Interactive Multimedia Report (IMR)
1.0.1-current - ci-build International flag

Interactive Multimedia Report (IMR), published by IHE Radiology Technical Committee. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.1-current). This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Changes to Other Documents

This section contains modifications to other IHE publications and profiles, and is not a part of the IMR profile. The content here will be incorporated into the target narrative at a future time, usually when IMR goes final text.

IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction Appendix A: Actors

Editor, add the following new or modified actors to the IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction Appendix A:
Actor Definition
Rendered Report Reader Presents pre-rendered reports (including multimedia content and hyperlinks) to a user.

IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction Appendix B: Transactions

Editor, add the following new or modified transactions to the IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction Appendix B:
Transaction Definition
Store Multimedia Report [RAD-141] This transaction is used to store multimedia reports.
Display Multimedia Report [RAD-142] This transaction is used to present the multimedia report content to someone, such as a radiologist or a clinician, in such a way that permits the user to interact with the embedded multimedia contents.
Find Multimedia Report [RAD-143] This transaction is used to find DiagnosticReport Resources that satisfy a set of parameters.
Retrieve Rendered Multimedia Report [RAD-144] This transaction is used by the Requester to retrieve a rendered multimedia report from the Responder.
Display Referenced Images in Multimedia Report [RAD-145] This transaction is used to present the images referenced in a multimedia report to someone, such as a radiologist or a clinician, in such a way that permits the user to interact with the images.