IHE Pharmacy Medication Overview
0.1.0 - ci-build International flag

IHE Pharmacy Medication Overview, published by Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/pharm-meow/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Medication Concepts

Medication Treatment (MT)

A set of 1..n medication treatment lines and associated information, somehow related together (e.g. one same purpose, or one same entry by a professional)

  • 1..* Medication treatment line (this relation should not exist. should be the other way around. MTL → MT)
  • 0..* Advice
    • Advice content
    • Advice issuer, date, etc.
    • Topic (link to treatment OR Link to treatment line OR overview)
  • 0..* Comment
    • Comment content
    • Comment issuer, date, etc.
    • Topic (link to treatment OR Link to treatment line OR overview)

Medication Treatment Line (MTL)

An entry representing one single medicinal product (or type of product) that is planned, or ordered, or dispensed, or actually reported taken by the patient.

  • 1..1 Medication: an identification or sufficient description of the product (code / composition / …)
    • Dose form
  • 1..1 Status
  • 0..1 Route of administration (not 0..* - if there are changes, will be an update)
  • 0..1 Dosage (strength, amount…)
    • may be a complex model e.g. one dosage for odd days and one for even days.
  • 0..1 Frequency (dose units, timing, etc)
  • 0..1 Effective time (duration, start+duration, start+end…)
  • 0..* reason / indication
  • 0..* Instructions
    • Preparation
    • Usage
    • (may be a link to an external request)
  • Metadata (reporter, reporting date, etc.)
  • 0..* Information sources: other data objects that this line is derived from (Order, Dispense, Line)
  • 0..* category category of a medication line
  • 0..* treatmentGroup (an explicit attribute that serves to associate 2 or more lines, in addition to the grouping that may be obtained from the other existing data elements)

Medication Treatment Plan (MTP)

Medication Treatment line that hasn’t been executed yet. A medication treatment line MAY have status “planned” (or no “actionable” status) but it’s still a line.

Subtype of Order, that hasn’t been executed yet and is not yet actionable.

For this reason, we will no longer use “Medication Treatment Plan” expression and concept in our specifications.