National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Administration. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
The NDH is develped under the FHIR at Scale Taskforce Project
Jira Tickets FHIR- | Appllied |
41815 | Fix Section table formatting |
41876 | Fix Section 27.350.1 Section typo |
41878 | Rename it as Direct Secure Messaging |
41881 | Clean up "Distributed Query Implementation Guidance" image |
41882 | Fix typo in Section 26 |
41884 | Fix UDAP hyperlink |
41916 | Fix Providers&Services should be 2 words in section 1.1 |
41940 | Remove the cursor from the image |
41941 | Clean the border lines and remove the Figure 2 mark |
41942 | Fix typo |
41943 | Fix the inconsistency in the capitalization of the title/headers |
41944 | Fix Section 3.3 and 3.4 numbering |
41945 | Bold SHALL, SHOULD and MAY in section 5.1.1 |
41946 | Remove section 5.1.2 Figure 1 mark |
41947 | Renumber Section 7 |
41948 | Renumber Section 11 |
42076 | Fix typo |
42654 | Fix typo in Section 7.2 |
42645 | Remove </code> in Section 5.4.8 |
42610 | Add missing "," in search parameter in Section 3.3.1 |
42674 | Fix typo in Section 3.1.2 Query 5 |
42675 | Fix missing O in _typeFilter=rganization_typeFilter=rganization |
42682 | Fix typo |
Jira Tickets FHIR- | Appllied |
41767 | Change value of from versioned-update to versioned for all resource behaviors in the capability statements |
41768 | or endpoint resource remove duplicate Location-endpoint in capability statement revinclude for all capability statements where it appears. |
41769 | Add Location endpoint search parameter into capability statement. |
41770 | Create CareTeam endpoint search parameter |
41771 | Include the Network profile as a supported profile under organization in the capability statements as a SHALL for Exchange and a SHOULD for Exchange Base and Exchange Expanded. |
41773 | Add a search parameter for Practitioner.endpoint; update the capability statements. |
41774 | Add the $export operation to the National Directory API capability statement. Define both server and client conformance. |
41812 | Fix the inconsistent cardinality in Section 1.12.4 Practitioner Role relationship diagram, add the information why cardinality is 0..1 See more information on FHIR-40262 |
41841 | Remove multipleOr and multipleAnd from SearchParameter endpoint-access-control-mechanism, since the cardinality of the Endpoint.access-control-mechaniam is 0..1 |
41879 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for V&V Standard Tab |
41880 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for DQ Standard Tab |
41883 | Remove words "or Tiered-OAUTH" in section 1.13 NDH security |
41886 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for Exchange Standard Tab |
41887 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for Attestation Standard Tab |
41893 | Add NdhNetwork, NdhExNetwork, NdhPnQryNetwork profiles to associated Organization capability statement(s). Add a note for the network-coverage-area parameter, the organization.type = ntwk is needed. |
41905 | Remove include for organization.identifier.assigner from the capability statement(s) |
41906 | For each of the includes and revincludes, make the conformance (SHOULD,SHALL,MAY) the same in the search requirements as the capability statement. |
41913 | Remove organization reverse include for endpoint.identifier.assigner from the capability statement(s) |
41914 | Change NdhExHealthcareService network extension from NdhNetwork to NdhExNetwork |
41915 | Remove revers include Practitioner-identifier-assigner from the capability statement(s) |
41963 | add more guidance regarding the use of point coordinates (longitude, latitude) as an input to a search on the geojson shape for a location. |
42007 | Add a comment to NetworkCoverageAreaSearchParameter indicating that this search parameter is exclusively for the Network Profile resource. |
42020 | Add clarification regarding the resource ownership for the PractitionerRol |
42021 | Add clarification on Relationships Between Different Resources section 1.12.1 All Resource Relationships 1 |
42022 | Add clarification regarding the relationship between InsurancePlan and Networks. |
42024 | The NDH IG already indicates that a payer may establish a "provisional" practitionerRole in the documentation for section 10.3 |
42609 | Revise Section 1.2, titled "Background," to incorporate a narrative and a diagram that elucidate the relationship between the NDH IG and the Plan-Net IG. |
42611 | Add the Bulk Data Requirements for client and server in the Section 5.4.1 titled "National Directory API Bulk Data Conformance Requirements". |
42612 | Update Section 5.4.1, titled "National Directory API Bulk Data Conformance Requirements" to indicate that ndjson is the only format allowed for the _outputFormat parameter. |
42644 | Update Section 3.7 and Section 3.9 |
42646 | Update Section and Section 26.169.1 |
42648 | Update Section |
42649 | Update Section and Section 26.135.1 |
42650 | Update Section 26.129.1 |
42651 | Update Section and Section 26.182.1 |
42652 | Add ihe.iti.mcsd dependence |
42653 | Applied the wording suggested in the ticket in the NDH-Security section. |
42657 | Replace NDH EndpointCommonMimeType Code System with Code System urn:ietf:bcp:13 |
42672 | Add FHIR Communication Security Link as clarification |
42673 | Create the Endpoint.environmentType extension element to pre-adopt R5 Endpoint.environmentType element |
42676 | Reword the last paragraph of Section 1.13 titled "NDH Security" |
42677 | Add a description outlining the intended capabilities of the National Directory API Base. |
42276 | Using codes from employmentStatus |
42277 | Using the codes from urn:ietf:bcp:13 build the EndpointCommonMimeTypeVS Value set |
42679 | Remove the restriction profile from the Attestation Capability Statement; change the Validation profile's conformance from MAY to SHALL in the Attestation Capability Statement. |
42681 | Rewrite the wording in the first item of Section 3.1.1 "Users and Actors" |
42683 | Add commercial payers to the list of data sources in Section "Data sources for attestation" |
42685 | Remove modifier below from practitioner-qualification-issuer search parameter |
42684 | Add Clarify in section 11.1.2. "Attestation Data Restriction" |
42687 | Add multipleOr to SearchParameter healthcareservice-new-patient, and practitionerrole-new-patient |
42688 | Add $export operation to exchange capability statements. |
42689 | Add unique id "scheduleId" for the specific request |
42121 | Remove resource prefix from search parameter code; update the capabality statements, and examples accordingly |
42129 | Add Location.partof search parameter to the capability statements. |
42131 | For each of the includes and revincludes, make the conformance (SHOULD,SHALL,MAY) the same in the search requirements as the capability statement. |
42132 | Add special search parameter _filter for handling complex combination queries |
42133 | Add multipleOr to SearchParameter location-new-patient |
42279 | Rename Exchange to National Directory API; Distributed Query to Local Directory API |
42339 | Replace the Introduction 1.1 with the text in the ticket. |
42646 | Add description to the structure definition regarding use of the extensions and a note to describe potential uses of the trust framework extension |
42647 | Add HTTP 4XX as an allowed return with an appropriate explanation as to its use |
42648 | Add guidance that this extension should only be used when the standard for exchange requires the discovery of a public key. |
42658 | The structure of the Payer Provider Network Query Profiles is the same as the NDH base profiles. However, the "Must Support" conformances are derived from the corresponding DaVinci PDex Plan Net profiles. |
42661 | Make the National Directory API profile resource.meta as must support. |
42672 | Remove the referenced bullet point in Section 1.13 – NDH actors SHALL conform to FHIR Communications requirements, as other items in the security section already define appropriate communication requirements. |
42676 | Change to: "NDH implementers in the US Federal systems SHOULD conform with the risk management and mitigation requirements defined in NIST 800 series documents associated with providing access to PII. The coordination of relevant risk management and the related security and privacy controls - policies, administrative practices, and technical controls - SHOULD be defined in the Data Use Agreements." |
42681 | Update provider definition to: "Any individual or entity that provides services or goods directly, or in support of, healthcare and/or social care delivery" |
42683 | Add commercial payers to the list of data source. "data from commercial payers (e.g., UnitedHealth Group, Kaiser Permanente …)" |
42686 | Remove multipleOr and multipleAnd from SearchParameter practitionerrole-network, since the cardinality of the is 0..1 |
42690 | remove Section 5.4.8 titled "Using List defined resource subsets to be exported" |
42837 | Add Location identifier, endpoint, name, near, and partof search parameter to the CababilityStatements |
42838 | Update this search parameter name to CareTeamNameSearchParameter. Replaced the local Careteam-alais extension with FHIR Extension Pack extension |
42839 | Update this search parameter name to CareTeamNameSearchParameter. Replaced the local Careteam-alais extension with FHIR Extension Pack extension |
42877 | Add MultipleOr modifier to HealthcareServiceNewPatientSearchParameter |
42880 | Add special search parameter _filter for handling complex combination queries |
42881 | Add special search parameter _filter for handling complex combination queries |
42882 | Update associated search parameters. |
42883 | Remove "text" modifier from search parameters HealthcareServiceProgramRequirementVaStatusSearchParameter HealthcareServiceSocialServiceVaStatusSearchParameter |
42884 | Remove "text" modifier from search parameter HealthcareServiceSocialServiceBirthsexSearchParameter |
42902 | Add HIEInitiator as the value for the OraganizationAffiliation.code in the diagram of "TEFCA -CareQuality -Health Information Exchange" |
42903 | Add DocShare-federate-in and DocShare-federate-ext as the values for the OraganizationAffiliation.code in the diagram of "TEFCA -CareQuality -Health Information Exchange" |
42904 | Add the modifiers "above" and "below" to the location and organization search parameters for HealthcareService and PractitionerRole profiles. Also, add the modifiers "above" and "below" to the location, primary-organization, and participating-organization search parameters for the OrganizationAffiliation profile. |
42925 | See 41771 |
42926 | change the code of the Search parmeter Location-contains to contains from location-contains, to support the chaining. |
42927 | Remove multipleAnd modifier from all profile verification-status search parameter. |
43036 | Remove meta version from capability statement, Add Concent search parameters |
43037 | Add guidance that will point to 7.1 for details on conformance expectations depending on which Exchange standard a directory claims conformance |
42965 | See 41771 |
42966 | Add guidance on which qualifications should occur at the organization or organizationaffiliation level or possibly both. Expand relevant valuesets to include organization relevant qualifications. |
43069 | See FHIR-42121 |
43071 | Remove modifier multipleAnd from VerificationResultStatusSearchParameter. |
43388 | Rebase the NDH to US Core 6.1.0 |
44725 | Change the cardinality of InsurancePlan.ownedBy and InsurancePlan.administeredBy in the NDH Base InsurancePlan profile from 1..1 to 0..1. |
44773 | Add PractitionerRole endpoint search parameter. |
44799 | Remove the network research parameters from Organization Profile. |
44800 | Update the Organization Search Parameter link on the Base Artifacts page. |
44801 | Remove the duplicated InsurancePlan:plan-network from Organization _revinclude. |
44802 | Add the missing verification-status search parameter to the CapabilityStatements. |
44908 | Update the _revinclude for location to CareTeam:location. |
44934 | Remove _include Practitioner:verification-attestation-who |
44966 | Remove _include InsurancePlan:plan-coverage-area from CapabilityStatements. |
44986 | Remove VerificationResult attestation-who should not set multipleAnd |
45340 | Update the dependencies to hl7.fhir.uv.subscriptions-backport.r4: 1.1.0 |
45341 | Add backport-subscription-status operations and Subscription to the National Directory API CapabilityStatements |
45362 | Add backport-subscription-status operations and Subscription to the National Directory API CapabilityStatements |
45350 | Change the WebSocket channel conformance to MAY. |
Jira Tickets FHIR- | Appllied |
42240 | Using codes from CodeSystem-v2-0066 |
42241 | Using urn:ietf:bcp:13 codes in the NDH local value set EndpointcommonMineTypeVS remove this NDH local EndpointCommonMineTypeCS Code System. |
42243 | Using the codes from MCSD Endpoint Types for the NDH Local Value set, remove this NDG local code system add dependency with ihe.iti.mcsd |
42244 | See the details in [UP-505] Add "Not Applicable" to THO "Endpoint Payload Type" Code System - Jira ( Using not-applicable code from Code System. Remove this NDH local code system |
42245 | No longer needed. |
42247 | Using the codes from Remove this NDH local Code System. |
42248 | See details in UP-503. Keep using NDH local ConsentCategory Code system. |
42249 | In R5, directory-related consent will be introduced. For now, the NDH IG will use its local code system. Eventually, the NDH will transition to the R5 code system and phase out the NDH IG code system. |
42254 | Adopt the practitionerRole code from US 6.1 (SNOMED) and provide a slice to align with codeset used by PlanNet. |
42260 | Developed a local code system containing those codes and incorporated them into this value set. |
42261 | Using the codes from urn:ietf:bcp:13. |
42262 | See details in UP-505Use the code from the Data Absent Reason Code System instead of the code from the NDH IG local code system. |
42263 | The NDH IG no longer profile the value set of the healthcare service program codes. |
42264 | See details in UP-486. No longer profile the Healthcare Service Referral Method. |
42265 | Update the HealthcareServiceType Value Set with the codes from THO Code system instead of from NDH IG local Code System. |
42267 | See details in UP-504. Keep using NDH local Consent Scope Value Set. |
42270 | Using THO verificationresult-communication-method code system |
42251 | Using THO verificationresult-communication-method value set |
42250 | See details in UP-504. Keep using NDH local Consent Scope Code System. |
42656 | Update age range, Children Age range 3-12 years, Teens Age range 13-19 years |
UP-497 | Replace Ndh local language proficiency code system and value set with THO code system and value set |
UP-494 | Replace Ndh local credential status code system and value set with THO code system and value set |
UP-495 | Replace Ndh local delivery methods code system and value set with THO code system and value set |
UP-520 | Replace Ndh local Insurance Coverage Type local system and value set with THO code system and value set |
UP-501 | Replace Ndh local InsurancePlan plan type code system and value set with THO code system and value set |
UP-500 | Replace Ndh local Insurance Product Type code system and value set with THO code system and value set |
The NDH is develped under the FHIR at Scale Taskforce Project
Jira Tickets FHIR- | Appllied |
41815 | Fix Section table formatting |
41876 | Fix Section 27.350.1 Section typo |
41878 | Rename it as Direct Secure Messaging |
41881 | Clean up "Distributed Query Implementation Guidance" image |
41882 | Fix typo in Section 26 |
41884 | Fix UDAP hyperlink |
41916 | Fix Providers&Services should be 2 words in section 1.1 |
41940 | Remove the cursor from the image |
41941 | Clean the border lines and remove the Figure 2 mark |
41942 | Fix typo |
41943 | Fix the inconsistency in the capitalization of the title/headers |
41944 | Fix Section 3.3 and 3.4 numbering |
41945 | Bold SHALL, SHOULD and MAY in section 5.1.1 |
41946 | Remove section 5.1.2 Figure 1 mark |
41947 | Renumber Section 7 |
41948 | Renumber Section 11 |
42076 | Fix typo |
42654 | Fix typo in Section 7.2 |
42645 | Remove </code> in Section 5.4.8 |
42610 | Add missing "," in search parameter in Section 3.3.1 |
42674 | Fix typo in Section 3.1.2 Query 5 |
42675 | Fix missing O in _typeFilter=rganization_typeFilter=rganization |
42682 | Fix typo |
Jira Tickets FHIR- | Appllied |
41767 | Change value of from versioned-update to versioned for all resource behaviors in the capability statements |
41768 | or endpoint resource remove duplicate Location-endpoint in capability statement revinclude for all capability statements where it appears. |
41769 | Add Location endpoint search parameter into capability statement. |
41770 | Create CareTeam endpoint search parameter |
41771 | Include the Network profile as a supported profile under organization in the capability statements as a SHALL for Exchange and a SHOULD for Exchange Base and Exchange Expanded. |
41773 | Add a search parameter for Practitioner.endpoint; update the capability statements. |
41774 | Add the $export operation to the National Directory API capability statement. Define both server and client conformance. |
41812 | Fix the inconsistent cardinality in Section 1.12.4 Practitioner Role relationship diagram, add the information why cardinality is 0..1 See more information on FHIR-40262 |
41841 | Remove multipleOr and multipleAnd from SearchParameter endpoint-access-control-mechanism, since the cardinality of the Endpoint.access-control-mechaniam is 0..1 |
41879 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for V&V Standard Tab |
41880 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for DQ Standard Tab |
41883 | Remove words "or Tiered-OAUTH" in section 1.13 NDH security |
41886 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for Exchange Standard Tab |
41887 | Move the Guidance tab as the first one at the drop down for Attestation Standard Tab |
41893 | Add NdhNetwork, NdhExNetwork, NdhPnQryNetwork profiles to associated Organization capability statement(s). Add a note for the network-coverage-area parameter, the organization.type = ntwk is needed. |
41905 | Remove include for organization.identifier.assigner from the capability statement(s) |
41906 | For each of the includes and revincludes, make the conformance (SHOULD,SHALL,MAY) the same in the search requirements as the capability statement. |
41913 | Remove organization reverse include for endpoint.identifier.assigner from the capability statement(s) |
41914 | Change NdhExHealthcareService network extension from NdhNetwork to NdhExNetwork |
41915 | Remove revers include Practitioner-identifier-assigner from the capability statement(s) |
41963 | add more guidance regarding the use of point coordinates (longitude, latitude) as an input to a search on the geojson shape for a location. |
42007 | Add a comment to NetworkCoverageAreaSearchParameter indicating that this search parameter is exclusively for the Network Profile resource. |
42020 | Add clarification regarding the resource ownership for the PractitionerRol |
42021 | Add clarification on Relationships Between Different Resources section 1.12.1 All Resource Relationships 1 |
42022 | Add clarification regarding the relationship between InsurancePlan and Networks. |
42024 | The NDH IG already indicates that a payer may establish a "provisional" practitionerRole in the documentation for section 10.3 |
42609 | Revise Section 1.2, titled "Background," to incorporate a narrative and a diagram that elucidate the relationship between the NDH IG and the Plan-Net IG. |
42611 | Add the Bulk Data Requirements for client and server in the Section 5.4.1 titled "National Directory API Bulk Data Conformance Requirements". |
42612 | Update Section 5.4.1, titled "National Directory API Bulk Data Conformance Requirements" to indicate that ndjson is the only format allowed for the _outputFormat parameter. |
42644 | Update Section 3.7 and Section 3.9 |
42646 | Update Section and Section 26.169.1 |
42648 | Update Section |
42649 | Update Section and Section 26.135.1 |
42650 | Update Section 26.129.1 |
42651 | Update Section and Section 26.182.1 |
42652 | Add ihe.iti.mcsd dependence |
42653 | Applied the wording suggested in the ticket in the NDH-Security section. |
42657 | Replace NDH EndpointCommonMimeType Code System with Code System urn:ietf:bcp:13 |
42672 | Add FHIR Communication Security Link as clarification |
42673 | Create the Endpoint.environmentType extension element to pre-adopt R5 Endpoint.environmentType element |
42676 | Reword the last paragraph of Section 1.13 titled "NDH Security" |
42677 | Add a description outlining the intended capabilities of the National Directory API Base. |
42276 | Using codes from employmentStatus |
42277 | Using the codes from urn:ietf:bcp:13 build the EndpointCommonMimeTypeVS Value set |
42679 | Remove the restriction profile from the Attestation Capability Statement; change the Validation profile's conformance from MAY to SHALL in the Attestation Capability Statement. |
42681 | Rewrite the wording in the first item of Section 3.1.1 "Users and Actors" |
42683 | Add commercial payers to the list of data sources in Section "Data sources for attestation" |
42685 | Remove modifier below from practitioner-qualification-issuer search parameter |
42684 | Add Clarify in section 11.1.2. "Attestation Data Restriction" |
42687 | Add multipleOr to SearchParameter healthcareservice-new-patient, and practitionerrole-new-patient |
42688 | Add $export operation to exchange capability statements. |
42689 | Add unique id "scheduleId" for the specific request |
42121 | Remove resource prefix from search parameter code; update the capabality statements, and examples accordingly |
42129 | Add Location.partof search parameter to the capability statements. |
42131 | For each of the includes and revincludes, make the conformance (SHOULD,SHALL,MAY) the same in the search requirements as the capability statement. |
42132 | Add special search parameter _filter for handling complex combination queries |
42133 | Add multipleOr to SearchParameter location-new-patient |
42279 | Rename Exchange to National Directory API; Distributed Query to Local Directory API |
42339 | Replace the Introduction 1.1 with the text in the ticket. |
42646 | Add description to the structure definition regarding use of the extensions and a note to describe potential uses of the trust framework extension |
42647 | Add HTTP 4XX as an allowed return with an appropriate explanation as to its use |
42648 | Add guidance that this extension should only be used when the standard for exchange requires the discovery of a public key. |
42658 | The structure of the Payer Provider Network Query Profiles is the same as the NDH base profiles. However, the "Must Support" conformances are derived from the corresponding DaVinci PDex Plan Net profiles. |
42661 | Make the National Directory API profile resource.meta as must support. |
42672 | Remove the referenced bullet point in Section 1.13 – NDH actors SHALL conform to FHIR Communications requirements, as other items in the security section already define appropriate communication requirements. |
42676 | Change to: "NDH implementers in the US Federal systems SHOULD conform with the risk management and mitigation requirements defined in NIST 800 series documents associated with providing access to PII. The coordination of relevant risk management and the related security and privacy controls - policies, administrative practices, and technical controls - SHOULD be defined in the Data Use Agreements." |
42681 | Update provider definition to: "Any individual or entity that provides services or goods directly, or in support of, healthcare and/or social care delivery" |
42683 | Add commercial payers to the list of data source. "data from commercial payers (e.g., UnitedHealth Group, Kaiser Permanente …)" |
42686 | Remove multipleOr and multipleAnd from SearchParameter practitionerrole-network, since the cardinality of the is 0..1 |
42690 | remove Section 5.4.8 titled "Using List defined resource subsets to be exported" |
42837 | Add Location identifier, endpoint, name, near, and partof search parameter to the CababilityStatements |
42838 | Update this search parameter name to CareTeamNameSearchParameter. Replaced the local Careteam-alais extension with FHIR Extension Pack extension |
42839 | Update this search parameter name to CareTeamNameSearchParameter. Replaced the local Careteam-alais extension with FHIR Extension Pack extension |
42877 | Add MultipleOr modifier to HealthcareServiceNewPatientSearchParameter |
42880 | Add special search parameter _filter for handling complex combination queries |
42881 | Add special search parameter _filter for handling complex combination queries |
42882 | Update associated search parameters. |
42883 | Remove "text" modifier from search parameters HealthcareServiceProgramRequirementVaStatusSearchParameter HealthcareServiceSocialServiceVaStatusSearchParameter |
42884 | Remove "text" modifier from search parameter HealthcareServiceSocialServiceBirthsexSearchParameter |
42902 | Add HIEInitiator as the value for the OraganizationAffiliation.code in the diagram of "TEFCA -CareQuality -Health Information Exchange" |
42903 | Add DocShare-federate-in and DocShare-federate-ext as the values for the OraganizationAffiliation.code in the diagram of "TEFCA -CareQuality -Health Information Exchange" |
42904 | Add the modifiers "above" and "below" to the location and organization search parameters for HealthcareService and PractitionerRole profiles. Also, add the modifiers "above" and "below" to the location, primary-organization, and participating-organization search parameters for the OrganizationAffiliation profile. |
42925 | See 41771 |
42926 | change the code of the Search parmeter Location-contains to contains from location-contains, to support the chaining. |
42927 | Remove multipleAnd modifier from all profile verification-status search parameter. |
43036 | Remove meta version from capability statement, Add Concent search parameters |
43037 | Add guidance that will point to 7.1 for details on conformance expectations depending on which Exchange standard a directory claims conformance |
42965 | See 41771 |
42966 | Add guidance on which qualifications should occur at the organization or organizationaffiliation level or possibly both. Expand relevant valuesets to include organization relevant qualifications. |
43069 | See FHIR-42121 |
43071 | Remove modifier multipleAnd from VerificationResultStatusSearchParameter. |
43388 | Rebase the NDH to US Core 6.1.0 |
44725 | Change the cardinality of InsurancePlan.ownedBy and InsurancePlan.administeredBy in the NDH Base InsurancePlan profile from 1..1 to 0..1. |
44773 | Add PractitionerRole endpoint search parameter. |
44799 | Remove the network research parameters from Organization Profile. |
44800 | Update the Organization Search Parameter link on the Base Artifacts page. |
44801 | Remove the duplicated InsurancePlan:plan-network from Organization _revinclude. |
44802 | Add the missing verification-status search parameter to the CapabilityStatements. |
44908 | Update the _revinclude to have location for CareTeam:location. |
44934 | Remove _include Practitioner:verification-attestation-who |
44966 | Remove _include InsurancePlan:plan-coverage-area from CapabilityStatements. |
44986 | Remove multipleAnd from search VerificationResult attestation-who modifier |
45340 | Update the dependencies with hl7.fhir.uv.subscriptions-backport.r4: 1.1.0 |
45341 | Add backport-subscription-status operations and Subscription to the National Directory API CapabilityStatements |
45362 | Add backport-subscription-status operations and Subscription to the National Directory API CapabilityStatements |
45350 | Change the WebSocket channel conformance to MAY. |
Jira Tickets FHIR- | Appllied |
42240 | Using codes from CodeSystem-v2-0066 |
42241 | Using urn:ietf:bcp:13 codes in the NDH local value set EndpointcommonMineTypeVS remove this NDH local EndpointCommonMineTypeCS Code System. |
42242 | Using existing fhir version code system and value set |
42243 | Using the codes from MCSD Endpoint Types for the NDH Local Value set, remove this NDG local code system add dependency with ihe.iti.mcsd |
42244 | See the details in [UP-505] Add "Not Applicable" to THO "Endpoint Payload Type" Code System - Jira ( Using not-applicable code from Code System. Remove this NDH local code system |
42245 | No longer needed. |
42246 | See UP-486 After discussing during the PA WGM, we agreed that NDH should not profile the HealthcareService referralMethod and should instead use the existing value set. |
42247 | Using the codes from Remove this NDH local Code System. |
42248 | See details in UP-503. Keep using NDH local ConsentCategory Code system. |
42252 | See UP-509 Validation process |
42253 | See UP-507 Organization Type |
42254 | Adopt the practitionerRole code from US 6.1 (SNOMED) and provide a slice to align with codeset used by PlanNet. |
42255 | Move all necessary shared code systems with other IGs to THO, and keep the code systems specific to NDH as local code systems. |
42257 | Move all necessary shared code systems with other IGs to THO, and keep the code systems specific to NDH as local code systems. |
42259 | Drop ndh in the name of local code system, if the local code system used by other IG |
42260 | Developed a local code system containing those codes and incorporated them into this value set. |
42261 | Using the codes from urn:ietf:bcp:13. |
42262 | See details in UP-505Use the code from the Data Absent Reason Code System instead of the code from the NDH IG local code system. |
42263 | The NDH IG no longer profile the value set of the healthcare service program codes. |
42264 | See details in UP-486. No longer profile the Healthcare Service Referral Method. |
42265 | Update the HealthcareServiceType Value Set with the codes from THO Code system instead of from NDH IG local Code System. |
42267 | See details in UP-504. Keep using NDH local Consent Scope Value Set. |
42268 | See UP-499 |
42270 | Using THO verificationresult-communication-method code system |
42271 | See UP-509 |
42272 | See UP-507 |
42273 | See UP-511 |
42274 | See UP-511 |
42251 | Using THO verificationresult-communication-method value set |
42250 | See details in UP-504. Keep using NDH local Consent Scope Code System. |
42656 | Update age range, Children Age range 3-12 years, Teens Age range 13-19 years |
42659 | Move all necessary shared code systems with other IGs to THO, and keep the code systems specific to NDH as local code systems. |
42660 | See UP-511 |
Jira Tickets | Appllied |
UP-492 | Replace Ndh local Accepting Patient code system with THO code system. |
UP-293 | Replace Ndh local Accessibility code system with THO code system. |
UP-494 | Replace Ndh local credential status code system with THO code system. |
UP-495 | Replace Ndh local delivery methods code system with THO code system. |
UP-497 | Replace Ndh local language proficiency code system with THO code system. |
UP-500 | Replace Ndh local insurance Product Type code system with THO code system. |
UP-501 | Replace Ndh local insurancePlan plan type code system with THO code system. |
UP-502 | Replace Ndh local organization alias type code system with THO code system. |
UP-507 | Add ntwk to THO "Organization Type" code system. |
UP-509 | Add Manual, Attester, Extsource codes to THO validation-process code system. |
UP-510 | Replace Ndh local virual Modilities code system with THO code system |
UP-511 | Replace Ndh local Organization Affiliation Role local code system with THO code system |
UP-517 | Replace Ndh local healthcare service category code system with THO code system. |
UP-520 | Replace Ndh local insurance coverage Type local system with THO code system. |