HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide - New Zealand Formulary/NZULM IG
1.0.0 - ci-build
HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide - New Zealand Formulary/NZULM IG, published by New Zealand Medicines Formulary LP. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7NZ/nzf/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
The first step to getting access to the API is to email fhir ‘at’ nzformulary.org. We will help with the onboarding process and send you the required authentication details.
The FHIR API requires authentication for access. This uses OAuth2 and you will be set up with the appropriate credentials including a small guide on using those credentials in tools like postman during the onboarding process.
We also have a simple web user interface to view the data. This allows for common queries as well as viewing medication details. This is available once you have been onboarded above.
Once you have connected to the FHIR server then you should have access to all the medication, substances and document references.
The easiest way to test this is by going to the following url:
(where base is the location of the server you are accessing).
We use a standard FHIR server to host our API and resources therefore all the standard read and search operations are available. See here for more details.
On our data page we explain the data we provide as well as given example queries on how to access the data you are after.
For those that aren’t familar with FHIR by default FHIR queries page their search returns. You can specify the number of results to return in a group by appending the _count variable to your query. A search query will return a Bundle which includes a url to get the next batch of results.
You can also request to get the total number of resources of a query. For example:
This will return mpp medication resources, including the total number of MPPs.
You can also use multiple parameters in one query - for example you can say give me all the MPP medications that are prescribe by brand
Note the query below will also work but it is recommended that you include the system along with the code. This also improves query performance.
If you have a list of medication codes and you want to retrieve all these medications in one go then you can add multiple ids to your query. For example:
Similarly you can also do a POST request with the ids in the POST data to achieve the same result.
POST data (content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded):
_id = 10017561000116103,10017651000116102
You can choose to return only parts of the medication (or other resources) from a query. For example:
Give me all the code fields for MPs
If something is incorrect in your query then the first entry in the Bundle will be an OperationOutcome specifying what has gone wrong. It is important to be aware of this as queries can sometimes still return results but they may not be exactly what you are after.
There are client libraries which aid querying and retrieving data. Please see here for more information.
Depending on your application requirements you may want to cache the data that you are after rather than query the API at real-time. There are various ways of doing this but one helpful built-in parameter is the lastUpdated field. For example:
This returns all the medications that have been created or updated since the July 01, 2023.
Note - this does not return deleted items. These can be retrieved by the resource history if needed, however, medications and substances should not, in general ever be deleted from the API (they may be made inactive).
If, when caching, items are retrieved since the last update date then it is recommended that the system calls the API with the new last updated date to ensure that there were no content updates that happened during the API request (although unlikely).
We are more than willing to help you get the data that you need. Please contact us at any stage for assistance if needed.
Before going into production there is an accreditation process. Please contact fhir ‘at’ nzformulary.org for more details.