewhere
A3BX1 Streptococc,gp A/cause/disease classified/to oth chapters
A3BX2 Streptococc,group B/cause/disease classified/oth chapters
A3BX3 Streptococc,group D/cause/disease classified/oth chapters
A3BX4 Streptococ pneumon/cause/disease classified/oth chapters
A3BX5 Oth streptococcus/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
A3BX6 Unspecf streptococ/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
A3BX7 Staphylococ aureus/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
A3BX8 Oth staphylococcus/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
A3BX9 Unspcfd staphlococ/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
A3BXA Mycoplasma pneumoniae [PPLO] cause/dis classifd/oth chaptr
A3BXB Klebsiella pneumoniae/cause/disease classifd/oth chapters
A3BXC E coli as cause of diseases classified to other chapters
A3BXD H influenzae as cause/diseases classified/other chapters
A3BXE Proteus(mirabilis)(morganii)cause/dis classfd/oth chapter
A3BXF Pseudomonas as cause/diseases classifd to other chapters
A3BXG Bacillus fragilis/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
A3BXH Clostridium perfring/cause/diseases classfd/oth chapters
A3Bx. Bacteria causing diseases classified elsewhere
A3By. Other specified bacterial infection
A3By0 Aerobacter aerogenes infection
A3By1 Eatons agent infection
A3By2 Mima polymorpha infection
A3By3 Mycoplasma infection
A3By4 Pleuropneumonia-like organism (PPLO) infection
A3By5 Serratia infection
A3By6 Coccal infection NEC
A3By7 Gardnerella vaginalis
A3By8 Coliform bacteria
A3Byz Other specified bacterial infection NOS
A3Bz. Bacterial infection NOS
A3y.. Other specified bacterial diseases
A3z.. Other bacterial disease NOS
A4... Poliomyelitis & other non-arthropod-borne viral diseases-CNS
A40.. Acute poliomyelitis
A400. Acute paralytic bulbar poliomyelitis
A401. Acute paralytic non-bulbar poliomyelitis
A402. Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis
A403. Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, unspecified
A4030 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated
A4031 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, imported
A4032 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenous
A40z. Acute poliomyelitis NOS
A41.. Slow viral central nervous system infection
A410. Kuru
A411. Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
A412. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
A413. Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
A41y. Other slow virus central nervous system infections
A41z. Slow virus central nervous system infection NOS
A42.. Meningitis due to enterovirus
A420. Coxsackie viral meningitis
A421. ECHO viral meningitis
A42y. Other specified viral meningitis
A42z. Viral meningitis NOS
A4y.. Other enterovirus diseases of central nervous system
A4y0. Enteroviral encephalitis
A4y1. Enteroviral exanthematous fever
A4z.. Non-arthropod-borne viral dis.central nervous system OS/NOS
A4z0. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
A4z1. Adenoviral meningitis
A4zy. Other specified non-arthropod-borne viral disease of the CNS
A4zy0 Acute inclusion body encephalitis
A4zy1 Acute necrotising encephalitis
A4zy2 Epidemic encephalitis
A4zy3 Encephalitis lethargica
A4zy4 Von Economos encephalitis
A4zy5 Adenoviral encephalitis
A4zyz Other specified non-arthropod-borne viral disease of CNS NOS
A4zz. Non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of CNS NOS
A5... Viral diseases with exanthem
A50.. Smallpox
A500. Variola major
A501. Alastrim - variola minor
A502. Modified smallpox - varioloid
A50z. Smallpox NOS
A51.. Cowpox and paravaccinia
A510. Cowpox
A511. Pseudocowpox - Milkers node
A512. Contagious pustular dermatitis
A51z. Paravaccinia NOS
A52.. Chickenpox - varicella
A520. Postvaricella encephalitis
A521. Varicella pneumonitis
A52x. Varicella with other specified complications
A52y. Varicella with unspecified complications NOS
A52z. Varicella with no complication NOS
A53.. Herpes zoster
A530. Herpes zoster with meningitis
A531. Herpes zoster with other central nervous system complication
A5310 Herpes zoster with other CNS complications
A5311 Geniculate herpes zoster
A5312 Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia
A5313 Postherpetic polyneuropathy
A5314 Zoster encephalitis
A5315 Postzoster neuralgia
A531z Herpes zoster with other CNS complication NOS
A532. Herpes zoster with ophthalmic complication
A5320 Herpes zoster with dermatitis of eyelid
A5321 Herpes zoster with keratoconjunctivitis
A5322 Herpes zoster iridocyclitis
A5323 Ophthalmic herpes zoster infection
A532z Herpes zoster with other ophthalmic complication
A53x. Herpes zoster with other specified complication
A53x0 Herpes zoster otitis externa
A53x1 Disseminated zoster
A53xz Herpes zoster with other specified complication NOS
A53y. Herpes zoster with unspecified complication
A53z. Herpes zoster NOS
A54.. Herpes simplex
A540. Eczema herpeticum - Kaposis varicelliform eruption
A541. Genital herpes simplex
A5410 Genital herpes unspecified
A5411 Herpetic vulvovaginitis
A5412 Herpetic ulceration of vulva
A5413 Herpetic infection of penis
A5414 Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum
A5415 Anogenital herpesviral infection
A541z Genital herpes simplex NOS
A542. Herpetic gingivostomatitis
A543. Herpetic meningoencephalitis
A544. Ophthalmic herpes simplex
A5440 Unspecified ophthalmic herpes
A5441 Herpes simplex eyelid dermatitis
A5442 Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis
A5443 Herpes simplex disciform keratitis
A5444 Herpes simplex iridocyclitis
A544z Ophthalmic herpes simplex NOS
A545. Herpes simplex septicaemia
A546. Herpes simplex whitlow
A548. [X] Herpes labialis
A54x. Herpes simplex with other specified complication
A54x0 Visceral herpes simplex
A54x1 Herpes simplex meningitis
A54x2 Herpes simplex otitis externa
A54x3 Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis
A54xz Herpes simplex with other specified complication NOS
A54y. Herpes simplex with unspecified complication
A54z. Herpes simplex no complication NOS
A55.. Measles
A550. Postmeasles encephalitis
A551. Postmeasles pneumonia
A552. Postmeasles otitis media
A553. Measles complicated by meningitis
A554. Measles with intestinal complications
A55x. Measles with other specified complication
A55x0 Measles keratoconjunctivitis
A55xz Measles with other specified complication NOS
A55y. Measles with unspecified complication
A55z. Measles with no complication NOS
A56.. Rubella
A560. Rubella with neurological complication
A5600 Rubella with unspecified neurological complication
A5601 Rubella encephalomyelitis
A5602 Rubella deafness
A560z Rubella with neurological complication NOS
A56x. Rubella with other specified complication
A56x0 Arthritis due to rubella
A56xz Rubella with other specified complication NOS
A56y. Rubella with unspecified complication
A56z. Rubella with no complication NOS
A57.. Other viral exanthemata
A570. Erythema infectiosum - fifth disease
A57y. Other specified viral exanthemata
A57y0 Dukes disease
A57y1 Exanthema subitum - sixth disease
A57y2 Fourth disease
A57y3 Parascarlatina
A57y4 Pseudoscarlatina
A57y5 Monkeypox
A57yz Other specified viral exanthemata NOS
A57z. Other viral exanthemata NOS
A5y.. Other specified viral diseases with exanthemata
A5z.. Viral diseases with exanthemata NOS
A6... Arthropod-borne viral diseases
A60.. Yellow fever
A600. Sylvatic yellow fever
A601. Urban yellow fever
A60z. Yellow fever unspecified
A61.. Dengue - breakbone fever
A62.. Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis
A620. Japanese encephalitis
A621. Western equine encephalitis
A622. Eastern equine encephalitis
A623. St. Louis encephalitis
A624. Australian encephalitis
A625. California viral encephalitis
A626. Rocio virus disease
A62y. Other specified mosquito-borne virus encephalitis
A62z. Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis NOS
A63.. Tick-borne viral encephalitis
A630. Russian spring-summer (taiga) encephalitis
A631. Louping ill encephalitis
A632. Central European encephalitis
A63y. Other tick-borne viral encephalitis
A63y0 Langat encephalitis
A63y1 Powassan encephalitis
A63yz Other tick-borne viral encephalitis NOS
A63z. Tick-borne viral encephalitis NOS
A64.. Viral encephalitis from other arthropods
A65.. Arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever
A650. Crimean haemorrhagic fever
A651. Omsk haemorrhagic fever
A652. Kyasanur Forest disease
A653. Other tick-borne haemorrhagic fever
A654. Mosquito-borne haemorrhagic fever
A6540 Dengue haemorrhagic fever
A65y. Other specified arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever
A65y0 Mite-borne haemorrhagic fever
A65yz Other specified arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever NOS
A65z. Arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever NOS
A66.. Other arthropod-borne viral disease
A660. Phlebotomus fever
A6600 Changuinola fever
A6601 Sandfly fever
A660z Phlebotomus fever NOS
A661. Tick-borne fever
A6610 Nairobi sheep disease
A6611 American mountain tick fever
A6612 Colorado tick fever
A6613 Kemerovo tick fever
A6614 Quaranfil tick fever
A661z Tick-borne fever NOS
A662. Venezuelan equine fever
A663. Other mosquito-borne fever
A6630 Bunyamwera fever
A6631 Bwamba fever
A6632 Chikungunya fever
A6633 Guama fever
A6634 Mayaro fever
A6635 Mucambo fever
A6636 Onyong-nyong fever
A6637 Oropouche fever
A6638 Pixuna fever
A6639 Rift valley fever
A663A Ross river fever
A663B Wesselsbron fever
A663C West Nile fever
A663D Zika fever
A663z Other mosquito-borne fever NOS
A66y. Other specified arthropod-borne viral diseases
A66y0 Chandipura fever
A66y1 Piry fever
A66yz Other specified arthropod-borne viral diseases NOS
A66z. Other arthropod-borne viral disease NOS
A6y.. Other specified arthropod-borne viral diseases
A6z.. Arthropod-borne viral disease NOS
A7... Other viral and chlamydial diseases
A70.. Viral hepatitis
A700. Viral hepatitis A with coma
A701. Viral (infectious) hepatitis A
A702. Viral hepatitis B with coma
A7020 Acute hep B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hep coma
A703. Viral (serum) hepatitis B
A7030 Acute hep B with delta-agent (coinfectn) without hep coma
A704. Other specified viral hepatitis with coma
A7040 Viral hepatitis C with coma
A704z Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma NOS
A705. Other specified viral hepatitis without coma
A7050 Viral hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma
A7051 Acute delta-(super)infection of hepatitis B carrier
A7052 Acute hepatitis E
A7054 Hepatitis non A non B
A705z Other specified viral hepatitis without mention of coma NOS
A706. Unspecified viral hepatitis with coma
A707. Chronic viral hepatitis
A7070 Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent
A7071 Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent
A7072 Chronic viral hepatitis C
A707X Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified
A70z. Unspecified viral hepatitis
A70z0 Hepatitis C
A71.. Rabies - hydrophobia
A710. Sylvatic rabies
A711. Urban rabies
A72.. Mumps
A720. Mumps orchitis
A721. Mumps meningitis
A722. Mumps encephalitis
A723. Mumps pancreatitis
A72x. Mumps with other specified complications
A72x0 Mumps hepatitis
A72x1 Mumps polyneuropathy
A72xz Mumps with other specified complications NOS
A72y. Mumps with unspecified complication
A72z. Mumps with no complication
A73.. Ornithosis - psittacosis
A730. Ornithosis with pneumonia
A73x. Ornithosis with other specified complications
A73y. Ornithosis with unspecified complications
A73z. Unspecified Ornithosis
A74.. Specific diseases due to coxsackie virus
A740. Herpangina
A741. Epidemic pleurodynia
A742. Coxsackie carditis
A7420 Other specified coxsackie carditis
A7421 Coxsackie pericarditis
A7422 Coxsackie endocarditis
A7423 Coxsackie myocarditis
A742z Unspecified coxsackie carditis
A743. Hand, foot and mouth disease
A74y. Other specified coxsackie virus disease
A74z. Coxsackie viral diseases NOS
A75.. Infectious mononucleosis
A750. Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis
A751. Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis
A76.. Trachoma
A760. Trachoma dubium - initial stage
A761. Trachoma - active stage
A76z. Unspecified trachoma
A77.. Other disease conjunctiva due to viruses and chlamydiae NEC
A770. Inclusion conjunctivitis
A771. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
A772. Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis
A773. Other adenoviral conjunctivitis
A774. Epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
A776. Keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus
A777. Conjunctivitis due to adenovirus
A77X. Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified
A77y. Other viral conjunctivitis
A77z. Viral or chlamydial conjunctivitis NOS
A78.. Other viral or chlamydial diseases
A780. Molluscum contagiosum
A781. Viral warts
A7810 Verruca vulgaris - common wart
A7811 Verruca plantaris
A7812 Genital warts
A7813 Perianal warts
A7814 Plain wart
A7815 Filiform wart
A7816 Hand warts
A781z Unspecified viral warts
A782. Sweating fever
A783. Cat-scratch disease
A784. Foot and mouth disease
A785. Cytomegalic inclusion disease
A7850 Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis
A7851 Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis
A7852 Cytomegaloviral hepatitis
A785X Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified
A786. Haemorrhagic nephrosonephritis
A787. Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever
A7870 Junin haemorrhagic fever
A7871 Machupo haemorrhagic fever
A788. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
A7880 Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection
A7881 Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection
A7882 HIV infection with persistent generalised lymphadenopathy
A7883 Human immunodeficiency virus with constitutional disease
A7884 Human immunodeficiency virus with neurological disease
A7885 Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary infection
A7886 Human immunodeficiency virus with secondary cancers
A788U HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC
A788V HIV disease resulting in multiple diseases CE
A788W HIV disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm
A788X HIV disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease
A788y Human immunodeficiency virus with other clinical findings
A788z Acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection syndrome NOS
A789. Human immunodef virus resulting in other disease
A7890 HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection
A7891 HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease
A7892 HIV disease resulting in candidiasis
A7893 HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
A7894 HIV disease resulting in multiple infections
A7895 HIV disease resulting in Kaposis sarcoma
A7896 HIV disease resulting in Burkitts lymphoma
A7897 HIV dis resulting oth types of non-Hodgkins lymphoma
A7898 HIV disease resulting in multiple malignant neoplasms
A7899 HIV disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis
A789A HIV disease resulting in wasting syndrome
A789X HIV dis reslt/oth mal neopl/lymph,hmatopoetc+reltd tissu
A78A. Chlamydial infection
A78A0 Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract
A78A1 Chlamydial infection of pharynx
A78A2 Chlamydial infection of anus and rectum
A78A3 Chlamydial inf of pelviperitoneum oth genitourinary organs
A78A4 Chlamydial conjunctivitis
A78AW Chlamydial infection, unspecified
A78AX Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified
A78X. Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever
A78y. Other specified viral and chlamydial diseases
A78y0 Epidemic vertigo
A78y1 Epidemic vomiting syndrome
A78y2 Epidemic cervical myalgia
A78y3 Marburg disease
A78y4 Tanapox
A78y5 Lassa fever
A78yz Other specified viral and chlamydial diseases NOS
A79.. Specific viral infections
A790. Adenovirus
A791. ECHO virus
A792. Coxsackie virus
A793. Rhinovirus
A794. Ebola virus disease
A795. Coronavirus infection
A796. Parvovirus infection
A797. Papovavirus infection
A798. Retrovirus infection
A79A. Respiratory syncytial virus infection
A79X. Enterovirus infection, unspecified
A79y. Other specific viral infection
A79z. Viral infection NOS
A7A.. Viral carditis
A7y.. Other specified viral or chlamydial diseases
A7y0. Viral agent as the cause of other diseases
A7y00 Coronavirus as cause of dis classified to other chapters
A7y01 Retrovirus as cause of diseases classified to other chapters
A7y02 Resp syncytial virus as cause of dis class to other chapters
A7y03 Reovirus as cause of diseases classified to other chapters
A7y04 Parvovirus as cause of diseases classified to oth chapters
A7y05 Papillomavirus as cause of diseases classif to oth chapters
A7y0X Adenovirus/cause of diseases classified to other chapters
A7z.. Other viral or chlamydial disease NOS
A8... Rickettsioses and other arthropod-borne diseases
A80.. Louse-borne epidemic typhus
A81.. Other typhus
A810. Murine endemic flea typhus
A811. Brills disease
A812. Scrub mite-borne typhus
A81z. Other typhus NOS
A82.. Tick-borne rickettsioses
A820. Spotted fevers
A8200 Rocky mountain spotted fever
A8201 Sao Paulo fever
A820z Spotted fever NOS
A821. Boutonneuse fever
A8210 African tick virus
A8211 India tick virus
A8212 Kenya tick virus
A8213 Marseilles fever
A8214 Mediterranean tick fever
A821z Unspecified Boutonneuse fever
A822. North Asian tick fever
A8220 Siberian tick typhus
A822z North Asian tick fever NOS
A823. Queensland tick typhus
A82y. Other specified tick-borne rickettsioses
A82z. Tick-borne rickettsioses NOS
A83.. Other rickettsioses
A830. Q fever
A831. Trench fever
A832. Rickettsialpox
A83y. Other specified rickettsioses
A83z. Rickettsioses NOS
A84.. Malaria
A840. Falciparum malaria - malignant
A8400 Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications
A841. Vivax malaria - benign tertian
A8410 Plasmodium vivax malaria with rupture of spleen
A841X Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication
A842. Quartan malaria
A843. Ovale malaria
A844. Other malaria
A8440 Malaria due to simian plasmodia
A8441 Plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy
A845. Mixed malaria
A846. Unspecified malaria
A847. Induced malaria
A848. Blackwater fever
A849. Other malaria complications
A8490 Algid malaria - malarial shock
A8491 Cerebral malaria
A849z Other malaria complications NOS
A84W. Plasmodium malariae malaria without complication
A84X. Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified
A85.. Leishmaniasis
A850. Visceral leishmaniasis
A851. Urban cutaneous leishmaniasis
A8510 Aleppo boil
A8511 Baghdad boil
A8512 Delhi boil
A851z Urban cutaneous leishmaniasis NOS
A852. Asian desert cutaneous leishmaniasis
A853. Ethiopian cutaneous leishmaniasis
A854. American cutaneous leishmaniasis
A855. American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
A85z. Leishmaniasis NOS
A86.. Trypanosomiasis
A860. Chagas disease with heart involvement
A8600 Acute Chagas disease with heart involvement
A861. Chagas disease with other organ involvement
A8610 Chagas disease with digestive system involvement
A8611 Chagas disease with nervous system involvement
A862. Chagas disease without mention of organ involvement
A863. Gambian trypanosomiasis
A864. Rhodesian trypanosomiasis
A865. African trypanosomiasis NOS
A86z. Trypanosomiasis NOS
A87.. Relapsing fever
A870. Louse-borne relapsing fever
A871. Tick-borne relapsing fever
A8710 Lyme disease
A871z Tick-borne relapsing fever NOS
A87z. Relapsing fever NOS
A88.. Other arthropod-borne diseases
A880. Bartonellosis
A8800 Systemic bartonellosis
A8801 Cutaneous and mucocutaneous bartonellosis
A88y. Other specified arthropod-borne diseases
A88z. Arthropod-borne disease NOS
A8y.. Other specified rickettsioses or arthropod-borne diseases
A8z.. Rickettsioses and arthropod-borne disease NOS
A9... Syphilis and other venereal diseases
A90.. Congenital syphilis
A900. Early congenital syphilis with symptoms
A901. Early latent congenital syphilis
A902. Early congenital syphilis NOS
A903. Syphilitic interstitial keratitis
A904. Juvenile neurosyphilis
A9040 Unspecified juvenile neurosyphilis
A9041 Congenital syphilitic encephalitis
A9042 Congenital syphilitic meningitis
A904z Juvenile neurosyphilis NOS
A905. Other late congenital syphilis
A9050 Congenital syphilitic gumma
A9051 Hutchinsons teeth
A9052 Syphilitic saddle nose
A9053 Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy
A905z Other late congenital syphilis NOS
A906. Latent late congenital syphilis
A907. Unspecified late congenital syphilis
A90z. Congenital syphilis NOS
A91.. Early symptomatic syphilis
A910. Primary genital syphilis
A911. Primary anal syphilis
A912. Other primary syphilis
A9120 Primary breast syphilis
A9121 Primary finger syphilis
A9122 Primary lip syphilis
A9123 Primary tonsil syphilis
A912z Other primary syphilis NOS
A913. Secondary syphilis of skin or mucus membranes
A9130 Secondary syphilis of anus
A9131 Secondary syphilis of mouth
A9132 Secondary syphilis of pharynx
A9133 Secondary syphilis of skin
A9134 Secondary syphilis of tonsils
A9135 Secondary syphilis of vulva
A913z Secondary syphilis of skin or mucus membranes NOS
A914. Adenopathy due to secondary syphilis
A915. Uveitis due to secondary syphilis
A9150 Syphilitic uveitis unspecified
A9151 Secondary syphilitic chorioretinitis
A9152 Secondary syphilitic iridocyclitis
A915z Secondary syphilitic uveitis NOS
A916. Secondary syphilis of viscera or bone
A9160 Secondary syphilitic periostitis
A9161 Secondary syphilitic hepatitis
A916z Secondary syphilis of viscera and bone NOS
A917. Secondary syphilis relapse
A918. Other forms of secondary syphilis
A9180 Acute secondary syphilitic meningitis
A9181 Syphilitic alopecia
A918z Other secondary syphilis NOS
A919. Unspecified secondary syphilis
A91X. Early syphilis, unspecified
A92.. Latent early syphilis
A920. Serological relapse after treatment of latent early syphilis
A92z. Latent early syphilis NOS
A93.. Cardiovascular syphilis
A930. Syphilitic aortic aneurysm
A931. Syphilitic aortitis
A932. Syphilitic endocarditis
A9320 Syphilitic endocarditis of unspecified valve
A9321 Syphilitic endocarditis of mitral valve
A9322 Syphilitic endocarditis of aortic valve
A9323 Syphilitic endocarditis of tricuspid valve
A9324 Syphilitic endocarditis of pulmonary valve
A932z Syphilitic endocarditis of heart valve NOS
A93y. Other specified cardiovascular system syphilis
A93y0 Syphilitic pericarditis
A93y1 Syphilitic myocarditis
A93yz Other specified cardiovascular system syphilis NOS
A93z. Cardiovascular syphilis NOS
A94.. Neurosyphilis
A940. Tabes dorsalis - neurosyphilis
A941. General paresis - neurosyphilis
A942. Syphilitic meningitis
A943. Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
A94y. Other specified neurosyphilis
A94y0 Syphilitic encephalitis
A94y1 Syphilitic parkinsonism
A94y2 Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis
A94y3 Syphilitic optic atrophy
A94y4 Syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis
A94y5 Syphilitic acoustic neuritis
A94y6 Rupture of syphilitic cerebral aneurysm
A94yz Other specified neurosyphilis NOS
A94z. Neurosyphilis NOS
A95.. Other forms of late syphilis with symptoms
A950. Syphilitic episcleritis
A951. Syphilis of lung
A952. Syphilitic peritonitis
A953. Syphilis of liver
A954. Syphilis of kidney
A955. Syphilis of bone
A956. Syphilis of muscle
A957. Syphilis of synovium, tendon or bursa
A9570 Syphilis of synovium
A9571 Syphilis of tendon
A9572 Syphilis of bursa
A957z Syphilis of synovium, tendon or bursa NOS
A95y. Other specified late syphilis
A95z. Late symptomatic syphilis NOS
A96.. Late latent syphilis
A97.. Other and unspecified syphilis
A970. Late syphilis unspecified
A971. Latent syphilis unspecified
A97z. Syphilis NOS
A98.. Gonococcal infections
A980. Acute gonorrhoea of lower genitourinary tract
A9800 Acute gonococcal Bartholinitis
A9801 Acute gonococcal urethritis
A9802 Acute gonococcal vulvovaginitis
A980z Acute gonorrhoea of lower genitourinary tract NOS
A981. Acute gonorrhoea of upper genitourinary tract
A9810 Acute unspecified gonorrhoea of upper genitourinary tract
A9811 Acute gonococcal cystitis
A9812 Acute gonococcal prostatitis
A9813 Acute gonococcal epididymo-orchitis
A9814 Acute gonococcal seminal vesiculitis
A9815 Acute gonococcal cervicitis
A9816 Acute gonococcal endometritis
A9817 Acute gonococcal salpingitis
A981z Acute gonorrhoea upper genitourinary tract NOS
A982. Chronic gonorrhoea lower genitourinary tract
A9820 Chronic gonococcal bartholinitis
A9821 Chronic gonococcal urethritis
A9822 Chronic gonococcal vulvovaginitis
A982z Chronic gonorrhoea of lower genitourinary tract NOS
A983. Chronic gonorrhoea of upper genitourinary tract
A9830 Chronic unspecified gonorrhoea of upper genitourinary tract
A9831 Chronic gonococcal cystitis
A9832 Chronic gonococcal prostatitis
A9833 Chronic gonococcal epididymo-orchitis
A9834 Chronic gonococcal seminal vesiculitis
A9835 Chronic gonococcal cervicitis
A9836 Chronic gonococcal endometritis
A9837 Chronic gonococcal salpingitis
A983z Chronic gonorrhoea of upper genitourinary tract NOS
A984. Gonococcal eye infection
A9840 Neonatal gonococcal conjunctivits
A9841 Gonococcal iridocyclitis
A9842 Gonococcal endophthalmia
A9843 Gonococcal keratitis
A984z Gonococcal eye infection NOS
A985. Gonococcal joint infection
A9850 Gonococcal arthritis
A9851 Gonococcal synovitis or tenosynovitis
A9852 Gonococcal bursitis
A9853 Gonococcal spondylitis
A985z Gonococcal joint infection NOS
A986. Gonococcal pharynx infection
A987. Gonococcal proctitis
A9870 Gonococcal anal infection
A9871 Gonococcal rectal infection
A987z Gonococcal proctitis NOS
A98y. Gonococcal infection of other specified sites
A98y0 Gonococcal keratosis
A98y1 Gonococcal meningitis
A98y2 Gonococcal pericarditis
A98y3 Gonococcal endocarditis
A98y4 Other gonococcal heart disease
A98y5 Gonococcal peritonitis
A98y6 Fitzhugh Curtis syndrome
A98yy Other gonococcal infection of other specified site
A98yz Gonococcal infection of other site NOS
A98z. Gonococcal infections NOS
A99.. Other venereal diseases
A990. Chancroid
A991. Lymphogranuloma venereum
A992. Granuloma inguinale
A993. Reiters disease / syndrome
A994. Nonspecific urethritis
A99y. Other specified venereal diseases
A99z. Venereal disease NOS
A9y.. Other specified syphilis or other venereal diseases
A9z.. Syphilis or venereal disease NOS
AA... Other spirochaetal diseases
AA0.. Leptospirosis
AA00. Leptospirosis icterohaemorrhagica
AA0y. Other specified leptospiral infection
AA0y0 Leptospiral meningitis
AA0y1 Canicola fever
AA0yz Other specified leptospiral infection NOS
AA0z. Leptospirosis NOS
AA1.. Vincents angina
AA10. Vincents stomatitis
AA11. Vincents gingivitis
AA12. Vincents pharyngitis
AA1z. Vincents angina NOS
AA2.. Yaws
AA20. Initial yaws lesions
AA21. Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws
AA22. Other early yaws skin lesions
AA23. Hyperkeratosis due to yaws
AA24. Yaws gummata and ulcers
AA25. Gangosa - tertiary yaws
AA26. Bone and joint yaws lesions
AA2x. Other yaws manifestations
AA2x0 Juxta-articular yaws nodules
AA2x1 Mucosal yaws
AA2xz Other yaws manifestation NOS
AA2y. Latent yaws
AA2z. Unspecified yaws
AA3.. Pinta
AA30. Primary pinta lesions
AA31. Intermediate pinta lesions
AA32. Late pinta lesions
AA33. Mixed pinta lesions
AA3z. Pinta NOS
AA4.. Other spirochaetal infections
AA40. Nonvenereal endemic syphilis
AA4y. Other specified spirochaetal infection
AA4z. Other spirochaetal infection NOS
AAy.. Other specified spirochaetal infections
AAz.. Spirochaetal infection NOS
AB... Mycoses
AB0.. Dermatophytosis including tinea or ringworm
AB00. Dermatophytosis of scalp or beard
AB000 Dermatophytosis of scalp
AB001 Dermatophytosis of beard
AB00z Dermatophytosis of scalp or beard NOS
AB01. Dermatophytosis of nail
AB02. Dermatophytosis of hand
AB03. Dermatophytosis of groin and perianal area
AB030 Dermatophytosis of groin
AB031 Dermatophytosis of the perianal area
AB03z Dermatophytosis of groin and perianal area NOS
AB04. Dermatophytosis of foot
AB05. Dermatophytosis of the body
AB06. Deep seated dermatophytosis
AB0y. Other specified dermatophytosis
AB0y0 Tinea imbricata
AB0z. Dermatophytosis NOS
AB1.. Dermatophytosis other and unspecified
AB10. Pityriasis versicolor
AB11. Tinea nigra
AB12. Tinea blanca
AB13. Black piedra
AB1X. Superficial mycosis, unspecified
AB1y. Other specified dermatomycoses
AB1z. Dermatomycosis NOS
AB2.. Candidiasis
AB20. Candidiasis of mouth and oesophagus
AB200 Candidiasis of mouth
AB201 Candidiasis of oesophagus
AB20z Candidiasis of mouth and oesophagus NOS
AB21. Candidal vulvovaginitis
AB210 Candidiasis of vulva
AB211 Candidiasis of vagina
AB21z Candidal vulvovaginitis NOS
AB22. Other urogenital candidiasis
AB220 Candidal balanitis
AB221 Perianal candidiasis
AB22z Other urogenital candida NOS
AB23. Candidiasis of skin and nails
AB230 Candidal intertrigo
AB231 Other skin candidiasis
AB232 Candidal onychia (of nails)
AB233 Candidal paronychia
AB23z Candidiasis of skin and nails NOS
AB24. Candidiasis of lung
AB25. Disseminated, systemic candida
AB2y. Other specified candidiasis
AB2y0 Candidal endocarditis
AB2y1 Candidal otitis externa
AB2y2 Candidal meningitis
AB2y3 Candidal septicaemia
AB2yz Other specified candidiasis NOS
AB2z. Candidiasis NOS
AB3.. Coccidioidomycosis
AB30. Primary pulmonary coccidioidomycosis
AB300 Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis
AB301 Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis
AB31. Primary extrapulmonary coccidioidomycosis
AB32. Coccidioidal meningitis
AB33. Other progressive coccidioidomycosis
AB330 Coccidioidal granuloma
AB331 Disseminated coccidioidomycosis
AB332 Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis
AB33z Other progressive coccidioidomycosis NOS
AB3z. Coccidioidomycosis NOS
AB4.. Histoplasmosis
AB40. Histoplasma capsulatum infection
AB400 Unspecified histoplasma capsulatum infection
AB401 Histoplasma capsulatum with meningitis
AB402 Histoplasma capsulatum with retinitis
AB403 Histoplasma capsulatum with pericarditis
AB404 Histoplasma capsulatum with endocarditis
AB405 Histoplasma capsulatum with pneumonia
AB406 Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati
AB407 Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati
AB408 Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati
AB40z Histoplasma capsulatum infection NOS
AB41. Histoplasma duboisii infection
AB410 Unspecified histoplasma duboisii infection
AB411 Histoplasma duboisii with meningitis
AB412 Histoplasma duboisii with retinitis
AB413 Histoplasma duboisii with pericarditis
AB414 Histoplasma duboisii with endocarditis
AB415 Histoplasma duboisii with pneumonia
AB41z Histoplasma duboisii infection NOS
AB42. Pulmonary histoplasmosis
AB4z. Unspecified histoplasmosis infection
AB4z0 Unspecified histoplasmosis infection
AB4z1 Histoplasmosis with meningitis
AB4z2 Histoplasmosis with retinitis
AB4z3 Histoplasmosis with pericarditis
AB4z4 Histoplasmosis with endocarditis
AB4z5 Histoplasmosis with pneumonia
AB4z6 Histoplasmosis liver
AB4zz Unspecified histoplasmosis NOS
AB5.. Blastomycotic infection
AB50. Blastomycosis
AB500 Cutaneous blastomycosis
AB501 Primary pulmonary blastomycosis
AB502 Disseminated blastomycosis
AB503 Blastomycosis liver
AB504 Acute pulmonary blastomycosis
AB505 Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis
AB50z Blastomycosis NOS
AB51. Paracoccidioidomycosis
AB510 Mucocutaneous-lymphangitic paracoccidioidomycosis
AB511 Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis
AB512 Visceral paracoccidioidomycosis
AB513 Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis
AB51z Paracoccidioidomycosis NOS
AB52. Lobomycosis
AB5z. Blastomycotic infection NOS
AB6.. Other mycoses
AB60. Rhinosporidiosis
AB61. Sporotrichosis
AB610 Cutaneous sporotrichosis
AB611 Disseminated sporotrichosis
AB612 Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis
AB613 Pulmonary sporotrichosis
AB614 Sporotrichosis of the bones
AB61z Sporotrichosis NOS
AB62. Chromoblastomycosis
AB620 Cutaneous chromomycosis
AB621 Phaeomycotic brain abscess
AB622 Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess and cyst
AB62X Chromomycosis, unspecified
AB63. Aspergillosis
AB630 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
AB631 Tonsillar aspergillosis
AB632 Disseminated aspergillosis
AB634 Pulmonary aspergillus disease
AB63X Aspergillosis, unspecified
AB64. Mycotic mycetomas
AB640 Actinomycetoma
AB65. Cryptococcosis
AB650 Pulmonary cryptococcosis
AB651 Systemic cryptococcosis
AB652 Cryptococcal meningitis
AB653 Cryptococcosis liver
AB654 Cerebral cryptococcosis
AB655 Cutaneous cryptococcosis
AB656 Osseous cryptococcosis
AB65z Cryptococcosis NOS
AB66. Allescheriosis
AB67. Zygomycosis
AB670 Pulmonary mucormycosis
AB671 Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
AB672 Gastrointestinal mucormycosis
AB673 Cutaneous mucormycosis
AB674 Disseminated mucormycosis
AB67X Mucormycosis, unspecified
AB68. Phaeohyphomycosis
AB69. Geotrichosis
AB6A. Penicillosis
AB6z. Other mycosis NOS
AB7.. Opportunistic mycoses
ABy.. Other specified mycoses
ABz.. Mycoses NOS
AC... Helminthiases
AC0.. Schistosomiasis - bilharziasis
AC00. Schistosoma haematobium
AC01. Schistosoma mansoni
AC02. Schistosoma japonicum
AC03. Cutaneous schistosomiasis
AC0y. Other specified schistosomiasis
AC0y0 Schistosoma bovis
AC0y1 Schistosoma intercalatum
AC0y2 Schistosoma mattheii
AC0y3 Schistosoma spindale
AC0yz Other specified schistosoma NOS
AC0z. Schistosomiasis NOS
AC1.. Other trematode infections
AC10. Opisthorchiasis
AC11. Clonorchiasis
AC12. Paragonimiasis
AC13. Fascioliasis
AC14. Fasciolopsiasis
AC15. Metagonimiasis
AC16. Heterophyiasis
AC1y. Other specified trematode infection
AC1y0 Dicrocoelium dendriticum
AC1y1 Echinostomum ilocanum
AC1y2 Gastrodiscoides hominis
AC1yz Other specified trematode infection NOS
AC1z. Trematode infection NOS
AC2.. Echinococcosis
AC20. Liver echinococcus granulosus
AC21. Lung echinococcus granulosus
AC22. Thyroid echinococcus granulosus
AC23. Other echinococcus granulosus
AC230 Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone
AC24. Unspecified echinococcus granulosus
AC25. Liver echinococcus multilocularis
AC26. Other echinococcus multilocularis
AC27. Unspecified echinococcus multilocularis
AC2y. Liver echinococcus unspecified
AC2z. Echinococcus NOS
AC2z0 Echinococcosis kidney
AC2z1 Echinococcosis pancreas
AC3.. Other cestode infection
AC30. Taenia solium infection, intestinal form
AC31. Cysticercosis
AC310 Cysticercosis of central nervous system
AC311 Cysticercosis of eye
AC32. Taenia saginata infection
AC33. Unspecified taeniasis
AC34. Diphyllobothrium infection
AC35. Sparganosis - larval diphyllobothriasis
AC36. Hymenolepiasis
AC37. Dipylidiasis
AC3y. Other specified cestode infection
AC3z. Cestode infection NOS
AC4.. Trichinosis
AC5.. Filarial infection and dracontiasis
AC50. Bancroftian filariasis
AC51. Malayan filariasis
AC52. Loiasis
AC53. Onchocerciasis
AC54. Dipetalonemiasis
AC55. Mansonella ozzardi infection
AC56. Other specified filariasis
AC560 Filariasis due to Brugia timori
AC57. Dracontiasis - guinea worm
AC5z. Filariasis NOS
AC6.. Ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis
AC60. Ancylostoma duodenale
AC61. Necator americanus
AC62. Ancylostoma braziliense
AC63. Ancylostoma ceylanicum
AC6y. Other specified Ancylostoma
AC6z. Ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis NOS
AC7.. Other intestinal helminthiases
AC70. Ascariasis - roundworms
AC700 Ascariasis with intestinal complications
AC70X Ascariasis, unspecified
AC71. Anisakiasis
AC72. Strongyloidiasis
AC720 Intestinal strongyloidiasis
AC721 Cutaneous strongyloidiasis
AC722 Disseminated strongyloidiasis
AC72X Strongyloidiasis, unspecified
AC73. Trichuriasis - whipworm
AC74. Enterobiasis - threadworm
AC75. Capillariasis
AC76. Trichostrongyliasis
AC7x. Other specified intestinal helminthiases
AC7x0 Syngamiasis
AC7y. Mixed intestinal helminthiasis
AC7z. Intestinal helminthiases NOS
AC8.. Other and unspecified helminthiases
AC80. Toxocariasis
AC81. Gnathostomiasis
AC8y. Other specified helminthiases
AC8y0 Angiostrongylus cantonensis
AC8y1 Capillaria hepatica
AC8y2 Intestinal angiostrongyliasis
AC8yz Other specified helminthiasis NOS
AC8z. Helminthiasis NOS
ACz.. Intestinal parasitism NOS
AD... Other infectious and parasitic diseases
AD0.. Toxoplasmosis
AD00. Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis
AD01. Toxoplasma conjunctivitis
AD02. Toxoplasma chorioretinitis
AD03. Toxoplasma myocarditis
AD04. Toxoplasma pneumonitis
AD05. Toxoplasma hepatitis
AD0x. Other specified site toxoplasma
AD0y. Toxoplasmosis of multiple sites
AD0z. Toxoplasmosis NOS
AD1.. Trichomoniasis - trichomonas
AD10. Urogenital trichomonas
AD100 Unspecified urogenital trichomonas
AD101 Trichomonal vulvovaginitis
AD102 Trichomonal urethritis
AD103 Trichomonal prostatitis
AD10z Urogenital trichomonas NOS
AD1y. Other specified site trichomonas
AD1z. Trichomonas NOS
AD2.. Pediculosis and phthirus infections
AD20. Pediculus capitis - head lice
AD21. Pediculus corporis - body lice
AD22. Phthirus pubis - pubic lice
AD23. Mixed pediculus infestation
AD2X. Pediculosis, unspecified
AD2z. Pediculosis and phthirus infection NOS
AD3.. Acariasis
AD30. Scabies
AD3y. Other acariasis
AD3z. Acariasis NOS
AD4.. Other infestation
AD40. Myiasis - fly larvae infestation
AD400 Cutaneous myiasis
AD401 Wound myiasis
AD402 Ocular myiasis
AD403 Nasopharyngeal myiasis
AD404 Aural myiasis
AD40X Myiasis, unspecified
AD41. Other arthropod infestation
AD410 Tungiasis (sandflea) infestation
AD42. Hirudiniasis - leech infestatation
AD420 Internal hirudiniasis
AD4y. Other specified infestation
AD4z. Infestation NOS
AD5.. Sarcoidosis
AD50. Sarcoidosis of lung
AD51. Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
AD52. Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
AD53. Sarcoidosis of skin
AD6.. Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases
AD60. Ainhum - dactylolysis spontanea
AD61. Behcets syndrome
AD62. Specific infections by free-living amoebae
AD63. Pneumocystosis
AD64. Psorospermiasis
AD65. Sarcosporidiosis
AD66. Babesiosis
AD67. Acanthamoebiasis
AD670 Acanthamoeba keratitis
AD6y. Other specified infectious and parasitic disease
AD6z. Unspecified other infectious and parasitic diseases
AD6zW Unspecified parasitic disease
AD6zX Unspecified protozoal disease
ADy.. Other specified infectious or parasitic diseases
ADz.. Other infectious or parasitic disease NOS
AE... Late effects of infectious and parasitic diseases
AE0.. Late effects of tuberculosis
AE00. Late effects of respiratory tuberculosis
AE01. Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis
AE02. Late effects of genitourinary system tuberculosis
AE03. Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints
AE04. Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs
AE0z. Late effects of tuberculosis NOS
AE1.. Late effects of acute poliomyelitis
AE2.. Late effects of other infectious and parasitic diseases
AE20. Late effects of viral encephalitis
AE21. Late effects of trachoma
AE22. Sequelae of leprosy
AE23. Sequelae of viral hepatitis
AE2z. Late effect of other infectious and parasitic disease NOS
AEy.. Late effects of infectious or parasitic diseases OS
AEz.. Late effects of infectious or parasitic disease NOS
Ay... Other specified infectious or parasitic diseases
Ayu.. [X]Additional infectious disease classification terms
Ayu0. [X]Intestinal infectious diseases
Ayu00 [X]Cholera, unspecified
Ayu01 [X]Paratyphoid fever, unspecified
Ayu02 [X]Other specified salmonella infections
Ayu03 [X]Salmonella infection, unspecified
Ayu04 [X]Other shigellosis
Ayu05 [X]Shigellosis, unspecified
Ayu06 [X]Other specified bacterial intestinal infections
Ayu07 [X]Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified
Ayu08 [X]Other specified bacterial food-borne intoxications
Ayu09 [X]Bacterial food-borne intoxication, unspecified
Ayu0A [X]Amoebic infection of other sites
Ayu0B [X]Amoebiasis, unspecified
Ayu0C [X]Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases
Ayu0D [X]Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified
Ayu0E [X]Other viral enteritis
Ayu0F [X]Viral intestinal infection, unspecified
Ayu0G [X]Other specified intestinal infections
Ayu0H [X]Diarrhoea+gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin
Ayu1. [X]Tuberculosis
Ayu10 [X]Other resp tubercul,confirmd bacteriologicly+histologicly
Ayu11 [X]Resp tuberculos unspcfd,confirmd bacteriolog+histologicly
Ayu12 [X]Oth resp tubercul, wout m/bacteriol or histol confirmatn
Ayu13 [X]Resp TB unspcf,wout mention/bacterial or histol confrmtn
Ayu14 [X]Other tuberculosis of nervous system
Ayu15 [X]Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified
Ayu16 [X]Tuberculosis of other specified organs
Ayu17 [X]Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified
Ayu18 [X]Other miliary tuberculosis
Ayu19 [X]Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified
Ayu2. [X]Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases
Ayu20 [X]Other forms of plague
Ayu21 [X]Plague, unspecified
Ayu22 [X]Other forms of tularaemia
Ayu23 [X]Tularaemia, unspecified
Ayu24 [X]Other forms of anthrax
Ayu25 [X]Anthrax, unspecified
Ayu26 [X]Other brucellosis
Ayu27 [X]Brucellosis, unspecified
Ayu28 [X]Other melioidosis
Ayu29 [X]Melioidosis, unspecified
Ayu2A [X]Rat-bite fever, unspecified
Ayu2B [X]Other forms of erysipeloid
Ayu2C [X]Erysipeloid, unspecified
Ayu2D [X]Other forms of leptospirosis
Ayu2E [X]Leptospirosis, unspecified
Ayu2F [X]Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, NEC
Ayu2G [X]Zoonotic bacterial disease, unspecified
Ayu3. [X]Other bacterial diseases
Ayu30 [X]Other forms of leprosy
Ayu31 [X]Leprosy, unspecified
Ayu32 [X]Other Mycobacterium infections
Ayu33 [X]Mycobacterium infection, unspecified
Ayu34 [X]Other forms of listeriosis
Ayu35 [X]Listeriosis, unspecified
Ayu36 [X]Other tetanus
Ayu37 [X]Other diphtheria
Ayu38 [X]Diphtheria, unspecified
Ayu39 [X]Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species
Ayu3A [X]Whooping cough, unspecified
Ayu3B [X]Meningococcaemia, unspecified
Ayu3C [X]Other meningococcal infections
Ayu3D [X]Meningococcal infection, unspecified
Ayu3E [X]Other streptococcal septicaemia
Ayu3F [X]Streptococcal septicaemia, unspecified
Ayu3G [X]Septicaemia due to other gram-negative organisms
Ayu3H [X]Other specified septicaemia
Ayu3J [X]Septicaemia, unspecified
Ayu3K [X]Other forms of actinomycosis
Ayu3L [X]Actinomycosis, unspecified
Ayu3M [X]Other forms of nocardiosis
Ayu3N [X]Nocardiosis, unspecified
Ayu3P [X]Other forms of bartonellosis
Ayu3Q [X]Bartonellosis, unspecified
Ayu3R [X]Other specified bacterial diseases
Ayu3S [X]Staphylococcal infection, unspecified
Ayu3T [X]Streptococcal infection, unspecified
Ayu3U [X]Haemophilus influenzae infection, unspecified
Ayu3V [X]Mycoplasma infection, unspecified
Ayu3W [X]Other bacterial infections of unspecified site
Ayu3X [X]Bacterial infection, unspecified
Ayu4. [X]Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmiss
Ayu40 [X]Early congenital syphilis, unspecified
Ayu41 [X]Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic
Ayu42 [X]Late congenital syphilis, unspecified
Ayu43 [X]Congenital syphilis, unspecified
Ayu44 [X]Primary syphilis of other sites
Ayu45 [X]Other secondary syphilis
Ayu46 [X]Early syphilis, unspecified
Ayu47 [X]Neurosyphilis, unspecified
Ayu48 [X]Other symptomatic late syphilis
Ayu49 [X]Late syphilis, unspecified
Ayu4A [X]Syphilis, unspecified
Ayu4B [X]Other gonococcal infections
Ayu4C [X]Gonococcal infection, unspecified
Ayu4D [X]Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sites
Ayu4E [X]Trichomoniasis of other sites
Ayu4F [X]Trichomoniasis, unspecified
Ayu4G [X]Anogenital herpes viral infection, unspecified
Ayu4H [X]Other specifd predominantly sexually transmitted diseases
Ayu4J [X]Unspecified sexually transmitted disease
Ayu4K [X]Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified
Ayu5. [X]Other spirochaetal diseases
Ayu50 [X]Other early skin lesions of yaws
Ayu51 [X]Other manifestations of yaws
Ayu52 [X]Yaws, unspecified
Ayu53 [X]Pinta, unspecified
Ayu54 [X]Relapsing fever, unspecified
Ayu55 [X]Other Vincents infections
Ayu56 [X]Other specified spirochaetal infections
Ayu57 [X]Spirochaetal infection, unspecified
Ayu6. [X]Other diseases caused by chlamydiae
Ayu60 [X]Trachoma, unspecified
Ayu61 [X]Other chlamydial diseases
Ayu62 [X]Chlamydial infection, unspecified
Ayu7. [X]Rickettsioses
Ayu70 [X]Typhus fever, unspecified
Ayu71 [X]Other spotted fevers
Ayu72 [X]Spotted fever, unspecified
Ayu73 [X]Other specified rickettsioses
Ayu74 [X]Rickettsiosis, unspecified
Ayu8. [X]Viral infections of the central nervous system
Ayu80 [X]Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, other and unspecified
Ayu81 [X]Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified
Ayu82 [X]Other slow virus infections of central nervous system
Ayu83 [X]Slow virus infection/central nervous system, unspecified
Ayu84 [X]Rabies, unspecified
Ayu85 [X]Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis
Ayu86 [X]Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
Ayu87 [X]Other tick-borne viral encephalitis
Ayu88 [X]Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
Ayu89 [X]Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
Ayu8A [X]Other specified viral encephalitis
Ayu8B [X]Unspecified viral encephalitis
Ayu8C [X]Other viral meningitis
Ayu8D [X]Viral meningitis, unspecified
Ayu8E [X]Other specified viral infections/central nervous system
Ayu8F [X]Unspecified viral infection/central nervous system
Ayu9. [X]Arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral haemorrhagic feve
Ayu90 [X]Other specified mosquito-borne viral fevers
Ayu91 [X]Mosquito-borne viral fever, unspecified
Ayu92 [X]Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers
Ayu93 [X]Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever
Ayu94 [X]Yellow fever, unspecified
Ayu95 [X]Other arenaviral haemorrhagic fevers
Ayu96 [X]Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever, unspecified
Ayu97 [X]Other specified viral haemorrhagic fevers
Ayu98 [X]Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever
AyuA. [X]Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membra
AyuA0 [X]Other forms of herpesviral infections
AyuA1 [X]Herpesviral infection, unspecified
AyuA2 [X]Varicella with other complications
AyuA3 [X]Varicella without complications
AyuA4 [X]Zoster with other complications
AyuA5 [X]Zoster without complications
AyuA6 [X]Measles with other complications
AyuA7 [X]Measles without complication
AyuA8 [X]Rubella with neurological complications
AyuA9 [X]Rubella with other complications
AyuAA [X]Rubella without complication
AyuAB [X]Other viral infectn charactd/skin+mucocutaneous lesn,NEC
AyuAC [X]Other orthopoxvirus infections
AyuAD [X]Oth specfd viral infectn charact/skin+mucocutaneous lesns
AyuAE [X]Unspecifd viral infectn charact/skin+mucocutaneous lesion
AyuB. [X]Viral hepatitis
AyuB0 [X]Other specified acute viral hepatitis
AyuB1 [X]Other chronic viral hepatitis
AyuB2 [X]Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified
AyuB3 [X]Unspecified viral hepatitis with coma
AyuB4 [X]Unspecified viral hepatitis without coma
AyuC. [X]Human immunodeficiency virus disease
AyuC0 [X]HIV disease resulting in other bacterial infections
AyuC1 [X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections
AyuC2 [X]HIV disease resulting in other mycoses
AyuC3 [X]HIV disease resulting in multiple infections
AyuC4 [X]HIV disease resulting/other infectious+parasitic diseases
AyuC5 [X]HIV disease resulting/unspcf infectious+parasitic disease
AyuC6 [X]HIV disease resulting in other non-Hodgkins lymphoma
AyuC7 [X]HIV dis reslt/oth mal neopl/lymph,hmatopoetc+reltd tissu
AyuC8 [X]HIV disease resulting in other malignant neoplasms
AyuC9 [X]HIV disease resulting in unspecified malignant neoplasm
AyuCA [X]HIV disease resulting in multiple diseases CE
AyuCB [X]HIV disease result/haematological+immunologic abnorms,NEC
AyuCC [X]HIV disease resulting in other specified conditions
AyuCD [X]Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
AyuD. [X]Other viral diseases
AyuD0 [X]Other cytomegaloviral diseases
AyuD1 [X]Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified
AyuD2 [X]Mumps with other complications
AyuD3 [X]Mumps without complication
AyuD4 [X]Other infectious mononucleosis
AyuD5 [X]Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified
AyuD6 [X]Other viral conjunctivitis
AyuD7 [X]Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified
AyuD8 [X]Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified
AyuD9 [X]Other specified viral diseases
AyuDA [X]Adenovirus infection, unspecified
AyuDB [X]Enterovirus infection, unspecified
AyuDC [X]Coronavirus infection, unspecified
AyuDD [X]Parvovirus infection, unspecified
AyuDE [X]Papovavirus infection, unspecified
AyuDF [X]Other viral infections of unspecified site
AyuDG [X]Viral infection, unspecified
AyuE. [X]Mycoses
AyuE0 [X]Other dermatophytoses
AyuE1 [X]Dermatophytosis, unspecified
AyuE2 [X]Other specified superficial mycoses
AyuE3 [X]Superficial mycosis, unspecified
AyuE4 [X]Candidiasis of other sites
AyuE5 [X]Candidiasis, unspecified
AyuE6 [X]Other forms of coccidioidomycosis
AyuE7 [X]Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified
AyuE8 [X]Histoplasmosis, unspecified
AyuE9 [X]Other forms of blastomycosis
AyuEA [X]Blastomycosis, unspecified
AyuEB [X]Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis
AyuEC [X]Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified
AyuED [X]Other forms of sporotrichosis
AyuEF [X]Sporotrichosis, unspecified
AyuEG [X]Other forms of chromomycosis
AyuEJ [X]Chromomycosis, unspecified
AyuEK [X]Other forms of aspergillosis
AyuEL [X]Aspergillosis, unspecified
AyuEM [X]Other forms of cryptococcosis
AyuEN [X]Cryptococcosis, unspecified
AyuEP [X]Other zygomycoses
AyuEQ [X]Zygomycosis, unspecified
AyuER [X]Mycetoma, unspecified
AyuES [X]Unspecified mycosis
AyuET [X]Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified
AyuEU [X]Other pulmonary aspergillosis
AyuEV [X]Mucormycosis, unspecified
AyuF. [X]Protozoal diseases
AyuF0 [X]Other severe+complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria
AyuF1 [X]Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified
AyuF2 [X]Plasmodium vivax malaria with other complications
AyuF3 [X]Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication
AyuF4 [X]Plasmodium malariae malaria with other complications
AyuF5 [X]Plasmodium malariae malaria without complication
AyuF6 [X]Other parasitologically confirmed malaria,NEC
AyuF7 [X]Unspecified malaria
AyuF8 [X]Leishmaniasis, unspecified
AyuF9 [X]African trypanosomiasis, unspecified
AyuFA [X]Chagas disease (chronic) with other organ involvement
AyuFB [X]Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement
AyuFC [X]Toxoplasmosis, unspecified
AyuFD [X]Other specified protozoal diseases
AyuFE [X]Unspecified protozoal disease
AyuG. [X]Helminthiasis
AyuG0 [X]Other schistosomiasis
AyuG1 [X]Schistosomiasis, unspecified
AyuG2 [X]Other specified fluke infections
AyuG3 [X]Fluke infection, unspecified
AyuG4 [X]Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver
AyuG5 [X]Echinococcosis, other and unspecified
AyuG6 [X]Taeniasis, unspecified
AyuG7 [X]Cysticercosis of other sites
AyuG8 [X]Cysticercosis, unspecified
AyuG9 [X]Other specified cestode infections
AyuGA [X]Cestode infection, unspecified
AyuGB [X]Other filariases
AyuGC [X]Filariasis, unspecified
AyuGD [X]Other hookworm diseases
AyuGE [X]Hookworm disease, unspecified
AyuGF [X]Ascariasis with other complications
AyuGG [X]Ascariasis, unspecified
AyuGH [X]Strongyloidiasis, unspecified
AyuGJ [X]Other specified intestinal helminthiases
AyuGK [X]Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified
AyuGL [X]Intestinal parasitism, unspecified
AyuGM [X]Other specified helminthiases
AyuGN [X]Helminthiasis, unspecified
AyuH. [X]Pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations
AyuH0 [X]Pediculosis, unspecified
AyuH1 [X]Myiasis, other sites
AyuH2 [X]Myiasis, unspecified
AyuH3 [X]Other acariasis
AyuH4 [X]Other arthropod infestations
AyuH5 [X]Other specified infestations
AyuH6 [X]Infestation, unspecified
AyuH7 [X]Unspecified parasitic disease
AyuJ. [X]Sequelae of infectious and parasitic diseases
AyuJ0 [X]Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis
AyuJ1 [X]Sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis
AyuJ2 [X]Sequelae of tuberculosis of bones and joints
AyuJ3 [X]Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs
AyuJ4 [X]Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis
AyuJ5 [X]Sequelae of poliomyelitis
AyuJ6 [X]Sequelae of leprosy
AyuJ7 [X]Sequelae of trachoma
AyuJ8 [X]Sequelae of viral encephalitis
AyuJ9 [X]Sequelae of viral hepatitis
AyuJA [X]Sequelae/other specified infectious+parasitic diseases
AyuJB [X]Sequelae of unspecified infectious and parasitic disease
AyuK. [X]Bacterial, viral and other infectious agents
AyuK0 [X]Streptococc,gp A/cause/disease classified/to oth chapters
AyuK1 [X]Streptococc,group B/cause/disease classified/oth chapters
AyuK2 [X]Streptococc,group D/cause/disease classified/oth chapters
AyuK3 [X]Streptococ pneumon/cause/disease classified/oth chapters
AyuK4 [X]Oth streptococcus/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuK5 [X]Unspecf streptococ/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuK6 [X]Staphylococ aureus/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuK7 [X]Oth staphylococcus/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuK8 [X]Unspcfd staphlococ/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuK9 [X]Mycoplasma pneumoniae [PPLO]cause/dis classifd/oth chaptr
AyuKA [X]Klebsiella pneumoniae/cause/disease classifd/oth chapters
AyuKB [X]E coli as cause of diseases classified to other chapters
AyuKC [X]H influenzae as cause/diseases classified/other chapters
AyuKD [X]Proteus(mirabilis)(morganii)cause/dis classfd/oth chapter
AyuKE [X]Pseudomonas as cause/diseases classifd to other chapters
AyuKF [X]Bacillus fragilis/cause/diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuKG [X]Clostridium perfring/cause/diseases classfd/oth chapters
AyuKH [X]Oth specifd bacteria agnts/cause/dis classf/oth chapters
AyuKJ [X]Adenovirus/cause of diseases classified to other chapters
AyuKK [X]Enterovirus/cause of diseases classified/other chapters
AyuKL [X]Coronavirus/cause/diseases classified to other chapters
AyuKM [X]Retrovirus/cause of diseases classified to other chapters
AyuKN [X]Resp syncytial virus/cause/diseases classfd/oth chapters
AyuKP [X]Reovirus/cause of diseases classified to other chapters
AyuKQ [X]Parvovirus/cause of diseases classified to other chapters
AyuKR [X]Papillomavirus/cause of diseases classified/oth chapters
AyuKS [X]Oth viral agents/cause of diseases classifd/oth chapters
AyuL. [X]Other infectious diseases
AyuL0 [X]Other and unspecified infectious diseases
Az... Infectious and parasitic diseases NOS
B.... Neoplasms
B0... Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
B00.. Malignant neoplasm of lip
B000. Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border
B0000 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, external
B0001 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, lipstick area
B000z Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border NOS
B001. Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border
B0010 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, external
B0011 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, lipstick area
B001z Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border NOS
B002. Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect
B0020 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, buccal aspect
B0021 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, frenulum
B0022 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, mucosa
B0023 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, oral aspect
B002z Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect NOS
B003. Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect
B0030 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, buccal aspect
B0031 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, frenulum
B0032 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, mucosa
B0033 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, oral aspect
B003z Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect NOS
B004. Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, inner aspect
B0040 Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, buccal aspect
B0041 Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, frenulum
B0042 Malignant neoplasm of lip unspecified, mucosa
B0043 Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral aspect
B004z Malignant neoplasm of lip, inner aspect NOS
B005. Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip
B006. Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip
B00y. Malignant neoplasm of other sites of lip
B00z. Malignant neoplasm of vermilion border of lip unspecified
B00z0 Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, external
B00z1 Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, lipstick area
B00zz Malignant neoplasm of lip, vermilion border NOS
B01.. Malignant neoplasm of tongue
B010. Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue
B0100 Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface
B010z Malignant neoplasm of fixed part of tongue NOS
B011. Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue
B0110 Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue dorsal surface
B0111 Malignant neoplasm of midline of tongue
B011z Malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue NOS
B012. Malignant neoplasm of tongue, tip and lateral border
B013. Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue
B0130 Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue ventral surface
B0131 Malignant neoplasm of frenulum linguae
B013z Malignant neoplasm of ventral tongue surface NOS
B014. Malignant neoplasm of anterior 2/3 of tongue unspecified
B015. Malignant neoplasm of tongue, junctional zone
B016. Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil
B017. Malignant overlapping lesion of tongue
B01y. Malignant neoplasm of other sites of tongue
B01z. Malignant neoplasm of tongue NOS
B02.. Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands
B020. Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland
B021. Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland
B022. Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
B023. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of major saliv gland
B02y. Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands
B02z. Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS
B03.. Malignant neoplasm of gum
B030. Malignant neoplasm of upper gum
B031. Malignant neoplasm of lower gum
B03y. Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum
B03z. Malignant neoplasm of gum NOS
B04.. Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth
B040. Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth
B041. Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth
B042. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of floor of mouth
B04y. Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth
B04z. Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth NOS
B05.. Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth
B050. Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa
B051. Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth
B0510 Malignant neoplasm of upper buccal sulcus
B0511 Malignant neoplasm of lower buccal sulcus
B0512 Malignant neoplasm of upper labial sulcus
B0513 Malignant neoplasm of lower labial sulcus
B051z Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth NOS
B052. Malignant neoplasm of hard palate
B053. Malignant neoplasm of soft palate
B054. Malignant neoplasm of uvula
B055. Malignant neoplasm of palate unspecified
B0550 Malignant neoplasm of junction of hard and soft palate
B0551 Malignant neoplasm of roof of mouth
B055z Malignant neoplasm of palate NOS
B056. Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area
B057. Overlapping lesion of other and unspecified parts of mouth
B05y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified mouth parts
B05z. Malignant neoplasm of mouth NOS
B05z0 Kaposis sarcoma of palate
B06.. Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx
B060. Malignant neoplasm of tonsil
B0600 Malignant neoplasm of faucial tonsil
B0601 Malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil
B0602 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil
B060z Malignant neoplasm tonsil NOS
B061. Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa
B062. Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar
B0620 Malignant neoplasm of faucial pillar
B0621 Malignant neoplasm of glossopalatine fold
B0622 Malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch
B0623 Malignant neoplasm of palatopharyngeal arch
B062z Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa NOS
B063. Malignant neoplasm of vallecula
B064. Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis
B0640 Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis, free border
B0641 Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold
B064z Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis NOS
B065. Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis
B066. Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx
B067. Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx
B06y. Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, other specified sites
B06y0 Malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft
B06yz Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of oropharynx NOS
B06z. Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx NOS
B07.. Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx
B070. Malignant neoplasm of roof of nasopharynx
B071. Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx
B0710 Malignant neoplasm of adenoid
B0711 Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil
B071z Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx NOS
B072. Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx
B0720 Malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal recess
B0721 Malignant neoplasm of opening of auditory tube
B072z Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx NOS
B073. Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx
B0730 Malignant neoplasm of floor of nasopharynx
B0731 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal soft palate surface
B0732 Malignant neoplasm posterior margin nasal septum and choanae
B073z Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx NOS
B074. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of nasopharynx
B07y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of nasopharynx
B07z. Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS
B08.. Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
B080. Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region
B081. Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus
B082. Malignant neoplasm aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect
B083. Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx
B084. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of hypopharynx
B08y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified hypopharyngeal site
B08z. Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS
B0z.. Malig neop other/ill-defined sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx
B0z0. Malignant neoplasm of pharynx unspecified
B0z1. Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyers ring
B0z2. Malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx
B0zy. Malignant neoplasm of other sites lip, oral cavity, pharynx
B0zz. Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS
B1... Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs and peritoneum
B10.. Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus
B100. Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus
B101. Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus
B102. Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus
B103. Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus
B104. Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus
B105. Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus
B106. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of oesophagus
B10y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of oesophagus
B10z. Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS
B11.. Malignant neoplasm of stomach
B110. Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach
B1100 Malignant neoplasm of cardiac orifice of stomach
B1101 Malignant neoplasm of cardio-oesophageal junction of stomach
B110z Malignant neoplasm of cardia of stomach NOS
B111. Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach
B1110 Malignant neoplasm of prepylorus of stomach
B1111 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric canal of stomach
B111z Malignant neoplasm of pylorus of stomach NOS
B112. Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum of stomach
B113. Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach
B114. Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach
B115. Malignant neoplasm of lesser curve of stomach unspecified
B116. Malignant neoplasm of greater curve of stomach unspecified
B117. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of stomach
B11y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach
B11y0 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of stomach NEC
B11y1 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of stomach NEC
B11yz Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of stomach NOS
B11z. Malignant neoplasm of stomach NOS
B12.. Malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum
B120. Malignant neoplasm of duodenum
B121. Malignant neoplasm of jejunum
B122. Malignant neoplasm of ileum
B123. Malignant neoplasm of Meckels diverticulum
B124. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of small intestine
B12y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified site small intestine
B12z. Malignant neoplasm of small intestine NOS
B13.. Malignant neoplasm of colon
B130. Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon
B131. Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon
B132. Malignant neoplasm of descending colon
B133. Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon
B134. Malignant neoplasm of caecum
B135. Malignant neoplasm of appendix
B136. Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon
B137. Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon
B138. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of colon
B13y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of colon
B13z. Malignant neoplasm of colon NOS
B14.. Malignant neoplasm of rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus
B140. Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction
B141. Malignant neoplasm of rectum
B142. Malignant neoplasm of anal canal
B1420 Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone
B143. Malignant neoplasm of anus unspecified
B14y. Malig neop other site rectum, rectosigmoid junction and anus
B14z. Malignant neoplasm rectum,rectosigmoid junction and anus NOS
B15.. Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts
B150. Primary malignant neoplasm of liver
B1500 Primary carcinoma of liver
B1501 Hepatoblastoma of liver
B1502 Primary angiosarcoma of liver
B1503 Hepatocellular carcinoma
B150z Primary malignant neoplasm of liver NOS
B151. Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts
B1510 Malignant neoplasm of interlobular bile ducts
B1511 Malignant neoplasm of interlobular biliary canals
B1512 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic biliary passages
B1513 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic canaliculi
B1514 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic gall duct
B151z Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts NOS
B152. Malignant neoplasm of liver unspecified
B153. Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver
B15z. Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts NOS
B16.. Malignant neoplasm gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts
B160. Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder
B161. Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts
B1610 Malignant neoplasm of cystic duct
B1611 Malignant neoplasm of hepatic duct
B1612 Malignant neoplasm of common bile duct
B1613 Malignant neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi
B161z Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts NOS
B162. Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater
B163. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of biliary tract
B16y. Malignant neoplasm other gallbladder/extrahepatic bile duct
B16z. Malignant neoplasm gallbladder/extrahepatic bile ducts NOS
B17.. Malignant neoplasm of pancreas
B170. Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas
B171. Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas
B172. Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas
B173. Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct
B174. Malignant neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans
B175. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of pancreas
B17y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of pancreas
B17y0 Malignant neoplasm of ectopic pancreatic tissue
B17yz Malignant neoplasm of specified site of pancreas NOS
B17z. Malignant neoplasm of pancreas NOS
B18.. Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
B180. Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum
B1800 Malignant neoplasm of periadrenal tissue
B1801 Malignant neoplasm of perinephric tissue
B1802 Malignant neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue
B180z Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum NOS
B181. Mesothelioma of peritoneum
B182. Overlapping malign lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
B18y. Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum
B18y0 Malignant neoplasm of mesocolon
B18y1 Malignant neoplasm of mesocaecum
B18y2 Malignant neoplasm of mesorectum
B18y3 Malignant neoplasm of omentum
B18y4 Malignant neoplasm of parietal peritoneum
B18y5 Malignant neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum
B18y6 Malignant neoplasm of the pouch of Douglas
B18yz Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum NOS
B18z. Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum NOS
B1z.. Malig neop oth/ill-defined sites digestive tract/peritoneum
B1z0. Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified
B1z1. Malignant neoplasm of spleen NEC
B1z10 Angiosarcoma of spleen
B1z11 Fibrosarcoma of spleen
B1z1z Malignant neoplasm of spleen NOS
B1z2. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of digestive system
B1zy. Malignant neoplasm other spec digestive tract and peritoneum
B1zz. Malignant neoplasm of digestive tract and peritoneum NOS
B2... Malig neop of respiratory tract and intrathoracic organs
B20.. Malig neop nasal cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses
B200. Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities
B2000 Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of nose
B2001 Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae
B2002 Malignant neoplasm of septum of nose
B2003 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose
B200z Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities NOS
B201. Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear and mastoid air cells
B2010 Malignant neoplasm of auditory (Eustachian) tube
B2011 Malignant neoplasm of tympanic cavity
B2012 Malignant neoplasm of tympanic antrum
B2013 Malignant neoplasm of mastoid air cells
B201z Malig neop auditory tube, middle ear, mastoid air cells NOS
B202. Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus
B203. Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus
B204. Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus
B205. Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus
B206. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses
B20y. Malig neop other site nasal cavity, middle ear and sinuses
B20z. Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus NOS
B21.. Malignant neoplasm of larynx
B210. Malignant neoplasm of glottis
B211. Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis
B212. Malignant neoplasm of subglottis
B213. Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage
B2130 Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage
B2131 Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage
B2132 Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage
B2133 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage
B213z Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage NOS
B214. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of larynx
B215. Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis NOS
B21y. Malignant neoplasm of larynx, other specified site
B21z. Malignant neoplasm of larynx NOS
B22.. Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung
B220. Malignant neoplasm of trachea
B2200 Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of trachea
B2201 Malignant neoplasm of mucosa of trachea
B220z Malignant neoplasm of trachea NOS
B221. Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus
B2210 Malignant neoplasm of carina of bronchus
B2211 Malignant neoplasm of hilus of lung
B221z Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus NOS
B222. Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung
B2220 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus
B2221 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe of lung
B222z Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung NOS
B223. Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung
B2230 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus
B2231 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe of lung
B223z Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung NOS
B224. Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung
B2240 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus
B2241 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of lung
B224z Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung NOS
B225. Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus & lung
B226. Mesothelioma
B22y. Malignant neoplasm of other sites of bronchus or lung
B22z. Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS
B23.. Malignant neoplasm of pleura
B230. Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura
B231. Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura
B232. Mesothelioma of pleura
B23y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified pleura
B23z. Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS
B24.. Malignant neoplasm of thymus, heart and mediastinum
B240. Malignant neoplasm of thymus
B241. Malignant neoplasm of heart
B2410 Malignant neoplasm of endocardium
B2411 Malignant neoplasm of epicardium
B2412 Malignant neoplasm of myocardium
B2413 Malignant neoplasm of pericardium
B2414 Mesothelioma of pericardium
B241z Malignant neoplasm of heart NOS
B242. Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum
B243. Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum
B24X. Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified
B24y. Malig neop of other site of heart, thymus and mediastinum
B24z. Malignant neoplasm of heart, thymus and mediastinum NOS
B25.. Malig neo, overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum & pleura
B26.. Malignant neoplasm, overlap lesion of resp & intrathor orgs
B2z.. Malig neop other/ill-defined sites resp/intrathoracic organs
B2z0. Malig neop of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified
B2zy. Malignant neoplasm of other site of respiratory tract
B2zz. Malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract NOS
B3... Malig neop of bone, connective tissue, skin and breast
B30.. Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage
B300. Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face
B3000 Malignant neoplasm of ethmoid bone
B3001 Malignant neoplasm of frontal bone
B3002 Malignant neoplasm of malar bone
B3003 Malignant neoplasm of nasal bone
B3004 Malignant neoplasm of occipital bone
B3005 Malignant neoplasm of orbital bone
B3006 Malignant neoplasm of parietal bone
B3007 Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid bone
B3008 Malignant neoplasm of temporal bone
B3009 Malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone
B300A Malignant neoplasm of maxilla
B300B Malignant neoplasm of turbinate
B300C Malignant neoplasm of vomer
B300z Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face NOS
B301. Malignant neoplasm of mandible
B302. Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column
B3020 Malignant neoplasm of cervical vertebra
B3021 Malignant neoplasm of thoracic vertebra
B3022 Malignant neoplasm of lumbar vertebra
B302z Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column NOS
B303. Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicle
B3030 Malignant neoplasm of rib
B3031 Malignant neoplasm of sternum
B3032 Malignant neoplasm of clavicle
B3033 Malignant neoplasm of costal cartilage
B3034 Malignant neoplasm of costo-vertebral joint
B3035 Malignant neoplasm of xiphoid process
B303z Malignant neoplasm of rib, sternum and clavicle NOS
B304. Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper arm
B3040 Malignant neoplasm of scapula
B3041 Malignant neoplasm of acromion
B3042 Malignant neoplasm of humerus
B3043 Malignant neoplasm of radius
B3044 Malignant neoplasm of ulna
B304z Malig neop of scapula and long bones of upper arm NOS
B305. Malignant neoplasm of hand bones
B3050 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - scaphoid
B3051 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - lunate
B3052 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - triquetrum
B3053 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - pisiform
B3054 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - trapezium
B3055 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - trapezoid
B3056 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - capitate
B3057 Malignant neoplasm of carpal bone - hamate
B3058 Malignant neoplasm of first metacarpal bone
B3059 Malignant neoplasm of second metacarpal bone
B305A Malignant neoplasm of third metacarpal bone
B305B Malignant neoplasm of fourth metacarpal bone
B305C Malignant neoplasm of fifth metacarpal bone
B305D Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of hand
B305z Malignant neoplasm of hand bones NOS
B306. Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx
B3060 Malignant neoplasm of ilium
B3061 Malignant neoplasm of ischium
B3062 Malignant neoplasm of pubis
B3063 Malignant neoplasm of sacral vertebra
B3064 Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal vertebra
B306z Malignant neoplasm of pelvis, sacrum or coccyx NOS
B307. Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg
B3070 Malignant neoplasm of femur
B3071 Malignant neoplasm of fibula
B3072 Malignant neoplasm of tibia
B307z Malignant neoplasm of long bones of leg NOS
B308. Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg
B3080 Malignant neoplasm of patella
B3081 Malignant neoplasm of talus
B3082 Malignant neoplasm of calcaneum
B3083 Malignant neoplasm of medial cuneiform
B3084 Malignant neoplasm of intermediate cuneiform
B3085 Malignant neoplasm of lateral cuneiform
B3086 Malignant neoplasm of cuboid
B3087 Malignant neoplasm of navicular
B3088 Malignant neoplasm of first metatarsal bone
B3089 Malignant neoplasm of second metatarsal bone
B308A Malignant neoplasm of third metatarsal bone
B308B Malignant neoplasm of fourth metatarsal bone
B308C Malignant neoplasm of fifth metatarsal bone
B308D Malignant neoplasm of phalanges of foot
B308z Malignant neoplasm of short bones of leg NOS
B309. Malignant neoplasm, overlap les bone and artic cart of limbs
B30W. Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage
B30X. Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd
B30z. Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage NOS
B31.. Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue
B310. Malig neop of connective and soft tissue head, face and neck
B3100 Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of head
B3101 Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of face
B3102 Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue of neck
B3103 Malignant neoplasm of cartilage of ear
B3104 Malignant neoplasm of tarsus of eyelid
B3105 Malignant neoplasm soft tissues of cervical spine
B310z Malig neop connective and soft tissue head, face, neck NOS
B311. Malig neop connective and soft tissue upper limb/shoulder
B3110 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of shoulder
B3111 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, upper arm
B3112 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of fore-arm
B3113 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand
B3114 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of finger
B3115 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thumb
B311z Malig neop connective soft tissue upper limb/shoulder NOS
B312. Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of hip and leg
B3120 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip
B3121 Malig neop of connective and soft tissue thigh and upper leg
B3122 Malig neop connective and soft tissue of popliteal space
B3123 Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of lower leg
B3124 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot
B3125 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of toe
B3126 Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of great toe
B312z Malig neop connective and soft tissue hip and leg NOS
B313. Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax
B3130 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of axilla
B3131 Malignant neoplasm of diaphragm
B3132 Malignant neoplasm of great vessels
B3133 Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thor spine
B313z Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of thorax NOS
B314. Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen
B3140 Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdominal wall
B3141 Malig neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of lumb spine
B314z Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NOS
B315. Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis
B3150 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock
B3151 Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of inguinal region
B3152 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of perineum
B3153 Malig neopl of connective and soft tissue - sacrum or coccyx
B315z Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS
B316. Malig neop of connective and soft tissue trunk unspecified
B317. Malignant neoplasm, overlap lesion connective & soft tissue
B31y. Malig neop connective and soft tissue other specified site
B31z. Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, site NOS
B31z0 Kaposis sarcoma of soft tissue
B32.. Malignant melanoma of skin
B320. Malignant melanoma of lip
B321. Malignant melanoma of eyelid including canthus
B322. Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal
B3220 Malignant melanoma of auricle (ear)
B3221 Malignant melanoma of external auditory meatus
B322z Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal NOS
B323. Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face
B3230 Malignant melanoma of external surface of cheek
B3231 Malignant melanoma of chin
B3232 Malignant melanoma of eyebrow
B3233 Malignant melanoma of forehead
B3234 Malignant melanoma of external surface of nose
B3235 Malignant melanoma of temple
B323z Malignant melanoma of face NOS
B324. Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck
B3240 Malignant melanoma of scalp
B3241 Malignant melanoma of neck
B324z Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck NOS
B325. Malignant melanoma of trunk (excluding scrotum)
B3250 Malignant melanoma of axilla
B3251 Malignant melanoma of breast
B3252 Malignant melanoma of buttock
B3253 Malignant melanoma of groin
B3254 Malignant melanoma of perianal skin
B3255 Malignant melanoma of perineum
B3256 Malignant melanoma of umbilicus
B325z Malignant melanoma of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS
B326. Malignant melanoma of upper limb and shoulder
B3260 Malignant melanoma of shoulder
B3261 Malignant melanoma of upper arm
B3262 Malignant melanoma of fore-arm
B3263 Malignant melanoma of hand
B3264 Malignant melanoma of finger
B3265 Malignant melanoma of thumb
B326z Malignant melanoma of upper limb or shoulder NOS
B327. Malignant melanoma of lower limb and hip
B3270 Malignant melanoma of hip
B3271 Malignant melanoma of thigh
B3272 Malignant melanoma of knee
B3273 Malignant melanoma of popliteal fossa area
B3274 Malignant melanoma of lower leg
B3275 Malignant melanoma of ankle
B3276 Malignant melanoma of heel
B3277 Malignant melanoma of foot
B3278 Malignant melanoma of toe
B3279 Malignant melanoma of great toe
B327z Malignant melanoma of lower limb or hip NOS
B32y. Malignant melanoma of other specified skin site
B32y0 Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin
B32z. Malignant melanoma of skin NOS
B33.. Other malignant neoplasm of skin
B330. Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip
B331. Malignant neoplasm of eyelid including canthus
B332. Malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal
B3320 Malignant neoplasm of skin of auricle (ear)
B3321 Malignant neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus
B332z Malig neop skin of ear and external auricular canal NOS
B333. Malignant neoplasm skin of other and unspecified parts face
B3330 Malignant neoplasm of skin of cheek, external
B3331 Malignant neoplasm of skin of chin
B3332 Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyebrow
B3333 Malignant neoplasm of skin of forehead
B3334 Malignant neoplasm of skin of nose (external)
B3335 Malignant neoplasm of skin of temple
B333z Malignant neoplasm skin other and unspec part of face NOS
B334. Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck
B3340 Malignant neoplasm of scalp
B3341 Malignant neoplasm of skin of neck
B334z Malignant neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS
B335. Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum
B3350 Malignant neoplasm of skin of axillary fold
B3351 Malignant neoplasm of skin of chest, excluding breast
B3352 Malignant neoplasm of skin of breast
B3353 Malignant neoplasm of skin of abdominal wall
B3354 Malignant neoplasm of skin of umbilicus
B3355 Malignant neoplasm of skin of groin
B3356 Malignant neoplasm of skin of perineum
B3357 Malignant neoplasm of skin of back
B3358 Malignant neoplasm of skin of buttock
B3359 Malignant neoplasm of perianal skin
B335z Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS
B336. Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder
B3360 Malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder
B3361 Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper arm
B3362 Malignant neoplasm of skin of fore-arm
B3363 Malignant neoplasm of skin of hand
B3364 Malignant neoplasm of skin of finger
B3365 Malignant neoplasm of skin of thumb
B336z Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS
B337. Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb and hip
B3370 Malignant neoplasm of skin of hip
B3371 Malignant neoplasm of skin of thigh
B3372 Malignant neoplasm of skin of knee
B3373 Malignant neoplasm of skin of popliteal fossa area
B3374 Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower leg
B3375 Malignant neoplasm of skin of ankle
B3376 Malignant neoplasm of skin of heel
B3377 Malignant neoplasm of skin of foot
B3378 Malignant neoplasm of skin of toe
B3379 Malignant neoplasm of skin of great toe
B337z Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb or hip NOS
B339. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
B33X. Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin
B33y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified skin sites
B33z. Malignant neoplasm of skin NOS
B33z0 Kaposis sarcoma of skin
B34.. Malignant neoplasm of female breast
B340. Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of female breast
B3400 Malignant neoplasm of nipple of female breast
B3401 Malignant neoplasm of areola of female breast
B340z Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of female breast NOS
B341. Malignant neoplasm of central part of female breast
B342. Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast
B343. Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast
B344. Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast
B345. Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast
B346. Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast
B347. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of breast
B34y. Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast
B34y0 Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of female breast
B34yz Malignant neoplasm of other site of female breast NOS
B34z. Malignant neoplasm of female breast NOS
B35.. Malignant neoplasm of male breast
B350. Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola of male breast
B3500 Malignant neoplasm of nipple of male breast
B3501 Malignant neoplasm of areola of male breast
B350z Malignant neoplasm of nipple or areola of male breast NOS
B35z. Malignant neoplasm of other site of male breast
B35z0 Malignant neoplasm of ectopic site of male breast
B35zz Malignant neoplasm of male breast NOS
B3y.. Malig neop of bone, connective tissue, skin and breast OS
B3z.. Malig neop of bone, connective tissue, skin and breast NOS
B4... Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ
B40.. Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified
B41.. Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
B410. Malignant neoplasm of endocervix
B4100 Malignant neoplasm of endocervical canal
B4101 Malignant neoplasm of endocervical gland
B410z Malignant neoplasm of endocervix NOS
B411. Malignant neoplasm of exocervix
B412. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of cervix uteri
B41y. Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix
B41y0 Malignant neoplasm of cervical stump
B41y1 Malignant neoplasm of squamocolumnar junction of cervix
B41yz Malignant neoplasm of other site of cervix NOS
B41z. Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri NOS
B42.. Malignant neoplasm of placenta
B420. Choriocarcinoma
B43.. Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus
B430. Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, excluding isthmus
B4300 Malignant neoplasm of cornu of corpus uteri
B4301 Malignant neoplasm of fundus of corpus uteri
B4302 Malignant neoplasm of endometrium of corpus uteri
B4303 Malignant neoplasm of myometrium of corpus uteri
B430z Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS
B431. Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body
B4310 Malignant neoplasm of lower uterine segment
B431z Malignant neoplasm of isthmus of uterine body NOS
B432. Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri
B43y. Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine body
B43z. Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus NOS
B44.. Malignant neoplasm of ovary and other uterine adnexa
B440. Malignant neoplasm of ovary
B441. Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube
B442. Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament
B443. Malignant neoplasm of parametrium
B444. Malignant neoplasm of round ligament
B44y. Malignant neoplasm of other site of uterine adnexa
B44z. Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa NOS
B45.. Malig neop of other and unspecified female genital organs
B450. Malignant neoplasm of vagina
B4500 Malignant neoplasm of Gartners duct
B4501 Malignant neoplasm of vaginal vault
B450z Malignant neoplasm of vagina NOS
B451. Malignant neoplasm of labia majora
B4510 Malignant neoplasm of greater vestibular (Bartholins) gland
B451z Malignant neoplasm of labia majora NOS
B452. Malignant neoplasm of labia minora
B453. Malignant neoplasm of clitoris
B454. Malignant neoplasm of vulva unspecified
B45X. Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs
B45y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organ
B45y0 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva
B45z. Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ NOS
B46.. Malignant neoplasm of prostate
B47.. Malignant neoplasm of testis
B470. Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis
B4700 Malignant neoplasm of ectopic testis
B4701 Malignant neoplasm of retained testis
B470z Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis NOS
B471. Malignant neoplasm of descended testis
B47z. Malignant neoplasm of testis NOS
B48.. Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organs
B480. Malignant neoplasm of prepuce (foreskin)
B481. Malignant neoplasm of glans penis
B482. Malignant neoplasm of body of penis
B483. Malignant neoplasm of penis, part unspecified
B484. Malignant neoplasm of epididymis
B485. Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord
B486. Malignant neoplasm of scrotum
B487. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of penis
B48y. Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ
B48y0 Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle
B48y1 Malignant neoplasm of tunica vaginalis
B48y2 Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion male genital orgs
B48yz Malignant neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS
B48z. Malignant neoplasm of penis and other male genital organ NOS
B49.. Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder
B490. Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder
B491. Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder
B492. Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
B493. Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
B494. Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
B495. Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck
B496. Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice
B497. Malignant neoplasm of urachus
B49y. Malignant neoplasm of other site of urinary bladder
B49y0 Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of bladder
B49z. Malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder NOS
B4A.. Malig neop of kidney and other unspecified urinary organs
B4A0. Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma
B4A1. Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis
B4A10 Malignant neoplasm of renal calyces
B4A11 Malignant neoplasm of ureteropelvic junction
B4A1z Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis NOS
B4A2. Malignant neoplasm of ureter
B4A3. Malignant neoplasm of urethra
B4A4. Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands
B4Ay. Malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs
B4Ay0 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs
B4Az. Malignant neoplasm of kidney or urinary organs NOS
B4y.. Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ OS
B4z.. Malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organ NOS
B5... Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites
B50.. Malignant neoplasm of eye
B500. Malig neop eyeball excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, choroid
B5000 Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body
B5001 Malignant neoplasm of iris
B5002 Malignant neoplasm of crystalline lens
B5003 Malignant neoplasm of sclera
B500z Malignant neoplasm of eyeball NOS
B501. Malignant neoplasm of orbit
B5010 Malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of orbit
B5011 Malignant neoplasm of extraocular muscle of orbit
B501z Malignant neoplasm of orbit NOS
B502. Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland
B503. Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva
B504. Malignant neoplasm of cornea
B505. Malignant neoplasm of retina
B506. Malignant neoplasm of choroid
B507. Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct
B5070 Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal sac
B5071 Malignant neoplasm of nasolacrimal duct
B507z Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct NOS
B508. Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa
B50y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified site of eye
B50z. Malignant neoplasm of eye NOS
B51.. Malignant neoplasm of brain
B510. Malignant neoplasm cerebrum (excluding lobes and ventricles)
B5100 Malignant neoplasm of basal ganglia
B5101 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral cortex
B5102 Malignant neoplasm of corpus striatum
B5103 Malignant neoplasm of globus pallidus
B5104 Malignant neoplasm of hypothalamus
B5105 Malignant neoplasm of thalamus
B510z Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum NOS
B511. Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe
B512. Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe
B5120 Malignant neoplasm of hippocampus
B5121 Malignant neoplasm of uncus
B512z Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe NOS
B513. Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe
B514. Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe
B515. Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricles
B5150 Malignant neoplasm of choroid plexus
B5151 Malignant neoplasm of floor of cerebral ventricle
B515z Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricle NOS
B516. Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum
B517. Malignant neoplasm of brain stem
B5170 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral peduncle
B5171 Malignant neoplasm of medulla oblongata
B5172 Malignant neoplasm of midbrain
B5173 Malignant neoplasm of pons
B517z Malignant neoplasm of brain stem NOS
B51y. Malignant neoplasm of other parts of brain
B51y0 Malignant neoplasm of corpus collosum
B51y1 Malignant neoplasm of tapetum
B51yz Malignant neoplasm of other part of brain NOS
B51z. Malignant neoplasm of brain NOS
B52.. Malig neop of other and unspecified parts of nervous system
B520. Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves
B5200 Malignant neoplasm of olfactory bulb
B5201 Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve
B5202 Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve
B520z Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves NOS
B521. Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges
B5210 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral dura mater
B5211 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral arachnoid mater
B5212 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral pia mater
B521z Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS
B522. Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord
B523. Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges
B5230 Malignant neoplasm of spinal dura mater
B5231 Malignant neoplasm of spinal arachnoid mater
B5232 Malignant neoplasm of spinal pia mater
B523z Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS
B524. Malig neopl peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
B5240 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face & neck
B5241 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve,upp limb,incl should
B5242 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of low limb, incl hip
B5243 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of thorax
B5244 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of abdomen
B5245 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerve of pelvis
B5246 Malignant neoplasm,overlap lesion periph nerve & auton ns
B524W Mal neoplasm/periph nerves+autonomic nervous system,unspc
B524X Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk,unspecified
B525. Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina
B52W. Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS
B52X. Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified
B52y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified part of nervous system
B52z. Malignant neoplasm of nervous system NOS
B53.. Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
B54.. Malig neop of other endocrine glands and related structures
B540. Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland
B5400 Malignant neoplasm of adrenal cortex
B5401 Malignant neoplasm of adrenal medulla
B540z Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland NOS
B541. Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland
B542. Malignant neoplasm pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct
B5420 Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland
B5421 Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct
B542z Malig neop pituitary gland or craniopharyngeal duct NOS
B543. Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland
B544. Malignant neoplasm of carotid body
B545. Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia
B5450 Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare
B5451 Malignant neoplasm of aortic body
B5452 Malignant neoplasm of coccygeal body
B545z Malignant neoplasm of aortic body or paraganglia NOS
B54X. Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement,unspecified
B54y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified endocrine gland
B54z. Malig neop of endocrine gland or related structure NOS
B55.. Malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites
B550. Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face
B5500 Malignant neoplasm of head NOS
B5501 Malignant neoplasm of cheek NOS
B5502 Malignant neoplasm of nose NOS
B5503 Malignant neoplasm of jaw NOS
B5504 Malignant neoplasm of neck NOS
B5505 Malignant neoplasm of supraclavicular fossa NOS
B550z Malignant neoplasm of head, neck and face NOS
B551. Malignant neoplasm of thorax
B5510 Malignant neoplasm of axilla NOS
B5511 Malignant neoplasm of chest wall NOS
B5512 Malignant neoplasm of intrathoracic site NOS
B551z Malignant neoplasm of thorax NOS
B552. Malignant neoplasm of abdomen
B553. Malignant neoplasm of pelvis
B5530 Malignant neoplasm of inguinal region NOS
B5531 Malignant neoplasm of presacral region
B5532 Malignant neoplasm of sacrococcygeal region
B553z Malignant neoplasm of pelvis NOS
B554. Malignant neoplasm of upper limb NOS
B555. Malignant neoplasm of lower limb NOS
B55y. Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
B55y0 Malignant neoplasm of back NOS
B55y1 Malignant neoplasm of trunk NOS
B55y2 Malignant neoplasm of flank NOS
B55yz Malignant neoplasm of specified site NOS
B55z. Malignant neoplasm of other and ill defined site NOS
B56.. Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes
B560. Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck
B5600 Secondary and unspec malig neop of superficial parotid LN
B5601 Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm mastoid lymph nodes
B5602 Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial cervical LN
B5603 Secondary and unspec malignant neoplasm occipital lymph node
B5604 Secondary and unspec malig neop deep parotid lymph nodes
B5605 Secondary and unspec malig neop submandibular lymph nodes
B5606 Secondary and unspec malig neop of facial lymph nodes
B5607 Secondary and unspec malig neop submental lymph nodes
B5608 Secondary and unspec malig neop anterior cervical LN
B5609 Secondary and unspec malig neop deep cervical LN
B560z Secondary unspec malig neop lymph nodes head/face/neck NOS
B561. Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic lymph nodes
B5610 Secondary and unspec malig neop internal mammary lymph nodes
B5611 Secondary and unspec malig neop intercostal lymph nodes
B5612 Secondary and unspec malig neop diaphragmatic lymph nodes
B5613 Secondary and unspec malig neop ant mediastinal lymph nodes
B5614 Secondary and unspec malig neop post mediastinal lymph nodes
B5615 Secondary and unspec malig neop paratracheal lymph nodes
B5616 Secondary and unspec malig neop superfic tracheobronchial LN
B5617 Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior tracheobronchial LN
B5618 Secondary and unspec malig neop bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
B5619 Secondary and unspec malig neop pulmonary lymph nodes
B561z Secondary and unspec malig neop intrathoracic LN NOS
B562. Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B5620 Secondary and unspec malig neop coeliac lymph nodes
B5621 Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial mesenteric LN
B5622 Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior mesenteric LN
B5623 Secondary and unspec malig neop common iliac lymph nodes
B5624 Secondary and unspec malig neop external iliac lymph nodes
B562z Secondary and unspec malig neop intra-abdominal LN NOS
B563. Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN
B5630 Secondary and unspec malig neop axillary lymph nodes
B5631 Secondary and unspec malig neop supratrochlear lymph nodes
B5632 Secondary and unspec malig neop infraclavicular lymph nodes
B5633 Secondary and unspec malig neop pectoral lymph nodes
B563z Secondary and unspec malig neop axilla and upper limb LN NOS
B564. Secondary and unspec malig neop inguinal and lower limb LN
B5640 Secondary and unspec malig neop superficial inguinal LN
B5641 Secondary and unspec malig neop deep inguinal lymph nodes
B5642 Secondary and unspec malig neop popliteal lymph nodes
B564z Secondary and unspec malig neop of inguinal and leg LN NOS
B565. Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic lymph nodes
B5650 Secondary and unspec malig neop internal iliac lymph nodes
B5651 Secondary and unspec malig neop inferior epigastric LN
B5652 Secondary and unspec malig neop circumflex iliac LN
B5653 Secondary and unspec malig neop sacral lymph nodes
B5654 Secondary and unspec malig neop obturator lymph nodes
B565z Secondary and unspec malig neop intrapelvic LN NOS
B56y. Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes multiple sites
B56z. Secondary and unspec malig neop lymph nodes NOS
B57.. Secondary malig neop of respiratory and digestive systems
B570. Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung
B571. Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum
B572. Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura
B573. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other respiratory organs
B574. Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum
B5740 Secondary malignant neoplasm of duodenum
B5741 Secondary malignant neoplasm of jejunum
B5742 Secondary malignant neoplasm of ileum
B574z Secondary malig neop of small intestine or duodenum NOS
B575. Secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum
B5750 Secondary malignant neoplasm of colon
B5751 Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectum
B575z Secondary malig neop of large intestine or rectum NOS
B576. Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
B5760 Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum
B5761 Secondary malignant neoplasm of peritoneum
B5762 Malignant ascites
B576z Secondary malig neop of retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS
B577. Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver
B57y. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organ
B57z. Secondary malig neop of respiratory or digestive system NOS
B58.. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
B580. Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney
B581. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs
B5810 Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureter
B5811 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder
B5812 Secondary malignant neoplasm of urethra
B581z Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organ NOS
B582. Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin
B5820 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of head
B5821 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of face
B5822 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of neck
B5823 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk
B5824 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of shoulder and arm
B5825 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of hip and leg
B5826 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of breast
B582z Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin NOS
B583. Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord
B5830 Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain
B5831 Secondary malignant neoplasm of spinal cord
B583z Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain or spinal cord NOS
B584. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other part of nervous system
B585. Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow
B586. Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary
B587. Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland
B58y. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
B58y0 Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast
B58y1 Secondary malignant neoplasm of uterus
B58y2 Secondary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
B58y3 Secondary malignant neoplasm of vagina
B58y4 Secondary malignant neoplasm of vulva
B58y5 Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate
B58y6 Secondary malignant neoplasm of testis
B58y7 Secondary malignant neoplasm of penis
B58y8 Secondary malignant neoplasm of epididymis and vas deferens
B58yz Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS
B58z. Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified site NOS
B59.. Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site
B590. Disseminated malignancy NOS
B591. Other malignant neoplasm NOS
B592. Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites
B592X Kaposis sarcoma of multiple organs
B59z. Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site NOS
B59zX Kaposis sarcoma, unspecified
B5y.. Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site OS
B5z.. Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified site NOS
B6... Malignant neoplasm of lymphatic and haemopoietic tissue
B60.. Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma
B600. Reticulosarcoma
B6000 Reticulosarcoma of unspecified site
B6001 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6002 Reticulosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6003 Reticulosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6004 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6005 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6006 Reticulosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6007 Reticulosarcoma of spleen
B6008 Reticulosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B600z Reticulosarcoma NOS
B601. Lymphosarcoma
B6010 Lymphosarcoma of unspecified site
B6011 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6012 Lymphosarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6013 Lymphosarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6014 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6015 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6016 Lymphosarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6017 Lymphosarcoma of spleen
B6018 Lymphosarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B601z Lymphosarcoma NOS
B602. Burkitts lymphoma
B6020 Burkitts lymphoma of unspecified site
B6021 Burkitts lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6022 Burkitts lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6023 Burkitts lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6024 Burkitts lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6025 Burkitts lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6026 Burkitts lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6027 Burkitts lymphoma of spleen
B6028 Burkitts lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B602z Burkitts lymphoma NOS
B60y. Other specified reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma
B60z. Reticulosarcoma or lymphosarcoma NOS
B61.. Hodgkins disease
B610. Hodgkins paragranuloma
B6100 Hodgkins paragranuloma of unspecified site
B6101 Hodgkins paragranuloma of lymph nodes of head, face, neck
B6102 Hodgkins paragranuloma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6103 Hodgkins paragranuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6104 Hodgkins paragranuloma of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B6105 Hodgkins paragranuloma lymph nodes inguinal region and leg
B6106 Hodgkins paragranuloma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6107 Hodgkins paragranuloma of spleen
B6108 Hodgkins paragranuloma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B610z Hodgkins paragranuloma NOS
B611. Hodgkins granuloma
B6110 Hodgkins granuloma of unspecified site
B6111 Hodgkins granuloma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6112 Hodgkins granuloma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6113 Hodgkins granuloma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6114 Hodgkins granuloma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6115 Hodgkins granuloma lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6116 Hodgkins granuloma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6117 Hodgkins granuloma of spleen
B6118 Hodgkins granuloma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B611z Hodgkins granuloma NOS
B612. Hodgkins sarcoma
B6120 Hodgkins sarcoma of unspecified site
B6121 Hodgkins sarcoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6122 Hodgkins sarcoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6123 Hodgkins sarcoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6124 Hodgkins sarcoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6125 Hodgkins sarcoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6126 Hodgkins sarcoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6127 Hodgkins sarcoma of spleen
B6128 Hodgkins sarcoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B612z Hodgkins sarcoma NOS
B613. Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance
B6130 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance unspec site
B6131 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of head, face, neck
B6132 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrathoracic nodes
B6133 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intra-abdominal node
B6134 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred axilla and arm
B6135 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred inguinal and leg
B6136 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred intrapelvic nodes
B6137 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance of spleen
B6138 Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic pred of multiple sites
B613z Hodgkins, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance NOS
B614. Hodgkins disease, nodular sclerosis
B6140 Hodgkins disease, nodular sclerosis of unspecified site
B6141 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of head, face and neck
B6142 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6143 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6144 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B6145 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of inguinal region and leg
B6146 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6147 Hodgkins disease, nodular sclerosis of spleen
B6148 Hodgkins nodular sclerosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B614z Hodgkins disease, nodular sclerosis NOS
B615. Hodgkins disease, mixed cellularity
B6150 Hodgkins disease, mixed cellularity of unspecified site
B6151 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of lymph nodes head, face, neck
B6152 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6153 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6154 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B6155 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of lymph nodes inguinal and leg
B6156 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6157 Hodgkins disease, mixed cellularity of spleen
B6158 Hodgkins mixed cellularity of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B615z Hodgkins disease, mixed cellularity NOS
B616. Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic depletion
B6160 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion of unspecified site
B6161 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion of head, face and neck
B6162 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6163 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6164 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes axilla and arm
B6165 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes inguinal and leg
B6166 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6167 Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic depletion of spleen
B6168 Hodgkins lymphocytic depletion lymph nodes multiple sites
B616z Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic depletion NOS
B61z. Hodgkins disease NOS
B61z0 Hodgkins disease NOS, unspecified site
B61z1 Hodgkins disease NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B61z2 Hodgkins disease NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B61z3 Hodgkins disease NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B61z4 Hodgkins disease NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B61z5 Hodgkins disease NOS of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg
B61z6 Hodgkins disease NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B61z7 Hodgkins disease NOS of spleen
B61z8 Hodgkins disease NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B61zz Hodgkins disease NOS
B62.. Other malignant neoplasm of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue
B620. Nodular lymphoma (Brill - Symmers disease)
B6200 Nodular lymphoma of unspecified site
B6201 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6202 Nodular lymphoma of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6203 Nodular lymphoma of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6204 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6205 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6206 Nodular lymphoma of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6207 Nodular lymphoma of spleen
B6208 Nodular lymphoma of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B620z Nodular lymphoma NOS
B621. Mycosis fungoides
B6210 Mycosis fungoides of unspecified site
B6211 Mycosis fungoides of the lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6212 Mycosis fungoides of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6213 Mycosis fungoides of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6214 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6215 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6216 Mycosis fungoides of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6217 Mycosis fungoides of spleen
B6218 Mycosis fungoides of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B621z Mycosis fungoides NOS
B622. Sezarys disease
B6220 Sezarys disease of unspecified site
B6221 Sezarys disease of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6222 Sezarys disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6223 Sezarys disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6224 Sezarys disease of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6225 Sezarys disease of lymph nodes of inguinal region and leg
B6226 Sezarys disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6227 Sezarys disease of spleen
B6228 Sezarys disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B622z Sezarys disease NOS
B623. Malignant histiocytosis
B6230 Malignant histiocytosis of unspecified site
B6231 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes head, face and neck
B6232 Malignant histiocytosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6233 Malignant histiocytosis of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6234 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B6235 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes inguinal and leg
B6236 Malignant histiocytosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6237 Malignant histiocytosis of spleen
B6238 Malignant histiocytosis of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B623z Malignant histiocytosis NOS
B624. Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis
B6240 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of unspecified sites
B6241 Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6242 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6243 Leukaemic reticuloend of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6244 Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B6245 Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg
B6246 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6247 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis of spleen
B6248 Leukaemic reticuloend of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B624z Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis NOS
B625. Letterer-Siwe disease
B6250 Letterer-Siwe disease of unspecified sites
B6251 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6252 Letterer-Siwe disease of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6253 Letterer-Siwe disease of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6254 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B6255 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg
B6256 Letterer-Siwe disease of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6257 Letterer-Siwe disease of spleen
B6258 Letterer-Siwe disease of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B625z Letterer-Siwe disease NOS
B626. Malignant mast cell tumours
B6260 Mast cell malignancy of unspecified site
B6261 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B6262 Mast cell malignancy of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B6263 Mast cell malignancy of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B6264 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
B6265 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes inguinal region and leg
B6266 Mast cell malignancy of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B6267 Mast cell malignancy of spleen
B6268 Mast cell malignancy of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B626z Malignant mast cell tumour NOS
B627. Non - Hodgkins lymphoma
B6270 Follicular non-Hodgkins small cleaved cell lymphoma
B6271 Follicular non-Hodg mixed sml cleavd & lge cell lymphoma
B6272 Follicular non-Hodgkins large cell lymphoma
B6273 Diffuse non-Hodgkins small cell (diffuse) lymphoma
B6274 Diffuse non-Hodgkins small cleaved cell (diffuse) lymphoma
B6275 Diffuse non-Hodgkin mixed sml & lge cell (diffuse) lymphoma
B6276 Diffuse non-Hodgkins immunoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma
B6277 Diffuse non-Hodgkins lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma
B6278 Diffuse non-Hodgkins lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse)
B627B Other types of follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma
B627C Follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma
B627W Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma
B627X Diffuse non-Hodgkins lymphoma, unspecified
B62x. Malignant lymphoma otherwise specified
B62x0 T-zone lymphoma
B62x1 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma
B62x2 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma
B62x3 Malignant reticuloendotheliosis
B62x4 Malignant reticulosis
B62x5 Malignant immunoproliferative small intestinal disease
B62x6 True histiocytic lymphoma
B62xX Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas
B62y. Malignant lymphoma NOS
B62y0 Malignant lymphoma NOS of unspecified site
B62y1 Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
B62y2 Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrathoracic lymph nodes
B62y3 Malignant lymphoma NOS of intra-abdominal lymph nodes
B62y4 Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of axilla and arm
B62y5 Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph node inguinal region and leg
B62y6 Malignant lymphoma NOS of intrapelvic lymph nodes
B62y7 Malignant lymphoma NOS of spleen
B62y8 Malignant lymphoma NOS of lymph nodes of multiple sites
B62yz Malignant lymphoma NOS
B62z. Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid and histiocytic tissue NOS
B62z0 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of unspecified site
B62z1 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node head/neck
B62z2 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrathoracic node
B62z3 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic intra-abdominal nodes
B62z4 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic lymph node axilla/arm
B62z5 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic nodes inguinal/leg
B62z6 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of intrapelvic nodes
B62z7 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of spleen
B62z8 Unspec malig neop lymphoid/histiocytic of multiple sites
B62zz Lymphoid and histiocytic malignancy NOS
B63.. Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms
B630. Multiple myeloma
B6300 Malignant plasma cell neoplasm, extramedullary plasmacytoma
B6301 Solitary myeloma
B6302 Plasmacytoma NOS
B631. Plasma cell leukaemia
B63y. Other immunoproliferative neoplasms
B63z. Immunoproliferative neoplasm or myeloma NOS
B64.. Lymphoid leukaemia
B640. Acute lymphoid leukaemia
B641. Chronic lymphoid leukaemia
B642. Subacute lymphoid leukaemia
B64y. Other lymphoid leukaemia
B64y0 Aleukaemic lymphoid leukaemia
B64y1 Prolymphocytic leukaemia
B64y2 Adult T-cell leukaemia
B64yz Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS
B64z. Lymphoid leukaemia NOS
B65.. Myeloid leukaemia
B650. Acute myeloid leukaemia
B651. Chronic myeloid leukaemia
B6510 Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia
B6512 Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia
B651z Chronic myeloid leukaemia NOS
B652. Subacute myeloid leukaemia
B653. Myeloid sarcoma
B6530 Chloroma
B6531 Granulocytic sarcoma
B653z Myeloid sarcoma NOS
B65y. Other myeloid leukaemia
B65y0 Aleukaemic myeloid leukaemia
B65y1 Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
B65yz Other myeloid leukaemia NOS
B65z. Myeloid leukaemia NOS
B66.. Monocytic leukaemia
B660. Acute monocytic leukaemia
B661. Chronic monocytic leukaemia
B662. Subacute monocytic leukaemia
B66y. Other monocytic leukaemia
B66y0 Aleukaemic monocytic leukaemia
B66yz Other monocytic leukaemia NOS
B66z. Monocytic leukaemia NOS
B67.. Other specified leukaemia
B670. Acute erythraemia and erythroleukaemia
B671. Chronic erythraemia
B672. Megakaryocytic leukaemia
B673. Mast cell leukaemia
B674. Acute panmyelosis
B675. Acute myelofibrosis
B67y. Other and unspecified leukaemia
B67y0 Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia
B67yz Other and unspecified leukaemia NOS
B67z. Other specified leukaemia NOS
B68.. Leukaemia of unspecified cell type
B680. Acute leukaemia NOS
B681. Chronic leukaemia NOS
B682. Subacute leukaemia NOS
B68y. Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type
B68z. Leukaemia NOS
B69.. Myelomonocytic leukaemia
B690. Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia
B691. Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia
B692. Subacute myelomonocytic leukaemia
B6y.. Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue OS
B6y0. Myeloproliferative disorder
B6z.. Malignant neoplasm lymphatic or haematopoietic tissue NOS
B6z0. Kaposis sarcoma of lymph nodes
B7... Benign neoplasms
B70.. Benign neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
B700. Benign neoplasm of lip
B7001 Benign neoplasm of external upper lip
B7002 Benign neoplasm of internal upper lip
B7003 Benign neoplasm of frenulum of upper lip
B7004 Benign neoplasm of external lower lip
B7005 Benign neoplasm of internal lower lip
B7006 Benign neoplasm of frenulum of lower lip
B700z Benign neoplasm of lip NOS
B701. Benign neoplasm of tongue
B7010 Benign neoplasm of base of tongue
B7011 Benign neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue
B7012 Benign neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue
B7013 Benign neoplasm of lingual tonsil
B701z Benign neoplasm of tongue NOS
B702. Benign neoplasm of major salivary glands
B7020 Benign neoplasm of parotid gland
B7021 Benign neoplasm of submandibular gland
B7022 Benign neoplasm of sublingual gland
B7023 Warthins tumour
B702z Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland NOS
B703. Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth
B704. Benign neoplasm of oral cavity NOS
B7040 Benign neoplasm of upper gum
B7041 Benign neoplasm of lower gum
B7042 Benign neoplasm of cheek mucosa
B7043 Benign neoplasm of vestibule of mouth
B7044 Benign neoplasm of hard palate
B7045 Benign neoplasm of soft palate
B7046 Benign neoplasm of uvula
B704z Benign neoplasm of oral cavity NOS
B705. Benign neoplasm of tonsil
B706. Benign neoplasm of other parts of oropharynx
B7060 Benign neoplasm of tonsillar fossa
B7061 Benign neoplasm of anterior tonsillar pillar
B7062 Benign neoplasm of posterior tonsillar pillar
B7063 Benign neoplasm of vallecula
B7064 Benign neoplasm of anterior epiglottis
B7065 Benign neoplasm of oropharyngeal wall
B706z Benign neoplasm of oropharynx NOS
B707. Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx
B7070 Benign neoplasm of nasopharyngeal roof
B7071 Benign neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil
B7072 Benign neoplasm of pharyngeal recess
B7073 Benign neoplasm of nasopharyngeal floor
B707z Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx NOS
B708. Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx
B7080 Benign neoplasm of postcricoid region
B7081 Benign neoplasm of pyriform fossa
B7082 Benign neoplasm of arytenoid fold
B7083 Benign neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall
B708z Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx NOS
B70X. Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified
B70z. Benign neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS
B71.. Benign neoplasm of other parts of digestive system
B710. Benign neoplasm of oesophagus
B7101 Benign neoplasm of upper 1/3 of oesophagus
B7102 Benign neoplasm of middle 1/3 of oesophagus
B7103 Benign neoplasm of lower 1/3 of oesophagus
B710z Benign neoplasm of oesophagus NOS
B711. Benign neoplasm of stomach
B7110 Benign neoplasm of stomach cardia
B7111 Benign neoplasm of pylorus of stomach
B7112 Benign neoplasm of fundus of stomach
B7113 Benign neoplasm of body of stomach
B7114 Benign neoplasm of pyloric antrum
B7115 Benign neoplasm of pyloric canal
B711z Benign neoplasm of stomach NOS
B712. Benign neoplasm of small intestine and duodenum
B7120 Benign neoplasm of duodenum
B7121 Benign neoplasm of jejunum
B7122 Benign neoplasm of ileum
B712z Benign neoplasm of small intestine or duodenum NOS
B713. Benign neoplasm of colon
B7130 Benign neoplasm of hepatic flexure of colon
B7131 Benign neoplasm of transverse colon
B7132 Benign neoplasm of descending colon
B7133 Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colon
B7134 Benign neoplasm of caecum
B7135 Benign neoplasm of appendix
B7136 Benign neoplasm of ascending colon
B7137 Benign neoplasm of splenic flexure of colon
B7138 Benign neoplasm of colostomy site
B713z Benign neoplasm of colon NOS
B714. Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal
B7140 Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction
B7141 Benign neoplasm of rectum
B7142 Benign neoplasm of anal canal
B7143 Benign neoplasm of anus NOS
B714z Benign neoplasm of rectum or anal canal NOS
B715. Benign neoplasm of liver and biliary ducts
B7150 Benign neoplasm of liver
B7151 Benign neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts
B7152 Benign neoplasm of gallbladder
B7153 Benign neoplasm of cystic duct
B7154 Benign neoplasm of hepatic duct
B7155 Benign neoplasm of bile duct
B7156 Benign neoplasm of sphincter of Oddi
B7157 Benign neoplasm of ampulla of Vater
B715z Benign neoplasm of liver and biliary ducts NOS
B716. Benign neoplasm of pancreas, excluding islets of Langerhans
B7160 Benign neoplasm of head of pancreas
B7161 Benign neoplasm of body of pancreas
B7162 Benign neoplasm of tail of pancreas
B7163 Benign neoplasm of pancreatic duct
B716z Benign neoplasm of pancreas, excluding islets NOS
B717. Benign neoplasm of islets of Langerhans
B7170 Benign islet cell tumour
B717z Benign neoplasm of islets of Langerhans NOS
B718. Benign neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
B7180 Benign neoplasm of periadrenal tissue
B7181 Benign neoplasm of perinephric tissue
B7182 Benign neoplasm of retrocaecal tissue
B7183 Benign neoplasm of mesocolon
B7184 Benign neoplasm of mesorectum
B7185 Benign neoplasm of omentum
B7186 Benign neoplasm of parietal peritoneum
B7187 Benign neoplasm of pelvic peritoneum
B7188 Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of peritoneum
B7189 Benign neoplasm of conn & soft tiss of retroperitoneum
B718A Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of peritoneum
B718z Benign neoplasm of retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS
B71z. Benign neoplasm of other parts of digestive system NOS
B72.. Benign neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organs
B720. Benign neoplasm of nose, middle ear and accessory sinuses
B7200 Benign neoplasm of nasal cavity
B7201 Benign neoplasm of middle ear
B7202 Benign neoplasm of Eustachian tube
B7203 Benign neoplasm of maxillary sinus
B7204 Benign neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus
B7205 Benign neoplasm of frontal sinus
B7206 Benign neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus
B720z Benign neoplasm of nose, ear or accessory sinuses NOS
B721. Benign neoplasm of larynx
B7210 Benign neoplasm of thyroid cartilage
B7211 Benign neoplasm of cricoid cartilage
B7212 Benign neoplasm of epiglottis
B7213 Benign neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage
B7214 Benign neoplasm of corniculate cartilage
B7215 Benign neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage
B7216 Benign neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold
B7217 Benign neoplasm of vestibular fold
B7218 Benign neoplasm of vocal fold - glottis
B721z Benign neoplasm of glottis NOS
B722. Benign neoplasm of trachea
B723. Benign neoplasm of bronchus and lung
B7230 Benign neoplasm of carina of bronchus
B7231 Benign neoplasm of main bronchus
B7232 Benign neoplasm of upper lobe bronchus and lung
B7233 Benign neoplasm of middle lobe bronchus and lung
B7234 Benign neoplasm of lower lobe bronchus and lung
B723z Benign neoplasm of bronchus or lung NOS
B724. Benign neoplasm of pleura
B7240 Benign neoplasm of parietal pleura
B7241 Benign neoplasm of visceral pleura
B7242 Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of pleura
B724z Benign neoplasm of pleura NOS
B725. Benign neoplasm of mediastinum
B7250 Benign neoplasm of superior mediastinum
B7251 Benign neoplasm of lower anterior mediastinum
B7252 Benign neoplasm of lower middle mediastinum
B7253 Benign neoplasm of lower posterior mediastinum
B725z Benign neoplasm of mediastinum NOS
B726. Benign neoplasm of thymus
B727. Benign neoplasm of heart
B72y. Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of mediastinum
B72z. Benign neoplasm of respiratory or intrathoracic organs NOS
B73.. Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage
B730. Benign neoplasm of skull and facial bones
B7301 Benign neoplasm of frontal bone
B7302 Benign neoplasm of parietal bone
B7303 Benign neoplasm of sphenoid bone
B7304 Benign neoplasm of temporal bone
B7305 Benign neoplasm of ethmoid bone
B7306 Benign neoplasm of occipital bone
B7307 Benign neoplasm of maxilla
B7308 Benign neoplasm of zygomatic bone
B7309 Benign neoplasm of nasal bone
B730A Benign neoplasm of bony palate
B730B Benign neoplasm of palatine bone
B730C Benign neoplasm of lacrimal bone
B730D Benign neoplasm of vomer
B730E Benign neoplasm of inferior concha
B730z Benign neoplasm of skull or facial bone NOS
B731. Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone
B7310 Benign neoplasm of mandible
B731z Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone NOS
B732. Benign neoplasm vertebral column, excluding sacrum/coccyx
B7320 Benign neoplasm of cervical vertebra
B7321 Benign neoplasm of thoracic vertebra
B7322 Benign neoplasm of lumbar vertebra
B732z Benign neoplasm of vertebral column NOS
B733. Benign neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicle
B7330 Benign neoplasm of rib
B7331 Benign neoplasm of manubrium sterni
B7332 Benign neoplasm of body of sternum
B7333 Benign neoplasm of xiphoid process
B7334 Benign neoplasm of costal cartilage
B7335 Benign neoplasm of clavicle
B733z Benign neoplasm of rib, sternum or clavicle NOS
B734. Benign neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb
B7340 Benign neoplasm of scapula
B7341 Benign neoplasm of humerus
B7342 Benign neoplasm of radius
B7343 Benign neoplasm of ulna
B734z Benign neoplasm of scapula or long bones of upper limb NOS
B735. Benign neoplasm of hand bones
B7350 Benign neoplasm of scaphoid
B7351 Benign neoplasm of lunate
B7352 Benign neoplasm of triquetrum
B7353 Benign neoplasm of pisiform
B7354 Benign neoplasm of trapezium
B7355 Benign neoplasm of trapezoid
B7356 Benign neoplasm of capitate
B7357 Benign neoplasm of hamate
B7358 Benign neoplasm of metacarpal
B7359 Benign neoplasm of phalanx of hand
B735z Benign neoplasm of hand bone NOS
B736. Benign neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx
B7360 Benign neoplasm of ilium
B7361 Benign neoplasm of ischium
B7362 Benign neoplasm of pubis
B7363 Benign neoplasm of sacrum
B7364 Benign neoplasm of coccyx
B736z Benign neoplasm of pelvic bone, sacrum or coccyx NOS
B737. Benign neoplasm of long bones of lower limb
B7370 Benign neoplasm of femur
B7371 Benign neoplasm of tibia
B7372 Benign neoplasm of fibula
B737z Benign neoplasm of long bone of lower limb NOS
B738. Benign neoplasm of short bones of lower limb
B7380 Benign neoplasm of patella
B7381 Benign neoplasm of talus
B7382 Benign neoplasm of calcaneum
B7383 Benign neoplasm of medial cuneiform
B7384 Benign neoplasm of middle cuneiform
B7385 Benign neoplasm of lateral cuneiform
B7386 Benign neoplasm of cuboid
B7387 Benign neoplasm of navicular
B7388 Benign neoplasm of metatarsal bone
B7389 Benign neoplasm of phalanx of foot
B738z Benign neoplasm of short bone of lower limb NOS
B73z. Benign neoplasm of bone or articular cartilage NOS
B74.. Lipoma
B740. Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue of face
B7400 Lipoma of forehead
B7401 Lipoma of eyebrow
B7402 Lipoma of eyelid
B7403 Lipoma of external nose
B7404 Lipoma of cheek
B7405 Lipoma of temple
B7406 Lipoma of ear
B7407 Lipoma of external auditory meatus
B740z Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue of face NOS
B741. Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue (excluding face)
B7410 Lipoma of scalp
B7411 Lipoma of neck
B7412 Lipoma of anterior chest wall
B7413 Lipoma of posterior chest wall
B7414 Lipoma of axilla
B7415 Lipoma of shoulder
B7416 Lipoma of upper arm
B7417 Lipoma of forearm
B7418 Lipoma of hand
B7419 Lipoma of abdominal wall
B741A Lipoma of buttock
B741B Lipoma of perineum
B741C Lipoma of groin
B741D Lipoma of hip
B741E Lipoma of thigh
B741F Lipoma of knee and popliteal area
B741G Lipoma of lower leg
B741H Lipoma of foot
B741J Lipoma of back
B741K Lipoma of lower back
B741z Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue (excluding face) NOS
B742. Lipoma of intrathoracic organs
B743. Lipoma of intra-abdominal organs
B744. Lipoma of spermatic cord
B74y. Lipoma of other specified sites
B74y0 Lipoma of spinal column
B74y1 Lipoma of spinal canal - extradural
B74y2 Lipoma of spinal canal - intradural
B74y3 Lipoma of spinal cord
B74z. Lipoma NOS
B75.. Other benign neoplasms of connective and soft tissue
B750. Benign neoplasm connective and soft tissue head and neck NEC
B7500 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of face NEC
B7501 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of head NEC
B7502 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of neck NEC
B7503 Benign neoplasm soft tissue of cervical spine
B750z Benign neoplasm connective and soft tissue head or neck NOS
B751. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of arm NEC
B7510 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue shoulder NEC
B7511 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue upper arm NEC
B7512 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of forearm NEC
B7513 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hand NEC
B751z Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of arm NOS
B752. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of leg NEC
B7520 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of hip NEC
B7521 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thigh NEC
B7522 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of knee NEC
B7523 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue lower leg NEC
B7524 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot NEC
B752z Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of leg NOS
B753. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax NEC
B7530 Benign neoplasm soft tissue of thoracic spine
B754. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen NEC
B7540 Benign neoplasm soft tissues of lumbar spine
B755. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NEC
B7550 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of buttock NEC
B7551 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of groin NEC
B7552 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue perineum NEC
B755z Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS
B756. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of trunk NEC
B75y. Benign neop connective and soft tissue other specified site
B75z. Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue NOS
B76.. Benign neoplasm of skin
B760. Benign neoplasm of skin of lip
B761. Benign neoplasm of eyelid including canthus
B762. Benign neoplasm of skin of ear and external auditory meatus
B7620 Benign neoplasm of skin of auricle
B7621 Benign neoplasm of skin of external auditory meatus
B762z Benign neoplasm skin of ear or external auditory meatus NOS
B763. Benign neoplasm of skin of face NEC
B7630 Benign neoplasm of skin of forehead
B7631 Benign neoplasm of skin of nose
B7632 Benign neoplasm of skin of cheek
B7633 Benign neoplasm of skin of eyebrow
B7634 Benign neoplasm of skin of temple
B7635 Benign neoplasm of skin of chin
B763z Benign neoplasm of skin of face NOS
B764. Benign neoplasm of scalp and skin of neck
B7640 Benign neoplasm of scalp
B7641 Benign neoplasm of skin of neck
B764z Benign neoplasm of scalp or skin of neck NOS
B765. Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum
B7650 Benign neoplasm of skin of axilla
B7651 Benign neoplasm of skin of breast
B7652 Benign neoplasm of skin of chest
B7653 Benign neoplasm of skin of abdomen
B7654 Benign neoplasm of skin of umbilicus
B7655 Benign neoplasm of skin of groin
B7656 Benign neoplasm of skin of perineum
B7657 Benign neoplasm of skin of buttock
B7658 Benign neoplasm of perianal skin
B7659 Benign neoplasm of skin of back
B765z Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum, NOS
B766. Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb and shoulder
B7660 Benign neoplasm of skin of shoulder
B7661 Benign neoplasm of skin of upper arm
B7662 Benign neoplasm of skin of fore-arm
B7663 Benign neoplasm of skin of hand
B766z Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS
B767. Benign neoplasm of skin of hip and lower limb
B7670 Benign neoplasm of skin of hip
B7671 Benign neoplasm of skin of thigh
B7672 Benign neoplasm of skin of knee
B7673 Benign neoplasm of skin of lower leg
B7674 Benign neoplasm of skin of foot
B767z Benign neoplasm of skin of hip or lower limb NOS
B768. Melanocytic naevi of skin
B7680 Melanocytic naevi of lip
B7681 Melanocytic naevi of eyelid, including canthus
B7682 Melanocytic naevi of ear and external auricular canal
B7683 Melanocytic naevi of other and unspecified parts of face
B7684 Melanocytic naevi of scalp and neck
B7685 Melanocytic naevi of trunk
B7686 Melanocytic naevi of upper limb, including shoulder
B7687 Melanocytic naevi of lower limb, including hip
B768X Melanocytic naevi, unspecified
B769. Reticulohistiocytoma
B76A. Naevoxanthoendothelioma
B76y. Benign neoplasm of other specified skin sites
B76z. Benign neoplasm of skin NOS
B77.. Benign neoplasm of breast
B770. Benign neoplasm of female breast
B771. Benign neoplasm of male breast
B77z. Benign neoplasm of breast NOS
B78.. Uterine leiomyoma - fibroids
B780. Submucous uterine leiomyoma
B781. Intramural uterine leiomyoma
B782. Subserous uterine leiomyoma
B78z. Uterine leiomyoma NOS
B79.. Other benign neoplasm of uterus
B790. Benign neoplasm of cervix uteri NEC
B791. Benign neoplasm corpus uteri NEC
B7910 Benign neoplasm of endometrium NEC
B7911 Benign neoplasm of myometrium NEC
B7912 Benign neoplasm of uterine fundus NEC
B791z Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri NOS
B79y. Benign neoplasm of other specified sites of uterus
B79z. Benign neoplasm of uterus NOS
B7A.. Benign neoplasm of ovary
B7A1. Dermoid cyst
B7B.. Benign neoplasm of other female genital organs
B7B0. Benign neoplasm of fallopian tubes and uterine ligaments
B7B00 Benign neoplasm of fallopian tube
B7B01 Benign neoplasm of broad ligament
B7B02 Benign neoplasm of round ligament
B7B03 Benign neoplasm of ovarian ligament
B7B0z Benign neoplasm of fallopian tube or uterine ligament NOS
B7B1. Benign neoplasm of vagina
B7B10 Skin tag in vagina
B7B1z Benign neoplasm vagina NOS
B7B2. Benign neoplasm of vulva
B7B20 Benign neoplasm of labia majora
B7B21 Benign neoplasm of labia minora
B7B22 Benign neoplasm of clitoris
B7B23 Benign neoplasm of Bartholins gland
B7B2z Benign neoplasm of vulva NOS
B7By. Benign neoplasm of other specified site female genital organ
B7Bz. Benign neoplasm of other female genital organ NOS
B7C.. Benign neoplasm of male genital organs
B7C0. Benign neoplasm of testis
B7C1. Benign neoplasm of penis
B7C10 Benign neoplasm of prepuce of penis
B7C11 Benign neoplasm of glans penis
B7C12 Benign neoplasm of corpus spongiosum
B7C13 Benign neoplasm of corpus cavernosum
B7C1z Benign neoplasm of penis NOS
B7C2. Benign neoplasm of prostate
B7C3. Benign neoplasm of epididymis
B7C4. Benign neoplasm of scrotal skin
B7Cy. Benign neoplasm of other male genital organ
B7Cy0 Benign neoplasm of seminal vesicle
B7Cy1 Benign neoplasm of spermatic cord
B7Cyz Benign neoplasm of other male genital organ NOS
B7Cz. Benign neoplasm of male genital organ NOS
B7D.. Benign neoplasm of kidney and other urinary organs
B7D0. Benign neoplasm of renal parenchyma
B7D1. Benign neoplasm of renal pelvis
B7D2. Benign neoplasm of ureter
B7D3. Benign neoplasm of bladder
B7D30 Benign papilloma of bladder
B7Dy. Benign neoplasm of other specified urinary organ
B7Dy0 Benign neoplasm of urethra
B7Dy1 Benign neoplasm of paraurethral glands
B7Dy2 Benign neoplasm of urachus
B7Dyz Benign neoplasm of other specified site of urinary tract NOS
B7Dz. Benign neoplasm of kidney or urinary organ NOS
B7E.. Benign neoplasms of eye
B7E0. Benign neoplasm of eye NEC
B7E00 Benign neoplasm of ciliary body
B7E01 Benign neoplasm of iris
B7E02 Benign neoplasm of sclera
B7E0z Benign neoplasm of eye NEC NOS
B7E1. Benign neoplasm of orbit
B7E2. Benign neoplasm of lacrimal gland
B7E3. Benign neoplasm of conjunctiva
B7E4. Benign neoplasm of cornea
B7E5. Benign neoplasm of retina
B7E6. Benign neoplasm of choroid
B7E7. Benign neoplasm of lacrimal duct
B7E70 Benign neoplasm lacrimal sac
B7E71 Benign neoplasm nasolacrimal duct
B7E7z Benign neoplasm lacrimal duct NOS
B7Ey. Benign neoplasm of other specified parts of eye
B7Ez. Benign neoplasm of eye NOS
B7F.. Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of nervous system
B7F0. Benign neoplasm of brain
B7F00 Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial
B7F1. Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves
B7F10 Acoustic neuroma
B7F2. Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges
B7F20 Cerebral meningioma
B7F2z Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges NOS
B7F3. Benign neoplasm of spinal cord
B7F4. Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges
B7F40 Spinal meningioma
B7F4z Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges NOS
B7FX. Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified
B7Fy. Benign neoplasm of other part of nervous system
B7Fy0 Benign neoplasm of periph nerves & autonomic nervous system
B7Fy1 Morton neuroma
B7Fz. Benign neoplasm of brain or other nervous system NOS
B7G.. Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland
B7H.. Benign neoplasm other endocrine gland and related structures
B7H0. Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland
B7H1. Benign neoplasm of parathyroid gland
B7H2. Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland and craniopharyngeal duct
B7H20 Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland
B7H21 Benign neoplasm of Rathkes pouch
B7H22 Benign neoplasm of sella turcica
B7H2z Benign neoplasm of pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct NOS
B7H3. Benign neoplasm of pineal gland
B7H4. Benign neoplasm of carotid body
B7H5. Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia
B7H50 Benign neoplasm of glomus jugulare
B7H51 Benign neoplasm of aortic body
B7H52 Benign neoplasm of coccygeal body
B7H53 Benign neoplasm of pluriglandular involvement
B7H5z Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia NOS
B7Hy. Benign neoplasm of other specified endocrine site
B7Hz. Benign neoplasm of endocrine gland or related structures NOS
B7J.. Haemangiomas and lymphangiomas of any site
B7J0. Haemangioma
B7J00 Haemangioma of unspecified site
B7J01 Haemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
B7J02 Haemangioma of intracranial structures
B7J03 Haemangioma of retina
B7J04 Haemangioma of intra-abdominal structures
B7J0z Haemangioma NOS
B7J1. Lymphangioma
B7Jz. Haemangioma or lymphangioma NOS
B7z.. Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified site
B7z0. Benign neoplasm of lymph nodes
B7zy. Benign neoplasm of other specified sites
B7zyX Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue, unspecified
B7zz. Benign neoplasm NOS
B8... Carcinoma in situ
B80.. Carcinoma in situ of digestive organs
B800. Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
B8000 Carcinoma in situ of lip
B8001 Carcinoma in situ of tongue
B8002 Carcinoma in situ of salivary glands
B8003 Carcinoma in situ of gums
B8004 Carcinoma in situ of floor of mouth
B8005 Carcinoma in situ of cheek
B8006 Carcinoma in situ of palate
B8007 Carcinoma in situ of nasopharynx
B8008 Carcinoma in situ of oropharynx
B8009 Carcinoma in situ of hypopharynx
B800z Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS
B801. Carcinoma in situ of oesophagus
B8010 Carcinoma in situ of upper 1/3 oesophagus
B8011 Carcinoma in situ of middle 1/3 oesophagus
B8012 Carcinoma in situ of lower 1/3 oesophagus
B801z Carcinoma in situ of oesophagus NOS
B802. Carcinoma in situ of stomach
B8020 Carcinoma in situ of cardia of stomach
B8021 Carcinoma in situ of fundus of stomach
B8022 Carcinoma in situ of body of stomach
B8023 Carcinoma in situ of pyloric antrum
B8024 Carcinoma in situ of pyloric canal
B802z Carcinoma in situ of stomach NOS
B803. Carcinoma in situ of colon
B8030 Carcinoma in situ of hepatic flexure of colon
B8031 Carcinoma in situ of transverse colon
B8032 Carcinoma in situ of descending colon
B8033 Carcinoma in situ of sigmoid colon
B8034 Carcinoma in situ of caecum
B8035 Carcinoma in situ of appendix
B8036 Carcinoma in situ of ascending colon
B8037 Carcinoma in situ of splenic flexure of colon
B803z Carcinoma in situ of colon NOS
B804. Carcinoma in situ of rectum and rectosigmoid junction
B8040 Carcinoma in situ of rectosigmoid junction
B8041 Carcinoma in situ of rectum
B804z Carcinoma in situ of rectum or rectosigmoid junction NOS
B805. Carcinoma in situ of anal canal
B806. Carcinoma in situ of anus NOS
B807. Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified small intestine
B8070 Carcinoma in situ of duodenum
B8071 Carcinoma in situ of jejunum
B8072 Carcinoma in situ of ileum
B8073 Carcinoma in situ of Meckels diverticulum
B807z Carcinoma in situ other and unspecified small intestine NOS
B808. Carcinoma in situ of liver and biliary system
B8080 Carcinoma in situ of liver
B8081 Carcinoma in situ of intrahepatic bile ducts
B8082 Carcinoma in situ of hepatic duct
B8083 Carcinoma in situ of gall bladder
B8084 Carcinoma in situ of cystic duct
B8085 Carcinoma in situ of common bile duct
B8086 Carcinoma in situ of ampulla of Vater
B8087 Carcinoma in situ of sphincter of Oddi
B808z Carcinoma in situ of liver or biliary system NOS
B80z. Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified digestive organs
B80z0 Carcinoma in situ of pancreas
B80z1 Carcinoma in situ of spleen
B80zz Carcinoma in situ of digestive organs NOS
B81.. Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system
B810. Carcinoma in situ of larynx
B8100 Carcinoma in situ of thyroid cartilage
B8101 Carcinoma in situ of cricoid cartilage
B8102 Carcinoma in situ of epiglottis
B8103 Carcinoma in situ of arytenoid cartilage
B8104 Carcinoma in situ of corniculate cartilage
B8105 Carcinoma in situ of cuneiform cartilage
B8106 Carcinoma in situ of aryepiglottic fold
B8107 Carcinoma in situ of vestibular fold
B8108 Carcinoma in situ of vocal fold - glottis
B810z Carcinoma in situ of larynx NOS
B811. Carcinoma in situ of trachea
B812. Carcinoma in situ of bronchus and lung
B8120 Carcinoma in situ of carina of bronchus
B8121 Carcinoma in situ of main bronchus
B8122 Carcinoma in situ of upper lobe bronchus and lung
B8123 Carcinoma in situ of middle lobe bronchus and lung
B8124 Carcinoma in situ of lower lobe bronchus and lung
B812z Carcinoma in situ of bronchus or lung NOS
B81y. Carcinoma in situ of other specified part respiratory system
B81y0 Carcinoma in situ of pleura
B81y1 Carcinoma in situ of nasal cavity
B81y2 Carcinoma in situ of tympanic cavity
B81y3 Carcinoma in situ of tympanic antrum
B81y4 Carcinoma in situ of Eustachian tube
B81y5 Carcinoma in situ of mastoid air cells
B81y6 Carcinoma in situ of maxillary sinus
B81y7 Carcinoma in situ of ethmoidal sinus
B81y8 Carcinoma in situ of frontal sinus
B81y9 Carcinoma in situ of sphenoidal sinus
B81yz Carcinoma in situ of specified parts respiratory system NOS
B81z. Carcinoma in situ of respiratory organ NOS
B82.. Carcinoma in situ of skin
B820. Carcinoma in situ of skin of lip
B821. Carcinoma in situ of skin of eyelid including canthus
B822. Carcinoma in situ skin of ear and external auricular canal
B8220 Carcinoma in situ of skin of auricle
B8221 Carcinoma in situ of skin of external auricular canal
B822z Carcinoma in situ skin of ear/external auricular canal NOS
B823. Carcinoma in situ of skin of other parts of face
B8230 Carcinoma in situ of skin of forehead skin
B8231 Carcinoma in situ of skin of eyebrow
B8233 Carcinoma in situ of skin of cheek
B8234 Carcinoma in situ of skin of nose
B8235 Carcinoma in situ of skin of temple
B8236 Carcinoma in situ of skin of jaw
B823z Carcinoma in situ of skin of other parts of face NOS
B824. Carcinoma in situ of scalp and skin of neck
B8240 Carcinoma in situ of scalp
B8241 Carcinoma in situ of skin of neck
B824z Carcinoma in situ of scalp or skin of neck NOS
B825. Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk, excluding scrotum
B8250 Carcinoma in situ of skin of breast
B8251 Carcinoma in situ of skin of chest wall NOS
B8252 Carcinoma in situ of skin of axilla
B8253 Carcinoma in situ of skin of back
B8254 Carcinoma in situ of skin of abdominal wall
B8255 Carcinoma in situ of skin of groin
B8256 Carcinoma in situ of skin of perineum
B8257 Carcinoma in situ of skin of buttock
B8258 Carcinoma in situ of perianal skin
B825z Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk NOS
B826. Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb and shoulder
B8260 Carcinoma in situ of skin of shoulder
B8261 Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper arm
B8262 Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower arm
B8263 Carcinoma in situ of skin of hand
B826z Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb or shoulder NOS
B827. Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb and hip
B8270 Carcinoma in situ of skin of hip
B8271 Carcinoma in situ of skin of thigh
B8272 Carcinoma in situ of skin of knee
B8273 Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower leg
B8274 Carcinoma in situ of skin of foot
B827z Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb or hip NOS
B828. Melanoma in situ of skin
B8280 Melanoma in situ of lip
B8281 Melanoma in situ of eyelid, including canthus
B8282 Melanoma in situ of ear and external auricular canal
B8283 Melanoma in situ of scalp and neck
B8284 Melanoma in situ of trunk
B8285 Melanoma in situ of upper limb, including shoulder
B8286 Melanoma in situ of lower limb, including hip
B828W Melanoma in situ, unspecified
B828X Melanoma in situ of other and unspecified parts of face
B82y. Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites of skin
B82z. Carcinoma in situ of skin NOS
B83.. Carcinoma in situ of breast and genitourinary system
B830. Carcinoma in situ of breast
B8300 Lobular carcinoma in situ of breast
B8301 Intraductal carcinoma in situ of breast
B831. Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri
B8310 Carcinoma in situ of endocervix
B8311 Carcinoma in situ of exocervix
B832. Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified parts of uterus
B8320 Carcinoma in situ of endometrium
B833. Carcinoma in situ other and unspecified female genital organ
B8330 Carcinoma in situ of ovary
B8331 Carcinoma in situ of fallopian tube
B8332 Carcinoma in situ of vagina
B8333 Carcinoma in situ of vulva
B833z Carcinoma in situ of female genital organs NOS
B834. Carcinoma in situ of prostate
B835. Carcinoma in situ of penis
B836. Carcinoma in situ other and unspecified male genital organs
B8360 Carcinoma in situ of testis
B8361 Carcinoma in situ of epididymis
B8362 Carcinoma in situ of spermatic cord
B8363 Carcinoma in situ of scrotum
B836z Carcinoma in situ of male genital organs NOS
B837. Carcinoma in situ of bladder
B83z. Carcinoma in situ of urinary organs NOS
B8y.. Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified sites
B8y0. Carcinoma in situ of eye
B8yy. Carcinoma in situ of other specified site
B8yy0 Carcinoma in situ of thyroid gland
B8yy1 Carcinoma in situ of adrenal gland
B8yy2 Carcinoma in situ of parathyroid gland
B8yy3 Carcinoma in situ of pituitary gland
B8yyz Carcinoma in situ of other specified site NOS
B8z.. Carcinoma in situ NOS
B9... Neoplasms of uncertain behaviour
B90.. Neop uncertain behaviour of digestive and respiratory system
B900. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of major salivary glands
B9000 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of parotid gland
B9001 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of sublingual gland
B9002 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of submandibular gland
B900z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of major salivary gland NOS
B901. Neop of uncertain behaviour of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
B9010 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of lip
B9011 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of tongue
B9012 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of minor salivary gland
B9013 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of gums
B9014 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of floor of mouth
B9015 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of cheek
B9016 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of palate
B9017 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of nasopharynx
B9018 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of oropharynx
B9019 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of hypopharynx
B901z Neop of uncertain behaviour lip, oral cavity and pharynx NOS
B902. Neop of uncertain behaviour stomach, intestines and rectum
B9020 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of stomach
B9021 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of duodenum
B9022 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of jejunum
B9023 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of ileum
B9024 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of colon
B9025 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of rectum
B9026 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of appendix
B902z Neop of uncertain behaviour stomach, intestine or rectum NOS
B903. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of liver and biliary passage
B9030 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of liver
B9031 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of intra-hepatic bile ducts
B9032 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of hepatic duct
B9033 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of gall bladder
B9034 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of cystic duct
B9035 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of common bile duct
B9036 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of ampulla of Vater
B9037 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of sphincter of Oddi
B903z Neop of uncertain behaviour of liver or biliary passages NOS
B904. Neop of uncertain behaviour retroperitoneum and peritoneum
B9040 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of retroperitoneum
B9041 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of peritoneum
B904z Neop uncertain behaviour retroperitoneum or peritoneum NOS
B905. Neop of uncertain behaviour other and unspec digestive organ
B9050 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of oesophagus
B9051 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of pancreas
B9052 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of anal canal and sphincter
B9053 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of spleen
B905z Neop uncertain behaviour other unspec digestive organ NOS
B906. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of larynx
B9060 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of thyroid cartilage
B9061 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of cricoid cartilage
B9062 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of epiglottis
B9063 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of arytenoid cartilage
B9064 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of corniculate cartilage
B9065 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of cuneiform cartilage
B9066 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of aryepiglottic fold
B9067 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of vestibular fold
B9068 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of vocal cord
B906z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of larynx NOS
B907. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour trachea, bronchus and lung
B9070 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of trachea
B9071 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of bronchus
B9072 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of lung
B907z Neop of uncertain behaviour of trachea, bronchus or lung NOS
B908. Neop of uncertain behaviour pleura, thymus and mediastinum
B9080 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of pleura
B9081 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of thymus
B9082 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of mediastinum
B90z. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of respiratory organs OS/NOS
B90z0 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of nasal cavity
B90z1 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of tympanic cavity
B90z2 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of tympanic antrum
B90z3 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of eustachian tube
B90z4 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of mastoid air cells
B90z5 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of maxillary sinus
B90z6 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of ethmoidal sinus
B90z7 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of frontal sinus
B90z8 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of sphenoidal sinus
B90zz Neop uncertain behaviour digestive or respiratory system NOS
B91.. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of genitourinary organs
B910. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of uterus
B911. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of placenta
B9110 Malignant hydatidiform mole
B911z Uncertain neoplasm of placenta NOS
B912. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of ovary
B913. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour other female genital organs
B9130 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of vagina
B9131 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of vulva
B913z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of female genital organs NOS
B914. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of testis
B915. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of prostate
B916. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of other male genital organs
B9160 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of penis
B9161 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of epididymis
B9162 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of scrotum
B916z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of male genital organs NOS
B917. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of bladder
B91z. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of urinary organs OS/NOS
B91z0 Uncertain neoplasm urethra
B91z1 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of kidney
B91z2 Uncertain neoplasm ureter
B91z3 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of renal pelvis
B91zz Uncertain neoplasm of urinary organ NOS
B92.. Neop of uncertain behaviour of endocrine and nervous system
B920. Neop uncertain behaviour pituitary and craniopharyngeal duct
B9200 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of pituitary gland
B9201 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of craniopharyngeal duct
B920z Neop uncertain behaviour pituitary and craniopharyngeal NOS
B921. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of pineal gland
B922. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of adrenal gland
B923. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of paraganglia
B9230 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of carotid body
B9231 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of glomus jugulare
B9232 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of aortic body
B9233 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of coccygeal body
B923z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of paraganglia NOS
B924. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour other/unsp. endocrine glands
B9240 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of thyroid gland
B9241 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of parathyroid gland
B924z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of endocrine gland NOS
B925. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of brain and spinal cord
B9250 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of brain
B9251 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of spinal cord
B9252 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behav brain, supratentorial
B9253 Neoplasm uncert / unkn behav brain, infratentorial
B925z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of brain or spinal cord NOS
B926. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of meninges
B9260 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of cerebral meninges
B9261 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of spinal meninges
B926z Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of meninges NOS
B927. Neurofibromatosis - Von Recklinghausens disease
B928. Neopl uncert/unkn behav of periph nerves & autonom nerv sys
B92z. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of nervous system OS/NOS
B92z0 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of cranial nerves
B92zz Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of nervous system NOS
B93.. Neop uncertain behaviour other and unspec sites and tissues
B930. Neop of uncertain behaviour of bone and articular cartilage
B9300 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of bone
B9301 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of articular cartilage
B930z Neop uncertain behaviour of bone or articular cartilage NOS
B931. Neop of uncertain behaviour connective and other soft tissue
B932. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of skin
B933. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of breast
B934. Polycythaemia vera
B935. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of histiocytic and mast cell
B936. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of plasma cells
B937. Neop uncertain behaviour other lymphatic/haematopoietic tiss
B9370 Refractory anaemia without sideroblasts, so stated
B9371 Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts
B9372 Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts
B9373 Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts with transformation
B9374 Essential (haemorrhagic) thrombocythaemia
B937W Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified
B937X Refractory anaemia, unspecified
B93X. Neo/uncertn+unknwn behav/lymph,hmatopetc+rel tiss,unspcf
B93y. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of other specified sites
B93y0 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of eye
B93y1 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of heart
B93yz Neop of uncertain behaviour of other specified sites NOS
B93z. Neop uncertain behaviour other unspec site and tissue NOS
B9y.. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour otherwise specified
B9z.. Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour NOS
BA... Unspecified nature neoplasm
BA0.. Neoplasm of unspecified nature
BA00. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of digestive system
BA01. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of respiratory system
BA02. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of bone, skin and soft tissue
BA020 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of bone
BA021 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of soft tissue
BA022 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of skin
BA02z Neoplasm of unspec nature of bone, skin or soft tissue NOS
BA03. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of breast
BA04. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of bladder
BA05. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of other genitourinary organs
BA06. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of brain
BA07. Neop unspec nature of endocrine glands, other nervous system
BA0y. Neoplasm of unspecified nature of other specified sites
BA0z. Neoplasm of unspecified nature NOS
BAz.. Neoplasm of unspecified nature NOS
BB... [M]Morphology of neoplasms
BB0.. [M]Neoplasms NOS
BB00. [M]Neoplasm, benign
BB01. [M]Neoplasm, uncertain whether benign or malignant
BB02. [M]Neoplasm, malignant
BB03. [M]Neoplasm, metastatic
BB04. [M]Neoplasm, malig, uncertain whether primary or metastatic
BB05. [M]Tumour cells, benign
BB06. [M]Tumour cells, uncertain whether benign or malignant
BB07. [M]Tumour cells, malignant
BB08. [M]Malignant tumour, small cell type
BB09. [M]Malignant tumour, giant cell type
BB0A. [M]Malignant tumour, fusiform cell type
BB0z. [M]Unspecified tumour cell NOS
BB1.. [M]Epithelial neoplasms NOS
BB10. [M]Epithelial tumour, benign
BB11. [M]Carcinoma in situ NOS
BB12. [M]Carcinoma NOS
BB13. [M]Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS
BB14. [M]Carcinomatosis
BB15. [M]Epithelioma, benign
BB16. [M]Epithelioma, malignant
BB17. [M]Large cell carcinoma NOS
BB18. [M]Carcinoma, undifferentiated type, NOS
BB19. [M]Carcinoma, anaplastic type, NOS
BB1A. [M]Pleomorphic carcinoma
BB1B. [M]Giant cell and spindle cell carcinoma
BB1C. [M]Giant cell carcinoma
BB1D. [M]Spindle cell carcinoma
BB1E. [M]Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma
BB1F. [M]Polygonal cell carcinoma
BB1G. [M]Spheroidal cell carcinoma
BB1H. [M]Tumourlet
BB1J. [M]Small cell carcinoma NOS
BB1K. [M]Oat cell carcinoma
BB1L. [M]Small cell carcinoma, fusiform cell type
BB1M. [M]Small cell carcinoma, intermediate cell
BB1N. [M]Small cell-large cell carcinoma
BB1z. [M]Unspecified epithelial neoplasm
BB2.. [M]Papillary and squamous cell neoplasms
BB20. [M]Papilloma NOS (excluding papilloma of urinary bladder)
BB21. [M]Papillary carcinoma in situ
BB22. [M]Papillary carcinoma NOS
BB23. [M]Verrucous papilloma
BB24. [M]Verrucous carcinoma NOS
BB25. [M]Squamous cell papilloma
BB26. [M]Papillary squamous cell carcinoma
BB27. [M]Inverted papilloma
BB28. [M]Papillomatosis NOS
BB29. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma in situ NOS
BB2A. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma NOS
BB2B. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, metastatic NOS
BB2C. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinising type NOS
BB2D. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, non-keratinising
BB2E. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, small cell, non-keratinising
BB2F. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell type
BB2G. [M]Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma
BB2H. [M]Squamous cell ca-in-situ, questionable stromal invasion
BB2J. [M]Squamous cell carcinoma, microinvasive
BB2K. [M]Queyrats erythroplasia
BB2L. [M]Bowens disease
BB2M. [M]Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
BB2N. [M]Intraepit neop,grade III,of cervix, vulva and vagina
BB2z. [M]Papillary or squamous cell neoplasm NOS
BB3.. [M]Basal cell neoplasms
BB30. [M]Basal cell tumour
BB31. [M]Basal cell carcinoma NOS
BB32. [M]Multicentric basal cell carcinoma
BB33. [M]Basal cell carcinoma, morphoea type
BB34. [M]Basal cell carcinoma, fibroepithelial type
BB35. [M]Basosquamous carcinoma
BB36. [M]Metatypical carcinoma
BB37. [M]Intraepidermal epithelioma of Jadassohn
BB38. [M]Trichoepithelioma
BB39. [M]Trichofolliculoma
BB3A. [M]Tricholemmoma
BB3B. [M]Pilomatrixoma
BB3z. [M]Basal cell neoplasm NOS
BB4.. [M]Transitional cell papillomas and carcinomas
BB40. [M]Transitional cell papilloma NOS
BB41. [M]Urothelial papilloma
BB42. [M]Transitional cell carcinoma in situ
BB43. [M]Transitional cell carcinoma NOS
BB44. [M]Schneiderian papilloma
BB45. [M]Transitional cell papilloma, inverted type
BB46. [M]Schneiderian carcinoma
BB47. [M]Transitional cell carcinoma, spindle cell type
BB48. [M]Basaloid carcinoma
BB49. [M]Cloacogenic carcinoma
BB4A. [M]Papillary transitional cell carcinoma
BB4z. [M]Transitional cell papilloma or carcinoma NOS
BB5.. [M]Adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB50. [M]Adenoma NOS
BB500 [M]Microcystic adenoma
BB51. [M]Adenocarcinoma in situ
BB510 [M]Adenocarcinoma in situ in villous adenoma
BB511 [M]Adenocarcinoma in situ in tubulovillous adenoma
BB52. [M]Adenocarcinoma NOS
BB520 [M]Adenocarcinoma in tubulovillous adenoma
BB53. [M]Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS
BB54. [M]Scirrhous adenocarcinoma
BB55. [M]Linitis plastica
BB56. [M]Superficial spreading adenocarcinoma
BB57. [M]Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type
BB58. [M]Carcinoma, diffuse type
BB59. [M]Monomorphic adenoma
BB5A. [M]Basal cell adenoma
BB5B. [M]Pancreatic adenomas and carcinomas
BB5B0 [M]Islet cell adenoma
BB5B1 [M]Islet cell carcinoma
BB5B2 [M]Insulinoma NOS
BB5B3 [M]Insulinoma, malignant
BB5B4 [M]Glucagonoma NOS
BB5B5 [M]Glucagonoma, malignant
BB5B6 [M]Mixed islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma
BB5Bz [M]Pancreatic adenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB5C. [M]Gastrinoma and carcinomas
BB5C0 [M]Gastrinoma NOS
BB5C1 [M]Gastrinoma, malignant
BB5Cz [M]Gastrinoma or carcinoma NOS
BB5D. [M]Hepatobiliary tract adenomas and carcinomas
BB5D0 [M]Bile duct adenoma
BB5D1 [M]Cholangiocarcinoma
BB5D2 [M]Bile duct cystadenoma
BB5D3 [M]Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma
BB5D4 [M]Liver cell adenoma
BB5D5 [M]Hepatocellular carcinoma NOS
BB5D6 [M]Hepatocholangioma, benign
BB5D7 [M]Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
BB5D8 [M]Hepatocellular carcinoma, fibrolamellar
BB5Dz [M]Hepatobiliary adenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB5E. [M]Trabecular adenoma
BB5F. [M]Trabecular adenocarcinoma
BB5G. [M]Embryonal adenoma
BB5H. [M]Eccrine dermal cylindroma
BB5J. [M]Adenoid cystic carcinoma
BB5K. [M]Cribriform carcinoma
BB5L. [M]Adenomatous and adenocarcinomatous polyps
BB5L0 [M]Adenomatous polyp NOS
BB5L1 [M]Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp
BB5L2 [M]Adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp
BB5L3 [M]Adenocarcinoma in multiple adenomatous polyps
BB5Lz [M]Adenomatous or adenocarcinomatous polyp NOS
BB5M. [M]Tubular adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5M0 [M]Tubular adenoma NOS
BB5M1 [M]Tubular adenocarcinoma
BB5Mz [M]Tubular adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5N. [M]Adenomatous and adenocarcinomatous polyps of colon
BB5N0 [M]Adenomatous polyposis coli
BB5N1 [M]Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polposis coli
BB5N2 [M]Multiple adenomatous polyps
BB5Nz [M]Adenomatous or adenocarcinomatous polyps of the colon NOS
BB5P. [M]Solid carcinoma NOS
BB5Q. [M]Carcinoma simplex
BB5R. [M]Carcinoid tumours
BB5R0 [M]Carcinoid tumour NOS
BB5R1 [M]Carcinoid tumour, malignant
BB5R2 [M]Carcinoid tumour, argentaffin, NOS
BB5R3 [M]Carcinoid tumour, argentaffin, malignant
BB5R4 [M]Carcinoid tumour, nonargentaffin, NOS
BB5R5 [M]Carcinoid tumour, nonargentaffin, malignant
BB5R6 [M]Mucocarcinoid tumour, malignant
BB5R7 [M]Composite carcinoid
BB5R8 [M]Adenocarcinoid tumour
BB5R9 [M]Neuroendocrine carcinoma
BB5RA [M]Merkel cell carcinoma
BB5Rz [M]Carcinoid tumours NOS
BB5S. [M]Respiratory tract adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5S0 [M]Pulmonary adenomatosis
BB5S1 [M]Bronchial adenoma NOS
BB5S2 [M]Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma
BB5S3 [M]Alveolar adenoma
BB5S4 [M]Alveolar adenocarcinoma
BB5Sz [M]Respiratory tract adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5T. [M]Papillary adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5T0 [M]Papillary adenoma NOS
BB5T1 [M]Papillary adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5Tz [M]Papillary adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5U. [M]Villous adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5U0 [M]Villous adenoma NOS
BB5U1 [M]Adenocarcinoma in villous adenoma
BB5U2 [M]Villous adenocarcinoma
BB5U3 [M]Tubulovillous adenoma
BB5Uz [M]Villous adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5V. [M]Pituitary adenomas and carcinomas
BB5V0 [M]Chromophobe adenoma
BB5V1 [M]Chromophobe carcinoma
BB5V2 [M]Acidophil adenoma
BB5V3 [M]Acidophil carcinoma
BB5V4 [M]Mixed acidophil-basophil adenoma
BB5V5 [M]Mixed acidophil-basophil carcinoma
BB5V6 [M]Basophil adenoma
BB5V7 [M]Basophil carcinoma
BB5Vz [M]Pituitary adenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB5W. [M]Oxyphilic adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5W0 [M]Oxyphilic adenoma
BB5W1 [M]Oxyphilic adenocarcinoma
BB5Wz [M]Oxyphilic adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5X. [M]Clear cell adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5X0 [M]Clear cell adenoma
BB5X1 [M]Clear cell adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5Xz [M]Clear cell adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5Y. [M]Hypernephroid tumour
BB5Z. [M]Clear cell adenofibroma
BB5a. [M]Renal adenoma and carcinoma
BB5a0 [M]Renal cell carcinoma
BB5a1 [M]Juxtaglomerular tumour
BB5az [M]Renal adenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB5b. [M]Granular cell carcinoma
BB5c. [M]Parathyroid adenomas and adenocarcinomas
BB5c0 [M]Chief cell adenoma
BB5c1 [M]Water-clear cell adenoma
BB5c2 [M]Water-clear cell adenocarcinoma
BB5cz [M]Parathyroid adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5d. [M]Mixed cell adenoma and adenocarcinoma
BB5d0 [M]Mixed cell adenoma
BB5d1 [M]Mixed cell adenocarcinoma
BB5dz [M]Mixed cell adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5e. [M]Lipoadenoma
BB5f. [M]Thyroid adenoma and adenocarcinoma
BB5f0 [M]Follicular adenoma
BB5f1 [M]Follicular adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5f2 [M]Follicular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated type
BB5f3 [M]Follicular adenocarcinoma, trabecular type
BB5f4 [M]Microfollicular adenoma
BB5f5 [M]Macrofollicular adenoma
BB5f6 [M]Papillary and follicular adenocarcinoma
BB5f7 [M]Nonencapsulated sclerosing carcinoma
BB5fz [M]Thyroid adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB5g. [M]Multiple endocrine adenomas
BB5h. [M]Adrenal cortical tumours
BB5h0 [M]Adrenal cortical adenoma NOS
BB5h1 [M]Adrenal cortical carcinoma
BB5h2 [M]Adrenal cortical adenoma, compact cell type
BB5h3 [M]Adrenal cortical adenoma, heavily pigmented variant
BB5h4 [M]Adrenal cortical adenoma, clear cell type
BB5h5 [M]Adrenal cortical adenoma, glomerulosa cell type
BB5h6 [M]Adrenal cortical adenoma, mixed cell type
BB5hz [M]Adrenal cortical tumours NOS
BB5j. [M]Endometrioid adenomas and carcinomas
BB5j0 [M]Endometrioid adenoma NOS
BB5j1 [M]Endometrioid adenoma, borderline malignancy
BB5j2 [M]Endometrioid carcinoma
BB5j3 [M]Endometrioid adenofibroma NOS
BB5j4 [M]Endometrioid adenofibroma, borderline malignancy
BB5j5 [M]Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant
BB5jz [M]Endometrioid adenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB5y. [M]Adenoma and adenocarcinoms OS
BB5y0 [M]Basal cell adenocarcinoma
BB5y1 [M]Vipoma
BB5y2 [M]Klatskins tumour
BB5y3 [M]Apudoma
BB5y4 [M]Prolactinoma
BB5y5 [M]Lipid-rich carcinoma
BB5y6 [M]Glycogen-rich carcinoma
BB5z. [M]Adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB6.. [M]Adnexal and skin appendage neoplasms
BB60. [M]Skin appendage adenoma and carcinoma
BB600 [M]Skin appendage adenoma
BB601 [M]Skin appendage carcinoma
BB60z [M]Skin appendage adenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB61. [M]Sweat gland adenoma and adenocarcinomas
BB610 [M]Sweat gland adenoma
BB611 [M]Sweat gland tumour NOS
BB612 [M]Sweat gland adenocarcinoma
BB61z [M]Sweat gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB62. [M]Apocrine adenoma and adenocarcinomas
BB620 [M]Apocrine adenoma
BB621 [M]Apocrine adenocarcinoma
BB62z [M]Apocrine adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB63. [M]Eccrine acrospiroma
BB64. [M]Eccrine spiradenoma
BB65. [M]Hidrocystoma
BB66. [M]Papillary hydradenoma
BB67. [M]Papillary syringadenoma
BB68. [M]Syringoma NOS
BB69. [M]Sebaceous adenoma and adenocarcinoma
BB690 [M]Sebaceous adenoma
BB691 [M]Sebaceous adenocarcinoma
BB69z [M]Sebaceous adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB6A. [M]Ceruminous adenoma and adenocarcinoma
BB6A0 [M]Ceruminous adenoma
BB6A1 [M]Ceruminous adenocarcinoma
BB6Az [M]Ceruminous adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB6B. [M]Eccrine papillary adenoma
BB6z. [M]Adnexal and skin appendage neoplasm NOS
BB7.. [M]Mucoepidermoid neoplasms
BB70. [M]Mucoepidermoid tumour
BB71. [M]Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
BB7z. [M]Mucoepidermoid neoplasm NOS
BB8.. [M]Cystic, mucinous and serous neoplasms
BB80. [M]Cystadenoma and carcinoma
BB800 [M]Cystadenoma NOS
BB801 [M]Cystadenocarcinoma NOS
BB80z [M]Cystadenoma or carcinoma NOS
BB81. [M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous and serous neoplasms
BB810 [M]Serous cystadenoma NOS
BB811 [M]Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB812 [M]Serous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS
BB813 [M]Papillary cystadenoma NOS
BB814 [M]Papillary cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB815 [M]Papillary cystadenocarcinoma, NOS
BB816 [M]Papillary serous cystadenoma NOS
BB817 [M]Papillary serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB818 [M]Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma
BB819 [M]Serous surface papilloma NOS
BB81A [M]Serous surface papilloma, borderline malignancy
BB81B [M]Serous surface papillary carcinoma
BB81C [M]Mucinous cystadenoma NOS
BB81D [M]Mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB81E [M]Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma NOS
BB81F [M]Papillary mucinous cystadenoma NOS
BB81G [M]Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB81H [M]Papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
BB81J [M]Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB81K [M]Papillary cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB81L [M]Papillary cystic tumour
BB81M [M]Papillary serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy
BB81z [M]Ovarian cystic, mucinous or serous neoplasm NOS
BB82. [M]Mucinous adenoma and adenocarcinoma
BB820 [M]Mucinous adenoma
BB821 [M]Mucinous adenocarcinoma
BB82z [M]Mucinous adenoma or adenocarcinoma NOS
BB83. [M]Pseudomyxoma peritonei
BB84. [M]Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma
BB85. [M]Signet ring carcinoma
BB850 [M]Signet ring cell carcinoma
BB851 [M]Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma
BB85z [M]Signet ring carcinoma NOS
BB8z. [M]Cystic, mucinous or serous neoplasm NOS
BB9.. [M]Ductal, lobular and medullary neoplasms
BB90. [M]Intraductal carcinoma, noninfiltrating NOS
BB91. [M]Infiltrating duct carcinoma
BB910 [M]Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma with invasion
BB911 [M]Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma
BB92. [M]Comedocarcinoma, noninfiltrating
BB93. [M]Comedocarcinoma NOS
BB94. [M]Juvenile breast carcinoma
BB95. [M]Intraductal papilloma
BB96. [M]Noninfiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma
BB97. [M]Intracystic papillary adenoma
BB98. [M]Noninfiltrating intracystic carcinoma
BB99. [M]Intraductal papillomatosis NOS
BB9A. [M]Subareolar duct papillomatosis
BB9B. [M]Medullary carcinoma NOS
BB9C. [M]Medullary carcinoma with amyloid stroma
BB9D. [M]Medullary carcinoma with lymphoid stroma
BB9E. [M]Lobular carcinoma in situ
BB9E0 [M]Intraductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ
BB9F. [M]Lobular carcinoma NOS
BB9G. [M]Infiltrating ductular carcinoma
BB9H. [M]Inflammatory carcinoma
BB9J. [M]Pagets disease, mammary
BB9K. [M]Pagets disease and infiltrating breast duct carcinoma
BB9K0 [M]Pagets disease and intraductal carcinoma of breast
BB9L. [M]Pagets disease, extramammary, exc Pagets disease bone
BB9M. [M]Intracystic carcinoma NOS
BB9z. [M]Ductal, lobular or medullary neoplasm NOS
BBA.. [M]Acinar cell neoplasms
BBA0. [M]Acinar cell adenoma
BBA1. [M]Acinar cell tumour
BBA2. [M]Acinar cell carcinoma
BBAz. [M]Acinar cell neoplasm NOS
BBB.. [M]Complex epithelial neoplasms
BBB0. [M]Adenosquamous carcinoma
BBB1. [M]Adenolymphoma
BBB2. [M]Adenocarcinoma with squamous metaplasia
BBB3. [M]Adenocarcinoma with cartilaginous and osseous metaplasia
BBB4. [M]Adenocarcinoma with spindle cell metaplasia
BBB5. [M]Adenocarcinoma with apocrine metaplasia
BBB6. [M]Thymoma
BBB60 [M]Thymoma, benign
BBB61 [M]Thymoma, malignant
BBB6z [M]Thymoma NOS
BBB7. [M]Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
BBBz. [M]Complex epithelial neoplasm NOS
BBC.. [M]Specialised gonadal neoplasms
BBC0. [M]Sex cord-stromal tumour
BBC00 [M]Sex cord tumour with annular tubules
BBC1. [M]Thecal cell neoplasms
BBC10 [M]Thecoma NOS
BBC11 [M]Theca cell carcinoma
BBC12 [M]Thecoma, luteinized
BBC1z [M]Thecal cell neoplasm NOS
BBC2. [M]Luteoma NOS
BBC3. [M]Granulosa cell tumour NOS
BBC30 [M]Juvenile granulosa cell tumour
BBC4. [M]Granulosa cell tumour, malignant
BBC5. [M]Granulosa cell-theca cell tumour
BBC6. [M]Androblastoma
BBC60 [M]Androblastoma, benign
BBC61 [M]Androblastoma, malignant
BBC6z [M]Androblastoma NOS
BBC7. [M]Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour
BBC8. [M]Gynandroblastoma
BBC9. [M]Tubular androblastoma NOS
BBCA. [M]Sertoli cell carcinoma
BBCB. [M]Tubular androblastoma with lipid storage
BBCC. [M]Leydig cell tumour
BBCC0 [M]Leydig cell tumour, benign
BBCC1 [M]Leydig cell tumour, malignant
BBCCz [M]Leydig cell tumour NOS
BBCD. [M]Hilar cell tumour
BBCE. [M]Lipid cell tumour of ovary
BBCF. [M]Adrenal rest tumour
BBCG. [M]Sclerosing stromal tumour
BBCz. [M]Specialised gonadal neoplasm NOS
BBD.. [M]Paragangliomas and glomus tumours
BBD0. [M]Paraganglioma NOS
BBD1. [M]Paraganglioma, malignant
BBD2. [M]Sympathetic paraganglioma
BBD3. [M]Parasympathetic paraganglioma
BBD4. [M]Glomus jugulare tumour
BBD5. [M]Aortic body tumour
BBD6. [M]Carotid body tumour
BBD7. [M]Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, NOS
BBD8. [M]Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, malignant
BBD9. [M]Phaeochromocytoma NOS
BBDA. [M]Phaeochromocytoma, malignant
BBDB. [M]Glomangiosarcoma
BBDC. [M]Glomus tumour
BBDD. [M]Glomangioma
BBDE. [M]Gangliocytic paraganglioma
BBDF. [M]Glomangiomyoma
BBDz. [M]Paraganglioma or glomus tumour NOS
BBE.. [M]Naevi and melanomas
BBE0. [M]Pigmented naevus NOS
BBE1. [M]Malignant melanoma NOS
BBE10 [M]Malignant melanoma, regressing
BBE11 [M]Desmoplastic melanoma, malignant
BBE2. [M]Nodular melanoma
BBE3. [M]Balloon cell naevus
BBE4. [M]Balloon cell melanoma
BBE5. [M]Halo naevus
BBE6. [M]Fibrous papule of nose
BBE7. [M]Neuronaevus
BBE8. [M]Magnocellular naevus
BBE9. [M]Nonpigmented naevus
BBEA. [M]Amelanotic melanoma
BBEB. [M]Junctional naevus
BBEC. [M]Malignant melanoma in junctional naevus
BBED. [M]Precancerous melanosis NOS
BBEE. [M]Malignant melanoma in precancerous melanosis
BBEF. [M]Hutchinsons melanotic freckle
BBEG. [M]Malignant melanoma in Hutchinsons melanotic freckle
BBEG0 [M]Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant
BBEH. [M]Superficial spreading melanoma
BBEJ. [M]Intradermal naevus
BBEK. [M]Compound naevus
BBEL. [M]Giant pigmented naevus
BBEM. [M]Malignant melanoma in giant pigmented naevus
BBEN. [M]Epithelioid and spindle cell naevus
BBEP. [M]Epithelioid cell melanoma
BBEQ. [M]Spindle cell melanoma NOS
BBER. [M]Spindle cell melanoma, type A
BBES. [M]Spindle cell melanoma, type B
BBET. [M]Mixed epithelioid and spindle melanoma
BBEU. [M]Blue naevus NOS
BBEV. [M]Blue naevus, malignant
BBEW. [M]Cellular blue naevus
BBEX. [M]Melanoma in situ
BBEY. [M]Dysplastic naevus
BBEa. [M]Spindle cell naevus
BBEb. [M] Epithelioid cell naevus
BBEz. [M]Naevi or melanoma NOS
BBF.. [M]Soft tissue tumours and sarcomas NOS
BBF0. [M]Soft tissue tumour, benign
BBF1. [M]Sarcoma NOS
BBF2. [M]Sarcomatosis NOS
BBF3. [M]Spindle cell sarcoma
BBF4. [M]Giant cell sarcoma (except of bone)
BBF5. [M]Small cell sarcoma
BBF6. [M]Epithelioid cell sarcoma
BBFz. [M]Soft tissue tumour or sarcoma NOS
BBG.. [M]Fibromatous neoplasms
BBG0. [M]Fibroma NOS
BBG1. [M]Fibrosarcoma NOS
BBG2. [M]Fibromyxoma
BBG3. [M]Fibromyxosarcoma
BBG4. [M]Periosteal fibroma
BBG5. [M]Periosteal fibrosarcoma
BBG6. [M]Fascial fibroma
BBG7. [M]Fascial fibrosarcoma
BBG8. [M]Infantile fibrosarcoma
BBG9. [M]Elastofibroma
BBGA. [M]Aggressive fibromatosis
BBGB. [M]Abdominal fibromatosis
BBGC. [M]Desmoplastic fibroma
BBGD. [M]Fibrous histiocytoma NOS
BBGE. [M]Atypical fibrous histiocytoma
BBGF. [M]Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant
BBGG. [M]Fibroxanthoma NOS
BBGH. [M]Atypical fibroxanthoma
BBGJ. [M]Fibroxanthoma, malignant
BBGK. [M]Dermatofibroma NOS
BBGL. [M]Dermatofibroma protuberans
BBGM. [M]Dermatofibrosarcoma NOS
BBGN. [M]Myofibromatosis
BBGP. [M]Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
BBGz. [M]Fibromatous neoplasm NOS
BBH.. [M]Myxomatous neoplasms
BBH0. [M]Myxoma NOS
BBH1. [M]Myxosarcoma
BBHZ. [M]Angiomyxoma
BBHz. [M]Myxomatous neoplasm NOS
BBJ.. [M]Lipomatous neoplasms
BBJ0. [M]Lipoma NOS
BBJ1. [M]Liposarcoma NOS
BBJ2. [M]Fibrolipoma
BBJ3. [M]Liposarcoma, well differentiated type
BBJ4. [M]Fibromyxolipoma
BBJ5. [M]Myxoid liposarcoma
BBJ6. [M]Round cell liposarcoma
BBJ7. [M]Pleomorphic liposarcoma
BBJ8. [M]Mixed type liposarcoma
BBJ9. [M]Intramuscular lipoma
BBJA. [M]Spindle cell lipoma
BBJB. [M]Angiolipomatous neoplasms
BBJB0 [M]Angiomyolipoma
BBJB1 [M]Angiomyoliposarcoma
BBJB2 [M]Angiolipoma NOS
BBJB3 [M]Angiolipoma, infiltrating
BBJBz [M]Angiolipomatous neoplasm NOS
BBJC. [M]Myelolipoma
BBJD. [M]Hibernoma
BBJE. [M]Lipoblastomatosis
BBJF. [M]Pleomorphic lipoma
BBJH. [M]Dedifferentiated liposarcoma
BBJz. [M]Lipomatous neoplasms NOS
BBK.. [M]Myomatous neoplasms
BBK0. [M]Leiomyomatous neoplasms
BBK00 [M]Leiomyoma NOS
BBK01 [M]Intravascular leiomyomatosis
BBK02 [M]Leiomyosarcoma NOS
BBK03 [M]Epithelioid leiomyoma
BBK04 [M]Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma
BBK05 [M]Cellular leiomyoma
BBK06 [M]Bizarre leiomyoma
BBK07 [M]Myxoid leiomyosarcoma
BBK0z [M]Leiomyomatous neoplasm NOS
BBK1. [M]Angiomyomatous neoplasms
BBK10 [M]Angiomyoma
BBK11 [M]Angiomyosarcoma
BBK1z [M]Angiomyomatous neoplasm NOS
BBK2. [M]Myoma and myosarcoma
BBK20 [M]Myoma
BBK21 [M]Myosarcoma
BBK2z [M]Myoma or myosarcoma NOS
BBK3. [M]Rhabdomyomatous neoplasms
BBK30 [M]Rhabdomyoma NOS
BBK31 [M]Rhabdomyosarcoma NOS
BBK32 [M]Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma
BBK33 [M]Mixed cell rhabdomyosarcoma
BBK34 [M]Fetal rhabdomyoma
BBK35 [M]Adult rhabdomyoma
BBK36 [M]Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
BBK37 [M]Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
BBK38 [M]Smooth muscle tumour NOS
BBK3z [M]Rhabdomyomatous neoplasm NOS
BBKz. [M]Myomatous neoplasm NOS
BBL.. [M]Complex mixed and stromal neoplasms
BBL0. [M]Endometrial stromal sarcoma
BBL1. [M]Endolymphatic stromal myosis
BBL2. [M]Adenomyoma
BBL3. [M]Pleomorphic adenoma
BBL4. [M]Mixed tumour, malignant, NOS
BBL5. [M]Mullerian mixed tumour
BBL6. [M]Mesodermal mixed tumour
BBL7. [M]Mixed and stromal renal neoplasms
BBL70 [M]Mesoblastic nephroma
BBL71 [M]Nephroblastoma NOS
BBL72 [M]Epithelial nephroblastoma
BBL73 [M]Mesenchymal nephroblastoma
BBL7z [M]Mixed or stromal renal neoplasm NOS
BBL8. [M]Hepatoblastoma
BBL9. [M]Carcinosarcoma NOS
BBLA. [M]Carcinosarcoma, embryonal type
BBLB. [M]Myoepithelioma
BBLC. [M]Mesenchymomas
BBLC0 [M]Mesenchymoma, benign
BBLC1 [M]Mesenchymoma, malignant
BBLCz [M]Mesenchymoma NOS
BBLD. [M]Embryonal sarcoma
BBLE. [M]Adenosarcoma
BBLF. [M]Endometrial stromal nodule
BBLG. [M]Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma
BBLH. [M]Rhabdoid sarcoma
BBLJ. [M]Clear cell sarcoma of kidney
BBLK. [M]Pancreatoblastoma
BBLM. [M]Pulmonary blastoma
BBLz. [M]Complex mixed or stromal neoplasm NOS
BBM.. [M]Fibroepithelial neoplasms
BBM0. [M]Brenner tumours
BBM00 [M]Brenner tumour, borderline malignancy
BBM01 [M]Brenner tumour, malignant
BBM0z [M]Brenner tumour NOS
BBM1. [M]Fibroadenoma NOS
BBM2. [M]Intracanalicular fibroadenoma NOS
BBM3. [M]Pericanalicular fibroadenoma
BBM4. [M]Adenofibroma NOS
BBM5. [M]Serous adenofibroma
BBM6. [M]Mucinous adenofibroma
BBM7. [M]Cellular intracanalicular fibroadenoma
BBM8. [M]Cystosarcoma phyllodes NOS
BBM9. [M]Cystosarcoma phyllodes, malignant
BBMA. [M]Juvenile fibroadenoma
BBMB. [M]Giant fibroadenoma
BBMz. [M]Fibroepithelial neoplasm NOS
BBN.. [M]Synovial neoplasms
BBN0. [M]Synovioma, benign
BBN1. [M]Synovial sarcoma NOS
BBN2. [M]Synovial sarcoma, spindle cell type
BBN3. [M]Synovial sarcoma, epithelioid cell type
BBN4. [M]Synovial sarcoma, biphasic type
BBN5. [M]Clear cell sarcoma of tendons and aponeuroses
BBNz. [M]Synovial neoplasm NOS
BBP.. [M]Mesothelial neoplasms
BBP0. [M]Mesothelioma, benign
BBP1. [M]Mesothelioma, malignant
BBP2. [M]Fibrous mesothelioma, benign
BBP3. [M]Fibrous mesothelioma, malignant
BBP4. [M]Epithelioid mesothelioma, benign
BBP5. [M]Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant
BBP6. [M]Mesothelioma, biphasic type, benign
BBP7. [M]Mesothelioma, biphasic type, malignant
BBP8. [M]Adenomatoid tumour NOS
BBP9. [M]Cystic mesothelioma
BBPX. [M]Mesothelioma, unspecified
BBPz. [M]Mesothelial neoplasm NOS
BBQ.. [M]Germ cell neoplasms
BBQ0. [M]Dysgerminoma
BBQ1. [M]Seminomas
BBQ10 [M]Seminoma, anaplastic type
BBQ11 [M]Spermatocytic seminoma
BBQ1z [M]Seminoma NOS
BBQ2. [M]Germinoma
BBQ3. [M]Embryonal carcinoma NOS
BBQ4. [M]Endodermal sinus tumour
BBQ5. [M]Polyembryoma
BBQ6. [M]Gonadoblastoma
BBQ7. [M]Teratomas
BBQ70 [M]Teratoma, benign
BBQ71 [M]Teratoma NOS
BBQ72 [M]Teratoma, malignant, NOS
BBQ73 [M]Teratocarcinoma
BBQ74 [M]Malignant teratoma, undifferentiated type
BBQ75 [M]Malignant teratoma, intermediate type
BBQ7z [M]Teratoma NOS
BBQ8. [M]Dermoid cyst
BBQ9. [M]Dermoid cyst with malignant transformation
BBQA. [M]Strumal neoplasms
BBQA0 [M]Struma ovarii NOS
BBQA1 [M]Struma ovarii, malignant
BBQA2 [M]Strumal carcinoid
BBQAz [M]Strumal neoplasm NOS
BBQB. [M]Mixed germ cell tumour
BBQz. [M]Germ cell neoplasm NOS
BBR.. [M]Trophoblastic neoplasms
BBR0. [M]Hydatidiform mole NOS
BBR1. [M]Invasive hydatidiform mole
BBR2. [M]Choriocarcinoma
BBR3. [M]Choriocarcinoma combined with teratoma
BBR4. [M]Malignant teratoma, trophoblastic
BBR5. [M]Partial hydatidiform mole
BBR6. [M]Placental site trophoblastic tumour
BBRz. [M]Trophoblastic neoplasm NOS
BBS.. [M]Mesonephromas
BBS0. [M]Mesonephroma, benign
BBS1. [M]Mesonephric tumour
BBS2. [M]Mesonephroma, malignant
BBS3. [M]Endosalpingioma
BBSz. [M]Mesonephroma NOS
BBT.. [M]Blood vessel tumours
BBT0. [M]Haemangioma NOS
BBT1. [M]Haemangiosarcoma
BBT2. [M]Cavernous haemangioma
BBT3. [M]Venous haemangioma
BBT4. [M]Racemose haemangioma
BBT5. [M]Kupffer cell sarcoma
BBT7. [M]Haemangioendothelioma
BBT70 [M]Haemangioendothelioma, benign
BBT71 [M]Haemangioendothelioma, malignant
BBT7z [M]Haemangioendothelioma NOS
BBT8. [M]Capillary haemangioma
BBT9. [M]Intramuscular haemangioma
BBTA. [M]Kaposis sarcoma
BBTB. [M]Angiokeratoma
BBTC. [M]Verrucous keratotic haemangioma
BBTD. [M]Haemangiopericytic neoplasms
BBTD0 [M]Haemangiopericytoma, benign
BBTD1 [M]Haemangiopericytoma NOS
BBTD2 [M]Haemangiopericytoma, malignant
BBTDz [M]Haemangiopericytic neoplasm NOS
BBTE. [M]Angiofibroma NOS
BBTF. [M]Haemangioblastoma
BBTG. [M]Epithelioid haemangioma
BBTH. [M]Histiocytoid haemangioma
BBTJ. [M]Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma NOS
BBTK. [M]Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma, malignant
BBTL. [M]Intravascular bronchial alveolar tumour
BBTz. [M]Blood vessel tumour NOS
BBU.. [M]Lymphatic vessel tumours
BBU0. [M]Lymphangioma NOS
BBU1. [M]Lymphangiosarcoma
BBU2. [M]Capillary lymphangioma
BBU3. [M]Cavernous lymphangioma
BBU4. [M]Cystic lymphangioma
BBU5. [M]Lymphangiomyoma
BBU6. [M]Lymphangiomyomatosis
BBU7. [M]Haemolymphangioma
BBUz. [M]Lymphatic vessel tumour NOS
BBV.. [M]Osteomas and osteosarcomas
BBV0. [M]Osteoma NOS
BBV1. [M]Osteosarcoma NOS
BBV2. [M]Chondroblastic osteosarcoma
BBV3. [M]Fibroblastic osteosarcoma
BBV4. [M]Telangiectatic osteosarcoma
BBV5. [M]Osteosarcoma in Pagets disease of bone
BBV6. [M]Juxtacortical osteosarcoma
BBV7. [M]Osteoid osteoma NOS
BBV8. [M]Osteoblastoma
BBV9. [M]Myxoid chondrosarcoma
BBVA. [M] Small cell osteosarcoma
BBVz. [M]Osteoma or osteosarcoma NOS
BBW.. [M]Chondromatous neoplasms
BBW0. [M]Osteochondroma
BBW1. [M]Osteochondromatosis NOS
BBW2. [M]Chondroma NOS
BBW3. [M]Chondromatosis NOS
BBW4. [M]Chondrosarcoma NOS
BBW5. [M]Juxtacortical chondroma
BBW6. [M]Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma
BBW7. [M]Chondroblastoma NOS
BBW8. [M]Chondroblastoma, malignant
BBW9. [M]Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
BBWA. [M]Chondromyxoid fibroma
BBWz. [M]Chondromatous neoplasm NOS
BBX.. [M]Giant cell tumours
BBX0. [M]Giant cell tumour of bone NOS
BBX1. [M]Giant cell tumour of bone, malignant
BBX2. [M]Giant cell tumour of soft parts NOS
BBX3. [M]Malignant giant cell tumour of soft parts
BBXz. [M]Giant cell tumour NOS
BBY.. [M]Miscellaneous bone tumours
BBY0. [M]Ewings sarcoma
BBY1. [M]Adamantinoma of long bones
BBY2. [M]Ossifying fibroma
BBYz. [M]Miscellaneous bone tumour NOS
BBZ.. [M]Odontogenic tumours
BBZ0. [M]Odontogenic tumour, benign
BBZ1. [M]Odontogenic tumour NOS
BBZ2. [M]Odontogenic tumour, malignant
BBZ3. [M]Dentinoma
BBZ4. [M]Cementoma NOS
BBZ5. [M]Cementoblastoma, benign
BBZ6. [M]Cementifying fibroma
BBZ7. [M]Gigantiform cementoma
BBZ8. [M]Odontoma NOS
BBZ9. [M]Compound odontoma
BBZA. [M]Complex odontoma
BBZB. [M]Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
BBZC. [M]Ameloblastic odontosarcoma
BBZD. [M]Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
BBZE. [M]Calcifying odontogenic cyst
BBZF. [M]Ameloblastoma NOS
BBZG. [M]Ameloblastoma, malignant
BBZH. [M]Odontoameloblastoma
BBZJ. [M]Squamous odontogenic tumour
BBZK. [M]Odontogenic myxoma
BBZL. [M]Odontogenic fibroma NOS
BBZM. [M]Ameloblastic fibroma
BBZN. [M]Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma
BBZP. [M]Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
BBZz. [M]Odontogenic tumour NOS
BBa.. [M]Miscellaneous tumours
BBa0. [M]Craniopharyngioma
BBa1. [M]Pinealoma
BBa2. [M]Pineocytoma
BBa3. [M]Pineoblastoma
BBa4. [M]Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour
BBa5. [M]Chordoma
BBaz. [M]Miscellaneous tumour NOS
BBb.. [M]Gliomas
BBb0. [M]Glioma, malignant
BBb1. [M]Gliomatosis cerebri
BBb2. [M]Mixed glioma
BBb3. [M]Subependymal glioma
BBb4. [M]Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
BBb5. [M]Choroid plexus papilloma NOS
BBb6. [M]Choroid plexus papilloma, malignant
BBb7. [M]Ependymoma NOS
BBb8. [M]Ependymoma, anaplastic type
BBb9. [M]Papillary ependymoma
BBbA. [M]Myxopapillary ependymoma
BBbB. [M]Astrocytyoma NOS
BBbC. [M]Astrocytoma, anaplastic type
BBbD. [M]Protoplasmic astrocytoma
BBbE. [M]Gemistocytic astrocytoma
BBbF. [M]Fibrillary astrocytoma
BBbG. [M]Pilocytic astrocytoma
BBbH. [M]Spongioblastoma NOS
BBbJ. [M]Spongioblastoma polare
BBbK. [M]Astroblastoma
BBbL. [M]Glioblastoma NOS
BBbM. [M]Giant cell glioblastoma
BBbN. [M]Glioblastoma with sarcomatous component
BBbP. [M]Primitive polar spongioblastoma
BBbQ. [M]Oligodendroglioma NOS
BBbR. [M]Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic type
BBbS. [M]Oligodendroblastoma
BBbT. [M]Medulloblastoma NOS
BBbU. [M]Desmoplastic medulloblastoma
BBbV. [M]Medullomyoblastoma
BBbW. [M]Cerebellar sarcoma NOS
BBbX. [M]Monstrocellular sarcoma
BBbZ. [M]Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
BBba. [M]Primitive neuroectodermal tumour
BBbz. [M]Glioma NOS
BBc.. [M]Neuroepitheliomatous neoplasms
BBc0. [M]Ganglioneuromatous neoplasms
BBc00 [M]Ganglioneuroma
BBc01 [M]Ganglioneuroblastoma
BBc02 [M]Ganglioneuromatosis
BBc0z [M]Ganglioneuromatous neoplasm NOS
BBc1. [M]Neuroblastoma NOS
BBc2. [M]Medulloepithelioma NOS
BBc3. [M]Teratoid medulloepithelioma
BBc4. [M]Neuroepithelioma NOS
BBc5. [M]Spongioneuroblastoma
BBc6. [M]Ganglioglioma
BBc7. [M]Neurocytoma
BBc8. [M]Pacinian tumour
BBc9. [M]Retinoblastomas
BBc90 [M]Retinoblastoma, differentiated type
BBc91 [M]Retinoblastoma, undifferentiated type
BBc9z [M]Retinoblastoma NOS
BBcA. [M]Olfactory neurogenic tumour
BBcB. [M]Aesthesioneurocytoma
BBcC. [M]Aesthesioneuroblastoma
BBcD. [M]Aesthesioneuroepithelioma
BBcz. [M]Neuroepitheliomatous neoplasm NOS
BBd.. [M]Meningiomas
BBd0. [M]Meningioma NOS
BBd1. [M]Meningiomatosis NOS
BBd2. [M]Meningioma, malignant
BBd3. [M]Meningotheliomatous meningioma
BBd4. [M]Fibrous meningioma
BBd5. [M]Psammomatous meningioma
BBd6. [M]Angiomatous meningioma
BBd7. [M]Haemangioblastic meningioma
BBd8. [M]Haemangiopericytic meningioma
BBd9. [M]Transitional meningioma
BBdA. [M]Papillary meningioma
BBdB. [M]Meningeal sarcomatosis
BBdz. [M]Meningioma NOS
BBe.. [M]Nerve sheath tumour
BBe0. [M]Neurofibroma NOS
BBe1. [M]Neurofibromatosis NOS
BBe2. [M]Neurofibrosarcoma
BBe3. [M]Melanotic neurofibroma
BBe4. [M]Plexiform neurofibroma
BBe5. [M]Neurilemmoma NOS
BBe6. [M]Neurinomatosis
BBe7. [M]Neurilemmoma, malignant
BBe8. [M]Neuroma NOS
BBe9. [M]Triton tumour, malignant
BBeA. [M]Neurothekeoma
BBez. [M]Nerve sheath tumour NOS
BBf.. [M]Granular cell tumours and alveolar soft part sarcoma
BBf0. [M]Granular cell tumour NOS
BBf1. [M]Granular cell tumour, malignant
BBf2. [M]Alveolar soft part sarcoma
BBfz. [M]Granular cell tumour or alveolar soft part sarcoma NOS
BBg.. [M]Lymphomas, NOS or diffuse
BBg0. [M]Lymphomatous tumour, benign
BBg1. [M]Malignant lymphoma NOS
BBg10 [M]Malignant lymphoma, diffuse NOS
BBg2. [M]Malignant lymphoma, non Hodgkins type
BBg3. [M]Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type NOS
BBg4. [M]Malignant lymphoma, stem cell type
BBg5. [M]Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell type NOS
BBg6. [M]Lymphosarcoma NOS
BBg7. [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid type
BBg8. [M]Malignant lymphoma, immunoblastic type
BBg9. [M]Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic NOS
BBgA. [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, diffuse
BBgB. [M]Malignant lymphoma, follicular centre cell NOS
BBgC. [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated NOS
BBgD. [M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, intermediate different NOS
BBgE. [M]Malignant lymphoma, centrocytic
BBgF. [M]Malignant lymphoma, follicular centre cell, cleaved NOS
BBgG. [M]Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly different NOS
BBgH. [M]Prolymphocytic lymphosarcoma
BBgJ. [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type NOS
BBgK. [M]Malig lymphoma, follicular centre cell, non-cleaved NOS
BBgL. [M]Malignant lymphoma, small lymphocytic NOS
BBgM. [M]Malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell, diffuse
BBgN. [M]Malign lymphoma,lymphocytic,intermediate differn, diffuse
BBgP. [M]Malignant lymphoma, mixed small and large cell, diffuse
BBgQ. [M]Malignant lymphomatous polyposis
BBgR. [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, diffuse NOS
BBgS. [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, cleaved, diffuse
BBgT. [M]Malignant lymphoma, large cell, noncleaved, diffuse
BBgV. [M]Malignant lymphoma, small cell, noncleaved, diffuse
BBgz. [M]Lymphoma, diffuse or NOS
BBh.. [M]Reticulosarcomas
BBh0. [M]Reticulosarcoma NOS
BBh1. [M]Reticulosarcoma, pleomorphic cell type
BBh2. [M]Reticulosarcoma, nodular
BBhz. [M]Reticulosarcoma NOS
BBj.. [M]Hodgkins disease
BBj0. [M]Hodgkins disease NOS
BBj1. [M]Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic predominance
BBj10 [M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, diffuse
BBj11 [M]Hodgkin,s disease, lymphocytic predominance, nodular
BBj2. [M]Hodgkins disease, mixed cellularity
BBj3. [M]Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic depletion NOS
BBj4. [M]Hodgkins disease,lymphocytic depletion,diffuse fibrosis
BBj5. [M]Hodgkins disease, lymphocytic depletion, reticular type
BBj6. [M]Hodgkins disease, nodular sclerosis NOS
BBj60 [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic predom
BBj61 [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity
BBj62 [M]Hodgkin,s disease, nodular sclerosis, lymphocytic deplet
BBj7. [M]Hodgkins disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase
BBj8. [M]Hodgkins paragranuloma
BBj9. [M]Hodgkins granuloma
BBjA. [M]Hodgkins sarcoma
BBjz. [M]Hodgkins disease NOS
BBk.. [M]Lymphomas, nodular or follicular
BBk0. [M]Malignant lymphoma, nodular NOS
BBk1. [M]Malig lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, nodular
BBk2. [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic-centrocytic, follicular
BBk3. [M]Malig lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated,nodular
BBk4. [M]Malig lymp, lymphocytic, intermediate different, nodular
BBk5. [M]Malig lymp, follicular centre cell, cleaved, follicular
BBk6. [M]Malig lymp, lymphocytic, poorly differentiated, nodular
BBk7. [M]Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic type, follicular
BBk8. [M]Malig lymp,follicular centre cell,noncleaved,follicular
BBkz. [M]Lymphoma, nodular or follicular NOS
BBl.. [M]Mycosis fungoides
BBl0. [M]Mycosis fungoides
BBl1. [M]Sezarys disease
BBlz. [M]Mycosis fungoides NOS
BBm.. [M]Miscellaneous reticuloendothelial neoplasms
BBm0. [M]Microglioma
BBm1. [M]Malignant histiocytosis
BBm2. [M]Histiocytic medullary reticulosis
BBm3. [M]Letterer - Siwe disease
BBm4. [M]True histiocytic lymphoma
BBm5. [M] Peripheral T-cell lymphoma NOS
BBm6. [M] Alpha heavy chain disease
BBm7. [M] Monoclonal gammopathy
BBm8. [M] Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy
BBm9. [M] Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma
BBmA. [M] Refractory anaemia with sideroblasts
BBmB. [M]Refractory anaemia+excess of blasts with transformation
BBmC. [M] T-gamma lymphoproliferative disease
BBmD. [M] Cutaneous lymphoma
BBmE. [M] Gamma heavy chain disease
BBmF. [M] Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion
BBmG. [M] Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease
BBmH. [M] Large cell lymphoma
BBmJ. [M] Angioendotheliomatosis
BBmK. [M]Waldenstroms macroglobulinaemia
BBmz. [M]Miscellaneous reticuloendothelial neoplasm NOS
BBn.. [M]Plasma cell tumours
BBn0. [M]Plasma cell myeloma
BBn1. [M]Plasma cell tumour, benign
BBn2. [M]Plasmacytoma NOS
BBn3. [M]Plasma cell tumour, malignant
BBnz. [M]Plasma cell tumour NOS
BBp.. [M]Mast cell tumours
BBp0. [M]Mastocytoma NOS
BBp1. [M]Mast cell sarcoma
BBp2. [M]Malignant mastocytosis
BBpz. [M]Mast cell tumour NOS
BBq.. [M]Burkitts tumours
BBq0. [M]Burkitts tumour
BBqz. [M]Burkitts tumour NOS
BBr.. [M]Leukaemias
BBr0. [M]Leukaemias unspecified
BBr00 [M]Leukaemia NOS
BBr01 [M]Acute leukaemia NOS
BBr02 [M]Subacute leukaemia NOS
BBr03 [M]Chronic leukaemia NOS
BBr04 [M]Aleukaemic leukaemia NOS
BBr0z [M]Leukaemia unspecified, NOS
BBr1. [M]Compound leukaemias
BBr10 [M]Compound leukaemia
BBr1z [M]Compound leukaemia NOS
BBr2. [M]Lymphoid leukaemias
BBr20 [M]Lymphoid leukaemia NOS
BBr21 [M]Acute lymphoid leukaemia
BBr22 [M]Subacute lymphoid leukaemia
BBr23 [M]Chronic lymphoid leukaemia
BBr24 [M]Aleukaemic lymphoid leukaemia
BBr25 [M]Prolymphocytic leukaemia
BBr26 [M]Burkitts cell leukaemia
BBr27 [M]Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma
BBr2z [M]Other lymphoid leukaemia NOS
BBr3. [M]Plasma cell leukaemias
BBr30 [M]Plasma cell leukaemia
BBr3z [M]Plasma cell leukaemia NOS
BBr4. [M]Erythroleukaemias
BBr40 [M]Erythroleukaemia
BBr41 [M]Acute erythraemia
BBr42 [M]Chronic erythraemia
BBr4z [M]Erythroleukaemia NOS
BBr5. [M]Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemias
BBr50 [M]Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia
BBr5z [M]Lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia NOS
BBr6. [M]Myeloid leukaemias
BBr60 [M]Myeloid leukaemia NOS
BBr61 [M]Acute myeloid leukaemia
BBr62 [M]Subacute myeloid leukaemia
BBr63 [M]Chronic myeloid leukaemia
BBr64 [M]Aleukaemic myeloid leukaemia
BBr65 [M]Neutrophilic leukaemia
BBr66 [M]Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
BBr67 [M]Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia
BBr68 [M]Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia
BBr6z [M]Other myeloid leukaemia NOS
BBr7. [M]Basophilic leukaemias
BBr70 [M]Basophilic leukaemia
BBr7z [M]Basophilic leukaemia NOS
BBr8. [M]Eosinophilic leukaemias
BBr80 [M]Eosinophilic leukaemia
BBr8z [M]Eosinophilic leukaemia NOS
BBr9. [M]Monocytic leukaemias
BBr90 [M]Monocytic leukaemia NOS
BBr91 [M]Acute monocytic leukaemia
BBr92 [M]Subacute monocytic leukaemia
BBr93 [M]Chronic monocytic leukaemia
BBr94 [M]Aleukaemic monocytic leukaemia
BBr9z [M]Other monocytic leukaemia NOS
BBrA. [M]Miscellaneous leukaemias
BBrA0 [M]Mast cell leukaemia
BBrA1 [M]Megakaryocytic leukaemia
BBrA2 [M]Megakaryocytic myelosis
BBrA3 [M]Myeloid sarcoma
BBrA4 [M]Hairy cell leukaemia
BBrA5 [M]Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia
BBrA6 [M]Acute panmyelosis
BBrA7 [M]Acute myelofibrosis
BBrA8 [M]Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis
BBrAz [M]Miscellaneous leukaemia NOS
BBrz. [M]Leukaemia NOS
BBs.. [M]Misc myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative disorders
BBs0. [M]Polycythaemia vera
BBs1. [M]Acute panmyelosis
BBs2. [M]Chronic myeloproliferative disease
BBs3. [M]Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia
BBs4. [M]Idiopathic thrombocythaemia
BBs5. [M]Chronic lymphoproliferative disease
BBsz. [M]Misc myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferative dis NOS
BBv.. [M]Myelodysplastic syndrome
BBv0. [M]Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma
BBv1. [M]Angioendotheliomatosis
BBv2. [M]AngiocentricT-cell lymphoma
BBy.. [M]No microscopic confirmation of tumour
BBy0. [M]No microscopic confirmation of tumour, clinically benign
BBy1. [M]No microscopic confirmation of tumour, clinically malig
BBy2. [M]No microscopic confirmation tumour, clinically metastatic
BByz. [M]No microscopic confirmation of tumour, clinically NOS
BBz.. [M]Neoplasm morphology NOS
By... Neoplasms otherwise specified
Byu.. [X]Additional neoplasm classification terms
Byu0. [X]Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
Byu1. [X]Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs
Byu10 [X]Other sarcomas of the liver
Byu11 [X]Other specified carcinomas of liver
Byu12 [X]Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified
Byu13 [X]Malignant neoplsm/ill-defin sites within digestive system
Byu2. [X]Malignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic orga
Byu20 [X]Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, unspecified
Byu21 [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/heart,mediastinm+pleura
Byu22 [X]Malignant neoplasm/upper resp tract, part unspecified
Byu23 [X]Malignant neopl/overlapping les/resp+intrathoracic organs
Byu24 [X]Malignant neoplasm/ill-defined sites within resp system
Byu25 [X]Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified
Byu3. [X]Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage
Byu30 [X]Mal neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articular cartilage/limb
Byu31 [X]Malignant neoplasm/bones+articular cartilage/limb,unspfd
Byu32 [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/bone+articulr cartilage
Byu33 [X]Malignant neoplasm/bone+articular cartilage, unspecified
Byu4. [X]Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin
Byu40 [X]Malignant melanoma of other+unspecified parts of face
Byu41 [X]Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified
Byu42 [X]Oth malignant neoplasm/skin of oth+unspecfd parts of face
Byu43 [X]Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified
Byu5. [X]Malignant neoplasm of mesothelial and soft tissue
Byu50 [X]Mesothelioma of other sites
Byu51 [X]Mesothelioma, unspecified
Byu52 [X]Kaposis sarcoma of multiple organs
Byu53 [X]Kaposis sarcoma, unspecified
Byu54 [X]Malignant neoplasm/peripheral nerves of trunk,unspecified
Byu55 [X]Mal neoplasm/overlap les/periph nerv+autonomic nerv systm
Byu56 [X]Mal neoplasm/periph nerves+autonomic nervous system,unspc
Byu57 [X]Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified
Byu58 [X]Mal neoplasm/connective+soft tissue of trunk,unspecified
Byu59 [X]Malignant neoplasm/connective + soft tissue,unspecified
Byu5A [X]Malignant neoplasm overlapping lesion of skin
Byu5B [X]Kaposis sarcoma of other sites
Byu6. [X]Malignant neoplasm of breast
Byu7. [X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organs
Byu70 [X]Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified
Byu71 [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified female genital organs
Byu72 [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/feml genital organs
Byu73 [X]Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified
Byu8. [X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organs
Byu80 [X]Malignant neoplasm/other specified male genital organs
Byu81 [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlapping lesion/male genital organs
Byu82 [X]Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified
Byu9. [X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary tract
Byu90 [X]Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified
ByuA. [X]Malignant neoplasm of eye, brain and other parts of cent
ByuA0 [X]Malignant neoplasm/other and unspecified cranial nerves
ByuA1 [X]Malignant neoplasm/central nervous system, unspecified
ByuA2 [X]Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified
ByuA3 [X]Malig neopl, overlap lesion brain & other part of CNS
ByuB. [X]Malignant neoplasm of thyroid and other endocrine glands
ByuB0 [X]Malignant neoplasm-pluriglandular involvement,unspecified
ByuB1 [X]Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified
ByuC. [X]Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined, secondary and unspeci
ByuC0 [X]Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
ByuC1 [X]Malignant neoplasm/overlap lesion/other+ill-defined sites
ByuC2 [X]2ndry+unspcf malignant neoplasm lymph nodes/multi regions
ByuC3 [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspc respiratory organs
ByuC4 [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm/oth+unspcfd digestive organs
ByuC5 [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/bladder+oth+unsp urinary organs
ByuC6 [X]2ndry malignant neoplasm/oth+unspec parts/nervous system
ByuC7 [X]Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
ByuC8 [X]Malignant neoplasm without specification of site
ByuD. [X]Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic and rela
ByuD0 [X]Other Hodgkins disease
ByuD1 [X]Other types of follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma
ByuD2 [X]Other types of diffuse non-Hodgkins lymphoma
ByuD3 [X]Other specified types of non-Hodgkins lymphoma
ByuD4 [X]Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases
ByuD5 [X]Other lymphoid leukaemia
ByuD6 [X]Other myeloid leukaemia
ByuD7 [X]Other monocytic leukaemia
ByuD8 [X]Other specified leukaemias
ByuD9 [X]Other leukaemia of unspecified cell type
ByuDA [X]Oth spcf mal neoplsm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+rltd tissue
ByuDB [X]Mal neoplasm/lymphoid,haematopoietic+related tissu,unspcf
ByuDC [X]Diffuse non-Hodgkins lymphoma, unspecified
ByuDD [X]Oth and unspecif peripheral & cutaneous T-cell lymphomas
ByuDE [X]Unspecified B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma
ByuDF [X]Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, unspecified type
ByuE. [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent (primary) multiple sites
ByuE0 [X]Malignant neoplasms/independent(primary)multiple sites
ByuF. [X]In situ neoplasms
ByuF0 [X]Carcinoma in situ/other+unspecified parts of intestine
ByuF1 [X]Carcinoma in situ of other specified digestive organs
ByuF2 [X]Carcinoma in situ of digestive organ, unspecified
ByuF3 [X]Carcinoma in situ of other parts of respiratory system
ByuF4 [X]Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system, unspecified
ByuF5 [X]Melanoma in situ of other and unspecified parts of face
ByuF6 [X]Melanoma in situ of other sites
ByuF7 [X]Carcinoma in situ of skin of other+unspecified parts/face
ByuF8 [X]Carcinoma in situ of skin of other sites
ByuF9 [X]Carcinoma in situ of skin, unspecified
ByuFA [X]Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix
ByuFB [X]Carcinoma in situ of other+unspcfd female genital organs
ByuFC [X]Carcinoma in situ of oth+unspecified male genital organs
ByuFD [X]Carcinoma in situ of other+unspecified urinary organs
ByuFE [X]Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites
ByuFF [X]Melanoma in situ, unspecified
ByuFG [X]Other carcinoma in situ of breast
ByuG. [X]Benign neoplasms
ByuG0 [X]Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth
ByuG1 [X]Benign neoplasm of other parts of oropharynx
ByuG2 [X]Benign neoplasm of other major salivary glands
ByuG3 [X]Benign neoplasm/other+unspecifd parts of small intestine
ByuG4 [X]Benign neoplasm/ill-defined sites within digestive system
ByuG5 [X]Benign neoplasm of other specified intrathoracic organs
ByuG6 [X]Ben lipomatous neoplsm/skin+subcut tissu/oth+unspcf sites
ByuG7 [X]Benign lipomatous neoplasm of other sites
ByuG8 [X]Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of other sites
ByuG9 [X]Melanocytic naevi of other and unspecified parts of face
ByuGA [X]Benign neoplasm/skin of other+unspecified parts of face
ByuGB [X]Benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus
ByuGC [X]Benign neoplasm of other specified female genital organs
ByuGD [X]Benign neoplasm of other male genital organs
ByuGE [X]Benign neoplasm of other urinary organs
ByuGF [X]Benign neoplasm/other specified parts of CNS
ByuGG [X]Benign neoplasm of other specified endocrine glands
ByuGH [X]Benign neoplasm of other specified sites
ByuGJ [X]Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified
ByuGK [X]Benign neoplasm of respiratory system, unspecified
ByuGL [X]Benign neoplasm of intrathoracic organ, unspecified
ByuGM [X]Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue, unspecified
ByuGN [X]Melanocytic naevi, unspecified
ByuGP [X]Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified
ByuH. [X]Neoplasms of uncertain and unknown behaviour
ByuH0 [X]Neoplasm/uncertain+unknown behaviour/oth digestive organs
ByuH1 [X]Neoplasm/uncertain+unknown behavior/oth respirtory organs
ByuH2 [X]Neoplasm/uncertain+unknown behavior/oth fem genital organ
ByuH3 [X]Neoplsm/uncertain+unknown behavior/oth male genital organ
ByuH4 [X]Neoplasm/uncertain+unknown behavior/other urinary organs
ByuH5 [X]Neoplasm/uncertain+unknown behaviour/other parts/CNS
ByuH6 [X]Neoplasm/uncertn+unknwn behavior/oth myelodysplastic synd
ByuH7 [X]Oth spcf neo/uncrt+unknwn behav/lymph,hmatopetic+rel tis
ByuH8 [X]Neo/uncertn+unknwn behav/lymph,hmatopetc+rel tiss,unspcf
ByuH9 [X]Neoplasm/uncertain+unknown behavior/other specified sites
ByuHA [X]Neoplasm of uncertain and unknown behaviour, unspecified
ByuHB [X]Neoplasm of uncert/unkn behav female genit organs, unspec
ByuHC [X]Refractory anaemia, unspecified
ByuHD [X]Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified
Bz... Neoplasms NOS
C.... Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity disorders
C0... Disorders of thyroid gland
C00.. Simple and unspecified goitre
C000. Simple goitre
C00z. Goitre NOS
C01.. Nontoxic nodular goitre
C010. Nontoxic uninodular goitre
C011. Nontoxic multinodular goitre
C01z. Nontoxic nodular goitre NOS
C02.. Thyrotoxicosis
C020. Toxic diffuse goitre
C0200 Toxic diffuse goitre with no crisis
C0201 Toxic diffuse goitre with crisis
C020z Toxic diffuse goitre NOS
C021. Toxic uninodular goitre
C0210 Toxic uninodular goitre with no crisis
C0211 Toxic uninodular goitre with crisis
C021z Toxic uninodular goitre NOS
C022. Toxic multinodular goitre
C0220 Toxic multinodular goitre with no crisis
C0221 Toxic multinodular goitre with crisis
C022z Toxic multinodular goitre NOS
C023. Toxic nodular goitre unspecified
C0230 Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with no crisis
C0231 Toxic nodular goitre unspecified with crisis
C023z Toxic nodular goitre NOS
C024. Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid nodule
C0240 Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid nodule with no crisis
C0241 Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid nodule with crisis
C024z Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid nodule NOS
C02y. Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin
C02y0 Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with no crisis
C02y1 Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin with crisis
C02y2 Thyrotoxicosis factitia
C02y3 Thyroid crisis
C02yz Thyrotoxicosis of other specified origin NOS
C02z. Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or other cause
C02z0 Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre or cause no crisis
C02z1 Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goitre, cause with crisis
C02zz Thyrotoxicosis NOS
C03.. Congenital hypothyroidism
C030. Pendreds syndrome
C031. Goitrous cretin
C03y. Other specified congenital hypothyroidism
C03y0 Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre
C03y1 Congenital hypothyroidism without goitre
C03z. Congenital hypothyroidism NOS
C04.. Acquired hypothyroidism
C040. Postsurgical hypothyroidism
C041. Other postablative hypothyroidism
C0410 Irradiation hypothyroidism
C041z Postablative hypothyroidism NOS
C042. Iodine hypothyroidism
C043. Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism
C0430 Hypothyroidism resulting from para-aminosalicylic acid
C0431 Hypothyroidism resulting from phenylbutazone
C0432 Hypothyroidism resulting from resorcinol
C043z Iatrogenic hypothyroidism NOS
C044. Postinfectious hypothyroidism
C045. Acquired atrophy of thyroid
C04y. Other acquired hypothyroidism
C04z. Hypothyroidism NOS
C04z0 Premature puberty due to hypothyroidism
C04z1 Myxoedema coma
C05.. Thyroiditis
C050. Acute thyroiditis
C0500 Acute nonsuppurative thyroiditis
C0501 Acute suppurative thyroiditis
C0502 Abscess of thyroid
C050z Acute thyroiditis NOS
C051. Subacute thyroiditis
C052. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
C053. Chronic fibrous thyroiditis
C054. Iatrogenic thyroiditis
C05y. Other and unspecified chronic thyroiditis
C05y4 Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis
C05z. Thyroiditis NOS
C06.. Other disorders of thyroid
C060. Disorder of thyrocalcitonin secretion
C061. Dyshormonogenic goitre
C062. Thyroid cyst
C063. Thyroid haemorrhage and infarction
C0630 Thyroid haemorrhage
C0631 Thyroid infarction
C063z Thyroid haemorrhage or infarction NOS
C06y. Other specified thyroid disorders
C06y0 Thyroid-binding globulin abnormality
C06y1 Thyroid atrophy
C06yz Other specified thyroid disorder NOS
C06z. Thyroid disorder NOS
C0A.. Congenital iodine deficiency syndrome
C0A0. Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, neurological type
C0A1. Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, myxoedematous type
C0A2. Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, mixed type
C0A3. Iodine-deficiency-related diffuse (endemic) goitre
C0A4. Iodine-deficiency-related multinodular (endemic) goitre
C0A5. Subclinical iodine-deficiency hypothyroidism
C0AX. Iodine-deficiency-related (endemic) goitre, unspecified
C1... Other endocrine gland diseases
C10.. Diabetes mellitus
C100. Diabetes mellitus with no mention of complication
C1000 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, no mention of complication
C1001 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, no mention of complication
C100z Diabetes mellitus NOS with no mention of complication
C101. Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis
C1010 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with ketoacidosis
C1011 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidosis
C101y Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis
C101z Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidosis
C102. Diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma
C1020 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with hyperosmolar coma
C1021 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with hyperosmolar coma
C102z Diabetes mellitus NOS with hyperosmolar coma
C103. Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma
C1030 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with ketoacidotic coma
C1031 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with ketoacidotic coma
C103y Other specified diabetes mellitus with coma
C103z Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidotic coma
C104. Diabetes mellitus with renal manifestation
C1040 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, with renal manifestation
C1041 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, with renal manifestation
C104y Other specified diabetes mellitus with renal complications
C104z Diabetes mellitis with nephropathy NOS
C105. Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation
C1050 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + ophthalmic manifestation
C1051 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + ophthalmic manifestation
C105y Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn
C105z Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation
C106. Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation
C1060 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + neurological manifestation
C1061 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + neurological manifestation
C106y Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps
C106z Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation
C107. Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder
C1070 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile +peripheral circulatory disorder
C1071 Diabetes mellitus, adult, + peripheral circulatory disorder
C1072 Diabetes mellitus, adult with gangrene
C1073 IDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder
C1074 NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder
C107y Other specified diabetes mellitus with periph circ comps
C107z Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder
C108. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
C1080 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal complications
C1081 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps
C1082 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps
C1083 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complicatn
C1084 Unstable insulin dependant diabetes mellitus
C1085 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer
C1086 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene
C1087 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy
C1088 Insulin dependant diabetes mellitus - poor control
C1089 Insulin dependant diabetes maturity onset
C108y Other specified diabetes mellitus with multiple comps
C108z Unspecified diabetes mellitus with multiple complications
C109. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
C1090 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal comps
C1091 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps
C1092 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps
C1093 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple comps
C1094 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer
C1095 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene
C1096 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy
C1097 Non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus - poor control
C10A. Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
C10A0 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma
C10A1 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis
C10A2 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with renal complicatn
C10A3 Malnutrit-related diabetes melitus wth ophthalmic complicatn
C10A4 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus wth neuro complicatns
C10A5 Malnutritn-relat diabetes melitus wth periph circul complctn
C10A6 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with multiple comps
C10A7 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus without complications
C10AW Malnutrit-related diabetes mellitus with unspec complics
C10AX Malnutrit-relat diabetes mellitus with other spec comps
C10B. Diabetes mellitus induced by steroids
C10B0 Steroid induced diabetes mellitus without complication
C10y. Diabetes mellitus with other specified manifestation
C10y0 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile, + other specified manifestation
C10y1 Diabetes mellitus, adult, + other specified manifestation
C10yy Other specified diabetes mellitus with other spec comps
C10yz Diabetes mellitus NOS with other specified manifestation
C10z. Diabetes mellitus with unspecified complication
C10z0 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile type, + unspecified complication
C10z1 Diabetes mellitus, adult onset, + unspecified complication
C10zy Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified comps
C10zz Diabetes mellitus NOS with unspecified complication
C11.. Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion
C110. Hypoglycaemic coma
C1100 Iatrogenic hyperinsulinism
C1101 Self-induced hyperinsulinism
C110z Hypoglycaemic coma NOS
C111. Other hyperinsulinism
C1110 Ectopic hyperinsulinism
C1111 Functional hyperinsulinism
C111z Other hyperinsulinism NOS
C112. Hypoglycaemia unspecified
C1120 Reactive hypoglycaemia NOS
C1121 Spontaneous hypoglycaemia NOS
C112z Hypoglycaemia unspecified NOS
C113. Postsurgical hypoinsulinaemia
C1130 Postpancreatectomy hyperglycaemia
C113z Postsurgical hyperglycaemia NOS
C114. Abnormality of glucagon secretion
C1140 Excessive glucagon secretion
C1141 Depleted glucagon secretion
C114z Glucagon secretion abnormality NOS
C115. Abnormality of gastrin secretion
C1150 Excessive gastrin secretion
C1151 Diminished gastrin secretion
C115z Gastrin secretion abnormality NOS
C11y. Other specified disorders of pancreatic internal secretion
C11y0 Steroid induced diabetes
C11y1 Drug-induced hypoglycaemia without coma
C11yz Oth spec int pancr secret NOS
C11z. Other disorder of pancreatic internal secretion NOS
C12.. Parathyroid gland disorders
C120. Hyperparathyroidism
C1200 Primary hyperparathyroidism
C121. Hypoparathyroidism
C1210 Autoimmune parathyroiditis
C1211 Postsurgical hypoparathyroidism
C1212 Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism
C121z Hypoparathyroidism NOS
C12y. Other parathyroid disorders
C12y0 Cyst of parathyroid
C12y1 Haemorrhage of parathyroid
C12yz Other disorder of parathyroid glands NOS
C12z. Parathyroid disorder NOS
C13.. Disorders of pituitary gland and its hypothalamic control
C130. Gigantism and acromegaly
C1301 Gigantism
C1302 Acromegaly
C1303 Constitutional tall stature
C130z Disorders of growth hormone excess NOS
C131. Other anterior pituitary hyperfunction
C1310 Hyperprolactinaemia
C132. Panhypopituitarism
C1320 Idiopathic panhypopituitarism
C1321 Post-birth injury panhypopituitarism
C1322 Postinfarction panhypopituitarism
C1323 Postinfective panhypopituitarism
C132y Other specified panhypopituitarism
C132z Panhypopituitarism NOS
C133. Pituitary dwarfism
C1330 Isolated deficiency of growth hormone
C133y Other specified pituitary dwarfism
C133z Pituitary dwarfism NOS
C134. Other anterior pituitary disorder
C1340 Prolactin deficiency
C1341 FSH - follicle stimulating hormone deficiency
C1342 LH - luteinising hormone deficiency
C1343 TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency
C1344 Isolated ACTH deficiency
C134z Other anterior pituitary disorder NOS
C135. Diabetes insipidus
C136. Other disorders of neurohypophysis
C1360 Inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion syndrome
C136z Other disorder of neurohypophysis NOS
C137. Iatrogenic pituitary disorders
C1370 Hormone-induced hypopituitarism
C1371 Post-hypophysectomy hypopituitarism
C1372 Post-radiotherapy hypopituitarism
C137z Iatrogenic pituitary disorder NOS
C138. Empty sella syndrome
C13X. Hypothalamic dysfunction, not elsewhere classified
C13y. Other pituitary disorders + diencephalohypophyseal syndromes
C13y0 Abscess of pituitary
C13y1 Adiposogenital dystrophy
C13y2 Cyst of Rathkes pouch
C13y3 Diencephalic syndrome secondary to tumour
C13y4 Other diencephalic syndrome
C13yz Other pituitary disorders + diencephalohypophyseal synd NOS
C13z. Pituitary disorders NOS
C14.. Diseases of thymus gland
C140. Persistent hyperplasia of thymus
C141. Abscess of thymus
C14y. Other specified thymus disease
C14y0 Atrophy of thymus
C14y1 Cyst of thymus
C14yz Other specified thymus disease NOS
C14z. Thymus disease NOS
C15.. Disorders of adrenal glands
C150. Cushings syndrome
C1500 Idiopathic Cushings syndrome
C1501 Iatrogenic Cushings syndrome
C1502 Pituitary dependent Cushings syndrome
C1503 Ectopic ACTH secretion causing Cushings syndrome
C1504 Nelsons syndrome
C1505 Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushings syndrome
C150z Cushings syndrome NOS
C151. Hyperaldosteronism
C1510 Primary hyperaldosteronism
C1511 Secondary hyperaldosteronism
C1512 Bartters syndrome
C151y Other specified hyperaldosteronism
C151z Hyperaldosteronism NOS
C152. Adrenogenital disorders
C1520 Congenital adrenogenital syndrome
C1521 Acquired adrenogenital syndrome
C1522 Defective synthesis of 21 hydroxylase
C1523 Defective synthesis of 11B hydroxylase
C1524 Defective synthesis of 3B hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
C1525 Defective synthesis of 17-20 desmolase
C1526 Defective synthesis of 17 alpha hydroxylase
C1527 Other adrenogenital syndrome with salt loss
C1528 Other adrenogenital syndrome without mention of salt loss
C1529 Precocious puberty with adrenocortical hyperfunction
C152A Virilism
C152y Other specified adrenogenital disorder
C152z Adrenogenital disorder NOS
C153. Other corticoadrenal overactivity
C154. Corticoadrenal insufficiency
C1540 Acute adrenal insufficiency
C1541 Addisons disease
C1542 Adrenal haemorrhage
C1543 Hypoaldosteronism
C1544 Drug-induced adrenocortical insufficiency
C1545 Postprocedural adrenocortical(-medullary) hypofunction
C1546 Addisonian crisis
C154z Corticoadrenal insufficiency NOS
C155. Other adrenal hypofunction
C1550 Adrenal medullary insufficiency
C155z Other adrenal hypofunction NOS
C156. Medulloadrenal hyperfunction
C15y. Other specified adrenal disorders
C15y0 Abnormality of cortisol-binding globulin
C15yz Other specified adrenal disorder NOS
C15z. Adrenal gland disorder NOS
C16.. Ovarian dysfunction
C160. Hyperoestrogenism
C161. Other ovarian hyperfunction
C1610 Hypersecretion of ovarian androgen
C1611 Hypersecretion of ovarian progesterone
C161y Other specified other ovarian hyperfunction
C161z Other ovarian hyperfunction NOS
C162. Postablative ovarian failure
C1620 Postsurgical ovarian failure
C1621 Postirradiation ovarian failure
C1622 Other iatrogenic postablative ovarian failure
C162y Other specified postablative ovarian failure
C162z Postablative ovarian failure NOS
C163. Other ovarian failure
C1630 Primary ovarian failure
C1631 Secondary ovarian failure
C1632 Hypergonadotrophic ovarian failure
C163y Other specified other ovarian failure
C163z Other ovarian failure NOS
C164. Polycystic ovaries
C16y. Other ovarian dysfunction
C16z. Ovarian dysfunction NOS
C17.. Testicular dysfunction
C170. Testicular hyperfunction
C171. Postablative testicular hypofunction
C1710 Postsurgical testicular hypofunction
C1711 Postirradiation testicular hypofunction
C1712 Other iatrogenic postablative testicular hypofunction
C171y Other specified postablative testicular hypofunction
C171z Postablative testicular hypofunction NOS
C172. Other testicular hypofunction
C1720 Testicular hypofunc- defect adrenocortical hormone synthesis
C1721 Eunuchism
C172y Other specified other testicular hypofunction
C172z Other testicular hypofunction NOS
C17y. Other testicular dysfunction
C17y0 Testicular feminization
C17yz Other testicular dysfunction NOS
C17z. Testicular dysfunction NOS
C18.. Polyglandular dysfunction and related disorders
C180. Multiple endocrine adenomatosis
C181. Other combinations of endocrine dysfunction
C182. Autoimmune polyglandular failure
C183. Polyglandular hyperfunction
C18y. Other specified polyglandular dysfunction
C18z. Polyglandular dysfunction NOS
C19.. Multiple organ failure
C1z.. Other and unspecified endocrine disorders
C1z0. Delayed puberty NEC
C1z1. Sexual precocity NEC
C1z10 Precocious puberty
C1z11 Precocious breast development
C1z1y Other specified sexual precocity NEC
C1z1z Sexual precocity NEC NOS
C1z2. Carcinoid syndrome
C1z3. Ectopic hormone secretion NEC
C1z30 Ectopic anti-diuretic hormone secretion
C1z31 Ectopic hyperparathyroidism
C1z3z Ectopic hormone secretion NOS
C1z4. Dwarfism NEC
C1z40 Psychosocial dwarfism
C1z41 Constitutional dwarfism
C1z4y Other specified dwarfism NEC
C1z4z Dwarfism NEC NOS
C1zW. Postprocedural endocrine & metabolic disord, unspecified
C1zX. Disorder of puberty, unspecified
C1zy. Other specified endocrine disorders
C1zy0 Pineal gland dysfunction
C1zy1 Progeria
C1zy2 Cerebral gigantism
C1zy3 Leprechaunism
C1zy4 Werners syndrome
C1zyy Other specified other endocrine disorder
C1zyz Other specified endocrine disorder NOS
C1zz. Endocrine disorder NOS
C2... Nutritional deficiencies
C20.. Kwashiorkor
C201. Marasmic kwashiorkor
C20z. Protein malnutrition unspecified
C20zX Unspecified severe protein-energy malnutrition
C21.. Nutritional marasmus
C22.. Other severe protein-calorie malnutrition (wt for age < 60%)
C23.. Other+unsp protein-calorie malnutrition (wt for age 60-89%)
C230. Moderate protein-calorie malnutrition (wt for age 60-74%)
C231. Mild protein-calorie malnutrition (wt for age 75-89%)
C232. Physical retardation due to protein-calorie malnutrition
C233. Mild protein energy malnutrition
C234. Moderate protein energy malnutrition
C23y. Other protein-calorie malnutrition
C23z. Protein-calorie malnutrition NOS
C24.. Vitamin A deficiency
C240. Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis
C241. Vitamin A deficiency + Bitots spot and conjunctival xerosis
C242. Vitamin A deficiency with corneal xerosis
C243. Vitamin A deficiency with corneal xerosis and ulcer
C244. Vitamin A deficiency with keratomalacia
C245. Vitamin A deficiency with night blindness
C246. Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic corneal scars
C247. Vitamin A deficiency with other ocular manifestation
C2470 Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmia
C247z Vitamin A deficiency with other ocular manifestation NOS
C24y. Vitamin A deficiency with other manifestation
C24y0 Vitamin A deficiency with follicular keratosis
C24y1 Vitamin A deficiency with xeroderma
C24yz Vitamin A deficiency with other complication NOS
C24z. Hypovitaminosis A NOS
C25.. Thiamine and niacin deficiency states
C250. Beriberi
C251. Other and unspecified thiamine (vit B1) deficiency states
C252. Pellagra
C253. Wernickes encephalopathy
C25X. Thiamine deficiency, unspecified
C25z. Thiamine or niacin deficiency NOS
C26.. Vitamin B-complex deficiency
C260. Ariboflavinosis (vitamin B2 deficiency)
C261. Vitamin B6 deficiency syndrome
C262. Other B-complex vitamin deficiencies
C2620 Folic acid deficiency
C2621 Vitamin B12 deficiency
C2623 Burning feet syndrome
C262z Other B-complex deficiency NOS
C26z. Vitamin B deficiency NOS
C27.. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) deficiency
C28.. Vitamin D deficiency
C280. Active rickets
C281. Late effect of rickets
C282. Osteomalacia unspecified
C283. Puerperal osteomalacia
C284. Senile osteomalacia
C285. Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption
C286. Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition
C287. Aluminium bone disease
C28X. Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiency
C28z. Avitaminosis D NOS
C29.. Other nutritional deficiencies
C290. Vitamin K deficiency
C291. Deficiency of other vitamins
C2910 Vitamin E deficiency
C2911 Vitamin P deficiency
C291z Other specified vitamin deficiency NOS
C292. Unspecified vitamin deficiency
C293. Mineral deficiency NEC
C2930 Dietary calcium deficiency
C2931 Dietary iodine deficiency
C293z Unspecified mineral deficiency NEC
C294. Trace element deficiency
C2940 Dietary selenium deficiency
C2941 Dietary zinc deficiency
C2942 Copper deficiency
C2943 Iron deficiency
C2944 Magnesium deficiency
C2945 Manganese deficiency
C2946 Chromium deficiency
C2947 Molybdenum deficiency
C2948 Vanadium deficiency
C2949 Deficiency of multiple nutrient elements
C295. Essential fatty acid deficiency
C296. Imbalance of constituents of food intake
C29y. Other nutritional deficiency
C29z. Other nutritional deficiency NOS
C2A.. Sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies
C2A0. Sequelae of protein-energy malnutrition
C2A1. Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency
C2A2. Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency
C2z.. Nutritional deficiency NOS
C3... Other metabolic and immunity disorders
C30.. Disorders of amino-acid transport and metabolism
C300. Disorders of amino-acid transport
C3000 Cystinosis
C3001 Cystinuria
C3002 Cystinaemia
C3003 Fanconi-de-Toni syndrome
C3004 Hartnup disease
C300y Other specified amino-acid transport disorder
C300z Amino-acid transport disorder NOS
C301. Phenylketonuria
C302. Other disturbances of aromatic amino-acid metabolism
C3020 Alkaptonuria
C3021 Hydroxykynureninuria
C3022 Indicanuria
C3023 Tyrosinosis
C3024 Tyrosinuria
C3025 Lowe disease
C3026 Hypertyrosinaemia
C3027 Albinism
C302y Disturbance of aromatic amino-acid metabolism OS
C302z Disturbance of aromatic amino-acid metabolism NOS
C303. Disturbances of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism
C3030 Leucinosis
C3031 Isoleucinosis
C3032 Hypervalinaemia
C3033 Maple syrup urine disease
C3034 Hypervalinaemia
C303y Disturbance of branched chain amino-acid metabolism OS
C303z Disturbance of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism NOS
C304. Disturbance of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism
C3040 Cystathioninaemia
C3041 Cystathioninuria
C3042 Methioninaemia
C3043 Homocystinuria
C304y Disturbance of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism OS
C304z Disturbance of sulphur-bearing amino-acid metabolism NOS
C305. Disturbance of histidine metabolism
C3050 Histidinaemia
C3051 Imidazole aminoaciduria
C3052 Histidinuria
C305y Other specified disturbance of histidine metabolism
C305z Disturbance of histidine metabolism NOS
C306. Disturbance of urea cycle metabolism
C3060 Hyperornithinaemia
C3061 Citrullinaemia
C3062 Argininosuccinic aciduria
C3063 Hyperargininaemia
C3064 Hyperammonaemia
C306y Other specified disturbance of urea cycle metabolism
C306z Disturbance of urea cycle metabolism NOS
C307. Disturbance of other straight-chain amino-acid metabolism
C3070 Hyperglycinaemia
C3071 Disturbance of threonine metabolism
C3072 Disturbance of serine metabolism
C3073 Disturbance of glutamine metabolism
C3074 Hyperlysinaemia
C3075 Pipecolic acidaemia
C3076 Saccharopinuria
C3077 Glucoglycinuria
C307y Disturbance of other straight-chain amino-acid metabolism OS
C307z Disturbance other straight-chain amino-acid metabolism NOS
C308. Disorders of fatty-acid metabolism
C309. Glutaryl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
C30y. Disturbance of other specified amino-acid metabolism
C30y0 Alaninaemia
C30y1 Ethanolaminuria
C30y2 Glycoprolinuria
C30y3 Hydroxyprolinaemia
C30y4 Hyperprolinaemia
C30y5 Prolinuria
C30y6 Iminoacidopathy
C30y7 Sarcosinaemia
C30yy Other specified disturbance of amino-acid metabolism
C30yz Disturbance of other specified amino-acid metabolism NOS
C30z. Disturbance of amino-acid transport or metabolism NOS
C31.. Disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism
C310. Glycogenosis - glycogen storage disease
C3100 McArdles disease
C3101 Generalised glycogenosis
C3102 Hepatorenal glycogenosis
C3103 Glycogenosis of liver and muscle
C3104 Glycogenosis with hepatic cirrhosis
C310y Other specified glycogenosis
C310z Glycogenosis NOS
C311. Galactosaemia
C3110 Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency
C3111 Galactokinase deficiency
C311y Other specified galactosaemia
C311z Galactosaemia NOS
C312. Hereditary fructose intolerance
C313. Intestinal disaccharidase deficiency
C3130 Glucose - galactose intolerance
C3131 Lactose intolerance
C3132 Sucrose-isomaltose intolerance
C3133 Primary lactose intolerance
C3134 Secondary lactose intolerance
C3135 Glucose intolerance
C3136 Sucrose intolerance
C3137 Disaccharidase deficiency
C3138 Sucrosuria
C3139 Other disaccharide intolerance
C313A Cows milk intolerance
C313z Intestinal disaccharidase deficiency NOS
C314. Renal glycosuria
C315. Disorders of pyruvate metabolism and gluconeogenesis
C3150 Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
C31y. Other disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism
C31y0 Essential benign pentosuria
C31y1 Fucosidosis
C31y2 Oxalosis
C31y3 Mannosidosis
C31y4 Xylosuria
C31y5 Primary oxaluria
C31y6 Oxaluria NEC
C31y7 Aspartylglucosaminuria
C31yX Disorder of glycoprotein metabolism, unspecified
C31yz Other disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism NOS
C31z. Disorder of carbohydrate transport or metabolism NOS
C32.. Disorders of lipoid metabolism
C320. Pure hypercholesterolaemia
C3200 Familial hypercholesterolaemia
C3201 Hyperbetalipoproteinaemia
C3202 Hyperlipidaemia, group A
C3203 Low-density-lipoprotein-type (LDL) hyperlipoproteinaemia
C3204 Fredricksons hyperlipoproteinaemia, type IIa
C320y Other specified pure hypercholesterolaemia
C320z Pure hypercholesterolaemia NOS
C321. Pure hyperglyceridaemia
C322. Mixed hyperlipidaemia
C323. Hyperchylomicronaemia
C324. Hyperlipidaemia NOS
C325. Lipoprotein deficiencies
C3250 High density lipoid deficiency
C3251 Hypo-alpha-lipoproteinaemia
C3252 Hypo-beta-lipoproteinaemia
C3253 A-beta-lipoproteinaemia
C325z Lipoprotein deficiency NOS
C326. Lipodystrophy
C3260 Progressive lipodystrophy
C326z Lipodystrophy NOS
C327. Lipidoses
C3270 Chemically induced lipidosis
C3271 Gauchers disease
C3272 Niemann-Pick disease
C3273 Wolman disease
C327z Lipidoses NOS
C32y. Other disorders of lipoid metabolism
C32y0 Liposynovitis prepatellaris
C32y1 Launois-Bensaudes lipomatosis
C32y2 Lipoid dermatoarthritis
C32y3 Pelvic lipomatosis
C32y4 Lipase deficiency
C32y5 Steatosis
C32y6 Lipomatosis NEC
C32yz Other disorder of lipoid metabolism NOS
C32z. Disorder of lipoid metabolism NOS
C33.. Plasma protein metabolism disorders
C330. Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia
C3300 Waldenstroms hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura
C3301 Benign primary hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura
C330z Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia NOS
C331. Monoclonal paraproteinaemia
C332. Other paraproteinaemias
C3320 Cryoglobulinaemic purpura
C3321 Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis
C332z Paraproteinaemia NOS
C333. Macroglobulinaemia
C3330 Waldenstroms macroglobulinaemia
C3331 Alpha heavy chain disease
C3332 Gamma heavy chain disease
C333z Macroglobulinaemia NOS
C33y. Other disorder of plasma protein metabolism
C33y0 Hypoproteinaemia
C33yy Other specified other disorders of plasma protein metabolism
C33yz Other disorders of plasma protein metabolism NOS
C33z. Disorder of plasma protein metabolism NOS
C34.. Gout
C340. Gouty arthropathy
C341. Gouty nephropathy
C3410 Gouty nephropathy unspecified
C3411 Uric acid nephrolithiasis
C341z Gouty nephropathy NOS
C342. Idiopathic gout
C343. Lead-induced gout
C344. Drug-induced gout
C34y. Other specified gouty manifestation
C34y0 Gouty tophi of ear
C34y1 Gouty tophi of heart
C34y2 Gouty tophi of other sites
C34y3 Gouty iritis
C34y4 Gouty neuritis
C34y5 Gouty tophi of hand
C34yz Other specified gouty manifestation NOS
C34z. Gout NOS
C35.. Disorders of mineral metabolism
C350. Disorders of iron metabolism
C3500 Haemochromatosis
C3501 Haemosiderosis, primary
C3502 Haemosiderosis, acquired
C3503 Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
C3504 Haemosiderosis NOS
C350y Other specified disorder of iron metabolism
C350z Disorder of iron metabolism NOS
C351. Disorders of copper metabolism
C3510 Hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilsons disease)
C3511 Hypercupraemia
C351z Disorder of copper metabolism NOS
C352. Disorders of magnesium metabolism
C3520 Hypermagnesaemia
C3521 Hypomagnesaemia
C3522 Hypomagnesaemic tetany
C352z Disorder of magnesium metabolism NOS
C353. Disorders of phosphorus metabolism
C3530 Hypophosphatasia
C3531 Hypophosphatasia rickets
C3532 Vitamin-D-resistant rickets
C3533 Hypophosphataemia
C3534 Hyperphosphataemia
C353z Disorder of phosphorus metabolism NOS
C354. Disorders of calcium metabolism
C3540 Hypocalcaemia NEC
C3541 Hypercalcaemia NEC
C3542 Idiopathic hypercalcaemia
C3543 Pseudohypoparathyroidism
C3544 Hypercalcinuria
C3545 Familial benign hypercalcaemia
C3546 Hypocalcaemic tetany
C3547 Nephrocalcinosis
C3548 Other calcinosis
C3549 Calcium deficiency
C354y Other specified disorder of calcium metabolism
C354z Disorder of calcium metabolism NOS
C355. Disorders of zinc metabolism
C35y. Disorder of other specified mineral metabolism
C35z. Disorder of mineral metabolism NOS
C36.. Disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance
C360. Hyperosmolality and or hypernatraemia
C361. Hyposmolality and or hyponatraemia
C362. Acidosis
C3620 Metabolic acidosis NEC
C3621 Respiratory acidosis
C3622 Lactic acidosis
C3623 Lactic acidaemia
C3624 Metabolic acidaemia NEC
C3625 Respiratory acidaemia
C3626 Metabolic ketoacidaemia
C3627 Ketoacidaemia NEC
C362y Other specified acidosis
C362z Acidosis NOS
C363. Alkalosis
C3630 Metabolic alkalosis
C3631 Respiratory alkalosis
C3632 Metabolic alkalaemia
C3633 Respiratory alkalaemia
C3634 Alkalaemia NEC
C363y Other specified alkalosis
C363z Alkalosis NOS
C364. Mixed acid-base balance disorder
C365. Volume depletion
C3650 Isonatraemic dehydration
C3651 Hypovolaemia
C3652 Dehydration NEC
C365z Volume depletion NOS
C366. Fluid overload
C3660 Water intoxication
C3661 Fluid retention
C366z Fluid overload NOS
C367. Hyperkalaemia
C368. Hypokalaemia
C36z. Disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance NEC
C36z0 Hyperchloraemia
C36z1 Hypochloraemia
C36z2 Fluid imbalance
C36zz Electrolyte imbalance NOS
C37.. Other disorders of metabolism
C370. Cystic fibrosis
C3700 Cystic fibrosis with no meconium ileus
C3701 Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus
C3702 Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations
C3703 Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations
C370y Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations
C370z Cystic fibrosis NOS
C371. Disorders of porphyrin metabolism
C3710 Congenital porphyria
C3711 Erythropoietic protoporphyria
C3712 Acute intermittent porphyria
C3713 Protocoproporphyria
C3714 Porphyria cutanea tarda
C3715 Coproporphyria
C371z Porphyria NOS
C372. Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism
C3720 Hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency
C3721 Xanthinuria
C3722 Hyperuricaem without sign inflamm arthritis+tophaceous dis
C3723 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
C372z Other disorder of purine or pyrimidine metabolism NOS
C373. Amyloidosis
C3730 Sporadic primary amyloidosis
C3731 Familial Mediterranean fever
C3732 Familial neuropathic amyloid
C3733 Familial cardiac amyloid
C3734 Familial febrile urticaria
C3735 Secondary amyloidosis
C3736 Nephropathic amyloidosis
C3737 Primary amyloidosis NEC
C3739 Organ limited non-hereditary amyloidosis
C373X Heredofamilial amyloidosis, unspecified
C373y Other specified amyloidosis
C373z Amyloidosis NOS
C374. Disorders of bilirubin excretion
C3740 Crigler - Najjar syndrome
C3741 Dubin - Johnson syndrome
C3742 Gilberts syndrome
C3743 Rotor syndrome
C374y Other specified congenital hyperbilirubinaemia
C374z Congenital hyperbilirubinaemia NOS
C375. Mucopolysaccharidosis
C3750 Mannosidosis
C3751 Mucopolysaccharidosis, type 1
C3752 Mucopolysaccharidosis, type II
C3753 Mucopolysaccharidosis, type III
C3754 Mucopolysaccharidosis, type IV
C3755 Pyknodysostosis
C3756 Mucopolysaccharidosis, type VI
C3757 Mucopolysaccharidosis, type VII
C3758 Multiple sulphatase deficiency
C375X Disorder of glucosaminoglycan metabolism, unspecified
C375y Other specified mucopolysaccharidosis
C375z Mucopolysaccharidosis NOS
C376. Other deficiencies of circulating enzymes
C3760 Hereditary angio-oedema
C3761 Alpha-1-antitrypsin hepatitis
C3762 Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
C376y Other specified circulating enzyme deficiency
C376z Deficiency of circulating enzyme NOS
C377. Disorders of glycoprotein metabolism
C3770 Defects in post-translational modifn of lysosomal enzymes
C37X. Disorder of bilirubin metabolism, unspecified
C37y. Other specified disorder of metabolism
C37y0 Hand - Schuller - Christian disease
C37y1 Eosinophilic granuloma
C37y2 Enterokinase deficiency
C37y3 Trypsinogen deficiency
C37y4 Acatalasia
C37y5 Histiocytosis X , chronic
C37y6 Histiocytosis X , unspecified
C37y7 Histiocytosis, unspecified
C37y8 Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
C37y9 Haemophagocytic syndrome, infection-associated
C37yz Other specified disorder of metabolism NOS
C37z. Disorder of metabolism NOS
C38.. Obesity and other hyperalimentation
C380. Obesity
C3800 Obesity due to excess calories
C3801 Drug-induced obesity
C3802 Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation
C3803 Morbid obesity
C381. Localised adiposity - fat pad
C382. Hypervitaminosis A
C383. Hypercarotinaemia
C384. Hypervitaminosis D
C385. Megavitamin-B6 syndrome
C386. Sequelae of hyperalimentation
C38y. Other hyperalimentation
C38y0 Pickwickian syndrome
C38z. Obesity and other hyperalimentation NOS
C38z0 Simple obesity NOS
C38z1 Adiposity
C39.. Disorders of the immune mechanism
C390. Deficiencies of humoral immunity
C3900 Hypogammaglobulinaemia NOS
C3901 Selective IgA immunodeficiency
C3902 Selective IgM immunodeficiency
C3903 Selective IgG immunodeficiency
C3904 Other selective immunoglobulin deficiency
C3905 Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia
C3906 Immunodeficiency with IgM hypergammaglobulinaemia
C3907 Common variable immunodeficiency
C3908 Transient infant hypogammaglobulinaemia
C3909 Agammaglobulinaemia NEC
C390A Dysimmunoglobulinaemia NEC
C390B Antibod def wth nr-norm imunoglob/or wth hyperimunoglobaemia
C390y Other specified deficiency of humoral immunity
C390z Deficiency of humoral immunity NOS
C391. Deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity
C3910 Predominantly T-cell immuno-deficiency NOS
C3911 Di George syndrome
C3912 Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome
C3913 Nezelofs syndrome
C391z Deficiency of cell-mediated immunity NOS
C392. Combined immunity deficiency
C3920 Recessive agammaglobulinaemia
C3921 Severe combined immunodeficiency
C3922 Thymic aplasia or dysplasia with immunodeficiency
C3923 Severe combined immunodefiency with reticular dysgenesis
C3924 Severe combined immunodef with low T- and B-cell numbers
C3925 Severe combined immunodef with low or normal B-cell numbers
C3926 Adenosine deaminase deficiency
C3927 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency
C3928 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency
C3929 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency
C392z Combined immunity deficiency NOS
C393. Unspecified immunity deficiency
C394. Autoimmune disease NOS
C395. Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature
C396. Immunodef follow hereditary defect respon Epstein-Barr vir
C397. Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome
C398. Common variable immunodeficiency
C3980 Com var immunodef with predom abn B-cell numbers and functns
C3981 Common var immunodef predom immunoregulatory T-cell disorder
C3982 Common variable immunodef wth autoantibod to B- or T-cells
C399. Defects in the complement system
C39W. Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified
C39X. Immunodeficiency associated+major defect, unspecified
C39y. Other specified disorders of the immune mechanism
C39y0 Lymphocyte function antigen-1 defect
C39z. Disorder of the immune mechanism NOS
C3A.. Iodine-deficiency syndromes
C3y.. Other specified disorders of metabolism or immunity
C3z.. Metabolic or immunity disorder NOS
Cy... Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic or immunity disorders OS
Cy0.. Nutritionl&metabolic disord in diseases classifd elsewhere
Cyu.. [X]Additnl endocrin,nutritnl,metabol+immun dis clssfcn terms
Cyu0. [X]Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
Cyu00 [X]Other immunodeficiencies+predominantly antibody defects
Cyu01 [X]Other combined immunodeficiency disorders
Cyu02 [X]Immunodeficiency associatd+other specified major defects
Cyu03 [X]Immunodeficiency associated+major defect, unspecified
Cyu04 [X]Other common variable immunodeficiencies
Cyu05 [X]Other specified immunodeficiency disorders
Cyu06 [X]Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites
Cyu07 [X]Other specified disorders involving immune mechanism,NEC
Cyu08 [X]Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified
Cyu1. [X]Disorders of thyroid gland
Cyu10 [X]Oth iodine-deficncy relatd thyroid disordr+allied condtns
Cyu11 [X]Other sp cified hypothyroidism
Cyu12 [X]Other specified nontoxic goitre
Cyu13 [X]Other thyrotoxicosis
Cyu14 [X]Other chronic thyroiditis
Cyu15 [X]Other specified disorders of thyroid
Cyu16 [X]Iodine-deficiency-related (endemic) goitre, unspecified
Cyu2. [X]Diabetes mellitus
Cyu20 [X]Other specified diabetes mellitus
Cyu21 [X]Malnutrit-relat diabetes mellitus with other spec comps
Cyu22 [X]Malnutrit-related diabetes mellitus with unspec complics
Cyu23 [X]Unspecified diabetes mellitus with renal complications
Cyu3. [X]Other disord of glucose regn & pancreatic intern secretn
Cyu30 [X]Other hypoglycaemia
Cyu31 [X]Other specified disorders/pancreatic internal secretion
Cyu4. [X]Disorders of other endocrine glands
Cyu40 [X]Other hypoparathyroidism
Cyu41 [X]Other hyperparathyroidism
Cyu42 [X]Other specified disorders of parathyroid gland
Cyu43 [X]Other hyperfunction of pituitary gland
Cyu44 [X]Other disorders of pituitary gland
Cyu45 [X]Other Cushings syndrome
Cyu46 [X]Other adrenogenital disorders
Cyu47 [X]Other hyperaldosteronism
Cyu48 [X]Other adrenocortical overactivity
Cyu49 [X]Other+unspecified primary adrenocortical insufficiency
Cyu4A [X]Other specified disorders of adrenal gland
Cyu4B [X]Other ovarian dysfunction
Cyu4C [X]Other testicular dysfunction
Cyu4D [X]Other disorders of puberty
Cyu4E [X]Other polyglandular dysfunction
Cyu4F [X]Other diseases of thymus
Cyu4G [X]Other hypersecretion of intestinal hormones
Cyu4H [X]Other specified endocrine disorders
Cyu4J [X]Disorders of thyroid gland in diseases CE
Cyu4K [X]Disorders/adrenal glands in diseases CE
Cyu4L [X]Disorders of other endocrine glands in diseases CE
Cyu4M [X]Hyperfunction of pituitary gland, unspecified
Cyu4N [X]Hypothalamic dysfunction, not elsewhere classified
Cyu4P [X]Disorder of puberty, unspecified
Cyu5. [X]Malnutrition
Cyu50 [X]Unspecified severe protein-energy malnutrition
Cyu6. [X]Other nutritional deficiencies
Cyu60 [X]Other ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency
Cyu61 [X]Other manifestations of vitamin A deficiency
Cyu62 [X]Other manifestations of thiamin deficiency
Cyu63 [X]Deficiency of other specified vitamins of the B group
Cyu64 [X]Deficiency of other vitamins
Cyu65 [X]Deficiency of other specified nutrient elements
Cyu66 [X]Other specified nutritional deficiencies
Cyu67 [X]Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies
Cyu68 [X]Thiamine deficiency, unspecified
Cyu69 [X]Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiency
Cyu7. [X]Obesity and other hyperalimentation
Cyu70 [X]Other obesity
Cyu71 [X]Other specified hyperalimentation
Cyu8. [X]Metabolic disorders
Cyu80 [X]Other hyperphenylalaninaemias
Cyu81 [X]Other disorders of aromatic amino-acid metabolism
Cyu82 [X]Other disorders of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism
Cyu83 [X]Other specified disorders of amino-acid metabolism
Cyu84 [X]Other lactose intolerance
Cyu85 [X]Other disorders of intestinal carbohydrate absorption
Cyu86 [X]Other specified disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
Cyu87 [X]Other gangliosidosis
Cyu88 [X]Other sphingolipidosis
Cyu89 [X]Other lipid storage disorders
Cyu8A [X]Other mucopolysaccharidoses
Cyu8B [X]Other disorders of glucosaminoglycan metabolism
Cyu8C [X]Other glycoprotein metabolism disorders
Cyu8D [X]Other hyperlipidaemia
Cyu8E [X]Other disorders of lipoprotein metabolism
Cyu8F [X]Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism
Cyu8H [X]Other porphyria
Cyu8J [X]Other bilirubin metabolism disorders
Cyu8K [X]Other disorders of mineral metabolism
Cyu8L [X]Other amyloidosis
Cyu8M [X]Other electrolyte+fluid disorders,NEC
Cyu8N [X]Other specified disorders of metabolism
Cyu8P [X]Other postprocedural endocrine and metabolic disorders
Cyu8Q [X]Nutritional+metabolic disorders in diseases CE
Cyu8R [X]Disorder of glucosaminoglycan metabolism, unspecified
Cyu8S [X]Disorder of glycoprotein metabolism, unspecified
Cyu8T [X]Disorder of bilirubin metabolism, unspecified
Cyu8U [X]Heredofamilial amyloidosis, unspecified
Cyu8V [X]Postprocedural endocrine & metabolic disord, unspecified
Cz... Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic or immunity disorder NOS
D.... Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
D0... Deficiency anaemias
D00.. Iron deficiency anaemias
D000. Iron deficiency anaemia due to chronic blood loss
D001. Iron deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes
D00y. Other specified iron deficiency anaemia
D00y0 Sideropenic dysphagia
D00y1 Microcytic hypochromic anaemia
D00yz Other specified iron deficiency anaemia NOS
D00z. Unspecified iron deficiency anaemia
D00z0 Achlorhydric anaemia
D00z1 Chlorotic anaemia
D00z2 Idiopathic hypochromic anaemia
D00zz Iron deficiency anaemia NOS
D01.. Other deficiency anaemias
D010. Pernicious anaemia
D011. Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias
D0110 Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes
D0111 Vit B12 defic anaemia due to malabsorption with proteinuria
D0112 Transcobalamin II deficiency
D011X Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified
D011z Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia NOS
D012. Folate-deficiency anaemia
D0120 Congenital folate malabsorption anaemia
D0121 Folate-deficiency anaemia due to dietary causes
D0122 Folate-deficiency anaemia, drug induced
D0123 Folate-deficiency anaemia due to malabsorption
D0124 Folate-deficiency anaemia due to liver disorders
D0125 Macrocytic anaemia unspecified cause
D012z Folate-deficiency anaemia NOS
D013. Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC
D0130 Combined B12 and folate deficiency anaemia
D013z Other specified megaloblastic anaemia NEC NOS
D014. Protein-deficiency anaemia
D0140 Amino-acid deficiency anaemia
D0141 Oroticaciduria
D014z Protein-deficiency anaemia NOS
D01y. Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia
D01y0 Vitamin C deficiency anaemia
D01y1 Vitamin E deficiency anaemia
D01yy Other specified other nutritional deficiency anaemia
D01yz Other specified nutritional deficiency anaemia NOS
D01z. Other deficiency anaemias NOS
D01z0 [X]Megaloblastic anaemia NOS
D0y.. Other specified deficiency anaemias
D0z.. Deficiency anaemias NOS
D1... Haemolytic anaemias
D10.. Hereditary haemolytic anaemias
D100. Hereditary spherocytosis
D101. Hereditary elliptocytosis
D102. Haemolytic anaemia due to glutathione metabolism disorder
D1020 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency anaemia
D1021 Favism
D1022 Drug-induced enzyme deficiency anaemia
D102y Haemolytic anaemia due to glutathione metabolism disorder OS
D102z Haemolytic anaemia due glutathione metabolism disorder NOS
D103. Other enzyme deficiency haemolytic anaemia
D1030 Haemolytic anaemia due to hexokinase deficiency
D1031 Haemolytic anaemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency
D1032 Haemolytic anaemia due triose phosphate isomerase deficiency
D1033 Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism
D103z Enzyme deficiency haemolytic anaemia NOS
D104. Thalassaemia
D1040 Thalassaemia major NEC
D1041 Thalassaemia minor NEC
D1042 Thalassaemia with haemoglobin S disease
D1043 Alpha thalassaemia
D1044 Alpha trait thalassaemia
D1045 Beta trait thalassaemia
D1046 Beta intermedia thalassaemia
D1047 Beta major thalassaemia
D1048 Beta minor thalassaemia
D1049 Delta-beta thalassaemia
D104z Thalassaemia NOS
D105. Sickle-cell trait
D106. Sickle-cell anaemia
D1060 Sickle-cell anaemia of unspecified type
D1061 Sickle-cell anaemia with no crisis
D1062 Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis
D1063 Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin C disease
D1064 Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin D disease
D1065 Sickle-cell anaemia with haemoglobin E disease
D106z Sickle-cell anaemia NOS
D107. Other haemoglobinopathies
D1070 Congenital Heinz-body anaemia
D1071 Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [HPFH]
D1072 Haemoglobin Barts disease
D1073 Haemoglobin-C disease
D1074 Haemoglobin-D disease
D1075 Haemoglobin-E disease
D1076 Haemoglobin Zurich disease
D1077 Haemoglobin-H disease
D107y Other specified other haemoglobinopathy
D107z Other haemoglobinopathy NOS
D10y. Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias
D10y0 Stomatocytosis
D10yz Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS
D10z. Hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS
D11.. Acquired haemolytic anaemias
D110. Autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
D1100 Primary cold-type haemolytic anaemia
D1101 Primary warm-type haemolytic anaemia
D1102 Secondary cold-type haemolytic anaemia
D1103 Secondary warm-type haemolytic anaemia
D110z Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS
D111. Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
D1110 Mechanical haemolytic anaemia
D1111 Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
D1112 Toxic haemolytic anaemia
D1113 Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome
D1114 Drug-induced haemolytic anaemia
D1115 Infective haemolytic anaemia
D111y Other specified non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
D111z Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS
D112. Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external causes
D1120 Haemoglobinuria from exertion
D1121 Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
D1122 Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria
D112y Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external cause OS
D112z Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external cause NOS
D11z. Acquired haemolytic anaemia NOS
D11z0 Acquired spherocytosis
D11z1 Pyknocytosis, infantile
D1y.. Other specified haemolytic anaemias
D1z.. Haemolytic anaemias NOS
D2... Aplastic and other anaemias
D20.. Aplastic anaemia
D200. Constitutional aplastic anaemia
D2000 Congenital hypoplastic anaemia
D2001 Fanconis familial refractory anaemia
D2002 Constitutional aplastic anaemia with malformation
D2003 Constitutional red cell aplasia and hypoplasia
D2004 Erythrogenesis imperfecta
D200y Other specified constitutional aplastic anaemia
D200z Constitutional aplastic anaemia NOS
D201. Acquired aplastic anaemia
D2010 Aplastic anaemia due to chronic disease
D2011 Aplastic anaemia due to drugs
D2012 Aplastic anaemia due to infection
D2013 Aplastic anaemia due to radiation
D2014 Aplastic anaemia due to toxic cause
D2015 Pancytopenia - acquired
D2016 Pancytopenia NOS
D2017 Transient hypoplastic anaemia
D2018 [X]Pure red cell aplasia
D201z Acquired aplastic anaemia NOS
D202. Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia
D203. Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia
D204. Idiopathic aplastic anaemia
D20X. Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified
D20z. Aplastic anaemia NOS
D21.. Other and unspecified anaemias
D210. Sideroblastic anaemia
D2100 Congenital sideroblastic anaemia
D2101 Acquired sideroblastic anaemia
D2102 Pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anaemia
D2103 Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to disease
D2104 Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins
D210z Sideroblastic anaemia NOS
D211. Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia
D212. Anaemia in neoplastic disease
D2120 Anaemia in ovarian carcinoma
D213. Refractory Anaemia
D214. Chronic anaemia
D21y. Other specified anaemias
D21y0 Congenital dyshaematopoietic anaemia
D21y1 Infantile pseudoleukaemia
D21y2 Leukoerythroblastic anaemia
D21y3 Hereditary erythroblast multinuclearity + positive acid test
D21yy Other specified other anaemia
D21yz Other specified anaemia NOS
D21z. Anaemia unspecified
D2y.. Other specified anaemias
D2z.. Other anaemias NOS
D3... Clotting and bleeding disorders
D30.. Coagulation defects
D300. Haemophilia-A (factor VIII deficiency)
D301. Haemophilia-B (factor IX deficiency)
D302. Haemophilia-C (factor XI deficiency)
D303. Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors
D3030 Congenital afibrinogenaemia
D3031 Deficiency of factor II or prothrombin
D3032 Deficiency of factor V or labile factor
D3033 Deficiency of factor VII or stable factor
D3034 Deficiency of factor X or Stuart-Prower factor
D3035 Deficiency of factor XII or Hageman factor
D3036 Deficiency of factor XIII or fibrin stabilizing factor
D303y Congenital deficiency of other clotting factor OS
D303z Congenital deficiency of other clotting factor NOS
D304. Von Willebrands disease
D305. Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants
D3050 Haemorrhagic disorder due to antithrombinaemia
D3051 Haemorrhagic disorder due to hyperheparinaemia
D3052 Haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-8a
D3053 Haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-9a
D3054 Haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-10a
D3055 Haemorrhagic disorder due to increase in anti-11a
D305z Heamorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants NOS
D306. Defibrination syndrome
D307. Acquired coagulation factor deficiency
D3070 Deficiency of coagulation factor due to liver disease
D3071 Deficiency of coagulation factor due to vitamin K deficiency
D3072 Acquired factor II deficiency
D307y Other specified acquired coagulation factor deficiency
D307z Acquired coagulation factor deficiency NOS
D308. Haemophilia carrier
D309. Protein S deficiency
D30z. Coagulation defect NOS
D31.. Purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions
D310. Allergic purpura
D3100 Henoch-Schonlein purpura
D310z Allergic purpura NOS
D311. Qualitative platelet defects
D3110 Hereditary haemorrhagic thrombasthenia
D311z Qualitative platelet deficiency NOS
D312. Other nonthrombocytopenic purpura
D3120 Senile purpura
D3121 Purpura
D312z Nonthrombocytopenic purpura NOS
D313. Primary thrombocytopenia
D3130 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
D3131 Congenital thrombocytopenic purpura
D3132 Thrombocytopenic purpura with absent radius
D3133 [X]Essential thrombocytopenia NOS
D313y Other specified primary thrombocytopenia
D313z Primary thrombocytopenia NOS
D314. Secondary thrombocytopenia
D3140 Post-transfusion purpura
D3141 Thrombocytopenia due to drugs
D3142 Thrombocytopenia due to extracorporeal circulation of blood
D314y Other specified secondary thrombocytopenia
D314z Secondary thrombocytopenia NOS
D315. Thrombocytopenia NOS
D31X. Haemorrhagic condition, unspecified
D31y. Other specified haemorrhagic conditions
D31y0 Hereditary vascular fragility
D31yz Other specified haemorrhagic condition NOS
D31z. Haemorrhagic condition NOS
D3y.. Other specified disorders of clotting or bleeding
D3y0. Essential thrombocytosis
D3z.. Clotting or bleeding disorder NOS
D4... White blood cell and other blood disorders
D40.. Diseases of white blood cells
D400. Agranulocytosis
D4000 Idiopathic agranulocytosis
D4001 Primary splenic neutropenia
D4002 Agranulocytosis - drug induced
D4003 Agranulocytosis due to irradiation
D4004 Agranulocytosis due to infection
D4005 Congenital neutropenia
D4006 Drug-induced neutropenia
D4007 Acquired neutropenia in newborn
D4008 Acquired neutropenia NEC
D4009 Cyclical neutropenia
D400y Other specified agranulocytosis
D400z Agranulocytosis NOS
D401. Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils
D4010 Congenital dysphagocytosis
D4011 Familial erythrophagocytic lymph histiocytosis
D401z Polymorphonuclear neutrophil disorder NOS
D402. Genetic leukocyte anomalies
D403. Eosinophilia
D4030 Hereditary eosinophilia
D4031 Idiopathic eosinophilia
D4032 Drug induced eosinophilia
D4033 Allergic eosinophilia
D4034 Secondary eosinophilia NOS
D403z Eosinophilia NOS
D40y. Other white blood cell disease
D40y0 Lymphocytosis
D40y1 Monocytosis
D40y2 Plasmacytosis
D40y3 Lymphopenia
D40y4 Leukaemoid reaction
D40yy Other specified other white blood cell disease
D40yz Other white blood cell disease NOS
D40z. White blood cell disease NOS
D41.. Other diseases of blood or blood forming organs
D410. Secondary polycythaemia
D4100 Stress polycythaemia
D4101 High altitude polycythaemia
D4102 Polycythaemia due to cyanotic heart disease
D4103 Polycythaemia due to cyanotic respiratory disease
D4104 Renal polycythaemia
D410z Secondary polycythaemia NOS
D411. Chronic lymphadenitis
D4110 Kikuchi disease
D412. Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis
D4120 Acute mesenteric lymphadenitis
D4121 Chronic mesenteric lymphadenitis
D412z Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis NOS
D413. Unspecified lymphadenitis, excluding mesenteric lymphadenits
D414. Hypersplenism
D415. Other diseases of spleen
D4150 Disease of spleen unspecified
D4151 Chronic congestive splenamegaly
D4152 Perisplenitis
D4153 Splenic abscess
D4154 Splenic atrophy
D4155 Splenic cyst
D4156 Splenic fibrosis
D4157 Splenic infarction
D4158 Non-traumatic rupture of spleen
D4159 Wandering spleen
D415z Disease of spleen NOS
D416. Familial polycythaemia
D417. Methaemoglobinaemia
D4170 Congenital methaemoglobinaemia
D4171 Familial methaemoglobinaemia
D4172 Idiopathic methaemoglobinaemia
D4173 Drug induced methaemoglobinaemia
D4174 Sulphaemoglobinaemia
D4175 Acquired methaemoglobinaemia
D417z Methaemoglobinaemia NOS
D418. Calcified lymph nodes
D41y. Other specified diseases of blood and blood forming organs
D41y0 Hypergammaglobulinaemia
D41y1 Myelofibrosis
D41y2 Pseudocholinesterase deficiency
D41y3 Bone marrow depression
D41yy Other disease of blood or blood forming organ OS
D41yz Other specified disease of blood or blood forming organ NOS
D41z. Blood dyscrasia NOS
D4y.. Other specified white blood cell or other blood diseases
D4z.. White blood cell or other blood diseases NOS
Dy... Other specified disorders of blood or blood forming organ
Dyu.. [X]Additnl blood+blood forming organ disease classfctn terms
Dyu0. [X]Nutritional anaemias
Dyu00 [X]Other iron deficiency anaemias
Dyu01 [X]Other dietary vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia
Dyu02 [X]Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias
Dyu03 [X]Other folate deficiency anaemias
Dyu04 [X]Other megaloblastic anaemias, not elsewhere classified
Dyu05 [X]Anaem(nonmegaloblast)assoc+oth specfd nutrition deficiens
Dyu06 [X]Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified
Dyu1. [X]Haemolytic anaemias
Dyu10 [X]Other anaemias due to enzyme disorders
Dyu11 [X]Other thalassaemias
Dyu12 [X]Other sickle-cell disorders
Dyu13 [X]Other haemoglobinopathies
Dyu14 [X]Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias
Dyu15 [X]Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
Dyu16 [X]Other nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemias
Dyu17 [X]Other acquired haemolytic anaemias
Dyu2. [X]Aplastic and other anaemias
Dyu20 [X]Other acquired pure red cell aplasias
Dyu21 [X]Other specified aplastic anaemias
Dyu22 [X]Anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere
Dyu23 [X]Other sideroblastic anaemias
Dyu24 [X]Other specified anaemias
Dyu25 [X]Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified
Dyu3. [X]Coagul defects, purpura & other haemorrhagic conditions
Dyu30 [X]Other specified coagulation defects
Dyu31 [X]Other nonthrombocytopenic purpura
Dyu32 [X]Other primary thrombocytopenia
Dyu33 [X]Other specified haemorrhagic conditions
Dyu34 [X]Haemorrhagic condition, unspecified
Dyu4. [X]Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
Dyu40 [X]Other specified disorders of white blood cells
Dyu41 [X]Other diseases of spleen
Dyu42 [X]Other methaemoglobinaemias
Dyu43 [X]Other specified diseases of blood+blood-forming organs
Dyu44 [X]Other histiocytosis syndromes
Dyu45 [X]Other disorders/blood+blood-forming organs in diseases CE
Dz... Blood/blood forming organ NOS
E.... Mental disorders
E0... Organic psychotic conditions
E00.. Senile and presenile organic psychotic conditions
E000. Uncomplicated senile dementia
E001. Presenile dementia
E0010 Uncomplicated presenile dementia
E0011 Presenile dementia with delirium
E0012 Presenile dementia with paranoia
E0013 Presenile dementia with depression
E001z Presenile dementia NOS
E002. Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features
E0020 Senile dementia with paranoia
E0021 Senile dementia with depression
E002z Senile dementia with depressive or paranoid features NOS
E003. Senile dementia with delirium
E004. Arteriosclerotic dementia
E0040 Uncomplicated arteriosclerotic dementia
E0041 Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium
E0042 Arteriosclerotic dementia with paranoia
E0043 Arteriosclerotic dementia with depression
E004z Arteriosclerotic dementia NOS
E00y. Other senile and presenile organic psychoses
E00z. Senile or presenile psychoses NOS
E01.. Alcoholic psychoses
E010. Alcohol withdrawal delirium
E011. Alcohol amnestic syndrome
E0110 Korsakovs alcoholic psychosis
E0111 Korsakovs alcoholic psychosis with peripheral neuritis
E0112 Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome
E011z Alcohol amnestic syndrome NOS
E012. Other alcoholic dementia
E0120 Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome
E013. Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis
E014. Pathological alcohol intoxication
E015. Alcoholic paranoia
E01y. Other alcoholic psychosis
E01y0 Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
E01yz Other alcoholic psychosis NOS
E01z. Alcoholic psychosis NOS
E02.. Drug psychoses
E020. Drug withdrawal syndrome
E021. Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory states
E0210 Drug-induced paranoid state
E0211 Drug-induced hallucinosis
E021z Drug-induced paranoia or hallucinatory state NOS
E022. Pathological drug intoxication
E023. Nicotine withdrawal
E02y. Other drug psychoses
E02y0 Drug-induced delirium
E02y1 Drug-induced dementia
E02y2 Drug-induced amnestic syndrome
E02y3 Drug-induced depressive state
E02y4 Drug-induced personality disorder
E02yz Other drug psychoses NOS
E02z. Drug psychosis NOS
E03.. Transient organic psychoses
E030. Acute confusional state
E0300 Acute confusional state, post traumatic
E0301 Acute confusional state, of infective origin
E0302 Acute confusional state, of endocrine origin
E0303 Acute confusional state, of metabolic origin
E0304 Acute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin
E030z Acute confusional state NOS
E031. Subacute confusional state
E0310 Subacute confusional state, post traumatic
E0311 Subacute confusional state, of infective origin
E0312 Subacute confusional state, of endocrine origin
E0313 Subacute confusional state, of metabolic origin
E0314 Subacute confusional state, of cerebrovascular origin
E031z Subacute confusional state NOS
E03y. Other transient organic psychoses
E03y0 Organic delusional syndrome
E03y1 Organic hallucinosis syndrome
E03y2 Organic affective syndrome
E03y3 Unspecified puerperal psychosis
E03yz Other transient organic psychoses NOS
E03z. Transient organic psychoses NOS
E04.. Other chronic organic psychoses
E040. Non-alcoholic amnestic syndrome
E041. Dementia in conditions EC
E042. Chronic confusional state
E04y. Other specified chronic organic psychoses
E04z. Chronic organic psychosis NOS
E0y.. Other specified organic psychoses
E0z.. Organic psychoses NOS
E1... Non-organic psychoses
E10.. Schizophrenic disorders
E100. Simple schizophrenia
E1000 Unspecified schizophrenia
E1001 Subchronic schizophrenia
E1002 Chronic schizophrenic
E1003 Acute exacerbation of subchronic schizophrenia
E1004 Acute exacerbation of chronic schizophrenia
E1005 Schizophrenia in remission
E100z Simple schizophrenia NOS
E101. Hebephrenic schizophrenia
E1010 Unspecified hebephrenic schizophrenia
E1011 Subchronic hebephrenic schizophrenia
E1012 Chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia
E1013 Acute exacerbation of subchronic hebephrenic schizophrenia
E1014 Acute exacerbation of chronic hebephrenic schizophrenia
E1015 Hebephrenic schizophrenia in remission
E101z Hebephrenic schizophrenia NOS
E102. Catatonic schizophrenia
E1020 Unspecified catatonic schizophrenia
E1021 Subchronic catatonic schizophrenia
E1022 Chronic catatonic schizophrenia
E1023 Acute exacerbation of subchronic catatonic schizophrenia
E1024 Acute exacerbation of chronic catatonic schizophrenia
E1025 Catatonic schizophrenia in remission
E102z Catatonic schizophrenia NOS
E103. Paranoid schizophrenia
E1030 Unspecified paranoid schizophrenia
E1031 Subchronic paranoid schizophrenia
E1032 Chronic paranoid schizophrenia
E1033 Acute exacerbation of subchronic paranoid schizophrenia
E1034 Acute exacerbation of chronic paranoid schizophrenia
E1035 Paranoid schizophrenia in remission
E103z Paranoid schizophrenia NOS
E104. Acute schizophrenic episode
E105. Latent schizophrenia
E1050 Unspecified latent schizophrenia
E1051 Subchronic latent schizophrenia
E1052 Chronic latent schizophrenia
E1053 Acute exacerbation of subchronic latent schizophrenia
E1054 Acute exacerbation of chronic latent schizophrenia
E1055 Latent schizophrenia in remission
E105z Latent schizophrenia NOS
E106. Residual schizophrenia
E107. Schizo-affective schizophrenia
E1070 Unspecified schizo-affective schizophrenia
E1071 Subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia
E1072 Chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia
E1073 Acute exacerbation subchronic schizo-affective schizophrenia
E1074 Acute exacerbation of chronic schizo-affective schizophrenia
E1075 Schizo-affective schizophrenia in remission
E107z Schizo-affective schizophrenia NOS
E10y. Other schizophrenia
E10y0 Atypical schizophrenia
E10y1 Coenesthopathic schizophrenia
E10yz Other schizophrenia NOS
E10z. Schizophrenia NOS
E11.. Affective psychoses
E110. Manic disorder, single episode
E1100 Single manic episode, unspecified
E1101 Single manic episode, mild
E1102 Single manic episode, moderate
E1103 Single manic episode, severe without mention of psychosis
E1104 Single manic episode, severe, with psychosis
E1105 Single manic episode in partial or unspecified remission
E1106 Single manic episode in full remission
E110z Manic disorder, single episode NOS
E111. Recurrent manic episodes
E1110 Recurrent manic episodes, unspecified
E1111 Recurrent manic episodes, mild
E1112 Recurrent manic episodes, moderate
E1113 Recurrent manic episodes, severe without mention psychosis
E1114 Recurrent manic episodes, severe, with psychosis
E1115 Recurrent manic episodes, partial or unspecified remission
E1116 Recurrent manic episodes, in full remission
E111z Recurrent manic episode NOS
E112. Single major depressive episode
E1120 Single major depressive episode, unspecified
E1121 Single major depressive episode, mild
E1122 Single major depressive episode, moderate
E1123 Single major depressive episode, severe, without psychosis
E1124 Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis
E1125 Single major depressive episode, partial or unspec remission
E1126 Single major depressive episode, in full remission
E112z Single major depressive episode NOS
E113. Recurrent major depressive episode
E1130 Recurrent major depressive episodes, unspecified
E1131 Recurrent major depressive episodes, mild
E1132 Recurrent major depressive episodes, moderate
E1133 Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, no psychosis
E1134 Recurrent major depressive episodes, severe, with psychosis
E1135 Recurrent major depressive episodes,partial/unspec remission
E1136 Recurrent major depressive episodes, in full remission
E1137 Recurrent depression
E113z Recurrent major depressive episode NOS
E114. Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic
E1140 Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, unspecified
E1141 Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, mild
E1142 Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, moderate
E1143 Bipolar affect disord, currently manic, severe, no psychosis
E1144 Bipolar affect disord, currently manic,severe with psychosis
E1145 Bipolar affect disord,currently manic, part/unspec remission
E1146 Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, full remission
E114z Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic, NOS
E115. Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed
E1150 Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, unspecified
E1151 Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, mild
E1152 Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, moderate
E1153 Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe, no psychosis
E1154 Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, severe with psychosis
E1155 Bipolar affect disord, now depressed, part/unspec remission
E1156 Bipolar affective disorder, now depressed, in full remission
E115z Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed, NOS
E116. Mixed bipolar affective disorder
E1160 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, unspecified
E1161 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, mild
E1162 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, moderate
E1163 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, without psychosis
E1164 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, severe, with psychosis
E1165 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, partial/unspec remission
E1166 Mixed bipolar affective disorder, in full remission
E116z Mixed bipolar affective disorder, NOS
E117. Unspecified bipolar affective disorder
E1170 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, unspecified
E1171 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, mild
E1172 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, moderate
E1173 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, severe, no psychosis
E1174 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder,severe with psychosis
E1175 Unspecified bipolar affect disord, partial/unspec remission
E1176 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, in full remission
E117z Unspecified bipolar affective disorder, NOS
E118. Seasonal affective disorder
E11y. Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses
E11y0 Unspecified manic-depressive psychoses
E11y1 Atypical manic disorder
E11y2 Atypical depressive disorder
E11y3 Other mixed manic-depressive psychoses
E11yz Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychoses NOS
E11z. Other and unspecified affective psychoses
E11z0 Unspecified affective psychoses NOS
E11z1 Rebound mood swings
E11z2 Masked depression
E11zz Other affective psychosis NOS
E12.. Paranoid states
E120. Simple paranoid state
E121. Chronic paranoid psychosis
E122. Paraphrenia
E123. Shared paranoid disorder
E12y. Other paranoid states
E12y0 Paranoia querulans
E12yz Other paranoid states NOS
E12z. Paranoid psychosis NOS
E13.. Other nonorganic psychoses
E130. Reactive depressive psychosis
E131. Acute hysterical psychosis
E132. Reactive confusion
E133. Acute paranoid reaction
E134. Psychogenic paranoid psychosis
E135. Agitated depression
E13y. Other reactive psychoses
E13y0 Psychogenic stupor
E13y1 Brief reactive psychosis
E13yz Other reactive psychoses NOS
E13z. Nonorganic psychosis NOS
E14.. Psychoses with origin in childhood
E140. Infantile autism
E1400 Active infantile autism
E1401 Residual infantile autism
E140z Infantile autism NOS
E141. Disintegrative psychosis
E1410 Active disintegrative psychoses
E1411 Residual disintegrative psychoses
E141z Disintegrative psychosis NOS
E14y. Other childhood psychoses
E14y0 Atypical childhood psychoses
E14y1 Borderline psychosis of childhood
E14yz Other childhood psychoses NOS
E14z. Child psychosis NOS
E1y.. Other specified non-organic psychoses
E1z.. Non-organic psychosis NOS
E2... Neurotic, personality and other nonpsychotic disorders
E20.. Neurotic disorders
E200. Anxiety states
E2000 Anxiety state unspecified
E2001 Panic disorder
E2002 Generalised anxiety disorder
E2003 Anxiety with depression
E2004 Chronic anxiety
E2005 Recurrent anxiety
E200z Anxiety state NOS
E201. Hysteria
E2010 Hysteria unspecified
E2011 Hysterical blindness
E2012 Hysterical deafness
E2013 Hysterical tremor
E2014 Hysterical paralysis
E2015 Hysterical seizures
E2016 Other conversion disorder
E2017 Hysterical amnesia
E2018 Hysterical fugue
E2019 Multiple personality
E201A Dissociative reaction unspecified
E201B Compensation neurosis
E201C Phantom pregnancy
E201z Hysteria NOS
E202. Phobic disorders
E2020 Phobia unspecified
E2021 Agoraphobia with panic attacks
E2022 Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks
E2023 Social phobia, fear of eating in public
E2024 Social phobia, fear of public speaking
E2025 Social phobia, fear of public washing
E2026 Acrophobia
E2027 Animal phobia
E2028 Claustrophobia
E2029 Fear of crowds
E202A Fear of flying
E202B Cancer phobia
E202C Dental phobia
E202D Fear of death
E202E Fear of pregnancy
E202z Phobic disorder NOS
E203. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
E2030 Compulsive neurosis
E2031 Obsessional neurosis
E203z Obsessive-compulsive disorder NOS
E204. Neurotic depression reactive type
E205. Neurasthenia - nervous debility
E206. Depersonalisation syndrome
E207. Hypochondriasis
E20y. Other neurotic disorders
E20y0 Somatization disorder
E20y1 Writers cramp neurosis
E20y2 Other occupational neurosis
E20y3 Psychasthenic neurosis
E20yz Other neurotic disorder NOS
E20z. Neurotic disorder NOS
E21.. Personality disorders
E210. Paranoid personality disorder
E211. Affective personality disorder
E2110 Unspecified affective personality disorder
E2111 Hypomanic personality disorder
E2112 Depressive personality disorder
E2113 Cyclothymic personality disorder
E211z Affective personality disorder NOS
E212. Schizoid personality disorder
E2120 Unspecified schizoid personality disorder
E2121 Introverted personality
E2122 Schizotypal personality
E212z Schizoid personality disorder NOS
E213. Explosive personality disorder
E214. Compulsive personality disorders
E2140 Anankastic personality
E2141 Obsessional personality
E214z Compulsive personality disorder NOS
E215. Histrionic personality disorders
E2150 Unspecified histrionic personality disorder
E2151 Munchausens syndrome
E2152 Emotionally unstable personality
E2153 Psychoinfantile personality
E215z Histrionic personality disorder NOS
E216. Inadequate personality disorder
E217. Antisocial or sociopathic personality disorder
E21y. Other personality disorders
E21y0 Narcissistic personality disorder
E21y1 Avoidant personality disorder
E21y2 Borderline personality disorder
E21y3 Passive-aggressive personality disorder
E21y4 Eccentric personality disorder
E21y5 Immature personality disorder
E21y6 Masochistic personality disorder
E21y7 Psychoneurotic personality disorder
E21yz Other personality disorder NOS
E21z. Personality disorder NOS
E22.. Sexual deviations or disorders
E220. Homosexuality
E2200 Male homosexuality
E2201 Lesbianism
E220z Homosexuality NOS
E221. Bestiality (zoophilia)
E222. Paedophilia
E223. Transvestism
E224. Exhibitionism
E225. Trans-sexualism
E2250 Trans-sexuality with unspecified sexual history
E2251 Trans-sexuality with asexual history
E2252 Trans-sexuality with homosexual history
E2253 Trans-sexuality with heterosexual history
E225z Trans-sexualism NOS
E226. Psychosexual identity disorder
E2260 Feminism in boys
E2261 Masculinism in girls
E226z Psychosexual identity disorder NOS
E227. Psychosexual dysfunction
E2270 Unspecified psychosexual dysfunction
E2271 Inhibited sexual desire
E2272 Frigidity
E2273 Impotence
E2274 Inhibited female orgasm
E2275 Inhibited male orgasm
E2276 Premature ejaculation
E2277 Psychogenic dyspareunia
E227z Psychosexual dysfunction NOS
E22y. Other psychosexual disorders
E22y0 Fetishism
E22y1 Voyeurism
E22y2 Sexual masochism
E22y3 Sexual sadism
E22y4 Gender role disorder of adolescent or adult
E22y5 Nymphomania
E22y6 Satyriasis
E22yz Other psychosexual disorder NOS
E22z. Psychosexual disorder NOS
E23.. Alcohol dependence syndrome
E230. Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism
E2300 Acute alcoholic intoxication, unspecified, in alcoholism
E2301 Continuous acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism
E2302 Episodic acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism
E2303 Acute alcoholic intoxication in remission, in alcoholism
E230z Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism NOS
E231. Chronic alcoholism
E2310 Unspecified chronic alcoholism
E2311 Continuous chronic alcoholism
E2312 Episodic chronic alcoholism
E2313 Chronic alcoholism in remission
E231z Chronic alcoholism NOS
E23z. Alcohol dependence syndrome NOS
E24.. Drug dependence
E240. Opioid type drug dependence
E2400 Unspecified opioid dependence
E2401 Continuous opioid dependence
E2402 Episodic opioid dependence
E2403 Opioid dependence in remission
E240z Opioid drug dependence NOS
E241. Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence
E2410 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, unspecified
E2411 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, continuous
E2412 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, episodic
E2413 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence in remission
E241z Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence NOS
E242. Cocaine type drug dependence
E2420 Cocaine dependence, unspecified
E2421 Cocaine dependence, continuous
E2422 Cocaine dependence, episodic
E2423 Cocaine dependence in remission
E242z Cocaine drug dependence NOS
E243. Cannabis type drug dependence
E2430 Cannabis dependence, unspecified
E2431 Cannabis dependence, continuous
E2432 Cannabis dependence, episodic
E2433 Cannabis dependence in remission
E243z Cannabis drug dependence NOS
E244. Amphetamine or other psychostimulant dependence
E2440 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, unspecified
E2441 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, continuous
E2442 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence, episodic
E2443 Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence in remission
E244z Amphetamine or psychostimulant dependence NOS
E245. Hallucinogen dependence
E2450 Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified
E2451 Hallucinogen dependence, continuous
E2452 Hallucinogen dependence, episodic
E2453 Hallucinogen dependence in remission
E245z Hallucinogen dependence NOS
E246. Glue sniffing dependence
E2460 Glue sniffing dependence, unspecified
E2461 Glue sniffing dependence, continuous
E2462 Glue sniffing dependence, episodic
E2463 Glue sniffing dependence in remission
E246z Glue sniffing dependence NOS
E247. Other specified drug dependence
E2470 Other specified drug dependence, unspecified
E2471 Other specified drug dependence, continuous
E2472 Other specified drug dependence, episodic
E2473 Other specified drug dependence in remission
E247z Other specified drug dependence NOS
E248. Combined opioid with other drug dependence
E2480 Combined opioid with other drug dependence, unspecified
E2481 Combined opioid with other drug dependence, continuous
E2482 Combined opioid with other drug dependence, episodic
E2483 Combined opioid with other drug dependence in remission
E248z Combined opioid with other drug dependence NOS
E249. Combined drug dependence, excluding opioids
E2490 Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, unspecified
E2491 Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, continuous
E2492 Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, episodic
E2493 Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, in remission
E249z Combined drug dependence, excluding opioid, NOS
E24A. Ecstasy type drug dependence
E24z. Drug dependence NOS
E25.. Nondependent abuse of drugs
E250. Nondependent alcohol abuse
E2500 Nondependent alcohol abuse, unspecified
E2501 Nondependent alcohol abuse, continuous
E2502 Nondependent alcohol abuse, episodic
E2503 Nondependent alcohol abuse in remission
E250z Nondependent alcohol abuse NOS
E251. Tobacco dependence
E2510 Tobacco dependence, unspecified
E2511 Tobacco dependence, continuous
E2512 Tobacco dependence, episodic
E2513 Tobacco dependence in remission
E251z Tobacco dependence NOS
E252. Nondependent cannabis abuse
E2520 Nondependent cannabis abuse, unspecified
E2521 Nondependent cannabis abuse, continuous
E2522 Nondependent cannabis abuse, episodic
E2523 Nondependent cannabis abuse in remission
E252z Nondependent cannabis abuse NOS
E253. Nondependent hallucinogen abuse
E2530 Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, unspecified
E2531 Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, continuous
E2532 Nondependent hallucinogen abuse, episodic
E2533 Nondependent hallucinogen abuse in remission
E253z Nondependent hallucinogen abuse NOS
E254. Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse
E2540 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, unspecified
E2541 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, continuous
E2542 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, episodic
E2543 Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse in remission
E254z Nondependent hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse NOS
E255. Nondependent opioid abuse
E2550 Nondependent opioid abuse, unspecified
E2551 Nondependent opioid abuse, continuous
E2552 Nondependent opioid abuse, episodic
E2553 Nondependent opioid abuse in remission
E255z Nondependent opioid abuse NOS
E256. Nondependent cocaine abuse
E2560 Nondependent cocaine abuse, unspecified
E2561 Nondependent cocaine abuse, continuous
E2562 Nondependent cocaine abuse, episodic
E2563 Nondependent cocaine abuse in remission
E256z Nondependent cocaine abuse NOS
E257. Nondependent amphetamine or other psychostimulant abuse
E2570 Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, unspecified
E2571 Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse, continuous
E2572 Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse, episodic
E2573 Nondependent amphetamine/psychostimulant abuse in remission
E257z Nondependent amphetamine or psychostimulant abuse NOS
E258. Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse
E2580 Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse, unspecified
E2581 Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse, continuous
E2582 Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse, episodic
E2583 Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse in remission
E258z Nondependent antidepressant type drug abuse NOS
E259. Nondependent mixed drug abuse
E2590 Nondependent mixed drug abuse, unspecified
E2591 Nondependent mixed drug abuse, continuous
E2592 Nondependent mixed drug abuse, episodic
E2593 Nondependent mixed drug abuse in remission
E2594 Misuse of prescription only drugs
E259z Nondependent mixed drug abuse NOS
E25y. Nondependent other drug abuse
E25y0 Nondependent other drug abuse, unspecified
E25y1 Nondependent other drug abuse, continuous
E25y2 Nondependent other drug abuse, episodic
E25y3 Nondependent other drug abuse in remission
E25yz Nondependent other drug abuse NOS
E25z. Misuse of drugs NOS
E26.. Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors
E260. Psychogenic musculoskeletal symptoms
E2600 Psychogenic paralysis
E2601 Psychogenic torticollis
E260z Psychogenic musculoskeletal symptoms NOS
E261. Psychogenic respiratory symptoms
E2610 Psychogenic air hunger
E2611 Psychogenic cough
E2612 Psychogenic hiccough
E2613 Psychogenic hyperventilation
E2614 Psychogenic yawning
E2615 Psychogenic aphonia
E261z Psychogenic respiratory symptom NOS
E262. Psychogenic cardiovascular symptoms
E2620 Cardiac neurosis
E2621 Cardiovascular neurosis
E2622 Neurocirculatory asthenia
E2623 Psychogenic cardiovascular disorder
E262z Psychogenic cardiovascular symptom NOS
E263. Psychogenic skin symptoms
E2630 Psychogenic pruritus
E263z Psychogenic skin symptoms NOS
E264. Psychogenic gastrointestinal tract symptoms
E2640 Psychogenic aerophagy
E2642 Cyclical vomiting - psychogenic
E2643 Psychogenic diarrhoea
E2644 Psychogenic dyspepsia
E2645 Psychogenic constipation
E264z Psychogenic gastrointestinal tract symptom NOS
E265. Psychogenic genitourinary tract symptoms
E2650 Psychogenic genitourinary tract malfunction unspecified
E2651 Psychogenic vaginismus
E2652 Psychogenic dysmenorrhea
E2653 Psychogenic dysuria
E265z Psychogenic genitourinary tract symptom NOS
E266. Psychogenic endocrine malfunction
E267. Psychogenic symptom of special sense organ
E26y. Other psychogenic malfunction
E26y0 Bruxism (teeth grinding)
E26yz Other psychogenic malfunction NOS
E26z. Psychosomatic disorder NOS
E27.. Psychogenic syndromes NEC
E270. Stammering or stuttering
E271. Anorexia nervosa
E272. Tics
E2720 Tic disorder unspecified
E2721 Transient childhood tic
E2722 Chronic motor tic disorder
E2723 Gilles de la Tourettes disorder
E272z Tic NOS
E273. Stereotyped repetitive movements
E2730 Body-rocking
E2731 Head-banging
E2732 Spasmus nutans - nodding spasm
E273z Stereotyped repetitive movements NOS
E274. Non-organic sleep disorders
E2740 Unspecified non-organic sleep disorder
E2741 Transient insomnia
E2742 Persistent insomnia
E2743 Transient hypersomnia
E2744 Persistent hypersomnia
E2745 Jet lag syndrome
E2746 Shifting sleep-work schedule
E2747 Somnambulism - sleep walking
E2748 Night terrors
E2749 Nightmares
E274A Sleep drunkenness
E274B Repeated rapid eye movement sleep interruptions
E274C Other sleep stage or arousal dysfunction
E274D Repetitive intrusions of sleep
E274E Short-sleeper
E274F Inversion of sleep rhythm
E274y Other non-organic sleep disorder
E274z Non-organic sleep disorder NOS
E275. Other and unspecified non-organic eating disorders
E2750 Unspecified non-organic eating disorder
E2751 Bulimia (non-organic overeating)
E2752 Pica
E2753 Psychogenic rumination
E2754 Psychogenic vomiting NOS
E2755 Non-organic infant feeding disturbance
E2756 Non-organic loss of appetite
E2757 Psychogenic polydipsia
E2758 Specific food craving
E275y Other specified non-organic eating disorder
E275z Non-organic eating disorder NOS
E276. Non-organic enuresis
E2760 Non-organic primary enuresis
E2761 Non-organic secondary enuresis
E276z Non-organic enuresis NOS
E277. Non-organic encopresis
E2770 Non-organic continuous encopresis
E2771 Non-organic discontinuous encopresis
E277z Non-organic encopresis NOS
E278. Psychalgia
E2780 Psychogenic pain unspecified
E2781 Tension headache
E2782 Psychogenic backache
E278z Psychalgia NOS
E27z. Other and unspecified psychogenic syndrome NEC
E27z0 Hair plucking
E27z1 Lalling
E27z2 Lisping
E27z3 Masturbation
E27z4 Nail-biting
E27z5 Thumb-sucking
E27zz Psychogenic syndromes NOS
E28.. Acute reaction to stress
E280. Acute panic state due to acute stress reaction
E281. Acute fugue state due to acute stress reaction
E282. Acute stupor state due to acute stress reaction
E283. Other acute stress reactions
E2830 Acute situational disturbance
E2831 Acute posttrauma stress state
E283z Other acute stress reaction NOS
E284. Stress reaction causing mixed disturbance of emotion/conduct
E28z. Acute stress reaction NOS
E29.. Adjustment reaction
E290. Brief depressive reaction
E2900 Grief reaction
E290z Brief depressive reaction NOS
E291. Prolonged depressive reaction
E292. Adjustment reaction, predominant disturbance other emotions
E2920 Separation anxiety disorder
E2921 Adolescent emancipation disorder
E2922 Early adult emancipation disorder
E2923 Specific academic or work inhibition
E2924 Adjustment reaction with anxious mood
E2925 Culture shock
E292y Adjustment reaction with mixed disturbance of emotion
E292z Adjustment reaction with disturbance of other emotion NOS
E293. Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of conduct
E2930 Adjustment reaction with aggression
E2931 Adjustment reaction with antisocial behaviour
E2932 Adjustment reaction with destructiveness
E293z Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance conduct NOS
E294. Adjustment reaction with disturbance emotion and conduct
E29y. Other adjustment reactions
E29y0 Concentration camp syndrome
E29y1 Other post-traumatic stress disorder
E29y2 Adjustment reaction with physical symptoms
E29y3 Elective mutism due to an adjustment reaction
E29y4 Adjustment reaction due to hospitalisation
E29y5 Other adjustment reaction with withdrawal
E29yz Other adjustment reactions NOS
E29z. Adjustment reaction NOS
E2A.. Nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage
E2A0. Frontal lobe syndrome
E2A1. Organic personality syndrome
E2A10 Mild memory disturbance
E2A11 Organic memory impairment
E2A12 Change in personality
E2A1z Organic personality syndrome NOS
E2A2. Post-concussion syndrome
E2A3. Post-encephalitic syndrome
E2Ay. Other specific mental disorder post-organic brain damage
E2Az. Nonpsychotic mental disorder post-organic brain damage NOS
E2B.. Depressive disorder NEC
E2B0. Postviral depression
E2B1. Chronic depression
E2C.. Disturbance of conduct NEC
E2C0. Aggressive unsocial conduct disorder
E2C00 Aggressive outburst
E2C01 Anger reaction
E2C0z Aggressive unsocial conduct disorder NOS
E2C1. Nonaggressive unsocial conduct disorder
E2C10 Unsocial childhood truancy
E2C11 Solitary stealing
E2C12 Tantrums
E2C1z Nonaggressive unsocial conduct disorder NOS
E2C2. Socialised conduct disorder
E2C20 Socialised childhood truancy
E2C23 Group delinquency
E2C2z Socialised conduct disorder NOS
E2C3. Impulse control disorder NEC
E2C30 Impulse control disorder, unspecified
E2C31 Pathological gambling
E2C32 Kleptomania
E2C33 Pyromania
E2C34 Intermittent explosive disorder
E2C35 Isolated explosive disorder
E2C3z Impulse control disorder NOS
E2C4. Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotion
E2C40 Neurotic delinquency
E2C4z Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotion NOS
E2Cy. Other conduct disturbances
E2Cy0 Breath holder
E2Cyz Other conduct disturbances NOS
E2Cz. Unspecified disturbance of conduct
E2Cz0 Juvenile delinquency unspecified
E2Czz Disturbance of conduct NOS
E2D.. Disturbance of emotion specific to childhood and adolescence
E2D0. Disturbance of anxiety and fearfulness childhood/adolescent
E2D00 Childhood and adolescent overanxiousness disturbance
E2D01 Childhood and adolescent fearfulness disturbance
E2D0z Disturbance anxiety and fearfulness childhood/adolescent NOS
E2D1. Childhood and adolescence disturbance of unhappiness
E2D2. Childhood and adolescent disturbance with sensitivity
E2D20 Childhood and adolescent disturbance with shyness
E2D21 Childhood and adolescent disturbance with introversion
E2D22 Childhood and adolescent disturbance with elective mutism
E2D2z Childhood and adolescent sensitivity disturbance NOS
E2D3. Childhood and adolescent relationship problem
E2D30 Sibling jealousy
E2D3z Childhood and adolescent relationship problem NOS
E2Dy. Other childhood and adolescent emotional problems
E2Dy0 Childhood and adolescent oppositional disorder
E2Dy1 Childhood and adolescent identity disorder
E2Dy2 Academic underachievement disorder
E2Dyz Other childhood and adolescent emotional problems NOS
E2Dz. Childhood and adolescent emotion disorder NOS
E2E.. Childhood hyperkinetic syndrome
E2E0. Child attention deficit disorder
E2E00 Attention deficit without hyperactivity
E2E01 Attention deficit with hyperactivity
E2E0z Child attention deficit disorder NOS
E2E1. Hyperkinesis with developmental delay
E2E2. Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
E2Ey. Other hyperkinetic manifestation
E2Ez. Hyperkinetic syndrome NOS
E2F.. Specific delays in development
E2F0. Specific reading disorder
E2F00 Reading disorder unspecified
E2F01 Alexia
E2F02 Developmental dyslexia
E2F03 Specific spelling difficulty
E2F0z Specific reading disorder NOS
E2F1. Dyscalculia
E2F2. Other specific learning difficulty
E2F3. Speech or language developmental disorder
E2F30 Developmental aphasia
E2F31 Dyslalia
E2F3z Speech or language developmental disorder NOS
E2F4. Coordination disorder (dyspraxia)
E2F5. Mixed development disorder
E2Fy. Other development delays
E2Fz. Developmental disorder NOS
E2G.. Psychic factor with disease EC
E2y.. Other specified neuroses or other mental disorders
E2z.. Neuroses or other mental disorder NOS
E3... Mental retardation
E30.. Mild mental retardation, IQ in range 50-70
E31.. Other specified mental retardation
E310. Moderate mental retardation, IQ in range 35-49
E311. Severe mental retardation, IQ in range 20-34
E312. Profound mental retardation with IQ less than 20
E31z. Other specified mental retardation NOS
E3y.. Other specified mental retardation
E3z.. Mental retardation NOS
Eu... [X]Mental and behavioural disorders
Eu0.. [X]Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders
Eu00. [X]Dementia in Alzheimers disease
Eu000 [X]Dementia in Alzheimers disease with early onset
Eu001 [X]Dementia in Alzheimers disease with late onset
Eu002 [X]Dementia in Alzheimers dis, atypical or mixed type
Eu00z [X]Dementia in Alzheimers disease, unspecified
Eu01. [X]Vascular dementia
Eu010 [X]Vascular dementia of acute onset
Eu011 [X]Multi-infarct dementia
Eu012 [X]Subcortical vascular dementia
Eu013 [X]Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia
Eu01y [X]Other vascular dementia
Eu01z [X]Vascular dementia, unspecified
Eu02. [X]Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere
Eu020 [X]Dementia in Picks disease
Eu021 [X]Dementia in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Eu022 [X]Dementia in Huntingtons disease
Eu023 [X]Dementia in Parkinsons disease
Eu024 [X]Dementia in human immunodef virus [HIV] disease
Eu02y [X]Dementia in other specified diseases classif elsewhere
Eu02z [X]Unspecified dementia
Eu03. [X]Organic amnesic synd not induced alc/oth psychoact subs
Eu04. [X]Delirium, not induced by alcohol+other psychoactive subs
Eu040 [X]Delirium not superimposed on dementia, so described
Eu041 [X]Delirium superimposed on dementia
Eu04y [X]Other delirium
Eu04z [X]Delirium, unspecified
Eu05. [X]Oth mental disorder brain damag/dysfunction/physical disr
Eu050 [X]Organic hallucinosis
Eu051 [X]Organic catatonic disorder
Eu052 [X]Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder
Eu053 [X]Organic mood [affective] disorders
Eu054 [X]Organic anxiety disorder
Eu055 [X]Organic dissociative disorder
Eu056 [X]Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder
Eu057 [X]Mild cognitive disorder
Eu05y [X]Oth sp mental disord brain damag/dysfunction/physcal disd
Eu05z [X]Unspec mental disorder brain damag/dysfunction/physcal dr
Eu06. [X]Personality and behav disorder brain dis dam and dysfunct
Eu060 [X]Organic personality disorder
Eu061 [X]Postencephalitic syndrome
Eu062 [X]Postconcussional syndrome
Eu06y [X]Oth organ personality behav disorders brain dis dam dysf
Eu06z [X]Unspec organ personality behav disorder brain dam dysfunc
Eu0z. [X]Unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorder
Eu1.. [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive subs
Eu10. [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol
Eu100 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use alcohol: acute intoxication
Eu101 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: harmful use
Eu102 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: dependence syndr
Eu103 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: withdrawal state
Eu104 [X]Men & behav dis due alcohl: withdrawl state with delirium
Eu105 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use alcohol: psychotic disorder
Eu106 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use alcohol: amnesic syndrome
Eu107 [X]Men & behav dis due alcoh: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu10y [X]Men & behav dis due to use alcohol: oth men & behav dis
Eu10z [X]Ment & behav dis due use alcohol: unsp ment & behav dis
Eu11. [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids
Eu110 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: acute intoxication
Eu111 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of opioids: harmful use
Eu112 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: dependence syndr
Eu113 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: withdrawal state
Eu114 [X]Men & behav dis due opioid: withdrawl state with delirium
Eu115 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use opioids: psychotic disorder
Eu116 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use opioids: amnesic syndrome
Eu117 [X]Men & beh dis due opioids: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu11y [X]Men & behav dis due to use opioids: oth men & behav dis
Eu11z [X]Ment & behav dis due use opioids: unsp ment & behav dis
Eu12. [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use cannabinoids
Eu120 [X]Mental & behav dis due cannabinoids: acute intoxication
Eu121 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: harmful use
Eu122 [X]Mental and behav dis due to cannabinoids: dependence synd
Eu123 [X]Mental and behav dis due cannabinoids: withdrawal state
Eu124 [X]Men & beh dis due cannabinds: withdrwl state wth delirium
Eu125 [X]Mental & behav dis due to cannabinoids: psychotic disordr
Eu126 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cannabinoids: amnesic syn
Eu127 [X]Mnt/bh dis due cannabinds: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu12y [X]Men/behav dis due to use cannabinoids: oth men/behav disd
Eu12z [X]Ment/behav dis due use cannabinoids: unsp ment/behav disd
Eu13. [X]Mental and behavioural dis due use sedatives/hypnotics
Eu130 [X]Mental & behav dis due seds/hypntcs: acute intoxication
Eu131 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: harmful use
Eu132 [X]Mental and behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: dependence synd
Eu133 [X]Mental and behav dis due seds/hypntcs: withdrawal state
Eu134 [X]Men & beh dis due seds/hypns: withdrwl state wth delirium
Eu135 [X]Mental & behav dis due to seds/hypntcs: psychotic disordr
Eu136 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: amnesic syn
Eu137 [X]Mnt/bh dis due seds/hypns: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu13y [X]Men/behav dis due to use seds/hypntcs: oth men/behav disd
Eu13z [X]Ment/behav dis due use seds/hypntcs: unsp ment/behav disd
Eu14. [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine
Eu140 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: acute intoxication
Eu141 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of cocaine: harmful use
Eu142 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: dependence syndr
Eu143 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: withdrawal state
Eu144 [X]Men & behav dis due cocaine: withdrawl state wth delirium
Eu145 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use cocaine: psychotic disorder
Eu146 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use cocaine: amnesic syndrome
Eu147 [X]Men & beh dis due cocaine: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu14y [X]Men & behav dis due to use cocaine: oth men & behav dis
Eu14z [X]Ment & behav dis due use cocaine: unsp ment & behav dis
Eu15. [X]Mental & behav disorder due other stimulants inc caffein
Eu150 [X]Mnt/beh dis due oth stim inc caffein: acute intoxication
Eu151 [X]Ment/behav dis due to use oth stims inc caff: harmful use
Eu152 [X]Mental and behav dis oth stim inc caffein: dependnce synd
Eu153 [X]Mnt/behav dis other stimlnts inc caffeine: withdrwl state
Eu154 [X]Mnt/bh dis oth stims inc caffne: withdr state wt delirium
Eu155 [X]Mental/behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: psychotic dis
Eu156 [X]Mental and behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: amnesic syn
Eu157 [X]Mnt/bh dis oth stm inc caffne resid/late-onset psycht dis
Eu15y [X]Men/behav dis oth stims inc caffeine: oth men/behav disd
Eu15z [X]Ment/beh dis oth stims inc caffeine: unsp ment/behav disd
Eu16. [X]Mental and behavioural disorders due to use hallucinogens
Eu160 [X]Mental & behav dis due hallucinogens: acute intoxicatn
Eu161 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use hallucinogens: harmfl use
Eu162 [X]Mental and behav dis due to hallucinogens: dependence syn
Eu163 [X]Mental and behav dis due hallucinogens: withdrawal state
Eu164 [X]Men & beh dis due hallucngns: withdrwl state wth delirium
Eu165 [X]Mental & behav dis due to hallucinogens: psychotic disord
Eu166 [X]Mental and behav dis due use hallucinogens: amnesic syndr
Eu167 [X]Mnt/bh dis due hallucngns: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu16y [X]Men/behav dis due to use hallucinogens: oth men/behav dis
Eu16z [X]Ment/behav dis due use hallucinogens: unsp ment/behav dis
Eu17. [X]Mental and behavioural disorder due to use of tobacco
Eu170 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use tobacco: acute intoxication
Eu171 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use of tobacco: harmful use
Eu172 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use tobacco: dependence syndr
Eu173 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use tobacco: withdrawal state
Eu174 [X]Men & behav dis due tobacco: withdrawl state wth delirium
Eu175 [X]Mental & behav dis due to use tobacco: psychotic disorder
Eu176 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use tobacco: amnesic syndrome
Eu177 [X]Men & beh dis due tobacco: resid & late-onset psychot dis
Eu17y [X]Men & behav dis due to use tobacco: oth men & behav dis
Eu17z [X]Ment & behav dis due use tobacco: unsp ment & behav dis
Eu18. [X]Mental & behav disorders due to use of volatile solvents
Eu180 [X]Mental & behav dis due vol solvents: acute intoxication
Eu181 [X]Mental and behav dis due volatile solvents: harmful use
Eu182 [X]Mental and behav dis due to vol solvents: dependence synd
Eu183 [X]Mental and behav dis due vol solvents: withdrawal state
Eu184 [X]Men & beh dis vol solvents: withdrawal state wth delirium
Eu185 [X]Mental & behav dis due to vol solvents: psychotic disordr
Eu186 [X]Mental and behav dis due to use vol solvents: amnesic syn
Eu187 [X]Mnt/bh dis vol solvents: resid & late-onset psychotic dis
Eu18y [X]Men/behav dis due to use vol solvents: oth men/behav disd
Eu18z [X]Ment/behav dis due use vol solvents: unsp ment/behav dis
Eu19. [X]Men & behav disorder multiple drug use/psychoactive subst
Eu190 [X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/psychoac subs: acute intox
Eu191 [X]Mental and behav dis mlti drg/oth psychoa sbs: harmfl use
Eu192 [X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psych sbs: dependence syndr
Eu193 [X]Mental and behav dis mlti/oth psychoa sbs: withdrwl state
Eu194 [X]Mnt/bh dis mlti drg use/oth psy sbs: wthdr state + dlrium
Eu195 [X]Ment/behav dis mlti drug use/oth psyc sbs: psychotc dis
Eu196 [X]Mental/behav dis multi drg use/oth psy sbs: amnesic syndr
Eu197 [X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth subs: resid/late psychot dis
Eu19y [X]Men/beh dis mlt drg use/oth psy sbs: oth men & behav dis
Eu19z [X]Ment/beh dis multi drug use/oth psy sbs unsp mnt/beh dis
Eu2.. [X]Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Eu20. [X]Schizophrenia
Eu200 [X]Paranoid schizophrenia
Eu201 [X]Hebephrenic schizophrenia
Eu202 [X]Catatonic schizophrenia
Eu203 [X]Undifferentiated schizophrenia
Eu204 [X]Post-schizophrenic depression
Eu205 [X]Residual schizophrenia
Eu206 [X]Simple schizophrenia
Eu20y [X]Other schizophrenia
Eu20z [X]Schizophrenia, unspecified
Eu21. [X]Schizotypal disorder
Eu22. [X]Persistent delusional disorders
Eu220 [X]Delusional disorder
Eu22y [X]Other persistent delusional disorders
Eu22z [X]Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified
Eu23. [X]Acute and transient psychotic disorders
Eu230 [X]Acute polymorphic psychot disord without symp of schizoph
Eu231 [X]Acute polymorphic psychot disord with symp of schizophren
Eu232 [X]Acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder
Eu233 [X]Other acute predominantly delusional psychotic disorders
Eu23y [X]Other acute and transient psychotic disorders
Eu23z [X]Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified
Eu24. [X]Induced delusional disorder
Eu25. [X]Schizoaffective disorders
Eu250 [X]Schizoaffective disorder, manic type
Eu251 [X]Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
Eu252 [X]Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
Eu25y [X]Other schizoaffective disorders
Eu25z [X]Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified
Eu2y. [X]Other nonorganic psychotic disorders
Eu2z. [X]Unspecified nonorganic psychosis
Eu3.. [X]Mood - affective disorders
Eu30. [X]Manic episode
Eu300 [X]Hypomania
Eu301 [X]Mania without psychotic symptoms
Eu302 [X]Mania with psychotic symptoms
Eu30y [X]Other manic episodes
Eu30z [X]Manic episode, unspecified
Eu31. [X]Bipolar affective disorder
Eu310 [X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomanic
Eu311 [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic wout psychotic symp
Eu312 [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi manic with psychotic symp
Eu313 [X]Bipolar affect disorder cur epi mild or moderate depressn
Eu314 [X]Bipol aff disord, curr epis sev depress, no psychot symp
Eu315 [X]Bipolar affect dis cur epi severe depres with psyc symp
Eu316 [X]Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed
Eu317 [X]Bipolar affective disorder, currently in remission
Eu31y [X]Other bipolar affective disorders
Eu31z [X]Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified
Eu32. [X]Depressive episode
Eu320 [X]Mild depressive episode
Eu321 [X]Moderate depressive episode
Eu322 [X]Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms
Eu323 [X]Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms
Eu32y [X]Other depressive episodes
Eu32z [X]Depressive episode, unspecified
Eu33. [X]Recurrent depressive disorder
Eu330 [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild
Eu331 [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate
Eu332 [X]Recurr depress disorder cur epi severe without psyc sympt
Eu333 [X]Recurrent depress disorder cur epi severe with psyc symp
Eu334 [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission
Eu33y [X]Other recurrent depressive disorders
Eu33z [X]Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified
Eu34. [X]Persistent mood affective disorders
Eu340 [X]Cyclothymia
Eu341 [X]Dysthymia
Eu34y [X]Other persistent mood affective disorders
Eu34z [X]Persistent mood affective disorder, unspecified
Eu3y. [X]Other mood affective disorders
Eu3y0 [X]Other single mood affective disorders
Eu3y1 [X]Other recurrent mood affective disorders
Eu3yy [X]Other specified mood affective disorders
Eu3z. [X]Unspecified mood affective disorder
Eu4.. [X]Neurotic, stress - related and somoform disorders
Eu40. [X]Phobic anxiety disorders
Eu400 [X]Agoraphobia
Eu401 [X]Social phobias
Eu402 [X]Specific (isolated) phobias
Eu40y [X]Other phobic anxiety disorders
Eu40z [X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified
Eu41. [X]Other anxiety disorders
Eu410 [X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]
Eu411 [X]Generalized anxiety disorder
Eu412 [X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
Eu413 [X]Other mixed anxiety disorders
Eu41y [X]Other specified anxiety disorders
Eu41z [X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified
Eu42. [X]Obsessive - compulsive disorder
Eu420 [X]Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations
Eu421 [X]Predominantly compulsive acts [obsessional rituals]
Eu422 [X]Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts
Eu42y [X]Other obsessive-compulsive disorders
Eu42z [X]Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified
Eu43. [X]Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders
Eu430 [X]Acute stress reaction
Eu431 [X]Post - traumatic stress disorder
Eu432 [X]Adjustment disorders
Eu43y [X]Other reactions to severe stress
Eu43z [X]Reaction to severe stress, unspecified
Eu44. [X]Dissociative [conversion] disorders
Eu440 [X]Dissociative amnesia
Eu441 [X]Dissociative fugue
Eu442 [X]Dissociative stupor
Eu443 [X]Trance and possession disorders
Eu444 [X]Dissociative motor disorders
Eu445 [X]Dissociative convulsions
Eu446 [X]Dissociative anaesthesia and sensory loss
Eu447 [X]Mixed dissociative [conversion] disorders
Eu44y [X]Other dissociative [conversion] disorders
Eu44z [X]Dissociative [conversion] disorder, unspecified
Eu45. [X]Somatoform disorders
Eu450 [X]Somatization disorder
Eu451 [X]Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
Eu452 [X]Hypochondriacal disorder
Eu453 [X]Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
Eu454 [X]Persistent somatoform pain disorder
Eu45y [X]Other somatoform disorders
Eu45z [X]Somatoform disorder, unspecified
Eu46. [X]Other neurotic disorders
Eu460 [X]Neurasthenia
Eu461 [X]Depersonalization - derealization syndrome
Eu46y [X]Other specified neurotic disorders
Eu46z [X]Neurotic disorder, unspecified
Eu5.. [X]Behav synd assoc with physiolgcl disturb + physical fctrs
Eu50. [X]Eating disorders
Eu500 [X]Anorexia nervosa
Eu501 [X]Atypical anorexia nervosa
Eu502 [X]Bulimia nervosa
Eu503 [X]Atypical bulimia nervosa
Eu504 [X]Overeating associated with other psychological disturbncs
Eu505 [X]Vomiting associated with other psychological disturbances
Eu50y [X]Other eating disorders
Eu50z [X]Eating disorder, unspecified
Eu51. [X]Nonorganic sleep disorders
Eu510 [X]Nonorganic insomnia
Eu511 [X]Nonorganic hypersomnia
Eu512 [X]Nonorganic disorder of the sleep-wake schedule
Eu513 [X]Sleepwalking
Eu514 [X]Sleep terrors
Eu515 [X]Nightmares
Eu51y [X]Other nonorganic sleep disorders
Eu51z [X]Nonorganic sleep disorder, unspecified
Eu52. [X]Sex dysfunction not caused by organic disorder or disease
Eu520 [X]Lack or loss of sexual desire
Eu521 [X]Sexual aversion and lack of sexual enjoyment
Eu522 [X]Failure of genital response
Eu523 [X]Orgasmic dysfunction
Eu524 [X]Premature ejaculation
Eu525 [X]Nonorganic vaginismus
Eu526 [X]Nonorganic dyspareunia
Eu527 [X]Excessive sexual drive
Eu52y [X]Oth sex dysfunction, not caused by organic disordr/dsease
Eu52z [X]Unspec sex dysfunction not caused by organic disordr/dis
Eu53. [X]Mental and behav disorders assoc with the puerperium NEC
Eu530 [X]Mild mental/behav disorder assoc with the puerperium NEC
Eu531 [X]Severe mental and behav disorder assoc wth puerperium NEC
Eu53y [X]Oth mental and behav disorders assoc with puerperium NEC
Eu53z [X]Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified
Eu54. [X]Psychological/behav factor assoc with disorder or dis EC
Eu55. [X]Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances
Eu5z. [X]Unsp behav synd assoc with physiol disturb physical facts
Eu6.. [X]Disorders of adult personality and behaviour
Eu60. [X]Specific personality disorders
Eu600 [X]Paranoid personality disorder
Eu601 [X]Schizoid personality disorder
Eu602 [X]Dissocial personality disorder
Eu603 [X]Emotionally unstable personality disorder
Eu604 [X]Histrionic personality disorder
Eu605 [X]Anankastic personality disorder
Eu606 [X]Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder
Eu607 [X]Dependent personality disorder
Eu60y [X]Other specific personality disorders
Eu60z [X]Personality disorder, unspecified
Eu61. [X]Mixed and other personality disorders
Eu62. [X]Enduring personality change not attrib to brain damag/dis
Eu620 [X]Enduring personality change after catastrophic experience
Eu621 [X]Enduring personality change after psychiatric illness
Eu62y [X]Other enduring personality changes
Eu62z [X]Enduring personality change, unspecified
Eu63. [X]Habit and impulse disorders
Eu630 [X]Pathological gambling
Eu631 [X]Pathological fire-setting
Eu632 [X]Pathological stealing
Eu633 [X]Trichotillomania
Eu63y [X]Other habit and impulse disorders
Eu63z [X]Habit and impulse disorder, unspecified
Eu64. [X]Gender identity disorders
Eu640 [X]Transsexualism
Eu641 [X]Dual-role transvestism
Eu642 [X]Gender identity disorder of childhood
Eu64y [X]Other gender identity disorders
Eu64z [X]Gender identity disorder, unspecified
Eu65. [X]Disorders of sexual preference
Eu650 [X]Fetishism
Eu651 [X]Fetishistic transvestism
Eu652 [X]Exhibitionism
Eu653 [X]Voyeurism
Eu654 [X]Paedophilia
Eu655 [X]Sadomasochism
Eu656 [X]Multiple disorders of sexual preference
Eu65y [X]Other disorders of sexual preference
Eu65z [X]Disorder of sexual preference, unspecified
Eu66. [X]Psychol and behav disorder assoc with sex dev and orientn
Eu660 [X]Sexual maturation disorder
Eu661 [X]Egodystonic sexual orientation
Eu662 [X]Sexual relationship disorder
Eu66y [X]Other psychosexual development disorders
Eu66z [X]Psychosexual development disorder, unspecified
Eu6y. [X]Other disorders of adult personality and behaviour
Eu6y0 [X]Elaboration of physical symptoms for psychological reason
Eu6y1 [X]Intent product/feign of symptom/disab eith physical/psych
Eu6yy [X]Other specified disorders of adult personality/behaviour
Eu6z. [X]Unspecified disorder of adult personality and behaviour
Eu7.. [X]Mental retardation
Eu70. [X]Mild mental retardation
Eu700 [X]Mld mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav
Eu701 [X]Mld mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt
Eu70y [X]Mild mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour
Eu70z [X]Mild mental retardation without mention impairment behav
Eu71. [X]Moderate mental retardation
Eu710 [X]Mod mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav
Eu711 [X]Mod mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt
Eu71y [X]Mod retard oth behav impair
Eu71z [X]Mod mental retardation without mention impairment behav
Eu72. [X]Severe mental retardation
Eu720 [X]Sev mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav
Eu721 [X]Sev mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt
Eu72y [X]Severe mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour
Eu72z [X]Sev mental retardation without mention impairment behav
Eu73. [X]Profound mental retardation
Eu730 [X]Profound ment retrd wth statement no or min impairm behav
Eu731 [X]Profound ment retard sig impairmnt behav req attent/treat
Eu73y [X]Profound mental retardation, other impairments of behavr
Eu73z [X]Prfnd mental retardation without mention impairment behav
Eu7y. [X]Other mental retardation
Eu7y0 [X]Oth mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav
Eu7y1 [X]Oth mental retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt
Eu7yy [X]Other mental retardation, other impairments of behaviour
Eu7yz [X]Other mental retardation without mention impairment behav
Eu7z. [X]Unspecified mental retardation
Eu7z0 [X]Unsp mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav
Eu7z1 [X]Unsp mentl retard sig impairment behav req attent/treatmt
Eu7zy [X]Unspecified mental retardatn, other impairments of behav
Eu7zz [X]Unsp mental retardation without mention impairment behav
Eu8.. [X]Disorders of psychological development
Eu80. [X]Specific developmental disorders of speech and language
Eu800 [X]Specific speech articulation disorder
Eu801 [X]Expressive language disorder
Eu802 [X]Receptive language disorder
Eu803 [X]Acquired aphasia with epilepsy [Landau - Kleffner]
Eu80y [X]Other developmental disorders of speech and language
Eu80z [X]Developmental disorder of speech and language unspecified
Eu81. [X]Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills
Eu810 [X]Specific reading disorder
Eu811 [X]Specific spelling disorder
Eu812 [X]Specific disorder of arithmetical skills
Eu813 [X]Mixed disorder of scholastic skills
Eu81y [X]Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills
Eu81z [X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified
Eu82. [X]Specific developmental disorder of motor function
Eu83. [X]Mixed specific developmental disorders
Eu84. [X]Pervasive developmental disorders
Eu840 [X]Childhood autism
Eu841 [X]Atypical autism
Eu842 [X]Retts syndrome
Eu843 [X]Other childhood disintegrative disorder
Eu844 [X]Overactive disorder assoc mental retard/stereotype movts
Eu845 [X]Aspergers syndrome
Eu84y [X]Other pervasive developmental disorders
Eu84z [X]Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
Eu8y. [X]Other disorders of psychological development
Eu8z. [X]Unspecified disorder of psychological development
Eu9.. [X]Behavioural/emotional disords onset childhood/adolescence
Eu90. [X]Hyperkinetic disorders
Eu900 [X]Disturbance of activity and attention
Eu901 [X]Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
Eu90y [X]Other hyperkinetic disorders
Eu90z [X]Hyperkinetic disorder, unspecified
Eu91. [X]Conduct disorders
Eu910 [X]Conduct disorder confined to the family context
Eu911 [X]Unsocialized conduct disorder
Eu912 [X]Socialized conduct disorder
Eu913 [X]Oppositional defiant disorder
Eu91y [X]Other conduct disorders
Eu91z [X]Conduct disorder, unspecified
Eu92. [X]Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions
Eu920 [X]Depressive conduct disorder
Eu92y [X]Other mixed disorders of conduct and emotions
Eu92z [X]Mixed disorder of conduct and emotions, unspecified
Eu93. [X]Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood
Eu930 [X]Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
Eu931 [X]Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood
Eu932 [X]Social anxiety disorder of childhood
Eu933 [X]Sibling rivalry disorder
Eu93y [X]Other childhood emotional disorders
Eu93z [X]Childhood emotional disorder, unspecified
Eu94. [X]Disorder social funct onset specific childhood/adolesc
Eu940 [X]Elective mutism
Eu941 [X]Reactive attachment disorder of childhood
Eu942 [X]Disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood
Eu94y [X]Other childhood disorders of social functioning
Eu94z [X]Childhood disorder of social functioning, unspecified
Eu95. [X]Tic disorders
Eu950 [X]Transient tic disorder
Eu951 [X]Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
Eu952 [X]Comb vocal multiple motor tic disorder - de la Tourette
Eu95y [X]Other tic disorders
Eu95z [X]Tic disorder, unspecified
Eu9y. [X]Oth behav emotion disorder onset usual occur childhd/adol
Eu9y0 [X]Nonorganic enuresis
Eu9y1 [X]Nonorganic encopresis
Eu9y2 [X]Feeding disorder of infancy and childhood
Eu9y3 [X]Pica of infancy and childhood
Eu9y4 [X]Stereotyped movement disorders
Eu9y5 [X]Stuttering [stammering]
Eu9y6 [X]Cluttering
Eu9yy [X]Ot spc behav emotion disorder onst usual childhood adoles
Eu9yz [X]Unspec behav emotion disorder onst usual childhood adoles
Euz.. [X]Mental disorder, not otherwise specified
Ey... Other specified mental disorders
Ez... Mental disorders NOS
F.... Nervous system and sense organ diseases
F0... Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
F00.. Bacterial meningitis
F000. Haemophilus meningitis
F001. Pneumococcal meningitis
F002. Streptococcal meningitis
F003. Staphylococcal meningitis
F004. Meningitis - tuberculous
F005. Meningitis - meningococcal
F007. Meningitis in other bacterial disease classified elsewhere
F0070 Meningitis due to gonococcus
F0071 Meningitis due to listeriosis
F0072 Meningitis due to neurosyphilis
F0073 Meningitis due to salmonella
F0074 Meningitis due to congenital syphilis
F0075 Meningitis due to secondary syphilis
F0076 Meningitis due to typhoid fever
F0077 Meningitis due to actinomycosis
F0078 Meningitis due to pertussis
F007z Unspecified meningitis in bacterial disease EC
F00y. Other specified bacterial meningitis
F00y0 Meningitis due to aerobacter aerogenes
F00y1 Meningitis due to bacillus pyocyaneus
F00y2 Meningitis due to escherichia coli
F00y3 Meningitis due to Friedlander bacillus
F00y4 Meningitis due to klebsiella pneumoniae
F00y5 Meningitis due to proteus morganii
F00y6 Meningitis due to pseudomonas
F00yz Other specified bacterial meningitis NOS
F00z. Bacterial meningitis NOS
F01.. Meningitis due to other organisms
F010. Meningitis due to fungal organisms
F0100 Meningitis due to cryptococcus
F010z Other fungal meningitis
F011. Meningitis due to viral organisms EC
F0110 Meningitis due to coxsackie virus
F0111 Meningitis due to ECHO virus
F0112 Meningitis due to herpes zoster virus
F0113 Meningitis due to herpes simplex virus
F0114 Meningitis due to mumps virus
F0115 Meningitis due to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
F0116 Meningitis due to adenovirus
F0117 Varicella meningitis
F011y Other viral meningitis
F011z Meningitis - viral NOS
F012. Meningitis due to trypanosomiasis
F013. Meningitis due to sarcoidosis
F01y. Other non-bacterial meningitis
F01y0 Meningitis due to leptospira
F01yz Other non-bacterial meningitis NOS
F01z. Meningitis due to organism NOS
F02.. Meningitis of unspecified cause
F020. Nonpyogenic meningitis
F021. Eosinophilic meningitis
F022. Chronic meningitis
F023. Arachnoiditis
F024. Benign recurrent meningitis
F02z. Unspecified meningitis
F03.. Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis
F030. Encephalitis in viral disease EC
F0300 Encephalitis due to kuru
F0301 Encephalitis due to subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
F0302 Encephalitis due to poliomyelitis
F0303 Encephalitis due to arthropod-borne virus
F0304 Encephalitis due to herpes simplex virus
F0305 Encephalitis due to mumps virus
F0306 Encephalitis due to rubella virus
F030z Encephalitis in viral disease NOS
F031. Encephalitis due to rickettsia EC
F032. Encephalitis due to protozoa EC
F0320 Encephalitis due to malaria
F0321 Encephalitis due to trypanosomiasis
F032z Encephalitis due to protozoa EC NOS
F033. Encephalitis due to other infection EC
F0330 Encephalitis due to meningococcus
F0331 Encephalitis due to congenital syphilis
F0332 Encephalitis due to syphilis unspecified
F0333 Encephalitis due to tuberculosis
F0334 Encephalitis due to toxoplasmosis
F033z Unspecified encephalitis due to other infection EC
F034. Postimmunisation encephalitis
F0340 Post BCG vaccination encephalitis
F0341 Post typhoid vaccination encephalitis
F0342 Post paratyphoid vaccination encephalitis
F0343 Post cholera vaccination encephalitis
F0344 Post plague vaccination encephalitis
F0345 Post tetanus vaccination encephalitis
F0346 Post diphtheria vaccination encephalitis
F0347 Post pertussis vaccination encephalitis
F0348 Post smallpox vaccination encephalitis
F0349 Post rabies vaccination encephalitis
F034A Post typhus vaccination encephalitis
F034B Post yellow fever vaccination encephalitis
F034C Post measles vaccination encephalitis
F034D Post polio vaccination encephalitis
F034E Post mumps vaccination encephalitis
F034F Post rubella vaccination encephalitis
F034G Post influenza vaccination encephalitis
F034H Post hepatitis A vaccination encephalitis
F034J Post hepatitis B vaccination encephalitis
F034x Post mixed vaccination encephalitis
F034y Post other specified vaccination encephalitis
F034z Postimmunisation encephalitis NOS
F035. Postinfectious encephalitis
F0350 Encephalitis following chickenpox
F0351 Encephalitis following measles
F035z Postinfectious encephalitis NOS
F036. Toxic encephalitis
F0360 Toxic encephalitis due to lead
F0361 Toxic encephalitis due to mercury
F0362 Toxic encephalitis due to thallium
F036z Toxic encephalitis NOS
F037. Transverse myelitis
F038. Tropical spastic paraplegia
F03X. Bacterial meningoencephalitis+meningomyelitis,NEC
F03y. Other causes of encephalitis
F03z. Encephalitis NOS
F04.. Intracranial and intraspinal abscesses
F040. Intracranial abscess
F0400 Cerebral intracranial abscess
F0401 Cerebellar intracranial abscess
F0402 Otogenic intracranial abscess
F0403 Epidural intracranial abscess
F0404 Extradural intracranial abscess
F0405 Subdural intracranial abscess
F0406 Tuberculous intracranial abscess
F040z Intracranial abscess NOS
F041. Intraspinal abscess
F0410 Epidural intraspinal abscess
F0411 Extradural intraspinal abscess
F0412 Subdural intraspinal abscess
F0413 Tuberculous intraspinal abscess
F041z Intraspinal abscess NOS
F04X. Extradural and subdural abscess, unspecified
F04z. Intracranial or intraspinal abscess NOS
F05.. Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses
F050. Embolism of central nervous system venous sinus
F0500 Embolism cavernous sinus
F0501 Embolism superior longitudinal sinus
F0502 Embolism lateral sinus
F0503 Embolism transverse sinus
F050z Embolism central nervous system venous sinus NOS
F051. Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinuses
F0510 Thrombosis cavernous sinus
F0511 Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus
F0512 Thrombosis lateral sinus
F0513 Thrombosis transverse sinus
F051z Thrombosis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS
F052. Phlebitis of central nervous system venous sinuses
F0520 Phlebitis cavernous sinus
F0521 Phlebitis of superior longitudinal sinus
F0522 Phlebitis lateral sinus
F0523 Phlebitis transverse sinus
F052z Phlebitis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS
F053. Thrombophlebitis of central nervous system venous sinuses
F0530 Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus
F0531 Thrombophlebitis of superior longitudinal venous sinus
F0532 Thrombophlebitis lateral venous sinus
F053z Thrombophlebitis of central nervous system venous sinus NOS
F05z. Phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of CNS venous sinus NOS
F06.. Late effects of intracranial abscess or pyogenic infection
F06X. Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of the CNS
F0y.. Inflammatory diseases of central nervous system OS
F0z.. Inflammatory diseases of central nervous system NOS
F1... Hereditary and degenerative diseases of the CNS
F10.. Cerebral degenerations usually manifest in childhood
F100. Leucodystrophy
F1000 Krabbes disease
F1001 Schulzs disease
F1002 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
F1003 Metachromatic leucodystrophy
F100z Leucodystrophy NOS
F101. Cerebral lipidoses
F1010 Jansky-Bielschowsky disease
F1011 Kufs disease
F1012 Spielmeyer-Vogt (Batten) disease
F1013 Tay-Sachs disease
F1014 Gangliosidosis
F1015 Retinal dystrophy in cerebroretinal lipidosis
F101z Cerebral lipidoses NOS
F102. Cerebral degeneration in lipidoses EC
F1020 Cerebral degeneration in Gauchers disease
F1021 Cerebral degeneration in Niemann-Pick disease
F102z Cerebral degeneration in lipidosis NOS
F103. Cerebral degeneration in diseases EC
F1030 Cerebral degeneration in Hunters disease
F1031 Cerebral degeneration in mucopolysaccharidoses
F103z Cerebral degeneration in disease NOS
F10y. Other cerebral degenerations in childhood
F10y0 Alpers disease
F10y1 Leighs disease
F10yz Other cerebral degenerations in childhood NOS
F10z. Childhood cerebral degenerations NOS
F11.. Other cerebral degenerations
F110. Alzheimers disease
F1100 Alzheimers disease with early onset
F1101 Alzheimers disease with late onset
F111. Picks disease
F112. Senile degeneration of brain
F113. Acquired communicating hydrocephalus
F1130 Normal pressure hydrocephalus
F113z Communicating hydrocephalus - acquired NOS
F114. Acquired obstructive hydrocephalus
F115. Hydrocephalus
F11X. Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, unspecified
F11x. Cerebral degeneration in other disease EC
F11x0 Cerebral degeneration due to alcoholism
F11x1 Cerebral degeneration due to beriberi
F11x2 Cerebral degeneration due to cerebrovascular disease
F11x3 Cerebral degeneration due to congenital hydrocephalus
F11x4 Cerebral degeneration due to neoplastic disease
F11x5 Cerebral degeneration due to myxoedema
F11x6 Cerebral degeneration due to vitamin B12 deficiency
F11x7 Cerebral degeneration due to Jakob - Creutzfeldt disease
F11x8 Cerebral degeneration due to multifocal leucoencephalopathy
F11xz Cerebral degeneration other disease NOS
F11y. Other cerebral degeneration
F11y0 Reyes syndrome
F11y1 Cerebral ataxia
F11yz Other cerebral degeneration NOS
F11z. Cerebral degeneration NOS
F12.. Parkinsons disease
F120. Paralysis agitans
F121. Parkinsonism secondary to drugs
F122. Malignant neuroleptic syndrome
F123. Postencephalitic parkinsonism
F12W. Secondary parkinsonism due to other external agents
F12X. Secondary parkinsonism, unspecified
F12z. Parkinsons disease NOS
F13.. Other extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorders
F130. Other basal ganglia degenerative diseases
F1300 Dejerine-Thomas syndrome
F1301 Hallervorden-Spatz disease
F1302 Striatonigral degeneration
F1303 Parkinsonism with orthostatic hypotension
F1304 Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia
F1305 Shy-Drager syndrome
F1306 Aicardi Goutieres syndrome
F130z Other basal ganglia degenerative disease NOS
F131. Essential and other specified forms of tremor
F1310 Benign essential tremor
F1311 Familial tremor
F1312 Drug-induced tremor
F131z Essential and other specified forms of tremor NOS
F132. Myoclonus
F1320 Familial essential myoclonus
F1321 Progressive myoclonic epilepsy
F1322 Myoclonic encephalopathy
F132y Other specified myoclonus
F132z Myoclonus NOS
F133. Tics of organic origin
F134. Huntingtons chorea
F135. Other choreas
F1350 Hemiballismus
F1351 Paroxysmal choreo-athetosis
F1352 Drug-induced chorea
F135z Other choreas NOS
F136. Idiopathic torsion dystonia
F1360 Idiopathic familial dystonia
F137. Symptomatic torsion dystonia
F1370 Athetoid cerebral palsy
F1371 Double athetosis
F1372 Drug-induced dystonia
F137y Other specified symptomatic torsion dystonia
F137z Symptomatic torsion dystonia NOS
F138. Fragments of torsion dystonia
F1380 Blepharospasm
F1381 Orofacial dyskinesia
F1382 Spasmodic torticollis
F1383 Organic writers cramp
F138z Fragments of torsion dystonia NOS
F13X. Dystonia, unspecified
F13z. Other/unspecified extrapyramidal/abnormal movement disorders
F13z0 Unspecified extrapyramidal disease
F13z1 Stiff-man syndrome
F13z2 Restless legs syndrome
F13zz Extrapyramidal disease and abnormal movement disorder NOS
F14.. Spinocerebellar disease
F140. Friedreichs ataxia
F141. Hereditary spastic paraplegia
F142. Primary cerebellar degeneration
F1420 Maries cerebellar ataxia
F1421 Sanger-Brown cerebellar ataxia
F1422 Dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica
F142z Primary cerebellar degeneration NOS
F143. Cerebellar ataxia NOS
F144. Cerebellar ataxia in diseases EC
F1440 Cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism
F1441 Cerebellar ataxia due to myxoedema
F1442 Cerebellar ataxia due to neoplasia
F144z Cerebellar ataxia in disease NOS
F145. Congenital nonprogressive ataxia
F14y. Other spinocerebellar diseases
F14y0 Ataxia-telangiectasia
F14y1 Corticostriatal-spinal degeneration
F14yz Other spinocerebellar disease NOS
F14z. Spinocerebellar disease NOS
F15.. Anterior horn cell disease
F150. Werdnig - Hoffmann disease
F151. Spinal muscular atrophy
F1510 Unspecified spinal muscular atrophy
F1511 Kugelberg - Welander disease
F1512 Adult spinal muscular atrophy
F1513 X-linked bulbo-spinal atrophy
F151z Spinal muscular atrophy NOS
F152. Motor neurone disease
F1520 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
F1521 Progressive muscular atrophy
F1522 Progressive bulbar palsy
F1523 Pseudobulbar palsy
F1524 Primary lateral sclerosis
F152z Motor neurone disease NOS
F15y. Other anterior horn cell disease
F15z. Anterior horn cell disease NOS
F16.. Other diseases of spinal cord
F160. Syringomyelia and syringobulbia
F1600 Syringomyelia
F1601 Syringobulbia
F160z Syringomyelia or syringobulbia NOS
F161. Vascular myelopathies
F1610 Myelopathy due to acute infarction of spinal cord
F1611 Myelopathy due to arterial thrombosis of spinal cord
F1612 Myelopathy due to oedema of spinal cord
F1613 Myelopathy due to haematomyelia
F1614 Subacute necrotic myelopathy
F161z Vascular myelopathy NOS
F162. Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord
F163. Myelopathy due to disease EC
F1630 Myelopathy due to intervertebral disc disease
F1631 Myelopathy due to neoplastic disease
F1632 Myelopathy due to spondylosis
F163z Myelopathy due to disease NOS
F16y. Other myelopathy
F16y0 Drug induced myelopathy
F16y1 Radiation induced myelopathy
F16yz Other myelopathy NOS
F16z. Myelopathy NOS
F17.. Autonomic nervous system disorders
F170. Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy
F1700 Carotid sinus syndrome
F1701 Cervical sympathetic paralysis
F170z Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy NOS
F171. Peripheral autonomic neuropathy disease EC
F1710 Autonomic neuropathy due to amyloid
F1711 Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes
F171z Peripheral autonomic neuropathy due to disease NOS
F172. [X] Horners syndrome
F173. Shoulder-hand syndrome
F17z. Autonomic nervous system disorder NOS
F1y.. Hereditary and degenerative diseases of the CNS OS
F1z.. Hereditary and degenerative diseases of the CNS NOS
F2... Other central nervous system disorders
F20.. Multiple sclerosis
F200. Multiple sclerosis of the brain stem
F201. Multiple sclerosis of the spinal cord
F202. Generalised multiple sclerosis
F203. Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis
F20z. Multiple sclerosis NOS
F21.. Other central nervous system demyelinating diseases
F210. Neuromyelitis optica
F211. Schilders disease
F212. Acute and subacute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis [Hurst]
F21X. Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified
F21y. Other specified central nervous system demyelinating disease
F21y0 Marchiafava-Bignami disease
F21y1 Central pontine myelinosis
F21y2 Binswangers disease
F21y3 Central demyelination of corpus callosum
F21y4 Subacute necrotizing myelitis
F21y5 Concentric sclerosis
F21yz Other specified central nervous system demyelination NOS
F21z. Central nervous system demyelination NOS
F22.. Hemiplegia
F220. Flaccid hemiplegia
F221. Spastic hemiplegia
F222. Left hemiplegia
F223. Right hemiplegia
F22z. Hemiplegia NOS
F23.. Congenital cerebral palsy
F230. Congenital diplegia
F2300 Congenital paraplegia
F230z Congenital diplegia NOS
F231. Congenital hemiplegia
F232. Congenital quadriplegia
F233. Congenital monoplegia
F234. Infantile hemiplegia NOS
F23y. Other congenital cerebral palsy
F23y0 Ataxic infantile cerebral palsy
F23y1 Flaccid infantile cerebral palsy
F23y2 Spastic cerebral palsy
F23y3 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
F23yz Other infantile cerebral palsy NOS
F23z. Congenital cerebral palsy NOS
F24.. Other paralytic syndromes
F240. Quadriplegia
F2400 Flaccid tetraplegia
F2401 Spastic tetraplegia
F241. Paraplegia
F2410 Flaccid paraplegia
F2411 Spastic paraplegia
F242. Diplegia of upper limbs
F243. Monoplegia of lower limb
F244. Monoplegia of upper limb
F245. Monoplegia unspecified
F246. Cauda equina syndrome
F2460 Cauda equina syndrome not affecting bladder
F2461 Cauda equina syndrome with cord bladder
F246z Cauda equina syndrome NOS
F24y. Other specified paralytic syndromes
F24y0 Progressive supranuclear palsy
F24y1 Todds paralysis
F24y2 Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome
F24yz Other paralytic syndromes NOS
F24z. Paralysis NOS
F25.. Epilepsy
F250. Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy
F2500 Petit mal (minor) epilepsy
F2501 Pykno-epilepsy
F2502 Epileptic seizures - atonic
F2503 Epileptic seizures - akinetic
F2504 Juvenile absence epilepsy
F250y Other specified generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy
F250z Generalised nonconvulsive epilepsy NOS
F251. Generalised convulsive epilepsy
F2510 Grand mal (major) epilepsy
F2511 Neonatal myoclonic epilepsy
F2512 Epileptic seizures - clonic
F2513 Epileptic seizures - myoclonic
F2514 Epileptic seizures - tonic
F2515 Tonic-clonic epilepsy
F2516 Grand mal seizure
F251y Other specified generalised convulsive epilepsy
F251z Generalised convulsive epilepsy NOS
F252. Petit mal status
F253. Grand mal status
F254. Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness
F2540 Temporal lobe epilepsy
F2541 Psychomotor epilepsy
F2542 Psychosensory epilepsy
F2543 Limbic system epilepsy
F2544 Epileptic automatism
F254z Partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness NOS
F255. Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness
F2550 Jacksonian, focal or motor epilepsy
F2551 Sensory induced epilepsy
F2552 Somatosensory epilepsy
F2553 Visceral reflex epilepsy
F2554 Visual reflex epilepsy
F2555 Unilateral epilepsy
F255y Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness OS
F255z Partial epilepsy without impairment of consciousness NOS
F256. Infantile spasms
F2560 Hypsarrhythmia
F2561 Salaam attacks
F256z Infantile spasms NOS
F257. Kojevnikovs epilepsy
F258. Post-ictal state
F25X. Status epilepticus, unspecified
F25y. Other forms of epilepsy
F25y0 Cursive (running) epilepsy
F25y1 Gelastic epilepsy
F25y2 Locl-rlt(foc)(part)idiop epilep&epilptic syn seiz locl onset
F25y3 Complex partial status epilepticus
F25yz Other forms of epilepsy NOS
F25z. Epilepsy NOS
F26.. Migraine
F260. Classical migraine
F261. Common migraine
F2610 Atypical migraine
F2611 Sick headache
F261z Common migraine NOS
F262. Migraine variants
F2620 Cluster headache
F2621 Hortons (histamine) neuralgia
F2622 Abdominal migraine
F2623 Basilar migraine
F2624 Ophthalmic migraine
F2625 Periodic migrainous neuralgia
F2626 [X] Tension type headache
F262z Migraine variant NOS
F26y. Other forms of migraine
F26y0 Hemiplegic migraine
F26y1 Ophthalmoplegic migraine
F26y2 Status migrainosus
F26y3 Complicated migraine
F26yz Other forms of migraine NOS
F26z. Migraine NOS
F27.. Cataplexy and narcolepsy
F270. Cataplexy
F271. Narcolepsy
F27z. Cataplexy or narcolepsy NOS
F28.. Other conditions of brain
F280. Cerebral cysts
F2800 Arachnoid cyst
F2801 Porencephalic cyst
F2802 Pseudoporencephaly
F280y Other specified cerebral cyst
F280z Cerebral cyst NOS
F281. Anoxic brain damage
F2810 Persistent vegetative state
F282. Benign intracranial hypertension
F283. Unspecified encephalopathy
F284. Compression of brain
F2840 Brain stem compression
F284z Compression of brain NOS
F285. Cerebral oedema
F286. Chronic fatigue syndrome
F28y. Other conditions of brain OS
F28y0 Cerebral calcification
F28y1 Cerebral fungus
F28yz Other conditions of brain NOS
F28z. Brain conditions NOS
F29.. Other nervous system disorders
F290. Reaction to spinal or lumbar puncture
F2900 Headache after lumbar puncture
F2901 Other lumbar puncture reaction
F2902 Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture
F290y Other spinal puncture reaction
F290z Reaction to spinal or lumbar puncture NOS
F291. Nervous system complication from surgically implanted device
F2910 Intracranial hypotension following ventricular shunting
F292. Meninges disorder NEC
F2920 Cerebral meningeal adhesions
F2921 Spinal meningeal adhesions
F2923 Cyst of the spinal meninges
F2924 Chemical meningitis
F292z Meninges disorder NOS
F29X. Disorder of central nervous system, unspecified
F29y. Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system
F29y0 Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea
F29y2 Pseudomeningocoele
F29y3 Toxic encephalopathy
F29y4 Cord compression
F29y5 Chronic post-traumatic headache
F29yz Other and unspecified disorders of the nervous system NOS
F29z. Other nervous system disorders NOS
F2W.. Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classified
F2X.. Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified
F2y.. Other specified disorders of central nervous system
F2z.. Other central nervous system disorders NOS
F3... Peripheral nervous system disorders
F30.. Trigeminal nerve disorders
F300. Post-herpetic trigeminal neuralgia
F301. Other specified trigeminal neuralgia
F3010 Tic douloureux
F301z Trigeminal neuralgia NOS
F302. Atypical face pain
F30y. Other trigeminal nerve disorder
F30z. Trigeminal nerve disorder NOS
F31.. Facial nerve disorders
F310. Bells (facial) palsy
F311. Geniculate ganglionitis
F312. Clonic hemifacial spasm
F31y. Other facial nerve disorders
F31y0 Facial myokymia
F31y1 Melkerssons syndrome
F31yz Other facial nerve disorder NOS
F31z. Facial nerve disorder NOS
F32.. Other cranial nerve disorders
F320. Olfactory nerve disorders
F321. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
F322. Other glossopharyngeal nerve disorder
F323. Vagus nerve disorders
F324. Accessory nerve disorders
F325. Hypoglossal nerve disorders
F326. Multiple cranial nerve palsies
F3260 Collet-Sicard syndrome
F3261 Polyneuritis cranialis
F3262 Moebius congenital oculofacial paralysis
F3263 Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis
F3264 Multiple cranial nerve palsies in neoplastic disease
F326z Multiple cranial nerve palsies NOS
F32z. Cranial nerve disorder NOS
F33.. Nerve root and plexus disorders
F330. Brachial plexus lesions
F3300 Cervical rib syndrome
F3301 Costoclavicular syndrome
F3302 Scalenus anticus syndrome
F3303 Thoracic outlet syndrome
F330z Brachial plexus lesions NOS
F331. Lumbosacral plexus lesions
F332. Cervical root lesions NEC
F333. Thoracic root lesions NEC
F334. Lumbosacral root lesions NEC
F335. Neuralgic amyotrophy
F336. Phantom limb syndrome
F3360 Phantom limb syndrome with pain
F3361 Phantom limb syndrome without pain
F337. Nerve root and plexus compressions in diseases EC
F3370 Nerve root and plexus compressions in neoplastic disease
F3371 Nerve root and plexus compressions in intervert disc disord
F3372 Nerve root and plexus compressions in spondylosis
F3373 Nerve root and plexus compressions in other dorsopathies
F33y. Other nerve root or plexus disorder
F33z. Nerve root or plexus disorder NOS
F34.. Mononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplex
F340. Carpal tunnel syndrome
F341. Other median nerve lesions
F3410 Median nerve neuritis
F3411 Median nerve compression in forearm
F3412 Anterior interosseous nerve lesion
F341z Median nerve lesions NOS
F342. Ulnar nerve lesions
F3420 Cubital tunnel syndrome
F3421 Tardy ulnar nerve palsy
F3422 Canal of Guyon compression
F342z Ulnar nerve lesion NOS
F343. Radial nerve lesions
F3430 Acute radial nerve palsy
F3431 Sensory branch of radial nerve lesion
F3432 Posterior interosseous nerve lesion
F343z Radial nerve lesion NOS
F344. Causalgia
F345. Mononeuritis multiplex
F3450 Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex
F34y. Other upper limb mononeuritis
F34z. Mononeuritis upper limb NOS
F35.. Mononeuritis lower limb
F350. Sciatic nerve lesion
F351. Meralgia paraesthetica
F352. Femoral nerve lesions
F353. Common peroneal nerve lesion
F354. Tibial nerve lesion
F355. Tarsal tunnel syndrome
F356. Plantar nerve lesion
F3560 Mortons metatarsalgia
F3561 Mortons neuralgia
F356z Plantar nerve lesion NOS
F357. Superficial peroneal nerve lesion
F358. Deep peroneal nerve lesion
F35x. Other mononeuritis lower limb
F35y. Unspecified mononeuritis lower limb
F35z. Mononeuritis of unspecified site NOS
F35z0 Diabetic mononeuritis NOS
F36.. Hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy
F360. Hereditary peripheral neuropathy
F3600 Dejerine-Sottas disease
F360z Hereditary peripheral neuropathy NOS
F361. Peroneal muscular atrophy
F3610 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
F361z Peroneal muscular atrophy NOS
F362. Hereditary sensory neuropathy
F363. Refsums disease
F364. Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy
F365. Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia
F366. Polyneuropathy
F367. Peripheral neuropathy
F36y. Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy
F36y0 Supranuclear paralysis
F36yz Other idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS
F36z. Hereditary or idiopathic peripheral neuropathy NOS
F37.. Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy
F370. Acute infective polyneuritis
F3700 Guillain-Barre syndrome
F3701 Postinfectious polyneuritis
F370z Acute infective polyneuritis NOS
F371. Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease
F3710 Polyneuropathy in disseminated lupus erythematosus
F3711 Polyneuropathy in polyarteritis nodosa
F3712 Polyneuropathy in rheumatoid arthritis
F371z Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease NOS
F372. Polyneuropathy in diabetes
F3720 Acute painful diabetic neuropathy
F3721 Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy
F3722 Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy
F373. Polyneuropathy in malignant disease
F374. Polyneuropathy in disease EC
F3740 Polyneuropathy in amyloidosis
F3741 Polyneuropathy in beriberi
F3742 Polyneuropathy in vitamin B deficiency
F3743 Polyneuropathy in diphtheria
F3744 Polyneuropathy in herpes zoster
F3745 Polyneuropathy in hypoglycaemia
F3746 Polyneuropathy in mumps
F3747 Polyneuropathy in pellagra
F3748 Polyneuropathy in porphyria
F3749 Polyneuropathy in sarcoidosis
F374A Polyneuropathy in uraemia
F374z Polyneuropathy in disease NOS
F375. Alcoholic polyneuropathy
F376. Polyneuropathy due to drugs
F377. Other toxic agent polyneuropathy
F378. Intercostal neuropathy
F37X. Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified
F37y. Other toxic or inflammatory neuropathy
F37y0 Serum neuropathy
F37z. Toxic or inflammatory neuropathy NOS
F38.. Myoneural disorders
F380. Myasthenia gravis
F3800 Persistent neonatal myasthenia gravis
F3801 Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis
F380z Myasthenia gravis NOS
F381. Myasthenic syndrome due to disease EC
F3810 Eaton-Lambert syndrome
F3811 Myasthenic syndrome due to other malignancy
F3812 Myasthenic syndrome due to botulism
F3813 Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy
F3814 Myasthenic syndrome due to hypothyroidism
F3815 Myasthenic syndrome due to pernicious anaemia
F3816 Myasthenic syndrome due to thyrotoxicosis
F381z Myasthenic syndrome due to disease NOS
F382. Toxic myoneural disorder
F383. Congenital and developmental myasthenia
F38y. Other specific myoneural disorder
F38z. Myoneural disorder NOS
F39.. Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies
F390. Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy
F3900 Benign congenital myopathy
F3901 Central core disease
F3902 Centronuclear myopathy
F3903 Myotubular myopathy
F3904 Nemaline body disease
F390z Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy NOS
F391. Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy
F3910 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
F3911 Erbs muscular dystrophy
F3912 Pelvic muscular dystrophy
F3913 Other limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
F3914 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
F3915 Distal (Gowers) muscular dystrophy
F3916 Ocular muscular dystrophy
F3917 Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
F3918 Becker muscular dystrophy
F391y Other specified hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy
F391z Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy NOS
F392. Myotonic disorders
F3920 Dystrophia myotonica (Steinerts disease)
F3921 Myotonia congenita (Thomsens disease)
F3922 Paramyotonia congenita (Eulenburgs disease)
F3923 Infantile myotonia
F392y Other specified myotonic disorder
F392z Myotonic disorder NOS
F393. Familial periodic paralysis
F394. Toxic myopathy
F3940 Drug-induced myopathy
F3941 Alcoholic myopathy
F395. Myopathy due to endocrine disease EC
F3950 Myopathy due to Addisons disease
F3951 Myopathy due to Cushings syndrome
F3952 Myopathy due to hypopituitarism
F3953 Myopathy due to myxoedema
F3954 Myopathy due to thyrotoxicosis
F395z Myopathy due to endocrine disease NOS
F396. Symptomatic inflammatory myopathy in disease EC
F3960 Myopathy due to amyloid
F3961 Myopathy due to disseminated lupus erythematosus
F3962 Myopathy due to malignant disease
F3963 Myopathy due to polyarteritis nodosa
F3964 Myopathy due to rheumatoid arthritis
F3965 Myopathy due to sarcoidosis
F3966 Myopathy due to scleroderma
F3967 Myopathy due to Sjogrens disease
F396z Symptomatic inflammatory myopathy in disease NOS
F397. Proximal myopathy
F398. Myopathy in metabolic diseases
F39B. Muscular dystrophy
F39W. Inflammatory myopathy, not elsewhere classified
F39X. Mitochondrial myopathy, not elsewhere classified
F39y. Other myopathies and muscular dystrophies
F39z. Myopathy or muscular dystrophy NOS
F3y.. Other specified disorders of peripheral nervous system
F3y0. Diabetic mononeuropathy
F3z.. Peripheral nervous system disorder NOS
F4... Disorders of eye and adnexa
F40.. Disorders of the globe
F400. Purulent endophthalmitis
F4000 Unspecified purulent endophthalmitis
F4001 Acute endophthalmitis
F4002 Panophthalmitis
F4003 Chronic endophthalmitis
F4004 Vitreous abscess
F400z Purulent endophthalmitis NOS
F401. Other endophthalmitis
F4010 Sympathetic uveitis
F4011 Panuveitis
F4012 Parasitic endophthalmitis NOS
F4013 Ophthalmia nodosa
F4014 Phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis
F401z Other endophthalmitis NOS
F402. Degenerative globe disorders
F4020 Unspecified degenerative globe disorder
F4021 Malignant myopia
F4022 Siderosis of eye
F4023 Chalcosis of eye
F4024 Other metallosis of eye
F402z Degenerative globe disorder NOS
F403. Hypotony of eye
F4030 Hypotony of eye unspecified
F4031 Primary hypotony of eye
F4032 Ocular fistula giving hypotony
F4033 Hypotony with other ocular disorder
F4034 Flat anterior chamber
F403z Hypotony of eye NOS
F404. Degenerated globe conditions
F4040 Unspecified degenerated condition of globe of eye
F4041 Blind hypotensive eye
F4042 Blind hypertensive eye
F4043 Haemophthalmos (excluding current injury)
F4044 Leukocoria
F4045 Intra-ocular haemorrhage
F404z Degenerated globe condition NOS
F405. Old intraocular magnetic foreign body
F4050 Unspecified old intraocular magnetic foreign body
F4051 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in anterior chamber
F4052 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body iris or ciliary body
F4053 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in lens of eye
F4054 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in vitreous
F4055 Old intraocular magnetic foreign body in posterior wall eye
F405x Multiple old intraocular magnetic foreign bodies
F405y Other specified old intraocular magnetic foreign body
F405z Old intraocular magnetic foreign body NOS
F406. Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body
F4060 Unspecified old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body
F4061 Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body in anterior chamber
F4062 Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body iris, ciliary body
F4063 Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body in lens of eye
F4064 Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body in vitreous
F4065 Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body posterior wall eye
F406x Multiple old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign bodies
F406y Other specified old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body
F406z Old intraocular nonmagnetic foreign body NOS
F40y. Other disorders of globe
F40y0 Luxation of globe
F40yz Other disorders of globe NOS
F40z. Disorders of globe NOS
F41.. Retinal detachments and defects
F410. Retinal detachment with retinal defect
F4100 Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal defect
F4101 New partial retinal detachment with single defect
F4102 New partial retinal detachment with multiple defects
F4103 New partial retinal detachment with giant tear defect
F4104 New partial retinal detachment with retinal dialysis
F4105 Recent total retinal detachment
F4106 Recent subtotal retinal detachment
F4107 Old partial retinal detachment
F4108 Old total retinal detachment
F4109 Old subtotal retinal detachment
F410z Retinal detachment with defect NOS
F411. Retinoschisis and retinal cysts
F4110 Retinoschisis unspecified
F4111 Flat retinoschisis
F4112 Bullous retinischisis
F4113 Primary retinal cysts
F4114 Secondary retinal cysts
F4115 Pseudocyst of retina
F411z Retinoschisis and retinal cyst NOS
F412. Serous retinal detachment
F413. Retinal defects without detachment
F4130 Unspecified retinal defect
F4131 Retinal round hole without detachment
F4132 Horseshoe retinal tear without detachment
F4133 Multiple retinal defects without detachment
F413z Retinal defects without detachment NOS
F41y. Other forms of retinal detachment
F41y0 Traction retinal detachment
F41yz Other retinal detachments NOS
F41z. Retinal detachment NOS
F42.. Other retinal disorders
F420. Diabetic retinopathy
F4200 Background diabetic retinopathy
F4201 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
F4202 Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy
F4203 Advanced diabetic maculopathy
F420z Diabetic retinopathy NOS
F421. Other background retinopathy
F4210 Unspecified background retinopathy
F4211 Atherosclerotic retinopathy
F4212 Renal retinopathy
F4213 Hypertensive retinopathy
F4214 Exudative retinopathy
F4215 Coats syndrome
F4216 Vascular sheathing of retina
F4217 Retinal vascular appearance change NOS
F4218 Retinal microaneurysms NOS
F4219 Retinal telangiectasia
F421A Retinal neovascularization NOS
F421B Retinal varices
F421C Other intraretinal microvascular abnormality
F421D Eales disease
F421E Retinal vasculitis NOS
F421z Other background retinopathy NOS
F422. Other proliferative retinopathy
F4220 Retrolental fibroplasia
F4221 Proliferative retinopathy due to sickle cell disease
F422y Other specified other proliferative retinopathy
F422z Proliferative retinopathy NOS
F423. Retinal vascular occlusion
F4230 Unspecified retinal vascular occlusion
F4231 Central retinal artery occlusion
F4232 Retinal arterial branch occlusion
F4233 Retinal microembolism
F4234 Hollenhorst plaque
F4235 Retinal partial arterial occlusion NOS
F4236 Amaurosis fugax
F4237 Retinal transient arterial occlusion NOS
F4238 Central retinal vein occlusion
F4239 Retinal venous branch occlusion
F423A Retinal venous engorgement
F423z Retinal vascular occlusion NOS
F424. Separation of retinal layers
F4240 Unspecified retinal layer separation
F4241 Central serous retinopathy
F4242 Retinal pigment epithelium serous detachment
F4243 Retinal pigment epithelium haemorrhagic detachment
F424z Retinal layer separation NOS
F425. Degeneration of macula and posterior pole
F4250 Unspecified senile macular degeneration
F4251 Dry senile macular degeneration
F4252 Wet senile macular degeneration
F4253 Cystoid macular degeneration
F4254 Degeneration of macular due to cyst, hole or pseudohole
F4255 Toxic maculopathy
F4256 Macular puckering
F4257 Drusen
F425z Degeneration of macula or posterior pole NOS
F426. Peripheral retinal degeneration
F4260 Unspecified peripheral retinal degeneration
F4261 Paving stone retinal degeneration
F4262 Microcystoid retinal degeneration
F4263 Lattice retinal degeneration
F4264 Senile reticular degeneration
F4265 Pseudoretinitis pigmentosa
F4266 Secondary vitreoretinal degeneration
F426z Peripheral retinal degeneration NOS
F427. Hereditary retinal dystrophies
F4270 Unspecified hereditary retinal dystrophies
F4271 Hereditary retinal dystrophies in lipidoses
F4272 Hereditary retinal dystrophies with other diseases
F4273 Juvenile retinoschisis
F4274 Other vitreoretinal dystrophy
F4275 Albipunctate retinal dystrophy
F4276 Retinitis pigmentosa
F4277 Other pigmented retinal dystrophies
F4278 Progressive cone dystrophy (without rod involvement)
F4279 Stargardts disease
F427A Other sensory retinal dystrophy
F427B Fundus flavimaculatus
F427C Vitelliform dystrophy
F427D Other retinal pigmented epithelial dystrophies
F427E Hyaline retinal dystrophy
F427F Pseudoinflammatory foveal dystrophy
F427G Hereditary drusen
F427H Other Bruchs membrane dystrophy
F427J Lebers congenital amaurosis
F427K Lipofuscinosis NOS
F427L Tapetoretinal dystrophy
F427y Other specified hereditary retinal dystrophy
F427z Hereditary retinal dystrophy NOS
F42y. Other retinal disorders
F42y0 Preretinal heamorrhage
F42y1 Superficial retinal haemorrhage
F42y3 Deep retinal haemorrhage
F42y4 Subretinal haemorrhage
F42y5 Retinal haemorrhage NOS
F42y6 Retinal exudate or deposit
F42y7 Retinal cotton wool spots
F42y8 Localised retinal oedema
F42y9 Macular oedema
F42yA Peripheral retinal oedema
F42yB Retinal oedema NOS
F42yC Retinal ischaemia
F42yD Retinal nerve fibre bundle deficiency
F42yz Other retinal disorder NOS
F42z. Retinal disorder NOS
F43.. Chorioretinal inflammations scars and other disorders
F430. Focal chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis
F4300 Unspecified focal chorioretinitis
F4301 Focal juxtapapillary choroiditis
F4302 Other posterior pole focal chorioretinitis
F4303 Peripheral focal chorioretinitis
F4304 Focal juxtapapillary retinitis
F4305 Focal macular retinochoroiditis
F4306 Other posterior pole focal retinitis
F4307 Peripheral focal retinochoroiditis
F430z Focal chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS
F431. Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis
F4310 Unspecified disseminated chorioretinitis
F4311 Disseminated posterior pole chorioretinitis
F4312 Disseminated peripheral chorioretinitis
F4313 General disseminated chorioretinitis
F4314 Metastatic disseminated retinitis
F4315 Pigmented epithelial disseminated retinitis
F431z Disseminated chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis NOS
F432. Other chorioretinitis and retinochoroiditis
F4320 Choroiditis NOS
F4321 Retinitis NOS
F4322 Posterior uveitis NOS
F4323 Posterior cyclitis
F4324 Haradas disease
F432z Other chorioretinitis or retinochoroiditis NOS
F433. Chorioretinal scars
F4330 Unspecified chorioretinal scar
F4331 Solar retinopathy
F4332 Other macular scars
F4333 Other posterior pole scars
F4334 Peripheral chorioretinal scars
F4335 Disseminated chorioretinal scars
F433z Chorioretinal scars NOS
F434. Choroidal degenerations
F4340 Unspecified choroidal degeneration
F4341 Senile atrophy of choroid
F4342 Diffuse secondary choroid atrophy
F4343 Angioid streaks of choroid
F434z Choroidal degenerations NOS
F435. Hereditary choroid dystrophies
F4350 Unspecified hereditary choroid dystrophy
F4351 Partial circumpapillary choroid dystrophy
F4352 Helicoid choroid dystrophy
F4353 Partial central choroid dystrophy
F4354 Total central choroid atrophy
F4355 Choroideraemia
F4356 Diffuse choroidal sclerosis
F4357 Other partial diffuse choroid dystrophy
F4358 Generalised gyrate choroid atrophy
F4359 Other total diffuse choroid dystrophy
F435z Hereditary choroid dystrophy NOS
F436. Choroidal haemorrhage and rupture
F4360 Unspecified choroidal haemorrhage
F4361 Expulsive choroidal haemorrhage
F4362 Choroidal rupture
F436z Choroidal haemorrhage or rupture NOS
F437. Choroidal detachment
F4370 Unspecified choroidal detachment
F4371 Serous choroidal detachment
F4372 Haemorrhagic choroidal detachment
F437z Choroidal detachment NOS
F43y. Other choroid disorders
F43z. Choroid disorder NOS
F44.. Disorders of iris and ciliary body
F440. Acute and subacute iridocyclitis
F4400 Unspecified acute iridocyclitis
F4401 Unspecified subacute iridocyclitis
F4402 Primary iridocyclitis
F4403 Recurrent iridocyclitis
F4404 Secondary infected iridocyclitis
F4405 Secondary noninfected iridocyclitis
F4406 Hypopyon
F4407 Diabetic iritis
F440z Acute or subacute iritis NOS
F441. Chronic iridocyclitis
F4410 Unspecified chronic iridocyclitis
F4411 Chronic iridocyclitis due to disease EC
F4412 Chronic anterior uveitis
F441z Chronic iridocyclitis NOS
F442. Certain types of iridocyclitis
F4420 Fuchs heterochromic cyclitis
F4421 Glaucomatocyclitic crises
F4422 Lens-induced iridocyclitis
F4423 Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome
F442z Certain types of cyclitis NOS
F443. Unspecified iridocyclitis
F4430 Anterior uveitis
F444. Iris and ciliary body vascular disorders
F4440 Hyphaema
F4441 Rubeosis iridis
F444z Iris and ciliary body vascular disorders NOS
F445. Iris and ciliary body degenerations
F4450 Progressive iris atrophy
F4451 Iridoschisis
F4452 Pigmentary iris degeneration
F4453 Pupillary margin degeneration
F4454 Pupillary margin miotic cysts
F4455 Chamber angle degenerative changes
F4456 Ciliary body degenerative changes
F445z Iris or ciliary body degenerations NOS
F446. Cysts of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber
F4460 Idiopathic cyst of iris, ciliary body or anterior chamber
F4461 Anterior chamber epithelial down growth
F4462 Surgical implantation cyst
F4463 Traumatic implantation cyst
F4464 Implantation cyst iris, ciliary body or anterior chamber NOS
F4465 Exudative cyst of iris or anterior chamber
F4466 Pars plana primary cyst
F4467 Pars plana exudative cyst
F446z Cysts of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber NOS
F447. Adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body
F4470 Unspecified adhesions of iris
F4471 Posterior synechiae
F4472 Anterior synechiae
F4473 Goniosynechiae
F4474 Iris bombe
F4475 Pupillary occlusion
F4476 Pupillary seclusion
F4477 Pupillary membranes NOS
F4478 Deformed pupil
F4479 Ectopic pupil
F447A Rupture of sphincter of pupil
F447B Pupillary abnormality NOS
F447C Iridodialysis
F447D Recession of chamber angle
F447z Adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body NOS
F44y. Other iris and ciliary body disorders
F44y0 Prolapse of iris NOS
F44yz Other iris or ciliary body disorder NOS
F44z. Iris or ciliary body disorder NOS
F45.. Glaucoma
F450. Borderline glaucoma
F4500 Unspecified preglaucoma
F4501 Open angle glaucoma with borderline intraocular pressure
F4502 Borderline glaucoma with anatomical narrow angle
F4503 Borderline glaucoma steroid responder
F4504 Ocular hypertension
F450z Borderline glaucoma NOS
F451. Open-angle glaucoma
F4510 Unspecified open-angle glaucoma
F4511 Primary open-angle glaucoma
F4512 Low tension glaucoma
F4513 Pigmentary glaucoma
F4514 Glaucoma of childhood
F4515 Open-angle glaucoma residual stage
F451z Open-angle glaucoma NOS
F452. Primary angle-closure glaucoma
F4520 Unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma
F4521 Intermittent primary angle-closure glaucoma
F4522 Acute primary angle-closure glaucoma
F4523 Chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma
F4524 Primary angle-closure glaucoma residual stage
F452z Primary angle-closure glaucoma NOS
F453. Steroid-induced glaucoma
F4530 Steroid-induced glaucoma glaucomatous stage
F4531 Steroid-induced glaucoma residual stage
F453z Steroid-induced glaucoma NOS
F454. Glaucoma due to disease EC
F4540 Glaucoma due to chamber angle anomaly
F4541 Glaucoma due to iris anomaly
F4542 Glaucoma due to other anterior segment anomaly
F4543 Glaucoma due to systemic syndrome
F4544 Glaucoma in endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
F454z Glaucoma due to disease NOS
F455. Glaucoma associated with disorders of the lens
F4550 Phacolytic glaucoma
F4551 Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
F455z Glaucoma associated with disorders of the lens NOS
F456. Glaucoma associated with other ocular disorders
F4560 Glaucoma due to unspecified ocular disorder
F4561 Glaucoma due to pupillary block
F4562 Glaucoma due to ocular inflammation
F4563 Glaucoma due to ocular vascular disorder
F4564 Glaucoma due to ocular tumour or cyst
F4565 Glaucoma due to ocular trauma
F4566 Neovascular glaucoma
F456z Glaucoma associated with other ocular disorders NOS
F45y. Other specified forms of glaucoma
F45y0 Hypersecretion glaucoma
F45y1 Glaucoma due to episode of increased venous pressure
F45y2 Low tension glaucoma
F45yz Other specified glaucoma NOS
F45z. Glaucoma NOS
F46.. Cataract
F460. Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataracts
F4600 Unspecified infantile cataract
F4601 Unspecified juvenile cataract
F4602 Unspecified presenile cataract
F4603 Anterior subcapsular polar cataract
F4604 Posterior subcapsular polar cataract
F4605 Cortical cataract
F4606 Lamellar zonular cataract
F4607 Nuclear cataract
F460x Combined nonsenile cataract
F460y Other nonsenile cataract
F460z Nonsenile cataract NOS
F461. Senile cataract
F4610 Unspecified senile cataract
F4611 Lens capsule pseudoexfoliation
F4612 Coronary cataract
F4613 Punctate cataract
F4614 Incipient cataract NOS
F4615 Immature cataract NOS
F4616 Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract
F4617 Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract
F4618 Cortical senile cataract
F4619 Nuclear senile cataract
F461A Total, mature senile cataract
F461B Hypermature cataract
F461x Combined senile cataract
F461y Other senile cataract
F461z Senile cataract NOS
F462. Traumatic cataract
F4620 Unspecified traumatic cataract
F4621 Localised traumatic opacities
F4622 Total traumatic cataract
F4623 Partial resolved traumatic cataract
F462z Traumatic cataract NOS
F463. Cataract secondary to ocular disease
F4630 Unspecified cataracta complicata
F4631 Glaucomatous subcapsular flecks
F4632 Cataract in eye inflammatory disorder
F4633 Cataract with neovascularization
F4634 Cataract in degenerative disorder
F463z Cataract secondary to ocular disorder NOS
F464. Cataract due to other disorder
F4640 Diabetic cataract
F4641 Tetanic cataract
F4642 Myotonic cataract
F4643 Cataract associated with other syndromes
F4644 Drug induced cataract
F4645 Toxic cataract not due to drugs
F4646 Radiation induced cataract
F4647 Cataract due to other physical inflammation
F464z Cataract due to other disorder NOS
F465. After cataract
F4650 Unspecified secondary cataract
F4651 Soemmerings ring
F4652 Other after cataract with vision normal
F4653 After-cataract with vision obscured
F4655 Posterior capsule opacification
F465z After cataract NOS
F466. Bilateral cataracts
F46y. Other cataract
F46y0 Calcification of lens
F46yz Other cataract NOS
F46z. Cataract NOS
F47.. Disorders of refraction and accommodation
F470. Hypermetropia
F471. Myopia
F4710 Pathological myopia
F472. Astigmatism
F4720 Unspecified astigmatism
F4721 Regular astigmatism
F4722 Irregular astigmatism
F472z Astigmatism NOS
F473. Anisometropia and aniseikonia
F4730 Anisometropia
F4731 Aniseikonia
F473z Anisometropia or aniseikonia NOS
F474. Presbyopia
F475. Disorders of accommodation
F4750 Paresis of accommodation
F4751 Total internal ophthalmoplegia
F4752 Spasm of accommodation
F475z Accommodation disorder NOS
F47y. Other refraction and accommodation disorders
F47y0 Transient refractive change
F47y1 Toxic refraction or accommodation disorder
F47yz Other refraction or accommodation disorder NOS
F47z. Refraction or accommodation disorder NOS
F48.. Visual disturbances
F480. Amblyopia ex anopsia
F4800 Unspecified amblyopia
F4801 Strabismic amblyopia
F4802 Deprivation amblyopia
F4803 Refractive amblyopia
F480z Amblyopia ex anopsia NOS
F481. Subjective visual disturbances
F4810 Unspecified subjective visual disturbance
F4811 Sudden visual loss
F4812 Concentric fading
F4813 Scintillating scotoma
F4814 Other transient visual loss
F4815 Simple eye strain
F4816 Asthenopia
F4817 Photophobia
F4818 Other visual discomfort
F4819 Macropsia
F481A Micropsia
F481B Other metamorphopsia
F481C Photopsia
F481D Visual halos
F481E Refractive diplopia
F481F Refractive polyopia
F481G Other visual distortion
F481H Visual agnosia
F481J Visual disorientation syndrome
F481K Visual hallucinations
F481L Other psychophysical visual disturbance
F481z Subjective visual disturbance NOS
F482. Diplopia (double vision)
F483. Other binocular vision disorders
F4830 Unspecified binocular vision disorder
F4831 Binocular vision suppression
F4832 Simultaneous visual perception without fusion
F4833 Fusion with defective stereopsis
F4834 Abnormal retinal correspondence
F4835 Oculomotor apraxia
F483z Other binocular vision disturbance NOS
F484. Visual field defects
F4840 Unspecified visual field defect
F4841 Central scotoma
F4842 Centrocaecal scotoma
F4843 Paracentral scotoma
F4844 Central area scotoma NOS
F4845 Blind spot scotoma
F4846 Paracaecal scotoma
F4847 Angioscotoma
F4848 Blind spot area scotoma NOS
F4849 Siedels scotoma
F484A Arcuate scotoma
F484B Sector or arcuate visual defect NOS
F484C Nasal step visual field defect
F484D Peripheral visual field defect
F484E Ring scotoma
F484F Scotoma NOS
F484G Generalised visual contraction
F484H Homonymous hemianopia
F484J Homonymous quadrant anopia
F484K Other homonymous bilateral field defect
F484L Binasal hemianopia
F484M Bitemporal hemianopia
F484N Other heteronymous bilateral field defect
F484z Visual field defects NOS
F485. Colour vision deficiency
F4850 Colour blind - protan defect
F4851 Colour blind - deutan defect
F4852 Colour blind - tritan defect
F4853 Colour blind - monochromatism
F4854 Acquired colour blindness
F485z Colour blindness NOS
F486. Night blindness
F4860 Unspecified night blindness
F4861 Oguchis disease
F4862 Hereditary night blindness NOS
F4863 Congenital night blindness NOS
F4864 Acquired night blindness
F4865 Abnormal rod or cone threshold
F4866 Delayed rod or cone adaption
F4867 Abnormal dark adaptive curve NOS
F486z Night blindness NOS
F48y. Other specified visual disturbance
F48y0 Blurred vision NOS
F48yz Other specified visual disturbance NOS
F48z. Visual disturbance NOS
F49.. Blindness and low vision
F490. Blindness, both eyes
F4900 Unspecified blindness both eyes
F4901 Both eyes total visual impairment
F4902 Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: unspecified
F4903 Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: total VI
F4904 Better eye: near total VI, Lesser eye: near total VI
F4905 Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: unspecified
F4906 Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: total VI
F4907 Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: near total VI
F4908 Better eye: profound VI, Lesser eye: profound VI
F490z Blindness both eyes NOS
F491. Better eye: low vision, Lesser eye: profound VI
F4910 One eye blind, one eye low vision
F4911 Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified
F4912 Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: total VI
F4913 Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: near total VI
F4914 Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: profound VI
F4915 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: blind, unspecified
F4916 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: total VI
F4917 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: near total VI
F4918 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: profound VI
F491z One eye blind, one eye low vision NOS
F492. Low vision, both eyes
F4920 Low vision, both eyes unspecified
F4921 Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: low vision unspecified
F4922 Better eye: severe VI, Lesser eye: severe VI
F4923 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: low vision unspecified
F4924 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: severe VI
F4925 Better eye: moderate VI, Lesser eye: moderate VI
F492z Low vision, both eyes NOS
F493. Visual loss, both eyes unqualified
F494. Legal blindness USA
F495. Profound impairment, one eye
F4950 Blindness, one eye, unspecified
F4951 Lesser eye: total visual impairment, Better eye: unspecified
F4952 Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: near normal vision
F4953 Lesser eye: total VI, Better eye: normal vision
F4954 Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: unspecified
F4955 Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: near normal vision
F4956 Lesser eye: near total VI, Better eye: normal vision
F4957 Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: unspecified
F4958 Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: near normal vision
F4959 Lesser eye: profound VI, Better eye: normal vision
F495z Profound impairment one eye NOS
F496. Low vision, one eye
F4960 Low vision, one eye, unspecified
F4961 Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: unspecified
F4962 Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: near normal vision
F4963 Lesser eye: severe VI, Better eye: normal vision
F4964 Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: unspecified
F4965 Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: near normal vision
F4966 Lesser eye: moderate VI, Better eye: normal vision
F496z Low vision, one eye NOS
F49y. Visual loss, one eye, unqualified
F49z. Visual loss NOS
F49z0 Charles Bonnet syndrome
F4A.. Keratitis
F4A0. Corneal ulcer
F4A00 Unspecified corneal ulcer
F4A01 Marginal corneal ulcer
F4A02 Ring corneal ulcer
F4A03 Central corneal ulcer
F4A04 Hypopyon ulcer
F4A05 Mycotic corneal ulcer
F4A06 Perforated corneal ulcer
F4A07 Moorens ulcer
F4A0z Corneal ulcer NOS
F4A1. Dendritic keratitis
F4A2. Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis
F4A20 Unspecified superficial keratitis
F4A21 Punctate keratitis
F4A22 Nummular keratitis
F4A23 Striate keratitis
F4A24 Macular keratitis NOS
F4A25 Filamentary keratitis
F4A26 Snow blindness
F4A27 Welders blindness
F4A28 Photokeratitis NOS
F4A2z Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis NOS
F4A3. Specific keratoconjunctivitis
F4A30 Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis
F4A31 Vernal conjunctivitis of limbus and cornea
F4A32 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (excluding Sjogrens syndrome)
F4A33 Exposure keratoconjunctivitis
F4A34 Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis
F4A3z Specific keratoconjunctivitis NOS
F4A4. Other keratoconjunctivitis
F4A40 Unspecified keratoconjunctivitis
F4A41 Keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis in other exanthemata
F4A4z Other keratoconjunctivitis NOS
F4A5. Interstitial and deep keratitis
F4A50 Unspecified interstitial keratitis
F4A51 Diffuse interstitial keratitis
F4A52 Sclerosing keratitis
F4A53 Corneal abscess
F4A54 Keratitis due to syphilis
F4A55 Keratitis due to tuberculosis
F4A5z Interstitial and deep keratitis NOS
F4A6. Corneal neovascularisation
F4A60 Unspecified corneal neovascularisation
F4A61 Localised corneal vascularisation
F4A62 Pannus (corneal)
F4A63 Deep corneal vascularisation
F4A64 Corneal ghost vessels
F4A6z Corneal neovascularisation NOS
F4Ay. Other forms of keratitis
F4Az. Keratitis NOS
F4B.. Corneal opacity and other disorders of cornea
F4B0. Corneal scars and opacities
F4B00 Unspecified corneal opacity
F4B01 Minor opacity of cornea
F4B02 Peripheral opacity of cornea
F4B03 Central opacity of cornea
F4B04 Adherent leucoma
F4B05 Phthisical cornea
F4B0z Corneal scar or opacity NOS
F4B1. Corneal pigmentations and deposits
F4B10 Unspecified corneal deposit
F4B11 Anterior corneal pigmentations
F4B12 Stromal pigmentation
F4B13 Posterior corneal pigmentation
F4B14 Kayser-Fleischer ring
F4B15 Other metabolic disorder with corneal deposits
F4B16 Argentuous corneal deposits
F4B1z Corneal pigmentation or deposit NOS
F4B2. Corneal oedema
F4B20 Unspecified corneal oedema
F4B21 Idiopathic corneal oedema
F4B22 Secondary corneal oedema
F4B23 Bullous keratopathy
F4B24 Contact lens corneal oedema
F4B2z Corneal oedema NOS
F4B3. Corneal membrane changes
F4B30 Unspecified corneal membrane changes
F4B31 Bowmans membrane folds or rupture
F4B32 Descemets membrane fold
F4B33 Descemets membrane rupture
F4B3z Corneal membrane changes NOS
F4B4. Corneal degenerations
F4B40 Unspecified corneal degeneration
F4B41 Arcus senilis
F4B42 Senile corneal changes NOS
F4B43 Recurrent erosion of cornea
F4B44 Band-shaped keratopathy
F4B45 Other calcerous corneal degeneration
F4B46 Keratomalacia NOS
F4B47 Salzmanns nodular dystrophy
F4B48 Marginal corneal degeneration
F4B49 Other peripheral corneal degeneration
F4B4A Discrete colliquative keratopathy
F4B4z Corneal degenerations NOS
F4B5. Hereditary corneal dystrophies
F4B50 Corneal dystrophy unspecified
F4B51 Juvenile epithelial corneal dystrophy
F4B52 Other anterior corneal dystrophy
F4B53 Granular corneal dystrophy
F4B54 Lattice corneal dystrophy
F4B55 Macular corneal dystrophy
F4B56 Crystalline corneal dystrophy
F4B57 Other stromal corneal dystrophy
F4B58 Combined corneal dystrophy
F4B59 Cornea guttata
F4B5A Fuchs endothelial dystrophy
F4B5B Other endothelial dystrophy
F4B5C Polymorphous corneal dystrophy
F4B5D Other posterior corneal dystrophy
F4B5z Hereditary corneal dystrophy NOS
F4B6. Keratoconus
F4B60 Unspecified keratoconus
F4B61 Keratoconus, stable condition
F4B62 Keratoconus, acute hydrops
F4B6z Keratoconus NOS
F4B7. Other corneal deformities
F4B70 Unspecified corneal deformity
F4B71 Corneal ectasia
F4B72 Descemetocoele
F4B73 Corneal staphyloma
F4B7z Other corneal deformities NOS
F4By. Other corneal disorders
F4By0 Corneal hypoaesthesia
F4By1 Corneal anaesthesia
F4Byz Other corneal disorders NOS
F4Bz. Corneal disorder NOS
F4C.. Disorders of conjunctiva
F4C0. Acute conjunctivitis
F4C00 Unspecified acute conjunctivitis
F4C01 Serous conjunctivitis
F4C02 Acute follicular conjunctivitis
F4C03 Acute mucopurulent conjunctivitis
F4C04 Catarrhal conjunctivitis
F4C05 Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis
F4C06 Acute atopic conjunctivitis
F4C0z Acute conjunctivitis NOS
F4C1. Chronic conjunctivitis
F4C10 Unspecified chronic conjunctivitis
F4C11 Simple chronic conjunctivitis
F4C12 Chronic follicular conjunctivitis
F4C13 Vernal conjunctivitis
F4C14 Other chronic allergic conjunctivitis
F4C15 Parasitic conjunctivitis
F4C1z Chronic conjunctivitis NOS
F4C2. Blepharoconjunctivitis
F4C20 Unspecified blepharoconjunctivitis
F4C21 Angular blepharoconjunctivitis
F4C22 Contact blepharoconjunctivitis
F4C2z Blepharoconjunctivitis NOS
F4C3. Other and unspecified conjunctivitis
F4C30 Unspecified conjunctivitis
F4C31 Rosacea conjunctivitis
F4C32 Conjunctivitis with mucocutaneous disorder
F4C33 Bacterial conjunctivitis
F4C3z Other conjunctivitis NOS
F4C4. Pterygium
F4C40 Unspecified pterygium
F4C41 Peripheral pterygium, stationary
F4C42 Peripheral pterygium, progressive
F4C43 Central pterygium
F4C44 Double pterygium
F4C45 Recurrent pterygium
F4C4z Pterygium NOS
F4C5. Conjunctival degenerations and deposits
F4C50 Unspecified conjunctival degeneration
F4C51 Pinguecula
F4C52 Pseudopterygium
F4C53 Conjunctival xerosis
F4C54 Conjunctival concretions
F4C55 Conjunctival pigmentations
F4C56 Conjunctival deposits
F4C5z Conjunctival degeneration or deposit NOS
F4C6. Conjunctival scars
F4C60 Granuloma of conjunctiva
F4C61 Local conjunctival adhesions or strands
F4C62 Symblepharon
F4C63 Conjunctival scarring
F4C6z Conjunctival scars NOS
F4C7. Conjunctival vascular disorders and cysts
F4C70 Hyperaemia of conjunctiva
F4C71 Subconjunctival haemorrhage
F4C72 Conjunctival haemorrhage NOS
F4C73 Subconjunctival oedema
F4C74 Conjunctival oedema NOS
F4C75 Aneurysm of conjunctiva
F4C76 Subconjunctival vascular abnormality NOS
F4C77 Conjunctival vascular abnormality NOS
F4C78 Conjunctival cysts
F4C7z Conjunctival vascular disorders or cysts NOS
F4Cy. Other conjunctival disorders
F4Cy0 Filarial infection of conjunctiva
F4Cy1 Ocular pemphigoid
F4Cz. Conjunctival disorder NOS
F4D.. Inflammation of eyelids
F4D0. Blepharitis
F4D00 Unspecified blepharitis
F4D01 Ulcerative blepharitis
F4D02 Squamous blepharitis
F4D0z Blepharitis NOS
F4D1. Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid
F4D10 Hordeolum externum ( stye )
F4D11 Hordeolum internum (infected meibomian cyst)
F4D12 Abscess of eyelid
F4D1z Hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid NOS
F4D2. Chalazion (meibomian cyst)
F4D3. Noninfected eyelid dermatosis
F4D30 Eczematous eyelid dermatitis
F4D31 Contact or allergic eyelid dermatitis
F4D32 Xeroderma of eyelid
F4D33 Eyelid discoid lupus erythematosus
F4D3z Noninfected eyelid dermatoses NOS
F4D4. Infective eyelid dermatitis of types resulting in deformity
F4D5. Other eyelid infective dermatitis
F4D6. Parasitic eyelid infestation
F4Dy. Other eyelid inflammation
F4Dz. Eyelid inflammation NOS
F4E.. Other eyelid disorders
F4E0. Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid
F4E00 Unspecified entropion
F4E01 Senile entropion
F4E02 Mechanical entropion
F4E03 Spastic entropion
F4E04 Cicatricial entropion
F4E05 Trichiasis without entropion
F4E0z Entropion or trichiasis of eyelid NOS
F4E1. Ectropion
F4E10 Unspecified ectropion
F4E11 Senile ectropion
F4E12 Mechanical ectropion
F4E13 Spastic ectropion
F4E14 Cicatricial ectropion
F4E1z Ectropion NOS
F4E2. Lagophthalmos
F4E20 Unspecified lagophthalmos
F4E21 Paralytic lagophthalmos
F4E22 Mechanical lagophthalmos
F4E23 Cicatricial lagophthalmos
F4E2z Lagophthalmos NOS
F4E3. Ptosis of eyelid
F4E30 Unspecified ptosis of eyelid
F4E31 Paralytic ptosis
F4E32 Myogenic ptosis
F4E33 Mechanical ptosis
F4E34 Blepharochalasis
F4E3z Ptosis of eyelid NOS
F4E4. Other disorders affecting eyelid function
F4E40 Lid retraction or lag
F4E41 Abnormal eyelid innervation syndrome
F4E42 Sensory disorders of eyelid
F4E43 Deficient blink reflex
F4E44 Other sensorimotor eyelid disorder
F4E45 Ankyloblepharon
F4E46 Other blepharophimosis
F4E4z Other disorder affecting eyelid function NOS
F4E5. Degenerative disorders of eyelids and periocular area
F4E50 Unspecified eyelid degenerative disorder
F4E51 Xanthelasma
F4E52 Hyperpigmentation of eyelid
F4E53 Hypopimentation of eyelid
F4E54 Hypertrichosis of eyelid
F4E55 Hypotrichosis of eyelid
F4E56 Other eyelid skin degenerative disorder
F4E5z Degenerative disorders of eyelids and periocular area NOS
F4E6. Blepharochalasis
F4Ey. Other eyelid disorders OS
F4Ey0 Haemorrhage of eyelid
F4Ey1 Oedema of eyelid
F4Ey2 Elephantiasis of eyelid
F4Ey3 Sebaceous cyst of eyelid
F4Ey4 Cyst of eyelid NOS
F4Ey5 Eyelid vascular anomalies
F4Ey6 Eyelid retained foreign body
F4Ey7 Swelling of eyelid
F4Eyz Other eyelid disorder NOS
F4Ez. Eyelid disorder NOS
F4F.. Lacrimal system disorders
F4F0. Dacryoadenitis
F4F00 Unspecified dacryoadenitis
F4F01 Acute dacryoadenitis
F4F02 Chronic dacryoadenitis
F4F03 Chronic lacrimal enlargement
F4F0z Dacryoadenitis NOS
F4F1. Other lacrimal gland disorders
F4F10 Dacryops
F4F11 Other lacrimal cyst/cyst degen
F4F12 Primary lacrimal atrophy
F4F13 Secondary lacrimal atrophy
F4F14 Dry eye syndrome
F4F15 Dislocation of lacrimal gland
F4F1z Other lacrimal gland disorder NOS
F4F2. Epiphora
F4F20 Epiphora of unspecified cause
F4F21 Epiphora due to excess lacrimation
F4F22 Epiphora due to insufficient drainage
F4F2z Epiphora NOS
F4F3. Acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal passages
F4F30 Unspecified dacryocystitis
F4F31 Acute lacrimal canaliculitis
F4F32 Acute dacryocystitis
F4F33 Phlegmonous dacryocystitis
F4F3z Dacryocystitis NOS
F4F4. Chronic inflammation of lacrimal passage
F4F40 Chronic canaliculitis
F4F41 Chronic dacryocystitis
F4F42 Lacrimal mucocoele
F4F4z Chronic inflammation of lacrimal passages NOS
F4F5. Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages
F4F50 Lacrimal punctum eversion
F4F51 Lacrimal punctum stenosis
F4F52 Lacrimal canaliculi stenosis
F4F53 Lacrimal sac stenosis
F4F54 Neonatal nasolacrimal duct obstruction
F4F55 Acquired nasolacrimal duct stenosis
F4F56 Dacryolith
F4F5z Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages NOS
F4F6. Other changes of lacrimal passages
F4F60 Lacrimal fistula
F4F6z Other changes of lacrimal passages NOS
F4Fy. Other lacrimal system disorder
F4Fy0 Lacrimal passage granuloma
F4Fyz Other lacrimal system disorder NOS
F4Fz. Lacrimal system disorder NOS
F4G.. Disorders of the orbit
F4G0. Acute inflammation of orbit
F4G00 Unspecified acute orbit inflammation
F4G01 Orbital cellulitis
F4G02 Orbital abscess
F4G03 Orbital periostitis
F4G04 Orbital osteomyelitis
F4G05 Tenonitis
F4G0z Acute inflammation of orbit NOS
F4G1. Chronic inflammation of orbit
F4G10 Unspecified chronic inflammation of orbit
F4G11 Orbital granuloma
F4G12 Orbital myositis
F4G13 Parasitic infestation of orbit
F4G1z Chronic inflammation of orbit NOS
F4G2. Endocrine exophthalmos
F4G20 Thyrotoxic exophthalmos
F4G21 Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia
F4G2z Endocrine exophthalmos NOS
F4G3. Other exophthalmic conditions
F4G30 Exophthalmos in other unspecified condition
F4G31 Constant exophthalmos
F4G32 Exophthalmos due to orbital haemorrhage
F4G33 Exophthalmos due to orbital oedema or congestion
F4G34 Intermittent exophthalmos
F4G35 Pulsating exophthalmos
F4G36 Exophthalmos due to lateral displacement of globe
F4G3z Other exophthalmic condition NOS
F4G4. Deformity of orbit
F4G40 Unspecified deformity of orbit
F4G41 Hypertelorism of orbit
F4G42 Exostosis of orbit
F4G43 Local orbit deformity associated with bone disorder
F4G44 Orbital deformity associated with craniofacial deformity
F4G45 Atrophy of orbit
F4G46 Enlargement of orbit
F4G47 Orbit deformity due to trauma
F4G48 Orbit deformity due to surgery
F4G4z Deformity of orbit NOS
F4G5. Enophthalmos
F4G50 Enophthalmos due to unspecified cause
F4G51 Enophthalmos due to orbital tissue atrophy
F4G52 Enophthalmos due to trauma
F4G53 Enophthalmos due to surgery
F4G5z Enophthalmos NOS
F4G6. Retrobulbar foreign body
F4Gy. Other orbital disorders
F4Gy0 Orbital cysts
F4Gy1 Extraocular muscle myopathy
F4Gyz Other orbital disorder NOS
F4Gz. Orbit disorder NOS
F4H.. Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways
F4H0. Papilloedema
F4H00 Unspecified papilloedema
F4H01 Papilloedema due to raised intracranial pressure
F4H02 Papilloedema due to low ocular pressure
F4H03 Papilloedema due to retinal disorder
F4H04 Foster-Kennedy syndrome
F4H0z Papilloedema NOS
F4H1. Optic atrophy
F4H10 Unspecified optic atrophy
F4H11 Primary optic atrophy
F4H12 Postinflammatory optic atrophy
F4H13 Optic atrophy due to retinal dystrophy
F4H14 Optic disc glaucomatous atrophy
F4H15 Partial optic atrophy
F4H16 Lebers hereditary optic atrophy
F4H17 Hereditary optic atrophy NOS
F4H1z Optic atrophy NOS
F4H2. Other optic disc disorders
F4H20 Drusen of optic disc
F4H21 Crater-like optic disc holes
F4H22 Coloboma of optic disc
F4H23 Pseudopapilloedema
F4H2z Other optic disc disorder NOS
F4H3. Optic neuritis
F4H30 Unspecified optic neuritis
F4H31 Optic papillitis
F4H32 Acute retrobulbar neuritis
F4H33 Nutritional optic neuropathy
F4H34 Toxic optic neuropathy
F4H3z Optic neuritis NOS
F4H4. Other optic nerve disorders
F4H40 Ischaemic optic neuropathy
F4H41 Optic nerve sheath haemorrhage
F4H42 Optic nerve compression
F4H4z Other optic nerve disorder NOS
F4H5. Optic chiasm disorders
F4H50 Disorder of optic chiasm due to pituitary disorder
F4H51 Disorder of optic chiasm due to non-pituitary neoplasm
F4H52 Disorder of optic chiasm due to vascular disorder
F4H53 Disorder of optic chiasm due to inflammatory disorder
F4H5z Optic chiasm disorder NOS
F4H6. Other visual pathway disorder
F4H60 Visual pathway disorder due to neoplasm
F4H61 Visual pathway disorder due to vascular disorder
F4H62 Visual pathway disorder due to inflammatory disorder
F4H6z Other visual pathway disorder NOS
F4H7. Visual cortex disorder
F4H70 Visual cortex disorder due to neoplasm
F4H71 Visual cortex disorder due to vascular disorder
F4H72 Visual cortex disorder due to inflammatory disorder
F4H73 Cortical blindness
F4H7z Visual cortex disorder NOS
F4Hz. Disorder of optic nerve or visual pathway NOS
F4J.. Strabismus and other disorders of binocular eye movements
F4J0. Convergent strabismus (esotropia)
F4J00 Unspecified esotropia
F4J01 Monocular esotropia
F4J02 Monocular esotropia with A pattern
F4J03 Monocular esotropia with V pattern
F4J04 Monocular esotropia with X pattern
F4J05 Monocular esotropia with Y pattern
F4J06 Alternating esotropia
F4J07 Alternating esotropia with A pattern
F4J08 Alternating esotropia with V pattern
F4J09 Alternating esotropia with X pattern
F4J0A Alternating esotropia with Y pattern
F4J0z Esotropia NOS
F4J1. Divergent strabismus (exotropia)
F4J10 Unspecified exotropia
F4J11 Monocular exotropia
F4J12 Monocular exotropia with A pattern
F4J13 Monocular exotropia with V pattern
F4J14 Monocular exotropia with X pattern
F4J15 Monocular exotropia with Y pattern
F4J16 Alternating exotropia
F4J17 Alternating exotropia with A pattern
F4J18 Alternating exotropia with V pattern
F4J19 Alternating exotropia with X pattern
F4J1A Alternating exotropia with Y pattern
F4J1z Exotropia NOS
F4J2. Intermittent heterotropia
F4J20 Unspecified intermittent esotropia
F4J21 Unspecified intermittent exotropia
F4J22 Intermittent monocular esotropia
F4J23 Intermittent alternating esotropia
F4J24 Intermittent monocular exotropia
F4J25 Intermittent alternating exotropia
F4J2z Intermittent heterotropia NOS
F4J3. Other and unspecified heterotropia
F4J30 Unspecified heterotropia
F4J31 Constant vertical heterotropia
F4J32 Intermit vertical heterotropia
F4J33 Unspecified hypertropia
F4J34 Hypotropia
F4J35 Cyclotropia
F4J36 Microtropia
F4J37 Monofixation syndrome unspecified
F4J38 Esotropia with accommodative compensation
F4J3z Other squint NOS
F4J4. Heterophoria
F4J40 Unspecified heterophoria
F4J41 Esophoria
F4J42 Exophoria
F4J43 Vertical heterophoria
F4J44 Cyclophoria
F4J45 Alternating hyperphoria
F4J4z Heterophoria NOS
F4J5. Paralytic strabismus
F4J50 Unspecified paralytic strabismus
F4J51 Partial oculomotor nerve palsy
F4J52 Total oculomotor nerve palsy
F4J53 Trochlear (fourth) nerve palsy
F4J54 Abducens (sixth) nerve palsy
F4J55 External ophthalmoplegia
F4J56 Total ophthalmoplegia
F4J5z Paralytic squint NOS
F4J6. Mechanical strabismus
F4J60 Unspecified mechanical strabismus
F4J61 Browns (tendon) sheath syndrome
F4J62 Mechanical strabismus due to musculo-facial disorder NOS
F4J63 Strabismus from limited duction due to other condition
F4J6z Mechanical strabismus NOS
F4J7. Other specified strabismus
F4J70 Duanes syndrome
F4J71 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia
F4J72 Strabismus due to other neuromuscular disorder
F4J7z Other specified strabismus NOS
F4Jy. Other disorders of binocular eye movements
F4Jy0 Conjugate gaze palsy
F4Jy1 Conjugate gaze spasm
F4Jy2 Convergence insufficiency
F4Jy3 Convergence palsy
F4Jy4 Convergence excess
F4Jy5 Convergence spasm
F4Jy6 Anomalies of divergence
F4Jy7 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
F4Jy8 Skew deviation
F4Jy9 Other eye movement dissociation or deviation
F4Jyz Other disorder of binocular eye movement NOS
F4Jz. Strabismus NOS
F4K.. Other eye disorders
F4K0. Scleritis and episcleritis
F4K00 Unspecified scleritis
F4K01 Episcleritis periodica fugax
F4K02 Nodular episcleritis
F4K03 Anterior scleritis
F4K04 Scleromalacia perforans
F4K05 Sclerokeratitis
F4K06 Brawny scleritis
F4K07 Posterior scleritis
F4K08 Scleral abscess
F4K0z Scleritis or episcleritis NOS
F4K1. Other disorders of sclera
F4K10 Scleral ectasia
F4K11 Staphyloma posticum
F4K12 Equatorial staphyloma
F4K13 Anterior localised staphyloma
F4K14 Ring staphyloma
F4K15 Other scleral degenerative disorders
F4K1z Other scleral disorders NOS
F4K2. Disorders of vitreous body
F4K20 Vitreous cavitation
F4K21 Vitreous detachment
F4K22 Vitreous liquifaction
F4K23 Other vitreous degeneration
F4K24 Asteroid hyalitis
F4K25 Hyalitis punctata
F4K26 Synchysis scintillans
F4K27 Other vitreous crystalline deposits
F4K28 Vitreous haemorrhage
F4K29 Vitreous floaters
F4K2A Other vitreous opacities
F4K2B Vitreous membranes or strands
F4K2C Vitreous prolapse
F4K2D Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery
F4K2z Vitreous disorders NOS
F4K3. Aphakia and other disorders of lens
F4K30 Aphakia
F4K31 Subluxation of lens
F4K32 Anterior dislocation of lens
F4K33 Posterior dislocation of lens
F4K34 Thickening of lens capsule
F4K3z Aphakia and other disorders of lens NOS
F4K4. Pupillary function anomalies
F4K40 Unspecified abnormalities of pupillary function
F4K41 Anisocoria - unequal pupil diameter
F4K42 Persistent miosis
F4K43 Persistent mydriasis
F4K44 Argyll Robertson pupil
F4K45 Non-syphilitic Argyll Robertson pupil
F4K46 Adies pupil syndrome
F4K47 Other tonic pupillary reaction
F4K48 Hippus
F4K49 Pupillary paralysis
F4K4z Pupillary function anomaly NOS
F4K5. Nystagmus and other irregular eye movements
F4K50 Unspecified nystagmus
F4K51 Congenital nystagmus
F4K52 Latent nystagmus
F4K53 Visual deprivation nystagmus
F4K54 Nystagmus with vestibular disorder
F4K55 Dissociated nystagmus
F4K56 Other forms of nystagmus
F4K57 Abnormal optokinetic response
F4K58 Smooth pursuit movement deficiency
F4K59 Opoclonia
F4K5z Nystagmus or other irregular eye movement NOS
F4K7. Retrobulbar haemorrhage
F4KX. Postprocedural disorder of eye and adnexa, unspecified
F4Ky. Other disorders of eye or adnexa
F4Kz. Eye and adnexa disorder NOS
F4Kz0 Unspecified disorder of eye
F4Kz1 Eye pain NOS
F4Kz2 Swelling of eye NOS
F4Kz3 Mass of eye NOS
F4Kz4 Redness of eye NOS
F4Kz5 Discharge of eye NOS
F4Kzz Ill-defined eye disorder NOS
F4y.. Other specified disorders of eye or adnexa
F4z.. Disorder of eye and adnexa NOS
F5... Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
F50.. Disorders of external ear
F500. Perichondritis of pinna
F5000 Unspecified perichondritis of pinna
F5001 Acute perichondritis of pinna
F5002 Chronic pinna perichondritis
F5003 Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis
F500z Perichondritis of pinna NOS
F501. Infective otitis externa
F5010 Unspecified infective otitis externa
F5011 Acute infective otitis externa
F5012 Acute infection of pinna
F5013 Acute swimmers ear
F5014 Infective otitis externa due to erysipelas
F5015 Infective otitis externa due to herpes simplex
F5016 Infective otitis externa due to herpes zoster
F5017 Infective otitis externa due to impetigo
F5018 Furunculosis of external auditory meatus
F5019 Other acute external ear infections
F501A Malignant otitis externa
F501B Chronic otitis externa due to aspergillosis
F501C Chronic otitis externa due to moniliasis
F501D Chronic mycotic otitis externa NOS
F501E Other chronic infective otitis externa
F501F Chronic infective otitis externa NOS
F501G Haemorrhagic otitis externa
F501y Other specified infective otitis externa
F501z Infective otitis externa NOS
F502. Other otitis externa
F5020 External ear cholesteatoma
F5021 Acute radiation otitis externa
F5022 Acute chemical otitis externa
F5023 Other contact otitis externa
F5024 Acute eczematoid otitis extern
F5025 Other reactive otitis externa
F5026 Other acute non infective otitis externa
F5027 Other chronic non infective otitis externa
F502z Otitis externa NOS
F503. Noninfectious pinna disorders
F5030 Unspecified disorder of pinna
F5031 Haematoma of pinna
F5032 Aquired deformity of pinna
F5033 Ulcer of pinna
F503z Noninfectious pinna disorder NOS
F504. Impacted cerumen (wax in ear)
F505. Acquired stenosis of external ear canal
F5050 Unspecified acquired stenosis of external ear canal
F5051 Stenosis of external ear canal due to trauma
F5052 Stenosis of external ear canal due to surgery
F5053 Stenosis of external ear canal due to inflammation
F505z Stenosis of external ear canal NOS
F50y. Other external ear disorders
F50y0 External ear canal exostosis
F50yz Other external ear disorder NOS
F50z. External ear disorder NOS
F51.. Nonsuppurative otitis media + eustachian tube disorders
F510. Acute non suppurative otitis media
F5100 Acute otitis media with effusion
F5101 Acute serous otitis media
F5102 Acute mucoid otitis media
F5103 Acute sanguinous otitis media
F5104 Acute allergic serous otitis media
F5105 Acute allergic mucoid otitis media
F5106 Acute allergic sanguinous otitis media
F510z Acute nonsuppurative otitis media NOS
F511. Chronic otitis media with effusion, serous
F5110 Chronic tubotypmanic catarrh
F5111 Serosanguinous chronic otitis media
F5112 Bilateral chronic serous otitis
F5113 Unilateral chronic serous otitis
F511z Chronic serous otitis media NOS
F512. Chronic otitis media with effusion, mucoid
F5120 Glue ear, unspecified
F5121 Mucosanguinous chronic otitis media
F512z Chronic mucoid otitis media NOS
F513. Chronic otitis media with effusion, other
F5130 Chronic allergic otitis media
F5131 Chronic otitis media with effusion, purulent
F513z Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media NOS
F514. Unspecified nonsuppurative otitis media
F5140 Allergic otitis media NOS
F5141 Serous otitis media NOS
F5142 Catarrhal otitis media NOS
F5143 Mucoid otitis media NOS
F514z Nonsuppurative otitis media NOS
F515. Eustachian tube salpingitis
F5150 Unspecified eustachian tube salpingitis
F5151 Acute eustachian tube salpingitis
F5152 Chronic eustachian tube salpingitis
F515z Eustachian tube salpingitis NOS
F516. Eustachian tube obstruction
F5160 Unspecified eustachian tube obstruction
F5161 Osseous eustachian tube obstruction
F5162 Cartilaginous eustachian tube obstruction
F5163 Compression of eustachian tube
F516z Eustachian tube obstruction NOS
F517. Patulous eustachian tube
F518. Chronic otitis media with effusion, unspecified
F51y. Other eustachian tube disorder
F51y0 Eustachian tube dysfunction
F51yz Other eustachian tube disorder NOS
F51z. Eustachian tube disorder NOS
F52.. Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
F520. Acute suppurative otitis media
F5200 Acute suppurative otitis media tympanic membrane intact
F5201 Acute suppurative otitis media tympanic membrane ruptured
F5203 Acute suppurative otitis media due to disease EC
F520z Acute suppurative otitis media NOS
F521. Chronic suppurative otitis media, tubotympanic
F522. Chronic suppurative otitis media, atticoantral
F523. Chronic suppurative otitis media NOS
F524. Purulent otitis media NOS
F5240 Bilateral suppurative otitis media
F525. Recurrent acute otitis media
F526. Acute left otitis media
F527. Acute right otitis media
F528. Acute bilateral otitis media
F52z. Otitis media NOS
F53.. Mastoiditis and related conditions
F530. Acute mastoiditis
F5300 Acute mastoiditis without complications
F5301 Subperiosteal mastoid abscess
F5302 Gradenigos syndrome
F5303 Acute mastoiditis with other complication
F530z Acute mastoiditis NOS
F531. Chronic mastoiditis
F5310 Caries of mastoid
F5311 Post aural mastoid fistula
F531z Chronic mastoiditis NOS
F532. Petrositis
F5320 Unspecified petrositis
F5321 Acute petrositis
F5322 Chronic petrositis
F532z Petrositis NOS
F533. Postmastoidectomy complication
F5330 Unspecified postmastoidectomy complication
F5331 Postmastoidectomy cavity mucinous cyst
F5332 Recurrent cholesteatoma postmastoidectomy
F5333 Postmastoidectomy granulation cavity
F533z Postmastoidectomy complication NOS
F53y. Other mastoid disorders
F53y0 Postauricular fistula
F53y1 Other mastoid disorder NOS
F53z. Mastoiditis NOS
F54.. Other tympanic membrane disorder
F540. Acute myringitis without otitis media
F5401 Unspecified acute tympanitis
F5402 Bullous myringitis
F540z Acute myringitis NOS
F541. Chronic myringitis without mention of otitis media
F542. Tympanic membrane perforation
F5420 Unspecified tympanic membrane perforation
F5421 Tympanic membrane central perforation
F5422 Tympanic membrane attic perforation
F5423 Other marginal tympanic membrane perforation
F5424 Tympanic membrane with multiple perforations
F5425 Tympanic membrane perforation, more than 50 %
F5426 Tympanic membrane perforation, less than 50 %
F542z Tympanic membrane perforation NOS
F543. Tympanic atelectasis
F54y. Other tympanic membrane disorder
F54y0 Healed tympanic membrane perforation
F54y1 Atrophic flaccid tympanic membrane NOS
F54y2 Atrophic nonflaccid tympanic membrane
F54yz Other tympanic membrane disorder NOS
F54z. Tympanic membrane disorder NOS
F55.. Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid
F550. Tympanosclerosis
F5500 Unspecified tympanosclerosis
F5501 Tympanosclerosis of tympanic membrane only
F5502 Tympanosclerosis of tympanic membrane and ossicles
F5503 Tympanosclerosis tympanic membrane, ossicles and middle ear
F550z Tympanosclerosis NOS
F551. Adhesive middle ear disease
F5510 Unspecified adhesive middle ear disease
F5511 Adhesions drum head to incus
F5512 Adhesions drum head to stapes
F5513 Adhesions drum head to promontory
F551z Adhesive middle ear disease NOS
F552. Other acquired abnormality of ear ossicles
F5520 Malleus ankylosis
F5521 Ossicle ankylosis (excluding malleus)
F5522 Ear ossicle dislocation
F5523 Ear ossicle partial loss or necrosis
F552z Other ossicle acquired abnormality NOS
F553. Cholesteatoma and aural polyp
F5530 Unspecified cholesteatoma
F5531 Cholesteatoma of attic
F5532 Cholesteatoma of middle ear
F5533 Cholesteatoma of middle ear and mastoid
F5534 Diffuse cholesteatosis
F5535 Aural polyp
F553z Cholesteatoma of middle ear and mastoid NOS
F55y. Other middle ear and mastoid disorders OS
F55y0 Cholesterol granuloma
F55y1 Old foreign body in middle ear
F55yz Other middle ear or mastoid disorder NOS
F55z. Middle ear or mastoid disorder NOS
F56.. Vertiginous syndromes, other disorders of vestibular system
F560. Menieres disease
F5600 Unspecified Menieres disease
F5601 Active cochleovestibular Menieres disease
F5602 Active cochlear Menieres disease
F5603 Active vestibular Menieres disease
F5604 Inactive Menieres disease
F560z Menieres disease NOS
F561. Other and unspecified peripheral vertigo
F5610 Unspecified peripheral vertigo
F5611 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or nystagmus
F5612 Acute vestibular neuronitis
F5613 Recurrent vestibular neuronitis
F5614 Otogenic vertigo
F561z Other peripheral vertigo NOS
F562. Vertigo of central origin
F5620 Central positional nystagmus
F5621 Malignant positional vertigo
F562z Vertigo of central origin NOS
F563. Labyrinthitis
F5630 Unspecified labyrinthitis
F5631 Serous labyrinthitis
F5632 Circumscribed labyrinthitis
F5633 Suppurative labyrinthitis
F5634 Ototoxicity - labyrinthine
F5635 Viral labyrinthitis
F563z Labyrinthitis NOS
F564. Labyrinthine fistula
F5640 Unspecified labyrinthine fistula
F5641 Labyrinthine round window fistula
F5642 Labyrinthine oval window fistula
F5643 Semicircular canal fistula
F564y Labyrinthine fistula of combined sites
F564z Labyrinthine fistula NOS
F565. Labyrinthine dysfunction
F5650 Unspecified labyrinthine dysfunction
F5651 Hyperactive unilateral labyrinthine dysfunction
F5652 Hyperactive bilateral labyrinthine dysfunction
F5653 Hypoactive unilateral labyrinthine dysfunction
F5654 Hypoactive bilateral labyrinthine dysfunction
F5655 Labyrinthine unilateral reactive loss
F5656 Labyrinthine bilateral reactive loss
F565z Labyrinthine dysfunction NOS
F56X. Disorder of vestibular function, unspecified
F56y. Other labyrinth disorders
F56z. Vestibular disorders and vertiginous syndromes NOS
F57.. Otosclerosis
F570. Otosclerosis - nonobliterative
F571. Otosclerosis - obliterative
F572. Cochlear otosclerosis
F57y. Other otosclerosis
F57z. Otosclerosis NOS
F58.. Other ear disorders
F580. Degenerative and vascular disorders of ear
F5800 Unspecified degenerative and vascular disorders of ear
F5801 Presbyacusis
F5802 Transient ischaemic deafness
F580z Degenerative and vascular disorders of ear NOS
F581. Noise effects on inner ear
F5810 Unspecified noise effect on inner ear
F5811 Acoustic explosive ear trauma
F5812 Noise-induced hearing loss
F581z Noise effects on inner ear NOS
F582. Unspecified sudden hearing loss
F583. Tinnitus
F5830 Unspecified tinnitus
F5831 Subjective tinnitus
F5832 Objective tinnitus
F583z Tinnitus NOS
F584. Other abnormal auditory perception
F5840 Unspecified other abnormal auditory perception
F5841 Diplacusis
F5842 Hyperacusis
F5843 Impaired auditory discrimination
F5844 Loudness recruitment
F584z Other abnormal auditory perception NOS
F585. Disorders of acoustic nerve
F5850 Acoustic neuritis
F5851 Acoustic nerve degeneration
F585z Acoustic nerve disorder NOS
F586. Otorrhoea
F5860 Unspecified otorrhoea
F5861 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea
F5862 Otorrhagia
F586z Otorrhoea NOS
F587. Otalgia
F5870 Unspecified otalgia
F5871 Otogenic pain
F5872 Referred ear pain
F587z Otalgia NOS
F58y. Other disorders of ear
F58z. Ear disorder NOS
F59.. Hearing loss
F590. Conductive hearing loss
F5900 Unspecified conductive hearing loss
F5901 Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of external ear
F5902 Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of tympanic membrane
F5903 Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of middle ear
F5904 Conductive hearing loss due to disorder of inner ear
F5905 Conductive hearing loss, bilateral
F5906 Conduct hear loss,unilat+unrestric hearing on contralat side
F590y Combined conductive hearing loss
F590z Conductive hearing loss NOS
F591. Sensorineural hearing loss
F5910 Unspecified perceptive hearing loss
F5911 Sensory hearing loss
F5912 Neural hearing loss
F5913 Central hearing loss
F5914 Congenital sensorineural deafness
F5915 Ototoxicity - deafness
F5916 Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
F5917 Sensorineurl hear loss,unilat unrestrict hear/contralat side
F591y Combined perceptive hearing loss
F591z Perceptive hearing loss NOS
F592. Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness
F5920 Mix cond/sensneurl hear loss,unlat unrestrc hear/contrlat sd
F5921 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
F593. Deaf mutism, NEC
F59y. Other specified forms of hearing loss
F59z. Deafness NOS
F5y.. Other specified diseases of ear or mastoid
F5z.. Ear and mastoid disease NOS
Fy... Other specified diseases of nervous system or sense organ
Fy0.. Sleep disorders
Fy00. Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep
Fy01. Disorders of excessive somnolence
Fy02. Disorders of the sleep-wake schedule
Fy03. Sleep apnoea
Fyu.. [X]Addtnl nervous system+sense organ disease classfctn terms
Fyu0. [X]Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
Fyu00 [X]Other bacterial meningitis
Fyu01 [X]Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu02 [X]Meningitis in mycoses classified elsewhere
Fyu03 [X]Meningitis/other specifd infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Fyu04 [X]Meningitis due to other specified causes
Fyu05 [X]Bacterial meningoencephalitis+meningomyelitis,NEC
Fyu06 [X]Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis
Fyu07 [X]Encephalitis,myelitis+encephalomyelitis/bactrl disease CE
Fyu08 [X]Encephalitis,myelitis+encephalomyelitis/viral disease CE
Fyu09 [X]Encephl,myelitis+encphmylitis/oth infct+parasit diseas CE
Fyu0A [X]Encephalitis,myelitis+encephalomyelitis/other diseases CE
Fyu0B [X]Intracranial+intraspinal abscess+granuloma in diseases CE
Fyu0C [X]Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of the CNS
Fyu0D [X]Extradural and subdural abscess, unspecified
Fyu1. [X]Systemic atrophies primarily affecting the CNS
Fyu10 [X]Other hereditary ataxias
Fyu11 [X]Other inherited spinal muscular atrophy
Fyu12 [X]Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes
Fyu13 [X]Paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy
Fyu14 [X]Oth systemic atrophy affecting CNS in neoplastc diseas CE
Fyu15 [X]Systemic atrophy affecting the CNS in myxoedema
Fyu16 [X]Systemic atrophy affecting the CNS in other diseases CE
Fyu2. [X]Extrapyramidal and movement disorders
Fyu20 [X]Other drug-induced secondary parkinsonism
Fyu21 [X]Other secondary parkinsonism
Fyu22 [X]Parkinsonism in diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu23 [X]Other specified degenerative diseases/the basal ganglia
Fyu24 [X]Other dystonia
Fyu25 [X]Other specified forms of tremor
Fyu26 [X]Other chorea
Fyu27 [X]Other specified extrapyramidal and movement disorders
Fyu28 [X]Extrapyramidal+movement disorders in diseases CE
Fyu29 [X]Secondary parkinsonism, unspecified
Fyu2A [X]Dystonia, unspecified
Fyu2B [X]Secondary parkinsonism due to other external agents
Fyu3. [X]Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system
Fyu30 [X]Other Alzheimers disease
Fyu31 [X]Other specified degenerative diseases/the nervous system
Fyu32 [X]Subacute combined degeneration/spinal cord in diseases CE
Fyu34 [X]Oth specifd degeneratv disord/nervous system in diseas CE
Fyu4. [X]Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system
Fyu40 [X]Other specified acute disseminated demyelination
Fyu41 [X]Other specified demyelinating diseases/the CNS
Fyu42 [X]Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified
Fyu5. [X]Episodic and paroxysmal disorders
Fyu50 [X]Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes
Fyu51 [X]Other epilepsy
Fyu52 [X]Other status epilepticus
Fyu53 [X]Other migraine
Fyu54 [X]Other specified headache syndromes
Fyu55 [X]Other transnt cerebral ischaemic attacks+related syndroms
Fyu56 [X]Other lacunar syndromes
Fyu57 [X]Other vascular syndroms/brain in cerebrovasculr diseases
Fyu58 [X]Other sleep disorders
Fyu59 [X]Status epilepticus, unspecified
Fyu5A [X]Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified
Fyu5B [X]Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classified
Fyu6. [X]Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders
Fyu60 [X]Other disorders of trigeminal nerve
Fyu61 [X]Other disorders of facial nerve
Fyu62 [X]Multip cranial nerve palsies/infectous+parasitc diseas CE
Fyu63 [X]Multiple cranial nerve palsies/neoplastic disease CE
Fyu64 [X]Other cranial nerve disorders/other diseases CE
Fyu65 [X]Other nerve root and plexus disorders
Fyu66 [X]Nerve root+plexus compressions in neoplastic disease CE
Fyu67 [X]Nerve root and plexus compressions in other dorsopathies
Fyu68 [X]Nerve root+plexus compressions in other diseases CE
Fyu69 [X]Other lesions of median nerve
Fyu6A [X]Other mononeuropathies of upper limb
Fyu6B [X]Other mononeuropathies of lower limb
Fyu6C [X]Other specified mononeuropathies
Fyu6D [X]Other mononeuropathies in diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu7. [X]Polyneuropathies & other disord of peripheral nerv syst
Fyu70 [X]Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies
Fyu71 [X]Other inflammatory polyneuropathies
Fyu72 [X]Other specified polyneuropathies
Fyu73 [X]Polyneuropathy in infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Fyu74 [X]Polyneuropathy in neoplastic disease CE
Fyu75 [X]Polyneuropathy/other endocrine+metabolic diseases CE
Fyu76 [X]Polyneuropathy in nutritional deficiency CE
Fyu77 [X]Polyneuropathy/systemic connective tissue disorders CE
Fyu78 [X]Polyneuropathy/other musculoskeletal disorders CE
Fyu79 [X]Polyneuropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu7A [X]Other disorders of the peripheral nervous system
Fyu7B [X]Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified
Fyu7C [X] Polyneuropathy, unspecified
Fyu8. [X]Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle
Fyu80 [X]Other specified myoneural disorders
Fyu81 [X]Other primary disorders of muscles
Fyu82 [X]Other specified myopathies
Fyu83 [X]Myasthenic syndromes in endocrine diseases CE
Fyu84 [X]Other myasthenic syndromes in neoplastic disease CE
Fyu85 [X]Myasthenic syndromes/other diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu86 [X]Myopathy/infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Fyu87 [X]Myopathy in endocrine diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu88 [X]Myopathy in metabolic diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu89 [X]Myopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu8A [X]Mitochondrial myopathy, not elsewhere classified
Fyu8B [X]Inflammatory myopathy, not elsewhere classified
Fyu9. [X]Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes
Fyu90 [X]Other infantile cerebral palsy
Fyu91 [X]Other specified paralytic syndromes
FyuA. [X]Other disorders of the nervous system
FyuA0 [X]Other disorders of the autonomic nervous system
FyuA1 [X]Other hydrocephalus
FyuA2 [X]Other specified disorders of brain
FyuA3 [X]Hydrocephalus/infectious+parasitic diseases CE
FyuA4 [X]Hydrocephalus in neoplastic disease classified elsewhere
FyuA5 [X]Hydrocephalus in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuA6 [X]Other specified disorders of brain in diseases CE
FyuA7 [X]Other specified diseases of spinal cord
FyuA8 [X]Other specified disorders of the central nervous system
FyuA9 [X]Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture
FyuAA [X]Other postprocedural disorders of the nervous system
FyuAB [X]Other disorders of the nervous system,NEC
FyuAC [X]Autonomic neuropathy/endocrine+metabolic diseases CE
FyuAD [X]Other disordrs/autonomic nervous system/other diseases CE
FyuAE [X]Myelopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuAF [X]Other specified disorders/nervous system in diseases CE
FyuAG [X]Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, unspecified
FyuAH [X]Disorder of central nervous system, unspecified
FyuB. [X]Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit
FyuB0 [X]Other specified inflammation of eyelid
FyuB1 [X]Other disorders affecting eyelid function
FyuB2 [X]Other degenerative disorders of eyelid+periocular area
FyuB3 [X]Other specified disorders of eyelid
FyuB4 [X]Parasitic infestation of eyelid in diseases CE
FyuB5 [X]Involvement of eyelid in other infectious diseases CE
FyuB6 [X]Involvement of eyelid in other diseases CE
FyuB7 [X]Other disorders of lacrimal gland
FyuB8 [X]Other changes of lacrimal passages
FyuB9 [X]Other disorders of lacrimal system
FyuBA [X]Other disorders of orbit
FyuBB [X]Disorders of lacrimal system in diseases CE
FyuBC [X]Parasitic infestation/orbit in diseases CE
FyuBD [X]Dysthyroid exophthalmos
FyuBE [X]Other disorders of orbit in diseases CE
FyuC. [X]Disorders of conjunctiva
FyuC0 [X]Other acute conjunctivitis
FyuC1 [X]Other conjunctivitis
FyuC2 [X]Other conjunctival vascular disorders and cysts
FyuC3 [X]Other specified disorders of conjunctiva
FyuC4 [X]Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases CE
FyuC5 [X]Conjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuC6 [X]Ocular pemphigoid
FyuC7 [X]Other disorders of conjunctiva in diseases CE
FyuD. [X]Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body
FyuD0 [X]Other disorders of sclera
FyuD1 [X]Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis
FyuD2 [X]Other keratitis
FyuD3 [X]Other central corneal opacity
FyuD4 [X]Other corneal scars and opacities
FyuD5 [X]Other corneal oedema
FyuD6 [X]Other corneal deformities
FyuD7 [X]Other specified disorders of cornea
FyuD8 [X]Scleritis+episcleritis in diseases CE
FyuD9 [X]Keratitis+keratoconjunctivitis/oth infect parasitc dis CE
FyuDA [X]Keratitis+keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases CE
FyuDB [X]Other disorders/sclera+cornea in diseases CE
FyuDC [X]Other iridocyclitis
FyuDD [X]Other vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body
FyuDE [X]Other adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body
FyuDF [X]Other specified disorders of iris and ciliary body
FyuDG [X]Iridocyclitis/infectious and parasitic diseases CE
FyuDH [X]Iridocyclitis in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuDJ [X]Other disorders/iris+ciliary body in diseases CE
FyuE. [X]Disorders of lens
FyuE0 [X]Other senile cataract
FyuE1 [X]Other specified cataract
FyuE2 [X]Other specified disorders of lens
FyuE3 [X]Cataract/oth endocrine,nutritional+metabolic diseases CE
FyuE4 [X]Cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuE5 [X]Other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuF. [X]Disorders of choroid and retina
FyuF0 [X]Other chorioretinal inflammations
FyuF1 [X]Other specified disorders of choroid
FyuF2 [X]Chorioretinal inflammatn/infectious+parasitic diseases CE
FyuF3 [X]Other chorioretinal disorders in diseases CE
FyuF4 [X]Other retinal detachments
FyuF5 [X]Other retinal artery occlusions
FyuF6 [X]Other retinal vascular occlusions
FyuF7 [X]Other proliferative retinopathy
FyuF8 [X]Other specified retinal disorders
FyuF9 [X]Other retinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuG. [X]Glaucoma
FyuG0 [X]Other glaucoma
FyuG1 [X]Glaucoma in endocrine,nutritional+metabolic diseases CE
FyuG2 [X]Glaucoma in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuH. [X]Disorders of vitreous body and globe
FyuH0 [X]Other vitreous opacities
FyuH1 [X]Other disorders of vitreous body
FyuH2 [X]Other degenerative disorders of globe
FyuH3 [X]Other disorders of globe
FyuH4 [X]Vitreous haemorrhage in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuH5 [X]Endophthalmitis in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuH6 [X]Other disorders of vitreous body+globe in diseases CE
FyuJ. [X]Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathway
FyuJ0 [X]Optic atrophy in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuJ1 [X]Retrobulbar neuritis in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuJ2 [X]Other disorders/optic nerve+visual pathways/diseases CE
FyuK. [X]Disord of ocular musc, binoc movement, accomm & refractn
FyuK0 [X]Other paralytic strabismus
FyuK1 [X]Other and unspecified heterotropia
FyuK2 [X]Other specified strabismus
FyuK3 [X]Other specified disorders of binocular movement
FyuK4 [X]Other disorders of refraction
FyuL. [X]Visual disturbances and blindness
FyuL0 [X]Other disorders of binocular vision
FyuL1 [X]Other visual disturbances
FyuM. [X]Other disorders of eye and adnexa
FyuM0 [X]Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa
FyuM1 [X]Anomalies/pupillary function in diseases CE
FyuM2 [X]Visual disturbances in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuM3 [X]Other disorders of eye in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuM4 [X]Other postprocedural disorders of eye and adnexa
FyuM5 [X]Postprocedural disorder of eye and adnexa, unspecified
FyuN. [X]Diseases of external ear
FyuN0 [X]Other infective otitis externa
FyuN1 [X]Other otitis externa
FyuN2 [X]Other specified disorders of external ear
FyuN3 [X]Otitis externa in bacterial diseases CE
FyuN4 [X]Otitis externa in viral diseases classified elsewhere
FyuN5 [X]Otitis externa in mycoses
FyuN6 [X]Otitis externa/other infectious+parasitic diseases CE
FyuN7 [X]Otitis externa in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuN8 [X]Other disorders/external ear diseases CE
FyuP. [X]Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
FyuP0 [X]Other acute nonsuppurative otitis media
FyuP1 [X]Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media
FyuP2 [X]Other chronic suppurative otitis media
FyuP3 [X]Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
FyuP4 [X]Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere
FyuP5 [X]Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere
FyuP6 [X]Other specified disorders of Eustachian tube
FyuP7 [X]Other mastoiditis and related conditions
FyuP8 [X]Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane
FyuP9 [X]Other perforations of tympanic membrane
FyuPA [X]Other specified disorders of tympanic membrane
FyuPB [X]Other acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles
FyuPC [X]Other specified disorders of middle ear and mastoid
FyuPD [X]Mastoiditis in infectious+parasitic diseases CE
FyuPE [X]Other specified disorders/middle ear+mastoid/diseases CE
FyuQ. [X]Diseases of inner ear
FyuQ0 [X]Other otosclerosis
FyuQ1 [X]Other peripheral vertigo
FyuQ2 [X]Other disorders of vestibular function
FyuQ3 [X]Other specified diseases of inner ear
FyuQ4 [X]Disorder of vestibular function, unspecified
FyuQ5 [X]Vertiginous syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere
FyuU. [X]Other disorders of ear
FyuU0 [X]Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified
FyuU1 [X]Other specified hearing loss
FyuU2 [X]Other abnormal auditory perceptions
FyuU3 [X]Other specified disorders of ear
FyuU4 [X]Acoustic neuritis in infectious+parasitic diseases CE
FyuU5 [X]Other specified disorders of ear in diseases CE
FyuU6 [X]Other disorders following mastoidectomy
FyuU7 [X]Other postprocedural disorders/ear and mastoid process
Fz... Nervous system or sense organ disease NOS
G.... Circulatory system diseases
G0... Acute rheumatic fever
G00.. Rheumatic fever without heart involvement
G01.. Rheumatic fever with heart involvement
G010. Acute rheumatic pericarditis
G011. Acute rheumatic endocarditis
G012. Acute rheumatic myocarditis
G01y. Other acute rheumatic heart disease
G01y0 Acute rheumatic pancarditis
G01yz Other acute rheumatic heart disease NOS
G01z. Acute rheumatic heart disease NOS
G02.. Rheumatic chorea
G020. Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement
G021. Rheumatic chorea without mention of heart involvement
G02z. Rheumatic chorea NOS
G0y.. Other specified acute rheumatic fever
G0z.. Acute rheumatic fever NOS
G1... Chronic rheumatic heart disease
G10.. Chronic rheumatic pericarditis
G100. Adherent rheumatic pericardium
G101. Chronic rheumatic mediastinopericarditis
G102. Chronic rheumatic myopericarditis
G10z. Chronic rheumatic pericarditis NOS
G11.. Mitral valve diseases
G110. Mitral stenosis
G111. Rheumatic mitral insufficiency
G112. Mitral stenosis with insufficiency
G113. Nonrheumatic mitral valve stenosis
G114. Ruptured mitral valve cusp
G11z. Mitral valve disease NOS
G12.. Rheumatic aortic valve disease
G120. Rheumatic aortic stenosis
G121. Rheumatic aortic insufficiency
G122. Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency
G12z. Rheumatic aortic valve disease NOS
G13.. Diseases of mitral and aortic valves
G130. Mitral and aortic stenosis
G131. Mitral stenosis and aortic insufficiency
G132. Mitral insufficiency and aortic stenosis
G133. Mitral and aortic incompetence
G13y. Multiple mitral and aortic valve involvement
G13z. Mitral and aortic valve disease NOS
G14.. Other chronic rheumatic endocardial disease
G140. Tricuspid valve disease NEC
G1400 Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis
G1401 Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency
G1402 Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency
G1403 Tricuspid stenosis, cause unspecified
G1404 Tricuspid insufficiency, cause unspecified
G1405 Tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency, cause unspecified
G140z Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease NOS
G141. Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease
G1410 Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis
G1411 Rheumatic pulmonary insufficiency
G1412 Rheumatic pulmonary stenosis and insufficiency
G141z Rheumatic pulmonary valve disease NOS
G14z. Rheumatic endocarditis NOS
G1y.. Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease
G1y0. Rheumatic myocarditis
G1yz. Other and unspecified rheumatic heart disease
G1yz0 Rheumatic heart disease unspecified
G1yz1 Rheumatic left ventricular failure
G1yzz Other rheumatic heart disease NOS
G1z.. Chronic rheumatic heart disease NOS
G2... Hypertensive disease
G20.. Essential hypertension
G200. Malignant essential hypertension
G201. Benign essential hypertension
G202. Systolic hypertension
G20z. Essential hypertension NOS
G21.. Hypertensive heart disease
G210. Malignant hypertensive heart disease
G2100 Malignant hypertensive heart disease without CCF
G2101 Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF
G210z Malignant hypertensive heart disease NOS
G211. Benign hypertensive heart disease
G2110 Benign hypertensive heart disease without CCF
G2111 Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF
G211z Benign hypertensive heart disease NOS
G21z. Hypertensive heart disease NOS
G21z0 Hypertensive heart disease NOS without CCF
G21z1 Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF
G21zz Hypertensive heart disease NOS
G22.. Hypertensive renal disease
G220. Malignant hypertensive renal disease
G221. Benign hypertensive renal disease
G222. Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure
G22z. Hypertensive renal disease NOS
G23.. Hypertensive heart and renal disease
G230. Malignant hypertensive heart and renal disease
G231. Benign hypertensive heart and renal disease
G232. Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure
G233. Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure
G234. Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail
G23z. Hypertensive heart and renal disease NOS
G24.. Secondary hypertension
G240. Secondary malignant hypertension
G2400 Secondary malignant renovascular hypertension
G240z Secondary malignant hypertension NOS
G241. Secondary benign hypertension
G2410 Secondary benign renovascular hypertension
G241z Secondary benign hypertension NOS
G244. Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders
G24z. Secondary hypertension NOS
G24z0 Secondary renovascular hypertension NOS
G24z1 Hypertension secondary to drug
G24zz Secondary hypertension NOS
G2y.. Other specified hypertensive disease
G2z.. Hypertensive disease NOS
G3... Ischaemic heart disease
G30.. Acute myocardial infarction
G300. Acute anterolateral infarction
G301. Other specified anterior myocardial infarction
G3010 Acute anteroapical infarction
G3011 Acute anteroseptal infarction
G301z Anterior myocardial infarction NOS
G302. Acute inferolateral infarction
G303. Acute inferoposterior infarction
G304. Posterior myocardial infarction NOS
G305. Lateral myocardial infarction NOS
G306. True posterior myocardial infarction
G307. Acute subendocardial infarction
G308. Inferior myocardial infarction NOS
G30X. Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site
G30y. Other acute myocardial infarction
G30y0 Acute atrial infarction
G30y1 Acute papillary muscle infarction
G30y2 Acute septal infarction
G30yz Other acute myocardial infarction NOS
G30z. Acute myocardial infarction NOS
G31.. Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease
G310. Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
G311. Preinfarction syndrome
G3110 Myocardial infarction aborted
G311z Preinfarction syndrome NOS
G312. Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction
G31y. Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease
G31y0 Acute coronary insufficiency
G31y1 Microinfarction of heart
G31y2 Subendocardial ischaemia
G31yz Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease NOS
G32.. Old myocardial infarction
G33.. Angina pectoris
G330. Angina decubitus
G3300 Nocturnal angina
G330z Angina decubitus NOS
G331. Prinzmetals angina
G33z. Angina pectoris NOS
G33z0 Status anginosus
G33z1 Stenocardia
G33z2 Syncope anginosa
G33z3 Angina on effort
G33zz Angina pectoris NOS
G34.. Other chronic ischaemic heart disease
G340. Coronary atherosclerosis
G3400 Single coronary vessel disease
G3401 Double coronary vessel disease
G341. Aneurysm of heart
G3410 Ventricular cardiac aneurysm
G3411 Other cardiac wall aneurysm
G3412 Aneurysm of coronary vessels
G3413 Acquired atrioventricular fistula of heart
G341z Aneurysm of heart NOS
G342. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
G343. Ischaemic cardiomyopathy
G344. Silent myocardial ischaemia
G34y. Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease
G34y0 Chronic coronary insufficiency
G34y1 Chronic myocardial ischaemia
G34yz Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS
G34z. Other chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS
G35.. Subsequent myocardial infarction
G350. Subsequent myocardial infarction of anterior wall
G351. Subsequent myocardial infarction of inferior wall
G353. Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites
G35X. Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site
G36.. Certain current complication follow acute myocardial infarct
G360. Haemopericardium/current comp folow acut myocard infarct
G361. Atrial septal defect/curr comp folow acut myocardal infarct
G362. Ventric septal defect/curr comp fol acut myocardal infarctn
G363. Ruptur cardiac wall wout haemopericard/cur comp fol ac MI
G364. Ruptur chordae tendinae/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct
G365. Rupture papillary muscle/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct
G366. Thrombosis atrium,auric append&vent/curr comp foll acute MI
G37.. Cardiac syndrome X
G3y.. Other specified ischaemic heart disease
G3z.. Ischaemic heart disease NOS
G4... Pulmonary circulation diseases
G40.. Acute pulmonary heart disease
G400. Acute cor pulmonale
G401. Pulmonary embolism
G4010 Post operative pulmonary embolus
G402. Pulmonary infarct
G40z. Acute pulmonary heart disease NOS
G41.. Chronic pulmonary heart disease
G410. Primary pulmonary hypertension
G411. Kyphoscoliotic heart disease
G41y. Other chronic pulmonary heart disease
G41y0 Secondary pulmonary hypertension
G41yz Other chronic pulmonary heart disease NOS
G41z. Chronic pulmonary heart disease NOS
G42.. Other pulmonary circulation disease
G420. Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels
G421. Aneurysm of pulmonary artery
G42y. Other specified pulmonary circulation disease
G42y0 Pulmonary arteritis
G42y1 Pulmonary vessel rupture
G42y2 Pulmonary vessel stricture
G42yz Other specified pulmonary circulation disease NOS
G42z. Other pulmonary circulation disease NOS
G4y.. Other specified pulmonary circulation disease
G4z.. Pulmonary circulation disease NOS
G5... Other forms of heart disease
G50.. Acute pericarditis
G500. Acute pericarditis in diseases EC
G5000 Acute pericarditis - coxsackie
G5001 Acute pericarditis - meningococcal
G5002 Acute pericarditis - syphilitic
G5003 Acute pericarditis - tuberculous
G5004 Acute pericarditis - uraemic
G5005 Acute pericarditis - gonococcal
G500z Acute pericarditis in diseases EC NOS
G501. Post infarction pericarditis
G50z. Other and unspecified acute pericarditis
G50z0 Acute pericarditis - unspecified
G50z1 Acute idiopathic pericarditis
G50z2 Acute pericarditis - pneumococcal
G50z3 Acute pericarditis - staphylococcal
G50z4 Acute pericarditis - streptococcal
G50z5 Acute purulent pericarditis unspecified
G50zz Acute pericarditis NOS
G51.. Acute and subacute endocarditis
G510. Acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis
G5100 Acute bacterial endocarditis
G5101 Subacute bacterial endocarditis - SBE
G5102 Chronic bacterial endocarditis
G510z Acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis NOS
G511. Acute and subacute infective endocarditis in diseases EC
G5110 Endocarditis - monilial
G5111 Endocarditis - coxsackie
G5112 Endocarditis - gonococcal
G5113 Endocarditis - meningococcal
G5114 Endocarditis - typhoid
G5115 Endocarditis - blastomycosis
G5116 Endocarditis - Q fever
G511z Infective endocarditis in diseases EC, NOS
G51z. Acute and subacute endocarditis unspecified
G51z0 Acute endocarditis NOS
G51z1 Acute myoendocarditis NOS
G51z2 Acute periendocarditis NOS
G51z3 Subacute endocarditis NOS
G51z4 Subacute myoendocarditis NOS
G51z5 Subacute periendocarditis NOS
G51zz Acute and subacute endocarditis unspecified, NOS
G52.. Acute myocarditis
G520. Acute myocarditis in diseases EC
G5200 Acute aseptic myocarditis of the newborn
G5201 Acute myocarditis - coxsackie
G5202 Acute myocarditis - diphtheritic
G5203 Acute myocarditis - influenzal
G5204 Acute myocarditis - syphilitic
G5205 Acute myocarditis - toxoplasmosis
G5206 Acute myocarditis - tuberculous
G5207 Acute myocarditis - meningococcal
G520z Acute myocarditis in diseases EC, NOS
G52y. Other acute myocarditis
G52y0 Acute myocarditis, unspecified
G52y1 Isolated (Fiedlers) myocarditis
G52y2 Idiopathic myocarditis NOS
G52y3 Septic myocarditis - pneumococcal
G52y4 Septic myocarditis - staphylococcal
G52y5 Septic myocarditis - streptococcal
G52y6 Septic myocarditis NOS
G52y7 Toxic myocarditis
G52yz Other acute myocarditis NOS
G52z. Acute myocarditis NOS
G53.. Other diseases of pericardium
G530. Haemopericardium
G531. Adhesive pericarditis
G5310 Pericardial milk spots
G5311 Fibrosis of pericardium
G531z Adhesive pericarditis NOS
G532. Constrictive pericarditis
G5320 Concatos disease
G5321 Picks disease of heart
G532z Constrictive pericarditis NOS
G533. Pericardial effusion - noninflammatory
G534. Pericardial effusion - acute
G53y. Other diseases of pericardium OS
G53y0 Calcification of pericardium
G53y1 Fistula of pericardium
G53yz Other specified pericardial disease NOS
G53z. Other pericardial disease NOS
G54.. Other diseases of endocardium
G540. Mitral valve incompetence
G5400 Mitral incompetence, non-rheumatic
G5401 Mitral incompetence, cause unspecified
G5402 Mitral valve prolapse
G5403 Mitral valve leaf prolapse
G540z Mitral valve disorders NOS
G541. Aortic valve disorders
G5410 Aortic incompetence, non-rheumatic
G5411 Aortic stenosis, non-rheumatic
G5412 Aortic incompetence alone, cause unspecified
G5413 Aortic stenosis alone, cause unspecified
G5414 Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency
G541z Aortic valve disorders NOS
G542. Tricuspid valve disorders, non-rheumatic
G5420 Tricuspid incompetence, non-rheumatic
G5421 Tricuspid stenosis, non-rheumatic
G5422 Nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency
G542X Nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorder, unspecified
G542z Tricuspid valve disorders NOS
G543. Pulmonary valve disorders
G5430 Pulmonary incompetence, non-rheumatic
G5431 Pulmonary stenosis, non-rheumatic
G5432 Pulmonary incompetence, cause unspecified
G5433 Pulmonary stenosis, cause unspecified
G5434 Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency
G543z Pulmonary valve disorders NOS
G544. Multiple valve diseases
G5440 Disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves
G5441 Disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves
G5442 Combined disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves
G544X Multiple valve disease, unspecified
G54z. Endocarditis, valve unspecified
G54z0 Incompetence of unspecified heart valve
G54z1 Stenosis of unspecified heart valve
G54z2 Chronic cardiac valvulitis NOS
G54z3 Endocarditis, valve unspecified, OS
G54z4 Endocarditis in disease EC
G54z5 Valvular heart disease
G54zz Endocarditis, valve unspecified, NOS
G55.. Cardiomyopathy
G550. Endomyocardial fibrosis
G551. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
G552. Obscure African cardiomyopathy
G553. Endocardial fibroelastosis
G554. Other primary cardiomyopathies
G5540 Congestive cardiomyopathy
G5541 Constrictive cardiomyopathy
G5542 Familial cardiomyopathy
G5543 Hypertrophic non-obstructive cardiomyopathy
G5544 Primary dilated cardiomyopathy
G554z Other primary cardiomyopathy NOS
G555. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
G556. Cardiomyopathy in Chagass disease
G557. Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathies
G5570 Amyloid heart disease
G5571 Beriberi heart disease
G5572 Cardiac glycogenosis
G5573 Gouty tophi of heart
G5574 Mucopolysaccharidosis cardiomyopathy
G5575 Thyrotoxic heart disease
G557z Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy NOS
G558. Cardiomyopathy in disease EC
G5580 Cardiomyopathy in Friedreichs ataxia
G5581 Cardiomyopathy in myotonic dystrophy
G5582 Dystrophic cardiomyopathy
G5583 Sarcoid heart disease
G558z Cardiomyopathy in diseases EC, NOS
G55y. Secondary cardiomyopathy NOS
G55y0 Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents
G55z. Cardiomyopathy NOS
G56.. Conduction disorders
G560. Complete atrioventricular block
G561. Partial atrioventricular block
G5610 Atrioventricular block unspecified
G5611 First degree atrioventricular block
G5612 Mobitz type II atrioventricular block
G5613 Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) atrioventricular block
G5614 Second degree atrioventricular block
G561z Atrioventricular block NOS
G562. Left bundle branch hemiblock
G5620 Left anterior fascicular block
G5621 Left posterior fascicular block
G562z Left bundle branch hemiblock NOS
G563. Left main stem bundle branch block
G564. Right bundle branch block
G565. Other bundle branch block
G5650 Bundle branch block unspecified
G5651 Right BBB with left posterior fascicular block
G5652 Right BBB with left anterior fascicular block
G5653 Other bilateral bundle branch block
G5654 Trifascicular block
G5655 Bifascicular block
G565z Other bundle branch block NOS
G566. Other heart block
G5660 Sinoatrial block
G5661 Interventricular block NOS
G5662 Right fascicular block
G566z Other heart block NOS
G567. Anomalous atrioventricular excitation
G5670 Accelerated atrioventricular conduction
G5671 Accessory atrioventricular conduction
G5672 Pre-excitation atrioventricular conduction
G5673 Ventricular pre-excitation
G5674 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
G567z Anomalous atrioventricular excitation NOS
G56y. Other conduction disorders
G56y0 Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome
G56y1 Atrioventricular dissociation
G56y2 Romano - Ward syndrome
G56y3 Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
G56y4 Right fascicular block
G56yz Other conduction disorders NOS
G56z. Conduction disorders unspecified
G56z0 Stokes-Adams syndrome
G56zz Conduction disorders NOS
G57.. Cardiac dysrhythmias
G570. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
G5700 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
G5701 Paroxysmal atrioventricular tachycardia
G5702 Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia
G5703 Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia
G570z Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia NOS
G571. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
G572. Paroxysmal tachycardia unspecified
G5720 Essential paroxysmal tachycardia
G5721 Bouveret-Hoffmann syndrome
G572z Paroxysmal tachycardia NOS
G573. Atrial fibrillation and flutter
G5730 Atrial fibrillation
G5731 Atrial flutter
G5732 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
G573z Atrial fibrillation and flutter NOS
G574. Ventricular fibrillation and flutter
G5740 Ventricular fibrillation
G5741 Ventricular flutter
G574z Ventricular fibrillation and flutter NOS
G575. Cardiac arrest
G5750 Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation
G5751 Sudden cardiac death, so described
G576. Ectopic beats
G5760 Ectopic beats unspecified
G5761 Supraventricular ectopic beats
G5762 Ventricular ectopic beats
G5763 Atrial premature depolarization
G5764 Junctional premature depolarization
G5765 Ventricular premature depolarization
G576z Ectopic beats NOS
G577. Sinus arrhythmia
G57y. Other cardiac dysrhythmias
G57y0 Persistent sinus bradycardia
G57y1 Severe sinus bradycardia
G57y3 Sick sinus syndrome
G57y4 Sinoatrial node dysfunction NOS
G57y5 Wandering atrial pacemaker
G57y6 Nodal rhythm disorder
G57y7 Sinus tachycardia
G57y8 Bigeminal pulse
G57y9 Supraventricular tachycardia NOS
G57yA Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia
G57yz Other cardiac dysrhythmia NOS
G57z. Cardiac dysrhythmia NOS
G58.. Heart failure
G580. Congestive heart failure
G5800 Acute congestive heart failure
G5801 Chronic congestive heart failure
G5802 Decompensated cardiac failure
G5803 Compensated cardiac failure
G581. Left ventricular failure
G5810 Acute left ventricular failure
G582. Acute heart failure
G58z. Heart failure NOS
G5y.. Other specified heart disease
G5y0. Myocarditis NOS
G5y1. Myocardial degeneration
G5y2. Cardiovascular arteriosclerosis unspecified
G5y3. Cardiomegaly
G5y30 Atrial dilatation
G5y31 Ventricular dilatation
G5y32 Cardiac dilatation NOS
G5y33 Atrial hypertrophy
G5y34 Ventricular hypertrophy
G5y35 Cardiac hypertrophy NOS
G5y3z Cardiomegaly NOS
G5y4. Post cardiac operation functional disturbance
G5y40 Postcardiotomy syndrome
G5y4z Post cardiac operation heart failure NOS
G5y5. Rupture of chordae tendinae
G5y6. Rupture of papillary muscle
G5y7. Sarcoid myocarditis
G5y8. Rheumatoid myocarditis
G5y9. Cardiac septal defect, acquired
G5yA. Rheumatoid carditis
G5yX. Cardiovascular disease, unspecified
G5yy. Other ill-defined heart disease
G5yy0 Papillary muscle atrophy
G5yy1 Papillary muscle degeneration
G5yy2 Papillary muscle dysfunction
G5yy3 Papillary muscle scarring
G5yy4 Papillary muscle disorder NOS
G5yy5 Hyperkinetic heart disease
G5yy6 Atrial thrombosis
G5yyz Other ill-defined heart disease NOS
G5yz. Other heart disease NOS
G5z.. Heart disease NOS
G6... Cerebrovascular disease
G60.. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
G600. Ruptured berry aneurysm
G601. Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation
G602. Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery
G603. Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery
G604. Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery
G605. Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery
G606. Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery
G60X. Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif
G60z. Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS
G61.. Intracerebral haemorrhage
G610. Cortical haemorrhage
G611. Internal capsule haemorrhage
G612. Basal nucleus haemorrhage
G613. Cerebellar haemorrhage
G614. Pontine haemorrhage
G615. Bulbar haemorrhage
G616. External capsule haemorrhage
G617. Intracerebral haemorrhage, intraventricular
G618. Intracerebral haemorrhage, multiple localized
G61X. Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified
G61X0 Left sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified
G61X1 Right sided intracerebral haemorrhage, unspecified
G61z. Intracerebral haemorrhage NOS
G62.. Other and unspecified intracranial haemorrhage
G620. Extradural haemorrhage - nontraumatic
G621. Subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic
G62z. Intracranial haemorrhage NOS
G63.. Precerebral arterial occlusion
G630. Basilar artery occlusion
G631. Carotid artery occlusion
G632. Vertebral artery occlusion
G633. Multiple and bilateral precerebral arterial occlusion
G634. Carotid artery stenosis
G63y. Other precerebral artery occlusion
G63y0 Cerebral infarct due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries
G63y1 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries
G63z. Precerebral artery occlusion NOS
G64.. Cerebral arterial occlusion
G640. Cerebral thrombosis
G6400 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries
G641. Cerebral embolism
G6410 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries
G64z. Cerebral infarction NOS
G64z0 Brainstem infarction
G64z1 Wallenberg syndrome
G64z2 Left sided cerebral infarction
G64z3 Right sided cerebral infarction
G65.. Transient cerebral ischaemia
G650. Basilar artery syndrome
G651. Vertebral artery syndrome
G6510 Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome
G652. Subclavian steal syndrome
G653. Carotid artery syndrome hemispheric
G654. Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes
G655. Transient global amnesia
G65y. Other transient cerebral ischaemia
G65z. Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS
G65z0 Impending cerebral ischaemia
G65z1 Intermittent cerebral ischaemia
G65zz Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS
G66.. Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified
G660. Middle cerebral artery syndrome
G661. Anterior cerebral artery syndrome
G662. Posterior cerebral artery syndrome
G663. Brain stem stroke syndrome
G664. Cerebellar stroke syndrome
G665. Pure motor lacunar syndrome
G666. Pure sensory lacunar syndrome
G667. Left sided CVA
G668. Right sided CVA
G669. Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute
G67.. Other cerebrovascular disease
G670. Cerebral atherosclerosis
G671. Generalised ischaemic cerebrovascular disease NOS
G6710 Acute cerebrovascular insufficiency NOS
G6711 Chronic cerebral ischaemia
G671z Generalised ischaemic cerebrovascular disease NOS
G672. Hypertensive encephalopathy
G673. Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured
G6730 Dissection of cerebral arteries, nonruptured
G6731 Carotico-cavernous sinus fistula
G674. Cerebral arteritis
G6740 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
G675. Moyamoya disease
G676. Nonpyogenic venous sinus thrombosis
G6760 Cereb infarct due cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic
G677. Occlusion/stenosis cerebral arts not result cerebral infarct
G6770 Occlusion and stenosis of middle cerebral artery
G6771 Occlusion and stenosis of anterior cerebral artery
G6772 Occlusion and stenosis of posterior cerebral artery
G6773 Occlusion and stenosis of cerebellar arteries
G6774 Occlusion+stenosis of multiple and bilat cerebral arteries
G67y. Other cerebrovascular disease OS
G67z. Other cerebrovascular disease NOS
G68.. Late effects of cerebrovascular disease
G680. Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage
G681. Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage
G682. Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage
G683. Sequelae of cerebral infarction
G68W. Sequelae/other + unspecified cerebrovascular diseases
G68X. Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as hmorrhage or infarction
G6W.. Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries
G6X.. Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs
G6y.. Other specified cerebrovascular disease
G6z.. Cerebrovascular disease NOS
G7... Arterial, arteriole and capillary disease
G70.. Atherosclerosis
G700. Aortic atherosclerosis
G701. Renal artery atherosclerosis
G702. Extremity artery atheroma
G7020 Monckebergs medial sclerosis
G702z Extremity artery atheroma NOS
G70y. Other specified artery atheroma
G70z. Arteriosclerotic vascular disease NOS
G71.. Aortic aneurysm
G710. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
G711. Thoracic aortic aneurysm which has ruptured
G712. Thoracic aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture
G713. Abdominal aortic aneurysm which has ruptured
G714. Abdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture
G715. Ruptured aortic aneurysm NOS
G7150 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured
G716. Aortic aneurysm without mention of rupture NOS
G7160 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture
G717. Aortic aneurysm - syphilitic
G718. Leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm
G71z. Aortic aneurysm NOS
G72.. Other aneurysm
G720. Aneurysm of artery of arm
G7200 Aneurysm of brachial artery
G7201 Aneurysm of radial artery
G7202 Aneurysm of ulnar artery
G720z Aneurysm of arm artery NOS
G721. Aneurysm of renal artery
G722. Aneurysm of iliac artery
G7220 Aneurysm of common iliac artery
G7221 Aneurysm of external iliac artery
G7222 Aneurysm of internal iliac artery
G722z Aneurysm of iliac artery NOS
G723. Aneurysm of leg artery
G7230 Aneurysm of femoral artery
G7231 Aneurysm of popliteal artery
G7232 Aneurysm of anterior tibial artery
G7233 Aneurysm of dorsalis pedis artery
G7234 Aneurysm of posterior tibial artery
G723z Aneurysm of leg artery NOS
G72y. Aneurysm of other artery
G72y0 Aneurysm of common carotid art
G72y1 Aneurysm of external carotid artery
G72y2 Aneurysm of internal carotid artery
G72y3 Aneurysm of neck artery NOS
G72y4 Aneurysm of subclavian artery
G72y5 Aneurysm of splenic artery
G72y6 Aneurysm of axillary artery
G72y7 Aneurysm of coeliac artery
G72y8 Aneurysm of superior mesenteric artery
G72y9 Aneurysm of inferior mesenteric artery
G72yA Aneurysm of hepatic artery
G72yB Aneurysm of other visceral artery
G72yz Other aneurysm NOS
G72z. Aneurysm NOS
G73.. Other peripheral vascular disease
G730. Raynauds syndrome
G7300 Raynauds disease
G7301 Raynauds phenomenon
G730z Raynauds syndrome NOS
G731. Thromboangiitis obliterans
G7310 Buergers disease
G7311 Presenile gangrene
G731z Thromboangiitis obliterans NOS
G732. Peripheral gangrene
G7320 Gangrene of toe
G7321 Gangrene of foot
G7322 Gangrene of finger
G7323 Gangrene of thumb
G7324 Gangrene of hand
G73y. Other specified peripheral vascular disease
G73y0 Diabetic peripheral angiopathy
G73y1 Peripheral angiopathic disease EC NOS
G73y2 Acrocyanosis
G73y4 Acroparaesthesia - Schultzes type
G73y5 Acroparaesthesia - Nothnagels type
G73y6 Acroparaesthesia - unspecified
G73y7 Erythrocyanosis
G73y8 Erythromelalgia
G73yz Other specified peripheral vascular disease NOS
G73z. Peripheral vascular disease NOS
G73z0 Intermittent claudication
G73z1 Spasm of peripheral artery
G73zz Peripheral vascular disease NOS
G74.. Arterial embolism and thrombosis
G740. Embolism and thrombosis of the abdominal aorta
G741. Embolism and thrombosis of the thoracic aorta
G742. Embolism and thrombosis of an arm or leg artery
G7420 Embolism and thrombosis of the brachial artery
G7421 Embolism and thrombosis of the radial artery
G7422 Embolism and thrombosis of the ulnar artery
G7423 Embolism and thrombosis of an arm artery NOS
G7424 Embolism and thrombosis of the femoral artery
G7425 Embolism and thrombosis of the popliteal artery
G7426 Embolism and thrombosis of the anterior tibial artery
G7427 Embolism and thrombosis of the dorsalis pedis artery
G7428 Embolism and thrombosis of the posterior tibial artery
G7429 Embolism and thrombosis of a leg artery NOS
G742z Peripheral arterial embolism and thrombosis NOS
G743. Embolism and thrombosis of other and unspec parts aorta
G74y. Embolism and thrombosis of other specified artery
G74y0 Embolism and/or thrombosis of the common iliac artery
G74y1 Embolism and/or thrombosis of the internal iliac artery
G74y2 Embolism and/or thrombosis of the external iliac artery
G74y3 Embolism and thrombosis of the iliac artery unspecified
G74y5 Embolism and thrombosis of the subclavian artery
G74y6 Embolism and thrombosis of the splenic artery
G74y7 Embolism and thrombosis of the axillary artery
G74y8 Embolism and thrombosis of the coeliac artery
G74y9 Embolism and thrombosis of the hepatic artery
G74yz Embolism and thrombosis of other arteries NOS
G74z. Arterial embolism and thrombosis NOS
G75.. Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions
G750. Polyarteritis nodosa
G751. Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
G7510 Kawasaki disease
G751z Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome NOS
G752. Hypersensitivity angiitis
G7520 Goodpastures syndrome
G752z Hypersensitivity angiitis NOS
G753. Lethal midline granuloma
G754. Wegeners granulomatosis
G755. Giant cell arteritis
G7550 Cranial arteritis
G7551 Temporal arteritis
G7552 Hortons disease
G755z Giant cell arteritis NOS
G756. Thrombotic microangiopathy
G7560 Moschcowitz syndrome
G7561 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
G756z Thrombotic microangiopathy NOS
G757. Takayasus disease
G758. Churg-Strauss vasculitis
G759. Juvenile polyarteritis
G75X. Necrotising vasculopathy, unspecified
G75z. Polyarteritis nodosa and allied conditions NOS
G76.. Other disorders of arteries and arterioles
G760. Acquired arteriovenous fistula
G761. Stricture of artery
G762. Rupture of artery
G7620 Aorto-duodenal fistula
G763. Hyperplasia of renal artery
G764. Coeliac artery compression syndrome
G765. Necrosis of artery
G766. Arteritis unspecified
G767. Aortitis - syphilitic
G768. Other disorders of arteries and arterioles
G7680 Fibromuscular hyperplasia of arteries NOS
G7681 Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia
G768z Other disorders of arteries and arterioles NOS
G769. Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes
G76A. Arterial insufficiency
G76B. Vasculitis
G76z. Disorders of arteries and arterioles NOS
G77.. Diseases of capillaries
G770. Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
G771. Non-neoplastic naevus
G7710 Spider naevus
G7711 Senile naevus
G7712 Campbell de Morgans spots
G771z Non-neoplastic naevus NOS
G77z. Other and unspecified diseases of capillaries
G77z0 Capillary haemorrhage
G77z1 Capillary hyperpermeability
G77z2 Capillary thrombosis
G77z3 Capillaritis
G77zz Disease of capillaries NOS
G7y.. Other specified arterial, arteriole or capillary disease
G7z.. Arterial, arteriole and capillary diseases NOS
G8... Vein, lymphatic and circulatory diseases NOS
G80.. Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
G800. Superficial vessel phlebitis and/or thrombophlebitis of leg
G8000 Phlebitis of the long saphenous vein
G8001 Phlebitis of the short saphenous vein
G8002 Phlebitis of a superficial leg vein NOS
G8003 Thrombophlebitis of the long saphenous vein
G8004 Thrombophlebitis of the short saphenous vein
G8005 Thrombophlebitis of a superficial leg vein NOS
G800z Superficial phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS
G801. Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg
G8010 Phlebitis of the femoral vein
G8011 Phlebitis of the popliteal vein
G8012 Phlebitis of the anterior tibial vein
G8013 Phlebitis of the dorsalis pedis vein
G8014 Phlebitis of the posterior tibial vein
G8015 Deep vein phlebitis of the leg unspecified
G8016 Thrombophlebitis of the femoral vein
G8017 Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal vein
G8018 Thrombophlebitis of the anterior tibial vein
G8019 Thrombophlebitis of the dorsalis pedis vein
G801A Thrombophlebitis of the posterior tibial vein
G801B Deep vein thrombophlebitis of the leg unspecified
G801z Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS
G802. Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg NOS
G80y. Other phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
G80y0 Phlebitis of the common iliac vein
G80y1 Phlebitis of the internal iliac vein
G80y2 Phlebitis of the external iliac vein
G80y3 Phlebitis of the iliac vein unspecified
G80y4 Thrombophlebitis of the common iliac vein
G80y5 Thrombophlebitis of the internal iliac vein
G80y6 Thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein
G80y7 Thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein unspecified
G80y8 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the iliac vein NOS
G80y9 Thrombophlebitis of the breast - Mondors disease
G80yz Other phlebitis and thrombophlebitis NOS
G80z. Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis NOS
G80z0 Phlebitis NOS
G80z1 Thrombophlebitis NOS
G80zz Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis NOS
G81.. Portal vein thrombosis
G82.. Other venous embolism and thrombosis
G820. Budd - Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis)
G821. Thrombophlebitis migrans
G822. Embolism and thrombosis of the vena cava
G823. Embolism and thrombosis of the renal vein
G82y. Other embolism and thrombosis
G82z. Embolism and thrombosis NOS
G82z0 Embolus of vein NOS
G82z1 Thrombosis of vein NOS
G82zz Embolism and thrombosis NOS
G83.. Varicose veins of the legs
G830. Varicose veins of the leg with ulcer
G831. Varicose veins of the leg with eczema
G832. Varicose veins of the leg with ulcer and eczema
G833. Varicose veins of the leg with rupture
G834. Varicose veins of leg without mention of complications
G835. Infected varicose ulcer
G83z. Varicose veins of the leg NOS
G84.. Haemorrhoids
G840. Internal haemorrhoids, simple
G841. Internal thrombosed haemorrhoids
G842. Internal haemorrhoids with other complications
G8420 Internal bleeding haemorrhoids
G8421 Internal prolapsed haemorrhoids
G8422 Internal strangulated haemorrhoids
G8423 Internal ulcerated haemorrhoids
G842z Internal haemorrhoids with other complications NOS
G843. External haemorrhoids, simple
G844. External thrombosed haemorrhoids
G845. External haemorrhoids with other complications
G8450 External bleeding haemorrhoids
G8451 External prolapsed haemorrhoids
G8452 External strangulated haemorrhoids
G8453 External ulcerated haemorrhoids
G845z External haemorrhoids with other complications NOS
G846. Unspecified simple haemorrhoids
G847. Thrombosed haemorrhoids NOS
G848. Haemorrhoids with other complications NOS
G8480 Bleeding haemorrhoids NOS
G8481 Prolapsed haemorrhoids NOS
G8482 Strangulated haemorrhoids NOS
G8483 Ulcerated haemorrhoids NOS
G848z Haemorrhoids with other complications NOS
G849. Residual haemorrhoidal skin tags
G8490 Anal skin tag
G8491 Rectal skin tag
G849z Anal and rectal skin tags NOS
G84z. Haemorrhoids NOS
G85.. Other varicose veins
G850. Oesophageal varices with bleeding
G851. Oesophageal varices without bleeding
G852. Oesophageal varices in diseases EC
G8520 Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases EC
G8521 Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases EC
G8522 Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver
G852z Oesophageal varices in diseases EC NOS
G853. Sublingual varices
G854. Scrotal varices - varicocele
G855. Pelvic varices
G856. Vulval varices - non obstetric
G857. Gastric varices
G85y. Other specified varicose veins
G85z. Other varicose veins NOS
G86.. Noninfective lymphatic disorders
G860. Postmastectomy lymphoedema
G861. Other lymphoedema
G8610 Primary (congenital) lymphoedema
G8611 Acquired (chronic) lymphoedema
G8612 Infantile lymphoedema (praecox)
G8613 Lymphoedema tarda
G861z Other lymphoedema NOS
G862. Lymphangitis
G8620 Chronic lymphangitis
G8621 Subacute lymphangitis
G86y. Other noninfective lymphatic disorder
G86y0 Chylocele - nonfilarial
G86y1 Chylous ascites
G86y2 Chylous cyst
G86y3 Lymph node fistula
G86y4 Lymph vessel fistula
G86y5 Lymph node infarction
G86y6 Lymph vessel infarction
G86y7 Lymph node rupture
G86y8 Lymph vessel rupture
G86yz Other noninfective lymphatic disorders NOS
G86z. Noninfective lymphatic disorder NOS
G87.. Hypotension
G870. Orthostatic hypotension
G871. Chronic hypotension
G872. Idiopathic hypotension
G873. Hypotension due to drugs
G87z. Hypotension NOS
G8X.. Disorder of vein, unspecified
G8y.. Other specified vein, lymphatic or other circulatory disease
G8y0. Haemorrhage NOS
G8y1. Postphlebitic syndrome
G8y2. Compression of vein
G8y20 Stricture of vein
G8y21 Inferior vena cava syndrome
G8y22 Superior vena cava syndrome
G8y2z Compression of vein NOS
G8yy. Other specified circulatory disorder
G8yy0 Chronic venous insufficiency NOS
G8yy1 Venous collateral circulation NOS
G8yy2 Phlebosclerosis
G8yy3 Venofibrosis
G8yy4 Pelvic phleboliths
G8yy5 Phlebolith
G8yyz Other specified circulatory disorder NOS
G8yz. Other circulatory disorder NOS
G8z.. Vein, lymphatic and other circulatory diseases NOS
Gy... Other specified diseases of circulatory system
Gy0.. Cardiovascular syphilis
Gyu.. [X]Additional circulatory system disease classificatn terms
Gyu0. [X]Acute rheumatic fever
Gyu00 [X]Other acute rheumatic heart disease
Gyu1. [X]Chronic rheumatic heart disease
Gyu10 [X]Other mitral valve diseases
Gyu11 [X]Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases
Gyu12 [X]Other tricuspid valve diseases
Gyu13 [X]Other multiple valve diseases
Gyu14 [X]Other specified rheumatic heart diseases
Gyu15 [X]Multiple valve disease, unspecified
Gyu2. [X]Hypertensive diseases
Gyu20 [X]Other secondary hypertension
Gyu21 [X]Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders
Gyu3. [X]Ischaemic heart diseases
Gyu30 [X]Other forms of angina pectoris
Gyu31 [X]Other current complicatns following acute myocard infarct
Gyu32 [X]Other forms of acute ischaemic heart disease
Gyu33 [X]Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease
Gyu34 [X]Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site
Gyu35 [X]Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites
Gyu36 [X]Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site
Gyu4. [X]Pulmon heart disease & diseases of pulmonary circulation
Gyu40 [X]Other specified pulmonary heart diseases
Gyu41 [X]Other diseases of pulmonary vessels
Gyu5. [X]Other forms of heart disease
Gyu50 [X]Other forms of acute pericarditis
Gyu51 [X]Other specified diseases of pericardium
Gyu52 [X]Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu53 [X]Pericarditis in other infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Gyu54 [X]Pericarditis in other diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu55 [X]Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
Gyu56 [X]Other aortic valve disorders
Gyu57 [X]Other nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorders
Gyu58 [X]Other pulmonary valve disorders
Gyu59 [X]Mitral valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu5A [X]Aortic valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu5B [X]Tricuspid valve disorders/diseases CE
Gyu5C [X]Pulmonary valve disorders in diseases CE
Gyu5D [X]Multiple valve disorders/diseases CE
Gyu5E [X]Endocarditis,valve unspecified,in diseases CE
Gyu5F [X]Other acute myocarditis
Gyu5G [X]Acute myocarditis, unspecified
Gyu5H [X]Myocarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu5J [X]Myocarditis in viral diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu5K [X]Myocarditis in other infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Gyu5L [X]Myocarditis in other diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu5M [X]Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Gyu5N [X]Other restrictive cardiomyopathy
Gyu5P [X]Other cardiomyopathies
Gyu5Q [X]Cardiomyopathy in infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Gyu5R [X]Cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases CE
Gyu5S [X]Cardiomyopathy in nutritional diseases CE
Gyu5T [X]Cardiomyopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu5U [X]Other and unspecified atrioventricular block
Gyu5V [X]Other and unspecified fascicular block
Gyu5W [X]Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block
Gyu5X [X]Other specified heart block
Gyu5Y [X]Other specified conduction disorders
Gyu5Z [X]Other and unspecified premature depolarization
Gyu5a [X]Other specified cardiac arrhythmias
Gyu5b [X]Other ill-defined heart diseases
Gyu5c [X]Other heart disorders in bacterial diseases CE
Gyu5d [X]Oth heart disorders/oth infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Gyu5e [X]Other heart disorders in other diseases CE
Gyu5f [X]Nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorder, unspecified
Gyu5g [X]Cardiovascular disease, unspecified
Gyu6. [X]Cerebrovascular diseases
Gyu60 [X]Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries
Gyu61 [X]Other subarachnoid haemorrhage
Gyu62 [X]Other intracerebral haemorrhage
Gyu63 [X]Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs
Gyu64 [X]Other cerebral infarction
Gyu65 [X]Occlusion and stenosis of other precerebral arteries
Gyu66 [X]Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral arteries
Gyu67 [X]Other specified cerebrovascular diseases
Gyu68 [X]Cerebral arteritis in infectious and parasitic diseases
Gyu69 [X]Cerebral arteritis in other diseases CE
Gyu6A [X]Other cerebrovascular disorders in diseases CE
Gyu6B [X]Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage
Gyu6C [X]Sequelae of stroke,not specfd as hmorrhage or infarction
Gyu6D [X]Sequelae/other + unspecified cerebrovascular diseases
Gyu6E [X]Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery, unspecif
Gyu6F [X]Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified
Gyu6G [X]Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries
Gyu7. [X]Diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries
Gyu70 [X]Atherosclerosis of other arteries
Gyu71 [X]Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured
Gyu72 [X]Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, nonruptured
Gyu73 [X]Aneurysm of other specified arteries
Gyu74 [X]Other specified peripheral vascular diseases
Gyu75 [X]Embolism and thrombosis of other arteries
Gyu76 [X]Other specified disorders of arteries and arterioles
Gyu77 [X]Other diseases of capillaries
Gyu78 [X]Aneurysm of aorta in diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu79 [X]Aortitis in diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu7A [X]Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu7B [X]Oth disorders/arteries,arterioles+capillaries/diseases CE
Gyu8. [X]Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels & lymph nodes, NEC
Gyu80 [X]Phlebitis+thrombophlebitis/oth deep vessls/low extremites
Gyu81 [X]Phlebitis and thombophlebitis of other sites
Gyu82 [X]Embolism and thrombosis of other specified veins
Gyu83 [X]Internal haemorrhoids with other complications
Gyu84 [X]External haemorrhoids with other complications
Gyu85 [X]Unspecified haemorrhoids with other complications
Gyu86 [X]Varicose veins of other specified sites
Gyu87 [X]Other specified disorders of veins
Gyu88 [X]Other nonspecific lymphadenitis
Gyu89 [X]Oth spcfd noninfectv disordrs/lymphatc vessls+lymph nodes
Gyu8A [X]Disorder of vein, unspecified
Gyu9. [X]Other and unspecified disorders of the circulatory system
Gyu90 [X]Other hypotension
Gyu91 [X]Other functional disturbances following cardiac surgery
Gyu92 [X]Other postprocedural disorders/circulatory system,NEC
Gyu93 [X]Cardiovascular disorders/oth infectous+parasitic diseases
Gyu94 [X]Oesophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere
Gyu95 [X]Other specifd disorders/circulatory system in diseases CE
Gyu96 [X]Other+unspecified disorders of the circulatory system
Gz... Circulatory system disease NOS
H.... Respiratory system diseases
H0... Acute respiratory infections
H00.. Acute nasopharyngitis
H01.. Acute sinusitis
H010. Acute maxillary sinusitis
H011. Acute frontal sinusitis
H012. Acute ethmoidal sinusitis
H013. Acute sphenoidal sinusitis
H01y. Other acute sinusitis
H01y0 Acute pansinusitis
H01yz Other acute sinusitis NOS
H01z. Acute sinusitis NOS
H02.. Acute pharyngitis
H020. Acute gangrenous pharyngitis
H021. Acute phlegmonous pharyngitis
H022. Acute ulcerative pharyngitis
H023. Acute bacterial pharyngitis
H0230 Acute pneumococcal pharyngitis
H0231 Acute staphylococcal pharyngitis
H023z Acute bacterial pharyngitis NOS
H024. Acute viral pharyngitis
H025. Allergic pharyngitis
H02z. Acute pharyngitis NOS
H03.. Acute tonsillitis
H030. Acute erythematous tonsillitis
H031. Acute follicular tonsillitis
H032. Acute ulcerative tonsillitis
H033. Acute catarrhal tonsillitis
H034. Acute gangrenous tonsillitis
H035. Acute bacterial tonsillitis
H0350 Acute pneumococcal tonsillitis
H0351 Acute staphylococcal tonsillitis
H035z Acute bacterial tonsillitis NOS
H036. Acute viral tonsillitis
H037. Recurrent acute tonsillitis
H03z. Acute tonsillitis NOS
H04.. Acute laryngitis and tracheitis
H040. Acute laryngitis
H0400 Acute oedematous laryngitis
H0401 Acute ulcerative laryngitis
H0402 Acute catarrhal laryngitis
H0403 Acute phlegmonous laryngitis
H0404 Acute haemophilus influenzae laryngitis
H0405 Acute pneumococcal laryngitis
H0406 Acute suppurative laryngitis
H040w Acute viral laryngitis unspecified
H040x Acute bacterial laryngitis unspecified
H040z Acute laryngitis NOS
H041. Acute tracheitis
H0410 Acute tracheitis without obstruction
H0411 Acute tracheitis with obstruction
H041z Acute tracheitis NOS
H042. Acute laryngotracheitis
H0420 Acute laryngotracheitis without obstruction
H0421 Acute laryngotracheitis with obstruction
H042z Acute laryngotracheitis NOS
H043. Acute epiglottitis (non strep)
H0430 Acute epiglottitis without obstruction
H0431 Acute epiglottitis with obstruction
H043z Acute epiglottitis NOS
H044. Croup
H04z. Acute laryngitis and tracheitis NOS
H05.. Other acute upper respiratory infections
H050. Acute laryngopharyngitis
H051. Acute upper respiratory tract infection
H052. Pharyngotracheitis
H053. Tracheopharyngitis
H054. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection
H055. Pharyngolaryngitis
H05y. Other upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
H05z. Upper respiratory infection NOS
H06.. Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis
H060. Acute bronchitis
H0600 Acute fibrinous bronchitis
H0601 Acute membranous bronchitis
H0602 Acute pseudomembranous bronchitis
H0603 Acute purulent bronchitis
H0604 Acute croupous bronchitis
H0605 Acute tracheobronchitis
H0606 Acute pneumococcal bronchitis
H0607 Acute streptococcal bronchitis
H0608 Acute haemophilus influenzae bronchitis
H0609 Acute neisseria catarrhalis bronchitis
H060A Acute bronchitis due to mycoplasma pneumoniae
H060B Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus
H060C Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus
H060D Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
H060E Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus
H060F Acute bronchitis due to echovirus
H060v Subacute bronchitis unspecified
H060w Acute viral bronchitis unspecified
H060x Acute bacterial bronchitis unspecified
H060z Acute bronchitis NOS
H061. Acute bronchiolitis
H0610 Acute capillary bronchiolitis
H0611 Acute obliterating bronchiolitis
H0612 Acute bronchiolitis with bronchospasm
H0613 Acute exudative bronchiolitis
H0614 Obliterating fibrous bronchiolitis
H0615 Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
H0616 Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
H061z Acute bronchiolitis NOS
H062. Acute lower respiratory tract infection
H06z. Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS
H06z0 Chest infection NOS
H06z1 Lower resp tract infection
H06z2 Recurrent chest infection
H07.. Chest cold
H0y.. Other specified acute respiratory infections
H0z.. Acute respiratory infection NOS
H1... Other upper respiratory tract diseases
H10.. Deviated nasal septum - acquired
H11.. Nasal polyps
H110. Polyp of nasal cavity
H1100 Choanal polyp
H1101 Nasopharyngeal polyp
H110z Polyp of nasal cavity NOS
H111. Polypoid sinus degeneration
H1110 Woakes ethmoiditis
H111z Polypoid sinus degeneration NOS
H11y. Other polyp of sinus
H11y0 Polyp of frontal sinus
H11y1 Polyp of ethmoidal sinus
H11y2 Polyp of maxillary sinus
H11y3 Polyp of sphenoidal sinus
H11yz Other polyp of sinus NOS
H11z. Nasal polyp NOS
H12.. Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis
H120. Chronic rhinitis
H1200 Chronic simple rhinitis
H1201 Chronic catarrhal rhinitis
H1202 Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
H1203 Chronic atrophic rhinitis
H1204 Chronic infective rhinitis
H1205 Chronic ulcerative rhinitis
H1206 Chronic membranous rhinitis
H1207 Chronic fibrinous rhinitis
H120z Chronic rhinitis NOS
H121. Chronic pharyngitis
H1210 Simple chronic pharyngitis
H1211 Atrophic pharyngitis
H1212 Granular pharyngitis
H1213 Hypertrophic pharyngitis
H1214 Pharyngitis keratosa
H1215 Pharyngitis sicca
H1216 Chronic follicular pharyngitis
H121z Chronic pharyngitis NOS
H122. Chronic nasopharyngitis
H12z. Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis NOS
H13.. Chronic sinusitis
H130. Chronic maxillary sinusitis
H131. Chronic frontal sinusitis
H132. Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis
H133. Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis
H134. Fistula of nasal sinus
H135. Recurrent sinusitis
H13y. Other chronic sinusitis
H13y0 Chronic pansinusitis
H13y1 Pansinusitis
H13yz Other chronic sinusitis NOS
H13z. Chronic sinusitis NOS
H14.. Chronic tonsil and adenoid disease
H140. Chronic tonsillitis
H141. Tonsil and/or adenoid hypertrophy
H1410 Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids
H1411 Hypertrophy of tonsils alone
H1412 Hypertrophy of adenoids alone
H141z Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids NOS
H142. Adenoid vegetations
H143. Chronic adenotonsillitis
H14y. Other chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids
H14y0 Calculus of tonsil
H14y1 Cicatrix of tonsil
H14y2 Cicatrix of adenoid
H14y3 Tonsillar tag
H14y4 Tonsil ulcer
H14y5 Caseous tonsillitis
H14y6 Lingular tonsillitis
H14yz Other chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids NOS
H14z. Chronic tonsil and adenoid disease NOS
H14z0 Chronic tonsil disease NOS
H14z1 Chronic adenoid disease NOS
H15.. Peritonsillar abscess - quinsy
H16.. Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis
H160. Chronic laryngitis
H1600 Chronic simple laryngitis
H1601 Chronic catarrhal laryngitis
H1602 Chronic hypertrophic laryngitis
H1603 Chronic atrophic laryngitis
H1604 Laryngitis sicca
H160z Chronic laryngitis NOS
H161. Chronic laryngotracheitis
H16z. Chronic laryngitis NOS
H17.. Allergic rhinitis
H170. Allergic rhinitis due to pollens
H171. Allergic rhinitis due to other allergens
H172. Allergic rhinitis due to unspecified allergen
H17z. Allergic rhinitis NOS
H18.. Vasomotor rhinitis
H1y.. Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract
H1y0. Nasal turbinate hypertrophy
H1y1. Other nasal cavity and sinus disease
H1y10 Nasal septum abscess
H1y11 Nasal septum necrosis
H1y12 Nasal septum ulcer
H1y13 Nasal sinus cyst
H1y14 Nasal sinus mucocele
H1y15 Rhinolith
H1y1z Nasal cavity and sinus disease NOS
H1y2. Other pharyngeal disease NEC
H1y20 Pharyngeal disease unspecified
H1y21 Pharynx or nasopharynx cellulitis
H1y22 Parapharyngeal abscess
H1y23 Retropharyngeal abscess
H1y24 Pharynx or nasopharynx oedema
H1y25 Pharynx or nasopharynx cyst
H1y26 Pharynx or nasopharynx abscess
H1y27 Vallecular cyst
H1y2z Other pharyngeal disease NOS
H1y3. Paralysis of vocal cords or larynx
H1y30 Paralysis of larynx unspecified
H1y31 Unilateral partial vocal cord paralysis
H1y32 Unilateral total vocal cord paralysis
H1y33 Bilateral partial vocal cord paralysis
H1y34 Bilateral total vocal cord paralysis
H1y3z Laryngoplegia NOS
H1y4. Polyp of vocal cord or larynx
H1y40 Polyp of vocal cord
H1y41 Polyp of larynx
H1y4z Polyp of vocal cord or larynx NOS
H1y5. Other vocal cord disease
H1y50 Abscess of vocal cords
H1y51 Cellulitis of vocal cords
H1y52 Granuloma of vocal cords
H1y53 Leukoplakia of vocal cords
H1y54 Singers chorditis
H1y55 Fibrinous chorditis
H1y56 Vocal cord nodule
H1y57 Chorditis vocalis inferior
H1y59 Dysplasia of vocal cord
H1y5x Chorditis NOS
H1y5z Other vocal cord disease NOS
H1y6. Oedema of larynx
H1y60 Oedema of glottis
H1y61 Subglottic oedema
H1y62 Supraglottic oedema
H1y63 Reinkes oedema of the vocal cords
H1y6z Oedema of larynx NOS
H1y7. Other diseases of larynx NEC
H1y70 Disease of larynx unspecified
H1y71 Cellulitis of larynx
H1y72 Perichondritis of larynx
H1y73 Stenosis of larynx
H1y74 Laryngeal spasm
H1y75 Abscess of larynx
H1y76 Necrosis of larynx
H1y77 Obstruction of larynx NOS
H1y78 Pachyderma of larynx
H1y79 Ulcer of larynx
H1y7A Cyst of larynx
H1y7B Laryngomalacia
H1y7C Laryngismus
H1y7D Dysplasia of larynx
H1y7z Other disease of larynx NOS
H1y8. Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction NOS
H1y9. Nasal septal spur
H1yz. Other upper respiratory tract diseases NOS
H1yz0 Abscess of trachea
H1yz1 Cicatrix of trachea
H1yzz Other upper respiratory tract disease NOS
H1z.. Upper respiratory tract disease NOS
H2... Pneumonia and influenza
H20.. Viral pneumonia
H200. Pneumonia due to adenovirus
H201. Pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus
H202. Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus
H20y. Viral pneumonia NEC
H20z. Viral pneumonia NOS
H21.. Lobar (pneumococcal) pneumonia
H22.. Other bacterial pneumonia
H220. Pneumonia due to klebsiella pneumoniae
H221. Pneumonia due to pseudomonas
H222. Pneumonia due to haemophilus influenzae
H223. Pneumonia due to streptococcus
H2230 Pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B
H224. Pneumonia due to staphylococcus
H22y. Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria
H22y0 Pneumonia due to escherichia coli
H22y1 Pneumonia due to proteus
H22y2 Pneumonia - Legionella
H22yX Pneumonia due to other aerobic gram-negative bacteria
H22yz Pneumonia due to bacteria NOS
H22z. Bacterial pneumonia NOS
H23.. Pneumonia due to other specified organisms
H230. Pneumonia due to Eatons agent
H231. Pneumonia due to mycoplasma pneumoniae
H232. Pneumonia due to pleuropneumonia like organisms
H233. Chlamydial pneumonia
H23z. Pneumonia due to specified organism NOS
H24.. Pneumonia with infectious diseases EC
H240. Pneumonia with measles
H241. Pneumonia with cytomegalic inclusion disease
H242. Pneumonia with ornithosis
H243. Pneumonia with whooping cough
H244. Pneumonia with tularaemia
H245. Pneumonia with anthrax
H246. Pneumonia with aspergillosis
H247. Pneumonia with other systemic mycoses
H2470 Pneumonia with candidiasis
H2471 Pneumonia with coccidioidomycosis
H2472 Pneumonia with histoplasmosis
H247z Pneumonia with systemic mycosis NOS
H24y. Pneumonia with other infectious diseases EC
H24y0 Pneumonia with actinomycosis
H24y1 Pneumonia with nocardiasis
H24y2 Pneumonia with pneumocystis carinii
H24y3 Pneumonia with Q-fever
H24y4 Pneumonia with salmonellosis
H24y5 Pneumonia with toxoplasmosis
H24y6 Pneumonia with typhoid fever
H24y7 Pneumonia with varicella
H24yz Pneumonia with other infectious diseases EC NOS
H24z. Pneumonia with infectious diseases EC NOS
H25.. Bronchopneumonia due to unspecified organism
H26.. Pneumonia due to unspecified organism
H260. Lobar pneumonia due to unspecified organism
H261. Basal pneumonia due to unspecified organism
H27.. Influenza
H270. Influenza with pneumonia
H2700 Influenza with bronchopneumonia
H2701 Influenza with pneumonia, influenza virus identified
H270z Influenza with pneumonia NOS
H271. Influenza with other respiratory manifestation
H2710 Influenza with laryngitis
H2711 Influenza with pharyngitis
H271z Influenza with respiratory manifestations NOS
H27y. Influenza with other manifestations
H27y0 Influenza with encephalopathy
H27y1 Influenza with gastrointestinal tract involvement
H27yz Influenza with other manifestations NOS
H27z. Influenza NOS
H28.. Atypical pneumonia
H2y.. Other specified pneumonia or influenza
H2z.. Pneumonia or influenza NOS
H3... Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
H30.. Bronchitis unspecified
H300. Tracheobronchitis NOS
H301. Laryngotracheobronchitis
H302. Wheezy bronchitis
H30z. Bronchitis NOS
H31.. Chronic bronchitis
H310. Simple chronic bronchitis
H3100 Chronic catarrhal bronchitis
H3101 Smokers cough
H310z Simple chronic bronchitis NOS
H311. Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
H3110 Purulent chronic bronchitis
H3111 Fetid chronic bronchitis
H311z Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS
H312. Obstructive chronic bronchitis
H3120 Chronic asthmatic bronchitis
H3121 Emphysematous bronchitis
H3122 Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease
H312z Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS
H313. Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
H31y. Other chronic bronchitis
H31y0 Chronic tracheitis
H31y1 Chronic tracheobronchitis
H31yz Other chronic bronchitis NOS
H31z. Chronic bronchitis NOS
H32.. Emphysema
H320. Chronic bullous emphysema
H3200 Segmental bullous emphysema
H3201 Zonal bullous emphysema
H3202 Giant bullous emphysema
H3203 Bullous emphysema with collapse
H320z Chronic bullous emphysema NOS
H321. Panlobular emphysema
H322. Centrilobular emphysema
H32y. Other emphysema
H32y0 Acute vesicular emphysema
H32y1 Atrophic (senile) emphysema
H32y2 MacLeods unilateral emphysema
H32yz Other emphysema NOS
H32z. Emphysema NOS
H33.. Asthma
H330. Extrinsic (atopic) asthma
H3300 Extrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus
H3301 Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus
H330z Extrinsic asthma NOS
H331. Intrinsic asthma
H3310 Intrinsic asthma without status asthmaticus
H3311 Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus
H331z Intrinsic asthma NOS
H332. Mixed asthma
H333. Acute exacerbation of asthma
H33z. Asthma unspecified
H33z0 Status asthmaticus NOS
H33z1 Asthma attack
H33zz Asthma NOS
H34.. Bronchiectasis
H340. Recurrent bronchiectasis
H341. Post-infective bronchiectasis
H34z. Bronchiectasis NOS
H35.. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
H350. Farmers lung
H351. Bagassosis
H352. Bird-fanciers lung
H3520 Budgerigar-fanciers lung
H3521 Pigeon-fanciers lung
H352z Bird-fanciers lung NOS
H353. Suberosis ( cork-handlers lung )
H354. Malt workers lung
H355. Mushroom workers lung
H356. Maple bark strippers lung
H357. Ventilation pneumonitis
H35y. Other allergic alveolitis
H35y0 Cheese-washers lung
H35y1 Coffee-workers lung
H35y2 Fish-meal workers lung
H35y3 Furriers lung
H35y4 Grain-handlers disease
H35y5 Pituitary snuff-takers disease
H35y6 Sequoiosis (red-cedar asthma)
H35y7 Wood asthma
H35y8 Air-conditioner and humidifier lung
H35yz Other allergic alveolitis NOS
H35z. Allergic alveolitis and pneumonitis NOS
H35z0 Allergic extrinsic alveolitis NOS
H35z1 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis NOS
H35zz Allergic alveolitis and pneumonitis NOS
H3y.. Other specified chronic obstructive airways disease
H3y0. Chronic obstruct pulmonary dis with acute lower resp infectn
H3y1. Chron obstruct pulmonary dis wth acute exacerbation, unspec
H3z.. Chronic obstructive airways disease NOS
H4... Lung disease due to external agents
H40.. Coal workers pneumoconiosis
H41.. Asbestosis
H410. Pleural plaque disease due to asbestosis
H41z. Asbestosis NOS
H42.. Silica and silicate pneumoconiosis
H420. Talc pneumoconiosis
H421. Simple silicosis
H422. Complicated silicosis
H423. Massive silicotic fibrosis
H42z. Silica pneumoconiosis NOS
H43.. Pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic dust
H430. Aluminosis of lung
H431. Bauxite fibrosis of lung
H432. Berylliosis
H433. Graphite fibrosis of lung
H434. Siderosis
H435. Stannosis
H43z. Pneumoconiosis due to inorganic dust NOS
H44.. Pneumopathy due to inhalation of other dust
H440. Byssinosis
H441. Cannabinosis
H442. Flax-dressers disease
H44z. Pneumopathy due to inhalation of other dust NOS
H45.. Pneumoconiosis NOS
H450. Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis
H46.. Respiratory disease due to chemical fumes and vapours
H460. Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to chemical fumes
H4600 Acute bronchitis due to chemical fumes
H4601 Acute pneumonitis due to chemical fumes
H460z Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to chemical fumes NOS
H461. Acute pulmonary oedema due to chemical fumes
H462. Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemical fumes
H463. Other acute respiratory diseases due to chemical fumes
H464. Chronic respiratory conditions due to chemical fumes
H4640 Chronic emphysema due to chemical fumes
H4641 Obliterative bronchiolitis due to chemical fumes
H4642 Chronic pulmonary fibrosis due to chemical fumes
H464z Chronic respiratory conditions due to chemical fumes NOS
H46z. Respiratory conditions due to chemical fumes NOS
H46z0 Silo-fillers disease
H46zz Respiratory conditions due to chemical fumes NOS
H47.. Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solids or liquids
H470. Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus
H4700 Pneumonitis due to inhalation of regurgitated food
H4701 Pneumonitis due to inhalation of gastric secretions
H4702 Pneumonitis due to inhalation of milk
H4703 Pneumonitis due to inhalation of vomitus
H470z Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus NOS
H471. Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence
H4710 Lipoid pneumonia (exogenous)
H471z Pneumonitis due to inhalation of oil or essence NOS
H472. Asp pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and deliv
H47y. Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solid or liquid
H47y0 Detergent asthma
H47yz Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS
H47z. Pneumonitis due to inhalation of solid or liquid NOS
H48.. Progressive massive fibrosis
H4y.. Other specified lung diseases due to external agent
H4y0. Acute pulmonary radiation disease
H4y00 Acute radiation pneumonitis
H4y0z Acute pulmonary radiation disease NOS
H4y1. Chronic pulmonary radiation disease
H4y10 Chronic pulmonary fibrosis following radiation
H4y1z Chronic pulmonary radiation disease NOS
H4y2. Drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
H4y20 Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
H4y21 Chronic drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
H4yy. Other external agent causing respiratory condition
H4yz. External agent causing respiratory conditions NOS
H4z.. Lung disease due to external agents NOS
H5... Other respiratory system diseases
H50.. Empyema
H500. Empyema with fistula
H5000 Empyema with bronchocutaneous fistula
H5001 Empyema with bronchopleural fistula
H5002 Empyema with hepatopleural fistula
H5003 Empyema with mediastinal fistula
H5004 Empyema with pleural fistula NOS
H5005 Empyema with thoracic fistula NOS
H500z Empyema with fistula NOS
H501. Empyema with no fistula
H5010 Pleural abscess
H5011 Thorax abscess NOS
H5012 Pleural empyema
H5013 Lung empyema NOS
H5014 Purulent pleurisy
H5015 Pyopneumothorax
H5016 Pyothorax
H501z Empyema with no fistula NOS
H50z. Empyema NOS
H51.. Pleurisy
H510. Pleurisy without effusion or active tuberculosis
H5100 Adhesion of pleura or lung
H5101 Thickening of pleura
H5102 Calcification of pleura
H5103 Acute dry pleurisy
H5104 Diaphragmatic pleurisy
H5105 Basal pleurisy
H5106 Chronic dry pleurisy
H5107 Fibrinous pleurisy
H5108 Sterile pleurisy
H5109 Pneumococcal pleurisy
H510A Staphylococcal pleurisy
H510B Streptococcal pleurisy
H510z Pleurisy without effusion or active tuberculosis NOS
H511. Bacterial pleurisy with effusion
H5110 Pneumococcal pleurisy with effusion
H5111 Staphylococcal pleurisy with effusion
H5112 Streptococcal pleurisy with effusion
H511z Bacterial pleurisy with effusion NOS
H51y. Other pleural effusion excluding mention of tuberculosis
H51y0 Encysted pleurisy
H51y1 Haemopneumothorax
H51y2 Haemothorax
H51y3 Hydropneumothorax
H51y4 Hydrothorax
H51y5 Chylous effusion
H51y6 Fibrothorax
H51y7 Malignant pleural effusion
H51yz Other pleural effusion
H51z. Pleural effusion NOS
H51z0 Exudative pleurisy NOS
H51z1 Serofibrinous pleurisy NOS
H51z2 Serous pleurisy NOS
H51zz Pleural effusion NOS
H52.. Pneumothorax
H520. Spontaneous tension pneumothorax
H52y. Other spontaneous pneumothorax
H52y0 Acute pneumothorax NOS
H52y1 Chronic pneumothorax
H52yz Other spontaneous pneumothorax NOS
H52z. Pneumothorax NOS
H53.. Abscess of lung and mediastinum
H530. Abscess of lung
H5300 Single lung abscess
H5301 Multiple lung abscess
H5302 Gangrenous pneumonia
H5303 Abscess of lung with pneumonia
H530z Abscess of lung NOS
H531. Abscess of mediastinum
H53z. Abscess of lung and mediastinum NOS
H54.. Pulmonary congestion and hypostasis
H540. Pulmonary hypostasis
H5400 Hypostatic pneumonia
H5401 Hypostatic bronchopneumonia
H540z Pulmonary hypostasis NOS
H541. Pulmonary congestion
H5410 Chronic pulmonary oedema
H541z Pulmonary oedema NOS
H54z. Pulmonary congestion and hypostasis NOS
H55.. Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis
H56.. Other alveolar and parietoalveolar disease
H560. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
H561. Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
H562. Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
H563. Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis
H5630 Alveolar capillary block
H5631 Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis
H563z Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis NOS
H56y. Other alveolar and parietoalveolar disease
H56y0 Endogenous lipoid pneumonia
H56y1 Interstitial pneumonia
H56yz Other alveolar and parietoalveolar disease NOS
H56z. Alveolar and parietoalveolar disease NOS
H57.. Lung involvement in diseases EC
H570. Rheumatoid lung
H571. Rheumatic pneumonia
H572. Lung disease with systemic sclerosis
H57y. Lung disease with diseases EC
H57y0 Pulmonary amyloidosis
H57y1 Lung disease with polymyositis
H57y2 Pulmonary sarcoidosis
H57y3 Lung disease with Sjogrens disease
H57y4 Lung disease with systemic lupus erythematosus
H57y5 Lung disease with syphilis
H57yz Lung disease with diseases EC NOS
H58.. Other diseases of lung
H580. Pulmonary collapse with atelectasis
H5800 Post operative atelectasis
H581. Interstitial emphysema
H582. Compensatory emphysema
H583. Pulmonary eosinophilia
H5830 Loefflers syndrome
H5831 Tropical eosinophilia
H583z Pulmonary eosinophilia NOS
H584. Acute pulmonary oedema unspecified
H5840 Postoperative pulmonary oedema
H584z Acute pulmonary oedema NOS
H585. Trauma and post-operative pulmonary insufficiency
H5850 Pulmonary insufficiency following shock
H5851 Pulmonary insufficiency following surgery
H5852 Pulmonary insufficiency following trauma
H585z Trauma and post-operative pulmonary insufficiency NOS
H58y. Other lung disease NEC
H58y0 Broncholithiasis
H58y1 Calcification of lung
H58y2 Pulmolithiasis
H58y3 Interstitial lung disease NEC
H58yz Other lung disease NEC NOS
H58z. Lung disease NOS
H59.. Respiratory failure
H590. Acute respiratory failure
H591. Chronic respiratory failure
H5B.. Sleep apnoea
H5B0. Obstructive sleep apnoea
H5C.. Choking due to airways obstruction
H5X.. Pleural condition, unspecified
H5y.. Other specified diseases of respiratory system
H5y0. Tracheostomy complication
H5y00 Tracheostomy haemorrhage
H5y01 Tracheostomy sepsis
H5y02 Tracheostomy stenosis
H5y03 Tracheostomy obstruction
H5y04 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula following tracheostomy
H5y0z Tracheostomy complication NOS
H5y1. Other diseases of trachea and bronchus NEC
H5y10 Calcification of trachea
H5y11 Calcification of bronchus
H5y12 Stenosis of trachea
H5y13 Stenosis of bronchus
H5y14 Ulcer of trachea
H5y15 Ulcer of bronchus
H5y16 Bronchospasm
H5y1z Diseases of trachea and bronchus NEC NOS
H5y2. Mediastinitis
H5y3. Other diseases of mediastinum, NEC
H5y30 Fibrosis of mediastinum
H5y31 Hernia of mediastinum
H5y32 Retraction of mediastinum
H5y3z Diseases of mediastinum, NEC NOS
H5y4. Disorders of diaphragm
H5y40 Diaphragmatitis
H5y41 Paralysis of diaphragm
H5y42 Relaxation of diaphragm
H5y4z Disorders of diaphragm NOS
H5yy. Other diseases of respiratory system NEC
H5yz. Other diseases of respiratory system NOS
H5z.. Respiratory system diseases NOS
Hy... Other specified diseases of respiratory system
Hy0.. Postprocedural respiratory disorders
Hy00. Acute pulmonary insufficiency following thoracic surgery
Hy01. Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery
Hy02. Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery
Hy03. Postprocedural subglottic stenosis
Hy0y. Other post procedural respiratory disorder
Hyu.. [X]Additional respiratory disease classification terms
Hyu0. [X]Acute upper respiratory infections
Hyu00 [X]Other acute sinusitis
Hyu01 [X]Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms
Hyu02 [X]Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms
Hyu03 [X]Other acute upper respiratory infections/multiple sites
Hyu04 [X]Flu+oth respiratory manifestations,flu virus identified
Hyu05 [X]Influenza+other manifestations,influenza virus identified
Hyu06 [X]Influenza+oth respiratory manifestatns,virus not identifd
Hyu07 [X]Influenza+other manifestations, virus not identified
Hyu08 [X]Other viral pneumonia
Hyu09 [X]Pneumonia due to other aerobic gram-negative bacteria
Hyu0A [X]Other bacterial pneumonia
Hyu0B [X]Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms
Hyu0C [X]Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
Hyu0D [X]Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere
Hyu0E [X]Pneumonia in mycoses classified elsewhere
Hyu0F [X]Pneumonia in parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
Hyu0G [X]Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere
Hyu0H [X]Other pneumonia, organism unspecified
Hyu1. [X]Other acute lower respiratory infections
Hyu10 [X]Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms
Hyu11 [X]Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
Hyu2. [X]Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Hyu20 [X]Other seasonal allergic rhinitis
Hyu21 [X]Other allergic rhinitis
Hyu22 [X]Other chronic sinusitis
Hyu23 [X]Other polyp of sinus
Hyu24 [X]Other specified disorders of nose and nasal sinuses
Hyu25 [X]Other chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids
Hyu26 [X]Other diseases of vocal cords
Hyu27 [X]Other diseases of larynx
Hyu28 [X]Other abscess of pharynx
Hyu29 [X]Other diseases of pharynx
Hyu2A [X]Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract
Hyu3. [X]Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Hyu30 [X]Other emphysema
Hyu31 [X]Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Hyu4. [X]Lung diseases due to external agents
Hyu40 [X]Pneumoconiosis due to other dust containing silica
Hyu41 [X]Pneumoconiosis due to other specified inorganic dusts
Hyu42 [X]Airway disease due to other specific organic dusts
Hyu43 [X]Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to other organic dusts
Hyu44 [X]Upper resp inflammation/chemicals,gases,fumes,vapours,NEC
Hyu45 [X]Oth acute+subacute resp condtns/chemical,gas,fume+vapours
Hyu46 [X]Othr respiratory conditions/chemicals,gases,fumes+vapours
Hyu47 [X]Pneumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and liquids
Hyu48 [X]Chronic+other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
Hyu49 [X]Respiratory conditions/other specified external agents
Hyu4A [X]Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent
Hyu5. [X]Other resp diseases principally affecting interstitium
Hyu50 [X]Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
Hyu51 [X]Other specified interstitial pulmonary diseases
Hyu6. [X]Suppurative & necrotic conditions of lower respir tract
Hyu7. [X]Other diseases of the pleura
Hyu70 [X]Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere
Hyu71 [X]Other spontaneous pneumothorax
Hyu72 [X]Other pneumothorax
Hyu73 [X]Other specified pleural conditions
Hyu74 [X]Pleural condition, unspecified
Hyu8. [X]Other diseases of the respiratory system
Hyu80 [X]Other postprocedural respiratory disorders
Hyu81 [X]Other disorders of lung
Hyu82 [X]Other specified respiratory disorders
Hyu83 [X]Resp disorders/other diffuse connectv tissue disorders CE
Hyu84 [X]Respiratory disorders in other diseases CE
Hz... Respiratory system diseases NOS
J.... Digestive system diseases
J0... Oral cavity, salivary glands and jaw diseases
J00.. Tooth development and eruption disorders
J000. Anodontia
J0000 Partial anodontia
J0001 Complete anodontia
J0002 Congenital anodontia
J0003 Senile anodontia
J0004 Hypodontia
J0005 Oligodontia
J000z Anodontia NOS
J001. Supernumerary teeth
J0010 Fourth molar
J0011 Mesiodens
J0012 Paramolar supernumerary tooth
J0013 Supplemental teeth
J001z Supernumerary teeth NOS
J002. Tooth size and form abnormality
J003. Mottled teeth
J0030 Dental fluorosis
J0031 Nonfluoride enamel opacities
J003z Mottled tooth NOS
J004. Disturbance of tooth formation
J0040 Aplasia of cementum
J0041 Hypoplasia of cementum
J0042 Dilaceration of tooth
J0043 Antenatal enamel hypoplasia
J0044 Neonatal enamel hypoplasia
J0045 Postnatal enamel hypoplasia
J0046 Horners teeth
J0047 Hypocalcification of teeth
J0048 Regional odontodysplasia
J0049 Turners tooth
J004z Tooth formation disturbance NOS
J005. Hereditary tooth structure disturbances NEC
J0050 Amelogenesis imperfecta
J0051 Dentinogenesis imperfecta
J0052 Odontogenesis imperfecta
J0053 Dentinal dysplasia
J0054 Shell teeth
J005z Hereditary tooth structure disturbances NEC NOS
J006. Tooth eruption disturbances
J0060 Late tooth eruption
J0061 Obstructed tooth eruption
J0062 Premature tooth eruption
J0063 Persistent primary tooth eruption
J0064 Persistent deciduous teeth
J006z Tooth eruption disturbances NOS
J007. Teething syndrome
J00y. Other tooth development and eruption disturbances
J00y0 Pre-eruption tooth colour changes
J00yz Other tooth development and eruption disturbances NOS
J00z. Tooth development and eruption disorders NOS
J01.. Teeth hard tissue diseases
J010. Dental caries
J0100 Arrested dental caries
J0101 Cementum dental caries
J0102 Acute dentine dental caries
J0103 Chronic dentine dental caries
J0104 Dentine dental caries unspecified
J0105 Acute enamel dental caries
J0106 Chronic enamel dental caries
J0107 Incipient enamel dental caries
J0108 Enamel dental caries unspecified
J0109 Infantile melanodontia
J010A Odontoclasia
J010B White spot lesions of teeth
J010z Dental caries NOS
J011. Excessive attrition of teeth
J0110 Approximal tooth wear
J0111 Occlusal tooth wear
J011z Excessive tooth attrition NOS
J012. Abrasion of teeth
J0120 Dentifrice abrasion of teeth
J0121 Habitual abrasion of teeth
J0122 Occupational abrasion of teeth
J0123 Ritual abrasion of teeth
J0124 Traditional abrasion of teeth
J0125 Wedge defect of teeth NOS
J012z Abrasion of teeth NOS
J013. Erosion of teeth
J0130 Teeth erosion due to medicine
J0131 Teeth erosion due to vomiting
J0132 Idiopathic teeth erosion
J0133 Occupational teeth erosion
J013z Erosion of teeth NOS
J014. Pathological tooth resorption
J0140 External resorption of teeth
J0141 Internal resorption of teeth
J014z Pathological tooth resorption NOS
J015. Hypercementosis
J016. Ankylosis of teeth
J017. Posteruptive teeth staining
J0170 Teeth staining due to drugs
J0171 Teeth staining due to metals
J0172 Teeth staining due to pulpal bleeding
J017z Posteruptive teeth staining NOS
J01y. Other teeth hard tissue disease
J01y0 Irradiated teeth enamel
J01y1 Sensitive teeth dentine
J01yz Other teeth hard tissue disease NOS
J01z. Hard tissue teeth disease NOS
J02.. Pulp and periapical tissue disease
J020. Pulpitis
J0200 Pulpal abscess
J0201 Pulpal polyp
J0202 Acute pulpitis
J0203 Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
J0204 Chronic ulcerative pulpitis
J0205 Chronic pulpitis unspecified
J0206 Suppurative pulpitis
J020z Pulpitis NOS
J021. Necrosis of the pulp
J0210 Pulp gangrene
J0211 Mummified pulp
J021z Necrosis of the pulp NOS
J022. Pulp degeneration
J0220 Pulp stones - denticles
J022z Pulp degeneration NOS
J023. Abnormal pulp hard tissue
J0230 Secondary dentine
J023z Abnormal pulp hard tissue NOS
J024. Acute apical periodontitis
J025. Periapical abscess without a sinus
J0250 Dental abscess
J0251 Dentoalveolar abscess
J025z Periapical abscess without a sinus NOS
J026. Chronic apical periodontitis
J0260 Apical granuloma
J0261 Periapical granuloma
J026z Chronic apical periodontitis NOS
J027. Periapical abscess with a sinus
J0270 Alveolar process fistula
J0271 Dental fistula
J027z Periapical abscess with a fistula NOS
J028. Radicular cyst
J0280 Periodontal cyst
J0281 Periapical cyst
J0282 Radiculodental cyst
J0283 Residual radicular cyst
J028z Radicular cyst NOS
J02z. Pulp and periapical tissue disease NOS
J03.. Gingival and periodontal disease
J030. Acute gingivitis
J031. Chronic gingivitis
J0310 Simple marginal gingivitis
J0311 Ulcerative gingivitis
J0312 Desquamative gingivitis
J0313 Hyperplastic gingivitis
J0314 Gingivostomatitis
J031z Chronic gingivitis NOS
J032. Gingival recession
J0320 Generalised gingival recession
J0321 Localised gingival recession
J0322 Postinfective gingival recession
J0323 Postoperative gingival recession
J032z Gingival recession NOS
J033. Acute periodontitis
J0330 Acute pericementitis
J0331 Acute pericoronitis
J0332 Paradontal abscess
J0333 Periodontal abscess
J033z Acute periodontitis NOS
J034. Chronic periodontitis
J0340 Chronic pericoronitis
J0341 Chronic pericementitis
J0342 Chronic periodontitis simplex
J0343 Chronic periodontitis complex
J0344 Alveolar pyorrhoea
J034z Chronic periodontitis NOS
J035. Periodontosis
J036. Accretions on teeth
J0360 Subgingival dental calculus
J0361 Supragingival dental calculus
J0362 Betel deposit on teeth
J0363 Plaque on teeth
J0364 Tobacco deposit on teeth
J036z Accretions on teeth NOS
J03X. Disorder of gingiva & edentulous alveolar ridge, unspec
J03y. Other specified periodontal disease
J03y0 Giant cell epulis
J03y1 Giant cell peripheral granuloma
J03y2 Gingival cysts
J03y3 Gingival enlargement NOS
J03y4 Gingival fibromatosis
J03y5 Gingival polyp
J03y6 Periodontal lesions due to traumatic occlusion
J03y7 Gingival & edentulous alveolar ridge les assoc with traum
J03yz Other specified periodontal disease NOS
J03z. Gingival and periodontal disease NOS
J04.. Dentofacial anomalies
J040. Major jaw size anomalies
J0400 Mandibular hyperplasia
J0401 Mandibular hypoplasia
J0402 Mandibular macrognathism
J0403 Mandibular micrognathism
J0404 Mandibular size abnormality unspecified
J0405 Maxillary hyperplasia
J0406 Maxillary hypoplasia
J0407 Maxillary macrognathism
J0408 Maxillary micrognathism
J0409 Maxillary size abnormality unspecified
J040A Macrognathism unspecified
J040B Micrognathism unspecified
J040z Major jaw size anomaly NOS
J041. Jaw to cranial base anomaly
J0410 Asymmetry of jaw
J0411 Mandibular prognathism
J0412 Maxillary prognathism
J0413 Prognathism NOS
J0414 Mandibular retrognathism
J0415 Maxillary retrognathism
J041z Retrognathism NOS
J042. Dental arch relationship anomalies
J0420 Anterior crossbite
J0421 Posterior crossbite
J0422 Crossbite unspecified
J0423 Disto-occlusion
J0424 Mesio-occlusion
J0425 Midline deviation
J0426 Anterior open-bite
J0427 Posterior open-bite
J0428 Open-bite unspecified
J0429 Excessive overbite
J042A Horizontal overbite
J042B Vertical overbite
J042C Overbite unspecified
J042D Excessive overjet
J042E Posterior lingual occlusion of mandibular teeth
J042F Soft tissue impingement
J042z Dental arch relationship anomalies NOS
J043. Tooth position anomaly
J0430 Anterior imbrication of teeth
J0431 Posterior imbrication of teeth
J0432 Tooth crowding NOS
J0433 Anterior diastema
J0434 Posterior diastema
J0435 Abnormal tooth spacing NOS
J0436 Tooth rotation
J0437 Tooth transposition
J0438 Impacted incisors
J0439 Impacted canines
J043A Impacted premolars
J043B Impacted molars
J043C Impacted wisdom teeth
J043D Impacted and buried teeth NOS
J043E Embedded teeth
J043F Impacted teeth
J043z Tooth position anomaly NOS
J044. Malocclusion unspecified
J045. Dentofacial functional anomalies
J0450 Abnormal jaw closure
J0451 Malocclusion due to abnormal swallowing
J0452 Malocclusion due to mouth breathing
J0453 Malocclusion due to tongue habit
J0454 Malocclusion due to lip habit
J0455 Malocclusion due to finger habit
J045z Dentofacial functional anomalies NOS
J046. Temporomandibular joint disorders
J0460 Temporomandibular joint ankylosis
J0461 Costens syndrome
J0462 Temporomandibular joint derangement
J0463 Snapping jaw
J0464 Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome
J0465 Locked temporomandibular joint
J046z Temporomandibular joint disorder NOS
J04y. Other dentofacial anomalies
J04z. Dentofacial anomalies NOS
J05.. Other dental disease/condition of teeth/supporting structure
J050. Teeth exfoliation due to systemic causes
J051. Acquired absence of teeth
J0510 Loss of teeth due to an accident
J0511 Loss of teeth due to extraction
J0512 Loss of teeth due to local periodontal disease
J051z Acquired absence of teeth NOS
J052. Edentulous alveolar ridge atrophy
J053. Retained dental root
J054. Orofacial sinus
J05y. Other specified dental disorder
J05y0 Alveolar ridge enlargement NOS
J05y1 Irregular alveolar process
J05yz Other specified dental disorder NOS
J05z. Dental diseases and conditions NOS
J06.. Diseases of the jaws
J060. Developmental odontogenic cyst
J0600 Alveodental cyst
J0601 Dentigerous cyst
J0602 Eruption cyst
J0603 Primordial cyst
J060z Developmental odontogenic cysts NOS
J061. Fissural cysts of the jaw
J0610 Globulomaxillary cyst
J0611 Incisor canal cyst
J0612 Median anterior maxillary cyst
J0613 Median palatal cyst
J061z Fissural cysts of the jaw NOS
J062. Other cysts of jaw
J0620 Aneurysmal cyst of jaw
J0621 Haemorrhagic cyst of jaw
J0622 Traumatic cyst of jaw
J062z Cyst of jaw NOS
J063. Central giant cell granuloma
J064. Inflammatory jaw conditions
J0640 Abscess of jaw
J0641 Acute osteitis of jaw
J0642 Chronic osteitis of jaw
J0643 Residual osteitis
J0644 Acute osteomyelitis of jaw
J0645 Chronic osteomyelitis of jaw
J0646 Periostitis of jaw
J0647 Dental sequestrum
J064z Inflammatory jaw conditions NOS
J065. Alveolitis of jaw
J0650 Alveolar osteitis
J0651 Dry socket
J065z Alveolitis of jaw NOS
J06y. Other specified jaw diseases
J06y0 Torus mandibularis
J06y1 Exostosis of jaw unspecified
J06y2 Torus palatinus
J06y3 Cherubism
J06y4 Fibrous dysplasia of jaw
J06y5 Latent bone cyst of jaw
J06y6 Osteoradionecrosis of jaw
J06y7 Unilateral condylar mandibular hyperplasia
J06y8 Unilateral condylar mandibular hypoplasia
J06yz Other specified jaw diseases NOS
J06z. Jaw diseases NOS
J07.. Salivary gland diseases
J070. Atrophy of salivary gland
J0700 Atrophy of parotid gland
J0701 Atrophy of submandibular gland
J0702 Atrophy of sublingual gland
J070z Atrophy of salivary gland NOS
J071. Hypertrophy of salivary gland
J0710 Hypertrophy of parotid gland
J0711 Hypertrophy of submandibular gland
J0712 Hypertrophy of sublingual gland
J071z Salivary gland hypertrophy NOS
J072. Sialoadenitis
J0720 Allergic parotitis
J0721 Toxic parotitis
J0722 Parotitis NOS
J0723 Sialoadenitis of the submandibular gland
J0724 Sialoadenitis of the sublingual gland
J0725 Sialoangiitis
J0726 Sialodochitis
J0727 Infective sialoadenitis
J072z Sialoadenitis NOS
J073. Abscess of salivary gland
J0730 Abscess of parotid gland
J0731 Abscess of submandibular gland
J0732 Abscess of sublingual gland
J073z Abscess of salivary gland NOS
J074. Fistula of salivary gland
J0740 Fistula of parotid gland
J0741 Fistula of submandibular gland
J0742 Fistula of sublingual gland
J074z Fistula of salivary gland NOS
J075. Sialolithiasis
J0750 Parotid sialolithiasis
J0751 Submandibular sialolithiasis
J0752 Sublingual sialolithiasis
J0753 Parotid sialodocholithiasis
J0754 Submandibular sialodocholithiasis
J0755 Sublingual sialodocholithiasis
J0756 Sialodocholithiasis NOS
J075z Sialolithiasis NOS
J076. Mucocele of salivary gland
J0760 Mucocele of salivary gland unspecified
J0761 Extravasation cyst of salivary gland
J0762 Retention cyst of salivary gland
J0763 Ranula
J076z Salivary gland mucocele NOS
J077. Salivary secretion disturbance
J0770 Salivary hyposecretion
J0771 Sialorrhoea
J077z Salivary secretion disturbance NOS
J07y. Other salivary gland diseases
J07y0 Benign lymphoepithelial salivary gland lesion
J07y1 Parotid sialectasia
J07y2 Submandibular sialectasia
J07y3 Sublingual sialectasia
J07y4 Sialectasia NOS
J07y5 Stenosis of parotid duct
J07y6 Stenosis of submandibular duct
J07y7 Stenosis of sublingual duct
J07y8 Stenosis of salivary duct NOS
J07y9 Necrotising sialometaplasia
J07yz Other salivary gland diseases NOS
J07z. Salivary gland disease NOS
J08.. Oral soft tissue disease
J080. Stomatitis
J0800 Ulcerative stomatitis
J0801 Vesicular stomatitis
J080z Stomatitis NOS
J081. Gangrenous stomatitis
J082. Oral aphthae
J0820 Minor aphthous ulceration
J0821 Major aphthous ulceration
J0822 Recurrent aphthous ulceration
J0823 Herpetic aphthous ulceration
J0824 Aphthous stomatitis
J0825 Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
J082z Oral aphthae NOS
J083. Oral cellulitis and abscess
J0830 Cellulitis of floor of mouth
J0831 Oral soft tissue cellulitis unspecified
J0832 Abscess of oral soft tissue unspecified
J0833 Ludwigs angina
J0834 Oral fistula
J0835 Oroantral fistula
J083z Oral cellulitis and abscess NOS
J084. Cysts of oral soft tissue
J0840 Dermoid cyst of mouth
J0841 Epidermoid cyst of mouth
J0842 Epsteins pearls
J0843 Lymphoepithelial cyst of mouth
J0844 Nasolabial cyst of mouth
J084z Cysts of oral soft tissue NOS
J085. Diseases of lips
J0850 Abscess of lip
J0851 Cellulitis of lip
J0852 Fistula of lip
J0853 Hypertrophy of lip
J0854 Angular stomatitis and cheilitis
J0855 Cheilodynia
J0856 Ectropion of lip, acquired
J0857 Cheilitis
J0858 Lip ulcer
J085z Diseases of lips NOS
J086. Leukoplakia of oral mucosa
J0860 Leukoplakia of gingiva
J0861 Leukoplakia of lips
J0862 Leukoplakia of tongue
J0863 Leukoplakia of buccal mucosa
J0864 Hairy leukoplakia
J086z Oral mucosa leukoplakia NOS
J087. Other oral epithelium disturbances
J0870 Oral erythroplakia
J0871 Oral focal epithelial hyperplasia
J0872 Oral leukoedema
J0873 Leukokeratosis nicotina palati
J0874 Sublingual keratosis
J087z Oral epithelium disturbances NOS
J088. Oral submucosal fibrosis
J08z. Other and unspecified diseases of oral soft tissue
J08z0 Cheek biting
J08z1 Lip biting
J08z2 Denture stomatitis
J08z3 Melanoplakia
J08z4 Papillary hyperplasia of palate
J08z5 Eosinophilic granuloma of oral mucosa
J08z6 Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa
J08z7 Pyogenic granuloma of oral mucosa
J08z8 Traumatic ulcer of oral mucosa
J08z9 Orofacial Crohns disease
J08zA Mouth polyp
J08zz Oral soft tissue diseases NOS
J09.. Diseases of tongue
J090. Glossitis
J0900 Abscess of tongue
J0901 Traumatic ulceration of tongue
J090z Glossitis NOS
J091. Geographic tongue
J092. Median rhomboid glossitis
J093. Hypertrophy of tongue papillae
J0930 Black hairy tongue
J0931 Coated tongue
J093z Tongue papillary hypertrophy NOS
J094. Atrophy of tongue papillae
J0940 Smooth atrophic tongue
J0941 Hunters glossitis
J0942 Moellers glossodynia exfoliativa
J094z Tongue papillary atrophy NOS
J095. Plicated (scrotal) tongue
J096. Glossodynia
J09y. Other specified tongue conditions
J09y0 Atrophy of tongue
J09y1 Crenated tongue
J09y2 Hypertrophy of tongue
J09y3 Glossocele
J09y4 Glossoptosis
J09y5 Polyp of tongue
J09yz Other specified tongue conditions NOS
J09z. Tongue diseases NOS
J0y.. Diseases of oral cavity, salivary gland or jaw OS
J0z.. Oral cavity, salivary gland and jaw diseases NOS
J1... Oesophageal, stomach and duodenal diseases
J10.. Diseases of oesophagus
J100. Achalasia of cardia
J1000 Megaoesophagus in Chagas disease
J101. Oesophagitis
J1010 Abscess of oesophagus
J1011 Reflux oesophagitis
J1012 Chemical oesophagitis
J1013 Postoperative oesophagitis
J1014 Gangrenous oesophagitis
J1015 Phlegmonous oesophagitis
J1016 Ulcerative oesophagitis
J101y Other specified oesophagitis
J101z Oesophagitis NOS
J102. Ulcer of oesophagus
J1020 Peptic ulcer of oesophagus
J1021 Fungal ulcer of oesophagus
J1022 Oesophageal ulcer due to aspirin
J1023 Oesophageal ulcer due to chemicals
J1024 Oesophageal ulcer due to medicines
J1025 Barretts ulcer of oesophagus
J102z Ulcer of oesophagus NOS
J103. Oesophageal stricture and stenosis
J1030 Compression of oesophagus
J1031 Obstruction of oesophagus
J1032 Post cricoid oesophageal web
J103z Oesophageal stricture and stenosis NOS
J104. Perforation of oesophagus
J105. Dyskinesia of oesophagus
J106. Acquired oesophageal diverticulum
J1060 Acquired pharyngoesophageal diverticulum
J1061 Zenkers hypopharyngeal diverticulum
J1062 Epiphrenic (pulsion) diverticulum
J1063 Subdiaphragmatic oesophageal diverticulum
J1064 Traction oesophageal diverticulum
J1065 Acquired oesophagocoele
J106z Acquired oesophageal diverticulum NOS
J107. Mallory-Weiss syndrome
J108. Mallory - Weiss tear
J10y. Other oesophageal disorders
J10y0 Haemorrhage of oesophagus
J10y1 Leukoplakia of oesophagus
J10y2 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
J10y3 Oesophageal erosions
J10y4 Oesopheal reflux without mention of oesophagitis
J10yz Other oesophageal disorder NOS
J10z. Diseases of oesophagus NOS
J11.. Gastric ulcer - (GU)
J110. Acute gastric ulcer
J1100 Acute gastric ulcer without mention of complication
J1101 Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage
J1102 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation
J1103 Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1104 Acute gastric ulcer with obstruction
J110y Acute gastric ulcer unspecified
J110z Acute gastric ulcer NOS
J111. Chronic gastric ulcer
J1110 Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of complication
J1111 Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage
J1112 Chronic gastric ulcer with perforation
J1113 Chronic gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1114 Chronic gastric ulcer with obstruction
J111y Chronic gastric ulcer unspecified
J111z Chronic gastric ulcer NOS
J11y. Unspecified gastric ulcer
J11y0 Unspecified gastric ulcer without mention of complication
J11y1 Unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage
J11y2 Unspecified gastric ulcer with perforation
J11y3 Unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J11y4 Unspecified gastric ulcer with obstruction
J11yy Unspec gastric ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation
J11yz Unspecified gastric ulcer NOS
J11z. Gastric ulcer NOS
J12.. Duodenal ulcer - (DU)
J120. Acute duodenal ulcer
J1200 Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of complication
J1201 Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage
J1202 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation
J1203 Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1204 Acute duodenal ulcer with obstruction
J120y Acute duodenal ulcer unspecified
J120z Acute duodenal ulcer NOS
J121. Chronic duodenal ulcer
J1210 Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of complication
J1211 Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage
J1212 Chronic duodenal ulcer with perforation
J1213 Chronic duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1214 Chronic duodenal ulcer with obstruction
J121y Chronic duodenal ulcer unspecified
J121z Chronic duodenal ulcer NOS
J122. Duodenal ulcer disease
J123. Duodenal erosion
J124. Recurrent duodenal ulcer
J12y. Unspecified duodenal ulcer
J12y0 Unspecified duodenal ulcer without mention of complication
J12y1 Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage
J12y2 Unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation
J12y3 Unspecified duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J12y4 Unspecified duodenal ulcer with obstruction
J12yy Unspec duodenal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation
J12yz Unspecified duodenal ulcer NOS
J12z. Duodenal ulcer NOS
J13.. Peptic ulcer - (PU) site unspecified
J130. Acute peptic ulcer
J1300 Acute peptic ulcer without mention of complication
J1301 Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage
J1302 Acute peptic ulcer with perforation
J1303 Acute peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1304 Acute peptic ulcer with obstruction
J130y Acute peptic ulcer unspecified
J130z Acute peptic ulcer NOS
J131. Chronic peptic ulcer
J1310 Chronic peptic ulcer without mention of complication
J1311 Chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage
J1312 Chronic peptic ulcer with perforation
J1313 Chronic peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1314 Chronic peptic ulcer with obstruction
J131y Chronic peptic ulcer unspecified
J131z Chronic peptic ulcer NOS
J13y. Unspecified peptic ulcer
J13y0 Unspecified peptic ulcer without mention of complication
J13y1 Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage
J13y2 Unspecified peptic ulcer with perforation
J13y3 Unspecified peptic ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J13y4 Unspecified peptic ulcer with obstruction
J13yy Unspec peptic ulcer; unspec haemorrhage and/or perforation
J13yz Unspecified peptic ulcer NOS
J13z. Peptic ulcer NOS
J14.. Gastrojejunal ulcer (GJU)
J140. Acute gastrojejunal ulcer
J1400 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of complication
J1401 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage
J1402 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation
J1403 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1404 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with obstruction
J140y Acute gastrojejunal ulcer unspecified
J140z Acute gastrojejunal ulcer NOS
J141. Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer
J1410 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of complication
J1411 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage
J1412 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation
J1413 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J1414 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer with obstruction
J141y Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer unspecified
J141z Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer NOS
J14y. Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer
J14y0 Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer without mention complication
J14y1 Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage
J14y2 Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation
J14y3 Unspec gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage and perforation
J14y4 Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with obstruction
J14yy Unspec gastrojejunal ulcer; unspec haemorrhage/perforation
J14yz Unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer NOS
J14z. Gastrojejunal ulcer NOS
J15.. Gastritis and duodenitis
J150. Acute gastritis
J1500 Acute haemorrhagic gastritis
J151. Chronic gastritis
J1510 Chronic atrophic gastritis
J1511 Chronic inflammatory gastritis
J1512 Chronic superficial gastritis
J151z Chronic gastritis NOS
J152. Gastric mucosal hypertrophy
J153. Alcoholic gastritis
J154. Other specified gastritis
J1540 Allergic gastritis
J1541 Bile induced gastritis
J1542 Irritant gastritis
J1543 Corrosive gastritis
J1544 Helicobacter gastritis
J154z Other specified gastritis NOS
J155. Gastritis unspecified
J156. Gastroduodenitis unspecified
J157. Duodenitis
J15z. Gastritis and duodenitis NOS
J16.. Disorders of stomach function
J160. Achlorhydria
J161. Acute dilatation of stomach
J162. Persistent vomiting
J1620 Cyclical vomiting NOS
J1621 Habit vomiting
J162z Persistent vomiting NOS
J16y. Other specified stomach function disorders
J16y0 Achylia gastrica
J16y1 Hypochlorhydria
J16y2 Hyperchlorhydria
J16y3 Hourglass stomach contraction
J16y4 Dyspepsia
J16y5 Functional vomiting
J16y6 Gastric atonia
J16y7 Gastric spasm
J16yz Other specified stomach function disorders NOS
J16z. Stomach function disorder NOS
J16z1 Drug induced gastrointestinal disturbance
J17.. Other stomach and duodenal disorders
J170. Adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
J1700 Acquired pyloric constriction
J1701 Acquired pyloric obstruction
J1702 Acquired pyloric stricture
J170z Adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis NOS
J171. Gastric diverticulum
J172. Chronic duodenal ileus
J173. Other duodenal obstruction
J1730 Cicatrix of duodenum
J1731 Stricture of duodenum
J1732 Volvulus of duodenum
J1733 Duodenal scar
J173z Other duodenal obstruction NOS
J174. Stomach and duodenal fistula
J1740 Gastrocutaneous fistula
J1741 Gastroduodenal fistula
J1742 Gastrojejunocolic fistula
J1743 Gastrointestinal fistula
J1744 Gastrocolic fistula
J174z Stomach and duodenal fistula NOS
J175. Gastroptosis
J176. Hourglass stricture of stomach
J17y. Other stomach and duodenal disorders
J17y0 Pylorospasm
J17y1 Gastric prolapse
J17y2 Gastric rupture
J17y3 Duodenal prolapse
J17y4 Duodenal rupture
J17y5 Intestinal metaplasia of gastric mucosa
J17y6 Passive congestion of stomach
J17y7 Deformed duodenal cap (bulb)
J17y8 Healed gastric ulcer leaving a scar
J17yz Other stomach and duodenal disorders NOS
J17z. Stomach and duodenal disorders NOS
J1y.. Other specified disorders of oesophagus, stomach or duodenum
J1z.. Oesophageal, stomach or duodenal disorder NOS
J2... Appendicitis and other disorders of the appendix
J20.. Acute appendicitis
J200. Acute appendicitis with peritonitis
J201. Acute appendicitis with appendix abscess
J202. Acute appendicitis without peritonitis
J20z. Acute appendicitis NOS
J20z1 Acute gangrenous appendicitis
J21.. Appendicitis, unqualified
J22.. Other appendicitis
J220. Subacute appendicitis
J221. Chronic appendicitis
J222. Relapsing appendicitis
J223. Recurrent appendicitis
J22z. Other appendicitis NOS
J23.. Other diseases of appendix
J230. Hyperplasia of appendix
J23z. Other diseases of appendix NOS
J23z0 Appendicular colic
J23z1 Appendicular concretion
J23z2 Appendicular fistula
J23z3 Appendicular diverticulum
J23z4 Appendicular intussusception
J23z5 Appendicular mucocoele
J23zz Other appendix diseases NOS
J2y.. Other specified diseases of appendix
J2z.. Appendix diseases NOS
J3... Hernia of abdominal cavity
J30.. Inguinal hernia
J300. Inguinal hernia with gangrene
J3000 Unilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene
J3001 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene
J3002 Bilateral inguinal hernia with gangrene
J3003 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with gangrene
J300z Inguinal hernia with gangrene NOS
J301. Inguinal hernia with obstruction
J3010 Unilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction
J3011 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with obstruction
J3012 Bilateral inguinal hernia with obstruction
J3013 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia with obstruction
J301z Inguinal hernia with obstruction NOS
J302. Inguinal hernia - irreducible
J3020 Unilateral inguinal hernia - irreducible
J3021 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - irreducible
J3022 Bilateral inguinal hernia - irreducible
J3023 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - irreducible
J302z Inguinal hernia - irreducible and NOS
J303. Simple inguinal hernia
J3030 Unilateral inguinal hernia - simple
J3031 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - simple
J3032 Bilateral inguinal hernia - simple
J3033 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia - simple
J303z Simple inguinal hernia NOS
J304. Direct inguinal hernia
J305. Indirect inguinal hernia
J30y. Inguinal hernia unspecified
J30y0 Unilateral inguinal hernia unspecified
J30y1 Unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia unspecified
J30y2 Bilateral inguinal hernia unspecified
J30y3 Bilateral recurrent inguinal hernia unspecified
J30yz Unspecified inguinal hernia NOS
J30z. Inguinal hernia NOS
J31.. Femoral hernia
J310. Femoral hernia with gangrene
J3100 Unilateral femoral hernia with gangrene
J3101 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia with gangrene
J3102 Bilateral femoral hernia with gangrene
J3103 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia with gangrene
J310z Femoral hernia with gangrene NOS
J311. Femoral hernia with obstruction
J3110 Unilateral femoral hernia with obstruction
J3111 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia with obstruction
J3112 Bilateral femoral hernia with obstruction
J3113 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia with obstruction
J311z Femoral hernia with obstruction NOS
J312. Femoral hernia - irreducible
J3120 Unilateral femoral hernia - irreducible
J3121 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - irreducible
J3122 Bilateral femoral hernia - irreducible
J3123 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia - irreducible
J312z Femoral hernia - irreducible and NOS
J313. Simple femoral hernia
J3130 Unilateral femoral hernia - simple
J3131 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - simple
J3132 Bilateral femoral hernia - simple
J3133 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia - simple
J313z Simple femoral hernia NOS
J31y. Unspecified femoral hernia
J31y0 Unilateral femoral hernia - unspecified
J31y1 Unilateral recurrent femoral hernia - unspecified
J31y2 Bilateral femoral hernia - unspecified
J31y3 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia - unspecified
J31yz Unspecified femoral hernia NOS
J31z. Femoral hernia NOS
J32.. Umbilical hernia
J320. Umbilical hernia with gangrene
J3200 Omphalocoele with gangrene
J3201 Paraumbilical hernia with gangrene
J320z Umbilical hernia with gangrene NOS
J321. Umbilical hernia with obstruction
J3210 Omphalocele with obstruction
J3211 Paraumbilical hernia with obstruction
J321z Umbilical hernia with obstruction NOS
J322. Umbilical hernia - irreducible
J3220 Omphalocoele - irreducible
J3221 Paraumbilical hernia - irreducible
J322z Umbilical hernia - irreducible and NOS
J323. Simple umbilical hernia
J3230 Simple omphalocoele
J3231 Simple paraumbilical hernia
J323z Simple umbilical hernia NOS
J32y. Unspecified umbilical hernia
J32y0 Unspecified omphalocoele
J32y1 Unspecified paraumbilical hernia
J32yz Unspecified umbilical hernia NOS
J32z. Umbilical hernia NOS
J33.. Ventral hernia
J330. Ventral hernia with gangrene
J3300 Ventral hernia unspecified with gangrene
J3301 Incisional hernia with gangrene
J3302 Epigastric hernia with gangrene
J330z Ventral hernia with gangrene NOS
J331. Ventral hernia with obstruction
J3310 Ventral hernia unspecified with obstruction
J3311 Incisional hernia with obstruction
J3312 Epigastric hernia with obstruction
J331z Ventral hernia with obstruction NOS
J332. Ventral hernia - irreducible
J3320 Ventral hernia unspecified - irreducible
J3321 Incisional hernia - irreducible
J3322 Epigastric hernia - irreducible
J332z Ventral hernia - irreducible NOS
J333. Simple ventral hernia
J3330 Simple ventral hernia unspecified
J3331 Simple incisional hernia
J3332 Simple epigastric hernia
J333z Simple ventral hernia NOS
J33z. Ventral hernia NOS
J33z0 Unspecified ventral hernia NOS
J33z1 Incisional hernia NOS
J33z2 Epigastric hernia NOS
J34.. Diaphragmatic hernia
J340. Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene
J341. Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction
J342. Diaphragmatic hernia - irreducible
J343. Simple diaphragmatic hernia
J34y. Unspecified diaphragmatic hernia
J34z. Diaphragmatic hernia NOS
J35.. Gluteal hernia
J350. Gluteal hernia with gangrene
J351. Gluteal hernia with obstruction
J352. Gluteal hernia - irreducible
J353. Simple gluteal hernia
J35y. Unspecified gluteal hernia
J35z. Gluteal hernia NOS
J36.. Ischiorectal hernia
J360. Ischiorectal hernia with gangrene
J361. Ischiorectal hernia with obstruction
J362. Ischiorectal hernia - irreducible
J363. Simple ischiorectal hernia
J36y. Unspecified ischiorectal hernia
J36z. Ischiorectal hernia NOS
J37.. Lumbar hernia
J370. Lumbar hernia with gangrene
J371. Lumbar hernia with obstruction
J372. Lumbar hernia - irreducible
J373. Simple lumbar hernia
J37y. Unspecified lumbar hernia
J37z. Lumbar hernia NOS
J38.. Obturator hernia
J380. Obturator hernia with gangrene
J381. Obturator hernia with obstruction
J382. Obturator hernia - irreducible
J383. Simple obturator hernia
J38y. Unspecified obturator hernia
J38z. Obturator hernia NOS
J39.. Pudendal hernia
J390. Pudendal hernia with gangrene
J391. Pudendal hernia with obstruction
J392. Pudendal hernia - irreducible
J393. Simple pudendal hernia
J39y. Unspecified pudendal hernia
J39z. Pudendal hernia NOS
J3A.. Sciatic hernia
J3A0. Sciatic hernia with gangrene
J3A1. Sciatic hernia with obstruction
J3A2. Sciatic hernia - irreducible
J3A3. Simple sciatic hernia
J3Ay. Unspecified sciatic hernia
J3Az. Sciatic hernia NOS
J3B.. Retroperitoneal hernia
J3B0. Retroperitoneal hernia with gangrene
J3B1. Retroperitoneal hernia with obstruction
J3B2. Retroperitoneal hernia - irreducible
J3B3. Simple retroperitoneal hernia
J3By. Unspecified retroperitoneal hernia
J3Bz. Retroperitoneal hernia NOS
J3C.. Spigelian hernia
J3C0. Spigelian hernia with gangrene
J3C1. Spigelian hernia with obstruction
J3C2. Spigelian hernia - irreducible
J3C3. Simple Spigelian hernia
J3Cy. Unspecified Spigelian hernia
J3Cz. Spigelian hernia NOS
J3y.. Other specified hernias of abdominal cavity
J3y0. Other specified abdominal cavity hernia with gangrene
J3y1. Other specified abdominal cavity hernia with obstruction
J3y2. Other specified abdominal cavity hernia - irreducible
J3y3. Other specified abdominal cavity hernia - simple
J3yy. Other specified abdominal cavity hernia, unspecified
J3yz. Other specified abdominal cavity hernia NOS
J3z.. Abdominal cavity hernia NOS
J3z0. Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia with gangrene
J3z1. Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia with obstruction
J3z2. Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia - irreducible
J3z3. Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia - simple
J3zz. Unspecified abdominal cavity hernia NOS
J4... Noninfective enteritis and colitis
J40.. Regional enteritis - Crohns disease
J400. Regional enteritis of the small bowel
J4000 Regional enteritis of the duodenum
J4001 Regional enteritis of the jejunum
J4002 Crohns disease of the terminal ileum
J4003 Crohns disease of the ileum unspecified
J4004 Crohns disease of the ileum NOS
J400z Crohns disease of the small bowel NOS
J401. Regional enteritis of the large bowel
J4010 Regional enteritis of the colon
J4011 Regional enteritis of the rectum
J401z Crohns disease of the large bowel NOS
J402. Regional ileocolitis
J40z. Regional enteritis NOS
J41.. Idiopathic proctocolitis
J410. Ulcerative proctocolitis
J4100 Ulcerative ileocolitis
J4101 Ulcerative colitis
J4102 Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis
J4103 Ulcerative proctitis
J410z Ulcerative proctocolitis NOS
J411. Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis
J412. Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis
J41y. Other idiopathic proctocolitis
J41y0 Pseudopolyposis of colon
J41y1 Toxic megacolon
J41yz Other idiopathic proctocolitis NOS
J41z. Idiopathic proctocolitis NOS
J42.. Vascular insufficiency of the intestine
J420. Acute intestinal vascular insufficiency
J4200 Embolus of the superior mesenteric artery
J4201 Thrombus of the superior mesenteric artery
J4202 Thrombus of the superior mesenteric veins
J420x Mesenteric embolus NOS
J420y Mesenteric thrombus NOS
J420z Acute intestinal vascular insufficiency NOS
J421. Chronic intestinal vascular insufficiency
J4210 Superior mesenteric artery syndrome
J4211 Chronic ischaemic enteritis
J4212 Chronic ischaemic enterocolitis
J4213 Chronic ischaemic colitis
J421z Chronic intestinal vascular insufficiency NOS
J42z. Intestinal vascular insufficiency NOS
J43.. Other non-infective inflammatory gastroenteritis and colitis
J430. Radiation gastroenteritis
J4300 Radiation gastritis
J4301 Radiation enteritis
J4302 Radiation enterocolitis
J4303 Radiation colitis
J430z Radiation gastroenteritis NOS
J431. Toxic gastroenteritis
J4310 Toxic gastritis
J4311 Toxic enteritis
J4312 Toxic enterocolitis
J4313 Toxic colitis
J431z Toxic gastroenteritis NOS
J432. Allergic gastroenteritis and colitis
J4320 Allergic gastroenteritis
J4321 Allergic enteritis
J4322 Allergic enterocolitis
J4323 Allergic colitis
J432z Allergic gastroenteritis NOS
J433. Dietetic gastroenteritis
J4330 Dietetic gastritis
J4331 Dietetic enteritis
J4332 Dietetic enterocolitis
J4333 Dietetic colitis
J433z Dietetic gastroenteritis NOS
J43z. Other non-infective gastroenteritis and colitis NOS
J4z.. Non-infective gastroenteritis NOS
J4z0. Non-infective gastritis NOS
J4z1. Non-infective jejunitis NOS
J4z2. Non-infective ileitis NOS
J4z3. Non-infective colitis NOS
J4z4. Non-infective sigmoiditis NOS
J4zz. Non-infective gastroenteritis NOS
J5... Other diseases of the intestines and peritoneum
J50.. Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia
J500. Intussusception
J5000 Gastroduodenal intussusception
J5001 Jejunogastric intussusception
J5002 Enteric intussusception
J5003 Ileocaecal intussusception
J5004 Ileocolic intussusception
J5005 Colonic intussusception
J500t Chronic intussusception
J500u Compound intussusception
J500v Multiple intussusception
J500w Retrograde intussusception
J500x Secondary intussusception
J500z Intussusception NOS
J501. Paralytic ileus
J5011 Pseudoobstruction
J502. Volvulus
J5020 Volvulus of the stomach
J5021 Volvulus of the small bowel
J5022 Volvulus of the ileocaecum
J5023 Volvulus of the sigmoid colon
J502z Volvulus NOS
J503. Impaction of the intestine
J5030 Gallstone ileus
J5031 Faecal impaction
J5032 Enterolith
J503y Impaction of the intestine unspecified
J503z Impaction of the intestine NOS
J50X. Ileus, unspecified
J50y. Other intestinal obstruction
J50y0 Intestinal adhesions with obstruction
J50y1 Peritoneal adhesions with obstruction
J50y2 Adhesions with obstruction unspecified
J50y3 Intestinal mural thickening with obstruction
J50yz Other intestinal obstruction NOS
J50z. Intestinal obstruction NOS
J50z0 Obstruction of intestine NOS
J50z1 Occlusion of intestine NOS
J50z2 Stenosis of intestine NOS
J50z3 Stricture of intestine NOS
J50z4 Acute intestinal obstruction
J50z5 Subacute intestinal obstructuon
J50zz Intestinal obstruction NOS
J51.. Diverticula of intestine
J510. Diverticulosis
J5100 Diverticulosis of the duodenum
J5101 Diverticulosis of the jejunum
J5102 Diverticulosis of the ileum
J5103 Diverticulosis of the small intestine unspecified
J5104 Diverticulosis of the small intestine NOS
J5105 Diverticulosis of the colon
J5106 Diverticulosis of the large intestine unspecified
J5107 Diverticulosis of the large intestine NOS
J5108 Divertic dis/both sml+lge intestin without perfor or abscess
J5109 Bleeding diverticulosis
J510y Diverticulosis unspecified
J510z Diverticulosis NOS
J511. Diverticulitis
J5110 Diverticulitis of the duodenum
J5111 Diverticulitis of the jejunum
J5112 Diverticulitis of the ileum
J5113 Diverticulitis of the small intestine unspecified
J5114 Diverticulitis of the small intestine NOS
J5115 Diverticulitis of the colon
J5116 Diverticulitis of the large intestine unspecified
J5117 Diverticulitis of the large intestine NOS
J511y Diverticulitis unspecified
J511z Diverticulitis NOS
J512. Perforated diverticulum
J5120 Perforated diverticulum of duodenum
J5121 Perforated diverticulum of jejunum
J5122 Perforated diverticulum of ileum
J5123 Perforated diverticulum of small intestine unspecified
J5124 Perforated diverticulum of small intestine NOS
J5125 Perforated diverticulum of colon
J5126 Perforated diverticulum of large intestine unspecified
J5127 Perforated diverticulum of large intestine NOS
J5128 Divertic disease/both sml+lge intestin with perforat+abscess
J512y Perforated diverticulum unspecified
J512z Perforated diverticulum of intestine NOS
J513. Diverticular abscess
J51z. Diverticula of the intestine NOS
J52.. Functional gastrointestinal tract disorders NEC
J520. Constipation - functional
J5200 Acute constipation
J5201 Chronic constipation with overflow
J5202 Chronic constipation without overflow
J5203 Drug induced constipation
J520y Other specified constipation
J520z Constipation NOS
J521. Irritable colon - Irritable bowel syndrome
J5210 Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea
J522. Postgastric surgery syndromes
J5220 Postgastrectomy syndrome
J5221 Postvagotomy syndrome
J5222 Dumping (jejunal) syndrome
J522z Postgastric surgery syndrome NOS
J523. Vomiting after gastrointestinal tract surgery
J524. Other post gastrointestinal tract surgery disorder
J5240 Diarrhoea after gastrointestinal tract surgery
J524z Other post gastrointestinal tract surgery disorder NOS
J525. Functional diarrhoea
J526. Anal spasm
J5260 Proctalgia fugax
J526z Anal spasm NOS
J527. Megacolon excluding Hirschsprungs disease
J5270 Idiopathic megacolon
J5271 Secondary megacolon - congenital
J5272 Secondary megacolon - acquired
J5273 Secondary megacolon unspecified
J5274 Megacolon in Chagas disease
J527z Megacolon NOS
J528. Intestinal hurry
J52y. Other functional disorders of the intestine
J52y0 Atony of colon
J52yz Other functional disorder of the intestine NOS
J52z. Functional gastrointestinal tract disorders NEC NOS
J53.. Anal fissure and fistula
J530. Anal fissure
J5300 Acute anal fissure
J5301 Chronic anal fissure
J531. Fistula-in-ano
J5310 Sub-mucosal anal fistula
J5311 Inter-muscular anal fistula
J5312 Ano-rectal fistula
J5313 Rectal fistula
J531z Fistula-in-ano NOS
J53z. Anal fissure and fistula NOS
J54.. Abscess of anal and rectal regions
J540. Perianal abscess
J541. Ischiorectal abscess
J542. Submucous ano-rectal abscess
J543. Pelvi-rectal abscess
J544. Ano-rectal fissure abscess
J545. Intrasphincteric abscess
J546. Rectal abscess
J54z. Ano-rectal abscess NOS
J55.. Peritonitis
J550. Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC
J5500 Peritonitis - gonococcal
J5501 Peritonitis - syphilitic
J5502 Peritonitis - tuberculous
J5503 Peritonitis - bacterial
J5504 Chlamydial peritonitis
J550z Peritonitis in infectious diseases EC NOS
J551. Pneumococcal peritonitis
J552. Other suppurative peritonitis
J5520 Subhepatic abscess
J5521 Subphrenic abscess
J5522 Omental abscess
J5523 Mesenteric abscess
J5524 Peritoneal abscess
J5525 Subperitoneal abscess
J5526 Retroperitoneal abscess
J5527 Pre-ileal abscess
J5528 Pericolic abscess
J5529 Pericaecal abscess
J552A Retrocaecal abscess
J552B Male pelvic abscess
J552C Iliopsoas abscess
J552z Other suppurative peritonitis NOS
J55y. Other specified peritonitis
J55y0 Chronic proliferative peritonitis
J55y1 Peritoneal fat necrosis
J55y2 Mesenteric fat saponification
J55y3 Peritonitis due to bile
J55y4 Peritonitis due to urine
J55y5 Faecal peritonitis
J55yz Other specified peritonitis NOS
J55z. Peritonitis NOS
J56.. Other disorders of peritoneum
J560. Peritoneal adhesions
J5600 Abdominal wall adhesions
J5601 Diaphragmatic adhesions
J5602 Perigastric adhesions
J5603 Pyloric adhesions
J5604 Duodenal adhesions
J5605 Jejunal adhesions
J5606 Ileal adhesions
J5607 Ileocaecal adhesions
J5608 Periappendiceal adhesions
J5609 Colonic adhesions
J560A Sigmoid flexure adhesions
J560B Perirectal adhesions
J560C Omental adhesions
J560D Mesenteric adhesions
J560E Male pelvic adhesions
J560F Postprocedural pelvic peritoneal adhesions
J560z Peritoneal adhesions NOS
J56y. Other specified peritoneal disorders
J56y0 Haemoperitoneum - nontraumatic
J56y1 Chronic peritoneal effusion
J56y2 Peritoneal cyst
J56y3 Peritoneal granuloma
J56yz Other specified peritoneal disorders NOS
J56z. Peritoneal disorders NOS
J57.. Other disorders of intestine
J570. Anal and rectal polyp
J5700 Anal polyp
J5701 Rectal polyp
J570z Anal and rectal polyp NOS
J571. Rectal prolapse
J5710 Partial rectal prolapse
J5711 Complete rectal prolapse
J5712 Anal prolapse
J571z Rectal prolapse NOS
J572. Stenosis of rectum and anus
J5720 Stenosis of rectum
J5721 Stricture of anus
J572z Stenosis of rectum and anus NOS
J573. Haemorrhage of rectum and anus
J5730 Rectal haemorrhage
J5731 Anal haemorrhage
J573z Haemorrhage of rectum and anus NOS
J574. Other rectal and anal disorders
J5740 Solitary anal ulcer
J5741 Stercoral anal ulcer
J5742 Anal ulcer unspecified
J5743 Solitary rectal ulcer
J5744 Stercoral rectal ulcer
J5745 Rectal ulcer unspecified
J5746 Anal and rectal ulcer NOS
J5747 Anal pain
J5748 Rectal pain
J5749 Granuloma of rectum
J574A Rupture of rectum
J574B Anal papillary hypertrophy
J574C Proctitis NOS
J574D Pseudodiverticulum of the rectum
J574E Radiation proctitis
J574F Anorectal pain
J574G Perianal infection
J574H Leukoplakia of anus
J574z Other rectal and anal disorders NOS
J575. Abscess of intestine
J576. Colostomy and enterostomy malfunction
J5760 Colostomy malfunction
J5761 Enterostomy malfunction
J5762 Colostomy prolapse
J5763 Ileostomy prolapse
J576z Colostomy and enterostomy malfunction NOS
J577. Vascular disorders of intestine
J5770 Angiodysplasia of colon
J57y. Other intestine disorders
J57y0 Umbilical fistula
J57y1 Enterocutaneous fistula
J57y2 Enteroenteric fistula
J57y3 Enterocolic fistula
J57y4 Ileoumbilical fistula
J57y5 Ileorectal fistula
J57y6 Colonic fistula
J57y7 Intestinal fistula NOS excluding ano-rectal fistula
J57y8 Primary ulcer of intestine
J57y9 Ulceration of colon
J57yA Ulceration of intestine NOS
J57yB Perforation of intestine
J57yC Granuloma of intestine
J57yD Prolapse of intestine
J57yE Pericolitis
J57yF Perisigmoiditis
J57yG Visceroptosis
J57yH Melanosis coli
J57yJ Hepatic flexure syndrome
J57yK Intestinal lymphangiectasis
J57yL Fistula of intestine
J57yM Enteroptosis
J57yN Faecal fistula
J57yO Abdominal wall fistula
J57z. Other intestinal disorders NOS
J5X.. Neurogenic bowel, not elsewhere classified
J5z.. Intestinal disorders NOS
J6... Liver, biliary, pancreas + gastrointestinal diseases NEC
J60.. Acute and subacute liver necrosis
J600. Acute necrosis of liver
J6000 Acute hepatic failure
J6001 Acute hepatitis - noninfective
J6002 Acute yellow atrophy
J600z Acute necrosis of liver NOS
J601. Subacute necrosis of liver
J6010 Subacute hepatic failure
J6011 Subacute hepatitis - noninfective
J6012 Subacute yellow atrophy
J601z Subacute necrosis of liver NOS
J60z. Acute and subacute liver necrosis NOS
J61.. Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease
J610. Alcoholic fatty liver
J611. Acute alcoholic hepatitis
J612. Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
J6120 Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver
J613. Alcoholic liver damage unspecified
J6130 Alcoholic hepatic failure
J614. Chronic hepatitis
J6140 Chronic persistent hepatitis
J6141 Chronic active hepatitis
J6142 Chronic aggressive hepatitis
J6143 Recurrent hepatitis
J6144 Chronic lobular hepatitis
J614y Chronic hepatitis unspecified
J614z Chronic hepatitis NOS
J615. Cirrhosis - non alcoholic
J6150 Unilobular portal cirrhosis
J6151 Multilobular portal cirrhosis
J6152 Mixed portal cirrhosis
J6153 Diffuse nodular cirrhosis
J6154 Fatty portal cirrhosis
J6155 Hypertrophic portal cirrhosis
J6156 Capsular portal cirrhosis
J6157 Cardiac portal cirrhosis
J6158 Juvenile portal cirrhosis
J6159 Pigmentary portal cirrhosis
J615A Pipe-stem portal cirrhosis
J615B Toxic portal cirrhosis
J615C Xanthomatous portal cirrhosis
J615D Bacterial portal cirrhosis
J615E Cardituberculous cirrhosis
J615F Syphilitic portal cirrhosis
J615G Zooparasitic portal cirrhosis
J615H Infectious cirrhosis NOS
J615y Portal cirrhosis unspecified
J615z Non-alcoholic cirrhosis NOS
J616. Biliary cirrhosis
J6160 Primary biliary cirrhosis
J6161 Secondary biliary cirrhosis
J6162 Biliary cirrhosis of children
J616z Biliary cirrhosis NOS
J617. Alcoholic hepatitis
J6170 Chronic alcoholic hepatitis
J61y. Other non-alcoholic chronic liver disease
J61y0 Chronic yellow liver atrophy
J61y1 Non-alcoholic fatty liver
J61y2 Hepatosplenomegaly
J61y3 Portal fibrosis without cirrhosis
J61y4 Hepatic fibrosis
J61y5 Hepatic sclerosis
J61y6 Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis
J61y7 Steatosis of liver
J61yz Other non-alcoholic chronic liver disease NOS
J61z. Chronic liver disease NOS
J62.. Liver abscess and sequelae of chronic liver disease
J620. Liver abscess - excluding amoebic liver abscess
J6200 Liver abscess due to portal pyaemia
J6201 Liver abscess due to cholangitis
J6202 Liver abscess via hepatic artery
J6203 Liver abscess via umbilicus
J6204 Liver abscess due to direct extension
J620z Liver abscess NOS
J621. Portal pyaemia
J622. Hepatic coma
J623. Portal hypertension
J624. Hepatorenal syndrome
J625. [X] Hepatic failure
J62y. Other sequelae of chronic liver disease
J62z. Liver abscess and chronic liver disease causing sequelae NOS
J63.. Other liver disorders
J630. Chronic passive liver congestion
J631. Hepatitis in viral diseases EC
J6310 Hepatitis in coxsackie virus
J6311 Hepatitis in cytomegalic inclusion virus
J6312 Hepatitis in infectious mononucleosis
J6313 Hepatitis in mumps
J6314 Hepatitis in yellow fever
J6315 Hepatitis in other viral disease
J6316 Hepatitis + adenovirus
J631z Hepatitis in viral diseases EC NOS
J632. Hepatitis in other infectious diseases EC
J6320 Hepatitis in malaria
J6321 Hepatitis in late syphilis
J6322 Hepatitis in secondary syphilis
J6323 Hepatitis in toxoplasmosis
J632z Hepatitis in infectious diseases EC NOS
J633. Hepatitis unspecified
J6330 Toxic hepatitis
J633z Hepatitis unspecified NOS
J634. Hepatic infarction
J635. Toxic liver disease
J6350 Toxic liver disease with cholestasis
J6351 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis
J6352 Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis
J6353 Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis
J6354 Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis
J6355 Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis
J6356 Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
J635X Toxic liver disease, unspecified
J636. Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver
J637. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease
J638. Peliosis hepatis
J639. Hepatic granulomas in berylliosis
J63A. Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis
J63X. Granulomatous hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
J63y. Other specified liver disorder
J63y0 Hepatoptosis
J63y1 Nonspecific reactive hepatitis
J63y2 Liver cyst
J63yz Other specified liver disorder NOS
J63z. Liver disorder NOS
J64.. Cholelithiasis
J640. Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis
J6400 Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis +no obstruct
J6401 Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis + obstruction
J640z Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis - obst NOS
J641. Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis
J6410 Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis +no obstruct
J6411 Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis + obstruct
J641z Gallbladder calculus with other cholecystitis - obstruct NOS
J642. Gallbladder calculus without mention of cholecystitis
J6420 Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis +no obstr
J6421 Gallbladder calculus without mention cholecystitis + obstruc
J6422 Biliary colic
J642z Gallbladder calculus without cholecystitis and obstruct NOS
J643. Bile duct calculus with acute cholecystitis
J6430 Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and no obstruction
J6431 Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis and obstruction
J643z Bile duct calculus + acute cholecystitis - obstruct NOS
J644. Bile duct calculus with other cholecystitis
J6440 Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and no obstruction
J6441 Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis and obstruction
J644z Bile duct calculus + other cholecystitis - obstruction NOS
J645. Bile duct calculus without mention of cholecystitis
J6450 Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis, no obstruction
J6451 Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis with obstruction
J645z Bile duct calculus without cholecystitis NOS
J646. Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis
J64z. Cholelithiasis NOS
J64z0 Cholelithiasis without obstruction NOS
J64z1 Cholelithiasis with obstruction NOS
J64zz Cholelithiasis NOS
J65.. Other gallbladder disorders
J650. Acute cholecystitis
J6500 Acute cholecystitis unspecified
J6501 Acute angiocholecystitis
J6502 Acute emphysematous cholecystitis
J6503 Acute suppurative cholecystitis
J6504 Acute gangrenous cholecystitis
J650z Acute cholecystitis NOS
J651. Other cholecystitis
J6510 Chronic cholecystitis
J651y Other cholecystitis OS
J651z Cholecystitis NOS
J652. Obstruction of gallbladder
J6520 Occlusion of gallbladder
J6521 Stenosis of gallbladder
J6522 Occlusion of cystic duct
J6523 Stenosis of cystic duct
J652z Obstruction of gallbladder NOS
J653. Mucocele of gallbladder
J654. Perforation of gallbladder
J6540 Rupture of gallbladder
J6541 Rupture of cystic duct
J654z Perforation of gallbladder NOS
J655. Fistula of gallbladder
J6550 Biliary fistula
J6551 Cholecystogastric fistula
J6552 Cholecystoduodenal fistula
J6553 Cholecystoenteric fistula
J655z Fistula of gallbladder NOS
J656. Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
J65y. Other specified gallbladder disorders
J65y0 Adhesions of gallbladder
J65y1 Adhesions of cystic duct
J65y2 Atrophy of gallbladder
J65y3 Atrophy of cystic duct
J65y4 Cyst of gallbladder
J65y5 Cyst of cystic duct
J65y6 Hypertrophy of gallbladder
J65y7 Hypertrophy of cystic duct
J65y8 Ulcer of gallbladder
J65y9 Ulcer of cystic duct
J65yA Nonfunctioning gallbladder
J65yB Biliary dyskinesia
J65yC Polyp of gallbladder
J65yz Other specified gallbladder disorder NOS
J65z. Other gallbladder disorders NOS
J66.. Other biliary tract disorders
J660. Postcholecystectomy syndrome
J661. Cholangitis
J6610 Acute cholangitis
J6611 Chronic cholangitis
J6612 Recurrent cholangitis
J6613 Suppurative cholangitis
J6614 Ascending cholangitis
J6615 Cholangitis lenta
J6616 Obliterative cholangitis
J6617 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
J6618 Secondary sclerosing cholangitis
J6619 Sclerosing cholangitis unspecified
J661y Other cholangitis
J661z Cholangitis NOS
J662. Obstruction of bile duct
J6620 Occlusion of bile duct
J6621 Stricture of bile duct
J662z Obstruction of bile duct NOS
J663. Perforation of bile duct
J664. Fistula of bile duct
J6640 Choledochoduodenal fistula
J664z Fistula of bile duct NOS
J665. Spasm of sphincter of Oddi
J66y. Other bile duct disorders
J66y0 Adhesions of bile duct
J66y1 Atrophy of bile duct
J66y2 Cyst of bile duct
J66y3 Hypertrophy of bile duct
J66y4 Stasis of bile duct
J66y5 Ulcer of bile duct
J66y6 Obstructive jaundice NOS
J66y7 Post cholecystectomy bile leakage
J66yz Other bile duct disorder NOS
J66z. Bile duct disorder NOS
J67.. Diseases of pancreas
J670. Acute pancreatitis
J6700 Acute pancreatitis unspecified
J6701 Acute recurrent pancreatitis
J6702 Acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis
J6703 Acute suppurative pancreatitis
J6704 Subacute pancreatitis
J670z Acute pancreatitis NOS
J671. Chronic pancreatitis
J6710 Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
J672. Cyst and pseudocyst of pancreas
J6720 Pancreatic cyst
J6721 Pseudocyst of pancreas
J672z Pancreatic cyst and pseudocyst NOS
J67y. Other diseases of pancreas
J67y0 Atrophy of pancreas
J67y1 Calculus of pancreas
J67y2 Fibrosis of pancreas
J67y3 Aseptic necrosis of pancreas
J67y4 Fat necrosis of pancreas
J67yz Other diseases of pancreas NOS
J67z. Diseases of pancreas NOS
J68.. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
J680. Haematemesis
J681. Melaena
J68z. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage unspecified
J68z0 Gastric haemorrhage NOS
J68z1 Intestinal haemorrhage NOS
J68z2 Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage
J68zz Gastrointestinal tract haemorrhage NOS
J69.. Intestinal malabsorption
J690. Coeliac disease
J6900 Congenital coeliac disease
J6901 Acquired coeliac disease
J690z Coeliac disease NOS
J691. Tropical sprue
J692. Blind loop syndrome
J693. Other postsurgical nonabsorption
J6930 Post gastrointestinal tract surgery hypoglycaemia
J6931 Post gastrointestinal tract surgery malnutrition
J693z Postsurgical nonabsorption NOS
J694. Pancreatic steatorrhoea
J69y. Other intestinal malabsorption
J69y0 Chronic steatorrhoea
J69y1 Protein-losing enteropathy
J69y2 Intestinal malabsorption of protein
J69y3 Intestinal malabsorption of carbohydrate
J69y4 Cows milk intolerance
J69y5 Soya protein intolerance
J69y6 Intestinal malabsorption of fat
J69y7 Malabsorption - iron
J69yz Other gastrointestinal tract malabsorption NOS
J69z. Intestinal malabsorption NOS
J6y.. Liver, biliary, pancreas + gastrointestinal diseases OS
J6z.. Liver, biliary, pancreas + gastrointestinal diseases NOS
Jy... Other specified diseases of digestive system
Jyu.. [X]Additional digestive system disease classification terms
Jyu0. [X]Diseases of the oral cavity, salivary gland and jaws
Jyu00 [X]Other disorders of tooth development
Jyu01 [X]Other dental caries
Jyu02 [X]Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth
Jyu03 [X]Other+unspecified diseases of pulp+periapical tissues
Jyu04 [X]Other periodontal diseases
Jyu05 [X]Other specifd disorders/gingiva+edentulous alveolar ridge
Jyu06 [X]Other dentofacial anomalies
Jyu07 [X]Other specified disorders of teeth+supporting structures
Jyu08 [X]Other cysts of jaw
Jyu09 [X]Other cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified
Jyu0A [X]Other specified diseases of jaws
Jyu0B [X]Other diseases of salivary glands
Jyu0C [X]Other forms of stomatitis
Jyu0D [X]Other and unspecified lesions of oral mucosa
Jyu0E [X]Other diseases of tongue
Jyu0F [X]Disorder of gingiva & edentulous alveolar ridge, unspec
Jyu1. [X]Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum
Jyu10 [X]Other specified diseases of oesophagus
Jyu11 [X]Disorders of oesophagus in other diseases CE
Jyu12 [X]Other acute gastritis
Jyu13 [X]Other gastritis
Jyu14 [X]Other specified diseases of stomach and duodenum
Jyu2. [X]Diseases of appendix
Jyu20 [X]Other appendicitis
Jyu21 [X]Other specified diseases of appendix
Jyu22 [X]Disease of appendix, unspecified
Jyu3. [X]Hernia
Jyu30 [X]Other specified abdominal hernia+obstruction,wo gangrene
Jyu31 [X]Other specified abdominal hernia with gangrene
Jyu32 [X]Oth spcfd abdominal hernia without obstructn or gangrene
Jyu4. [X]Noninfective enteritis and colitis
Jyu40 [X]Other Crohns disease
Jyu41 [X]Other ulcerative colitis
Jyu42 [X]Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis+colitis
Jyu5. [X]Other diseases of intestines
Jyu50 [X]Other vascular disorders of intestine
Jyu51 [X]Other impaction of intestine
Jyu52 [X]Other and unspecified intestinal obstruction
Jyu53 [X]Other specified functional disorders of intestine
Jyu54 [X]Other specified diseases of anus and rectum
Jyu55 [X]Other specified diseases of intestine
Jyu56 [X]Ileus, unspecified
Jyu57 [X]Neurogenic bowel, not elsewhere classified
Jyu6. [X]Diseases of the peritoneum
Jyu60 [X]Other peritonitis
Jyu61 [X]Other specified disorders of peritoneum
Jyu62 [X]Other disorders of peritoneum in infectious diseases CE
Jyu7. [X]Diseases of the liver
Jyu70 [X]Toxic liver disease with other disorders of liver
Jyu71 [X]Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver
Jyu72 [X]Other specified inflammatory liver diseases
Jyu73 [X]Other specified diseases of liver
Jyu74 [X]Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases CE
Jyu75 [X]Liver disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
Jyu76 [X]Toxic liver disease, unspecified
Jyu77 [X]Granulomatous hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
Jyu8. [X]Disorders of the gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas
Jyu80 [X]Other cholelithiasis
Jyu81 [X]Other cholecystitis
Jyu82 [X]Other specified diseases of gallbladder
Jyu83 [X]Other specified diseases of biliary tract
Jyu84 [X]Other chronic pancreatitis
Jyu85 [X]Other specified diseases of pancreas
Jyu86 [X]Disorders of gallbladder+biliary tract in diseases CE
Jyu87 [X]Disorders of pancreas in diseases classified elsewhere
Jyu9. [X]Other diseases of the digestive system
Jyu90 [X]Other intestinal malabsorption
Jyu91 [X]Other postprocedural disorders/digestive system,NEC
Jyu92 [X]Other specified diseases of the digestive system
Jyu93 [X]Tuberculous disorders of intestine and mesentery
Jyu94 [X]Disorders/other specified digestive organs in diseases CE
Jz... Digestive system diseases NOS
K.... Genitourinary system diseases
K0... Nephritis, nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome
K00.. Acute glomerulonephritis
K000. Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis
K001. Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotising glomerulitis
K00y. Other acute glomerulonephritis
K00y0 Acute glomerulonephritis in diseases EC
K00y1 Acute exudative nephritis
K00y2 Acute focal nephritis
K00y3 Acute diffuse nephritis
K00yz Other acute glomerulonephritis NOS
K00z. Acute glomerulonephritis NOS
K01.. Nephrotic syndrome
K010. Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis
K011. Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis
K012. Nephrotic syndrome+membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
K013. Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis
K014. Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
K015. Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions
K016. Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
K017. Nephrotic syn difus mesangial prolifertiv glomerulonephritis
K018. Nephrotic syn,difus endocapilary proliftv glomerulonephritis
K019. Nephrotic syn,diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
K01A. Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease
K01B. Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
K01w. Congenital nephrotic syndrome
K01w0 Finnish nephrosis syndrome
K01wz Congenital nephrotic syndrome NOS
K01x. Nephrotic syndrome in diseases EC
K01x0 Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis
K01x1 Nephrotic syndrome in diabetes mellitus
K01x2 Nephrotic syndrome in malaria
K01x3 Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa
K01x4 Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus
K01xz Nephrotic syndrome in diseases EC NOS
K01y. Nephrotic syndrome with other pathological kidney lesions
K01z. Nephrotic syndrome NOS
K02.. Chronic glomerulonephritis
K020. Chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis
K021. Chronic membranous glomerulonephritis
K022. Chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
K023. Chronic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
K02y. Other chronic glomerulonephritis
K02y0 Chronic glomerulonephritis + diseases EC
K02y1 Chronic exudative glomerulonephritis
K02y2 Chronic focal glomerulonephritis
K02y3 Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis
K02yz Other chronic glomerulonephritis NOS
K02z. Chronic glomerulonephritis NOS
K03.. Nephritis and nephropathy unspecified
K030. Proliferative nephritis unspecified
K031. Membranous nephritis unspecified
K032. Membranoproliferative nephritis unspecified
K0320 Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
K0321 Recurrent benign haematuria syndrome
K0322 Focal glomerulon + focal recurr macroscop glomerulonephritis
K0323 Anaphylactoid glomerulonephritis
K0324 Familial glomerulonephritis in Alports syndrome
K0325 Other familial glomerulonephritis
K0326 Bergers IgA or IgG nephropathy
K032y Nephritis unsp+OS membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion
K032z Nephritis unsp+membranoprolif glomerulonephritis lesion NOS
K033. Rapidly progressive nephritis unspecified
K034. Renal cortical necrosis unspecified
K035. Renal medullary necrosis unspecified
K03T. Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron
K03U. Unspecif nephr synd, diff concentric glomerulonephritis
K03V. Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
K03W. Unsp nephrit synd, diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis
K03X. Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis
K03y. Other nephritis and nephrosis unspecified
K03y0 Other nephritis and nephrosis in diseases EC
K03y1 Other exudative nephritis
K03y2 Other interstitial nephritis
K03yz Other nephritis and nephrosis NOS
K03z. Unspecified glomerulonephritis NOS
K04.. Acute renal failure
K040. Acute renal tubular necrosis
K041. Acute renal cortical necrosis
K042. Acute renal medullary necrosis
K04y. Other acute renal failure
K04z. Acute renal failure NOS
K05.. Chronic renal failure
K050. End stage renal failure
K06.. Renal failure unspecified
K060. Renal impairment
K07.. Renal sclerosis unspecified
K070. Atrophy of kidney
K071. Renal fibrosis
K072. Glomerulosclerosis
K07z. Renal sclerosis NOS
K08.. Impaired renal function disorder
K080. Renal osteodystrophy
K0800 Phosphate-losing tubular disorders
K0801 Renal dwarfism
K0802 Renal infantilism
K0803 Renal rickets
K080z Renal osteodystrophy NOS
K081. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
K08y. Other impaired renal function disorder
K08y0 Hypokalaemic nephropathy
K08y1 Secondary hyperparathyroidism
K08y2 Lightwood - Albright syndrome
K08y3 Renal function impairment with growth failure
K08y4 Renal tubular acidosis
K08y5 Acute interstitial nephritis
K08yz Other impaired renal function disorder NOS
K08z. Impaired renal function disorder NOS
K09.. Small kidney of unknown cause
K090. Unilateral small kidney
K0900 Atrophy of kidney
K091. Bilateral small kidneys
K09z. Small kidneys unspecified
K0A.. Glomerular disease
K0A0. Acute nephritic syndrome
K0A00 Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
K0A01 Acute nephritic syndrome, focal+segmental glomerular lesions
K0A02 Acute nephritic syn, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
K0A03 Acut neph syn, diffuse mesangial prolifrative glomnephritis
K0A04 Ac neph syn difus endocaplry prolifrative glomerulonephritis
K0A05 Acute neph syn, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
K0A06 Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
K0A07 Acute nephrotic syndrm diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
K0A1. Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome
K0A10 Rapid progres neph syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
K0A11 Rapid progres nephritic syn focal+segmental glomerulr lesion
K0A12 Rapid progres neph syn diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
K0A13 Rpd prog neph syn df mesangial prolifratv glomerulonephritis
K0A14 Rapid progres neph syn df endocapilary prolifv glomnephritis
K0A15 Rapid prog neph syn df mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
K0A16 Rapid progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
K0A17 Rapid progres nephritic syn df crescentic glomerulonephritis
K0A2. Recurrent and persistent haematuria
K0A20 Recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality
K0A21 Recur+persist haematuria, focal+segmental glomerular lesions
K0A22 Recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis
K0A23 Recur+persist haemuria df mesangial prolif glomerulnephritis
K0A24 Recur+persist haemuria df endocaplry prolifrtv glomeruloneph
K0A25 Recur+persist hmuria df mesangiocapilary glomerulonephritis
K0A26 Recurrent and persistent haematuria, dense deposit disease
K0A27 Recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis
K0A3. Chronic nephritic syndrome
K0A30 Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
K0A31 Chronic nephritic syndrm focal+segmental glomerular lesions
K0A32 Chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis
K0A33 Chron neph syn difus mesangial prolifrtiv glomerulonephritis
K0A34 Chron neph syn difuse endocap prolifrativ glomerulonephritis
K0A35 Chronic neph syn difus mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
K0A36 Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
K0A37 Chronic nephritic syn diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
K0A4. Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion
K0A40 Isolatd proteinur specfd morphlgcl lesion min glom abnrm
K0A41 Isolatd proteinur/specifd morphlgcl les foc+seg glom lesn
K0A42 Isolatd proteinur/specfd morphlgcl les df membrn glomneph
K0A43 Isoltd prteinur/spcfd morph lesn df mesngl prolf glomneph
K0A44 Isolt prteinur/spcfd morph les df endocap prolif glomneph
K0A45 Isoltd prteinur+specfd morph les df mesangiocap glomnephr
K0A46 Isolatd proteinur spcfd morph lesion dense deposit diseas
K0A47 Isol proteinur specfd morph lesion df crescentic glomneph
K0A4W Isolated proteinuria, with unspecified morpholog changes
K0A4X Isolated proteinuria, with oth specif morpholog changes
K0A5. Hereditary nephropathy not elsewhere classified
K0A50 Hereditary nephropathy NEC, minor glomerular abnormality
K0A51 Hereditary nephropathy NEC,focal+segmnt glomerular lesion
K0A52 Hereditry nephropathy NEC,difus membran glomerulnephritis
K0A53 Heredtry nephrpthy NEC difus mesangial prolif glomnephrit
K0A54 Heredtry nephrpthy NEC difus endocapil prolif glomnephrit
K0A55 [XHeredtry nephrpthy NEC difus mesangiocapilry glomnephritis
K0A56 Hereditary nephropathy, NEC, dense deposit disease
K0A57 Hereditary nephropathy,NEC,difus crescentic glomnephritis
K0A5X Hereditary nephropathy, unspecif morphological changes
K0A6. Glomerular disorders in neoplastic diseases
K0A7. Glom disordr in blood diseas+disordr invlvg imun mechansm
K0B.. Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases EC
K0B0. Ren tubulo-interstital disord infect and parasitic dis EC
K0B1. Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder/ neoplastic diseases
K0B2. Ren tub-interst disordr/blood dis+disordr inv immune mech
K0B3. Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases
K0B4. Ren tub-interstitl disordr/systemc connectv tiss disorder
K0B40 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE
K0B5. Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn
K0B6. Balkan nephropathy
K0C.. Drug/heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tub conditn
K0C0. Analgesic nephropathy
K0C1. Nephropathy induced by other drugs meds and biologl substncs
K0C2. Nephropathy induced by unspec drug medicament or biol subs
K0C3. Nephropathy induced by heavy metals
K0C4. Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified
K0D.. End-stage renal disease
K0y.. Other specified nephritis, nephrosis or nephrotic syndrome
K0y0. Late syphilis of kidney
K0z.. Nephritis, nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome NOS
K1... Other urinary system diseases
K10.. Infections of kidney
K100. Chronic pyelonephritis
K1000 Chronic pyelonephritis without medullary necrosis
K1001 Chronic pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis
K1002 Chronic pyelitis
K1003 Chronic pyonephrosis
K1004 Nonobstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis
K1005 Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis
K1006 Calculous pylonephritis
K100z Chronic pyelonephritis NOS
K101. Acute pyelonephritis
K1010 Acute pyelonephritis without medullary necrosis
K1011 Acute pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis
K1012 Acute pyelitis
K1013 Acute pyonephrosis
K101z Acute pyelonephritis NOS
K102. Renal and perinephric abscess
K1020 Renal abscess
K1021 Perinephric abscess
K1022 Renal carbuncle
K102z Renal and perinephric abscess NOS
K103. Pyeloureteritis cystica
K104. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
K10y. Pyelonephritis and pyonephrosis unspecified
K10y0 Pyelonephritis unspecified
K10y1 Pyelitis unspecified
K10y2 Pyonephrosis unspecified
K10y3 Pyelonephritis in diseases EC
K10y4 Pyelitis in diseases EC
K10yz Unspecified pyelonephritis NOS
K10z. Infection of kidney NOS
K11.. Hydronephrosis
K110. Hydrocalycosis
K111. Hydroureteronephrosis
K112. Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction
K11X. Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC
K11z. Hydronephrosis NOS
K12.. Calculus of kidney and ureter
K120. Calculus of kidney
K1200 Staghorn calculus
K120z Renal calculus NOS
K121. Calculus of ureter
K122. Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter
K12z. Urinary calculus NOS
K13.. Other kidney and ureter disorders
K130. Nephroptosis
K131. Hypertrophy of kidney
K132. Acquired cyst of kidney
K1320 Single acquired kidney cyst
K1321 Multiple acquired kidney cysts
K1322 Peripelvic (lymphatic) cyst
K132z Acquired cyst of kidney NOS
K133. Stricture of ureter
K1330 Postoperative ureteric constriction
K1331 Stricture of pelviureteric junction
K133z Stricture of ureter NOS
K134. Other ureteric obstruction
K1340 Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
K134z Occlusion of ureter NOS
K135. Hydroureter
K136. Benign postural proteinuria
K137. Vesicoureteric reflux
K138. Vascular disorders of kidney
K1380 Renal artery embolism
K1381 Renal artery haemorrhage
K1382 Renal artery thrombosis
K1383 Intrarenal haematoma
K138z Renal vascular disorders NOS
K13y. Other kidney and ureteric disorders
K13y0 Ureteric fistula
K13y1 Adhesions of kidney
K13y2 Adhesions of ureter
K13y3 Periureteritis
K13y4 Pyelectasia
K13y5 Polyp of ureter
K13y6 Ureterocele - acquired
K13y7 Megaloureter - acquired
K13y8 Perirenal haematoma
K13y9 Ureteric neuromuscular incoordination
K13yz Other kidney and ureteric disorders NOS
K13z. Kidney and ureter disease NOS
K13z0 Non-functioning kidney
K14.. Lower urinary tract calculus
K140. Bladder calculus
K1400 Calculus in diverticulum of bladder
K1401 Other calculus in bladder
K140z Bladder calculus NOS
K141. Calculus in urethra
K14y. Other lower urinary tract calculus
K14z. Lower urinary tract calculus NOS
K15.. Cystitis
K150. Acute cystitis
K151. Chronic interstitial cystitis
K1510 Hunners ulcer
K1511 Panmural fibrosis of bladder
K1512 Submucous cystitis
K151z Chronic interstitial cystitis NOS
K152. Other chronic cystitis
K1520 Subacute cystitis
K152y Chronic cystitis unspecified
K152z Other chronic cystitis NOS
K153. Trigonitis
K1530 Acute trigonitis
K1531 Chronic trigonitis
K1532 Urethrotrigonitis
K153z Trigonitis NOS
K154. Cystitis in diseases EC
K1540 Cystitis in actinomycosis
K1541 Cystitis in amoebiasis
K1542 Cystitis in bilharziasis
K1543 Cystitis in echinococcus infestation
K1544 Cystitis in diphtheria
K1545 Cystitis in gonorrhoea
K1546 Cystitis in moniliasis
K1547 Cystitis in trichomoniasis
K1548 Cystitis in tuberculosis
K154z Cystitis in diseases EC NOS
K155. Recurrent cystitis
K15y. Other specified cystitis
K15y0 Cystitis cystica
K15y1 Irradiation cystitis
K15y2 Abscess of bladder
K15y3 Malakoplakia of bladder
K15yz Other cystitis NOS
K15z. Cystitis NOS
K16.. Other disorders of bladder
K160. Bladder neck obstruction
K161. Intestinovesical fistula
K1610 Enterovesical fistula
K1611 Vesicocolic fistula
K1612 Vesicosigmoidal fistula
K1613 Vesicorectal fistula
K161z Intestinovesical fistula NOS
K162. Vesical fistula NEC
K1620 Vesicocutaneous fistula
K1621 Vesicoperineal fistula
K1622 Urethrovesical fistula
K162z Vesical fistula NEC NOS
K163. Diverticulum of bladder
K1630 Acquired bladder diverticulum
K1631 False bladder diverticulum
K1632 Bladder diverticulitis
K163z Diverticulum of bladder NOS
K164. Atony of bladder
K1640 Hypotonic bladder
K1641 Bladder inertia
K164z Atony of bladder NOS
K165. Other functional disorder of bladder
K1650 Hypertonic bladder sphincter
K1651 Bladder sphincter paralysis
K1652 Bladder outflow obstruction
K1653 Detrusor instability
K1654 Unstable bladder
K165z Other bladder function disorder NOS
K166. Bladder rupture due to nontraumatic cause
K167. Haemorrhage into bladder wall
K16V. Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified
K16W. Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
K16X. Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, NEC
K16y. Other bladder disorders
K16y0 Calcified bladder
K16y1 Contracted bladder
K16y2 Bladder haemorrhage
K16y3 Bladder hypertrophy
K16y4 Irritable bladder
K16y5 Trabeculation of bladder
K16y6 Hourglass bladder
K16y7 Squamous metaplasia of bladder
K16y8 Functional disorder of bladder
K16y9 Metaplasia of trigone
K16yz Other bladder disorders NOS
K16z. Bladder disorders NOS
K17.. Urethritis due to non venereal causes
K170. Urethral and periurethral abscess
K1700 Urethral abscess unspecified
K1701 Bulbourethral gland abscess
K1702 Urethral gland abscess
K1703 Periurethral cellulitis
K1704 Periurethral abscess
K170z Urethral abscess NOS
K171. Post menopausal atrophic urethritis
K172. Candidal urethritis
K17y. Other urethritis
K17y0 Urethritis unspecified
K17y1 Urethral syndrome NOS
K17y2 Skenes glands adenitis
K17y3 Cowperitis
K17y4 Urethral meatitis
K17y5 Urethral meatal ulcer
K17y6 Verumontanitis
K17y7 Utriculus masculinus
K17yz Other urethritis NOS
K17z. Urethritis due to non venereal cause NOS
K18.. Urethral stricture
K180. Infective urethral stricture
K1800 Urethral stricture due to unspecified infection
K1801 Urethral stricture due to infection EC
K180z Infective urethral stricture NOS
K181. Traumatic urethral stricture
K182. Postoperative urethral stricture
K183. Stenosis of urinary meatus
K18y. Other urethral stricture
K18z. Urethral stricture NOS
K19.. Other urethral and urinary tract disorders
K190. Urinary tract infection, site not specified
K1900 Bacteriuria, site not specified
K1901 Pyuria, site not specified
K1902 Post operative urinary tract infection
K1903 Recurrent urinary tract infection
K1904 Chronic urinary tract infection
K190X Persistent proteinuria, unspecified
K190z Urinary tract infection, site not specified NOS
K191. Urethral fistula
K1910 Urethroperineal fistula
K1911 Urethrorectal fistula
K191z Urethral fistula NOS
K192. Urethral diverticulum
K193. Urethral caruncle
K194. Urethral false passage
K195. Prolapsed urethral mucosa
K196. Urinary obstruction unspecified
K197. Haematuria
K1970 Painless haematuria
K1971 Painful haematuria
K1972 Microscopic haematuria
K1973 Frank haematuria
K1974 Clot haematuria
K19C. Other obstructive and reflux uropathy
K19W. Urethral disorder, unspecified
K19X. Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified
K19y. Other urinary tract disorders
K19y0 Urethral rupture due to nontraumatic cause
K19y1 Urethral cyst
K19y2 Urethral granuloma
K19y3 Pneumaturia
K19yw Disorder of urinary system, unspecified
K19yz Other urinary tract disorders NOS
K19z. Urethral and urinary tract disorders NOS
K1A.. Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis
K1y.. Other specified diseases of urinary system
K1z.. Other urinary system diseases NOS
K2... Male genital organ diseases
K20.. Benign prostatic hypertrophy
K200. Prostatic hyperplasia unspecified
K201. Prostatic hyperplasia of the lateral lobe
K202. Prostatic hyperplasia of the medial lobe
K20z. Prostatic hyperplasia NOS
K21.. Prostate inflammatory diseases
K210. Acute prostatitis
K211. Chronic prostatitis
K212. Abscess of prostate
K213. Prostatocystitis
K214. Prostatitis in diseases EC
K2140 Prostatitis in actinomycosis
K2141 Prostatitis in blastomycosis
K2142 Prostatitis in syphilis
K2143 Prostatitis in tuberculosis
K2144 Prostatitis in gonorrhoea
K2145 Prostatitis in moniliasis
K2146 Prostatitis in trichomoniasis
K214z Prostatitis in diseases EC NOS
K21y. Other prostatic inflammatory diseases
K21z. Prostatitis NOS
K22.. Other disorders of prostate
K220. Calculus of prostate
K221. Prostatic congestion or haemorrhage
K2210 Prostatic congestion
K2211 Prostatic haemorrhage
K221z Prostatic congestion or haemorrhage NOS
K222. Atrophy of prostate
K22y. Other disorders of prostate OS
K22y0 Prostatic fistula
K22y1 Infarction of prostate
K22y2 Stricture of prostate
K22y3 Periprostatic adhesions
K22yz Other prostate disorders NOS
K22z. Prostatic disorders NOS
K23.. Hydrocele
K230. Encysted hydrocele
K231. Infected hydrocele
K23y. Other types of hydrocele
K23z. Hydrocele NOS
K24.. Orchitis and epididymitis
K240. Orchitis
K2400 Orchitis with abscess
K2401 Orchitis with no abscess
K2402 Orchitis unspecified
K2403 Orchitis in diseases EC
K240z Orchitis NOS
K241. Epididymitis
K2410 Epididymitis with abscess
K2411 Epididymitis with no abscess
K2412 Epididymitis unspecified
K2413 Epididymitis in diseases EC
K2414 Acute epididymitis
K2415 Chronic epididymitis
K2416 Chlamydial epididymitis
K241z Epididymitis NOS
K242. Epididymo-orchitis
K2420 Epididymo-orchitis with abscess
K2421 Epididymo-orchitis with no abscess
K2422 Epididymo-orchitis unspecified
K2423 Epididymo-orchitis in diseases EC
K242z Epididymo-orchitis NOS
K24z. Orchitis and epididymitis NOS
K25.. Redundant prepuce and phimosis
K250. Redundant prepuce
K251. Adherent prepuce
K252. Tight prepuce
K253. Phimosis
K254. Paraphimosis
K25z. Redundant prepuce and phimosis NOS
K26.. Male infertility
K260. Azoospermia
K261. Oligospermia
K26y. Infertility due to extratesticular cause
K26y0 Infertility due to drug therapy
K26y1 Infertility due to infective cause
K26y2 Infertility due to efferent duct obstruction
K26y3 Infertility due to radiation
K26y4 Infertility in systemic disease
K26yz Infertility due to extratesticular cause NOS
K26z. Male infertility NOS
K27.. Disorders of penis
K270. Leukoplakia of penis
K271. Balanoposthitis
K2710 Balanitis
K2711 Posthitis
K271z Balanoposthitis NOS
K272. Other penile inflammatory disorders
K2720 Penile abscess
K2721 Penile boil
K2722 Penile carbuncle
K2723 Cellulitis of penis
K272z Other penile inflammatory disorder NOS
K273. Priapism
K274. Peyronies disease
K275. Vascular disorders of penis
K2750 Corpus cavernosum embolism
K2751 Corpus cavernosum haematoma
K2752 Corpus cavernosum haemorrhage
K2753 Corpus cavernosum thrombosis
K275z Penile vascular disorder NOS
K276. Balanitis xerotica obliterans
K27y. Other penile disorders
K27y0 Oedema of penis
K27y1 Impotence of organic origin
K27y2 Atrophy of penis
K27y3 Fibrosis of penis
K27y4 Hypertrophy of penis
K27y5 Chronic ulcer of penis
K27yz Other penile disorders NOS
K27z. Penile disorders NOS
K28.. Other male genital organ disorders
K280. Seminal vesiculitis
K2800 Seminal vesiculitis unspecified
K2801 Abscess of seminal vesicle
K2802 Cellulitis of seminal vesicle
K280z Seminal vesiculitis NOS
K281. Spermatocele
K282. Torsion of testis
K2820 Torsion of testis unspecified
K2821 Torsion of epididymis
K2822 Torsion of spermatic cord
K2823 Torsion of appendix of testis
K282z Torsion of testis NOS
K283. Atrophy of testis
K284. Other male genital inflammatory disorders
K2840 Abscess of scrotum
K2841 Boil of scrotum
K2842 Carbuncle of scrotum
K2843 Cellulitis of scrotum
K2844 Abscess of spermatic cord
K2845 Vasitis
K2846 Fourniers gangrene of scrotum
K284z Other male genital inflammatory disorders NOS
K285. Male genital organ disorders in diseases EC
K286. Male genital organ vascular diseases
K2860 Scrotal haematoma due to nontraumatic cause
K2861 Scrotal haemorrhage
K2862 Scrotal thrombosis
K2863 Testicular haematoma due to nontraumatic cause
K2864 Testicular haemorrhage
K2865 Testicular thrombosis
K286v Male genital haematoma NOS
K286w Male genital haemorrhage NOS
K286x Male genital thrombosis NOS
K286z Male genital vascular diseases NOS
K287. Chylocele of tunica vaginalis
K288. Male genital organ stricture
K2880 Spermatic cord stricture
K2881 Tunica vaginalis stricture
K2882 Vas deferens stricture
K288z Male genital organ stricture NOS
K289. Male genital organ oedema
K28X. Inflammatory disorder of unspecified male genital organ
K28y. Other male genital organ diseases OS
K28y0 Atrophy of scrotum
K28y1 Fibrosis of scrotum
K28y2 Hypertrophy of scrotum
K28y3 Ulcer of scrotum
K28y4 Fibrosis of testis
K28y5 Hypertrophy of testis
K28y6 Epididymal cyst
K28y7 Dyspareunia due to non psychogenic cause in the male
K28y8 Pain in testis
K28yF Sebaceous cyst of scrotum
K28yG Haemospermia
K28ys Other seminal vesicle disease
K28yt Other spermatic cord disease
K28yu Other testicular disease
K28yv Other scrotal disease
K28yw Other tunica vaginalis disease
K28yx Other vas deferens disease
K28yz Other male genital organ diseases NOS
K28z. Other male genital disorders NOS
K2y.. Other specified diseases of male genital organ
K2z.. Male genital organ disease NOS
K3... Disorders of breast
K30.. Benign mammary dysplasia
K300. Solitary cyst of breast
K301. Fibrocystic disease of breast
K302. Fibroadenosis of breast
K3020 Diffuse fibroadenosis of breast
K3021 Periodic breast fibroadenosis
K3022 Segmental breast fibroadenosis
K302z Fibroadenosis of breast NOS
K303. Fibrosclerosis of breast
K304. Mammary duct ectasia
K30y. Other benign mammary dysplasia
K30y0 Sebaceous cyst of breast
K30y1 Mazoplasia
K30yz Other benign mammary dysplasia NOS
K30z. Benign mammary dysplasia NOS
K31.. Other breast disorders
K310. Inflammatory breast disease
K3100 Acute nonpuerperal mastitis
K3101 Acute adolescent mastitis
K3102 Subacute nonpuerperal mastitis
K3103 Chronic nonpuerperal mastitis
K3104 Acute nonpuerperal breast abscess
K3105 Chronic nonpuerperal breast abscess
K3106 Chronic subareolar nonpuerperal abscess
K3107 Retromammary breast abscess
K3108 Breast infection
K310z Inflammatory breast diseases NOS
K311. Hypertrophy of breast
K3110 Gynaecomastia
K3111 Pubertal breast hypertrophy
K311z Hypertrophy of breast NOS
K312. Fissure of nipple
K313. Fat necrosis of breast
K314. Atrophy of breast
K315. Galactocele
K316. Galactorrhoea due to nonobstetric cause
K317. Breast signs and symptoms
K3170 Mastodynia - pain in breast
K3171 Lump in breast
K3172 Induration of breast
K3173 Inversion of nipple
K3174 Nipple discharge
K3175 Retraction of nipple
K317z Breast signs and symptoms NOS
K318. Breast abscess
K31y. Other breast disorders OS
K31y0 Breast haematoma due to nontraumatic cause
K31y1 Infarction of breast
K31y2 Occlusion of breast duct
K31y3 Breast subinvolution, postpartum
K31yz Other breast disorders NOS
K31z. Other breast disorders NOS
K3y.. Other specified disorders of breast
K3z.. Breast disorders NOS
K4... Female pelvic inflammatory diseases
K40.. Ovarian, fallopian tube and pelvic inflammatory diseases
K400. Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
K4000 Acute oophoritis
K4001 Acute perioophoritis
K4002 Acute salpingo-oophoritis
K4003 Acute salpingitis
K4004 Acute perisalpingitis
K4005 Subacute oophoritis
K4006 Subacute perioophoritis
K4007 Subacute salpingo-oophoritis
K4008 Subacute salpingitis
K4009 Subacute perisalpingitis
K400z Acute salpingitis and oophoritis NOS
K401. Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis
K4010 Chronic oophoritis
K4011 Chronic perioophoritis
K4012 Chronic salpingo-oophoritis
K4013 Chronic salpingitis
K4014 Chronic perisalpingitis
K4015 Hydrosalpinx
K4016 Salpingitis follicularis
K4017 Salpingitis isthmica nodosa
K401z Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis NOS
K402. Salpingitis and oophoritis unspecified
K4020 Fallopian tube abscess
K4021 Ovarian abscess
K4022 Tubo-ovarian abscess
K4023 Oophoritis unspecified
K4024 Perioophoritis unspecified
K4025 Salpingo-oophoritis unspecified
K4026 Salpingitis unspecified
K4027 Perisalpingitis unspecified
K402z Unspecified salpingitis and oophoritis NOS
K403. Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
K4030 Acute parametritis
K4031 Acute pelvic cellulitis
K403z Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis NOS
K404. Chronic parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
K4040 Chronic female pelvic cellulitis
K4041 Chronic abscess of the broad ligament
K4042 Chronic abscess of the parametrium
K4043 Chronic abscess of the female pelvis
K4044 Chronic abscess of the pouch of Douglas
K4045 Female chronic pelvic peritonitis
K404z Chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases NOS
K405. Parametritis and pelvic cellulitis unspecified
K4050 Parametritis unspecified
K4051 Pelvic cellulitis unspecified
K405z Parametritis and pelvic cellulitis NOS
K406. Acute and unspecified female pelvic peritonitis
K4060 Acute female pelvic peritonitis
K4061 Female pelvic peritonitis unspecified
K406z Acute and unspecified female pelvic peritonitis NOS
K407. Female pelvic peritoneal adhesions
K4070 Peritubal peritoneal adhesions
K4071 Tubo-ovarian peritoneal adhesions
K407z Female pelvic peritoneal adhesions NOS
K408. Other chronic female pelvic peritonitis
K409. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease
K40y. Other female pelvic organ inflammatory diseases
K40y0 Female syphilitic pelvic inflammatory disease
K40y1 Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease
K40z. Female pelvic inflammatory diseases NOS
K41.. Uterine inflammatory diseases excluding the cervix
K410. Acute uterine inflammatory disease
K4100 Acute endometritis
K4101 Acute endomyometritis
K4102 Acute myometritis
K4103 Acute perimetritis
K4104 Acute pyometra or uterine abscess
K4105 Subacute endometritis
K4106 Subacute endomyometritis
K4107 Subacute myometritis
K4108 Subacute perimetritis
K4109 Subacute pyometra
K410z Acute uterine inflammatory diseases NOS
K411. Chronic uterine inflammatory disease
K4110 Chronic endometritis
K4111 Chronic endomyometritis
K4112 Chronic myometritis
K4113 Chronic perimetritis
K4114 Chronic pyometra
K411z Chronic uterine inflammatory disease NOS
K41z. Unspecified uterine inflammatory disease
K41z0 Endometritis unspecified
K41z1 Endomyometritis unspecified
K41z2 Myometritis unspecified
K41z3 Perimetritis unspecified
K41z4 Pyometra unspecified
K41zz Unspecified uterine inflammatory disease NOS
K42.. Cervical, vaginal and vulval inflammatory diseases
K420. Cervicitis and endocervicitis
K4200 Cervicitis unspecified
K4201 Endocervicitis unspecified
K4202 Acute cervicitis
K4203 Cervicitis with erosion
K4204 Cervicitis with Nabothian cyst
K4205 Cervicitis with ectropion
K4206 Endocervicitis with erosion
K4207 Endocervicitis with Nabothian cyst
K4208 Endocervicitis with ectropion
K4209 Chlamydia cervicitis
K420A Nabothian follicles
K420B Chronic cervicitis
K420z Cervicitis and endocervicitis NOS
K421. Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis
K4210 Vaginitis unspecified
K4211 Vulvitis unspecified
K4212 Vulvovaginitis unspecified
K4213 Postirradiation vaginitis
K4214 Vaginitis in diseases EC
K4215 Vulvitis in diseases EC
K4216 Vulvovaginitis in diseases EC
K4217 Subacute and chronic vaginitis
K4218 Subacute and chronic vulvitis
K4219 Bacterial vaginitis
K421A Acute vulvitis
K421z Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis NOS
K422. Cyst of Bartholins gland
K423. Abscess of Bartholins gland
K424. Other abscess of vulva
K4240 Abscess of vulva
K4241 Carbuncle of vulva
K4242 Furuncle of vulva
K424z Other abscess of vulva NOS
K425. Ulceration of vulva
K4250 Ulceration of vulva unspecified
K4251 Ulceration of vulva in diseases EC
K4252 Ulceration of vulva in Behcets disease
K425z Ulceration of vulva NOS
K42X. Disease of Bartholins gland, unspecified
K42y. Other cervical, vaginal and vulval diseases
K42y0 Carbuncle of vagina
K42y1 Carbuncle of labium
K42y2 Ulcer of vagina
K42y3 Bartholinitis
K42y4 Cyst of labium
K42yz Other cervical, vaginal and vulval disease NOS
K42z. Cervical, vaginal and vulval inflammatory disease NOS
K43.. Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease
K44.. Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease
K4y.. Other specified female pelvic inflammatory disease
K4z.. Female pelvic inflammatory disease NOS
K5... Other female genital tract disorders
K50.. Endometriosis
K500. Endometriosis of uterus
K5000 Internal endometriosis
K5001 Endometriosis of myometrium
K5002 Endometriosis of cervix
K500z Endometriosis of uterus NOS
K501. Endometriosis of ovary
K502. Endometriosis of the fallopian tube
K503. Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum
K5030 Endometriosis of the broad ligament
K5031 Endometriosis of the pouch of Douglas
K5032 Endometriosis of the parametrium
K5033 Endometriosis of the round ligament
K503z Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum NOS
K504. Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina
K5040 Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum
K5041 Endometriosis of the vagina
K504z Endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum and vagina NOS
K505. Endometriosis of the intestine
K5050 Endometriosis of the appendix
K5051 Endometriosis of the colon
K5052 Endometriosis of the rectum
K505z Endometriosis of the intestine NOS
K506. Endometriosis in scar of skin
K50y. Other endometriosis
K50y0 Endometriosis of the bladder
K50y1 Endometriosis of the lung
K50y2 Endometriosis of the umbilicus
K50y3 Endometriosis of the vulva
K50yz Other endometriosis NOS
K50z. Endometriosis NOS
K51.. Genital prolapse
K510. Vaginal wall prolapse without uterine prolapse
K5100 Cystocele without uterine prolapse
K5101 Cystourethrocele without uterine prolapse
K5102 Rectocele without uterine prolapse
K5103 Urethrocele without uterine prolapse
K5104 Vaginal prolapse unspecified without uterine prolapse
K510z Vaginal prolapse without uterine prolapse NOS
K511. Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse
K5110 First degree uterine prolapse
K5111 Second degree uterine prolapse
K5112 Third degree uterine prolapse
K511z Uterine prolapse without vaginal wall prolapse NOS
K512. Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete
K513. Uterovaginal prolapse, complete
K514. Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified
K515. Post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse
K516. Vaginal enterocele
K5160 Congenital vaginal enterocele
K5161 Acquired vaginal enterocele
K516z Vaginal enterocele NOS
K517. Old laceration of pelvic floor muscle
K51y. Other genital prolapse
K51y0 Incompetence of pelvic fundus
K51y1 Weakening of pelvic fundus
K51y2 Relaxation of vaginal outlet
K51y3 Relaxation of pelvis
K51yz Other genital prolapse NOS
K51z. Genital prolapse NOS
K52.. Female genital tract fistula
K520. Female urinary - genital tract fistula
K5200 Cervicovesical fistula
K5201 Ureterovaginal fistula
K5202 Urethrovaginal fistula
K5203 Urethrovesicovaginal fistula
K5204 Uteroureteric fistula
K5205 Uterovesical fistula
K5206 Vesicocervicovaginal fistula
K5207 Vesicovaginal fistula
K520z Female urinary - genital tract fistula NOS
K521. Female digestive - genital tract fistula
K5210 Intestinouterine fistula
K5211 Intestinovaginal fistula
K5212 Rectovaginal fistula
K5213 Rectovulval fistula
K5214 Sigmoidovaginal fistula
K5215 Uterorectal fistula
K5216 Fistula of vagina to small intestine
K5217 Fistula of vagina to large intestine
K521z Female digestive - genital tract fistula NOS
K522. Female genital tract - skin fistula
K5220 Uterus - abdominal wall fistula
K5221 Vaginoperineal fistula
K522z Female genital tract - skin fistula NOS
K52y. Other female genital fistula
K52z. Female genital tract fistula NOS
K53.. Noninflammatory disorders of the ovary/tube/broad ligament
K530. Follicular cyst of ovary
K531. Corpus luteum cyst
K5310 Corpus luteum cyst unspecified
K5311 Corpus luteum cyst haemorrhage
K5312 Corpus luteum cyst rupture
K531z Corpus luteum cyst NOS
K532. Other ovarian cysts
K5320 Corpus albicans cyst of the ovary
K5321 Theca lutein cyst of the ovary
K5322 Germinal inclusion cyst
K5323 Simple cystoma of the ovary
K532z Ovarian cyst NOS
K533. Acquired atrophy of the ovary and fallopian tube
K5330 Acquired atrophy of the ovary unspecified
K5331 Senile involution of the ovary
K5332 Acquired atrophy of the fallopian tube
K5333 Acquired absence of ovary or fallopian tube
K533z Acquired atrophy of the ovary and fallopian tube NOS
K534. Prolapse of the ovary and fallopian tube
K5340 Prolapse of the ovary
K5341 Salpingocele
K5342 Displacement of the ovary and fallopian tube
K534z Ovarian and fallopian tube prolapse NOS
K535. Torsion of the ovary, ovarian pedicle or fallopian tube
K5350 Torsion of the ovary
K5351 Torsion of the ovary and fallopian tube
K5352 Torsion of the fallopian tube
K5353 Torsion of the ovarian pedicle
K5354 Torsion of the accessory tube
K5355 Torsion of the hydatid of Morgagni - female
K535z Ovary, ovarian pedicle or fallopian tube torsion NOS
K536. Broad ligament laceration syndrome
K537. Haematoma of the broad ligament
K53y. Other ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament disorders
K53y0 Cyst of broad ligament
K53y1 Polyp of broad ligament
K53y2 Infarction of ovary
K53y3 Rupture of ovary
K53y4 Infarction of fallopian tube
K53y5 Rupture of fallopian tube
K53y6 Haematosalpinx
K53yz Other ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament disorder NOS
K53z. Ovarian, fallopian tube and broad ligament disorder NOS
K54.. Disorders of the uterus NEC
K540. Polyp of the corpus uteri
K541. Chronic subinvolution of the uterus
K542. Hypertrophy of the uterus
K5420 Hypertrophy of uterus unspecified
K5421 Bulky uterus
K5422 Enlarged uterus
K542z Hypertrophy of the uterus NOS
K543. Endometrial cystic hyperplasia
K5430 Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia
K5431 Cystic endometrial hyperplasia
K5432 Glandular endometrial hyperplasia
K543z Endometrial cystic hyperplasia NOS
K544. Haematometra
K545. Intrauterine adhesions
K546. Malposition of uterus
K5460 Anteversion of uterus
K5461 Retroversion of uterus
K546z Malposition of uterus NOS
K547. Chronic inversion of uterus
K54y. Other uterine disorders NOS
K54y0 Acquired atrophy of uterus
K54y1 Cyst of uterus
K54y2 Fibrosis of uterus NOS
K54y3 Old uterine laceration due to obstetric cause
K54y4 Ulcer of uterus
K54yz Other uterine disorder NOS
K54z. Disorder of uterus NOS
K55.. Noninflammatory cervical disorders
K550. Erosion and ectropion of the cervix
K5500 Erosion of cervix
K5501 Ulcer of cervix
K5502 Ectropion (eversion) of cervix
K550z Erosion and ectropion of the cervix NOS
K551. Dysplasia of cervix uteri
K5510 Anaplasia of cervix
K5511 Epidermidization of cervix
K5512 Squamous metaplasia of cervix
K5513 Mild cervical dysplasia
K5514 Moderate cervical dysplasia
K551X Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
K551z Dysplasia of cervix NOS
K552. Leukoplakia of cervix
K553. Old laceration of cervix
K5530 Old laceration of cervix unspecified
K5531 Adhesions of cervix
K5532 Cicatrix (postpartum) of cervix
K553z Old laceration of cervix NOS
K554. Stricture and stenosis of cervix
K5540 Acquired stricture of cervix
K5541 Contracture of cervix
K5542 Occlusion of cervix
K5543 Pinpoint os uteri
K554z Stricture and stenosis of cervix NOS
K555. Incompetence of cervix
K556. Hypertrophic elongation of the cervix
K557. Mucous polyp of cervix
K55y. Other noninflammatory cervical disorders
K55y0 Senile atrophy of cervix
K55y1 Cyst of cervix
K55y2 Fibrosis of cervix
K55y3 Haemorrhage of cervix
K55y4 Hypertrophy of cervix
K55yz Other noninflammatory cervical disorder NOS
K55z. Noninflammatory cervical disorder NOS
K56.. Noninflammatory vaginal disorders
K560. Dysplasia of vagina
K5600 Mild vaginal dysplasia
K5601 Moderate vaginal dysplasia
K561. Leukoplakia of vagina
K562. Stricture or atresia of the vagina
K5620 Post-operative vaginal adhesions
K5621 Post-radiation vaginal adhesions
K5622 Occlusion of vagina
K5623 Atresia of vagina
K5624 Stenosis of vagina
K562z Stricture or atresia of the vagina NOS
K563. Tight hymenal ring
K564. Old vaginal laceration
K565. Leukorrhoea unspecified
K566. Vaginal haematoma
K567. Polyp of vagina
K56X. Severe vaginal dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
K56y. Other noninflammatory vaginal disorders
K56y0 Cyst of vagina
K56y1 Haemorrhage of vagina
K56y2 Granulation tissue at vaginal vault
K56yz Other noninflammatory vaginal disorder NOS
K56z. Noninflammatory vaginal disorder NOS
K57.. Vulval and perineal noninflammatory disorders
K570. Dystrophy of vulva
K5700 Kraurosis of vulva
K5701 Leukoplakia of vulva
K570z Dystrophy of vulva NOS
K571. Atrophy of vulva
K572. Hypertrophy of clitoris
K573. Hypertrophy of labia
K574. Old laceration or scarring of vulva
K5740 Old laceration of vulva
K5741 Old scarring of vulva
K574z Old laceration or scar of vulva NOS
K575. Haematoma of vulva
K576. Polyp of labia and vulva
K5760 Polyp of labia
K5761 Polyp of vulva
K576z Polyp of labia and vulva NOS
K577. Dysplasia of vulva
K5770 Mild vulvar dysplasia
K5771 Moderate vulvar dysplasia
K577W Dysplasia of vulva, unspecified
K577X Severe vulvar dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
K57y. Other noninflammatory vulval and perineal disorders
K57y0 Cyst of vulva
K57y1 Oedema of vulva
K57y2 Stricture of vulva
K57y3 Deficient perineum
K57yz Other noninflammatory vulval and perineal disorder NOS
K57z. Noninflammatory vulval and perineal disorder NOS
K58.. Female genital organ symptoms
K580. Dyspareunia due to non psychogenic cause in the female
K581. Vaginismus due to non psychogenic cause
K582. Mittelschmerz - ovulation pain
K583. Dysmenorrhoea
K5830 Primary dysmenorrhoea
K5831 Secondary dysmenorrhoea
K584. Premenstrual tension syndrome
K585. Pelvic congestion syndrome
K586. Stress incontinence - female
K587. Contact bleeding of cervix
K58y. Other female genital symptom
K58y0 Other pelvic pain - female
K58z. Female genital organ symptoms NOS
K59.. Menstruation disorders
K590. Absence of menstruation
K5900 Primary amenorrhoea
K5901 Secondary amenorrhoea
K590z Amenorrhoea NOS
K591. Scanty or infrequent menstruation
K5910 Hypomenorrhoea
K5911 Oligomenorrhoea
K5912 Primary oligomenorrhoea
K5913 Secondary oligomenorrhoea
K591z Scanty or infrequent menstruation NOS
K592. Excessive or frequent menstruation
K5920 Menorrhagia
K5921 Polymenorrhoea
K592z Excessive or frequent menstruation NOS
K593. Puberty bleeding
K594. Irregular menstrual cycle
K5940 Delayed period
K594z Irregular menstrual cycle NOS
K595. Ovulation bleeding
K596. Metrorrhagia
K597. Postcoital bleeding
K59y. Other menstruation disorders
K59y0 Retained menstruation
K59y1 Suppression of menstruation
K59y2 Supression of ovulation
K59y3 Intermenstrual bleeding
K59yx Dysfunctional uterine haemorrhage NOS
K59yy Functional uterine haemorrhage NOS
K59yz Other menstruation disorder NOS
K59z. Menstruation disorder NOS
K5A.. Menopausal and postmenopausal disorders
K5A0. Premenopausal menorrhagia
K5A1. Postmenopausal bleeding
K5A2. Menopausal or female climacteric state
K5A20 Menopausal flushing
K5A21 Menopausal sleeplessness
K5A22 Menopausal headache
K5A23 Menopausal concentration lack
K5A2z Menopausal symptoms NOS
K5A3. Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis
K5A4. Artificial menopause state
K5Ay. Other menopausal and postmenopausal states
K5Az. Menopausal and postmenopausal disorder NOS
K5B.. Infertility - female
K5B0. Female infertility of anovulatory origin
K5B00 Primary anovulatory infertility
K5B01 Secondary anovulatory infertility
K5B0z Female infertility of anovulatory origin NOS
K5B1. Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic origin
K5B10 Primary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility
K5B11 Secondary pituitary - hypothalamic infertility
K5B1z Female infertility of pituitary - hypothalamic cause NOS
K5B2. Female infertility of tubal origin
K5B20 Primary tubal infertility
K5B21 Secondary tubal infertility
K5B23 Blocked fallopian tube
K5B2z Female infertility of tubal origin NOS
K5B3. Female infertility of uterine origin
K5B30 Primary uterine infertility
K5B31 Secondary uterine infertility
K5B3z Female infertility of uterine origin NOS
K5B4. Female infertility of cervical origin
K5B40 Primary cervical infertility
K5B41 Secondary cervical infertility
K5B4z Female infertility of cervical origin NOS
K5B5. Female infertility of vaginal origin
K5B50 Primary vaginal infertility
K5B51 Secondary vaginal infertility
K5B5z Female infertility of vaginal origin NOS
K5B6. Female infertility associated with male factors
K5By. Other female infertility
K5By0 Primary infertility unspecified
K5By1 Secondary infertility unspecified
K5Byz Other female infertility NOS
K5Bz. Female infertility NOS
K5C.. Other female genital organ disorder
K5C0. Female haematocele NEC
K5C1. Acquired cyst of canal of Nuck
K5C2. Haematocolpos
K5Cy. Other female genital organ disorder OS
K5Cz. Other female genital disorder NOS
K5D.. Habitual aborter - non pregnant state
K5X.. Polyp of female genital tract, unspecified
K5y.. Other specified disorders of female genital tract
K5z.. Female genital tract disorder NOS
Ky... Other specified diseases of genitourinary system
Kyu.. [X]Additional genitourinary disease classification terms
Kyu0. [X]Glomerular diseases
Kyu00 [X]Glomerular disorders in infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Kyu01 [X]Glomerular disorders in neoplastic diseases CE
Kyu02 [X]Glomerulr disordrs/bld dis+disordr inv immune mechansm CE
Kyu03 [X]Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus
Kyu04 [X]Glomerulr disordr/oth endocrine,nutritnl+metabolic dis CE
Kyu05 [X]Glomerular disordrs/systemic disordrs/connectiv tissue CE
Kyu06 [X]Glomerular disorders in other diseases CE
Kyu07 [X]Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, other
Kyu08 [X]Unspecif nephritic syndr, minor glomerular abnormality
Kyu09 [X]Unsp nephrit synd, diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis
Kyu0A [X]Unsp nephrit synd, diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis
Kyu0B [X]Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
Kyu0C [X]Unspecif nephr synd, diff concentric glomerulonephritis
Kyu0D [X]Isolated proteinuria, with oth specif morpholog changes
Kyu0E [X]Isolated proteinuria, with unspecified morpholog changes
Kyu0F [X]Hereditary nephropathy, unspecif morphological changes
Kyu1. [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases
Kyu10 [X]Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis
Kyu11 [X]Other and unspecified hydronephrosis
Kyu12 [X]Other obstructive and reflux uropathy
Kyu13 [X]Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified
Kyu14 [X]Nephropathy induced by other drugs+biological substances
Kyu15 [X]Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified
Kyu16 [X]Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases
Kyu17 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disordr/infect+parasitic dis CE
Kyu18 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs/neoplastic diseases CE
Kyu19 [X]Renal tub-interstl disord/bld dis+disord invl imm mech CE
Kyu1A [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/metabolic diseases CE
Kyu1B [X]Renal tubul-interstitl disordrs/connectv tissu disordr CE
Kyu1C [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/transplant rejection
Kyu1D [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases CE
Kyu1E [X]Tubulo-interstit nephritis, not specif as acute or chron
Kyu1F [X]Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC
Kyu2. [X]Renal failure
Kyu20 [X]Other acute renal failure
Kyu21 [X]Other chronic renal failure
Kyu3. [X]Urolithiasis
Kyu30 [X]Other lower urinary tract calculus
Kyu31 [X]Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases CE
Kyu4. [X]Other disorders of kidney and ureter
Kyu40 [X]Other disorders resulting/impaired renal tubular function
Kyu41 [X]Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter
Kyu42 [X]Oth disordrs/kidney+ureter/infects+parasitic diseases CE
Kyu43 [X]Other disorders of kidney+ureter in other diseases CE
Kyu5. [X]Other diseases of urinary system
Kyu50 [X]Other chronic cystitis
Kyu51 [X]Other cystitis
Kyu52 [X]Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder
Kyu53 [X]Other specified disorders of bladder
Kyu54 [X]Bladder disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
Kyu55 [X]Other urethritis
Kyu56 [X]Other urethral stricture
Kyu57 [X]Other specified disorders of urethra
Kyu58 [X]Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere
Kyu59 [X]Other urethral disorders in diseases CE
Kyu5A [X]Other specified urinary incontinence
Kyu5B [X]Other specified disorders of urinary system
Kyu5C [X]Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, NEC
Kyu5D [X]Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
Kyu5E [X]Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified
Kyu5F [X]Urethral disorder, unspecified
Kyu5G [X]Persistent proteinuria, unspecified
Kyu6. [X]Diseases of male genital organs
Kyu60 [X]Other inflammatory diseases of prostate
Kyu61 [X]Other specified disorders of prostate
Kyu62 [X]Other hydrocele
Kyu63 [X]Other inflammatory disorders of penis
Kyu64 [X]Other specified disorders of penis
Kyu65 [X]Inflammatory disorders/other specifd male genital organs
Kyu66 [X]Inflammatory disorder of unspecified male genital organ
Kyu67 [X]Other specified disorders of male genital organs
Kyu68 [X]Disorders of prostate in diseases classified elsewhere
Kyu69 [X]Disorders of testis and epididymis in diseases CE
Kyu6A [X]Balanitis in diseases classified elsewhere
Kyu6B [X]Other disorders of male genital organs in diseases CE
Kyu7. [X]Disorders of breast
Kyu70 [X]Other benign mammary dysplasias
Kyu71 [X]Other signs and symptoms in breast
Kyu72 [X]Other specified disorders of breast
Kyu8. [X]Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs
Kyu80 [X]Other specified female pelvic inflammatory diseases
Kyu81 [X]Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases CE
Kyu82 [X]Other diseases of Bartholins gland
Kyu83 [X]Other specified inflammation of vagina and vulva
Kyu84 [X]Ulceration of vulva in infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Kyu85 [X]Vaginits,vulvits+vulvovaginitis/infect+parasitc diseas CE
Kyu86 [X]Vulvovaginal ulceration+inflammation in other diseases CE
Kyu87 [X]Female pelvic peritonitis, unspecified
Kyu88 [X]Disease of Bartholins gland, unspecified
Kyu9. [X]Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract
Kyu90 [X]Other endometriosis
Kyu91 [X]Other female genital prolapse
Kyu92 [X]Other female urinary-genital tract fistulae
Kyu93 [X]Other female intestinal-genital tract fistulae
Kyu94 [X]Other female genital tract fistulae
Kyu95 [X]Other and unspecified ovarian cysts
Kyu96 [X]Oth noninflam disorders/ovary,fallopian tbe+broad ligamnt
Kyu97 [X]Polyp of other parts of female genital tract
Kyu98 [X]Other specified noninflammatory disorders of uterus
Kyu99 [X]Other specified noninflammatory disorders/cervix uteri
Kyu9A [X]Other specified noninflammatory disorders of vagina
Kyu9B [X]Other specified noninflammatory disorders/vulva+perineum
Kyu9C [X]Other specified irregular menstruation
Kyu9D [X]Other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding
Kyu9E [X]Oth spcf conditn assoc wth fem genital organs+menstrl cyc
Kyu9F [X]Other specified menopausal and perimenopausal disorders
Kyu9G [X]Female infertility of other origin
Kyu9H [X]Other complicatns associated wth artificial fertilization
Kyu9J [X]Polyp of female genital tract, unspecified
Kyu9K [X]Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
Kyu9L [X]Severe vaginal dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
Kyu9M [X]Severe vulvar dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
Kyu9N [X]Dysplasia of vulva, unspecified
Kyu9P [X]Complication assoc with artific fertilization, unspecif
KyuA. [X]Other disorders of genitourinary tract
KyuA0 [X]Other postprocedural disorders/genitourinary system
Kz... Genitourinary disease NOS
L.... Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L0... Pregnancy with abortive outcome
L00.. Hydatidiform mole
L000. Classical hydatidiform mole
L001. Incomplete and partial hydatidiform mole
L01.. Other abnormal product of conception
L010. Blighted ovum
L011. Carneous mole
L01z. Other abnormal product of conception NOS
L02.. Missed abortion
L03.. Ectopic pregnancy
L030. Abdominal pregnancy
L0300 Delivery of viable fetus in abdominal pregnancy
L031. Tubal pregnancy
L0310 Fallopian tube pregnancy
L0311 Gravid fallopian tube rupture
L0312 Tubal abortion
L031z Tubal pregnancy NOS
L032. Ovarian pregnancy
L03y. Other ectopic pregnancy
L03y0 Cervical pregnancy
L03y1 Cornual pregnancy
L03y2 Membranous pregnancy
L03y3 Combined or heterotopic pregnancy
L03y4 Mural pregnancy
L03y5 Intraligamentous pregnancy
L03y6 Mesenteric pregnancy
L03y7 Angular pregnancy
L03y8 Mesometric pregnancy
L03yz Other ectopic pregnancy NOS
L03z. Ectopic pregnancy NOS
L04.. Spontaneous abortion
L040. Spontaneous abortion unspecified
L0400 Unspec spontaneous abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L0401 Unspec spontaneous abortion + delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0402 Unspec spontaneous abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0403 Unspecified spontaneous abortion with renal failure
L0404 Unspecified spontaneous abortion with metabolic disorder
L0405 Unspecified spontaneous abortion with shock
L0406 Unspecified spontaneous abortion with embolism
L0409 Inevitable miscarriage
L040w Unspec spontaneous abortion + other specified complication
L040x Unspecified spontaneous abortion with complication NOS
L040y Unspec spontaneous abortion without mention of complication
L040z Unspecified spontaneous abortion NOS
L041. Spontaneous abortion incomplete
L0410 Incomp spontaneous abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L0411 Incomp spontaneous abortion + delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0412 Incomplete spontaneous abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0413 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with renal failure
L0414 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with metabolic disorder
L0415 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with shock
L0416 Incomplete spontaneous abortion with embolism
L041w Incomp spontaneous abortion + other specified complication
L041x Incomplete spontaneous abortion with complication NOS
L041y Incomp spontaneous abortion with no mention of complication
L041z Incomplete spontaneous abortion NOS
L042. Spontaneous abortion complete
L0420 Complete spontaneous abortion + genital tract/pelvic infect
L0421 Complete spontaneous abortion +delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0422 Complete spontaneous abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0423 Complete spontaneous abortion with renal failure
L0424 Complete spontaneous abortion with metabolic disorder
L0425 Complete spontaneous abortion with shock
L0426 Complete spontaneous abortion with embolism
L042w Complete spontaneous abortion + other specified complication
L042x Complete spontaneous abortion with complication NOS
L042y Complete spontaneous abortion + no mention of complication
L042z Complete spontaneous abortion NOS
L043. Inevitable abortion unspecified
L0430 Unspec inev abor comp by genital tract and pelvic infect
L0431 Unspec inevit abortion comp by delayed or excessive haemorr
L0432 Unspecified inevitable abortion complicated by embolism
L043x Unspecified inevitable abortion with unspec complication
L043y Unspecified inevitable abortion with OS complication
L043z Unspecified inevitable abortion without complication
L044. Inevitable abortion incomplete
L0440 Incomp inev abor comp by genital tract and pelvic infection
L0441 Incom inev abor complicated by delayed or excessive haemorr
L0442 Incomplete inevitable abortion complicated by embolism
L044x Incomplete inevitable abortion with unspecified complication
L044y Incomplete inevitable abortion with OS complication
L044z Incomplete inevitable abortion without complication
L045. Inevitable abortion complete
L0450 Complete inev abor comp by genital tract and pelvic infec
L0451 Complete inevitable abor comp by delayed or excessive haem
L0452 Complete inevitable abortion complicated by embolism
L045x Complete inevitable abortion with unspecified complication
L045y Complete inevitable abortion with OS complication
L045z Complete inevitable abortion without complication
L04z. Spontaneous abortion NOS
L05.. Legally induced abortion
L050. Legal abortion unspecified
L0500 Unspecified legal abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L0501 Unspecified legal abortion + delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0502 Unspecified legal abortion + damage to pelvic organs/tissues
L0503 Unspecified legal abortion with renal failure
L0504 Unspecified legal abortion with metabolic disorder
L0505 Unspecified legal abortion with shock
L0506 Unspecified legal abortion with embolism
L050w Unspecified legal abortion with other specified complication
L050x Unspecified legal abortion with complication NOS
L050y Unspecified legal abortion with no mention of complication
L050z Unspecified legal abortion NOS
L051. Legal abortion incomplete
L0510 Incomplete legal abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L0511 Incomplete legal abortion + delayed or excessive haemorrhage
L0512 Incomplete legal abortion + damage to pelvic organs/tissues
L0513 Incomplete legal abortion with renal failure
L0514 Incomplete legal abortion with metabolic disorder
L0515 Incomplete legal abortion with shock
L0516 Incomplete legal abortion with embolism
L051w Incomplete legal abortion with other specified complication
L051x Incomplete legal abortion with complication NOS
L051y Incomplete legal abortion with no mention of complication
L051z Incomplete legal abortion NOS
L052. Legal abortion complete
L0520 Complete legal abortion + genital tract or pelvic infection
L0521 Complete legal abortion with delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0522 Complete legal abortion + damage to pelvic organs or tissues
L0523 Complete legal abortion with renal failure
L0524 Complete legal abortion with metabolic disorder
L0525 Complete legal abortion with shock
L0526 Complete legal abortion with embolism
L052w Complete legal abortion with other specified complication
L052x Complete legal abortion with complication NOS
L052y Complete legal abortion with no mention of complication
L052z Complete legal abortion NOS
L05z. Legally induced abortion NOS
L06.. Illegally induced abortion
L060. Illegal abortion unspecified
L0600 Unspec illegal abortion + genital tract or pelvic infection
L0601 Unspec illegal abortion + delayed or excessive haemorrhage
L0602 Unspecified illegal abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0603 Unspecified illegal abortion with renal failure
L0604 Unspecified illegal abortion with metabolic disorder
L0605 Unspecified illegal abortion with shock
L0606 Unspecified illegal abortion with embolism
L060w Unspecified illegal abortion + other specified complication
L060x Unspecified illegal abortion with complication NOS
L060y Unspecified illegal abortion with no mention of complication
L060z Unspecified illegal abortion NOS
L061. Illegal abortion incomplete
L0610 Incomplete illegal abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L0611 Incomplete illegal abortion + delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0612 Incomplete illegal abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0613 Incomplete illegal abortion with renal failure
L0614 Incomplete illegal abortion with metabolic disorder
L0615 Incomplete illegal abortion with shock
L0616 Incomplete illegal abortion with embolism
L061w Incomplete illegal abortion + other specified complication
L061x Incomplete illegal abortion with complication NOS
L061y Incomplete illegal abortion with no mention of complication
L061z Incomplete illegal abortion NOS
L062. Illegal abortion complete
L0620 Complete illegal abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L0621 Complete illegal abortion + delayed or excessive haemorrhage
L0622 Complete illegal abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0623 Complete illegal abortion with renal failure
L0624 Complete illegal abortion with metabolic disorder
L0625 Complete illegal abortion with shock
L0626 Complete illegal abortion with embolism
L062w Complete illegal abortion with other specified complication
L062x Complete illegal abortion with complication NOS
L062y Complete illegal abortion with no mention of complication
L062z Complete illegal abortion NOS
L06z. Illegally induced abortion NOS
L07.. Unspecified abortion
L070. Unspecified abortion
L0700 Unspecified abortion with genital tract or pelvic infection
L0701 Unspecified abortion with delayed or excessive haemorrhage
L0702 Unspecified abortion with damage to pelvic organs or tissues
L0703 Unspecified abortion with renal failure
L0704 Unspecified abortion with metabolic disorder
L0705 Unspecified abortion with shock
L0706 Unspecified abortion with embolism
L070w Unspecified abortion with other specified complication
L070x Unspecified abortion with complication NOS
L070y Unspecified abortion with no mention of complication
L070z Unspecified abortion NOS
L071. Unspecified abortion incomplete
L0710 Unspecified incomplete abortion +genital tract/pelvic infect
L0711 Unspecified incomplete abortion + delayed/excess haemorrhage
L0712 Unspecified incomplete abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0713 Unspecified incomplete abortion with renal failure
L0714 Unspecified incomplete abortion with metabolic disorder
L0715 Unspecified incomplete abortion with shock
L0716 Unspecified incomplete abortion with embolism
L071w Unspec incomplete abortion with other specified complication
L071x Unspecified incomplete abortion with complication NOS
L071y Unspecified incomplete abortion + no mention of complication
L071z Unspecified incomplete abortion NOS
L072. Unspecified abortion complete
L0720 Unspecified complete abortion + genital tract/pelvic infect
L0721 Unspecified complete abortion +delayed/excessive haemorrhage
L0722 Unspecified complete abortion + pelvic organ/tissue damage
L0723 Unspecified complete abortion with renal failure
L0724 Unspecified complete abortion with metabolic disorder
L0725 Unspecified complete abortion with shock
L0726 Unspecified complete abortion with embolism
L072w Unspecified complete abortion + other specified complication
L072x Unspecified complete abortion with complication NOS
L072y Unspecified complete abortion + no mention of complication
L072z Unspecified complete abortion NOS
L07z. Unspecified abortion NOS
L08.. Failed attempted abortion
L080. Failed attempted abortion + genital tract/pelvic infection
L081. Failed attempted abortion + delayed or excessive haemorrhage
L082. Failed attempted abortion + damage to pelvic organs/tissues
L083. Failed attempted abortion with renal failure
L084. Failed attempted abortion with metabolic disorder
L085. Failed attempted abortion with shock
L086. Failed attempted abortion with embolism
L08w. Failed attempted abortion with other specified complication
L08x. Failed attempted abortion with complication NOS
L08y. Failed attempted abortion with no mention of complication
L08z. Failed attempted abortion NOS
L09.. Complications following abortion/ectopic/molar pregnancies
L090. Genital or pelvic infection following abortive pregnancy
L0900 Endometritis following abortive pregnancy
L0901 Parametritis following abortive pregnancy
L0902 Pelvic peritonitis following abortive pregnancy
L0903 Salpingitis following abortive pregnancy
L0904 Salpingo-oophoritis following abortive pregnancy
L090y Sepsis NOS following abortion/ectopic/molar pregnancy
L090z Septicaemia NOS following abortive pregnancy
L091. Delayed/excessive haemorrhage following abortive pregnancy
L0910 Afibrinogenaemia following abortive pregnancy
L0911 Defibrination syndrome following abortive pregnancy
L0912 Intravascular haemolysis following abortive pregnancy
L091z Delayed/excess haemorrhage NOS following abortive pregnancy
L092. Pelvic organ or tissue damage following abortive pregnancy
L0920 Bladder damage following abortive pregnancy
L0921 Bowel damage following abortive pregnancy
L0922 Broad ligament damage following abortive pregnancy
L0923 Cervix damage following abortive pregnancy
L0924 Periurethral tissue damage following abortive pregnancy
L0925 Uterus damage following abortive pregnancy
L0926 Vaginal damage following abortive pregnancy
L092z Pelvic organ or tissue damage NOS follow abortive pregnancy
L093. Renal failure following abortive pregnancy
L0930 Oliguria following abortive pregnancy
L0931 Acute renal failure following abortive pregnancy
L0932 Renal shutdown following abortive pregnancy
L0933 Renal tubular necrosis following abortive pregnancy
L0934 Uraemia following abortive pregnancy
L093z Renal failure NOS following abortive pregnancy
L094. Metabolic disorder following abortive pregnancy
L095. Shock following abortive pregnancy
L096. Embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0960 Air embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0961 Amniotic fluid embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0962 Blood-clot embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0963 Fat embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0964 Pulmonary embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0965 Pyaemic embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0966 Septic embolism following abortive pregnancy
L0967 Soap embolism following abortive pregnancy
L096z Embolism NOS following abortive pregnancy
L097. Readmission for abortive pregnancy (NHS codes)
L0970 Readmis for retain products of concept, spontaneous abortion
L0971 Readmission for retained produc of concept, legal abortion
L0972 Readmission for retained produc of concept, illegal abortion
L0973 Readmission for retained produc of concept, unspec abortion
L09y. Other specified complication following abortive pregnancy
L09y0 Acute liver necrosis following abortive pregnancy
L09y1 Cardiac arrest following abortive pregnancy
L09y2 Cardiac failure following abortive pregnancy
L09y3 Cerebral anoxia following abortive pregnancy
L09y4 Urinary tract infection following abortive pregnancy
L09yz Other specified complication NOS follow abortive pregnancy
L09z. Complication NOS following abortion/ectopic/molar pregnancy
L0A.. Failed attempted abortion
L0A1. Failed medical abortion complic by genital tract/pelvic infn
L0A2. Failed medical abortion comp by delayed/excessive haemge
L0A3. Failed medical abortion, complicated by embolism
L0A4. Failed medical abortion, without complication
L0y.. Other specified pregnancy with abortive outcome
L0z.. Pregnancy with abortive outcome NOS
L1... Pregnancy complications
L10.. Haemorrhage in early pregnancy
L100. Threatened abortion
L1000 Threatened abortion unspecified
L1001 Threatened abortion - delivered
L1002 Threatened abortion - not delivered
L100z Threatened abortion NOS
L10y. Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy
L10y0 Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy unspecified
L10y1 Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy - delivered
L10y2 Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy - not delivered
L10yz Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy NOS
L10z. Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS
L10z0 Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS unspecified
L10z1 Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS - delivered
L10z2 Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS - not delivered
L10zz Early pregnancy haemorrhage NOS
L11.. Antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placentae, placenta praevia
L110. Placenta praevia without haemorrhage
L1100 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage unspecified
L1101 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage - delivered
L1102 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage - not delivered
L110z Placenta praevia without haemorrhage NOS
L111. Placenta praevia with haemorrhage
L1110 Placenta praevia with haemorrhage unspecified
L1111 Placenta praevia with haemorrhage - delivered
L1112 Placenta praevia with haemorrhage - not delivered
L111z Placenta praevia with haemorrhage NOS
L112. Placental abruption
L1120 Placental abruption unspecified
L1121 Placental abruption - delivered
L1122 Placental abruption - not delivered
L1123 Premature separation of placenta with coagulation defect
L112z Placental abruption NOS
L113. Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect
L1130 Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect unspecified
L1131 Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect - delivered
L1132 Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect - not deliv
L113z Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect NOS
L114. Antepartum haemorrhage with trauma
L1140 Antepartum haemorrhage with trauma unspecified
L1141 Antepartum haemorrhage with trauma - delivered
L1142 Antepartum haemorrhage with trauma - not delivered
L114z Antepartum haemorrhage with trauma NOS
L115. Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma
L1150 Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma unspecified
L1151 Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma - delivered
L1152 Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma - not deliv
L115z Antepartum haemorrhage with uterine leiomyoma NOS
L116. Placenta praevia
L11y. Other antepartum haemorrhage
L11y0 Other antepartum haemorrhage unspecified
L11y1 Other antepartum haemorrhage - delivered
L11y2 Other antepartum haemorrhage - not delivered
L11yz Other antepartum haemorrhage NOS
L11z. Antepartum haemorrhage NOS
L11z0 Antepartum haemorrhage NOS, unspecified
L11z1 Antepartum haemorrhage NOS - delivered
L11z2 Antepartum haemorrhage NOS - not deliv
L11zz Antepartum haemorrhage NOS
L12.. Hypertension complicating pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L120. Benign essential hypertension in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp
L1200 Benign essential hypertension in preg/childb/puerp unspec
L1201 Benign essential hypertension in preg/childb/puerp - deliv
L1202 Benign ess hypert in preg/childb/puerp - deliv with p/n comp
L1203 Benign essential hypertension in preg/childb/puerp-not deliv
L1204 Benign essential hypertension in preg/childb/puerp +p/n comp
L120z Benign essential hypertension in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L121. Renal hypertension in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1210 Renal hypertension in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp unspecified
L1211 Renal hypertension in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp - delivered
L1212 Renal hypertension in preg/childb/puerp -deliv with p/n comp
L1213 Renal hypertension in preg/childbirth/puerp - not delivered
L1214 Renal hypertension in preg/childb/puerp + p/n complication
L121z Renal hypertension in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L122. Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childbirth/puerp
L1220 Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp unspec
L1221 Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp - deliv
L1222 Oth pre-exist hypert in preg/childb/puerp -del with p/n comp
L1223 Other pre-exist hypertension in preg/childb/puerp-not deliv
L1224 Other pre-exist hypertension in preg/childb/puerp + p/n comp
L122z Other pre-existing hypertension in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L123. Transient hypertension of pregnancy
L1230 Transient hypertension of pregnancy unspecified
L1231 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - delivered
L1232 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - deliv with p/n comp
L1233 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - not delivered
L1234 Transient hypertension of pregnancy + postnatal complication
L1235 Gestational hypertension
L1236 Transient hypertension of pregnancy
L123z Transient hypertension of pregnancy NOS
L124. Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia
L1240 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia unspecified
L1241 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - delivered
L1242 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - delivered with p/n comp
L1243 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - not delivered
L1244 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia with p/n complication
L1245 Mild pre-eclampsia
L1246 Pre-eclampsia, unspecified
L124z Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia NOS
L125. Severe pre-eclampsia
L1250 Severe pre-eclampsia unspecified
L1251 Severe pre-eclampsia - delivered
L1252 Severe pre-eclampsia - delivered with postnatal complication
L1253 Severe pre-eclampsia - not delivered
L1254 Severe pre-eclampsia with postnatal complication
L125z Severe pre-eclampsia NOS
L126. Eclampsia
L1260 Eclampsia unspecified
L1261 Eclampsia - delivered
L1262 Eclampsia - delivered with postnatal complication
L1263 Eclampsia - not delivered
L1264 Eclampsia with postnatal complication
L1265 Eclampsia in pregnancy
L1266 Eclampsia in labour
L126z Eclampsia NOS
L127. Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension
L1270 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension unspecified
L1271 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension - delivered
L1272 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension - del+p/n comp
L1273 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension - not delivered
L1274 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with hypertension + p/n comp
L127z Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia + pre-existing hypertension NOS
L128. Pre-exist hypertension compl preg childbirth and puerperium
L1280 Pre-exist hyperten heart dis compl preg childbth+puerperium
L1281 Pre-exist hyperten heart renal dis comp preg chldbirth/puerp
L1282 Pre-exist 2ndry hypertens comp preg childbth and puerprum
L129. Moderate pre-eclampsia
L12A. HELLP - Syndrome haemolysis, elev liver enzyme low platelets
L12B. Proteinuric hypertension of pregnancy
L12z. Unspecified hypertension in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L12z0 Unspecified hypertension in preg/childb/puerp unspecified
L12z1 Unspecified hypertension in preg/childb/puerp - delivered
L12z2 Unspecified hypertension in preg/childb/puerp -del +p/n comp
L12z3 Unspecified hypertension in preg/childb/puerp - not deliv
L12z4 Unspecified hypertension in preg/childb/puerp with p/n comp
L12zz Unspecified hypertension in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L13.. Excessive pregnancy vomiting
L130. Mild hyperemesis gravidarum
L1300 Mild hyperemesis unspecified
L1301 Mild hyperemesis-delivered
L1302 Mild hyperemesis-not delivered
L130z Mild hyperemesis gravidarum NOS
L131. Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance
L1310 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance unsp
L1311 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance - deliv
L1312 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance - not del
L131z Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance NOS
L132. Late vomiting of pregnancy
L1320 Late pregnancy vomiting unspecified
L1321 Late pregnancy vomiting - delivered
L1322 Late pregnancy vomiting - not delivered
L132z Late pregnancy vomiting NOS
L13y. Other pregnancy vomiting
L13y0 Other pregnancy vomiting unspecified
L13y1 Other pregnancy vomiting - delivered
L13y2 Other pregnancy vomiting - not delivered
L13yz Other pregnancy vomiting NOS
L13z. Unspecified pregnancy vomiting
L13z0 Unspecified pregnancy vomiting unspecified
L13z1 Unspecified pregnancy vomiting - delivered
L13z2 Unspecified pregnancy vomiting - not delivered
L13zz Unspecified pregnancy vomiting NOS
L14.. Early or threatened labour
L140. Threatened premature labour
L1400 Threatened premature labour unspecified
L1401 Threatened premature labour - not delivered
L1402 False labour at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation
L140z Threatened premature labour NOS
L141. Other threatened labour
L1410 Other threatened labour unspecified
L1411 Other threatened labour - not delivered
L141z Other threatened labour NOS
L142. Early onset of delivery
L1420 Early onset of delivery unspecified
L1421 Early onset of delivery - delivered
L142z Early onset of delivery NOS
L14z. Early or threatened labour NOS
L15.. Prolonged or post-term pregnancy
L150. Post-term pregnancy
L1500 Post-term pregnancy unspecified
L1501 Post-term pregnancy - delivered
L1502 Post-term pregnancy - not delivered
L150z Post-term pregnancy NOS
L15z. Prolonged pregnancy NOS
L16.. Other pregnancy complication NEC
L160. Papyraceous fetus
L1600 Papyraceous fetus unspecified
L1601 Papyraceous fetus - delivered
L1602 Papyraceous fetus - not delivered
L160z Papyraceous fetus NOS
L161. Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy no hypertension
L1610 Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy, unspecified
L1611 Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy, delivered
L1612 Oedema/excess weight gain preg - delivered + postnatal compl
L1613 Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy - not delivered
L1614 Oedema/excessive weight gain in preg+postnatal complication
L161z Oedema or excessive weight gain in pregnancy NOS
L162. Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy
L1620 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy unspecified
L1621 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy - delivered
L1622 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy - del with p/n comp
L1623 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy - not delivered
L1624 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy with p/n complication
L162z Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy NOS
L163. Habitual aborter
L1630 Habitual aborter - unspecified
L1631 Habitual aborter - delivered
L1632 Habitual aborter - not delivered
L1633 Pregnancy care of habitual aborter
L163z Habitual aborter NOS
L164. Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy
L1640 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy unspecified
L1641 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy - delivered
L1642 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy - delivered with p/n comp
L1643 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy - not delivered
L1644 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy with postnatal complication
L164z Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy NOS
L165. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy
L1650 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy unspecified
L1651 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - delivered
L1652 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - del with p/n comp
L1653 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - not delivered
L1654 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy with postnatal comp
L165z Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy NOS
L166. Genitourinary tract infections in pregnancy
L1660 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy unspecified
L1661 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - delivered
L1662 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - deliv +p/n comp
L1663 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy - not delivered
L1664 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy with p/n comp
L1665 Infections of kidney in pregnancy
L1666 Urinary tract infection following delivery
L1667 Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy
L166z Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy NOS
L167. Liver disorder in pregnancy
L1670 Liver disorder in pregnancy unspecified
L1671 Liver disorder in pregnancy - delivered
L1672 Liver disorder in pregnancy - not delivered
L167z Liver disorder in pregnancy NOS
L168. Fatigue during pregnancy
L1680 Fatigue during pregnancy unspecified
L1681 Fatigue during pregnancy - delivered
L1682 Fatigue during pregnancy - delivered with postnatal comp
L1683 Fatigue during pregnancy - not delivered
L1684 Fatigue during pregnancy with postnatal complication
L168z Fatigue during pregnancy NOS
L169. Herpes gestationis
L1690 Herpes gestationis unspecified
L1691 Herpes gestationis - delivered
L1692 Herpes gestationis - delivered with postnatal complication
L1693 Herpes gestationis - not delivered
L1694 Herpes gestationis with postnatal complication
L169z Herpes gestationis NOS
L16A. Glycosuria during pregnancy
L16A0 Glycosuria during pregnancy unspecified
L16A1 Glycosuria during pregnancy - delivered
L16A2 Glycosuria during pregnancy - delivered with p/n comp
L16A3 Glycosuria during pregnancy - not delivered
L16A4 Glycosuria during pregnancy with postnatal complication
L16Az Glycosuria during pregnancy NOS
L16B. Braxton-Hicks contractions
L16C. Pregnancy induced oedema+proteinuria without hypertension
L16C0 Gestational proteinuria
L16C1 Gestational oedema with proteinuria
L16D. Excessive weight gain in pregnancy
L16E. Pregnancy pruritus
L16y. Other pregnancy complications
L16y0 Other pregnancy complication unspecified
L16y1 Other pregnancy complication - delivered
L16y2 Other pregnancy complication - delivered with postnatal comp
L16y3 Other pregnancy complication - not delivered
L16y4 Other pregnancy complication with postnatal complication
L16yz Other pregnancy complication NOS
L16z. Pregnancy complication NOS
L17.. Infective/parasitic disease in preg/childbirth/puerperium
L170. Maternal syphilis in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1700 Maternal syphilis, unspec whether in pregnancy or puerperium
L1701 Maternal syphilis during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1702 Maternal syphilis in puerperium - baby delivered
L1703 Maternal syphilis during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1704 Maternal syphilis in puerperium - baby previously delivered
L170z Maternal syphilis in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L171. Maternal gonorrhoea during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1710 Maternal gonorrhoea, unspec whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L1711 Maternal gonorrhoea during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1712 Maternal gonorrhoea in puerperium - baby delivered
L1713 Maternal gonorrhoea in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1714 Maternal gonorrhoea in puerperium- baby previously delivered
L171z Maternal gonorrhoea in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L172. Other venereal diseases in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1720 Other maternal venereal disease, unspec pregnancy/puerperium
L1721 Other maternal venereal disease during pregnancy- baby deliv
L1722 Other maternal venereal disease in puerperium-baby delivered
L1723 Other maternal venereal dis. in pregnancy-baby not delivered
L1724 Other mat. venereal dis. in puerperium-baby previously deliv
L172z Other mat. venereal dis. in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp. NOS
L173. Maternal tuberculosis in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1730 Maternal tuberculosis,unspec whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L1731 Maternal tuberculosis during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1732 Maternal tuberculosis in puerperium - baby delivered
L1733 Maternal tuberculosis in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1734 Maternal tuberculosis in puerperium - baby previously deliv.
L173z Maternal tuberculosis in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L174. Maternal malaria in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L1740 Maternal malaria, unspec whether during pregnancy/puerperium
L1741 Maternal malaria during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1742 Maternal malaria in puerperium - baby delivered
L1743 Maternal malaria during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1744 Maternal malaria in puerperium - baby previously delivered
L174z Maternal malaria during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L175. Maternal rubella in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L1750 Maternal rubella, unspecified whether pregnancy/puerperium
L1751 Maternal rubella during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1752 Maternal rubella in puerperium - baby delivered
L1753 Maternal rubella during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1754 Maternal rubella in puerperium - baby previously delivered
L175z Maternal rubella in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L176. Other maternal viral dis. in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1760 Other maternal viral disease, unspec in pregnancy/puerperium
L1761 Other maternal viral disease in pregnancy - baby delivered
L1762 Other maternal viral disease in puerperium - baby delivered
L1763 Other maternal viral pregnancy-baby not yet delivered
L1764 Other mat.viral dis. in puerperium-baby previously delivered
L1765 Viral hepatitis comp pregnancy, childbirth & the puerperium
L176z Other maternal viral dis. in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp. NOS
L177. Infections of bladder in pregnancy
L178. Infections of urethra in pregnancy
L17y. Other mat.infective/parasitic disease in preg/childb/puerp.
L17y0 Other mat. infective/parasitic disease in preg/puerp unspec
L17y1 Other mat.infective/parasitic dis in pregnancy - delivered
L17y2 Other mat.infect/parasit dis in puerperium - baby delivered
L17y3 Other mat infective/parasit dis in pregnancy - not delivered
L17y4 Other mat.infective/parasit dis in puerp-baby previously del
L17yz Other mat.infective/parasitic dis in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L17z. Maternal infect/parasitic dis NOS in pregnancy/childb/puerp
L17z0 Mat infect/parasitic dis NOS - pregnancy/puerperium unspec
L17z1 Mat infect/parasitic dis NOS in pregnancy - baby delivered
L17z2 Mat infect/parasitic dis NOS in puerperium - baby delivered
L17z3 Mat infect/parasitic dis NOS in pregnancy-baby not delivered
L17z4 Mat infect/parasitic dis NOS in puerp-baby previously deliv
L17zz Mat infect/parasitic dis NOS in preg/childbirth/puerp NOS
L18.. Other medical condition in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L180. Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1800 Diabetes mellitus - unspec whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L1801 Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1802 Diabetes mellitus in puerperium - baby delivered
L1803 Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1804 Diabetes mellitus in pueperium - baby previously delivered
L1805 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent
L1806 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent
L1807 Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
L1808 Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy
L1809 Gestational diabetes mellitus
L180X Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified
L180z Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L181. Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1810 Thyroid dysfunction - unspec whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L1811 Thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1812 Thyroid dysfunction in puerperium - baby delivered
L1813 Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1814 Thyroid dysfunction in puerperium- baby previously delivered
L1815 Postpartum thyroiditis
L181z Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L182. Anaemia during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L1820 Anaemia - unspecified whether in pregnancy or the puerperium
L1821 Anaemia during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1822 Anaemia in the puerperium - baby delivered
L1823 Anaemia during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1824 Anaemia in the puerperium - baby previously delivered
L1825 Iron deficiency anaemia of pregnancy
L182z Anaemia during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L183. Drug dependence in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L1830 Drug dependence - unspec whether during pregnancy/puerperium
L1831 Drug dependence during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1832 Drug dependence in the puerperium - baby delivered
L1833 Drug dependence during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1834 Drug dependence in puerperium - baby previously delivered
L183z Drug dependence during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L184. Mental disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
L1840 Mental disorder - unspec whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L1841 Mental disorder during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1842 Mental disorder in the puerperium - baby delivered
L1843 Mental disorder during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1844 Mental disorder in puerperium - baby previously delivered
L184z Mental disorder during pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L185. Congenital cardiovascular disorders in preg/childb/puerp
L1850 Congenital cardiovasc dis - unsp whether in preg/puerperium
L1851 Congenital cardiovasc dis in pregnancy - baby delivered
L1852 Congenital cardiovasc dis in puerp - baby delivered
L1853 Congenital cardiovasc dis in pregnancy - baby not delivered
L1854 Congenital cardiovasc dis in puerp - baby previously deliv
L185z Congenital cardiovascular disorder in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L186. Other cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp
L1860 Other cardiovascular dis - unsp whether in preg/puerperium
L1861 Other cardiovascular disease in pregnancy - baby delivered
L1862 Other cardiovasc dis in puerperium - baby delivered
L1863 Other cardiovascular dis in pregnancy - baby not delivered
L1864 Other cardiovasc dis in puerp - baby previously delivered
L1865 Cardiomyopathy in the puerperium
L186z Other cardiovascular disease in pregnancy/childb/puerp NOS
L187. Orthopaedic disorders in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L1870 Orthopaedic disorder - unsp whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L1871 Orthopaedic disorder during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1872 Orthopaedic disorder in puerperium - baby delivered
L1873 Orthopaedic disorder in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1874 Orthopaedic disorder in puerperium-baby previously delivered
L187z Orthopaedic disorder in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L188. Abnormal glucose tolerance test in pregnancy/childb/puerp
L1880 Abnormal GTT - unspec whether during pregnancy/puerperium
L1881 Abnormal GTT during pregnancy - baby delivered
L1882 Abnormal GTT in puerperium - baby delivered
L1883 Abnormal GTT during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L1884 Abnormal GTT in puerperium - baby previously delivered
L188z Abnormal GTT in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L189. Dis resp syst comp pregnancy, childbirth & puerperium
L18A. Dis of the digestive sys comp preg childbirth and puerp
L18B. Dis of the skin and subcut tis comp preg childbrth puerp
L18C. Endocrine nutrition+metab dis complic pregn,childbirth+puerp
L18D. Dis nervous syst complic pregnancy,childbirth and puerperium
L18z. Medical condition NOS in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L18z0 Medical condition NOS - unsp whether in pregnancy/puerperium
L18z1 Medical condition NOS during pregnancy - baby delivered
L18z2 Medical condition NOS in puerperium - baby delivered
L18z3 Medical condition NOS in pregnancy - baby not yet delivered
L18z4 Medical condition NOS in puerperium - baby previously deliv
L18zz Medical condition NOS in pregnancy/childb/puerp NOS
L19.. Complications specific to multiple gestation
L191. Continuing pregnancy after abortion of one fetus or more
L192. Continuing preg after intrauterine death one fetus or more
L1A.. Sublux of symphysis pubis in preg childbirth and puerp
L1y.. Complications of pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium OS
L1z.. Complications of pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L2... Risk factors in pregnancy
L20.. Normal delivery in a completely normal case
L200. Normal delivery but ante- or post- natal conditions present
L20z. Normal delivery in completely normal case NOS
L21.. Multiple pregnancy
L210. Twin pregnancy
L2100 Twin pregnancy unspecified
L2101 Twin pregnancy - delivered
L2102 Twin pregnancy with antenatal problem
L210z Twin pregnancy NOS
L211. Triplet pregnancy
L2110 Triplet pregnancy unspecified
L2111 Triplet pregnancy - delivered
L2112 Triplet pregnancy with antenatal problem
L211z Triplet pregnancy NOS
L212. Quadruplet pregnancy
L2120 Quadruplet pregnancy unspecified
L2121 Quadruplet pregnancy - delivered
L2122 Quadruplet pregnancy with antenatal problem
L212z Quadruplet pregnancy NOS
L213. Multiple delivery
L2130 Multiple delivery, all spontaneous
L2131 Multiple delivery, all by forceps and vacuum extractor
L2132 Multiple delivery, all by caesarean section
L21y. Other multiple pregnancy
L21y0 Other multiple pregnancy unspecified
L21y1 Other multiple pregnancy - delivered
L21y2 Other multiple pregnancy with antenatal problem
L21yz Other multiple pregnancy NOS
L21z. Multiple pregnancy NOS
L21z0 Multiple pregnancy NOS, unspecified
L21z1 Multiple pregnancy NOS - delivered
L21z2 Multiple pregnancy NOS with antenatal problem
L21zz Multiple pregnancy NOS
L22.. Malposition and malpresentation of fetus
L220. Fetus - unstable lie
L2200 Unstable lie unspecified
L2201 Unstable lie - delivered
L2202 Unstable lie with antenatal problem
L220z Unstable lie NOS
L221. Cephalic version NOS
L2210 Cephalic version NOS, unspecified
L2211 Cephalic version NOS - delivered
L2212 Cephalic version NOS with antenatal problem
L221z Cephalic version NOS
L222. Breech presentation
L2220 Breech presentation unspecified
L2221 Breech presentation - delivered
L2222 Breech presentation with antenatal problem
L222z Breech presentation NOS
L223. Oblique presentation
L2230 Oblique lie unspecified
L2231 Oblique lie - delivered
L2232 Oblique lie with antenatal problem
L223z Oblique lie NOS
L224. Transverse presentation
L2240 Transverse lie unspecified
L2241 Transverse lie - delivered
L2242 Transverse lie with antenatal problem
L224z Transverse lie NOS
L225. Face presentation
L2250 Face presentation unspecified
L2251 Face presentation - delivered
L2252 Face presentation with antenatal problem
L225z Face presentation NOS
L226. Brow presentation
L2260 Brow presentation unspecified
L2261 Brow presentation - delivered
L2262 Brow presentation with antenatal problem
L226z Brow presentation NOS
L227. High head at term
L2270 High head at term unspecified
L2271 High head at term - delivered
L2272 High head at term with antenatal problem
L227z High head at term NOS
L228. Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation
L2280 Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation unspecified
L2281 Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation - delivered
L2282 Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation with antenatal prob
L228z Multiple pregnancy with malpresentation NOS
L229. Prolapsed arm presentation
L2290 Prolapsed arm unspecified
L2291 Prolapsed arm - delivered
L2292 Prolapsed arm with antenatal problem
L229z Prolapsed arm NOS
L22y. Other fetal malposition and malpresentation
L22y0 Other fetal malposition and malpresentation unspecified
L22y1 Other fetal malposition and malpresentation - delivered
L22y2 Other fetal malposition and malpresentation with a/n prob
L22yz Other fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS
L22z. Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS
L22z0 Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS, unspecified
L22z1 Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS - delivered
L22z2 Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS with a/n problem
L22zz Fetal malposition and malpresentation NOS
L23.. Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
L230. Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality
L2300 Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality unspecified
L2301 Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality - delivered
L2302 Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality with antenatal prob
L230z Disproportion - major pelvic abnormality NOS
L231. Generally contracted pelvis
L2310 Generally contracted pelvis unspecified
L2311 Generally contracted pelvis - delivered
L2312 Generally contracted pelvis with antenatal problem
L231z Generally contracted pelvis NOS
L232. Inlet pelvic contraction
L2320 Inlet pelvic contraction unspecified
L2321 Inlet pelvic contraction - delivered
L2322 Inlet pelvic contraction with antenatal problem
L232z Inlet pelvic contraction NOS
L233. Outlet pelvic contraction
L2330 Outlet pelvic contraction unspecified
L2331 Outlet pelvic contraction - delivered
L2332 Outlet pelvic contraction with antenatal problem
L233z Outlet pelvic contraction NOS
L234. Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion
L2340 Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion unspecified
L2341 Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion - delivered
L2342 Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion with antenatal problem
L234z Mixed feto-pelvic disproportion NOS
L235. Large fetus causing disproportion
L2350 Large fetus causing disproportion unspecified
L2351 Large fetus causing disproportion - delivered
L2352 Large fetus causing disproportion with antenatal problem
L235z Large fetus causing disproportion NOS
L236. Hydrocephalic disproportion
L2360 Hydrocephalic disproportion unspecified
L2361 Hydrocephalic disproportion - delivered
L2362 Hydrocephalic disproportion with antenatal problem
L236z Hydrocephalic disproportion NOS
L237. Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion
L2370 Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion unspecified
L2371 Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion - delivered
L2372 Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion with a/n prob
L237z Other fetal abnormality causing disproportion NOS
L23y. Other disproportion
L23y0 Other disproportion unspecified
L23y1 Other disproportion - delivered
L23y2 Other disproportion with antenatal problem
L23yz Other disproportion NOS
L23z. Disproportion NOS
L23z0 Disproportion NOS, unspecified
L23z1 Disproportion NOS - delivered
L23z2 Disproportion NOS with antenatal problem
L23zz Disproportion NOS
L24.. Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp
L240. Congenital abnormality of uterus in preg/childbirth/puerp
L2400 Congenital abnormality of uterus affecting obstetric care
L2401 Congenital abnormality of uterus - baby delivered
L2402 Cong abnormality uterus - baby delivered + postpartum compl
L2403 Cong abnorm uterus complicating a/n care, baby not delivered
L2404 Cong abnorm uterus complic p/n care - baby previously deliv
L240z Congenital abnormality uterus in pregnancy/childb/puerp NOS
L241. Tumour of uterine body in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium
L2410 Tumour of uterine body affecting obstetric care
L2411 Tumour of uterine body - baby delivered
L2412 Tumour of uterine body - baby delivered + p/n complication
L2413 Tumour of uterine body complicating a/n care, baby not deliv
L2414 Tumour of uterine body complic p/n care, baby prev delivered
L241z Uterine body tumour in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L242. Uterine scar from previous surgery in pregnancy/childb/puerp
L2420 Uterine operation scar in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp unspec
L2421 Uterine operation scar in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp - deliv
L2422 Uterine operation scar in pregnancy/childb/puerp + a/n prob
L242z Uterine operation scar in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp NOS
L243. Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus
L2430 Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus unspecified
L2431 Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus - delivered
L2432 Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus - delivered +p/n comp
L2433 Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus with antenatal prob
L2434 Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus with postnatal comp
L243z Retroverted incarcerated gravid uterus NOS
L244. Other uterine/pelvic floor abnormality in preg/childb/puerp
L2440 Other uterine/pelvic floor abnormal affecting obstetric care
L2441 Other uterine/pelvic floor abnormality - baby delivered
L2442 Other uterine/pelvic floor abn - delivered+postpartum compl
L2443 Other uterine/pelvic floor abnormal - baby not yet delivered
L2444 Other uterine/pelvic floor abn - baby delivered previously
L244z Other uterine/pelvic floor abn in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L245. Cervical incompetence
L2450 Cervical incompetence unspecified
L2451 Cervical incompetence - delivered
L2452 Cervical incompetence - delivered with postnatal comp
L2453 Cervical incompetence with antenatal problem
L2454 Cervical incompetence with postnatal complication
L245z Cervical incompetence NOS
L246. Other cervical abnormality in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp
L2460 Other cervical abnormality affecting obstetric care
L2461 Other cervical abnormality - baby delivered
L2462 Other cervical abnormality - baby delivered+postpartum compl
L2463 Other cervical abn complicating a/n care- baby not delivered
L2464 Other cervical abn complicating p/n care - baby deliv prev
L246z Other cervical abnormality in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp NOS
L247. Congenital/acquired abnormality vagina in preg/childb/puerp
L2470 Vaginal abnormality affecting obstetric care
L2471 Vaginal abnormality - baby delivered
L2472 Vaginal abnormality - baby delivered+postpartum complication
L2473 Vaginal abnormality complicating a/n care-baby not delivered
L2474 Vaginal abnormality complicating p/n care - baby deliv prev
L247z Vaginal abnormality in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L248. Congenital/acquired abnormality vulva in preg/childb/puerp
L2480 Vulval abnormality affecting obstetric care
L2481 Vulval abnormality - baby delivered
L2482 Vulval abnormality - baby delivered+postpartum complication
L2483 Vulval abn complicating a/n care - baby not yet delivered
L2484 Vulval abn complicating p/n care - baby delivered previously
L248z Vulval abnormality in pregnancy/childbirth/puerperium NOS
L24z. Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in pregnancy/childbirth/puerp
L24z0 Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in preg/childb/puerp unspec
L24z1 Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in preg/childb/puerp - deliv
L24z2 Pelvic soft tissue abnorm in preg/childb/puerp -del+p/n comp
L24z3 Pelvic soft tissue abnorm in preg/childb/puerp with a/n prob
L24z4 Pelvic soft tissue abnorm in preg/childb/puerp with p/n comp
L24zz Pelvic soft tissue abnormality in preg/childb/puerp NOS
L25.. Known or suspected fetal abnormality
L250. Fetus with central nervous system malformation
L2500 Fetus with central nervous system malformation unspecified
L2501 Fetus with central nervous system malformation - delivered
L2502 Fetus with central nervous system malformation + a/n problem
L250z Fetus with central nervous system malformation NOS
L251. Fetus with chromosomal abnormality
L2510 Fetus with chromosomal abnormality unspecified
L2511 Fetus with chromosomal abnormality - delivered
L2512 Fetus with chromosomal abnormality with antenatal problem
L251z Fetus with chromosomal abnormality NOS
L252. Fetus with hereditary disease
L2520 Fetus with hereditary disease unspecified
L2521 Fetus with hereditary disease - delivered
L2522 Fetus with hereditary disease with antenatal problem
L252z Fetus with hereditary disease NOS
L253. Fetus with viral damage via mother
L2530 Fetus with viral damage via mother unspecified
L2531 Fetus with viral damage via mother - delivered
L2532 Fetus with viral damage via mother with antenatal problem
L253z Fetus with viral damage via mother NOS
L254. Fetus with damage due to other maternal disease
L2540 Fetus with damage due to other maternal disease unspecified
L2541 Fetus with damage due to other maternal disease - delivered
L2542 Fetus with damage due to other maternal disease + a/n prob
L254z Fetus with damage due to other maternal disease NOS
L255. Fetus with drug damage
L2550 Fetus with drug damage unspecified
L2551 Fetus with drug damage - delivered
L2552 Fetus with drug damage with antenatal problem
L2553 Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from alcohol
L255z Fetus with drug damage NOS
L256. Fetus with radiation damage
L2560 Fetus with radiation damage unspecified
L2561 Fetus with radiation damage - delivered
L2562 Fetus with radiation damage with antenatal problem
L256z Fetus with radiation damage NOS
L257. Fetus with damage due to intra-uterine contraceptive device
L2570 Fetus with damage due to IUCD unspecified
L2571 Fetus with damage due to IUCD - delivered
L2572 Fetus with damage due to IUCD with antenatal problem
L257z Fetus with damage due to IUCD NOS
L25y. Fetus with other damage NEC
L25y0 Fetus with other damage NEC, unspecified
L25y1 Fetus with other damage NEC - delivered
L25y2 Fetus with other damage NEC with antenatal problem
L25yz Fetus with other damage NEC NOS
L25z. Fetus with damage NOS
L25z0 Fetus with damage NOS, unspecified
L25z1 Fetus with damage NOS - delivered
L25z2 Fetus with damage NOS with antenatal problem
L25zz Fetus with damage NOS
L26.. Other fetal and placental problems
L260. Fetal-maternal haemorrhage
L2600 Fetal-maternal haemorrhage unspecified
L2601 Fetal-maternal haemorrhage - delivered
L2602 Fetal-maternal haemorrhage with antenatal problem
L260z Fetal-maternal haemorrhage NOS
L261. Rhesus isoimmunisation
L2610 Rhesus isoimmunisation unspecified
L2611 Rhesus isoimmunisation - delivered
L2612 Rhesus isoimmunisation with antenatal problem
L261z Rhesus isoimmunisation NOS
L262. Other blood-group isoimmunisation
L2620 Other blood-group isoimmunisation unspecified
L2621 Other blood-group isoimmunisation - delivered
L2622 Other blood-group isoimmunisation with antenatal problem
L262z Other blood-group isoimmunisation NOS
L263. Fetal distress - affecting management
L2630 Fetal distress unspecified
L2631 Fetal distress - delivered
L2632 Fetal distress with antenatal problem
L2633 Labour and delivery complicated by fetal heart rate anomaly
L2634 Labour and delivery complic by meconium in amniotic fluid
L2635 Lab+del comp fetal ht rate anom wth meconium in amnio fluid
L2636 Labour+delivery complicatd by biochem evidence/fetal stress
L2637 Maternal care for fetal hypoxia
L263z Fetal distress NOS
L264. Intrauterine death
L2640 Intrauterine death unspecified
L2641 Intrauterine death - delivered
L2642 Intrauterine death with antenatal problem
L264z Intrauterine death NOS
L265. Small-for-dates fetus in pregnancy
L2650 Small-for-dates unspecified
L2651 Small-for-dates - delivered
L2652 Small-for-dates with antenatal problem
L2653 Maternal care for poor fetal growth
L265z Small-for-dates NOS
L266. Large-for-dates fetus in pregnancy
L2660 Large-for-dates unspecified
L2661 Large-for-dates - delivered
L2662 Large-for-dates with antenatal problem
L266z Large-for-dates NOS
L267. Other placental conditions
L2670 Other placental conditions unspecified
L2671 Other placental conditions - delivered
L2672 Other placental conditions with antenatal problem
L2673 Placental transfusion syndromes
L2674 Malformation of placenta
L2675 Other fetal problems
L267z Other placental conditions NOS
L268. Other fetal problems
L2680 Reduced fetal movements
L26y. Other feto-placental problems
L26y0 Other feto-placental problems unspecified
L26y1 Other feto-placental problems - delivered
L26y2 Other feto-placental problems with antenatal problem
L26yz Other feto-placental problems NOS
L26z. Feto-placental problems NOS
L26z0 Feto-placental problems NOS, unspecified
L26z1 Feto-placental problems NOS - delivered
L26z2 Feto-placental problems NOS with antenatal problem
L26zz Feto-placental problems NOS
L27.. Polyhydramnios and hydramnios
L270. Polyhydramnios
L2700 Polyhydramnios unspecified
L2701 Polyhydramnios - delivered
L2702 Polyhydramnios with antenatal problem
L270z Polyhydramnios NOS
L27z. Polyhydramnios NOS
L28.. Other problems of amniotic cavity and membranes
L280. Oligohydramnios
L2800 Oligohydramnios unspecified
L2801 Oligohydramnios - delivered
L2802 Oligohydramnios with antenatal problem
L280z Oligohydramnios NOS
L281. Premature rupture of membranes
L2810 Premature rupture of membranes unspecified
L2811 Premature rupture of membranes - delivered
L2812 Premature rupture of membranes with antenatal problem
L2813 Prem rupture of membranes onset of labour within 24 hours
L2814 Premature rupture of membranes, labour delayed by therapy
L2815 Prem rupture of membranes onset of labour after 24 hours
L281z Premature rupture of membranes NOS
L282. Prolonged spontaneous or unspecified rupture of membranes
L2820 Prolonged spont/unspec rupture of membranes unspecified
L2821 Prolonged spont/unspec rupture of membranes - delivered
L2822 Prolonged spont/unspec rupture of membranes with a/n problem
L2823 Delay deliv after spontaneous or unsp rupture of membranes
L282z Prolonged spontaneous/unspecified rupture of membranes NOS
L283. Prolonged artificial rupture of membranes
L2830 Prolonged artificial rupture of membranes unspecified
L2831 Prolonged artificial rupture of membranes - delivered
L2832 Prolonged artificial rupture of membranes with a/n problem
L283z Prolonged artificial rupture of membranes NOS
L284. Amniotic cavity infection
L2840 Amniotic cavity infection unspecified
L2841 Amniotic cavity infection - delivered
L2842 Amniotic cavity infection with antenatal problem
L284z Amniotic cavity infection NOS
L28y. Other problems of amniotic cavity and membranes
L28y0 Other problem of amniotic cavity and membranes unspecified
L28y1 Other problem of amniotic cavity and membranes - delivered
L28y2 Other amniotic/membrane problem with antenatal problem
L28yz Other problem of amniotic cavity and membranes NOS
L28z. Amniotic cavity and membrane problems NOS
L28z0 Amniotic cavity and membrane problem NOS, unspecified
L28z1 Amniotic cavity and membrane problem NOS - delivered
L28z2 Amniotic cavity and membrane problem NOS with a/n problem
L28zz Amniotic cavity and membrane problem NOS
L29.. Other problems affecting labour
L290. Failed mechanical induction
L2900 Failed mechanical induction unspecified
L2901 Failed mechanical induction - delivered
L2902 Failed mechanical induction with antenatal problem
L290z Failed mechanical induction NOS
L291. Failed medical or unspecified induction
L2910 Failed medical or unspecified induction unspecified
L2911 Failed medical or unspecified induction - delivered
L2912 Failed medical or unspecified induction with a/n problem
L291z Failed medical or unspecified induction NOS
L292. Maternal pyrexia during labour, unspecified
L2920 Unspecified maternal pyrexia during labour, unspecified
L2921 Unspecified maternal pyrexia during labour - delivered
L2922 Unspecified maternal pyrexia during labour with a/n problem
L292z Unspecified maternal pyrexia during labour NOS
L293. Septicaemia during labour
L2930 Septicaemia during labour unspecified
L2931 Septicaemia during labour - delivered
L2932 Septicaemia during labour with antenatal problem
L293z Septicaemia during labour NOS
L294. Grand multiparity
L2940 Grand multiparity unspecified
L2941 Grand multiparity - delivered
L2942 Grand multiparity with antenatal problem
L294z Grand multiparity NOS
L295. Elderly primigravida
L2950 Elderly primigravida unspecified
L2951 Elderly primigravida - delivered
L2952 Elderly primigravida with antenatal problem
L295z Elderly primigravida NOS
L296. Vaginal delivery following previous caesarean section
L29y. Other problems affecting labour
L29y0 Other problems affecting labour unspecified
L29y1 Other problems affecting labour - delivered
L29y2 Other problems affecting labour with antenatal problem
L29yz Other problems affecting labour NOS
L29z. Problems affecting labour NOS
L29z0 Problems affecting labour NOS unspecified
L29z1 Problems affecting labour NOS - delivered
L29z2 Problems affecting labour NOS with antenatal problem
L29zz Problems affecting labour NOS
L2A.. Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
L2A0. Abnormal haematologic find on antenatal screening of mother
L2A1. Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screen of mother
L2A2. Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screen of mother
L2A3. Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother
L2A4. Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screen of mother
L2A5. Abnormal chromosomal and genet find/antenat screen of mother
L2AX. Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother
L2B.. Low weight gain in pregnancy
L2C.. Malnutrition in pregnancy
L2D.. Retained intrauterine contraceptive device in pregnancy
L2y.. Other specified risk factors in pregnancy
L2z.. Risk factors in pregnancy NOS
L3... Complications occurring during labour and delivery
L30.. Obstructed labour
L300. Obstructed labour due to fetal malposition
L3000 Obstructed labour due to fetal malposition unspecified
L3001 Obstructed labour due to fetal malposition - delivered
L3002 Obstructed labour due to fetal malposition with a/n problem
L3003 Obstructed labour due to breech presentation
L3004 Obstructed labour due to face presentation
L3005 Obstructed labour due to brow presentation
L3006 Obstructed labour due to shoulder presentation
L3007 Obstructed labour due to compound presentation
L300z Obstructed labour due to fetal malposition NOS
L301. Obstructed labour caused by bony pelvis
L3010 Obstructed labour caused by bony pelvis unspecified
L3011 Obstructed labour caused by bony pelvis - delivered
L3012 Obstructed labour caused by bony pelvis with a/n problem
L3013 Obstructed labour due to deformed pelvis
L3014 Obstructed labour due to generally contracted pelvis
L3015 Obstructed labour due to pelvic inlet contraction
L3016 Obstruct labour due pelvic outlet and mid-cavity contract
L3017 Obstructed labour due abnormality of maternal pelv organs
L301z Obstructed labour caused by bony pelvis NOS
L302. Obstructed labour caused by pelvic soft tissues
L3020 Obstructed labour caused by pelvic soft tissues unspecified
L3021 Obstructed labour caused by pelvic soft tissues - delivered
L3022 Obstructed labour caused by pelvic soft tissues + a/n prob
L302z Obstructed labour caused by pelvic soft tissues NOS
L303. Deep transverse arrest (DTA)
L3030 Deep transverse arrest unspecified
L3031 Deep transverse arrest - delivered
L3032 Deep transverse arrest with antenatal problem
L303z Deep transverse arrest NOS
L304. Persistent occipitoposterior or occipitoanterior position
L3040 Persistent occipitopost/occipitoant position, unspecified
L3041 Persistent occipitopost/occipitoant position - delivered
L3042 Persistent occipitopost/occipitoant position + a/n problem
L304z Persistent occipitoposterior/occipitoanterior position NOS
L305. Shoulder dystocia
L3050 Shoulder dystocia unspecified
L3051 Shoulder dystocia - delivered
L3052 Shoulder dystocia with antenatal problem
L305z Shoulder dystocia NOS
L306. Locked twins
L3060 Locked twins unspecified
L3061 Locked twins - delivered
L3062 Locked twins with antenatal problem
L306z Locked twins NOS
L307. Failed trial of labour unspecified
L3070 Other failed trial of labour unspecified
L3071 Other failed trial of labour - delivered
L3072 Other failed trial of labour with antenatal problem
L307z Failed trial of labour NOS
L308. Failed forceps unspecified
L3080 Other failed forceps, unspecified
L3081 Other failed forceps - delivered
L3082 Other failed forceps with antenatal problem
L308z Failed forceps NOS
L309. Failed ventouse extraction unspecified
L3090 Other failed ventouse extraction, unspecified
L3091 Other failed ventouse extraction - delivered
L3092 Other failed ventouse extraction with antenatal problem
L309z Failed ventouse extraction NOS
L30A. Obstructed labour due to unusually large fetus
L30y. Other causes of obstructed labour
L30y0 Other causes of obstructed labour unspecified
L30y1 Other causes of obstructed labour - delivered
L30y2 Other causes of obstructed labour with antenatal problem
L30yz Other causes of obstructed labour NOS
L30z. Obstructed labour NOS
L30z0 Obstructed labour NOS, unspecified
L30z1 Obstructed labour NOS - delivered
L30z2 Obstructed labour NOS with antenatal problem
L30zz Obstructed labour NOS
L31.. Abnormal forces of labour
L310. Primary uterine inertia
L3100 Primary uterine inertia unspecified
L3101 Primary uterine inertia - delivered
L3102 Primary uterine inertia with antenatal problem
L310z Primary uterine inertia NOS
L311. Secondary uterine inertia
L3110 Secondary uterine inertia unspecified
L3111 Secondary uterine inertia - delivered
L3112 Secondary uterine inertia with antenatal problem
L311z Secondary uterine inertia NOS
L312. Other uterine inertia
L3120 Other uterine inertia unspecified
L3121 Other uterine inertia - delivered
L3122 Other uterine inertia with antenatal problem
L312z Other uterine inertia NOS
L313. Precipitate labour
L3130 Precipitate labour unspecified
L3131 Precipitate labour - delivered
L3132 Precipitate labour with antenatal problem
L313z Precipitate labour NOS
L314. Hypertonic uterine inertia
L3140 Hypertonic uterine inertia unspecified
L3141 Hypertonic uterine inertia - delivered
L3142 Hypertonic uterine inertia with antenatal problem
L314z Hypertonic uterine inertia NOS
L31z. Abnormality of forces of labour NOS
L31z0 Abnormality of forces of labour NOS unspecified
L31z1 Abnormality of forces of labour NOS - delivered
L31z2 Abnormality of forces of labour NOS with antenatal problem
L31zz Abnormality of forces of labour NOS
L32.. Long labour
L320. Prolonged first stage
L3200 Prolonged first stage unspecified
L3201 Prolonged first stage - delivered
L3202 Prolonged first stage with antenatal problem
L320z Prolonged first stage NOS
L321. Prolonged labour unspecified
L3210 Unspecified prolonged labour, unspecified
L3211 Unspecified prolonged labour - delivered
L3212 Unspecified prolonged labour with antenatal problem
L321z Prolonged labour NOS
L322. Prolonged second stage
L3220 Prolonged second stage unspecified
L3221 Prolonged second stage - delivered
L3222 Prolonged second stage with antenatal problem
L322z Prolonged second stage NOS
L323. Delayed delivery of second twin, triplet etc
L3230 Delayed delivery second twin unspecified
L3231 Delayed delivery second twin - delivered
L3232 Delayed delivery second twin with antenatal problem
L323z Delayed delivery second twin etc NOS
L32z. Prolonged labour NOS
L33.. Umbilical cord complications
L330. Prolapse of cord
L3300 Prolapse of cord unspecified
L3301 Prolapse of cord - delivered
L3302 Prolapse of cord with antenatal problem
L330z Prolapse of cord NOS
L331. Cord tight round neck
L3310 Cord tight round neck unspecified
L3311 Cord tight round neck - delivered
L3312 Cord tight round neck with antenatal problem
L331z Cord tight round neck NOS
L332. Cord tangled or knotted with compression
L3320 Cord tangled with compression unspecified
L3321 Cord tangled with compression - delivered
L3322 Cord tangled with compression with antenatal problem
L332z Cord tangled or knotted with compression NOS
L333. Other cord entanglement
L3330 Other cord entanglement unspecified
L3331 Other cord entanglement - delivered
L3332 Other cord entanglement with antenatal problem
L333z Other cord entanglement NOS
L334. Short cord
L3340 Short cord unspecified
L3341 Short cord - delivered
L3342 Short cord with antenatal problem
L334z Short cord NOS
L335. Vasa praevia
L3350 Vasa praevia unspecified
L3351 Vasa praevia - delivered
L3352 Vasa praevia with antenatal problem
L335z Vasa praevia NOS
L336. Vascular lesions of cord
L3360 Vascular lesions of cord unspecified
L3361 Vascular lesions of cord - delivered
L3362 Vascular lesions of cord with antenatal problem
L336z Vascular lesions of cord NOS
L33y. Other umbilical cord complications
L33y0 Other umbilical cord complications unspecified
L33y1 Other umbilical cord complications - delivered
L33y2 Other umbilical cord complications with antenatal problem
L33yz Other umbilical cord complications NOS
L33z. Umbilical cord complications NOS
L33z0 Umbilical cord complications NOS, unspecified
L33z1 Umbilical cord complications NOS - delivered
L33z2 Umbilical cord complications NOS with antenatal problem
L33zz Umbilical cord complications NOS
L34.. Trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery
L340. First degree perineal tear during delivery
L3400 First degree perineal tear during delivery, unspecified
L3401 First degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered
L3402 First degree perineal tear during delivery with p/n problem
L340z First degree perineal tear during delivery NOS
L341. Second degree perineal tear during delivery
L3410 Second degree perineal tear during delivery, unspecified
L3411 Second degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered
L3412 Second degree perineal tear during delivery with p/n prob
L341z Second degree perineal tear during delivery NOS
L342. Third degree perineal tear during delivery
L3420 Third degree perineal tear during delivery, unspecified
L3421 Third degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered
L3422 Third degree perineal tear during delivery with p/n problem
L342z Third degree perineal tear during delivery NOS
L343. Fourth degree perineal tear during delivery
L3430 Fourth degree perineal tear during delivery, unspecified
L3431 Fourth degree perineal tear during delivery - delivered
L3432 Fourth degree perineal tear during delivery with p/n problem
L343z Fourth degree perineal tear during delivery NOS
L344. Unspecified perineal laceration during delivery
L3440 Unspecified perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified
L3441 Unspecified perineal laceration during delivery - delivered
L3442 Unspecified perineal laceration during delivery + p/n prob
L344z Unspecified perineal laceration during delivery NOS
L345. Vulval and perineal haematoma during delivery
L3450 Vulval and perineal haematoma during delivery, unspecified
L3451 Vulval and perineal haematoma during delivery - delivered
L3452 Vulval and perineal haematoma during delivery + p/n problem
L345z Vulval and perineal haematoma during delivery NOS
L34y. Other vulval and perineal trauma during delivery
L34y0 Other vulval/perineal trauma during delivery, unspecified
L34y1 Other vulval/perineal trauma during delivery- delivered
L34y2 Other vulval/perineal trauma during delivery + p/n problem
L34yz Other vulval/perineal trauma during delivery NOS
L34z. Vulval/perineal trauma during delivery NOS
L34z0 Vulval/perineal trauma during delivery NOS unspec
L34z1 Vulval/perineal trauma during delivery NOS - delivered
L34z2 Vulval/perineal trauma during delivery NOS with p/n problem
L34zz Vulval/perineal trauma during delivery NOS
L35.. Other obstetric trauma
L350. Ruptured uterus before labour
L3500 Rupture of uterus before labour unspecified
L3501 Rupture of uterus before labour - delivered
L3502 Rupture of uterus before labour with antenatal problem
L350z Rupture of uterus before labour NOS
L351. Rupture of uterus during and after labour
L3510 Rupture of uterus during and after labour unspecified
L3511 Rupture of uterus during and after labour - delivered
L3512 Rupture of uterus during/after labour - deliv with p/n prob
L3513 Rupture of uterus during/after labour with postnatal problem
L351z Rupture of uterus during and after labour NOS
L352. Obstetric inversion of uterus
L3520 Obstetric inversion of uterus unspecified
L3521 Obstetric inversion of uterus - delivered with p/n problem
L3522 Obstetric inversion of uterus with postnatal problem
L352z Obstetric inversion of uterus NOS
L353. Obstetric laceration of cervix
L3530 Obstetric laceration of cervix unspecified
L3531 Obstetric laceration of cervix - delivered
L3532 Obstetric laceration of cervix with postnatal problem
L353z Obstetric laceration of cervix NOS
L354. Obstetric high vaginal laceration
L3540 Obstetric high vaginal laceration unspecified
L3541 Obstetric high vaginal laceration - delivered
L3542 Obstetric high vaginal laceration with postnatal problem
L354z Obstetric high vaginal laceration NOS
L355. Other obstetric pelvic organ damage
L3550 Other obstetric pelvic organ damage unspecified
L3551 Other obstetric pelvic organ damage - delivered
L3552 Other obstetric pelvic organ damage with postnatal problem
L355z Other obstetric pelvic organ damage NOS
L356. Obstetric trauma damaging pelvic joints and ligaments
L3560 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments unspecified
L3561 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments - delivered
L3562 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments + p/n prob
L356z Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments NOS
L357. Obstetric trauma causing pelvic haematoma
L3570 Obstetric pelvic haematoma unspecified
L3571 Obstetric pelvic haematoma - delivered
L3572 Obstetric pelvic haematoma - delivered with p/n problem
L3573 Obstetric pelvic haematoma with postnatal problem
L357z Obstetric trauma causing pelvic haematoma NOS
L35y. Other obstetric trauma OS
L35y0 Other obstetric trauma unspecified
L35y1 Other obstetric trauma - delivered
L35y2 Other obstetric trauma - delivered with postnatal problem
L35y3 Other obstetric trauma with antenatal problem
L35y4 Other obstetric trauma with postnatal problem
L35yz Other obstetric trauma NOS
L35z. Obstetric trauma NOS
L35z0 Obstetric trauma NOS, unspecified
L35z1 Obstetric trauma NOS - delivered
L35z2 Obstetric trauma NOS - delivered with postnatal problem
L35z3 Obstetric trauma NOS with antenatal problem
L35z4 Obstetric trauma NOS with postnatal problem
L35zz Obstetric trauma NOS
L36.. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
L360. Third-stage postpartum haemorrhage
L3600 Third-stage postpartum haemorrhage unspecified
L3601 Third-stage postpartum haemorrhage - deliv with p/n problem
L3602 Third-stage postpartum haemorrhage with postnatal problem
L360z Third-stage postpartum haemorrhage NOS
L361. Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage
L3610 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage unspecified
L3611 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage - deliv with p/n prob
L3612 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage with postnatal prob
L361z Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage NOS
L362. Secondary and delayed postpartum haemorrhage
L3620 Secondary postpartum haemorrhage unspecified
L3621 Secondary postpartum haemorrhage - deliv with postnatal prob
L3622 Secondary postpartum haemorrhage with postnatal problem
L362z Secondary and delayed postpartum haemorrhage NOS
L363. Postpartum coagulation defects
L3630 Postpartum coagulation defects unspecified
L3631 Postpartum coagulation defects - delivered with p/n problem
L3632 Postpartum coagulation defects with postnatal problem
L363z Postpartum coagulation defects NOS
L36z. Postpartum haemorrhage NOS
L37.. Retained placenta or membranes with no haemorrhage
L370. Retained placenta with no haemorrhage
L3700 Retained placenta with no haemorrhage unspecified
L3701 Retained placenta with no haemorrhage - deliv with p/n prob
L3702 Retained placenta with no haemorrhage with postnatal problem
L370z Retained placenta with no haemorrhage NOS
L371. Retained portion of placenta or membranes - no haemorrhage
L3710 Retained products with no haemorrhage unspecified
L3711 Retained products with no haemorrhage - deliv with p/n prob
L3712 Retained products with no haemorrhage with postnatal problem
L371z Retained products with no haemorrhage NOS
L37z. Retained placenta or membranes with no haemorrhage NOS
L38.. Complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
L380. Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary complications
L3800 Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary complications unsp
L3801 Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary complications - deliv
L3802 Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary comp - deliv + p/n prob
L3803 Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary comp with a/n problem
L3804 Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary comp with p/n problem
L380z Obstetric anaesthesia with pulmonary complications NOS
L381. Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac complications
L3810 Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac complications unspecified
L3811 Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac complications - delivered
L3812 Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac comp - deliv + p/n prob
L3813 Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac comp with antenatal prob
L3814 Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac comp with postnatal prob
L381z Obstetric anaesthesia with cardiac complications NOS
L382. Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS complications
L3820 Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS complications unspecified
L3821 Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS complications - delivered
L3822 Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS comp - deliv with p/n problem
L3823 Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS comp with antenatal problem
L3824 Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS comp with postnatal problem
L382z Obstetric anaesthesia with CNS complication NOS
L383. Obstetric toxic reaction to local anaesthesia
L3830 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during pregnancy
L3831 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during the puerperium
L384. Obstetric spinal and epidural anaesthesia-induced headache
L3840 Spinal+epidural anaesthesia-inducd headache during pregnancy
L3841 Spinal/epidural anaesth-induced headache during puerp
L385. Failed or difficult intubation during pregnancy
L386. Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during labour and deliv
L387. Spinal/epidural anesth-induced headache dur labour/delivery
L388. Cardiac comps of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
L389. CNS comps of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
L38A. Failed or difficult intubation during labour and delivery
L38B. Failed or difficult intubation during the puerperium
L38X. Complication of anaesthesia during labour and deliv unsp
L38y. Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia
L38y0 Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia unspecified
L38y1 Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia - delivered
L38y2 Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia -del + p/n prob
L38y3 Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia + a/n problem
L38y4 Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia + p/n problem
L38yz Other complications of obstetric anaesthesia NOS
L38z. Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS
L38z0 Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS, unspecified
L38z1 Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS - delivered
L38z2 Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS - deliv + p/n prob
L38z3 Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS with a/n problem
L38z4 Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS with p/n problem
L38zz Obstetric anaesthetic complications NOS
L39.. Other complications of labour and delivery NEC
L390. Maternal distress
L3900 Maternal distress unspecified
L3901 Maternal distress - delivered
L3902 Maternal distress - delivered with postnatal problem
L3903 Maternal distress with antenatal problem
L3904 Maternal distress with postnatal problem
L390z Maternal distress NOS
L391. Obstetric shock
L3910 Obstetric shock unspecified
L3911 Obstetric shock - delivered
L3912 Obstetric shock - delivered with postnatal problem
L3913 Obstetric shock with antenatal problem
L3914 Obstetric shock with postnatal problem
L391z Obstetric shock NOS
L392. Maternal hypotension syndrome
L3920 Maternal hypotension syndrome unspecified
L3921 Maternal hypotension syndrome - delivered
L3922 Maternal hypotension syndrome - delivered with p/n problem
L3923 Maternal hypotension syndrome with antenatal problem
L3924 Maternal hypotension syndrome with postnatal problem
L392z Maternal hypotension syndrome NOS
L393. Acute renal failure following labour and delivery
L3930 Post-delivery acute renal failure unspecified
L3931 Post-delivery acute renal failure - delivered with p/n prob
L3932 Post-delivery acute renal failure with postnatal problem
L393z Post-delivery acute renal failure NOS
L394. Other complications of obstetric procedures
L3940 Other complications of obstetric procedures unspecified
L3941 Other complications of obstetric procedures - delivered
L3942 Other complications of obstetric procedures - del +p/n prob
L3943 Other complications of obstetric procedures with p/n problem
L3945 Infection of obstetric surgical wound
L3946 Haematoma of obstetric wound
L394z Other complications of obstetric procedures NOS
L395. Forceps delivery
L3950 Forceps delivery unspecified
L3951 Forceps delivery - delivered
L3952 Low forceps delivery
L3953 Mid-cavity forceps delivery
L3954 Delivery by combination of forceps and vacuum extractor
L3955 Mid-cavity forceps with rotation
L395z Forceps delivery NOS
L396. Vacuum extractor delivery
L3960 Vacuum extractor delivery unspecified
L3961 Vacuum extractor delivery - delivered
L396z Vacuum extractor delivery NOS
L397. Breech extraction
L3970 Breech extraction unspecified
L3971 Breech extraction - delivered
L397z Breech extraction NOS
L398. Caesarean delivery
L3980 Caesarean delivery unspecified
L3981 Caesarean delivery - delivered
L3982 Caesarean section - pregnancy at term
L3983 Delivery by elective caesarean section
L3984 Delivery by emergency caesarean section
L3985 Delivery by caesarean hysterectomy
L3986 Caesarean delivery following previous Caesarean delivery
L398z Caesarean delivery NOS
L399. Destructive operation for delivery
L39A. Death obst cse occur more 42 day less than one yr aft deliv
L39B. Death from sequelae of direct obstetric causes
L39X. Obstetric death of unspecified cause
L39y. Other complications of labour and delivery
L39y0 Other complications of labour and delivery unspecified
L39y1 Other complications of labour and delivery - delivered
L39y2 Other complications of labour and delivery - deliv +p/n prob
L39y3 Other complications of labour and delivery with a/n problem
L39y4 Other complications of labour and delivery with p/n problem
L39y5 Maternal exhaustion
L39yz Other complications of labour and delivery NOS
L39z. Complications of labour and delivery NOS
L39z0 Complications of labour and delivery NOS, unspecified
L39z1 Complications of labour and delivery NOS - delivered
L39z2 Complications of labour and delivery NOS - del + p/n problem
L39z3 Complications of labour and delivery NOS with antenatal prob
L39z4 Complications of labour and delivery NOS with p/n problem
L39zz Complications of labour and delivery NOS
L3A.. Intrapartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect
L3X.. Intrapartum haemorrhage, unspecified
L3y.. Other specified complications of labour or delivery
L3z.. Complications of labour and delivery NOS
L4... Complications of the puerperium
L40.. Major puerperal infection
L400. Puerperal endometritis
L4000 Puerperal endometritis unspecified
L4001 Puerperal endometritis - delivered with postnatal comp
L4002 Puerperal endometritis with postnatal complication
L400z Puerperal endometritis NOS
L401. Puerperal salpingitis
L4010 Puerperal salpingitis unspecified
L4011 Puerperal salpingitis - delivered with postnatal comp
L4012 Puerperal salpingitis with postnatal complication
L401z Puerperal salpingitis NOS
L402. Puerperal peritonitis
L4020 Puerperal peritonitis unspecified
L4021 Puerperal peritonitis - delivered with postnatal comp
L4022 Puerperal peritonitis with postnatal complication
L402z Puerperal peritonitis NOS
L403. Puerperal septicaemia
L4030 Puerperal septicaemia unspecified
L4031 Puerperal septicaemia - delivered with postnatal comp
L4032 Puerperal septicaemia with postnatal complication
L403z Puerperal septicaemia NOS
L40z. Major puerperal infection NOS
L40z0 Major puerperal infection NOS, unspecified
L40z1 Major puerperal infection NOS - delivered with p/n comp
L40z2 Major puerperal infection NOS with postnatal complication
L40zz Major puerperal infection NOS
L41.. Venous complications of pregnancy and the puerperium
L410. Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy and the puerperium
L4100 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy/puerperium unspecified
L4101 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy/puerperium - delivered
L4102 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy/puerperium -del+p/n comp
L4103 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy/puerperium + a/n comp
L4104 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy/puerperium + p/n comp
L4105 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy
L4106 Varicose veins of legs in the puerperium
L410z Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy and puerperium NOS
L411. VVs of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium
L4110 VVs of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium unspecified
L4111 VVs of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium - delivered
L4112 VVs of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium -del+p/n comp
L4113 VVs of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium + a/n comp
L4114 VVs of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium + p/n comp
L4115 Genital varices in pregnancy
L4116 Genital varices in the puerperium
L411z Varicose veins of perineum/vulva in pregnancy/puerperium NOS
L412. Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy and the puerperium
L4120 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy/puerperium unsp
L4121 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy/puerperium -deliv
L4122 Superficial thrombophleb in preg/puerperium - del + p/n comp
L4123 Superficial thrombophlebitis in preg/puerperium + a/n comp
L4124 Superficial thrombophlebitis in preg/puerperium + p/n comp
L4125 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy
L4126 Superficial thrombophlebitis in the puerperium
L412z Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy and puerperium NOS
L413. Antenatal deep vein thrombosis
L4130 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis unspecified
L4131 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis - delivered
L4132 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis with antenatal complication
L413z Antenatal deep vein thrombosis NOS
L414. Postnatal deep vein thrombosis
L4140 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis unspecified
L4141 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis - delivered with p/n comp
L4142 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis with postnatal complication
L414z Postnatal deep vein thrombosis NOS
L415. Other phlebitis and thrombosis in pregnancy and puerperium
L4150 Other phlebitis/thrombosis in pregnancy/puerperium unsp
L4151 Other phlebitis/thrombosis in pregnancy/puerperium - deliv
L4152 Other phlebitis/thrombosis in preg/puerperium -del +p/n comp
L4153 Other phlebitis/thrombosis in preg/puerperium + a/n comp
L4154 Other phlebitis/thrombosis in preg/puerperium + p/n comp
L4155 Other phlebitis in pregnancy
L4156 Other phlebitis in the puerperium
L415z Other phlebitis/thrombosis in pregnancy and puerperium NOS
L416. Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium
L4160 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium unspecified
L4161 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium - delivered
L4162 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and puerperium - deliv + p/n comp
L4163 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and puerperium with a/n comp
L4164 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and puerperium with p/n comp
L4165 Haemorrhoids in the puerperium
L4166 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy
L416z Haemorrhoids in pregnancy and the puerperium NOS
L417. Obstetric cerebral venous thrombosis
L4170 Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy
L4171 Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium
L41y. Other venous complication of pregnancy and the puerperium
L41y0 Other venous complication of pregnancy/puerperium unsp
L41y1 Other venous complication of pregnancy/puerperium -delivered
L41y2 Other venous comp of pregnancy/puerperium - deliv + p/n comp
L41y3 Other venous comp of pregnancy/puerperium + a/n comp
L41y4 Other venous comp of pregnancy/puerperium + p/n comp
L41yz Other venous complication of pregnancy and puerperium NOS
L41z. Venous complications of pregnancy and puerperium NOS
L41z0 Venous complication pregnancy/puerperium NOS unspecified
L41z1 Venous complication pregnancy and puerperium NOS - delivered
L41z2 Venous complication pregnancy/puerperium NOS - del +p/n comp
L41z3 Venous complication pregnancy/puerperium NOS + a/n comp
L41z4 Venous complication pregnancy/puerperium NOS + p/n comp
L41z5 Venous complication of pregnancy, unspecified
L41z6 Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified
L41zz Venous complication of pregnancy and puerperium NOS
L42.. Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin
L420. Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin
L4200 Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin unspecified
L4201 Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin - delivered + p/n comp
L4202 Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin with p/n complication
L420z Puerperal pyrexia NOS
L42z. Puerperal pyrexia NOS
L43.. Obstetric pulmonary embolism
L430. Obstetric air pulmonary embolism
L4300 Obstetric air pulmonary embolism unspecified
L4301 Obstetric air pulmonary embolism - delivered
L4302 Obstetric air pulm embolism - delivered + p/n complication
L4303 Obstetric air pulmonary embolism with a/n complication
L4304 Obstetric air pulmonary embolism with p/n complication
L430z Obstetric air pulmonary embolism NOS
L431. Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism
L4310 Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism unspecified
L4311 Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism - delivered
L4312 Amniotic fluid pulm embolism - delivered + p/n complication
L4313 Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism with a/n complication
L4314 Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism with p/n complication
L431z Amniotic fluid pulmonary embolism NOS
L432. Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism
L4320 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism unspecified
L4321 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism - delivered
L4322 Obstetric blood-clot pulm embolism - delivered with p/n comp
L4323 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism + a/n complication
L4324 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism + p/n complication
L432z Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism NOS
L433. Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulmonary embolism
L4330 Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulmonary embolism unspecified
L4331 Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulmonary embolism - delivered
L4332 Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulm embolism - deliv +p/n comp
L4333 Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulm embolism + a/n comp
L4334 Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulm embolism + p/n comp
L433z Obstetric pyaemic and septic pulmonary embolism NOS
L43y. Other obstetric pulmonary embolism
L43y0 Other obstetric pulmonary embolism unspecified
L43y1 Other obstetric pulmonary embolism - delivered
L43y2 Other obstetric pulmonary embolism - delivered + p/n comp
L43y3 Other obstetric pulmonary embolism with antenatal comp
L43y4 Other obstetric pulmonary embolism with postnatal comp
L43yz Other obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS
L43z. Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS
L43z0 Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS, unspecified
L43z1 Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS - delivered
L43z2 Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS - delivered with p/n comp
L43z3 Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS with antenatal complication
L43z4 Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS with postnatal complication
L43zz Obstetric pulmonary embolism NOS
L44.. Other complications of the puerperium NEC
L440. Cerebrovascular disorders in the puerperium
L4400 Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder unspecified
L4401 Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder - delivered
L4402 Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder - delivered with p/n comp
L4403 Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder with antenatal comp
L4404 Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder with postnatal comp
L440z Puerperal cerebrovascular disorder NOS
L441. Caesarean wound disruption
L4410 Caesarean wound disruption unspecified
L4411 Caesarean wound disruption - delivered with p/n complication
L4412 Caesarean wound disruption with postnatal complication
L441z Caesarean wound disruption NOS
L442. Obstetric perineal wound disruption
L4420 Obstetric perineal wound disruption unspecified
L4421 Obstetric perineal wound disruption - deliv + p/n comp
L4422 Obstetric perineal wound disruption with p/n complication
L442z Obstetric perineal wound disruption NOS
L443. Other complication of obstetric surgical wound
L4430 Other complication of obstetric surgical wound unspecified
L4431 Other complication obstetric surg wound -delivered +p/n comp
L4432 Other complication obstetric surgical wound with p/n comp
L443z Other complication of obstetric surgical wound NOS
L444. Placental polyp
L4440 Placental polyp unspecified
L4441 Placental polyp - delivered with postnatal complication
L4442 Placental polyp with postnatal complication
L444z Placental polyp NOS
L44y. Other complications of the puerperium
L44y0 Other complications of the puerperium unspecified
L44y1 Other complications of the puerperium - delivered + p/n comp
L44y2 Other complications of the puerperium with p/n complication
L44yz Other complications of the puerperium NOS
L44z. Complications of the puerperium NOS
L44z0 Complications of the puerperium NOS, unspecified
L44z1 Complications of the puerperium NOS - delivered + p/n comp
L44z2 Complications of the puerperium NOS with postnatal comp
L44zz Complications of the puerperium NOS
L45.. Obstetric breast infections
L450. Obstetric nipple infection
L4500 Obstetric nipple infection unspecified
L4501 Obstetric nipple infection - delivered
L4502 Obstetric nipple infection - delivered with p/n complication
L4503 Obstetric nipple infection with antenatal complication
L4504 Obstetric nipple infection with postnatal complication
L450z Obstetric nipple infection NOS
L451. Obstetric breast abscess
L4510 Obstetric breast abscess unspecified
L4511 Obstetric breast abscess - delivered
L4512 Obstetric breast abscess - deliv with postnatal complication
L4513 Obstetric breast abscess with antenatal complication
L4514 Obstetric breast abscess with postnatal complication
L451z Obstetric breast abscess NOS
L452. Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis
L4520 Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis unspecified
L4521 Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis - delivered
L4522 Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis - deliv with p/n complication
L4523 Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis with antenatal complication
L4524 Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis with postnatal complication
L452z Obstetric nonpurulent mastitis NOS
L45y. Other obstetric breast infections
L45y0 Other obstetric breast infection unspecified
L45y1 Other obstetric breast infection - delivered
L45y2 Other obstetric breast infection - deliv with p/n comp
L45y3 Other obstetric breast infection with antenatal complication
L45y4 Other obstetric breast infection with postnatal complication
L45yz Other obstetric breast infection NOS
L45z. Obstetric breast infection NOS
L45z0 Obstetric breast infection NOS, unspecified
L45z1 Obstetric breast infection NOS - delivered
L45z2 Obstetric breast infection NOS - deliv with p/n complication
L45z3 Obstetric breast infection NOS with antenatal complication
L45z4 Obstetric breast infection NOS with postnatal complication
L45zz Obstetric breast infection NOS
L46.. Obstetric breast and lactation disorders NOS
L460. Retracted nipple in pregnancy, the puerperium or lactation
L4600 Retracted nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation unspec
L4601 Retracted nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation - deliv
L4602 Retracted nipple in pregnancy/puerp/lact - deliv + p/n comp
L4603 Retracted nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lact with a/n comp
L4604 Retracted nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lact with p/n comp
L460z Retracted nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation NOS
L461. Cracked nipple in pregnancy, the puerperium or lactation
L4610 Cracked nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation unspecified
L4611 Cracked nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation - delivered
L4612 Cracked nipple in pregnancy/puerp/lact - deliv + p/n comp
L4613 Cracked nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation + a/n comp
L4614 Cracked nipple in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation + p/n comp
L461z Cracked nipple in pregnancy, the puerperium or lactation NOS
L462. Breast engorgement in pregnancy, the puerperium or lactation
L4620 Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation unspec
L4621 Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation - deliv
L4622 Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerp/lact - del + p/n comp
L4623 Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerperium/lact + a/n comp
L4624 Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerperium/lact + p/n comp
L462z Breast engorgement in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation NOS
L463. Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation
L4630 Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lact unspec
L4631 Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lact - deliv
L4632 Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lact +p/n comp
L4633 Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lact +a/n comp
L4634 Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lact +p/n comp
L4635 Pain on breast feeding
L463z Other breast disorder in pregnancy/puerperium/lactation NOS
L464. Failure of lactation
L4640 Failure of lactation unspecified
L4641 Failure of lactation - delivered
L4642 Failure of lactation - delivered with postnatal complication
L4643 Failure of lactation with antenatal complication
L4644 Failure of lactation with postnatal complication
L464z Failure of lactation NOS
L465. Suppressed lactation
L4650 Suppressed lactation unspecified
L4651 Suppressed lactation - delivered
L4652 Suppressed lactation - delivered with postnatal complication
L4653 Suppressed lactation with antenatal complication
L4654 Suppressed lactation with postnatal complication
L465z Suppressed lactation NOS
L466. Galactorrhoea in pregnancy and the puerperium
L4660 Galactorrhoea in pregnancy and the puerperium unspecified
L4661 Galactorrhoea in pregnancy and the puerperium - delivered
L4662 Galactorrhoea in pregnancy/puerperium - deliv with p/n comp
L4663 Galactorrhoea in pregnancy/puerperium with a/n complication
L4664 Galactorrhoea in pregnancy/puerperium with p/n complication
L466z Galactorrhoea in pregnancy and the puerperium NOS
L467. Hypogalactia
L46y. Other disorders of lactation
L46y0 Other disorder of lactation unspecified
L46y1 Other disorder of lactation - delivered
L46y2 Other disorder of lactation - delivered with p/n comp
L46y3 Other disorder of lactation with antenatal complication
L46y4 Other disorder of lactation with postnatal complication
L46yz Other disorder of lactation NOS
L46z. Disorders of lactation NOS
L46z0 Disorder of lactation NOS, unspecified
L46z1 Disorder of lactation NOS - delivered
L46z2 Disorder of lactation NOS - delivered with p/n complication
L46z3 Disorder of lactation NOS with antenatal complication
L46z4 Disorder of lactation NOS with postnatal complication
L46zz Disorder of lactation NOS
L4y.. Other specified complications of the puerperium
L4z.. Complications of the puerperium NOS
L5... Maternal care for fetus
L50.. Maternal care for compound presentation
L51.. Maternal care for other known or suspected fetal problems
L510. Maternal care for hydrops fetalis
L511. Maternal care for viable fetus in abdominal pregnancy
L512. Maternal care for diminished fetal movements
L514. Maternal care for poor fetal growth
L51X. Maternal care/known or suspected fetal problem,unspecifd
Ly... Complications of pregnancy,childbirth or the puerperium OS
Ly0.. Spontaneous vertex delivery
Ly1.. Spontaneous breech delivery
Lyu.. [X]Additional preg,cldbirth+puerperium diseas clssfctn terms
Lyu0. [X]Pregnancy with abortive outcome
Lyu00 [X]Other ectopic pregnancy
Lyu01 [X]Other specified abnormal products of conception
Lyu02 [X]Other abortion
Lyu03 [X]Failed medical abortion,wth other+unspcfied complications
Lyu04 [X]Oth+unspcf failed inducd abort,complct gen tract+pelv inf
Lyu05 [X]Oth+unspc fail induc abortn,complict/delay/exces hmorrhg
Lyu06 [X]Other+unspcf failed induced abortion,complicated/embolism
Lyu07 [X]Oth+unspcf failed inducd abortn,wth oth+unspcf complicatn
Lyu08 [X]Other+unspcf failed induced abortion,without complication
Lyu09 [X]Oth venous complicatns follow abortn+ectopic+molr pregncy
Lyu0A [X]Other complications follow abortn+ectopic+molar pregnancy
Lyu0B [X]Complic following abortion & ectopic & molar preg, unspec
Lyu1. [X]Oedema,proteinuria+hypertens in pregnancy,childbrth,puerp
Lyu2. [X]Other maternal disorders predominant related to pregnancy
Lyu20 [X]Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy
Lyu21 [X]Other vomiting complicating pregnancy
Lyu22 [X]Other venous complications in pregnancy
Lyu23 [X]Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy
Lyu24 [X]Other+unspcf genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy
Lyu25 [X]Other specified pregnancy-related conditions
Lyu26 [X]Other abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
Lyu27 [X]Oth complicatns/spinal+epidural anaesthsia during pregncy
Lyu28 [X]Other complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
Lyu29 [X]Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified
Lyu2A [X]Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother
Lyu3. [X]Maternal care relat to fetus+amniotic cavity+deliv prob
Lyu30 [X]Other multiple gestation
Lyu31 [X]Other complications specific to multiple gestation
Lyu32 [X]Maternal care for other malpresentation of fetus
Lyu33 [X]Maternal care for other abnormalities of cervix
Lyu34 [X]Maternal care for other abnormalities of gravid uterus
Lyu35 [X]Maternal care for other abnormalities of pelvic organs
Lyu36 [X]Maternal care/(suspected)damage/fetus/oth medicl procedur
Lyu37 [X]Maternal care/other(suspected)fetal abnormality+damage
Lyu38 [X]Maternal care for other isoimmunization
Lyu39 [X]Maternal care/oth spcf known or suspected fetal problems
Lyu3A [X]Maternal care/known or suspected fetal problem,unspecifd
Lyu3B [X]Other disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes
Lyu3C [X]Other placental disorders
Lyu3D [X]Other premature separation of placenta
Lyu3E [X]Other antepartum haemorrhage
Lyu4. [X]Complications of labour and delivery
Lyu40 [X]Other failed induction of labour
Lyu41 [X]Other uterine inertia
Lyu42 [X]Other abnormalities of forces of labour
Lyu43 [X]Obstructed labour due/other malposition+malpresentation
Lyu44 [X]Obstructd labour due to oth maternal pelvic abnormalities
Lyu45 [X]Obstructed labour due to other abnormalities of fetus
Lyu46 [X]Other specified obstructed labour
Lyu47 [X]Other intrapartum haemorrhage
Lyu48 [X]Labour+delivery complicat/oth evidence of fetal distress
Lyu49 [X]Labour+delivery complicated by other cord entanglement
Lyu4A [X]Labour+delivery complicated by other cord complications
Lyu4B [X]Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs
Lyu4C [X]Other specified obstetric trauma
Lyu4D [X]Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage
Lyu4E [X]Oth pulmonary complicatns/anaesthesia during lab+delivery
Lyu4F [X]Oth complicatn/spinl+epidur anaesths during lab+delivery
Lyu4G [X]Other complications of anaesthesia during labour+delivery
Lyu4H [X]Other infection during labour
Lyu4J [X]Other complications of obstetric surgery and procedures
Lyu4K [X]Other specified complications of labour and delivery
Lyu4L [X]Obstructed labour due to fetopelv disproportion, unspec
Lyu4M [X]Intrapartum haemorrhage, unspecified
Lyu4N [X]Labour & delivery complicated by fetal stress, unspecif
Lyu4P [X]Complication of anaesthesia during labour and deliv unsp
Lyu5. [X]Delivery
Lyu50 [X]Other single spontaneous delivery
Lyu51 [X]Other and unspecified forceps delivery
Lyu52 [X]Other single delivery by caesarean section
Lyu53 [X]Other assisted breech delivery
Lyu54 [X]Other manipulation-assisted delivery
Lyu55 [X]Other specified assisted single delivery
Lyu56 [X]Other multiple delivery
Lyu57 [X]Assisted single delivery, unspecified
Lyu58 [X]Multiple delivery, unspecified
Lyu6. [X]Complications predominantly related to the puerperium
Lyu60 [X]Other infection of genital tract following delivery
Lyu61 [X]Other genitourinary tract infections following delivery
Lyu62 [X]Other specified puerperal infection
Lyu63 [X]Other venous complications in the puerperium
Lyu64 [X]Other obstetric embolism
Lyu65 [X]Oth complicatn/spinal+epidural anaesthes during puerperum
Lyu66 [X]Other complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
Lyu67 [X]Other specified puerperal complications
Lyu68 [X]Other+unspcf disorders/breast associated with childbirth
Lyu69 [X]Other and unspecified disorders of lactation
Lyu7. [X]Other obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified
Lyu70 [X]Oth infctns wth predomin sexual mode/transmissn complicat
Lyu71 [X]Other viral diseases complicating preg,cldbirth+puerperum
Lyu72 [X]Oth infects+parasitc dis complicat preg,cldbrth+puerperum
Lyu73 [X]Oth d/bld+bld-form org+c d inv im mch cm preg,cldbir+puer
Lyu74 [X]Oth spcf dis+conditns complicat preg,childbirth+puerperum
Lyu75 [X]Obstetric death of unspecified cause
Lz... Complications of pregnancy,childbirth and the puerperium NOS
M.... Skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases
M0... Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections
M00.. Carbuncle
M000. Carbuncle of face
M0000 Carbuncle of ear
M0001 Carbuncle of face (excluding eye)
M0002 Carbuncle of nasal septum
M0003 Carbuncle of temple region
M000z Carbuncle of face NOS
M001. Carbuncle of neck
M002. Carbuncle of trunk
M0020 Carbuncle of chest wall
M0021 Carbuncle of breast
M0022 Carbuncle of back
M0023 Carbuncle of abdominal wall
M0024 Carbuncle of umbilicus
M0025 Carbuncle of flank
M0026 Carbuncle of groin
M0027 Carbuncle of perineum
M002z Carbuncle of trunk NOS
M003. Carbuncle of upper arm and forearm
M0030 Carbuncle of shoulder
M0031 Carbuncle of axilla
M0032 Carbuncle of upper arm
M0033 Carbuncle of elbow
M0034 Carbuncle of forearm
M003z Carbuncle of upper arm and forearm NOS
M004. Carbuncle of hand
M0040 Carbuncle of wrist
M0041 Carbuncle of thumb
M0042 Carbuncle of finger
M004z Carbuncle of hand NOS
M005. Carbuncle of buttock
M0050 Carbuncle of anus
M0051 Carbuncle of gluteal region
M005z Carbuncle of buttock NOS
M006. Carbuncle of leg (excluding foot)
M0060 Carbuncle of hip
M0061 Carbuncle of thigh
M0062 Carbuncle of knee
M0063 Carbuncle of lower leg
M0064 Carbuncle of ankle
M006z Carbuncle of leg (excluding foot) NOS
M007. Carbuncle of foot
M0070 Carbuncle of foot unspecified
M0071 Carbuncle of heel
M0072 Carbuncle of toe
M007z Carbuncle of foot NOS
M00y. Carbuncle of other specified site
M00y0 Carbuncle of head (excluding face)
M00yz Carbuncle of other specified site NOS
M00z. Carbuncle NOS
M01.. Furuncle - boil
M010. Boil of face
M0100 Boil of ear
M0101 Boil of face (excluding eye)
M0102 Boil of nasal septum
M0103 Boil of temple region
M0104 Boil of external nose
M010z Boil of face NOS
M011. Boil of neck
M012. Boil of trunk
M0120 Boil of chest wall
M0121 Boil of breast
M0122 Boil of back
M0123 Boil of abdominal wall
M0124 Boil of umbilicus
M0125 Boil of flank
M0126 Boil of groin
M0127 Boil of perineum
M012z Boil of trunk NOS
M013. Boil of upper arm and forearm
M0130 Boil of shoulder
M0131 Boil of axilla
M0132 Boil of upper arm
M0133 Boil of elbow
M0134 Boil of forearm
M013z Boil of upper arm and forearm NOS
M014. Boil of hand
M0140 Boil of wrist
M0141 Boil of thumb
M0142 Boil of finger
M014z Boil of hand NOS
M015. Boil of buttock
M0150 Boil of anus
M0151 Boil of gluteal region
M015z Boil of buttock NOS
M016. Boil of leg (excluding foot)
M0160 Boil of hip
M0161 Boil of thigh
M0162 Boil of knee
M0163 Boil of lower leg
M0164 Boil of ankle
M016z Boil of leg (excluding foot) NOS
M017. Boil of foot
M0170 Boil of foot unspecified
M0171 Boil of heel
M0172 Boil of toe
M017z Boil of foot NOS
M01y. Boil of other specified site
M01y0 Boil of head (excluding face)
M01yz Boil of other specified site NOS
M01z. Boil NOS
M01z0 Multiple boils
M02.. Cellulitis and abscess of finger and toe
M020. Cellulitis and abscess of finger
M0200 Cellulitis and abscess of finger unspecified
M0201 Finger pulp abscess
M0202 Onychia of finger
M0203 Paronychia of finger
M0204 Finger web space infection
M0205 Pulp space infection of finger/thumb
M020z Cellulitis and abscess of finger NOS
M021. Cellulitis and abscess of toe
M0210 Cellulitis and abscess of toe unspecified
M0211 Onychia of toe
M0212 Paronychia of toe
M0213 Pulp space infection of toe
M021z Cellulitis and abscess of toe NOS
M02z. Cellulitis and abscess of digit NOS
M03.. Other cellulitis and abscess
M030. Cellulitis and abscess of face
M0300 Cellulitis and abscess of cheek (external)
M0301 Cellulitis and abscess of nose (external)
M0302 Cellulitis and abscess of chin
M0303 Cellulitis and abscess of submandibular region
M0304 Cellulitis and abscess of forehead
M0305 Cellulitis and abscess of temple region
M0306 Cellulitis of face
M030z Cellulitis and abscess of face NOS
M031. Cellulitis and abscess of neck
M032. Cellulitis and abscess of trunk
M0320 Cellulitis and abscess of chest wall
M0321 Cellulitis and abscess of breast
M0322 Cellulitis and abscess of back
M0323 Cellulitis and abscess of abdominal wall
M0324 Cellulitis and abscess of umbilicus
M0325 Cellulitis and abscess of flank
M0326 Cellulitis and abscess of groin
M0327 Cellulitis and abscess of perineum
M0328 Cellulitis of trunk
M032z Cellulitis and abscess of trunk NOS
M033. Cellulitis and abscess of arm
M0330 Cellulitis and abscess of shoulder
M0331 Cellulitis and abscess of axilla
M0332 Cellulitis and abscess of upper arm
M0333 Cellulitis and abscess of elbow
M0334 Cellulitis and abscess of forearm
M033z Cellulitis and abscess of arm NOS
M034. Cellulitis and abscess of hand excluding digits
M0340 Cellulitis and abscess of hand unspecified
M0341 Cellulitis and abscess of wrist
M034z Cellulitis and abscess of hand NOS
M035. Cellulitis and abscess of buttock
M036. Cellulitis and abscess of leg excluding foot
M0360 Cellulitis and abscess of hip
M0361 Cellulitis and abscess of thigh
M0362 Cellulitis and abscess of knee
M0363 Cellulitis and abscess of lower leg
M0364 Cellulitis and abscess of ankle
M036z Cellulitis and abscess of leg NOS
M037. Cellulitis and abscess of foot excluding toe
M0370 Cellulitis and abscess of foot unspecified
M0371 Cellulitis and abscess of heel
M0372 Cellulitis in diabetic foot
M037z Cellulitis and abscess of foot NOS
M038. Cellulitis of external ear
M03y. Other specified cellulitis and abscess
M03y0 Cellulitis and abscess of head unspecified
M03z. Cellulitis and abscess NOS
M03z0 Cellulitis NOS
M03z1 Abscess NOS
M03zz Cellulitis and abscess NOS
M04.. Acute lymphadenitis
M040. Acute lymphadenitis of trunk
M041. Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb
M042. Acute lymphadenitis of lower limb
M043. Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck
M05.. Impetigo
M050. Impetigo contagiosa unspecified
M051. Impetigo contagiosa bullosa
M052. Impetigo contagiosa gyrata
M053. Impetigo circinata
M054. Impetigo neonatorum
M055. Impetigo simplex
M056. Impetigo follicularis
M057. Chronic symmetrical impetigo
M05z. Impetigo NOS
M06.. Pilonidal sinus/cyst
M060. Pilonidal cyst with abscess
M061. Pilonidal cyst with no abscess
M062. Pilonidal sinus with abscess
M063. Pilonidal sinus without abscess
M06z. Pilonidal sinus/cyst NOS
M07.. Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue
M070. Pyoderma
M0700 Pyoderma chancriforme
M0701 Pyoderma faciale
M0702 Pyoderma gangrenosum
M0703 Pyoderma ulcerosum tropicalum
M070z Pyoderma NOS
M071. Pyogenic granuloma
M0710 Pyogenic granuloma unspecified
M0711 Pyogenic progressive granuloma
M0712 Granuloma telangiectaticum
M0713 Umbilical granuloma
M071z Pyogenic granuloma NOS
M072. Erythrasma
M073. Scalp infection
M07y. Local infection of skin or subcutaneous tissue OS
M07y0 Pustular bacterid
M07y1 Ecthyma
M07y2 Dermatitis vegetans
M07y3 Perleche
M07y4 Pitted keratolysis
M07y5 Inflammation of scar
M07yz Other spec local skin/subc infection NOS
M07z. Local infection skin/subcut tissue NOS
M08.. Cutaneous cellulitis
M080. [X]Cellulitis of finger and toe
M081. [X]Cellulitis of other parts of limb
M082. Cellulitis of face
M083. Cellulitis of trunk
M084. [X]Cellulitis of breast
M085. Cellulitis of leg
M086. Cellulitis of ankle
M087. Chronic paronychia
M088. Cellulitis of arm
M089. Cellulitis of neck
M08A. Cellulitis of axilla
M08y. [X]Cellulitis of other sites
M09.. Cutaneous abscess
M090. [X]Abscess of face
M091. [X]Abscess of neck
M092. [X]Abscess of trunk
M0920 Abscess of buttock
M093. [X]Abscess of buttock
M094. [X]Abscess of limb
M0940 Abscess of axilla
M095. Skin abscess
M09y. [X]Abscess of other site
M0y.. Other specified infections of skin or subcutaneous tissue
M0z.. Skin and subcut tissue infection NOS
M1... Other skin and subcutaneous tissue inflammatory conditions
M10.. Erythematosquamous dermatosis
M100. Pityriasis capitis - dandruff
M101. Seborrhoeic dermatitis
M102. Infectious eczematoid dermatitis
M103. Parakeratosis
M104. Pityriasis simplex
M10z. Erythematosqamous dermatosis NOS
M11.. Atopic dermatitis and related conditions
M110. Napkin dermatitis
M1100 Candidal nappy rash
M111. Atopic dermatitis/eczema
M112. Infantile eczema
M113. Flexural eczema
M114. Allergic (intrinsic) eczema
M115. Besniers prurigo
M116. Neurodermatitis - diffuse
M117. Neurodermatitis - atopic
M118. Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
M1180 Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis
M118z Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis NOS
M119. Discoid eczema
M11z. Atopic dermatitis NOS
M12.. Contact dermatitis and other eczemas
M120. Contact dermatitis due to detergents
M121. Contact dermatitis due to oils and greases
M122. Contact dermatitis due to solvents
M1220 Contact dermatitis due to chlorocompound
M1221 Contact dermatitis due to cyclohexane
M1222 Contact dermatitis due to ester
M1223 Contact dermatitis due to glycol
M1224 Contact dermatitis due to hydrocarbon
M1225 Contact dermatitis due to ketone
M122z Contact dermatitis due to solvent NOS
M123. Contact dermatitis due to drugs and medicaments
M1230 Contact dermatitis due to arnica
M1231 Contact dermatitis due to fungicides
M1232 Contact dermatitis due to iodine
M1233 Contact dermatitis due to keratolytics
M1234 Contact dermatitis due to mercurials
M1235 Contact dermatitis due to neomycin
M1236 Contact dermatitis due to pediculocides
M1237 Contact dermatitis due to phenols
M1238 Contact dermatitis due to scabicides
M123z Contact dermatitis due to medicament NOS
M124. Contact dermatitis due to other chemical products
M1240 Contact dermatitis due to acids
M1241 Contact dermatitis due to adhesive plaster
M1242 Contact dermatitis due to alkalis
M1243 Contact dermatitis due to caustics
M1244 Contact dermatitis due to dichromate
M1245 Contact dermatitis due to insecticide
M1246 Contact dermatitis due to nylon
M1247 Contact dermatitis due to plastic
M1248 Contact dermatitis due to rubber
M124z Contact dermatitis: other chemicals NOS
M125. Contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin
M1250 Contact dermatitis due to cereals
M1251 Contact dermatitis due to fish
M1252 Contact dermatitis due to flour
M1253 Contact dermatitis due to fruit
M1254 Contact dermatitis due to meat
M1255 Contact dermatitis due to milk
M125z Contact dermatitis due to food NOS
M126. Contact dermatitis due to plants
M1260 Contact dermatitis due to lacquer tree
M1261 Contact dermatitis due to poison-ivy
M1262 Contact dermatitis due to poison-oak
M1263 Contact dermatitis due to poison-sumac
M1264 Contact dermatitis due to poison-vine
M1265 Contact dermatitis due to primrose
M1266 Contact dermatitis due to ragweed
M126z Contact dermatitis due to plants NOS
M127. Contact dermatitis due to solar radiation
M1270 Unspecified contact dermatitis due to solar radiation
M1271 Sunburn
M1272 Hydroa aestivale
M1273 Photodermatitis
M1274 Photosensitiveness
M1275 Sunburn of first degree
M1276 Sunburn of second degree
M1277 Sunburn of third degree
M1278 Photocontact dermatitis [berloque dermatitis]
M1279 Hydroa vacciniforme
M127z Contact dermatitis due to solar radn NOS
M128. Allergic contact dermatitis
M1280 Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives
M1281 Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics
M1282 Allergic contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin
M1283 Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes
M1284 Allergic contact dermatitis due to other chemical products
M1285 Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin
M1286 Allergic contact dermatitis due to plants, except food
M129. Irritant contact dermatitis
M1290 Irritant contact dermatitis due to cosmetics
M1291 Irritant contact dermatitis due drugs in contact with skin
M1292 Irritant contact dermatitis due to other chemical products
M1293 Irritant contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin
M1294 Irritant contact dermatitis due to plants, except food
M12A. Other acute skin changes due to ultraviolet radiation
M12A0 Drug phototoxic response
M12A1 Drug photoallergic response
M12A2 Solar urticaria
M12A3 Polymorphous light eruption
M12B. Skin changes due chronic exposure to nonionizing radiation
M12B0 Actinic reticuloid
M12B1 Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae
M12B2 Poikiloderma of Civatte
M12B3 Actinic granuloma
M12C. Radiodermatitis
M12C0 Acute radiodermatitis
M12C1 Chronic radiodermatitis
M12D. Erythema ab igne
M12y. Contact dermatitis due to other specified agents
M12y0 Contact dermatitis due to cosmetics
M12y1 Contact dermatitis due to cold weather
M12y2 Contact dermatitis due to dyes
M12y3 Contact dermatitis due to furs
M12y4 Contact dermatitis due to hot weather
M12y5 Contact dermatitis due to infra-red rays
M12y6 Contact dermatitis due to jewellery
M12y7 Contact dermatitis due to light (excluding sunlight)
M12y8 Contact dermatitis due to metals
M12y9 Contact dermatitis due to preservatives
M12yA Contact dermatitis due to radiation NOS
M12yB Contact dermatitis due to ultra-violet rays (excluding sun)
M12yC Contact dermatitis due to x-rays
M12yD Contact dermatitis due to casting materials
M12yz Contact dermatitis: specified agent NOS
M12z. Contact dermatitis NOS
M12z0 Dermatitis NOS
M12z1 Eczema NOS
M12z2 Infected eczema
M12z3 Hand eczema
M12zz Contact dermatitis NOS
M13.. Ingestion dermatitis
M130. Ingestion dermatitis due to drugs
M1300 Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments
M1301 Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments
M131. Ingestion dermatitis due to food
M13y. Ingestion dermatitis due to other specified substance
M13z. Ingestion dermatitis NOS
M14.. Bullous dermatoses
M140. Dermatitis herpetiformis
M141. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis
M142. Juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis
M143. Impetigo herpetiformis
M144. Pemphigus
M1440 Benign pemphigus
M1441 Brazilian pemphigus
M1442 Erythematous pemphigus
M1443 Foliaceous pemphigus
M1444 Malignant pemphigus
M1445 Pemphigus vegetans
M1446 Pemphigus vulgaris
M1447 Wildfire pemphigus
M1448 Drug-induced pemphigus
M144z Pemphigus NOS
M145. Pemphigoid
M1450 Bullous pemphigoid
M1451 Benign pemphigus NOS
M1452 Senile dermatitis herpetiformis
M1453 Acquired epidermolysis bullosa
M145z Pemphigoid NOS
M146. Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
M1460 Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid with no eye involvement
M1461 Ocular pemphigoid
M146z Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid NOS
M14y. Other specified bullous dermatoses
M14z. Bullous dermatoses NOS
M15.. Erythematous conditions
M150. Toxic erythema
M151. Erythema multiforme
M1510 Erythema annulare
M1511 Erythema iris
M1512 Erythema marginatum
M1513 Erythema papulatum
M1514 Erythema tuberculatum
M1515 Erythema urticatum
M1516 Erythema vesiculosum
M1517 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
M1518 Toxic epidermal necrolysis
M1519 Nonbullous erythema multiforme
M151y Other specified erythema multiforme
M151z Erythema multiforme NOS
M152. Erythema nodosum
M153. Rosacea
M1530 Acne rosacea
M1531 Rhinophyma
M1532 Rosacea hypertrophica
M1533 Lupoid rosacea
M1534 Ocular rosacea
M1535 Perioral dermatitis
M153z Rosacea NOS
M154. Lupus erythematosus
M1540 Lupus erythematosus chronicus
M1541 Discoid lupus erythematosus
M1542 Lupus erythematosus migrans
M1543 Lupus erythematosus nodularis
M1544 Lupus erythematosus profundus
M1545 Lupus erythematosus tumidus
M1546 Lupus erythematosus unguium mutilans
M1547 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
M154z Lupus erythematosus NOS
M15y. Other specified erythematous conditions
M15y0 Ritters disease
M15y1 Intertrigo
M15y2 Pityriasis rubra (Hebra)
M15y3 Leiners disease
M15y4 Other exfoliative erythema
M15y5 Granuloma annulare
M15y6 Erythema marginatum in acute rheumatic fever
M15y7 Erythema gyratum repens
M15yz Other erythematous conditions NOS
M15z. Erythematous conditions NOS
M16.. Psoriasis and similar disorders
M160. Psoriatic arthropathy
M1600 Psoriasis spondylitica
M1601 Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy
M1602 Arthritis mutilans
M160z Psoriatic arthropathy NOS
M161. Other psoriasis
M1610 Psoriasis unspecified
M1611 Psoriasis annularis
M1612 Psoriasis circinata
M1613 Psoriasis diffusa
M1614 Psoriasis discoidea
M1615 Psoriasis geographica
M1616 Guttate psoriasis
M1617 Psoriasis gyrata
M1618 Psoriasis inveterata
M1619 Psoriasis ostracea
M161A Psoriasis palmaris
M161B Psoriasis plantaris
M161C Psoriasis punctata
M161D Pustular psoriasis
M161E Psoriasis universalis
M161F Psoriasis vulgaris
M161G Acrodermatitis continua
M161H Erythrodermic psoriasis
M161z Psoriasis NOS
M162. Parapsoriasis
M1620 Parapsoriasis unspecified
M1621 Parapsoriasis acuta
M1622 Parapsoriasis atrophicans
M1623 Parapsoriasis guttata
M1624 Parapsoriasis herpetiformis
M1625 Parapsoriasis lichenoides
M1626 Parapsoriasis papulata
M1627 Parapsoriasis varioliformis
M1628 Lymphomatoid papulosis
M1629 Small plaque parapsoriasis
M162A Large plaque parapsoriasis
M162B Retiform parapsoriasis
M162z Parapsoriasis NOS
M163. Pityriasis rosea
M164. Pityriasis rubra pilaris
M165. Other pityriasis
M1650 Pityriasis alba
M1651 Pityriasis folliculorum
M1652 Pityriasis streptogenes
M165z Other pityriasis NOS
M16y. Other psoriasis and similar disorders
M16z. Psoriasis and similar disorders NOS
M17.. Lichen
M170. Lichen planus
M1700 Lichen planus actinicus
M1701 Lichen planus annularis
M1702 Lichen planus atrophicus
M1703 Lichen planus bullosus
M1704 Lichen planus hypertrophicus
M1705 Lichen planus linearis
M1707 Lichen planus obtusus
M1708 Subacute active lichen planus
M1709 Follicular lichen planus
M170z Lichen planus NOS
M171. Lichen nitidus
M172. Lichenoid drug reaction
M173. Lichen simplex
M17y. Other lichen NEC
M17y0 Lichen ruber moniliforme
M17y1 Lichen striata
M17y2 Infantile papular acrodermatitis
M17yz Other lichen NEC NOS
M17z. Lichen NOS
M18.. Pruritus and related conditions
M180. Pruritus ani
M181. Pruritus of genital organs
M1810 Pruritus scroti
M1811 Pruritus vulvae
M182. Prurigo
M1820 Prurigo aestivalis
M1821 Hebras prurigo
M1822 Prurigo mitis
M1823 Prurigo simplex
M182z Prurigo NOS
M183. Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus
M1830 Prurigo nodularis (Hydes disease)
M1831 Neurodermatitis circumscripta
M1832 Lichen simplex
M183z Lichenification NOS
M184. Dermatitis artefacta
M18y. Other specified pruritic conditions
M18y0 Pruritus aestivalis
M18y1 Pruritus hiemalis
M18y2 Pruritus senilis
M18yz Other pruritic conditions NOS
M18z. Pruritus NOS
M1B.. Juvenile plantar dermatosis
M1C.. Radionecrosis of skin
M1W.. Disord skin and subcut tis related to radiation, unspec
M1X.. Acute skin change due to ultraviolet radiation, unspecif
M1y.. Skin or subcutaneous tissue inflammatory disorders OS
M1y0. Nummular dermatitis
M1y1. Cutaneous autosensitization
M1z.. Skin and subcutaneous tissue inflammatory disorders NOS
M2... Other skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
M20.. Corns and callosities
M200. Corns
M2000 Hard corn
M2001 Soft corn
M200z Corns NOS
M201. Callosity
M2010 Callosity on toe
M2011 Callosity between toes
M2012 Callosity under metatarsal head
M20z. Corns and callosities NOS
M21.. Other atrophic and hypertrophic conditions of skin
M210. Circumscribed scleroderma
M2100 Unspecified circumscribed scleroderma
M2101 Localised dermatosclerosis
M2102 Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
M2103 Morphoea
M2104 Linear scleroderma
M2105 Sclerodactyly
M210z Circumscribed scleroderma NOS
M211. Keratoderma - acquired
M2110 Climacteric keratoderma
M2111 Symmetrical keratoderma
M2112 Keratoderma plantare sulcata
M2113 Keratoderma punctata
M2114 Keratoderma blennorrhagica
M2115 Lymphoedematous keratoderma
M2116 Acquired ichthyosis
M2117 Hyperkeratosis
M2118 Keratoacanthoma
M2119 Keratosis pilaris
M211A Kyrles disease
M211z Acquired keratoderma NOS
M212. Acquired acanthosis nigricans
M213. Striae atrophicae
M2130 Skin striae of distension
M2131 Senile degenerative atrophy of skin
M2132 Atrophic spots of skin
M213z Striae atrophicae NOS
M214. Keloid scar
M215. Other abnormal granulation tissue
M2150 Excessive granulation tissue
M215z Other abnormal granulation tissue NOS
M216. Anetoderma of Schweninger-Buzzi
M217. Anetoderma of Jadassohn-Pellizzari
M21A. Acquired xeroderma
M21X. Hypertrophic disorder of skin, unspecified
M21y. Other specified atrophic and hypertrophic conditions of skin
M21y0 Acrodermatitis atrophicans chronica
M21y1 Atrophia cutis senilis
M21y2 Atrophoderma neuriticum
M21y3 Cutis laxa senilis
M21y4 Elastosis senilis
M21y5 Folliculitis ulerythematosa reticulata
M21y6 Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome
M21y7 Acquired keratosis follicularis
M21y8 Gottrons papules
M21y9 Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans
M21yA Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
M21yB Porokeratosis of Mibelli
M21yz Other spec skin atrophic and hypertrophic conditions NOS
M21z. Skin atrophy/hypertrophy NOS
M21z0 Atrophoderma
M21z1 Skin tag
M21z2 Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini
M21z3 Redundant skin
M21zz Skin atrophy/hypertrophy NOS
M22.. Other dermatoses
M220. Cutaneous horn
M221. Senile hyperkeratosis
M222. Senile keratoma
M223. Seborrhoeic keratosis
M224. Leukokeratosis NEC
M225. Leukoplakia NEC
M226. Solar keratosis
M227. Linear sebaceous naevus syndrome
M228. Sweets syndrome
M229. Transient acantholytic dermatosis
M22A. Beckers naevus
M22B. Keratosis
M22C. Seborrhoeic wart
M22z. Other dermatoses NOS
M23.. Diseases of nail
M230. Ingrowing nail
M2300 Ingrowing great toe nail
M2301 Ingrowing toe nail (excluding great toe)
M2302 Ingrowing thumb nail
M2303 Ingrowing finger nail (excluding thumb)
M2304 Ingrowing nail with infection
M230z Ingrowing nail NOS
M231. Nail deformity
M23y. Other specified nail disease
M23y0 Dystrophia unguium
M23y1 Hypertrophy of nail
M23y2 Koilonychia
M23y3 Eggshell nail
M23y4 Hippocratic nail
M23y5 Parrot-beak nail
M23y6 Racket nail
M23y7 Reedy nail
M23y8 Turtleback nail
M23y9 Leukonychia punctata
M23yA Leukonychia striata
M23yB Onychauxis
M23yC Onychogryphosis
M23yD Onycholysis
M23yE Yellow nail syndrome
M23yF Beaus lines
M23yG Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis
M23yz Other specified nail disease NOS
M23z. Nail disease NOS
M24.. Hair and hair follicle diseases
M240. Alopecia
M2400 Alopecia unspecified
M2401 Alopecia areata
M2402 Male pattern alopecia
M2403 Frontal alopecia of women
M2404 Premature alopecia
M2405 Alopecia of pregnancy
M2406 Alopecia senilis
M2407 Alopecia febrilis
M2408 Alopecia localis
M2409 Alopecia disseminata
M240A Cachectic alopecia
M240B Alopecia totalis
M240C Alopecia follicularis
M240D Marginal alopecia
M240E Alopecia neurotica
M240F Peroneal alopecia
M240H Alopecia seborrhoeica
M240J Alopecia hereditaria
M240K Alopecia universalis
M240L Drug-induced androgenic alopecia
M240M Telogen effluvium
M240N Anagen effluvium
M240P Alopecia mucinosa
M240Q Pseudopelade
M240R Lichen planopilaris
M240S Folliculitis decalvans
M240T Folliculitis ulerythematosa reticulata
M240U Ophiasis
M240V Traction alopecia
M240z Alopecia NOS
M241. Hirsutism - hypertrichosis
M2410 Circumscribed acquired hypertrichosis
M2411 Idiopathic hypertrichosis
M2412 Hypertrichosis lanuginosa (acquired)
M2413 Naevoid hypertrichosis
M2414 Hypertrichosis partialis
M2415 Hypertrichosis universalis
M2416 Polytrichia
M241z Hypertrichosis NOS
M242. Abnormalities of the hair
M2420 Atrophic hair
M2421 Trichorrhexis nodosa
M2422 Fragilitas crinium
M2423 Cicatrical trichiasis
M242z Hair abnormalities NOS
M243. Hair colour variations
M2430 Premature canities (greying)
M2431 Heterochromia of hair
M2432 Poliosis eccentrica
M2433 Poliosis -acquired
M243z Hair colour variations NOS
M244. Folliculitis
M2440 Folliculitis abscedens et suffodiens
M2441 Folliculitis (sycosis) barbae
M2442 Folliculitis depilans
M2443 Pustular folliculitis
M2444 Perifolliculitis
M2445 Sycosis lipoides
M2446 Sycosis vulgaris
M2447 Perifolliculitis of scalp
M2448 Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens
M244z Folliculitis NOS
M245. Other specified follicular disorders
M24X. Cicatricial alopecia, unspecified
M24y. Other hair and hair follicle diseases
M24y0 Pseudofolliculitis barbae
M24z. Hair and hair follicle disease NOS
M25.. Disorders of sweat glands
M250. Anhidrosis
M251. Prickly heat - miliaria
M2510 Miliaria alba
M2511 Miliaria crystallina
M2512 Miliaria papulosa
M2513 Miliaria profunda
M2514 Miliaria rubra
M2515 Miliaria vesiculosa
M251X Miliaria, unspecified
M251z Prickly heat NOS
M252. Dyshidrosis
M2520 Dyshidrosis unspecified
M2521 Pompholyx unspecified
M2522 Cheiropompholyx
M2523 Podopompholyx
M252z Dyshidrosis NOS
M25y. Other specified sweat gland disorders
M25y0 Fox-Fordyce disease
M25y1 Hidradenitis
M25y2 Bromhidrosis
M25y3 Chromhidrosis
M25y4 Granulosis rubra nasi
M25y5 Urhidrosis
M25y6 Acne keloid
M25yX Apocrine sweat disorder, unspecified
M25yz Other sweat gland disorder NOS
M25z. Sweat gland disorder NOS
M26.. Sebaceous gland diseases
M260. Acne varioliformis
M2600 Acne frontalis
M260z Acne varioliformis NOS
M261. Other acne
M2610 Acne vulgaris
M2611 Acne conglobata
M2612 Bromine acne
M2613 Chlorine acne
M2614 Iodine acne
M2615 Colloid acne
M2616 Cystic acne
M2617 Acne neonatorum
M2618 Infantile acne
M2619 Occupational acne
M261A Pustular acne
M261B Steroid acne
M261C Tropical acne
M261D Acne urticata
M261E Acne excoriee des jeunes filles
M261G Acne agminata
M261H Acne keloid
M261J Acne necrotica
M261X Acne, unspecified
M261z Other acne NOS
M262. Sebaceous cyst - wen
M2620 Trichilemmal cyst
M2621 Pilar cyst
M263. Seborrhoea
M2630 Seborrhoea corporis
M2631 Seborrhoea faciei
M2632 Seborrhoea nasi
M2633 Seborrhoea oleosa
M2634 Post-encephalitic seborrhoea
M263z Seborrhoea NOS
M26y. Other specified sebaceous gland diseases
M26y0 Asteatosis cutis
M26y1 Xerosis cutis
M26y2 Giant comedo
M26y3 Fordyce spots
M26yz Other sebaceous gland diseases NOS
M26z. Sebaceous gland diseases NOS
M27.. Chronic skin ulcer
M270. Decubitus (pressure) ulcer
M271. Non-pressure ulcer lower limb
M2710 Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot
M2711 Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot
M2712 Mixed diabetic ulcer - foot
M2713 Arterial leg ulcer
M2714 Mixed venous and arterial leg ulcer
M2715 Venous ulcer of leg
M2716 Traumatic leg ulcer
M272. Ulcer of skin
M27y. Chronic ulcer of skin, other specified sites
M27z. Chronic skin ulcer NOS
M28.. Urticaria
M280. Allergic urticaria
M281. Idiopathic urticaria
M282. Urticaria due to cold and heat
M2820 Cold urticaria
M2821 Thermal urticaria
M282z Urticaria due to cold and heat NOS
M283. Dermatographic urticaria
M284. Vibratory urticaria
M285. Cholinergic urticaria
M286. Contact urticaria
M287. Physical urticaria
M28y. Other specified urticaria
M28y0 Urticaria geographica
M28y1 Menstrual urticaria
M28y2 Urticaria persistans
M28yz Other specified urticaria NOS
M28z. Urticaria NOS
M29.. Dyschromia
M290. Chloasma
M2900 Chloasma bronzinum
M2901 Chloasma cachecticorum
M2902 Chloasma caloricum
M2903 Chloasma gravidarum
M2904 Chloasma hepaticum
M2905 Chloasma toxicum
M2906 Chloasma traumaticum
M290z Chloasma NOS
M291. Cafe au lait spots
M292. Hyperpigmentation
M2920 Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation
M2921 Solar lentiginosis
M293. Hypopigmentation
M294. Lentigo (freckle)
M2940 Lentigo
M2941 Freckle
M295. Leucoderma
M2950 Leucoderma aestivale
M2951 Vitiligo
M295z Leucoderma NOS
M296. Melanoderma
M297. Tattoo
M29z. Dyschromia NOS
M2B.. Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue
M2V.. Localized connective tissue disorder, unspecified
M2W.. Follicular cyst of skin & subcutaneous tissue, unspecif
M2X.. Papulosquamous disorder, unspecified
M2y.. Other specified diseases of skin or subcutaneous tissue
M2y0. Vascular disorders of skin
M2y00 Angioma serpiginosum
M2y01 Purpura annularis telangiectodes
M2y02 Livedoid vasculitis
M2y03 Erythema elevatum diutinum
M2y05 Lipodermatosclerosis
M2y06 Naevus anaemicus
M2y07 Livedo reticularis
M2y08 Cutis marmorata
M2y0X Vasculitis limited to skin, unspecified
M2y0z Vascular disorders of skin NOS
M2y1. Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin
M2y10 Exuberant cicatrix
M2y11 Hypertrophic cicatrix
M2y12 Skin fibrosis NOS
M2y13 Disfigurement due to scar
M2y14 Adherent scar (skin)
M2y15 Painful operation scar
M2y1z Scar NOS
M2y2. Degenerative skin disorders
M2y20 Calcinosis circumscripta
M2y21 Subcutaneous postphlebitic calcification
M2y22 Colloid milium
M2y23 Subcutaneous calcification
M2y24 Necrobiosis lipoidica
M2y25 Cutaneous calculus
M2y2z Skin degeneration NOS
M2y3. Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
M2y4. Other specified skin disorders
M2y40 Epithelial hyperplasia
M2y41 Menstrual dermatosis
M2y42 Vesicular eruption
M2y43 Granuloma faciale
M2y44 Steatocystoma multiplex
M2y45 Epidermal cyst
M2y46 Dermoid cyst of skin
M2y47 Black heel
M2y48 Juvenile plantar dermatosis
M2y4D Macerated perianal skin
M2y4z Other specified skin disorder NOS
M2y5. Foreign body in skin or subcutaneous tissue
M2y6. Transepidermal elimination disorders
M2y60 Keratosis follicularis et parafollicular in cutem penetrans
M2y61 Reactive perforating collagenosis
M2y62 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa
M2y6z Transepidermal elimination problem, unpecified
M2y7. Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells]
M2y8. Mucinosis of skin
M2y9. Amyloidosis of skin
M2yA. Skin sinus
M2yB. Fistula of skin
M2yC. Pigmented skin lesion
M2yD. Perineal irritation
M2yz. Other skin and subcut tissue disease NOS
M2z.. Other skin and subcut tissue disease NOS
M2z0. Skin lesion
My... Other specified diseases of skin or subcutaneous tissue
Myu.. [X]Additnal skin+subcut tissue disease classification terms
Myu0. [X]Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Myu00 [X]Acute lymphadenitis of other sites
Myu01 [X]Other specified local infections/skin+subcutaneous tissue
Myu02 [X]Impetiginization of other dermatoses
Myu1. [X]Bullous disorders
Myu10 [X]Other pemphigus
Myu11 [X]Other specified acantholytic disorders
Myu12 [X]Other pemphigoid
Myu13 [X]Other specified bullous disorders
Myu14 [X]Bullous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
Myu15 [X]Acantholytic disorder, unspecified
Myu2. [X]Dermatitis and eczema
Myu20 [X]Other seborrhoeic dermatitis
Myu21 [X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products
Myu23 [X]Allergic contact dermatitis due to other agents
Myu24 [X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to oth chemical products
Myu25 [X]Irritant contact dermatitis due to other agents
Myu26 [X]Unspcfd contact dermatitis due to other chemical products
Myu27 [X]Unspecified contact dermatitis due to other agents
Myu28 [X]Dermatitis due to other substances taken internally
Myu29 [X]Dermatitis due to unspecified substance taken internally
Myu2A [X]Other prurigo
Myu2B [X]Other pruritus
Myu2C [X]Other specified dermatitis
Myu2D [X]Pruritus, unspecified
Myu3. [X]Papulosquamous disorders
Myu30 [X]Other psoriasis
Myu31 [X]Other parapsoriasis
Myu32 [X]Other lichen planus
Myu33 [X]Other specified papulosquamous disorders
Myu34 [X]Papulosquamous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
Myu35 [X]Papulosquamous disorder, unspecified
Myu4. [X]Urticaria and erythema
Myu40 [X]Other urticaria
Myu41 [X]Other erythema multiforme
Myu42 [X]Other chronic figurate erythema
Myu43 [X]Other specified erythematous conditions
Myu44 [X]Erythema in other diseases classified elsewhere
Myu5. [X]Radiation-related disorders of skin+subcutaneous tissue
Myu50 [X]Other sunburn
Myu51 [X]Other specified acute skin changes due to UV radiation
Myu52 [X]Other skin changes/chronic exposure/nonionizing radiation
Myu53 [X]Oth specfd disorders/skin+subcut tissue related radiation
Myu54 [X]Acute skin change due to ultraviolet radiation, unspecif
Myu55 [X]Disord skin and subcut tis related to radiation, unspec
Myu6. [X]Disorders of skin appendages
Myu60 [X]Other nail disorders
Myu61 [X]Nail disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
Myu62 [X]Other alopecia areata
Myu63 [X]Other androgenic alopecia
Myu64 [X]Other specified nonscarring hair loss
Myu65 [X]Other cicatricial alopecia
Myu66 [X]Other hair colour and hair shaft abnormalities
Myu67 [X]Other hypertrichosis
Myu68 [X]Other acne
Myu69 [X]Other rosacea
Myu6A [X]Other follicular cysts of the skin+subcutaneous tissue
Myu6B [X]Other specified follicular disorders
Myu6C [X]Other eccrine sweat disorders
Myu6D [X]Other apocrine sweat disorders
Myu6E [X]Cicatricial alopecia, unspecified
Myu6F [X]Acne, unspecified
Myu6G [X]Follicular cyst of skin & subcutaneous tissue, unspecif
Myu6H [X]Miliaria, unspecified
Myu6J [X]Apocrine sweat disorder, unspecified
Myu7. [X]Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Myu70 [X]Other disorders of diminished melanin formation
Myu71 [X]Other specified disorders of pigmentation
Myu72 [X]Other specified epidermal thickening
Myu73 [X]Keratoderma in diseases classified elsewhere
Myu74 [X]Other transepidermal elimination disorders
Myu75 [X]Other atrophic disorders of skin
Myu76 [X]Other hypertrophic disorders of the skin
Myu77 [X]Other granulomatous disorders/skin+subcutaneous tissue
Myu78 [X]Other local lupus erythematosus
Myu79 [X]Other specified localized connective tissue disorders
Myu7A [X]Other vasculitis limited to the skin
Myu7B [X]Other infiltrative disorders/skin+subcutaneous tissue
Myu7C [X]Other specified disorders/skin+subcutaneous tissue
Myu7D [X]Other disorders/skin+subcutaneous tissue in diseases CE
Myu7E [X]Hypertrophic disorder of skin, unspecified
Myu7F [X]Localized connective tissue disorder, unspecified
Myu7G [X]Vasculitis limited to skin, unspecified
Mz... Skin and subcutaneous tissue disease NOS
N.... Musculoskeletal and connective tissue diseases
N0... Arthropathies and related disorders
N00.. Diffuse diseases of connective tissue
N000. Systemic lupus erythematosus
N0000 Disseminated lupus erythematosus
N0001 Libman-Sacks disease
N0002 Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus
N0003 Systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or sys involv
N000z Systemic lupus erythematosus NOS
N001. Scleroderma
N0010 Progressive systemic sclerosis
N0011 CREST syndrome
N0012 Systemic sclerosis induced by drugs and chemicals
N002. Sicca (Sjogrens) syndrome
N003. Dermatomyositis
N0030 Juvenile dermatomyositis
N0031 Dermatopolymyositis in neoplastic disease
N003X Dermatopolymyositis, unspecified
N004. Polymyositis
N005. Adult Stills Disease
N006. Antiphospholipid syndrome
N00y. Other specified diffuse collagen diseases
N00y0 Eosinophilic fasciitis
N00y1 Fibrosclerosis systemic
N00z. Collagen disease NOS
N01.. Arthropathy associated with infections
N010. Pyogenic arthritis
N0100 Pyogenic arthritis of unspecified site
N0101 Pyogenic arthritis of the shoulder region
N0102 Pyogenic arthritis of the upper arm
N0103 Pyogenic arthritis of the forearm
N0104 Pyogenic arthritis of the hand
N0105 Pyogenic arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0106 Pyogenic arthritis of the lower leg
N0107 Pyogenic arthritis of the ankle and foot
N0108 Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
N0109 Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
N010A Arthritis in Lyme disease
N010x Pyogenic arthritis of multiple sites
N010y Pyogenic arthritis of other specified sites
N010z Pyogenic arthritis NOS
N011. Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy
N0110 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of unspecified site
N0111 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of shoulder region
N0112 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the upper arm
N0113 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the forearm
N0114 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the hand
N0115 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the pelvis/thigh
N0116 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the lower leg
N0117 Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of the ankle and foot
N011x Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of multiple sites
N011y Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy of other specif site
N011z Sexually acquired reactive arthropathy NOS
N012. Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome
N0120 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of unspecified site
N0121 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the shoulder region
N0122 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the upper arm
N0123 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the forearm
N0124 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the hand
N0125 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the pelvis/thigh
N0126 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the lower leg
N0127 Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of the ankle and foot
N012x Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of multiple sites
N012y Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome of other specified sites
N012z Arthropathy in Behcets syndrome NOS
N013. Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy
N0130 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of unspecified site
N0131 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the shoulder region
N0132 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the upper arm
N0133 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the forearm
N0134 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the hand
N0135 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the pelvis/thigh
N0136 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the lower leg
N0137 Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of the ankle and foot
N013x Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of multiple sites
N013y Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy of other specified sites
N013z Postdysenteric reactive arthropathy NOS
N014. Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases
N0140 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of unspec site
N0141 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of shoulder region
N0142 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of upper arm
N0143 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of forearm
N0144 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of hand
N0145 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of pelvic/thigh
N0146 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of lower leg
N0147 Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of ankle and foot
N0148 Arthropathy in Whipples disease
N014x Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of multiple sites
N014y Arthropathy with other bacterial disease, of other spec site
N014z Arthropathy associated with other bacterial disease NOS
N015. Arthropathy associated with other viral diseases
N0150 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of unspecified site
N0151 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of shoulder region
N0152 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of upper arm
N0153 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of forearm
N0154 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of hand
N0155 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of pelvic region/thigh
N0156 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of lower leg
N0157 Arthropathy with other viral disease, of ankle and foot
N015x Arthropathy with other viral disease, of multiple sites
N015y Arthropathy with other viral disease, of other spec site
N015z Arthropathy associated with other viral disease NOS
N016. Arthropathy associated with mycoses
N0160 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of unspecified site
N0161 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of the shoulder region
N0162 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of the upper arm
N0163 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of the forearm
N0164 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of the hand
N0165 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of pelvic region/thigh
N0166 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of the lower leg
N0167 Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of the ankle and foot
N016x Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of multiple sites
N016y Arthropathy associated with mycoses, of other specified site
N016z Arthropathy associated with mycoses NOS
N017. Helminthiasis with arthropathy
N0170 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of unspecified site
N0171 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the shoulder region
N0172 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the upper arm
N0173 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the forearm
N0174 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the hand
N0175 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the pelvic region/thigh
N0176 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the lower leg
N0177 Helminthiasis with arthropathy of the ankle and foot
N017x Helminthiasis with arthropathy of multiple sites
N017y Helminthiasis with arthropathy of other specified site
N017z Helminthiasis with arthropathy NOS
N018. Tuberculous arthritis
N01w. Reactive arthropathy, unspecified
N01w0 Reactive arthropathy of shoulder
N01w1 Reactive arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint
N01w2 Reactive arthropathy of acromioclavicular joint
N01w3 Reactive arthropathy of elbow
N01w4 Reactive arthropathy of distal radio-ulnar joint
N01w5 Reactive arthropathy of wrist
N01w6 Reactive arthropathy of MCP joint
N01w7 Reactive arthropathy of PIP joint of finger
N01w8 Reactive arthropathy of DIP joint of finger
N01w9 Reactive arthropathy of hip
N01wA Reactive arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint
N01wB Reactive arthropathy of knee
N01wC Reactive arthropathy of tibio-fibular joint
N01wD Reactive arthropathy of ankle
N01wE Reactive arthropathy of subtalar joint
N01wF Reactive arthropathy of talonavicular joint
N01wG Reactive arthropathy of other tarsal joint
N01wH Reactive arthropathy of 1st MTP joint
N01wJ Reactive arthropathy of lesser MTP joint
N01wK Reactive arthropathy of IP joint of toe
N01y. Other infectious and parasitic diseases with arthropathy
N01y0 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of unspec site
N01y1 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of shoulder region
N01y2 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of the upper arm
N01y3 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of the forearm
N01y4 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of the hand
N01y5 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of pelvic / thigh
N01y6 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of the lower leg
N01y7 Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of ankle and foot
N01yx Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of multiple sites
N01yy Other infect/parasit dis with arthropathy of other spec site
N01yz Other infectious and parasitic diseases with arthropathy NOS
N01z. Infective arthritis NOS
N01z0 Infective arthritis NOS, of unspecified site
N01z1 Infective arthritis NOS, of the shoulder region
N01z2 Infective arthritis NOS, of the upper arm
N01z3 Infective arthritis NOS, of the forearm
N01z4 Infective arthritis NOS, of the hand
N01z5 Infective arthritis NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
N01z6 Infective arthritis NOS, of the lower leg
N01z7 Infective arthritis NOS, of the ankle and foot
N01z8 Infective arthritis NOS, of shoulder
N01z9 Infective arthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint
N01zA Infective arthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint
N01zB Infective arthritis NOS, of elbow
N01zC Infective arthritis NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint
N01zD Infective arthritis NOS, of wrist
N01zE Infective arthritis NOS, of MCP joint
N01zF Infective arthritis NOS, of PIP joint of finger
N01zG Infective arthritis NOS, of DIP joint of finger
N01zH Infective arthritis NOS, of hip
N01zJ Infective arthritis NOS, of sacro-iliac joint
N01zK Infective arthritis NOS, of knee
N01zL Infective arthritis NOS, of tibio-fibular joint
N01zM Infective arthritis NOS, of ankle
N01zN Infective arthritis NOS, of subtalar joint
N01zP Infective arthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint
N01zQ Infective arthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint
N01zR Infective arthritis NOS, of 1st MTP joint
N01zS Infective arthritis NOS, of lesser MTP joint
N01zT Infective arthritis NOS, of IP joint of toe
N01zx Infective arthritis NOS, of multiple sites
N01zy Infective arthritis NOS, of other specified site
N01zz Infective arthritis NOS
N02.. Crystal arthropathies
N020. Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals
N0200 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of unspecified site
N0201 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of shoulder region
N0202 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of the upper arm
N0203 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of the forearm
N0204 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of the hand
N0205 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of pelvic/thigh
N0206 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of the lower leg
N0207 Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of the ankle and foot
N020x Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of multiple sites
N020y Chondrocalcinosis-dicalcium phosphate, of other spec site
N020z Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals, NOS
N021. Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals
N0210 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of unspec site
N0211 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of shoulder region
N0212 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of the upper arm
N0213 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of the forearm
N0214 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of the hand
N0215 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of pelvic/thigh
N0216 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of the lower leg
N0217 Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of ankle and foot
N021x Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of multiple sites
N021y Chondrocalcinosis-pyrophosphate crystals, of other spec site
N021z Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals, NOS
N022. Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified
N0220 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of unspecified site
N0221 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the shoulder region
N0222 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the upper arm
N0223 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the forearm
N0224 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the hand
N0225 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the pelvic region/thigh
N0226 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the lower leg
N0227 Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of the ankle and foot
N022x Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of multiple sites
N022y Chondrocalcinosis unspecified, of other specified site
N022z Chondrocalcinosis NOS
N023. Gouty arthritis
N0230 Gouty arthritis of unspecified site
N0231 Gouty arthritis of the shoulder region
N0232 Gouty arthritis of the upper arm
N0233 Gouty arthritis of the forearm
N0234 Gouty arthritis of the hand
N0235 Gouty arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0236 Gouty arthritis of the lower leg
N0237 Gouty arthritis of the ankle and foot
N023x Gouty arthritis of multiple sites
N023y Gouty arthritis of other specified site
N023z Gouty arthritis NOS
N024. Familial chondrocalcinosis
N02y. Other crystal arthropathies
N02y0 Other crystal arthropathies of unspecified site
N02y1 Other crystal arthropathies of the shoulder
N02y2 Other crystal arthropathies of the upper arm
N02y3 Other crystal arthropathies of the forearm
N02y4 Other crystal arthropathies of the hand
N02y5 Other crystal arthropathies of the pelvic region and thigh
N02y6 Other crystal arthropathies of the lower leg
N02y7 Other crystal arthropathies of the ankle and foot
N02y8 Hydroxyapatite deposition disease
N02yx Other crystal arthropathies of multiple sites
N02yy Other crystal arthropathies of other specified sites
N02yz Other crystal arthropathy NOS
N02z. Crystal arthropathy NOS
N02z0 Crystal arthropathy NOS, site unspecified
N02z1 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the shoulder region
N02z2 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the upper arm
N02z3 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the forearm
N02z4 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the hand
N02z5 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
N02z6 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the lower leg
N02z7 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of the ankle and foot
N02z8 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of shoulder
N02z9 Crystal arthropathy NOS, of sternoclavicular joint
N02zA Crystal arthropathy NOS, of acromioclavicular joint
N02zB Crystal arthropathy NOS, of elbow
N02zC Crystal arthropathy NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint
N02zD Crystal arthropathy NOS, of wrist
N02zE Crystal arthropathy NOS, of MCP joint
N02zF Crystal arthropathy NOS, of PIP joint of finger
N02zG Crystal arthropathy NOS, of DIP joint of finger
N02zH Crystal arthropathy NOS, of hip
N02zJ Crystal arthropathy NOS, of sacro-iliac joint
N02zK Crystal arthropathy NOS, of knee
N02zL Crystal arthropathy NOS, of tibio-fibular joint
N02zM Crystal arthropathy NOS, of ankle
N02zN Crystal arthropathy NOS, of subtalar joint
N02zP Crystal arthropathy NOS, of talonavicular joint
N02zQ Crystal arthropathy NOS, of other tarsal joint
N02zR Crystal arthropathy NOS, of 1st MTP joint
N02zS Crystal arthropathy NOS, of lesser MTP joint
N02zT Crystal arthropathy NOS, of IP joint of toe
N02zx Crystal arthropathy NOS, of multiple sites
N02zy Crystal arthropathy NOS, of other specified site
N02zz Crystal arthropathy NOS
N03.. Arthropathy associated with disorders EC
N030. Arthropathy associated with endocrine and metabolic disorder
N0300 Diabetic cheiroarthropathy
N0301 Diabetic Charcot arthropathy
N0302 Arthropathy in amyloidosis
N031. Arthropathy assoc with non-infect gastrointestinal disorders
N0310 Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis
N0311 Arthropathy in Crohns disease
N0312 Arthropathy in Whipples disease
N0313 Arthropathy following intestinal bypass
N032. Arthropathy associated with haematological disorders
N0320 Arthropathy due to haemophilia
N033. Arthropathy associated with dermatological disorders
N034. Arthropathy associated with respiratory disorders
N035. Neuropathic arthropathy
N036. Arthropathy due to hypersensitivity reaction
N037. Postimmunization arthropathy
N038. Reactive arthropathies
N0380 Postmeningococcal arthritis
N0381 Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis
N03x. Other general diseases with associated arthropathy
N03x0 Arthritis associated with other disease, shoulder
N03x1 Arthritis associated with other disease, sternoclavic joint
N03x2 Arthritis associated with other disease, acromioclavic joint
N03x3 Arthritis associated with other disease, elbow
N03x4 Arthritis associated with other disease, dist rad-uln joint
N03x5 Arthritis associated with other disease, wrist
N03x6 Arthritis associated with other disease, MCP joint
N03x7 Arthritis associated with other disease, PIP joint of finger
N03x8 Arthritis associated with other disease, DIP joint of finger
N03x9 Arthritis associated with other disease, hip
N03xA Arthritis associated with other disease, sacro-iliac joint
N03xB Arthritis associated with other disease, knee
N03xC Arthritis associated with other disease, tibio-fibular joint
N03xD Arthritis associated with other disease, ankle
N03xE Arthritis associated with other disease, subtalar joint
N03xF Arthritis associated with other disease, talonavicular joint
N03xG Arthritis associated with other disease, other tarsal joint
N03xH Arthritis associated with other disease, 1st MTP joint
N03xJ Arthritis associated with other disease, lesser MTP joint
N03xK Arthritis associated with other disease, IP joint of toe
N03y. Arthropathy associated with other conditions EC
N03z. Arthropathy associated with disorders EC NOS
N04.. Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy
N040. Rheumatoid arthritis
N0400 Rheumatoid arthritis of cervical spine
N0401 Other rheumatoid arthritis of spine
N0402 Rheumatoid arthritis of shoulder
N0403 Rheumatoid arthritis of sternoclavicular joint
N0404 Rheumatoid arthritis of acromioclavicular joint
N0405 Rheumatoid arthritis of elbow
N0406 Rheumatoid arthritis of distal radio-ulnar joint
N0407 Rheumatoid arthritis of wrist
N0408 Rheumatoid arthritis of MCP joint
N0409 Rheumatoid arthritis of PIP joint of finger
N040A Rheumatoid arthritis of DIP joint of finger
N040B Rheumatoid arthritis of hip
N040C Rheumatoid arthritis of sacro-iliac joint
N040D Rheumatoid arthritis of knee
N040E Rheumatoid arthritis of tibio-fibular joint
N040F Rheumatoid arthritis of ankle
N040G Rheumatoid arthritis of subtalar joint
N040H Rheumatoid arthritis of talonavicular joint
N040J Rheumatoid arthritis of other tarsal joint
N040K Rheumatoid arthritis of 1st MTP joint
N040L Rheumatoid arthritis of lesser MTP joint
N040M Rheumatoid arthritis of IP joint of toe
N040N Rheumatoid vasculitis
N040P Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
N040Q Rheumatoid bursitis
N040R Rheumatoid nodule
N040S Rheumatoid arthritis - multiple joint
N040T Flare of rheumatoid arthritis
N041. Feltys syndrome
N042. Other rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement
N0420 Rheumatic carditis
N0421 Rheumatoid lung disease
N0422 Rheumatoid nodule
N042z Rheumatoid arthropathy + visceral/systemic involvement NOS
N043. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Stills disease
N0430 Juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy unspecified
N0431 Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
N0432 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
N0433 Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
N043z Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS
N044. Chronic post-rheumatic arthropathy
N045. Other juvenile arthritis
N0450 Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis
N0451 Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis
N0452 Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis
N0453 Juvenile arthritis in Crohns disease
N0454 Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis
N0455 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
N047. Seropositive errosive rheumatoid arthritis
N04X. Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified
N04y. Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathy
N04y0 Rheumatoid lung
N04y1 Sero negative arthritis
N04y2 Adult-onset Stills disease
N04yz Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS
N04z. Inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS
N05.. Osteoarthritis and allied disorders
N050. Generalised osteoarthritis - OA
N0500 Generalised osteoarthritis of unspecified site
N0501 Generalised osteoarthritis of the hand
N0502 Generalised osteoarthritis of multiple sites
N0503 Bouchards nodes with arthropathy
N0504 Primary generalized osteoarthrosis
N0505 Secondary multiple arthrosis
N0506 Erosive osteoarthrosis
N0507 Heberdens nodes with arthropathy
N050z Generalised osteoarthritis NOS
N051. Localised, primary osteoarthritis
N0510 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site
N0511 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region
N0512 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the upper arm
N0513 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the forearm
N0514 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the hand
N0515 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region/thigh
N0516 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg
N0517 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot
N0518 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site
N0519 Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral
N051A Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia, bilateral
N051B Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral
N051C Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral
N051z Localised, primary osteoarthritis NOS
N052. Localised, secondary osteoarthritis
N0520 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of unspecified site
N0521 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region
N0522 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the upper arm
N0523 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the forearm
N0524 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the hand
N0525 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of pelvic region/thigh
N0526 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the lower leg
N0527 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of the ankle and foot
N0528 Localised, secondary osteoarthritis of other specified site
N0529 Post-traumatic coxarthrosis, bilateral
N052A Post-traumatic gonarthrosis, bilateral
N052B Post-traumatic arthrosis of first carpometacarpal jt bilat
N052z Localised, secondary osteoarthritis NOS
N053. Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified
N0530 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site
N0531 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder region
N0532 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm
N0533 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm
N0534 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand
N0535 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, pelvic region/thigh
N0536 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg
N0537 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot
N0538 Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other spec site
N0539 Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified
N053z Localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS
N054. Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified
N0540 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspec, of unspecified sites
N0541 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of shoulder
N0542 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm
N0543 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of forearm
N0544 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand
N0545 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of pelvis/thigh
N0546 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg
N0547 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle/foot
N0548 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, other spec sites
N0549 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, multiple sites
N054z Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS
N05z. Osteoarthritis NOS
N05z0 Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site
N05z1 Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region
N05z2 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the upper arm
N05z3 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the forearm
N05z4 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand
N05z5 Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh
N05z6 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg
N05z7 Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot
N05z8 Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site
N05z9 Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder
N05zA Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint
N05zB Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint
N05zC Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow
N05zD Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radio-ulnar joint
N05zE Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist
N05zF Osteoarthritis NOS, of MCP joint
N05zG Osteoarthritis NOS, of PIP joint of finger
N05zH Osteoarthritis NOS, of DIP joint of finger
N05zJ Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip
N05zK Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacro-iliac joint
N05zL Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee
N05zM Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibio-fibular joint
N05zN Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle
N05zP Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint
N05zQ Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint
N05zR Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint
N05zS Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st MTP joint
N05zT Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser MTP joint
N05zU Osteoarthritis NOS, of IP joint of toe
N05zz Osteoarthritis NOS
N06.. Other and unspecified arthropathies
N060. Kaschin - Beck disease
N0600 Kaschin-Beck disease of unspecified site
N0601 Kaschin-Beck disease of the shoulder region
N0602 Kaschin-Beck disease of the upper arm
N0603 Kaschin-Beck disease of the forearm
N0604 Kaschin-Beck disease of the hand
N0605 Kaschin-Beck disease of the pelvic region and thigh
N0606 Kaschin-Beck disease of the lower leg
N0607 Kaschin-Beck disease of the ankle and foot
N0608 Kaschin-Beck disease of other specified site
N0609 Kaschin-Beck disease of multiple sites
N060z Kaschin-Beck disease NOS
N061. Traumatic arthropathy
N0610 Traumatic arthropathy of unspecified site
N0611 Traumatic arthropathy of the shoulder region
N0612 Traumatic arthropathy of the upper arm
N0613 Traumatic arthropathy of the forearm
N0614 Traumatic arthropathy of the hand
N0615 Traumatic arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
N0616 Traumatic arthropathy of the lower leg
N0617 Traumatic arthropathy of the ankle and foot
N0618 Traumatic arthropathy of other specified site
N0619 Traumatic arthropathy of multiple sites
N061A Traumatic arthropathy of shoulder
N061B Traumatic arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint
N061C Traumatic arthropathy of acromioclavicular joint
N061D Traumatic arthropathy-elbow
N061E Traumatic arthropathy of distal radio-ulnar joint
N061F Traumatic arthropathy-wrist
N061G Traumatic arthropathy of MCP joint
N061H Traumatic arthropathy of PIP joint of finger
N061J Traumatic arthropathy of DIP joint of finger
N061K Traumatic arthropathy-hip
N061L Traumatic arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint
N061M Traumatic arthropathy-knee
N061N Traumatic arthropathy of tibio-fibular joint
N061P Traumatic arthropathy-ankle
N061Q Traumatic arthropathy of subtalar joint
N061R Traumatic arthropathy of talonavicular joint
N061S Traumatic arthropathy of other tarsal joint
N061T Traumatic arthropathy of 1st MTP joint
N061U Traumatic arthropathy of lesser MTP joint
N061V Traumatic arthropathy of IP joint of toe
N061z Traumatic arthropathy NOS
N062. Allergic arthritis
N0620 Allergic arthritis of unspecified site
N0621 Allergic arthritis of the shoulder region
N0622 Allergic arthritis of the upper arm
N0623 Allergic arthritis of the forearm
N0624 Allergic arthritis of the hand
N0625 Allergic arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0626 Allergic arthritis of the lower leg
N0627 Allergic arthritis of the ankle and foot
N0628 Allergic arthritis of other specified site
N0629 Allergic arthritis of multiple sites
N062z Allergic arthritis NOS
N063. Climacteric arthritis
N0630 Climacteric arthritis of unspecified site
N0631 Climacteric arthritis of the shoulder region
N0632 Climacteric arthritis of the upper arm
N0633 Climacteric arthritis of the forearm
N0634 Climacteric arthritis of the hand
N0635 Climacteric arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0636 Climacteric arthritis of the lower leg
N0637 Climacteric arthritis of the ankle and foot
N0638 Climacteric arthritis of other specified site
N0639 Climacteric arthritis of multiple sites
N063z Climacteric arthritis NOS
N064. Transient arthropathy
N0640 Transient arthropathy of unspecified site
N0641 Transient arthropathy of the shoulder region
N0642 Transient arthropathy of the upper arm
N0643 Transient arthropathy of the forearm
N0644 Transient arthropathy of the hand
N0645 Transient arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
N0646 Transient arthropathy of the lower leg
N0647 Transient arthropathy of the ankle and foot
N0648 Transient arthropathy of other specified site
N0649 Transient arthropathy of multiple sites
N064A Transient arthropathy of shoulder
N064B Transient arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint
N064C Transient arthropathy of acromioclavicular joint
N064D Transient arthropathy-elbow
N064E Transient arthropathy of distal radio-ulnar joint
N064F Transient arthropathy-wrist
N064G Transient arthropathy of MCP joint
N064H Transient arthropathy of PIP joint of finger
N064J Transient arthropathy of DIP joint of finger
N064K Transient arthropathy-hip
N064L Transient arthropathy of sacro-iliac joint
N064M Transient arthropathy-knee
N064N Transient arthropathy of tibio-fibular joint
N064P Transient arthropathy-ankle
N064Q Transient arthropathy of subtalar joint
N064R Transient arthropathy of talonavicular joint
N064S Transient arthropathy of other tarsal joint
N064T Transient arthropathy of 1st MTP joint
N064U Transient arthropathy of lesser MTP joint
N064V Transient arthropathy of IP joint of toe
N064z Transient arthropathy NOS
N065. Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis
N0650 Unspecified polyarthropathy of unspecified site
N0651 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the shoulder region
N0652 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the upper arm
N0653 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the forearm
N0654 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the hand
N0655 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
N0656 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the lower leg
N0657 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the ankle and foot
N0658 Unspecified polyarthropathy of other specified site
N0659 Unspecified polyarthropathy of multiple sites
N065A Generalised arthritis
N065z Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis NOS
N066. Unspecified monoarthritis
N0660 Unspecified monoarthritis of unspecified site
N0661 Unspecified monoarthritis of the shoulder region
N0662 Unspecified monoarthritis of the upper arm
N0663 Unspecified monoarthritis of the forearm
N0664 Unspecified monoarthritis of the hand
N0665 Unspecified monoarthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0666 Unspecified monoarthritis of the lower leg
N0667 Unspecified monoarthritis of the ankle and foot
N0668 Unspecified monoarthritis of other specified site
N066z Unspecified monoarthritis NOS
N067. Ochronotic arthropathy
N068. Haemophilic arthropathy
N069. Arthropathy in neoplastic disease
N06y. Other specified arthropathy
N06y0 Other specified arthropathy of unspecified site
N06y1 Other specified arthropathy of the shoulder region
N06y2 Other specified arthropathy of the upper arm
N06y3 Other specified arthropathy of the forearm
N06y4 Other specified arthropathy of the hand
N06y5 Other specified arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
N06y6 Other specified arthropathy of the lower leg
N06y7 Other specified arthropathy of the ankle and foot
N06y8 Other specified arthropathy of other specified site
N06y9 Other specified arthropathy of multiple sites
N06yz Other specified arthropathy NOS
N06z. Arthropathy NOS
N06z0 Arthropathy NOS, of unspecified site
N06z1 Arthropathy NOS, of the shoulder region
N06z2 Arthropathy NOS, of the upper arm
N06z3 Arthropathy NOS, of the forearm
N06z4 Arthropathy NOS, of the hand
N06z5 Arthropathy NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
N06z6 Arthropathy NOS, of the lower leg
N06z7 Arthropathy NOS, of the ankle and foot
N06z8 Arthropathy NOS, of other specified site
N06z9 Arthropathy NOS, of multiple sites
N06zA Acute arthritis
N06zB Chronic arthritis
N06zz Arthropathy NOS
N07.. Internal derangement of knee
N070. Medial meniscus derangement
N0700 Medial meniscus derangement, unspecified
N0701 Old bucket handle tear of medial meniscus
N0702 Medial meniscus, anterior horn derangement
N0703 Medial meniscus, posterior horn derangement
N0704 Parrot beak tear of posterior horn of medial meniscus
N0705 Peripheral detachment of medial meniscus
N0706 Radial tear of medial meniscus
N0707 Horizontal cleavage tear of medial meniscus
N0708 Multiple tears of medial meniscus
N0709 Cyst of medial meniscus
N070z Medial meniscus derangement NOS
N071. Lateral meniscus derangement
N0710 Lateral meniscus derangement unspecified
N0711 Old bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus
N0712 Lateral meniscus, anterior horn derangement
N0713 Lateral meniscus, posterior horn derangement
N0714 Lateral meniscus derangement NOS
N0715 Parrot beak tear of posterior horn of lateral meniscus
N0716 Peripheral detachment of lateral meniscus
N0717 Radial tear of lateral meniscus
N0718 Horizontal cleavage tear of lateral meniscus
N0719 Multiple tears of lateral meniscus
N071A Cyst of lateral meniscus
N071B Discoid lateral meniscus
N072. Meniscus derangement NEC
N0720 Old torn meniscus of knee
N073. Loose body in knee
N074. Chondromalacia patellae
N07y. Other internal knee derangement
N07y0 Old lateral collateral ligament disruption
N07y1 Old medial collateral ligament disruption
N07y2 Old anterior cruciate ligament disruption
N07y3 Old posterior cruciate ligament disruption
N07y4 Old capsular knee ligament disruption
N07y5 Locked knee
N07y6 Patellofemoral maltracking
N07y7 Old partial tear lateral collateral ligament
N07y8 Old complete tear lateral collateral ligament
N07y9 Old posterolateral capsular complex tear
N07yA Old partial tear medial collateral ligament
N07yB Old complete tear medial collateral ligament
N07yC Old medial capsular complex tear
N07yD Old partial tear anterior cruciate ligament
N07yE Old complete tear anterior cruciate ligament
N07yF Old partial tear posterior cruciate ligament
N07yG Old complete tear posterior cruciate ligament
N07yH Locking knee
N07yy Other old knee ligament disruption
N07yz Other internal knee derangement NOS
N07z. Internal knee derangement NOS
N08.. Other derangement of joint
N080. Articular cartilage disorder, excluding the knee
N0800 Articular cartilage disorder, of unspecified site
N0801 Articular cartilage disorder of the shoulder region
N0802 Articular cartilage disorder of the upper arm
N0803 Articular cartilage disorder of the forearm
N0804 Articular cartilage disorder of the hand
N0805 Articular cartilage disorder of the pelvic region and thigh
N0806 Articular cartilage disorder of the ankle and foot
N0807 Articular cartilage disorder of other specified site
N0808 Articular cartilage disorder of multiple sites
N0809 Hill-Sachs lesion
N080A Reverse Hill-Sachs lesion
N080B Articular cartilage disorder of other joints of the shoulder
N080C Chondrolysis of the femoral head
N080z Articular cartilage disorder NOS
N081. Loose body in joint, excluding the knee
N0810 Loose body in joint, unspecified joint
N0811 Loose body in joint of shoulder region
N0812 Loose body in joint of upper arm
N0813 Loose body in joint of forearm
N0814 Loose body in joint of hand
N0815 Loose body in joint of pelvic region and thigh
N0816 Loose body in joint of ankle and foot
N0817 Loose body in joint, other specified joint
N0818 Loose joint body in multiple joints
N0819 Loose body in shoulder joint
N081A Loose body in other joint of shoulder girdle
N081B Loose body in elbow joint
N081C Loose body in wrist joint
N081D Loose body in hip joint
N081E Loose body in other joint of pelvic girdle
N081F Loose body in ankle joint
N081G Loose body in foot joint
N081z Loose body in joint (excluding the knee) NOS
N082. Pathological dislocation
N0820 Pathological dislocation of unspecified site
N0821 Pathological dislocation of the shoulder region
N0822 Pathological dislocation of the upper arm
N0823 Pathological dislocation of the forearm
N0824 Pathological dislocation of the hand
N0825 Pathological dislocation of the pelvic region and thigh
N0826 Pathological dislocation of the lower leg
N0827 Pathological dislocation of the ankle and foot
N0828 Pathological dislocation of other specified site
N0829 Pathological dislocation of multiple joints
N082A Pathological dislocation of the shoulder joint
N082B Pathological dislocation of other joint of shoulder girdle
N082C Pathological dislocation of humero-ulnar joint
N082D Pathological dislocation of superior radio-ulnar joint
N082E Pathological dislocation of radial head
N082F Pathological dislocation of inferior radio-ulnar joint
N082G Pathological dislocation of wrist joint
N082H Pathological dislocation of 1st CMC joint
N082J Pathological dislocation of other CMC joint
N082K Pathological dislocation of MCP joint
N082L Pathological dislocation of PIP joint
N082M Pathological dislocation of DIP joint
N082N Neuromuscular dislocation of the hip
N082P Other acquired pathological dislocation of the hip
N082Q Pathological dislocation of knee joint
N082R Pathological dislocation of patellofemoral joint
N082S Pathological dislocation of ankle joint
N082T Pathological dislocation of subtalar joint
N082U Pathological dislocation of midtarsal joint
N082V Pathological dislocation of TMT joint
N082W Pathological dislocation of 1st MTP joint
N082X Pathological dislocation of lesser MTP joint
N082Y Pathological dislocation of toe IP joint
N082z Pathological dislocation NOS
N083. Recurrent dislocation of joint
N0830 Recurrent joint dislocation, of unspecified site
N0831 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the shoulder region
N0832 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the upper arm
N0833 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the forearm
N0834 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the hand
N0835 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the pelvic region and thigh
N0836 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the lower leg
N0837 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the ankle and foot
N0838 Recurrent joint dislocation, of other specified site
N0839 Recurrent dislocation of multiple joints
N083A Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - anterior
N083B Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - posterior
N083C Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - anterior
N083D Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - posterior
N083E Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - inferior
N083F Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - inferior
N083G Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - anterior
N083H Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - anterior
N083J Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - multidirectional
N083K Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - multidirectional
N083L Habitual dislocation of the shoulder
N083M Habitual subluxation of the shoulder
N083N Recurrent dislocation of elbow
N083P Recurrent subluxation of elbow
N083Q Recurrent dislocation of superior radio-ulnar joint
N083R Recurrent subluxation of superior radio-ulnar joint
N083S Recurrent dislocation of radial head
N083T Recurrent subluxation of radial head
N083U Recurrent dislocation of inferior radio-ulnar joint
N083V Recurrent subluxation of inferior radio-ulnar joint
N083W Recurrent dislocation of wrist
N083X Carpal instability
N083Y Recurrent subluxation of wrist
N083Z Carpal instability, D.I.S.I.
N083a Carpal instability, V.I.S.I.
N083b Carpal instability, ulnar translocation
N083c Carpal instability, dorsal subluxation
N083d Carpal instability, other
N083e Recurrent dislocation of CMC joint
N083f Recurrent subluxation of CMC joint
N083g Recurrent dislocation of MCP joint
N083h Recurrent subluxation of MCP joint
N083j Recurrent dislocation of IP joint
N083k Recurrent subluxation of IP joint
N083l Recurrent dislocation of the hip
N083m Recurrent dislocation of other pelvic joints
N083n Recurrent dislocation of the knee
N083p Recurrent dislocation of the patella
N083q Recurrent subluxation of the patella
N083r Habitual dislocation of the patella
N083s Recurrent dislocation of the ankle
N083t Recurrent subluxation of the ankle
N083u Recurrent dislocation of foot joint
N083v Recurrent subluxation of the subtalar joint
N083w Recurrent subluxation of other foot joint
N083x Recurrent subluxation of the hip joint
N083z Recurrent joint dislocation NOS
N084. Contracture of joint
N0840 Joint contracture of unspecified site
N0841 Joint contracture of the shoulder region
N0842 Joint contracture of the upper arm
N0843 Joint contracture of the forearm
N0844 Joint contracture of the hand
N0845 Joint contracture of the pelvic region and thigh
N0846 Joint contracture of the lower leg
N0847 Joint contracture of the ankle and foot
N0848 Joint contracture of other specified site
N0849 Contracture of multiple joints
N084A Flexion contracture-shoulder
N084B Extension contracture-shoulder
N084C Abduction contracture-shoulder
N084D Adduction contracture-shoulder
N084E Internal rotation contracture-shoulder
N084F External rotation contracture-shoulder
N084G Flexion contracture - elbow
N084H Extension contracture - elbow
N084J Pronation contracture - forearm
N084K Supination contracture - forearm
N084L Flexion contracture - wrist
N084M Extension contracture of the wrist
N084N Ulnar deviation contracture of the wrist
N084P Radial deviation contracture of the wrist
N084Q Flexion contracture of MCP joint
N084R Extension contracture of MCP joint
N084S Flexion contracture of PIP joint
N084T Flexion contracture of DIP joint
N084U Flexion contracture of hip
N084V Extension contracture of hip
N084W Abduction contracture of hip
N084X Adduction contracture of hip
N084Y Internal rotation contracture of hip
N084Z External rotation contracture of hip
N084a Flexion contracture of the knee
N084b Equinus contracture of the ankle
N084c Calcaneus contracture of the ankle
N084d Flexion contracture of MTP joint
N084e Extension contracture of MTP joint
N084f Flexion contracture of toe IP joint
N084g Extension contracture of toe IP joint
N084z Contracture of joint NOS
N085. Ankylosis of joint
N0850 Joint ankylosis of unspecified site
N0851 Joint ankylosis of the shoulder region
N0852 Joint ankylosis of the upper arm
N0853 Joint ankylosis of the forearm
N0854 Joint ankylosis of the hand
N0855 Joint ankylosis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0856 Joint ankylosis of the lower leg
N0857 Joint ankylosis of the ankle and foot
N0858 Joint ankylosis of other specified site
N0859 Ankylosis of multiple joints
N085A Ankylosis of the shoulder joint
N085B Ankylosis of other joint of the shoulder girdle
N085C Ankylosis of the elbow joint
N085D Ankylosis of the superior radio-ulnar joint
N085E Ankylosis of the inferior radio-ulnar joint
N085F Ankylosis of the wrist joint
N085G Ankylosis of the 1st CMC joint
N085H Ankylosis of other CMC joint
N085J Ankylosis of MCP joint
N085K Ankylosis of PIP joint
N085L Ankylosis of DIP joint
N085M Ankylosis of the hip joint
N085N Ankylosis of other pelvic joint
N085P Ankylosis of the knee joint
N085Q Ankylosis of the ankle joint
N085R Ankylosis of the subtalar joint
N085S Ankylosis of other tarsal joint
N085T Ankylosis of MTP joint
N085U Ankylosis of toe joint
N085z Ankylosis of joint NOS
N086. Unspecified intrapelvic protrusio acetabuli
N0860 Protrusio acetabuli of unspecified site
N0861 Protrusio acetabuli of the pelvic region and thigh
N086z Protrusio acetabuli NOS
N087. Fibrocartilage lesion of joint
N0870 Bankart lesion
N0871 Reverse Bankart lesion
N0872 Glenoid labrum detachment
N0873 Glenoid labrum tear
N0874 Triangular fibrocartilage tear
N0875 Triangular fibrocartilage detachment
N0876 Acetabular labrum detachment
N0877 Acetabular labrum tear
N0878 Snapping shoulder
N08y. Other joint derangement NEC
N08y0 Other joint derangement NEC, of unspecified site
N08y1 Other joint derangement NEC, of the shoulder region
N08y2 Other joint derangement NEC, of the upper arm
N08y3 Other joint derangement NEC, of the forearm
N08y4 Other joint derangement NEC, of the hand
N08y5 Other joint derangement NEC, of the pelvic region and thigh
N08y6 Other joint derangement NEC, of the lower leg
N08y7 Other joint derangement NEC, of the ankle and foot
N08y8 Other joint derangement NEC, of other specified site
N08y9 Other joint derangement NEC, of multiple sites
N08yA Flail joint
N08yz Other joint derangement NEC, NOS
N08z. Joint derangement NOS
N08z0 Joint derangement NOS, of unspecified site
N08z1 Joint derangement NOS, of the shoulder region
N08z2 Joint derangement NOS, of the upper arm
N08z3 Joint derangement NOS, of the forearm
N08z4 Joint derangement NOS, of the hand
N08z5 Joint derangement NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
N08z6 Joint derangement NOS, of the ankle and foot
N08z7 Joint derangement NOS, of other specified site
N08z8 Joint derangement NOS, of multiple sites
N08zz Joint derangement NOS
N09.. Other and unspecified joint disorders
N090. Effusion of joint
N0900 Joint effusion of unspecified site
N0901 Joint effusion of the shoulder region
N0902 Joint effusion of the upper arm
N0903 Joint effusion of the forearm
N0904 Joint effusion of the hand
N0905 Joint effusion of the pelvic region and thigh
N0906 Joint effusion of the lower leg
N0907 Joint effusion of the ankle and foot
N0908 Joint effusion of other specified site
N0909 Effusion of multiple joints
N090A Effusion of shoulder
N090B Effusion of sternoclavicular joint
N090C Effusion of acromioclavicular joint
N090D Effusion of elbow
N090E Effusion of distal radio-ulnar joint
N090F Effusion of wrist
N090G Effusion of MCP joint
N090H Effusion of PIP joint of finger
N090J Effusion of DIP joint - finger
N090K Effusion of hip
N090L Effusion of sacro-iliac joint
N090M Effusion of knee
N090N Effusion of tibio-fibular joint
N090P Effusion of ankle
N090Q Effusion of subtalar joint
N090R Effusion of talonavicular joint
N090S Effusion of other tarsal joint
N090T Effusion of 1st MTP joint
N090U Effusion of lesser MTP joint
N090V Effusion of IP joint of toe
N090W Intermittent hydrarthrosis
N090X Chronic joint effusion
N090Y Acute joint effusion
N090z Effusion of joint NOS
N091. Haemarthrosis
N0910 Haemarthrosis of unspecified site
N0911 Haemarthrosis of the shoulder region
N0912 Haemarthrosis of the upper arm
N0913 Haemarthrosis of the forearm
N0914 Haemarthrosis of the hand
N0915 Haemarthrosis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0916 Haemarthrosis of the lower leg
N0917 Haemarthrosis of the ankle and foot
N0918 Haemarthrosis of other specified site
N0919 Haemarthrosis of multiple joints
N091A Haemarthrosis of shoulder
N091B Haemarthrosis of sternoclavicular joint
N091C Haemarthrosis of acromioclavicular joint
N091D Haemarthrosis of elbow
N091E Haemarthrosis of distal radio-ulnar joint
N091F Haemarthrosis of wrist
N091G Haemarthrosis of MCP joint
N091H Haemarthrosis of PIP joint of finger
N091J Haemarthrosis of DIP joint of finger
N091K Haemarthrosis of hip
N091L Haemarthrosis of sacro-iliac joint
N091M Haemarthrosis of knee
N091N Haemarthrosis of tibio-fibular joint
N091P Haemarthrosis of ankle
N091Q Haemarthrosis of subtalar joint
N091R Haemarthrosis of talonavicular joint
N091S Haemarthrosis of other tarsal joint
N091T Haemarthrosis-1st MTPJ
N091U Haemarthrosis of lesser MTP joint
N091V Haemarthrosis of IP joint of toe
N091z Haemarthrosis NOS
N092. Villonodular synovitis
N0920 Villonodular synovitis of unspecified site
N0921 Villonodular synovitis of the shoulder region
N0922 Villonodular synovitis of the upper arm
N0923 Villonodular synovitis of the forearm
N0924 Villonodular synovitis of the hand
N0925 Villonodular synovitis of the pelvic region and thigh
N0926 Villonodular synovitis of the lower leg
N0927 Villonodular synovitis of the ankle and foot
N0928 Villonodular synovitis of other specified site
N0929 Villonodular synovitis of multiple sites
N092A Villonodular synovitis of shoulder joint
N092B Villonodular synovitis of sternoclavicular joint
N092C Villonodular synovitis of acromioclavicular joint
N092D Villonodular synovitis of elbow
N092E Villonodular synovitis of distal radio-ulnar joint
N092F Villonodular synovitis of wrist
N092G Villonodular synovitis of MCP joint
N092H Villonodular synovitis of PIP joint of finger
N092J Villonodular synovitis of DIP joint of finger
N092K Villonodular synovitis of hip
N092L Villonodular synovitis of sacro-iliac joint
N092M Villonodular synovitis of knee
N092N Villonodular synovitis of tibio-fibular joint
N092P Villonodular synovitis of ankle
N092Q Villonodular synovitis of subtalar joint
N092R Villonodular synovitis of talonavicular joint
N092S Villonodular synovitis of other tarsal joint
N092T Villonodular synovitis of 1st MTP joint
N092U Villonodular synovitis of lesser MTP joint
N092V Villonodular synovitis of IP joint of toe
N092z Villonodular synovitis NOS
N093. Palindromic rheumatism
N0930 Palindromic rheumatism of unspecified site
N0931 Palindromic rheumatism of the shoulder region
N0932 Palindromic rheumatism of the upper arm
N0933 Palindromic rheumatism of the forearm
N0934 Palindromic rheumatism of the hand
N0935 Palindromic rheumatism of the pelvic region and thigh
N0936 Palindromic rheumatism of the lower leg
N0937 Palindromic rheumatism of the ankle and foot
N0938 Palindromic rheumatism of other specified site
N0939 Palindromic rheumatism of multiple sites
N093z Palindromic rheumatism NOS
N094. Pain in joint - arthralgia
N0940 Arthralgia of unspecified site
N0941 Arthralgia of the shoulder region
N0942 Arthralgia of the upper arm
N0943 Arthralgia of the forearm
N0944 Arthralgia of the hand
N0945 Arthralgia of the pelvic region and thigh
N0946 Arthralgia of the lower leg
N0947 Arthralgia of the ankle and foot
N0948 Arthralgia of other specified site
N0949 Arthralgia of multiple joints
N094A Arthralgia of shoulder
N094B Arthralgia of sternoclavicular joint
N094C Arthralgia of acromioclavicular joint
N094D Arthralgia of elbow
N094E Arthralgia of distal radio-ulnar joint
N094F Arthralgia of wrist
N094G Arthralgia of MCP joint
N094H Arthralgia of PIP joint of finger
N094J Arthralgia of DIP joint of finger
N094K Arthralgia of hip
N094L Arthralgia of sacro-iliac joint
N094M Arthralgia of knee
N094N Arthralgia of tibio-fibular joint
N094P Arthralgia of ankle
N094Q Arthralgia of subtalar joint
N094R Arthralgia of talonavicular joint
N094S Arthralgia of other tarsal joint
N094T Arthralgia of 1st MTP joint
N094U Arthralgia of lesser MTP joint
N094V Arthralgia of IP joint of toe
N094z Arthralgia NOS
N095. Joint stiffness NEC
N0950 Stiff joint NEC, of unspecified site
N0951 Stiff joint NEC, of the shoulder region
N0952 Stiff joint NEC, of the upper arm
N0953 Stiff joint NEC, of the forearm
N0954 Stiff joint NEC, of the hand
N0955 Stiff joint NEC, of the pelvic region and thigh
N0956 Stiff joint NEC, of the lower leg
N0957 Stiff joint NEC, of the ankle and foot
N0958 Stiff joint NEC, of other specified site
N0959 Multiple stiff joints
N095A Stiff shoulder NEC
N095B Stiff sternoclavicular joint NEC
N095C Stiff acromioclavicular joint NEC
N095D Stiff elbow NEC
N095E Stiff distal radio-ulnar joint NEC
N095F Stiff wrist NEC
N095G Stiff MCP joint NEC
N095H Stiff PIP joint of finger NEC
N095J Stiff DIP joint of finger NEC
N095K Stiff hip NEC
N095L Stiff sacro-iliac joint NEC
N095M Stiff knee NEC
N095N Stiff tibio-fibular joint NEC
N095P Stiff ankle NEC
N095Q Stiff subtalar joint NEC
N095R Stiff talonavicular joint NEC
N095S Stiff other tarsal joint NEC
N095T Stiff 1st MTP joint NEC
N095U Stiff lesser MTP joint NEC
N095V Stiff IP joint of toe NEC
N095W Stiff finger
N095z Joint stiffness NEC, NOS
N096. Other joint symptoms
N0960 Other joint symptoms of unspecified site
N0961 Other joint symptoms of the shoulder region
N0962 Other joint symptoms of the upper arm
N0963 Other joint symptoms of the forearm
N0964 Other joint symptoms of the hand
N0965 Other joint symptoms of the pelvic region and thigh
N0966 Other joint symptoms of the lower leg
N0967 Other joint symptoms of the ankle and foot
N0968 Other joint symptoms of other specified site
N0969 Other joint symptoms of multiple sites
N096A Other symptoms - shoulder
N096B Other symptoms in sternoclavicular joint
N096C Other symptoms in acromioclavicular joint
N096D Other symptoms - elbow
N096E Other symptoms in distal radio-ulnar joint
N096F Other symptoms - wrist
N096G Other symptoms - MCPJ
N096H Other symptoms in PIP joint of finger
N096J Other symptoms in DIP joint of finger
N096K Other symptoms - hip
N096L Other symptoms in sacro-iliac joint
N096M Other symptoms - knee
N096N Other symptoms in tibio-fibular joint
N096P Other symptoms - ankle
N096Q Other symptoms in subtalar joint
N096R Other symptoms in talonavicular joint
N096S Other symptoms in other tarsal joint
N096T Other symptoms in 1st MTP joint
N096U Other symptoms in lesser MTP joint
N096V Other symptoms in IP joint of toe
N096z Other joint symptoms NOS
N097. Difficulty in walking
N0970 Walking difficulty due to unspecified site
N0971 Walking difficulty due to pelvic region and thigh
N0972 Walking difficulty due to lower leg
N0973 Walking difficulty due to ankle and foot
N0974 Walking difficulty due to other specified site
N0975 Walking difficulty due to multiple sites
N097z Difficulty in walking NOS
N098. Synovial osteochondromatosis
N0980 Synovial osteochondromatosis of shoulder
N0981 Synovial osteochondromatosis of sternoclavicular joint
N0982 Synovial osteochondromatosis of acromioclavicular joint
N0983 Synovial osteochondromatosis of elbow
N0984 Synovial osteochondromatosis of distal radio-ulnar joint
N0985 Synovial osteochondromatosis of wrist
N0986 Synovial osteochondromatosis of MCP joint
N0987 Synovial osteochondromatosis of PIP joint of finger
N0988 Synovial osteochondromatosis of DIP joint of finger
N0989 Synovial osteochondromatosis of hip
N098A Synovial osteochondromatosis of sacro-iliac joint
N098B Synovial osteochondromatosis of knee
N098C Synovial osteochondromatosis of tibio-fibular joint
N098D Synovial osteochondromatosis of ankle
N098E Synovial osteochondromatosis of subtalar joint
N098F Synovial osteochondromatosis of talonavicular joint
N098G Synovial osteochondromatosis of other tarsal joint
N098H Synovial osteochondromatosis of 1st MTP joint
N098J Synovial osteochondromatosis of lesser MTP joint
N098K Synovial osteochondromatosis of IP joint of toe
N099. Clicking joint
N0990 Clicking shoulder
N0991 Clicking sternoclavicular joint
N0992 Clicking acromioclavicular joint
N0993 Clicking elbow
N0994 Clicking distal radio-ulnar joint
N0995 Clicking wrist
N0996 Clicking MCP joint
N0997 Clicking PIP joint of finger
N0998 Clicking DIP joint of finger
N0999 Clicking hip
N099A Multiple clicking joints
N099B Clicking sacro-iliac joint
N099C Clicking knee
N099D Clicking tibio-fibular joint
N099E Clicking ankle
N099F Clicking subtalar joint
N099G Clicking talonavicular joint
N099H Clicking other tarsal joint
N099J Clicking 1st MTP joint
N099K Clicking lesser MTP joint
N099L Clicking IP joint of toe
N09A. Patellofemoral disorder
N09AX Disorder of patella, unspecified
N09B. Osteophyte
N09C. Fistula of joint
N09y. Other specified joint disorders
N09y0 Other specified joint disorders of unspecified site
N09y1 Other specified joint disorders of the shoulder region
N09y2 Other specified joint disorders of the upper arm
N09y3 Other specified joint disorders of the forearm
N09y4 Other specified joint disorders of the hand
N09y5 Other specified joint disorders of pelvic region and thigh
N09y6 Other specified joint disorders of the lower leg
N09y7 Other specified joint disorders of the ankle and foot
N09y8 Other specified joint disorders of other specified site
N09y9 Other specified joint disorders of multiple sites
N09yz Other specified joint disorders NOS
N09z. Joint disorders NOS
N09z0 Joint disorder NOS, of unspecified site
N09z1 Joint disorder NOS, of shoulder region
N09z2 Joint disorder NOS, of the upper arm
N09z3 Joint disorder NOS, of the forearm
N09z4 Joint disorder NOS, of the hand
N09z5 Joint disorder NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
N09z6 Joint disorder NOS, of the lower leg
N09z7 Joint disorder NOS, of ankle and foot
N09z8 Joint disorder NOS, of other specified site
N09z9 Joint disorder NOS, of multiple sites
N09zz Joint disorders NOS
N0y.. Other specified arthropathies
N0z.. Arthropathies NOS
N1... Vertebral column syndromes
N10.. Inflammatory spondylopathies
N100. Ankylosing spondylitis
N101. Spinal enthesopathy
N102. Sacroiliitis NEC
N10y. Other inflammatory spondylopathies
N10y0 Inflammatory spondylopathies in diseases EC
N10yz Other inflammatory spondylopathies NOS
N10z. Spondylitis NOS
N11.. Spondylosis and allied disorders
N110. Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
N1100 Single-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
N1101 Two-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
N1102 Multiple-level cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
N111. Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
N1110 Single-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
N1111 Two-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
N1112 Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
N1113 Cervical myelopathy
N112. Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
N1120 Single-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
N1121 Two-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
N1122 Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
N113. Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy
N1130 Single-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy
N1131 Two-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy
N1132 Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy
N114. Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
N1140 Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
N1141 Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
N1142 Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
N115. Lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy
N1150 Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy
N1151 Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy
N1152 Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with myelopathy
N116. Kissing spine
N117. Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis
N118. Traumatic spondylopathy
N119. Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
N1190 Single-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
N1191 Two-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
N1192 Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11A. Cervical spondylosis with vascular compression
N11B. Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11B0 Single-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11B1 Two-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11B2 Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11C. Lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11C0 Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11C1 Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11C2 Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
N11y. Other spondyloses and allied disorders
N11y0 Brucella spondylitis
N11y1 Enterobacterial spondylitis
N11y2 Neuropathic spondylopathy
N11z. Spondylosis NOS
N11z0 Spondylosis without myelopathy, NOS
N11z1 Spondylosis with myelopathy, NOS
N11zz Spondylosis NOS
N12.. Intervertebral disc disorders
N120. Cervical disc displacement without myelopathy
N121. Thoracic disc displacement without myelopathy
N122. Lumbar disc displacement
N123. Disc displacement, site unspecified, without myelopathy
N124. Schmorls nodes
N1240 Schmorls nodes of unspecified region
N1241 Schmorls nodes of the thoracic region
N1242 Schmorls nodes of the lumbar region
N124z Schmorls nodes, region NOS
N125. Cervical disc degeneration
N126. Thoracic disc degeneration
N127. Lumbar disc degeneration
N128. Degenerative disc disease NOS
N129. Disc disorder with myelopathy
N1290 Unspecified disc disorder with myelopathy
N1291 Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy
N1292 Thoracic disc disorder with myelopathy
N1293 Lumbar disc disorder with myelopathy
N129z Disc disorder with myelopathy NOS
N12A. Postlaminectomy syndrome
N12A0 Postlaminectomy syndrome of unspecified site
N12A1 Cervical postlaminectomy syndrome
N12A2 Thoracic postlaminectomy syndrome
N12A3 Lumbar postlaminectomy syndrome
N12Az Postlaminectomy syndrome NOS
N12B. Disc prolapse with myelopathy
N12B0 Cervical disc prolapse with myelopathy
N12B1 Thoracic disc prolapse with myelopathy
N12B2 Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy
N12C. Disc prolapse with radiculopathy
N12C0 Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy
N12C1 Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy
N12C2 Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy
N12C3 Lumbar disc prolapse with cauda equina compression
N12D. Narrowing intervertebral disc space
N12z. Other and unspecified disc disorders
N12z0 Other disc disorders of unspecified site
N12z1 Other cervical disc disorders
N12z2 Other thoracic disc disorders
N12z3 Other lumbar disc disorders
N12z4 Cervical discitis
N12z5 Annular tear of cervical disc
N12z6 Resorption of cervical disc
N12z7 Calcification of cervical disc
N12z8 Thoracic discitis
N12z9 Annular tear of thoracic disc
N12zA Resorption of thoracic disc
N12zB Calcification of thoracic disc
N12zC Lumbar discitis
N12zD Annular tear of lumbar disc
N12zE Resorption of lumbar disc
N12zF Calcification of lumbar disc
N12zG Infection of intervertebral disc - pyogenic
N12zH Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy
N12zz Disc disorders NOS
N13.. Other cervical disorders
N130. Cervical spinal stenosis
N1300 Idiopathic cervical spinal stenosis
N1301 Degenerative cervical spinal stenosis
N1302 Iatrogenic cervical spinal stenosis
N1303 Cervical spinal stenosis secondary to other disease
N131. Cervicalgia - pain in neck
N132. Cervicocranial syndrome
N133. Cervicobrachial syndrome
N134. Brachial (cervical) neuritis
N135. Torticollis unspecified
N1350 Intermittent torticollis
N1351 Rheumatic torticollis
N135z Torticollis NOS
N136. Panniculitis of neck
N137. Cervical posterior longitudinal ligament ossification
N13y. Other cervical syndromes
N13y0 Cervical syndrome NEC
N13y1 Klippels disease
N13y2 Crick in neck
N13y3 Cervical root syndrome
N13yz Other cervical syndromes NOS
N13z. Cervical and neck disorders NOS
N14.. Other and unspecified back disorders
N140. Spinal stenosis, excluding cervical region
N1400 Spinal stenosis of unspecified region
N1401 Thoracic spinal stenosis
N1402 Lumbar spinal stenosis
N1403 Idiopathic thoracic spinal stenosis
N1404 Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis
N1405 Iatrogenic thoracic spinal stenosis
N1406 Thoracic spinal stenosis secondary to other disease
N1407 Idiopathic lumbar spinal stenosis
N1408 Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis
N1409 Iatrogenic lumbar spinal stenosis
N140A Lumbar spinal stenosis secondary to other disease
N140z Spinal stenosis NOS
N141. Pain in thoracic spine
N142. Pain in lumbar spine
N1420 Lumbago with sciatica
N143. Sciatica
N144. Thoracic and lumbosacral neuritis
N1440 Thoracic neuritis, unspecified
N1441 Lumbosacral neuritis, unspecified
N144z Thoracic and lumbosacral neuritis NOS
N145. Backache, unspecified
N146. Disorders of the sacrum
N1460 Lumbosacral ankylosis
N1461 Sacroiliac ankylosis
N1462 Sacral ankylosis NOS
N1463 Lumbosacral instability
N1464 Sacroiliac instability
N1465 Sacral instability NOS
N1466 Sacroiliac disorder
N146z Disorders of the sacrum NOS
N147. Disorders of the coccyx
N1470 Unspecified disorder of the coccyx
N1471 Hypermobility of the coccyx
N1472 Coccygodynia
N147z Coccyx disorder NOS
N148. Ankylosis/instability of cervical,thoracic or lumbar spine
N1480 Atlanto-occipital ankylosis
N1481 Atlanto-axial ankylosis
N1482 Cervical spine ankylosis
N1483 Cervico-thoracic ankylosis
N1484 Thoracic spine ankylosis
N1485 Thoraco-lumbar ankylosis
N1486 Lumbar spine ankylosis
N1487 Atlanto-occipital instability
N1488 Atlanto-axial instability
N1489 Cervical spine instability
N148A Cervico-thoracic instability
N148B Thoracic spine instability
N148C Lumbar spine instability
N149. Back stiffness
N14X. Sacrococcygeal disorders, not elsewhere classified
N14y. Other back symptoms
N14z. Back disorders NOS
N1y.. Other specified disorders of vertebral column
N1y0. Recurrent atlantoaxial subluxation with myelopathy
N1y1. Fatigue fracture of vertebra
N1z.. Vertebral column disorder NOS
N2... Rheumatism, excluding the back
N20.. Polymyalgia rheumatica
N200. Giant cell arteritis with polymyalgia rheumatica
N21.. Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes
N210. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
N211. Rotator cuff shoulder syndrome and allied disorders
N2110 Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified
N2111 Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder
N2112 Bicipital tenosynovitis
N2113 Supraspinatus tendinitis
N2114 Partial thickness rotator cuff tear
N2115 Full thickness rotator cuff tear
N2116 Subacromial bursitis
N2117 Subdeltoid bursitis
N2118 Bursitis of shoulder
N211z Rotator cuff syndrome NOS
N212. Other shoulder affections NEC
N2120 Periarthritis of shoulder
N2121 Scapulohumeral fibrositis
N2122 Subacromial impingement
N2123 Coracoid impingement
N2124 Impingement syndrome of shoulder
N2125 Shoulder tendonitis
N212z Other shoulder affections NEC, NOS
N213. Enthesopathy of the elbow region
N2130 Elbow enthesopathy unspecified
N2131 Medial epicondylitis of the elbow
N2132 Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow
N2133 Olecranon bursitis
N2134 Biceps tendinitis
N2135 Triceps tendinitis
N213z Elbow enthesopathy NOS
N214. Enthesopathy of the wrist and carpus
N2140 Bursitis of wrist
N2141 Bursitis of hand
N2142 Periarthritis of wrist
N214z Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS
N215. Enthesopathy of the hip region
N2150 Hip enthesopathy, unspecified
N2151 Bursitis of hip
N2152 Gluteal tendinitis
N2153 Iliac crest spur
N2154 Psoas tendinitis
N2155 Trochanteric tendinitis
N2156 Adductor tendinitis
N2157 Trochanteric bursitis
N2158 Snapping hip
N2159 Iliotibial band syndrome
N215z Hip enthesopathy NOS
N216. Enthesopathy of the knee
N2160 Bursitis of the knee NOS
N2161 Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis
N2162 Tibial collateral ligament bursitis
N2163 Fibular collateral ligament bursitis
N2164 Patellar tendinitis
N2165 Prepatellar bursitis
N2166 Infrapatellar bursitis
N2167 Subpatellar bursitis
N2168 Biceps femoris tendinitis
N2169 Semimembranosus tendinitis
N216z Knee enthesopathy NOS
N217. Enthesopathy of the ankle and tarsus
N2170 Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified
N2171 Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified
N2172 Metatarsalgia NOS
N2173 Achilles bursitis
N2174 Achilles tendinitis
N2175 Tibialis anterior tendinitis
N2176 Tibialis posterior tendinitis
N2177 Calcaneal spur
N2178 Peroneal tendinitis
N2179 Plantar fasciitis
N217A Posterior calcaneal exostosis (pump bump)
N217B Anterior ankle impingement
N217C Fibular impingement
N217z Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS
N21y. Other peripheral enthesopathies
N21y0 Anterior shin splints
N21y1 Posterior shin splints
N21z. Enthesopathy NOS
N21z0 Capsulitis NOS
N21z1 Periarthritis NOS
N21z2 Tendinitis NOS
N21z3 Exostosis of unspecified site
N21z4 Subungual exostosis
N21zz Peripheral enthesopathy NOS
N22.. Other disorders of the synovium, tendon and bursa
N220. Synovitis and tenosynovitis
N2200 Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS
N2201 Synovitis and tenosynovitis with disorders EC
N2202 Tendon sheath giant cell tumor
N2203 Trigger finger - acquired
N2204 Radial styloid tenosynovitis
N2205 Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist
N2206 Tenosynovitis of ankle
N2207 Tenosynovitis of foot
N2208 Villonodular synovitis of tendon sheath
N2209 Plant thorn synovitis
N220A Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist
N220B Flexor tenosynovitis of finger
N220C Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb
N220D Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist
N220E Extensor tenosynovitis of finger
N220F Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb
N220G Acquired trigger thumb
N220H Achilles tenosynovitis
N220J Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis
N220K Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis
N220L Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis
N220M Extensor digitorum longus tenosynovitis
N220N Peroneus longus tenosynovitis
N220P Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis
N220Q Transient synovitis
N220R Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist
N220S Synovitis of hip
N220z Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
N221. Bunion
N2210 Infected bunion
N222. Specific bursitides
N2220 Beat elbow
N2221 Beat hand
N2222 Beat knee
N2223 Miners elbow
N2224 Miners knee
N2225 Housemaids knee
N2226 Calcium deposit in bursa
N2227 Syphilitic bursitis
N222z Specific bursitides NOS
N223. Bursitis NOS
N224. Ganglion and cyst of synovium, tendon and bursa
N2240 Synovial cyst unspecified
N2241 Ganglion of joint
N2242 Ganglion of tendon sheath
N2243 Ganglion unspecified
N2244 Cyst of bursa
N2245 Ganglion of wrist
N2246 Ganglion of knee
N2247 Ganglion of superior tibio-fibular joint
N2248 Ganglion of ankle
N2249 Ganglion of flexor tendon sheath of finger
N224A Synovial cyst of popliteal space
N224B Ganglion of hand
N224C Ganglion of foot
N224z Ganglion or cyst of synovium/tendon/bursa NOS
N225. Rupture of synovium
N2250 Rupture of synovium, unspecified
N2251 Rupture of popliteal space synovial cyst
N225z Rupture of synovium NOS
N226. Nontraumatic tendon rupture
N2260 Nontraumatic tendon rupture, unspecified
N2261 Rotator cuff complete rupture
N2262 Biceps tendon rupture
N2263 Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture
N2264 Hand and wrist flexor tendon rupture
N2265 Quadriceps tendon rupture
N2266 Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon
N2267 Nontraumatic rupture of achilles tendon
N2268 Extensor digitorum communis rupture
N2269 Extensor pollicis longus rupture
N226A Long head of biceps rupture
N226B Subluxation of long head of biceps
N226C Flexor digitorum sublimis tendon rupture
N226D Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture
N226E Flexor pollicis longus tendon rupture
N226F Tibialis posterior rupture
N226G Peroneus longus rupture
N226H Subluxation of peroneal tendon
N226J Subluxation of tendon, wrist or hand
N226K Dislocation of tendon, wrist or hand
N226L Bowstringing of tendon, wrist or hand
N226y Other foot and ankle tendon rupture
N226z Other nontraumatic tendon rupture
N22y. Other synovial, tendon and bursa disorders
N22y0 Contracture of tendon sheath
N22y1 Calcification of tendon NOS
N22y2 Abscess of tendon
N22y3 Abscess of bursa
N22y4 Synovial plica
N22y5 Short tendon
N22y6 Abscess of tendon-arm
N22y7 Abscess of tendon-forearm
N22y8 Abscess of tendon-hand
N22y9 Abscess of tendon-thigh
N22yA Abscess of tendon-leg
N22yB Abscess of tendon-foot
N22yC Pyogenic infection of tendon sheath
N22yD Tuberculous infection of tendon sheath
N22yE Abscess of bursa-shoulder
N22yF Abscess of bursa-elbow
N22yG Abscess of bursa-wrist
N22yH Abscess of bursa-hip
N22yJ Abscess of bursa-knee
N22yK Abscess of bursa-ankle
N22yL Abscess of bursa-foot
N22yM Short Achilles tendon - acquired
N22yN Achilles degeneration
N22yz Other synovial, tendon or bursa disorder NOS
N22z. Synovial, tendon or bursa disorder NOS
N23.. Muscle, ligament and fascia disorders
N230. Infective myositis
N2300 Infective myositis-neck
N2301 Infective myositis-back
N2302 Infective myositis-shoulder
N2303 Infective myositis-arm
N2304 Infective myositis-forearm
N2305 Infective myositis-hand
N2306 Infective myositis-pelvis
N2307 Infective myositis-thigh
N2308 Infective myositis-leg
N2309 Infective myositis-foot
N230A Muscle abscess
N230B Muscle abscess-neck
N230C Muscle abscess-back
N230D Muscle abscess-shoulder
N230E Muscle abscess-arm
N230F Muscle abscess-forearm
N230G Muscle abscess-hand
N230H Muscle abscess-pelvis
N230J Muscle abscess-thigh
N230K Muscle abscess-leg
N230L Muscle abscess-foot
N231. Muscle calcification and ossification
N2310 Muscular calcification and ossification, unspecified
N2311 Progressive myositis ossificans
N2312 Traumatic myositis ossificans
N2313 Post-operative heterotopic calcification
N2314 Polymyositis ossificans
N2315 Calcification and ossification of muscles assoc with burns
N2316 Paralytic calcification and ossification of muscle
N231z Muscle calcification or ossification NOS
N232. Muscle wasting and disuse atrophy NEC
N2320 Amyotrophia NOS
N2321 Myofibrosis
N232z Muscle wasting/disuse atrophy NEC NOS
N233. Other specific muscle disorder
N2330 Arthrogryposis
N2331 Immobility syndrome
N2332 Myositis in sarcoidosis
N233z Other specific muscle disorder NOS
N234. Laxity of ligament
N235. Hypermobility syndrome
N236. Dupuytrens contracture
N2360 Dupuytrens disease of palm
N2361 Dupuytrens disease of palm, nodules with no contracture
N2362 Dupuytrens disease of palm, with contracture
N2363 Dupuytrens disease of finger(s)
N2364 Dupuytrens disease - finger(s), nodules with no contracture
N2365 Dupuytrens disease of finger(s), with contracture
N2366 Dupuytrens disease of palm and finger(s)
N2367 Dupuytrens dis, palm and finger(s), nodules, no contracture
N2368 Dupuytrens disease of palm and finger(s), with contracture
N237. Other fibromatoses
N2370 Plantar fascial fibromatosis
N2371 Knuckle pads
N2372 Nodular fasciitis
N2373 Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis
N237z Other fibromatoses NOS
N238. Muscle contracture
N2380 Contracture of pectoralis major
N2381 Contracture of triceps
N2382 Contracture of biceps
N2383 Contracture of wrist flexor(s)
N2384 Contracture of wrist extensor(s)
N2385 Contracture of flexor pollicis longus
N2386 Contracture of thumb extensor(s)
N2387 Contracture of flexor digitorum superficialis
N2388 Contracture of flexor digitorum profundus
N2389 Contracture of adductor pollicis
N238A Contracture of other intrinsic muscle(s) of hand
N238B Contracture of iliopsoas
N238C Contracture of rectus femoris
N238D Contracture of adductor muscle(s) of hip
N238E Contracture of abductor muscle(s) of hip
N238F Contracture of hamstring(s)
N238G Contracture of quadriceps
N238H Contracture of tendo achilles
N238J Contracture of tibialis anterior
N238K Contracture of tibialis posterior
N238L Contracture of long toe flexor(s)
N238M Contracture of long toe extensor(s)
N238N Contracture of intrinsic muscle(s) of foot
N239. Fibromyalgia
N23y. Other muscle, ligament and fascia disorder
N23y0 Interstitial myositis
N23y1 Foreign body muscle granuloma
N23y2 Nontraumatic muscle rupture
N23y3 Diastasis recti abdominis
N23y4 Spasm of muscle
N23y5 Inappropriate firing of muscle
N23y6 Palmar space infection, thenar
N23y7 Palmar space infection, mid-palm
N23y8 Palmar space infection, hypo-thenar
N23y9 Calcific tendinitis
N23yA Diastasis of muscle
N23yB Ischaemic infarction of muscle
N23yC Contracture of muscle
N23yD Muscle strain
N23yE Spasm of back muscles
N23yz Other muscle, ligament or fascia disorder NOS
N23z. Muscle, ligament or fascia disorder NOS
N24.. Other soft tissue disorders
N240. Rheumatism and fibrositis unspecified
N2400 Rheumatism unspecified
N2401 Fibrositis unspecified
N2402 Muscular rheumatism
N2403 Rheumatic pain
N2405 Fibrositis of neck
N2406 Fibrositis arm
N2407 Hand rheumatism
N240z Rheumatism or fibrositis NOS
N241. Myalgia and myositis unspecified
N2410 Myalgia unspecified
N2411 Myositis unspecified
N2412 Fibromyositis NOS
N2413 Viral myalgia
N241z Myalgia or myositis NOS
N242. Neuralgia, neuritis and radiculitis unspecified
N2420 Neuralgia unspecified
N2421 Neuritis unspecified
N2422 Radiculitis unspecified
N242z Neuralgia, neuritis or radiculitis NOS
N243. Panniculitis unspecified
N2430 Panniculitis of unspecified site
N2431 Hypertrophy of the knee fat pad
N2432 Weber - Christian disease
N243z Panniculitis NOS
N244. Fasciitis unspecified
N245. Pain in limb
N2450 Hand pain
N2451 Foot pain
N2452 Pain in leg
N2453 Pain in arm
N2454 Calf pain
N2455 Axillary pain
N2456 Tender heel pad
N246. Residual foreign body in soft tissue
N247. Other musculoskeletal limb symptoms
N2470 Swelling of limb
N2471 Leg cramps
N2472 Cramp
N247z Musculoskeletal limb symptoms NOS
N248. Fibromyalgia
N24z. Soft tissue disorders NOS
N25.. SAPHO syndrome Synov, Acne, Pustul, Hyperost, Osteomyelitis
N2y.. Other specified nonarticular rheumatism
N2z.. Nonarticular rheumatism NOS
N3... Osteopathy/chondropathy/acquired musculoskeletal deformity
N30.. Osteomyelitis, periostitis, other infections affecting bone
N300. Acute osteomyelitis
N3000 Acute osteomyelitis of unspecified site
N3001 Acute osteomyelitis of the shoulder region
N3002 Acute osteomyelitis of the upper arm
N3003 Acute osteomyelitis of the forearm
N3004 Acute osteomyelitis of the hand
N3005 Acute osteomyelitis of the pelvic region and thigh
N3006 Acute osteomyelitis of the lower leg
N3007 Acute osteomyelitis of the ankle and foot
N3008 Acute osteomyelitis of other specified site
N3009 Acute osteomyelitis of multiple sites
N300A Acute osteomyelitis-cervical spine
N300B Acute osteomyelitis-thoracic spine
N300C Acute osteomyelitis-lumbar spine
N300D Acute osteomyelitis-sacrum
N300E Acute osteomyelitis-coccyx
N300F Acute osteomyelitis-clavicle
N300G Acute osteomyelitis-scapula
N300H Acute osteomyelitis-humerus
N300J Acute osteomyelitis-radius
N300K Acute osteomyelitis-ulna
N300L Acute osteomyelitis-carpal bone
N300M Acute osteomyelitis-metacarpal
N300N Acute osteomyelitis-phalanx of finger/thumb
N300P Acute osteomyelitis-pelvis
N300Q Acute osteomyelitis-femur
N300R Acute osteomyelitis-patella
N300S Acute osteomyelitis-tibia
N300T Acute osteomyelitis-fibula
N300U Acute osteomyelitis-calcaneum
N300V Acute osteomyelitis-talus
N300W Acute osteomyelitis-other tarsal bone
N300X Acute osteomyelitis-metatarsal
N300Y Acute osteomyelitis-phalanx of toe
N300Z Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis
N300z Acute osteomyelitis NOS
N301. Chronic osteomyelitis
N3010 Chronic osteomyelitis of unspecified site
N3011 Chronic osteomyelitis of the shoulder region
N3012 Chronic osteomyelitis of the upper arm
N3013 Chronic osteomyelitis of the forearm
N3014 Chronic osteomyelitis of the hand
N3015 Chronic osteomyelitis of the pelvic region and thigh
N3016 Chronic osteomyelitis of the lower leg
N3017 Chronic osteomyelitis of the ankle and foot
N3018 Chronic osteomyelitis of other specified site
N3019 Chronic osteomyelitis of multiple sites
N301A Chronic osteomyelitis-cervical spine
N301B Chronic osteomyelitis-thoracic spine
N301C Chronic osteomyelitis-lumbar spine
N301D Chronic osteomyelitis-sacrum
N301E Chronic osteomyelitis-coccyx
N301F Brodies abscess-cervical spine
N301G Brodies abscess-thoracic spine
N301H Brodies abscess-lumbar spine
N301J Brodies abscess-sacrum
N301K Brodies abscess-coccyx
N301L Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis
N301M Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus
N301z Chronic osteomyelitis NOS
N302. Unspecified osteomyelitis
N3020 Unspecified osteomyelitis of unspecified site
N3021 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the shoulder region
N3022 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the upper arm
N3023 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the forearm
N3024 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the hand
N3025 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the pelvic region and thigh
N3026 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the lower leg
N3027 Unspecified osteomyelitis of the ankle and foot
N3028 Unspecified osteomyelitis of other specified site
N3029 Unspecified osteomyelitis of multiple sites
N302A Infection of cervical spine
N302B Infection of thoracic spine
N302C Infection of lumbar spine
N302D Infection of sacrum
N302E Infection of coccyx
N302F Infection of clavicle
N302G Infection of scapula
N302H Infection of humerus
N302J Infection of radius
N302K Infection of ulna
N302L Infection of carpal bone
N302M Infection of metacarpal
N302N Infection of phalanx of finger or thumb
N302P Infection of pelvis
N302Q Infection of femur
N302R Infection of patella
N302S Infection of tibia
N302T Infection of fibula
N302U Infection of calcaneum
N302V Infection of talus
N302W Infection of other tarsal bone
N302X Infection of metatarsal
N302Y Infection of phalanx of toe
N302Z Infection of multiple bones
N302a Osteomyelitis of vertebra
N302z Unspecified osteomyelitis NOS
N303. Periostitis without osteomyelitis
N3030 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of unspecified site
N3031 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of the shoulder region
N3032 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of the upper arm
N3033 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of the forearm
N3034 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of the hand
N3035 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of pelvic region/thigh
N3036 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of the lower leg
N3037 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of the ankle and foot
N3038 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of other specified site
N3039 Periostitis without osteomyelitis, of multiple sites
N303A Periostitis without osteomyelitis-cervical spine
N303B Periostitis without osteomyelitis-thoracic spine
N303C Periostitis without osteomyelitis-lumbar spine
N303D Periostitis without osteomyelitis-sacrum
N303E Periostitis without osteomyelitis-coccyx
N303z Periostitis without osteomyelitis NOS
N304. Tuberculosis of spine (Potts)
N3040 Tuberculosis of cervical spine
N3041 Tuberculosis of thoracic spine
N3042 Tuberculosis of lumbar spine
N3043 Tuberculosis of sacrum/coccyx
N305. Tuberculosis of limb bones
N3050 Tuberculosis of unspecified limb bone
N3051 Tuberculosis of the upper arm bone
N3052 Tuberculosis of the forearm bone
N3053 Tuberculosis of the pelvic and thigh bones
N3054 Tuberculosis of the lower leg bone
N3055 Tuberculosis of other limb bones
N3056 Tuberculosis of multiple limb bones
N305z Tuberculosis of limb bones NOS
N306. Tuberculosis of other bones
N3060 Tuberculosis of bone, site unspecified
N3061 Tuberculosis of the bones of the shoulder region
N3062 Tuberculosis of the bones of the hand
N3063 Tuberculosis of the bones of the ankle and foot
N3064 Tuberculosis of the bones of other sites
N3065 Tuberculosis of the bones of multiple sites
N306z Tuberculosis of bone NOS
N307. Osteopathy from poliomyelitis
N3070 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of unspecified site
N3071 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the shoulder region
N3072 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the upper arm
N3073 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the forearm
N3074 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the hand
N3075 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the pelvic region and thigh
N3076 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the lower leg
N3077 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of the ankle and foot
N3078 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of other specified sites
N3079 Poliomyelitis osteopathy of multiple sites
N307z Poliomyelitis osteopathy NOS
N308. Subacute osteomyelitis
N3080 Subacute osteomyelitis-cervical spine
N3081 Subacute osteomyelitis-thoracic spine
N3082 Subacute osteomyelitis-lumbar spine
N3083 Subacute osteomyelitis-sacrum
N3084 Subacute osteomyelitis-coccyx
N309. Subacute osteomyelitis
N30y. Other infections involving bone
N30y0 Other infections involving bone, site unspecified
N30y1 Other infections involving bone, of the shoulder region
N30y2 Other infections involving bone, of the upper arm
N30y3 Other infections involving bone, of the forearm
N30y4 Other infections involving bone, of the hand
N30y5 Other infections involving bone, of the pelvic region/thigh
N30y6 Other infections involving bone, of the lower leg
N30y7 Other infections involving bone, of the ankle and foot
N30y8 Other infections involving bone, of other specified site
N30y9 Other infections involving bone, of multiple sites
N30yz Other infections involving bone, NOS
N30z. Bone infection NOS
N30z0 Bone infection NOS, of unspecified site
N30z1 Bone infection NOS, of the shoulder region
N30z2 Bone infection NOS, of the upper arm
N30z3 Bone infection NOS, of the forearm
N30z4 Bone infection NOS, of the hand
N30z5 Bone infection NOS, of the pelvic/thigh
N30z6 Bone infection NOS, of the lower leg
N30z7 Bone infection NOS, of ankle and foot
N30z8 Bone infection NOS, of other specified site
N30z9 Bone infection NOS, of multiple sites
N30zz Bone infection NOS
N31.. Osteitis deformans/osteopathies associated with diseases EC
N310. Osteitis deformans - Pagets disease of the bone
N3100 Pagets disease-cervical spine
N3101 Pagets disease-thoracic spine
N3102 Pagets disease-lumbar spine
N3103 Pagets disease-sacrum
N3104 Pagets disease-coccyx
N3105 Pagets disease-clavicle
N3106 Pagets disease-scapula
N3107 Pagets disease-humerus
N3108 Pagets disease-radius
N3109 Pagets disease-ulna
N310A Pagets disease-carpal bone
N310B Pagets disease-metacarpal
N310C Pagets disease-phalanx of finger/thumb
N310D Pagets disease-pelvis
N310E Pagets disease-femur
N310F Pagets disease-patella
N310G Pagets disease-tibia
N310H Pagets disease-fibula
N310J Pagets disease-calcaneum
N310K Pagets disease-talus
N310L Pagets disease-other tarsal bone
N310M Pagets disease-metatarsal
N310N Pagets disease-phalanx of toe
N310P Pagets disease-skull
N310x Pagets disease-multiple sites
N310y Pagets disease OS
N310z Pagets disease NOS
N311. Osteitis deformans associated with diseases EC
N3110 Osteitis deformans in neoplastic disease
N312. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
N31y. Other bone involvement in diseases EC
N31z. Bone involvement in diseases EC NOS
N32.. Osteochondropathies
N320. Juvenile osteochondritis of the spine
N3200 Juvenile osteochondritis of the spine, unspecified
N3201 Scheuermanns disease
N3202 Calves vertebral osteochondritis
N320z Juvenile osteochondritis of the spine NOS
N321. Juvenile osteochondritis of the hip and pelvis
N3210 Juvenile osteochondritis of the hip and pelvis, unspecified
N3211 Perthes disease - osteochondritis of the femoral head
N3212 Ischiopubic synchondrosis
N3213 Juvenile osteochondritis of the acetabulum
N3214 Juvenile osteochondritis of the iliac crest
N3215 Juvenile osteochondritis of the symphysis pubis
N3216 Coxa plana
N3217 Pseudocoxalgia
N321z Juvenile osteochondritis of the hip and pelvis NOS
N322. Non traumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis
N3220 Non traumatic acute slipped upper femoral epiphysis
N3221 Non traumatic acute-on-chronic slipped upp femoral epiphysis
N3222 Non traumatic chronic slipped upper femoral epiphysis
N323. Juvenile osteochondritis of the arm and hand
N3230 Juvenile osteochondritis of the arm, unspecified
N3231 Juvenile osteochondritis of the hand, unspecified
N3232 Panners disease - osteochondritis of capitulum of humerus
N3233 Kienbocks disease - osteochondritis of carpal lunate
N3234 Haas disease - osteochondritis of head of humerus
N3235 Mauclaires disease - osteochondritis of metacarpal heads
N3236 Burns disease - osteochondritis of the lower ulna
N3237 Brailsfords disease - osteochondritis of the radial head
N323z Juvenile osteochondritis of the arm and hand NOS
N324. Juvenile osteochondrosis of the leg
N3240 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the leg, unspecified
N3241 Kohlers disease - osteochondrosis of primary patella centre
N3242 Blounts disease - osteochondrosis of proximal tibia
N3243 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the secondary patellar centre
N3244 Osgood-Schlatters dis - osteochondrosis of tibial tubercle
N324z Juvenile osteochondrosis of the leg, NOS
N325. Juvenile osteochondrosis of the foot
N3250 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the foot, unspecified
N3251 Diazs disease - osteochondrosis of astragalus
N3252 Severs disease - osteochondrosis of calcaneum
N3253 Freibergs disease - osteochondrosis of second metatarsal
N3254 Iselins disease - osteochondrosis of fifth metatarsal
N3255 Haglunds disease - osteochondrosis of os tibiale externum
N3256 Kohlers disease - osteochondrosis of tarsal navicular
N325z Juvenile osteochondrosis of the foot NOS
N326. Other juvenile osteochondroses
N3260 Juvenile apophysitis NOS
N3261 Juvenile epiphysitis NOS
N3262 Juvenile osteochondritis NOS
N3263 Juvenile osteochondrosis NOS
N326z Juvenile osteochondroses NOS
N327. Osteochondritis dissecans
N3270 Osteochondritis dissecans of patella
N3271 Osteochondritis dissecans of lateral femoral condyle
N3272 Other osteochondritis dissecans of knee
N3273 Osteochondritis dissecans of the humeral head
N3274 Osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum
N3275 Osteochondritis dissecans of the radial head
N3276 Other osteochondritis dissecans of the elbow
N3277 Osteochondritis dissecans of the wrist
N3278 Osteochondritis dissecans of the femoral head
N3279 Osteochondritis dissecans of the talus
N327y Osteochondritis dissecans of other site
N328. Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine
N32y. Other specified forms of osteochondropathy
N32y0 Adult osteochondrosis of spine
N32y1 Kienbocks disease of adults
N32yz Other specified osteochondropathy NOS
N32z. Osteochondropathy NOS
N32z0 Apophysitis NOS
N32z1 Epiphysitis NOS
N32z2 Osteochondritis NOS
N32z3 Osteochondrosis NOS
N32zz Osteochondropathy NOS
N33.. Other bone and cartilage disorders
N330. Osteoporosis
N3300 Osteoporosis, unspecified
N3301 Senile osteoporosis
N3302 Postmenopausal osteoporosis
N3303 Idiopathic osteoporosis
N3304 Dissuse osteoporosis
N3305 Drug-induced osteoporosis
N3306 Postoophorectomy osteoporosis
N3307 Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis
N3308 Localized osteoporosis - Lequesne
N3309 Osteoporosis in multiple myelomatosis
N330A Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders
N330B Vertebral osteoporosis
N330z Osteoporosis NOS
N331. Pathological fracture
N3310 Pathological fracture of thoracic vertebra
N3311 Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra
N3312 Postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture
N3313 Osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture
N3314 Postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with path fracture
N3315 Drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture
N3316 Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture
N3317 Fracture of bone in neoplastic disease
N3318 Osteoporosis + pathological fracture lumbar vertebrae
N3319 Osteoporosis + pathological fracture thoracic vertebrae
N331A Osteoporosis + pathological fracture cervical vertebrae
N331B Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture
N331C Pathological fracture of cervical vertebra
N331D Collapsed vertebra NOS
N331y Other specified pathological fracture
N331z Pathological fracture NOS
N332. Cyst of bone
N3320 Localised bone cyst, unspecified
N3321 Solitary bone cyst
N3322 Aneurysmal bone cyst
N3323 Monostotic fibrous dysplasia
N3324 Fibrous cortical defect
N3325 Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism
N332z Cyst of bone NOS
N333. Hyperostosis of skull
N3330 Hyperostosis interna frontalis
N3331 Leontiasis ossium
N333z Hyperostosis of skull NOS
N334. Avascular necrosis of bone
N3340 Avascular necrosis of bone, site unspecified
N3341 Avascular necrosis of the head of humerus
N3342 Avascular necrosis of the head of femur
N3343 Avascular necrosis of the medial femoral condyle
N3344 Avascular necrosis of the talus
N3345 Avascular necrosis of capitellum
N3346 Avascular necrosis of lateral femoral condyle
N3347 Avascular necrosis of other bone
N3348 Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of bone
N3349 Osteonecrosis due to drugs
N334A Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma
N334B Osteonecrosis in caisson disease
N334C Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy
N334z Avascular bone necrosis NOS
N335. Osteitis condensans
N3350 Osteitis condensans ilii
N336. Tietzes disease
N337. Algoneurodystrophy
N3370 Disuse atrophy of bone
N3371 Sudeks atrophy
N3372 Algodystrophy of hand
N3373 Algodystrophy of knee
N3374 Algodystrophy of foot
N337z Algoneurodystrophy NOS
N338. Malunion and nonunion of fracture
N3380 Malunion of fracture
N3381 Pseudoarthrosis - fracture nonunion
N3382 Hypertrophic non-union of fracture
N3383 Atrophic non-union of fracture
N3384 Angular mal-union of fracture
N3385 Rotational mal-union of fracture
N3386 Delayed union of fracture
N338z Fracture malunion or nonunion NOS
N339. Residual foreign body in bone
N33A. Bone pain
N33A0 Bony pelvic pain
N33A1 Clavicle pain
N33z. Other and unspecified bone or cartilage disorders
N33z0 Bone and cartilage disorders, unspecified
N33z1 Epiphyseal arrest
N33z2 Chondromalacia NOS
N33z3 Diaphysitis
N33z4 Hypertrophy of bone
N33z5 Relapsing polychondritis
N33z6 Compensatory hypertrophy of bone
N33z7 Idiopathic hypertrophy of bone
N33z8 Complete epiphyseal arrest
N33z9 Partial epiphyseal arrest
N33zA Skeletal fluorosis
N33zB Chondrolysis
N33zC Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis
N33zD Osteolysis
N33zE Costochondritis
N33zF Disorder of bone, unspecified
N33zG Disorder of cartilage, unspecified
N33zH Osteolytic lesion
N33zz Bone or cartilage disorders NOS
N34.. Flat foot
N340. Pes planus - acquired
N3400 Hypermobile flat foot
N3401 Rigid flat foot
N3402 Peroneal spastic flat foot
N341. Talipes planus - acquired
N34z. Flat foot NOS
N35.. Acquired deformities of toe
N350. Hallux valgus - acquired
N351. Hallux varus - acquired
N352. Hallux rigidus - acquired
N353. Acquired hammer deformity of great toe
N354. Other hammer toe - acquired
N355. Claw toe - acquired
N356. Clawing of great toe
N357. Crossover toe
N358. Mallet toe
N359. Bunionette
N35A. Over-riding 5th toe
N35y. Other acquired toe deformity
N35z. Acquired toe deformity NOS
N36.. Other acquired limb deformity
N360. Acquired forearm deformity, excluding fingers
N3600 Acquired forearm deformity, unspecified
N3601 Cubitus valgus - acquired
N3602 Cubitus varus - acquired
N3603 Acquired valgus wrist deformity
N3604 Acquired varus wrist deformity
N3605 Wrist drop - acquired
N3606 Claw hand - acquired
N3607 Club hand - acquired
N360z Acquired forearm deformity NOS
N361. Mallet finger
N362. Other acquired finger deformity
N3620 Acquired finger deformity, unspecified
N3621 Boutonniere finger deformity
N3622 Swan-neck finger deformity
N3623 Flexion deformity of finger
N3624 Extension deformity of finger
N3625 Deviation of finger
N3626 Rotational deformity of finger
N362z Acquired finger deformity NOS
N363. Acquired deformities of hip
N3630 Acquired hip deformity, unspecified
N3631 Coxa valga - acquired
N3632 Coxa vara - acquired
N3633 Acquired internal femoral torsion
N3634 Persistent femoral anteversion
N3635 Acquired external femoral torsion
N363z Acquired hip deformity NOS
N364. Acquired genu valgum and varum
N3640 Acquired genu valgum
N3641 Acquired genu varum
N364z Acquired genu valgum or varum NOS
N365. Genu recurvatum - acquired
N366. Acquired knee deformity NOS
N3660 Flexion deformity of knee
N367. Other acquired ankle and foot deformity
N3670 Acquired ankle or foot deformity, unspecified
N3671 Acquired equinovarus - clubfoot
N3672 Acquired equinus foot deformity
N3673 Aquired cavus foot deformity
N3674 Acquired claw foot
N3675 Acquired cavovarus foot deformity
N3676 Other acquired calcaneus deformity
N3677 Acquired talipes NEC
N3678 Acquired varus heel
N3679 Acquired valgus heel
N367A Plantar flexion of the midtarsal joint
N367B Plantar flexion contracture of TMT joint
N367C Flexion contracture of MTP joint
N367D Extension contracture of MTP joint
N367E Flexion contracture of toe joint
N367F Acquired plantar-flexed forefoot
N367G Acquired plantar-flexed first ray
N367H Acquired plantar-flexed fifth ray
N367J Acquired dorsiflexed forefoot
N367K Acquired dorsiflexed first ray
N367L Acquired supinated forefoot
N367M Acquired pronated forefoot
N367N Acquired forefoot adductus
N367P Acquired forefoot abductus
N367Q Serpentine foot
N367z Acquired ankle or foot deformity NOS
N368. Other knee deformity
N3680 Acquired internal tibial torsion
N3681 Acquired external tibial torsion
N3682 Chronic instability of knee
N369. Flexion deformity
N36A. Foot drop
N36y. Acquired deformity of other limb parts
N36y0 Acquired unequal leg length
N36y1 Acquired unequal arm length
N36y2 Deformity of bone
N36y3 Deformity of clavicle
N36y4 Deformity of scapula
N36y5 Deformity of humerus
N36y6 Deformity of radius
N36y7 Deformity of ulna
N36y8 Deformity of carpal bone
N36y9 Deformity of metacarpal
N36yA Deformity of phalanx of finger/thumb
N36yB Deformity of pelvis
N36yC Deformity of femur
N36yD Deformity of patella
N36yE Deformity of tibia
N36yF Deformity of fibula
N36yG Deformity of calcaneum
N36yH Deformity of talus
N36yJ Deformity of other tarsal bone
N36yK Deformity of metatarsal
N36yL Deformity of phalanx of toe
N36yM Old amputee NOS
N36yz Acquired limb deformity NEC
N36z. Acquired limb deformity NOS
N37.. Curvature of spine
N370. Adolescent postural kyphosis
N371. Acquired kyphosis
N3710 Acquired postural kyphosis
N3711 Radiation kyphosis
N3712 Post-laminectomy kyphosis
N3713 Kyphosis secondary to other treatment
N371z Acquired kyphosis NOS
N372. Acquired lordosis
N3720 Acquired postural lordosis
N3721 Post-laminectomy lordosis
N3722 Other post-surgical lordosis
N372z Acquired lordosis NOS
N373. Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis
N3730 Idiopathic scoliosis
N3731 Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis
N3732 Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis
N3733 Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis
N3734 Radiation scoliosis
N3735 Thoracogenic scoliosis
N3736 Postural scoliosis
N3737 Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
N3738 Post-surgical scoliosis
N3739 Scoliosis secondary to other treatment
N373z Kyphoscoliosis or scoliosis NOS
N374. Curvature of spine associated with other conditions
N3740 Curvature of spine, unspecified
N3741 Kyphosis associated with other condition
N3742 Lordosis associated with other condition
N3743 Scoliosis associated with other condition
N3744 Kyphosis in skeletal dysplasia
N3745 Neuromuscular kyphosis
N3746 Osteoporotic kyphosis
N3747 Lordosis in skeletal dysplasia
N3748 Lordosis in hip disease
N3749 Neuromuscular lordosis
N374A Scoliosis in skeletal dysplasia
N374B Neuromuscular scoliosis
N374C Scoliosis in neurofibromatosis
N374D Scoliosis in connective tissue anomalies
N374E Flatback syndrome
N374W Lordosis, unspecified
N374X Other and unspecified kyphosis
N374z Curvature of spine associated with other conditions NOS
N37y. Other curvatures of spine
N37z. Curvature of spine NOS
N37z0 Acquired hunchback
N37zz Curvature of spine NOS
N38.. Other acquired deformity
N380. Acquired deformity of nose
N381. Other acquired head deformity
N382. Acquired deformity of neck
N383. Acquired chest and rib deformity
N3830 Acquired chest deformity, unspecified
N3831 Acquired rib deformity, unspecified
N3832 Acquired pectus carinatum
N3833 Acquired pectus excavatum
N383z Acquired chest or rib deformity NOS
N384. Acquired spondylolisthesis
N3840 Dysplastic spondylolisthesis
N3841 Isthmic spondylolisthesis
N3842 Degenerative spondylolisthesis
N3843 Pedicular spondylolisthesis
N385. Acquired deformity of spine NOS
N386. Acquired deformity of pelvis
N387. Cauliflower ear
N388. Spondylolysis
N38y. Other acquired deformity
N38y0 Acquired clavicle deformity
N38yz Other acquired deformity NOS
N38z. Acquired deformity NOS
N39.. Nonallopathic lesions, NEC
N390. Nonallopathic lesion of the head region
N391. Nonallopathic lesion of the cervical region
N392. Nonallopathic lesion of the thoracic region
N393. Nonallopathic lesion of the lumbar region
N394. Nonallopathic lesion of the sacral region
N395. Nonallopathic lesion of the pelvic region
N396. Nonallopathic lesion of the legs
N397. Nonallopathic lesion of the arms
N398. Nonallopathic lesion of the rib cage
N399. Nonallopathic lesion of the abdomen and other regions
N39z. Nonallopathic lesion NEC NOS
N3y.. Other specified musculoskeletal disorders
N3y0. Biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified
N3y00 Segmental and somatic dysfunction
N3y01 Subluxation complex (vertebral)
N3y02 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal
N3y03 Osseous stenosis of neural canal
N3y04 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal
N3y05 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal
N3y06 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
N3y07 Connective tis and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina
N3z.. Other musculoskeletal disorder NOS
Ny... Musculoskeletal or connective tissue diseases OS
Ny2.. Repetitive strain injury
NyX.. Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified
Nyu.. [X]Addtnl musculskeletal+connectv tissue dis classfctn terms
Nyu0. [X]Infectious arthropathies
Nyu00 [X]Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
Nyu01 [X]Arthritis+polyarthritis due/other specfd bacterial agents
Nyu02 [X]Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases CE
Nyu03 [X]Other reactive arthropathies
Nyu04 [X]Other postinfectious arthropathies in diseases CE
Nyu05 [X]Reactive arthropathy in other diseases CE
Nyu1. [X]Inflammatory polyarthropathies
Nyu10 [X]Rheumatoid arthritis+involvement/other organs or systems
Nyu11 [X]Other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
Nyu12 [X]Other specified rheumatoid arthritis
Nyu13 [X]Other psoriatic arthropathies
Nyu14 [X]Other enteropathic arthropathies
Nyu15 [X]Other juvenile arthritis
Nyu16 [X]Juvenile arthritis in other diseases CE
Nyu17 [X]Other secondary gout
Nyu18 [X]Other chondrocalcinosis
Nyu19 [X]Other specified crystal arthropathies
Nyu1A [X]Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified
Nyu1B [X]Other specified arthritis
Nyu1C [X]Gouty arthrpathy due/enzym defects+oth inherit disordr CE
Nyu1D [X]Crystal arthropathy in other metabolic disorders CE
Nyu1E [X]Arthropathies/oth endocrin,nutritionl+metabolic disorders
Nyu1F [X]Arthropathies in other specified diseases CE
Nyu1G [X]Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified
Nyu2. [X]Arthrosis
Nyu20 [X]Other polyarthrosis
Nyu21 [X]Other primary coxarthrosis
Nyu22 [X]Other dysplastic coxarthrosis
Nyu23 [X]Other post-traumatic coxarthrosis
Nyu24 [X]Other secondary coxarthrosis, bilateral
Nyu25 [X]Other primary gonarthrosis
Nyu26 [X]Other post-traumatic gonarthrosis
Nyu27 [X]Other secondary gonarthrosis, bilateral
Nyu28 [X]Other secondary gonarthrosis
Nyu29 [X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint
Nyu2A [X]Other post-traumatic arthrosis/1st carpometacarpal joint
Nyu2B [X]Other 2ndry arthrosis/1st carpometacarpal joints,bilaterl
Nyu2C [X]Other secondary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint
Nyu2D [X]Other specified arthrosis
Nyu2E [X]Other secondary coxarthrosis
Nyu2F [X]Post-traumatic arthrosis of other joints
Nyu3. [X]Other joint disorders
Nyu30 [X]Other deformity of hallux (acquired)
Nyu31 [X]Other hammer toe(s) (acquired)
Nyu32 [X]Other deformities of toe(s) (acquired)
Nyu33 [X]Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot
Nyu34 [X]Other specified acquired deformities of limbs
Nyu35 [X]Other derangements of patella
Nyu36 [X]Other disorders of patella
Nyu37 [X]Other meniscus derangements
Nyu38 [X]Other spontaneous disruption of ligament(s) of knee
Nyu39 [X]Other internal derangements of knee
Nyu3A [X]Other articular cartilage disorders
Nyu3B [X]Other specific joint derangements,NEC
Nyu3C [X]Other instability of joint
Nyu3D [X]Other specified joint disorders
Nyu3E [X]Disorder of patella, unspecified
Nyu4. [X]Systemic connective tissue disorders
Nyu40 [X]Other conditions related to polyarteritis nodosa
Nyu41 [X]Other giant cell arteritis
Nyu42 [X]Other specified necrotizing vasculopathies
Nyu43 [X]Other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus
Nyu44 [X]Other dermatomyositis
Nyu45 [X]Other forms of systemic sclerosis
Nyu46 [X]Other overlap syndromes
Nyu47 [X]Other systemic diseases of connective tissue
Nyu48 [X]Dermato(poly)myositis in neoplastic disease CE
Nyu49 [X]Arthropathy in neoplastic disease classified elsewhere
Nyu4A [X]Arthropathy in other blood disorders CE
Nyu4B [X]Arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions CE
Nyu4C [X]Systemic disorders/connective tissue in other diseases CE
Nyu4D [X]Necrotising vasculopathy, unspecified
Nyu4E [X]Dermatopolymyositis, unspecified
Nyu5. [X]Deforming dorsopathies
Nyu50 [X]Other secondary kyphosis
Nyu51 [X]Other and unspecified kyphosis
Nyu52 [X]Other lordosis
Nyu53 [X]Other idiopathic scoliosis
Nyu54 [X]Other secondary scoliosis
Nyu55 [X]Other forms of scoliosis
Nyu56 [X]Other fusion of spine
Nyu57 [X]Other recurrent atlantoaxial subluxation
Nyu58 [X]Other recurrent vertebral subluxation
Nyu59 [X]Other specified deforming dorsopathies
Nyu5A [X]Lordosis, unspecified
Nyu5B [X]Spinal osteochondrosis, unspecified
Nyu6. [X]Spondylopathies
Nyu60 [X]Other infective spondylopathies
Nyu61 [X]Other specified inflammatory spondylopathies
Nyu62 [X]Other spondylosis with myelopathy
Nyu63 [X]Other spondylosis withWradiculopathy
Nyu64 [X]Other spondylosis
Nyu65 [X]Other specified spondylopathies
Nyu66 [X]Spondylopathy in other infectious+parasitic diseases CE
Nyu67 [X]Collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere
Nyu68 [X]Spondylopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Nyu7. [X]Other dorsopathies
Nyu70 [X]Other cervical disc displacement
Nyu71 [X]Other cervical disc degeneration
Nyu72 [X]Other cervical disc disorders
Nyu73 [X]Lumbar+other intervertebral disc disordrs with myelopathy
Nyu74 [X]Lumbar+other intervertbrl disc disordrs with radiculopthy
Nyu75 [X]Other specified intervertebral disc displacement
Nyu76 [X]Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration
Nyu77 [X]Other specified intervertebral disc disorders
Nyu78 [X]Sacrococcygeal disorders, not elsewhere classified
Nyu79 [X]Other specified dorsopathies
Nyu7A [X]Other dorsalgia
Nyu7B [X]Cervical disc disorder, unspecified
Nyu8. [X]Disorders of muscles
Nyu80 [X]Other myositis
Nyu81 [X]Other calcification of muscle
Nyu82 [X]Other ossification of muscle
Nyu83 [X]Other rupture of muscle (nontraumatic)
Nyu84 [X]Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified
Nyu85 [X]Other specified disorders of muscle
Nyu86 [X]Myositis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
Nyu87 [X]Myositis in protozoal and parasitic infections CE
Nyu88 [X]Myositis in other infectious diseases CE
Nyu89 [X]Myositis in sarcoidosis classified elsewhere
Nyu8A [X]Other disorders of muscle in diseases CE
Nyu8B [X]Disorder of muscle, unspecified
Nyu9. [X]Disorders of synovium and tendon
Nyu90 [X]Other infective (teno)synovitis
Nyu91 [X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
Nyu92 [X]Spontaneous rupture of other tendons
Nyu93 [X]Other contracture of tendon (sheath)
Nyu94 [X]Other specified disorders of synovium and tendon
Nyu95 [X]Synovitis+tenosynovitis in bacterial diseases CE
Nyu96 [X]Other disorders of synovium and tendon in diseases CE
Nyu97 [X]Synovial hypertrophy, not elsewhere classified
NyuA. [X]Other soft tissue disorders
NyuA0 [X]Other bursitis of elbow
NyuA1 [X]Other bursitis of knee
NyuA2 [X]Other bursitis of hip
NyuA3 [X]Other soft tissue disorders related/use,overuse+pressure
NyuA4 [X]Other infective bursitis
NyuA5 [X]Other bursal cyst
NyuA6 [X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified
NyuA7 [X]Other specified bursopathies
NyuA8 [X]Fasciitis, not elsewhere classified
NyuA9 [X]Other fibroblastic disorders
NyuAA [X]Other soft tissue disorders in other diseases CE
NyuAB [X]Other shoulder lesions
NyuAC [X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot
NyuAD [X]Other enthesopathy of foot
NyuAE [X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified
NyuAF [X]Other specified soft tissue disorders
NyuAG [X]Unsp soft tissue disord relat to use, overuse & pressure
NyuAH [X]Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified
NyuAJ [X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified
NyuB. [X]Disorders of bone density and structure
NyuB0 [X]Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture
NyuB1 [X]Other osteoporosis
NyuB2 [X]Osteoporosis in other disorders classified elsewhere
NyuB3 [X]Other drug-induced osteomalacia in adults
NyuB4 [X]Other adult osteomalacia
NyuB5 [X]Other disorders of continuity of bone
NyuB6 [X]Other cyst of bone
NyuB7 [X]Other specified disorders of bone density and structure
NyuB8 [X]Unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture
NyuB9 [X]Adult osteomalacia, unspecified
NyuBA [X]Disorder of bone density and structure, unspecified
NyuC. [X]Other osteopathies
NyuC0 [X]Other acute osteomyelitis
NyuC1 [X]Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis
NyuC2 [X]Other chronic osteomyelitis
NyuC3 [X]Other osteomyelitis
NyuC4 [X]Other secondary osteonecrosis
NyuC5 [X]Other osteonecrosis
NyuC6 [X]Other disorders of bone development and growth
NyuC7 [X]Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
NyuC8 [X]Other specified disorders of bone
NyuC9 [X]Periostitis in other infectious diseases CE
NyuCA [X]Osteopathy in other infectious diseases CE
NyuCB [X]Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy CE
NyuCC [X]Osteonecrosis in other diseases classified elsewhere
NyuCD [X]Osteitis deformans in neoplastic diseases CE
NyuCE [X]Fracture of bone in neoplastic diseases CE
NyuCF [X]Osteopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
NyuD. [X]Chondropathies
NyuD0 [X]Other juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis
NyuD1 [X]Other juvenile osteochondrosis of upper limb
NyuD2 [X]Other specified juvenile osteochondrosis
NyuD3 [X]Other specified osteochondropathies
NyuD4 [X]Other specified disorders of cartilage
NyuDE [X]Disorder of cartilage, unspecified
NyuE. [X]Other disord musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
NyuE0 [X]Oth specified acquired deformities/musculoskeletal system
NyuE1 [X]# bone follow insertn/orthopaed implnt,jnt pros,bne plate
NyuE2 [X]Other postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders
NyuE3 [X]Other biomechanical lesions
NyuE4 [X]Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified
Nz... Musculoskeletal and connective tissue diseases NOS
P.... Congenital anomalies
P0... Anencephalus and similar anomalies
P00.. Anencephalus
P000. Acrania
P001. Amyelencephalus
P002. Hemicephaly
P00y. Other specified anencephalus
P00z. Anencephalus NOS
P01.. Craniorachischisis
P02.. Iniencephaly
P020. Iniencephaly - closed
P021. Open iniencephaly
P02z. Iniencephaly NOS
P0z.. Anencephalus and similar anomalies NOS
P1... Spina bifida
P10.. Spina bifida with hydrocephalus
P100. Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus
P1000 Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, unspecified
P1001 Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus
P1002 Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus
P1003 Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus
P100z Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS
P101. Arnold - Chiari syndrome
P102. Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
P1020 Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
P1021 Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
P1022 Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
P1023 Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
P1024 Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
P102z Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open NOS
P103. Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
P1030 Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
P1031 Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
P1032 Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
P1033 Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
P1034 Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
P103z Spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed NOS
P104. Spina bifida with hydrocephalus of late onset
P105. Spina bifida with stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius
P10y. Other specified spina bifida with hydrocephalus
P10y0 Dandy - Walker syndrome with spina bifida
P10yz Other spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS
P10z. Spina bifida with hydrocephalus NOS
P11.. Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus
P110. Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus, unspecified
P1100 Spina bifida without hydrocephalus, site unspecified
P1101 Cervical spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus
P1102 Thoracic spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus
P1103 Lumbar spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus
P110z Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus NOS
P111. Spinal hydromeningocele
P1110 Spinal hydromeningocele, unspecified
P1111 Cervical spinal hydromeningocele
P1112 Thoracic spinal hydromeningocele
P111z Spinal hydromeningocele NOS
P112. Hydromyelocele
P1120 Hydromyelocele of unspecified site
P1121 Cervical hydromyelocele
P1122 Thoracic hydromyelocele
P1123 Lumbar hydromyelocele
P112z Hydromyelocele NOS
P113. Spinal meningocele
P1130 Spinal meningocele of unspecified site
P1131 Cervical spinal meningocele
P1132 Thoracic spinal meningocele
P1133 Lumbar spinal meningocele
P113z Spinal meningocele NOS
P114. Meningomyelocele
P1140 Meningomyelocele of unspecified site
P1141 Cervical meningomyelocele
P1142 Thoracic meningomyelocele
P1143 Lumbar meningomyelocele
P114z Meningomyelocele NOS
P115. Myelocele
P1150 Myelocele of unspecified site
P1151 Cervical myelocele
P1152 Thoracic myelocele
P1153 Lumbar myelocele
P115z Myelocele NOS
P116. Myelocystocele
P1160 Myelocystocele of unspecified site
P1161 Cervical myelocystocele
P1162 Thoracic myelocystocele
P1163 Lumbar myelocystocele
P116z Myelocystocele NOS
P117. Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open
P1170 Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open
P1171 Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open
P1172 Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open
P1173 Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open
P1174 Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open
P117z Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - open NOS
P118. Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed
P1180 Unspecified spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed
P1181 Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed
P1182 Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed
P1183 Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed
P1184 Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed
P118z Spina bifida without hydrocephalus - closed NOS
P11y. Other specified spina bifida without hydrocephalus
P11z. Spina bifida without mention of hydrocephalus NOS
P1z.. Spina bifida NOS
P2... Other nervous system congenital anomalies
P20.. Encephalocele
P200. Encephalocystocele
P201. Encephalomyelocele
P202. Hydromeningocele - cranial
P203. Meningocele - cerebral
P204. Meningoencephalocele
P205. Frontal encephalocele
P206. Nasofrontal encephalocele
P20z. Encephalocele NOS
P20z0 Occipital encephalocele
P20z1 Encephalocele of other specified site
P21.. Microcephalus
P210. Hydromicrocephaly
P211. Micrencephaly
P21z. Microcephalus NOS
P22.. Reduction deformities of brain
P220. Agenesis of brain, part unspecified
P221. Aplasia of brain, part unspecified
P222. Hypoplasia of brain, part unspecified
P223. Agyria
P224. Arhinencephaly
P225. Holoprosencephaly
P226. Microgyria
P227. Anomalies of cerebrum
P2270 Agenesis of cerebrum
P227z Anomaly of cerebrum NOS
P228. Anomalies of corpus callosum
P2280 Congenital absence of corpus callosum
P2281 Hypoplasia of corpus callosum
P2282 Aplasia of corpus callosum
P228z Anomaly of corpus callosum NOS
P229. Anomalies of hypothalamus
P22A. Anomalies of cerebellum
P22A0 Congenital absence of cerebellum
P22A1 Hypoplasia of cerebellum
P22A2 Aplasia of cerebellum
P22Az Anomaly of cerebellum NOS
P22y. Other specified reduction deformities of brain
P22y0 Cebocephaly
P22yz Other reduction deformity of brain NOS
P22z. Reduction deformities of brain NOS
P23.. Congenital hydrocephalus
P230. Aqueduct of Sylvius anomaly
P2300 Aqueduct of Sylvius obstruction
P2301 Aqueduct of Sylvius stenosis
P2302 Atresia of aqueduct of Sylvius NEC
P230z Aqueduct of Sylvius anomaly NOS
P231. Foramen of Magendie atresia
P232. Foramen of Luschka atresia
P233. Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka
P234. Hydranencephaly
P23y. Other specified congenital hydrocephalus
P23z. Congenital hydrocephalus NOS
P24.. Other specified brain anomalies
P240. Congenital cerebral cyst
P2400 Single congenital cerebral cyst
P2401 Multiple congenital cerebral cysts
P240z Congenital cerebral cyst NOS
P241. Macroencephaly
P242. Macrogyria
P243. Porencephaly
P244. Ulegyria
P245. Congenital adhesions of cerebral meninges
P246. Septo-optic dysplasia
P24x. Multiple brain anomalies
P24z. Other specified brain anomalies NOS
P25.. Other specified spinal cord anomalies
P250. Diastematomyelia
P251. Hydromyelia
P25y. Other specified anomalies of spinal cord
P25y0 Amyelia
P25y1 Atelomyelia
P25y2 Congenital anomaly of spinal meninges
P25y3 Defective development of the cauda equina
P25y4 Spinal cord hypoplasia
P25yz Other specified spinal cord anomalies NOS
P25z. Spinal cord anomalies NOS
P2x.. Other specified nervous system anomalies
P2x0. Agenesis of nerve, unspecified
P2x1. Brachial plexus displacement
P2x2. Familial dysautonomia
P2x3. Jaw-winking syndrome
P2x4. Marcus - Gunn syndrome
P2x5. Riley - Day syndrome
P2xz. Other specified nervous system anomalies NOS
P2xz0 Agenesis of nerve NEC
P2xz1 Congenital optic atrophy
P2y.. Unspec nervous system anomaly of brain/cord/nervous system
P2y0. Congenital brain anomaly
P2y1. Congenital spinal cord anomaly
P2yz. Unspecified nervous system anomaly NOS
P2z.. Nervous system anomalies NOS
P3... Congenital eye anomalies
P30.. Anophthalmos
P300. Clinical anophthalmos, unspecified
P3001 Agenesis of eye
P3002 Congenital absence of eye
P300z Anophthalmos NOS
P301. Congenital cystic eyeball
P302. Cryptophthalmos syndrome
P30z. Anophthalmos NOS
P31.. Microphthalmos
P310. Microphthalmos, unspecified
P3100 Dysplasia of eye
P3101 Hypoplasia of eye
P3102 Rudimentary eye
P310z Unspecified microphthalmos NOS
P311. Simple microphthalmos
P312. Microphthalmos with other eye anomaly
P31z. Microphthalmos NOS
P32.. Buphthalmos
P320. Buphthalmos, unspecified
P3200 Congenital glaucoma
P3201 Hydrophthalmos
P320z Unspecified buphthalmos NOS
P321. Simple buphthalmos
P322. Buphthalmos with other eye anomaly
P3220 Congenital keratoglobus
P3221 Congenital megalocornea
P322z Buphthalmos with other eye anomaly NOS
P32z. Buphthalmos NOS
P33.. Congenital cataract and lens anomalies
P330. Congenital cataract, unspecified
P331. Capsular and subcapsular cataract
P3310 Capsular cataract
P3311 Subcapsular cataract
P331z Capsular or subcapsular cataract NOS
P332. Cortical and zonular cataract
P3320 Cortical cataract - congenital
P3321 Zonular cataract
P332z Cortical or zonular cataract NOS
P333. Nuclear cataract - congenital
P334. Total and subtotal congenital cataract
P3340 Total congenital cataract
P3341 Subtotal congenital cataract
P334z Total or subtotal congenital cataract NOS
P335. Congenital aphakia
P336. Anomalies of lens shape
P3360 Microphakia
P3361 Spherophakia
P3362 Coloboma of lens
P336z Anomalies of lens shape NOS
P337. Congenital ectopic lens
P33y. Other specified congenital cataract or lens anomaly
P33y0 Blue dot cataract
P33y1 Congenital membranous cataract
P33yz Other congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS
P33z. Congenital cataract or lens anomaly NOS
P34.. Anterior chamber anomalies
P340. Corneal size and shape anomalies
P3400 Microcornea
P3401 Congenital keratoconus
P3402 Cornea plana
P340z Corneal size or shape anomalies NOS
P341. Congenital corneal opacities
P3410 Congenital corneal opacity with visual deficit
P3411 Congenital corneal opacity without visual deficit
P341z Congenital corneal opacities NOS
P342. Specified anterior chamber anomalies
P3420 Axenfields anomaly
P3421 Peters anomaly
P3422 Riegers anomaly
P342z Specified anterior chamber anomalies NOS
P343. Aniridia
P344. Other iris and ciliary body anomalies
P3440 Congenital anisocoria
P3441 Atresia of pupil
P3442 Coloboma of iris
P3443 Corectopia
P3444 Polycoria
P3445 Hypoplasia of iris
P3446 Aplasia of iris
P344z Other iris or ciliary body anomalies NOS
P345. Specified anomalies of sclera
P3450 Blue sclera
P345z Specified anomaly of sclera NOS
P346. Multiple anterior segment anomalies
P34y. Other specified anterior segment anomalies
P34z. Anterior segment anomalies NOS
P35.. Posterior chamber congenital anomalies
P350. Vitreous anomalies
P3500 Congenital vitreous opacity
P350z Vitreous anomalies NOS
P351. Fundus coloboma
P352. Congenital chorioretinal degeneration
P353. Congenital folds and cysts of the posterior segment
P3530 Congenital folds of the posterior segment
P3531 Congenital cysts of the posterior segment
P353z Congenital folds or cysts of the posterior segment NOS
P354. Congenital macular changes
P355. Other congenital retinal changes
P3550 Coloboma of retina
P3551 Congenital retinal fold
P355z Other congenital retinal changes NOS
P356. Specified optic disc anomalies
P3560 Congenital optic disc coloboma
P356z Specified optic disc anomaly NOS
P357. Posterior chamber vascular anomalies
P3570 Congenital retinal aneurysm
P3571 Congenital arteriovenous malformation of retina
P3572 Congenital stricture of retinal artery
P357z Posterior chamber vascular anomalies NOS
P358. Specified anomalies of choroid
P3580 Coloboma of choroid
P358z Specified anomaly of choroid NOS
P35y. Other specified congenital anomalies of posterior chamber
P35z. Congenital anomalies of posterior chamber NOS
P36.. Congenital anomalies of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit
P360. Congenital ptosis
P361. Congenital eyelid deformity
P3610 Ablepharon -absent eyelids
P3611 Accessory eyelid
P3612 Congenital entropion
P3613 Congenital ectropion
P3614 Congenital blepharophimosis
P3615 Coloboma of eyelids
P361z Congenital eyelid deformity NOS
P362. Other specified congenital eyelid anomalies
P3620 Agenesis of cilia
P3621 Agenesis of eyelid
P3622 Fused eyelids
P3623 Hypoplasia of eyelid
P362z Other specified congenital eyelid anomalies NOS
P363. Congenital lacrimal gland anomalies
P364. Congenital lacrimal passage anomalies
P3640 Agenesis of lacrimal apparatus
P3641 Agenesis of punctum lacrimale
P3642 Accessory lacrimal canal
P3643 Stenosis or stricture of lacrimal duct
P3644 Congenital blocked tear duct
P364y Other specified congenital anomaly of lacrimal passages
P364z Congenital anomaly of lacrimal passages NOS
P365. Congenital orbit anomalies
P36z. Other/unspecified anomalies of eyelid/lacrimal system/orbit
P36z0 Accessory eye muscles
P36z1 Hypoplasia of eye muscle
P36zz Eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit congenital anomalies NOS
P37.. Macrophthalmos
P3y.. Other specified eye anomalies
P3y0. Ocular albinism
P3yz. Other eye anomalies NOS
P3z.. Congenital eye anomalies NOS
P4... Ear, face and neck congenital anomalies
P40.. Ear anomalies with hearing impairment
P400. Ear anomalies with hearing impaired, unspecified
P401. Congenital absence of external ear
P4010 Congenital absence of external ear, unspecified
P4011 Absence of external auditory canal
P4012 Ear auricle and external auditory canal absent
P4013 Congenital absence of auricle
P401z Absence of external ear NOS
P402. Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment
P4020 Atresia of external auditory canal
P4021 Stenosis of external auditory canal
P402z Other external ear anomaly with hearing impairment NOS
P403. Middle ear anomaly, excluding ossicles
P4030 Ear osseous meatus atresia
P4031 Ear osseous meatus stricture
P403z Middle ear anomaly NEC NOS
P404. Anomaly of ossicles
P4040 Congenital fusion of ear ossicles
P404z Anomaly of ossicles NOS
P405. Inner ear anomalies
P4050 Congenital anomaly of the membranous labyrinth
P4051 Congenital anomaly of the organ of Corti
P405z Inner ear anomalies NOS
P40z. Other and unspecified ear anomaly with hearing impaired
P40z0 Congenital absence of ear NOS
P40zz Ear anomaly with hearing impaired NOS
P41.. Accessory ear auricle
P410. Supernumerary ear
P411. Accessory tragus
P412. Supernumerary ear lobule
P413. Preauricular appendage, tag or lobule
P414. Other ear appendage or tag
P41z. Accessory ear auricle NOS
P42.. Other specified ear anomalies
P420. Congenital ear lobe absence
P421. Macrotia - abnormally big ears
P422. Microtia - abnormally small ears
P423. Eustachian tube anomalies
P4230 Congenital absence of eustachian tube
P4231 Congenital stenosis of eustachian tube
P423z Eustachian tube anomalies NOS
P42z. Other specified ear anomalies NOS
P42z0 Congenital Bat ear
P42z1 Darwins tubercle
P42z2 Congenital pointed ear
P42z3 Congenital prominent auricle
P42z4 Congenital ridge ear
P42z5 Other mis-shapen ear
P42z6 Misplaced ears
P42zz Other ear anomalies NOS
P43.. Congenital ear anomaly NOS
P44.. Branchial cleft, cyst or fistula; preauricular sinus
P440. Branchial cleft sinus and fistula
P4400 Branchial cleft vestige, unspecified
P4401 Branchial cleft external sinus
P4402 Branchial cleft internal sinus
P4403 Branchial cleft fistula
P440z Branchial cleft vestige NOS
P441. Branchial cleft cyst
P442. Cervical auricle
P443. Preauricular sinus and fistula
P4430 Preauricular sinus
P4431 Preauricular fistula
P443z Preauricular sinus or fistula NOS
P444. Preauricular cyst
P44y. Other branchial cleft anomalies
P44z. Branchial cleft,cyst,or fistula preauricular anomaly OS/NOS
P44z0 Fistula of congenital auricle
P44z1 Cervicoaural fistula
P44zz Branchial cleft, cyst or fistula preauricular anomaly NOS
P45.. Congenital webbing of neck
P450. Congenital neck webbing, unspecified
P451. Pterygium colli
P45z. Congenital webbing of neck NOS
P4y.. Other specified face and neck anomalies
P4y0. Macrocheilia
P4y1. Microcheilia
P4y2. Macrostomia
P4y3. Microstomia
P4y4. Congenital absence of chin
P4yz. Other specified face and neck anomalies NOS
P4z.. Congenital face or neck anomaly NOS
P4z0. Congenital anomaly of neck NOS
P4z1. Congenital anomaly of face NOS
P5... Bulbus cordis and cardiac septal closure anomalies
P50.. Common aorto-pulmonary trunk
P500. Absent septum between aorta and pulmonary artery
P501. Aortic septal defect
P50z. Common aorto-pulmonary trunk NOS
P51.. Transposition of great vessels
P510. Total great vessel transposition
P511. Double outlet right ventricle
P5110 Double outlet right ventricle, unspecified
P5111 Dextratransposition of aorta
P5112 Incomplete great vessel transposition
P5113 Taussig-Bing syndrome
P511z Double outlet right ventricle NOS
P512. Corrected great vessel transposition
P51y. Other specified transposition of great vessels
P51z. Great vessel transposition NOS
P52.. Tetralogy of Fallot
P520. Tetralogy of Fallot, unspecified
P521. Pentalogy of Fallot
P52z. Tetralogy of Fallot NOS
P53.. Common ventricle
P54.. Ventricular septal defect
P540. Ventricular septal defect, unspecified
P541. Interventricular septal defect
P542. Left ventricle to right atrial communication
P543. Eisenmengers complex
P544. Gerbodes defect
P545. Rogers disease
P54y. Other specified ventricular septal defect
P54z. Ventricular septal defect NOS
P55.. Ostium secundum atrial septal defect
P550. Atrial septal defect NOS
P551. Patent foramen ovale
P552. Persistent ostium secundum
P553. Lutembachers syndrome
P55y. Other specified ostium secundum atrial septal defect
P55z. Ostium secundum atrial septal defect NOS
P56.. Endocardial cushion defects
P560. Endocardial cushion defects, unspecified
P561. Ostium primum defect
P56y. Other specified endocardial cushion defects
P56z. Endocardial cushion defects NOS
P56z0 Common atrium
P56z1 Common atrioventricular canal
P56z2 Common atrioventricular-type ventricular septal defect
P56zz Endocardial cushion defects NOS
P57.. Cor biloculare
P58.. Double outlet left ventricle
P59.. Isomerism of atrial appendages
P5X.. Congenital malforms of cardiac chambers+connections unsp
P5y.. Other heart bulb and septal closure defect
P5z.. Heart bulb or septal closure defects NOS
P6... Other congenital heart anomalies
P60.. Pulmonary valve anomalies
P600. Pulmonary valve anomaly, unspecified
P601. Congenital atresia of the pulmonary valve
P6010 Hypoplasia of pulmonary valve
P601z Congenital atresia of pulmonary valve NOS
P602. Congenital pulmonary stenosis
P6020 Congenital fusion of pulmonic cusps
P6021 Congenital fusion of pulmonary valve segment
P602z Congenital pulmonary stenosis NOS
P603. Right hypoplastic heart syndrome
P60z. Other pulmonary valve anomalies
P60z0 Congenital insufficiency of the pulmonary valve
P60z1 Fallots trilogy
P60z2 Supernumerary pulmonary valve cusps
P60zz Other pulmonary valve anomaly NOS
P61.. Congenital tricuspid atresia and stenosis
P610. Congenital tricuspid atresia
P611. Congenital tricuspid stenosis
P61z. Congenital tricuspid atresia or stenosis NOS
P62.. Ebsteins anomaly
P63.. Congenital aortic valve stenosis
P64.. Congenital aortic valve insufficiency
P640. Congenital aortic valve insufficiency, unspecified
P641. Bicuspid aortic valve
P64z. Congenital aortic valve insufficiency NOS
P65.. Congenital mitral stenosis
P650. Congenital mitral stenosis, unspecified
P651. Fused commissure of the mitral valve
P652. Parachute deformity of the mitral valve
P653. Supernumerary cusps of the mitral valve
P65z. Congenital mitral stenosis NOS
P66.. Congenital mitral insufficiency
P67.. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
P6W.. Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves unsp
P6X.. Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified
P6y.. Other specified heart anomalies
P6y0. Subaortic stenosis
P6y1. Cor triatriatum
P6y2. Pulmonary infundibular stenosis
P6y3. Obstructive heart anomaly NEC
P6y30 Uhls disease
P6y3z Obstructive heart anomaly NEC NOS
P6y4. Coronary artery anomaly
P6y40 Congenital absence of coronary artery
P6y41 Single coronary artery
P6y42 Coronary artery from aorta
P6y43 Coronary artery from pulmonary trunk
P6y44 Anomalous coronary artery communication
P6y45 Congenital coronary aneurysm
P6y46 Congenital stricture of coronary artery
P6y4z Coronary artery anomaly NOS
P6y5. Congenital heart block
P6y50 Congenital heart block, unspecified
P6y51 Congenital complete atrio-ventricular heart block
P6y52 Congenital incomplete atrio-ventricular heart block
P6y5z Congenital heart block NOS
P6y6. Heart and cardiac apex malposition
P6y60 Dextrocardia
P6y61 Levocardia
P6y62 Mesocardia
P6y63 Ectopia cordis
P6y64 Abdominal heart
P6y6z Heart or cardiac apex malposition NOS
P6yy. Other specified heart anomalies
P6yy0 Atresia of cardiac vein
P6yy1 Hypoplasia of cardiac vein
P6yy2 Congenital cardiomegaly
P6yy3 Congenital left ventricular diverticulum
P6yy4 Congenital pericardial defect
P6yy5 Congenital anomaly of myocardium
P6yy6 Congenital aneurysm of heart
P6yy7 Atresia of heart valve NEC
P6yy8 Cor triloculare
P6yy9 Congenital epicardial cyst
P6yyA Hemicardia
P6yyB Supernumerary heart valve cusps NEC
P6yyC Fusion of mitral valve cusps
P6yyD Fusion of heart valve cusps NEC
P6yyz Other specified heart anomalies NOS
P6z.. Congenital heart anomaly NOS
P6z0. Unspecified anomaly of heart valve
P6z1. Anomalous bands of heart
P6z10 Anomalous atrial bands
P6z11 Anomalous ventricular bands
P6z1z Anomalous bands of heart NOS
P6z2. Acyanotic congenital heart disease NOS
P6z3. Cyanotic congenital heart disease NOS
P6zz. Congenital heart anomaly NOS
P7... Other congenital circulatory system anomalies
P70.. Patent ductus arteriosus
P71.. Coarctation of aorta
P710. Hypoplasia of aortic arch, unspecified
P711. Preductal coarctation of aorta
P712. Postductal coarctation of aorta
P713. Interruption of aortic arch
P71z. Coarctation of aorta NOS
P72.. Other anomalies of aorta
P720. Anomaly of aorta, unspecified
P721. Aortic arch anomalies
P7210 Anomalous origin of the aortic arch
P7211 Dextraposition of aorta
P7212 Double aortic arch
P7213 Kommerells diverticulum
P7214 Persistent aortic arch convolutions
P7215 Persistent right aortic arch
P7216 Vascular ring, aorta
P7217 Overriding aorta
P721z Aortic arch anomalies NOS
P722. Atresia and stenosis of aorta
P7220 Congenital absence of aorta
P7221 Aplasia of aorta
P7222 Hypoplasia of aorta
P7223 Stricture of aorta
P7224 Supra-valvular aortic stenosis
P7225 Atresia of aorta
P722z Atresia or stenosis of aorta NOS
P72z. Other anomalies of aorta NOS
P72z0 Aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva
P72z1 Congenital aneurysm of aorta
P72zz Other anomaly of aorta NOS
P73.. Pulmonary artery anomalies
P730. Pulmonary artery anomaly, unspecified
P731. Pulmonary artery agenesis
P732. Pulmonary artery atresia
P733. Coarctation of the pulmonary artery
P734. Hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery
P735. Stenosis of pulmonary artery
P736. Pulmonary arterio-venous aneurysm
P737. Pulmonary artery aneurysm
P738. Atresia of pulmonary artery with septal defect
P73y. Other specified anomaly of pulmonary artery
P73z. Pulmonary artery anomaly NOS
P74.. Anomalies of great veins
P740. Anomaly of great veins, unspecified
P7400 Anomaly of the pulmonary veins, unspecified
P7401 Anomaly of the vena cava, unspecified
P740z Unspecified anomaly of the great veins, NOS
P741. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return - TAPVR
P7410 Subdiaphragmatic total anomalous pulmonary venous return
P7411 Supradiaphragmatic total anomalous pulmonary venous return
P741z Total anomalous pulmonary venous return NOS
P742. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
P743. Anomalous portal vein termination
P744. Portal vein - hepatic artery fistula
P74z. Other great vein anomalies
P74z0 Absence of inferior vena cava
P74z1 Absence of superior vena cava
P74z2 Stenosis of inferior vena cava
P74z3 Stenosis of superior vena cava
P74z4 Persistent left posterior cardinal vein
P74z5 Persistent left superior vena cava
P74z6 Scimitar syndrome
P74z7 Transposition of pulmonary veins
P74z8 Atresia of pulmonary vein
P74zz Other great vein anomaly NOS
P75.. Absence or hypoplasia of the umbilical artery
P750. Congenital absence of umbilical artery, unspecified
P751. Umbilical artery hypoplasia, unspecified
P752. Single umbilical artery
P75z. Absence or hypoplasia of the umbilical artery NOS
P76.. Other peripheral vascular system anomalies
P760. Absence of artery NEC
P761. Anomaly of artery NEC
P762. Atresia of artery NEC
P763. Absence of vein NEC
P764. Anomaly of vein NEC
P765. Atresia of vein NEC
P766. Peripheral arterio-venous aneurysm
P767. Congenital peripheral aneurysm
P768. Congenital phlebectasia
P769. Congenital arterial stricture
P7690 Renal artery stenosis
P76A. Congenital varix
P76B. Multiple renal arteries
P76C. Anomalies of renal artery NEC
P76C0 Aberrant main renal artery
P76Cz Anomaly of renal artery NEC NOS
P76D. Arteriovenous malformation
P76y. Congenital anomaly of peripheral vascular system OS
P76y0 Hypoplasia of spinal vessel
P76yz Other congenital anomaly of peripheral vascular system NOS
P76z. Peripheral vascular system anomaly NOS
P77.. Arteriovenous malformation of precerebral vessels
P7W.. Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecif
P7X.. Congenital malformation of great arteries, unspecified
P7y.. Other specified circulatory system anomalies
P7y0. Cerebrovascular system anomalies
P7y00 Congenital anomaly of cerebral vessel, unspecified
P7y01 Congenital cerebral arteriovenous aneurysm
P7y02 Congenital brain aneurysm NEC
P7y03 Congenital stricture of cerebral artery
P7y0y Other specified cerebrovascular anomaly
P7y0z Cerebrovascular system anomaly NOS
P7yz. Other cardiovascular system anomaly NOS
P7yz0 Congenital aneurysm NEC
P7yzz Other cardiovascular system anomaly NOS
P7z.. Circulatory system anomaly NOS
P8... Respiratory system congenital anomalies
P80.. Choanal atresia
P800. Choanal atresia, unspecified
P801. Atresia of the anterior nares
P802. Atresia of the posterior nares
P803. Congenital stenosis of the anterior nares
P804. Congenital stenosis of the posterior nares
P80z. Choanal atresia NOS
P81.. Other anomalies of nose
P810. Congenital nose deformity, unspecified
P811. Absent nose
P8110 Agenesis of nose
P8111 Underdevelopment of nose
P811z Absent nose NOS
P812. Accessory nose
P813. Congenital cleft nose
P814. Deformity of nasal sinus wall
P815. Congenital notching of tip of nose
P816. Congenital perforation of the nasal sinus wall
P817. Perforated nasal septum
P818. Congenital fissure of nose
P819. Congenital hypoplastic nose
P81z. Other anomalies of nose NOS
P82.. Congenital web of larynx
P820. Congenital web of larynx, unspecified
P821. Congenital glottic web of larynx
P822. Congenital subglottic web of larynx
P82z. Congenital web of larynx NOS
P83.. Other anomalies of larynx, trachea and bronchus
P830. Agenesis of larynx, trachea and bronchus
P8300 Agenesis of bronchus
P8301 Agenesis of larynx
P8302 Agenesis of trachea
P830z Agenesis of larynx, trachea or bronchus NOS
P831. Anomaly of laryngeal and tracheal cartilage
P8310 Anomaly of cricoid cartilage
P8311 Anomaly of epiglottis
P8312 Anomaly of thyroid cartilage
P8313 Anomaly of tracheal cartilage
P8314 Tracheomalacia
P8315 Laryngeal hypoplasia
P8316 Laryngomalacia
P831z Anomaly of laryngeal or tracheal cartilage NOS
P832. Atresia of larynx and trachea
P8320 Atresia of epiglottis
P8321 Atresia of glottis
P8322 Atresia of larynx
P8323 Atresia of trachea
P832z Atresia of larynx or trachea NOS
P833. Congenital stenosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus
P8330 Congenital stenosis of larynx
P8331 Congenital stenosis of trachea
P8332 Congenital stenosis of bronchus
P8333 Congenital subglottic stenosis
P8334 Congenital supraglottic stenosis
P833z Congenital stenosis of larynx or trachea NOS
P83y. Other anomaly of larynx, trachea and bronchus
P83y0 Congenital cleft thyroid cartilage
P83y1 Congenital dilatation of trachea
P83y2 Congenital tracheocele
P83y3 Congenital laryngocele
P83y4 Congenital diverticulum of bronchus
P83y5 Congenital diverticulum of trachea
P83y6 Congenital fissure of epiglottis
P83y7 Congenital cleft of posterior cricoid cartilage
P83y8 Rudimentary tracheal bronchus
P83y9 Congenital laryngeal stridor
P83yA Congenital fissure of larynx
P83yB Congenital bronchomalacia
P83yX Congenital malformation of larynx, unspecified
P83yw Other anomaly of larynx
P83yx Other anomaly of trachea
P83yy Other anomaly of bronchus
P83yz Other anomaly of larynx, trachea or bronchus NOS
P83z. Other anomalies of larynx, trachea or bronchus NOS
P84.. Congenital cystic lung
P840. Congenital cystic lung disease, unspecified
P841. Congenital polycystic lung
P842. Congenital honeycomb lung
P843. Single lung cyst
P84y. Other specified congenital cystic lung
P84z. Congenital cystic lung NOS
P85.. Lung agenesis, hypoplasia and dysplasia
P850. Aplasia of lung
P851. Hypoplasia of lung
P852. Sequestration of lung
P853. Agenesis of lung
P8530 Congenital absence of lung fissures
P8531 Congenital absence of lobe of lung
P853z Agenesis of lung NOS
P85y. Other specified lung agenesis, hypoplasia or dysplasia
P85y0 Fusion of lobes of lung
P85yz Other lung agenesis, hypoplasia or dysplasia NOS
P85z. Lung agenesis, hypoplasia or dysplasia NOS
P86.. Other lung anomalies
P860. Anomaly of lung, unspecified
P861. Congenital bronchiectasis
P86y. Other lung anomaly
P86y0 Accessory lung
P86y1 Azygos lobe of lung
P86y2 Accessory lobe of lung
P86y3 Ectopic tissues in lung
P86yz Other lung anomaly NOS
P86z. Lung anomaly NOS
P8y.. Other specified respiratory system anomalies
P8y0. Abnormal pericardio-pleural communication
P8y1. Anomaly, pleural folds
P8y2. Atresia of nasopharynx
P8y3. Congenital cyst of mediastinum
P8y4. Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasis
P8yz. Other specified respiratory system anomaly NOS
P8z.. Respiratory system anomaly NOS
P9... Cleft palate and lip
P90.. Cleft palate
P900. Cleft palate, unspecified
P901. Unilateral complete cleft palate
P902. Unilateral incomplete cleft palate
P903. Bilateral complete cleft palate
P904. Bilateral incomplete cleft palate
P905. Central complete cleft palate
P906. Central incomplete cleft palate
P907. Complete cleft palate NOS
P908. Incomplete cleft palate NOS
P909. Cleft uvula
P90A. Cleft soft palate, bilateral
P90B. Cleft hard palate, bilateral
P90C. Cleft hard palate, unilateral
P90z. Cleft palate NOS
P91.. Cleft lip (harelip)
P910. Cleft lip, unspecified
P911. Unilateral complete cleft lip
P912. Unilateral incomplete cleft lip
P913. Bilateral complete cleft lip
P914. Bilateral incomplete cleft lip
P915. Central cleft lip
P91z. Cleft lip NOS
P92.. Cleft palate with cleft lip
P920. Cleft palate with cleft lip, unspecified
P921. Unilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip
P922. Unilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip
P923. Bilateral complete cleft palate with cleft lip
P924. Bilateral incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip
P925. Central complete cleft palate with cleft lip
P926. Central incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip
P927. Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate, bilateral
P928. Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate, unilateral
P92A. Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, bilateral
P92B. Cleft hard palate with cleft lip, unilateral
P92z. Cleft palate with cleft lip NOS
P9z.. Cleft palate or cleft lip NOS
PA... Other congenital upper alimentary tract anomalies
PA0.. Tongue tie - ankyloglossia
PA1.. Other tongue anomalies
PA10. Anomaly of tongue, unspecified
PA11. Aglossia
PA12. Congenital adhesions of tongue
PA13. Fissure of tongue
PA14. Macroglossia
PA15. Microglossia
PA16. Dislocation of tongue
PA17. Cleft tongue
PA18. Congenital plicated tongue
PA1z. Other tongue anomalies NOS
PA2.. Other specified mouth and pharynx anomalies
PA20. Congenital absence of salivary gland
PA21. Accessory salivary gland
PA22. Atresia, salivary duct
PA23. Congenital salivary gland fistula
PA24. Congenital fistula of lip
PA25. Other mouth anomalies
PA250 Congenital absence of uvula
PA251 High arched palate
PA25y Other congenital anomaly of palate
PA25z Other mouth anomalies NOS
PA26. Diverticulum of pharynx
PA27. Other pharynx anomalies
PA270 Imperforate pharynx
PA271 Congenital pharyngeal polyp
PA27z Other pharynx anomalies NOS
PA28. Ranula, congenital
PA29. Other anomalies of salivary glands or ducts
PA2A. Other anomalies of lip
PA2A0 Congenital ectropion of lip
PA2Az Other anomaly of lip NOS
PA2z. Other mouth and pharynx anomalies NOS
PA3.. Oesophageal atresia, stenosis and fistula
PA30. Atresia of oesophagus
PA31. Congenital oesophageal stricture
PA32. Congenital oesophageal fistula
PA320 Oesophagobronchial fistula
PA321 Oesophagotracheal fistula
PA32z Congenital oesophageal fistula NOS
PA33. Imperforate oesophagus
PA34. Webbed oesophagus
PA35. Congenital absence of oesophagus
PA36. Cong.absence of oesophagus with tracheo-oesophageal fistula
PA37. Atresia of oesophagus with tracheo-oesophageal fistula
PA3y. Other specified oesophageal atresia, stenosis or fistula
PA3z. Oesophageal atresia, stenosis or fistula NOS
PA4.. Other specified oesophageal anomalies
PA40. Congenital dilatation of oesophagus
PA41. Congenital displacement of oesophagus
PA42. Congenital diverticulum of oesophagus
PA43. Congenital duplication of oesophagus
PA44. Giant oesophagus
PA45. Congenital oesophageal pouch
PA4z. Other specified oesophageal anomaly NOS
PA5.. Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
PA50. Congenital pyloric hypertrophy
PA51. Congenital pyloric spasm
PA52. Congenital pyloric stenosis
PA5y. Other specified congenital pyloric obstruction
PA5z. Congenital pyloric obstruction NOS
PA6.. Congenital hiatus hernia
PA7.. Other specified stomach anomalies
PA70. Congenital cardiospasm
PA71. Congenital hourglass stomach
PA72. Congenital stomach displacement
PA73. Congenital stomach diverticulum
PA74. Duplication of stomach
PA75. Megalogastria
PA76. Microgastria
PA77. Transposition of stomach
PA78. Ectopic gastric mucosa
PA7z. Other specified stomach anomaly NOS
PAy.. Other specified upper alimentary tract anomaly
PAz.. Upper alimentary tract anomalies NOS
PAz0. Unspecified anomalies of mouth and pharynx
PAz1. Unspecified anomalies of oesophagus
PAz2. Unspecified anomalies of stomach
PAzz. Anomalies of upper alimentary tract NOS
PB... Other congenital digestive system anomaly
PB0.. Meckels diverticulum
PB00. Meckels diverticulum, unspecified
PB01. Displaced Meckels diverticulum
PB02. Hypertrophic Meckels diverticulum
PB03. Persistent omphalomesenteric duct
PB0z. Meckels diverticulum NOS
PB1.. Small intestine atresia and stenosis
PB10. Atresia of small intestine
PB100 Atresia of small intestine, unspecified
PB101 Atresia of duodenum
PB102 Atresia of ileum
PB103 Atresia of jejunum
PB10z Small intestine atresia NOS
PB11. Congenital absence of small intestine
PB110 Congenital absence of duodenum
PB111 Congenital absence of jejunum
PB112 Congenital absence of ileum
PB12. Congenital obstruction of small intestine
PB13. Congenital stenosis of small intestine
PB130 Congenital stenosis of duodenum
PB131 Congenital stenosis of jejunum
PB132 Congenital stenosis of ileum
PB13z Congenital stenosis of small intestine NOS
PB14. Imperforate jejunum
PB15. Imperforate small intestine NEC
PB1z. Small intestine atresia or stenosis NOS
PB2.. Atresia and stenosis of large intestine/rectum/anal canal
PB20. Congenital absence of large intestine
PB200 Congenital absence of anus
PB201 Congenital absence of appendix
PB202 Congenital absence of rectum
PB203 Congenital absence of anus with fistula
PB204 Congenital absence of rectum with fistula
PB20z Congenital absence of large intestine NOS
PB21. Atresia of large intestine
PB210 Atresia of anus
PB211 Atresia of colon
PB212 Atresia of rectum
PB213 Atresia of appendix
PB214 Atresia of anus with fistula
PB215 Atresia of rectum with fistula
PB21z Atresia of large intestine NOS
PB22. Congenital obstruction of large intestine
PB23. Congenital occlusion of anus
PB230 Congenital occlusion of anus with fistula
PB23z Congenital occlusion of anus NOS
PB24. Congenital stricture of anus
PB240 Congenital stricture of anus with fistula
PB241 Congenital stricture of anus without mention of fistula
PB24z Congenital stricture of anus NOS
PB25. Congenital stricture of rectum
PB250 Congenital stricture of rectum with fistula
PB251 Congenital stricture of rectum without mention of fistula
PB25z Congenital stricture of rectum NOS
PB26. Imperforate anus
PB260 Imperforate anus with fistula
PB26z Imperforate anus NOS
PB27. Imperforate rectum
PB270 Imperforate rectum with fistula
PB27z Imperforate rectum NOS
PB28. Imperforate large intestine
PB2z. Atresia and stenosis of large intestine/rectum/anus NOS
PB3.. Hirschsprungs disease and allied congenital conditions
PB30. Hirschsprungs disease
PB300 Long segment Hirschsprungs disease
PB301 Short segment Hirschsprungs disease
PB30z Hirschsprungs disease NOS
PB31. Idiopathic congenital megacolon
PB32. Macrocolon
PB33. Total intestinal aganglionosis
PB3z. Hirschsprungs disease and allied congenital conditions NOS
PB4.. Intestinal fixation anomalies
PB40. Congenital intestinal adhesions
PB400 Congenital omental adhesions
PB401 Jacksons membrane
PB402 Congenital peritoneal adhesions
PB40z Congenital intestinal adhesions NOS
PB41. Malrotation of colon and caecum
PB410 Malrotation of colon
PB411 Malrotation of caecum
PB41z Malrotation of colon or caecum NOS
PB42. Universal mesentery
PB43. Other anomalies of mesentery
PB4y. Other specified intestinal fixation anomaly
PB4z. Intestinal fixation anomaly NOS
PB5.. Other anomalies of intestine
PB50. Congenital diverticulum of colon
PB51. Dolichocolon
PB52. Duplication of intestine
PB520 Duplication of intestine, unspecified
PB521 Duplication of anus
PB522 Duplication of appendix
PB523 Duplication of caecum
PB52z Duplication of intestine NOS
PB53. Transposition of intestine
PB530 Transposition of intestine, unspecified
PB531 Transposition of appendix
PB532 Transposition of caecum
PB533 Transposition of colon
PB53z Transposition of intestine NOS
PB54. Ectopic anus
PB55. Megaloappendix
PB56. Megaloduodenum
PB57. Microcolon
PB58. Persistent cloaca
PB59. Congenital anal fistula
PB5A. Enterogenous cyst
PB5X. Congenital malformation of intestine, unspecified
PB5z. Other intestine anomalies NOS
PB5z0 Congenital faecal fistula
PB6.. Liver and biliary system anomalies
PB60. Liver and biliary system anomalies, unspecified
PB600 Liver anomaly, unspecified
PB601 Gallbladder anomaly, unspecified
PB602 Bile duct anomaly, unspecified
PB60z Unspecified liver and biliary system anomaly NOS
PB61. Biliary atresia
PB610 Congenital absence of bile duct
PB611 Congenital hypoplasia of bile duct
PB612 Congenital obstruction of bile duct
PB613 Congenital stricture of bile duct
PB614 Atresia of bile duct
PB615 Congenital absence of hepatic ducts
PB616 Atresia of hepatic ducts
PB61z Biliary atresia NOS
PB62. Congenital cystic liver disease
PB620 Congenital polycystic liver disease
PB621 Fibrocystic liver disease
PB62z Congenital cystic liver disease NOS
PB63. Congenital absence of liver and gallbladder
PB630 Congenital absence of gallbladder
PB631 Congenital absence of liver lobe
PB632 Congenital small left lobe of liver
PB633 Riedels lobe liver
PB634 Congenital absence of liver,total
PB635 Alagille syndrome
PB63z Absence of liver or gallbladder NOS
PB64. Liver and biliary duplication
PB640 Duplication of biliary duct
PB641 Duplication of cystic duct
PB642 Duplication of gallbladder
PB643 Duplication of liver
PB644 Accessory hepatic ducts
PB64z Liver or biliary duplication NOS
PB6y. Other liver and biliary anomalies
PB6y0 Congenital choledochal cyst
PB6y1 Congenital hepatomegaly
PB6y2 Congenital floating gallbladder
PB6y3 Congenital floating liver
PB6y4 Intrahepatic gallbladder
PB6y5 Hypoplasia of gallbladder
PB6y6 Atrophy of left lobe of liver
PB6y7 Congenital dilation of bile duct
PB6y8 Congenital diverticulum of bile duct
PB6y9 Liver hyperplasia
PB6yw Other congenital anomaly of liver
PB6yx Other congenital anomaly of gallbladder
PB6yy Other congenital anomaly of hepatic or bile ducts
PB6yz Other liver or biliary system anomalies NOS
PB6z. Liver or biliary system anomalies NOS
PB7.. Anomalies of pancreas
PB70. Congenital absence of pancreas
PB71. Agenesis of pancreas
PB72. Hypoplasia of pancreas
PB73. Accessory pancreas
PB74. Annular pancreas
PB75. Ectopic pancreas
PB76. Pancreatic heterotopia
PB77. Pancreatic cyst, congenital
PB7y. Other specified anomalies of pancreas
PB7z. Anomalies of pancreas NOS
PBy.. Other specified digestive system anomalies
PBy0. Congenital absence of digestive system NOS
PBy00 Complete absence of alimentary tract NOS
PBy01 Partial absence of alimentary tract NOS
PBy0z Absence of digestive system NOS
PBy1. Duplication of digestive system NOS
PBy2. Congenital malposition of digestive system NOS
PByz. Other specified digestive system anomalies NOS
PBz.. Digestive system anomalies NOS
PC... Congenital genital organ anomalies
PC0.. Anomalies of ovaries
PC00. Congenital absence of ovary
PC01. Accessory ovary
PC02. Ectopic ovary
PC03. Streak ovary
PC04. Developmental ovarian cyst
PC05. Congenital torsion of ovary
PC0y. Other specified congenital anomalies of ovaries
PC0z. Congenital anomalies of ovaries NOS
PC1.. Fallopian tube and broad ligament anomalies
PC10. Fallopian tube and broad ligament anomalies, unspecified
PC11. Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube and broad ligament
PC110 Epoophoron cyst
PC111 Fimbrial cyst
PC112 Gartners duct cyst
PC113 Parovarian cyst
PC11z Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube or broad ligament NOS
PC1y. Other fallopian tube and broad ligament anomalies
PC1y0 Congenital absence of fallopian tube
PC1y1 Accessory fallopian tube
PC1y2 Atresia of fallopian tube
PC1y3 Absent broad ligament
PC1y4 Accessory broad ligament
PC1y5 Atresia of broad ligament
PC1yz Other fallopian tube or broad ligament anomalies NOS
PC1z. Fallopian tube or broad ligament anomalies NOS
PC2.. Doubling of uterus
PC20. Doubling of uterus, unspecified
PC21. Didelphic uterus
PC22. Doubling of uterus, including cervix and vagina
PC2z. Doubling of uterus NOS
PC3.. Other anomalies of uterus
PC30. Congenital absence of uterus
PC31. Agenesis of uterus
PC32. Aplasia of uterus
PC33. Bicornuate uterus
PC34. Uterus unicornis
PC35. Displaced uterus
PC36. Fistulae involving uterus with digestive or urinary tract
PC360 Uterointestinal fistula, congenital
PC361 Uterovesical fistula, congenital
PC36z Fistula involving uterus with digestive or urinary tract NOS
PC3y. Other specified anomalies of uterus
PC3z. Anomalies of uterus NOS
PC4.. Cervical, vaginal and external female genital anomalies
PC40. Cervical/vaginal/external female genital anomalies, unspec
PC41. Embryonic cyst of cervix/vagina/external female genitalia
PC410 Congenital cyst of canal of Nuck
PC411 Embryonal cyst of vagina
PC412 Congenital cyst of vulva
PC413 Embryonic cyst of cervix
PC41z Embryonic cyst cervix/vagina/external female genitalia NOS
PC42. Imperforate hymen
PC43. Rectovaginal fistula, congenital
PC4y. Other cervical, vaginal and external female genital anomaly
PC4y0 Congenital absence of cervix
PC4y1 Agenesis of cervix
PC4y2 Congenital absence of clitoris
PC4y3 Agenesis of clitoris
PC4y4 Congenital absence of vagina
PC4y5 Agenesis of vagina
PC4y6 Congenital absence of vulva
PC4y7 Agenesis of vulva
PC4y8 Congenital stenosis of cervical canal
PC4y9 Congenital stenosis of vagina
PC4yA Atresia of cervix
PC4yB Atresia of vagina
PC4yC Congenital vaginal cyst NEC
PC4yD Fusion of vulva
PC4yv Other congenital anomaly of cervix
PC4yw Other congenital anomaly of vagina
PC4yx Other congenital anomaly of vulva
PC4yy Other congenital anomaly of clitoris
PC4yz Other cervical/vaginal/external female genital anomaly NOS
PC4z. Cervical, vaginal and external female genital anomaly NOS
PC5.. Undescended testicle
PC50. Cryptorchidism
PC500 Cryptorchidism, unilateral
PC501 Cryptorchidism, bilateral
PC50z Cryptorchidism NOS
PC51. Ectopic testis
PC5z. Undescended testicle NOS
PC5z0 Undescended testis, unilateral
PC5z1 Undescended testis, bilateral
PC6.. Hypospadias and epispadias
PC60. Hypospadias
PC600 Hypospadias, penile
PC601 Hypospadias, penoscrotal
PC602 Hypospadias, perineal
PC603 Hypospadias, balanic
PC61. Epispadias
PC62. Congenital chordee
PC6z. Hypospadias or epispadias NOS
PC7.. Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphroditism
PC70. True hermaphroditism
PC71. Male pseudohermaphroditism
PC72. Female pseudohermaphroditism
PC73. Pure gonadal dysgenesis
PC7z. Indeterminate sex or pseudohermaphroditism NOS
PC7z0 Indeterminate sex NOS
PC7z1 Pseudohermaphrodite NOS
PCy.. Other specified genital organ anomaly
PCy0. Absence of genital organ NEC
PCy00 Congenital absence of penis
PCy01 Congenital absence of prostate
PCy02 Congenital absence of spermatic cord
PCy03 Congenital absence of vas deferens
PCy0z Genital organ absence NEC NOS
PCy1. Congenital aplasia of genital organ NEC
PCy10 Congenital aplasia of prostate
PCy11 Congenital aplasia of round ligament
PCy12 Congenital aplasia of testicle
PCy13 Congenital aplasia of scrotum
PCy14 Aplasia of penis
PCy1z Congenital aplasia of genital organ NEC NOS
PCy2. Hypoplasia of genital organ NEC
PCy20 Hypoplasia of penis
PCy21 Hypoplasia of testis
PCy22 Hypoplasia of scrotum
PCy2z Hypoplasia of genital organ NEC NOS
PCy3. Atresia of genital organ NEC
PCy30 Atresia of ejaculatory duct
PCy31 Atresia of vas deferens
PCy3z Atresia of genital organ NEC NOS
PCy4. Anorchism
PCy5. Monorchism
PCy6. Polyorchism
PCy7. Congenital lateral curvature of penis
PCy8. Fusion of testes
PCy9. Paraspadias
PCyA. Cysts of embryonic remnants NEC
PCyA0 Hydatid cyst of Morgagni
PCyA1 Wolffian duct cyst
PCyA2 Hydatid cyst of Morgagni - male
PCyA3 Hydatid cyst of Morgagni - female
PCyA4 Wolffian duct cyst - male
PCyA5 Wolffian duct cyst - female
PCyA6 Cyst of embryonic remnant - male
PCyA7 Cyst of embryonic remnant - female
PCyAz Cyst of embryonic remnant NEC NOS
PCyB. Doubling of vagina
PCyw. Other congenital anomaly of testis or scrotum
PCyx. Other congenital anomaly of vas deferens or prostate
PCyy. Other congenital anomaly of penis
PCyy0 Hooded penis
PCyyz Other congenital anomaly of penis NOS
PCyz. Other specified genital organ anomaly NOS
PCz.. Genital organ anomaly NOS
PD... Urinary system congenital anomalies
PD0.. Renal agenesis and dysgenesis
PD00. Renal agenesis, unspecified
PD000 Bilateral renal agenesis
PD001 Unilateral renal agenesis
PD00z Renal agenesis, unspecified NOS
PD01. Congenital renal atrophy
PD02. Congenital absence of kidney
PD020 Bilateral congenital absence of kidneys
PD021 Unilateral congenital absence of kidney
PD02z Congenital absence of kidney NOS
PD03. Hypoplasia of kidney
PD030 Bilateral renal hypoplasia
PD031 Unilateral renal hypoplasia
PD04. Dysplasia of kidney
PD040 Bilateral renal dysplasia
PD041 Unilateral renal dysplasia
PD04z Dysplasia of kidney NOS
PD0z. Renal agenesis or dysgenesis NOS
PD1.. Congenital cystic kidney disease
PD10. Congenital renal cyst, single
PD11. Polycystic kidney disease
PD110 Polycystic kidneys, infantile type
PD111 Polycystic kidneys, adult type
PD11z Polycystic kidney disease NOS
PD12. Medullary cystic disease
PD120 Medullary cystic disease, juvenile type
PD121 Medullary cystic disease, adult type
PD12y Medullary cystic disease OS
PD12z Medullary cystic disease NOS
PD13. Multicystic renal dysplasia
PD1y. Other specified congenital cystic kidney disease
PD1y0 Fibrocystic kidney disease
PD1yz Other congenital cystic kidney disease NOS
PD1z. Congenital cystic kidney disease NOS
PD2.. Renal pelvis and ureter obstructive defects
PD20. Atresia of ureter
PD21. Occlusion of ureter
PD22. Congenital stricture of ureter
PD220 Congenital stricture of ureter, unspecified
PD221 Congenital stricture of ureteropelvic junction
PD222 Congenital stricture of ureterovesical orifice
PD22z Congenital stricture of ureter NOS
PD23. Congenital hydronephrosis
PD24. Congenital dilatation of ureter
PD25. Hydroureter - congenital
PD26. Megaloureter - congenital
PD27. Ureterocele - congenital
PD28. Impervious ureter
PD2y. Other specified obstructive defect of renal pelvis or ureter
PD2z. Obstructive defect of renal pelvis or ureter NOS
PD3.. Other specified renal anomaly
PD30. Accessory kidney
PD31. Congenital calculus of kidney
PD32. Congenital displaced kidney
PD33. Discoid kidney
PD34. Double kidney with double pelvis
PD35. Ectopic kidney
PD36. Fusion of kidneys
PD37. Giant kidney
PD38. Horseshoe kidney
PD39. Hyperplasia of kidney
PD3A. Lobulation of kidney
PD3B. Malrotation of kidney
PD3C. Triple kidney with triple pelvis
PD3D. Enlarged kidney
PD3z. Other specified renal anomaly NOS
PD4.. Other specified ureter anomalies
PD40. Absent ureter
PD41. Accessory ureter
PD42. Deviation of ureter
PD43. Displaced ureteric orifice
PD44. Double ureter
PD45. Ectopic ureter
PD46. Anomalous ureter implantation
PD47. Congenital vesico-uretero-renal reflux
PD4z. Other specified ureter anomaly NOS
PD5.. Exstrophy of urinary bladder
PD50. Ectopic bladder
PD5z. Exstrophy of urinary bladder NOS
PD6.. Urethra and bladder neck atresia and stenosis
PD60. Congenital bladder neck obstruction
PD600 Atresia of bladder neck
PD601 Stenosis of bladder neck
PD60z Congenital bladder neck obstruction NOS
PD61. Congenital obstruction of urethra
PD610 Atresia of anterior urethra
PD611 Stenosis of anterior urethra
PD61z Congenital obstruction of urethra NOS
PD62. Congenital urethral valvular stricture
PD63. Congenital urinary meatus stricture
PD630 Atresia of urinary meatus
PD631 Stenosis of urinary meatus
PD63z Congenital urinary meatus stricture NOS
PD64. Congenital vesicourethral orifice stricture
PD65. Imperforate urinary meatus
PD66. Impervious urethra
PD67. Congenital posterior urethral valves
PD6y. Other specified urethra or bladder neck atresia or stenosis
PD6z. Urethra or bladder neck atresia or stenosis NOS
PD7.. Anomalies of urachus
PD70. Cyst of urachus
PD71. Fistula of urachus
PD72. Patent urachus
PD73. Persistent umbilical sinus
PD7y. Other specified anomalies of urachus
PD7z. Anomalies of urachus NOS
PDy.. Other specified bladder and urethral anomalies
PDy0. Congenital absence of bladder
PDy1. Congenital absence of urethra
PDy2. Accessory bladder
PDy3. Accessory urethra
PDy4. Congenital bladder diverticulum
PDy5. Congenital bladder hernia
PDy6. Congenital urethrorectal fistula
PDy7. Congenital prolapse of bladder mucosa
PDy8. Congenital prolapse of urethra
PDy9. Double urethra
PDyA. Double urinary meatus
PDyB. Congenital hourglass bladder
PDyz. Other bladder or urethral anomaly NOS
PDyz0 Epispadias, female
PDyz1 Hypospadias, female
PDz.. Urinary system anomalies NOS
PDz0. Unspecified anomaly of kidney
PDz1. Unspecified anomaly of ureter
PDz2. Unspecified anomaly of bladder
PDz3. Unspecified anomaly of urethra
PE... Certain congenital musculoskeletal deformities
PE0.. Skull, face and jaw congenital deformities
PE00. Asymmetry of face
PE000 Hemifacial microsomia
PE01. Compression facies
PE02. Potters facies
PE03. Depressions in skull
PE04. Dolichocephaly
PE05. Plagiocephaly
PE06. Congenital nasal septum deviation
PE07. Congenital bent or squashed nose
PE0z. Skull, face or jaw congenital deformities NOS
PE1.. Congenital sternomastoid torticollis
PE2.. Congenital spine deformity
PE20. Congenital spine deformity, unspecified
PE21. Congenital postural lordosis
PE22. Congenital postural scoliosis
PE23. Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation
PE2z. Congenital spine deformity NOS
PE3.. Congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip
PE30. Congenital dislocation of hip
PE300 Unilateral congenital dislocation of hip
PE301 Bilateral congenital dislocation of hip
PE30z Congenital dislocation of hip NOS
PE31. Congenital subluxation of hip
PE310 Unilateral congenital subluxation of hip
PE311 Bilateral congenital subluxation of hip
PE31z Congenital subluxation of hip NOS
PE32. Congenital dislocation one hip with subluxation other hip
PE33. Congenital clicking hip
PE34. Dysplastic hip
PE340 Unilateral dysplastic hip
PE341 Bilateral dysplastic hip
PE35. Unstable hip
PE350 Unilateral unstable hip
PE351 Bilateral unstable hip
PE3z. Congenital dislocation of hip NOS
PE4.. Genu recurvatum and long leg bone bowing
PE40. Congenital genu recurvatum
PE41. Congenital dislocation of knee
PE410 Congenital dislocation of knee grade I
PE411 Congenital dislocation of knee grade II
PE412 Congenital dislocation of knee grade III
PE413 Congenital dislocation of patella
PE42. Congenital bowing of femur
PE43. Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula
PE430 Congenital bowing of tibia
PE431 Congenital bowing of fibula
PE44. Congenital bowing of long leg bone, unspecified
PE4z. Genu recurvatum and long leg bone bowing NOS
PE5.. Varus deformities of feet
PE50. Congenital talipes varus
PE51. Congenital talipes equinovarus
PE52. Metatarsus primus varus
PE53. Congenital metatarsus varus
PE54. Congenital metatarsus adductus
PE5x. Complex varus foot deformities
PE5y. Other specified varus feet deformity
PE5y0 Congenital talipes calcaneovarus
PE5yz Other specified varus foot deformity NOS
PE5z. Varus foot deformity NOS
PE6.. Valgus deformities of feet
PE60. Congenital talipes valgus
PE61. Congenital pes planus
PE610 Congenital vertical talus
PE62. Congenital talipes calcaneovalgus
PE6y. Other valgus foot deformities
PE6y0 Congenital talipes equinovalgus
PE6y1 Congenital planovalgus
PE6yz Other valgus foot deformity NOS
PE6z. Valgus foot deformity NOS
PE7.. Other deformities of feet
PE70. Talipes, unspecified
PE71. Talipes cavus
PE72. Congenital pes cavus
PE73. Congenital claw foot
PE74. Short Achilles tendon, congenital
PE7y. Other specified foot deformity
PE7y0 Asymmetric talipes
PE7y1 Congenital talipes calcaneus
PE7y2 Congenital talipes equinus
PE7yz Other specified foot deformity NOS
PE7z. Feet deformities NOS
PE8.. Other specified nonteratogenic anomalies
PE80. Pectus excavatum, congenital
PE81. Pectus carinatum, congenital
PE8y. Other nonteratogenic anomalies OS
PE8y0 Congenital club hand
PE8y1 Congenital chest wall deformity NEC
PE8y2 Congenital dislocation of elbow
PE8y3 Congenital flexion contractures of leg
PE8y4 Congenital spade-like hand
PE8y5 Guerin - Stern syndrome
PE8y6 Congenital flexion contracture of hip
PE8y7 Congenital abduction contracture of hip
PE8y8 Congenital flexion contracture of knee
PE8y9 Congenital short quadriceps
PE8yA Congenital dislocation of radial head
PE8yB Discoid meniscus - congenital
PE8yz Other nonteratogenic anomaly NOS
PE8z. Nonteratogenic anomalies NOS
PE9.. Other musc skeletal deformity
PEz.. Congenital musculoskeletal deformity NOS
PF... Other congenital limb anomalies
PF0.. Polydactyly - supernumerary digits
PF00. Supernumerary digits, unspecified
PF01. Accessory fingers
PF010 Radial polydactyly Wassel 1
PF011 Radial polydactyly Wassel 2
PF012 Radial polydactyly Wassel 3
PF013 Radial polydactyly Wassel 4
PF014 Radial polydactyly Wassel 5
PF015 Radial polydactyly Wassel 6
PF016 Radial polydactyly Wassel 7
PF017 Central polydactyly
PF018 Ulnar polydactyly
PF02. Accessory toes
PF020 Accesory hallux
PF021 Accessory little toe
PF022 Other accessory toe
PF03. Accessory thumbs
PF0z. Polydactyly NOS
PF1.. Syndactyly - webbing of digits
PF10. Syndactyly of multiple digits, unspecified
PF11. Syndactyly of fingers without bone fusion
PF110 Simple syndactyly - 1st web
PF111 Simple syndactyly - 2nd to 4th web
PF12. Syndactyly of fingers with bone fusion
PF120 Osseous syndactyly - 1st web
PF121 Osseous syndactyly - 2nd to 4th web
PF13. Syndactyly of toes without bone fusion
PF130 Simple syndactyly of toes 1st web space
PF131 Simple syndactyly lesser toes
PF14. Syndactyly of toes with bone fusion
PF140 Osseous syndactyly of toes 1st web space
PF141 Osseous syndactyly lesser toes
PF15. Polysyndactyly
PF1z. Syndactyly NOS
PF2.. Reduction deformity of upper limb
PF20. Congenital shortening of arm, unspecified
PF201 Ectromelia of upper limb NOS
PF202 Hemimelia of upper limb NOS
PF20z Unspecified congenital shortening of arm NOS
PF21. Transverse deficiency of arm
PF210 Transverse deficiency of arm, unspecified
PF211 Transverse deficiency of arm, phalangeal level, all fingers
PF212 Transverse deficiency of arm, forearm level
PF213 Transverse deficiency of arm, shoulder level(amelia)
PF214 Congenital amputation of upper limb
PF215 Transverse deficiency of arm, elbow level(hemimelia)
PF216 Transverse deficiency of arm, wrist level(hemimelia)
PF217 Transverse deficiency of arm, upper arm level-short
PF218 Transverse deficiency of arm, upper arm level-long
PF21z Transverse deficiency of arm NOS
PF22. Longitudinal deficiency of arm NEC
PF220 Phocomelia of upper limb NOS
PF221 Rudimentary arm
PF22z Longitudinal deficiency of arm NEC NOS
PF23. Congenital absence upper arm and forearm with hand present
PF24. Congenital absence of upper arm only
PF25. Congenital absence of forearm only
PF26. Agenesis of radial ray
PF260 Hypoplasia of radius
PF261 Partial radial absence
PF262 Total radial absence
PF263 Absent thumb
PF264 Hypoplastic thumb-Blauth 1
PF265 Hypoplastic thumb-Blauth 2
PF266 Hypoplastic thumb-Blauth 3
PF267 Hypoplastic thumb-Blauth 4
PF268 Hypoplastic thumb-Blauth 5
PF27. Agenesis of ulna
PF270 Partial defect of ulna
PF271 Total absence of ulna
PF272 Ulnar and humeroulnar synostosis
PF28. Agenesis of carpals and metacarpals
PF280 Transverse arrest carpal level
PF281 Transverse arrest metacarpal 1st ray
PF282 Transverse arrest metacarpal other
PF29. Congenital absence of finger
PF290 Transverse arrest phalangeal level 1st ray
PF291 Transverse arrest phalangeal level 2nd ray
PF292 Transverse arrest phalangeal level 3rd ray
PF293 Transverse arrest phalangeal level 4th ray
PF294 Transverse arrest phalangeal level 5th ray
PF29z Congenital absence finger NOS
PF2y. Other specified reduction deformities of upper limb
PF2z. Reduction deformity of upper limb NOS
PF3.. Reduction deformity of lower limb
PF30. Congenital shortening of leg, unspecified
PF300 Ectromelia of lower limb NOS
PF301 Hemimelia of lower limb NOS
PF30z Unspecified congenital leg shortening NOS
PF31. Transverse deficiency of leg
PF310 Transverse deficiency lower limb - unspecified
PF311 Transverse deficiency lower limb - ankle level
PF312 Congenital absence of leg and foot
PF313 Transverse deficiency lower limb - hip level
PF314 Transverse deficiency lower limb - metatarsal level
PF315 Transverse deficiency lower limb - knee level
PF316 Transverse deficiency lower limb - through femur
PF317 Transverse deficiency lower limb - through tibia/fibula
PF318 Absent pelvis and lower limb
PF31z Transverse deficiency of leg NOS
PF32. Longitudinal reduction deformity of lower limb NEC
PF33. Congenital absence of thigh and lower leg with foot present
PF34. Congenital absence of thigh only
PF340 Proximal femoral focal deficiency
PF341 Congenital short femur
PF35. Congenital absence of lower leg only
PF36. Agenesis of tibia
PF360 Congenital tibial deficiency type I
PF361 Congenital tibial deficiency type II
PF362 Congenital tibial deficiency type III
PF37. Agenesis of fibula
PF370 Congenital fibular deficiency type I
PF371 Congenital fibular deficiency type II
PF372 Congenital fibular deficiency type III
PF38. Agenesis of tarsals and metatarsals
PF380 Agenesis of talus
PF381 Agenesis of calcaneum
PF382 Agenesis of other tarsal bone
PF383 Agenesis of multiple tarsal bones
PF384 Agenesis of 1st metatarsal
PF385 Agenesis of 5th metatarsal
PF386 Agenesis of other metatarsal
PF387 Agenesis of 4th and 5th metatarsals
PF388 Agenesis of other multiple metatarsal
PF39. Congenital absence of toe
PF390 Congenital absence of great toe
PF391 Congenital absence of 5th toe
PF392 Congenital absence of other lesser toe
PF393 Congenital absence of 4th and 5th toes
PF394 Congenital absence of other multiple toes
PF3A. Split foot
PF3y. Other specified reduction deformities of lower limb
PF3z. Reduction deformity of lower limb NOS
PF4.. Reduction deformity of unspecified limb
PF40. Congenital absence of limb NOS
PF41. Amelia of unspecified limb
PF42. Ectromelia of unspecified limb
PF43. Hemimelia of unspecified limb
PF44. Phocomelia of unspecified limb
PF45. Congenital amputation of unspecified limb
PF46. Longitudinal reduction deformity of unspecified limb
PF47. Congenital absence of digits NOS
PF4y. Other specified reduction deformities of unspecified limb
PF4y0 Brachymelia NOS
PF4yz Other reduction deformity of unspecified limb NOS
PF4z. Reduction deformity of unspecified limb NOS
PF5.. Other upper limb and shoulder anomaly
PF50. Upper limb anomaly, unspecified
PF51. Congenital deformity of clavicle
PF52. Congenital elevation of scapula
PF520 Undescended shoulder
PF53. Radio-ulnar synostosis
PF530 Proximal radioulnar synostosis
PF531 Radioulnar synostosis and dislocation of radial head
PF532 Distal radioulnar synostosis
PF54. Madelungs deformity
PF55. Acrocephalosyndactyly
PF550 Acrocephalosyndactyly (Apert)
PF551 Acrocephalosyndactyly (Pfeiffer)
PF552 Acrocephalopolysyndactyly
PF56. Accessory carpal bones
PF57. Macrodactylia (fingers)
PF570 Macrodactyly - simple
PF571 Macrodactyly - fatty nerve tumor
PF58. Congenital cleft hand
PF580 Cleft hand - first cleft
PF581 Cleft hand - central
PF582 Cleft hand with syndactyly
PF583 Cleft hand with polydactyly
PF59. Other failure of differentiation of soft tissue of arm
PF590 Windblown hand
PF591 Aberrant forearm flexor muscle
PF592 Aberrant forearm extensor muscle
PF593 Aberrant intrinsic muscles
PF594 Polands syndrome
PF595 Thumb in palm deformity
PF596 Congenital trigger thumb
PF5A. Other failure of differentiation, skeletal tissues of arm
PF5A0 Lunate-triquetrum synostosis
PF5A1 Capitate-hamate synostosis
PF5A2 Scaphoid-lunate synostosis
PF5A3 Other carpal synostosis
PF5A4 PIP joint symphalangism
PF5A5 DIP joint symphalangism
PF5Az Other failure of differentiation skeletal tissues of arm NOS
PF5B. Other duplication of limb
PF5B0 Duplication of whole limb
PF5B1 Duplication of humerus
PF5B2 Duplication of radius
PF5B3 Duplication of ulnar ray
PF5B4 Duplication ulnar ray - mirror hand
PF5B5 Duplication of whole hand
PF5Bz Duplication of limb NOS
PF5C. Other overgrowth of upper limb
PF5C0 Overgrowth of whole upper limb
PF5C1 Overgrowth of partial upper limb
PF5Cz Other overgrowth of limb NOS
PF5D. Other undergrowth of limb
PF5D0 Undergrowth of whole limb
PF5D1 Undergrowth of whole hand
PF5D2 Brachymetacarpia
PF5Dz Other undergrowth of limb NOS
PF5E. Constriction ring syndrome of upper limb
PF5E0 Constriction ring
PF5E1 Constriction ring with lymphoedema
PF5E2 Acrosyndactyly
PF5E3 Intra-uterine amputation
PF5E4 Constriction ring with acrosyndactyly and amputation
PF5F. Congenital absence of both forearm and hand
PF5G. Congenital complete absence of upper limb(s)
PF5r. Other congenital anomalies of fingers
PF5r0 Triphalangeal thumb
PF5r1 Brachydactyly of fingers, unspecified
PF5r2 Camptodactyly
PF5r3 Clinodactyly
PF5r4 Flexion deformity of fingers
PF5r5 Brachydactyly-all 3 phalanges
PF5r6 Brachydactyly-missing phalanx
PF5r7 Symbrachydactyly
PF5r8 Camptodactyly-little finger
PF5r9 Camptodactyly-other or multiple
PF5rA Clinodactyly with delta phalanx
PF5rB Clinodactyly, no delta phalanx
PF5rC Brachymesophalangia
PF5rz Other anomaly of fingers NOS
PF5s. Other congenital anomalies of hand
PF5t. Other congenital anomalies of wrist
PF5u. Other congenital anomalies of forearm
PF5u0 Radio-ulnar dysostosis
PF5uz Other congenital anomaly forearm NOS
PF5v. Congenital anomalies of elbow and upper arm
PF5w. Other congenital anomalies of shoulder
PF5x. Other congenital anomalies of whole arm
PF5y. Other upper limb and shoulder anomaly OS
PF5y0 Cleidocranial dysostosis
PF5y1 Congenital cubitus valgus
PF5y2 Congenital cubitus varus
PF5y3 Congenital humeral varus
PF5y4 Humeroradial synostosis
PF5y5 Humeroulnar synostosis
PF5y6 Total elbow synostosis
PF5yz Other upper limb and shoulder anomaly NOS
PF5z. Upper limb or shoulder anomaly NOS
PF6.. Other lower limb and pelvic girdle anomalies
PF60. Lower limb anomaly, unspecified
PF61. Congenital coxa valga
PF62. Congenital coxa vara
PF63. Other congenital hip joint deformity
PF630 Congenital anteversion of femoral neck
PF631 Congenital hip dysplasia
PF63X Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified
PF63z Other congenital hip joint deformity NOS
PF64. Congenital knee joint deformity
PF640 Congenital absence of patella
PF641 Congenital genu valgum - knock-knee
PF642 Congenital genu varum - bowleg
PF643 Rudimentary patella
PF644 Congenital dislocation of patella
PF64z Congenital knee joint deformity NOS
PF65. Macrodactylia of toes
PF650 Macrodactyly of toes - simple
PF651 Macrodactyly of toes - fatty nerve tumor
PF66. Other congenital anomalies of toe
PF660 Congenital hallux valgus
PF661 Congenital hallux varus
PF662 Congenital hammer toe
PF663 Brachydactyly of toes
PF664 Congenital crossed toes
PF665 Congenital curly toes
PF666 Brachyphalangia of little toe
PF667 Brachyphalangia of other toes
PF668 Perodactylia of great toe
PF669 Perodactylia of lesser toe
PF66A Perodactylia of multiple toes
PF66B Triphalangeal great toe
PF66z Other toe anomalies NOS
PF67. Congenital anomalies of foot NEC
PF670 Astragaloscaphoid synostosis
PF671 Calcaneonavicular bar
PF672 Coalition of calcaneous
PF673 Talonavicular synostosis
PF674 Tarsal coalitions
PF675 Lobster claw foot
PF676 Rocker bottom foot
PF677 Accessory tarsal bones
PF678 Talocalcaneal bar
PF679 Naviculocuneiform bar
PF67A Complex tarsal coalition
PF67z Anomalies of foot NEC NOS
PF68. Failure of soft-tisssue differentiation of lower limb
PF680 Aberrant muscle of lower limb
PF69. Failure of differentiation of skeletal tissues of lower limb
PF690 Congenital synostosis of lower limb bones
PF6A. Duplication of lower limb bone
PF6B. Congenital overgrowth of lower limb
PF6B0 Congenital overgrowth of proximal lower limb
PF6B1 Congenital overgrowth of distal lower limb
PF6B2 Congenital overgrowth of foot
PF6B3 Congen overgrowth of whole lower limb
PF6C. Congenital undergrowth of lower limb
PF6C0 Congenital undergrowth of proximal part of limb
PF6C1 Congenital undergrowth of distal part of limb
PF6C2 Congenital undergrowth of foot
PF6C3 Brachymetapodia of 1st metatarsal
PF6C4 Brachymetapodia of 4th metatarsal
PF6C5 Brachymetapodia of other metatarsal
PF6C6 Congen undergrowth of whole lower limb
PF6D. Constriction ring syndrome of lower limb
PF6D0 Constriction ring of lower limb
PF6D1 Constriction ring of lower limb with lymphoedema
PF6D2 Intrauterine amputation of lower limb
PF6D3 Constriction ring syndrome of lower limb with amputation
PF6E. Congenital absence of thigh and lower leg with foot present
PF6v. Other congenital anomalies of lower leg
PF6w. Other congenital anomalies of upper leg
PF6x. Other congenital anomalies of pelvis
PF6x0 Congenital absence of pubis NEC
PF6xz Other congenital anomalies of pelvis NOS
PF6y. Other lower limb anomalies
PF6y0 Congenital angulation of tibia
PF6y1 Congenital deformity of ankle joint
PF6y2 Congenital deformity of sacroiliac joint
PF6y3 Congenital fusion of sacroiliac joint
PF6y4 Congenital varus ankle
PF6y5 Congenital valgus ankle
PF6y6 Congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia
PF6y7 Congenital ball-and-socket ankle
PF6yz Other lower limb and pelvic girdle anomaly NOS
PFy.. Other specified anomalies of unspecified limb
PFy0. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
PFy1. Larsens syndrome
PFy2. Arthrogryposis, unspecified
PFy3. Distal arthrogryposis syndrome
PFy4. Other arthrogryposis syndromes
PFyz. Other anomaly of unspecified limb NOS
PFz.. Congenital anomaly of unspecified limb NOS
PG... Other congenital musculoskeletal anomalies
PG0.. Skull and face bone anomalies
PG00. Congenital absence of skull bones
PG01. Acrocephaly
PG02. Congenital forehead deformity
PG03. Craniosynostosis
PG04. Craniofacial dysostosis
PG05. Hypertelorism
PG06. Imperfect fusion of skull
PG07. Oxycephaly
PG08. Platybasia
PG09. Premature cranial suture closure
PG0A. Tower skull
PG0B. Trigonocephaly
PG0C. Pierre - Robin syndrome
PG0D. Mandibulofacial dysostosis
PG0E. Oculomandibular dysostosis
PG0F. Goldenhars syndrome
PG0G. Localised skull defects
PG0y. Other specified skull or face bone anomaly
PG0y0 Brachycephaly
PG0yz Other anomaly of skull or face bone NOS
PG0z. Skull or face bone anomaly NOS
PG1.. Anomalies of spine
PG10. Anomaly of spine, unspecified
PG11. Congenital lumbosacral spondylolysis
PG12. Congenital spondylolisthesis
PG13. Congenital absence of vertebra
PG130 Congenital absence of cervical vertebra
PG131 Congenital absence of thoracic vertebra
PG132 Congenital absence of lumbar vertebra
PG133 Congenital absence of sacrum
PG13z Congenital absence of vertebra NOS
PG14. Hemivertebra
PG140 Cervical hemivertebra
PG141 Thoracic hemivertebra
PG142 Lumbar hemivertebra
PG143 Cervical hemivertebra- balanced
PG144 Cervical hemivertebra - unbalanced
PG145 Thoracic hemivertebra- balanced
PG146 Thoracic hemivertebra - unbalanced
PG147 Lumbar hemivertebra - balanced
PG148 Lumbar hemivertebra - unbalanced
PG14z Hemivertebra NOS
PG15. Congenital fusion of spine
PG150 Congenital complete fusion of spine
PG151 Congenital partial fusion of spine - balanced
PG152 Congenital partial fusion of spine - unbalanced
PG153 Congenital partial fusion spine with hemivertebra, balanced
PG154 Congenit partial fusion spine with hemivertebra, unbalanced
PG16. Klippel-Feil syndrome
PG160 Wilderwancks syndrome
PG16z Klippel - Feil syndrome NOS
PG17. Spina-bifida occulta
PG18. Congenital kyphosis
PG1u. Congenital anomalies of cervical vertebrae NEC
PG1u0 Supernumerary cervical vertebra
PG1uz Congenital anomaly of cervical vertebrae NEC NOS
PG1v. Congenital anomalies of thoracic vertebrae NEC
PG1v0 Supernumerary thoracic vertebra
PG1vz Congenital anomaly of thoracic vertebrae NEC NOS
PG1w. Congenital anomalies of lumbar vertebrae NEC
PG1w0 Supernumerary lumbar vertebra
PG1wz Congenital anomaly of lumbar vertebra NEC NOS
PG1x. Congenital sacrococcygeal anomalies NEC
PG1x0 Congenital absence of coccyx
PG1x1 Congenital absence of sacrum
PG1xz Congenital sacrococcygeal anomaly NOS
PG1y. Other anomaly of spine
PG1y0 Platyspondylia
PG1y1 Supernumerary vertebra
PG1y2 Congenital absence of spine NEC
PG1y3 Defect of vertebral segmentation
PG1y4 Hypoplasia of spine
PG1yz Other anomaly of spine NOS
PG1z. Anomalies of spine NOS
PG2.. Cervical rib
PG3.. Other rib and sternum anomalies
PG30. Congenital absence of rib
PG31. Congenital absence of sternum
PG32. Congenital fissure of sternum
PG33. Congenital fusion of ribs
PG34. Sternum bifidum
PG35. Mis-shapen ribs
PG36. Extra ribs
PG37. Mis-shapen sternum
PG3x. Other congenital anomalies of ribs
PG3y. Other congenital anomalies of sternum
PG3z. Other rib or sternum anomaly NOS
PG4.. Chondrodysplasia
PG40. Chondrodysplasia, unspecified
PG41. Achondroplasia
PG410 Hypochondroplasia
PG42. Multiple enchondromata
PG420 Multiple enchondromata with haemangioma
PG421 Myotonic chondrodysplasia
PG42z Dyschondroplasia NOS
PG43. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia
PG44. Other specified dwarfing syndromes
PG440 Diastrophic dwarfism
PG441 Metatropic dwarfism
PG442 Thanatophoric dwarfism
PG443 Mesomelic dysplasia
PG444 Acromesomolic dysplasia
PG445 Kniest dysplasia
PG446 Pseudoachondroplasia
PG44z Other dwarfing syndromes NOS
PG45. Metaphyseal dysostosis
PG46. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
PG460 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita
PG461 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
PG47. Congenital exostosis
PG48. Diaphyseal aclasis
PG49. Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica
PG4A. Metachondromatosis
PG4B. Lethal retarded ossification syndromes
PG4B0 Achondrogenesis
PG4B1 Hypochondrogenesis
PG4B2 Fibrochondrogenesis
PG4B3 Short-rib/polydactyly syndrome
PG4B4 Camptomelia dysplasia
PG4By Other lethal retarded ossification syndromes
PG4C. Chondrodysplasia punctata
PG4D. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
PG4E. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
PG4F. Lei-Weill dyschondrosteosis
PG4y. Chondrodysplasia OS
PG4z. Chondrodysplasia NOS
PG5.. Osteodysplasia
PG50. Osteodysplasia, unspecified
PG51. Osteogenesis imperfecta
PG510 Fragilitas ossium
PG511 Osteopsathyrosis
PG512 Osteogenesis imperfecta - unclassifiable
PG513 Osteogenesis imperfecta type I
PG514 Osteogenesis imperfecta type II
PG515 Osteogenesis imperfecta type III
PG516 Osteogenesis imperfecta type IV
PG51z Osteogenesis imperfecta NOS
PG52. Osteopetrosis
PG520 Osteopetrosis - unclassified
PG521 Osteopetrosis - congenita type
PG522 Osteopetrosis - tarda type
PG53. Osteopoikilosis
PG54. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
PG55. Chondroectodermal dysplasia
PG56. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia
PG560 Chondrodysplasia calcificans congenita
PG56z Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia NOS
PG57. Infantile cortical hyperostosis
PG58. Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
PG59. Pyknodysostosis
PG5A. Diaphyseal dysplasia
PG5B. Multiple synostosis syndrome
PG5C. Craniometaphyseal dysplasia
PG5D. Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
PG5E. Frontometaphyseal dysplasia
PG5y. Other specified osteodysplasia
PG5y0 Albright-Sternberg syndrome
PG5yz Other osteodysplasia NOS
PG5z. Osteodysplasia NOS
PG6.. Anomalies of diaphragm
PG60. Congenital absence of diaphragm
PG61. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
PG62. Congenital foramen Morgagni hernia
PG63. Eventration of diaphragm
PG6y. Other specified anomalies of diaphragm
PG6z. Diaphragm anomalies NOS
PG7.. Abdominal wall anomalies
PG70. Exomphalos
PG71. Gastroschisis
PG72. Prune belly syndrome
PG7y. Other specified anomaly of abdominal wall
PG7z. Abdominal wall anomaly NOS
PGW.. Osteochondrodyspl with defct growth tub bone spine unspec
PGX.. Congenital malformation of bony thorax, unspecified
PGy.. Other specified muscle, tendon and fascia anomaly
PGy0. Congenital absence of muscle and tendon
PGy00 Absent tendon
PGy01 Polands syndrome
PGy02 Other absent muscle
PGy0z Absent muscle or tendon NOS
PGy1. Accessory muscle
PGy2. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
PGy20 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type I
PGy21 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type II
PGy22 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type III
PGy23 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV
PGy24 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type V
PGy25 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VI
PGy26 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VII
PGy27 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VIII
PGy3. Nail-patella syndrome
PGy4. Fibrodysplasia ossificans congenita
PGyy. Other specified other anomalies of muscle, tendon and fascia
PGyy0 Amyotrophica congenita
PGyy1 Congenital shortening of tendon
PGyy2 Hypoplasia of muscle
PGyy3 Popliteal web syndrome
PGyy4 Aplasia of muscle
PGyyz Other anomaly of tendon, fascia or muscle NOS
PGyz. Other muscle, tendon or fascia anomalies NOS
PGz.. Congenital musculoskeletal anomalies NOS
PGz0. Unspecified anomaly of muscle
PGz1. Unspecified anomaly of tendon
PGz2. Unspecified anomaly of bones
PGz3. Unspecified anomaly of cartilage
PGz4. Unspecified anomaly of connective tissue
PH... Congenital integument anomalies
PH0.. Hereditary oedema of legs
PH00. Congenital lymphoedema
PH01. Hereditary trophoedema
PH02. Milroys disease
PH03. Congenital elephantiasis
PH0z. Hereditary oedema of legs NOS
PH1.. Ichthyosis congenita
PH10. Congenital ichthyosis, unspecified
PH11. Harlequin fetus
PH12. Ichthyosiform erythroderma
PH13. Collodion baby
PH14. Ichthyosis vulgaris
PH15. X-linked ichthyosis
PH1y. Other specified ichthyosis congenita
PH1z. Ichthyosis congenita NOS
PH2.. Dermatoglyphic anomalies
PH20. Abnormal palmar creases
PH2z. Dermatoglyphic anomalies NOS
PH3.. Other specified skin anomalies
PH30. Congenital ectodermal dysplasia
PH31. Vascular hamartomas
PH310 Birth mark, unspecified
PH311 Port wine stain
PH312 Strawberry naevus
PH313 Angiomatosis
PH31z Vascular hamartoma NOS
PH32. Congenital pigmentary skin anomalies
PH320 Congenital poikiloderma
PH321 Urticaria pigmentosa
PH322 Xeroderma pigmentosum
PH323 Incontinentia pigmenti
PH32z Congenital pigmentary skin anomaly NOS
PH33. Specified syndromes NEC involving skin anomalies
PH330 Brugschs syndrome
PH331 Hailey-Hailey disease
PH332 Mibellis disease
PH333 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
PH334 Focal dermal hypoplasia
PH335 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
PH336 Siemens syndrome
PH33z Specified syndromes involving skin anomalies NEC NOS
PH34. Other specified birthmark
PH35. Mongolian blue spot
PH3y. Other congenital skin anomalies
PH3y0 Congenital accessory skin tags
PH3y1 Congenital scar
PH3y2 Epidermolysis bullosa
PH3y3 Congenital keratoderma
PH3y4 Congenital keratosis follicularis
PH3y5 Acanthosis nigricans, congenital
PH3y6 Keratosis palmaris et plantaris
PH3y7 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
PH3y8 Epidermolysis bullosa letalis
PH3y9 Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
PH3yz Other congenital skin anomaly NOS
PH3z. Integument anomalies NOS
PH4.. Specified hair anomalies
PH40. Congenital alopecia
PH400 Congenital alopecia, unspecified
PH401 Congenital localised alopecia
PH402 Congenital generalised alopecia
PH40z Congenital alopecia NOS
PH41. Congenital monilethrix
PH42. Congenital hypertrichosis
PH43. Persistent lanugo
PH44. Twisted hair
PH45. Taenzers hair
PH4z. Specified hair anomalies NOS
PH5.. Specified anomalies of nails
PH50. Anonychia
PH51. Congenital clubnail
PH52. Congenital koilonychia
PH53. Congenital leukonychia
PH54. Congenital onychauxis
PH55. Congenital pachyonychia
PH5z. Specified nail anomalies NOS
PH6.. Specified anomalies of breast
PH60. Absent breast
PH61. Absent nipple
PH62. Accessory breast
PH63. Accessory nipple
PH64. Supernumerary breast
PH65. Supernumerary nipple
PH66. Hypoplasia of breast
PH67. Small nipple
PH68. Ectopic breast tissue
PH6X. Congenital malformation of breast, unspecified
PH6z. Specified breast anomalies NOS
PHy.. Other specified integument anomaly
PHz.. Integument anomalies NOS
PHz0. Unspecified congenital anomalies of skin
PHz1. Unspecified congenital anomalies of hair
PHz2. Unspecified congenital anomalies of nail
PJ... Chromosomal anomalies
PJ0.. Downs syndrome - trisomy 21
PJ00. Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction
PJ01. Trisomy 21, mosaicism
PJ02. Trisomy 21, translocation
PJ0z. Downs syndrome NOS
PJ1.. Pataus syndrome - trisomy 13
PJ10. Trisomy 13, meiotic nondisjunction
PJ11. Trisomy 13, mosaicism
PJ12. Trisomy 13, translocation
PJ1z. Pataus syndrome NOS
PJ2.. Edwards syndrome - trisomy 18
PJ20. Trisomy 18, meiotic nondisjunction
PJ21. Trisomy 18, mosaicism
PJ22. Trisomy 18, translocation
PJ2z. Edwards syndrome NOS
PJ3.. Monosomies and deletions from the autosomes
PJ30. Antimongolism syndrome
PJ31. Cri-du-chat syndrome
PJ32. Deletion of short arm of chromosome 4
PJ33. Other deletions of part of a chromosome
PJ330 Deletion of long arm of chromosome 13
PJ331 Deletion of long arm of chromosome 18
PJ332 Deletion of short arm of chromosome 18
PJ33z Other deletion of part of a chromosome NOS
PJ34. Deletions seen only at prometaphase
PJ35. Deletions with other complex rearrangements
PJ36. Whole chromosome monosomy, meiotic nondisjunction
PJ37. Whole chromosome monosomy, mosaicism
PJ370 Monosomy 21, mosaicism
PJ37z Whole chromosome monosomy, mosaicism NOS
PJ38. Chromosome replaced with ring or dicentric
PJ3y. Other deletions from the autosomes
PJ3z. Monosomies and deletions from the autosomes NOS
PJ4.. Balanced autosomal translocation
PJ5.. Other condition due to autosomal anomaly
PJ50. Whole chromosome trisomy syndromes
PJ500 Trisomy 6
PJ501 Trisomy 7
PJ502 Trisomy 8
PJ503 Trisomy 9
PJ504 Trisomy 10
PJ505 Trisomy 11
PJ506 Trisomy 12
PJ507 Other trisomy C syndromes
PJ508 Trisomy 22
PJ50w Whole chromosome trisomy, meitotic nondisjunction
PJ50x Whole chromosome trisomy, mosaicism
PJ50y Other specified whole chromosome trisomy syndrome
PJ50z Whole chromosome trisomy syndrome NOS
PJ51. Partial trisomy syndromes
PJ510 Major partial trisomy
PJ511 Minor partial trisomy
PJ51z Partial trisomy syndrome NOS
PJ52. Trisomies of autosomes NEC
PJ520 Duplications seen only at prometaphase
PJ521 Duplications with other complex rearrangements
PJ522 Extra marker chromosomes
PJ523 Triploidy
PJ524 Polyploidy
PJ52z Trisomy of autosomes NEC NOS
PJ53. Balanced rearrangements and structural markers NEC
PJ530 Chromosome inversion in normal individual
PJ531 Balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
PJ532 Balanced sex/autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
PJ533 Individual with marker heterochromatin
PJ534 Individual with autosomal fragile site
PJ53z Balanced rearrangement or structural marker NEC NOS
PJ5y. Other specified conditions due to autosomal anomalies
PJ5z. Unspecified conditions due to autosomal anomalies
PJ6.. Gonadal dysgenesis
PJ60. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
PJ62. Ovarian dysgenesis
PJ63. Turners syndrome
PJ630 Turners phenotype, karyotype normal
PJ631 Turners phenotype, karyotype 45X
PJ632 Turners phenotype, karyotype 46X iso (Xq)
PJ633 Turners,karyotype 46X + abnorm. sex chromosome,not iso(Xq)
PJ634 Turners phenotype, mosaicism 45X/46XX or 45X/46XY
PJ635 Turners,mosaic, 45X/other cell line with chromosome
PJ636 Turners phenotype, other variant karyotypes
PJ63z Turners syndrome NOS
PJ64. Other gonadal dysgenesis phenotype
PJ640 XY, female phenotype
PJ64z Other gonadal dysgenesis phenotype NOS
PJ6z. Gonadal dysgenesis NOS
PJ7.. Klinefelters syndrome
PJ70. Klinefelters phenotype, karyotype 47XXY
PJ71. Klinefelters syndrome,male with more than two X chromosomes
PJ72. Klinefelters syndrome, male with 46XX karyotype
PJ73. Klinefelters syndrome, XXYY
PJ74. Klinefelters syndrome, XY/XXY mosaic
PJ7z. Klinefelters syndrome NOS
PJ8.. Balanced translocation and insertion in normal individual
PJX.. Sex chromosome abnormality, male phenotype, unspecified
PJy.. Other sex chromosome anomaly
PJy0. Additional sex chromosome
PJy1. Sex chromosome mosaicism
PJy10 Mosaic XO/XY
PJy11 Mosaic XO/XX
PJy12 Mosaic XY/XXY
PJy13 Mosaic including XXXXY
PJy1z Sex chromosome mosaicism NOS
PJy2. XXX syndrome
PJy3. XXY syndrome
PJy4. Female with more than three X chromosomes
PJy5. Mosaicism, lines with various numbers of X chromosomes
PJy6. Male with structurally abnormal sex chromosome
PJyy. Other specified sex chromosome anomaly
PJyy0 Chimera 46XX/46XY
PJyy1 46XX true hermaphrodite
PJyy2 Fragile X chromosome
PJyy3 Karyotype 47,XYY
PJyyz Other sex chromosome abnormality NOS
PJyz. Sex chromosome anomaly NOS
PJz.. Chromosomal anomalies NOS
PJz0. Mosaicism NOS
PJz1. Additional chromosome NOS
PJz2. Deletion of chromosome NOS
PJz3. Duplication of chromosome
PJzz. Conditions due to anomaly of unspecified chromosome NOS
PK... Other and unspecified congenital anomalies
PK0.. Anomalies of spleen
PK00. Aberrant spleen
PK01. Absent spleen
PK02. Accessory spleen
PK03. Congenital splenomegaly
PK04. Ectopic spleen
PK05. Congenital lobulation of spleen
PK06. Hypoplasia of spleen
PK07. Mis-shapen spleen
PK0y. Other specified anomalies of spleen
PK0z. Anomalies of spleen NOS
PK1.. Anomalies of adrenal gland
PK10. Aberrant adrenal gland
PK11. Absent adrenal gland
PK12. Accessory adrenal gland
PK13. Hypoplasia of adrenal gland
PK14. Ectopic adrenal gland
PK15. Aplasia of adrenal gland
PK1y. Other specified anomalies of adrenal gland
PK1y0 Congenital cyst of adrenal gland
PK1yz Other congenital anomaly of adrenal gland NOS
PK1z. Anomalies of adrenal gland NOS
PK2.. Other endocrine gland anomalies
PK20. Absent parathyroid gland
PK21. Accessory thyroid gland
PK22. Persistent thyroglossal duct
PK23. Thyroglossal duct cyst
PK24. Anomalies of pituitary gland
PK240 Aberrant pituitary gland
PK241 Congenital absence of pituitary gland
PK242 Accessory pituitary gland
PK24z Anomaly of pituitary gland NOS
PK25. Anomalies of thyroid gland NEC
PK250 Aberrant thyroid gland
PK251 Congenital absence of thyroid gland
PK25z Anomaly of thyroid gland NEC NOS
PK26. Anomalies of thyroglossal duct NEC
PK27. Anomalies of parathyroid gland NEC
PK270 Aberrant parathyroid gland
PK271 Accessory parathyroid gland
PK27z Anomaly of parathyroid gland NEC NOS
PK28. Anomalies of thymus
PK280 Aberrant thymus gland
PK281 Congenital absence of thymus
PK282 Accessory thymus gland
PK28z Anomaly of thymus gland NOS
PK2y. Other specified endocrine gland anomaly
PK2z. Endocrine gland anomaly NOS
PK3.. Situs inversus
PK30. Situs inversus, unspecified
PK31. Situs inversus abdominalis
PK32. Situs inversus thoracis
PK33. Complete situs inversus with dextrocardia
PK34. Situs inversus with levocardia
PK35. Kartageners syndrome
PK3z. Situs inversus NOS
PK4.. Conjoined twins
PK40. Craniopagus
PK400 Craniopagus frontalis
PK401 Craniopagus occipitalis
PK402 Craniopagus parietalis
PK403 Craniopagus parasiticus
PK40z Craniopagus NOS
PK41. Dicephalus
PK42. Pygopagus
PK43. Thoracopagus
PK44. Xiphopagus
PK45. Diaxial (double) monster
PK4y. Other specified conjoined twins
PK4z. Conjoined twins NOS
PK5.. Tuberous sclerosis
PK6.. Other hamartoses NEC
PK60. Peutz - Jeghers syndrome
PK61. Sturge-Weber syndrome
PK62. Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
PK63. Gardners syndrome
PK6y. Other specified hamartoses NEC
PK6z. Hamartoses NOS
PK7.. Multiple congenital anomalies NOS
PK70. Monster NOS
PK7z. Multiple congenital anomalies NOS
PK8.. Congenital malformation syndromes due to known exogen causes
PK80. Fetal alcohol syndrome
PK81. Fetal hydantoin syndrome
PK82. Dysmorphism due to warfarin
PK83. Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol
PKy.. Other specified anomalies
PKy0. Multiple system congenital anomalies NEC
PKy1. Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome
PKy2. Marfans syndrome
PKy3. Single monster, specified type
PKy4. William syndrome
PKy5. Congen malformation syndromes affecting facial appearance
PKy50 Oral - facial - digital syndrome
PKy51 Mohrs syndrome
PKy52 Cyclops
PKy53 Whistling face syndrome
PKy54 Waardenburgs syndrome
PKy55 Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss syndrome
PKy56 Marchesani syndrome
PKy57 Otopalatodigital syndrome
PKy58 Ushers syndrome
PKy59 Oculo-palato-digital syndrome
PKy5A Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome
PKy5z Congenital malform syndrome affecting facial appearance NOS
PKy6. Congenital malformation syndromes with short stature
PKy60 Amsterdam dwarf
PKy61 Cockayne syndrome
PKy62 Russell - Silver syndrome
PKy63 Smith - Lemli - Opitz syndrome
PKy64 Seckel syndrome
PKy65 Aarskog syndrome
PKy66 Dubowitz syndrome
PKy67 Robinow syndrome
PKy6z Congenital malformation syndrome with short stature NOS
PKy7. Congenital malformation syndromes involving limbs
PKy70 Carpenters syndrome
PKy71 Holt - Oram syndrome
PKy72 Klippel - Trenaunay - Weber syndrome
PKy73 Rubenstein - Tayi syndrome
PKy74 Sirenomelia
PKy75 Arachnodactyly
PKy76 Aglossia - adactyly syndrome
PKy77 Caudal dysplasia sequence
PKy78 Multiple pterygium syndrome
PKy79 Popliteal pterygium syndrome
PKy7A Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
PKy7B Stickler syndrome
PKy7z Congenital malformation syndrome involving limbs NOS
PKy8. Congenital malformation syndromes with other skeletal change
PKy80 Noonans syndrome
PKy8z Congenital malformation syndrome+other skeletal changes NOS
PKy9. Congenital malformation syndromes with metabolic disturbance
PKy90 Alports syndrome
PKy91 Beckwiths syndrome
PKy92 Menkes syndrome
PKy93 Prader - Willi syndrome
PKy94 Zellwegers syndrome
PKy95 Biemonds syndrome
PKy96 VATER association
PKy9z Congenital malformation syndrome + metabolic disturbance NOS
PKyz. Other specified anomalies NOS
PKyz0 Ullrich - Feichtiger syndrome, chimaera
PKyz1 Acardia
PKyz2 Acephalobrachius
PKyz3 Acephalogaster
PKyz4 Acephalothorax
PKyz5 Happy puppet syndrome
PKyz6 Congenital hemihypertrophy
PKz.. Other anomalies NOS
PKz0. Anomalies of umbilicus
PKz1. Embropathia NEC
PKzz. Congenital anomaly NOS
Py... Other specified congenital anomaly
Pyu.. [X]Additional congenital disease classification terms
Pyu0. [X]Congenital malformations of the nervous system
Pyu00 [X]Encephalocele of other sites
Pyu01 [X]Other congenital hydrocephalus
Pyu02 [X]Other reduction deformities of brain
Pyu03 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of brain
Pyu04 [X]Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus
Pyu05 [X]Other congenital cauda equina malformations
Pyu06 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of spinal cord
Pyu07 [X]Other specif congenital malformations of nervous system
Pyu1. [X]Congenital malformations of eye, ear, face and neck
Pyu10 [X]Other congenital malformations of eyelid
Pyu11 [X]Other congenital malformations of lacrimal apparatus
Pyu12 [X]Other anophthalmos
Pyu13 [X]Other congenital lens malformations
Pyu14 [X]Other congenital malformations of iris
Pyu15 [X]Other congenital corneal malformations
Pyu16 [X]Other congenital malforms of anterior segment of eye
Pyu17 [X]Other cong malformations of posterior segment of eye
Pyu18 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of eye
Pyu19 [X]Other congenital malformations of middle ear
Pyu1A [X]Congenital malformation of inner ear
Pyu1B [X]Malformation of ear with impairment of hearing, unspec
Pyu1C [X]Other misshapen ear
Pyu1D [X]Other specified congenital malformations of ear
Pyu1E [X]Other branchial cleft malformations
Pyu1F [X]Other specified congenital malformations of face & neck
Pyu2. [X]Congenital malformations of the circulatory system
Pyu20 [X]Other cong malformatn of cardiac chambers & connections
Pyu21 [X]Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa
Pyu22 [X]Other congenital malformations of pulmonary valve
Pyu23 [X]Other congenital malformations of tricuspid valve
Pyu24 [X]Other congenital malformations of aortic & mitral valves
Pyu25 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of the heart
Pyu26 [X]Other congenital malformations of aorta
Pyu27 [X]Other congenital malformations of pulmonary artery
Pyu28 [X]Other congenital malformations of great arteries
Pyu29 [X]Other congenital malformations of great veins
Pyu2A [X]Other congenital malformations of renal artery
Pyu2B [X]Oth specified cong malform of peripheral vascular system
Pyu2C [X]Other malformations of precerebral vessels
Pyu2D [X]Other malformations of cerebral vessels
Pyu2E [X]Other specified cong malformations of circulatory system
Pyu2F [X]Congenital malforms of cardiac chambers+connections unsp
Pyu2G [X]Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified
Pyu2H [X]Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves unsp
Pyu2J [X]Congenital malformation of great arteries, unspecified
Pyu2K [X]Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecif
Pyu3. [X]Congenital malformations of the respiratory system
Pyu30 [X]Other congenital malformations of nose
Pyu31 [X]Other congenital malformations of larynx
Pyu32 [X]Other congenital malformations of trachea
Pyu33 [X]Other congenital malformations of bronchus
Pyu34 [X]Other congenital malformations of lung
Pyu35 [X]Other specified congen malformation respiratory system
Pyu36 [X]Congenital malformation of larynx, unspecified
Pyu4. [X]Cleft lip and cleft palate
Pyu40 [X]Cleft palate, unspecified, bilateral
Pyu41 [X]Unspecified cleft palate with cleft lip, bilateral
Pyu5. [X]Other congenital malformations of the digestive system
Pyu50 [X]Other congenital malformations of tongue
Pyu51 [X]Congenital malformations of palate, NEC
Pyu52 [X]Other congenital malformations of mouth
Pyu53 [X]Other congenital malformations of pharynx
Pyu54 [X]Other congenital malformations of oesophagus
Pyu55 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of stomach
Pyu56 [X]Other specif congen malformations upper alimentary tract
Pyu57 [X]Cong absence/atresia/stenos oth spec parts small intest
Pyu58 [X]Cong absence/atresia/stenos of other parts large intest
Pyu59 [X]Cong abs, atresia & stenosis of large intest, part unsp
Pyu5A [X]Other congenital functional disorders of colon
Pyu5B [X]Other specified congenital malformations of intestine
Pyu5C [X]Other congenital malformations of gallbladder
Pyu5D [X]Other congenital malformations of bile ducts
Pyu5E [X]Other congenital malformations of liver
Pyu5F [X]Other congen malformation of pancreas & pancreatic duct
Pyu5G [X]Other specified congen malformation of digestive system
Pyu5H [X]Congenital malformation of intestine, unspecified
Pyu6. [X]Congenital malformations of genital organs
Pyu60 [X]Other congenital malformations of ovary
Pyu61 [X]Other congen malform of fallopian tube & broad ligament
Pyu62 [X]Other doubling of uterus
Pyu63 [X]Other congenital malformations of uterus and cervix
Pyu64 [X]Other congenital malformations of vagina
Pyu65 [X]Other congenital malformations of vulva
Pyu66 [X]Other specified congenital malform of female genitalia
Pyu67 [X]Other specified hypospadias
Pyu68 [X]Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum
Pyu69 [X]Oth cong malform vas def/epidid/semin vesicles/prostate
Pyu6A [X]Other congenital malformations of penis
Pyu6B [X]Other specified congenit malform of male genital organs
Pyu7. [X]Congenital malformations of the urinary system
Pyu70 [X]Other cystic kidney diseases
Pyu71 [X]Other obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter
Pyu72 [X]Other congenital malformations of ureter
Pyu73 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of kidney
Pyu74 [X]Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck
Pyu75 [X]Other congenital malformations of bladder and urethra
Pyu76 [X]Other specified congenital malform of urinary system
Pyu8. [X]Congenital malformations+deformations musculoskeletal sys
Pyu80 [X]Other congenital deformities of hip
Pyu81 [X]Other congenital varus deformities of feet
Pyu82 [X]Other congenital valgus deformities of feet
Pyu83 [X]Other congenital deformities of feet
Pyu84 [X]Other congenital deformities of skull, face and jaw
Pyu85 [X]Other congenital deformities of chest
Pyu86 [X]Other specified congenital musculoskeletal deformities
Pyu87 [X]Other reduction defects of upper limb(s)
Pyu88 [X]Other reduction defects of lower limb(s)
Pyu89 [X]Other reduction defects of unspecified limb(s)
Pyu8A [X]Other congen malform upper limb(s), incl shoulder girdle
Pyu8B [X]Other congen malform lower limb(s), includ pelvic girdle
Pyu8C [X]Other specified congenital malformations of limb(s)
Pyu8D [X]Other specified congenit malformation skull & face bones
Pyu8E [X]Other congen malform of spine, not assoc with scoliosis
Pyu8F [X]Other congenital malformations of ribs
Pyu8G [X]Other congenital malformations of bony thorax
Pyu8H [X]Oth osteochondrodyspl with def growth tub bones & spine
Pyu8J [X]Other specified osteochondrodysplasias
Pyu8K [X]Other congenital malformations of diaphragm
Pyu8L [X]Other congenital malformations of abdominal wall
Pyu8M [X]Other congenital malforms of the musculoskeletal system
Pyu8N [X]Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified
Pyu8P [X]Congenital malformation of bony thorax, unspecified
Pyu8Q [X]Osteochondrodyspl with defct growth tub bone spine unspec
Pyu9. [X]Other congenital malformations
Pyu90 [X]Other congenital ichthyosis
Pyu91 [X]Other epidermolysis bullosa
Pyu92 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of skin
Pyu93 [X]Other congenital malformations of breast
Pyu94 [X]Other congenital malformations of hair
Pyu95 [X]Other congenital malformations of nails
Pyu96 [X]Other specified congenital malformations of integument
Pyu97 [X]Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified
Pyu98 [X]Other cong malformat syndr due to known exogenous causes
Pyu99 [X]Other congen malform syndromes with other skelet changes
Pyu9A [X]Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, NEC
Pyu9B [X]Other specified congenital malformations
Pyu9C [X]Congenital malformation of breast, unspecified
PyuA. [X]Chromosomal abnormalities, not elswhere classified
PyuA0 [X]Oth specif trisomies & partial trisomies of autosomes
PyuA1 [X]Other deletions of part of a chromosome
PyuA2 [X]Other deletions from the autosomes
PyuA3 [X]Other balanced rearrangements and structural markers
PyuA4 [X]Balanced rearrangement & structural marker, unspecified
PyuA5 [X]Other variants of Turners syndrome
PyuA6 [X]Other specif sex chromosome abnormalit, female phenotype
PyuA7 [X]Other male with 46,XX karyotype
PyuA8 [X]Other specif sex chromosome abnormalit, male phenotype
PyuA9 [X]Other specified chromosome abnormalities
PyuAA [X]Sex chromosome abnormality, male phenotype, unspecified
Pz... Congenital anomaly NOS
Q.... Perinatal conditions
Q0... Fetus/neonate affected by maternal problem unrelated to preg
Q00.. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal medical problems
Q000. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal hypertensive disease
Q001. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal renal/urinary disease
Q002. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal infections
Q003. Fetus/neonate affected by other chronic maternal CVS/RS dis
Q0030 Fetus/neonate affected by other chronic maternal CVS disease
Q0031 Fetus/neonate affected by other chronic maternal RS disease
Q003z Fetus/neonate affected by other chronic mat CVS/RS dis NOS
Q004. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal nutritional disorder
Q005. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal injury
Q006. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal surgical operation
Q007. Fetus/neonate affected by poison transferred placenta/breast
Q0070 Fetus/neonate affected-placental/breast transfer unsp poison
Q0071 Fetus/neonate affected by placental/breast transfer alcohol
Q0072 Fetus/neonate affected by placental/breast transfer narcotic
Q0073 Fetus/neonate affected-placenta/breast transfer hallucinogen
Q0074 Fetus/neonate affected-placental/breast transfer anti-infect
Q0075 Fetus/neonate affected-placental/breast transfer immune sera
Q0076 Fetus/neonate affected-plac./breast transfer anticonvulsant
Q0077 Fetus/neonate affected-plac./breast transfer anticoagulant
Q0078 Fetus/neonate affected-plac./breast transfer chemotherapy
Q0079 Fetus/neonate affected-plac./breast transfer uterine depress
Q007A Fetus/neonate affect-plac./breast transf hypoglycaemic agent
Q007B Fetus/neonate affected-plac./breast transfer endocrine agent
Q007C Fetus/neonate affected-plac./breast transfer addictive drug
Q007w Fetus/neonate affected-placenta/breast transfer medicine NEC
Q007x Fetus/neonate affected - placental/breast transfer toxic NEC
Q007y Fetus/neonate affected - poison transfer placenta/breast OS
Q007z Fetus/neonate affected - poison transfer placenta/breast NOS
Q00y. Fetus or neonate affected by other maternal condition
Q00z. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal medical problem NOS
Q01.. Fetus/neonate affected by maternal complication of pregnancy
Q010. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal incompetent cervix
Q011. Fetus/neonate affected maternal premature rupture membrane
Q012. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal oligohydramnios
Q013. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal polyhydramnios
Q014. Fetus or neonate affected by ectopic pregnancy
Q0140 Fetus or neonate affected by unspecified ectopic pregnancy
Q0141 Fetus or neonate affected by abdominal ectopic pregnancy
Q0142 Fetus/neonate affected by intraperitoneal ectopic pregnancy
Q0143 Fetus or neonate affected by tubal ectopic pregnancy
Q014z Fetus or neonate affected by ectopic pregnancy NOS
Q015. Fetus or neonate affected by multiple pregnancy
Q0150 Fetus or neonate affected by unspecified multiple pregnancy
Q0151 Fetus or neonate affected by twin pregnancy
Q0152 Fetus or neonate affected by triplet pregnancy
Q015z Fetus or neonate affected by multiple pregnancy NOS
Q016. Fetus or neonate affected by maternal death
Q017. Fetus or neonate affected by malpresentation before labour
Q0170 Fetus or neonate affected by unspecified malpresentation
Q0171 Fetus/neonate affected by breech presentation before labour
Q0172 Fetus or neonate affected by external version before labour
Q0173 Fetus or neonate affected by oblique lie before labour
Q0174 Fetus or neonate affected by transverse lie before labour
Q0175 Fetus or neonate affected by unstable lie before labour
Q0176 Fetus or neonate affected by face presentation before labour
Q017y Fetus/neonate affected by malpresentation before labour OS
Q017z Fetus/neonate affected by malpresentation before labour NOS
Q01y. Fetus/neonate affected by other maternal complic pregnancy
Q01z. Fetus/neonate affected by maternal complic pregnancy NOS
Q02.. Fetus/neonate affected by complic of placenta/cord/membrane
Q020. Fetus or neonate affected by placenta previa
Q021. Fetus/neonate affect other placental separation/haemorrhage
Q0210 Fetus/neonate affected by antepartum haemorrhage unspecified
Q0211 Fetus or neonate affected by abruptio placentae
Q0212 Fetus/neonate affected by placental damage-amniocentesis
Q0213 Fetus/neonate affected by placental damage-caesarian section
Q0214 Fetus/neonate affect by placental damage-surgical induction
Q0215 Fetus or neonate affected by premature placental separation
Q0216 Fetus or neonate affected by marginal sinus rupture
Q021y Fetus/neonate affected placental separation/haemorrhage OS
Q021z Fetus/neonate affected placental separation/haemorrhage NOS
Q022. Fetus/neonate affected by placental abnormality NEC
Q0220 Fetus or neonate affected by placental dysfunction
Q0221 Fetus or neonate affected by placental infarction
Q0222 Fetus or neonate affected by placental insufficiency
Q022y Fetus or neonate affected by placental abnormality OS
Q022z Fetus or neonate affected by placental abnormality NOS
Q023. Fetus or neonate affected by placental transfusion syndrome
Q0230 Fetus/neonate affected by twin-to-twin transplacental transf
Q0231 Fetus/neonate affected by feto-maternal transplacental trans
Q0232 Fetus/neonate affected by materno-fetal transplacental trans
Q023z Fetus/neonate affected by placental transfusion syndrome NOS
Q024. Fetus or neonate affected by prolapsed cord
Q025. Fetus or neonate affected by other cord compression
Q0250 Fetus or neonate affected by cord round neck
Q0251 Fetus or neonate affected by entanglement of cord
Q0252 Fetus or neonate affected by knot in cord
Q0253 Fetus or neonate affected by torsion of cord
Q025z Fetus or neonate affected by cord compression NOS
Q026. Fetus or neonate affected by other specified cord problems
Q0260 Fetus or neonate affected by short cord
Q0261 Fetus or neonate affected by thrombosis of cord
Q0262 Fetus or neonate affected by varices of cord
Q0263 Fetus or neonate affected by velamentous insertion of cord
Q0264 Fetus or neonate affected by vasa praevia of cord
Q0265 Fetus or neonate affected by long cord
Q026z Fetus or neonate affected by cord problems NOS
Q027. Fetus or neonate affected by chorioamnionitis
Q0270 Fetus or neonate affected by placentitis unspecified
Q0271 Fetus or neonate affected by amnionitis
Q0272 Fetus or neonate affected by membranitis
Q027z Fetus or neonate affected by chorioamnionitis
Q02y. Fetus/neonate affected other abnormalities of chorion/amnion
Q02z. Fetus/neonate affected by abnormalities chorion/amnion NOS
Q03.. Fetus or neonate affected by complication of labour/delivery
Q030. Fetus or neonate affected by breech delivery and extraction
Q031. Fetus/neonate affected by malposition/disproportion-delivery
Q0310 Fetus/neonate affected by mat bony pelvis abn in labour/del
Q0311 Fetus/neonate affected by mat contract pelvis in labour/del
Q0312 Fetus/neonate affect persistent occip-posterior - labour/del
Q0313 Fetus/neonate affected by shoulder presentation - labour/del
Q0314 Fetus or neonate affected by transverse lie in labour/deliv
Q0315 Fetus/neonate affected by face presentation during labour/de
Q0316 Fetus/neonate affected by disproportion during labour/delive
Q031y Fetus/neonate affected malpos/malpres/disprop - lab/deliv OS
Q031z Fetus/neonate affected by malposition/disproportion NOS
Q032. Fetus or neonate affected by forceps delivery
Q033. Fetus or neonate affected by vacuum extraction delivery
Q034. Fetus or neonate affected by caesarean section
Q035. Fetus/neonate affected by mat anaesthetic/analgesia-lab/del
Q0350 Fetus/neonate affected by mat anaesthetic agent in lab/deliv
Q0351 Fetus/neonate affected by mat analgesic agent in labour/del
Q0352 Fetus/neonate affected by mat general anaesthesia - lab/del
Q0353 Fetus/neonate affected by mat epidural anaesth - labour/del
Q0354 Fetus/neonate affected by mat tranquillizers in labour/deliv
Q0355 Fetus/neonate affected by maternal pethidine in labour/deliv
Q0356 Fetus/neonate affected by other maternal opiates in lab/del
Q035y Fetus/neo. affected maternal anaes/analgesia in lab/del OS
Q035z Fetus/neonate affected by maternal anaesthetic/analgesia NOS
Q036. Fetus or neonate affected by precipitate delivery
Q037. Fetus or neonate affected by abnormal uterine contractions
Q0370 Fetus or neonate affected by maternal contraction ring
Q0371 Fetus or neonate affected by hypertonic labour
Q0372 Fetus or neonate affected by hypertonic uterine dysfunction
Q0373 Fetus or neonate affected by uterine inertia or dysfunction
Q037y Fetus/neonate affected by abnormal uterine contractions OS
Q037z Fetus/neonate affected by abnormal uterine contractions NOS
Q03y. Fetus/neonate affected by other labour and delivery problems
Q03y0 Fetus/neonate affected by abnormality maternal soft tissue
Q03y1 Fetus/neonate affected by destructive operation aid delivery
Q03y2 Fetus or neonate affected by induction of labour
Q03y3 Fetus or neonate affected by previous pelvic surgery
Q03y4 Fetus or neonate affected by long labour
Q03y5 Fetus or neonate affected by instrumental delivery
Q03yy Fetus/neonate affected by labour/delivery complication OS
Q03yz Fetus/neonate affected by labour/delivery complication NOS
Q03z. Fetus/neonate affected by complic labour/delivery NOS
Q04.. Fet newborn affect nox influenc transmit placent breast milk
Q040. Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco
Q041. Fetus and newborn afect by mat use of nutritional chem subs
Q042. Fet newborn affect mat exposure to environml chem subs
Q04X. Fetus+newborn affected/other maternal noxious influences
Q0y.. Maternal problems unrelated preg affecting fetus/neonate OS
Q0z.. Maternal problem unrelated preg affecting fetus/neonate NOS
Q1... Disorders due to slow fetal growth, low and high birthweight
Q10.. Slow fetal growth and fetal malnutrition
Q100. Fetus small-for-dates, without mention of malnutrition
Q101. Fetus small-for-dates with signs of malnutrition
Q102. Fetal malnutrition, no mention light or small for gest age
Q10z. Fetal growth retardation NOS
Q11.. Short gestation and unspecified low birthweight problems
Q110. Very premature - less than 1000g or less than 28 weeks
Q111. Premature - weight 1000g-2499g or gestation of 28-37weeks
Q112. Extreme immaturity
Q113. Light for gestational age
Q114. Low birthweight
Q11z. Born premature NOS
Q12.. Disorders relating to long gestation and high birthweight
Q120. Very large baby - weight greater than 4500gm
Q121. Other large-for-dates infant
Q122. Postmature infant - greater than 42 weeks gestation, unspec
Q12z. Large or postmature infant NOS
Q13.. Light for gestational age
Q1y.. Disorders slow fetal growth, low and high birthweight OS
Q1z.. Disorders slow fetal growth, low and high birthweight NOS
Q2... Birth trauma, asphyxia and hypoxia
Q20.. Birth trauma
Q200. Subdural and cerebral haemorrhage due to birth trauma
Q2000 Cerebral haemorrhage unspecified, due to birth trauma
Q2001 Subdural haemorrhage unspecified, due to birth trauma
Q2002 Local subdural haematoma due to birth trauma
Q2003 Tentorial tear due to birth trauma
Q2004 Brain injury due to birth trauma NOS
Q2005 Cerebral haematoma in fetus or newborn
Q2006 Extradural haemorrhage in fetus or newborn
Q2007 Cerebral haemorrhage due to birth injury
Q200y Subdural or cerebral haemorrhage due to birth trauma OS
Q200z Subdural or cerebral haemorrhage due to birth trauma NOS
Q201. Scalp injuries due to birth trauma
Q2010 Caput succedaneum due to birth trauma
Q2011 Cephalhaematoma due to birth trauma
Q2012 Vacuum extraction chignon
Q2013 Massive epicranial subaponeurotic haemorrhage-birth trauma
Q2014 Scalp abrasions due to birth trauma
Q2015 Scalp bruising, due to birth trauma
Q2016 Monitoring injury to scalp during birth
Q2017 Bruising of scalp due to birth injury
Q201y Other specified scalp injury due to birth trauma
Q201z Scalp injury due to birth trauma, NOS
Q202. Fracture of clavicle due to birth trauma
Q203. Other skeleton injury due to birth trauma
Q2030 Fracture of humerus due to birth trauma
Q2031 Fracture of radius or ulna due to birth trauma
Q2032 Fracture of femur due to birth trauma
Q2033 Fracture of tibia or fibula due to birth trauma
Q2034 Fracture of skull due to birth trauma
Q2035 Birth dislocation of the shoulder
Q2036 Other dislocation or subluxation due to birth trauma
Q203y Other specified skeleton injury due to birth trauma
Q203z Skeleton injury due to birth trauma NOS
Q204. Spine or spinal cord injury due to birth trauma
Q2040 Spine dislocation due to birth trauma
Q2041 Spine fracture due to birth trauma
Q2042 Spinal cord laceration due to birth trauma
Q2043 Spinal cord rupture due to birth trauma
Q204z Spine or spinal cord injury due to birth trauma NOS
Q205. Facial nerve palsy due to birth trauma
Q206. Brachial plexus palsy due to birth trauma
Q2060 Brachial palsy unspecified, due to birth trauma
Q2061 Birth plexus inj - Erb-Duchenne
Q2062 Birth plexus injury - Klumpke-Dejerine
Q2063 Birth plexus injury - whole plexus
Q206y Other specified brachial plexus palsy due to birth trauma
Q206z Brachial plexus palsy due to birth trauma NOS
Q207. Other cranial or peripheral nerve palsy due to birth trauma
Q2070 Birth injury to phrenic nerve
Q2071 Cranial nerve injury due to birth trauma
Q2072 Peripheral nerve injury due to birth trauma
Q207y Cranial or peripheral nerve palsy due to birth trauma OS
Q207z Cranial or peripheral nerve palsy due to birth trauma NOS
Q208. Cerebral oedema due to birth injury
Q20X. Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified
Q20y. Other specified birth trauma
Q20y0 Eye damage due to birth trauma
Q20y1 Liver subcapsular haematoma due to birth trauma
Q20y2 Testicular haematoma due to birth trauma
Q20y3 Vulval haematoma due to birth trauma
Q20y4 Liver rupture due to birth trauma
Q20y5 Spleen rupture due to birth trauma
Q20y6 Scalpel wound due to birth trauma
Q20y7 Traumatic glaucoma due to birth trauma
Q20y8 Subconjunctival haemorrhage due to birth trauma
Q20y9 Torticollis due to birth injury
Q20yA Birth trauma due to amniocentesis
Q20yB Sternomastoid injury due to birth injury
Q20yC Birth injury to face
Q20yD Subcutaneous fat necrosis due to birth injury
Q20yz Other specified birth trauma NOS
Q20z. Birth injury NOS
Q21.. Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia
Q210. Fetal death due to prelabour anoxia
Q211. Fetal death due to labour anoxia
Q212. Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress
Q2120 Liveborn with prelabour abnormal heart beat
Q2121 Liveborn with prelabour hypoxia
Q2122 Liveborn with prelabour meconium in liquor
Q212z Liveborn with prelabour fetal distress NOS
Q213. Liveborn with labour fetal distress
Q2130 Liveborn with labour abnormal heart beat
Q2131 Liveborn with labour hypoxia
Q2132 Liveborn with labour meconium in liquor
Q213z Liveborn with labour fetal distress NOS
Q214. Liveborn with fetal distress, unspecified
Q2140 Liveborn with abnormal heart beat, unspecified
Q2141 Liveborn with fetal hypoxia, unspecified
Q2142 Liveborn with meconium liquor, unspecified
Q214z Liveborn with unspecified fetal distress NOS
Q215. Severe birth asphyxia - apgar score less than 4 at 1 minute
Q216. Mild to moderate birth asphyxia - apgar score 4-7 at 1 min
Q21z. Liveborn with birth asphyxia NOS
Q2y.. Other specified birth trauma, asphyxia or hypoxia
Q2z.. Birth trauma, asphyxia or hypoxia NOS
Q3... Fetus and newborn respiratory conditions
Q30.. Respiratory distress syndrome
Q31.. Other fetal and newborn respiratory conditions
Q310. Congenital pneumonia
Q3100 Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus
Q3101 Congenital pneumonia due to group A haemolytic streptococcus
Q3102 Congenital pneumonia due to group B haemolytic streptococcus
Q3103 Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli
Q3104 Congenital pneumonia due to pseudomonas
Q3105 Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent
Q3106 Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia
Q310y Other specified congenital pneumonia
Q310z Congenital pneumonia NOS
Q311. Massive aspiration syndrome
Q3110 Meconium aspiration syndrome
Q3111 Aspiration of liquor or mucus in newborn
Q3112 Aspiration of blood in newborn
Q3113 Aspiration of vomit in newborn
Q3114 Neonatal aspiration of milk and regurgitated food
Q311y Other specified massive aspiration syndrome
Q311z Massive aspiration syndrome NOS
Q312. Perinatal interstitial emphysema and related conditions
Q3120 Perinatal pneumothorax
Q3121 Perinatal pneumomediastinum
Q3122 Perinatal pneumopericardium
Q3123 Perinatal interstitial emphysema
Q312y Perinatal interstitial emphysema or related condition OS
Q312z Perinatal interstitial emphysema or related condition NOS
Q313. Perinatal pulmonary haemorrhage
Q3130 Perinatal lung alveolar haemorrhage
Q3131 Perinatal lung intra-alveolar haemorrhage
Q3132 Perinatal massive pulmonary haemorrhage
Q3133 Perinatal haemoptysis
Q3134 Tracheobronchial haemorrhage origin in the perinatal period
Q313y Other specified perinatal pulmonary haemorrhage
Q313z Perinatal pulmonary haemorrhage NOS
Q314. Primary atelectasis
Q315. Other and unspecified perinatal atelectasis
Q3150 Perinatal atelectasis, unspecified
Q3151 Perinatal partial atelectasis
Q3152 Perinatal secondary atelectasis
Q315z Perinatal pulmonary collapse NOS
Q316. Newborn transitory tachypnoea
Q317. Perinatal chronic respiratory disease
Q3170 Perinatal bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Q3171 Prematurity with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Q3172 Wilson-Mikity syndrome
Q317y Other specified perinatal chronic respiratory disease
Q317z Perinatal chronic respiratory disease NOS
Q318. Primary sleep apnoea of newborn
Q319. Respiratory failure of newborn
Q31y. Other perinatal respiratory problems
Q31y0 Perinatal apnoeic spells NOS
Q31y1 Perinatal cyanotic attacks NOS
Q31y2 Perinatal respiratory distress NOS
Q31y3 Perinatal respiratory failure NOS
Q31y4 Perinatal acrocyanosis
Q31y5 Neonatal snuffles
Q31yz Other perinatal respiratory problems NOS
Q31z. Perinatal respiratory problems NOS
Q3y.. Other specified respiratory problems in fetus or neonate
Q3z.. Fetal or newborn respiratory problems NOS
Q4... Other perinatal conditions
Q40.. Infections specific to perinatal period
Q400. Congenital rubella
Q401. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Q402. Other congenital infections
Q4020 Congenital herpes simplex
Q4021 Congenital listeriosis
Q4022 Congenital malaria
Q4023 Congenital toxoplasmosis
Q4024 Congenital tuberculosis
Q4025 Congenital falciparum malaria
Q402z Other congenital infection NOS
Q403. Tetanus neonatorum
Q4030 Tetanus neonatorum, unspecified
Q4031 Tetanus omphalitis
Q403z Tetanus neonatorum NOS
Q404. Omphalitis of the newborn
Q4040 Infectious granuloma
Q4041 Omphalitis
Q404y Other specified umbilical sepsis
Q404z Umbilical sepsis NOS
Q405. Neonatal infective mastitis
Q406. Neonatal dacryocystitis and conjunctivitis
Q4060 Ophthalmia neonatorum, unspecified
Q4061 Neonatal conjunctivitis
Q4062 Neonatal dacryocystitis
Q4063 Neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis due to E.Coli
Q4064 Neonatal dacryocystitis/conjunctivitis due to staphylococcus
Q4065 Neonatal dacryocystitis/conjunctivitis due to other bacteria
Q4066 Neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis due to virus
Q4067 Neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis due to chlamydiae
Q4068 Neonatal dacryocystitis/conjunctivitis-other inclusion body
Q406y Other specified neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis
Q406z Neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis NOS
Q407. Neonatal candida infection
Q4070 Neonatal candidiasis of mouth
Q4071 Neonatal candidiasis of perineum
Q4072 Neonatal candidiasis of other skin
Q4073 Neonatal candidiasis of intestine
Q4074 Neonatal candidiasis of lung
Q4075 Neonatal candida septicaemia
Q407y Other specified neonatal candida infection
Q407z Neonatal candida infection NOS
Q408. Intra-amniotic fetal infection
Q4080 Intra-amniotic fetal infection, unspecified
Q4081 Clostridial intra-amniotic fetal infection
Q4082 Eschericha coli intra-amniotic fetal infection
Q4083 Staphylococcal intra-amniotic infection NEC
Q4084 Group A haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC
Q4085 Group B haemolytic streptococcal intra-amniotic infect. NEC
Q4086 Pseudomonas pyocyaneus congenital infection
Q408z Intra-amniotic fetal infection NOS
Q409. Congenital viral hepatitis
Q4090 Congenital hepatitis A infection
Q4091 Congenital hepatitis B infection
Q409y Other specified congenital viral hepatitis
Q409z Congenital viral hepatitis NOS
Q40A. Sepsis of the newborn
Q40A0 Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus
Q40A1 Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli
Q40A2 Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes
Q40V. Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified
Q40W. Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci
Q40X. Congenital viral disease, unspecified
Q40y. Other specified perinatal infection
Q40y0 Intrauterine fetal sepsis, unspecified
Q40y1 Neonatal urinary tract infection
Q40y2 Septicaemia of newborn
Q40yz Other specified perinatal infection NOS
Q40z. Perinatal infections NOS
Q41.. Fetal and neonatal haemorrhage
Q410. Fetal blood loss
Q4100 Fetal blood loss, unspecified
Q4101 Fetal blood loss from cut co-twins cord
Q4102 Fetal placental blood loss
Q4103 Fetal blood loss from ruptured cord
Q4104 Fetal blood loss from vasa praevia
Q4105 Fetal haemorrhage into co-twin
Q4106 Fetal haemorrhage into mothers circulation
Q4107 Fetal exsanguination
Q410y Other specified fetal blood loss
Q410z Fetal blood loss NOS
Q411. Perinatal intraventricular haemorrhage
Q4110 Intraventric (nontraumatic) haemorhage grade 1 fet newborn
Q4111 Intraventric (nontraumatic) haemorhage grade 2 fet newborn
Q4112 Intraventric (nontraumatic) haemorhage grade 3 fet newborn
Q4113 Intraventricular haemorrhage due to birth injury
Q412. Perinatal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Q4120 Subarachnoid haemorrhage due to birth injury
Q413. Umbilical haemorrhage after birth
Q4130 Umbilical haemorrhage after birth, unspecified
Q4131 Newborn slipped umbilical ligature
Q4132 Massive umbilical haemorrhage
Q413y Other specified umbilical haemorrhage after birth
Q413z Umbilical haemorrhage after birth NOS
Q414. Perinatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Q4140 Perinatal haematemesis
Q4141 Perinatal melaena
Q4142 Perinatal rectal haemorrhage
Q4143 Neonatal vaginal haemorrhage
Q414y Other specified perinatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Q414z Perinatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage NOS
Q415. Perinatal adrenal haemorrhage
Q416. Perinatal cutaneous haemorrhage
Q4160 Perinatal cutaneous haemorrhage, unspecified
Q4161 Perinatal cutaneous bruising
Q4162 Perinatal cutaneous ecchymoses
Q4163 Perinatal cutaneous petechiae
Q4164 Perinatal superficial haematoma
Q4165 Perinatal purpura
Q416y Other specified perinatal cutaneous haemorrhage
Q416z Perinatal cutaneous haemorrhage NOS
Q417. Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of fetus and newborn
Q4170 Intracerebral (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fet and newborn
Q4171 Cerebellar (nontraum) and post fossa haemorhage fet newborn
Q41y. Other fetal and newborn haemorrhage
Q41y0 Perinatal epistaxis
Q41y1 Perinatal pseudomenses
Q41y2 Neonatal haematemesis
Q41y3 Neonatal melaena
Q41y4 Neonatal rectal haemorrhage
Q41yy Other specified fetal or newborn haemorrhage
Q41yz Fetal or newborn haemorrhage NOS
Q41z. Haemorrhage of fetus and newborn NOS
Q42.. Haemolytic disease of fetus/newborn due to isoimmunisation
Q420. Haemolytic disease due to rhesus isoimmunisation
Q421. Haemolytic disease due to ABO isoimmunisation
Q422. Haemolytic disease due to isoimmunisation NOS
Q423. Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunisation
Q424. Kernicterus due to isoimmunisation
Q425. Late anaemia of newborn due to isoimmunisation
Q42X. Hydrops fetalis due to other+unspcfd haemolytic disease
Q42z. Haemolytic disease of fetus/newborn due isoimmunisation NOS
Q43.. Other perinatal jaundice
Q430. Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemias
Q4300 Neonatal jaundice + glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic.
Q430z Perinatal jaundice from hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS
Q431. Perinatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis
Q4310 Perinatal jaundice from bruising
Q4311 Perinatal jaundice from maternal transmission drug or toxin
Q4312 Perinatal jaundice from infection
Q4313 Perinatal jaundice from polycythaemia
Q4314 Perinatal jaundice from swallowed maternal blood
Q4315 Perinatal jaundice from bleeding
Q431y Perinatal jaundice from other specified haemolysis
Q431z Perinatal jaundice from haemolysis NOS
Q432. Preterm delivery associated jaundice
Q433. Other neonatal jaundice - delayed conjugation other cause
Q4330 Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice, unspecified
Q4331 Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice + disease EC
Q4332 Breast feeding inhibitors causing neonatal jaundice
Q4333 Lucy - Driscoll syndrome
Q4334 Neonatal jaundice with Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Q4335 Neonatal jaundice with Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Q4336 Neonatal jaundice with Gilberts syndrome
Q4337 Neonatal jaundice with congenital hypothyroidism
Q4338 Neonatal jaundice with porphyria
Q4339 Neonatal jaundice with Rotors syndrome
Q433A Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor
Q433y Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice OS
Q433z Delayed conjugation causing neonatal jaundice NOS
Q434. Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage
Q4340 Perinatal hepatitis causing jaundice, unspecified
Q4341 Giant cell hepatitis causing neonatal jaundice
Q4342 Inspissated bile syndrome
Q434z Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage NOS
Q435. Perinatal jaundice due to other cause
Q4350 Perinatal jaundice due to congenital obstruction bile duct
Q4351 Perinatal jaundice due to galactosaemia
Q4352 Perinatal jaundice due to mucoviscidosis
Q435z Perinatal jaundice due to other specified cause
Q436. Fetal and neonatal jaundice, unspecified
Q4360 Icterus neonatorum, unspecified
Q4361 Transient neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia
Q4362 Newborn physiological jaundice NOS
Q436z Unspecified fetal or neonatal jaundice NOS
Q437. Kernicterus not due to isoimmunisation
Q4370 Bilirubin encephalopathy
Q437z Kernicterus of newborn NOS
Q43z. Perinatal jaundice NOS
Q44.. Perinatal endocrine and metabolic problems
Q440. Infant of a diabetic mother syndrome
Q441. Neonatal diabetes mellitus
Q442. Neonatal myasthenia gravis
Q443. Neonatal thyrotoxicosis
Q444. Neonatal hypocalcaemia
Q4440 Neonatal phosphate-loading hypocalcaemia
Q4441 Other neonatal hypocalcaemia
Q4442 Cows milk hypocalcaemia in newborn
Q444z Neonatal hypocalcaemia NOS
Q445. Neonatal hypomagnesaemia
Q446. Other transitory neonatal electrolyte disturbance
Q4460 Neonatal dehydration
Q4461 Transitory neonatal hypernatraemia
Q4462 Transitory neonatal hyponatraemia
Q4463 Transitory neonatal hyperkalaemia
Q4464 Transitory neonatal hypokalaemia
Q4465 Disturbances of sodium balance of newborn
Q4466 Disturbances of potassium balance of newborn
Q446y Other specified transitory neonatal electrolyte disturbance
Q446z Transitory neonatal electrolyte disturbance NOS
Q447. Neonatal hypoglycaemia
Q4470 Iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycaemia
Q448. Newborn late metabolic acidosis
Q449. Neonatal tetany without calcium or magnesium deficiency
Q44A. Neonatal hypoparathyroidism
Q44B. Syndrome of infant of mother with gestational diabetes
Q44T. Transitory metabolic disturbance of newborn, unspecified
Q44U. Transitory neonatal endocrine disorder, unspecified
Q44V. Neonatal goitre, not elsewhere classified
Q44W. Transitory neonatl disord calcium and magnes metab uns
Q44X. Trans disorder carbohydrate metab of fet and newborn unsp
Q44y. Other transitory neonatal endocrine and metabolic problem
Q44y0 Transitory neonatal tyrosinaemia
Q44y1 Transitory metabolic disturbance-infant pre-diabetic mother
Q44yz Other transitory neonatal endocrine/metabolic disturb. NOS
Q44z. Perinatal endocrine or metabolic problem NOS
Q45.. Fetal and newborn blood disorders
Q450. Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Q451. Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia
Q4510 Trans neonatal thrombocytopenia due to exchange transfusion
Q4511 Trans neonatal thrombocyto due to idopath matern thrombocyto
Q4512 Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia due to isoimmunisation
Q451y Other specified transient neonatal thrombocytopenia
Q451z Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia NOS
Q452. Newborn disseminated intravascular coagulation
Q453. Other newborn transient coagulation defect
Q454. Polycythaemia neonatorum
Q4540 Polycythaemia due to donor twin transfusion
Q4541 Polycythaemia due to maternal fetal transfusion
Q454z Polycythaemia neonatorum NOS
Q455. Congenital anaemia
Q4550 Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss
Q456. Anaemia of prematurity
Q457. Transient neonatal neutropenia
Q4570 Neonatal isoimmune neutropenia
Q4571 Maternal transfer neutropenia
Q457z Transient neonatal neutropenia NOS
Q45y. Other specified transient neonatal blood disorder
Q45z. Fetal or newborn blood disorder NOS
Q46.. Perinatal digestive system disorders
Q460. Meconium ileus
Q461. Inspissated milk causing intestinal obstruction
Q462. Newborn swallowing maternal blood - haematemesis/melaena
Q463. Transitory ileus of newborn
Q464. Perinatal necrotising enterocolitis
Q465. Perinatal intestinal perforation
Q466. Other meconium obstruction
Q4660 Meconium plug syndrome
Q4661 Congenital faecoliths causing obstruction
Q466z Meconium obstruction NOS
Q46X. Intestinal obstruction of newborn, unspecified
Q46y. Other perinatal digestive system disorders
Q46y0 Neonatal peritonitis NOS
Q46y1 Neonatal diarrhoea
Q46yz Other perinatal digestive system disorder NOS
Q46z. Perinatal digestive system disorders NOS
Q47.. Perinatal skin and temperature regulation disorders
Q470. Idiopathic hydrops fetalis
Q471. Sclerema neonatorum
Q4710 Sclerema
Q4711 Scleroderma in newborn
Q471z Sclerema neonatorum NOS
Q472. Newborn cold injury syndrome
Q473. Other hypothermia of newborn
Q474. Other newborn temperature regulation disorders
Q4740 Newborn dehydration fever
Q4741 Newborn environmental pyrexia
Q4742 Hyperthermia in newborn, unspecified
Q4743 Transitory fever of newborn
Q474z Newborn temperature regulation disorder NOS
Q475. Oedema of newborn unspecified
Q476. Congenital hydrocele
Q477. Newborn breast engorgement
Q478. Neonatal erythema toxicum
Q479. Non-immune hydrops fetalis
Q47y. Other perinatal skin disorders
Q47y0 Urticaria neonatorum
Q47y1 Bronze baby
Q47y2 Neonatal skin infection
Q47yy Other specified perinatal skin disorder
Q47yz Perinatal skin disorder NOS
Q47z. Perinatal skin or temperature regulation disorder NOS
Q48.. Other and ill-defined perinatal conditions
Q480. Convulsions in newborn
Q481. Newborn cerebral irritability, unspecified
Q482. Central nervous system dysfunction in newborn NOS
Q4820 Newborn cerebral depression
Q4821 Coma in newborn
Q482y Other newborn abnormal cerebral signs
Q482z Central nervous system dysfunction in newborn NOS
Q483. Feeding problems in newborn
Q4830 Newborn feeding problem, unspecified
Q4831 Newborn regurgitation of food
Q4832 Slow feeding in newborn
Q4833 Vomiting in newborn
Q4834 Rumination in newborn
Q4835 Underfeeding in newborn
Q4836 Overfeeding in newborn
Q4837 Difficulty in feeding at breast
Q483z Newborn feeding problem NOS
Q484. Newborn drug reaction and intoxication
Q4840 Grey syndrome of newborn
Q484z Newborn drug reaction or intoxication NOS
Q485. Newborn drug withdrawal syndrome
Q4850 Neonat withdrawal symptom from mat use of drug of addiction
Q4851 Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn
Q486. Fetal death due to termination of pregnancy
Q487. Umbilical polyp of newborn
Q488. Neonatal cerebral ischaemia
Q489. Acquired periventricular cysts of newborn
Q48A. Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia
Q48B. Jittery baby
Q48C. Neonatal hypotension
Q48D. [X] Stillbirth
Q48y. Other specified perinatal condition
Q48y0 Congenital renal failure
Q48y1 Congenital cardiac failure
Q48y2 Congenital hypotonia
Q48y3 Congenital hypertonia
Q48y4 Wide cranial sutures
Q48y5 Megalencephaly
Q48yz Other perinatal condition NOS
Q48z. Other perinatal conditions NOS
Q49.. Cardiovascular disorders originating in the perinatal period
Q490. Neonatal cardiac failure
Q491. Neonatal cardiac dysrhythmia
Q492. Neonatal hypertension
Q493. Persistent fetal circulation
Q494. Transient myocardial ischaemia of newborn
Q49X. Cardiovasc disord origin in the perinat period, unspecif
Q4y.. Other specified perinatal conditions
Q4z.. Other perinatal conditions NOS
Qy... Other specified perinatal conditions
Qyu.. [X]Additional perinatal disease classification terms
Qyu0. [X]Fetus/newborn affected by maternal factors+complications
Qyu00 [X]Fetus+newborn affected/oth maternal circul+resp diseases
Qyu01 [X]Fetus+newborn affectd/oth medical procedure on mother,NEC
Qyu02 [X]Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal conditions
Qyu03 [X]Fetus+newborn affected/oth maternal complicatns/pregnancy
Qyu04 [X]Fetus+newbrn affect/oth forms/placental separatn+hmorrhg
Qyu05 [X]Fet+newbrn affct/oth+unspcf morphlogc+functl abnml/plcnta
Qyu06 [X]Fetus+newborn affected/other compression/umbilical cord
Qyu07 [X]Fetus+newborn affectd/oth+unspcfd conditns/umbilical cord
Qyu08 [X]Fetus+newborn affectd/other abnormalities/chorion+amnion
Qyu09 [X]Fetus+newbrn affct/oth malprsntn,malpsitn+disprop/lab+del
Qyu0A [X]Fetus+newbrn affect/oth spcf complication/labour+delivery
Qyu0B [X]Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal medication
Qyu0C [X]Fetus+newborn affected/other maternal noxious influences
Qyu1. [X]Disorders related to length of gestation and fetal growth
Qyu10 [X]Other low birth weight
Qyu11 [X]Other preterm infants
Qyu12 [X]Other heavy for gestational age infants
Qyu2. [X]Birth trauma
Qyu20 [X]Oth intracranial laceratns+haemorrhages due/birth injury
Qyu21 [X]Other specified brain damage due to birth injury
Qyu22 [X]Other birth injuries to scalp
Qyu23 [X]Other birth injuries to skull
Qyu24 [X]Other brachial plexus birth injuries
Qyu25 [X]Other specified birth injuries
Qyu26 [X]Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified
Qyu27 [X]Birth injuries to other parts of peripheral nerv system
Qyu3. [X]Respiratory+cardiovasc dis specific to perinatal period
Qyu30 [X]Other respiratory distress of newborn
Qyu31 [X]Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents
Qyu32 [X]Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms
Qyu33 [X]Other neonatal aspiration syndromes
Qyu34 [X]Oth conds relat/interstial emphysema orig perinatl period
Qyu35 [X]Oth pulmonary haemorrhages originating/perinatal period
Qyu36 [X]Other chronic resp diseases originating/perinatal period
Qyu37 [X]Other and unspecified atelectasis of newborn
Qyu38 [X]Other apnoea of newborn
Qyu39 [X]Other specified respiratory conditions of newborn
Qyu3A [X]Oth cardiovascular disorders originating/perinatal period
Qyu3B [X]Cardiovasc disord origin in the perinat period, unspecif
Qyu4. [X]Infections specific to the perinatal period
Qyu40 [X]Other congenital viral diseases
Qyu41 [X]Sepsis/newborn due to other+unspecified staphylococcus
Qyu42 [X]Other bacterial sepsis of newborn
Qyu43 [X]Other congenital malaria
Qyu44 [X]Other specified congenital infectious+parasitic diseases
Qyu45 [X]Other infections specific to the perinatal period
Qyu46 [X]Other specified infections specific/perinatal period
Qyu47 [X]Congenital viral disease, unspecified
Qyu48 [X]Sepsis of newborn due to other+unspecified streptococci
Qyu49 [X]Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified
Qyu5. [X]Haemorrhagic+haematolog disorders of fetus and newborn
Qyu50 [X]Other fetal blood loss
Qyu51 [X]Other umbilical haemorrhages of newborn
Qyu52 [X]Oth intracranial(nontraumatic)haemorrhages/fetus+newborn
Qyu53 [X]Other neonatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage
Qyu54 [X]Other specified fetal and neonatal haemorrhages
Qyu55 [X]Other haemolytic diseases of fetus and newborn
Qyu56 [X]Hydrops fetalis due to other+unspcfd haemolytic disease
Qyu57 [X]Other specified kernicterus
Qyu58 [X]Neonat jaun due/drg,toxn transmit frm mother/given newbrn
Qyu59 [X]Neonatal jaundice due/other specifd excessive haemolysis
Qyu5A [X]Neonatal jaundice from other+unspcf hepatocellular damage
Qyu5B [X]Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes
Qyu5C [X]Other congenital anaemias, not elsewhere classified
Qyu5D [X]Other transient neonatal disorders of coagulation
Qyu5E [X]Other specified perinatal haematological disorders
Qyu5F [X]Intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage fetus newborn unsp
Qyu6. [X]Transitory endocr & metab disord specif to fetus/newborn
Qyu60 [X]Other neonatal hypoglycaemia
Qyu61 [X]Oth transitry disordrs/carbohydrat metabolsm/fetus+newbrn
Qyu62 [X]Other neonatal hypocalcaemia
Qyu63 [X]Oth transitry neonatl disordrs/calcium+magnesm metabolism
Qyu64 [X]Other transitory neonatal disorders/thyroid function,NEC
Qyu65 [X]Other specified transitory neonatal endocrine disorders
Qyu66 [X]Other electrolyte disturbances of newborn
Qyu67 [X]Other transitory metabolic disturbances of newborn
Qyu68 [X]Trans disorder carbohydrate metab of fet and newborn unsp
Qyu69 [X]Transitory neonatl disord calcium and magnes metab uns
Qyu6A [X]Neonatal goitre, not elsewhere classified
Qyu6B [X]Transitory neonatal endocrine disorder, unspecified
Qyu6C [X]Transitory metabolic disturbance of newborn, unspecified
Qyu7. [X]Digestive system disorders of fetus and newborn
Qyu70 [X]Other specified intestinal obstruction of newborn
Qyu71 [X]Other neonatal peritonitis
Qyu72 [X]Other specified perinatal digestive system disorders
Qyu73 [X]Intestinal obstruction of newborn, unspecified
Qyu8. [X]Conditions involv integument & temp reg of fetus/newborn
Qyu80 [X]Other hypothermia of newborn
Qyu81 [X]Other specified disturbanc of temp regulation of newborn
Qyu82 [X]Other and unspecif oedema specific to fetus and newborn
Qyu83 [X]Oth specif condition of integument specif to fetus/newb
Qyu84 [X]Hypothermia of newborn, unspecified
QyuA. [X]Other disorders originating in the perinatal period
QyuA0 [X]Oth specified disturbances of cerebral status of newborn
QyuA1 [X]Other feeding problems of newborn
QyuA2 [X]Other disorders of muscle tone of newborn
QyuA3 [X]Other specified conditions originat in perinatal period
QyuA4 [X]Disorder of muscle tone of newborn, unspecified
QyuA5 [X]Complications of intrauterine procedures NEC
Qz... Perinatal conditions NOS
R00zW [D]State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
R0831 [D]Urethral sphincter incontinence
R21.. [D]Sudden death, cause unknown
S.... Injury and poisoning
S0... Fracture of skull
S00.. Fracture of vault of skull
S000. Closed fracture vault of skull without intracranial injury
S0000 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial injury, unspec state consc
S0001 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0002 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0003 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss consc
S0004 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial injury, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0005 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial inj,>24hr LOC not restored
S0006 Closed #skull vlt no intracranial inj, LOC unspec duration
S000z Closed #skull vlt no intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S001. Closed fracture vault of skull with intracranial injury
S0010 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial injury, unspec state consc
S0011 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0012 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0013 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss consc
S0014 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial injury, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0015 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0016 Closed #skull vlt + intracranial injury, LOC unspec duration
S001z Closed #skull vlt with intracranial injury+concussion unspec
S002. Open fracture vault of skull without intracranial injury
S0020 Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury, unspec state consc
S0021 Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0022 Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0023 Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss of consc
S0024 Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0025 Open #skull vlt no intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0026 Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury, LOC unspec duration
S002z Open #skull vlt no intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S003. Open fracture vault of skull with intracranial injury
S0030 Open #skull vlt + intracranial injury, unspec state of consc
S0031 Open #skull vlt + intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0032 Open #skull vlt + intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0033 Open #skull vlt + intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss of consc
S0034 Open #skull vlt + intracranial injury, >24hr LOC + recovery
S0035 Open #skull vlt + intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0036 Open #skull vlt + intracranial injury, LOC unspec duration
S003z Open #skull vlt with intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S00z. Fracture of vault of skull NOS
S01.. Fracture of base of skull
S010. Closed fracture base of skull without intracranial injury
S0100 Closed #skull bse no intracranial injury, unspec state consc
S0101 Closed #skull bse no intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0102 Closed #skull bse no intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0103 Closed #skull bse no intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss consc
S0104 Closed #skull bse no intracranial injury, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0105 Closed #skull bse no intracranial inj,>24hr LOC not restored
S0106 Closed #skull bse no intracranial inj, LOC unspec duration
S010z Closed #skull bse no intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S011. Closed fracture base of skull with intracranial injury
S0110 Closed #skull bse + intracranial inj, unspec state of consc
S0111 Closed #skull bse + intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0112 Closed #skull bse + intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0113 Closed #skull bse + intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss consc
S0114 Closed #skull bse + intracranial injury, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0115 Closed #skull bse + intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0116 Closed #skull bse + intracranial injury, LOC unspec duration
S011z Closed #skull bse + intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S012. Open fracture base skull without mention intracranial injury
S0120 Open #skull bse no intracranial inj, unspec state of consc
S0121 Open #skull bse no intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0122 Open #skull bse no intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0123 Open #skull bse no intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss of consc
S0124 Open #skull bse no intracranial injury, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0125 Open #skull bse no intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0126 Open #skull bse no intracranial injury, LOC unspec duration
S012z Open #skull bse no intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S013. Open fracture base of skull with intracranial injury
S0130 Open #skull bse + intracranial injury, unspec state of consc
S0131 Open #skull bse + intracranial injury, no loss of consc
S0132 Open #skull bse + intracranial injury, <1hr loss of consc
S0133 Open #skull bse + intracranial injury, 1-24hr loss of consc
S0134 Open #skull bse + intracranial injury, >24hr LOC + recovery
S0135 Open #skull bse + intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0136 Open #skull bse + intracranial injury, LOC unspec duration
S013z Open #skull bse + intracranial injury + concussion unspec
S01z. Fracture of base of skull NOS
S02.. Fracture of face bones
S020. Closed fracture nose
S021. Open fracture nose
S022. Fracture of mandible, closed
S0220 Closed fracture mandible (site unspecified)
S0221 Closed fracture of mandible, condylar process
S0222 Closed fracture of mandible, subcondylar
S0223 Closed fracture of mandible, coronoid process
S0224 Closed fracture of mandible, ramus, unspecified
S0225 Closed fracture of mandible, angle of jaw
S0226 Closed fracture of mandible, symphysis of body
S0227 Closed fracture of mandible, alveolar border of body
S0228 Closed fracture of mandible, body, other and unspecified
S022x Closed fracture of mandible, multiple sites
S022z Fracture of mandible, closed, NOS
S023. Fracture of mandible, open
S0230 Open fracture mandible (site unspecified)
S0231 Open fracture of mandible, condylar process
S0232 Open fracture of mandible, subcondylar
S0233 Open fracture of mandible, coronoid process
S0234 Open fracture of mandible, ramus, unspecified
S0235 Open fracture of mandible, angle of jaw
S0236 Open fracture of mandible, symphysis of body
S0237 Open fracture of mandible, alveolar border of body
S0238 Open fracture of mandible, body, other and unspecified
S023x Open fracture of mandible, multiple sites
S023z Fracture of mandible, open, NOS
S024. Fracture of malar or maxillary bones, closed
S0240 Closed fracture maxilla
S0241 Closed fracture zygoma
S024z Fracture of malar or maxillary bones, closed, NOS
S025. Fracture of malar or maxillary bones, open
S0250 Open fracture maxilla
S0251 Open fracture zygoma
S025z Fracture of malar or maxillary bones, open, NOS
S026. Closed orbital blow-out fracture
S027. Open orbital blow-out fracture
S028. Fracture of skull and facial bones
S0280 Fracture of nasal bones
S0281 Fracture of orbital floor
S0282 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones
S0283 Fracture of mandible
S02A. Le Fort I fracture maxilla
S02B. Le Fort II fracture maxilla
S02C. Le Fort III fracture maxilla
S02x. Closed fracture other facial bone
S02x0 Fracture of alveolus, closed
S02x1 Fracture of orbit NOS, closed
S02x2 Fracture of palate, closed
S02xz Fracture of other facial bones, closed, NOS
S02y. Open fracture other facial bone
S02y0 Fracture of alveolus, open
S02y1 Fracture of orbit NOS, open
S02y2 Fracture of palate, open
S02yz Fracture of other facial bones,open, NOS
S02z. Fracture of facial bone NOS
S03.. Other and unqualified skull fractures
S030. Closed fracture of skull NOS without intracranial injury
S0300 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj, unspec state of consc
S0301 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj, no loss of consc
S0302 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj, <1hr loss of consc
S0303 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj, 1-24hr loss of consc
S0304 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj, >24hrs LOC + recovery
S0305 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj,>24hr LOC not restored
S0306 Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj, LOC unspec duration
S030z Closed #skull NOS no intracranial inj + concussion unspec
S031. Closed fracture of skull NOS with intracranial injury
S0310 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, unspec state of consc
S0311 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, no loss of consc
S0312 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, <1hr loss of consc
S0313 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, 1-24hrs loss of consc
S0314 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, >24hrs LOC + recovery
S0315 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, >24hr LOC not restored
S0316 Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj, LOC unspec duration
S031z Closed #skull NOS + intracranial inj + concussion unspec
S032. Open #skull NOS without mention of intracranial injury
S0320 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, unspec state of consc
S0321 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, no loss of consc
S0322 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, <1hr loss of consc
S0323 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, 1-24hrs loss of consc
S0324 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, >24hrs LOC + recovery
S0325 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, >24hrs LOC not restored
S0326 Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj, LOC unspec duration
S032z Open #skull NOS no intracranial inj + concussion unspec
S033. Open fracture of skull NOS with intracranial injury
S0330 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, unspec state of consc
S0331 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, no loss of consc
S0332 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, <1hr loss of consc
S0333 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, 1-24hrs loss of consc
S0334 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, >24hrs LOC + recovery
S0335 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, >24hrs LOC not restored
S0336 Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj, LOC unspec duration
S033z Open #skull NOS + intracranial inj + concussion unspec
S03z. Skull fracture NOS
S04.. Multiple fractures involving skull or face with other bones
S040. Mult #skull/face+other bones, closed, no intracranial injury
S0400 Closed #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, unspec consc
S0401 Closed #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, no loss consc
S0402 Closed #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, <1hr LOC
S0403 Closed #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, 1-24hrs LOC
S0404 Closed #skull/face, mult,no intracran inj,>24hr LOC+recovery
S0405 Closed #skull/face,mult,no intracran inj,>24hr LOC-restored
S0406 Closed #skull/face,mult,no intracran inj,LOC unspec duration
S040z Closed #skull/face,mult,no intracran inj, concussion unspec
S041. Mult #skull/face+other bones, closed + intracranial injury
S0410 Closed #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, unspec consc
S0411 Closed #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, no loss consc
S0412 Closed #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, <1hr LOC
S0413 Closed #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, 1-24hrs LOC
S0414 Closed #skull/face, mult+intracran inj, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0415 Closed #skull/face, multi+intracran inj, >24hr LOC-restored
S0416 Closed #skull/face,mult + intracran inj, LOC unspec duration
S041z Closed #skull/face,mult + intracran inj, concussion unspec
S042. Mult #skull/face + other bones, open, no intracranial injury
S0420 Open #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, unspec consc
S0421 Open #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, no loss consc
S0422 Open #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, <1hr LOC
S0423 Open #skull/face, mult, no intracranial inj, 1-24hrs LOC
S0424 Open #skull/face, mult, no intracran inj, >24hr LOC+recovery
S0425 Open #skull/face,mult,no intracran inj,>24hr LOC no restored
S0426 Open #skull/face,mult,no intracran inj, LOC unspec duration
S042z Open #skull/face,mult,no intracran inj, concussion unspec
S043. Mult #skull/face + other bones, open + intracranial injury
S0430 Open #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, unspec consc
S0431 Open #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, no loss consc
S0432 Open #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, <1hr LOC
S0433 Open #skull/face, mult + intracranial inj, 1-24hrs LOC
S0434 Open #skull/face, mult + intracran inj, >24hr LOC + recovery
S0435 Open #skull/face,mult + intracran inj, >24hr LOC no restored
S0436 Open #skull/face, mult + intracran inj, LOC unspec duration
S043z Open #skull/face, mult + intracran inj + concussion, unspec
S044. Multiple fractures involving skull and facial bones
S04z. Multiple fractures involving skull/face with other bones NOS
S0z.. Fracture of skull NOS
S1... Fracture of neck and trunk
S10.. Fracture of spine without mention of spinal cord injury
S100. Closed fracture of cervical spine
S1000 Closed fracture of unspecified cervical vertebra
S1001 Closed fracture atlas
S1002 Closed fracture axis
S1003 Closed fracture of third cervical vertebra
S1004 Closed fracture of fourth cervical vertebra
S1005 Closed fracture of fifth cervical vertebra
S1006 Closed fracture of sixth cervical vertebra
S1007 Closed fracture of seventh cervical vertebra
S1008 Closed fracture atlas, isolated arch or articular process
S1009 Closed fracture atlas, comminuted
S100A Closed fracture axis, odontoid process
S100B Closed fracture axis, spondylolysis
S100C Closed fracture axis, spinous process
S100D Closed fracture axis, transverse process
S100E Closed fracture axis, posterior arch
S100F Closed fracture axis, tricolumnar
S100G Closed fracture cervical vertebra, burst
S100H Closed fracture cervical vertebra, wedge
S100J Closed fracture cervical vertebra, spondylolysis
S100K Closed fracture cervical vertebra, spinous process
S100L Closed fracture cervical vertebra, transverse process
S100M Closed fracture cervical vertebra, posterior arch
S100N Closed fracture cervical vertebra, tricolumnar
S100x Multiple closed fractures of cervical vertebrae
S100z Closed fracture of cervical spine not otherwise specified
S101. Open fracture of cervical spine
S1010 Open fracture of unspecified cervical vertebra
S1011 Open fracture atlas
S1012 Open fracture axis
S1013 Open fracture of third cervical vertebra
S1014 Open fracture of fourth cervical vertebra
S1015 Open fracture of fifth cervical vertebra
S1016 Open fracture of sixth cervical vertebra
S1017 Open fracture of seventh cervical vertebra
S1018 Open fracture atlas, isolated arch or articular process
S1019 Open fracture atlas, comminuted
S101A Open fracture axis, odontoid process
S101B Open fracture axis, spondylolysis
S101C Open fracture axis, spinous process
S101D Open fracture axis, transverse process
S101E Open fracture axis, posterior arch
S101F Open fracture axis, tricolumnar
S101G Open fracture cervical vertebra, burst
S101H Open fracture cervical vertebra, wedge
S101J Open fracture cervical vertebra, spondylolysis
S101K Open fracture cervical vertebra, spinous process
S101L Open fracture cervical vertebra, transverse process
S101M Open fracture cervical vertebra, posterior arch
S101N Open fracture cervical vertebra, tricolumnar
S101x Multiple open fractures of cervical vertebrae
S101z Open fracture of cervical spine not otherwise specified
S102. Closed fracture thoracic vertebra
S1020 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, burst
S1021 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, wedge
S1022 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, spondylolysis
S1023 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, spinous process
S1024 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, transverse process
S1025 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, posterior arch
S1026 Closed fracture thoracic vertebra, tricolumnar
S102y Other specified closed fracture thoracic vertebra
S102z Closed fracture thoracic vertebra not otherwise specified
S103. Open fracture thoracic vertebra
S1030 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, burst
S1031 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, wedge
S1032 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, spondylolysis
S1033 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, spinous process
S1034 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, transverse process
S1035 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, posterior arch
S1036 Open fracture thoracic vertebra, tricolumnar
S104. Closed fracture lumbar vertebra
S1040 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, burst
S1041 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, wedge
S1042 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, spondylolysis
S1043 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, spinous process
S1044 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, transverse process
S1045 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, posterior arch
S1046 Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, tricolumnar
S105. Open fracture lumbar vertebra
S1050 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, burst
S1051 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, wedge
S1052 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, spondylolysis
S1053 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, spinous process
S1054 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, transverse process
S1055 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, posterior arch
S1056 Open fracture lumbar vertebra, tricolumnar
S106. Closed fracture sacrum
S1060 Closed compression fracture sacrum
S1061 Closed vertical fracture of sacrum
S107. Open fracture sacrum
S1070 Open compression fracture sacrum
S1071 Open vertical fracture of sacrum
S108. Closed fracture pelvis, coccyx
S109. Open fracture pelvis, coccyx
S10A. Fracture of neck
S10A0 Fracture of first cervical vertebra
S10A1 Fracture of second cervical vertebra
S10A2 Multiple fractures of cervical spine
S10B. Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis
S10B0 Fracture of lumbar vertebra
S10B1 Fracture of sacrum
S10B2 Fracture of coccyx
S10B3 Fracture of ilium
S10B4 Fracture of acetabulum
S10B5 Fracture of pubis
S10B6 Multiple fractures of lumbar spine and pelvis
S10x. Closed fracture of spine, unspecified,
S10y. Open fracture of spine, unspecified,
S10z. Fracture of spine without mention of spinal cord lesion NOS
S11.. Fracture of spine with spinal cord lesion
S110. Closed fracture of cervical spine with cord lesion
S1100 Cls spinal fracture with unspec cervical cord lesion, C1-4
S1101 Cls spinal fracture with complete cervcl cord lesion, C1-4
S1102 Cls spinal fracture with anterior cervcl cord lesion, C1-4
S1103 Cls spinal fracture with central cervical cord lesion, C1-4
S1104 Cls spinal fracture with posterior cervcl cord lesion, C1-4
S1105 Cls spinal # with incomplete cervical cord lesion, C1-4 NOS
S1106 Cls spinal fracture with unspec cervical cord lesion, C5-7
S1107 Cls spinal fracture with complete cervcl cord lesion, C5-7
S1108 Cls spinal fracture with anterior cervcl cord lesion, C5-7
S1109 Cls spinal fracture with central cervical cord lesion, C5-7
S110A Cls spinal fracture with posterior cervcl cord lesion, C5-7
S110B Cls spinal # with incomplete cervical cord lesion, C5-7 NOS
S110z Closed fracture of cervical spine with cord lesion NOS
S111. Open fracture of cervical spine with spinal cord lesion
S1110 Opn spinal fracture with unspec cervical cord lesion, C1-4
S1111 Opn spinal fracture with complete cervcl cord lesion, C1-4
S1112 Opn spinal fracture with anterior cervcl cord lesion, C1-4
S1113 Open spinal fracture with central cervical cord lesion, C1-4
S1114 Opn spinal fracture with posterior cervcl cord lesion, C1-4
S1115 Opn spinal # with incomplete cervical cord lesion, C1-4 NOS
S1116 Opn spinal fracture with unspec cervical cord lesion, C5-7
S1117 Opn spinal fracture with complete cervcl cord lesion, C5-7
S1118 Opn spinal fracture with anterior cervcl cord lesion, C5-7
S1119 Open spinal fracture with central cervical cord lesion, C5-7
S111A Opn spinal fracture with posterior cervcl cord lesion, C5-7
S111B Opn spinal # with incomplete cervical cord lesion, C5-7 NOS
S111z Open fracture of cervical spine with spinal cord lesion NOS
S112. Closed fracture of thoracic spine with spinal cord lesion
S1120 Cls spinal fracture with unspec thoracic cord lesion,T1-6
S1121 Cls spinal fracture wth complete thoracic cord lesion,T1-6
S1122 Cls spinal fracture wth anterior thoracic cord lesion,T1-6
S1123 Cls spinal fracture with central thoracic cord lesion, T1-6
S1124 Cls spinal fracture with posterior thorac cord lesion, T1-6
S1125 Cls spinal # with incomplete thoracic cord lesion, T1-6 NOS
S1126 Cls spinal fracture with unspec thoracic cord lesion, T7-12
S1127 Cls spinal fracture with complete thorac cord lesion, T7-12
S1128 Cls spinal fracture with anterior thorac cord lesion, T7-12
S1129 Cls spinal fracture with central thoracid cord lesion, T7-12
S112A Cls spinal fracture with posterior thorac cord lesion, T7-12
S112B Cls spinal # with incomplete thoracid cord lesion, T7-12 NOS
S112z Closed fracture of thoracic spine with cord lesion NOS
S113. Open fracture of thoracic spine with spinal cord lesion
S1130 Opn spinal fracture with unspec thoracic cord lesion, T1-6
S1131 Opn spinal fracture with complete thorac cord lesion, T1-6
S1132 Opn spinal fracture with anterior thorac cord lesion, T1-6
S1133 Open spinal fracture with central thoracic cord lesion, T1-6
S1134 Opn spinal fracture with posterior thorac cord lesion, T1-6
S1135 Opn spinal # with incomplete thoracic cord lesion, T1-6 NOS
S1136 Opn spinal fracture with unspec thoracic cord lesion, T7-12
S1137 Opn spinal fracture with complete thorac cord lesion, T7-12
S1138 Opn spinal fracture with anterior thorac cord lesion, T7-12
S1139 Op spinal fracture with central thoracic cord lesion, T7-12
S113A Opn spinal fracture with posterior thorac cord lesion, T7-12
S113B Opn spinal # with incomplete thoracic cord lesion, T7-12 NOS
S113z Open fracture of thoracic spine with spinal cord lesion NOS
S114. Closed fracture of lumbar spine with spinal cord lesion
S1140 Closed spinal fracture with unspecified lumbar cord lesion
S1141 Closed spinal fracture with complete lumbar cord lesion
S1142 Closed spinal fracture with anterior lumbar cord lesion
S1143 Closed spinal fracture with central lumbar cord lesion
S1144 Closed spinal fracture with posterior lumbar cord lesion
S1145 Closed spinal fracture with cauda equina lesion
S115. Open fracture of lumbar spine with spinal cord lesion
S1150 Open spinal fracture with unspecified lumbar cord lesion
S1151 Open spinal fracture with complete lumbar cord lesion
S1152 Open spinal fracture with anterior lumbar cord lesion
S1153 Open spinal fracture with central lumbar cord lesion
S1154 Open spinal fracture with posterior lumbar cord lesion
S1155 Open spinal fracture with cauda equina lesion
S115z Open spinal fracture with incomplete lumbar cord lesion NOS
S116. Closed fracture of sacrum with spinal cord lesion
S1160 Closed fracture of sacrum with unspec spinal cord lesion
S1161 Closed fracture of sacrum with complete cauda equina lesion
S1162 Closed fracture of sacrum with other cauda equina injury
S1163 Closed fracture of sacrum with other spinal cord injury
S116z Closed fracture of sacrum with spinal cord lesion NOS
S117. Open fracture of sacrum with spinal cord lesion
S1170 Open fracture of sacrum with unspecified spinal cord lesion
S1171 Open fracture of sacrum with complete cauda equina lesion
S1172 Open fracture of sacrum with other cauda equina injury
S1173 Open fracture of sacrum with other spinal cord injury
S117z Open fracture of sacrum with spinal cord lesion NOS
S118. Closed fracture of coccyx with spinal cord lesion
S1180 Closed fracture of coccyx with unspec spinal cord lesion
S1181 Closed fracture of coccyx with complete cauda equina lesion
S1182 Closed fracture of coccyx with other cauda equina injury
S1183 Closed fracture of coccyx with other spinal cord injury
S118z Closed fracture of coccyx with spinal cord lesion NOS
S119. Open fracture of coccyx with spinal cord lesion
S1190 Open fracture of coccyx with unspecified spinal cord lesion
S1191 Open fracture of coccyx with complete cauda equina lesion
S1192 Open fracture of coccyx with other cauda equina injury
S1193 Open fracture of coccyx with other spinal cord injury
S119z Open fracture of coccyx with spinal cord lesion NOS
S11x. Closed fracture of spine with spinal cord lesion unspecified
S11y. Open fracture of spine with spinal cord lesion unspecified
S11z. Fracture of spine with spinal cord lesion NOS
S12.. Fracture of rib(s), sternum, larynx and trachea
S120. Closed fracture rib
S1200 Closed fracture of rib, unspecified
S1201 Closed fracture of one rib
S1202 Closed fracture of two ribs
S1203 Closed fracture of three ribs
S1204 Closed fracture of four ribs
S1205 Closed fracture of five ribs
S1206 Closed fracture of six ribs
S1207 Closed fracture of seven ribs
S1208 Closed fracture of eight or more ribs
S1209 Closed fracture multiple ribs
S120A Cough fracture
S120z Closed fracture of rib(s) NOS
S121. Open fracture rib
S1210 Open fracture of rib, unspecified
S1211 Open fracture of one rib
S1212 Open fracture of two ribs
S1213 Open fracture of three ribs
S1214 Open fracture of four ribs
S1215 Open fracture of five ribs
S1216 Open fracture of six ribs
S1217 Open fracture of seven ribs
S1218 Open fracture of eight or more ribs
S1219 Open fracture multiple ribs
S121z Open fracture of rib(s) NOS
S122. Closed fracture sternum
S123. Open fracture sternum
S124. Flail chest
S125. Closed fracture larynx and trachea
S1250 Closed fracture larynx
S1251 Closed fracture of hyoid bone
S1252 Closed fracture of thyroid cartilage
S1253 Closed fracture of trachea
S125z Closed fracture of larynx and trachea NOS
S126. Open fracture larynx and trachea
S1260 Open fracture larynx
S1261 Open fracture of hyoid bone
S1262 Open fracture of thyroid cartilage
S1263 Open fracture of trachea
S126z Open fracture of larynx and trachea NOS
S127. Fracture of rib
S1270 Multiple fractures of ribs
S1271 Cough fracture of ribs
S128. Fracture of sternum
S12X. Fracture of bony thorax, part unspecified
S12z. Fracture of rib(s), sternum, larynx or trachea NOS
S13.. Fracture or disruption of pelvis
S130. Closed fracture acetabulum
S1300 Closed fracture acetabulum, anterior lip alone
S1301 Closed fracture acetabulum, posterior lip alone
S1302 Closed fracture acetabulum, anterior column
S1303 Closed fracture acetabulum, posterior column
S1304 Closed fracture acetabulum, floor
S1305 Closed fracture acetabulum, double column transverse
S1306 Closed fracture acetabulum, double column unspecified
S130y Other specified closed fracture acetabulum
S130z Closed fracture acetabulum NOS
S131. Open fracture acetabulum
S1310 Open fracture acetabulum, anterior lip alone
S1311 Open fracture acetabulum, posterior lip alone
S1312 Open fracture acetabulum, anterior column
S1313 Open fracture acetabulum, posterior column
S1314 Open fracture acetabulum, floor
S1315 Open fracture acetabulum, double column transverse
S1316 Open fracture acetabulum, double column unspecified
S131y Other specified open fracture acetabulum
S131z Open fracture acetabulum NOS
S132. Closed fracture pubis
S1320 Closed fracture pelvis, single pubic ramus
S1321 Closed fracture pelvis, multiple pubic rami - stable
S1322 Closed fracture pelvis, multiple pubic rami - unstable
S132y Other specified closed fracture pubis
S132z Closed fracture pubis NOS
S133. Open fracture of pubis
S1330 Open fracture pelvis, single pubic ramus
S1331 Open fracture pelvis, multiple pubic rami - stable
S1332 Open fracture pelvis, multiple pubic rami - unstable
S133y Other specified open fracture of pubis
S133z Open fracture of pubis NOS
S134. Other or multiple closed fracture of pelvis
S1340 Closed fracture of ilium, unspecified
S1341 Closed fracture pelvis, ischium
S1342 Closed multiple disruptions of pelvis
S1343 Closed fracture pelvis, ischial tuberosity
S1344 Closed fracture pelvis, anterior superior iliac spine
S1345 Closed fracture pelvis, anterior inferior iliac spine
S1346 Closed fracture pelvis, iliac wing
S1347 Closed vertical fracture of ilium
S1348 Closed fracture dislocation of sacro-iliac joint
S134z Other or multiple closed fracture of pelvis NOS
S135. Other or multiple open fracture of pelvis
S1350 Open fracture of ilium, unspecified
S1351 Open fracture pelvis, ischium
S1352 Open multiple disruptions of pelvis
S1353 Open fracture pelvis, ischial tuberosity
S1354 Open fracture pelvis, anterior superior iliac spine
S1355 Open fracture pelvis, anterior inferior iliac spine
S1356 Open fracture pelvis, iliac wing
S1357 Open vertical fracture of ilium
S1358 Open fracture dislocation of sacro-iliac joint
S135y Other open fracture of pelvis
S135z Other/multiple open fracture of pelvis NOS
S136. Closed complete rupture of pelvic ring
S1360 Closed complete rupture pubic symphysis
S1361 Closed complete rupture sacro-iliac joint
S137. Open complete rupture of pelvic ring
S1370 Open complete rupture pubic symphysis
S1371 Open complete rupture of sacro-iliac joint
S138. Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis
S13y. Closed fracture of pelvis NOS
S13z. Open fracture of pelvis NOS
S14.. Fracture of ill-defined bones of trunk
S140. Closed fracture of ill-defined bone of trunk
S141. Open fracture of ill-defined bone of trunk
S14z. Fracture of ill-defined bone of trunk NOS
S15.. Fracture of thoracic vertebra
S150. Multiple fractures of thoracic spine
S1z.. Fracture of neck and trunk NOS
S2... Fracture of upper limb
S20.. Fracture of clavicle
S200. Closed fracture of clavicle
S2000 Closed fracture of clavicle, unspecified part
S2001 Closed fracture clavicle, medial end
S2002 Closed fracture clavicle, shaft
S2003 Closed fracture clavicle, lateral end
S200z Closed fracture of clavicle NOS
S201. Open fracture of clavicle
S2010 Open fracture of clavicle, unspecified part
S2011 Open fracture clavicle, medial end
S2012 Open fracture clavicle, shaft
S2013 Open fracture clavicle, lateral end
S201z Open fracture of clavicle NOS
S20z. Fracture of clavicle NOS
S21.. Fracture of scapula
S210. Closed fracture of scapula
S2100 Closed fracture of scapula, unspecified part
S2101 Closed fracture scapula, acromion
S2102 Closed fracture scapula, coracoid
S2103 Closed fracture scapula, glenoid
S2104 Closed fracture scapula, blade
S2105 Closed fracture scapula, spine
S2106 Closed fracture scapula, neck
S210z Closed fracture of scapula NOS
S211. Open fracture of scapula
S2110 Open fracture of scapula, unspecified part
S2111 Open fracture scapula, acromion
S2112 Open fracture scapula, coracoid
S2113 Open fracture scapula, glenoid
S2114 Open fracture scapula, blade
S2115 Open fracture scapula, spine
S2116 Open fracture scapula, neck
S211z Open fracture of scapula NOS
S21z. Fracture of scapula NOS
S22.. Fracture of humerus
S220. Closed fracture of the proximal humerus
S2200 Closed fracture of proximal humerus, unspecified part
S2201 Closed fracture proximal humerus, neck
S2202 Closed fracture of proximal humerus, anatomical neck
S2203 Closed fracture proximal humerus, greater tuberosity
S2204 Closed fracture proximal humerus, head
S2205 Closed fracture of humerus, upper epiphysis
S2206 Closed fracture proximal humerus, three part
S2207 Closed fracture proximal humerus, four part
S220z Closed fracture of proximal humerus not otherwise specified
S221. Open fracture of the proximal humerus
S2210 Open fracture of proximal humerus, unspecified part
S2211 Open fracture proximal humerus, neck
S2212 Open fracture of proximal humerus, anatomical neck
S2213 Open fracture proximal humerus, greater tuberosity
S2214 Open fracture proximal humerus, head
S2215 Open fracture of humerus, upper epiphysis
S2216 Open fracture proximal humerus, three part
S2217 Open fracture proximal humerus, four part
S221z Open fracture of proximal humerus not otherwise specified
S222. Closed fracture of humerus, shaft or unspecified part
S2220 Closed fracture of humerus NOS
S2221 Closed fracture of humerus, shaft
S222z Closed fracture of humerus, shaft or unspecified part NOS
S223. Open fracture of humerus, shaft or unspecified part
S2230 Open fracture of humerus NOS
S2231 Open fracture of humerus, shaft
S223z Open fracture of humerus, shaft or unspecified part NOS
S224. Closed fracture of the distal humerus
S2240 Closed fracture of elbow, unspecified part
S2241 Closed fracture distal humerus, supracondylar
S2242 Closed fracture distal humerus, lateral condyle
S2243 Closed fracture distal humerus, medial condyle
S2244 Closed fracture of distal humerus, condyle(s) unspecified
S2245 Closed fracture of distal humerus, trochlea
S2246 Closed fracture distal humerus, lateral epicondyle
S2247 Closed fracture distal humerus, medial epicondyle
S2248 Closed fracture distal humerus, capitellum
S2249 Closed fracture distal humerus, bicondylar (T-Y fracture)
S224x Closed fracture of distal humerus, multiple
S224z Closed fracture of distal humerus, not otherwise specified
S225. Open fracture of the distal humerus
S2250 Open fracture of elbow, unspecified part
S2251 Open fracture distal humerus, supracondylar
S2252 Open fracture distal humerus, lateral condyle
S2253 Open fracture distal humerus, medial condyle
S2254 Open fracture of distal humerus, condyle(s) unspecified
S2255 Open fracture of distal humerus, trochlea
S2256 Open fracture distal humerus, lateral epicondyle
S2257 Open fracture distal humerus, medial epicondyle
S2258 Open fracture distal humerus, capitellum
S2259 Open fracture distal humerus, bicondylar (T-Y fracture)
S225x Open fracture of distal humerus, multiple
S225z Open fracture of distal humerus, not otherwise specified
S226. Fracture of upper end of humerus
S227. Fracture of shaft of humerus
S228. Fracture of lower end of humerus
S22z. Fracture of humerus NOS
S23.. Fracture of radius and ulna
S230. Closed fracture of proximal radius and ulna
S2300 Closed fracture of proximal forearm, unspecified part
S2301 Closed fracture olecranon, extra-articular
S2302 Closed fracture of ulna, coronoid
S2303 Closed Monteggias fracture
S2304 Closed fracture of proximal ulna, comminuted
S2305 Closed fracture of the proximal ulna
S2306 Closed fracture radius, head
S2307 Closed fracture radius, neck
S2308 Closed fracture proximal radius, comminuted
S2309 Closed fracture of the proximal radius
S230A Closed fracture radius and ulna, proximal
S230B Closed fracture olecranon, intra-articular
S230z Closed fracture of proximal forearm not otherwise specified
S231. Open fracture of proximal radius and ulna
S2310 Open fracture of proximal forearm, unspecified
S2311 Open fracture olecranon, extra-articular
S2312 Open fracture of ulna, coronoid
S2313 Open Monteggias fracture
S2314 Open fracture proximal ulna, comminuted
S2315 Open fracture of the proximal ulna
S2316 Open fracture radial head
S2317 Open fracture radial neck
S2318 Open fracture proximal radius, comminuted
S2319 Open fracture of the proximal radius
S231A Open fracture radius and ulna, proximal
S231B Open fracture olecranon, intra-articular
S231z Open fracture of forearm, upper end, NOS
S232. Closed fracture of radius and ulna, shaft
S2320 Closed fracture of radius, shaft, unspecified
S2321 Closed fracture of the radial shaft
S2322 Closed fracture of the ulnar shaft
S2323 Closed fracture radius and ulna, middle
S232z Closed fracture of radius and ulna, shaft, NOS
S233. Open fracture of radius and ulna, shaft
S2330 Open fracture of radius, shaft, unspecified
S2331 Open fracture of the radial shaft
S2332 Open fracture of the ulnar shaft
S2333 Open fracture radius and ulna, middle
S233z Open fracture of radius and ulna, shaft, NOS
S234. Closed fracture of radius and ulna, lower end
S2340 Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified
S2341 Closed Colles fracture
S2342 Closed fracture of the distal radius, unspecified
S2343 Closed fracture of ulna, styloid process
S2344 Closed fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis
S2345 Closed fracture distal ulna, unspecified
S2346 Closed fracture radius and ulna, distal
S2347 Closed Smiths fracture
S2348 Closed Galeazzi fracture
S2349 Closed volar Bartons fracture
S234A Closd dorsal Bartons fracture
S234B Closed fracture radial styloid
S234C Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch
S234D Closed fracture distal radius, extra-articular, other type
S234E Closed fracture distal radius, intra-articular, other type
S234F Closed Bartons fracture
S234z Closed fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS
S235. Open fracture of radius and ulna, lower end
S2350 Open fracture of forearm, lower end, unspecified
S2351 Open Colles fracture
S2352 Open fracture of the distal radius, unspecified
S2353 Open fracture of ulna, styloid process
S2354 Open fracture of ulna, lower epiphysis
S2355 Open fracture distal ulna - other
S2356 Open fracture radius and ulna, distal
S2357 Open Smiths fracture
S2358 Open Galeazzi fracture
S2359 Open volar Bartons fracture
S235A Open dorsal Bartons fracture
S235B Open fracture radial styloid
S235C Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular, die-punch
S235D Open fracture distal radius, extra-articular other type
S235E Open fracture distal radius, intra-articular other type
S235F Open Bartons fracture
S235z Open fracture of forearm, lower end, NOS
S236. Fracture of upper end of ulna
S237. Fracture of upper end of radius
S238. Fracture of shaft of ulna
S239. Fracture of shaft of radius
S23A. Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius
S23B. Fracture of lower end of radius
S23C. Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius
S23x. Closed fracture of radius and ulna, unspecified part
S23x0 Closed fracture of forearm, unspecified
S23x1 Closed fracture of radius (alone), unspecified
S23x2 Closed fracture of ulna (alone), unspecified
S23x3 Closed fracture of the radius and ulna
S23xz Closed fracture of radius and ulna, NOS
S23y. Open fracture of radius and ulna, unspecified part
S23y0 Open fracture of forearm, unspecified
S23y1 Open fracture of radius (alone), unspecified
S23y2 Open fracture of ulna (alone), unspecified
S23y3 Open fracture of the radius and ulna
S23yz Open fracture of radius and ulna, NOS
S23z. Fracture of radius and ulna, NOS
S24.. Fracture of carpal bone
S240. Closed fracture of carpal bone
S2400 Closed fracture of carpal bone, unspecified
S2401 Closed fracture of the scaphoid
S2402 Closed fracture lunate
S2403 Closed fracture triquetral
S2404 Closed fracture pisiform
S2405 Closed fracture trapezium
S2406 Closed fracture trapezoid
S2407 Closed fracture capitate
S2408 Closed fracture hamate
S2409 Closed fracture hamate, hook
S240A Closed fracture scaphoid, proximal pole
S240B Closed fracture scaphoid, waist, transverse
S240C Closed fracture scaphoid, waist, oblique
S240D Closed fracture scaphoid, waist, comminuted
S240E Closed fracture scaphoid, tuberosity
S240F Closed fracture carpal bones, multiple
S240y Closed fracture of other carpal bone
S240z Closed fracture of carpal bone NOS
S241. Open fracture of carpal bone
S2410 Open fracture of carpal bone, unspecified
S2411 Open fracture of the scaphoid
S2412 Open fracture lunate
S2413 Open fracture triquetral
S2414 Open fracture pisiform
S2415 Open fracture trapezium
S2416 Open fracture trapezoid
S2417 Open fracture capitate
S2418 Open fracture hamate
S2419 Open fracture hamate, hook
S241A Open fracture scaphoid, proximal pole
S241B Open fracture scaphoid, waist, transverse
S241C Open fracture scaphoid, waist, oblique
S241D Open fracture scaphoid, waist, comminuted
S241E Open fracture scaphoid, tuberosity
S241F Open fracture carpal bones, multiple
S241y Open fracture of other carpal bone
S241z Open fracture of carpal bone NOS
S242. Fracture at wrist and hand level
S2420 Fracture of scaphoid
S2421 Fracture of first metacarpal bone
S2422 Fracture of other metacarpal bone
S2423 Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones
S24z. Fracture of carpal bone NOS
S25.. Fracture of metacarpal bone
S250. Closed fracture of metacarpal bone(s)
S2500 Closed fracture of metacarpal bone (s), site unspecified
S2501 Cls # thumb metacarpal base, intra-articular, Bennett
S2502 Closed fracture finger metacarpal base
S2503 Closed fracture finger metacarpal shaft
S2504 Closed fracture finger metacarpal neck
S2505 Closed fracture finger metacarpal head
S2506 Closed fracture finger metacarpal
S2507 Closed fracture finger metacarpal, multiple
S2508 Closed fracture of thumb metacarpal
S2509 Cls # thumb metacarpal base, intra-articular, Rolando
S250A Closed fracture thumb metacarpal shaft
S250B Closed fracture thumb metacarpal neck
S250C Closed fracture thumb metacarpal head
S250x Closed fractures of multiple sites of unspecified metacarpus
S250z Closed fracture of metacarpal bone(s) NOS
S251. Open fracture of metacarpal bone(s)
S2510 Open fracture of metacarpal bone(s), site unspecified
S2511 Opn # thumb metacarpal base, intra-articular, Bennett
S2512 Open fracture finger metacarpal base
S2513 Open fracture finger metacarpal shaft
S2514 Open fracture finger metacarpal neck
S2515 Open fracture finger metacarpal head
S2516 Open fracture finger metacarpal
S2517 Open fracture finger metacarpal, multiple
S2518 Open fracture of thumb metacarpal
S2519 Opn # thumb metacarpal base, intra-articular, Rolando
S251A Open fracture thumb metacarpal shaft
S251B Open fracture thumb metacarpal neck
S251C Open fracture thumb metacarpal head
S251x Open fractures of multiple sites of unspecified metacarpus
S251z Open fracture of metacarpal bone(s) NOS
S252. Closed fracture sesamoid bone of hand
S253. Open fracture sesamoid bone of hand
S26.. Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
S260. Closed fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
S2600 Closed fracture of phalanx or phalanges, unspecified
S2601 Clsd # mid/prox phalanx/phalanges, unspecified part
S2602 Cls # distal phalanx or phalanges, unspecified part
S2603 Closed fracture thumb proximal phalanx
S2604 Closed fracture thumb proximal phalanx, base
S2605 Closed fracture thumb proximal phalanx, shaft
S2606 Closed fracture thumb proximal phalanx, neck
S2607 Closed fracture thumb proximal phalanx, head
S2608 Closed fracture thumb distal phalanx
S2609 Closed fracture thumb distal phalanx, base
S260A Closed fracture thumb distal phalanx, shaft
S260B Closed fracture thumb distal phalanx, tuft
S260C Closed fracture thumb distal phalanx, mallet
S260D Closed fracture finger proximal phalanx
S260E Closed fracture finger proximal phalanx, base
S260F Closed fracture finger proximal phalanx, shaft
S260G Closed fracture finger proximal phalanx, neck
S260H Closed fracture finger proximal phalanx, head
S260J Closed fracture finger proximal phalanx, multiple
S260K Closed fracture finger middle phalanx
S260L Closed fracture finger middle phalanx, base
S260M Closed fracture finger middle phalanx, shaft
S260N Closed fracture finger middle phalanx, neck
S260P Closed fracture finger middle phalanx, head
S260Q Closed fracture finger middle phalanx, multiple
S260R Closed fracture finger distal phalanx
S260S Closed fracture finger distal phalanx, base
S260T Closed fracture finger distal phalanx, shaft
S260U Closed fracture finger distal phalanx, tuft
S260V Closed fracture finger distal phalanx, mallet
S260W Closed fracture finger distal phalanx, multiple
S260x Closed fractures of phalanx or phalanges, multiple sites
S260z Closed fracture of one or more phalanges of hand NOS
S261. Open fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
S2610 Open fracture of phalanx or phalanges, unspecified
S2611 Opn # mid/prox phalanx or phalanges, unspecified part
S2612 Opn # distal phalanx or phalanges, unspecified part
S2613 Open fracture thumb proximal phalanx
S2614 Open fracture thumb proximal phalanx, base
S2615 Open fracture thumb proximal phalanx, shaft
S2616 Open fracture thumb proximal phalanx, neck
S2617 Open fracture thumb proximal phalanx, head
S2618 Open fracture thumb distal phalanx
S2619 Open fracture thumb distal phalanx, base
S261A Open fracture thumb distal phalanx, shaft
S261B Open fracture thumb distal phalanx, tuft
S261C Open fracture thumb distal phalanx, mallet
S261D Open fracture finger proximal phalanx
S261E Open fracture finger proximal phalanx, base
S261F Open fracture finger proximal phalanx, shaft
S261G Open fracture finger proximal phalanx, neck
S261H Open fracture finger proximal phalanx, head
S261J Open fracture finger proximal phalanx, multiple
S261K Open fracture finger middle phalanx
S261L Open fracture finger middle phalanx, base
S261M Open fracture finger middle phalanx, shaft
S261N Open fracture finger middle phalanx, neck
S261P Open fracture finger middle phalanx, head
S261Q Open fracture finger middle phalanx, multiple
S261R Open fracture finger distal phalanx
S261S Open fracture finger distal phalanx, base
S261T Open fracture finger distal phalanx, shaft
S261U Open fracture finger distal phalanx, tuft
S261V Open fracture finger distal phalanx, mallet
S261W Open fracture finger distal phalanx, multiple
S261x Open fracture of phalanx or phalanges, multiple sites
S261z Open fracture of one or more phalanges of hand NOS
S262. Fracture of thumb
S263. Fracture of other finger
S264. Multiple fractures of fingers
S26z. Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand NOS
S27.. Multiple fractures of hand bones
S270. Closed multiple fractures of hand bones
S271. Open multiple fractures of hand bones
S27z. Multiple fractures of hand bones NOS
S28.. Ill-defined fractures of upper limb
S280. Closed ill-defined fractures of upper limb
S281. Open ill-defined fractures of upper limb
S28z. Ill-defined fractures of upper limb NOS
S29.. Multiple # both upper limbs & upper limb with rib + sternum
S290. Closed multiple #upper limbs & upper limb with rib + sternum
S291. Open multiple #upper limbs & upper limb with rib + sternum
S292. Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula and humerus
S293. Multiple fractures of forearm
S294. Fractures involving multiple regions of both upper limbs
S29z. Multiple #upper limbs & upper limb with rib + sternum NOS
S2A.. Fracture of upper limb, level unspecified
S2z.. Fracture of upper limb NOS
S3... Fracture of lower limb
S30.. Fracture of neck of femur
S300. Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical
S3000 Cls # prox femur, intracapsular section, unspecified
S3001 Closed fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal
S3002 Closed fracture proximal femur, midcervical section
S3003 Closed fracture proximal femur, basicervical
S3004 Closed fracture head of femur
S3005 Cls # prox femur, subcapital, Garden grade unspec.
S3006 Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade I
S3007 Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade II
S3008 Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade III
S3009 Closed fracture proximal femur, subcapital, Garden grade IV
S300y Closed fracture proximal femur, other transcervical
S300z Closed fracture proximal femur, transcervical, NOS
S301. Open fracture proximal femur, transcervical
S3010 Opn # proximal femur, intracapsular section, unspecified
S3011 Open fracture proximal femur, transepiphyseal
S3012 Open fracture proximal femur, midcervical section
S3013 Open fracture proximal femur, basicervical
S3014 Open fracture head, femur
S3015 Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade unspec
S3016 Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade I
S3017 Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade II
S3018 Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade III
S3019 Open fracture proximal femur,subcapital, Garden grade IV
S301y Open fracture proximal femur, other transcervical
S301z Open fracture proximal femur, transcervical, NOS
S302. Closed fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric
S3020 Cls # proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified
S3021 Closed fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part
S3022 Closed fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric
S3023 Cls # proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted
S3024 Closed fracture of femur, intertrochanteric
S302z Cls # of proximal femur, pertrochanteric section, NOS
S303. Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric
S3030 Open # of proximal femur, trochanteric section, unspecified
S3031 Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part
S3032 Open fracture proximal femur, subtrochanteric
S3033 Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, comminuted
S3034 Open fracture of femur, intertrochanteric
S303z Open fracture of proximal femur, pertrochanteric, NOS
S304. Pertrochanteric fracture
S305. Subtrochanteric fracture
S30w. Closed fracture of unspecified proximal femur
S30x. Open fracture of unspecified proximal femur
S30y. Closed fracture of neck of femur NOS
S30z. Open fracture of neck of femur NOS
S31.. Other fracture of femur
S310. Closed fracture of femur, shaft or unspecified part
S3100 Closed fracture of femur, unspecified part
S3101 Closed fracture shaft of femur
S310z Closed fracture of shaft or unspecified part, NOS
S311. Open fracture of femur, shaft or unspecified part
S3110 Open fracture of femur, unspecified part
S3111 Open fracture shaft of femur
S311z Open fracture of femur, shaft or unspecified part, NOS
S312. Closed fracture distal femur
S3120 Closed fracture of distal femur, unspecified
S3121 Closed fracture of femoral condyle, unspecified
S3122 Closed fracture of femur, lower epiphysis
S3123 Closed fracture distal femur, supracondylar
S3124 Closed fracture distal femur, medial condyle
S3125 Closed fracture distal femur, lateral condyle
S3126 Closed fracture distal femur, bicondylar (T-Y fracture)
S312x Closed fracture distal femur, comminuted/intra-articular
S312z Closed fracture of distal femur not otherwise specified
S313. Open fracture distal femur
S3130 Open fracture distal femur, unspecified
S3131 Open fracture of femoral condyle, unspecified
S3132 Open fracture of femur, lower epiphysis
S3133 Open fracture distal femur, supracondylar
S3134 Open fracture distal femur, medial condyle
S3135 Open fracture distal femur, lateral condyle
S3136 Open fracture distal femur, bicondylar (T-Y fracture)
S313x Open fracture distal femur, comminuted/intra-articular
S313z Open fracture of distal femur not otherwise specified
S314. Fracture of shaft of femur
S315. Fracture of lower end of femur
S31z. Fracture of femur, NOS
S32.. Fracture of patella
S320. Closed fracture of the patella
S3200 Closed fracture patella, transverse
S3201 Closed fracture patella, proximal pole
S3202 Closed fracture patella, distal pole
S3203 Closed fracture patella, vertical
S3204 Closed fracture patella, comminuted (stellate)
S321. Open fracture of the patella
S3210 Open fracture patella, transverse
S3211 Open fracture patella, proximal pole
S3212 Open fracture patella, distal pole
S3213 Open fracture patella, vertical
S3214 Open fracture patella, comminuted (stellate)
S32z. Fracture of patella, NOS
S33.. Fracture of tibia and fibula
S330. Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, proximal
S3300 Closed fracture of the proximal tibia
S3301 Closed fracture proximal fibula
S3302 Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, proximal
S3303 Closed fracture proximal tibia, medial condyle (plateau)
S3304 Closed fracture proximal tibia, lateral condyle (plateau)
S3305 Closed fracture proximal tibia, bicondylar
S3306 Closed fracture spine, tibia
S3307 Closed fracture tubercle, tibia
S3308 Closed fracture fibula, head
S3309 Closed fracture fibula, neck
S330z Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, proximal NOS
S331. Open fracture of tibia and fibula, proximal
S3310 Open fracture of the proximal tibia
S3311 Open fracture proximal fibula
S3312 Open fracture of tibia and fibula, proximal
S3313 Open fracture proximal tibia, medial condyle (plateau)
S3314 Open fracture proximal tibia, lateral condyle (plateau)
S3315 Open fracture proximal tibia, bicondylar
S3316 Open fracture spine, tibia
S3317 Open fracture tubercle, tibia
S3318 Open fracture fibula, head
S3319 Open fracture fibula, neck
S331z Open fracture of tibia and fibula, proximal NOS
S332. Closed fracture of tibia/fibula, shaft
S3320 Closed fracture shaft of tibia
S3321 Closed fracture shaft of fibula
S3322 Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, shaft
S332z Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, shaft, NOS
S333. Open fracture of tibia/fibula, shaft
S3330 Open fracture shaft of tibia
S3331 Open fracture shaft of fibula
S3332 Open fracture of tibia and fibula, shaft
S333z Open fracture of tibia and fibula, shaft, NOS
S334. Closed fracture distal tibia
S3340 Closed fracture distal tibia, extra-articular
S3341 Closed fracture distal tibia, intra-articular
S335. Open fracture distal tibia
S3350 Open fracture distal tibia, extra-articular
S3351 Open fracture distal tibia, intra-articular
S336. Fracture of upper end of tibia
S337. Fracture of shaft of tibia
S338. Fracture of lower end of tibia
S339. Fracture of fibula alone
S3390 Closed fracture of distal fibula
S3391 Open fracture of distal fibula
S33x. Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, unspecified part, NOS
S33x0 Closed fracture of tibia, unspecified part, NOS
S33x1 Closed fracture of fibula, unspecified part, NOS
S33x2 Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, unspecified part
S33xz Closed fracture of tibia and fibula, unspecified part, NOS
S33y. Open fracture of tibia and fibula, unspecified part, NOS
S33y0 Open fracture of tibia, unspecified part, NOS
S33y1 Open fracture of fibula, unspecified part, NOS
S33y2 Open fracture of tibia and fibula, unspecified part
S33yz Open fracture of tibia and fibula, unspecified part, NOS
S33z. Fracture of tibia and fibula, NOS
S34.. Fracture of ankle
S340. Closed fracture ankle, medial malleolus
S341. Open fracture ankle, medial malleolus
S342. Closed fracture ankle, lateral malleolus
S3420 Closed fracture ankle, lateral malleolus, low
S3421 Closed fracture ankle, lateral malleolus, high
S343. Open fracture ankle, lateral malleolus
S3430 Open fracture ankle, lateral malleolus, low
S3431 Open fracture ankle, lateral malleolus, high
S344. Closed fracture ankle, bimalleolar
S3440 Closed fracture ankle, bimalleolar, low fibular fracture
S3441 Closed fracture ankle, bimalleolar, high fibular fracture
S345. Open fracture ankle, bimalleolar
S3450 Open fracture ankle, bimalleolar, low fibular fracture
S3451 Open fracture ankle, bimalleolar, high fibular fracture
S346. Closed fracture ankle, trimalleolar
S3460 Closed fracture ankle, trimalleolar, low fibular fracture
S3461 Closed fracture ankle, trimalleolar, high fibular fracture
S347. Open fracture ankle, trimalleolar
S3470 Open fracture ankle, trimalleolar, low fibular fracture
S3471 Open fracture ankle, trimalleolar, high fibular fracture
S348. Fracture of medial malleolus
S349. Fracture of lateral malleolus
S34x. Closed fracture ankle, unspecified
S34y. Open fracture ankle, unspecified
S34z. Fracture of ankle, NOS
S35.. Fracture of one or more tarsal and metatarsal bones
S350. Closed fracture of calcaneus
S3500 Closed fracture calcaneus, extra-articular
S3501 Closed fracture calcaneus, intra-articular
S351. Open fracture of calcaneus
S3510 Open fractures calcaneus, extra-articular
S3511 Open fractures calcaneus, intra-articular
S352. Closed fracture of other tarsal and metatarsal bones
S3520 Closed fracture of tarsal bone, unspecified
S3521 Closed fracture of talus
S3522 Closed fracture navicular
S3523 Closed fracture cuboid
S3524 Closed fracture medial cuneiform
S3525 Closed fracture intermediate cuneiform
S3526 Closed fracture lateral cuneiform
S3527 Closed fracture metatarsal
S3528 Closed fracture talus, head
S3529 Closed fracture talus, neck
S352A Closed fracture talus, body
S352B Closed fracture metatarsal base
S352C Closed fracture metatarsal shaft
S352D Closed fracture metatarsal neck
S352E Closed fracture metatarsal head
S352F Closed fracture metatarsal, multiple
S352G Closed tarsal fractures, multiple
S352H Closed fracture of cuneiforms
S352z Closed fracture of one or more tarsal + metatarsal bones NOS
S353. Open fracture of other tarsal and metatarsal bones
S3530 Open fracture of tarsal bone, unspecified
S3531 Open fracture of talus
S3532 Open fracture navicular
S3533 Open fracture cuboid
S3534 Open fracture medial cuneiform
S3535 Open fracture intermediate cuneiform
S3536 Open fracture lateral cuneiform
S3537 Open fracture metatarsal
S3538 Open fracture talus, head
S3539 Open fracture talus, neck
S353A Open fracture talus, body
S353B Open fracture metatarsal base
S353C Open fracture metatarsal shaft
S353D Open fracture metatarsal neck
S353E Open fracture metatarsal head
S353F Open fracture metatarsal, multiple
S353G Open tarsal fractures, multiple
S353H Open fracture cuneiforms
S353z Open fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones NOS
S354. Fracture of calcaneus
S355. Fracture of talus
S356. Fracture of metatarsal bone
S35z. Fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones NOS
S36.. Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
S360. Closed fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
S3600 Closed fracture proximal phalanx, toe
S3601 Closed fracture middle phalanx, toe
S3602 Closed fracture distal phalanx, toe
S3603 Closed fracture multiple phalanges, toe
S361. Open fracture of one or more phalanges of foot
S3610 Open fracture proximal phalanx, toe
S3611 Open fracture middle phalanx, toe
S3612 Open fracture distal phalanx, toe
S3613 Open fracture multiple phalanges, toe
S362. Fracture of great toe
S363. Fracture of other toe
S36z. Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot NOS
S37.. Fracture of lower limb, level unspecified
S3X.. Fracture of lower leg, part unspecified
S3x.. Other, multiple and ill-defined fractures of lower limb
S3x0. Other, multiple and ill-defined closed fractures lower limb
S3x1. Other, multiple and ill-defined open fractures of lower limb
S3x2. Multiple fractures of femur
S3x3. Multiple fractures of lower leg
S3x4. Multiple fractures of foot
S3xz. Other, multiple and ill-defined fractures of lower limb NOS
S3y.. Multiple #both legs, leg + arm ,leg + rib + sternum
S3y0. Multiple closed #both legs, leg + arm, leg + rib + sternum
S3y1. Multiple open #both legs, leg + arm, leg + rib + sternum
S3yz. Multiple #both legs, leg + arm, leg + rib + sternum NOS
S3z.. Fracture of unspecified bones
S3z0. Closed fracture of bones, unspecified
S3z00 Greenstick fracture
S3z1. Open fracture of bones, unspecified
S3z2. Stress fracture
S3zz. Fracture of bones NOS
S4... Dislocations and subluxations
S40.. Dislocation or subluxation of jaw
S400. Closed dislocation of jaw
S401. Open dislocation of jaw
S402. Closed subluxation jaw
S403. Open subluxation jaw
S40z. Dislocation of jaw NOS
S41.. Dislocation or subluxation of shoulder
S410. Closed traumatic dislocation of shoulder
S4100 Closed traumatic dislocation shoulder joint, unspecified
S4101 Cls traumatic dislocatn shoulder jnt, anterior(sub-coracoid)
S4102 Closed traumatic dislocation shoulder joint, posterior
S4103 Cls traumatic disloctn shoulder jnt, inferior(infra-glenoid)
S4104 Closed traumatic dislocation acromio-clavicular joint
S4105 Closed traumatic dislocation scapula
S410y Other closed traumatic dislocation of shoulder
S410z Closed traumatic dislocation of shoulder NOS
S411. Open traumatic dislocation of shoulder
S4110 Open traumatic dislocation shoulder joint, unspecified
S4111 Open traumatic disloctn shoulder jnt, anterior(sub-coracoid)
S4112 Open traumatic dislocation shoulder joint, posterior
S4113 Opn traumatic disloctn shoulder jnt, inferior(infra-glenoid)
S4114 Open traumatic dislocation acromio-clavicular joint
S4115 Open traumatic dislocation scapula
S411y Other open traumatic dislocation of shoulder
S411z Open traumatic dislocation of shoulder NOS
S412. Closed traumatic subluxation shoulder
S4120 Closed traumatic subluxation shoulder joint
S4121 Closed traumatic subluxation acromio-clavicular joint
S412z Closed traumatic subluxation shoulder NOS
S413. Open traumatic subluxation of shoulder
S4130 Open traumatic subluxation shoulder joint
S4131 Open traumatic subluxation acromio-clavicular joint
S413z Open traumatic subluxation shoulder NOS
S41z. Dislocation of shoulder NOS
S42.. Dislocation or subluxation of elbow
S420. Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint
S4200 Closed traumatic dislocation of elbow, unspecified
S4201 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint, anterior
S4202 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint, posterior
S4203 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint, medial
S4204 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint, lateral
S4205 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint, divergent
S4206 Closed traumatic dislocation superior radio-ulnar joint
S420y Other closed traumatic dislocation of elbow
S420z Closed traumatic dislocation of elbow NOS
S421. Open traumatic dislocation elbow joint
S4210 Open traumatic dislocation of elbow, unspecified
S4211 Open traumatic dislocation elbow joint, anterior
S4212 Open traumatic dislocation elbow joint, posterior
S4213 Open traumatic dislocation elbow joint, medial
S4214 Open traumatic dislocation elbow joint, lateral
S4215 Open traumatic dislocation elbow joint, divergent
S4216 Open traumatic dislocation superior radio-ulnar joint
S421y Other open traumatic dislocation of elbow
S421z Open traumatic dislocation of elbow not otherwise specified
S422. Closed traumatic subluxation elbow
S4220 Closed traumatic subluxation elbow joint
S4221 Closed traumatic subluxation superior radio-ulnar joint
S423. Open traumatic subluxation elbow
S4230 Open traumatic subluxation elbow joint
S4231 Open traumatic subluxation superior radio-ulnar joint
S424. Dislocation of radial head
S42z. Dislocation of elbow NOS
S43.. Dislocation or subluxation of wrist
S430. Closed traumatic dislocation of wrist
S4300 Closed traumatic dislocation of wrist, unspecified
S4301 Closed traumatic dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint
S4302 Closed traumatic dislocation radiocarpal joint
S4303 Closed traumatic dislocation mid carpal joint
S4304 Closed traumatic dislocation carpometacarpal joint
S4305 Closed traumatic dislocation proximal metacarpal
S4306 Closed traumatic dislocation lunate (volar)
S4307 Closed traumatic dislocation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S4308 Closed traumatic dislocation other carpal joint
S430y Other closed traumatic dislocation of wrist
S430z Closed traumatic dislocation of wrist NOS
S431. Open traumatic dislocation of the wrist
S4310 Open traumatic dislocation of wrist, unspecified
S4311 Open traumatic dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint
S4312 Open traumatic dislocation radiocarpal joint
S4313 Open traumatic dislocation mid carpal joint
S4314 Open traumatic dislocation CMCJ
S4315 Open traumatic dislocation proximal metacarpal
S4316 Open traumatic dislocation lunate (volar)
S4317 Open traumatic dislocation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S4318 Open traumatic dislocation other carpal joint
S431y Other open traumatic dislocation of wrist
S431z Open traumatic dislocation of wrist not otherwise specified
S432. Closed traumatic subluxation of the wrist
S4320 Closed traumatic subluxation of the wrist, unspecified
S4321 Closed traumatic subluxation distal radio-ulnar joint
S4322 Closed traumatic subluxation radiocarpal joint
S4323 Closed traumatic subluxation mid carpal joint
S4324 Closed traumatic subluxation carpometacarpal joint
S4325 Closed traumatic subluxation lunate (volar)
S4326 Closed traumatic subluxation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S432y Closed traumatic subluxation other carpal joint
S433. Open traumatic subluxation of the wrist
S4330 Open traumatic subluxation of the wrist, unspecified
S4331 Open traumatic subluxation distal radio-ulnar joint
S4332 Open traumatic subluxation radiocarpal joint
S4333 Open traumatic subluxation mid carpal joint
S4334 Open traumatic subluxation CMCJ
S4335 Open traumatic subluxation lunate (volar)
S4336 Open traumatic subluxation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S433y Open traumatic subluxation other carpal joint
S43z. Dislocation of wrist NOS
S44.. Dislocation or subluxation of finger or thumb
S440. Closed traumatic dislocation digit
S4400 Closed traumatic dislocation of finger, unspecified
S4401 Closed traumatic dislocation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4402 Closed traumatic interphalangeal dislocation
S4403 Closed traumatic dislocation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4404 Closed traumatic dislocation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4405 Closed traumatic dislocation, interphalangeal joint,thumb
S4406 Closed traumatic dislocation multiple digits
S440z Closed traumatic dislocation of finger NOS
S441. Open traumatic dislocation digit
S4410 Open traumatic dislocation of finger, unspecified
S4411 Open traumatic dislocation metacarpophalangeal joint
S4412 Open traumatic interphalangeal dislocation
S4413 Open traumatic dislocation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4414 Open traumatic dislocation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4415 Open traumatic dislocation, interphalangeal joint,thumb
S4416 Open traumatic dislocation multiple digits
S441z Open traumatic dislocation of finger not otherwise specified
S442. Closed traumatic subluxation digit
S4420 Closed traumatic subluxation digit, unspecified
S4421 Closed traumatic subluxation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4422 Closed traumatic subluxation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4423 Closed traumatic subluxation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4424 Closed traumatic subluxation, interphalangeal joint thumb
S4425 Closed traumatic subluxation multiple digits
S443. Open traumatic subluxation digit
S4430 Open traumatic subluxation digit, unspecified
S4431 Open traumatic subluxation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4432 Open traumatic subluxation, interphalangeal joint thumb
S4433 Open traumatic subluxation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4434 Open traumatic subluxation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4435 Open traumatic subluxation multiple digits
S44z. Dislocation of finger or thumb not otherwise specified
S45.. Dislocation or subluxation of hip
S450. Closed traumatic dislocation of hip
S4500 Closed traumatic dislocation of hip, unspecified
S4501 Closed traumatic dislocation hip joint, posterior
S4502 Closed traumatic obturator dislocation of hip
S4503 Closed traumatic dislocation hip joint, anterior
S450z Closed traumatic dislocation of hip not otherwise specified
S451. Open traumatic dislocation of hip
S4510 Open traumatic dislocation of hip, unspecified
S4511 Open traumatic dislocation hip joint, posterior
S4512 Open traumatic obturator dislocation of hip
S4513 Open traumatic dislocation hip joint, anterior
S451z Open traumatic dislocation of hip not otherwise specified
S452. Closed traumatic subluxation hip joint
S4520 Closed traumatic subluxation hip joint, unspecified
S4521 Closed traumatic subluxation hip joint, posterior
S4522 Closed traumatic subluxation hip joint, anterior
S453. Open traumatic subluxation hip joint
S4530 Open traumatic subluxation hip joint, unspecified
S4531 Open traumatic subluxation hip joint, posterior
S4532 Open traumatic subluxation hip joint, anterior
S45z. Dislocation of hip NOS
S46.. Dislocation or subluxation of knee
S460. Acute meniscal tear, medial
S4600 Acute meniscal tear, medial, anterior horn
S4601 Acute meniscal tear, medial, posterior horn
S4602 Acute meniscal tear, medial, bucket handle tear
S4603 Acute meniscal tear, medial, radial
S4604 Acute meniscal tear, medial, peripheral detachment
S4605 Acute meniscal tear, medial, horizontal cleavage
S461. Acute meniscal tear, lateral
S4610 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, anterior horn
S4611 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, posterior horn
S4612 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, bucket handle tear
S4613 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, radial
S4614 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, peripheral detachment
S4615 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, horizontal cleavage
S462. Other acute meniscus tear
S463. Closed traumatic dislocation of patello-femoral joint
S4630 Closed traumatic dislocation patello-femoral joint, lateral
S4631 Closed traumatic dislocation patello-femoral joint, medial
S464. Open traumatic dislocation of patello-femoral joint
S4640 Open traumatic dislocation patello-femoral joint, lateral
S4641 Open traumatic dislocation patello-femoral joint, medial
S465. Other closed traumatic dislocation of knee
S4650 Closed traumatic dislocation of knee, unspecified
S4651 Closed traumatic dislocation knee joint, anterior
S4652 Closed traumatic dislocation knee joint, posterior
S4653 Closed traumatic dislocation knee joint, medial
S4654 Closed traumatic dislocation knee joint, lateral
S4655 Closed traumatic dislocation knee joint, rotatory
S4656 Closed traumatic dislocation, head of fibula
S465z Closed traumatic dislocation of knee not otherwise specified
S466. Other open traumatic dislocation of knee
S4660 Open traumatic dislocation of knee, unspecified
S4661 Open traumatic dislocation knee joint, anterior
S4662 Open traumatic dislocation knee joint, posterior
S4663 Open traumatic dislocation knee joint, medial
S4664 Open traumatic dislocation knee joint, lateral
S4665 Open traumatic dislocation knee joint, rotatory
S4666 Open traumatic dislocation, head of fibula
S466z Open dislocation of knee NOS
S467. Closed traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint
S4670 Closed traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint, lateral
S4671 Closed traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint, medial
S468. Open traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint
S4680 Open traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint, lateral
S4681 Open traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint, medial
S469. Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint
S4690 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint, unspecified
S4691 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint, anterior
S4692 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint, posterior
S4693 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint, medial
S4694 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint, lateral
S4695 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint, rotatory
S4696 Closed traumatic subluxation, head of fibula
S46A. Open traumatic subluxation knee joint
S46A0 Open traumatic subluxation knee joint, unspecified
S46A1 Open traumatic subluxation knee joint, anterior
S46A2 Open traumatic subluxation knee joint, posterior
S46A3 Open traumatic subluxation knee joint, medial
S46A4 Open traumatic subluxation knee joint, lateral
S46A5 Open traumatic subluxation knee joint, rotatory
S46A6 Open traumatic subluxation, head of fibula
S46B. Tear of articular cartilage of knee, current
S46C. Injury to multiple structures of knee
S46D. Recurrent subluxation of patella
S46z. Dislocation of knee NOS
S47.. Dislocation or subluxation of ankle
S470. Closed traumatic dislocation ankle joint
S471. Open traumatic dislocation ankle joint
S472. Closed traumatic subluxation ankle joint
S473. Open traumatic subluxation ankle joint
S47z. Dislocation of ankle NOS
S48.. Dislocation or subluxation of foot
S480. Closed traumatic dislocation of foot
S4800 Closed traumatic dislocation of foot, unspecified
S4801 Closed traumatic tarsal dislocation, unspecified
S4802 Closed traumatic dislocation, midtarsal joint
S4803 Closed traumatic dislocation, tarso-metatarsal joint
S4804 Closed traumatic metatarsal dislocation, unspecified
S4805 Cls traumatic dislocation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt, single
S4806 Closed traumatic dislocation toe, IPJ, single
S4807 Cls traumatic dislocation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt,multiple
S4808 Closed traumatic dislocation toe, IPJ, multiple
S4809 Closed traumatic dislocation, pantalar
S480A Closed traumatic dislocation, subtalar joint
S480z Closed traumatic dislocation of foot not otherwise specified
S481. Open traumatic dislocation of foot
S4810 Open traumatic dislocation of foot, unspecified
S4811 Open traumatic tarsal dislocation, unspecified
S4812 Open traumatic dislocation, midtarsal joint
S4813 Open traumatic dislocation, tarso-metatarsal joint
S4814 Open traumatic metatarsal dislocation, unspecified
S4815 Open traumatic dislocation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt, single
S4816 Open traumatic dislocation toe, IPJ, single
S4817 Open traumatic dislocation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt, multi
S4818 Open traumatic dislocation toe, IPJ, multiple
S4819 Open traumatic dislocation, pantalar
S481A Open traumatic dislocation, subtalar joint
S481z Open traumatic dislocation of foot not otherwise specified
S482. Closed traumatic subluxation, foot
S4820 Closed traumatic subluxation, foot, unspecified
S4821 Closed traumatic subluxation, tarsal joint, unspecified
S4822 Closed traumatic subluxation, midtarsal joint
S4823 Closed traumatic subluxation, tarso-metatarsal joint
S4824 Cls traumatic subluxation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt, single
S4825 Closed traumatic subluxation toe, IPJ, single
S4826 Cls traumatic subluxation, metatarso-phalangeal joint, multi
S4827 Closed traumatic subluxation toe, IPJ, multiple
S4828 Closed traumatic subluxation, pantalar
S4829 Closed traumatic subluxation, subtalar joint
S483. Open traumatic subluxation, foot
S4830 Open traumatic subluxation, foot, unspecified
S4831 Open traumatic subluxation, tarsal joint, unspecified
S4832 Open traumatic subluxation, midtarsal joint
S4833 Open traumatic subluxation, tarso-metatarsal joint
S4834 Open traumatic subluxation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt, single
S4835 Open traumatic subluxation toe, IPJ, single
S4836 Op traumatic subluxation, metatarso-phalangeal jnt, multiple
S4837 Open traumatic subluxation toe, IPJ, multiple
S4838 Open traumatic subluxation, pantalar
S4839 Open traumatic subluxation, subtalar joint
S48z. Dislocation of foot NOS
S49.. Other, multiple and ill-defined dislocations or subluxations
S490. Closed dislocation cervical spine
S4900 Closed dislocation of cervical spine, unspecified
S4901 Closed dislocation atlanto-occipital joint
S4902 Closed dislocation atlanto-axial joint
S4903 Closed dislocation C2/C3
S4904 Closed dislocation C3/C4
S4905 Closed dislocation C4/C5
S4906 Closed dislocation C5/C6
S4907 Closed dislocation C6/C7
S4908 Closed dislocation C7/T1
S4909 Closed spinal dislocation with cervical cord lesion, unspec
S490A Closed spinal dislocation with complete cervical cord lesion
S490B Closed spinal dislocation with anterior cervical cord lesion
S490C Closed spinal dislocation with central cervical cord lesion
S490D Closed spinal dislocation wth posterior cervical cord lesion
S490x Closed dislocation of multiple cervical vertebrae
S490z Closed dislocation of cervical vertebra NOS
S491. Open dislocation cervical spine
S4910 Open dislocation of cervical spine, unspecified
S4911 Open dislocation atlanto-occipital joint
S4912 Open dislocation atlanto-axial joint
S4913 Open dislocation C2/C3
S4914 Open dislocation C3/C4
S4915 Open dislocation C4/C5
S4916 Open dislocation C5/C6
S4917 Open dislocation C6/C7
S4918 Open dislocation C7/T1
S4919 Open spinal dislocation with cervical cord lesion, unspec
S491A Open spinal dislocation with complete cervical cord lesion
S491B Open spinal dislocation with anterior cervical cord lesion
S491C Open spinal dislocation with central cervical cord lesion
S491D Open spinal dislocation with posterior cervical cord lesion
S491x Open dislocation of multiple cervical vertebrae
S491z Open dislocation of cervical vertebra NOS
S492. Closed dislocation of thoracic and lumbar spine
S4920 Closed dislocation lumbar spine
S4921 Closed dislocation thoracic spine
S4922 Closed spinal dislocation with thoracic cord lesion, unspec
S4923 Closed spinal dislocation with complete thoracic cord lesion
S4924 Closed spinal dislocation with anterior thoracic cord lesion
S4925 Closed spinal dislocation with central thoracic cord lesion
S4926 Closed spinal dislocation wth posterior thoracic cord lesion
S4927 Closed spinal dislocation with lumbar cord lesion, unspec
S4928 Closed spinal dislocation with complete lumbar cord lesion
S4929 Closed spinal dislocation with anterior lumbar cord lesion
S492A Closed spinal dislocation with central lumbar cord lesion
S492B Closed spinal dislocation with posterior lumbar cord lesion
S492C Closed spinal dislocation with cauda equina lesion
S492z Closed dislocation of thoracic and lumbar spine NOS
S493. Open dislocation of thoracic and lumbar spine
S4930 Open dislocation lumbar spine
S4931 Open dislocation thoracic spine
S4932 Open spinal dislocation with thoracic cord lesion, unspec
S4933 Open spinal dislocation with complete thoracic cord lesion
S4934 Open spinal dislocation with anterior thoracic cord lesion
S4935 Open spinal dislocation with central thoracic cord lesion
S4936 Open spinal dislocation with posterior thoracic cord lesion
S4937 Open spinal dislocation with lumbar cord lesion, unspecified
S4938 Open spinal dislocation with complete lumbar cord lesion
S4939 Open spinal dislocation with anterior lumbar cord lesion
S493A Open spinal dislocation with central lumbar cord lesion
S493B Open spinal dislocation with posterior lumbar cord lesion
S493C Open spinal dislocation with cauda equina lesion
S493z Open dislocation of thoracic and lumbar vertebra NOS
S494. Closed dislocation of other vertebra
S4940 Closed dislocation of spine, unspecified
S4941 Closed dislocation of coccyx
S4942 Closed dislocation of sacrum
S494z Closed dislocation of spine NOS
S495. Open dislocation of other vertebra
S4950 Open dislocation of spine, unspecified
S4951 Open dislocation of coccyx
S4952 Open dislocation of sacrum
S495z Open dislocation of spine NOS
S496. Other closed traumatic dislocation
S4960 Closed traumatic dislocation of sternum
S4961 Closed traumatic dislocation of pelvis
S4962 Closed traumatic dislocation sterno-clavicular joint
S4963 Closed traumatic dislocation, sterno-clavicular joint, ant
S4964 Closed traumatic dislocation, sterno-clavicular joint, post
S4965 Closed traumatic dislocation laryngeal cartilage
S4966 Closed traumatic dislocation costo-vertebral joint
S4967 Closed traumatic dislocation costo-chondral joint
S496z Closed traumatic dislocation not otherwise specified
S497. Other open traumatic dislocation
S4970 Open traumatic dislocation of sternum
S4971 Open traumatic dislocation of pelvis
S4972 Open traumatic dislocation sterno-clavicular joint
S4973 Open traumatic dislocation, sterno-clavicular joint, ant
S4974 Open traumatic dislocation, sterno-clavicular joint, post
S4975 Open traumatic dislocation laryngeal cartilage
S4976 Open traumatic dislocation costo-vertebral joint
S4977 Open traumatic dislocation costo-chondral joint
S497z Open dislocation NOS
S498. Closed subluxation cervical spine
S4980 Closed subluxation of cervical spine, unspecified
S4981 Closed subluxation atlanto-occipital joint
S4982 Closed subluxation atlanto-axial joint
S4983 Closed subluxation C2/C3
S4984 Closed subluxation C3/C4
S4985 Closed subluxation C4/C5
S4986 Closed subluxation C5/C6
S4987 Closed subluxation C6/C7
S4988 Closed subluxation C7/T1
S4989 Closed spinal subluxation with cervical cord lesion, unspec
S498A Closed spinal subluxation with complete cervical cord lesion
S498B Closed spinal subluxation with anterior cervical cord lesion
S498C Closed spinal subluxation with central cervical cord lesion
S498D Closed spinal subluxation + posterior cervical cord lesion
S498x Closed subluxation of multiple cervical vertebrae
S498z Closed subluxation of cervical vertebra NOS
S499. Open subluxation cervical spine
S4990 Open subluxation of cervical spine, unspecified
S4991 Open subluxation atlanto-occipital joint
S4992 Open subluxation atlanto-axial joint
S4993 Open subluxation C2/C3
S4994 Open subluxation C3/C4
S4995 Open subluxation C4/C5
S4996 Open subluxation C5/C6
S4997 Open subluxation C6/C7
S4998 Open subluxation C7/T1
S4999 Open spinal subluxation with cervical cord lesion, unspec
S499A Open spinal subluxation with complete cervical cord lesion
S499B Open spinal subluxation with anterior cervical cord lesion
S499C Open spinal subluxation with central cervical cord lesion
S499D Open spinal subluxation with posterior cervical cord lesion
S499x Open subluxation of multiple cervical vertebrae
S499z Open subluxation of cervical vertebra NOS
S49A. Closed subluxation of thoracic and lumbar spine
S49A0 Closed subluxation lumbar spine
S49A1 Closed subluxation thoracic spine
S49A2 Closed spinal subluxation with thoracic cord lesion, unspec
S49A3 Closed spinal subluxation with complete thoracic cord lesion
S49A4 Closed spinal subluxation with anterior thoracic cord lesion
S49A5 Closed spinal subluxation with central thoracic cord lesion
S49A6 Closed spinal subluxation with post thoracic cord lesion
S49A7 Closed spinal subluxation with lumbar cord lesion, unspec
S49A8 Closed spinal subluxation with complete lumbar cord lesion
S49A9 Closed spinal subluxation with anterior lumbar cord lesion
S49AA Closed spinal subluxation with central lumbar cord lesion
S49AB Closed spinal subluxation with posterior lumbar cord lesion
S49AC Closed spinal subluxation with cauda equina lesion
S49Az Closed subluxation of thoracic and lumbar spine NOS
S49B. Open subluxation of thoracic and lumbar vertebra
S49B0 Open subluxation lumbar spine
S49B1 Open subluxation thoracic spine
S49B2 Open spinal subluxation with thoracic cord lesion, unspec
S49B3 Open spinal subluxation with complete thoracic cord lesion
S49B4 Open spinal subluxation with anterior thoracic cord lesion
S49B5 Open spinal subluxation with central thoracic cord lesion
S49B6 Open spinal subluxation with posterior thoracic cord lesion
S49B7 Open spinal subluxation with lumbar cord lesion, unspecified
S49B8 Open spinal subluxation with complete lumbar cord lesion
S49B9 Open spinal subluxation with anterior lumbar cord lesion
S49BA Open spinal subluxation with central lumbar cord lesion
S49BB Open spinal subluxation with posterior lumbar cord lesion
S49BC Open spinal subluxation with cauda equina lesion
S49Bz Open subluxation of thoracic and lumbar vertebra NOS
S49C. Closed subluxation of other vertebra
S49C0 Closed subluxation of spine, unspecified
S49C1 Closed subluxation of coccyx
S49C2 Closed subluxation of sacrum
S49Cz Closed subluxation of spine not otherwise specified
S49D. Open subluxation of other vertebra
S49D0 Open subluxation of spine, unspecified
S49D1 Open subluxation of coccyx
S49D2 Open subluxation of sacrum
S49Dz Open subluxation of spine NOS
S49E. Other closed traumatic subluxation
S49E0 Closed traumatic subluxation of sternum
S49E1 Closed traumatic subluxation of pelvis
S49E2 Closed traumatic subluxation sterno-clavicular joint
S49E3 Closed traumatic subluxation, sterno-clavicular joint, ant
S49E4 Closed traumatic subluxation, sterno-clavicular joint, post
S49E5 Closed traumatic subluxation laryngeal cartilage
S49E6 Closed traumatic subluxation costo-vertebral joint
S49E7 Closed traumatic subluxation costo-chondral joint
S49Ez Oth closed subluxation NOS
S49F. Other open traumatic subluxation
S49F0 Open traumatic subluxation of sternum
S49F1 Open traumatic subluxation of pelvis
S49F2 Open traumatic subluxation sterno-clavicular joint
S49F3 Open traumatic subluxation, sterno-clavicular jt, anterior
S49F4 Open traumatic subluxation, sterno-clavicular joint, post
S49F5 Open traumatic subluxation laryngeal cartilage
S49F6 Open traumatic subluxation costo-vertebral joint
S49F7 Open traumatic subluxation costo-chondral joint
S49Fz Other open subluxation NOS
S49G. Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose
S49X. Dislocat of oth & unspec parts of lumbar spine & pelvis
S49x. Other closed multiple and ill-defined dislocation
S49y. Other open multiple and ill-defined dislocation
S49z. Other dislocation NOS
S4A.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation shoulder
S4A0. Closed fracture-dislocation shoulder
S4A00 Closed fracture-dislocation shoulder joint
S4A01 Closed fracture-dislocation acromio-clavicular joint
S4A1. Open fracture-dislocation shoulder
S4A10 Open fracture-dislocation shoulder joint
S4A11 Open fracture-dislocation acromio-clavicular joint
S4A2. Closed fracture-subluxation shoulder
S4A20 Closed fracture-subluxation shoulder joint
S4A21 Closed fracture-subluxation acromio-clavicular joint
S4A3. Open fracture-subluxation shoulder
S4A30 Open fracture-subluxation shoulder joint
S4A31 Open fracture-subluxation acromio-clavicular joint
S4B.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation elbow
S4B0. Closed fracture-dislocation elbow
S4B00 Closed fracture-dislocation elbow joint
S4B01 Closed fracture-dislocation superior radio-ulnar joint
S4B1. Open fracture-dislocation elbow
S4B10 Open fracture-dislocation elbow joint
S4B11 Open fracture-dislocation superior radio-ulnar joint
S4B2. Closed fracture-subluxation elbow
S4B20 Closed fracture-subluxation elbow joint
S4B21 Closed fracture-subluxation superior radio-ulnar joint
S4B3. Open fracture-subluxation elbow
S4B30 Open fracture-subluxation elbow joint
S4B31 Open fracture-subluxation superior radio-ulnar joint
S4C.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation of wrist
S4C0. Closed fracture dislocation of wrist
S4C00 Closed fracture-dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint
S4C01 Closed fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint
S4C02 Closed fracture-dislocation mid carpal
S4C03 Closed fracture-dislocation, carpometacarpal joint
S4C04 Closed fracture-dislocation lunate (volar)
S4C05 Closed fracture-dislocation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S4C06 Closed fracture-dislocation peri-lunate trans-scaphoid
S4C0y Closed fracture-dislocation other carpal
S4C1. Open fracture dislocation wrist
S4C10 Open fracture-dislocation, distal radio-ulnar joint
S4C11 Open fracture-dislocation radiocarpal joint
S4C12 Open fracture-dislocation mid carpal
S4C13 Open fracture-dislocation carpometacarpal joint
S4C14 Open fracture-dislocation lunate (volar)
S4C15 Open fracture-dislocation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S4C16 Open fracture-dislocation peri-lunate trans-scaphoid
S4C1y Open fracture-dislocation other carpal
S4C2. Closed fracture-subluxation of the wrist
S4C20 Closed fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar jt
S4C21 Closed fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint
S4C22 Closed fracture-subluxation mid carpal
S4C23 Closed fracture-subluxation, carpometacarpal joint
S4C24 Closed fracture-subluxation lunate (volar)
S4C25 Closed fracture-subluxation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S4C26 Closed fracture-subluxation peri-lunate trans-scaphoid
S4C2y Closed fracture-subluxation other carpal
S4C3. Open fracture-subluxation of the wrist
S4C30 Open fracture-subluxation, distal radio-ulnar joint
S4C31 Open fracture-subluxation radiocarpal joint
S4C32 Open fracture-subluxation mid carpal
S4C33 Open fracture-subluxation, carpometacarpal joint
S4C34 Open fracture-subluxation lunate (volar)
S4C35 Open fracture-subluxation peri-lunate (dorsal)
S4C36 Open fracture-subluxation peri-lunate trans-scaphoid
S4C3y Open fracture-subluxation other carpal
S4D.. Fracture-dislocation/subluxation finger/thumb
S4D0. Closed fracture-dislocation digit
S4D00 Closed fracture-dislocation digit, unspecified
S4D01 Closed fracture-dislocation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4D02 Closed fracture-dislocation IPJ, unspecified
S4D03 Closed fracture-dislocation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4D04 Closed fracture-dislocation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4D05 Closed fracture-dislocation, interphalangeal joint thumb
S4D06 Closed fracture-dislocation multiple digits
S4D1. Open fracture-dislocation digit
S4D10 Open fracture-dislocation digit, unspecified
S4D11 Open fracture-dislocation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4D12 Open fracture-dislocation IPJ, unspecified
S4D13 Open fracture-dislocation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4D14 Open fracture-dislocation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4D15 Open fracture-dislocation, interphalangeal joint thumb
S4D16 Open fracture-dislocation multiple digits
S4D2. Closed fracture-subluxation digit
S4D20 Closed fracture-subluxation digit, unspecified
S4D21 Closed fracture-subluxation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4D22 Closed fracture-subluxation IPJ, unspecified
S4D23 Closed fracture-subluxation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4D24 Closed fracture-subluxation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4D25 Closed fracture-subluxation, interphalangeal joint thumb
S4D26 Closed fracture-subluxation multiple digits
S4D3. Open fracture-subluxation digit
S4D30 Open fracture-subluxation digit, unspecified
S4D31 Open fracture-subluxation, metacarpophalangeal joint
S4D32 Open fracture-subluxation IPJ, unspecified
S4D33 Open fracture-subluxation, distal interphalangeal joint
S4D34 Open fracture-subluxation, proximal interphalangeal joint
S4D35 Open fracture-subluxation, interphalangeal joint thumb
S4D36 Open fracture-subluxation multiple digits
S4E.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation hip
S4E0. Closed fracture-dislocation, hip joint
S4E1. Open fracture-dislocation, hip joint
S4E2. Closed fracture-subluxation, hip joint
S4E3. Open fracture-subluxation, hip joint
S4F.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation knee
S4F0. Closed fracture-dislocation, knee joint
S4F1. Open fracture-dislocation, knee joint
S4F2. Closed fracture-subluxation, knee joint
S4F3. Open fracture-subluxation, knee joint
S4F4. Closed fracture-dislocation, patello-femoral joint
S4F5. Open fracture-dislocation, patello-femoral joint
S4F6. Closed fracture-subluxation, patello-femoral joint
S4F7. Open fracture-subluxation, patello-femoral joint
S4G.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation ankle
S4G0. Closed fracture-dislocation, ankle joint
S4G1. Open fracture-dislocation, ankle joint
S4G2. Closed fracture-subluxation, ankle joint
S4G3. Open fracture-subluxation, ankle joint
S4H.. Fracture-dislocation or subluxation foot
S4H0. Closed fracture-dislocation foot
S4H00 Closed fracture-dislocation, subtalar joint
S4H01 Closed fracture-dislocation, midtarsal joint
S4H02 Closed fracture-dislocation, tarsometatarsal joint
S4H03 Closed #-dislocation, metatarsophalangeal joint, single
S4H04 Closed fracture-dislocation, IPJ, single toe
S4H05 Closed #-dislocation, metatarsophalangeal joint, multiple
S4H06 Closed fracture-dislocation, IPJ, multiple toes
S4H1. Open fracture-dislocation, foot
S4H10 Open fracture-dislocation, subtalar joint
S4H11 Open fracture-dislocation, midtarsal joint
S4H12 Open fracture-dislocation, tarsometatarsal joint
S4H13 Open fracture-dislocation, metatarsophalangeal joint, single
S4H14 Open fracture-dislocation, IPJ, single toe
S4H15 Open #-dislocation, metatarsophalangeal joint, multiple
S4H16 Open fracture-dislocation, IPJ, multiple toes
S4H2. Closed fracture-subluxation, foot
S4H20 Closed fracture-subluxation, subtalar joint
S4H21 Closed fracture-subluxation, midtarsal joint
S4H22 Closed fracture-subluxation, tarsometatarsal joint
S4H23 Closed #-subluxation, metatarsophalangeal joint, single
S4H24 Closed fracture-subluxation, IPJ, single toe
S4H25 Closed #-subluxation, metatarsophalangeal joint, multiple
S4H26 Closed fracture-subluxation, IPJ, multiple toes
S4H3. Open fracture-subluxation, foot
S4H30 Open fracture-subluxation, subtalar joint
S4H31 Open fracture-subluxation, midtarsal joint
S4H32 Open fracture-subluxation, tarsometatarsal joint
S4H33 Open fracture-subluxation, metatarsophalangeal joint, single
S4H34 Open fracture-subluxation, IPJ, single toe
S4H35 Open #-subluxation, metatarsophalangeal joint, multiple
S4H36 Open fracture-subluxation, IPJ, multiple toes
S4J.. Other fracture-dislocation or subluxation
S4J0. Other closed fracture-dislocation
S4J00 Closed fracture-dislocation of sternum
S4J01 Closed fracture-dislocation of pelvis
S4J02 Closed #-dislocation sterno-clavicular joint, anterior
S4J03 Closed #-dislocation sterno-clavicular joint, posterior
S4J1. Other open fracture-dislocation
S4J10 Open fracture-dislocation of sternum
S4J11 Open fracture-dislocation of pelvis
S4J12 Open fracture-dislocation sterno-clavicular joint, anterior
S4J13 Open fracture-dislocation sterno-clavicular joint, posterior
S4J2. Other closed fracture-subluxation
S4J20 Closed fracture-subluxation of sternum
S4J21 Closed fracture-subluxation of pelvis
S4J22 Closed #-subluxation sterno-clavicular joint, anterior
S4J23 Closed #-subluxation sterno-clavicular joint, posterior
S4J3. Other open fracture-subluxation
S4J30 Open fracture-subluxation of sternum
S4J31 Open fracture-subluxation of pelvis
S4J32 Open fracture-subluxation sterno-clavicular joint, anterior
S4J33 Open fracture-subluxation sterno-clavicular joint, posterior
S4z.. Dislocation or subluxation not otherwise specified
S5... Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles
S50.. Sprain of shoulder and upper arm
S500. Sprain, acromio-clavicular ligament
S501. Sprain, coraco-clavicular ligament
S502. Coracohumeral sprain
S503. Sprain, infraspinatus tendon
S504. Rotator cuff sprain
S505. Sprain, subscapularis tendon
S506. Sprain, supraspinatus tendon
S507. Sprain, shoulder joint
S5070 Sprain, shoulder joint, anterior
S5071 Sprain, shoulder joint, posterior
S508. Sprain, biceps tendon
S509. Sprain, long head of biceps tendon
S50A. Sprain, triceps tendon
S50X. Sprain & strain of oth & unspecif parts of should girdle
S50w. Other shoulder sprain
S50x. Other upper arm sprain
S50y. Shoulder sprain NOS
S50z. Upper arm sprain NOS
S51.. Sprain of elbow and forearm
S510. Sprain, elbow joint, lateral collateral ligament
S511. Sprain, elbow joint, medial collateral ligament
S512. Radiohumeral sprain
S513. Ulnohumeral sprain
S51w. Other elbow sprain
S51x. Other forearm sprain
S51y. Elbow sprain NOS
S51z. Forearm sprain NOS
S52.. Sprain of wrist and hand
S520. Sprain wrist ligament
S5200 Wrist sprain unspecified
S5201 Carpal joint sprain
S5202 Sprain proximal radiocarpal ligament non-specific
S5203 Distal radioulnar joint sprain
S5204 Sprain radial collateral ligament
S5205 Sprain volar radio-carpal ligament non-specific
S5206 Sprain volar radio-carpal ligament superficial
S5207 Sprain radio-scapho-capitate ligament
S5208 Sprain radio-lunate ligament
S5209 Sprain radio-scapho-lunate ligament
S520A Sprain dorsal radio-carpal ligament
S520B Sprain ulnar carpal complex non-specific
S520C Sprain ulnar-carpal meniscus
S520D Sprain triangular fibrocartilage
S520E Sprain ulno-lunate ligament
S520F Sprain ulnar collateral ligament
S520G Sprain short intrinsic ligament non-specific
S520H Sprain scapho-trapezium ligament
S520J Sprain luno-triquetral ligament
S520K Sprain scapho-lunate ligament
S520L Sprain volar intercarpal ligament or V ligament
S520M Sprain dorsal intercarpal ligament
S520z Wrist sprain NOS
S521. Hand sprain
S5210 Hand sprain unspecified
S5211 Carpometacarpal sprain
S5212 Metacarpophalangeal sprain
S5213 Interphalangeal sprain
S5214 Midcarpal joint sprain
S521z Hand sprain NOS
S522. Sprain thumb
S5220 Sprain thumb, carpometacarpal joint
S5221 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint non specific
S5222 Sprain thumb M.C.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5223 Sprain thumb M.C.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5224 Sprain thumb, interphalangeal joint, non specific
S5225 Sprain thumb I.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5226 Sprain thumb I.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S523. Sprain finger
S5230 Sprain finger, carpometacarpal joint
S5231 Sprain finger, metacarpophalangeal joint, non specific
S5232 Sprain finger M.C.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5233 Sprain finger M.C.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5234 Sprain finger, proximal interphalangeal joint, non specific
S5235 Sprain finger P.I.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5236 Sprain finger P.I.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5237 Sprain finger, distal interphalangeal joint, non specific
S5238 Sprain finger D.I.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5239 Sprain finger D.I.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S523A Volar plate injury, finger, metacarpophalangeal joint
S523B Volar plate injury, finger, proximal interphalangeal joint
S523C Volar plate injury, finger, distal interphalangeal joint
S523D Volar plate injury, thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint
S523E Volar plate injury, thumb, interphalangeal joint
S524. Sprain tendon wrist or hand
S5240 Sprain wrist extensors
S5241 Sprain wrist flexors
S525. Sprain tendon of thumb
S5250 Sprain, flexor pollicis longus tendon
S5251 Sprain, extensor pollicis longus tendon
S526. Sprain tendon of finger
S5260 Sprain, flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
S5261 Sprain, flexor digitorum profundus tendon
S5262 Sprain, extensor digitorum tendon
S52z. Wrist and hand sprain NOS
S53.. Sprain of hip and thigh
S530. Iliofemoral sprain
S531. Ischiocapsular sprain
S532. Sprain, hip joint
S533. Sprain, quadriceps tendon
S534. Sprain, patellar tendon
S535. Sprain, hamstring tendon
S53w. Other hip sprain
S53x. Other thigh sprain
S53y. Hip sprain NOS
S53z. Thigh sprain NOS
S54.. Sprain of knee and leg
S540. Sprain or partial tear, knee, lateral collateral ligament
S5400 Sprain, knee joint, lateral collateral ligament
S5401 Partial tear, knee, lateral collateral ligament
S541. Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee
S5410 Sprain, knee joint, medial collateral
S5411 Partial tear, knee, medial collateral ligament
S542. Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
S5421 Partial tear, knee, anterior cruciate ligament
S5422 Partial tear, knee, posterior cruciate ligament
S543. Sprain of superior tibiofibular ligament
S544. Sprain, plantaris tendon
S54w. Other specified knee sprain
S54x. Other specified leg sprain
S54x1 Sprain gastrocnemius
S54y. Knee sprain NOS
S54z. Leg sprain NOS
S55.. Sprain of ankle and foot
S550. Ankle sprain
S5500 Ankle sprain, unspecified
S5501 Sprain, ankle joint, medial
S5502 Sprain, ankle joint, lateral
S5503 Distal tibiofibular sprain
S5504 Sprain, tendocalcaneus (Achilles tendon)
S5505 Partial tear, ankle, medial ligament
S5506 Partial tear, ankle, lateral ligament
S550z Ankle sprain NOS
S551. Foot sprain
S5510 Foot sprain, unspecified
S5511 Sprain, tarso-metatarsal joint
S5512 Sprain, metatarso-phalangeal joint
S5513 Sprain, inter-phalangeal joint, toe
S5514 Sprain, mid tarsal joint
S5515 Sprain, flexor tendon, foot
S5516 Sprain, extensor tendon, foot
S551z Foot sprain NOS
S55z. Ankle and foot sprain NOS
S56.. Sprain pelvic ligament
S560. Sprain, lumbosacral ligament
S561. Sacroiliac ligament sprain
S5610 Sprain, anterior sacro-iliac ligament
S5611 Sprain, posterior sacro-iliac ligament
S562. Sprain, sacrospinous ligament
S563. Sprain, sacrotuberous ligament
S564. Sprain, iliolumbar ligament
S56y. Other specified sacroiliac sprains
S56z. Sacroiliac sprain NOS
S57.. Sprain of other parts of back
S570. Neck sprain
S5700 Neck sprain, unspecified
S5701 Cervical anterior longitudinal ligament sprain
S5702 Atlanto-axial joint sprain
S5703 Atlanto-occipital joint sprain
S5704 Whiplash injury
S570z Neck sprain NOS
S571. Thoracic sprain
S572. Lumbar sprain
S573. Sacrum sprain
S5730 Sacral sprain, unspecified
S5731 Sacrococcygeal sprain
S573z Sacrum sprain NOS
S574. Coccyx sprain
S57X. Sprain & strain of oth & unsp parts of lumb spine & pelv
S57z. Back sprain NOS
S57z0 Pulled back muscle
S58.. Complete tear, shoulder joint
S580. Complete tear, acromio-clavicular ligament
S581. Complete tear, coraco-clavicular ligament
S58z. Complete tear, shoulder joint NOS
S59.. Complete tear, elbow joint
S590. Complete tear, elbow joint, lateral collateral ligament
S591. Complete tear, elbow joint, medial collateral ligament
S59z. Complete tear, elbow joint NOS
S5A.. Complete tear, wrist or hand
S5A0. Complete tear wrist ligament
S5A00 Complete tear radial collateral ligament
S5A01 Complete tear proximal radiocarpal ligament non-specific
S5A02 Complete tear volar radio-carpal ligament non-specific
S5A03 Complete tear volar radio-carpal ligament superficial
S5A04 Complete tear radio-scapho-capitate ligament
S5A05 Complete tear radio-lunate ligament
S5A06 Complete tear radio-scapho-lunate ligament
S5A07 Complete tear dorsal radio-carpal ligament
S5A08 Complete tear ulnar carpal complex non-specific
S5A09 Complete tear ulnar-carpal meniscus
S5A0A Complete tear triangular fibrocartilage
S5A0B Complete tear ulno-lunate ligament
S5A0C Complete tear ulnar collateral ligament
S5A0D Complete tear short intrinsic ligament non-specific
S5A0E Complete tear scapho-trapezium ligament
S5A0F Complete tear luno-triquetral ligament
S5A0G Complete tear scapho-lunate ligament
S5A0H Complete tear volar intercarpal ligament (V ligament)
S5A0J Complete tear dorsal intercarpal ligament
S5A0z Complete tear wrist ligament NOS
S5A1. Complete tear ligament thumb
S5A10 Complete tear thumb M.C.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5A11 Complete tear thumb M.C.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5A12 Complete tear thumb I.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5A13 Complete tear thumb I.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5A1z Complete tear ligament thumb NOS
S5A2. Complete tear ligament finger
S5A20 Complete tear finger M.C.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5A21 Complete tear finger M.C.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5A22 Complete tear finger P.I.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5A23 Complete tear finger P.I.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5A24 Complete tear finger D.I.P.J. radial collateral ligament
S5A25 Complete tear finger D.I.P.J. ulnar collateral ligament
S5A2z Complete tear ligament finger NOS
S5Az. Complete tear wrist or hand NOS
S5B.. Complete tear, hip ligament
S5B0. Complete tear Iliofemoral ligament
S5By. Complete tear other hip ligament
S5Bz. Complete tear hip ligament NOS
S5C.. Complete tear, knee ligament
S5C0. Complete tear, knee, lateral collateral ligament
S5C1. Complete tear, knee, medial collateral ligament
S5C2. Complete tear, knee, posterior cruciate ligament
S5C3. Complete tear, knee, anterior cruciate ligament
S5Cy. Complete tear, other knee ligament
S5Cz. Complete tear, knee ligament NOS
S5D.. Complete tear, ankle or foot ligament
S5D0. Complete tear, ankle ligament
S5D00 Complete tear, ankle, medial ligament
S5D01 Complete tear, ankle, lateral ligament
S5D0z Complete tear, ankle ligament NOS
S5D1. Complete tear, foot ligament
S5D10 Complete tear, mid tarsal joint ligament
S5D11 Complete tear, tarsometatarsal ligament
S5D12 Complete tear, metatarsophalangeal ligament
S5D13 Complete tear, interphalangeal (toe) ligament
S5D1z Complete tear, foot ligament NOS
S5Dz. Complete tear, ankle or foot ligament NOS
S5E.. Complete tear, other ligament, excluding pelvis
S5E0. Complete tear, jaw ligament
S5E1. Complete tear, thyroid region ligament
S5E2. Complete tear, rib ligament
S5E20 Complete tear, chondrocostal joint ligament
S5E21 Complete tear, costal cartilage ligament
S5E2z Complete tear, rib ligament NOS
S5E3. Complete tear, sternum ligament
S5E30 Complete tear, sternoclavicular ligament
S5E31 Complete tear, chondrosternal ligament
S5E32 Complete tear, xiphoid cartilage ligament
S5E3z Complete tear, sternum ligament NOS
S5Ez. Complete tear, other ligament NOS
S5F.. Open division shoulder ligament
S5F0. Open division acromioclavicular ligament
S5F1. Open division coracoclavicular ligament
S5Fz. Open division shoulder ligament NOS
S5G.. Open division elbow ligament
S5G0. Open division elbow, lateral collateral ligament
S5G1. Open division elbow, medial collateral ligament
S5G2. Open division radiohumeral ligament
S5G3. Open division ulnohumeral ligament
S5Gy. Open division other elbow ligament
S5Gz. Open division elbow ligament NOS
S5H.. Open division wrist or hand ligament
S5H0. Open division wrist ligament
S5H00 Open division wrist ligament, single
S5H01 Open division wrist ligaments, multiple
S5H0z Open division wrist ligament NOS
S5H1. Open division thumb ligament
S5H10 Open division thumb MCPJ, radial collateral ligament
S5H11 Open division thumb MCPJ, ulnar collateral ligament
S5H12 Open division thumb IPJ, radial collateral ligament
S5H13 Open division thumb IPJ, ulnar collateral ligament
S5H1z Open division thumb ligament NOS
S5H2. Open division finger ligament
S5H20 Open division finger MCPJ, radial collateral ligament
S5H21 Open division finger MCPJ, ulnar collateral ligament
S5H22 Open division finger PIPJ, radial collateral ligament
S5H23 Open division finger PIPJ, ulnar collateral ligament
S5H24 Open division finger DIPJ, radial collateral ligament
S5H25 Open division finger DIPJ, ulnar collateral ligament
S5H2z Open division finger ligament NOS
S5Hz. Open division wrist or hand ligament NOS
S5J.. Open division hip ligament
S5J0. Open division iliofemoral ligament
S5Jy. Other specific open division hip ligament
S5Jz. Open division hip ligament NOS
S5K.. Open division ligament knee
S5K0. Open division lateral collateral ligament knee
S5K1. Open division medial collateral ligament knee
S5K2. Open division posterior cruciate ligament knee
S5K3. Open division anterior cruciate ligament knee
S5K4. Open division, superior tibiofibular ligament
S5Ky. Open division other knee ligament
S5Kz. Open division knee ligament NOS
S5L.. Open division ligament ankle or foot
S5L0. Open division ankle ligament
S5L00 Open division ankle, medial ligament
S5L01 Open division ankle, lateral ligament
S5L02 Open division calcaneofibular ligament
S5L03 Open division distal tibiofibular ligament
S5L0z Open division ankle ligament NOS
S5L1. Open division foot ligament
S5L10 Open division, mid tarsal joint ligament
S5L11 Open division tarsometatarsal ligament
S5L12 Open division metatarsophalangeal ligament
S5L13 Open division interphalangeal (toe) ligament
S5L1z Open division foot ligament NOS
S5Lz. Open division ankle or foot ligament NOS
S5M.. Open division pelvic ligament
S5M0. Open division symphysis pubis
S5M1. Open division sacrotuberous ligament
S5M2. Open division sacrospinous ligament
S5M3. Open division sacroiliac ligament
S5M30 Open division ant sacro-iliac ligament
S5M31 Open division post sacro-iliac ligament
S5M3z Open division sacroiliac ligament NOS
S5M4. Open division iliolumbar ligament
S5M5. Open division lumbosacral ligament
S5My. Other specified open division pelvic ligament
S5Mz. Open division pelvic ligament NOS
S5N.. Open division, ligament other parts of back
S5N0. Open division, neck ligament
S5N1. Open division, thoracic ligament
S5N2. Open division, lumbar ligament
S5N3. Open division, sacrum ligament
S5Nz. Open division, back ligament NOS
S5P.. Open division, other ligament
S5P0. Open division, jaw ligament
S5P00 Open division, temporomandibular ligament
S5P0z Open division, jaw ligament NOS
S5P1. Open division, thyroid region ligament
S5P10 Open division, cricoarytenoid ligament
S5P11 Open division, cricothyroid ligament
S5P12 Open division, thyroid cartilage ligament
S5P1z Open division, thyroid region ligament NOS
S5P2. Open division, rib ligament
S5P20 Open division, chondrocostal joint ligament
S5P21 Open division, costal cartilage ligament
S5P2z Open division, rib ligament NOS
S5P3. Open division, sternal ligament
S5P30 Open division, sternoclavicular ligament
S5P31 Open division, chondrosternal ligament
S5P32 Open division, xiphoid cartilage ligament
S5P3z Open division, sternal ligament NOS
S5Pz. Open division, other ligament NOS
S5Q.. Rupture tendon upper arm
S5Q0. Rupture infraspinatus tendon
S5Q1. Rupture subscapularis tendon
S5Q2. Rupture supraspinatus tendon
S5Q3. Rupture long head biceps tendon
S5Q4. Rupture biceps tendon
S5Q5. Rupture triceps tendon
S5Q6. Injury of tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder
S5Qz. Rupture tendon upper arm NOS
S5R.. Rupture tendon forearm or wrist
S5R0. Rupture wrist extensors
S5R1. Rupture wrist flexors
S5Rz. Rupture tendon hand or wrist NOS
S5S.. Rupture tendon of thumb
S5S0. Rupture flexor pollicis longus
S5S1. Rupture extensor pollicis longus
S5S2. Mallet thumb with closed tendon injury
S5Sz. Rupture tendon thumb NOS
S5T.. Rupture tendon of finger
S5T0. Rupture flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
S5T1. Rupture flexor digitorum profundus tendon
S5T2. Rupture extensor digitorum tendon
S5T3. Mallet finger with closed tendon injury
S5Tz. Rupture tendon of finger NOS
S5U.. Rupture tendon thigh
S5U0. Rupture quadriceps tendon
S5U1. Rupture hamstring tendon
S5U2. Rupture patellar tendon
S5Uz. Rupture upper leg tendon NOS
S5V.. Rupture tendon leg or foot
S5V0. Rupture achilles tendon
S5V1. Rupture plantaris tendon
S5V2. Rupture foot flexor tendon
S5V3. Rupture foot extensor tendon
S5Vz. Rupture tendon leg or foot NOS
S5W.. Other specified tendon rupture
S5y.. Other and ill-defined sprains and strains
S5y0. Septal cartilage nose sprain
S5y1. Jaw sprain
S5y10 Jaw sprain, unspecified
S5y11 Temporomandibular sprain
S5y1z Jaw sprain NOS
S5y2. Thyroid region sprain
S5y20 Thyroid region sprain, unspecified
S5y21 Cricoarytenoid sprain
S5y22 Cricothyroid sprain
S5y23 Thyroid cartilage sprain
S5y2z Thyroid region sprain NOS
S5y3. Rib sprain
S5y30 Rib sprain unspecified
S5y31 Chondrocostal joint sprain
S5y32 Costal cartilage sprain
S5y3z Rib sprain NOS
S5y4. Sternum sprain
S5y40 Sternum sprain unspecified
S5y41 Sternoclavicular sprain
S5y42 Chondrosternal sprain
S5y43 Xiphoid cartilage sprain
S5y4z Sternum sprain NOS
S5y5. Pelvis sprain or complete tear
S5y50 Sprain of pelvis, unspecified
S5y51 Sprain, symphysis pubis
S5y52 Complete tear, symphysis pubis ligament
S5y53 Complete tear, sacrotuberous ligament
S5y54 Complete tear, sacrospinous ligament
S5y55 Complete tear, sacroiliac ligament
S5y56 Complete tear, iliolumbar ligament
S5y57 Complete tear, lumbosacral ligament
S5y5z Sprain of pelvis NOS
S5yX. Sprain & strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
S5yy. Other specified sprains and strains
S5yz. Other and ill-defined sprains and strains NOS
S5yz1 Muscle injury / strain
S5z.. Sprains and strains NOS
S6... Intracranial injury excluding those with skull fracture
S60.. Concussion
S600. Concussion with no loss of consciousness
S601. Concussion with less than 1 hour loss of consciousness
S602. Concussion with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness
S603. Concussion with >24 hrs loss of consc with full recovery
S604. Concussion with >24 hrs loss of consc without full recovery
S605. Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspec duration
S60z. Concussion NOS
S61.. Cerebral laceration and contusion
S610. Closed cerebral contusion
S6100 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + unspec state consc
S6101 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + no loss of consc
S6102 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + <1hr loss of consc
S6103 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + 1-24hrs loss of consc
S6104 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + >24 hr LOC + recovery
S6105 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd +>24hr LOC not restored
S6106 Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + LOC unspec duration
S610z Cortex cont no open intracranial wnd + concussion unspec
S611. Open cerebral contusion
S6110 Cortex cont + open intracranial wound + unspec state consc
S6111 Cortex cont + open intracranial wound + no loss of consc
S6112 Cortex cont + open intracranial wound + <1hr loss of consc
S6113 Cortex cont + open intracranial wound + 1-24hr loss of consc
S6114 Cortex cont + open intracranial wnd + >24hr LOC + recovery
S6115 Cortex cont + open intracranial wnd + >24hr LOC not restored
S6116 Cortex cont + open intracranial wnd + LOC unspec duration
S611z Cortex cont + open intracranial wound + concussion unspec
S612. Cortex laceration without mention of open intracranial wound
S6120 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wound + unspec state consc
S6121 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wound + no loss of consc
S6122 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wound + <1hr loss of consc
S6123 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wnd + 1-24hr loss of consc
S6124 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wnd + >24hr LOC + recovery
S6125 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wnd +>24hr LOC not restored
S6126 Cortex lacn no open intracranial wnd + LOC unspec duration
S612z Cortex lacn no open intracranial wound + concussion unspec
S613. Cortex laceration with open intracranial wound
S6130 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wound + unspec state consc
S6131 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wound + no loss of consc
S6132 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wound + <1hr loss of consc
S6133 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wound + 1-24hr loss of consc
S6134 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wound + >24hr LOC + recovery
S6135 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wnd + >24hr LOC not restored
S6136 Cortex lacn + open intracranial wnd + LOC unspec duration
S613z Cortex lacn + open intracranial wound + concussion unspec
S614. Closed hindbrain contusion
S6140 Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd +unspec state consc
S6141 Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd + no loss of consc
S6142 Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd +<1hr loss of consc
S6143 Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd + 1-24hr loss consc
S6144 Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd+>24hr LOC +recovery
S6145 Hind brain cont open intracranial wnd+>24hr LOC not restored
S6146 Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd+LOC unspec duration
S614z Hind brain cont no open intracranial wnd + concussion unspec
S615. Open hindbrain contusion
S6150 Hind brain cont + open intracranial wnd + unspec state consc
S6151 Hind brain cont + open intracranial wound + no loss consc
S6152 Hind brain cont + open intracranial wound + <1hr loss consc
S6153 Hind brain cont + open intracranial wnd + 1-24hr loss consc
S6154 Hind brain cont + open intracranial wnd +>24hr LOC +recovery
S6155 Hind brain cont + open intracran wnd +>24hr LOC not restored
S6156 Hind brain cont + open intracranial wnd +LOC unspec duration
S615z Hind brain cont + open intracranial wnd + concussion unspec
S616. Hind brain laceration without open intracranial wound
S6160 Hind brain lacn no open intracranial wnd +unspec state consc
S6161 Hind brain lacn no open intracranial wnd + no loss consc
S6162 Hind brain lacn no open intracranial wnd + <1hr loss consc
S6163 Hind brain lacn no open intracranial wnd + 1-24hr loss consc
S6164 Hind brain lacn no open intracranial wnd +>24hr LOC+recovery
S6165 Hind brain lacn no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC not restored
S6166 Hind brain lacn no open intracran wnd + LOC unspec duration
S616z Hind brain lacn no open intracranial wnd + concussion unspec
S617. Hind brain laceration with open intracranial wound
S6170 Hind brain lacn + open intracranial wnd + unspec state consc
S6171 Hind brain lacn + open intracranial wnd + no loss consc
S6172 Hind brain lacn + open intracranial wnd + <1hr loss consc
S6173 Hind brain lacn + open intracranial wnd + 1-24hr loss consc
S6174 Hind brain lacn + open intracranial wnd+>24hr LOC + recovery
S6175 Hind brain lacn open intracranial wnd+>24hr LOC not restored
S6176 Hind brain lacn + open intracran wnd + LOC unspec duration
S617z Hind brain lacn + open intracranial wnd + concussion unspec
S61x. Oth cerebral laceration/contusion no open intracranial wound
S61x0 Brain cont no open intracranial wound + unspec state consc
S61x1 Brain cont no open intracranial wound + no loss of consc
S61x2 Brain cont no open intracranial wound + <1hr loss of consc
S61x3 Brain cont no open intracranial wound + 1-24hr loss of consc
S61x4 Brain cont no open intracranial wound + >24hr LOC + recovery
S61x5 Brain cont no open intracranial wnd + >24hr LOC not restored
S61x6 Brain cont no open intracranial wound + LOC unspec duration
S61xz Brain cont no open intracranial wound + concussion unspec
S61y. Oth cerebral laceration/contusion + open intracranial wound
S61y0 Brain cont + open intracranial wound + unspec state consc
S61y1 Brain cont + open intracranial wound + no loss of consc
S61y2 Brain cont + open intracranial wound + <1hr loss of consc
S61y3 Brain cont + open intracranial wound + 1-24hr loss of consc
S61y4 Brain cont + open intracranial wound + >24hr LOC + recovery
S61y5 Brain contusion + open intracr wound+>24hr LOC not ful reco
S61y6 Brain cont + open intracranial wound + LOC unspec duration
S61yz Brain cont + open intracranial wound + concussion unspec
S61z. Cerebral laceration and contusion NOS
S62.. Cerebral haemorrhage following injury
S620. Closed traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage
S6200 Subarachnoid hge inj no open intracran wound + unspec consc
S6201 Subarachnoid hge inj no open intracran wnd+no loss consc
S6202 Subarachnoid hge inj no open intracran wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6203 Subarachnoid hge inj no open intracran wound + 1-24hr LOC
S6204 Subarachnoid hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24 LOC+recovery
S6205 Subarach hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24hrs LOC-restored
S6206 Subarach hge inj no open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S620z Subarach hge inj no open intracran wnd + concussion unspec
S621. Open traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage
S6210 Subarachnoid hge inj + open intracran wound + unspec consc
S6211 Subarachnoid hge inj + open intracranial wound + no LOC
S6212 Subarachnoid hge inj + open intracran wound+<1hr loss consc
S6213 Subarachnoid hge inj + open intracran wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6214 Subarach hge inj + open intracran wnd +>24hr LOC + recovery
S6215 Subarach hge inj + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6216 Subarach hge inj + open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S621z Subarachnoid hge inj + open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S622. Closed traumatic subdural haemorrhage
S6220 Subdural hge inj no open intracranial wnd + unspec consc
S6221 Subdural hge inj no open intracranial wound+no loss consc
S6222 Subdural hge inj no open intracranial wound+<1hr loss consc
S6223 Subdural hge inj no open intracran wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6224 Subdural hge inj no open intracranial wnd+>24 LOC +recovery
S6225 Subdural hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6226 Subdural hge inj no open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S622z Subdural hge inj no open intracran wound+concussion unspec
S623. Open traumatic subdural haemorrhage
S6230 Subdural hge inj + open intracranial wound + unspec consc
S6231 Subdural hge inj + open intracranial wound+no loss consc
S6232 Subdural hge inj + open intracranial wound+<1hr loss consc
S6233 Subdural hge inj + open intracranial wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6234 Subdural hge inj + open intracran wound+>24hr LOC +recovery
S6235 Subdural hge inj + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6236 Subdural hge inj + open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S623z Subdural hge inj + open intracranial wnd+concussion unspec
S624. Closed traumatic extradural haemorrhage
S6240 Extradural hge inj no open intracranial wnd + unspec consc
S6241 Extradural hge inj no open intracranial wnd + no loss consc
S6242 Extradural hge inj no open intracranial wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6243 Extradural hge inj no open intracran wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6244 Extradural hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC+recovery
S6245 Extradural hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC-restored
S6246 Extradural hge inj no open intracra wnd+LOC unspec duration
S624z Extradural hge inj no open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S625. Open traumatic extradural haemorrhage
S6250 Extradural hge inj + open intracranial wnd + unspec consc
S6251 Extradural hge inj + open intracranial wound+no loss consc
S6252 Extradural hge inj + open intracranial wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6253 Extradural hge inj + open intracran wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6254 Extradural hge inj + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC+recovery
S6255 Extradural hge inj + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6256 Extradural hge inj + open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S625z Extradural hge inj + open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S626. Epidural haemorrhage
S627. Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage
S628. Traumatic subdural haemorrhage
S62z. Cerebral haemorrhage following injury NOS
S63.. Other cerebral haemorrhage following injury
S630. Other cerebral hge after injury no open intracranial wound
S6300 Oth cerebral hge inj no open intracran wnd+unspec consc
S6301 Oth cerebral hge inj no open intracranial wnd+no loss consc
S6302 Oth cerebral hge inj no open intracran wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6303 Oth cerebral hge inj no open intracran wnd+1-24hr LOC
S6304 Oth cereb hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC +recovery
S6305 Oth cereb hge inj no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6306 Oth cereb hge inj no open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S630z Oth cereb hge inj no open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S631. Other cerebral hge after injury + open intracranial wound
S6310 Oth cerebral hge inj + open intracran wnd + unspec consc
S6311 Oth cerebral hge inj + open intracranial wnd+no loss consc
S6312 Oth cerebral hge inj + open intracran wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6313 Oth cerebral hge inj + open intracran wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6314 Oth cereb hge inj + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC + recovery
S6315 Oth cereb hge inj + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6316 Oth cereb hge inj + open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S631z Oth cereb hge inj + open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S63z. Other cerebral haemorrhage following injury NOS
S64.. Intracranial injury NOS
S640. Intracranial injury NOS no open intracranial wound
S6400 Intracranial inj NOS no open intracran wnd + unspec consc
S6401 Intracranial inj NOS no open intracran wnd+no loss consc
S6402 Intracranial inj NOS no open intracran wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6403 Intracranial inj NOS no open intracran wnd+1-24hr loss consc
S6404 Intracranial inj NOS no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC+recover
S6405 Intracran inj NOS no open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6406 Intracran inj NOS no open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S640z Intracranial inj NOS no open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S641. Intracranial injury NOS + open intracranial wound
S6410 Intracranial inj NOS + open intracranial wnd + unspec consc
S6411 Intracranial inj NOS + open intracranial wound+no loss consc
S6412 Intracranial inj NOS + open intracranial wnd+<1hr loss consc
S6413 Intracranial inj NOS + open intracranial wnd + 1-24hr LOC
S6414 Intracranial inj NOS + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC+recovery
S6415 Intracran inj NOS + open intracran wnd+>24hr LOC -restored
S6416 Intracran inj NOS + open intracran wnd+LOC unspec duration
S641z Intracranial inj NOS + open intracran wnd+concussion unspec
S642. Traumatic cerebral oedema
S643. Diffuse brain injury
S644. Focal brain injury
S645. Intracranial injury with prolonged coma
S646. Head injury
S6460 Minor head injury
S64z. Intracranial injury NOS
S6z.. Intracranial injury, excluding those with skull fracture NOS
S7... Internal injury of chest, abdomen and pelvis
S70.. Traumatic pneumothorax and haemothorax
S700. Closed traumatic pneumothorax
S701. Open traumatic pneumothorax
S702. Closed traumatic haemothorax
S703. Open traumatic haemothorax
S704. Closed traumatic haemopneumothorax
S705. Open traumatic haemopneumothorax
S706. Traumatic pneumothorax
S707. Traumatic haemothorax
S708. Traumatic haemopneumothorax
S70z. Traumatic pneumothorax and haemothorax NOS
S71.. Injury to heart and lung
S710. Heart injury, closed
S7100 Heart injury without open wound into thorax, unspecified
S7101 Heart contusion without mention of open wound into thorax
S7102 Heart laceration,closed without penetration of heart chamber
S7103 Heart laceration, closed with penetration of heart chamber
S710z Heart injury without mention of open wound into thorax, NOS
S711. Heart injury, open
S7110 Heart injury with open wound into thorax, unspecified
S7111 Heart contusion, with open wound into thorax
S7112 Heart laceration open, without penetration of heart chambers
S7113 Heart laceration open, with penetration of heart chambers
S711z Heart injury with open wound into thorax NOS
S712. Closed injury of lung
S7120 Lung injury without open wound into thorax, unspecified
S7121 Lung contusion without mention of open wound into thorax
S7122 Lung laceration without mention of open wound into thorax
S712z Lung injury without mention of open wound into thorax NOS
S713. Open injury of lung
S7130 Lung injury with open wound into thorax, unspecified
S7131 Lung contusion with open wound into thorax
S7132 Lung laceration with open wound into thorax
S713z Lung injury with open wound into thorax, NOS
S714. Injury of heart with haemopericardium
S71z. Heart and lung injury NOS
S72.. Other and unspecified intrathoracic organ injury
S720. Closed injury of diaphragm
S721. Open injury of diaphragm
S722. Closed injury other intra-thoracic structure
S7220 Closed injury of bronchus
S7221 Closed injury of oesophagus
S7222 Closed injury of pleura
S7223 Closed injury of thymus
S7224 Closed injury of thoracic duct
S722z Closed injury other intra-thoracic structure NOS
S723. Open injury other intra-thoracic structure
S7230 Open injury of bronchus
S7231 Open injury of oesophagus
S7232 Open injury of pleura
S7233 Open injury of thymus
S7234 Open injury of thoracic duct
S723z Open injury other intra-thoracic structure NOS
S724. Injury of bronchus
S725. Injury of thoracic trachea
S726. Injury of pleura
S727. Multiple injuries of intrathoracic organs
S72x. Multiple intrathoracic organ injury no open wound to cavity
S72y. Multiple intrathoracic organ injury with open wnd to cavity
S72z. Intrathoracic organ injury NOS
S73.. Gastrointestinal tract injury
S730. Stomach injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S731. Stomach injury with open wound into cavity
S732. Small intestine injury without open wound into cavity
S7320 Small intestine injury without open wnd into cavity, unspec
S7321 Duodenum injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S732z Small intestine injury without open wound into cavity, NOS
S733. Small intestine injury with open wound into cavity
S7330 Small intestine injury with open wound into cavity, unspec
S7331 Duodenum injury with open wound into cavity
S733z Small intestine injury with open wound into cavity, NOS
S734. Colon or rectum injury without open wound into cavity
S7340 Colon injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S7341 Ascending colon injury without open wound into cavity
S7342 Transverse colon injury without open wound into cavity
S7343 Descending colon injury without open wound into cavity
S7344 Sigmoid colon injury without open wound into cavity
S7345 Rectum injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S734x Multiple injuries to colon/rectum no open wound into cavity
S734y Other colon or rectum injury without open wound into cavity
S734z Colon or rectum injury without open wound into cavity NOS
S735. Colon or rectum injury with open wound into cavity
S7350 Colon injury with open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7351 Ascending colon injury with open wound into cavity
S7352 Transverse colon injury with open wound into cavity
S7353 Descending colon injury with open wound into cavity
S7354 Sigmoid colon injury with open wound into cavity
S7355 Rectum injury with open wound into cavity
S735x Multiple injuries to colon/rectum with open wound to cavity
S735y Other colon or rectum injury with open wound into cavity
S735z Colon or rectum injury with open wound into cavity, NOS
S736. Injury of stomach
S737. Injury of small intestine
S738. Injury of colon
S739. Injury of rectum
S73B. Omental tear
S73x. Other closed injury of gastrointestinal tract
S73x0 Other GIT injury without open wound into cavity, unspecified
S73x1 Pancreas head injury without open wound into cavity
S73x2 Pancreas body injury without open wound into cavity
S73x3 Pancreas tail injury without open wound into cavity
S73x4 Pancreas multiple/unspecified injury no open wound to cavity
S73x5 Appendix injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S73x6 Closed injury of pancreas
S73xy Other gastrointestinal tract injury no open wound to cavity
S73xz Gastrointestinal tract injury no open wound into cavity NOS
S73y. Other open injury of gastrointestinal tract
S73y0 GIT injury with open wound into cavity, unspecified
S73y1 Pancreas head injury with open wound into cavity
S73y2 Pancreas body injury with open wound into cavity
S73y3 Pancreas tail injury with open wound into cavity
S73y4 Pancreas multiple/unspec injury with open wound to cavity
S73y5 Appendix injury with open wound into cavity
S73y6 Open injury of pancreas
S73yy Other gastrointestinal tract injury with open wnd to cavity
S73yz Gastrointestinal tract injury with open wound to cavity NOS
S73z. Injury to gastrointestinal tract, NOS
S74.. Injury to liver
S740. Closed injury of liver
S7400 Liver injury without open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7401 Liver haematoma and contusion without open wound into cavity
S7402 Liver minor laceration without open wound into cavity
S7403 Liver moderate laceration without open wound into cavity
S7404 Liver major laceration without open wound into cavity
S740y Other liver laceration without open wound into cavity
S740z Liver injuries without open wound into cavity, NOS
S741. Open injury of liver
S7410 Liver injury with open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7411 Liver haematoma and contusion with open wound into cavity
S7412 Liver minor laceration with open wound into cavity
S7413 Liver moderate laceration with open wound into cavity
S7414 Liver major laceration with open wound into cavity
S741y Other liver injury with open wound into cavity
S741z Liver injury with open wound into cavity, NOS
S74z. Injury to liver, NOS
S75.. Injury to spleen
S750. Closed injury of spleen
S7500 Spleen injury without open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7501 Spleen haematoma without mention of open wound into cavity
S7502 Spleen capsular tear without mention of open wound to cavity
S7503 Spleen parenchyma laceration without open wound into cavity
S7504 Spleen massive parenchymal disruption no open wound cavity
S750y Other spleen injury without mention of open wound to cavity
S750z Spleen injury without mention of open wound into cavity NOS
S751. Open injury of spleen
S7510 Spleen injury with open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7511 Spleen haematoma with open wound into cavity
S7512 Spleen capsular tear with open wound into cavity
S7513 Spleen parenchyma laceration with open wound into cavity
S7514 Spleen massive parenchyma disruption + open wound to cavity
S751y Other spleen injury with open wound into cavity
S751z Spleen injury with open wound into cavity, NOS
S75z. Injury to spleen NOS
S76.. Injury to kidney
S760. Closed injury of kidney
S7600 Kidney injury without open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7601 Kidney haematoma without mention of open wound into cavity
S7602 Kidney laceration without mention of open wound into cavity
S7603 Kidney parenchyma disruption without open wound to cavity
S760z Kidney injury without mention of open wound into cavity NOS
S761. Open injury of kidney
S7610 Kidney injury with open wound into cavity, unspecified
S7611 Kidney haematoma with open wound into cavity
S7612 Kidney laceration with open wound into cavity
S7613 Kidney parenchyma disruption with open wound into cavity
S761z Kidney injury with open wound into cavity NOS
S76z. Injury to kidney NOS
S77.. Injury to pelvic organs
S770. Bladder and urethra injury without open wound into cavity
S7700 Closed injury of bladder
S7701 Closed injury of urethra
S770z Bladder/urethra injury without open wound into cavity NOS
S771. Bladder and urethra injury with open wound into cavity
S7710 Open injury of bladder
S7711 Open injury of urethra
S771z Bladder/urethra injury with open wound into cavity NOS
S772. Ureter injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S773. Ureter injury with open wound into cavity
S774. Closed injury of uterus
S775. Open injury of uterus
S776. Injury of ureter
S777. Injury of bladder
S778. Injury of urethra
S779. Injury of ovary
S77A. Injury of fallopian tube
S77B. Injury of uterus
S77C. Injury of multiple pelvic organs
S77v. Other pelvic organ injury without open wound into cavity
S77v0 Fallopian tube injury without open wound into cavity
S77v1 Ovary injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S77v2 Prostate injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S77v3 Seminal vesicle injury without open wound into cavity
S77v4 Vas deferens injury without open wound into cavity
S77vz Other pelvic organ injury without open wound into cavity NOS
S77w. Other pelvic organ injury with open wound into cavity
S77w0 Fallopian tube injury with open wound into cavity
S77w1 Ovary injury with open wound into cavity
S77w2 Prostate injury with open wound into cavity
S77w3 Seminal vesicle injury with open wound into cavity
S77w4 Vas deferens injury with open wound into cavity
S77wz Other pelvic organ injury with open wound into cavity NOS
S77x. Pelvic organ injury without open wound into cavity NOS
S77y. Pelvic organ injury with open wound into cavity NOS
S77z. Pelvic organ injury NOS
S78.. Other intra-abdominal organ injury
S780. Closed injury other intra-abdominal structure
S7800 Intra-abdominal organ injury no open wnd into cavity, unspec
S7801 Adrenal gland injury without mention of open wound to cavity
S7802 Bile duct/gallbladder injury without open wound into cavity
S7803 Peritoneum injury without mention of open wound into cavity
S7804 Retroperitoneum injury without open wound into cavity
S780z Other/multiple abdominal organ injury no open wnd to cavity
S781. Open injury other intra-abdominal structure
S7810 Intra-abdominal organ injury with open wnd to cavity, unspec
S7811 Adrenal gland injury with open wound into cavity
S7812 Bile duct/gallbladder injury with open wound into cavity
S7813 Peritoneum injury with open wound into cavity
S7814 Retroperitoneum injury with open wound into cavity
S781z Other/mult abdominal organ injury with open wnd to cavity
S78z. Other intra-abdominal organ injury, NOS
S79.. Internal injury NOS
S790. Internal injury without open wound into cavity NOS
S791. Internal injury with open wound into cavity NOS
S79z. Internal injury NOS
S7A.. Injury of pancreas
S7B.. Injury of intra-abdominal organ(s) with pelvic organ(s)
S7z.. Internal injury of chest, abdomen or pelvis NOS
S8... Open wound of head, neck and trunk
S80.. Open wound of ocular adnexa
S800. Eyelid skin and periocular area laceration
S801. Full thickness eyelid laceration no lacrimal passage damage
S802. Eyelid and lacrimal passages laceration
S803. Penetrating wound of orbit without mention of foreign body
S804. Penetrating wound of orbit with foreign body
S80y. Other open ocular adnexa wound
S80z. Open wound of ocular adnexa NOS
S81.. Open wound of eyeball
S810. Ocular laceration without intraocular prolapse
S811. Ocular laceration with intraocular prolapse
S812. Eye rupture with partial loss of intraocular tissue
S813. Avulsion of eye
S814. Eye laceration, unspecified
S815. Magnetic foreign body penetrating the eyeball
S816. Nonmagnetic foreign body penetrating the eyeball
S817. Ocular penetration, unspecified
S818. Intraocular foreign body
S81z. Open wound of eyeball NOS
S82.. Open wound of ear
S820. Open wound of external ear
S8200 Open wound of external ear, unspecified
S8201 Open wound of ear auricle
S8202 Open wound of auditory canal
S820w Other open wound of external ear
S820z Open wound of external ear not otherwise specified
S821. Open wound of external ear with complication
S8210 Open wound of external ear with complication, unspecified
S8211 Open wound of ear auricle with complication
S8212 Open wound of auditory canal with complication
S821z Open wound of external ear with complication, NOS
S822. Traumatic amputation of ear
S82v. Other open wound of ear
S82v0 Open wound of ear drum
S82v1 Open wound of ear ossicle
S82v2 Open wound of eustachian tube
S82v3 Open wound of cochlea
S82vz Other open wound of ear NOS
S82w. Other open wound of ear with complication
S82w0 Open wound of ear drum with complication
S82w1 Open wound of ear ossicle with complication
S82w2 Open wound of eustachian tube with complication
S82w3 Open wound of cochlea with complication
S82wz Other open wound of ear with complication NOS
S82x. Open wound of ear, uncomplicated not otherwise specified
S82y. Open wound of ear with complication, NOS
S82z. Open wound of ear NOS
S83.. Other open wound of head
S830. Open wound of scalp
S8301 Avulsion of scalp
S831. Open wound of scalp with complication
S832. Open wound of nose
S8320 Open wound of nose, unspecified
S8321 Open wound of nasal septum
S8322 Open wound of nasal cavity
S8323 Open wound of nasal sinus
S832x Multiple wounds of nose
S832z Open wound of nose NOS
S833. Open wound of nose with complication
S8330 Open wound of nose with complication, unspecified
S8331 Open wound of nasal septum with complication
S8332 Open wound of nasal cavity with complication
S8333 Open wound of nasal sinus with complication
S833x Multiple open wounds of nose with complication
S833z Open wound of nose with complication, NOS
S834. Open wound of face
S8340 Open wound of face, unspecified
S8341 Open wound of cheek
S8342 Open wound of forehead
S8343 Open wound of eyebrow
S8344 Open wound of lip
S8345 Open wound of jaw
S834x Multiple open wounds of face
S834z Open wound of face, NOS
S835. Open wound of face with complication
S8350 Open wound of face with complication, unspecified
S8351 Open wound of cheek with complication
S8352 Open wound of forehead with complication
S8353 Open wound of eyebrow with complication
S8354 Open wound of lip with complication
S8355 Open wound of jaw with complication
S835x Multiple open wounds of face with complication
S835z Open wound of face with complication, NOS
S836. Open wound in mouth
S8360 Open wound in mouth, unspecified
S8361 Open wound of buccal mucosa
S8362 Open wound of gum
S8363 Broken tooth injury
S8364 Open wound of tongue
S8365 Open wound of mouth floor
S8366 Open wound of palate
S8367 Dislocation of tooth
S836x Multiple open mouth wounds
S836z Open wound in mouth, NOS
S837. Open wound in mouth with complication
S8370 Open wound in mouth with complication, unspecified
S8371 Open wound of buccal mucosa with complication
S8372 Open wound of gum with complication
S8373 Broken tooth injury with complication
S8374 Open wound of tongue with complication
S8375 Open wound of mouth floor with complication
S8376 Open wound of palate with complication
S837x Multiple open mouth wounds with complication
S837z Open wound in mouth with complication, NOS
S83x. Other open wound of head
S83y. Other open wound of head with complication
S83z. Open wound of head NOS
S84.. Open wound of neck
S840. Open wound of larynx and trachea
S8400 Open wound of larynx and trachea, unspecified
S8401 Open wound of larynx
S8402 Open wound of trachea
S840z Open wound of larynx and trachea not otherwise specified
S841. Open wound of larynx and trachea with complication
S8410 Open wound of larynx and trachea with complication, unspec
S8411 Open wound of larynx with complication
S8412 Open wound of trachea with complication
S841z Open wound of larynx and trachea with complication, NOS
S842. Open wound of thyroid
S843. Open wound of thyroid with complication
S844. Open wound of pharynx
S845. Open wound of pharynx with complication
S84x. Other open wound of neck
S84x0 Open wound of neck nape
S84x1 Open wound of supraclavicular region
S84x2 Traumatic amputation at neck level
S84xz Open wound of neck, NOS
S84y. Other open wound of neck with complication
S84y0 Open wound of neck nape with complication
S84y1 Open wound of supraclavicular region with complication
S84yz Open wound of neck with complication, NOS
S84z. Open wound of neck NOS
S85.. Open wound of chest wall
S850. Open wound of chest wall, uncomplicated
S8500 Degloving injury chest wall
S851. Open wound of chest wall with complication
S852. Open wound of front wall of thorax
S853. Multiple open wounds of thoracic wall
S855. Open wound of back wall of thorax
S85X. Open wound of thorax, part unspecified
S85z. Open wound of chest wall NOS
S86.. Open wound of back
S860. Open wound of back, uncomplicated
S8600 Degloving injury back
S861. Open wound of back with complication
S86z. Open wound of back NOS
S87.. Open wound of buttock
S870. Open wound of buttock, uncomplicated
S8700 Degloving injury buttock
S871. Open wound of buttock with complication
S87z. Open wound of buttock NOS
S88.. Open wound of external genital organs
S880. Open wound of penis
S8800 Degloving injury penis
S881. Open wound of penis with complication
S882. Open wound of scrotum and testes
S8820 Open wound of scrotum
S8821 Open wound of testes
S8822 Degloving injury scrotum
S882z Open wound of scrotum and testes not otherwise specified
S883. Open wound of scrotum and testes with complication
S8830 Open wound of scrotum with complication
S8831 Open wound of testes with complication
S883z Open wound of scrotum and testes with complication, NOS
S884. Open wound of vulva
S8840 Open wound of vulva, unspecified
S8841 Open wound of labium majus
S8842 Open wound of labium minus
S884z Open wound of vulva, NOS
S885. Open wound of vulva with complication
S8850 Open wound of vulva with complication, unspecified
S8851 Open wound of labium majus with complication
S8852 Open wound of labium minus with complication
S885z Open wound of vulva with complication, NOS
S886. Open wound of vagina
S887. Open wound of vagina with complication
S88x. Other open wound of external genital organ
S88y. Other open wound of external genital organ with complication
S88z. Open wound of external genital organ NOS
S89.. Other open wounds of other sites, excluding limbs
S890. Open wound of breast
S891. Open wound of breast with complication
S892. Open wound of anterior abdominal wall
S8920 Open wound of epigastric region
S8921 Open wound umbilical region
S8922 Open wound of hypogastric region
S8923 Open wound of pubic region without complication
S892z Open wound anterior abdominal wall without complication NOS
S893. Open wound of anterior abdominal wall with complication
S8930 Open wound of epigastrium with complication
S8931 Open wound of umbilical region with complication
S8932 Open wound of hypogastrium with complication
S8933 Open wound of pubic region with complication
S893z Open wound of anterior abdominal wall with complication NOS
S894. Open wound of lateral abdominal wall
S8940 Open wound of hypochondrium
S8941 Open wound of lumbar region
S8942 Open wound of iliac region
S8943 Open wound of inguinal region
S894z Open wound of lateral abdominal wall NOS
S895. Open wound of lateral abdominal wall with complication
S8950 Open wound of hypochondrium with complication
S8951 Open wound of lumbar region with complication
S8952 Open wound of iliac region with complication
S8953 Open wound of inguinal region with complication
S895z Open wound of lateral abdominal wall with complication, NOS
S896. Traumatic amputation of trunk, level unspecified
S89v. Other and unspecified open wound of trunk
S89v0 Open wound of pelvic region
S89v1 Open wound of perineum
S89vz Other and unspecified open wound of trunk, NOS
S89w. Other and unspecified open wound of trunk with complication
S89w0 Open wound of pelvic region with complication
S89w1 Open wound of perineum with complication
S89wz Other and unspecified open wound trunk with complication NOS
S89x. Multiple open wounds, of unspecified site
S89y. Multiple open wounds with complication, of unspecified site
S89z. Other open wounds NOS
S8A.. Open wounds involving head with neck
S8W.. Injury of blood vessels of head, NEC
S8X.. Traumatic amputation of unspecified part of head
S8z.. Open wound of head, neck and trunk NOS
S9... Open wound of upper limb
S90.. Open wound of shoulder region and upper limb
S900. Open wound of shoulder/upper limb without complication
S9000 Open wound of shoulder region
S9001 Open wound of scapular region
S9002 Open wound of axillary region
S9003 Open wound of upper arm
S900x Multiple open wounds of upper arm
S900z Open wound of shoulder and upper limb NOS
S901. Open wound of shoulder and upper limb with complication
S9010 Open wound of shoulder region with complication
S9011 Open wound of scapular region with complication
S9012 Open wound of axillary region with complication
S9013 Open wound of upper arm with complication
S901x Multiple open wounds of upper arm with complication
S901z Open wound of shoulder and upper arm with complication, NOS
S902. Open wound of shoulder/upper limb with tendon involvement
S9020 Open wound of shoulder region with tendon involvement
S9021 Open wound of scapular region with tendon involvement
S9022 Open wound of axillary region with tendon involvement
S9023 Open wound of upper arm with tendon involvement
S9024 Complete division, long head of biceps tendon
S9025 Complete division, biceps tendon
S9026 Complete division, triceps tendon
S9027 Partial division, long head of biceps tendon
S9028 Partial division, biceps tendon
S9029 Partial division, triceps tendon
S902x Multiple open wounds of upper arm with tendon involvement
S902z Open wound shoulder/upper arm with tendon involvement, NOS
S903. Degloving injury, shoulder or upper arm
S9030 Degloving injury, shoulder area
S9031 Degloving injury, scapular area
S9032 Degloving injury, axilla
S9033 Degloving injury, upper arm
S904. Severe multi tissue damage upper arm
S905. Massive multi tissue damage upper arm
S906. Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint
S90z. Open wound of shoulder region and upper arm NOS
S91.. Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist
S910. Open wound of lower arm without mention of complication
S9100 Open wound of forearm
S9101 Open wound of elbow
S9102 Open wound of wrist, unspecified
S9103 Open wound of wrist, volar
S9104 Open wound of wrist, dorsal
S910z Open wound of lower arm, NOS
S911. Open wound of lower arm with complication
S9110 Open wound of forearm with complication
S9111 Open wound of elbow with complication
S9112 Open wound of wrist with complication
S911z Open wound of lower arm with complication, NOS
S912. Open wound of lower arm with tendon involvement
S9120 Open wound of forearm with tendon involvement
S9121 Open wound of elbow with tendon involvement
S9122 Open wound of wrist with tendon involvement
S9123 Complete division extensor tendon wrist
S9124 Complete division flexor tendon wrist
S9125 Partial division extensor tendon wrist
S9126 Partial division flexor tendon wrist
S912z Open wound of lower arm with tendon involvement, NOS
S913. Degloving injury lower arm
S9130 Degloving injury, forearm
S9131 Degloving injury, elbow area
S9132 Degloving injury wrist, volar
S9133 Degloving injury wrist, dorsum
S914. Severe multi tissue damage lower arm
S915. Massive multi tissue damage lower arm
S91z. Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist NOS
S92.. Open wound of hand, excluding finger(s)
S920. Open wound of hand without mention of complication
S9200 Open wound of hand, palm
S9201 Open wound of hand, dorsum
S921. Open wound of hand with complication
S922. Open wound of hand with tendon involvement
S9220 Complete division extensor tendon hand
S9221 Complete division flexor tendon hand
S9222 Partial division extensor tendon hand
S9223 Partial division flexor tendon hand
S923. Degloving injury hand
S9230 Degloving injury hand, palmar
S9231 Degloving injury hand, dorsum
S924. Severe multi tissue damage hand
S925. Massive multi tissue damage hand
S92z. Open wound of hand, excluding fingers, NOS
S93.. Open wound of finger(s) or thumb
S930. Open wound of finger or thumb without mention of complicatn
S9300 Open wound, finger
S9301 Open wound, finger, multiple
S9302 Open wound, thumb
S931. Open wound of finger or thumb with complication
S932. Open wound of finger or thumb with tendon involvement
S9320 Complete division, flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
S9321 Complete division, flexor digitorum profundus tendon
S9322 Complete division, both flexor tendons
S9323 Complete division, extensor digitorum tendon
S9324 Mallet finger with open tendon injury
S9325 Complete division, flexor pollicis longus tendon
S9326 Complete division, extensor pollicis longus tendon
S9327 Mallet thumb with open tendon injury
S9328 Partial division, flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
S9329 Partial division, flexor digitorum profundus tendon
S932A Partial division both flexor tendons
S932B Partial division, extensor digitorum tendon
S932C Partial division, flexor pollicis longus tendon
S932D Partial division, extensor pollicis longus tendon
S933. Degloving injury, finger
S9330 Degloving injury, finger unspecified
S9331 Degloving injury, finger, multiple
S9332 Ring avulsion injury, class 1
S9333 Ring avulsion injury, class 2
S9334 Ring avulsion injury, class 3
S9335 Ring avulsion injury, class 4
S934. Degloving injury, thumb
S935. Open wound fingernail
S936. Open wound thumbnail
S93z. Open wound of finger(s) NOS
S94.. Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb
S940. Multiple/unspec open wound upper limb without complication
S941. Multiple/unspec open wound of upper limb with complication
S942. Multiple/unspec open wound upper limb with tendon involved
S94z. Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb NOS
S95.. Traumatic amputation of thumb
S950. Traumatic amputation of thumb without complication
S9500 Traumatic amputation, thumb, through metacarpal
S9501 Traumatic amputation, thumb, through M.C.P.J.
S9502 Traumatic amputation, thumb, proximal phalanx
S9503 Traumatic amputation, thumb, through interphalangeal joint
S9504 Traumatic amputation, thumb tip
S9505 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 1 (pulp only involved)
S9506 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 2 (pulp and nail loss)
S9507 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 3
S9508 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 4
S951. Traumatic amputation of thumb with complication
S95z. Traumatic amputation of thumb NOS
S96.. Traumatic amputation of finger(s)
S960. Traumatic amputation of finger without complication
S9600 Traumatic amputation, finger, through M.C.P.J.
S9601 Traumatic amputation, finger, proximal phalanx
S9602 Traumatic amputation, finger, through P.I.P.J.
S9603 Traumatic amputation, finger, middle phalanx
S9604 Traumatic amputation, finger, through D.I.P.J.
S9605 Traumatic amputation, finger, multiple
S9606 Traumatic amputation, finger tip
S9607 Traumatic amputation finger tip, type 1 (pulp only involved)
S9608 Traumatic amputation finger tip, type 2 (pulp and nail loss)
S9609 Traumatic amputation finger tip, type 3
S960A Traumatic amputation finger tip, type 4
S961. Traumatic amputation of finger with complication
S96X. Comb traum amp of (part of) fing(s) + oth part wrist/hand
S96z. Traumatic amputation of finger NOS
S97.. Traumatic amputation of arm and hand
S970. Traumatic unilat amputation below elbow without complication
S9700 Traumatic amputation, through elbow
S9701 Traumatic amputation, below elbow
S9702 Traumatic amputation, through wrist
S9703 Traumatic amputation, hand, through metacarpals
S970X Traumatic amputation of wrist & hand, level unspecified
S971. Traumatic unilat amputation, below elbow, with complication
S972. Traumatic unilat amputation above elbow without complication
S9720 Traumatic amputation, forequarter
S9721 Traumatic amputation, through shoulder
S9722 Traumatic amputation, above elbow
S973. Traumatic unilat amputation, above elbow, with complication
S974. Traumatic unilat amputation arm unspec, without complication
S975. Traumatic unilat amputation arm unspec, with complication
S976. Traumatic bilat amputation arm, unspec, without complication
S977. Traumatic bilat amputation arm, unspec, with complication
S97X. Traumatic amputation of forearm, level unspecified
S97z. Traumatic amputation of arm and hand NOS
S9z.. Open wound of upper limb NOS
SA... Open wound of lower limb
SA0.. Open wound of hip and thigh
SA00. Open wound of hip and thigh without mention of complication
SA000 Open wound of hip
SA001 Open wound of thigh
SA00z Open wound hip and thigh, NOS
SA01. Open wound of hip and thigh with complication
SA010 Open wound of hip with complication
SA011 Open wound of thigh with complication
SA01z Open wound of hip and thigh with complication, NOS
SA02. Open wound of hip and thigh with tendon involvement
SA020 Open wound of hip with tendon involvement
SA021 Open wound of thigh with tendon involvement
SA022 Complete division, quadriceps tendon
SA023 Complete division, hamstring tendon
SA024 Partial division, quadriceps tendon
SA025 Partial division, hamstring tendon
SA02z Open wound of hip and thigh with tendon involvement, NOS
SA03. Degloving injury, hip or thigh
SA030 Degloving injury, hip
SA031 Degloving injury, thigh
SA04. Severe multi tissue damage hip or thigh
SA05. Massive multi tissue damage hip or thigh
SA0z. Open wound of hip and thigh NOS
SA1.. Open wound of knee, leg and ankle
SA10. Open wound of knee, leg and ankle without complication
SA100 Open wound of knee
SA101 Open wound of leg
SA102 Open wound of ankle
SA10z Open wound of knee, leg and ankle NOS
SA11. Open wound of knee, leg and ankle with complication
SA110 Open wound of knee with complication
SA111 Open wound of lower leg with complication
SA112 Open wound of ankle with complication
SA11z Open wound of knee/leg/ankle with complication, NOS
SA12. Open wound of knee, leg and ankle with tendon involvement
SA120 Open wound of knee with tendon involvement
SA121 Open wound of lower leg with tendon involvement
SA122 Open wound of ankle with tendon involvement
SA123 Complete division, patellar tendon
SA124 Complete division, tendocalcaneus (Achilles tendon)
SA125 Partial division, patellar tendon
SA126 Partial division, tendocalcaneus (Achilles tendon)
SA12z Open wound of knee/leg/ankle with tendon involvement, NOS
SA13. Degloving injury, knee or leg or ankle
SA130 Degloving injury, knee
SA131 Degloving injury, lower leg
SA132 Degloving injury, ankle
SA14. Severe multi tissue damage lower leg
SA15. Massive multi tissue damage lower leg
SA16. Multiple injuries of ankle and foot
SA1z. Open wound of knee, leg and ankle NOS
SA2.. Open wound of foot, excluding toe(s)
SA20. Open wound of foot without mention of complication
SA201 Open wound foot, plantar
SA202 Open wound foot, dorsum
SA203 Open wound, heel
SA21. Open wound of foot with complication
SA22. Open wound of foot with tendon involvement
SA220 Complete division, flexor tendon, foot
SA221 Complete division, extensor tendon, foot
SA222 Partial division, flexor tendon of foot
SA223 Partial division, extensor tendon of foot
SA23. Degloving injury, foot
SA230 Degloving injury foot, plantar
SA231 Degloving injury foot, dorsum
SA232 Degloving injury heel
SA24. Severe multi tissue damage foot
SA25. Massive multi tissue damage foot
SA2z. Open wound of foot NOS
SA3.. Open wound of toe(s)
SA30. Open wound of toe(s) without mention of complication
SA31. Open wound of toe(s) with complication
SA32. Open wound of toe(s) with tendon involvement
SA33. Degloving injury toe(s)
SA330 Degloving injury toe
SA331 Degloving injury, multiple toes
SA34. Open wound of toe(s) with damage to nail
SA3z. Open wound of toe(s) NOS
SA4.. Multiple and unspecified open wound of lower limb
SA40. Multiple and unspec open wound leg, without complication
SA41. Multiple and unspec open wound of leg with complication
SA42. Multiple and unspec open wound leg with tendon involvement
SA4z. Multiple and unspecified open wound of lower limb NOS
SA5.. Traumatic amputation of toe(s)
SA50. Traumatic amputation of toe(s) without complication
SA500 Traumatic amputation, lesser toe
SA501 Traumatic amputation, greater toe
SA502 Traumatic amputation, multiple toes
SA51. Traumatic amputation of toe(s) with complication
SA5z. Traumatic amputation of toe(s) NOS
SA6.. Traumatic amputation of foot
SA60. Traumatic unilateral amputation of foot without complication
SA600 Traumatic amputation, foot
SA61. Traumatic unilateral amputation of foot with complication
SA62. Traumatic bilateral amputation of foot without complication
SA63. Traumatic bilateral amputation of foot with complication
SA6z. Traumatic amputation of foot NOS
SA7.. Traumatic amputation of leg(s)
SA70. Traumatic unilat amputation, below knee without complication
SA701 Traumatic amputation, leg
SA702 Traumatic amputation, through ankle
SA71. Traumatic unilat amputation, below knee, with complication
SA72. Traumatic unilat amputation, above knee without complication
SA720 Traumatic amputation, through knee
SA721 Traumatic amputation, through thigh
SA722 Traumatic amputation, through hip
SA73. Traumatic unilat amputation, above knee, with complication
SA74. Traumatic unilat amputation leg unspec, without complication
SA75. Traumatic unilat amputation leg unspec, with complication
SA76. Traumatic bilateral amputation of leg, without complication
SA77. Traumatic bilateral amputation of leg with complication
SA78. Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee
SA7X. Traumatic amputation of lower leg, level unspecified
SA7z. Traumatic amputation of leg NOS
SA8.. Traumatic amputation of limb
SA9.. Multiple open wounds of hip and thigh
SAA.. Open wounds involving multiple regions of lower limb(s)
SAz.. Open wound of lower limb NOS
SB... Injury to blood vessels
SB0.. Injury to blood vessels of head and neck
SB00. Carotid artery injury
SB000 Carotid artery injury, unspecified
SB001 Common carotid artery injury
SB002 External carotid artery injury
SB003 Internal carotid artery injury
SB00z Carotid artery injury NOS
SB01. Internal jugular vein injury
SB02. Injury of vertebral artery
SB03. Injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level
SB0y. Other head and neck blood vessel injury
SB0y0 External jugular vein injury
SB0y1 Multiple head and neck blood vessel injury
SB0yz Other head and neck blood vessel injury NOS
SB0z. Head and neck blood vessel injury NOS
SB1.. Injury to thoracic blood vessel
SB10. Thoracic aorta injury
SB11. Innominate (brachiocephalic) artery injury
SB12. Subclavian artery injury
SB120 Closed injury, subclavian artery
SB121 Open injury, subclavian artery
SB13. Superior vena cava injury
SB14. Innominate (brachiocephalic) vein injury
SB15. Subclavian vein injury
SB150 Closed injury, subclavian vein
SB151 Open injury, subclavian vein
SB16. Pulmonary blood vessel injury
SB160 Pulmonary vessel injury, unspecified
SB161 Pulmonary artery injury
SB162 Pulmonary vein injury
SB16z Pulmonary vessel injury NOS
SB1y. Other thoracic blood vessel injury
SB1y0 Intercostal artery injury
SB1y1 Intercostal vein injury
SB1y2 Internal mammary artery injury
SB1y3 Internal mammary vein injury
SB1y4 Azygos vein injury
SB1y5 Hemiazygos vein injury
SB1yx Multiple thoracic blood vessel injury
SB1yy Other thoracic blood vessel injury
SB1yz Other thoracic blood vessel injury NOS
SB1z. Thoracic blood vessel injury NOS
SB2.. Injury to abdominal and pelvic blood vessels
SB20. Abdominal aorta injury
SB21. Inferior vena cava injury
SB210 Inferior vena cava injury, unspecified
SB211 Hepatic vein injury
SB21z Inferior vena cava injury NOS
SB22. Coeliac or mesenteric artery injury
SB220 Coeliac and mesenteric artery injury, unspecified
SB221 Gastric artery injury
SB222 Hepatic artery injury
SB223 Splenic artery injury
SB224 Other coeliac axis vessel injury
SB225 Superior mesenteric artery trunk injury
SB226 Primary superior mesenteric artery branch injury
SB227 Inferior mesenteric artery injury
SB22z Coeliac and mesenteric artery injury NOS
SB23. Portal and splenic vein injury
SB230 Superior mesenteric vein injury
SB231 Inferior mesenteric vein injury
SB232 Portal vein injury
SB233 Splenic vein injury
SB234 Cystic vein injury
SB235 Gastric vein injury
SB23z Portal and splenic vein injury NOS
SB24. Renal blood vessel injury
SB240 Renal blood vessel injury, unspecified
SB241 Renal artery injury
SB242 Renal vein injury
SB243 Suprarenal artery injury
SB24z Renal blood vessel injury NOS
SB25. Iliac blood vessel injury
SB250 Iliac blood vessel injury, unspecified
SB251 Hypogastric artery injury
SB252 Hypogastric vein injury
SB253 Iliac artery injury
SB254 Iliac vein injury
SB255 Uterine artery injury
SB256 Uterine vein injury
SB25z Iliac blood vessel injury NOS
SB2y. Other abdominal or pelvic blood vessel injury
SB2y0 Ovarian artery injury
SB2y1 Ovarian vein injury
SB2yx Multiple abdominal and pelvic blood vessel injury
SB2yz Other abdominal and pelvic blood vessel injury NOS
SB2z. Injury to abdominal and pelvic blood vessel NOS
SB3.. Injury to blood vessels of arm
SB30. Axillary blood vessel injury
SB300 Axillary vessel injury, unspecified
SB301 Closed injury, axillary artery
SB302 Closed injury, axillary vein
SB303 Open injury, axillary artery
SB304 Open injury, axillary vein
SB30X Inj of unspecif blood vessel at should & upper arm level
SB30z Axillary blood vessel injury NOS
SB31. Brachial blood vessel injury
SB310 Closed injury, brachial artery
SB311 Open injury, brachial artery
SB32. Radial blood vessel injury
SB320 Closed injury, radial artery
SB321 Open injury, radial artery
SB322 Injury of radial artery at wrist and hand level
SB33. Ulnar blood vessel injury
SB330 Closed injury, ulnar artery
SB331 Open injury, ulnar artery
SB332 Injury of ulnar artery at wrist and hand level
SB34. Palmar artery injury
SB340 Closed injury, palmar artery
SB341 Open injury, palmar artery
SB342 Injury of superficial palmar arch
SB343 Injury of deep palmar arch
SB35. Digital blood vessel injury
SB350 Closed injury, digital artery
SB351 Open injury, digital artery
SB352 Closed injury, digital vein
SB353 Open injury, digital vein
SB354 Closed injury, digital vessel, multiple
SB355 Open injury, digital vessel, multiple
SB36. Injury of blood vessels at forearm level
SB360 Injury of vein at forearm level
SB3W. Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist & hand level
SB3X. Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level
SB3x. Multiple blood vessel injury of upper extremity
SB3x0 Injury of multiple blood vessels at forearm level
SB3y. Other arm blood vessel injury
SB3y0 Injury of blood vessel(s) of thumb
SB3z. Arm blood vessel injury NOS
SB4.. Injury to blood vessels of leg
SB40. Common femoral artery injury
SB400 Closed injury, common femoral artery
SB401 Open injury, common femoral artery
SB41. Superficial femoral artery injury
SB410 Closed injury, superficial femoral artery
SB411 Open injury, superficial femoral artery
SB42. Femoral vein injury
SB420 Closed injury, femoral vein
SB421 Open injury, femoral vein
SB43. Saphenous vein injury
SB430 Greater saphenous vein injury
SB431 Lesser saphenous vein injury
SB43z Saphenous vein injury NOS
SB44. Popliteal blood vessel injury
SB440 Popliteal vessel injury, unspecified
SB441 Popliteal artery injury, unspecified
SB442 Popliteal vein injury, unspecified
SB443 Closed injury, popliteal artery
SB444 Closed injury, popliteal vein
SB445 Open injury, popliteal artery
SB446 Open injury, popliteal vein
SB44z Popliteal blood vessel injury NOS
SB45. Tibial blood vessel injury
SB450 Tibial blood vessel injury, unspecified
SB451 Anterior tibial artery injury, unspecified
SB452 Anterior tibial vein injury
SB453 Posterior tibial artery injury, unspecified
SB454 Posterior tibial vein injury
SB455 Closed injury, anterior tibial artery
SB456 Closed injury, posterior tibial artery
SB457 Open injury, anterior tibial artery
SB458 Open injury, posterior tibial artery
SB45z Tibial blood vessel injury NOS
SB46. Deep plantar blood vessel injury
SB460 Closed injury, deep plantar artery
SB461 Open injury, deep plantar artery
SB47. Injury of blood vessels at lower leg level
SB470 Injury of peroneal artery
SB471 Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level
SB472 Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level
SB473 Injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level
SB48. Injury of blood vessels at ankle and foot level
SB480 Injury of dorsal vein of foot
SB481 Injury of multiple blood vessels at ankle and foot level
SB482 Injury of other blood vessels at ankle and foot level
SB483 Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle and foot level
SB4W. Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level
SB4X. Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip & thigh level
SB4x. Multiple leg blood vessel injury
SB4x0 Injury of multiple blood vessels at hip and thigh level
SB4y. Other leg blood vessel injury
SB4y0 Closed injury, dorsalis pedis artery
SB4y1 Open injury, dorsalis pedis artery
SB4z. Leg blood vessel injury NOS
SBz.. Injury to blood vessel NOS
SC... Late effects injury/poisoning/toxic effects/external causes
SC0.. Late effect of musculoskeletal/connective tissue injuries
SC00. Late effect of fracture of skull and face bones
SC01. Late effect of fracture of spine/trunk without cord lesion
SC02. Late effect of fracture of arm
SC03. Late effect of fracture neck of femur
SC04. Late effect of other fracture of leg
SC05. Late effect of multiple and unspecified fracture of bones
SC06. Late effect of dislocation
SC07. Late effect of sprain without mention of tendon injury
SC08. Late effect of tendon injury
SC09. Late effect of traumatic amputation
SC0X. Sequelae of other fracture of thorax and pelvis
SC0z. Late effect of musculoskeletal/connective tissue injury NOS
SC1.. Late effect of skin and subcutaneous tissue injury
SC10. Late effect of open wound of head, neck and trunk
SC11. Late effect of open wound arm or leg without tendon injury
SC12. Late effect of superficial injury
SC13. Late effect of contusion
SC14. Late effect of crushing
SC15. Late effect of burn of eye, head and neck
SC16. Late effect of burn of wrist and hand
SC17. Late effect of burn of arm, leg and foot
SC18. Late effect of other burns
SC19. Late effect of burn NOS
SC1z. Late effect of skin and subcutaneous tissue injury NOS
SC2.. Late effect of nervous system injury
SC20. Late effect of intracranial injury without skull fracture
SC200 Traumatic epilepsy
SC20z Late effect of intracranial injury NOS
SC21. Late effect of cranial nerve injury
SC22. Late effect of spinal cord injury
SC23. Late effect of other trunk nerve/spinal plexus/root injury
SC24. Late effect of peripheral nerve of shoulder and upper limb
SC25. Late effect of peripheral nerve of pelvis and lower limb
SC26. Late effect of other and unspecified nerve injury
SC2z. Late effect of nervous system injury NOS
SC3.. Late effect of other and unspecified injuries
SC30. Late effect of internal chest injury
SC31. Late effect of intra-abdominal organ injury
SC32. Late effect of other internal organ injury
SC33. Late effect of injury to blood vessel head/neck/extremities
SC34. Late effect of injury to vessel of thorax/abdomen/pelvis
SC35. Late effect of foreign body in orifice
SC36. Late effect of specified trauma complication
SC37. Sequelae of superficial injury of head
SC38. Sequelae of open wound of head
SC39. Sequelae of injury of eye and orbit
SC3A. Sequelae of superficial injury + open wound of neck + trunk
SC3C. Sequelae of open wound of upper limb
SC3C0 Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level
SC3C1 Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of upper limb
SC3C2 Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of upper limb
SC3C3 Seq of crushing injury+traumatic amputation of upper limb
SC3D. Sequelae of injuries of lower limb
SC3D0 Sequelae of open wound of lower limb
SC3D1 Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of lower limb
SC3D2 Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of lower limb
SC3D3 Sequelae/crushing injury+traumatic amputation of lower limb
SC3D4 Sequelae of fracture of femur
SC3z. Late effect of injury NOS
SC4.. Late effects of other external causes
SC40. Late effect of poison drug/medicament/biological substance
SC41. Late effect of poison due to nonmedical substance
SC42. Late effect of radiation
SC43. Late effect of medical and surgical care complication
SC44. Sequelae of burns, corrosions and frostbite
SC440 Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of trunk
SC441 Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of lower limb
SC442 Seq/burn+corros classfbl only accord extent/body surf involv
SC4y. Late effect of certain other external causes
SC4z. Late effect of external cause NOS
SCU.. Sequelae of unspecified injury of lower limb
SCV.. Sequelae of unspecified injury of upper limb
SCW.. Sequelae of unspecified injury of neck and trunk
SCX.. Sequelae of unspecified injury of head
SCz.. Late effect injury/poison/toxin effect/external cause NOS
SD... Superficial injury
SD0.. Superficial injury to head, excluding eye
SD00. Abrasion or friction burn of head, without infection
SD000 Abrasion, face
SD001 Abrasion/friction burn of neck, without infection
SD002 Abrasion, scalp
SD00z Abrasion head NOS
SD01. Abrasion or friction burn of head, infected
SD010 Abrasion of face, infected
SD011 Abrasion of neck, infected
SD012 Abrasion of scalp, infected
SD01z Abrasion or friction burn of head, infected, NOS
SD02. Blister of head, without mention of infection
SD020 Blister of face
SD021 Blister of neck
SD022 Blister of scalp
SD02z Blister of head, without mention of infection, NOS
SD03. Blister of head, infected
SD030 Blister of face, infected
SD031 Blister of neck, infected
SD032 Blister of scalp, infected
SD03z Blister of head, infected, NOS
SD04. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of head, without infection
SD040 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of face
SD041 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of neck
SD042 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of scalp
SD04z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of head, without infection NOS
SD05. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of head, infected
SD050 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of face, infected
SD051 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of neck, infected
SD052 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of scalp, infected
SD05z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of head, infected, NOS
SD06. Splinter of head, without major open wound or infection
SD060 Splinter of face, without major open wound
SD061 Splinter of neck, without major open wound
SD062 Splinter of scalp, without major open wound
SD06z Splinter of head, without major open wound or infection, NOS
SD07. Splinter of head, without major open wound, infected
SD070 Splinter of face, without major open wound, infected
SD071 Splinter of neck, without major open wound, infected
SD072 Splinter of scalp, without major open wound, infected
SD07z Splinter of head, without major open wound, infected, NOS
SD08. Multiple superficial injuries of head
SD0y. Superficial injury of head NOS
SD0y0 Superficial injury of face NOS
SD0y1 Superficial injury of neck NOS
SD0y2 Superficial injury of scalp NOS
SD0yz Superficial injury of face/neck/scalp, no infection, NOS
SD0z. Superficial injury of face/neck/scalp NOS, infected
SD0z0 Superficial injury of face NOS, infected
SD0z1 Superficial injury of neck NOS, infected
SD0z2 Superficial injury of scalp NOS, infected
SD0zz Superficial injury of head NOS, infection NOS
SD1.. Superficial injury of trunk
SD10. Abrasion, trunk
SD100 Abrasion, interscapular
SD101 Abrasion, chest wall
SD102 Abrasion, breast
SD103 Abrasion, abdominal wall
SD104 Abrasion, back
SD105 Abrasion, buttock
SD106 Abrasion, anus
SD107 Abrasion, flank
SD108 Abrasion, groin
SD109 Abrasion, perineum
SD10A Abrasion, penis
SD10B Abrasion, scrotum/testis
SD10C Abrasion, vulva
SD10D Abrasion, vagina
SD10z Abrasion/friction burn of trunk, without infection NOS
SD11. Abrasion or friction burn of trunk, infected
SD110 Abrasion of interscapular region, infected
SD111 Abrasion of chest wall, infected
SD112 Abrasion of breast, infected
SD113 Abrasion of abdominal wall, infected
SD114 Abrasion of back, infected
SD115 Abrasion of buttock, infected
SD116 Abrasion of anus, infected
SD117 Abrasion of flank, infected
SD118 Abrasion of groin, infected
SD119 Abrasion of perineum, infected
SD11A Abrasion of penis, infected
SD11B Abrasion of scrotum and testis, infected
SD11C Abrasion of vulva, infected
SD11D Abrasion of vagina, infected
SD11z Abrasion or friction burn of trunk, infected, NOS
SD12. Blister of trunk, without mention of infection
SD120 Blister of interscapular region
SD121 Blister of chest wall
SD122 Blister of breast
SD123 Blister of abdominal wall
SD124 Blister of back
SD125 Blister of buttock
SD126 Blister of anus
SD127 Blister of flank
SD128 Blister of groin
SD129 Blister of perineum
SD12A Blister of penis
SD12B Blister of scrotum and testis
SD12C Blister of vulva
SD12D Blister of vagina
SD12z Blister of trunk, without mention of infection, NOS
SD13. Blister of trunk, infected
SD130 Blister of interscapular region, infected
SD131 Blister of chest wall, infected
SD132 Blister of breast, infected
SD133 Blister of abdominal wall, infected
SD134 Blister of back, infected
SD135 Blister of buttock, infected
SD136 Blister of anus, infected
SD137 Blister of flank, infected
SD138 Blister of groin, infected
SD139 Blister of perineum, infected
SD13A Blister of penis, infected
SD13B Blister of scrotum and testis, infected
SD13C Blister of vulva, infected
SD13D Blister of vagina, infected
SD13z Blister of trunk, infected, NOS
SD14. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of trunk, without infection
SD140 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of interscapular region
SD141 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of chest wall
SD142 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of breast
SD143 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of abdominal wall
SD144 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of back
SD145 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of buttock
SD146 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of anus
SD147 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of flank
SD148 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of groin
SD149 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of perineum
SD14A Insect bite, nonvenomous, of penis
SD14B Insect bite, nonvenomous, of scrotum and testis
SD14C Insect bite, nonvenomous, of vulva
SD14D Insect bite, nonvenomous, of vagina
SD14z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of trunk, without infection, NOS
SD15. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of trunk, infected
SD150 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of interscapular region, infected
SD151 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of chest wall, infected
SD152 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of breast, infected
SD153 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of abdominal wall, infected
SD154 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of back, infected
SD155 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of buttock, infected
SD156 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of anus, infected
SD157 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of flank, infected
SD158 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of groin, infected
SD159 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of perineum, infected
SD15A Insect bite, nonvenomous, of penis, infected
SD15B Insect bite, nonvenomous, of scrotum and testis, infected
SD15C Insect bite, nonvenomous, of vulva, infected
SD15D Insect bite, nonvenomous, of vagina, infected
SD15z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of trunk, infected, NOS
SD16. Splinter of trunk, without major wound or infection
SD160 Splinter of interscapular region, without major open wound
SD161 Splinter of chest wall, without major open wound
SD162 Splinter of breast, without major open wound
SD163 Splinter of abdominal wall, without major open wound
SD164 Splinter of back, without major open wound
SD165 Splinter of buttock, without major open wound
SD166 Splinter of anus, without major open wound
SD167 Splinter of flank, without major open wound
SD168 Splinter of groin, without major open wound
SD169 Splinter of perineum, without major open wound
SD16A Splinter of penis, without major open wound
SD16B Splinter of scrotum and testis, without major open wound
SD16C Splinter of vulva, without major open wound
SD16D Splinter of vagina, without major open wound
SD16z Splinter of trunk, without major wound or infection, NOS
SD17. Splinter of trunk without major open wound, infected
SD170 Splinter interscapular region without major wound, infected
SD171 Splinter of chest wall without major open wound, infected
SD172 Splinter of breast without major open wound, infected
SD173 Splinter of abdominal wall without major wound, infected
SD174 Splinter of back without major open wound, infected
SD175 Splinter of buttock without major open wound, infected
SD176 Splinter of anus without major open wound, infected
SD177 Splinter of flank without major open wound, infected
SD178 Splinter of groin without major open wound, infected
SD179 Splinter of perineum without major open wound, infected
SD17A Splinter of penis without major open wound, infected
SD17B Splinter of scrotum/testis without major wound, infected
SD17C Splinter of vulva without major open wound, infected
SD17D Splinter of vagina without major open wound, infected
SD17z Splinter of trunk without major wound, infected, NOS
SD18. Multiple superficial injuries of thorax
SD1y. Superficial injury trunk NOS, without major wound/infection
SD1y0 Superficial injury interscapular rgn NOS, without mj opn wnd
SD1y1 Superficial injury chest wall NOS, without major open wound
SD1y2 Superficial injury of breast NOS, without major open wound
SD1y3 Superficial injury abdom wall NOS, without major open wound
SD1y4 Superficial injury of back NOS, without major open wound
SD1y5 Superficial injury of buttock NOS, without major open wound
SD1y6 Superficial injury of anus NOS, without major open wound
SD1y7 Superficial injury of flank NOS, without major open wound
SD1y8 Superficial injury of groin NOS, without major open wound
SD1y9 Superficial injury of perineum NOS without major open wound
SD1yA Superficial injury of penis NOS, without major open wound
SD1yB Superficial injury scrotum+testis NOS without mj open wound
SD1yC Superficial injury of vulva NOS, without major open wound
SD1yD Superficial injury of vagina NOS, without major open wound
SD1yz Superficial injury trunk, without major wound/infection NOS
SD1z. Superficial injury of trunk NOS, infected
SD1z0 Superficial injury of interscapular region NOS, infected
SD1z1 Superficial injury of chest wall NOS, infected
SD1z2 Superficial injury of breast NOS, infected
SD1z3 Superficial injury of abdominal wall NOS, infected
SD1z4 Superficial injury of back NOS, infected
SD1z5 Superficial injury of buttock NOS, infected
SD1z6 Superficial injury of anus NOS, infected
SD1z7 Superficial injury of flank NOS, infected
SD1z8 Superficial injury of groin NOS, infected
SD1z9 Superficial injury of perineum NOS, infected
SD1zA Superficial injury of penis NOS, infected
SD1zB Superficial injury of scrotum and testis NOS, infected
SD1zC Superficial injury of vulva NOS, infected
SD1zD Superficial injury of vagina NOS, infected
SD1zz Superficial injury of trunk NOS, infection NOS
SD2.. Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm
SD20. Abrasion/friction burn shoulder/upper arm without infection
SD200 Abrasion, shoulder area
SD201 Abrasion, scapular area
SD202 Abrasion, axillary area
SD203 Abrasion, upper arm
SD204 Abrasion, clavicular area
SD205 Abrasion of arm,unspecified level without infection
SD20z Abrasion/friction burn shoulder/upper arm, no infection, NOS
SD21. Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder/upper arm, infected
SD210 Abrasion of shoulder, infected
SD211 Abrasion of scapular region, infected
SD212 Abrasion of axilla, infected
SD213 Abrasion of upper arm, infected
SD21z Abrasion or friction burn shoulder/upper arm, infected, NOS
SD22. Blister of shoulder/upper arm, without mention of infection
SD220 Blister of shoulder
SD221 Blister of scapular region
SD222 Blister of axilla
SD223 Blister of upper arm
SD22z Blister of shoulder/upper arm without mention infection NOS
SD23. Blister of shoulder and upper arm, infected
SD230 Blister of shoulder, infected
SD231 Blister of scapular region, infected
SD232 Blister of axilla, infected
SD233 Blister of upper arm, infected
SD23z Blister of shoulder and upper arm, infected, NOS
SD24. Insect bite, nonvenomous, shoulder/upp arm, no infection
SD240 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of shoulder
SD241 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of interscapular region
SD242 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of axilla
SD243 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of upper arm
SD24z Insect bite, nonvenomous, shoulder/upp arm,no infection NOS
SD25. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of shoulder/upper arm, infected
SD250 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of shoulder, infected
SD251 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of interscapular region, infected
SD252 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of axilla, infected
SD253 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of upper arm, infected
SD25z Insect bite, nonvenomous, shoulder/upper arm, infected, NOS
SD26. Splinter shoulder/upper arm, without major wound/infection
SD260 Splinter of shoulder, without major open wound
SD261 Splinter of scapular region, without major open wound
SD262 Splinter of axilla, without major open wound
SD263 Splinter of upper arm, without major open wound
SD26z Splinter shoulder/upper arm, without wound/infection NOS
SD27. Splinter of shoulder/upper arm, without major wound,infected
SD270 Splinter of shoulder, without major open wound, infected
SD271 Splinter of scapular region, without major wound, infected
SD272 Splinter of axilla, without major open wound, infected
SD273 Splinter of upper arm, without major open wound, infected
SD27z Splinter shoulder/upper arm, without wound, infected, NOS
SD28. Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm
SD2y. Superficial injury shoulder/upper arm NOS, without infection
SD2y0 Superficial injury shoulder NOS
SD2y1 Superficial injury of scapular NOS
SD2y2 Superficial injury of axilla NOS
SD2y3 Superficial injury of upper arm NOS
SD2yz Superficial injury shoulder/upper arm, without infection NOS
SD2z. Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm NOS, infected
SD2z0 Superficial injury of shoulder NOS, infected
SD2z1 Superficial injury of scapular region NOS, infected
SD2z2 Superficial injury of axilla NOS, infected
SD2z3 Superficial injury of upper arm NOS, infected
SD2zz Superficial injury shoulder/upper arm, infection NOS
SD3.. Superficial injury of elbow, forearm and wrist
SD30. Abrasion or friction burn of lower arm, without infection
SD300 Abrasion, elbow area
SD301 Abrasion, forearm area
SD302 Abrasion wrist, volar
SD303 Abrasion wrist, dorsum
SD30z Abrasion/friction burn of lower arm, without infection NOS
SD31. Abrasion or friction burn of lower arm, infected
SD310 Abrasion of elbow, infected
SD311 Abrasion of forearm, infected
SD312 Abrasion of wrist, infected
SD31z Abrasion or friction burn of lower arm, infected, NOS
SD32. Blister of lower arm, without mention of infection
SD320 Blister of elbow
SD321 Blister of forearm
SD322 Blister of wrist
SD32z Blister of lower arm, without mention of infection, NOS
SD33. Blister of lower arm, infected
SD330 Blister of elbow, infected
SD331 Blister of forearm, infected
SD332 Blister of wrist, infected
SD33z Blister of lower arm, infected, NOS
SD34. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower arm, without infection
SD340 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of elbow
SD341 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of forearm
SD342 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of wrist
SD34z Insect bite, nonvenomous, lower arm, without infection NOS
SD35. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower arm, infected
SD350 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of elbow, infected
SD351 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of forearm, infected
SD352 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of wrist, infected
SD35z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower arm, infected, NOS
SD36. Splinter of lower arm, without major wound or infection
SD360 Splinter of elbow, without major open wound
SD361 Splinter of forearm, without major open wound
SD362 Splinter of wrist, without major open wound
SD363 Foreign body in arm
SD36z Splinter of lower arm, without major wound or infection NOS
SD37. Splinter of lower arm, without major open wound, infected
SD370 Splinter of elbow, without major open wound, infected
SD371 Splinter of forearm, without major open wound, infected
SD372 Splinter of wrist, without major open wound, infected
SD37z Splinter of lower arm, without major wound, infected, NOS
SD38. Multiple superficial injuries of forearm
SD39. Multiple superficial injuries of wrist and hand
SD3y. Superficial injury of lower arm NOS, without infection
SD3y0 Superficial injury of elbow NOS
SD3y1 Superficial injury of forearm NOS
SD3y2 Superficial injury of wrist NOS
SD3yz Superficial injury of lower arm, without infection NOS
SD3z. Superficial injury of lower arm NOS, infected
SD3z0 Superficial injury of elbow NOS, infected
SD3z1 Superficial injury of forearm NOS, infected
SD3z2 Superficial injury of wrist NOS, infected
SD3zz Superficial injury of lower arm, infected NOS
SD4.. Superficial injury of hand, excluding fingers
SD40. Abrasion/friction burn of hand, without infection
SD400 Abrasion hand, palm
SD401 Abrasion, hand, dorsum
SD41. Abrasion or friction burn of hand, infected
SD42. Blister of hand, without mention of infection
SD43. Blister of hand, infected
SD44. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hand, without infection
SD45. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hand, infected
SD46. Splinter of hand, without major open wound or infection
SD460 Foreign body in hand
SD47. Splinter of hand, without major open wound, infected
SD4y. Superficial injury of hand NOS, without mention of infection
SD4z. Superficial injury of hand NOS, infected
SD5.. Superficial of injury finger(s)
SD50. Abrasion/friction burn of finger, without infection
SD500 Abrasion, finger
SD501 Abrasion, thumb
SD502 Abrasion, finger, multiple
SD51. Abrasion or friction burn of finger, infected
SD52. Blister of finger, without mention of infection
SD53. Blister of finger, infected
SD54. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of finger, without infection
SD55. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of finger, infected
SD56. Splinter of finger, without major open wound or infection
SD57. Splinter of finger, without major open wound, infected
SD5y. Superficial injury of finger NOS, without infection
SD5z. Superficial injury of finger NOS, infected
SD6.. Superficial injury of lower limb, excluding foot
SD60. Abrasion/friction burn of lower limb, without infection
SD600 Abrasion, hip
SD601 Abrasion, thigh
SD602 Abrasion, knee
SD603 Abrasion, lower leg
SD604 Abrasion, ankle
SD60z Abrasion/friction burn of lower limb, without infection NOS
SD61. Abrasion or friction burn of lower limb, infected
SD610 Abrasion of hip, infected
SD611 Abrasion of thigh, infected
SD612 Abrasion of knee, infected
SD613 Abrasion of lower leg, infected
SD614 Abrasion of ankle, infected
SD61z Abrasion or friction burn of lower limb, infected, NOS
SD62. Blister of lower limb, without mention of infection
SD620 Blister of hip
SD621 Blister of thigh
SD622 Blister of knee
SD623 Blister of lower leg
SD624 Blister of ankle, without mention of infection
SD62z Blister of lower limb, without mention of infection, NOS
SD63. Blister of lower limb, infected
SD630 Blister of hip, infected
SD631 Blister of thigh, infected
SD632 Blister of knee, infected
SD633 Blister of lower leg, infected
SD634 Blister of ankle, infected
SD63z Blister of lower limb, infected, NOS
SD64. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower limb, without infection
SD640 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hip
SD641 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of thigh
SD642 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of knee
SD643 Insect bite, nonvenomous, lower leg
SD644 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of ankle
SD64z Insect bite, nonvenomous, lower limb, without infection NOS
SD65. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower limb, infected
SD650 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of hip, infected
SD651 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of thigh, infected
SD652 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of knee, infected
SD653 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower leg, infected
SD654 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of ankle, infected
SD65z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of lower limb, infected, NOS
SD66. Splinter of lower limb, without major wound or infection
SD660 Splinter of hip, without major open wound
SD661 Splinter of thigh, without major open wound
SD662 Splinter of knee, without major open wound
SD663 Splinter of lower leg, without major open wound
SD664 Splinter of ankle, without major open wound
SD665 Foreign body skin of knee
SD66z Splinter of lower limb, without major wnd or infection, NOS
SD67. Splinter of lower limb, without major open wound, infected
SD670 Splinter of hip, without major open wound, infected
SD671 Splinter of thigh, without major open wound, infected
SD672 Splinter of knee, without major open wound, infected
SD673 Splinter of lower leg, without major open wound, infected
SD674 Splinter of ankle, without major open wound, infected
SD67z Splinter of leg, without major open wound, infected, NOS
SD68. Multiple superficial injuries of hip and thigh
SD69. Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg
SD6A. Multiple superficial injuries of ankle and foot
SD6y. Superficial injury of lower limb NOS, without infection
SD6y0 Superficial injury of hip NOS
SD6y1 Superficial injury thigh NOS
SD6y2 Superficial injury of knee NOS
SD6y3 Superficial injury of lower leg NOS
SD6y4 Superficial injury of ankle NOS
SD6yz Superficial injury of lower limb, without infection, NOS
SD6z. Superficial injury of lower limb, infected
SD6z0 Superficial injury of hip NOS, infected
SD6z1 Superficial injury of thigh NOS, infected
SD6z2 Superficial injury of knee NOS, infected
SD6z3 Superficial injury of lower leg NOS, infected
SD6z4 Superficial injury of ankle NOS, infected
SD6zz Superficial injury of lower limb, infected, NOS
SD7.. Superficial injury of foot and toe(s)
SD70. Abrasion/friction burn of foot and toe, without infection
SD700 Abrasion, foot
SD701 Abrasion, toe
SD70z Abrasion of foot and toe, without mention of infection, NOS
SD71. Abrasion or friction burn of foot and toe, infected
SD710 Abrasion of foot, infected
SD711 Abrasion of toe, infected
SD71z Abrasion or friction burn of foot and toe, infected, NOS
SD72. Blister of foot and toe, without mention of infection
SD720 Blister of foot
SD721 Blister of toe
SD722 Neuropathic foot blister
SD72z Blister of foot and toe, without mention of infection, NOS
SD73. Blister of foot and toe, infected
SD730 Blister of foot, infected
SD731 Blister of toe, infected
SD73z Blister of foot and toe, infected, NOS
SD74. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot and toe, without infection
SD740 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot
SD741 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of toe
SD74z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot/toe, without infection NOS
SD75. Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot and toe, infected
SD750 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot, infected
SD751 Insect bite, nonvenomous, of toe, infected
SD75z Insect bite, nonvenomous, of foot and toe, infected, NOS
SD76. Splinter of foot and toe, without major wound or infection
SD760 Splinter of foot, without major open wound
SD761 Splinter of toe, without major open wound
SD762 Foreign body in foot
SD763 Foreign body in heel
SD76z Splinter of foot and toe, without major wound/infection NOS
SD77. Splinter of foot and toe, without major wound, infected
SD770 Splinter of foot, without major open wound, infected
SD771 Splinter of toe, without major open wound, infected
SD77z Splinter of foot and toe, without major wound, infected NOS
SD7y. Superficial injury of foot and toe NOS, without infection
SD7y0 Superficial injury of foot NOS
SD7y1 Superficial injury of toe NOS
SD7y2 Contusion of toe(s) with damage to nail
SD7yz Superficial injury of foot and toe, without infection, NOS
SD7z. Superficial injury of foot and toe NOS, infected
SD7z0 Superficial injury of foot NOS, infected
SD7z1 Superficial injury of toe NOS, infected
SD7zz Superficial injury of foot and toe, infected, NOS
SD8.. Superficial injury of eye and adnexa
SD80. Superficial injury of eyelids and periocular area
SD800 Abrasion or friction burn of eyelids and periocular area
SD801 Blister of eyelids and periocular area
SD802 Insect bite of eyelids and periocular area
SD803 Splinter of eyelids and periocular area
SD80z Superficial injury of eyelids and periocular area NOS
SD81. Superficial injury of cornea
SD810 Corneal abrasion
SD811 Superficial laceration of cornea
SD81z Superficial injury of cornea NOS
SD82. Superficial injury of conjunctiva
SD8z. Superficial eye injuries NOS
SD9.. Superficial injuries of multiple and unspecified sites
SD90. Abrasion or friction burn, without infection, NOS
SD91. Abrasion or friction burn, infected, NOS
SD92. Blister, without mention of infection, NOS
SD93. Blister, infected, NOS
SD94. Insect bite, nonvenomous, without mention of infection NOS
SD95. Insect bite, nonvenomous, infected, NOS
SD96. Splinter, without major open wound or infection, NOS
SD960 Foreign body in skin wound
SD97. Splinter, without major open wound, infected, NOS
SD9y. Other superficial injury, without mention of infection, NOS
SD9z. Other superficial injury, infected, NOS
SDA.. Multiple superficial injuries/abdomen, lower back & pelvis
SDC.. Superficial injuries involving multiple body regions
SDC0. Superficial injuries involving head with neck
SDC1. Sup inj invol multi region/upper limb(s) with lower limb(s)
SDX.. Other and unspecified superficial injuries of the throat
SDz.. Superficial injuries NOS
SE... Contusion (bruise) with intact skin
SE0.. Contusion of face, scalp and neck, excluding eye(s)
SE00. Contusion, forehead
SE01. Contusion, cheek
SE02. Contusion, nose
SE03. Contusion, lip
SE04. Contusion, gum
SE05. Contusion, ear
SE06. Bruise of mandibular joint area
SE07. Contusion, throat
SE08. Other contusion neck
SE09. Contusion, scalp
SE0z. Contusion of face, scalp and neck NOS
SE1.. Contusion, eye and adnexa
SE10. Black eye NOS
SE11. Contusion, eyelids and periocular tissues
SE12. Contusion, orbital tissues
SE13. Contusion, eyeball
SE1z. Contusion, eye NOS
SE2.. Contusion, trunk
SE20. Contusion, breast
SE21. Contusion, chest wall
SE22. Contusion, abdominal wall
SE220 Contusion, anterior abdominal wall
SE221 Contusion, flank
SE222 Contusion, groin
SE22z Contusion, abdominal wall NOS
SE23. Contusion, back
SE230 Contusion, interscapular region
SE231 Contusion, buttock
SE232 Contusion of lower back
SE233 Contusion of coccyx
SE23z Contusion, back NOS
SE24. Contusion, genital organs
SE240 Contusion, perineum
SE241 Contusion, penis
SE242 Contusion, scrotum or testis
SE243 Contusion, vulva
SE244 Contusion, vagina
SE24z Contusion, genital organs NOS
SE25. Contusion of pelvic region
SE2y. Contusion, multiple sites of trunk
SE2z. Contusion,trunk NOS
SE3.. Contusion, upper limb
SE30. Contusion, shoulder or upper arm
SE300 Contusion, shoulder area
SE301 Contusion, scapular area
SE302 Contusion, axillary area
SE303 Contusion, upper arm
SE304 Contusion, clavicular area
SE30y Contusion, shoulder and upper arm, multiple sites
SE30z Contusion, shoulder and upper arm NOS
SE31. Contusion, elbow or forearm
SE310 Contusion, forearm area
SE311 Contusion, elbow area
SE31z Contusion, elbow and forearm NOS
SE32. Contusion wrist or hand
SE320 Contusion, hand, excluding finger
SE321 Contusion, wrist
SE322 Contusion hand, palm
SE323 Contusion hand, dorsum
SE324 Contusion wrist, volar
SE325 Contusion wrist, dorsum
SE32z Contusion, wrist and hand NOS
SE33. Contusion, finger
SE330 Contusion, finger, unspecified
SE331 Contusion, thumb
SE332 Contusion, fingernail (includes subungual haematoma)
SE333 Contusion, finger, multiple
SE33z Contusion, finger NOS
SE3y. Contusion, upper limb, multiple sites
SE3z. Contusion, upper limb NOS
SE4.. Contusion, lower limb and other unspecified sites
SE40. Contusion, hip and thigh
SE400 Contusion, hip
SE401 Contusion, thigh
SE40z Contusion, hip and thigh NOS
SE41. Contusion, knee and lower leg
SE410 Contusion, lower leg
SE411 Contusion, knee
SE41z Contusion, knee and lower leg NOS
SE42. Contusion, ankle and foot, excluding toe(s)
SE420 Contusion, foot
SE421 Contusion, ankle
SE42z Contusion, ankle and foot NOS
SE43. Contusion, toe
SE44. Contusion, lower limb, multiple sites
SE45. Contusion, lower limb NOS
SE4y. Contusion, multiple sites NEC
SE4z. Contusion, site NOS
SEz.. Contusion with skin intact, NOS
SF... Crushing injury
SF0.. Crush injury, face, scalp and neck
SF00. Crush injury, face
SF000 Crush injury, cheek
SF001 Crush injury, ear
SF00z Crush injury, face NOS
SF01. Crush injury, scalp
SF02. Crush injury, neck
SF020 Crush injury, throat, unspecified
SF021 Crush injury, larynx
SF022 Crush injury, pharynx
SF02z Crush injury, neck NOS
SF03. Crushing injury of skull
SF0X. Crushing injury of head, part unspecified
SF0z. Crush injury, face, scalp and neck NOS
SF1.. Crush injury, trunk
SF10. Crush injury, external genitalia
SF100 Crush injury, penis
SF101 Crush injury, scrotum and testis
SF102 Crush injury, vulva
SF10z Crush injury, external genitalia NOS
SF11. Crush injury, other trunk sites
SF110 Crush injury, back
SF111 Crush injury, buttock
SF112 Crush injury, breast
SF11X Crush inj of oth & unspecif parts of abdom/low back/pelv
SF11z Crush injury, trunk NOS
SF12. Traumatic amputation of part of thorax
SF13. Traumatic amputation of external genital organs
SF1y. Crush injury, trunk, multiple sites
SF1z. Crush injury, trunk NOS
SF2.. Crush injury, upper limb
SF20. Crush injury, shoulder and upper arm
SF200 Crush injury, shoulder region
SF201 Crush injury, scapular region
SF202 Crush injury, axillary region
SF203 Crush injury, upper arm
SF204 Closed crush injury, shoulder area
SF205 Closed crush injury, scapular area
SF206 Closed crush injury, axilla
SF207 Closed crush injury, upper arm
SF208 Closed crush injury, clavicular area
SF209 Open crush injury, shoulder area
SF20A Open crush injury, scapular area
SF20B Open crush injury, axilla
SF20C Open crush injury, upper arm
SF20D Open crush injury, clavicular area
SF20y Crush injury, upper arm, multiple sites
SF20z Crush injury, shoulder and upper arm NOS
SF21. Crush injury elbow or forearm
SF210 Crush injury, forearm
SF211 Crush injury, elbow
SF212 Closed crush injury, forearm
SF213 Closed crush injury, elbow area
SF214 Open crush injury, forearm
SF215 Open crush injury, elbow area
SF21z Crush injury, elbow and forearm NOS
SF22. Crush injury wrist or hand
SF220 Crush injury, hand, excluding fingers
SF221 Crush injury, wrist
SF222 Closed crush injury wrist, dorsum
SF223 Closed crush injury wrist, volar
SF224 Closed crush injury hand, dorsum
SF225 Closed crush injury hand, palm
SF226 Open crush injury wrist, dorsum
SF227 Open crush injury wrist, volar
SF228 Open crush injury hand, dorsum
SF229 Open crush injury hand, palm
SF22z Crush injury, wrist and hand NOS
SF23. Crush injury, finger(s)
SF230 Closed crush injury, finger
SF231 Closed crush injury, thumb
SF232 Closed crush injury, finger, multiple
SF233 Open crush injury, finger
SF234 Open crush injury, thumb
SF235 Open crush injury, finger, multiple
SF2y. Crush injury, arm, multiple sites
SF2z. Crush injury, upper limb NOS
SF3.. Crush injury, lower limb
SF30. Crush injury, hip and thigh
SF300 Crush injury, thigh
SF301 Crush injury, hip
SF302 Closed crush injury, thigh
SF303 Open crush injury, thigh
SF304 Closed crush injury, hip
SF305 Open crush injury, hip
SF30z Crush injury, hip and thigh NOS
SF31. Crush injury, knee and lower leg
SF310 Crush injury, lower leg
SF311 Crush injury, knee
SF312 Closed crush injury, lower leg
SF313 Closed crush injury, knee
SF314 Open crush injury, lower leg
SF315 Open crush injury, knee
SF31z Crush injury, knee and lower leg NOS
SF32. Crush injury, ankle and foot, excluding toe(s)
SF320 Crush injury, foot
SF321 Crush injury, ankle
SF322 Closed crush injury, foot
SF323 Closed crush injury, ankle
SF324 Open crush injury, foot
SF325 Open crush injury, ankle
SF32z Crush injury, ankle and foot NOS
SF33. Crush injury, toe(s)
SF3y. Crush injury, lower limb, multiple sites
SF3z. Crush injury, lower limb NOS
SF4.. Crush injury, multiple and unspecified sites
SF40. Crush injury, multiple sites NEC
SF4z. Crush injury, unspecified site
SFz.. Crushing injury NOS
SG... Foreign body (FB) in orifice
SG0.. Foreign body on external eye
SG00. Corneal foreign body
SG01. Foreign body in conjunctival sac
SG02. Foreign body in lacrimal punctum
SG03. Conjunctival foreign body
SG0y. Foreign body in other and combined sites
SG0z. Foreign body on external eye NOS
SG1.. Foreign body in ear
SG10. Foreign body in auditory canal
SG11. Foreign body in auricle
SG1z. Foreign body in ear NOS
SG2.. Foreign body in nose
SG20. Foreign body in nostril
SG21. Foreign body in nasal sinus
SG22. Foreign body in nose, unspecified part
SG2z. Foreign body in nose NOS
SG3.. Foreign body in pharynx and larynx
SG30. Foreign body in pharynx
SG300 Foreign body in nasopharynx
SG30z Foreign body in throat NOS
SG31. Foreign body in larynx
SG3z. Foreign body in pharynx and larynx NOS
SG4.. Foreign body in trachea, bronchus and lung
SG40. Foreign body in trachea
SG41. Foreign body in main bronchus
SG42. Foreign body in bronchioles
SG43. Foreign body in lung
SG4z. Foreign body in respiratory tree NOS
SG5.. Foreign body in mouth, oesophagus and stomach
SG50. Foreign body in mouth
SG51. Foreign body in oesophagus
SG52. Foreign body in stomach
SG5z. Foreign body in mouth, oesophagus and stomach NOS
SG6.. Foreign body in intestine or colon
SG60. Foreign body in duodenum
SG61. Foreign body in jejunum
SG62. Foreign body in ileum
SG63. Foreign body in appendix
SG64. Foreign body in caecum
SG65. Foreign body in ascending colon
SG66. Foreign body in transverse colon
SG67. Foreign body in descending colon
SG68. Foreign body in pelvic colon
SG6z. Foreign body in intestine and colon NOS
SG7.. Foreign body in anus and rectum
SG70. Foreign body in rectum
SG71. Foreign body in anus
SG7z. Foreign body in anus and rectum NOS
SG8.. Foreign body in alimentary tract NOS
SG9.. Foreign body in genitourinary tract
SG90. Foreign body in bladder and urethra
SG900 Foreign body in bladder
SG901 Foreign body in urethra
SG90z Foreign body in bladder and urethra NOS
SG91. Foreign body in uterus
SG92. Foreign body in vulva and vagina
SG920 Foreign body in vulva
SG921 Foreign body in vagina
SG92z Foreign body in vulva and vagina NOS
SG93. Foreign body in penis
SG9z. Foreign body in genitourinary tract NOS
SGz.. Foreign body in orifice NOS
SH... Burns
SH0.. Burn confined to eye and adnexa
SH00. Chemical burn of eyelids and periocular area
SH01. Other burns of eyelids and periocular area
SH02. Alkaline chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac
SH03. Acid chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac
SH04. Other chemical burn of cornea and conjunctival sac
SH05. Burn resulting in eyeball rupture and destruction of eyeball
SH050 Corrosion with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball
SH0x. Burn of eyelid NOS
SH0y. Burn of cornea NOS
SH0z. Burn confined to eye and adnexa NOS
SH1.. Burn of the face, head or neck
SH10. Unspecified thickness burn of the face, head or neck
SH100 Unspecified thickness burn of unspecified part of face/head
SH101 Unspecified thickness burn of the ear
SH102 Unspecified thickness burn of the eye
SH103 Unspecified thickness burn of the lip(s)
SH104 Unspecified thickness burn of the chin
SH105 Unspecified thickness burn of the nose
SH106 Unspecified thickness burn of the scalp
SH107 Unspecified thickness burn of the forehead
SH108 Unspecified thickness burn of the cheek
SH109 Unspecified thickness burn of the neck
SH10x Unspecified thickness burn multiple sites face, head or neck
SH10z Unspecified thickness burn of the face, head or neck NOS
SH11. Superficial burn of the face, head or neck
SH110 Superficial burn of unspecified part of the face or head
SH111 Superficial burn of the ear
SH112 Superficial burn of the eye
SH113 Superficial burn of the lip(s)
SH114 Superficial burn of the chin
SH115 Superficial burn of the nose
SH116 Superficial burn of the scalp
SH117 Superficial burn of the forehead
SH118 Superficial burn of the cheek
SH119 Superficial burn of the neck
SH11x Superficial burn of multiple sites of the face, head or neck
SH11z Superficial burn of the face, head or neck NOS
SH12. Partial thickness burn of the face, head or neck
SH120 Superficial part. thickness burn unspecified part face/head
SH121 Superficial partial thickness burn of the ear
SH122 Superficial partial thickness burn of the eye
SH123 Superficial partial thickness burn of the lip(s)
SH124 Superficial partial thickness burn of the chin
SH125 Superficial partial thickness burn of the nose
SH126 Superficial partial thickness burn of the scalp
SH127 Superficial partial thickness burn of the forehead
SH128 Superficial partial thickness burn of the cheek
SH129 Superficial partial thickness burn of the neck
SH12A Deep partial thickness burn of unspecified part of face/head
SH12B Deep partial thickness burn of the ear
SH12C Deep partial thickness burn of the eye
SH12D Deep partial thickness burn of the lip(s)
SH12E Deep partial thickness burn of the chin
SH12F Deep partial thickness burn of the nose
SH12G Deep partial thickness burn of the scalp
SH12H Deep partial thickness burn of the forehead
SH12J Deep partial thickness burn of the cheek
SH12K Deep partial thickness burn of the neck
SH12x Partial thickness burn of multiple sites face, head or neck
SH12z Partial thickness burn of the face, head or neck NOS
SH13. Full thickness burn of the face, head or neck
SH130 Full thickness burn of unspecified part of the face or head
SH131 Full thickness burn of the ear
SH132 Full thickness burn of the eye
SH133 Full thickness burn of the lip(s)
SH134 Full thickness burn of the chin
SH135 Full thickness burn of the nose
SH136 Full thickness burn of the scalp
SH137 Full thickness burn of the forehead
SH138 Full thickness burn of the cheek
SH139 Full thickness burn of the neck
SH13A Corrosion of third degree of head and neck
SH13x Full thickness burn of multiple sites of face, head or neck
SH13z Full thickness burn of the face, head or neck NOS
SH14. Deep full thick burn face/head/neck - without loss body part
SH140 Deep full thick burn unspec.part face/head-no loss body part
SH141 Deep full thickness burn of ear without loss of body part
SH142 Deep full thickness burn of eye without loss of body part
SH143 Deep full thickness burn of lip(s) without loss of body part
SH144 Deep full thickness burn of chin without loss of body part
SH145 Deep full thickness burn of nose without loss of body part
SH146 Deep full thickness burn of scalp without loss of body part
SH147 Deep full thickness burn forehead without loss of body part
SH148 Deep full thickness burn of cheek without loss of body part
SH149 Deep full thickness burn of neck without loss of body part
SH14x Deep full thickness burn multip sites face/head/neck- no BPL
SH14z Deep full thick burn, no loss body part, face/head/neck NOS
SH15. Deep full thick burn face/head/neck, with loss of body part
SH150 Deep full thickness burn unspec part of face/head, with BPL
SH151 Deep full thickness burn of the ear, with loss of body part
SH152 Deep full thickness burn of the eye, with loss of body part
SH153 Deep full thickness burn of lip(s), with loss of body part
SH154 Deep full thickness burn of the chin, with loss of body part
SH155 Deep full thickness burn of the nose, with loss of body part
SH156 Deep full thickness burn of scalp, with loss of body part
SH157 Deep full thickness burn of forehead, with loss of body part
SH158 Deep full thickness burn of cheek, with loss of body part
SH159 Deep full thickness burn of the neck, with loss of body part
SH15x Deep full thick burn multip parts face/head/neck - with BPL
SH15z Deep full thick burn, with loss body part,face/head/neck NOS
SH16. Corrosion of head and neck
SH160 Corrosion of first degree of head and neck
SH161 Corrosion of second degree of head and neck
SH1z. Burn of the face, head or neck NOS
SH2.. Burn of the trunk
SH20. Unspecified thickness burn of the trunk
SH200 Unspecified thickness burn of unspecified part of the trunk
SH201 Unspecified thickness burn of the breast
SH202 Unspecified thickness burn of the chest wall
SH203 Unspecified thickness burn of the abdominal wall
SH204 Unspecified thickness burn of the back (excluding buttock)
SH205 Unspecified thickness burn of the buttock
SH206 Unspecified thickness burn of the genitalia
SH20x Unspecified thickness burn of multiple sites of the trunk
SH20z Unspecified thickness burn of the trunk NOS
SH21. Superficial burn of the trunk
SH210 Superficial burn of unspecified part of the trunk
SH211 Superficial burn of the breast
SH212 Superficial burn of the chest wall
SH213 Superficial burn of the abdominal wall
SH214 Superficial burn of the back (excluding buttock)
SH215 Superficial burn of the buttock
SH216 Superficial burn of the genitalia
SH217 Corrosion of first degree of trunk
SH21x Superficial burn of multiple sites of the trunk
SH21z Superficial burn of the trunk NOS
SH22. Partial thickness burn of the trunk
SH220 Superficial partial thickness burn unspecified part of trunk
SH221 Superficial partial thickness burn of the breast
SH222 Superficial partial thickness burn of the chest wall
SH223 Superficial partial thickness burn of the abdominal wall
SH224 Superficial partial thickness burn of back (excl buttock)
SH225 Superficial partial thickness burn of the buttock
SH226 Superficial partial thickness burn of the genitalia
SH227 Deep partial thickness burn of the trunk, unspecified
SH228 Deep partial thickness burn of the breast
SH229 Deep partial thickness burn of the chest wall
SH22A Deep partial thickness burn of the abdominal wall
SH22B Deep partial thickness burn of the back (excluding buttock)
SH22C Deep partial thickness burn of the buttock
SH22D Deep partial thickness burn of the genitalia
SH22E Corrosion of second degree of trunk
SH22x Partial thickness burn of multiple sites of the trunk
SH22z Partial thickness burn of the trunk NOS
SH23. Full thickness burn of the trunk
SH230 Full thickness burn of the trunk, unspecified
SH231 Full thickness burn of the breast
SH232 Full thickness burn of the chest wall
SH233 Full thickness burn of the abdominal wall
SH234 Full thickness burn of the back (excluding buttock)
SH235 Full thickness burn of the buttock
SH236 Full thickness burn of the genitalia
SH237 Corrosion of third degree of trunk
SH23x Full thickness burn of multiple sites of the trunk
SH23z Full thickness burn of the trunk NOS
SH24. Deep full thickness burn of trunk without loss of body part
SH240 Deep full thickness burn of trunk unsp, no loss of body part
SH241 Deep full thickness burn of breast without loss of body part
SH242 Deep full thickness burn of chest without loss of body part
SH243 Deep full thickness burn of abdom.wall, no loss of body part
SH244 Deep full thickness burn of back without loss of body part
SH245 Deep full thickness burn of buttock, no loss of body part
SH246 Deep full thickness burn of genitalia, no loss of body part
SH24x Deep full thickness burn multiple sites trunk, no BPL
SH24z Deep full thickness burn of trunk, no loss of body part NOS
SH25. Deep full thickness burn of trunk, with loss of body part
SH250 Deep full thickness burn of trunk unsp, with loss body part
SH251 Deep full thickness burn of breast, with loss of body part
SH252 Deep full thickness burn of chest, with loss of body part
SH253 Deep full thickness burn of abd.wall, with loss of body part
SH254 Deep full thickness burn of back, with loss of body part
SH255 Deep full thickness burn of buttock, with loss of body part
SH256 Deep full thickness burn of genitalia, with loss body part
SH25x Deep full thickness burn multiple sites trunk with BPL
SH25z Deep full thickness burn of trunk, with loss body part, NOS
SH26. Corrosion of unspecified degree of trunk
SH2z. Burn of the trunk NOS
SH3.. Burn of the arm (excluding wrist and hand)
SH30. Unspecified thickness burn of the arm
SH300 Unspecified thickness burn of the arm, unspecified
SH301 Unspecified thickness burn of the forearm
SH302 Unspecified thickness burn of the elbow
SH303 Unspecified thickness burn of the upper arm
SH304 Unspecified thickness burn of the axilla
SH305 Unspecified thickness burn of the shoulder
SH306 Unspecified thickness burn of the scapular region
SH30x Unspecified thickness burn of multiple sites of the arm
SH30z Unspecified thickness burn of the arm NOS
SH31. Superficial burn of the arm
SH310 Superficial burn of the arm, unspecified
SH311 Superficial burn of the forearm
SH312 Superficial burn of the elbow
SH313 Superficial burn of the upper arm
SH314 Superficial burn of the axilla
SH315 Superficial burn of the shoulder
SH316 Superficial burn of the scapular region
SH31x Superficial burn of multiple sites of the arm
SH31z Superficial burn of the arm NOS
SH32. Partial thickness burn of the arm
SH320 Superficial partial thickness burn of the arm, unspecified
SH321 Superficial partial thickness burn of the forearm
SH322 Superficial partial thickness burn of the elbow
SH323 Superficial partial thickness burn of the upper arm
SH324 Superficial partial thickness burn of the axilla
SH325 Superficial partial thickness burn of the shoulder
SH326 Superficial partial thickness burn of scapular region
SH327 Deep partial thickness burn of the arm, unspecified
SH328 Deep partial thickness burn of the forearm
SH329 Deep partial thickness burn of the elbow
SH32A Deep partial thickness burn of the upper arm
SH32B Deep partial thickness burn of the axilla
SH32C Deep partial thickness burn of the shoulder
SH32D Deep partial thickness burn of the scapular region
SH32x Partial thickness burn of multiple sites of the arm
SH32z Partial thickness burn of the arm NOS
SH33. Full thickness burn of the arm
SH330 Full thickness burn of the arm, unspecified
SH331 Full thickness burn of the forearm
SH332 Full thickness burn of the elbow
SH333 Full thickness burn of the upper arm
SH334 Full thickness burn of the axilla
SH335 Full thickness burn of the shoulder
SH336 Full thickness burn of the scapular region
SH33x Full thickness burn of multiple sites of the arm
SH33z Full thickness burn of the arm NOS
SH34. Deep full thickness burn of arm without loss of body part
SH340 Deep full thickness burn of arm unsp, no loss of body part
SH341 Deep full thickness burn of forearm, no loss of body part
SH342 Deep full thickness burn of elbow without loss of body part
SH343 Deep full thickness burn of upper arm, no loss of body part
SH344 Deep full thickness burn of axilla without loss of body part
SH345 Deep full thickness burn of shoulder, no loss of body part
SH346 Deep full thickness burn of scapular, no loss of body part
SH34x Deep full thickness burn of multiple sites of arm, no BPL
SH34z Deep full thickness burn without loss of body part-arm NOS
SH35. Deep full thickness burn of arm, with loss of body part
SH350 Deep full thickness burn of arm unsp, with loss of body part
SH351 Deep full thickness burn of forearm, with loss of body part
SH352 Deep full thickness burn of elbow, with loss of body part
SH353 Deep full thickness burn of upper arm,with loss of body part
SH354 Deep full thickness burn of axilla, with loss of body part
SH355 Deep full thickness burn of shoulder, with loss of body part
SH356 Deep full thickness burn of scapular, with loss of body part
SH35x Deep full thickness burn of multiple sites of arm with BPL
SH35z Deep full thickness burn-, with loss of body part-arm NOS
SH36. Corros/unspecf degree/shoulder+upper limb,except wrist+hand
SH360 Corrosion/1st degree shoulder+upper limb,except wrist+hand
SH361 Corrosion/2nd degree/shoulder and upper limb exc wrist+hand
SH362 Corros/third degree/shoulder and upper limb, exc wrist+hand
SH3z. Burn of the arm (exluding wrist and hand) NOS
SH4.. Burn of the wrist(s) and hand(s)
SH40. Unspecified thickness burn of the wrist and hand
SH400 Unspecified thickness burn of the hand, unspecified
SH401 Unspecified thickness burn of a single finger
SH402 Unspecified thickness burn of the thumb
SH403 Unspecified thickness burn of more than one finger
SH404 Unspecified thickness burn of the thumb and finger(s)
SH405 Unspecified thickness burn of the palm of hand
SH406 Unspecified thickness burn of the back of hand
SH407 Unspecified thickness burn of the wrist
SH40x Unspecified thickness burn of multiple sites of wrist/hand
SH40z Unspecified thickness burn of the wrist or hand NOS
SH41. Superficial burn of the wrist and hand
SH410 Superficial burn of the hand, unspecified
SH411 Superficial burn of a single finger
SH412 Superficial burn of the thumb
SH413 Superficial burn of more than one finger
SH414 Superficial burn of the thumb and finger(s)
SH415 Superficial burn of the palm of hand
SH416 Superficial burn of the back of hand
SH417 Superficial burn of the wrist
SH41x First degree burn of multiple sites of the wrist or hand
SH41z Superficial burn of the wrist or hand NOS
SH42. Partial thickness burn of the wrist and hand
SH420 Superficial partial thickness burn of hand, unspecified
SH421 Superficial partial thickness burn of a single finger
SH422 Superficial partial thickness burn of the thumb
SH423 Superficial partial thickness burn of more than one finger
SH424 Superficial partial thickness burn of thumb and finger(s)
SH425 Superficial partial thickness burn of palm of hand
SH426 Superficial partial thickness burn of back of hand
SH427 Superficial partial thickness burn of the wrist
SH428 Deep partial thickness burn of the hand, unspecified
SH429 Deep partial thickness burn of a single finger
SH42A Deep partial thickness burn of the thumb
SH42B Deep partial thickness burn of more than one finger
SH42C Deep partial thickness burn of the thumb and finger(s)
SH42D Deep partial thickness burn of the palm of hand
SH42E Deep partial thickness burn of back of hand
SH42F Deep partial thickness burn of wrist
SH42x Partial thickness burn of multiple sites of the wrist/hand
SH42z Partial thickness burn of the wrist or hand NOS
SH43. Full thickness burn of the wrist and hand
SH430 Full thickness burn of the hand, unspecified
SH431 Full thickness burn of a single finger
SH432 Full thickness burn of the thumb
SH433 Full thickness burn of more than one finger
SH434 Full thickness burn of the thumb and finger(s)
SH435 Full thickness burn of the palm of hand
SH436 Full thickness burn of the back of hand
SH437 Full thickness burn of the wrist
SH43x Full thickness burn of multiple sites of the wrist or hand
SH43z Full thickness burn of the wrist or hand NOS
SH44. Deep full thickness burn of wrist/hand, no loss of body part
SH440 Deep full thickness burn of hand unsp, no loss of body part
SH441 Deep full thickness burn of a finger, no loss of body part
SH442 Deep full thickness burn of thumb without loss of body part
SH443 Deep full thickness burn of >1 finger, no loss of body part
SH444 Deep full thickness burn of thumb+fing, no loss of body part
SH445 Deep full thickness burn of palm hand, no loss of body part
SH446 Deep full thickness burn of back hand, no loss of body part
SH447 Deep full thickness burn of wrist without loss of body part
SH44x Deep full thickness burn-multiple sites wrist/hand, no BPL
SH44z Deep full thickness burn of wrist/hand,no loss body part NOS
SH45. Deep full thickness burn of wrist/hand, with loss body part
SH450 Deep full thickness burn of hand unsp, with loss body part
SH451 Deep full thickness burn of a finger, with loss of body part
SH452 Deep full thickness burn of thumb, with loss of body part
SH453 Deep full thickness burn of >1 finger, with loss body part
SH454 Deep full thickness burn of thumb+fing, with loss body part
SH455 Deep full thickness burn of palm hand, with loss body part
SH456 Deep full thickness burn of back hand, with loss body part
SH457 Deep full thickness burn of wrist, with loss of body part
SH45x Deep full thickness burn-multiple sites wrist/hand with BPL
SH45z Deep full thickness burn wrist/hand, with loss body part NOS
SH46. Corrosion of wrist and hand
SH460 Corrosion of first degree of wrist and hand
SH461 Corrosion of second degree of wrist and hand
SH462 Corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand
SH4z. Burn of wrist or hand NOS
SH5.. Burn of lower limbs
SH50. Unspecified thickness burn of the leg
SH500 Unspecified degree burn of the leg, unspecified
SH501 Unspecified thickness burn of the toe(s)
SH502 Unspecified thickness burn of the foot
SH503 Unspecified thickness burn of the ankle
SH504 Unspecified thickness burn of the lower leg
SH505 Unspecified thickness burn of the knee
SH506 Unspecified thickness burn of the thigh
SH50x Unspecified thickness burn of multiple sites of the leg
SH50z Unspecified thickness burn of the leg NOS
SH51. Superficial burn of the leg
SH510 Superficial burn of the leg, unspecified
SH511 Superficial burn of the toe(s)
SH512 Superficial burn of the foot
SH513 Superficial burn of the ankle
SH514 Superficial burn of the lower leg
SH515 Superficial burn of the knee
SH516 Superficial burn of the thigh
SH51x Superficial burn of multiple sites of the leg
SH51z Superficial burn of the leg NOS
SH52. Partial thickness burn of the leg
SH520 Superficial partial thickness burn of the leg, unspecified
SH521 Superficial partial thickness burn of the toe(s)
SH522 Superficial partial thickness burn of the foot
SH523 Superficial partial thickness burn of the ankle
SH524 Superficial partial thickness burn of the lower leg
SH525 Superficial partial thickness burn of the knee
SH526 Superficial partial thickness burn of the thigh
SH527 Deep partial thickness burn of the leg, unspecified
SH528 Deep partial thickness burn of the toe(s)
SH529 Deep partial thickness burn of the foot
SH52A Deep partial thickness burn of the ankle
SH52B Deep partial thickness burn of the lower leg
SH52C Deep partial thickness burn of the knee
SH52D Deep partial thickness burn of the thigh
SH52x Partial thickness burn of multiple sites of the leg
SH52z Partial thickness burn of the leg NOS
SH53. Full thickness burn of the leg
SH530 Full thickness burn of the leg, unspecified
SH531 Full thickness burn of the toe(s)
SH532 Full thickness burn of the foot
SH533 Full thickness burn of the ankle
SH534 Full thickness burn of the lower leg
SH535 Full thickness burn of the knee
SH536 Full thickness burn of the thigh
SH53x Full thickness burn of multiple sites of the leg
SH53z Full thickness burn of the leg NOS
SH54. Deep full thickness burn of leg without loss of body part
SH540 Deep full thickness burn of leg unsp, no loss of body part
SH541 Deep full thickness burn of toe(s) without loss of body part
SH542 Deep full thickness burn of foot without loss of body part
SH543 Deep full thickness burn of ankle without loss of body part
SH544 Deep full thickness burn of lower leg without loss of body
SH545 Deep full thickness burn of knee without loss of body part
SH546 Deep full thickness burn of thigh without loss of body part
SH54x Deep full thickness burn-mult.leg without loss of body part
SH54z Deep full thickness burn, no loss of body part, of leg NOS
SH55. Deep full thickness burn of leg, with loss of body part
SH550 Deep full thickness burn of leg unspec, with loss body part
SH551 Deep full thickness burn of toe(s), with loss of body part
SH552 Deep full thickness burn of foot, with loss of body part
SH553 Deep full thickness burn of ankle, with loss of body part
SH554 Deep full thickness burn of lower leg, with loss body part
SH555 Deep full thickness burn of knee, with loss of body part
SH556 Deep full thickness burn of thigh, with loss of body part
SH55x Deep full thickness burn-mult.leg, with loss of body part
SH55z Deep full thickness burn, with loss of body part, of leg NOS
SH56. Burn and corrosion of hip and lower limb,except ankle & foot
SH560 Corrosion of first degree of hip+lower limb,exc ankle + foot
SH561 Corrosion/2nd degree/hip+lower limb,except ankle & foot
SH562 Corrosion/third degree/hip+lower limb except ankle and foot
SH57. Corrosion of ankle and foot
SH570 Corrosion of first degree of ankle and foot
SH571 Corrosion of second degree of ankle and foot
SH572 Corrosion of third degree of ankle and foot
SH5z. Burn of the lower limb NOS
SH6.. Burn of multiple specified sites
SH60. Unspecified thickness burn of multiple specified sites
SH61. Superficial burn of multiple specified sites
SH62. Partial thickness burn of multiple specified sites
SH620 Superficial partial thickness burn multiple specified sites
SH621 Deep partial thickness burn of multiple specified sites
SH63. Full thickness burn of multiple specified sites
SH64. Deep full thickness burn multiple specified sites, no BPL
SH65. Deep full thickness burn multiple specified sites, with BPL
SH66. Corrosions of multiple regions, unspecified degree
SH660 Corros/multiple reg,no more than first-deg corros mentioned
SH661 Corrosion/multi reg,no more than second-deg corros mentioned
SH663 Corros/multi reg,at least one corros/third degree mentioned
SH6z. Burn of multiple specified sites NOS
SH6z0 Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified
SH6z1 Corrosion of second degree, body region unspecified
SH6z2 Corrosion of third degree, body region unspecified
SH7.. Burn of internal organs
SH70. Burn of the mouth and pharynx
SH700 Burn of the mouth, unspecified
SH701 Burn of the gum
SH702 Burn of the tongue
SH703 Burn of the pharynx
SH704 Corrosion of mouth and pharynx
SH70z Burn of the mouth or pharynx NOS
SH71. Burn of the larynx, trachea and lung
SH710 Burn of the larynx
SH711 Burn of the trachea
SH712 Burn of the lung
SH713 Corrosion of larynx and trachea
SH714 Corrosion involving larynx and trachea with lung
SH71X Corrosion of respiratory tract, part unspecified
SH71z Burn of the larynx, trachea or lung NOS
SH72. Burn of the oesophagus
SH720 Corrosion of oesophagus
SH73. Burn of the gastrointestinal tract
SH730 Burn of the stomach
SH731 Burn of the small intestine
SH732 Burn of the colon
SH733 Burn of the rectum
SH73z Burn of the gastrointestinal tract NOS
SH74. Burn of the vagina and uterus
SH740 Burn of the vagina
SH741 Burn of the uterus
SH74z Burn of the vagina or uterus NOS
SH7y. Burn of other internal organ
SH7y0 Corrosion of internal genitourinary organs
SH7z. Burn of internal organ NOS
SH8.. Burns as a percentage of body surface (BS) involved
SH80. Burn involving <10% of body surface (BS)
SH800 Burn:<10% of body surface, 10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH801 Corrosions involving less than 10% of body surface
SH80z Burn:<10% of body surface NOS
SH81. Burn involving 10-19% of body surface (BS)
SH810 Burn: 10-14% of body surface,<10%/unsp BS full thickness
SH811 Burn: 10-14% of body surface, 10-14% BS full thickness
SH812 Burn: 15-19% of body surface,<10%/unsp BS full thickness
SH813 Burn: 15-19% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH814 Corrosions involving 10-19% of body surface
SH81z Burn: 10-19% of body surface NOS
SH82. Burn involving 20-29% of body surface (BS)
SH820 Burn: 20-29% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH821 Burn: 20-29% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH822 Burn: 20-29% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH823 Corrosions involving 20-29% of body surface
SH82z Burn: 20-29% of body surface NOS
SH83. Burn involving 30-39% of body surface (BS)
SH830 Burn: 30-39% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH831 Burn: 30-39% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH832 Burn: 30-39% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH833 Burn: 30-39% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH834 Corrosions involving 30-39% of body surface
SH83z Burn: 30-39% of body surface NOS
SH84. Burn involving 40-49% of body surface (BS)
SH840 Burn: 40-49% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH841 Burn: 40-49% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH842 Burn: 40-49% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH843 Burn: 40-49% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH844 Burn: 40-49% of body surface, 40-49% BS full thickness
SH845 Corrosions involving 40-49% of body surface
SH84z Burn: 40-49% of body surface NOS
SH85. Burn involving 50-59% of body surface (BS)
SH850 Burn: 50-59% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH851 Burn: 50-59% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH852 Burn: 50-59% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH853 Burn: 50-59% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH854 Burn: 50-59% of body surface, 40-49% BS full thickness
SH855 Burn: 50-59% of body surface, 50-59% BS full thickness
SH856 Corrosions involving 50-59% of body surface
SH85z Burn: 50-59% of body surface NOS
SH86. Burn involving 60-69% of body surface (BS)
SH860 Burn: 60-69% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH861 Burn: 60-69% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH862 Burn: 60-69% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH863 Burn: 60-69% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH864 Burn: 60-69% of body surface, 40-49% BS full thickness
SH865 Burn: 60-69% of body surface, 50-59% BS full thickness
SH866 Burn: 60-69% of body surface, 60-69% BS full thickness
SH867 Corrosions involving 60-69% of body surface
SH86z Burn: 60-69% of body surface NOS
SH87. Burn involving 70-79% of body surface (BS)
SH870 Burn: 70-79% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH871 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH872 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH873 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH874 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 40-49% BS full thickness
SH875 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 50-59% BS full thickness
SH876 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 60-69% BS full thickness
SH877 Burn: 70-79% of body surface, 70-79% BS full thickness
SH878 Corrosions involving 70-79% of body surface
SH87z Burn: 70-79% of body surface NOS
SH88. Burn involving 80-89% of body surface (BS)
SH880 Burn: 80-89% of body surface,<10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH881 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 10-19% =full thickness
SH882 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH883 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH884 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 40-49% BS full thickness
SH885 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 50-59% BS full thickness
SH886 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 60-69% BS full thickness
SH887 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 70-79% BS full thickness
SH888 Burn: 80-89% of body surface, 80-89% BS full thickness
SH889 Corrosions involving 80-89% of body surface
SH88z Burn: 80-89% of body surface, NOS
SH89. Burn involving >90% of body surface (BS)
SH890 Burn: >90% of body surface, <10%/unspec BS full thickness
SH891 Burn: >90% of body surface, 10-19% BS full thickness
SH892 Burn: >90% of body surface, 20-29% BS full thickness
SH893 Burn: >90% of body surface, 30-39% BS full thickness
SH894 Burn: >90% of body surface, 40-49% BS full thickness
SH895 Burn: >90% of body surface, 50-59% BS full thickness
SH896 Burn: >90% of body surface, 60-69% BS full thickness
SH897 Burn: >90% of body surface, 70-79% BS full thickness
SH898 Burn: >90% of body surface, 80-89% BS full thickness
SH899 Burn: >90% of body surface, >90% BS full thickness
SH89A Corrosions involving 90% or more of body surface
SH89z Burn: >90% of body surface NOS
SH8z. Burn as a percentage of body surface involved NOS
SH9.. Burn - unspecified
SH90. Unspecified degree of burn NOS
SH91. Superficial burn NOS
SH92. Partial thickness burn NOS
SH920 Superficial partial thickness burn NOS
SH921 Deep partial thickness burn NOS
SH93. Full thickness burn NOS
SH94. Deep full thickness burn, without loss of body part, NOS
SH95. Deep full thickness burn, with loss of body part, NOS
SH9z. Burn - unspecified
SHz.. Burns NOS
SJ... Nerve and spinal cord injuries
SJ0.. Optic nerve and pathway injury
SJ00. Optic nerve (2nd) injury
SJ01. Optic chiasm injury
SJ02. Optic pathway injury
SJ03. Visual cortex injury
SJ0z. Optic nerve or pathway injury NOS
SJ1.. Injury to other cranial nerves
SJ10. Oculomotor (3rd) nerve injury
SJ11. Trochlear (4th) nerve injury
SJ12. Trigeminal (5th) nerve injury
SJ13. Abducens (6th) nerve injury
SJ14. Facial (7th) nerve injury
SJ15. Acoustic (8th) nerve injury
SJ16. Accessory (11th) nerve injury
SJ160 Closed injury, accessory nerve
SJ161 Open injury, accessory nerve
SJ17. Hypoglossal (12th) nerve injury
SJ1y. Other specified cranial nerve injury
SJ1y0 Olfactory (1st) nerve injury
SJ1y1 Glossopharyngeal (9th) nerve injury
SJ1y2 Vagus (10th) nerve injury
SJ1yz Other specified cranial nerve injury NOS
SJ1z. Injury to other cranial nerve NOS
SJ2.. Spinal cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury
SJ20. Cervical cord injury without evidence of spinal bone injury
SJ200 Unspecified cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C1-4
SJ201 Complete cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C1-4
SJ202 Anterior cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C1-4
SJ203 Central cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C1-4
SJ204 Posterior cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C1-4
SJ205 Incompl cervical cord injury,unsp,without bony injury,C1-4
SJ206 Unspecified cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C5-7
SJ207 Complete cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C5-7
SJ208 Anterior cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C5-7
SJ209 Central cervical cord injury, without bony injury, C5-7
SJ20A Posterior cervical cord injury without bony injury, C5-7
SJ20B Incompl cervical cord injury,unsp,without bony injury, C5-7
SJ20z Cervical cord injury without spinal bone injury NOS
SJ21. Thoracic cord injury without spinal bone injury
SJ210 Unspecified thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T1-6
SJ211 Complete thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T1-6
SJ212 Anterior thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T1-6
SJ213 Central thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T1-6
SJ214 Posterior thoracic cord injury without bony injury, T1-6
SJ215 Incompl thoracic cord injury,unsp,without bony injury, T1-6
SJ216 Unspecified thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T7-12
SJ217 Complete thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T7-12
SJ218 Anterior thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T7-12
SJ219 Central thoracic cord injury, without bony injury, T7-12
SJ21A Posterior thoracic cord injury without bony injury, T7-12
SJ21B Incompl thoracic cord injury,unsp,without bony injury, T7-12
SJ21z Thoracic cord injury without spinal bone injury, NOS
SJ22. Lumbar cord injury without spinal bone injury
SJ220 Unspecified lumbar cord injury without bony injury
SJ221 Complete lumbar cord injury without bony injury
SJ222 Anterior lumbar cord injury without bony injury
SJ223 Central lumbar cord injury without bony injury
SJ224 Posterior lumbar cord injury without bony injury
SJ225 Incomplete lumbar cord injury,unsp,without bony injury
SJ23. Sacral cord injury without bony injury
SJ24. Cauda equina injury without bony injury
SJ240 Closed injury cauda equina
SJ241 Open injury cauda equina
SJ2x. Spinal cord injury multiple site without spinal bone injury
SJ2z. Spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury NOS
SJ3.. Nerve roots and spinal plexus injuries
SJ30. Cervical nerve root injury
SJ300 Cervical nerve root injury - C1
SJ301 Cervical nerve root injury - C2
SJ302 Cervical nerve root injury - C3
SJ303 Cervical nerve root injury - C4
SJ304 Cervical nerve root injury - C5
SJ305 Cervical nerve root injury - C6
SJ306 Cervical nerve root injury - C7
SJ307 Cervical nerve root injury - C8
SJ31. Thoracic nerve root injury
SJ310 Thoracic nerve root injury - T1
SJ311 Thoracic nerve root injury - T2
SJ312 Thoracic nerve root injury - T3
SJ313 Thoracic nerve root injury - T4
SJ314 Thoracic nerve root injury - T5
SJ315 Thoracic nerve root injury - T6
SJ316 Thoracic nerve root injury - T7
SJ317 Thoracic nerve root injury - T8
SJ318 Thoracic nerve root injury - T9
SJ319 Thoracic nerve root injury - T10
SJ31A Thoracic nerve root injury - T11
SJ31B Thoracic nerve root injury - T12
SJ32. Lumbar nerve root injury
SJ320 Lumbar nerve root injury - L1
SJ321 Lumbar nerve root injury - L2
SJ322 Lumbar nerve root injury - L3
SJ323 Lumbar nerve root injury - L4
SJ324 Lumbar nerve root injury - L5
SJ33. Sacral nerve root injury
SJ330 Sacral nerve root injury - S1
SJ331 Sacral nerve root injury - S2
SJ332 Sacral nerve root injury - S3
SJ333 Sacral nerve root injury - S4
SJ334 Sacral nerve root injury - S5
SJ34. Brachial plexus injury
SJ340 Closed injury, brachial plexus, upper roots
SJ341 Closed injury, brachial plexus, lower roots
SJ342 Closed injury, brachial plexus, all roots (complete)
SJ343 Open injury, brachial plexus, upper roots
SJ344 Open injury, brachial plexus, lower roots
SJ345 Open injury, brachial plexus, all roots (complete)
SJ35. Lumbosacral plexus injury
SJ350 Closed injury sacral plexus
SJ351 Open injury sacral plexus
SJ3x. Nerve root and spinal plexus injuries of multiple sites
SJ3z. Nerve root and spinal plexus injuries NOS
SJ4.. Other trunk nerve injury excluding shoulder/pelvic girdle
SJ40. Cervical sympathetic nerve injury
SJ41. Other sympathic nerve injury
SJ410 Coeliac ganglion injury
SJ411 Coeliac plexus injury
SJ412 Splanchnic nerve injury
SJ413 Inferior mesenteric plexus injury
SJ414 Stellate ganglion injury
SJ415 Injury of thoracic sympathetic nerves
SJ41z Sympathetic nerve injury NOS
SJ42. Intercostal nerve injury
SJ43. Lateral cutaneous branch T12 injury
SJ44. Iliolumbar nerve injury
SJ45. Iliohypogastric nerve injury
SJ4y. Other trunk nerve injury
SJ4z. Trunk nerve injury NOS
SJ5.. Shoulder girdle and upper limb peripheral nerve injury
SJ50. Axillary nerve injury
SJ500 Closed injury, axillary nerve
SJ501 Open injury, axillary nerve
SJ51. Median nerve injury
SJ510 Closed injury, median nerve
SJ511 Closed injury, median nerve, palmar sensory branch
SJ512 Closed injury, median nerve, motor branch
SJ513 Open injury, median nerve
SJ514 Open injury, median nerve, palmar sensory branch
SJ515 Open injury, median nerve, motor branch
SJ52. Ulnar nerve injury
SJ520 Closed injury, ulnar nerve
SJ521 Closed injury, ulnar nerve, dorsal sensory
SJ522 Closed injury, ulnar nerve, palmar sensory
SJ523 Closed injury, ulnar nerve, deep motor
SJ524 Open injury, ulnar nerve
SJ525 Open injury, ulnar nerve, dorsal sensory
SJ526 Open injury, ulnar nerve, palmar sensory
SJ527 Open injury, ulnar nerve, deep motor
SJ528 Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist and hand level
SJ53. Radial nerve injury
SJ530 Closed injury, radial nerve
SJ531 Closed injury, radial nerve, sensory branch
SJ532 Open injury, radial nerve
SJ533 Open injury, radial nerve, sensory branch
SJ534 Injury of radial nerve at wrist and hand level
SJ54. Musculocutaneous nerve injury
SJ540 Closed injury, musculo-cutaneous nerve
SJ541 Open injury, musculo-cutaneous nerve
SJ55. Cutaneous sensory nerve injury of upper limb
SJ56. Digital nerve injury
SJ560 Closed injury, common digital nerve
SJ561 Closed injury, digital nerve in finger
SJ562 Closed injury, digital nerve, multiple
SJ563 Open injury, common digital nerve
SJ564 Open injury, digital nerve in finger
SJ565 Open injury, digital nerve, multiple
SJ566 Injury of digital nerve of thumb
SJ57. Suprascapular nerve injury
SJ570 Closed injury, suprascapular nerve
SJ571 Open injury, suprascapular nerve
SJ58. Supraclavicular nerve injury
SJ580 Closed injury, supraclavicular nerve
SJ581 Open injury, supraclavicular nerve
SJ59. Long thoracic nerve injury
SJ590 Closed injury, long thoracic nerve
SJ591 Open injury, long thoracic nerve
SJ5A. Intercostobrachial nerve injury
SJ5A0 Closed injury, intercostobrachial nerve
SJ5A1 Open injury, intercostobrachial nerve
SJ5B. Anterior interosseous nerve injury
SJ5B0 Closed injury, anterior interosseous nerve
SJ5B1 Open injury, anterior interosseous nerve
SJ5C. Posterior interosseous nerve injury
SJ5C0 Closed injury, posterior interosseous nerve
SJ5C1 Open injury, posterior interosseous nerve
SJ5X. Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level
SJ5x. Other shoulder girdle and upper limb nerve injury
SJ5y. Shoulder girdle and upper limb multiple nerve injuries
SJ5y0 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level
SJ5y1 Injury of multiple nerves at forearm level
SJ5z. Shoulder girdle or upper limb peripheral nerve injury NOS
SJ6.. Pelvic girdle and lower limb peripheral nerve injury
SJ60. Sciatic nerve injury
SJ600 Closed injury sciatic nerve
SJ601 Open injury sciatic nerve
SJ61. Femoral nerve injury
SJ610 Closed injury femoral nerve
SJ611 Open injury femoral nerve
SJ62. Posterior tibial nerve injury
SJ620 Closed injury posterior tibial nerve
SJ621 Open injury posterior tibial nerve
SJ63. Peroneal nerve injury
SJ630 Closed injury common peroneal nerve
SJ631 Closed injury superficial peroneal nerve
SJ632 Closed injury deep peroneal nerve (anterior tibial)
SJ633 Open injury common peroneal nerve
SJ634 Open injury superficial peroneal nerve
SJ635 Open injury deep peroneal nerve (anterior tibial)
SJ64. Cutaneous sensory nerve of lower limb injury
SJ640 Closed injury cutaneous sensory nerve, leg
SJ641 Open injury cutaneous sensory nerve, leg
SJ642 Closed injury lateral cutaneous nerve thigh
SJ643 Open injury lateral cutaneous nerve thigh
SJ65. Injury of multiple nerves at hip and thigh level
SJ66. Injury of nerves at lower leg level
SJ660 Injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level
SJ66X Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level
SJ67. Injury of nerves at ankle and foot level
SJ670 Injury of lateral plantar nerve
SJ671 Injury of medial plantar nerve
SJ672 Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level
SJ673 Injury of multiple nerves at ankle and foot level
SJ674 Injury of other nerves at ankle and foot level
SJ67X Injury of unspecified nerve of ankle and foot
SJ6W. Injury of unspecified nerve of leg, level unspecified
SJ6X. Injury of unspecified nerve at hip and thigh level
SJ6x. Other pelvic girdle and lower limb peripheral nerve injury
SJ6x0 Closed injury obturator nerve
SJ6x1 Open injury obturator nerve
SJ6x2 Closed injury pudendal nerve
SJ6x3 Open injury pudendal nerve
SJ6y. Pelvic girdle and lower limb multiple nerve injuries
SJ6z. Pelvic girdle and lower limb nerve injury NOS
SJ7.. Injury to other nerves
SJ70. Head and neck superficial nerve injury
SJ71. Injury of peripheral nerves of neck
SJ7x. Other specified nerve injury
SJ7y. Multiple nerve injury NOS
SJ7z. Injury to other nerve NOS
SJ8.. Injury of nerves and spinal cord at neck level
SJ80. Concussion and oedema of cervical spinal cord
SJ9.. Injury of nerves and spinal cord at thorax level
SJ90. Concussion and oedema of thoracic spinal cord
SJA.. Inj/nerves+lumbar spinal cord/abdo,lower back+pelvis level
SJA0. Concussion and oedema of lumbar spinal cord
SJB.. Injury of nerves at shoulder and upper arm level
SJB0. Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level
SJB1. Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder and upper arm level
SJB2. Injury of superficial vein at shoulder and upper arm level
SJB3. Injury/multiple blood vessels at shoulder+upper arm level
SJW.. Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level
SJX.. Injury of unspecified nerve of thorax
SJz.. Nerve and spinal cord injury NOS
SK... Traumatic complications and unspecified injuries
SK0.. Early trauma complications
SK00. Air embolism
SK01. Fat embolism
SK02. Secondary and recurrent haemorrhage
SK03. Post-traumatic wound infection NEC
SK04. Traumatic shock
SK05. Renal failure following crush syndrome
SK06. Volkmanns ischaemic contracture
SK07. Subcutaneous emphysema
SK0y. Other early trauma complication
SK0y0 Compartment syndrome, upper arm
SK0y1 Compartment syndrome, forearm
SK0y2 Compartment syndrome, hand
SK0y3 Compartment syndrome, buttock
SK0y4 Compartment syndrome, thigh
SK0y5 Compartment syndrome, leg
SK0y6 Compartment syndrome, foot
SK0z. Early trauma complication NOS
SK1.. Other specified injury
SK10. Other face and neck injuries
SK100 Other cheek injuries
SK101 Other ear injuries
SK102 Other eyebrow injuries
SK103 Other lip injuries
SK104 Other mouth injuries
SK105 Other nose injuries
SK106 Other throat injuries
SK107 Closed injury of trachea
SK108 Injury of muscle and tendon at neck level
SK109 Scalp injury
SK10x Other face injuries
SK10y Other neck injuries
SK10z Other face and neck injuries NOS
SK11. Other trunk injuries
SK110 Other chest wall injuries
SK111 Other breast injuries
SK112 Other interscapular injuries
SK113 Other buttock injuries
SK114 Other back injuries
SK115 Other abdominal wall injuries
SK116 Other flank injuries
SK117 Other groin injuries
SK118 Other perineum injuries
SK119 Other external genital organ injuries
SK11z Other trunk injuries NOS
SK12. Other shoulder and upper arm injuries
SK120 Other axilla injuries
SK121 Other scapular region injuries
SK122 Other shoulder injuries
SK123 Other upper arm injuries
SK124 Inj multi muscles+tendons at shoulder and upper arm level
SK12z Other shoulder and upper arm injury NOS
SK13. Other elbow, forearm and wrist injuries
SK130 Other elbow injuries
SK131 Other forearm injuries
SK132 Other wrist injuries
SK13z Other elbow, wrist and forearm injuries NOS
SK14. Other hand injury, excluding finger
SK15. Other finger injuries
SK150 Other finger injuries, unspecified
SK151 Other fingernail injuries
SK152 Other thumb injuries, unspecified
SK153 Other thumbnail injuries
SK15z Other finger injuries NOS
SK16. Other hip and thigh injuries
SK160 Other hip injuries
SK161 Other thigh injuries
SK16z Other hip and thigh injuries NOS
SK17. Other knee, leg, ankle and foot injuries
SK170 Other knee injury
SK171 Other leg injury
SK172 Other ankle injury
SK173 Other foot injury
SK174 Calf injury
SK175 Injury of lower leg
SK17z Knee, leg, ankle and foot injuries NOS
SK18. Injury of muscle and tendon of head
SK19. Traumatic disc rupture
SK190 Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc
SK191 Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc
SK192 Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc
SK1A. Injury of muscle and tendon at thorax level
SK1B. Injury of muscle + tendon of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
SK1C. Injury of muscle and tendon at forearm level
SK1C0 Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of thumb at forearm level
SK1C1 Inj/flex muscle and tendon of other finger(s)/forearm level
SK1C2 Injury of other flexor muscle and tendon at forearm level
SK1C3 Inj/extens or abduct muscle+tendon/thumb at forearm level
SK1C4 Inj/extensor muscle+tendon/oth finger(s) at forearm level
SK1C5 Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at forearm level
SK1CW Inj of unspecified muscle & tendon at wrist & hand level
SK1CX Inj of other & unspecif musc & tendons at forearm level
SK1D. Injury of muscle and tendon at hip and thigh level
SK1D0 Injury of adductor muscle and tendon of thigh
SK1D1 Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at hip + thigh level
SK1E. Injury of muscle and tendon at lower leg level
SK1E0 Inj/muscl(s)+tendon(s) of ant muscle group at lower leg lev
SK1E1 Inj/muscl(s)+tendon(s)/peroneal musc gp at lower leg level
SK1E2 Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at lower leg level
SK1EX Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at lower leg levl
SK1F. Injury of muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level
SK1F0 Inj muscle & tendon long flex musc toe at ankle & foot level
SK1F1 Inj/muscle + tendon/long exten musc/toe at ankle + ft level
SK1FX Injury of unspecified muscle & tendon of ankle and foot
SK1W. Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon of trunk
SK1X. Inj unspecif muscle and tendon of leg, level unspecified
SK1x. Other multiple injuries
SK1x0 Multiple injuries of head
SK1x1 Multiple superficial injuries of neck
SK1x2 Multiple open wounds of neck
SK1x3 Multiple injuries of neck
SK1x4 Multiple injuries of thorax
SK1x5 Multiple open wounds of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
SK1x6 Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs
SK1x7 Multiple open wounds of forearm
SK1x8 Multiple open wounds of lower leg
SK1x9 Open wounds involv thorax with abdomen,lwr back and pelvis
SK1xA Open wounds invol multi regions of up limb(s) wth lw limb(s)
SK1y. Other specified injuries
SK1z. Other injury NOS
SKz.. Injury NOS
SL... Poisoning
SL0.. Antibiotic poisoning
SL00. Penicillin poisoning
SL000 Ampicillin poisoning
SL001 Cloxacillin poisoning
SL002 Carbenicillin poisoning
SL003 Penicillin G poisoning
SL00z Penicillin poisoning NOS
SL01. Antifungal antibiotic poisoning
SL010 Amphotericin B poisoning
SL011 Griseofulvin poisoning
SL012 Nystatin poisoning
SL013 Trichomycin poisoning
SL01z Antifungal antibiotic poisoning NOS
SL02. Chloramphenicol group poisoning
SL020 Chloramphenicol poisoning
SL021 Thiamphenicol poisoning
SL02z Chloramphenicol poisoning NOS
SL03. Erythromycin and macrolide poisoning
SL030 Erythromycin poisoning
SL031 Oleandomycin poisoning
SL032 Spiramycin poisoning
SL03z Erythromycin or macrolide poisoning NOS
SL04. Tetracycline group poisoning
SL040 Tetracycline poisoning
SL041 Doxycycline poisoning
SL042 Minocycline poisoning
SL043 Oxytetracycline poisoning
SL04z Tetracycline group poisoning NOS
SL05. Cephalosporin group poisoning
SL050 Cephalexin poisoning
SL051 Cephaloglycin poisoning
SL052 Cephaloridine poisoning
SL053 Cephalothin poisoning
SL05z Cephalosporin poisoning NOS
SL06. Antimycobacterial antibiotic poisoning
SL060 Cycloserine poisoning
SL061 Kanamycin poisoning
SL062 Rifampicin poisoning
SL063 Streptomycin poisoning
SL06z Antimycobacterial antibiotic poisoning NOS
SL07. Antineoplastic antibiotic poisoning
SL070 Cactinomycin poisoning
SL071 Dactinomycin poisoning
SL072 Bleomycin poisoning
SL073 Daunorubicin poisoning
SL074 Mitomycin poisoning
SL07z Antineoplastic antibiotic poisoning NOS
SL0y. Other specific antibiotic poisoning
SL0z. Antibiotic poisoning NOS
SL1.. Other anti-infective poisoning
SL10. Sulphonamide poisoning
SL100 Sulphadiazine poisoning
SL101 Sulphafurazole poisoning
SL102 Sulphamethoxazole poisoning
SL10z Sulphonamide poisoning NOS
SL11. Arsenical anti-infective poisoning
SL12. Heavy metal anti-infective poisoning
SL120 Antimony compound poisoning
SL121 Bismuth compound poisoning
SL122 Lead compound poisoning
SL123 Mercury compound poisoning
SL12z Heavy metal anti-infective poisoning NOS
SL13. Quinoline and hydroxyquinoline poisoning
SL130 Chiniofon poisoning
SL131 Diiodohydroxyquinoline poisoning
SL13z Quinoline or hydroxyquinoline poisoning NOS
SL14. Antimalarial drug poisoning
SL140 Chloroquine poisoning
SL141 Cycloguanil poisoning
SL142 Primaquine poisoning
SL143 Proguanil poisoning
SL144 Pyrimethamine poisoning
SL145 Quinine poisoning
SL14z Antimalarial drug poisoning NOS
SL15. Other antiprotozoal drug poisoning
SL150 Emetine poisoning
SL15z Antiprotozoal drug poisoning NOS
SL16. Anthelmintic drug poisoning
SL160 Hexylresorcinol poisoning
SL161 Piperazine poisoning
SL162 Thiabendazole poisoning
SL16z Anthelmintic drug poisoning NOS
SL17. Antiviral drug poisoning
SL170 Methisazone poisoning
SL17z Antiviral drug poisoning NOS
SL1x. Other antimycobacterial drug poisoning
SL1x0 Ethambutol poisoning
SL1x1 Ethionamide poisoning
SL1x2 Isoniazid poisoning
SL1x3 Para-aminosalicylic acid poisoning
SL1x4 Sulphone poisoning
SL1xz Antimycobacterial drug poisoning NOS
SL1y. Other anti-infective poisoning
SL1y0 Flucytosine poisoning
SL1y1 Nitrofuran derivative poisoning
SL1yz Other anti-infective poisoning NOS
SL1z. Anti-infective poisoning NOS
SL2.. Hormone and synthetic substitute poisoning
SL20. Adrenal cortico-steroid poisoning
SL200 Cortisone derivative poisoning
SL201 Desoxycorticosterone derivative poisoning
SL202 Fluorinated corticosteroid poisoning
SL203 Poisoning by glucocorticoids and synthetic analogues
SL20z Adrenal cortico-steroid poisoning NOS
SL21. Androgen and anabolic poisoning
SL210 Methandriol poisoning
SL211 Nandrolone poisoning
SL212 Oxymetholone poisoning
SL213 Testosterone poisoning
SL21z Androgen or anabolic poisoning NOS
SL22. Ovarian hormone and synthetic substitute poisoning
SL220 Oral contraceptive poisoning
SL221 Oestrogen poisoning
SL222 Combined oestrogen and progesterone poisoning
SL223 Progestogen poisoning
SL22z Ovarian hormone poisoning NOS
SL23. Insulins and antidiabetic poisoning
SL230 Acetohexamide poisoning
SL231 Biguanide poisoning
SL232 Chlorpropamide poisoning
SL233 Glucagon poisoning
SL234 Insulin poisoning
SL235 Phenformin poisoning
SL236 Sulphonylurea poisoning
SL237 Tolbutamide poisoning
SL23z Insulins or antidiabetic poisoning NOS
SL24. Anterior pituitary hormone poisoning
SL240 Corticotrophin poisoning
SL241 Gonadotrophin poisoning
SL242 Somatotrophin poisoning
SL24z Anterior pituitary hormone poisoning NOS
SL25. Posterior pituitary hormone poisoning
SL250 Vasopressin poisoning
SL25z Posterior pituitary hormone poisoning NOS
SL26. Parathyroid hormone poisoning
SL27. Thyroid hormone and thyroid derivatives poisoning
SL270 Dextrothyroxine poisoning
SL271 Levothyroxine sodium poisoning
SL272 Liothyronine poisoning
SL273 Thyroglobulin poisoning
SL27z Thyroid hormone and thyroid derivative poisoning NOS
SL28. Antithyroid agent poisoning
SL280 Iodide poisoning
SL281 Thiouracil poisoning
SL282 Thiourea poisoning
SL28z Antithyroid agent poisoning NOS
SL29. Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists
SL2y. Other hormone or synthetic derivative poisoning
SL2z. Hormone or synthetic substitute poisoning NOS
SL3.. Poisoning by primarily systemic agents
SL30. Antiallergic and antiemetic drug poisoning
SL300 Chlorpheniramine poisoning
SL301 Diphenhydramine poisoning
SL302 Diphenylpyraline poisoning
SL303 Thonzylamine poisoning
SL304 Tripelennamine poisoning
SL30x Other antihistamine poisoning
SL30z Antiallergic or antiemetic drug poisoning NOS
SL31. Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive poisoning
SL310 Azathioprine poisoning
SL311 Busulphan poisoning
SL312 Chlorambucil poisoning
SL313 Cyclophosphamide poisoning
SL314 Cytarabine poisoning
SL315 Fluorouracil poisoning
SL316 Mercaptopurine poisoning
SL317 Thio-TEPA poisoning
SL31z Antineoplastic or immunosuppressive poisoning NOS
SL32. Acidifying agent poisoning
SL33. Alkalizing agent poisoning
SL34. Enzyme poisoning NEC
SL340 Penicillinase poisoning
SL34z Enzyme poisoning NOS
SL35. Vitamin poisoning NEC
SL350 Vitamin A poisoning
SL351 Vitamin D poisoning
SL35z Vitamin poisoning NOS
SL3y. Other systemic agent poisoning
SL3y0 Heavy metal agonist poisoning
SL3yz Other systemic agent poisoning NOS
SL3z. Systemic agent poisoning NOS
SL4.. Agents affecting blood constituents, causing poisoning
SL40. Iron and iron compound poisoning
SL400 Ferric salt poisoning
SL401 Ferrous sulphate poisoning
SL40x Other ferrous salt poisoning
SL40z Iron and iron compound poisoning NOS
SL41. Other antianaemic poisoning
SL410 Folic acid poisoning
SL41z Antianaemic poisoning NOS
SL42. Anticoagulant poisoning
SL420 Coumarin poisoning
SL421 Heparin poisoning
SL422 Phenindione poisoning
SL423 Warfarin sodium poisoning
SL424 Warfarin poisoning
SL42z Anticoagulant poisoning NOS
SL43. Vitamin K poisoning
SL44. Fibrinolytic drug poisoning
SL440 Aminocaproic acid poisoning
SL441 Streptodornase poisoning
SL442 Streptokinase poisoning
SL443 Urokinase poisoning
SL44z Fibrinolytic drug poisoning NOS
SL45. Anticoagulant agonist poisoning
SL450 Hexadimethrine poisoning
SL451 Protamine sulphate poisoning
SL45z Anticoagulant agonist poisoning NOS
SL46. Gamma globulin poisoning
SL47. Natural blood and blood product poisoning
SL470 Blood plasma poisoning
SL471 Human fibrinogen poisoning
SL472 Packed red cell poisoning
SL473 Whole blood poisoning
SL47z Natural blood or blood product poisoning NOS
SL4y. Other blood agent poisoning
SL4y0 Macromolecular blood substitute poisoning
SL4y1 Plasma expander poisoning
SL4yz Other blood agent poisoning NOS
SL4z. Blood agent poisoning NOS
SL5.. Analgesic, antipyretic and antirheumatic drug poisoning
SL50. Opiate and narcotic poisoning
SL500 Unspecified opium poisoning
SL501 Heroin poisoning
SL502 Methadone poisoning
SL503 Codeine (methylmorphine) poisoning
SL504 Meperidine (pethidine) poisoning
SL505 Morphine poisoning
SL50z Opiate or narcotic poisoning NOS
SL51. Salicylate poisoning
SL510 Aspirin poisoning
SL511 Salicylic acid salt poisoning
SL51z Salicylate poisoning NOS
SL52. Aromatic analgesic poisoning NEC
SL520 Acetanilide poisoning
SL521 Paracetamol poisoning
SL522 Phenacetin poisoning
SL52z Aromatic analgesic poisoning NOS
SL53. Pyrazole derivative poisoning
SL530 Aminophenazone poisoning
SL531 Phenylbutazone poisoning
SL53z Pyrazole derivative poisoning NOS
SL54. Antirheumatic poisoning
SL540 Gold salt poisoning
SL541 Indomethacin poisoning
SL542 Ibuprofen poisoning
SL543 Naproxen poisoning
SL54z Antirheumatic poisoning NOS
SL5x. Other non-narcotic analgesic poisoning
SL5x0 Pyrabital poisoning
SL5xz Non-narcotic analgesic poisoning NOS
SL5y. Other analgesic and antipyretic poisoning
SL5y0 Pentazocine poisoning
SL5yz Other analgesic or antipyretic poisoning NOS
SL5z. Analgesic, antipyretic or antirheumatic poisoning NOS
SL6.. Anticonvulsant and antiParkinsonian drug poisoning
SL60. Oxazolidine derivative poisoning
SL600 Paramethadione poisoning
SL601 Trimethadione poisoning
SL60z Oxazolidine poisoning NOS
SL61. Hydantoin derivative poisoning
SL610 Phenytoin poisoning
SL61z Hydantoin derivative poisoning NOS
SL62. Succinimide poisoning
SL620 Ethosuximide poisoning
SL621 Phensuximide poisoning
SL62z Succinimide poisoning NOS
SL6x. Other anticonvulsant poisoning
SL6x0 Primidone poisoning
SL6x1 Poisoning by carbamazepine
SL6xz Anticonvulsant poisoning NOS
SL6y. Antiparkinsonism drug poisoning
SL6y0 Amantadine poisoning
SL6y1 Ethopropazine poisoning
SL6y2 Levodopa (L-dopa) poisoning
SL6y3 Poisoning by iminostilbenes
SL6yz Antiparkinsonian drug poisoning NOS
SL6z. Anticonvulsant or antiparkinsonian drug poisoning NOS
SL7.. Sedative and hypnotic drug poisoning
SL70. Barbiturate poisoning
SL700 Amylobarbitone poisoning
SL701 Barbitone poisoning
SL702 Butabarbitone poisoning
SL703 Pentobarbitone poisoning
SL704 Phenobarbitone poisoning
SL705 Quinalbarbitone poisoning
SL70z Barbiturate poisoning NOS
SL71. Chloral hydrate poisoning
SL72. Paraldehyde poisoning
SL73. Bromine compound poisoning
SL730 Bromide poisoning
SL731 Carbromal poisoning
SL73z Bromide compound poisoning NOS
SL74. Methaqualone compound poisoning
SL75. Glutethimide poisoning
SL76. Mixed sedative poisoning NEC
SL7y. Other sedative and hypnotic poisoning
SL7z. Sedative and hypnotic drug poisoning NOS
SL8.. Central nervous system depressants and anaesthetic poisoning
SL80. Central nervous system muscle-tone depressant poisoning
SL800 Carbamate poisoning
SL801 Methocarbamol poisoning
SL802 Mephensin poisoning
SL80z Central nervous system muscle-tone depressant poisoning NOS
SL81. Halothane poisoning
SL82. Other gaseous anaesthetic agent poisoning
SL820 Ether poisoning
SL821 Nitrous oxide poisoning
SL822 Poisoning by therapeutic gases
SL82z Gaseous anaesthetic poisoning NOS
SL83. Intravenous anaesthetic poisoning
SL830 Ketamine poisoning
SL831 Methohexitone poisoning
SL832 Thiopental sodium poisoning
SL83x Other thiobarbiturate poisoning
SL83z Intravenous anaesthetic poisoning NOS
SL84. Other general anaesthetic agent poisoning
SL85. Topical and infiltration anaesthetic agent poisoning
SL850 Cocaine poisoning
SL851 Lignocaine poisoning
SL852 Procaine poisoning
SL853 Tetracaine poisoning
SL85z Topical or infiltration anaesthetic poisoning NOS
SL86. Peripheral nerve and plexus-blocking anaesthetic poisoning
SL87. Spinal anaesthetic poisoning
SL8z. Local anaesthetic poisoning NOS
SL9.. Psychotropic agent poisoning
SL90. Antidepressant poisoning
SL900 Amitriptyline poisoning
SL901 Imipramine poisoning
SL902 Monoamine oxidase inhibitor poisoning
SL90z Anti-depressant poisoning NOS
SL91. Phenothiazine poisoning
SL910 Chlorpromazine poisoning
SL911 Fluphenazine poisoning
SL912 Prochlorperazine poisoning
SL913 Promazine poisoning
SL91z Phenothiazine poisoning NOS
SL92. Butyrophenone poisoning
SL920 Haloperidol poisoning
SL921 Spiperone poisoning
SL922 Trifluperidol poisoning
SL92z Butyrophenone poisoning NOS
SL93. Other antipsychotics/neuroleptics/tranquilliser poisoning
SL94. Benzodiazepine poisoning
SL940 Chlordiazepoxide poisoning
SL941 Diazepam poisoning
SL942 Flurazepam poisoning
SL943 Lorazepam poisoning
SL944 Medazepam poisoning
SL945 Nitrazepam poisoning
SL946 Poisoning by temazepam
SL94z Benzodiazepine poisoning NOS
SL95. Other tranquilliser poisoning
SL950 Hydroxyzine poisoning
SL951 Meprobamate poisoning
SL95z Tranquilliser poisoning NOS
SL96. Hallucinogen poisoning
SL960 Cannabis poisoning
SL961 Lysergide (LSD) poisoning
SL962 Marihuana poisoning
SL963 Mescaline poisoning
SL964 Psilocybin poisoning
SL96z Hallucinogen poisoning NOS
SL97. Psychostimulant poisoning
SL970 Amphetamine poisoning
SL971 Caffeine poisoning
SL972 Ecstasy poisoning
SL97z Psychostimulant poisoning NOS
SL9y. Other psychotropic agent poisoning
SL9z. Psychotropic agent poisoning NOS
SLA.. Central nervous system stimulant poisoning
SLA0. Analeptic poisoning
SLA00 Lobeline poisoning
SLA01 Nikethamide poisoning
SLA0z Analeptic poisoning NOS
SLA1. Opiate antagonist poisoning
SLA10 Levallorphan poisoning
SLA11 Nalorphine poisoning
SLA12 Naloxone poisoning
SLA1z Opiate antagonist poisoning NOS
SLAy. Other central nervous system stimulant poisoning
SLAz. Central nervous system stimulant poisoning NOS
SLB.. Autonomic nervous system drug poisoning
SLB0. Parasympathomimetic poisoning
SLB00 Acetylcholine poisoning
SLB01 Anticholinesterase poisoning
SLB02 Pilocarpine poisoning
SLB0z Cholinergic poisoning NOS
SLB1. Parasympatholytic and spasmolytic poisoning
SLB10 Atropine poisoning
SLB11 Homatropine poisoning
SLB12 Hyoscine poisoning
SLB13 Quaternary ammonium derivative poisoning
SLB1z Parasympatholytic or spasmolytic poisoning NOS
SLB2. Sympathomimetic poisoning
SLB20 Adrenalin poisoning
SLB21 Noradrenalin poisoning
SLB2z Sympathomimetic poisoning NOS
SLB3. Sympatholytic poisoning
SLB30 Phenoxybenzamine poisoning
SLB31 Tolazoline hydrochloride poisoning
SLB3z Sympatholytic poisoning NOS
SLBz. Autonomic nervous system poisoning NOS
SLC.. Cardiovascular drug poisoning
SLC0. Cardiac rhythm drug poisoning
SLC00 Practolol poisoning
SLC01 Procainamide poisoning
SLC02 Propranolol poisoning
SLC03 Quinidine poisoning
SLC04 Beta blocker poisoning
SLC0z Cardiac rhythm drug poisoning NOS
SLC1. Cardiac glycoside poisoning
SLC10 Digoxin poisoning
SLC11 Other digitalis glycoside poisoning
SLC12 Strophanthin poisoning
SLC1z Cardiac glycoside poisoning NOS
SLC2. Antilipaemic and antiarteriosclerotic poisoning
SLC20 Clofibrate poisoning
SLC21 Nicotinic acid derivative poisoning
SLC2z Antilipaemic and antiarteriosclerotic poisoning NOS
SLC3. Ganglion-blocker poisoning
SLC30 Pentamethonium bromide poisoning
SLC3z Ganglion-blocker poisoning NOS
SLC4. Coronary vasodilator poisoning
SLC40 Dipyridamole poisoning
SLC41 Nitrate poisoning
SLC42 Nitrite poisoning
SLC4z Coronary vasodilator poisoning NOS
SLC5. Other vasodilator poisoning
SLC50 Cyclandelate poisoning
SLC51 Diazoxide poisoning
SLC52 Papaverine poisoning
SLC5z Other vasodilator poisoning NOS
SLC6. Other hypertensive agent poisoning
SLC60 Clonidine poisoning
SLC61 Guanethidine poisoning
SLC62 Reserpine poisoning
SLC63 Other rauwolfia alkaloids poisoning
SLC64 Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
SLC6z Hypertensive agent poisoning NOS
SLC7. Antivaricose drug poisoning
SLC70 Sodium morrhuate poisoning
SLC71 Zinc salt poisoning
SLC7z Antivaricose drug poisoning NOS
SLC8. Capillary-active drug poisoning
SLC80 Adrenochrome poisoning
SLC81 Metaraminol poisoning
SLC8z Capillary-active poisoning NOS
SLC9. Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers
SLCz. Cardiovascular agent poisoning NOS
SLD.. Gastrointestinal agent poisoning
SLD0. Anti-gastric acid drug poisoning
SLD00 Aluminium hydroxide poisoning
SLD01 Magnesium trisilicate poisoning
SLD02 Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor antagonists
SLD0z Antacid drug poisoning NOS
SLD1. Irritant cathartic poisoning
SLD10 Bisacodyl poisoning
SLD11 Castor oil poisoning
SLD12 Phenolphthalein poisoning
SLD1z Irritant cathartic poisoning NOS
SLD2. Emollient cathartic poisoning
SLD20 Dioctyl sulphosuccinate poisoning
SLD2z Emollient cathartic poisoning NOS
SLD3. Other cathartic poisoning
SLD30 Magnesium sulphate poisoning
SLD31 Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives
SLD3z Other cathartic poisoning NOS
SLD4. Digestant poisoning
SLD40 Pancreatin poisoning
SLD41 Papain poisoning
SLD42 Pepsin poisoning
SLD4z Digestant poisoning NOS
SLD5. Antidiarrhoeal poisoning
SLD50 Kaolin poisoning
SLD51 Pectin poisoning
SLD5z Antidiarrhoeal poisoning NOS
SLD6. Emetic drug poisoning
SLDy. Other gastrointestinal agent poisoning
SLDz. Gastrointestinal agent poisoning NOS
SLE.. Water, mineral and urate metabolism poisoning
SLE0. Mercurial diuretic poisoning
SLE00 Chlormerodrin poisoning
SLE01 Mercaptomerin poisoning
SLE02 Mersalyl poisoning
SLE0z Mercurial diuretic poisoning NOS
SLE1. Purine diuretic poisoning
SLE10 Theobromine poisoning
SLE11 Theophylline poisoning
SLE1z Purine diuretic poisoning NOS
SLE2. Carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitor poisoning
SLE20 Acetazolamide poisoning
SLE2z Carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitor poisoning NOS
SLE3. Saluretic poisoning
SLE30 Benzothiazide poisoning
SLE31 Chlorothiazide poisoning
SLE3z Saluretic poisoning NOS
SLE4. Other diuretic poisoning
SLE40 Ethacrynic acid poisoning
SLE41 Frusemide poisoning
SLE4z Other diuretic poisoning NOS
SLE5. Electrolyte agent poisoning
SLE6. Other mineral salt poisoning NEC
SLE7. Uric acid drug poisoning
SLE70 Allopurinol poisoning
SLE71 Colchicine poisoning
SLE72 Probenecid poisoning
SLE7z Uric acid drug poisoning NOS
SLEz. Water, mineral or uric acid metabolism poisoning NOS
SLF.. Muscle and respiratory system drug poisoning
SLF0. Oxytocic agent poisoning
SLF00 Ergot alkaloid poisoning
SLF01 Oxytocin poisoning
SLF02 Prostaglandin poisoning
SLF0z Oxytocic agent poisoning NOS
SLF1. Smooth muscle relaxant poisoning
SLF10 Adiphenine poisoning
SLF11 Orciprenaline poisoning
SLF1z Smooth muscle relaxant poisoning NOS
SLF2. Skeletal muscle relaxant poisoning
SLF3. Other muscle drug poisoning
SLF4. Antitussive poisoning
SLF40 Dextromethorphan poisoning
SLF41 Pipazethate poisoning
SLF4z Antitussive poisoning NOS
SLF5. Expectorant poisoning
SLF50 Acetylcysteine poisoning
SLF51 Guaifenesin poisoning
SLF52 Terpin hydrate poisoning
SLF5z Expectorant poisoning NOS
SLF6. Anti-common cold drug poisoning
SLF7. Antiasthmatic poisoning
SLF70 Aminophylline poisoning
SLF7z Antiasthmatic poisoning NOS
SLFy. Other respiratory system drug poisoning
SLFz. Muscle and respiratory system drug poisoning NOS
SLG.. Eye, otorhinolaryngological, skin and dental drug poisoning
SLG0. Local anti-infective and anti-inflammatory poisoning
SLG1. Local antipruritic poisoning
SLG2. Local astringent and detergent poisoning
SLG3. Emollients, demulcents and protectant poisoning
SLG4. Hair treatment poisoning
SLG5. Eye drug poisoning NEC
SLG50 Idoxuridine poisoning
SLG5z Eye drug poisoning NOS
SLG6. Ear, nose and throat drug poisoning NEC
SLG7. Topical dental drug poisoning
SLGx. Other skin and mucous membrane drug poisoning
SLGx0 Spermicide poisoning
SLGxz Skin or mucous membrane poisoning NOS
SLGz. Eye, otorhinolaryngological, dental and skin poisoning NOS
SLH.. Other and unspecified drug and medicament poisoning
SLH0. Dietetic poisoning
SLH00 Central appetite depressant poisoning
SLH0z Dietetic poisoning NOS
SLH1. Lipotropic drug poisoning
SLH2. Antidotes and chelating agent poisoning NEC
SLH3. Alcohol deterrent poisoning
SLH4. Pharmaceutical excipient poisoning
SLHy. Other drug and medicament poisoning OS
SLHy0 X-ray diagnostic contrast media poisoning
SLHy1 Diagnostic agent NEC, poisoning
SLHyz Other drug and medicament poisoning NOS
SLHz. Drug and medicament poisoning NOS
SLJ.. Bacterial vaccine poisoning
SLJ0. BCG vaccine poisoning
SLJ1. Typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine poisoning
SLJ10 Typhoid vaccine poisoning
SLJ11 Paratyphoid vaccine poisoning
SLJ1z Typhoid or paratyphoid vaccine poisoning NOS
SLJ2. Cholera vaccine poisoning
SLJ3. Plague vaccine poisoning
SLJ4. Tetanus vaccine poisoning
SLJ5. Diphtheria vaccine poisoning
SLJ6. Pertussis, including combinations, vaccine poisoning
SLJx. Mixed bacterial vaccine poisoning, excluding pertussis
SLJy. Poisoning by other specified bacterial vaccine
SLJz. Bacterial vaccine poisoning NOS
SLK.. Other vaccines and biological substance poisoning
SLK0. Smallpox vaccine poisoning
SLK1. Rabies vaccine poisoning
SLK2. Typhus vaccine poisoning
SLK3. Yellow fever vaccine poisoning
SLK4. Measles vaccine poisoning
SLK5. Poliomyelitis vaccine poisoning
SLK6. Other and unspecified viral and rickettsial vaccine poison
SLK60 Mumps vaccine poisoning
SLK6z Other and unspecified viral/rickettsial vaccine poison NOS
SLK7. Mixed vaccine poisoning, excluding pertussis
SLKz. Vaccine and biological substance poisoning NOS
SLX.. Poisoning by oth & unspec antipsychotics & neuroleptics
SLz.. Drug, medicament or biological substance poisoning NOS
SM... Nonmedicinal agent causing toxic effects
SM0.. Alcohol causing toxic effect
SM00. Ethyl alcohol causing toxic effect
SM000 Ethanol causing toxic effect
SM001 Denatured alcohol causing toxic effect
SM002 Grain alcohol causing toxic effect
SM00z Ethyl alcohol causing toxic effect NOS
SM01. Methyl alcohol causing toxic effect
SM010 Methanol causing toxic effect
SM011 Wood alcohol causing toxic effect
SM01z Methyl alcohol causing toxic effect NOS
SM02. Isopropyl alcohol causing toxic effect
SM020 Dimethyl carbinol causing toxic effect
SM021 Isopropanol causing toxic effect
SM022 Rubbing alcohol causing toxic effect
SM02z Isopropyl alcohol causing toxic effect NOS
SM03. Fusel oil causing toxic effect
SM030 Amyl alcohol causing toxic effect
SM031 Butyl alcohol causing toxic effect
SM032 Propyl alcohol causing toxic effect
SM03z Fusel oil causing toxic effect NOS
SM0y. Other alcohol causing toxic effect
SM0z. Alcohol causing toxic effect NOS
SM1.. Petroleum product causing toxic effect
SM10. Petrol unspecified causing toxic effect
SM11. Benzine causing toxic effect
SM12. Kerosene causing toxic effect
SM13. Paraffin wax causing toxic effect
SM14. Petroleum ether causing toxic effect
SM15. Toxic effect of homologues of benzene
SM1z. Petroleum product causing toxic effect NOS
SM2.. Other solvents causing toxic effect
SM20. Benzene causing toxic effect
SM21. Carbon tetrachloride causing toxic effect
SM22. Carbon disulphide causing toxic effect
SM23. Other chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent causing toxic effect
SM230 Tetrachloroethylene causing toxic effect
SM231 Trichloroethylene causing toxic effect
SM232 Toxic effect of chloroform
SM23z Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent causing toxic effect NOS
SM24. Nitroglycol causing toxic effect
SM2y. Other solvents causing toxic effect
SM2y0 Acetone causing toxic effect
SM2y1 Toxic effect of dichloromethane
SM2yz Other solvents causing toxic effect NOS
SM2z. Solvents causing toxic effect NOS
SM3.. Corrosives/acids/caustic alkalis causing toxic effect
SM30. Corrosive aromatics causing toxic effect
SM300 Phenol causing toxic effect
SM301 Cresol causing toxic effect
SM30z Corrosive aromatics causing toxic effect NOS
SM31. Acids causing toxic effect
SM310 Hydrochloric acid causing toxic effect
SM311 Nitric acid causing toxic effect
SM312 Sulphuric acid causing toxic effect
SM31z Acids causing toxic effect NOS
SM32. Caustic alkalis causing toxic effect
SM320 Lye causing toxic effect
SM321 Potassium hydroxide causing toxic effect
SM322 Sodium hydroxide causing toxic effect
SM32z Caustic alkalis causing toxic effect NOS
SM3z. Corrosive/acid/caustic alkali causing toxic effect NOS
SM4.. Lead and lead compounds causing toxic effect
SM40. Inorganic lead compounds causing toxic effect
SM400 Lead dioxide causing toxic effect
SM401 Lead salts causing toxic effect
SM40z Inorganic lead compound causing toxic effect NOS
SM41. Organic lead compounds causing toxic effect
SM410 Lead acetate causing toxic effect
SM411 Tetraethyl lead causing toxic effect
SM41z Organic lead compound causing toxic effect NOS
SM4y. Other lead compound causing toxic effect
SM4z. Lead compound causing toxic effect NOS
SM5.. Other metals causing toxic effect
SM50. Mercury causing toxic effect
SM51. Arsenic causing toxic effect
SM52. Manganese causing toxic effect
SM53. Beryllium causing toxic effect
SM54. Antimony causing toxic effect
SM55. Cadmium causing toxic effect
SM56. Chromium causing toxic effect
SM57. Toxic effect of tin and its compounds
SM58. Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds
SM5y. Other metals causing toxic effect OS
SM5y0 Brass fumes causing toxic effect
SM5y1 Copper salts causing toxic effect
SM5y2 Iron compounds causing toxic effect
SM5y3 Nickel compounds causing toxic effect
SM5yz Other metals causing toxic effect NOS
SM5z. Metals causing toxic effect NOS
SM6.. Carbon monoxide causing toxic effect
SM7.. Other gases, fumes or vapours causing toxic effect
SM70. Liquefied petrol gas causing toxic effect
SM700 Butane causing toxic effect
SM701 Propane causing toxic effect
SM70z Liquefied petrol gas causing toxic effect NOS
SM71. Other hydrocarbon gas causing toxic effect
SM72. Nitrogen oxides causing toxic effect
SM720 Nitrogen dioxide causing toxic effect
SM721 Nitrous fumes causing toxic effects
SM72z Nitrogen oxides causing toxic effect NOS
SM73. Sulphur dioxide causing toxic effect
SM74. Freon causing toxic effect
SM75. Lacrimogenic gas causing toxic effect
SM750 Bromobenzyl cyanide causing toxic effect
SM751 Chloroacetophenone causing toxic effect
SM752 Ethyliodoacetate causing toxic effect
SM75z Lacrimogenic gas causing toxic effect NOS
SM76. Chlorine gas causing toxic effect
SM77. Hydrocyanic acid gas causing toxic effect
SM78. Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride
SM79. Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide
SM7A. Toxic effect of carbon dioxide
SM7y. Other gas, fume or vapour causing toxic effect
SM7y0 Phosgene causing toxic effect
SM7y1 Polyester fume causing toxic effect
SM7yz Other gas, fume and vapour causing toxic effect NOS
SM7z. Gases, fumes or vapours causing toxic effect NOS
SM8.. Noxious substance eaten as food causing toxic effect
SM80. Fish and shellfish causing toxic effect
SM800 Toxic effect of ciguatera fish poisoning
SM801 Toxic effect of scombroid fish poisoning
SM80W Toxic effect of unspecified seafood
SM80X Toxic effect of other fish and shellfish poisoning
SM81. Mushrooms causing toxic effect
SM82. Berries and other plants causing toxic effect
SM8y. Other noxious substance eaten as food causing toxic effect
SM8z. Noxious substance eaten as food causing toxic effect NOS
SM9.. Other nonmedicinal substances causing toxic effect
SM90. Cyanides and hydrocyanic acid causing toxic effect
SM900 Potassium cyanide causing toxic effect
SM901 Sodium cyanide causing toxic effect
SM90z Cyanides causing toxic effect NOS
SM91. Strychnine and salts causing toxic effect
SM92. Chlorinated hydrocarbon causing toxic effect
SM920 Aldrin causing toxic effect
SM921 Chlordane causing toxic effect
SM922 DDT causing toxic effect
SM923 Dieldrin causing toxic effect
SM92z Chlorinated hydrocarbon causing toxic effect NOS
SM93. Organophosphate and carbamate causing toxic effect
SM930 Carbaryl causing toxic effect
SM931 Dichlorvos causing toxic effect
SM932 Malathion causing toxic effect
SM933 Parathion causing toxic effect
SM934 Phorate causing toxic effect
SM935 Phosdrin causing toxic effect
SM93z Organophosphate and carbamate causing toxic effect NOS
SM94. Other pesticides causing toxic effect NEC
SM95. Venom causing toxic effect
SM950 Snake venom causing toxic effect
SM951 Lizard venom causing toxic effect
SM952 Spider venom causing toxic effect
SM953 Tick paralysis causing toxic effect
SM954 Toxic effect of venom of scorpion
SM955 Insect venom causing toxic effect
SM956 Toxic effect of other arthropods
SM95z Venom causing toxic effect NOS
SM96. Soap and detergent causing toxic effect
SM97. Aflatoxin and other mycotoxin causing toxic effect
SM98. Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides
SM9A. Toxic effect of rodenticides
SM9B. Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals
SM9B0 Toxic effect of contact with fish
SM9B1 Toxic effect of contact with other marine animals
SM9C. Tox effect nitroderivs & aminoderivs of benzene & homologues
SM9X. Toxic effect of nitroglycerin & oth nitric acids & ester
SM9y. Other substance causing toxic effect
SM9z. Unspecified substance causing toxic effect NOS
SMB.. Toxic effect of formaldehyde
SMC.. Toxic effect of tobacco and nicotine
SMX.. Toxic effect of paints and dyes, NEC
SMz.. Non-medicinal agent causing toxic effect NOS
SN... Other and unspecified external effect causes
SN0.. Radiation effects, unspecified
SN00. Radiation sickness
SN01. Radiation therapy complication
SN02. Phototherapy complication
SN0z. Unspecified radiation effects NOS
SN1.. Effects of reduced temperature
SN10. Frostbite of face
SN11. Frostbite of hand
SN12. Frostbite of foot
SN13. Frostbite of other sites
SN13S Unspecified frostbite involving multiple body regions
SN13T Unspecified frostbite of lower limb
SN13U Unspecified frostbite of upper limb
SN13V Unspecified frostbite thorax abdomen lwr back & pelvis
SN13W Unspecified frostbite of head and neck
SN13X Unspecified frostbite of unspecified site
SN14. Immersion (trench) foot
SN15. Chilblains
SN16. Hypothermia - accidental
SN17. Superficial frostbite
SN170 Superficial frostbite of neck
SN171 Superficial frostbite of thorax
SN172 Superfcial frostbite/abdominal wall lower back and pelvis
SN173 Superficial frostbite of arm
SN174 Superficial frostbite of hip and thigh
SN175 Superficial frostbite of knee and lower leg
SN176 Superficial frostbite involving multiple body regions
SN18. Frostbite with tissue necrosis
SN180 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of head
SN181 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of neck
SN182 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of thorax
SN183 Frostbite wth tissu necros/abdo wall,lower back and pelvis
SN184 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of arm
SN185 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of wrist and hand
SN186 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of hip and thigh
SN187 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of knee and lower leg
SN188 Frostbite with tissue necrosis of ankle and foot
SN189 Frostbite with tissue necrosis involving multi body regions
SN1y. Other reduced temperature effects
SN1z. Reduced temperature effect NOS
SN2.. Effects of heat and light
SN20. Heat stroke and sunstroke
SN200 Heat stroke, unspecified
SN201 Sunstroke
SN20z Heat stroke or sunstroke NOS
SN21. Heat syncope or collapse
SN22. Heat cramps
SN23. Heat exhaustion due to water depletion - anhydrotic
SN24. Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion
SN25. Heat exhaustion, unspecified
SN26. Heat fatigue, transient
SN27. Heat oedema
SN2y. Other heat effects
SN2z. Heat effects NOS
SN3.. Effects of air pressure
SN30. Barotrauma, otitic
SN31. Barotrauma, sinuses
SN32. Other and unspecified high altitude effects
SN320 Mountain sickness, unspecified
SN321 Alpine sickness
SN322 Andes disease
SN32z Hypobaropathy NOS
SN33. Caisson disease
SN330 Decompression sickness, unspecified
SN331 Bends
SN332 Decompression sickness type I
SN333 Decompression sickness type II
SN33z Compressed-air disease NOS
SN34. Explosion causing air pressure effects
SN3y. Other air pressure effects
SN3z. Air pressure effects NOS
SN4.. Other external effect cause
SN40. Effects of lightning
SN400 Struck by lightning, unspecified
SN401 Shock from lightning
SN40z Effects of lightning NOS
SN41. Drowning and nonfatal submersion
SN410 Immersion, unspecified
SN411 Bathing cramp
SN412 Nonfatal submersion, unspecified
SN413 Drowning
SN41z Drowning or nonfatal submersion NOS
SN42. Effects of hunger
SN420 Deprivation of food, unspecified
SN421 Starvation
SN42z Effects of hunger NOS
SN43. Effects of thirst
SN430 Deprivation of water
SN43z Effects of thirst NOS
SN44. Exhaustion due to exposure
SN45. Excessive exertion exhaustion
SN46. Motion sickness
SN460 Travel sickness, unspecified
SN461 Air sickness
SN462 Seasickness
SN46z Motion sickness NOS
SN47. Asphyxiation and strangulation
SN470 Suffocation, unspecified
SN471 Suffocation by strangulation
SN472 Suffocation by bedclothes
SN473 Suffocation by cave-in
SN474 Suffocation by mechanical cause
SN475 Suffocation by plastic bag
SN476 Suffocation by pressure
SN47z Asphyxiation or strangulation NOS
SN48. Electrocution and nonfatal electrical shock
SN480 Electric current shock, unspecified
SN481 Nonfatal electric current effects
SN482 Electrocution
SN48z Electrocution or nonfatal electric shock NOS
SN49. Effects of high-pressure fluids
SN4A. Effects of vibration
SN4X. Effect of deprivation, unspecified
SN4y. Other external effect causes OS
SN4y0 Abnormal gravitational state
SN4yz Other external effects, cause NOS
SN4z. External effect cause NOS
SN5.. Adverse effects NEC
SN50. Anaphylactic shock
SN500 Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction
SN501 Anaphy shock due/adv efect/correct drug or med proprly admin
SN51. Angioneurotic oedema
SN52. Drug hypersensitivity NOS
SN520 Scoline apnoea
SN53. Allergy, unspecified
SN530 Allergic reaction
SN54. Shock due to anaesthesia
SN55. Child maltreatment syndrome
SN550 Emotional maltreatment of child
SN551 Nutritional maltreatment of child
SN552 Non-accidental injury to child
SN553 Battered baby or child syndrome NOS
SN554 Multiple deprivation of child
SN55z Child maltreatment syndrome NOS
SN56. Adult maltreatment syndrome
SN560 Battered person unspecified, syndrome
SN561 Battered woman, unspecified
SN562 Battered man, unspecified
SN563 Battered wife
SN564 Battered husband
SN56z Adult maltreatment syndrome NOS
SN57. Maltreatment syndromes
SN570 Neglect or abandonment
SN571 Sexual abuse
SN58. Food allergy
SN580 Egg allergy
SN581 Egg protein allergy
SN59. Allergic reaction to venom
SN590 Allergic reaction to bee sting
SN591 Allergic reaction to insect bite
SN5y. Other adverse effects NEC
SN5y0 Malignant hyperpyrexia due to anaesthetic
SN5y1 Malignant hypothermia due to anaesthetic
SN5yz Other adverse effects NEC, NOS
SN5z. Adverse effects NOS
SNz.. External effect cause NOS
SP... Surgical and medical care complications NEC
SP0.. Complications of certain procedures
SP00. Mechanical complication of cardiac device, implant and graft
SP000 Mechanical complication of cardiac device, unspecified
SP001 Mechanical complication of cardiac pacemaker
SP002 Mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis
SP003 Mechanical complication of coronary bypass
SP004 Infect and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve pros
SP00z Mechanical complication of cardiac device/implant/graft NOS
SP01. Mechanical complication other vascular device/implant/graft
SP010 Mechanical complication of vascular device, unspecified
SP011 Mechanical complication of aortic graft
SP012 Mechanical complication of carotid artery bypass
SP013 Mechanical complication of vena cava umbrella
SP014 Mechanical complication of intra-aortic balloon
SP015 Mechanical complication of dialysis catheter
SP016 Mechanical complication of arterio-venous surgical shunt
SP017 Mechanical complication of arterio-venous surgical fistula
SP018 Mechanical complication of Hickman Line
SP01z Mechanical complication of vascular device/implant/graft NOS
SP02. Mechanical complication nervous system device/implant/graft
SP020 Mechanical complication of nervous system device, unspec
SP021 Mechanical complication of dorsal column stimulator
SP022 Mechanical complication of electrodes implanted in brain
SP023 Mechanical complication of peripheral nerve graft
SP024 Mechanical complication-ventricular(CSF) communicating shunt
SP02z Mechanical complication of nervous system device NOS
SP03. Mechanical complication genito-urinary device/implant/graft
SP030 Mechanical complication of genito-urinary device, unspec
SP031 Mechanical complication of urethral catheter
SP032 Mechanical complication of intrauterine contraceptive device
SP033 Mechanical complication of cystostomy catheter
SP034 Mechanical complic prosthetic reconstruction vas deferens
SP035 Mechanical complication of ureter repair graft
SP036 Unspecif complication genitourin prosth device,implant+graft
SP03y Mechanical complication of other genito-urinary device
SP03z Mechanical complication of genito-urinary device NOS
SP04. Mechanical complication of internal orthopaedic device
SP040 Mechanical complication of bone graft
SP041 Mechanical complication of cartilage graft
SP042 Mechanical complication of muscle graft
SP043 Mechanical complication of tendon graft
SP044 Mechanical complication of internal nail fixing device
SP045 Mechanical complication of internal rod fixation device
SP046 Mechanical complication of internal plate fixing device
SP047 Breakage of prosthesis
SP048 Loosening of prosthesis
SP049 Dislocation of prosthesis
SP04A Fracture of bone autograft
SP04B Displacement of bone autograft
SP04C Fracture of bone allograft
SP04D Displacement of bone allograft
SP04E Resorption of bone autograft
SP04F Rejection of bone allograft
SP04G Breakage of plate
SP04H Loosening of plate
SP04J Prominence of plate
SP04K Breakage of screw
SP04L Loosening of screw
SP04M Prominence of screw
SP04N Breakage of intramedullary nail
SP04P Loosening of intramedullary nail
SP04Q Prominence of intramedullary nail
SP04R Breakage of external fixator
SP04S Loosening of external fixator pin
SP04T Breakage of spinal fixation device
SP04U Loosening of spinal fixation device
SP04V Prominence of spinal fixation device
SP04W Mechanical complication of internal joint prosthesis
SP04X Dislocation of joint prosthesis
SP04z Mechanical complication of internal orthopaedic device NOS
SP05. Mechanical complication of other prosthetic device
SP050 Mechanical complication of prosthetic device, unspecified
SP051 Mechanical complication of bile duct prosthesis
SP052 Mechanical complication of breast prosthesis
SP053 Mechanical complication of chin prosthesis
SP054 Mechanical complication of eye orbit prosthesis
SP055 Mechanical complication of intraocular lens
SP056 Infec & inflam react due oth int prosth device/imp/graft
SP057 Graft complication NOS
SP058 Mechanical complication of gastrointestinal prosthet device
SP05z Mechanical complication of other prosthetic device NOS
SP06. Infection and inflammation due to internal prosthetic device
SP060 Infected joint prosthesis
SP061 Infected plate or screw
SP062 Infected intramedullary nail
SP063 Infected spinal fixation device
SP064 Infected external fixator pin
SP065 Infection of bone graft
SP066 Infection of bone allograft
SP07. Other complications internal prosthetic device/implant/graft
SP070 Internal prosthetic device causing embolism
SP071 Internal prosthetic device causing fibrosis
SP072 Internal prosthetic device causing haemorrhage
SP073 Internal prosthetic device causing pain
SP074 Internal prosthetic device causing stenosis
SP075 Internal prosthetic device causing thrombus
SP077 Infect+inflam react due pros dev,implt+graft in urinary syst
SP078 Infect+inflam react due/prosth dev,implant+graft in gen trct
SP079 Problem with vaginal pessary
SP07z Internal prosthetic device causing complications NOS
SP08. Transplanted organ complication
SP080 Transplanted organ failure
SP081 Transplanted organ rejection
SP082 Bone-marrow transplant rejection
SP083 Kidney transplant failure and rejection
SP084 Heart transplant failure and rejection
SP085 Heart-lung transplant failure and rejection
SP086 Liver transplant failure and rejection
SP08z Transplanted organ complication NOS
SP09. Reattached extremity complications
SP090 Reattached extremity unspecified, complication
SP091 Reattached forearm complication
SP092 Reattached hand complication
SP093 Reattached finger(s) complication
SP094 Other arm reattachment complication
SP095 Reattached foot and toe(s) complication
SP096 Other leg reattachment complication
SP09y Other body part reattached, complication
SP09z Body part reattached, complication NOS
SP0A. Partial failure of replantation
SP0A0 Partial failure replanted upper limb
SP0A1 Partial failure replanted forearm
SP0A2 Partial failure replanted hand
SP0A3 Partial failure replanted finger
SP0A4 Partial failure replanted thumb
SP0A5 Partial failure replanted fingers
SP0A6 Partial failure replanted lower limb
SP0A7 Partial failure replanted lower leg
SP0A8 Partial failure replanted foot
SP0A9 Partial failure replanted toe
SP0AA Partial failure replanted toes
SP0B. Total failure of replantation
SP0B0 Total failure replanted upper limb
SP0B1 Total failure replanted forearm
SP0B2 Total failure replanted hand
SP0B3 Total failure replanted finger
SP0B4 Total failure replanted thumb
SP0B5 Total failure replanted fingers
SP0B6 Total failure replanted lower limb
SP0B7 Total failure replanted lower leg
SP0B8 Total failure replanted foot
SP0B9 Total failure replanted toe
SP0BA Total failure replanted toes
SP0BB Total failure replanted foot
SP0C. Soft tissue graft or flap or repair failure
SP0C0 Skin graft failure
SP0C1 Flap failure
SP0C2 Bone graft failure
SP0C3 Dehiscence of tendon repair
SP0C4 Disruption of nerve repair
SP0C5 Disruption of vessel repair
SP0D. Complications associated with artificial fertilization
SP0D0 Infection associated with artificial insemination
SP0D1 Hyperstimulation of ovaries
SP0D2 Compltns of attemptd intro fertil ovum follow in vitro fert
SP0D3 Complctns/attemptd introduction of embryo in embryo transfer
SP0DX Complication assoc with artific fertilization, unspecif
SP0z. Certain procedure complications NOS
SP1.. Body system complications NEC
SP10. Central nervous system complications of care
SP100 Anoxic brain damage complication
SP101 Cerebral anoxia complication
SP102 Post operative CSF leak
SP10z Central nervous system complication of care NOS
SP11. Cardiac complications of care
SP110 Cardiac arrest as a complication of care
SP111 Cardiac insufficiency as a complication of care
SP112 Cardiorespiratory failure as a complication of care
SP11z Cardiac complication of care NOS
SP12. Peripheral vascular complications of care
SP120 Phlebitis as a complication of care
SP121 Thrombophlebitis as a complication of care
SP122 Post operative deep vein thrombosis
SP12z Peripheral vascular complications of care NOS
SP13. Respiratory complications of care
SP130 Mendelsons syndrome as a complication of care
SP131 Other aspiration pneumonia as a complication of care
SP132 Post operative chest infection
SP13z Respiratory complication of care NOS
SP14. Gastrointestinal complications of care
SP140 Complication of external gastrointestinal stoma NEC
SP141 Complication of gastrointestinal anastomosis or bypass NEC
SP142 Hepatic failure as a complication of care
SP143 Hepatorenal syndrome as a complication of care
SP144 Intestinal obstruction as a complication of care NOS
SP145 Prolapse of stoma
SP14z Gastrointestinal complication of care NOS
SP15. Urinary complications of care
SP150 Urinary tract external stoma complication
SP151 Urinary tract internal anastomosis complication
SP152 Oliguria as a complication of care
SP153 Anuria as a complication of care
SP154 Renal failure as a complication of care
SP155 Malfunction of external stoma of urinary tract
SP15z Urinary complication of care NOS
SP16. Late amputation stump complication
SP160 Late amputation stump complication, unspecified
SP161 Neuroma of amputation stump
SP162 Chronic infection of amputation stump
SP163 Necrosis of amputation stump
SP164 Bony prominence in amputation stump
SP165 Poorly shaped amputation stump
SP16z Late amputation stump complication NOS
SP1z. Body system complication NEC
SP1z0 Vitreous touch syndrome
SP1zz Body system complication NOS
SP2.. Other procedure complication NEC
SP20. Postoperative shock
SP200 Postoperative endotoxic shock
SP201 Postoperative septic shock
SP202 Postoperative hypovolaemic shock
SP20z Postoperative shock NOS
SP21. Peri-operative haemorrhage or haematoma
SP210 Intra-operative haemorrhage
SP211 Post-operative haemorrhage
SP212 Post-operative haematoma formation
SP22. Peri-operative injury
SP220 Injury to blood vessel during surgery
SP221 Injury to nerve during surgery
SP222 Accidental organ perforation during a procedure
SP223 Injury to viscus during surgery
SP224 Intra-operative fracture
SP22X # bone follow insertn/orthopaed implnt,jnt pros,bne plate
SP22z Peri-operative injury NOS
SP23. Operation wound disruption
SP230 Operation wound dehiscence
SP231 Operation wound rupture
SP232 Surgical wound necrosis
SP23z Operation wound disruption NOS
SP24. Foreign body accidentally left within patient postop
SP240 Adhesions resulting from foreign body left postoperatively
SP241 Obstruction resulting from foreign body left postoperatively
SP242 Perforation resulting from foreign body left postoperatively
SP243 Foreign body left in wound
SP24z Sequelae from foreign body left postoperatively NOS
SP25. Postoperative infection
SP250 Postoperative stitch abscess
SP251 Postoperative wound abscess
SP252 Postoperative intra-abdominal abscess
SP253 Postoperative subphrenic abscess
SP254 Postoperative septicaemia
SP255 Postoperative wound infection, unspecified
SP256 Postoperative wound infection-deep
SP257 Postoperative wound infection-superficial
SP258 MRSA infection of postoperative wound
SP25z Postoperative infection NOS
SP26. Persistent postoperative fistula
SP27. Acute reaction to foreign substance left during procedure
SP270 Aseptic peritonitis
SP271 Chemical peritonitis
SP27z Acute reaction to foreign substance during procedure NOS
SP2y. Other procedure complication NEC
SP2y0 Surgical emphysema
SP2y1 Postcardiotomy syndrome - post-operative
SP2y2 Postoperative pain
SP2y3 Failed or difficult intubation
SP2yz Other procedure complication NEC, NOS
SP2z. Postoperative complication NOS
SP3.. Medical care complication NEC
SP30. Generalised vaccinia
SP31. Air embolism as a complication of medical care
SP310 Air embolism complicating intravenous therapy
SP311 Air embolism due to surgery
SP32. Other medical care vascular complications
SP320 Phlebitis after infusion
SP321 Thromboembolism after infusion
SP322 Thrombophlebitis after infusion
SP32z Medical care vascular complication NOS
SP33. Infection after injection/infusion/transfusion/vaccination
SP330 Infection after infusion
SP331 Infection after injection
SP332 Infection after transfusion
SP333 Infection after vaccination
SP334 Infection following immunization
SP33z Infection after injection/infusion/transfusion/vacc NOS
SP34. Anaphylactic shock due to serum
SP35. Other serum reaction
SP350 Intoxication by serum
SP351 Protein serum sickness
SP352 Serum rash
SP353 Serum sickness
SP354 Urticaria due to serum
SP35z Other serum reaction NOS
SP36. ABO incompatibility reaction
SP37. Rhesus incompatibility reaction
SP38. Other transfusion reaction
SP380 Septic shock due to transfusion
SP38z Transfusion reaction NOS
SP3X. Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament
SP3y. Other medical care complication NEC
SP3y0 Electroshock therapy complication NEC
SP3y1 Inhalation therapy complication NEC
SP3y2 Ultrasound therapy complication NEC
SP3y3 Ventilation therapy complication NEC
SP3y4 Induration at injection site
SP3y5 Erythema at injection site
SP3y6 Pain at injection site
SP3y7 Swelling at injection site
SP3yz Other medical care complication NOS
SP3z. Medical care misadventure NOS
SPz.. Medical and surgical care complications NOS
SQ... Open wounds involving multiple body regions
SR... Injury involving multiple body regions
SR1.. Fractures involving multiple body regions
SR10. Fractures involving head with neck
SR11. Fractures involving thorax with lower back and pelvis
SR12. Fractures involving multiple regions of one upper limb
SR13. Fractures involving multiple regions of one lower limb
SR14. Fractures involving multiple regions of both lower limbs
SR15. Fract invol multiple regions of up limb(s) with low limb(s)
SR16. Fract invol thorax with lower back and pelvis with limb(s)
SR2.. Dislocations, sprains & strains involv multiple body regions
SR20. Dislocations, sprains and strains involving head with neck
SR21. Disloc,sprains + strains involv thorax wth lwr back + pelvis
SR22. Dislocat, sprains + strains involv multip regns upp limb(s)
SR23. Dislocat,sprains + strains involv multip regns lowr limb(s)
SR24. Dislocat,sprains+strains invol multi regns/upp +lwr limb(s)
SR3.. Crushing injuries involving multiple body regions
SR30. Crushing injuries involving head with neck
SR31. Crush inj invol multi region/upper limb(s) wth lower limb(s)
SR32. Crush inj/thorax with abdo,lower back + pelvis with limb(s)
SR4.. Traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions
SR40. Traumatic amputation of both hands
SR41. Traumatic amputation of both feet
SR42. Traumatic amputation/one hand+other arm [any level,exc hnd]
SR43. Traumatic amputation/1 foot and other leg [any lev,exc foot]
SR44. Traumatic amputation of upper and lower limbs
SRy.. Other injuries involving multiple body regions NEC
SRy0. Inj/brain+cranial nerv wth inj/nerv+spinal cord at neck levl
SRy1. Injuries of blood vessels involving multiple body regions
SRy2. Inj of muscles and tendons involving multiple body regions
SRy3. Inj/intrathoracic organs wth intra-abdominal + pelvic organs
SRz.. Injury involving multiple body regions NOS
SRz0. Severe multiple injuries
Sy... [X] Injury and poisoning classification terms
Syu.. [X]Additional injury and poisoning disease classif terms
Syu0. [X]Injuries to the head
Syu00 [X]Other superficial injuries of eyelid and periocular area
Syu01 [X]Superficial injury of other parts of head
Syu02 [X]Open wound of other parts of head
Syu03 [X]Fractures of other skull and facial bones
Syu04 [X]Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified
Syu05 [X]Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of head
Syu06 [X]Sprain/strain of joint/ligam of oth & unsp part of head
Syu07 [X]Injury of other cranial nerves
Syu08 [X]Ocular laceration and rupture with prolapse or loss of i
Syu09 [X]Ocular laceration, no prolapse/loss intraocular tissue
Syu0A [X]Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body
Syu0B [X]Other injuries of eye and orbit
Syu0C [X]Injury of eye and orbit, part unspecified
Syu0D [X]Other intracranial injuries
Syu0E [X]Intracranial injury, unspecified
Syu0F [X]Crushing injury of other parts of head
Syu0G [X]Crushing injury of head, part unspecified
Syu0H [X]Traumatic amputation of other parts of head
Syu0J [X]Traumatic amputation of unspecified part of head
Syu0K [X]Injury of blood vessels of head, NEC
Syu0L [X]Other specified injuries of head
Syu0M [X]Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without menti
Syu1. [X]Injuries to the neck
Syu10 [X]Other and unspecified superficial injuries of the throat
Syu11 [X]Superficial injury of other parts of the neck
Syu12 [X]Superficial injury of neck, part unspecified
Syu13 [X]Open wound of other parts of the neck
Syu14 [X]Open wound of neck, part unspecified
Syu15 [X]Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra
Syu16 [X]Fracture of other parts of neck
Syu17 [X]Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of the neck
Syu18 [X]Sprain/strain of joint/ligam of oth & unsp part of neck
Syu19 [X]Other and unspecified injuries of cervical spinal cord
Syu1A [X]Injury of other and unspecified nerves of neck
Syu1B [X]Injury of other blood vessels of neck
Syu1C [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel of neck
Syu1D [X]Crushing injury of other parts of neck
Syu1E [X]Crushing injury of neck, part unspecified
Syu1F [X]Other specified injuries of neck
Syu2. [X]Injuries to the thorax
Syu20 [X]Other and unspecified superficial injuries of breast
Syu21 [X]Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax
Syu23 [X]Other superficial injuries of back wall of thorax
Syu24 [X]Superfic injury of other & unspecified parts of thorax
Syu25 [X]Open wound of other parts of thorax
Syu26 [X]Open wound of thorax, part unspecified
Syu27 [X]Fracture of other parts of bony thorax
Syu28 [X]Fracture of bony thorax, part unspecified
Syu29 [X]Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of thorax
Syu2A [X]Sprain & strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
Syu2B [X]Other and unspecified injuries of thoracic spinal cord
Syu2C [X]Injury of other nerves of thorax
Syu2D [X]Injury of unspecified nerve of thorax
Syu2E [X]Injury of other blood vessels of thorax
Syu2F [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel of thorax
Syu2G [X]Other injuries of heart
Syu2H [X]Other injuries of lung
Syu2J [X]Injury of other specified intrathoracic organs
Syu2K [X]Injury of unspecified intrathoracic organ
Syu2L [X]Other specified injuries of thorax
Syu3. [X]Injuries to abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine and pelvis
Syu30 [X]Other superfic injuries of abdomen, lower back & pelvis
Syu31 [X]Superfic inj of abdomen, lower back & pelvis, part unsp
Syu32 [X]Open wound of oth and unspecif external genital organs
Syu33 [X]Open wound oth & unspecif part abdomen/lower back/pelvis
Syu34 [X]Fract of other and unspec parts of lumbar spine & pelvis
Syu35 [X]Dislocat of oth & unspec parts of lumbar spine & pelvis
Syu36 [X]Sprain & strain of oth & unsp parts of lumb spine & pelv
Syu38 [X]Other injury of lumbar spinal cord
Syu39 [X]Inj oth and unspecif nerves of abdomen/lower back/pelvis
Syu3A [X]Inj of oth blood vess at abdomen/lower back/pelvis level
Syu3B [X]Inj unspecif blood vess at abdom/lower back/pelvis level
Syu3C [X]Injury of other intra-abdominal organs
Syu3D [X]Injury of unspecified intra-abdominal organ
Syu3E [X]Injury of other pelvic organs
Syu3F [X]Injury of unspecified pelvic organ
Syu3G [X]Crush inj of oth & unspecif parts of abdom/low back/pelv
Syu3H [X]Traum amput of oth/unspec parts of abdom/lower back/pelv
Syu3K [X]Other specified injuries of abdomen, lower back & pelvis
Syu3L [X]Unspecified injury of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
Syu3M [X]Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
Syu4. [X]Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm
Syu40 [X]Other superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm
Syu41 [X]Open wound of oth & unspecif parts of should & upper arm
Syu42 [X]Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula and humerus
Syu43 [X]Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm
Syu44 [X]Fracture of shoulder and upper arm, unspecified
Syu45 [X]Dislocation of other & unspecif parts of shoulder girdle
Syu46 [X]Sprain & strain of oth & unspecif parts of should girdle
Syu47 [X]Injury of other nerves at shoulder and upper arm level
Syu48 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder & upp arm level
Syu49 [X]Inj of oth blood vessels at shoulder & upper arm level
Syu4A [X]Inj of unspecif blood vessel at should & upper arm level
Syu4B [X]Inj of oth muscles & tendons at should & upper arm level
Syu4C [X]Inj of unspecif musc & tendon at should & upper arm lev
Syu4D [X]Other specified injuries of shoulder and upper arm
Syu4E [X]Unspecified injury of shoulder and upper arm
Syu5. [X]Injuries to the elbow and forearm
Syu50 [X]Contusion of other and unspecified parts of forearm
Syu51 [X]Other superficial injuries of forearm
Syu52 [X]Open wound of other parts of forearm
Syu53 [X]Fracture of other parts of forearm
Syu54 [X]Fracture of forearm, unspecified
Syu55 [X]Injury of other nerves at forearm level
Syu56 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level
Syu57 [X]Injury of other blood vessels at forearm level
Syu58 [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level
Syu59 [X]Injury of other flexor muscle & tendon at forearm level
Syu5A [X]Inj extensor musc/tendon of oth finger(s) at forearm lev
Syu5B [X]Injury of oth extensor muscle & tendon at forearm level
Syu5C [X]Inj of other & unspecif musc & tendons at forearm level
Syu5D [X]Crushing injury of other parts of forearm
Syu5E [X]Traumatic amputation of forearm, level unspecified
Syu5F [X]Other specified injuries of elbow and forearm
Syu5G [X]Unspecified injury of elbow and forearm
Syu6. [X]Injuries to the wrist and hand
Syu60 [X]Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand
Syu61 [X]Other superficial injuries of oth parts of wrist & hand
Syu62 [X]Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand
Syu63 [X]Fracture of other carpal bone(s)
Syu64 [X]Fracture of other metacarpal bone
Syu65 [X]Fracture of other & unspecified parts of wrist and hand
Syu66 [X]Sprain & strain of oth & unspecif parts of wrist & hand
Syu67 [X]Injury of other nerves at wrist and hand level
Syu68 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level
Syu69 [X]Injury of other blood vessels at wrist and hand level
Syu6A [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist & hand level
Syu6B [X]Inj extens musc & tend of oth finger at wrist & hand lev
Syu6C [X]Inj intrins musc & tendon oth finger at wrist & hand lev
Syu6D [X]Injury of other muscles & tendons at wrist & hand level
Syu6E [X]Inj of unspecified muscle & tendon at wrist & hand level
Syu6F [X]Crushing injury of other & unspec parts of wrist & hand
Syu6G [X]Traum amput two or more finger alone (complete)(partial)
Syu6H [X]Comb traum amp of (part of) fing(s) + oth part wrist/hand
Syu6J [X]Traumatic amputation of other parts of wrist and hand
Syu6K [X]Traumatic amputation of wrist & hand, level unspecified
Syu6L [X]Other specified injuries of wrist and hand
Syu7. [X]Injuries to the hip and thigh
Syu70 [X]Other superficial injuries of hip and thigh
Syu71 [X]Open wound of other parts of hip and thigh
Syu72 [X]Fractures of other parts of femur
Syu73 [X]Injury of other nerves at hip and thigh level
Syu74 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve at hip and thigh level
Syu75 [X]Injury of other blood vessels at hip and thigh level
Syu76 [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip & thigh level
Syu77 [X]Injury of other & unspecif musc & tendons at thigh level
Syu78 [X]Other specified injuries of hip and thigh
Syu8. [X]Injuries to the knee and lower leg
Syu80 [X]Contusion of other and unspecified parts of lower leg
Syu81 [X]Other superficial injuries of lower leg
Syu82 [X]Open wound of other parts of lower leg
Syu83 [X]Fractures of other parts of lower leg
Syu84 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee
Syu85 [X]Injury of other nerves at lower leg level
Syu86 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level
Syu87 [X]Injury of other blood vessels at lower leg level
Syu88 [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level
Syu89 [X]Inj oth musc(s)/tend(s) of post musc group, low leg lev
Syu8A [X]Injury of other muscles and tendons at lower leg level
Syu8B [X]Crushing injury of other & unspecified part of lower leg
Syu8C [X]Other specified injuries of lower leg
Syu8D [X]Fracture of lower leg, part unspecified
Syu8E [X]Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at lower leg levl
Syu8F [X]Traumatic amputation of lower leg, level unspecified
Syu9. [X]Injuries to the ankle and foot
Syu90 [X]Contusion of other and unspecified parts of foot
Syu91 [X]Oth superfic inj of other & unspec parts of ankle & foot
Syu92 [X]Open wound of other parts of foot
Syu93 [X]Open wound of other parts of ankle and foot
Syu94 [X]Fracture of other tarsal bones
Syu95 [X]Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of foot
Syu96 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot
Syu97 [X]Injury of other nerves at ankle and foot level
Syu98 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve of ankle and foot
Syu99 [X]Injury of other blood vessels at ankle and foot level
Syu9A [X]Injury of unspecified blood vessel of ankle and foot
Syu9B [X]Injury of other muscles & tendons at ankle & foot level
Syu9C [X]Injury of unspecified muscle & tendon of ankle and foot
Syu9D [X]Crushing injury of other parts of ankle and foot
Syu9E [X]Traumatic amputation of two or more toes
Syu9F [X]Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot
Syu9G [X]Other specified injuries of ankle and foot
SyuA. [X]Injuries involving multiple body regions
SyuA0 [X]Superfic inj involving oth combinations of body regions
SyuA1 [X]Open wounds involving other combinations of body regions
SyuA2 [X]Fractures involving other combinations of body regions
SyuA3 [X]Dislocat/sprains/strains involv oth comb of body regions
SyuA4 [X]Multiple dislocations, sprains and strains, unspecified
SyuA5 [X]Crush injuries involv other combinations of body regions
SyuA6 [X]Traumatic amputations involving other combinations of bo
SyuA7 [X]Other specified injuries involving multiple body regions
SyuA8 [X]Unspecified multiple injuries
SyuA9 [X]Multiple traumatic amputations, unspecified
SyuAA [X]Injuries of nerves and spinal cord of other multiple bod
SyuB. [X]Injuries to unspecif part of trunk, limb or body region
SyuB0 [X]Dislocat, sprain & strain unspec joint & lig of trunk
SyuB1 [X]Other specified injuries of trunk, level specified
SyuB2 [X]Other specified injuries of arm, level unspecified
SyuB3 [X]Dislocat/sprain/strain unsp joint/ligam leg, level unsp
SyuB4 [X]Injury of unspecified nerve of leg, level unspecified
SyuB5 [X]Injury of unspecified blood vess leg, level unspecified
SyuB6 [X]Inj unspecif muscle and tendon of leg, level unspecified
SyuB7 [X]Other specified injuries of leg, level unspecified
SyuB8 [X]Unspecified injury of leg, level unspecified
SyuB9 [X]Superficial injury of unspecified body region
SyuBA [X]Open wound of unspecified body region
SyuBB [X]Fracture of unspecified body region
SyuBC [X]Dislocation, sprain and strain of unspecif body region
SyuBD [X]Injury of nerve(s) of unspecified body region
SyuBE [X]Injury of blood vessel(s) of unspecified body region
SyuBF [X]Injury of muscles and tendons of unspecified body region
SyuBG [X]Crush injury & traum amputation of unspecif body region
SyuBH [X]Other injuries of unspecified body region
SyuBJ [X]Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon of trunk
SyuBK [X]Disln sprain/strain unsp joint&ligamt upr limb lvl unsp
SyuBL [X]Injury of unspecified nerve of upper limb, level unspecif
SyuBM [X]Injury of unspec muscle & tendon of upr limb level unspec
SyuBN [X]Unspecified injury of upper limb, level unspecified
SyuC. [X]Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice
SyuC0 [X]Foreign body in other and combined sites on external eye
SyuC1 [X]Foreign body in other & comb sites of respiratory tract
SyuC2 [X]Foreign body in other & combined sites of aliment tract
SyuC3 [X]Foreign body in other & combined sites genitourin tract
SyuD. [X]Burns and corrosions
SyuD0 [X]Burns of other parts of eye and adnexa
SyuD1 [X]Corrosions of other parts of eye and adnexa
SyuD2 [X]Burn of other parts of respiratory tract
SyuD3 [X]Corrosions of other parts of respiratory tract
SyuD4 [X]Burn of other parts of alimentary tract
SyuD5 [X]Burns of other and unspecified internal organs
SyuD6 [X]Corrosion of other parts of alimentary tract
SyuD7 [X]Corrosions of other and unspecified internal organs
SyuD8 [X]Burns of mult reg, at least 1 burn of 3rd deg mentioned
SyuD9 [X]Corrosn multi reg, at least 1 corr of 3rd deg mentioned
SyuDA [X]Burn of unspecified body region, unspecified degree
SyuDB [X]Corrosion of unspecified body region, unspecified degree
SyuDC [X]Corrosion of eye and adnexa, part unspecified
SyuDD [X]Burn of respiratory tract, part unspecified
SyuDE [X]Corrosion of respiratory tract, part unspecified
SyuE. [X]Frostbite
SyuE0 [X]Superficial frostbite of other and unspecified sites
SyuE1 [X]Frostbite with tissue necrosis of other & unspecif sites
SyuE2 [X]Unspecified frostbite of unspecified site
SyuE3 [X]Unspecified frostbite of head and neck
SyuE4 [X]Unspecified frostbite thorax abdomen lwr back & pelvis
SyuE5 [X]Unspecified frostbite of upper limb
SyuE6 [X]Unspecified frostbite of lower limb
SyuE7 [X]Unspecified frostbite involving multiple body regions
SyuF. [X]Poisoning by drugs and biological substances
SyuF0 [X]Poisoning by other systemic antibiotics
SyuF1 [X]Poisoning by other antimycobacterial drugs
SyuF2 [X]Poisoning by antimalarial/drug act on oth blood protozoa
SyuF3 [X]Poisoning by other antiprotozoal drugs
SyuF4 [X]Poisoning by oth specif syst anti-infectiv/antiparasitic
SyuF5 [X]Poisoning by other oestrogens and progestogens
SyuF6 [X]Poisoning by antigonadotroph/antioestrog/antiandrog, NEC
SyuF7 [X]Poisoning by oth & unspecif hormones & synthetic substit
SyuF8 [X]Poisoning by other and unspecified hormone antagonists
SyuF9 [X]Poisoning by oth nonsteroidal anti-inflamm drugs [NSAID]
SyuFA [X]Poisoning by other analgesics, not elsewhere classified
SyuFB [X]Poisoning by other opioids
SyuFC [X]Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics
SyuFD [X]Poisoning by other and unspecified narcotics
SyuFE [X]Poisoning by oth & unsp psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
SyuFF [X]Poisoning by other and unspecified general anaesthetics
SyuFG [X]Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, NEC
SyuFH [X]Poisoning by oth antiepileptic & sedative-hypnotic drugs
SyuFJ [X]Poisoning by antipark drug/oth central musc-tone depress
SyuFK [X]Poisoning by other and unspecified antidepressants
SyuFL [X]Poisoning by oth & unspec antipsychotics & neuroleptics
SyuFM [X]Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, NEC
SyuFN [X]Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics]
SyuFP [X]Pois,oth parasympath [antichol/antimusc] & spasmolyt,NEC
SyuFQ [X]Poisoning by oth & unspec autonomic nervous system drugs
SyuFR [X]Poisoning by oth primarily systemic & haematolog agents
SyuFS [X]Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, NEC
SyuFT [X]Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, NEC
SyuFU [X]Poisoning by oth & unsp agent prim affect cardiovasc sys
SyuFV [X]Poisoning by oth antacids & anti-gastric-secretion drugs
SyuFW [X]Poisoning by other laxatives, incl intestin atonia drugs
SyuFX [X]Poisoning by oth agents primarily affect gastrointes sys
SyuFY [X]Poisoning by other & unspecified drugs acting on muscles
SyuFZ [X]Poisoning by other & unspecif respiratory system drugs
SyuFa [X]Poison by loc antifung/anti-infect/anti-inflam drug, NEC
SyuFb [X]Poisoning by other topical agents
SyuFc [X]Poisoning by oth & unspecif drugs & biologic substances
SyuFd [X]Poisoning by anaesthetic, unspecified
SyuFe [X]Poisoning by alpha adrenoreceptor antagonists NEC
SyuG. [X]Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal source
SyuG0 [X]Toxic effect of other alcohols
SyuG1 [X]Toxic effect of other organic solvents
SyuG2 [X]Toxic effect of oth halogen derivs of aliphatic hydrocarb
SyuG3 [X]Toxic effect of oth halogen derivs of aromatic hydrocarb
SyuG4 [X]Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds
SyuG5 [X]Toxic effect of other metals
SyuG6 [X]Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances
SyuG7 [X]Toxic effects of other specified gases, fumes & vapours
SyuG8 [X]Toxic effect of other insecticides
SyuG9 [X]Toxic effect of other pesticides
SyuGA [X]Toxic effect of other fish and shellfish poisoning
SyuGB [X]Toxic effect of other seafood
SyuGC [X]Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s)
SyuGD [X]Toxic effect of oth specif noxious subst eaten as food
SyuGE [X]Toxic effect of contact with other marine animals
SyuGF [X]Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals
SyuGG [X]Toxic effect of aflatoxin & oth mycotoxin food contamin
SyuGH [X]Toxic effect of paints and dyes, NEC
SyuGJ [X]Toxic effect of other specified substances
SyuGK [X]Toxic effect of inorganic substance, unspecified
SyuGL [X]Toxic effect of unspecified seafood
SyuGM [X]Toxic effect of nitroglycerin & oth nitric acids & ester
SyuH. [X]Other and unspecified effects of external causes
SyuH0 [X]Other heat effects
SyuH1 [X]Other specified effects of reduced temperature
SyuH2 [X]Other and unspecified effects of high altitude
SyuH3 [X]Other effects of air pressure and water pressure
SyuH4 [X]Other effects of deprivation
SyuH5 [X]Other maltreatment syndromes
SyuH6 [X]Other specified effects of external causes
SyuH7 [X]Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified
SyuH8 [X]Other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified
SyuH9 [X]Effect of deprivation, unspecified
SyuJ. [X]Certain early complications of trauma
SyuJ0 [X]Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified
SyuJ1 [X]Other early complications of trauma
SyuK. [X]Complications of surgical and medical care, NEC
SyuK0 [X]Other serum reactions
SyuK1 [X]Oth complic follow infusion, transfusion & therapeut inj
SyuK2 [X]Other complications of procedures, NEC
SyuK3 [X]Mechanical complication of other vascular grafts
SyuK4 [X]Mechan complic of oth cardiac & vasc devices & implants
SyuK5 [X]Infect/inflam react due oth card/vasc device/impl/grafts
SyuK6 [X]Oth complics of cardiac & vasc prosth devices/impl/graft
SyuK7 [X]Unspecif complic of card/vasc prosth device/impl/graft
SyuK8 [X]Mechanic complication of oth urinary devices & implants
SyuK9 [X]Mech complic of oth device/impl/grafts of genital tract
SyuKA [X]Other complics of genitourin prosth device/implant/graft
SyuKB [X]Mechanical complic of oth bone devices/implants/grafts
SyuKC [X]Mechan complic oth internal orthopaed device/impl/graft
SyuKD [X]Infect & infl react due oth int orth pros dev/impl/graft
SyuKE [X]Oth complics intern orthopaed prosth devices/impl/grafts
SyuKF [X]Mechanic complic other ocular prosth device/impl/grafts
SyuKG [X]Mech compl oth specif internal prosth device/impl/grafts
SyuKH [X]Infec & inflam react due oth int prosth device/imp/graft
SyuKJ [X]Other complics of intern prosth device/impl/grafts, NEC
SyuKK [X]Failure & rejection of other transplanted organ & tissue
SyuKL [X]Complications of other reattached body part
SyuKM [X]Other and unspecified amputation stump complications
SyuKN [X]Other complications following immunization, NEC
SyuKP [X]Other complications of anaesthesia
SyuKQ [X]Oth specif complics & advers eff of surg/medic care, NEC
SyuKR [X]Mechanical comp of internal fixation device of other bone
SyuKS [X]Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament
SyuL. [X]Sequelae of injuries, poisoning & oth conseq of ext cause
SyuL0 [X]Sequelae of other specified injury of head
SyuL1 [X]Sequelae of other fracture of thorax and pelvis
SyuL2 [X]Sequelae of other specified injuries of neck and trunk
SyuL3 [X]Sequelae of other specified injuries of upper limb
SyuL4 [X]Sequelae of other fractures of lower limb
SyuL5 [X]Sequelae of other specified injuries of lower limb
SyuL6 [X]Sequelae of injuries, not specified by body regions
SyuL7 [X]Sequel burn/corros classif only accord ext body surf inv
SyuL8 [X]Sequelae of other specified burn, corrosion & frostbite
SyuL9 [X]Sequelae of other & unspecif effects of external causes
SyuLA [X]Sequelae of complication of surgical & medical care, NEC
SyuLB [X]Sequelae of unspecified injury of head
SyuLC [X]Sequelae of unspecified injury of neck and trunk
SyuLD [X]Sequelae of unspecified injury of upper limb
SyuLE [X]Sequelae of unspecified injury of lower limb
Sz... Injury and poisoning NOS
T.... Causes of injury and poisoning
T8... Accidental poisoning by drugs, medicines and biologicals
T80.. Accidental poisoning by analgesics,antipyretic,antirheumatic
T800. Accidental poisoning by heroin
T801. Accidental poisoning by methadone
T802. Accidental poisoning by other opiates
T8020 Accidental poisoning by codeine
T8021 Accidental poisoning by pethidine
T8022 Accidental poisoning by morphine
T8023 Accidental poisoning by opium
T802z Accidental poisoning by other opiates NOS
T803. Accidental poisoning by salicylates
T8030 Accidental poisoning by aspirin
T803z Accidental poisoning by salicylates NOS
T804. Accidental poisoning by aromatic analgesics NEC
T8040 Accidental poisoning by acetanilide
T8041 Accidental poisoning by paracetamol
T8042 Accidental poisoning by phenacetin
T804z Accidental poisoning by aromatic analgesics NOS
T805. Accidental poisoning by pyrazole derivatives
T8050 Accidental poisoning by aminophenazone
T8051 Accidental poisoning by phenylbutazone
T805z Accidental poisoning by pyrazole derivatives NOS
T806. Accidental poisoning by antirheumatics
T8060 Accidental poisoning by gold salts
T8061 Accidental poisoning by indomethacin
T8062 Accidental poisoning by naproxen
T8063 Accidental poisoning by ibuprofen
T8064 Accidental poisoning by ketoprofen
T806z Accidental poisoning by antirheumatics NOS
T807. Accidental poisoning by other non-narcotic analgesics
T8070 Accidental poisoning by pyrabital
T807z Accidental poisoning by non-narcotic analgesics NOS
T80y. Accidental poisoning by oth analgesics,antipyretic,antirheum
T80y0 Accidental poisoning by pentazocine
T80yz Accidental poisoning-oth analgesic,antipyretic,antirheum NOS
T80z. Accidental poisoning by analgesics,antipyretic,antirheum NOS
T81.. Accidental poisoning by barbiturates
T810. Accidental poisoning by amylobarbitone
T811. Accidental poisoning by barbitone
T812. Accidental poisoning by butabarbitone
T813. Accidental poisoning by pentobarbitone
T814. Accidental poisoning by phenobarbitone
T815. Accidental poisoning by quinalbarbitone
T81z. Accidental poisoning by barbiturates NOS
T82.. Accidental poisoning by other sedatives and hypnotics
T820. Accidental poisoning by chloral hydrate
T821. Accidental poisoning by paraldehyde
T822. Accidental poisoning by bromine compounds
T8220 Accidental poisoning by bromides
T8221 Accidental poisoning by cabromal derivatives
T8222 Accidental poisoning by carbamic esters
T822z Accidental poisoning by bromine compounds NOS
T823. Accidental poisoning by methaqualone compounds
T824. Accidental poisoning by glutethimide group
T825. Accidental poisoning by mixed sedatives NEC
T82y. Accidental poisoning by other sedatives and hypnotics OS
T82z. Accidental poisoning by sedatives and hypnotics NOS
T83.. Accidental poisoning by tranquillisers
T830. Accidental poisoning by phenothiazine-based tranquillisers
T8300 Accidental poisoning by chlorpromazine
T8301 Accidental poisoning by fluphenazine
T8302 Accidental poisoning by prochlorperazine
T8303 Accidental poisoning by promazine
T830z Accidental poisoning- phenothiazine-based tranquillisers NOS
T831. Accidental poisoning by butyrophenone-based tranquillisers
T8310 Accidental poisoning by haloperidol
T8311 Accidental poisoning by spiperone
T8312 Accidental poisoning by trifluperidol
T831z Accidental poisoning- butyrophenone-based tranquillisers NOS
T832. Accidental poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquillisers
T8320 Accidental poisoning by chlordiazepoxide
T8321 Accidental poisoning by diazepam
T8322 Accidental poisoning by flurazepam
T8323 Accidental poisoning by lorazepam
T8324 Accidental poisoning by medazepam
T8325 Accidental poisoning by nitrazepam
T832z Accidental poisoning- benzodiazepine-based tranquilliser NOS
T83y. Accidental poisoning by other tranquillisers
T83y0 Accidental poisoning by hydroxyzine
T83y1 Accidental poisoning by meprobamate
T83yz Accidental poisoning by other tranquillisers NOS
T83z. Accidental poisoning by tranquillisers NOS
T84.. Accidental poisoning by other psychotropic agents
T840. Accidental poisoning by antidepressants
T8400 Accidental poisoning by amitriptyline
T8401 Accidental poisoning by imipramine
T8402 Accidental poisoning by monoamine oxidase inhibitors
T840z Accidental poisoning by antidepressants NOS
T841. Accidental poisoning by hallucinogens
T8410 Accidental poisoning by cannabis derivatives
T8411 Accidental poisoning by lysergide, LSD
T8412 Accidental poisoning by marihuana derivatives
T8413 Accidental poisoning by mescaline
T8414 Accidental poisoning by psilocin
T8415 Accidental poisoning by psilocybin
T841z Accidental poisoning by hallucinogen NOS
T842. Accidental poisoning by psychostimulants
T8420 Accidental poisoning by amphetamine
T8421 Accidental poisoning by caffeine
T842z Accidental poisoning by psychostimulants NOS
T843. Accidental poisoning by central nervous system stimulants
T8430 Accidental poisoning by analeptics
T8431 Accidental poisoning by opiate antagonists
T843z Accidental poisoning by central nervous system stimulant NOS
T84z. Accidental poisoning by psychotropic agents NOS
T85.. Accidental poisoning by other drugs acting on nervous system
T850. Accidental poisoning by anticonvulsant + anti-parkinson drug
T8500 Accidental poisoning by amantadine
T8501 Accidental poisoning by hydantoin derivatives
T8502 Accidental poisoning by levodopa, L-dopa
T8503 Accidental poisoning by oxazolidine derivatives
T8504 Accidental poisoning by succinimides
T850z Accidental poisoning by anticonvulsant/anti-parkin drug NOS
T851. Accidental poisoning by oth central nervous syst depressants
T8510 Accidental poisoning by ether
T8511 Accidental poisoning by gaseous anaesthetics
T8512 Accidental poisoning by halogenated hydrocarbon derivatives
T8513 Accidental poisoning by intravenous anaesthetics
T8514 Accidental poisoning by thiobarbiturates
T851z Accidental poisoning by central nervous syst depressants NOS
T852. Accidental poisoning by local anaesthetic
T8520 Accidental poisoning by cocaine
T8521 Accidental poisoning by lignocaine
T8522 Accidental poisoning by procaine
T8523 Accidental poisoning by tetracaine
T852z Accidental poisoning by local anaesthetics NOS
T853. Accidental poisoning by cholinergics
T8530 Accidental poisoning by acetylcholine
T8531 Accidental poisoning by anticholinesterase
T8532 Accidental poisoning by pilocarpine
T853z Accidental poisoning by cholinergics NOS
T854. Accidental poisoning by anticholinergics
T8540 Accidental poisoning by atropine
T8541 Accidental poisoning by homatropine
T8542 Accidental poisoning by hyoscine
T8543 Accidental poisoning by quaternary ammonium derivatives
T854z Accidental poisoning by anticholinergics NOS
T855. Accidental poisoning by adrenergics
T8550 Accidental poisoning by adrenalin
T8551 Accidental poisoning by noradrenalin
T855z Accidental poisoning by adrenergics NOS
T856. Accidental poisoning by antiadrenergics
T8560 Accidental poisoning by phenoxybenzamine
T8561 Accidental poisoning by tolazoline hydrochloride
T856z Accidental poisoning by antiadrenergics NOS
T85y. Accid. poisoning by other drugs acting on nervous system OS
T85z. Accidental poisoning by drugs acting on nervous system NOS
T86.. Accidental poisoning by antibiotics
T87.. Accidental poisoning by anti-infectives
T88.. Accidental poisoning by other drugs
T880. Accidental poisoning by hormones and synthetic substitutes
T881. Accidental poisoning by primarily systemic agents
T882. Accidental poisoning by drugs affecting blood constituents
T883. Accidental poisoning by cardiovascular system drugs
T884. Accidental poisoning by gastrointestinal system drugs
T885. Accidental poisoning by water,mineral,uric acid metab drugs
T886. Accidental poisoning by muscle + respiratory system drugs
T887. Accidental poisoning by skin, eye, ENT and dental drugs
T8870 Accidental poisoning by skin drugs
T8871 Accidental poisoning by mucous membrane drugs
T8872 Accidental poisoning by ophthalmological drugs
T8873 Accidental poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs
T8874 Accidental poisoning by dental drugs
T887z Accidental poisoning by skin, eye, ENT and dental drug NOS
T88y. Accidental poisoning by other drugs OS
T88y0 Accidental poisoning by central appetite depressants
T88yz Accidental poisoning by other drugs NOS
T88z. Accidental poisoning by unspecified drugs
T8z.. Accidental poisoning by drugs NOS
T9... Accidental poisoning by other non-drug substances
T90.. Accidental poisoning by alcohol, NEC
T900. Accidental poisoning by alcoholic beverages
T901. Accidental poisoning by other ethyl alcohol and its products
T9010 Accidental poisoning by denatured alcohol
T9011 Accidental poisoning by methylated spirit
T9012 Accidental poisoning by grain alcohol NOS
T9013 Accidental poisoning by ethanol, NOS
T901z Accidental poisoning by ethyl alcohol NOS
T902. Accidental poisoning by methyl alcohol
T9020 Accidental poisoning by methanol
T9021 Accidental poisoning by wood alcohol
T902z Accidental poisoning by methyl alcohol NOS
T903. Accidental poisoning by isopropyl alcohol
T9030 Accidental poisoning by dimethyl carbinol
T9031 Accidental poisoning by isopropanol
T9032 Accidental poisoning by rubbing alcohol substitute
T9033 Accidental poisoning by secondary propyl alcohol
T903z Accidental poisoning by isopropyl alcohol NOS
T904. Accidental poisoning by fusel oil
T90y. Accidental poisoning by other alcohols
T90z. Accidental poisoning by alcohol NOS
T91.. Accidental poisoning by household agents
T910. Accidental poisoning by synthetic detergents and shampoos
T911. Accidental poisoning by soap products
T912. Accidental poisoning by polishes
T913. Accidental poisoning by other cleaning agents
T9130 Accidental poisoning by scouring agents
T913z Accidental poisoning by other cleaning agents NOS
T914. Accidental poisoning by disinfectants
T915. Accidental poisoning by lead paints
T916. Accidental poisoning by other paints and varnishes
T9160 Accidental poisoning by lacquers
T9161 Accidental poisoning by oil colours
T9162 Accidental poisoning by non-lead paints
T9163 Accidental poisoning by white washes
T916z Accidental poisoning by paint or varnish NOS
T91z. Accidental poisoning by household agents NOS
T92.. Accidental poisoning by petrol products
T920. Accidental poisoning by petroleum solvents
T9200 Accidental poisoning by petroleum ether
T9201 Accidental poisoning by petroleum benzine
T9202 Accidental poisoning by petroleum naphtha
T920z Accidental poisoning by petrol solvents NOS
T921. Accidental poisoning by petrol fuels and cleaners
T9210 Accidental poisoning by antiknock additives to petroleum
T9211 Accidental poisoning by gas oils
T9212 Accidental poisoning by petrol
T9213 Accidental poisoning by kerosene
T921z Accidental poisoning by petrol fuel or cleaner NOS
T922. Accidental poisoning by lubricating oils
T923. Accidental poisoning by petroleum solids
T9230 Accidental poisoning by paraffin wax
T923z Accidental poisoning by petrol solids NOS
T924. Accidental poisoning by other solvents
T9240 Accidental poisoning by benzene
T924z Accidental poisoning by other solvents NOS
T92z. Accidental poisoning by solvent NOS
T93.. Accidental poisoning by agricultural chemical preparations
T930. Accidental poisoning by organochlorine insecticides
T9300 Accidental poisoning by benzene hexachlorine
T9301 Accidental poisoning by chlordane
T9302 Accidental poisoning by DDT
T9303 Accidental poisoning by dieldrin
T9304 Accidental poisoning by endrine
T9305 Accidental poisoning by toxaphene
T930z Accidental poisoning by organochlorine insecticides NOS
T931. Accidental poisoning by organophosphorus insecticides
T9310 Accidental poisoning by demeton
T9311 Accidental poisoning by diazinon
T9312 Accidental poisoning by dichlorvos
T9313 Accidental poisoning by malathion
T9314 Accidental poisoning by methyl parathion
T9315 Accidental poisoning by parathion
T9316 Accidental poisoning by phenylsulphthion
T9317 Accidental poisoning by phorate
T9318 Accidental poisoning by phosdrin
T931z Accidental poisoning by organophosphorus insecticides NOS
T932. Accidental poisoning by carbamates
T9320 Accidental poisoning by aldicarb
T9321 Accidental poisoning by carbaryl
T9322 Accidental poisoning by propoxur
T932z Accidental poisoning by carbamates NOS
T933. Accidental poisoning by mixtures of insecticides
T934. Accidental poisoning by other insecticides
T9340 Accidental poisoning by insecticides of kerosene compounds
T934z Accidental poisoning by insecticides NOS
T935. Accidental poisoning by herbicides
T9350 Accidental poisoning by 2,4-D
T9351 Accidental poisoning by 2,4,5-T
T9352 Accidental poisoning by chlorates
T9353 Accidental poisoning by diquat
T9354 Accidental poisoning by mixtures herbicides+plant food etc
T9355 Accidental poisoning by paraquat
T935z Accidental poisoning by herbicides NOS
T936. Accidental poisoning by fungicides
T9360 Accidental poisoning by organic mercurials
T9361 Accidental poisoning by pentachlorophenol
T936z Accidental poisoning by fungicides NOS
T937. Accidental poisoning by rodenticides
T9370 Accidental poisoning by fluoroacetates
T9371 Accidental poisoning by squill and derivatives
T9372 Accidental poisoning by thallium
T9373 Accidental poisoning by warfarin
T9374 Accidental poisoning by zinc phosphide
T937z Accidental poisoning by rodenticides NOS
T938. Accidental poisoning by fumigants
T9380 Accidental poisoning by cyanides
T9381 Accidental poisoning by methyl bromide
T9382 Accidental poisoning by phosphine
T938z Accidental poisoning by fumigants NOS
T93z. Accidental poisoning agricultural chemical preparations NOS
T94.. Accidental poisoning by corrosives and caustics NEC
T940. Accidental poisoning by corrosive aromatics
T9400 Accidental poisoning by carbolic acid
T940z Accidental poisoning by corrosive aromatics NOS
T941. Accidental poisoning by acids
T9410 Accidental poisoning by hydrochloric acid
T9411 Accidental poisoning by nitric acid
T9412 Accidental poisoning by sulphuric acid
T941z Accidental poisoning by acids NOS
T942. Accidental poisoning by caustic alkalis
T9420 Accidental poisoning by sodium hydroxide
T9421 Accidental poisoning by lye
T942z Accidental poisoning by caustic alkalis NOS
T94y. Accidental poisoning by other corrosives and caustics
T94z. Accidental poisoning by corrosives and caustics NOS
T95.. Accidental poisoning from foodstuffs and poisonous plants
T950. Accidental poisoning from meat
T951. Accidental poisoning from shellfish
T952. Accidental poisoning from other fish
T953. Accidental poisoning from berries and seeds
T9530 Accidental poisoning from berries
T9531 Accidental poisoning from seeds
T953z Accidental poisoning from berries or seeds NOS
T954. Accidental poisoning from other plants
T955. Accidental poisoning from mushrooms and other fungi
T9550 Accidental poisoning from mushrooms
T955y Accidental poisoning from other fungi
T955z Accidental poisoning from mushrooms and fungi NOS
T95y. Accidental poisoning by other foods
T95z. Accidental poisoning by foodstuffs and poisonous plants NOS
T96.. Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances
T960. Accidental poisoning by lead and its compounds and fumes
T9600 Accidental poisoning by lead, unspecified
T9601 Accidental poisoning by lead compounds
T9602 Accidental poisoning by lead fumes
T960z Accidental poisoning by lead, NOS
T961. Accidental poisoning by mercury and its compounds and fumes
T9610 Accidental poisoning by mercury, unspecified
T9611 Accidental poisoning by mercury compounds
T9612 Accidental poisoning by mercury fumes
T961z Accidental poisoning by mercury, NOS
T962. Accidental poisoning by antimony and its compounds and fumes
T9620 Accidental poisoning by antimony, unspecified
T9621 Accidental poisoning by antimony compounds
T9622 Accidental poisoning by antimony fumes
T962z Accidental poisoning by antimony, NOS
T963. Accidental poisoning by arsenic and its compounds and fumes
T9630 Accidental poisoning by arsenic, unspecified
T9631 Accidental poisoning by arsenic compounds
T9632 Accidental poisoning by arsenic fumes
T963z Accidental poisoning by arsenic, NOS
T964. Accidental poisoning by other metals + compounds and fumes
T9640 Accidental poisoning by beryllium and its compounds
T9641 Accidental poisoning by brass fumes
T9642 Accidental poisoning by cadmium and its compounds
T9643 Accidental poisoning by copper salts
T9644 Accidental poisoning by iron compounds
T9645 Accidental poisoning by manganese and its compounds
T9646 Accidental poisoning by nickel compounds
T9647 Accidental poisoning by thallium compounds
T964z Accidental poisoning by metals + compounds and fumes NOS
T965. Accidental poisoning by plant foods and fertilisers
T9650 Accidental poisoning by plant food
T9651 Accidental poisoning by fertilisers
T965z Accidental poisoning by plant foods and fertilisers NOS
T966. Accidental poisoning by glues and adhesives
T9660 Accidental poisoning by glues
T966y Accidental poisoning by other adhesives
T966z Accidental poisoning by glues and adhesives NOS
T967. Accidental poisoning by cosmetics
T96y. Accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances OS
T96z. Accidental poisoning by solid and liquid substances NOS
T97.. Accidental poisoning by gas distributed by pipeline
T970. Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide from piped gas
T971. Accidental poisoning by coal gas NOS
T972. Accidental poisoning by liquefied petroleum gas in pipe
T973. Accidental poisoning by piped natural gas
T97z. Accidental poisoning by gas distributed by pipeline NOS
T98.. Accidental poisoning by other utility gas + carbon monoxide
T980. Accidental poisoning by liquefied petrol gas- mobile contain
T9801 Accidental poisoning by butane
T9802 Accidental poisoning by propane
T980z Accidental poisoning by liquefied hydrocarbon gas NOS
T981. Accidental poisoning by other utility gas
T9810 Accidental poisoning by acetylene
T9811 Accidental poisoning by water gas
T9812 Accidental poisoning by lighting gas NOS
T9813 Accidental poisoning by heating gas NOS
T9814 Accidental poisoning by cooking gas NOS
T981z Accidental poisoning by utility gas NOS
T982. Accidental poisoning by motor vehicle exhaust gas
T9820 Accidental poisoning by exhaust gas-stationary farm tractor
T9821 Accidental poisoning by exhaust gas from gas engine
T9822 Accidental poisoning by exhaust gas from motor pump
T9823 Accidental poisoning by exhaust gas-stationary motor vehicle
T982z Accidental poisoning by exhaust gas from motor vehicle NOS
T983. Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide-other domestic fuel
T9830 Accidental poisoning by CO- coal in domestic stove/fireplace
T9831 Accidental poisoning by CO- coke in domestic stove/fireplace
T9832 Accidental poisoning by CO- wood in domestic stove/fireplace
T9833 Accidental poisoning by CO- kerosene in domestic stove/fire
T983z Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide - domestic fuel NOS
T98y. Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide from other sources
T98y0 Accidental poisoning by CO - blast furnace gas
T98y1 Accidental poisoning by CO - kiln vapour
T98y2 Accidental poisoning by CO - fuels in industrial use
T98yz Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide from oth source NOS
T98z. Accidental poisoning by carbon monoxide NOS
T99.. Accidental poisoning by other gases and vapours
T990. Accidental poisoning by nitrogen oxides
T991. Accidental poisoning by sulphur dioxide
T992. Accidental poisoning by freon
T993. Accidental poisoning by tear gas
T9930 Accidental poisoning by bromobenzyl cyanide
T9931 Accidental poisoning by chloroacetophenone
T9932 Accidental poisoning by ethyliodoacetate
T993z Accidental poisoning by tear gas NOS
T99y. Accidental poisoning by other gases and vapours OS
T99y0 Accidental poisoning by chlorine
T99y1 Accidental poisoning by hydrocyanic acid gas
T99yz Accidental poisoning by other gases and vapours NOS
T99z. Accidental poisoning by gases and vapours NOS
T9z.. Accidental poisoning NOS
TA... Medical accidents to patients during surgical/medical care
TA0.. Accidental cut, puncture, perforation ,hge - medical care
TA00. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - surgical operation
TA01. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - infusion or transfusion
TA010 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - infusion
TA011 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - transfusion
TA01z Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - infusion or transfusion NOS
TA02. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - kidney dialysis/oth perfusion
TA020 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - kidney dialysis
TA02y Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - other perfusion
TA02z Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - perfusion NOS
TA03. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - injection or vaccination
TA030 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - injection
TA031 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - vaccination
TA03z Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - injection or vaccination NOS
TA04. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - endoscopic examination
TA05. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - aspirate fluid/tiss ,catheter
TA050 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - abdominal paracentesis
TA051 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - aspirating needle biopsy
TA052 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - blood sampling
TA053 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - lumbar puncture
TA054 Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - thoracentesis
TA05z Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - aspirate fluid/tiss, cath NOS
TA06. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - heart catheterisation
TA07. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - administration of enema
TA0y. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - other medical care
TA0z. Accid cut,puncture,perf,hge - medical care NOS
TA1.. Foreign object left in body during procedure
TA10. Foreign object left in body during surgical operation
TA11. Foreign object left in body during infusion or transfusion
TA110 Foreign object left in body during infusion
TA111 Foreign object left in body during transfusion
TA11z Foreign object left in body during infusion/transfusion NOS
TA12. Foreign object left in body during perfusion
TA120 Foreign object left in body during kidney dialysis
TA12y Foreign object left in body during other perfusion
TA12z Foreign object left in body during perfusion NOS
TA13. Foreign object left in body during injection or vaccination
TA130 Foreign object left in body during injection
TA131 Foreign object left in body during vaccination
TA13z Foreign object left in body during injection/vaccination NOS
TA14. Foreign object left in body during endoscopic examination
TA15. FB left in body - aspiration fluid/tissue,puncture,catheter
TA150 Foreign object left in body during abdominal paracentesis
TA151 Foreign object left in body during aspirating needle biopsy
TA152 Foreign object left in body during blood sampling
TA153 Foreign object left in body during lumbar puncture
TA154 Foreign object left in body during thoracentesis
TA15z FB left in body - aspirate fluid/tiss,puncture,catheter NOS
TA16. Foreign object left in body during heart catheterisation
TA17. Foreign object left in body during removal of catheter/pack
TA170 Foreign object left in body during removal of catheter
TA171 Foreign object left in body during removal of packing
TA17z Foreign object left in body during removal catheter/pack NOS
TA1y. Foreign object left in body during other procedure
TA1z. Foreign object left in body during procedure NOS
TA2.. Failure of sterile precautions during procedure
TA20. Failure of sterile precautions during surgical operation
TA21. Failure of sterile precautions during infusion/transfusion
TA210 Failure of sterile precautions during infusion
TA211 Failure of sterile precautions during transfusion
TA21z Failure of sterile precautions - infusion or transfusion NOS
TA22. Failure of sterile precautions during perfusion
TA220 Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis
TA22y Failure of sterile precautions during other perfusion
TA22z Failure of sterile precautions during perfusion NOS
TA23. Failure of sterile precautions during injection/vaccination
TA230 Failure of sterile precautions during injection
TA231 Failure of sterile precautions during vaccination
TA23z Failure of sterile precautions during injection/vacc NOS
TA24. Failure of sterile precautions during endoscopic examination
TA25. Not sterile - aspiration fluid/tissue, puncture, catheter
TA250 Failure of sterile precautions during abdominal paracentesis
TA251 Failure of sterile precautions - aspirating needle biopsy
TA252 Failure of sterile precautions during blood sampling
TA253 Failure of sterile precautions during lumbar puncture
TA254 Failure of sterile precautions during thoracentesis
TA25z Not sterile - aspiration fluid/tiss, puncture, catheter NOS
TA26. Failure of sterile precautions during heart catheterisation
TA2y. Failure of sterile precautions during other procedure
TA2z. Failure of sterile precautions during procedure NOS
TA3.. Failure in dosage
TA30. Excess blood or other fluid during transfusion or infusion
TA300 Excessive amount of blood or other fluid transfused
TA301 Excessive amount of blood or other fluid infused
TA30z Excess blood or other fluid transfused or infused NOS
TA31. Incorrect dilution of fluid during infusion
TA32. Overdose of radiation in therapy
TA33. Inadvertent exposure of patient to radiation - medical care
TA34. Failure in dose in shock therapy
TA340 Failure in dose in electroshock therapy
TA341 Failure in dose in insulin-shock therapy
TA34z Failure in dose in shock therapy NOS
TA35. Inappropriate temperature in local application and packing
TA350 Local application or packing too hot
TA351 Local application or packing too cold
TA35z Inappropriate temperature in local application/packing NOS
TA36. Nonadministration of necessary drug or medicine
TA3y. Other failure in dose
TA3z. Failure in dose NOS
TA4.. Mechanical failure of instrument/apparatus in procedure
TA40. Mechanical failure of apparatus - surgical operation
TA41. Mechanical failure of apparatus during infusion/transfusion
TA410 Mechanical failure of apparatus during infusion
TA411 Mechanical failure of apparatus during transfusion
TA41z Mechanical failure of apparatus - infusion/transfusion NOS
TA42. Mechanical failure of apparatus during perfusion
TA420 Mechanical failure of apparatus during kidney dialysis
TA42y Mechanical failure of apparatus during other perfusion
TA42z Mechanical failure of apparatus during perfusion NOS
TA43. Mechanical failure apparatus during endoscopic examination
TA44. Mechanical failure apparatus - aspirate fluid/tiss, catheter
TA440 Mechanical failure of apparatus - abdominal paracentesis
TA441 Mechanical failure of apparatus - aspirating needle biopsy
TA442 Mechanical failure of apparatus - blood sampling
TA443 Mechanical failure of apparatus - lumbar puncture
TA444 Mechanical failure of apparatus - thoracentesis
TA44z Mechanical failure apparatus - aspirate fluid/tiss, cath NOS
TA45. Mechanical failure of apparatus during heart catheterisation
TA4y. Mechanical failure of apparatus during other procedure
TA4z. Mechanical failure of apparatus during procedure NOS
TA5.. Administration of contaminated fluid, blood, drug, substance
TA50. Contaminated substance transfused or infused
TA500 Contaminated substance transfused
TA501 Contaminated substance infused
TA50z Contaminated substance transfused or infused NOS
TA51. Contaminated substance injected or used for vaccination
TA510 Contaminated substance injected
TA511 Contaminated substance used for vaccination
TA51z Contaminated substance injected or used for vaccination NOS
TA52. Contaminated drug/biological substance given by unspec means
TA5y. Administration of other contaminated substance
TA5z. Administration of contaminated substance NOS
TAy.. Other misadventures during medical care
TAy0. Mismatched blood transfused
TAy1. Wrong fluid infused
TAy2. Failure in suture and ligature during surgical operation
TAy20 Suture failure during surgical operation
TAy21 Ligature failure during surgical operation
TAy2z Suture or ligature failure during surgical operation NOS
TAy3. Endotracheal tube wrongly placed during anaesthetic proced
TAy4. Failure to introduce or to remove other tube or instrument
TAy40 Failure to introduce other tube or instrument
TAy41 Failure to remove other tube or instrument
TAy4z Tube position failure NOS
TAy5. Performance of inappropriate operation
TAyy. Other misadventure during medical care OS
TAyz. Misadventure during medical care, NOS
TAz.. Medical accident to patient NOS
TB... Medical + surgical procedures causing complications,no blame
TB0.. Surgical procedures causing complications, without blame
TB00. Organ transplant with complication, without blame
TB000 Heart transplant with complication, without blame
TB001 Kidney transplant with complication, without blame
TB002 Liver transplant with complication, without blame
TB00z Organ transplant with complication, without blame NOS
TB01. Implant artificial internal device + complication, no blame
TB010 Implant of cardiac pacemaker with complication, no blame
TB011 Electrodes implanted in brain with complication, no blame
TB012 Implant of heart valve prosthesis + complication, no blame
TB013 Implant internal orthopaedic device + complication, no blame
TB01z Implant artificial internal device+complication NOS,no blame
TB02. Anastomosis, bypass or graft, with complication, no blame
TB020 Arteriovenous anastomosis with complication, without blame
TB021 Gastrojejunal anastomosis with complication, without blame
TB022 Blood vessel graft with complication, without blame
TB023 Tendon graft with complication, without blame
TB024 Skin graft with complication, without blame
TB02z Anastomosis, bypass or graft with complication, no blame NOS
TB03. Formation of external stoma with complication, without blame
TB030 Formation of colostomy with complication, without blame
TB031 Formation of cystostomy with complication, without blame
TB032 Formation of duodenostomy with complication, without blame
TB033 Formation of gastrostomy with complication, without blame
TB034 Formation of ureterostomy with complication , without blame
TB03z Formation of external stoma with complication, no blame, NOS
TB04. Other restorative surgery with complication, without blame
TB05. Amputation of limb(s) with complication, without blame
TB06. Removal of other organ with complication, without blame
TB060 Partial removal of other organ with complication, no blame
TB061 Total removal of other organ with complication, no blame
TB06z Removal of other organ with complication, no blame, NOS
TB0y. Other surgical operations/procedures+complication, no blame
TB0z. Surgical operations/procedures + complication, no blame, NOS
TB1.. Other medical procedures with complication, no blame
TB10. Cardiac catheterisation with complication, without blame
TB11. Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame
TB12. Radiological procedures/radiotherapy + complication,no blame
TB120 Radiological procedure with complication, without blame
TB121 Radiotherapy procedure with complication, without blame
TB12z Radiological proced/radiotherapy+complication, no blame, NOS
TB13. Shock therapy with complication, without blame
TB130 Electroshock therapy with complication, without blame
TB131 Insulin-shock therapy with complication, without blame
TB13z Shock therapy with complication, without blame, NOS
TB14. Aspiration of fluid with complication, without blame
TB140 Lumbar puncture with complication, without blame
TB141 Thoracentesis with complication, without blame
TB142 Amniocentesis with complication, without blame
TB14z Aspiration of fluid with complication, without blame NOS
TB15. Insertion of gastric/duodenal sound + complication, no blame
TB150 Insertion of gastric sound with complication, without blame
TB151 Insertion of duodenal sound with complication, without blame
TB15z Insertion gastric/duodenal sound + complication,no blame NOS
TB16. Urinary catheterisation with complication, without blame
TB17. Blood sampling with complication, without blame
TB1y. Other procedure with complication, without blame
TB1y0 Blood transfusion with complication, without blame
TB1yz Other procedure with complication, without blame, NOS
TB1z. Other medical procedure with complication, no blame, NOS
TC... Accidental falls
TC0.. Fall on or from stairs or steps
TC00. Fall on or from escalator
TC000 Fall on escalator
TC001 Fall from escalator
TC00z Fall on or from escalator NOS
TC01. Fall on or from stairs
TC010 Fall on stairs
TC011 Fall from stairs
TC01z Fall on or from stairs NOS
TC02. Fall on or from steps
TC020 Fall on steps
TC021 Fall from steps
TC02z Fall on or from steps NOS
TC0z. Fall on or from stairs or steps NOS
TC1.. Fall on or from ladders or scaffolding
TC10. Fall from ladder
TC11. Fall from scaffolding
TC1z. Fall from ladder or scaffolding NOS
TC2.. Fall from or out of building or other structure
TC20. Fall from balcony
TC21. Fall from bridge
TC22. Fall from building
TC23. Fall from flagpole
TC24. Fall from tower
TC25. Fall from turret
TC26. Fall from viaduct
TC27. Fall from wall
TC28. Fall from window
TC29. Fall through roof
TC2z. Fall from or out of building or other structure NOS
TC3.. Fall into hole or other opening in surface
TC30. Accident caused by diving or jumping into water
TC300 Hit against bottom when diving into shallow water
TC301 Hit against bottom when jumping into shallow water
TC302 Hit wall of swimming pool
TC303 Hit board of swimming pool
TC304 Accident caused by hitting water surface
TC305 Accident caused by fall into swimming pool
TC30z Accident caused by diving or jumping into water NOS
TC31. Accidental fall into well
TC32. Accidental fall into manhole
TC320 Accidental fall into manhole, unspecified
TC321 Accidental fall into storm drain
TC32z Accidental fall into manhole NOS
TC3y. Fall into other hole or other opening in surface
TC3y0 Fall into cavity, unspecified
TC3y1 Fall into dock
TC3y2 Fall into hole
TC3y3 Fall into pit
TC3y4 Fall into quarry
TC3y5 Fall into shaft
TC3y6 Fall into tank
TC3yz Fall into other hole, unspecified
TC3z. Fall into hole NOS
TC4.. Other fall from one level to another
TC40. Fall from playground equipment
TC41. Fall from cliff
TC42. Fall from chair or bed
TC420 Fall from chair
TC421 Fall from bed
TC42z Fall from chair or bed NOS
TC4y. Other fall from one level to another
TC4y0 Fall from embankment
TC4y1 Fall from haystack
TC4y2 Fall from stationary vehicle
TC4y3 Fall from tree
TC4yz Other fall from one level to another NOS
TC4z. Fall from one level to another NOS
TC5.. Fall on same level from slipping, tripping or stumbling
TC50. Fall on same level from slipping
TC51. Fall on same level from tripping
TC52. Fall on same level from stumbling
TC53. Fall on moving sidewalk
TC5z. Fall on same level from slipping, tripping or stumbling NOS
TC6.. Fall on same level- collision/push/shove by/with oth person
TC60. Fall on same level from sports contact
TC600 Fall on same level from tackle in sport
TC60y Other fall in sport
TC60z Fall on same level from sports contact NOS
TC6y. Fall on same level from other push/shove/collide oth person
TC6y0 Fall on same level from collision with other person, unspec
TC6y1 Fall on same level from pushing by other person, unspecified
TC6y2 Fall on same level from shoving by other person, unspecified
TC6yz Other fall on same level- push/shove/collide-oth person NOS
TC6z. Fall on same level- push/shove/collide - other person NOS
TC7.. Fracture, cause unspecified
TCy.. Other falls
TCy0. Fall from bump against object
TCyz. Other accidental fall NOS
TCz.. Accidental falls NOS
TD... Accidents caused by fire and flames
TD0.. Conflagration in private dwelling
TD00. Explosion caused by conflagration in private dwelling
TD000 Explosion caused by conflagration in apartment
TD001 Explosion caused by conflagration in boarding house
TD002 Explosion caused by conflagration in camping place
TD003 Explosion caused by conflagration in caravan
TD004 Explosion caused by conflagration in farmhouse
TD005 Explosion caused by conflagration in house
TD006 Explosion caused by conflagration in lodging house
TD007 Explosion caused by conflagration in mobile home
TD008 Explosion caused by conflagration in private garage
TD009 Explosion caused by conflagration in rooming house
TD00A Explosion caused by conflagration in tenement
TD00z Explosion caused by conflagration in private dwelling NOS
TD01. Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-private dwell
TD010 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-apartment
TD011 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-boarding house
TD012 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-camping place
TD013 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-caravan
TD014 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-farmhouse
TD015 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-house
TD016 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-lodging house
TD017 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-mobile home
TD018 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-private garage
TD019 Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-rooming house
TD01A Fumes from combustion of PVC in conflagration-tenement
TD01z Fumes, combustion of PVC in conflagration-private dwell NOS
TD02. Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in private dwelling
TD020 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in apartment
TD021 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in boarding house
TD022 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in camping place
TD023 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in caravan
TD024 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in farmhouse
TD025 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in house
TD026 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in lodging house
TD027 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in mobile home
TD028 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in private garage
TD029 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in rooming house
TD02A Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in tenement
TD02z Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration private dwell NOS
TD03. Fumes NOS from conflagration in private dwelling
TD030 Fumes NOS from conflagration in apartment
TD031 Fumes NOS from conflagration in boarding house
TD032 Fumes NOS from conflagration in camping place
TD033 Fumes NOS from conflagration in caravan
TD034 Fumes NOS from conflagration in farmhouse
TD035 Fumes NOS from conflagration in house
TD036 Fumes NOS from conflagration in lodging house
TD037 Fumes NOS from conflagration in mobile home
TD038 Fumes NOS from conflagration in private garage
TD039 Fumes NOS from conflagration in rooming house
TD03A Fumes NOS from conflagration in tenement
TD03z Fumes NOS from conflagration in private dwelling NOS
TD04. Smoke NOS from conflagration in private dwelling
TD040 Smoke NOS from conflagration in apartment
TD041 Smoke NOS from conflagration in boarding house
TD042 Smoke NOS from conflagration in camping place
TD043 Smoke NOS from conflagration in caravan
TD044 Smoke NOS from conflagration in farmhouse
TD045 Smoke NOS from conflagration in house
TD046 Smoke NOS from conflagration in lodging house
TD047 Smoke NOS from conflagration in mobile home
TD048 Smoke NOS from conflagration in private garage
TD049 Smoke NOS from conflagration in rooming house
TD04A Smoke NOS from conflagration in tenement
TD04z Smoke NOS from conflagration in private dwelling NOS
TD05. Burning caused by conflagration in private dwelling
TD050 Burning caused by conflagration in apartment
TD051 Burning caused by conflagration in boarding house
TD052 Burning caused by conflagration in camping place
TD053 Burning caused by conflagration in caravan
TD054 Burning caused by conflagration in farmhouse
TD055 Burning caused by conflagration in house
TD056 Burning caused by conflagration in lodging house
TD057 Burning caused by conflagration in mobile home
TD058 Burning caused by conflagration in private garage
TD059 Burning caused by conflagration in rooming house
TD05A Burning caused by conflagration in tenement
TD05z Burning caused by conflagration in private dwelling NOS
TD06. Accident due to collapse of burning private dwelling
TD060 Accident due to collapse of burning apartment
TD061 Accident due to collapse of burning boarding house
TD062 Accident due to collapse of burning camping place
TD063 Accident due to collapse of burning caravan
TD064 Accident due to collapse of burning farmhouse
TD065 Accident due to collapse of burning house
TD066 Accident due to collapse of burning lodging home
TD067 Accident due to collapse of burning mobile home
TD068 Accident due to collapse of burning private garage
TD069 Accident due to collapse of burning rooming house
TD06A Accident due to collapse of burning tenement
TD06z Accident due to collapse of burning private dwelling NOS
TD07. Accident due to fall from burning private dwelling
TD070 Accident due to fall from burning apartment
TD071 Accident due to fall from burning boarding house
TD072 Accident due to fall from burning camping place
TD073 Accident due to fall from burning caravan
TD074 Accident due to fall from burning farmhouse
TD075 Accident due to fall from burning house
TD076 Accident due to fall from burning lodging house
TD077 Accident due to fall from burning mobile home
TD078 Accident due to fall from burning private garage
TD079 Accident due to fall from burning rooming house
TD07A Accident due to fall from burning tenement
TD07z Accident due to fall from burning private dwelling NOS
TD08. Hit by object falling from burning private dwelling
TD080 Hit by object falling from burning apartment
TD081 Hit by object falling from burning boarding house
TD082 Hit by object falling from burning camping place
TD083 Hit by object falling from burning caravan
TD084 Hit by object falling from burning farmhouse
TD085 Hit by object falling from burning house
TD086 Hit by object falling from burning lodging house
TD087 Hit by object falling from burning mobile home
TD088 Hit by object falling from burning private garage
TD089 Hit by object falling from burning rooming house
TD08A Hit by object falling from burning tenement
TD08z Hit by object falling from burning private dwelling NOS
TD09. Jump from burning private dwelling
TD090 Jump from burning apartment
TD091 Jump from burning boarding house
TD092 Jump from burning camping place
TD093 Jump from burning caravan
TD094 Jump from burning farmhouse
TD095 Jump from burning house
TD096 Jump from burning lodging house
TD097 Jump from burning mobile home
TD098 Jump from burning private garage
TD099 Jump from burning rooming house
TD09A Jump from burning tenement
TD09z Jump from burning private dwelling NOS
TD0y. Other accident resulting from conflagration-private dwelling
TD0y0 Other accident resulting from conflagration-apartment
TD0y1 Other accident resulting from conflagration-boarding house
TD0y2 Other accident resulting from conflagration-camping place
TD0y3 Other accident resulting from conflagration-caravan
TD0y4 Other accident resulting from conflagration-farmhouse
TD0y5 Other accident resulting from conflagration-house
TD0y6 Other accident resulting from conflagration-lodging house
TD0y7 Other accident resulting from conflagration-mobile home
TD0y8 Other accident resulting from conflagration-private garage
TD0y9 Other accident resulting from conflagration-rooming house
TD0yA Other accident resulting from conflagration-tenement
TD0yz Other accident resulting- conflagration-private dwelling NOS
TD0z. Accidents caused by conflagration in private dwelling NOS
TD1.. Conflagration in other building or structure
TD10. Explosion caused by conflagration - other building/structure
TD100 Explosion caused by conflagration in barn
TD101 Explosion caused by conflagration in church
TD102 Explosion caused by conflagration in convalescent home
TD103 Explosion caused by conflagration in other residential home
TD104 Explosion caused by conflagration dormitory of educat inst
TD105 Explosion caused by conflagration in factory
TD106 Explosion caused by conflagration in farm outbuildings
TD107 Explosion caused by conflagration in hospital
TD108 Explosion caused by conflagration in hotel
TD109 Explosion caused by conflagration in school
TD10A Explosion caused by conflagration in store
TD10B Explosion caused by conflagration in theatre
TD10z Explosion caused by conflagration in building/structure NOS
TD11. Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in other structure
TD110 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in barn
TD111 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in church
TD112 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in convalescent home
TD113 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in other resident home
TD114 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, dormitory educat inst
TD115 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in factory
TD116 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in farm outbuildings
TD117 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in hospital
TD118 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in hotel
TD119 Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in school
TD11A Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in store
TD11B Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in theatre
TD11z Fumes from combustion of PVC in fire, in struct/building NOS
TD12. Carbon monoxide fumes from fire in other structure/building
TD120 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in barn
TD121 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in church
TD122 Carbon monoxide fumes from fire in convalescent home
TD123 Carbon monoxide fumes from fire in other residential home
TD124 Carbon monoxide fumes from fire in dormitory of educat inst
TD125 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in factory
TD126 Carbon monoxide fumes from fire in farm outbuildings
TD127 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in hospital
TD128 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in hotel
TD129 Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in school
TD12A Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in store
TD12B Carbon monoxide fumes from conflagration in theatre
TD12z Carbon monoxide fumes from fire in structure or building NOS
TD13. Fumes NOS from conflagration in structure or building
TD130 Fumes NOS from conflagration in barn
TD131 Fumes NOS from conflagration in church
TD132 Fumes NOS from conflagration in convalescent home
TD133 Fumes NOS from conflagration in other residential home
TD134 Fumes NOS from conflagration in dormitory of educat inst
TD135 Fumes NOS from conflagration in factory
TD136 Fumes NOS from conflagration in farm outbuilding
TD137 Fumes NOS from conflagration in hospital
TD138 Fumes NOS from conflagration in hotel
TD139 Fumes NOS from conflagration in school
TD13A Fumes NOS from conflagration in store
TD13B Fumes NOS from conflagration in theatre
TD13z Fumes NOS from conflagration in structure or building NOS
TD14. Smoke NOS from conflagration in structure or building
TD140 Smoke NOS from conflagration in barn
TD141 Smoke NOS from conflagration in church
TD142 Smoke NOS from conflagration in convalescent home
TD143 Smoke NOS from conflagration in other residential home
TD144 Smoke NOS from conflagration in dormitory of educat inst
TD145 Smoke NOS from conflagration in factory
TD146 Smoke NOS from conflagration in farm outbuilding
TD147 Smoke NOS from conflagration in hospital
TD148 Smoke NOS from conflagration in hotel
TD149 Smoke NOS from conflagration in school
TD14A Smoke NOS from conflagration in store
TD14B Smoke NOS from conflagration in theatre
TD14z Smoke NOS from conflagration in structure or building NOS
TD15. Burning caused by conflagration in other structure/building
TD150 Burning caused by conflagration in barn
TD151 Burning caused by conflagration in church
TD152 Burning caused by conflagration in convalescent home
TD153 Burning caused by conflagration in other residential home
TD154 Burning caused by fire in dormitory of educational inst
TD155 Burning caused by conflagration in factory
TD156 Burning caused by conflagration in farm outbuilding
TD157 Burning caused by conflagration in hospital
TD158 Burning caused by conflagration in hotel
TD159 Burning caused by conflagration in school
TD15A Burning caused by conflagration in store
TD15B Burning caused by conflagration in theatre
TD15z Burning caused by conflagration in structure or building NOS
TD16. Accident due to collapse of other burning structure/building
TD160 Accident due to collapse of burning barn
TD161 Accident due to collapse of burning church
TD162 Accident due to collapse of burning convalescent home
TD163 Accident due to collapse of other burning residential home
TD164 Accident due to collapse of burning dormitory of educat inst
TD165 Accident due to collapse of burning factory
TD166 Accident due to collapse of burning farm outbuilding
TD167 Accident due to collapse of burning hospital
TD168 Accident due to collapse of burning hotel
TD169 Accident due to collapse of burning school
TD16A Accident due to collapse of burning store
TD16B Accident due to collapse of burning theatre
TD16z Accident due to collapse of burning structure/building NOS
TD17. Accident due to fall from other burning structure/building
TD170 Accident due to fall from burning barn
TD171 Accident due to fall from burning church
TD172 Accident due to fall from burning convalescent home
TD173 Accident due to fall from other burning residential home
TD174 Accident due to fall from burning dormitory of educat inst
TD175 Accident due to fall from burning factory
TD176 Accident due to fall from burning farm outbuilding
TD177 Accident due to fall from burning hospital
TD178 Accident due to fall from burning hotel
TD179 Accident due to fall from burning school
TD17A Accident due to fall from burning store
TD17B Accident due to fall from burning theatre
TD17z Accident due to fall from burning structure or building NOS
TD18. Hit by object falling from other burning structure/building
TD180 Hit by object falling from burning barn
TD181 Hit by object falling from burning church
TD182 Hit by object falling from burning convalescent home
TD183 Hit by object falling from other burning residential home
TD184 Hit by object falling from burning dormitory of educat inst
TD185 Hit by object falling from burning factory
TD186 Hit by object falling from burning farm outbuilding
TD187 Hit by object falling from burning hospital
TD188 Hit by object falling from burning hotel
TD189 Hit by object falling from burning school
TD18A Hit by object falling from burning store
TD18B Hit by object falling from burning theatre
TD18z Hit by object falling from burning structure or building NOS
TD19. Jump from other burning structure or building
TD190 Jump from burning barn
TD191 Jump from burning church
TD192 Jump from burning convalescent home
TD193 Jump from other burning residential home
TD194 Jump from burning dormitory of educational institution
TD195 Jump from burning factory
TD196 Jump from burning farm outbuilding
TD197 Jump from burning hospital
TD198 Jump from burning hotel
TD199 Jump from burning school
TD19A Jump from burning store
TD19B Jump form burning theatre
TD19z Jump from burning structure or building NOS
TD1y. Other accident due to fire in other structure/building
TD1y0 Other accident resulting from conflagration in barn
TD1y1 Other accident resulting from conflagration in church
TD1y2 Other accident due to conflagration in convalescent home
TD1y3 Other accident due to fire in other residential home
TD1y4 Other accident due to fire in dormitory of educational inst
TD1y5 Other accident resulting from conflagration in factory
TD1y6 Other accident resulting from fire in farm outbuilding
TD1y7 Other accident resulting from conflagration in hospital
TD1y8 Other accident resulting from conflagration in hotel
TD1y9 Other accident resulting from conflagration in school
TD1yA Other accident resulting from conflagration in store
TD1yB Other accident resulting from conflagration in theatre
TD1yz Other accident due to fire in other structure/building NOS
TD1z. Accident caused by fire in other structure or building NOS
TD2.. Conflagration not in building or structure
TD20. Uncontrolled fire in forest
TD21. Uncontrolled fire in grass
TD22. Uncontrolled fire in hay
TD23. Uncontrolled lumber fire
TD24. Uncontrolled fire in mine
TD25. Uncontrolled fire on prairie
TD26. Uncontrolled fire in stationary transport vehicle
TD27. Uncontrolled fire in tunnel
TD2z. Conflagration not in building or structure NOS
TD3.. Accidents caused by clothes on fire, ACOF
TD30. Accid-clothes on fire from controlled fire-private dwelling
TD300 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - normal charcoal fire
TD301 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - normal coal fire
TD302 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - normal electric fire
TD303 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - normal gas fire
TD304 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - normal wood fire
TD305 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - brazier
TD306 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - furnace
TD307 ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - stove
TD30z ACOF-contr fire in private dwelling - fireplace NOS
TD31. Accid-clothes on fire from controlled fire-other structure
TD310 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - normal charcoal fire
TD311 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - normal coal fire
TD312 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - normal electric fire
TD313 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - normal gas fire
TD314 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - normal wood fire
TD315 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - brazier
TD316 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - furnace
TD317 ACOF-contr fire in other structure - stove
TD31z ACOF-contr fire in other structure - fireplace NOS
TD32. Accid-clothes on fire from controlled fire in the open
TD320 ACOF-controlled fire in the open due to bonfire
TD321 ACOF-controlled fire in the open due to brazier
TD322 ACOF-controlled fire in the open due to trash fire
TD32z Acc,caus clothes fire from contr fire, not in building,NOS
TD3y. Accident caused by clothes on fire from other sources
TD3y0 Accident caused by clothes on fire from blowlamp
TD3y1 Accident caused by clothes on fire from blowtorch
TD3y2 Accident caused by clothes on fire from burning bedspread
TD3y3 Accident caused by clothes on fire from candle
TD3y4 Accident caused by clothes on fire from cigar
TD3y5 Accident caused by clothes on fire from cigarette
TD3y6 Accident caused by clothes on fire from lighter
TD3y7 Accident caused by clothes on fire from matches
TD3y8 Accident caused by clothes on fire from pipe
TD3y9 Accident caused by clothes on fire from welding torch
TD3yz Accident caused by clothes on fire from source NOS
TD3z. Ignition of clothing NOS
TD4.. Ignition of highly inflammable material
TD40. Ignition of benzine with ignition of clothing
TD41. Ignition of gasoline with ignition of clothing
TD42. Ignition of fat with ignition of clothing
TD43. Ignition of kerosene with ignition of clothing
TD44. Ignition of paraffin with ignition of clothing
TD45. Ignition of petrol with ignition of clothing
TD46. Ignition of liquid paraffin gas with ignition of clothing
TD4z. Ignition of highly inflammable material NOS
TD5.. Accident caused by controlled fire in private dwelling
TD50. Accident caused by normal charcoal fire in private dwelling
TD51. Accident caused by normal coal fire in private dwelling
TD52. Accident caused by normal electric fire in private dwelling
TD53. Accident caused by normal gas fire in private dwelling
TD54. Accident caused by normal wood fire in private dwelling
TD55. Accident caused by brazier in private dwelling
TD56. Accident caused by furnace in private dwelling
TD57. Accident caused by cooker, unspecified, in private dwelling
TD570 Accident caused by gas cooker in private dwelling
TD571 Accident caused by solid fuel cooker in private dwelling
TD572 Accident caused by electric cooker in private dwelling
TD573 Accident by liquid paraffin gas cooker in private dwelling
TD5z. Accident caused by fireplace in private dwelling NOS
TD6.. Accident caused by controlled fire other structure/building
TD60. Accident caused by normal charcoal fire other struct/build
TD61. Accident caused by normal coal fire in other struct/building
TD62. Accident caused by normal electric fire other struct/build
TD63. Accident caused by normal gas fire other structure/building
TD64. Accident caused by normal wood fire other structure/building
TD65. Accident caused by brazier in other structure or building
TD66. Accident caused by furnace in other structure or building
TD67. Accident caused by stove in other structure or building
TD6z. Accident caused by fireplace in structure or building NOS
TD7.. Accident caused by controlled fire in the open
TD70. Accident caused by controlled fire in the open, bonfire
TD71. Accident caused by controlled fire in the open, brazier
TD72. Accident caused by controlled fire in the open, trash fire
TD7z. Accident caused by flame from controlled fire in open NOS
TDy.. Accident caused by other fire and flames
TDy0. Burning bedclothes
TDyy. Accident caused by other flame
TDyy0 Accident caused by blowlamp
TDyy1 Accident caused by blowtorch
TDyy2 Accident caused by candle
TDyy3 Accident caused by cigar
TDyy4 Accident caused by cigarette
TDyy5 Accident caused by lamp
TDyy6 Accident caused by lighter
TDyy7 Accident caused by matches
TDyy8 Accident caused by pipe
TDyy9 Accident caused by welding torch
TDyyA Accident caused by fire in room NOS
TDyyz Accident caused by other flame NOS
TDyz. Accident caused by other flame or fire NOS
TDz.. Accident caused by fire or flames NOS
TDz1. Accident caused by unspecified fire
TE... Accidents due to natural and environmental factors
TE0.. Accidents due to excessive heat
TE00. Accidents due to hot weather
TE01. Accidents due to heat of man-made origin
TE010 Accident due to heat in boiler room
TE011 Accident due to heat in drying room
TE012 Accident due to heat in factory
TE013 Accident due to heat generated in transport vehicle
TE014 Accident due to heat in kitchen
TE01z Accident due to heat of man-made origin NOS
TE0z. Accidents due to excessive heat NOS
TE1.. Accidents due to excessive cold
TE10. Accidents due to cold weather
TE11. Accidents due to cold of man-made origin
TE110 Accidents due to dry ice
TE111 Accidents due to liquid air
TE112 Accidents due to liquid hydrogen
TE113 Accidents due to liquid nitrogen
TE114 Accidents due to deep freeze unit
TE115 Accidents due to refrigerator
TE11z Accident due to cold of man-made cold origin NOS
TE1y. Accidents due to other excessive cold
TE1z. Accidents due to excessive cold NOS
TE2.. Accidents due to high+low air pressure/air pressure changes
TE20. Accidents due to residence/prolonged visit at high altitude
TE200 Accidents due to residence at high altitude
TE201 Accidents due to prolonged visit at high altitude
TE20z Accidents due to residence/prolonged visit-high altitude NOS
TE21. Accidents due to sudden change in air pressure in aircraft
TE210 Accident due to sudden air pressure change,aircraft - ascent
TE211 Accident due to sudden air pressure change, aircraft-descent
TE21z Accident due to sudden air pressure change in aircraft NOS
TE22. Accident due to diving pressure
TE220 Accident due to high air pressure-rapid descent in water
TE221 Accident due to reduction air pressure - ascent from diving
TE22z Accident due to diving pressure NOS
TE2y. Accidents due to high/low/changes air pressure-other causes
TE2y0 Accid - reduction atmos pressure- surfacing from underground
TE2yz Accident due to other cause of air pressure change NOS
TE2z. Accidents due to high/low/change in air pressure, cause NOS
TE3.. Accidents due to travel and motion
TE4.. Accidents due to hunger, thirst, exposure and neglect
TE40. Accidents due to abandonment or neglect of helpless person
TE400 Accident due to abandonment of newborn
TE401 Accident due to neglect of newborn
TE402 Accident due to abandonment of elderly person
TE403 Accident due to neglect of elderly person
TE404 Exposure to weather conditions resulting from abandonment
TE40z Accident due to abandonment/neglect of helpless person NOS
TE41. Accident due to lack of food
TE42. Accident due to lack of water
TE43. Accidents due to exposure to weather conditions NEC
TE430 Accident due to exposure to humidity
TE431 Accident due to striking by hailstones
TE43z Accident due to exposure to weather conditions NOS
TE4z. Accident due to privation, unqualified
TE4z0 Accident due to destitution
TE4zz Accident due to privation NOS
TE5.. Venomous animals+plants - cause of poisoning+toxic reactions
TE50. Poisoning due to venomous snakes and lizards
TE500 Poisoning due to cobra venom
TE501 Poisoning due to copperhead snake venom
TE502 Poisoning due to coral snake venom
TE503 Poisoning due to fer de lance venom
TE504 Poisoning due to gila monster venom
TE505 Poisoning due to krait venom
TE506 Poisoning due to mamba venom
TE507 Poisoning due to rattlesnake venom
TE508 Poisoning due to sea snake venom
TE509 Poisoning due to viper venom
TE50A Poisoning due to water moccasin venom
TE50y Poisoning due to other snake venom
TE50z Poisoning due to venomous snake or lizard NOS
TE51. Poisoning due to venomous spiders
TE510 Poisoning due to black widow spider venom
TE511 Poisoning due to brown spider venom
TE512 Poisoning due to tarantula spider venom
TE51z Poisoning due to venomous spider NOS
TE52. Poisoning due to scorpion venom
TE53. Toxic reaction to hornets, wasps and bees
TE530 Toxic reaction to hornet sting
TE531 Toxic reaction to wasp sting
TE532 Toxic reaction to bee sting
TE53z Toxic reaction to hornets wasps and bees NOS
TE54. Poisoning due to centipede and venomous millipede
TE540 Poisoning due to centipede venom
TE541 Poisoning due to millipede venom
TE54z Poisoning due to centipede or venomous millipede NOS
TE55. Poisoning due to other venomous arthropods
TE550 Poisoning due to sting of ant
TE551 Poisoning due to sting of caterpillar
TE55z Poisoning due to venomous arthropod NOS
TE56. Poisoning due to venomous marine animals and plants
TE560 Puncture by sea urchin spine
TE561 Accidentally stung by coral
TE562 Accidentally stung by jelly fish
TE563 Accidentally stung by menatocyst
TE564 Accidentally stung by sea anemone
TE565 Accidentally stung by sea cucumber
TE56y Stung by other sea animal or plant
TE56z Stung by sea animal or plant NOS
TE57. Toxic reactions caused by other plants
TE5y. Poisoning due to other venomous animals or plants
TE5z. Poisoning due to venomous animals and plants NOS
TE6.. Other injury caused by animals
TE60. Dog bite
TE61. Rat bite
TE62. Bite of nonvenomous snakes and lizards
TE63. Bite of other animal except arthropod
TE630 Cat bite
TE631 Moray eel bite
TE632 Bite of rodent, except rats
TE633 Shark bite
TE63z Bite of animal, except arthropod, NOS
TE64. Bite of nonvenomous arthropod
TE640 Insect bite NOS
TE64z Nonvenomous arthropod bite NOS
TE6y. Injury caused by other animal
TE6y0 Butted by animal
TE6y1 Fallen on by unridden horse
TE6y2 Fall on by unridden animal NOS
TE6y3 Gored by animal
TE6y4 Porcupine quill implantation
TE6y5 Pecked by bird
TE6y6 Run over by unridden animal
TE6y7 Stepped on by unridden animal
TE6y8 Scratched by cat
TE6yz Injury caused by other animal NOS
TE6z. Injury caused by animal NOS
TE7.. Accident caused by lightning
TE8.. Accidents caused by storms and floods resulting from storms
TE80. Accident caused by blizzard
TE81. Accident caused by cloudburst
TE82. Accident caused by cyclone
TE83. Accident caused by flood arising from remote storm
TE84. Accident caused by cataclysmic flood from melting snow
TE85. Accident caused by flood resulting directly from storm
TE86. Accident caused by hurricane
TE87. Accident caused by tidal wave storm
TE88. Accident caused by tornado
TE89. Accident caused by torrential rain
TE8A. Transport vehicle washed off road by storm
TE8z. Accident caused by storms and floods NOS
TE9.. Accidents caused by cataclysmic earth surface movement/erupt
TE90. Accident caused by avalanche
TE91. Accident caused by collapse of dam
TE92. Accident caused by earthquake
TE93. Accident caused by landslide
TE94. Accident caused by cataclysmic mud slide
TE95. Accident caused by tidal wave NEC
TE96. Accident caused by tsunami
TE97. Accident caused by volcanic eruption
TE9z. Accident caused by earth surface movement or eruption NOS
TEz.. Accidents due to natural and environmental factors NOS
TF... Accidents caused by submersion, suffocation, foreign bodies
TF0.. Accidental drowning and submersion
TF00. Accidental drowning and submersion while water skiing
TF01. Accidental drowning and submersion during diving sport
TF010 Accidental drowning and submersion while scuba diving NOS
TF011 Accidental drowning and submersion while skin diving NOS
TF012 Accidental drowning/submersion-underwater spear fishing NOS
TF01z Accidental drowning and submersion during diving sport NOS
TF02. Accidental drowning and submersion during sport NEC
TF020 Accidental drowning/submersion-fishing not from boat/diving
TF021 Accidental drowning/submersion-hunting not from boat/diving
TF022 Accidental drowning and submersion while ice skating
TF023 Accidental drowning and submersion while playing in water
TF024 Accidental drowning and submersion while surfboarding
TF025 Accidental drowning and submersion while wading in water
TF026 Accidental drowning and submersion while swimming NOS
TF02z Accidental drowning and submersion during sport NOS
TF03. Accidental drowning/submersion-swim/diving-not sport/recreat
TF030 Accidental drowning and submersion during marine salvage
TF031 Accidental drowning and submersion while pearl diving
TF032 Accidental drowning/submersion during placement fishing nets
TF033 Accidental drowning/submersion during rescue attempt person
TF034 Accidental drown/submersion during underwater construction
TF035 Accidental drowning/submersion during underwater repairs
TF03z Accidental drowning/submersion-swim/diving, not sport NOS
TF04. Accidental drowning and submersion in bathtub
TF0y. Other accidental drowning and submersion
TF0y0 Accidental drowning and submersion in quenching tank
TF0y1 Accidental drowning and submersion in swimming pool
TF0yz Other accidental drowning and submersion NOS
TF0z. Accidental drowning and submersion NOS
TF1.. Inhalation/ingestion of food - resp obstruction/suffocation
TF10. Asphyxia by food
TF100 Asphyxia by bone in food
TF101 Asphyxia by seed in food
TF102 Asphyxia by regurgitated food
TF10z Asphyxia by food NOS
TF11. Choked on food
TF110 Choked on bone in food
TF111 Choked on seed in food
TF112 Choked on regurgitated food
TF11z Choked on food NOS
TF12. Suffocation by food
TF120 Suffocation by bone in food
TF121 Suffocation by seed in food
TF122 Suffocation by regurgitated food
TF12z Suffocation by food NOS
TF13. Respiratory obstruction due to food lodged in oesophagus
TF130 Tracheal compression due to food lodged in oesophagus
TF131 Interruption of respiration due to food lodged in oesophagus
TF132 Respiratory obstruction due to food lodged in oesophagus
TF133 Obstruction of pharynx by food
TF13z Respiratory obstruction due to food lodged in oesophagus NOS
TF1z. Inhalation/ingestion food - resp obstruction/suffocation NOS
TF2.. Inhalation/ingestion oth object-resp obstruction/suffocation
TF20. Foreign object in nose causing obstruction respiratory tract
TF200 Bean in nose with obstruction of respiratory tract
TF201 Marble in nose with obstruction of respiratory tract
TF20z Foreign object in nose causing respiratory obstruction NOS
TF21. Obstruction of pharynx by foreign body
TF22. Respiratory obstruction caused by foreign body in oesophagus
TF220 Respiratory compression caused by foreign body in oesophagus
TF221 Interruption of respiration - foreign body in oesophagus
TF222 Obstruction of respiration - foreign body in oesophagus
TF22z Respiratory obstruction - foreign body in oesophagus NOS
TF2z. Inhalation/ingestion obj NOS + resp obstruction/suffocation
TF3.. Accidental mechanical suffocation
TF30. Accidental mechanical suffocation in bed or cradle
TF300 Accidental mechanical suffocation in bed
TF301 Accidental mechanical suffocation in cradle
TF30z Accidental mechanical suffocation in bed NOS
TF31. Accidental mechanical suffocation by plastic bag
TF32. Accidental mechanical suffocation - lack of air/closed space
TF320 Accidental mechanical suffocation in refrigerator
TF321 Accidental mechanical suffocation diving, insufficient air
TF32z Accidental mechanical suffocation, lack air/closed space NOS
TF33. Accidental mechanical suffocation by falling earth etc
TF330 Cave-in NOS
TF33z Accidental mechanical suffocation by falling earth etc NOS
TF3y. Other accidental mechanical suffocation
TF3y0 Accidental hanging, except in bed or cradle
TF3yz Other accidental mechanical suffocation NOS
TF3z. Accidental mechanical suffocation, unspecified
TF3z0 Accidental mechanical asphyxia NOS
TF3z1 Accidental strangulation NOS
TF3z2 Accidental suffocation NOS
TF3zz Accidental mechanical suffocation NOS
TF4.. Foreign body accidentally entering eye and adnexa
TF5.. Foreign body accidentally entering other orifice
TFz.. Accidents caused by submersion,suffocation,foreign body NOS
TG... Other accidents
TG0.. Accidentally struck by falling object
TG00. Accidentally struck by falling building
TG01. Accidentally struck by falling rock
TG02. Accidentally struck by snowslide NOS
TG03. Accidentally struck by falling stone
TG04. Accidentally struck by falling tree
TG05. Accidentally struck by object falling from still machine
TG06. Accidentally struck - object falling from stationary vehicle
TG0z. Accidentally struck by falling object NOS
TG1.. Accidentally struck by or against objects or persons
TG10. Accidentally struck by or against person or object in sports
TG100 Accidentally kicked during football game
TG101 Accidentally stepped on during football game
TG102 Accidentally kicked during rugby game
TG103 Accidentally stepped on during rugby game
TG104 Accidentally knocked down while boxing
TG105 Accidentally struck by thrown ball
TG106 Accidentally struck by hockey stick
TG107 Accidentally struck by hockey puck
TG10y Accidentally struck person or object in sport OS
TG10z Accidentally struck person or object in sport NOS
TG11. Accidents caused by a crowd, by collective fear or panic
TG110 Accidentally crushed by a crowd by collective fear or panic
TG111 Accidentally pushed by a crowd by collective fear or panic
TG112 Accidentally stepped on by crowd by collective fear or panic
TG11z Accident caused by a crowd, by collective fear or panic NOS
TG12. Accidentally hit by/against object/person in running water
TG13. Accidentally struck by or against person NOS
TG130 Accidental bumping into person NOS
TG131 Accidental collision with person NOS
TG132 Accidental kicking against person NOS
TG133 Accidental stepping on person NOS
TG134 Accidentally struck by person NOS
TG13z Accidentally struck person NOS
TG14. Accidentally struck by or against pedestrian conveyance NOS
TG140 Accidental bumping into pedestrian conveyance
TG141 Accidental collision with pedestrian conveyance
TG142 Accidental kicking against pedestrian conveyance
TG143 Accidental stepping on pedestrian conveyance
TG144 Accidentally struck by pedestrian conveyance
TG14z Accidentally struck pedestrian conveyance NOS
TG15. Accidentally hit by or against moving object NOS
TG150 Accidental bumping into moving object
TG151 Accidental collision with moving object
TG152 Accidental kicking against moving object
TG153 Accidental stepping on moving object
TG154 Accidentally struck by moving object
TG15z Accidentally struck moving object NOS
TG16. Accidentally struck by or against projected object NOS
TG160 Accidental bumping into projected object
TG161 Accidental collision with projected object
TG162 Accidental kicking against projected object
TG163 Accidental stepping on projected object
TG164 Accidentally struck by projected object
TG16z Accidentally struck projected object NOS
TG17. Accidentally struck by or against stationary object NOS
TG170 Accidental bumping into stationary object
TG171 Accidental collision with stationary object
TG172 Accidental kicking against stationary object
TG173 Accidental stepping on stationary object
TG174 Accidentally struck by stationary object
TG17z Accidentally struck stationary object NOS
TG1z. Accidentally struck by or against object or person NOS
TG1z0 Accident caused by air rifle
TG1zz Accidentally struck object or person NOS
TG2.. Accidentally caught in or between objects
TG20. Accidentally caught in escalator
TG21. Accidentally caught in folding object
TG22. Accidentally caught in hand tool, appliance or implement
TG23. Accidentally caught in sliding door
TG24. Accidentally caught in door frame
TG25. Accidentally caught under packing crate due to losing grip
TG26. Accidentally caught in washing machine wringer
TG2z. Accidentally caught between objects NOS
TG3.. Accidents caused by machinery
TG30. Accidents caused by machinery, unspecified
TG300 Accidentally burned by machinery
TG301 Accidentally caught in machinery
TG302 Accident caused by collapse of machinery
TG303 Accidentally crushed by machinery
TG304 Accidentally cut or pierced by machinery
TG305 Accidentally drowned by machinery
TG306 Accident caused by explosion of, on, or in, machinery
TG307 Accident caused by fall into moving part of machinery
TG308 Accident caused by fall from moving part of machinery
TG309 Accident caused by fire starting in or on machinery
TG30A Accidental mechanical suffocation caused by machinery
TG30B Accident caused by object falling from/on/moved by,machinery
TG30C Accident caused by overturning of machinery
TG30D Accidentally pinned under machinery
TG30E Accidentally run over by machinery
TG30F Accidentally struck by machinery
TG30G Accidentally thrown from machinery
TG30H Accident caused by being caught by machinery+other object
TG30z Accident caused by machinery NOS
TG31. Accidents caused by agricultural machines
TG310 Accident caused by animal powered agricultural machine
TG311 Accident caused by hay derrick
TG312 Accident caused by farm tractor
TG313 Accident caused by harvester
TG314 Accident caused by hay mower
TG315 Accident caused by hay rake
TG316 Accident caused by reaper
TG317 Accident caused by thresher
TG31z Accident caused by agricultural machinery NOS
TG32. Accidents caused by mining and earth-drilling machinery
TG320 Accident caused by land bore or drill
TG321 Accident caused by seabed bore or drill
TG322 Accident caused by drilling shaft hoist
TG323 Accident caused by drilling shaft lift
TG324 Accident caused by drilling under-cutter
TG32z Accident caused by mining or earth drilling machinery NOS
TG33. Accidents caused by lifting machines and appliances
TG330 Accident caused by chain hoist
TG331 Accident caused by crane
TG332 Accident caused by derrick
TG333 Accident caused by grain elevator
TG334 Accident caused by building elevator
TG335 Accident caused by forklift truck
TG336 Accident caused by lift
TG337 Accident caused by pulley block
TG338 Accident caused by winch
TG33z Accident caused by lifting machine or appliance NOS
TG34. Accidents caused by metalworking machines
TG340 Accident caused by abrasive wheel
TG341 Accident caused by forging machine
TG342 Accident caused by lathe
TG343 Accident caused by mechanical shears
TG344 Accident caused by metal drilling machine
TG345 Accident caused by metal milling machine
TG346 Accident caused by metal power press
TG347 Accident caused by metal rolling-mill
TG348 Accident caused by metal sawing machine
TG34z Accident caused by metalworking machine NOS
TG35. Accidents caused by woodworking and forming machines
TG350 Accident caused by band saw
TG351 Accident caused by bench saw
TG352 Accident caused by circular saw
TG353 Accident caused by moulding machine
TG354 Accident caused by overhead plane
TG355 Accident caused by powered saw
TG356 Accident caused by radial saw
TG357 Accident caused by sander
TG35z Accident caused by woodworking or forming machine NOS
TG36. Accidents caused by prime movers, except electrical motors
TG360 Accident caused by gas turbine
TG361 Accident caused by internal combustion engine
TG362 Accident caused by steam engine
TG363 Accident caused by water driven turbine
TG36z Accident caused by prime mover NOS
TG37. Accidents caused by transmission machinery
TG370 Accident caused by transmission belt
TG371 Accident caused by transmission cable
TG372 Accident caused by transmission chain
TG373 Accident caused by transmission gear
TG374 Accident caused by transmission pinion
TG375 Accident caused by transmission pulley
TG376 Accident caused by transmission shaft
TG37z Accident caused by transmission machinery NOS
TG38. Accident caused by earth moving/excavation machines NOS
TG380 Accident caused by bulldozer
TG381 Accident caused by road scraper
TG382 Accident caused by steam shovel
TG3y. Accident caused by other machinery
TG3y0 Accident caused by machine for manufacture of clothing
TG3y1 Accident caused by machine for manufacture of food/beverages
TG3y2 Accident caused by machine for manufacture of paper
TG3y3 Accident caused by printing machine
TG3y4 Accident caused by recreational machinery
TG3y5 Accident caused by spinning machine
TG3y6 Accident caused by weaving machine
TG3y7 Accident caused by textile machine
TG3yz Accident caused by other machinery NOS
TG3z. Accident caused by machinery NOS
TG4.. Accidents caused by cutting and piercing instruments/objects
TG40. Accident caused by powered lawn mower
TG41. Accident caused by other powered hand tool
TG410 Accident caused by powered drill
TG411 Accident caused by powered hand saw
TG412 Accident caused by powered hedge clipper
TG413 Accident caused by powered rivet gun
TG414 Accident caused by powered snow blower
TG415 Accident caused by powered staple gun
TG41z Accident caused by powered hand tool NOS
TG42. Accidents caused by powered household appliances/implements
TG420 Accident caused by electric mixer or beater
TG421 Accident caused by electric can opener
TG422 Accident caused by electric fan
TG423 Accident caused by electric knife
TG424 Accident caused by electric sewing machine
TG425 Accident caused by garbage disposal appliance
TG42z Accident caused by powered household appliance/implement NOS
TG43. Accidents caused by knives, swords and daggers
TG430 Accident caused by knife
TG431 Accident caused by sword
TG432 Accident caused by dagger
TG43z Accident caused by knife, sword or dagger NOS
TG44. Accident caused by other hand tools and implements
TG440 Accident caused by axe
TG441 Accident caused by can opener NOS
TG442 Accident caused by chisel
TG443 Accident caused by fork
TG444 Accident caused by hand saw
TG445 Accident caused by hoe
TG446 Accident caused by ice pick
TG447 Accident caused by needle
TG448 Accident caused by paper cutter
TG449 Accident caused by pitchfork
TG44A Accident caused by rake
TG44B Accident caused by scissors
TG44C Accident caused by screwdriver
TG44D Accident caused by sewing machine, not powered
TG44E Accident caused by shovel
TG44z Accident caused by hand tool or implement NOS
TG4y. Accidents caused by other cutting/piercing instrument/object
TG4y0 Accident caused by arrow
TG4y1 Accident caused by broken glass
TG4y2 Accident caused by dart
TG4y3 Accident caused by edge of stiff paper
TG4y4 Accident caused by lathe turnings
TG4y5 Accident caused by nail
TG4y6 Accident caused by plant thorn
TG4y7 Accident caused by splinter
TG4y8 Accident caused by tin can lid
TG4yz Accident caused by other cutting/piercing instrument NOS
TG4z. Accidents caused by cutting/piercing instruments/objects NOS
TG5.. Accidents caused by explosion of pressure vessel
TG50. Accident caused by explosion of boiler
TG51. Accident caused by explosion of gas cylinder
TG510 Accident caused by explosion of air tank
TG511 Accident caused by explosion of pressure gas tank
TG51z Accident caused by explosion of gas cylinder NOS
TG5y. Accident caused by explosion of other pressure vessel
TG5y0 Accident caused by explosion of aerosol can
TG5y1 Accident caused by explosion of car tyre
TG5y2 Accident caused by explosion of pressure cooler
TG5yz Accident caused by explosion of other pressure vessel NOS
TG5z. Accident caused by explosion of pressure vessel NOS
TG6.. Accident caused by firearm missile
TG60. Accident caused by handgun
TG600 Accident caused by pistol
TG601 Accident caused by revolver
TG60z Accident caused by handgun NOS
TG61. Accident caused by automatic shotgun
TG62. Accident caused by hunting rifle
TG63. Accident caused by military firearms
TG630 Accident caused by army rifle
TG631 Accident caused by machine gun
TG63z Accident caused by military firearm NOS
TG6y. Accident caused by other firearm missile
TG6y0 Accident caused by Verey pistol, flare
TG6yz Accident caused by other firearm missile NOS
TG6z. Accident caused by unspecified firearm missile
TG6z0 Accident caused by gunshot wound NOS
TG6z1 Accident caused by shot NOS
TG6zz Accident caused by firearm missile NOS
TG7.. Accident caused by explosive material
TG70. Accident caused by fireworks
TG71. Accident caused by blasting materials
TG710 Accident caused by blasting cap
TG711 Accident caused by detonator
TG712 Accident caused by dynamite
TG713 Accident caused by blasting explosive NOS
TG71z Accident caused by blasting material NOS
TG72. Accident caused by explosive gases
TG720 Accident caused by explosion of acetylene
TG721 Accident caused by explosion of butane
TG722 Accident caused by explosion of coal gas
TG723 Accident caused by explosion of fire damp
TG724 Accident caused by explosion of gasoline fumes
TG725 Accident caused by explosion of methane
TG726 Accident caused by explosion of propane
TG72y Accident caused by explosion in mine NOS
TG72z Accident caused by explosive gas NOS
TG7y. Accident caused by other explosive materials
TG7y0 Accident caused by explosion of bomb
TG7y1 Accident caused by explosive missile
TG7y2 Accident caused by explosion of grenade
TG7y3 Accident caused by explosion of mine
TG7y4 Accident caused by explosion of shell
TG7y5 Accident caused by explosion of torpedo
TG7y6 Accident caused by explosion of munitions dump
TG7y7 Accident caused by explosion of munitions factory
TG7yz Accident caused by other explosive material NOS
TG7z. Accidents caused by explosion NOS
TG8.. Accidents caused by hot substance, caustic/corrosive, steam
TG80. Accidents caused by hot liquids and vapours,including steam
TG800 Accidental burning/scalding caused by boiling water, unspec
TG801 Accidental burning/scalding caused by boiling liquid, unspec
TG802 Accidental burning or scalding caused by liquid metal
TG803 Accidental burning or scalding caused by steam
TG804 Accidental burning/scalding by boiling water from kettle
TG805 Accidental burning/scalding by boiling water from saucepan
TG806 Accidental burning or scalding caused by tea
TG807 Accidental burning or scalding caused by coffee
TG808 Accidental burning or scalding caused by chocolate
TG809 Accidental burning or scalding caused by milk
TG80A Accidental burning/scalding caused by soup, stew or curries
TG80B Accidental burning or scalding caused by fat
TG80C Accidental burning or scalding caused by steam from kettle
TG80D Accidental burning or scalding by steam from car radiator
TG80y Accidental burning or scalding caused by other hot vapour
TG80z Accidental burning/scalding caused by hot liquid/vapour NOS
TG81. Accidental burning caused by caustic and corrosive substance
TG810 Accidental burning caused by acid
TG811 Accidental burning caused by ammonia
TG812 Accidental burning caused by caustic oven cleaner etc
TG813 Accidental burning caused by lye
TG814 Accidental burning caused by vitriol burning
TG815 Accidental burning caused by hydrofluoric acid
TG81y Accidental burning caused by other caustic or corrosive
TG81z Accidental burning caused by caustic or corrosive NOS
TG8y. Accidental burning caused by other hot substance or object
TG8y0 Accid burning caused by heat from electric heating appliance
TG8y1 Accidental burning caused by light bulb
TG8y2 Accidental burning caused by steam pipe
TG8y3 Accidental burning or scalding caused by bitumen or tar
TG8y4 Accidental burning or scalding caused by plastic
TG8yz Accidental burning caused by hot object NOS
TG8z. Accident caused by hot substance,caustic/corrosive,steam NOS
TG9.. Accidents caused by electric current
TG90. Accident caused by domestic electric current
TG91. Accident caused by central electric current
TG910 Accident caused by electric power generating plants
TG911 Accident caused by electric power distribution station
TG912 Accident caused by broken power line
TG91z Accident caused by central electric current NOS
TG92. Accidents caused by industrial electric current
TG920 Accident caused by industrial electrical conductors
TG921 Accident caused by industrial electrical control apparatus
TG922 Accident caused by industrial electrical equipment+machines
TG923 Accident caused by industrial electrical transformers
TG92z Accident caused by industrial electric current NOS
TG9y. Accidents caused by other electric current
TG9y0 Accident caused by electric wiring and appliances on farm
TG9y1 Accident caused by electric wiring and appliances outdoors
TG9y2 Accident caused by electric wiring in public building
TG9y3 Accident caused by electric wiring and appliances in school
TG9y4 Accident caused by electric wiring in resident institution
TG9yz Accident caused by other electric current NOS
TG9z. Accidents caused by unspecified electric current
TG9z0 Accidental burn or other injury from electric current NOS
TG9z1 Accidental electric shock NOS
TG9z2 Accidental electrocution NOS
TG9zz Accident caused by electric current NOS
TGA.. Exposure to radiation
TGA0. Overexposure to radiofrequency radiation
TGA00 Overexposure to microwave radiation
TGA01 Overexposure to radar radiation
TGA0z Overexposure to radiofrequency radiation NOS
TGA1. Overexposure to infra-red heater or lamp
TGA2. Overexposure to visual and ultraviolet light sources
TGA20 Overexposure to arc lamp radiation
TGA21 Overexposure to black light source
TGA22 Overexposure to electrical welding arc
TGA23 Overexposure to oxygas welding torch
TGA24 Overexposure to sun rays
TGA2z Overexposure to visible or ultraviolet source NOS
TGA3. Overexposure to X-ray+oth electromagnetic ionising radiation
TGA30 Overexposure to gamma rays
TGA31 Overexposure to hard X-rays
TGA32 Overexposure to soft X-rays
TGA3z Overexposure to X-rays NOS
TGA4. Overexposure to lasers
TGA5. Overexposure to radioactive isotopes
TGA50 Overexposure to radiobiologicals
TGA51 Overexposure to radiopharmaceuticals
TGA5z Overexposure to radioactive isotope NOS
TGAy. Overexposure to other radiation
TGAy0 Overexposure to betatron generated ionised particles
TGAy1 Overexposure to synchrotron generated ionised particles
TGAyz Overexposure to other radiation NOS
TGAz. Overexposure to radiation NOS
TGB.. Overexertion and strenuous movements
TGB0. Excessive physical exercise, unspecified
TGB1. Overexertion from lifting
TGB2. Overexertion from pulling
TGB3. Overexertion from pushing
TGBz. Overexertion NOS
TGy.. Other environmental and accidental causes
TGy0. Prolonged stay in weightless environment
TGy1. Accident caused by exposure to noise
TGy10 Accident caused by noise pollution
TGy11 Accident caused by sound waves
TGy12 Accident caused by supersonic waves
TGy1z Accident caused by noise exposure NOS
TGy2. Accident due to vibration
TGyy. Accident due to other cause, NOS
TGyz. Unspecified accidents
TGyz0 Blow NOS
TGyz1 Casualty,not due to war, of accident NOS
TGyz2 Accidental decapitation NOS
TGyz3 Accidental injury NOS
TGyz4 Accidentally killed NOS
TGyz5 Accidentally knocked down NOS
TGyz6 Accidentally mangled NOS
TGyz7 Accidental wound NOS
TGyzz Accident unspecified
TGz.. Accidents NOS
TH... Late effects due to accidental injury
TH0.. Late effects of accidental injury
TH00. Late effects of motor vehicle accident
TH01. Late effects of other transport accident
TH02. Late effects of accidental poisoning
TH03. Late effects of accidental fall
TH04. Late effects of accident caused by fire
TH05. Late effects of accident due to natural/environmental factor
TH0y. Late effects of other accidents
TH0z. Late effects of accidents NOS
THz.. Late effects of unspecified accident
TJ... Drugs and other substances-adverse effects in theraputic use
TJ0.. Adverse reaction to antibiotics
TJ00. Adverse reaction to penicillins
TJ000 Adverse reaction to natural penicillins
TJ001 Adverse reaction to cloxacillin
TJ002 Adverse reaction to flucloxacillin
TJ003 Adverse reaction to amoxycillin
TJ004 Adverse reaction to ampicillin
TJ005 Adverse reaction to bacampicillin
TJ006 Adverse reaction to ciclacillin
TJ007 Adverse reaction to mezlocillin
TJ008 Adverse reaction to pivampicillin
TJ009 Adverse reaction to talampicillin
TJ00A Adverse reaction to azlocillin
TJ00B Adverse reaction to carbenicillin
TJ00C Adverse reaction to carfecillin sodium
TJ00D Adverse reaction to piperacillin
TJ00E Adverse reaction to ticarcillin
TJ00F Adverse reaction to mecillinam
TJ00G Adverse reaction to pivmecillinam
TJ00z Adverse reaction to penicillin NOS
TJ01. Adverse reaction to antifungal antibiotics
TJ010 Adverse reaction to amphotericin
TJ011 Adverse reaction to griseofulvin
TJ012 Adverse reaction to ketoconazole
TJ013 Adverse reaction to miconazole
TJ014 Adverse reaction to natamycin
TJ015 Adverse reaction to nystatin
TJ01z Adverse reaction to antifungal antibiotics NOS
TJ02. Adverse reaction to chloramphenicol group
TJ020 Adverse reaction to chloramphenicol
TJ021 Adverse reaction to thiamphenicol
TJ02z Adverse reaction to chloramphenicol group NOS
TJ03. Adverse reaction to erythromycin and other macrolides
TJ030 Adverse reaction to erythromycin
TJ031 Adverse reaction to oleandomycin
TJ032 Adverse reaction to spiramycin
TJ03z Adverse reaction to macrolide NOS
TJ04. Adverse reaction to tetracycline group
TJ040 Adverse reaction to tetracycline
TJ041 Adverse reaction to chlortetracycline hydrochloride
TJ042 Adverse reaction to clomocycline sodium
TJ043 Adverse reaction to demeclocycline hydrochloride
TJ044 Adverse reaction to doxycycline
TJ045 Adverse reaction to lymecycline
TJ046 Adverse reaction to minocycline
TJ047 Adverse reaction to oxytetracycline
TJ04z Adverse reaction to tetracycline NOS
TJ05. Adverse reaction to cephalosporin group
TJ050 Adverse reaction to cefaclor
TJ051 Adverse reaction to cefadroxil
TJ052 Adverse reaction to cefotaxime
TJ053 Adverse reaction to cefoxitin
TJ054 Adverse reaction to cefsulodin sodium
TJ055 Adverse reaction to ceftazidime
TJ056 Adverse reaction to ceftizoxime
TJ057 Adverse reaction to cephalexin
TJ058 Adverse reaction to cephalothin
TJ059 Adverse reaction to cephamandole
TJ05A Adverse reaction to cephazolin
TJ05B Adverse reaction to cephradine
TJ05z Adverse reaction to cephalosporin NOS
TJ06. Adverse reaction to antimycobacterial antibiotics
TJ060 Adverse reaction to capreomycin
TJ061 Adverse reaction to cycloserine
TJ062 Adverse reaction to pyrazinamide
TJ063 Adverse reaction to rifampicin
TJ064 Adverse reaction to streptomycin
TJ06z Adverse reaction to antimycobacterial antibiotic NOS
TJ07. Adverse reaction to antineoplastic antibiotics
TJ070 Adverse reaction to actinomycin D
TJ071 Adverse reaction to bleomycin
TJ072 Adverse reaction to doxorubicin hydrochloride
TJ073 Adverse reaction to mitomycin
TJ074 Adverse reaction to plicamycin
TJ07z Adverse reaction to antineoplastic antibiotics NOS
TJ0y. Adverse reaction to other antibiotics
TJ0y0 Adverse reaction to gentamicin
TJ0y1 Adverse reaction to amikacin
TJ0y2 Adverse reaction to framycetin sulphate
TJ0y3 Adverse reaction to kanamycin
TJ0y4 Adverse reaction to neomycin sulphate
TJ0y5 Adverse reaction to tobramycin
TJ0y6 Adverse reaction to clindamycin
TJ0y7 Adverse reaction to lincomycin
TJ0y8 Adverse reaction to colistin
TJ0y9 Adverse reaction to sodium fusidate
TJ0yA Adverse reaction to polymyxin B sulphate
TJ0yB Adverse reaction to vancomycin
TJ0yC Adverse reaction to trimethoprim
TJ0yD Adverse reaction to cotrimoxazole
TJ0yz Adverse reaction to other antibiotics NOS
TJ0z. Adverse reaction to antibiotic NOS
TJ1.. Adverse reaction to other anti-infectives
TJ10. Adverse reaction to sulphonamides
TJ100 Adverse reaction to sulphadiazine
TJ101 Adverse reaction to sulphadimidine
TJ102 Adverse reaction to sulphaguanidine
TJ103 Adverse reaction to sulphamethoxazole
TJ104 Adverse reaction to sulphafurazole
TJ105 Adverse reaction to sulphaurea
TJ10z Adverse reaction to sulphonamide NOS
TJ11. Adverse reaction to arsenical anti-infectives
TJ12. Adverse reaction to heavy metal anti-infectives
TJ120 Adverse reaction to antimony compound
TJ121 Adverse reaction to bismuth compound
TJ122 Adverse reaction to lead compound
TJ123 Adverse reaction to mercury compound
TJ12z Adverse reaction to heavy metal anti-infectives NOS
TJ13. Adverse reaction to quinolone + hydroxyquinoline derivatives
TJ130 Adverse reaction to chiniofon
TJ131 Adverse reaction to diiodohydroxyquin
TJ13z Adverse reaction to quinolone + hydroxyquinoline deriv NOS
TJ14. Adverse reaction to antimalarials
TJ140 Adverse reaction to chloroquine
TJ141 Adverse reaction to primaquine
TJ142 Adverse reaction to proguanil hydrochloride
TJ143 Adverse reaction to pyrimethamine
TJ144 Adverse reaction to quinine
TJ145 Adverse reaction to cycloguanil
TJ14z Adverse reaction to antimalarials NOS
TJ15. Adverse reaction to other antiprotozoal drugs
TJ150 Adverse reaction to emetine
TJ151 Adverse reaction to pentamidine isethionate
TJ152 Adverse reaction to diloxanide furoate
TJ153 Adverse reaction to metronidazole
TJ15z Adverse reaction to antiprotozoal drugs NOS
TJ16. Adverse reaction to antihelminthics
TJ160 Adverse reaction to mebendazole
TJ161 Adverse reaction to piperazine
TJ162 Adverse reaction to pyrantel
TJ163 Adverse reaction to niclosamide
TJ164 Adverse reaction to bephenium
TJ165 Adverse reaction to thiabenazole
TJ166 Adverse reaction to hexylresorcinol
TJ167 Adverse reaction to male fern oleoresin
TJ16z Adverse reaction to antihelminthic NOS
TJ17. Adverse reaction to antiviral drugs
TJ170 Adverse reaction to aciclovir
TJ171 Adverse reaction to inosine pranobex
TJ172 Adverse reaction to tribavirin
TJ173 Adverse reaction to vidarabine
TJ174 Adverse reaction to zidovudine
TJ17z Adverse reaction to antiviral drug NOS
TJ18. Adverse reaction to other antimycobacterial drugs
TJ180 Adverse reaction to ethambutol
TJ181 Adverse reaction to ethionamide
TJ182 Adverse reaction to isoniazid
TJ183 Adverse reaction to para-aminosalicylic acid
TJ184 Adverse reaction to dapsone
TJ185 Adverse reaction to clofazimine
TJ18z Adverse reaction to antimycobacterial drug NOS
TJ1z. Adverse reaction to other and unspecified anti-infectives
TJ1z0 Adverse reaction to ciprofloxacin
TJ1z1 Adverse reaction to nalidixic acid
TJ1z2 Adverse reaction to nitrofuantoin
TJ1z3 Adverse reaction to hexamine
TJ1z4 Adverse reaction to flucytosine
TJ1zz Adverse reaction to anti-infective NOS
TJ2.. Adverse reaction to hormones and synthetic substitutes
TJ20. Adverse reaction to adrenal cortical steroids
TJ200 Adverse reaction to fludrocortisone acetate
TJ201 Adverse reaction to betamethasone
TJ202 Adverse reaction to dexamethasone
TJ203 Adverse reaction to cortisone acetate
TJ204 Adverse reaction to hydrocortisone
TJ205 Adverse reaction to methylprednisolone
TJ206 Adverse reaction to prednisolone
TJ207 Adverse reaction to prednisone
TJ208 Adverse reaction to triamcinolone
TJ20z Adverse reaction to adrenal cortical steroid NOS
TJ21. Adverse reaction to androgens and anabolic steroids
TJ210 Adverse reaction to mesterolone
TJ211 Adverse reaction to methyltestosterone
TJ212 Adverse reaction to testosterone
TJ213 Adverse reaction to testosterone esters
TJ214 Adverse reaction to nandrolone
TJ215 Adverse reaction to stanozolol
TJ21z Adverse reaction to androgen or anabolic steroid NOS
TJ22. Adverse reaction to ovarian hormones + synthetic substitutes
TJ220 Adverse reaction to ethinyloestradiol
TJ221 Adverse reaction to oestradiol
TJ222 Adverse reaction to oestriol
TJ223 Adverse reaction to conjugated oestrogens
TJ224 Adverse reaction to piperazine oestrone sulphate
TJ225 Adverse reaction to allyloestrenol
TJ226 Adverse reaction to dydrogesterone
TJ227 Adverse reaction to hydroxyprogesterone hexanoate
TJ228 Adverse reaction to medroxyprogesterone acetate
TJ229 Adverse reaction to norethisterone
TJ22A Adverse reaction to progesterone
TJ22x Adverse reaction to combined oestrogens and progestogens
TJ22y Adverse reaction to unspecified oral contraceptive
TJ22z Adverse reaction to ovarian hormone/synthetic substitute NOS
TJ23. Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents
TJ230 Adverse reaction to insulins
TJ231 Adverse reaction to acetohexamide
TJ232 Adverse reaction to chlorpropamide
TJ233 Adverse reaction to glibenclamide
TJ234 Adverse reaction to gliclazide
TJ235 Adverse reaction to glipizide
TJ236 Adverse reaction to gliquidone
TJ237 Adverse reaction to glymidine
TJ238 Adverse reaction to tolazamide
TJ239 Adverse reaction to tolbutamide
TJ23A Adverse reaction to metformin hydrochloride
TJ23B Adverse reaction to glucagon
TJ23z Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents NOS
TJ24. Adverse reaction to anterior pituitary hormones
TJ240 Adverse reaction to corticotrophin, ACTH
TJ241 Adverse reaction to chorionic gonadotrophin
TJ242 Adverse reaction to follicle stimulating hormone, FSH
TJ243 Adverse reaction to somatotrophin, growth hormone
TJ24z Adverse reaction to anterior pituitary hormone NOS
TJ25. Adverse reaction to posterior pituitary hormones
TJ250 Adverse reaction to vasopressin
TJ251 Adverse reaction to desmopressin
TJ252 Adverse reaction to lypressin
TJ253 Adverse reaction to terlipressin
TJ25z Adverse reaction to posterior pituitary hormone NOS
TJ26. Adverse reaction to parathyroid and parathyroid derivatives
TJ260 Adverse reaction to calcitonin
TJ261 Adverse reaction to salcatonin
TJ26z Adverse reaction to parathyroid+parathyroid derivatives NOS
TJ27. Adverse reaction to thyroid and thyroid derivatives
TJ270 Adverse reaction to liothyronine sodium
TJ271 Adverse reaction to thyroxine sodium
TJ272 Adverse reaction to thyroglobulin
TJ27z Adverse reaction to thyroid and thyroid derivatives NOS
TJ28. Adverse reaction to antithyroid agents
TJ280 Adverse reaction to carbimazole
TJ281 Adverse reaction to iodine or iodide
TJ282 Adverse reaction to propylthiouracil
TJ28z Adverse reaction to antithyroid agents NOS
TJ2z. Adverse reaction to hormones and synthetic substances NOS
TJ3.. Adverse reaction to primarily systemic agents
TJ30. Adverse reaction to antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
TJ300 Adverse reaction to antihistamines
TJ301 Adverse reaction to chlorpheniramine
TJ302 Adverse reaction to diphenylpyraline
TJ303 Adverse reaction to metoclopramide
TJ30z Adverse reaction to antiallergic and antiemetic drugs NOS
TJ31. Adverse reaction to antineoplastic & immunosuppressive drugs
TJ310 Adverse reaction to busulphan
TJ311 Adverse reaction to carmustine
TJ312 Adverse reaction to chlorambucil
TJ313 Adverse reaction to cyclophosphamide
TJ314 Adverse reaction to estramustine phosphate
TJ315 Adverse reaction to lomustine
TJ316 Adverse reaction to melphalan
TJ317 Adverse reaction to mustine hydrochloride
TJ318 Adverse reaction to thiotepa
TJ319 Adverse reaction to treosulfan
TJ31A Adverse reaction to cytarabine
TJ31B Adverse reaction to fluorouracil
TJ31C Adverse reaction to mercaptopurine
TJ31D Adverse reaction to methotrexate
TJ31E Adverse reaction to thioguanine
TJ31F Adverse reaction to etoposide
TJ31G Adverse reaction to vinblastine sulphate
TJ31H Adverse reaction to vincristine sulphate
TJ31J Adverse reaction to carboplatin
TJ31K Adverse reaction to cisplatin
TJ31L Adverse reaction to hydroxyurea
TJ31M Adverse reaction to mitozantrone
TJ31N Adverse reaction to procarbazine
TJ31P Adverse reaction to razoxane
TJ31Q Adverse reaction to azathioprine
TJ31R Adverse reaction to antilymphocyte immunoglobulin
TJ31S Adverse reaction to cyclosporin
TJ31z Adverse reaction to antineoplastic/immunosuppress drugs NOS
TJ32. Adverse reaction to acidifying agents
TJ33. Adverse reaction to alkalising agents
TJ34. Adverse reaction to enzymes NEC
TJ340 Adverse reaction to penicillamine
TJ34z Adverse reaction to enzymes NOS
TJ35. Adverse reaction to vitamins NEC
TJ350 Adverse reaction to vitamin A
TJ351 Adverse reaction to vitamin D
TJ35z Adverse reaction to vitamin NOS
TJ3z. Adverse reaction to systemic agent NOS
TJ4.. Adverse reaction- agents mainly affecting blood constituents
TJ40. Adverse reaction to iron and iron compounds
TJ400 Adverse reaction to ferrous sulphate
TJ401 Adverse reaction to ferrous fumarate
TJ402 Adverse reaction to ferrous gluconate
TJ403 Adverse reaction to ferrous glycine sulphate
TJ404 Adverse reaction to ferrous succinate
TJ405 Adverse reaction to ferric salts
TJ406 Adverse reaction to iron dextran injection
TJ407 Adverse reaction to iron sorbitol injection
TJ40z Adverse reaction to iron and iron compounds NOS
TJ41. Adverse reaction to liver preps and other antianaemic agents
TJ410 Adverse reaction to hydroxocobalamin
TJ411 Adverse reaction to cyanocobalamin
TJ412 Adverse reaction to folic acid
TJ41z Adverse reaction to liver preps+other antianaemic agent NOS
TJ42. Adverse reaction to anticoagulants
TJ420 Adverse reaction to heparin
TJ421 Adverse reaction to warfarin sodium
TJ422 Adverse reaction to nicoumalone
TJ423 Adverse reaction to phenindione
TJ42z Adverse reaction to anticoagulants NOS
TJ43. Adverse reaction to vitamin K
TJ430 Adverse reaction to phytomenadione
TJ43z Adverse reaction to vitamin K NOS
TJ44. Adverse reaction to fibrinolytic drugs
TJ440 Adverse reaction to streptokinase
TJ441 Adverse reaction to urokinase
TJ44z Adverse reaction to fibrinolytic drugs NOS
TJ45. Adverse reaction to anticoagulant antagonists
TJ450 Adverse reaction to protamine sulphate
TJ451 Adverse reaction to ethamsylate
TJ452 Adverse reaction to tranexamic acid
TJ45z Adverse reaction to anticoagulant antagonist NOS
TJ46. Adverse reaction to gamma globulin
TJ47. Adverse reaction to natural blood and blood products
TJ470 Adverse reaction to blood plasma
TJ471 Adverse reaction to human fibrinogen
TJ472 Adverse reaction to packed red cells
TJ473 Adverse reaction to whole blood
TJ47z Adverse reaction to blood or blood products NOS
TJ4y. Adverse reaction to other agent affecting blood constituents
TJ4y0 Adverse reaction to macromolecular blood substitutes
TJ4yz Adverse reaction to other agent affecting blood constit NOS
TJ4z. Adverse reaction to agent affecting blood constituents NOS
TJ5.. Adverse reaction to analgesics, antipyretics, antirheumatics
TJ50. Adverse reaction to heroin, diamorphine
TJ51. Adverse reaction to methadone
TJ52. Adverse reaction to other opiates and related narcotics
TJ520 Adverse reaction to morphine salts
TJ521 Adverse reaction to buprenorphine
TJ522 Adverse reaction to codeine phosphate
TJ523 Adverse reaction to dextromoramide
TJ524 Adverse reaction to dihydrocodeine tartrate
TJ525 Adverse reaction to dipipanone hydrochloride
TJ526 Adverse reaction to levorphanol tartrate
TJ527 Adverse reaction to pethidine hydrochloride
TJ52z Adverse reaction to opiates or related narcotics NOS
TJ53. Adverse reaction to salicylates
TJ54. Adverse reaction to aromatic analgesics NEC
TJ540 Adverse reaction to paracetamol
TJ541 Adverse reaction to phenacetin
TJ542 Adverse reaction to acetanilide
TJ54z Adverse reaction to aromatic analgesics NOS
TJ55. Adverse reaction to pyrazole derivatives
TJ550 Adverse reaction to phyenylbytazone
TJ551 Adverse reaction to aminophenazone
TJ55z Adverse reaction to pyrazole derivatives NOS
TJ56. Adverse reaction to antirheumatics
TJ560 Adverse reaction to ibuprofen
TJ561 Adverse reaction to diclofenac sodium
TJ562 Adverse reaction to fenbufen
TJ563 Adverse reaction to fenoprofen
TJ564 Adverse reaction to flurbiprofen
TJ565 Adverse reaction to indomethacin
TJ566 Adverse reaction to ketoprofen
TJ567 Adverse reaction to naproxen
TJ568 Adverse reaction to piroxicam
TJ569 Adverse reaction to sodium aurothiomalate
TJ56A Adverse reaction to auranofin
TJ56z Adverse reaction to antirheumatics NOS
TJ57. Adverse reaction to other non-narcotic analgesics
TJ571 Adverse reaction to pyrabital
TJ57z Adverse reaction to non-narcotic analgesics NOS
TJ5y. Adverse reaction to other analgesics,antipyretics,anti-rheum
TJ5y0 Adverse reaction to pentazocine
TJ5y1 Adverse reaction to mefenamic acid
TJ5yz Adverse reaction to oth analgesic,antipyretic,antirheum NOS
TJ5z. Adverse reaction to analgesic,antipyretic,antirheumatic NOS
TJ6.. Adverse reaction to anticonvulsants/anti-parkinsonism drugs
TJ60. Adverse reaction to oxazolidine derivatives
TJ600 Adverse reaction to paramethadione
TJ601 Adverse reaction to trimethadione
TJ60z Adverse reaction to oxazolidine derivatives NOS
TJ61. Adverse reaction to hydantoin derivatives
TJ610 Adverse reaction to phenytoin
TJ61z Adverse reaction to hydantoin derivatives NOS
TJ62. Adverse reaction to succinimides
TJ620 Adverse reaction to ethosuximide
TJ621 Adverse reaction to phensuximide
TJ62z Adverse reaction to succinimides NOS
TJ63. Adverse reaction to other anticonvulsants
TJ630 Adverse reaction to beclamide
TJ631 Adverse reaction to primidone
TJ632 Adverse reaction to carbamazepine
TJ633 Adverse reaction to sodium valproate
TJ63z Adverse reaction to anticonvulsants NOS
TJ64. Adverse reaction to antiparkinsonism drugs
TJ640 Adverse reaction to amantadine
TJ641 Adverse reaction to levodopa, L-dopa
TJ642 Adverse reaction to benzhexol
TJ643 Adverse reaction to selegiline
TJ644 Adverse reaction to orphenadrine
TJ645 Adverse reaction to biperiden
TJ64z Adverse reaction to antiparkinsonism drugs NOS
TJ6z. Adverse reaction to anticonvulsant/antiparkinsonism drug NOS
TJ7.. Adverse reaction to sedatives and hypnotics
TJ70. Adverse reaction to barbiturates
TJ700 Adverse reaction to amylobarbitone
TJ701 Adverse reaction to barbitone
TJ702 Adverse reaction to butabarbitone
TJ703 Adverse reaction to pentobarbitone
TJ704 Adverse reaction to phenobarbitone
TJ705 Adverse reaction to quinalbarbitone
TJ70z Adverse reaction to barbiturate NOS
TJ71. Adverse reaction to chloral hydrate group
TJ710 Adverse reaction to chloral hydrate
TJ711 Adverse reaction to dichloralphenazone
TJ712 Adverse reaction to triclofos sodium
TJ713 Adverse reaction to chlormethiazole edisylate
TJ71z Adverse reaction to chloral hydrate group NOS
TJ72. Adverse reaction to paraldehyde
TJ73. Adverse reaction to bromine compounds
TJ730 Adverse reaction to bromide
TJ731 Adverse reaction to carbromal derivatives
TJ73z Adverse reaction to bromine compounds NOS
TJ74. Adverse reaction to methaqualone compounds
TJ75. Adverse reaction to glutethimide group
TJ76. Adverse reaction to mixed sedatives NEC
TJ7y. Adverse reaction to other sedatives and hypnotics
TJ7y0 Adverse reaction to methyprylon
TJ7y1 Adverse reaction to promethazine hydrochloride
TJ7y2 Adverse reaction to avomine
TJ7y3 Adverse reaction to carbamate
TJ7yz Adverse reaction to other sedatives and hypnotics NOS
TJ7z. Adverse reaction to sedatvies and hypnotics, unspecified
TJ7z0 Adverse reaction to sleeping pill NOS
TJ7z1 Adverse reaction to sedative NOS
TJ7zz Adverse reaction to sedative or hypnotic NOS
TJ8.. Adverse reaction to other CNS depressants and anaesthetics
TJ80. Adverse reaction to CNS muscle-tone depressants
TJ800 Adverse reaction to chlorphenesin
TJ801 Adverse reaction to mephenesin
TJ802 Adverse reaction to methocarbamol
TJ80z Adverse reaction to CNS muscle-tone depressants NOS
TJ81. Adverse reaction to halothane
TJ82. Adverse reaction to other gaseous anaesthetics
TJ820 Adverse reaction to ether
TJ821 Adverse reaction to nitrous oxide
TJ822 Adverse reaction to cyclopropane
TJ823 Adverse reaction to isoflurane
TJ824 Adverse reaction to enflurane
TJ825 Adverse reaction to trichloroethylene
TJ82z Adverse reaction to gaseous anaesthetic NOS
TJ83. Adverse reaction to intravenous anaesthetics
TJ830 Adverse reaction to thiopentone sodium
TJ831 Adverse reaction to methohexitone sodium
TJ832 Adverse reaction to ketamine
TJ833 Adverse reaction to etomidate
TJ834 Adverse reaction to propofol
TJ83z Adverse reaction to intravenous anaesthetic NOS
TJ84. Adverse reaction to other general anaesthetics
TJ85. Adverse reaction to surface and infiltration anaesthetics
TJ850 Adverse reaction to cocaine
TJ851 Adverse reaction to lignocaine hydrochloride
TJ852 Adverse reaction to bupivacaine hydrochloride
TJ853 Adverse reaction to prilocaine hydrochloride
TJ854 Adverse reaction to procaine hydrochloride
TJ855 Adverse reaction to tetracaine
TJ85z Adverse reaction to local anaesthetics NOS
TJ86. Adverse reaction to peripheral nerve/plexus blocking anaesth
TJ87. Adverse reaction to spinal anaesthetics
TJ8y. Adverse reaction to other local anaesthetics
TJ8z. Adverse reaction to CNS depressants and anaesthetics NOS
TJ9.. Adverse reaction to psychotropic agents
TJ90. Adverse reaction to antidepressants
TJ900 Adverse reaction to amitriptyline
TJ901 Adverse reaction to butriptyline
TJ902 Adverse reaction to clomipramine
TJ903 Adverse reaction to desipramine
TJ904 Adverse reaction to dothiepin
TJ905 Adverse reaction to doxepin
TJ906 Adverse reaction to imipramine
TJ907 Adverse reaction to lofepramine
TJ908 Adverse reaction to nortriptyline
TJ909 Adverse reaction to protriptyline
TJ90A Adverse reaction to trimipramine
TJ90B Adverse reaction to maprotiline
TJ90C Adverse reaction to mianserin
TJ90D Adverse reaction to phenelzine
TJ90E Adverse reaction to isocarboxazid
TJ90F Adverse reaction to tranylcypromine
TJ90G Adverse reaction to flupenthixol
TJ90H Adverse reaction to tryptophan
TJ90J Adverse reaction to oxypertine
TJ90z Adverse reaction to antidepressants NOS
TJ91. Adverse reaction to phenothiazine-based tranquillisers
TJ910 Adverse reaction to chlorpromazine
TJ911 Adverse reaction to fluphenazine
TJ912 Adverse reaction to pericyazine
TJ913 Adverse reaction to perphenazine
TJ914 Adverse reaction to prochlorperazine
TJ915 Adverse reaction to promazine
TJ916 Adverse reaction to thioridazine
TJ91z Adverse reaction to phenothiazine-based tranquillisers NOS
TJ92. Adverse reaction to butyrophenone-based tranquillisers
TJ920 Adverse reaction to haloperidol
TJ921 Adverse reaction to spiperone
TJ922 Adverse reaction to trifluperidol
TJ92z Adverse reaction to butyrophenone-based tranquillisers NOS
TJ93. Adverse reaction to other major tranquillisers
TJ94. Adverse reaction to benzodiazepine-based tranquillisers
TJ940 Adverse reaction to nitrazepam
TJ941 Adverse reaction to flurazepam
TJ942 Adverse reaction to temazepam
TJ943 Adverse reaction to triazolam
TJ944 Adverse reaction to diazepam
TJ945 Adverse reaction to chlordiazepoxide
TJ946 Adverse reaction to clobazam
TJ947 Adverse reaction to chlorazepate dipotassium
TJ948 Adverse reaction to ketazolam
TJ949 Adverse reaction to lorazepam
TJ94A Adverse reaction to medazepam
TJ94B Adverse reaction to oxazepam
TJ94C Adverse reaction to clonazepam
TJ94z Adverse reaction to benzodiazepine-based tranquilliser NOS
TJ95. Adverse reaction to other tranquillisers
TJ950 Adverse reaction to hydroxyzine
TJ951 Adverse reaction to meprobamate
TJ952 Adverse reaction to chlormezanone
TJ953 Adverse reaction to tetrabenazine
TJ95z Adverse reaction to tranquillisers NOS
TJ96. Adverse reaction to hallucinogens
TJ960 Adverse reaction to cannabis
TJ961 Adverse reaction to lysergide, LSD
TJ962 Adverse reaction to marihuana
TJ963 Adverse reaction to mescaline
TJ964 Adverse reaction to psilocin
TJ965 Adverse reaction to psilocybin
TJ96z Adverse reaction to hallucinogen NOS
TJ97. Adverse reaction to psychostimulants
TJ970 Adverse reaction to caffeine
TJ971 Adverse reaction to pemoline
TJ972 Adverse reaction to dexamphetamine
TJ97z Adverse reaction to psychostimulant NOS
TJ9y. Adverse reaction to other psychotropic agent
TJ9z. Adverse reaction to psychotropic agent NOS
TJA.. Adverse reaction to central nervous system stimulants
TJA0. Adverse reaction to analeptics
TJA00 Adverse reaction to nikethamide
TJA01 Adverse reaction to lobeline
TJA02 Adverse reaction to doxapram
TJA03 Adverse reaction to ethamivan
TJA0z Adverse reaction to analeptics NOS
TJA1. Adverse reaction to opiate antagonists
TJA10 Adverse reaction to levallorphan
TJA11 Adverse reaction to nalorphine
TJA12 Adverse reaction to naloxone
TJA1z Adverse reaction to opiate antagonists NOS
TJAy. Adverse reaction to other central nervous system stimulants
TJAz. Adverse reaction to central nervous system stimulants NOS
TJB.. Adverse reaction to autonomic nervous system drugs
TJB0. Adverse reaction to parasympathomimetics
TJB00 Adverse reaction to distigmine bromide
TJB01 Adverse reaction to edrophonium chloride
TJB02 Adverse reaction to neostigmine
TJB03 Adverse reaction to pyridostigmine bromide
TJB04 Adverse reaction to acetylcholine
TJB05 Adverse reaction to anticholinesterase
TJB06 Adverse reaction to pilocarpine
TJB0z Adverse reaction to parasympathomimetics NOS
TJB1. Adverse reaction to parasympatholytics and spasmolytics
TJB10 Adverse reaction to atropine
TJB11 Adverse reaction to homatropine
TJB12 Adverse reaction to hyoscine
TJB13 Adverse reaction to benztropine
TJB14 Adverse reaction to methixene
TJB1z Adverse reaction to parasympatholytic or spasmolytic NOS
TJB2. Adverse reaction to sympathomimetics
TJB20 Adverse reaction to adrenalin, epinephrine
TJB21 Adverse reaction to noradrenalin
TJB22 Adverse reaction to ephedrine
TJB23 Adverse reaction to isoprenaline sulphate
TJB2z Adverse reaction to sympathomimetic NOS
TJB3. Adverse reaction to sympatholytics
TJB30 Adverse reaction to phenoxybenzamine
TJB31 Adverse reaction to phentolamine mesylate
TJB32 Adverse reaction to tolazoline
TJB3z Adverse reaction to sympatholytic NOS
TJBz. Adverse reaction to autonomic nervous system drug NOS
TJC.. Adverse reaction to cardiovascular system drugs
TJC0. Adverse reaction to cardiac rhythm regulators
TJC00 Adverse reaction to practolol
TJC01 Adverse reaction to procainamide
TJC02 Adverse reaction to propranolol
TJC03 Adverse reaction to quinidine
TJC0z Adverse reaction to cardiac rhythm regulator NOS
TJC1. Adverse reaction to cardiac glycosides
TJC10 Adverse reaction to digoxin
TJC11 Adverse reaction to digitoxin
TJC12 Adverse reaction to lanatoside C
TJC1z Adverse reaction to cardiac glycosides NOS
TJC2. Adverse reaction to antilipaemic/anti-arteriosclerotic drugs
TJC20 Adverse reaction to cholestyramine
TJC21 Adverse reaction to clofibrate
TJC22 Adverse reaction to bezafibrate
TJC23 Adverse reaction to nicotinic acid derivative
TJC24 Adverse reaction to simvastatin
TJC25 Adverse reaction to pravastatin
TJC2z Adverse reaction to antilipaemic/antiarterioscler drugs NOS
TJC3. Adverse reaction to ganglion blocking drugs
TJC30 Adverse reaction to pentamethonium bromide
TJC31 Adverse reaction to trimetaphan camsylate
TJC3z Adverse reaction to ganglion blockers NOS
TJC4. Adverse reaction to coronary vasodilators
TJC40 Adverse reaction to glyceryl trinitrate
TJC41 Adverse reaction to isosorbide dinitrate
TJC42 Adverse reaction to isosorbide mononitrate
TJC43 Adverse reaction to pentaerythritol tetranitrate
TJC44 Adverse reaction to dipyridamole
TJC45 Adverse reaction to prenylamine
TJC46 Adverse reaction to nifedipine
TJC47 Adverse reaction to verapamil
TJC4z Adverse reaction to coronary vasodilators NOS
TJC5. Adverse reaction to other vasodilators
TJC50 Adverse reaction to cyclandelate
TJC51 Adverse reaction to isoxsuprine
TJC52 Adverse reaction to diazoxide
TJC53 Adverse reaction to hydralazine
TJC54 Adverse reaction to papaverine
TJC5z Adverse reaction to vasodilators NOS
TJC6. Adverse reaction to betablockers
TJC61 Adverse reaction to acebutolol
TJC62 Adverse reaction to atenolol
TJC63 Adverse reaction to labetalol
TJC64 Adverse reaction to metoprolol
TJC65 Adverse reaction to nadolol
TJC66 Adverse reaction to oxprenolol
TJC67 Adverse reaction to sotalol
TJC68 Adverse reaction to timolol
TJC6z Adverse reaction to betablockers NOS
TJC7. Adverse reaction to other antihypertensives
TJC70 Adverse reaction to clonidine
TJC71 Adverse reaction to methyldopa
TJC72 Adverse reaction to reserpine
TJC73 Adverse reaction to bethanidine
TJC74 Adverse reaction to debrisoquine
TJC75 Adverse reaction to guanethidine
TJC76 Adverse reaction to prazosin
TJC77 Adverse reaction to captopril
TJC78 Adverse reaction to enalapril
TJC79 Adverse reaction to ramipril
TJC7z Adverse reaction to antihypertensives NOS
TJC8. Adverse reaction to antivaricose drugs
TJC80 Adverse reaction to ethanolamine oleate
TJC81 Adverse reaction to zinc salts
TJC8z Adverse reaction to antivaricose drugs NOS
TJC9. Adverse reaction to capillary-active drugs
TJC90 Adverse reaction to metaraminol
TJC91 Adverse reaction to adrenochrome derivatives
TJC9z Adverse reaction to capillary-active drugs NOS
TJCz. Adverse reaction to cardiovascular system drug NOS
TJD.. Adverse reaction to gastrointestinal drugs
TJD0. Adverse reaction to antacids and antigastric secretion drugs
TJD00 Adverse reaction to aluminium hydroxide
TJD01 Adverse reaction to alexitol sodium
TJD02 Adverse reaction to magnesium carbonate
TJD03 Adverse reaction to magnesium trisilicate
TJD04 Adverse reaction to hydrotalcite
TJD05 Adverse reaction to magaldrate
TJD06 Adverse reaction to sodium bicarbonate
TJD07 Adverse reaction to H2 blockers
TJD08 Adverse reaction to proton pump inhibitors
TJD0z Adverse reaction to antacids/antigastric secretion drugs NOS
TJD1. Adverse reaction to irritant cathartics
TJD10 Adverse reaction to bisacodyl
TJD11 Adverse reaction to cascara
TJD12 Adverse reaction to castor oil
TJD13 Adverse reaction to danthron
TJD14 Adverse reaction to fig
TJD15 Adverse reaction to glycerol
TJD16 Adverse reaction to senna
TJD17 Adverse reaction to phenolphthalein
TJD1z Adverse reaction to irritant cathartics NOS
TJD2. Adverse reaction to emollient cathartics
TJD20 Adverse reaction to dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate
TJD2z Adverse reaction to emollient cathartic NOS
TJD3. Adverse reaction to other cathartics+intestinal atonia drug
TJD30 Adverse reaction to magnesium sulphate
TJD31 Adverse reaction to lactulose
TJD3z Adverse reaction to other cathartics/intestinal atonia NOS
TJD4. Adverse reaction to digestants
TJD40 Adverse reaction to pancreatin
TJD41 Adverse reaction to papain
TJD42 Adverse reaction to pepsin
TJD4z Adverse reaction to digestants NOS
TJD5. Adverse reaction to antidiarrhoeal drugs
TJD50 Adverse reaction to kaolin
TJD51 Adverse reaction to diphenoxylate
TJD52 Adverse reaction to loperamide
TJD53 Adverse reaction to pectin
TJD5z Adverse reaction to antidiarrhoeal drugs NOS
TJD6. Adverse reaction to emetics
TJD6z Adverse reaction to emetics NOS
TJDy. Adverse reaction to other gastrointestinal tract drugs
TJDz. Adverse reaction to gastrointestinal tract drugs NOS
TJE.. Adverse reaction to water/mineral/uric acid metabolism drugs
TJE0. Adverse reaction to mercurial diuretics
TJE00 Adverse reaction to mersalyl
TJE01 Adverse reaction to chlormerodrin
TJE02 Adverse reaction to mercaptomerin
TJE03 Adverse reaction to mercurophylline
TJE0z Adverse reaction to mercurial diuretics NOS
TJE1. Adverse reaction to purine derivative diuretics
TJE10 Adverse reaction to theobromine
TJE11 Adverse reaction to theophylline (diuretic)
TJE1z Adverse reaction to purine derivative diuretic NOS
TJE2. Adverse reaction to carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors
TJE20 Adverse reaction to acetazolamide
TJE21 Adverse reaction to dichlorphenamide
TJE2z Adverse reaction to carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitor NOS
TJE3. Adverse reaction to thiazides
TJE30 Adverse reaction to bendrofluazide
TJE31 Adverse reaction to chlorothiazide
TJE32 Adverse reaction to cyclopenthiazide
TJE33 Adverse reaction to hydrochlorothiazide
TJE34 Adverse reaction to hydroflumethiazide
TJE35 Adverse reaction to methyclothiazide
TJE36 Adverse reaction to polythiazide
TJE3z Adverse reaction to thiazide NOS
TJE4. Adverse reaction to other diuretics
TJE40 Adverse reaction to chlorthalidone
TJE41 Adverse reaction to frusemide
TJE42 Adverse reaction to ethacrynic acid
TJE43 Adverse reaction to amiloride
TJE44 Adverse reaction to spironolactone
TJE45 Adverse reaction to triamterene
TJE46 Adverse reaction to mannitol
TJE4z Adverse reaction to diuretic NOS
TJE5. Adverse reaction to electrolytic/caloric/water balance drugs
TJE6. Adverse reaction to other mineral salts NEC
TJE7. Adverse reaction to uric acid metabolism drugs
TJE70 Adverse reaction to colchicine
TJE71 Adverse reaction to allopurinol
TJE72 Adverse reaction to probenecid
TJE73 Adverse reaction to sulphinpyrazone
TJE7z Adverse reaction to uric acid metabolism drug NOS
TJEz. Adverse reaction water/mineral/uric acid metabolism drug NOS
TJF.. Adverse reaction to smooth/skeletal muscle+respiratory drugs
TJF0. Adverse reaction to oxytocic agents
TJF00 Adverse reaction to prostaglandins
TJF01 Adverse reaction to ergometrine
TJF02 Adverse reaction to oxytocin
TJF0z Adverse reaction to oxytocic agent NOS
TJF1. Adverse reaction to smooth muscle relaxants
TJF10 Adverse reaction to adiphenine
TJF11 Adverse reaction to orciprenaline
TJF12 Adverse reaction to mebeverine
TJF1z Adverse reaction to smooth muscle relaxant NOS
TJF2. Adverse reaction to skeletal muscle relaxants
TJF20 Adverse reaction to alcuronium
TJF21 Adverse reaction to gallamine triethiodide
TJF22 Adverse reaction to tubocurarine
TJF23 Adverse reaction to tubocurarine
TJF24 Adverse reaction to suxamethonium
TJF2z Adverse reaction to skeletal muscle relaxant NOS
TJF3. Adverse reaction to other muscle drugs
TJF4. Adverse reaction to antitussives
TJF40 Adverse reaction to dextromethorphan
TJF41 Adverse reaction to pipazethate hydrochloride
TJF4z Adverse reaction to antitussive NOS
TJF5. Adverse reaction to expectorants
TJF50 Adverse reaction to acetylcysteine
TJF51 Adverse reaction to ipecacuanha
TJF5z Adverse reaction to expectorants NOS
TJF6. Adverse reaction to anti-common cold drugs
TJF7. Adverse reaction to antiasthmatics
TJF70 Adverse reaction to salbutamol
TJF71 Adverse reaction to ipratropium bromide
TJF72 Adverse reaction to aminophylline
TJF73 Adverse reaction to theophylline (asthma)
TJF74 Adverse reaction to sodium cromoglycate
TJF75 Adverse reaction to oxitropium
TJF7z Adverse reaction to antiasthmatic NOS
TJFy. Adverse reaction to other respiratory system drugs
TJFz. Adverse reaction smooth/skeletal+respiratory system drug NOS
TJG.. Adverse reaction to skin,mucous membrane,eye,ENT,dental drug
TJG0. Adverse reaction to local anti-infective+anti-inflammatories
TJG00 Adverse reaction to neomycin
TJG0z Adverse reaction to local anti-infective/inflammatory NOS
TJG1. Adverse reaction to antipruritics
TJG2. Adverse reaction to local astringents and local detergents
TJG3. Adverse reaction to emollients, demulcents and protectants
TJG4. Adverse reaction to keratolytics,keratoplast,other hair drug
TJG5. Adverse reaction to eye anti-infectives and other eye drugs
TJG50 Adverse reaction to idoxuridine
TJG5z Adverse reaction to eye drugs NOS
TJG6. Adverse reaction to anti-infectives and other ENT drugs
TJG7. Adverse reaction to dental drugs topically applied
TJGy. Adverse reaction to other skin, eye, ENT and dental drugs
TJGz. Adverse reaction to skin, eye, ENT and dental drugs NOS
TJH.. Adverse reaction to other drugs and medicines
TJH0. Adverse reaction to dietetics
TJH1. Adverse reaction to lipotropic drugs
TJH2. Adverse reaction to antidotes and chelating agents NEC
TJH3. Adverse reaction to alcohol deterrents
TJH4. Adverse reaction to pharmaceutical excipients
TJHy. Adverse reaction to other drugs and medicines
TJHy0 Adverse reaction to clomiphene
TJHy1 Adverse reaction to tamoxifen
TJHy2 Adverse reaction to nicotine
TJHyx Adverse reaction to contrast media for diagnostic x-rays NOS
TJHyy Adverse reaction to diagnostic agents and kits NOS
TJHyz Adverse reaction to other drug or medicine NOS
TJHz. Adverse reaction to drug or medicinal substance NOS
TJJ.. Adverse reaction to bacterial vaccines
TJJ0. Adverse reaction to BCG vaccine
TJJ1. Adverse reaction to typhoid and paratyphoid vaccines
TJJ10 Adverse reaction to typhoid vaccine
TJJ11 Adverse reaction to paratyphoid vaccine
TJJ1z Adverse reaction to typhoid or paratyphoid vaccine NOS
TJJ2. Adverse reaction to cholera vaccine
TJJ3. Adverse reaction to plague vaccine
TJJ4. Adverse reaction to tetanus vaccine
TJJ5. Adverse reaction to diphtheria vaccine
TJJ6. Adverse reaction to pertussis vaccine,including combinations
TJJy. Adverse reaction to other bacterial vaccines
TJJy0 Adverse reaction to meningococcal vaccine
TJJyz Adverse reaction to other bacterial vaccine NOS
TJJz. Adverse reaction to mixed bacterial vacc, without pertussis
TJK.. Adverse reaction to other vaccines and biological substances
TJK0. Adverse reaction to smallpox vaccine
TJK1. Adverse reaction to rabies vaccine
TJK2. Adverse reaction to typhus vaccine
TJK3. Adverse reaction to yellow fever vaccine
TJK4. Adverse reaction to measles vaccine
TJK5. Adverse reaction to poliomyelitis vaccine
TJK6. Adverse reaction to other viral and rickettsial vaccines
TJK60 Adverse reaction to mumps vaccine
TJK61 Adverse reaction to rubella vaccine
TJK6z Adverse reaction to viral or rickettsial vaccine NOS
TJK7. Adverse reaction to mixed viral/rickettsial/bacterial vacc
TJK8. Adverse reaction to tetanus antitoxin
TJKz. Adverse reaction to vaccine or biological substance NOS
TJz.. Adverse reaction to drug NOS
TK... Suicide and selfinflicted injury
TK0.. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by solid/liquid substances
TK00. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by analgesic/antipyretic
TK01. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by barbiturates
TK010 Suicide and self inflicted injury by Amylobarbitone
TK011 Suicide and self inflicted injury by Barbitone
TK012 Suicide and self inflicted injury by Butabarbitone
TK013 Suicide and self inflicted injury by Pentabarbitone
TK014 Suicide and self inflicted injury by Phenobarbitone
TK015 Suicide and self inflicted injury by Quinalbarbitone
TK01z Suicide and self inflicted injury by barbituarates
TK02. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by oth sedatives/hypnotics
TK03. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning tranquilliser/psychotropic
TK04. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by other drugs/medicines
TK05. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by drug or medicine NOS
TK06. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by agricultural chemical
TK07. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by corrosive/caustic subst
TK08. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by arsenic + its compounds
TK0z. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by solid/liquid subst NOS
TK1.. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by gases in domestic use
TK10. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by gas via pipeline
TK11. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by liquified petrol gas
TK1y. Suicide and selfinflicted poisoning by other utility gas
TK1z. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by domestic gases NOS
TK2.. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by other gases and vapours
TK20. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by motor veh exhaust gas
TK21. Suicide and selfinflicted poisoning by other carbon monoxide
TK2y. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by other gases and vapours
TK2z. Suicide + selfinflicted poisoning by gases and vapours NOS
TK3.. Suicide + selfinflicted injury by hang/strangulate/suffocate
TK30. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by hanging
TK31. Suicide + selfinflicted injury by suffocation by plastic bag
TK3y. Suicide + selfinflicted inj oth mean hang/strangle/suffocate
TK3z. Suicide + selfinflicted inj by hang/strangle/suffocate NOS
TK4.. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by drowning
TK5.. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by firearms and explosives
TK50. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by handgun
TK51. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by shotgun
TK52. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by hunting rifle
TK53. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by military firearms
TK54. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by other firearm
TK55. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by explosives
TK5z. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by firearms/explosives NOS
TK6.. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by cutting and stabbing
TK60. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by cutting
TK601 Self inflicted lacerations to wrist
TK61. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by stabbing
TK6z. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by cutting and stabbing NOS
TK7.. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by jumping from high place
TK70. Suicide+selfinflicted injury-jump from residential premises
TK71. Suicide+selfinflicted injury-jump from oth manmade structure
TK72. Suicide+selfinflicted injury-jump from natural sites
TK7z. Suicide+selfinflicted injury-jump from high place NOS
TKx.. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by other means
TKx0. Suicide + selfinflicted injury-jump/lie before moving object
TKx00 Suicide + selfinflicted injury-jumping before moving object
TKx01 Suicide + selfinflicted injury-lying before moving object
TKx0z Suicide + selfinflicted inj-jump/lie before moving obj NOS
TKx1. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by burns or fire
TKx2. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by scald
TKx3. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by extremes of cold
TKx4. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by electrocution
TKx5. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by crashing motor vehicle
TKx6. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by crashing of aircraft
TKx7. Suicide and selfinflicted injury caustic subst, excl poison
TKxy. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by other specified means
TKxz. Suicide and selfinflicted injury by other means NOS
TKy.. Late effects of selfinflicted injury
TKz.. Suicide and selfinflicted injury NOS
TL... Homicide and injury purposely inflicted by other persons
TL0.. Homicide and assault by fight, brawl and rape
TL00. Homicide or assault by unarmed fight or brawl
TL01. Homicide or assault by rape
TL0z. Homicide or assault by fight, brawl or rape NOS
TL1.. Assault by corrosive or caustic substance, except poisoning
TL10. Assault by acid
TL11. Assault by caustic substance
TL1z. Assault by corrosive substance NOS
TL2.. Assault by poisoning
TL20. Assault by poisoning by drugs or medicines
TL21. Assault by poisoning by other solid or liquid substances
TL22. Assault by poisoning by other gases or vapours
TL2z. Assault by poisoning NOS
TL3.. Assault by hanging and strangulation
TL30. Assault by garrotting or ligature
TL31. Assault by hanging
TL32. Assault by strangulation
TL33. Assault by suffocation
TL3z. Assault by hanging or strangulation NOS
TL4.. Assault by drowning
TL5.. Assault by firearms and explosives
TL50. Assault by handgun
TL500 Assault by pistol
TL501 Assault by revolver
TL50z Assault by handgun NOS
TL51. Assault by shotgun
TL52. Assault by hunting rifle
TL53. Assault by military firearms
TL54. Assault by other firearms
TL55. Assault by antipersonnel bomb
TL56. Assault by petrol bomb
TL57. Assault by letter bomb
TL5x. Deliberate shooting NOS
TL5y. Assault by other explosive
TL5y0 Assault by bomb in car
TL5y1 Assault by bomb in house
TL5y2 Assault by dynamite
TL5yy Assault by bomb NOS
TL5yz Assault by other explosive NOS
TL5z. Assault by explosive NOS
TL6.. Assault by cutting and stabbing instruments
TL60. Homicidal cut of any part of body
TL61. Homicidal puncture of any part of body
TL62. Homicidal stab of any part of body
TL63. Cut in fight
TL64. Stabbed in fight
TL6z. Assault by cutting or stabbing NOS
TL7.. Child battering and other maltreatment
TL70. Child battering or other maltreatment by parent
TL7y. Child battering or other maltreatment by other spec person
TL7z. Child battering or other maltreatment by person NOS
TL9.. Homicide
TLx.. Assault by other means
TLx0. Assault by fire
TLx00 Assault by arson
TLx0z Assault by homicidal burns NOS
TLx1. Assault by pushing from high place
TLx2. Assault by striking by blunt or thrown object
TLx20 Assault by striking by blunt object
TLx21 Assault by striking by thrown object
TLx2z Assault by striking by blunt or thrown object NOS
TLx3. Assault by hot liquid
TLx4. Assault by criminal neglect
TLx40 Abandonment of child with intent to injure or kill
TLx41 Abandonment of infant with intent to injure or kill
TLx4z Abandonment of helpless person NOS
TLxy. Assault by other specified means
TLxy0 Assault by bite of human being
TLxyz Assault by other means NOS
TLxz. Assault by unspecified means
TLxz0 Manslaughter, nonaccidental, NOS
TLxz1 Assassination attempt NOS
TLxz2 Assassination successful NOS
TLxz3 Murder attempt NOS
TLxz4 Murder successful NOS
TLxzz Assault by means NOS
TLy.. Late effects of homicide or assault
TLz.. Homicide or assault NOS
TM... Legal intervention causing injury
TM0.. Injury due to legal intervention by firearms
TM00. Injury due to legal intervention by machine gun
TM01. Injury due to legal intervention by revolver
TM02. Injury due to legal intervention by rifle bullet
TM03. Injury due to legal intervention by rubber bullet
TM0z. Injury due to legal intervention by shot NOS
TM1.. Injury due to legal intervention by explosives
TM10. Injury due to legal intervention by dynamite
TM11. Injury due to legal intervention by explosive shell
TM12. Injury due to legal intervention by granade
TM13. Injury due to legal intervention by mortar bomb
TM1z. Injury due to legal intervention by explosive NOS
TM2.. Injury due to legal intervention by gas
TM20. Injury due to legal intervention by tear gas
TM21. Injury due to legal intervention by poisoning by gas
TM22. Injury due to legal intervention by asphyxiation by gas
TM2z. Injury due to legal intervention by gas NOS
TM3.. Injury due to legal intervention by blunt object
TM30. Injury due to legal intervention, struck by baton
TM31. Injury due to legal intervention, struck by stave
TM3z. Injury due to legal intervention by blunt object NOS
TM4.. Injury due to legal intervention cutting/stabbing instrument
TM40. Injury due to legal intervention by bayonet
TM4x. Injury due to legal intervention, cut NOS
TM4y. Injury due to legal intervention, stab NOS
TM4z. Injury due to legal intervention by cutting/stabbing NOS
TM5.. Injury due to legal intervention by other specified means
TM50. Injury due to legal intervention by blow NOS
TM51. Injury due to legal intervention by manhandling NOS
TM5z. Injury due to legal intervention by other means NOS
TM6.. Injury due to legal intervention by unspecified means
TM7.. Late effects of injury due to legal intervention
TM8.. Legal execution
TM80. Legal execution by asphyxiation by gas
TM81. Legal execution by beheading
TM82. Legal execution by electrocution
TM83. Legal execution by hanging
TM84. Legal execution by poisoning
TM85. Legal execution by shooting
TM8z. Legal execution NOS
TMz.. Injury due to legal intervention NOS
TN... Injury undetermined whether accidentally/purposely inflicted
TN0.. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by solid/liquid substances
TN00. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by analgesic or anti-pyretic
TN01. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by barbiturate
TN010 Injury ?accidental poisoning by Amylobarbitone
TN011 Injury ?accidental poisoning by Barbitone
TN012 Injury ?accidental poisoning by Butabarbitone
TN013 Injury ?accidental poisoning by Pentobarbitone
TN014 Injury ? accidental poisoning by Phenobarbitone
TN015 Injury ? accidental poisoning by Quinalbarbitone
TN01z Injury ?accidental poisoning by barbiturate NOS
TN02. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by other sedative/hypnotic
TN03. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by tranquilliser/psychotropic
TN04. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by other spec drug/medicament
TN05. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by drug or medicament NOS
TN06. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by corrosive/caustic substance
TN07. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by agricultural chemicals
TN08. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by arsenic or its compounds
TN0z. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by solid or liquid subst NOS
TN1.. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by gases in domestic use
TN10. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by gas distributed by pipeline
TN11. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by liquid petrol gas
TN1y. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by other utility gas
TN1z. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by gas in domestic use NOS
TN2.. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by other gases
TN20. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by motor vehicle exhaust gas
TN21. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by other carbon monoxide
TN2y. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by other spec gas or vapour
TN2z. Injury ?accidental, poisoning by gas or vapour NOS
TN3.. Injury ?accidental, hanging, strangulation and suffocation
TN30. Injury ?accidental, hanging
TN31. Injury ?accidental, suffocation by plastic bag
TN3y. Injury ?accidental, other means of hang/strangle/suffocate
TN3z. Injury ?accidental, hanging/strangulation/suffocation NOS
TN4.. Injury ?accidental, drowning
TN5.. Injury ?accidental, by firearms and explosives
TN50. Injury ?accidental, by handgun
TN51. Injury ?accidental, by shotgun
TN52. Injury ?accidental, by hunting rifle
TN53. Injury ?accidental, by military firearms
TN54. Injury ?accidental, by other firearm
TN55. Injury ?accidental, by explosive
TN5z. Injury ?accidental, by firearm or explosive NOS
TN6.. Injury ?accidental, by cutting and stabbing instruments
TN60. Injury ?accidental, by cutting instrument
TN61. Injury ?accidental, by stabbing instrument
TN6z. Injury ?accidental, by cutting or stabbing instrument NOS
TN7.. Injury ?accidental, fall from high place
TN70. Injury ?accidental, fall from residential premises
TN71. Injury ?accidental, fall from other man-made structure
TN72. Injury ?accidental, fall from natural site
TN7z. Injury ?accidental, fall from high place NOS
TN8.. Injury ?accidental, by other means
TN80. Injury ?accidental, by jumping or lying before moving object
TN800 Injury ?accidental, by jumping before moving object
TN801 Injury ?accidental, by lying before moving object
TN80z Injury ?accidental, jumping/lying before moving object NOS
TN81. Injury ?accidental, by burns or fire
TN82. Injury ?accidental, by scald
TN83. Injury ?accidental, by extremes of cold
TN84. Injury ?accidental, by electrocution
TN85. Injury ?accidental, by crashing of motor vehicle
TN86. Injury ?accidental, by crashing of aircraft
TN87. Injury ?accidental, by caustic substances, except poisoning
TN8y. Injury ?accidental, by other specified means
TN8z. Injury ?accidental, by means NOS
TN9.. Injury ?accidental, late effects
TNz.. Injury undetermined accidental or purposely inflicted NOS
TP... Injury resulting operations of war
TP0.. War injuries due to fires and conflagrations
TP00. War injury due to fire or conflagration from petrol bomb
TP0z. War injury due to fire or conflagration from source NOS
TP1.. War injuries due to bullets and fragments
TP10. War injury due to rubber bullets
TP11. War injury due to rifle pellets
TP12. War injury due to other bullets
TP120 War injury due to carbine bullet
TP121 War injury due to machine gun bullet
TP122 War injury due to pistol bullet
TP123 War injury due to rifle bullet
TP124 War injury due to shotgun bullet
TP12z War injury due to bullet NOS
TP13. War injury due to fragments from antipersonnel bomb
TP1z. War injury due to other and unspecified fragments
TP1z0 War injury due to fragments from artillery shell
TP1z1 War injury due to fragments from bomb NEC
TP1z2 War injury due to fragments from grenade
TP1z3 War injury due to fragments from guided missile
TP1z4 War injury due to fragments from land mine
TP1z5 War injury due to fragments from rocket
TP1z6 War injury due to fragments from shell
TP1z7 War injury due to fragments from shrapnel
TP1zz War injury due to fragments NOS
TP2.. War injuries due to explosion of marine weapons
TP20. War injury due to explosion of depth charge explosion
TP21. War injury due to explosion of marine mine
TP22. War injury due to explosion of sea-based artillery shell
TP23. War injury due to explosion of torpedo
TP24. War injury due to underwater blast
TP2z. War injury due to explosion of marine weapons NOS
TP3.. War injury due to other explosions
TP30. War injury due to accidental explosion of munitions
TP31. War injury due to accidental explosion of own weapons
TP32. War injury due to explosion of artillery shell
TP33. War injury due to explosion of breech block
TP34. War injury due to explosion of cannon block
TP35. War injury due to explosion of mortar bomb
TP36. War injury due to air blast NOS
TP3z. War injury due to explosion NOS
TP4.. War injury due to destruction of aircraft
TP40. War injury due to aeroplane burned
TP41. War injury due to aeroplane exploded
TP42. War injury due to aeroplane shot down
TP43. War injury due to crushing by falling aeroplane
TP4z. War injury due to destruction of aircraft NOS
TP5.. War injury due to other forms of conventional warfare
TP50. War injury due to bayonet
TP51. War injury due to battle wound NOS
TP52. War injury, drowned in war operations
TP5z. War injury due to conventional warfare NOS
TP6.. War injury due to nuclear weapons
TP60. War injury due to blast effects of nuclear weapon
TP61. War injury due to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapon
TP62. War injury due to fireball effects of nuclear weapon
TP63. War injury due to heat from nuclear weapon
TP6z. War injury due to nuclear weapons NOS
TP7.. War injury due to other forms of unconventional warfare
TP70. War injury due to lasers
TP71. War injury due to biological warfare
TP72. War injury due to gases, fumes and chemicals
TP720 War injury due to gas
TP721 War injury due to fumes
TP722 War injury due to chemicals
TP72z War injury due to gases, fumes or chemicals NOS
TP7y. War injury due to other forms of unconventional warfare
TP7z. War injury due to unconventional forms of warfare NOS
TP8.. Injury due to war operations but occurring after war stopped
TP9.. Late effects of injury due to war operations
TPz.. War injuries NOS
Tz... Causes of injury and poisoning NOS
U120. [X]Hit struck kicked twistd bitten/scratchd by anoth person
U3... [X]Assault
U3L.. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force
U3L0. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force, occurrence at home
U3L1. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn resident institn
U3L2. [X]Sexual assault by bodil forc occ sch oth ins/pub adm area
U3L3. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn sport/athlet area
U3L4. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn on street/highway
U3L5. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn trade/servce area
U3L6. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn indust/constr area
U3L7. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force, occurrence on farm
U3Ly. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn oth specif place
U3Lz. [X]Sexual assault by bodily force occurrn unspecified place
U6... [X]Complications of medical and surgical care
U61.. [X]Misadventures to patients during surgical + medical care
Z.... Unspecified conditions
Zw020 [Q] Avulsion
Zw059 [Q] Neuropraxia