PACIO Personal Functioning and Engagement Implementation Guide
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PACIO Personal Functioning and Engagement Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Care. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.9.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Personal Functioning and Engagement Category Value Set

Official URL: Version: 1.9.0
Draft as of 2024-07-15 Computable Name: PFECategoryVS

This value set includes codes representing health and health-related domains into which functioning observations can be further categorized.


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet pfe-category-vs



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on codesystem Personal Functioning and Engagement Category v1.9.0 (CodeSystem)

This value set contains 669 concepts

1  BlockL1-b11 functions

Body functions are the physiological functions of body systems (including psychological functions). Impairments are problems in body function or structure as a significant deviation or loss. Broad ranges of percentages are provided for those cases in which calibrated assessment instruments or other standards are available to quantify the impairment in body function. For example, when "no impairment" or "complete impairment" in body function is coded, this scaling may have margin of error of up to 5%. "Moderate impairment" is generally up to half of the scale of total impairment. The percentages are to be calibrated in different domains with reference to population standards as percentiles. For this quantification to be used in a uniform manner, assessment procedures need to be developed through research. For a further explanation of coding conventions in ICF, refer to Annex 2.

2    BlockL2-b11 functions

This chapter is about the functions of the brain: both global mental functions, such as consciousness, energy and drive, and specific mental functions, such as memory, language and calculation mental functions.

3      b110 functions

General mental functions of the state of awareness and alertness, including the clarity and continuity of the wakeful state.

4        b1100 of consciousness

Mental functions that when altered produce states such as clouding of consciousness, stupor or coma. Mental functions that produce consciousness, and when altered produce states such as clouding of consciousness, stupor or coma.

4        b1101 of consciousness

Mental functions that produce sustained wakefulness, alertness and awareness and, when disrupted, may produce fugue, trance or other similar states.

4        b1102 of consciousness

Mental functions that when altered effect changes in the character of wakeful, alert and aware sentience, such as druginduced altered states or delirium. Mental functions that produce wakefulness, alertness and awareness sentience, when altered effect changes in the character of the quality of consciousness.

3      b114 functions

General mental functions of knowing and ascertaining one's relation to time to place, to self, to others, to objects, and to space.

4        b1140 to time

Mental functions that produce awareness of time of the day, day of the week, date, month and year.

4        b1141 to place

Mental functions that produce awareness of one's location, such as one's immediate surroundings, one's town or country.

4        b1142 to person

Mental functions that produce awareness of one's own identity and of individuals in the immediate environment.

5          b11420 to self

Mental functions that produce awareness of one's own identity.

5          b11421 to others

Mental functions that produce awareness of the identity of other individuals in one's immediate environment.

4        b1143 to objects

Mental functions that produce awareness of objects or features of objects.

4        b1144 to space

Mental functions that produce awareness of one's body in relationship to the immediate physical space.

3      b117 functions

General mental functions, required to understand and constructively integrate the various mental functions including all cognitive functions and their development over the life span.

3      b122 psychosocial functions

General mental functions, as they develop over the life span, required to understand and constructively integrate the mental functions that lead to the formation of the personal skills needed to establish reciprocal social interactions, in terms of both meaning and purpose.

3      b126 and personality functions

General mental functions of constitutional disposition of the individual to react in a particular way to situations, including the set of mental characteristics that makes the individual distinct from others.

4        b1260

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is outgoing, sociable and demonstrative, as contrasted to being shy, restricted and inhibited.

4        b1261

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is cooperative, amicable, and accomodating, as contrasted to being unfriendly, oppositional and defiant.

4        b1262

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition such as in being hard-working, methodical and scrupulous, as contrasted to mental functions producing dispositions such as being lazy, unreliable and irresponsible.

4        b1263 stability

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is even-tempered, calm and composed, as contrasted to being irritable, worried, erratic and moody.

4        b1264 to experience

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is curious, imaginative, inquisitive and experience-seeking, as contrasted to being stagnant, inattentive and emotionally inexpressive.

4        b1265

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is cheerful, buoyant and hopeful, as contrasted to being downhearted, gloomy and despairing.

4        b1266

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is self-assured, bold and assertive, as contrasted to being timid, insecure and self effacing.

4        b1267

Mental functions that produce a personal disposition that is dependable and principled, as contrasted to being deceitful and antisocial.

3      b130 and drive functions

General mental functions of physiological and psychological mechanisms that cause the individual to move towards satisfy specific needs and general goals in a persistent manner.

4        b1300 level

Mental functions that produce vigour and stamina.

4        b1301

Mental functions that produce the incentive to act; the conscious or unconscious driving force for action.

4        b1302

Mental functions that produce a natural longing or desire, especially the natural and recurring desire for food and drink.

4        b1303

Mental functions that produce the urge to consume substances, including substances that can be abused.

4        b1304 control

Mental functions that regulate and resist sudden intense urges to do something.

3      b134 functions

General mental functions of periodic, reversible and selective physical and mental disengagement from one's immediate environment accompanied by characteristic physiological changes.

4        b1340 of sleep

Mental functions involved in the time spent in the state of sleep in the diurnal cycle or circadian rhythm.

4        b1341 of sleep

Mental functions that produce the transition between wakefulness and sleep.

4        b1342 of sleep

Mental functions that sustain the state of being asleep.

4        b1343 of sleep

Mental functions that produce the natural sleep leading to optimal physical and mental rest and relaxation.

4        b1344 involving the sleep cycle

Mental functions that produce rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (associated with dreaming) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) (characterized by the traditional concept of sleep as a time of decreased physiological and psychological activity).

3      b140 functions

Specific mental functions of focusing on an external stimulus or internal experience for the required period of time.

4        b1400 attention

Mental functions that produce concentration for the period of time required.

4        b1401 attention

Mental functions that permit refocusing concentration from one stimulus to another.

4        b1402 attention

Mental functions that permit focusing on two or more stimuli at the same time.

4        b1403 attention

Mental functions that permit focusing on the same stimulus by two or more people, such as a child and a caregiver both focusing on a toy.

3      b144 functions

Specific mental functions of registering and storing information and retrieving it as needed.

4        b1440 memory

Mental functions that produce a temporary, disruptable memory store of around 30 seconds duration from which information is lost if not consolidated into long-term memory.

4        b1441 memory

Mental functions that produce a memory system permitting the long-term storage of information from short-term memory and both autobiographical memory for past events and semantic memory for language and facts.

4        b1442 and processing of memory

Specific mental functions of recalling information stored in long-term memory and bringing it into awareness.

4        b1443 memory

Mental functions that compare and process information retrieved from both short-term and long-term memory.

3      b147 functions

Specific mental functions of control over both motor and psychological events at the body level.

4        b1470 control

Mental functions that regulate the speed of behaviour or response time that involves both motor and psychological components, such as in disruption of control producing psychomotor retardation (moving and speaking slowly; decrease in gesturing and spontaneity) or psychomotor excitement (excessive behavioural and cognitive activity, usually nonproductive and often in response to inner tension as in toe-tapping, hand-wringing, agitation, or restlessness).

4        b1471 of psychomotor functions

Mental functions that produce nonverbal behaviour in the proper sequence and character of its subcomponents, such as hand and eye coordination, or gait.

3      b152 functions

Specific mental functions related to the feeling and affective components of the processes of the mind.

4        b1520 of emotion

Mental functions that produce congruence of feeling or affect with the situation, such as happiness at receiving good news.

4        b1521 of emotion

Mental functions that control the experience and display of affect.

4        b1522 of emotion

Mental functions that produce the spectrum of experience of arousal of affect or feelings such as love, hate, anxiousness, sorrow, joy, fear and anger.

3      b156 functions

Specific mental functions of recognizing and interpreting sensory stimuli.

4        b1560 perception

Mental functions involved in discriminating sounds, tones, pitches and other acoustic stimuli.

4        b1561 perception

Mental functions involved in discriminating shape, size, colour and other ocular stimuli.

4        b1562 perception

Mental functions involved in distinguishing differences in smells.

4        b1563 perception

Mental functions involved in distinguishing differences in tastes, such as sweet, sour, salty and bitter stimuli, detected by the tongue.

4        b1564 perception

Mental functions involved in distinguishing differences in texture, such as rough or smooth stimuli, detected by touch.

4        b1565 perception

Mental function involved in distinguishing by sight the relative position of objects in the environment or in relation to oneself.

3      b160 functions

Specific mental functions related to the ideational component of the mind.

4        b1600 of thought

Mental functions that govern speed of the thinking process.

4        b1601 of thought

Mental functions that organize the thinking process as to its coherence and logic.

4        b1602 of thought

Mental functions consisting of the ideas that are present in the thinking process and what is being conceptualized.

4        b1603 of thought

Mental functions that provide volitional control of thinking and are recognized as such by the person.

3      b164 cognitive functions

Specific mental functions especially dependent on the frontal lobes of the brain, including complex goal-directed behaviours such as decision-making, abstract thinking, planning and carrying out plans, mental flexibility, and deciding which behaviours are appropriate under what circumstances; often called executive functions.

4        b1640

Mental functions of creating general ideas, qualities or characteristics out of, and distinct from, concrete realities, specific objects or actual instances.

4        b1641 and planning

Mental functions of coordinating parts into a whole, of systematizing; the mental function involved in developing a method of proceeding or acting.

4        b1642 management

Mental functions of ordering events in chronological sequence, allocating amounts of time to events and activities.

4        b1643 flexibility

Mental functions of changing strategies, or shifting mental sets, especially as involved in problem-solving.

4        b1644

Mental functions of awareness and understanding of oneself and one's behaviour.

4        b1645

Mental functions involved in discriminating between and evaluating different options, such as those involved in forming an opinion.

4        b1646 Solving

Mental functions of identifying, analysing, and integrating incongruent or conflicting information into a solution.

3      b167 functions of language

Specific mental functions of recognizing and using signs, symbols and other components of a language.

4        b1670 of language

Specific mental functions of decoding messages in spoken, written or other forms, such as sign language, to obtain their meaning.

5          b16700 of spoken language

Mental functions of decoding spoken messages to obtain their meaning.

5          b16701 of written language

Mental functions of decoding written messages to obtain their meaning.

5          b16702 of sign language

Mental functions of decoding messages in languages that use signs made by hands and other movements, in order to obtain their meaning.

5          b16703 of body language

Mental functions of decoding messages in body gestures made by hands and other movements, in order to obtain their meaning.

4        b1671 of language

Specific mental functions necessary to produce meaningful messages in spoken, written, signed or other forms of language.

5          b16710 of spoken language

Mental functions necessary to produce meaningful spoken messages.

5          b16711 of written language

Mental functions necessary to produce meaningful written messages.

5          b16712 of sign language

Mental functions to produce meaningful messages in languages that use signs made by hands and other movements.

5          b16713 of body language

Mental functions necessary to produce messages using gestures made by hands and other movements.

4        b1672 language functions

Mental functions that organize semantic and symbolic meaning, grammatical structure and ideas for the production of messages in spoken, written or other forms of language.

3      b172 functions

Specific mental functions of determination, approximation and manipulation of mathematical symbols and processes.

4        b1720 calculation

Mental functions of computing with numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

4        b1721 calculation

Mental functions of translating word problems into arithmetic procedures, translating mathematical formulas into arithmetic procedures, and other complex manipulations involving numbers.

3      b176 function of sequencing complex movements

Specific mental functions of sequencing and co-ordinating complex, purposeful movements.

3      b180 of self and time functions

Specific mental functions related to the awareness of one's identity, one's body, one's position in the reality of one's environment and of time.

4        b1800 of self

Specific mental functions of being aware of one's own identity and one's position in the reality of one's environment around oneself.

4        b1801 image

Specific mental functions related to the representation and awareness of one's body.

4        b1802 of time

Specific mental functions of the subjective experiences related to the length and passage of time.

2    BlockL2-b21 functions and pain

This chapter is about the functions of the senses, seeing, hearing, tasting and so on, as well as the sensation of pain.

3      b210 functions

Sensory functions relating to sensing the presence of light and sensing the form, size, shape and colour of the visual stimuli.

4        b2100 acuity functions

Seeing functions of sensing form and contour, both binocular and monocular, for both distant and near vision.

5          b21000 acuity of distant vision

Seeing functions of sensing size, form and contour using both eyes for objects distant from the eye.

5          b21001 acuity of distant vision

Seeing functions of sensing size, form and contour using either right or left eye alone, for objects distant from the eye.

5          b21002 acuity of near vision

Seeing functions of sensing size, form and contour, using both eyes, for objects close to the eye.

5          b21003 acuity of near vision

Seeing functions of sensing size, form and contour, using either right or left eye alone, for objects close to the eye.

4        b2101 field functions

Seeing functions related to the entire area that can be seen with fixation of gaze.

4        b2102 of vision

Seeing functions involving light sensitivity, colour vision, contrast sensitivity and the overall quality of the picture.

5          b21020 sensitivity

Seeing functions of sensing a minimum amount of light (light minimum), and the minimum difference in intensity (light difference).

5          b21021 vision

Seeing functions of differentiating and matching colours.

5          b21022 sensitivity

Seeing functions of separating figure from ground, involving the minimum amount of luminance required.

5          b21023 picture quality

Seeing functions involving the quality of the picture.

3      b215 of structures adjoining the eye

Functions of structures in and around the eye that facilitate seeing functions.

4        b2150 of internal muscles of the eye

Functions of the muscles inside the eye, such as the iris, that adjust the shape and size of the pupil and lens of the eye.

4        b2151 of the eyelid

Functions of the eyelid, such as the protective reflex.

4        b2152 of external muscles of the eye

Functions of the muscles that are used to look in different directions, to follow an object as it moves across the visual field, to produce saccadic jumps to catch up with a moving target, and to fix the eye.

4        b2153 of lachrymal glands

Functions of the tear glands and ducts.

3      b220 associated with the eye and adjoining structures

Sensations of tired, dry and itching eye and related feelings.

3      b230 functions

Sensory functions relating to sensing the presence of sounds and discriminating the location, pitch, loudness and quality of sounds.

4        b2300 detection

Sensory functions relating to sensing the presence of sounds.

4        b2301 discrimination

Sensory functions relating to sensing the presence of sound involving the differentiation of ground and binaural synthesis, separation and blending.

4        b2302 of sound source

Sensory functions relating to determining the location of the source of sound.

4        b2303 of sound

Sensory functions relating to determining whether the sound is coming from right or the left side.

4        b2304 discrimination

Sensory functions relating to determining spoken language and distinguishing it from other sounds.

3      b235 functions

Sensory functions of the inner ear related to position, balance and movement.

4        b2350 function of position

Sensory functions of the inner ear related to determining the position of the body.

4        b2351 function of balance

Sensory functions of the inner ear related to determining the balance of the body.

4        b2352 function of determination of movement

Sensory functions of the inner ear related to determining movement of the body, including its direction and speed.

3      b240 associated with hearing and vestibular function

Sensations of dizziness, falling, tinnitus and vertigo.

4        b2400 in ears or tinnitus

Sensation of low-pitched rushing, hissing or ringing in the ear.

4        b2401

Sensation of motion involving either oneself or one's environment; sensation of rotating, swaying or tilting.

4        b2402 of falling

Sensation of losing one's grip and falling.

4        b2403 associated with dizziness or vertigo

Sensation of wanting to vomit that arises from dizziness or vertigo.

4        b2404 in the ear

Sensation of itching or other similar sensations in the ear.

4        b2405 pressure

Sensation of pressure in the ear.

3      b250 function

Sensory functions of sensing qualities of bitterness, sweetness, sourness and saltiness

3      b255 function

Sensory functions of sensing odours and smells.

3      b260 function

Sensory functions of sensing the relative position of body parts.

3      b265 function

Sensory functions of sensing surfaces and their texture or quality.

3      b270 functions related to temperature and other stimuli

Sensory functions of sensing temperature, vibration, pressure and noxious stimulus.

4        b2700 to temperature

Sensory functions of sensing cold and heat.

4        b2701 to vibration

Sensory functions of sensing shaking or oscillation.

4        b2702 to pressure

Sensory functions of sensing pressure against or on the skin.

4        b2703 to a noxious stimulus

Sensory functions of sensing painful or uncomfortable sensations.

3      b280 of pain

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure.

4        b2800 pain

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt all over, or throughout the body.

4        b2801 in body part

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in a specific part, or parts, of the body.

5          b28010 in head and neck

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in the head and neck.

5          b28011 in chest

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in the chest.

5          b28012 in stomach or abdomen

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in the stomach or abdomen.

5          b28013 in back

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in the back.

5          b28014 in upper limb

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in either one or both upper limbs, including hands.

5          b28015 in lower limb

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in either one or both lower limbs, including feet.

5          b28016 in joints

Sensation of unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure felt in one or more joints, including small and big joints.

4        b2802 in multiple body parts

Unpleasant sensation indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure located in several body parts.

4        b2803 pain in a dermatome

Unpleasant sensation indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure located in areas of skin served by the same nerve root.

4        b2804 pain in a segment or region

Unpleasant sensation indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure located in areas of skin in different body parts not served by the same nerve root.

2    BlockL2-b31 and speech functions

This chapter is about the functions of producing sounds and speech.

3      b310 functions

Functions of the production of various sounds by the passage of air through the larynx.

4        b3100 of voice

Functions of the production of sound made through coordination of the larynx and surrounding muscles with the respiratory system.

4        b3101 of voice

Functions of the production of characteristics of voice including pitch, resonance and other features.

3      b320 functions

Functions of the production of speech sounds.

3      b330 and rhythm of speech functions

Functions of the production of flow and tempo of speech.

4        b3300 of speech

Functions of the production of smooth, uninterrupted flow of speech.

4        b3301 of speech

Functions of the modulated, tempo and stress patterns in speech.

4        b3302 of speech

Functions of the rate of speech production.

4        b3303 of speech

Functions of modulation of pitch patterns in speech.

3      b340 vocalization functions

Functions of the production of other manners of vocalization.

4        b3400 of tones

Functions of production of musical vocal sounds.

4        b3401 a range of sounds

Functions of production of a variety of vocalizations.

2    BlockL2-b41 of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems

This chapter is about the functions involved in the cardiovascular system (functions of the heart and blood vessels), the haematological and immunological systems (functions of blood production and immunity), and the respiratory system (functions of respiration and exercise tolerance).

3      b410 functions

Functions of pumping the blood in adequate or required amounts and pressure throughout the body.

4        b4100 rate

Functions related to the number of times the heart contracts every minute.

4        b4101 rhythm

Functions related to the regularity of the beating of the heart.

4        b4102 force of ventricular muscles

Functions related to the amount of blood pumped by the ventricular muscles during every beat.

4        b4103 supply to the heart

Functions related to the volume of blood available to the heart muscle.

3      b415 vessel functions

Functions of transporting blood throughout the body.

4        b4150 of arteries

Functions related to blood flow in the arteries.

4        b4151 of capillaries

Functions related to blood flow in the capillaries.

4        b4152 of veins

Functions related to blood flow in the veins, and the functions of valves of veins.

3      b420 pressure functions

Functions of maintaining the pressure of blood within the arteries.

4        b4200 blood pressure

Functions related to a rise in systolic or diastolic blood pressure above normal for the age.

4        b4201 blood pressure

Functions related to a fall in systolic or diastolic blood pressure below normal for the age.

4        b4202 of blood pressure

Functions related to maintaining an appropriate blood pressure in response to changes in the body.

3      b430 system functions

Functions of blood production, oxygen and metabolite carriage, and clotting.

4        b4300 of blood

Functions related to the production of blood and all its constituents.

4        b4301 functions of the blood

Functions related to the blood's capacity to carry oxygen throughout the body.

4        b4302 functions of the blood

Functions related to the blood's capacity to carry metabolites throughout the body.

4        b4303 functions

Functions related to the coagulation of blood, such as at a site of injury.

3      b435 system functions

Functions of the body related to protection against foreign substances, including infections, by specific and non-specific immune responses.

4        b4350 response

Functions of the body's response of sensitization to foreign substances, including infections.

5          b43500 immune response

Functions of the body's response of sensitization to a specific foreign substance.

5          b43501 immune response

Functions of the body's general response of sensitization to foreign substances, including infections.

4        b4351 reactions

Functions of the body's response of increased sensitization to foreign substances, such as in sensitivities to different antigens.

4        b4352 of lymphatic vessels

Functions related to vascular channels that transport lymph.

4        b4353 of lymph nodes

Functions related to glands along the course of lymphatic vessels.

3      b440 functions

Functions of inhaling air into the lungs, the exchange of gases between air and blood, and exhaling air.

4        b4400 rate

Functions related to the number of breaths taken per minute.

4        b4401 rhythm

Functions related to the periodicity and regularity of breathing.

4        b4402 of respiration

Functions related to the volume of expansion of the lungs during breathing.

3      b445 muscle functions

Functions of the muscles involved in breathing.

4        b4450 of the thoracic respiratory muscles

Functions of the thoracic muscles involved in breathing.

4        b4451 of the diaphragm

Functions of the diaphragm as involved in breathing.

4        b4452 of accessory respiratory muscles

Functions of the additional muscles involved in breathing.

3      b450 functions of the respiratory system

Additional functions related to breathing, such as producing and transporting secretion, coughing, sneezing and yawning.

4        b4500 of breathing through the mouth
4        b4501 of coughing
4        b4502 of sneezing
4        b4503 of yawning
4        b4504 related to mucus
5          b45040 of mucus

Functions of producing mucus of upper and lower airways.

5          b45041 of mucus

Functions of transportation of mucus of upper and lower airways.

3      b455 tolerance functions

Functions related to respiratory and cardiovascular capacity as required for enduring physical exertion.

4        b4550 physical endurance

Functions related to the general level of tolerance of physical exercise or stamina.

4        b4551 capacity

Functions related to the extent to which a person can exercise without getting out of breath.

4        b4552

Functions related to susceptibility to fatigue, at any level of exertion.

3      b460 associated with cardiovascular and respiratory functions

Sensations such as missing a heart beat, palpitation and shortness of breath.

2    BlockL2-b51 of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems

This chapter is about the functions of ingestion, digestion and elimination, as well as functions involved in metabolism and the endocrine glands.

3      b510 functions

Functions related to taking in and manipulating solids or liquids through the mouth into the body.

4        b5100

Functions of drawing food or liquids into the mouth by a suction force produced by movements of the cheeks, lips and tongue.

4        b5101

Functions of cutting into, piercing or tearing off food with the front teeth.

4        b5102

Functions of crushing, grinding and masticating food with the back teeth (e.g. molars).

4        b5103 of food in the mouth

Functions of moving food around the mouth with the teeth and tongue.

4        b5104

Function of the production of saliva within the mouth.

4        b5105

Functions of clearing substances, such as food, drink and saliva through the oral cavity, pharynx and oesophagus into the stomach at an appropriate rate and speed.

5          b51050 swallowing

Function of clearing substances through the oral cavity at an appropriate rate and speed.

5          b51051 swallowing

Function of clearing substances through the pharynx at an appropriate rate and speed.

5          b51052 swallowing

Function of clearing substances through the oesophagus at an appropriate rate and speed.

4        b5106 of expelling the contents of the stomach, oesophagus or pharynx

Functions of moving substances such as food, liquid, medications, objects intentionally or unintentionally swallowed in the reverse direction to ingestion, such as in regurgitation and vomiting.

5          b51060
5          b51061
3      b515 functions

Functions of transporting food through the gastrointestinal tract, breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients.

4        b5150 of food through stomach and intestines

Peristalsis and related functions that mechanically move food through stomach and intestines.

4        b5151 of food

Functions of mechanically reducing food to smaller particles in the gastrointestinal tract.

4        b5152 of nutrients

Functions of passing food and drink nutrients into the blood stream from along the intestines.

4        b5153 to food

Functions of accepting suitable food and drink for digestion and rejecting what is unsuitable.

3      b520 functions

Functions by which nutrients are converted into components of the living body.

3      b525 functions

Functions of elimination of wastes and undigested food as faeces and related functions.

4        b5250 of faeces

Functions of the elimination of waste from the rectum, including the functions of contraction of the abdominal muscles in doing so.

4        b5251 consistency

Consistency of faeces such as hard, firm, soft or watery.

4        b5252 of defecation

Functions involved in the frequency of defecation.

4        b5253 continence

Functions involved in voluntary control over the elimination function.

4        b5254

Functions involved in the expulsion of excessive amounts of air or gases from the intestines.

3      b530 maintenance functions

Functions of maintaining appropriate body weight, including weight gain during the developmental period.

3      b535 associated with the digestive system

Sensations arising from eating, drinking and related digestive functions.

4        b5350 of nausea

Sensation of needing to vomit.

4        b5351 bloated

Sensation of distension of the stomach or abdomen.

4        b5352 of abdominal cramp

Sensation of spasmodic or painful muscular contractions of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

3      b540 metabolic functions

Functions of regulation of essential components of the body such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, the conversion of one to another, and their breakdown into energy.

4        b5400 metabolic rate

Functions involved in oxygen consumption of the body at specified conditions of rest and temperature.

4        b5401 metabolism

Functions involved in the process by which carbohydrates in the diet are stored and broken down into glucose and subsequently into carbon dioxide and water.

4        b5402 metabolism

Functions involved in the process by which proteins in the diet are converted to amino acids and broken down further in the body.

4        b5403 metabolism

Functions involved in the process by which fat in the diet is stored and broken down in the body.

3      b545, mineral and electrolyte balance functions

Functions of the regulation of water, minerals and electrolytes in the body.

4        b5450 balance

Functions involved in maintaining the level or amount of water in the body.

5          b54500 retention

Functions involved in keeping water in the body.

5          b54501 of water balance

Functions involved in maintaining the optimal amount of water in the body.

4        b5451 balance

Functions involved in maintaining an equilibrium between intake, storage, utilization and excretion of minerals in the body.

4        b5452 balance

Functions involved in maintaining an equilibrium between intake, storage, utilization and excretion of electrolytes in the body.

3      b550 functions

Functions of the regulation of body temperature.

4        b5500 temperature

Functions involved in regulating the core temperature of the body.

4        b5501 of body temperature

Functions involved in maintaining optimal body temperature as environmental temperature changes.

3      b555 gland functions

Functions of production and regulation of hormonal levels in the body, including cyclical changes.

4        b5550 functions

Functions associated with the onset of puberty and manifestations of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.

5          b55500 and pubic hair development

Functions associated with development body and pubic hair.

5          b55501 and nipple development

Functions associated with breast and nipple development.

5          b55502, testes and scrotum development

Functions associated with development of penis, testes and scrotum.

2    BlockL2-b61 and reproductive functions

This chapter is about the functions of urination and the reproductive functions, including sexual and procreative functions.

3      b610 excretory functions

Functions of filtration and collection of the urine.

4        b6100 of urine

Functions of filtration of urine by the kidneys.

4        b6101 of urine

Functions of collection and storage of urine by the ureters and bladder.

3      b620 functions

Functions of discharge of urine from the urinary bladder.

4        b6200

Functions of voiding the urinary bladder.

4        b6201 of urination

Functions involved in the number of times urination occurs.

4        b6202 continence

Functions of control over urination.

3      b630 associated with urinary functions

Sensations arising from voiding and related urinary functions.

3      b640 functions

Mental and physical functions related to the sexual act, including the arousal, preparatory, orgasmic and resolution stages.

4        b6400 of sexual arousal phase

Functions of sexual interest and excitement.

4        b6401 of sexual preparatory phase

Functions of engaging in sexual intercourse.

4        b6402 of orgasmic phase

Functions of reaching orgasm.

4        b6403 of sexual resolution phase

Functions of satisfaction after orgasm and accompanying relaxation.

3      b650 functions

Functions associated with the menstrual cycle, including regularity of menstruation and discharge of menstrual fluids.

4        b6500 of menstrual cycle

Functions involved in the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

4        b6501 between menstruation

Functions relating to the length of time between two menstrual cycles.

4        b6502 of menstrual bleeding

Functions involved in the quantity of menstrual flow.

4        b6503 of menstruation

Functions related to the onset of the first menstruation (menarche).

4        b6504 of menstruation

Functions related to the temporary or permanent cessation of the menstruation.

3      b660 functions

Functions associated with fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

4        b6600 related to fertility

Functions related to the ability to produce gametes for procreation.

4        b6601 related to pregnancy

Functions involved in becoming pregnant and being pregnant.

4        b6602 related to childbirth

Functions involved during childbirth.

4        b6603

Functions involved in the production of milk and making it available to the child.

3      b670 associated with genital and reproductive functions

Sensations associated with sexual intercourse, menstruation, and related genital or reproductive functions.

4        b6700 associated with sexual intercourse

Sensations associated with sexual arousal, preparation, intercourse, orgasm and resolution.

4        b6701 associated with the menstrual cycle

Sensations involved with menstruation, including pre- and post-menstrual phases.

4        b6702 associated with menopause

Sensations associated with the cessation of menstrual cycle.

4        b6703 associated with genital functions

Functions associated with arousal of the genitals.

2    BlockL2-b71 and movement-related functions

This chapter is about the functions of movement and mobility, including functions of joints, bones, reflexes and muscles.

3      b710 of joint functions

Functions of the range and ease of movement of a joint.

4        b7100 of a single joint

Functions of the range and ease of movement of one joint.

4        b7101 of several joints

Functions of the range and ease of movement of more than one joint.

4        b7102 of joints generalized

Functions of the range and ease of movement of joints throughout the body.

3      b715 of joint functions

Functions of the maintenance of structural integrity of the joints.

4        b7150 of a single joint

Functions of the maintenance of structural integrity of one joint.

4        b7151 of several joints

Functions of the maintenance of structural integrity of more than one joint.

4        b7152 of joints generalized

Functions of the maintenance of structural integrity of joints throughout the body.

3      b720 of bone functions

Functions of the range and ease of movement of the scapula, pelvis, carpal and tarsal bones.

4        b7200 of scapula

Functions of the range and ease of movement of the scapula.

4        b7201 of pelvis

Functions of the range and ease of movement of the pelvis.

4        b7202 of carpal bones

Functions of the range and ease of movement of the carpal bones.

4        b7203 of tarsal bones

Functions of the range and ease of movement of the tarsal bones.

3      b730 power functions

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of a muscle or muscle groups.

4        b7300 of isolated muscles and muscle groups

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of specific and isolated muscles and muscle groups.

4        b7301 of muscles of one limb

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of the muscles and muscle groups of one arm or leg.

4        b7302 of muscles of one side of the body

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of the muscles and muscle groups found on the left or right side of the body.

4        b7303 of muscles in lower half of the body

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of the muscles and muscle groups found in the lower half of the body.

4        b7304 of muscles of all limbs

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of muscles and muscle groups of all four limbs.

4        b7305 of muscles of the trunk

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of muscles and muscle groups in the trunk.

4        b7306 of all muscles of the body

Functions related to the force generated by the contraction of all muscles and muscle groups of the body.

3      b735 tone functions

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and the resistance offered when trying to move the muscles passively.

4        b7350 of isolated muscles and muscle groups

Functions related to the tension present in the resting isolated muscles and muscle groups and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

4        b7351 of muscles of one limb

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups in one arm or leg and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

4        b7352 of muscles of one side of body

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups of the right or left side of the body and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

4        b7353 of muscles of lower half of body

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups in the lower half of the body and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

4        b7354 of muscles of all limbs

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups in all four limbs and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

4        b7355 of muscles of trunk

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups of the trunk and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

4        b7356 of all muscles of the body

Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups of the whole body and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

3      b740 endurance functions

Functions related to sustaining muscle contraction for the required period of time.

4        b7400 of isolated muscles

Functions related to sustaining muscle contraction of isolated muscles for the required period of time.

4        b7401 of muscle groups

Functions related to sustaining muscle contraction of isolated muscle groups for the required period of time.

4        b7402 of all muscles of the body

Functions related to sustaining muscle contraction of all muscles of the body for the required period of time.

3      b750 reflex functions

Functions of involuntary contraction of muscles automatically induced by specific stimuli.

4        b7500 motor reflex

Functions of involuntary contractions of muscles automatically induced by stretching.

4        b7501 generated by noxious stimuli

Functions of involuntary contractions of muscles automatically induced by painful or other noxious stimuli.

4        b7502 generated by other exteroceptive stimuli

Functions of involuntary contractions of muscles automatically induced by external stimuli other than noxious stimuli.

3      b755 movement reaction functions

Functions of involuntary contractions of large muscles or the whole body induced by body position, balance and threatening stimuli.

3      b760 of voluntary movement functions

Functions associated with control over and coordination of voluntary movements.

4        b7600 of simple voluntary movements

Functions associated with control over and coordination of simple or isolated voluntary movements.

4        b7601 of complex voluntary movements

Functions associated with control over and coordination of complex voluntary movements.

4        b7602 of voluntary movements

Functions associated with coordination of simple and complex voluntary movements, performing movements in an orderly combination.

4        b7603 functions of arm or leg

Functions associated with control over and coordination of voluntary movements by placing weight either on the arms (elbows or hands) or on the legs (knees or feet).

3      b761 movements

Functions associated with frequency, fluency and complexity of total and individual body-part movements such as infant spontaneous movements and patterns of movement.

4        b7610 movements

Repertoire and quality of age-specific general spontaneous movements such as "writhing" movements and "fidgety" movements in early life.

4        b7611 spontaneous movements

Repertoire and quality of other spontaneous movements normally present in the first postnatal months, such as arm and leg movements toward midline, finger movements and kicking.

3      b765 movement functions

Functions of unintentional, non- or semi-purposive involuntary contractions of a muscle or group of muscles.

4        b7650 contractions of muscles

Functions of unintentional, non- or semi-purposive involuntary contractions of a muscle or group of muscles, such as those involved in part of a psychological dysfunction.

4        b7651

Functions of alternating contraction and relaxation of a group of muscles around a joint, resulting in shakiness.

4        b7652 and mannerisms

Functions of repetitive, quasi-purposive, involuntary contractions of a group of muscles.

4        b7653 and motor perseveration

Functions of spontaneous, non-purposive movements such as repetively rocking to and fro and nodding the head or wiggling.

3      b770 pattern functions

Functions of movement patterns associated with walking, running or other whole body movements.

3      b780 related to muscles and movement functions

Sensations associated with the muscles or muscle groups of the body and their movement.

4        b7800 of muscle stiffness

Sensation of tightness or stiffness of muscles.

4        b7801 of muscle spasm

Sensation of involuntary contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles.

2    BlockL2-b81 of the skin and related structures

This chapter is about the functions of skin, nails and hair.

3      b810 functions of the skin

Functions of the skin for protecting the body from physical, chemical and biological threats.

3      b820 functions of the skin

Functions of the skin for repairing breaks and other damage to the skin.

3      b830 functions of the skin

Functions of the skin other than protection and repair, such as cooling and sweat secretion.

3      b840 related to the skin

Sensations related to the skin such as itching, burning sensation and tingling.

3      b850 of hair

Functions of the hair, such as protection, coloration and appearance.

3      b860 of nails

Functions of the nails, such as protection, scratching and appearance.

1  BlockL1-d11 and participation

Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual. Participation is involvement in a life situation. Activity limitations are difficulties an individual may have in executing activities. Participation restrictions are problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations. The domains for the Activities and Participation component are given in a single list that covers the full range of life areas (from basic learning and watching to composite areas such as social tasks). This component can be used to dedefinition activities (a) or participation (p) or both. The two qualifiers for the Activities and Participation component are the performance qualifier and the capacity qualifier. The performance qualifier describes what an individual does in his or her current environment. Because the current environment brings in a societal context, performance as recorded by this qualifier can also be understood as "involvement in a life situation" or "the lived experience" of people in the actual context in which they live. This context includes the environmental factors - all aspects of the physical, social and attitudinal world, which can be coded using the Environmental Factors component. The capacity qualifier describes an individual's ability to execute a task or an action. This qualifier identifies the highest probable level of functioning that a person may reach in a given domain at a given moment. Capacity is measured in a uniform or standard environment, and thus reflects the environmentally adjusted ability of the individual. The Environmental Factors component can be used to describe the features of this uniform or standard environment. Both capacity and performance qualifiers can be used with and without assistive devices or personal assistance, and in accordance with the following scale:

2    BlockL2-d11 and applying knowledge

This chapter is about learning, applying the knowledge that is learned, thinking, solving problems, and making decisions.

3      d110

Using the sense of seeing intentionally to experience visual stimuli, such as visually tracking an object, watching a sporting event, people, or children playing.

3      d115

Using the sense of hearing intentionally to experience auditory stimuli, such as listening to a radio, to the human voice, to music, to a lecture, or to a story told.

3      d120 purposeful sensing

Using the body's other basic senses intentionally to experience stimuli, such as touching and feeling textures, tasting sweets or smelling flowers.

4        d1200

Exploring objects using mouth or lips.

4        d1201

Exploring objects using hands, fingers or other limbs or body parts

4        d1202

Exploring objects by bringing them to the nose or the nose to objects.

4        d1203

Exploring the taste of food or liquid by biting, chewing, sucking.

3      d130

Imitating or mimicking as a basic component of learning, such as copying a facial expression, a gesture, a sound or the letters of an alphabet.

3      d131 through actions with objects

Learning through simple actions on a single object, two or more objects, symbolic and pretend play, such as in hitting an object, banging blocks and playing with dolls or cars.

4        d1310 through simple actions with a single object

Simple actions with a single object or toy by manipulating, banging, moving, dropping, etc.

4        d1311 through actions by relating objects

Simple actions relating two or more objects, toys or other materials without regard for the specific features of the objects, toys or materials.

4        d1312 through actions by relating object with regard to specific features

Actions relating two or more objects, toys or materials with regard to specific features, e.g., lid on box, cup on saucer.

4        d1313 by relating symbolically to objects

Relating to objects, toys or materials symbolically, such as feeding or dressing a doll or using a simulated environment.

3      d132 language

Developing the competence to represent persons, objects, events, feelings through words, symbols, phrases and sentences.

4        d1320 single words or meaningful symbols

Learning words or meaningful symbols such as graphic or manual signs or symbols.

4        d1321 words into phrases

Learning to combine words into phrases.

4        d1322 syntax

Learning to produce appropriately constructed sentences or set of sentences.

3      d133 additional language

Developing the competence to represent persons, objects, events, feelings through words, symbols, phrases and sentences, such as in an additional language or signing.

3      d135

Repeating a sequence of events or symbols as a basic component of learning, such as counting by tens or practising the recitation of a rhyme with gestures or cords on a musical instrument.

3      d137 concepts

Developing competence to understand and use basic and complex concepts related to characteristics, properties and features defining things, persons or events.

4        d1370 basic concepts

Learning to use such concepts as size, form, quantity, length, same, opposite.

4        d1371 complex concepts

Learning to use such concepts as classification, grouping, reversibility, seriation.

3      d138 information

Obtaining facts about persons, things and events, such as asking why, what, where and how, asking for names.

3      d140 to read

Developing the competence to read written material (including Braille and other symbols) with fluency and accuracy, such as recognizing characters and alphabet letters, sounding out written words with correct pronunciation, and understanding written words and phrases.

4        d1400 skills to recognize symbols

Learning basic actions of deciphering symbols such as figures and icons, characters, alphabet letters and words.

4        d1401 skills to sound out written words

Learning basic actions of sounding out characters, alfphabet letters symbols and words with correct pronunciation.

4        d1402 skills to understanding written words and phrases

Learning basic actions to grasp the meaning of written words and texts.

3      d145 to write

Developing the competence to produce symbols that represent sounds, words or phrases in order to convey meaning (including Braille writing, and other symbols), such as spelling and effectively using correct grammar.

4        d1450 skills to use writing implements

Learning basic actions of writing down symbols or alphabet letters, such as holding a pencil, chalk or brush, writing a character or a symbol on a of piece paper, using a brailler, keyboard or peripheral device( mouse).

4        d1451 skills to write symbols, characters and alphabet letters

Learning basic actions to transpose a sound (morpheme) into a symbol or a character (grapheme).

4        d1452 skills to write words and phrases

Learning basic actions to transpose spoken words or ideas into written words or phrases.

3      d150 to calculate

Developing the competence to manipulate numbers and perform simple and complex mathematical operations, such as using mathematical signs for addition and subtraction and applying the correct mathematical operation to a problem.

4        d1500 skills of numeracy

Learning elementary skills of numeracy such as counting, ordering and grouping.

4        d1501 skills to recognize numerals, arithmetic signs and symbols

Learning to recognize and use numbers.

4        d1502 skills in using basic operations

Learning to recognize symbols related to and use operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

3      d155 skills

Developing basic and complex competencies in integrated sets of actions or tasks so as to initiate and follow through with the acquisition of a skill, such as manipulating tools or toys or playing games.

4        d1550 basic skills

Learning elementary, purposeful actions, such as learning to use simple tools, such as pencils or eating utensils.

4        d1551 complex skills

Learning integrated sets of actions so as to follow rules, and to sequence and coordinate one's movements, such as learning to play games (e.g. football or chess) and to use a building tool.

3      d160 attention

Intentionally focusing on specific stimuli, such as by filtering out distracting noises.

4        d1600 attention on the person

Intentionally attending to features of other persons such as their face, touch or voice.

4        d1601 attention on the environment

Intentionally attending to some element of the environment such as changes in the quality quantity or intensity of physical or social stimuli.

3      d163

Formulating and manipulating ideas, concepts, and images, whether goal-oriented or not, either alone or with others, such as creating fiction, proving a theorem, playing with ideas, brainstorming, meditating, pondering, speculating, or reflecting.

3      d166

Performing activities involved in the comprehension and interpretation of written language (e.g. books, instructions or newspapers in text or Braille), for the purpose of obtaining general knowledge or specific information.

3      d170

Using or producing symbols or language to convey information, such as producing a written record of events or ideas or drafting a letter.

4        d1700 general skills and strategies of the writing process

Applying words which convey appropriate meaning, employing conventional sentence structure.

4        d1701 grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions

Applying standard spelling, punctuation and proper case forms etc.

4        d1702 general skills and strategies to complete compositions

Applying words and sentences to convey complex meaning and abstract ideas.

3      d172

Performing computations by applying mathematical principles to solve problems that are described in words and producing or displaying the results, such as computing the sum of three numbers or finding the result of dividing one number by another.

4        d1720 skills and strategies to perform simple numeric calculations

Perform simple numeric operations such as counting, grouping, ordering and arithmetic calculations.

4        d1721 skills and strategies to perform complex numeric operations and calculations

Applying mathematical procedures and methods such as algebra, calculus and geometry to solve problems.

3      d175 problems

Finding solutions to questions or situations by identifying and analysing issues, developing options and solutions, evaluating potential effects of solutions, and executing a chosen solution, such as in resolving a dispute between two people.

4        d1750 simple problems

Finding solutions to a simple problem involving a single issue or question, by identifying and analysing the issue, developing solutions, evaluating the potential effects of the solutions and executing a chosen solution.

4        d1751 complex problems

Finding solutions to a complex problem involving multiple and interrelated issues, or several related problems, by identifying and analysing the issue, developing solutions, evaluating the potential effects of the solutions and executing a chosen solution.

3      d177 decisions

Making a choice among options, implementing the choice, and evaluating the effects of the choice, such as selecting and purchasing a specific item, or deciding to undertake and undertaking one task from among several tasks that need to be done.

2    BlockL2-d21 tasks and demands

This chapter is about general aspects of carrying out single or multiple tasks, organizing routines and handling stress. These items can be used in conjunction with more specific tasks or actions to identify the underlying features of the execution of tasks under different circumstances.

3      d210 a single task

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions related to the mental and physical components of a single task, such as initiating a task, organizing time, space and materials for a task, pacing task performance, and carrying out, completing, and sustaining a task.

4        d2100 a simple task

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space required for a simple task; executing a simple task with a single major component, such as reading a book, writing a letter, or making one's bed.

4        d2101 a complex task

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space for a single complex task; executing a complex task with more than one component, which may be carried out in sequence or simultaneously, such as arranging the furniture in one's home or completing an assignment for school.

4        d2102 a single task independently

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space for a simple or complex task; managing and executing a task on one's own and without the assistance of others.

4        d2103 a single task in a group

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space for a single task, simple or complex; managing and executing a task with people who are involved in some or all steps of the task.

3      d220 multiple tasks

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions as components of multiple, integrated and complex tasks in sequence or simultaneously.

4        d2200 out multiple tasks

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space needed for several tasks, and managing and executing several tasks, together or sequentially.

4        d2201 multiple tasks

Completing several tasks, together or sequentially.

4        d2202 multiple tasks independently

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space for multiple tasks, and managing and executing several tasks together or sequentially, on one's own and without the assistance of others.

4        d2203 multiple tasks in a group

Preparing, initiating and arranging the time and space for multiple tasks, and managing and executing several tasks together or sequentially with others who are involved in some or all steps of the multiple tasks.

3      d230 out daily routine

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions in order to plan, manage and complete the requirements of day-to-day procedures or duties, such as budgeting time and making plans for separate activities throughout the day.

4        d2301 daily routine

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions in order to plan and manage the requirements of day-to-day procedures or duties.

4        d2302 the daily routine

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions in order to complete the requirements of usual day-to-day procedures or duties, such as getting dressed, eating breakfast, leaving for school or work and returning home at the end of the day.

4        d2303 one's own activity level

Carrying out actions and behaviours to arrange the requirements in energy and time day-to-day procedures or duties.

4        d2304 to changes in daily routine

Interrupting and shifting tasks and actions in response to new requirements or making a transition from a usual pattern of activities to a new set of activities as a means of fulfilling daily tasks.

3      d240 stress and other psychological demands

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions to manage and control the psychological demands required to carry out tasks demanding significant responsibilities and involving stress, distraction, or crises, such as driving a vehicle during heavy traffic or taking care of many children.

4        d2400 responsibilities

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions to manage the duties of task performance and to assess the requirements of these duties.

4        d2401 stress

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions to cope with pressure, emergencies or stress associated with task performance.

4        d2402 crisis

Carrying out simple or complex and coordinated actions to cope with decisive turning points in a situation or times of acute danger or difficulty.

2    BlockL2-d31

This chapter is about general and specific features of communicating by language, signs and symbols, including receiving and producing messages, carrying on conversations, and using communication devices and techniques.

3      d310 with - receiving - spoken messages

Comprehending literal and implied meanings of messages in spoken language, such as understanding that a statement asserts a fact or is an idiomatic expression.

4        d3101 with - receiving - simple spoken messages

Comprehending the literal meaning conveyed by simple spoken messages.

4        d3102 with - receiving - complex spoken messages

Comprehending the literal and implied meaning conveyed by complex spoken messages.

3      d315 with - receiving - nonverbal messages

Comprehending the literal and implied meanings of messages conveyed by gestures, symbols and drawings, such as realizing that a child is tired when she rubs her eyes or that a warning bell means that there is a fire.

4        d3150 with - receiving - body gestures

Comprehending the meaning conveyed by facial expressions, hand movements or signs, body postures, and other forms of body language.

4        d3151 with - receiving - general signs and symbols

Comprehending the meaning represented by public signs and symbols, such as traffic signs, warning symbols, musical or scientific notations, and icons.

4        d3152 with - receiving - drawings and photographs

Comprehending the meaning represented by drawings (e.g. line drawings, graphic designs, paintings, three-dimensional representations, pictograms), graphs, charts and photographs, such as understanding that an upward line on a height chart indicates that a child is growing.

3      d320 with - receiving - formal sign language messages

Receiving and comprehending messages in formal sign language with literal and implied meaning.

3      d325 with - receiving - written messages

Comprehending the literal and implied meanings of messages that are conveyed through written language (including Braille), such as following political events in the daily newspaper or understanding the intent of religious scripture.

3      d330

Producing words, phrases and longer passages in spoken messages with literal and implied meaning, such as expressing a fact or telling a story in oral language.

3      d331 vocal expression

Vocalising when aware of another person in the proximal environment, such as making a sound when the mother is close; babbling; babbling in turn-taking activities. Vocalising in response to speech through imitating speech-sounds in a turn taking procedure.

3      d332

Producing tones in a sequence resulting in a melody to convey messages.

3      d335 nonverbal messages

Using gestures, symbols and drawings to convey messages, such as shaking one's head to indicate disagreement or drawing a picture or diagram to convey a fact or complex idea.

4        d3350 body language

Conveying messages by intentional movements of the body, such as facial gestures (e.g. smiling, frowning, wincing), by arm and hand movements, and by postures (e.g. embracing to indicate affection or pointing to receive attention or an object).

4        d3351 signs and symbols

Conveying meaning by using signs and symbols (e.g. icons, Bliss board, scientific symbols) and symbolic notation systems, such as using musical notation to convey a melody.

4        d3352 drawings and photographs

Conveying meaning by drawing, painting, sketching, and making diagrams, pictures or photographs, such as drawing a map to give someone directions to a location.

3      d340 messages in formal sign language

Conveying, with formal sign language, literal and implied meaning.

3      d345 messages

Producing the literal and implied meanings of messages that are conveyed through written language, such as writing a letter to a friend.

3      d350

Starting, sustaining and ending an interchange of thoughts and ideas, carried out by means of spoken, written, signed or other forms of language, with one or more people one knows or who are strangers, in formal or casual settings.

4        d3500 a conversation

Beginning an interchange, such as initiating turn-taking activity through eye-contact or other means, that leads to communication or dialogue, such as by introducing oneself, expressing customary greetings, or by introducing a topic or asking questions.

4        d3501 a conversation

Continuing an interchange by taking turns in vocalising, speaking or signing, by adding ideas, introducing a new topic or retrieving a topic that has been previously mentioned.

4        d3502 a conversation

Finishing a dialogue or interchange with customary termination statements or expressions and by bringing closure to the topic under discussion.

4        d3503 with one person

Initiating, maintaining, shaping and terminating a dialogue or interchange with one person, such as in discussing the weather with a friend.

4        d3504 with many people

Initiating, maintaining, shaping and terminating a dialogue or interchange with more than one individual, such as in starting and participating in a group interchange.

3      d355

Starting, sustaining and ending an examination of a matter, with arguments for or against, or debate carried out by means of spoken, written, sign or other forms of language, with one or more people one knows or who are strangers, in formal or casual settings.

4        d3550 with one person

Initiating, maintaining, shaping or terminating an argument or debate with one person.

4        d3551 with many people

Initiating, maintaining, shaping or terminating an argument or debate with more than one individual.

3      d360 communication devices and techniques

Using devices, techniques and other means for the purposes of communicating, such as calling a friend on the telephone.

4        d3600 telecommunication devices

Using telephones, computers and other electronic devices as a means of telecommunication.

4        d3601 writing machines

Using machines for writing, such as typewriters, computers and Braille writers, as a means of communication.

4        d3602 communication techniques

Performing actions and tasks involved in techniques for communicating, such as reading lips.

2    BlockL2-d41

This chapter is about moving by changing body position or location or by transferring from one place to another, by carrying, moving or manipulating objects, by walking, running or climbing, and by using various forms of transportation.

3      d410 basic body position

Getting into and out of a body position and moving from one location to another, such as getting up out of a chair to lie down on a bed, and getting into and out of positions of sitting, standing, kneeling or squatting.

4        d4100 down

Getting into and out of a lying down position or changing body position, from horizontal to any other position, such as standing up or sitting down.

4        d4101

Getting into and out of the seated or crouched posture on one's haunches with knees closely drawn up or sitting on one's heels, such as may be necessary in toilets that are at floor level, or changing body position from squatting to any other position, such as standing up.

4        d4102

Getting into and out of a position where the body is supported by the knees with legs bent, such as during prayers, or changing body position from kneeling to any other position, such as standing up.

4        d4103

Getting into and out of a seated position and changing body position from sitting down to any other position, such as standing up or lying down.

4        d4104

Getting into and out of a standing position or changing body position from standing to any other position, such as lying down or sitting down.

4        d4105

Tilting the back downwards or to the side, at the torso, such as in bowing or reaching down for an object.

4        d4106 the body's centre of gravity

Adjusting or moving the weight of the body from one position to another while sitting, standing or lying, such as moving from one foot to another while standing.

4        d4107 over

Moving the body from one position to another while lying such as turning from side to side or from stomach to back.

3      d415 body position

Staying in the same body position as required, such as remaining seated or remaining standing for carrying out a task, in play, work or school.

4        d4150 a lying position

Staying in a lying position for some time as required, such as remaining in a prone position in a bed.

4        d4151 a squatting position

Staying in a squatting position such as when sitting on the floor without a seat.

4        d4152 a kneeling position

Staying in a kneeling position where the body is supported by the knees with legs bent for some time such as during prayers in church.

4        d4153 a sitting position

Staying in a seated position, on a seat or the floor, for some time such as when sitting at a desk or table.

4        d4154 a standing position

Staying in a standing position for some time such as when standing in a queue.

4        d4155 head position

Controlling the position of the head and supporting its weight for a determined period of time.

3      d420 oneself

Moving from one surface to another, such as sliding along a bench or moving from a bed to a chair, without changing body position.

4        d4200 oneself while sitting

Moving from a sitting position on one seat to another seat on the same or a different level, such as moving from a chair to a bed.

4        d4201 oneself while lying

Moving from one lying position to another on the same or a different level, such as moving from one bed to another.

3      d430 and carrying objects

Raising up an object or taking something from one place to another, such as when lifting a cup or toy or carrying a box, or a child from one room to another.

4        d4300

Raising up an object in order to move it from a lower to a higher level, such as when lifting a glass from the table.

4        d4301 in the hands

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the hands, such as when carrying a drinking glass or a suitcase.

4        d4302 in the arms

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the arms and hands, such as when carrying a pet or a child or other large object.

4        d4303 on shoulders, hip and back

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the shoulders, hip or back, or some combination of these, such as when carrying a large parcel or school-bag.

4        d4304 on the head

Taking or transporting an object from one place to another using the head, such when as carrying a container of water on the head.

4        d4305 down objects

Using hands, arms or other parts of the body to place an object down on a surface or place, such as when lowering a container of water to the ground.

3      d435 objects with lower extremities

Performing coordinated actions aimed at moving an object by using the legs and feet, such as kicking a ball or pushing pedals on a bicycle.

4        d4350 with lower extremities

Using the legs and feet to exert a force on an object to move it away, such as pushing a chair away with a foot.

4        d4351

Using the legs and feet to propel something away, such as kicking a ball.

3      d440 hand use

Performing the coordinated actions of handling objects, picking up, manipulating and releasing them using one's hand, fingers and thumb, such as required to lift coins off a table or turn a dial or knob.

4        d4400 up

Lifting or taking up a small object with hands and fingers, such as when picking up a pencil.

4        d4401

Using one or both hands to seize and hold something, such as when grasping a tool or a door knob.

4        d4402

Using fingers and hands to exert control over, direct or guide something, such as when handling coins or other small objects, such as scissors, shoe laces, pencils, chop sticks, knives and forks.

4        d4403

Using fingers and hands to let go or set free something so that it falls or changes position, such as when dropping an item of clothing or a piece of food for a pet.

3      d445 and arm use

Performing the coordinated actions required to move objects or to manipulate them by using hands and arms, such as when turning door handles or throwing or catching an object.

4        d4450

Using fingers, hands and arms to bring an object towards oneself, or to move it from place to place, such as when pulling on a string or pulling a door closed.

4        d4451

Using fingers, hands and arms to move something from oneself, or to move it from place to place, such as when pushing a toy or an animal away.

4        d4452

Using the hands and arms to extend outwards and touch and grasp something, such as when reaching across a table or desk for a book.

4        d4453 or twisting the hands or arms

Using fingers, hands or arms to rotate, turn or bend an object, as is required to open a jar or use tools such as toothbrush or screwdriver.

4        d4454

Using fingers, hands and arms to lift something and propel it with some force through the air, such as when tossing a ball.

4        d4455

Using fingers, hands and arms to grasp a moving object in order to bring it to a stop and hold it, such as when catching a ball.

3      d446 foot use

Performing the coordinated actions to move or manipulate objects using one's foot and toes.

3      d450

Moving along a surface on foot, step by step, so that one foot is always on the ground, such as when strolling, sauntering, walking forwards, backwards, or sideways.

4        d4500 short distances

Walking for less than a kilometre, such as walking around rooms or hallways, within a building or for short distances outside.

4        d4501 long distances

Walking for more than a kilometre, such as across a village or town, between villages or across open areas.

4        d4502 on different surfaces

Walking on sloping, uneven, or moving surfaces, such as on grass, gravel or ice and snow, or walking aboard a ship, train or other vehicle.

4        d4503 around obstacles

Walking in ways required to avoid moving and immobile objects, people, animals, and vehicles, such as walking around a marketplace or shop, around or through traffic or other crowded areas.

3      d451 up and down stairs

Moving upwards and downwards so that at least one foot is always on the ground such as ascending and descending stairs or curbs.

3      d455 around

Moving the whole body from one place to another by means other than walking, such as climbing over a rock or running down a street, skipping, scampering, jumping, somersaulting or running around obstacles.

4        d4550

Moving the whole body in a prone position from one place to another on hands, or hands and arms, and knees.

4        d4551

Moving the whole body upwards or downwards, over surfaces or objects, such as climbing steps, rocks, ladders or stairs, curbs or other objects.

4        d4552

Moving with quick steps so that both feet may be simultaneously off the ground.

4        d4553

Moving up off the ground by bending and extending the legs, such as jumping on one foot, hopping, skipping and jumping or diving into water.

4        d4554

Propelling the whole body through water by means of limb and body movements without taking support from the ground underneath.

3      d460 around in different locations

Walking and moving around in various places and situations, such as walking between rooms in a house, within a building, or down the street of a town.

4        d4600 around within the home

Walking and moving around in one's home, within a room, between rooms, and around the whole residence or living area.

4        d4601 around within buildings other than home

Walking and moving around within buildings other than one's residence, such as moving around other people's homes, other private buildings, community and public buildings and enclosed areas.

4        d4602 around outside the home and other buildings

Walking and moving around close to or far from one's home and other buildings, without the use of transportation, public or private, such as walking for short or long distances around a town or village.

3      d465 around using equipment

Moving the whole body from place to place, on any surface or space, by using specific devices designed to facilitate moving or create other ways of moving around, such as with skates, skis, or scuba equipment, or moving down the street in a self-propelled wheelchair or a walker.

3      d470 transportation

Using transportation to move around as a passenger, such as being driven in a car, bus, rickshaw, jitney, pram or stroller, wheelchair, animal-powered vehicle, private or public taxi, train, tram, subway, boat or aircraft and using humans for transportation.

4        d4700 human-powered vehicles

Being transported as a passenger by a mode of transportation powered by one or more people, such as riding in a pram or stroller, wheelchair propelled by another, rickshaw or rowboat.

4        d4701 private motorized transportation

Being transported as a passenger by private motorized vehicle over land, sea or air, such as by car, taxi or privately owned aircraft or boat.

4        d4702 public motorized transportation

Being transported as a passenger by a motorized vehicle over land, sea or air designed for public transportation, such as being a passenger on a bus, train, subway or aircraft.

4        d4703 humans for transportation

Being transported by another person, such as being crried in he arms, in a sheet, in a backpack or a transportation device.

3      d475

Being in control of and moving a vehicle or the animal that draws it, travelling under one's own direction or having at one's disposal any form of transportation appropriate for age, such as a car , bicycle, boat or animal powered vehicles.

4        d4750 human-powered transportation

Driving a human-powered vehicle, such as a bicycle, tricycle, or rowboat.

4        d4751 motorized vehicles

Driving a vehicle with a motor, such as an automobile, motorcycle, motorboat or aircraft.

4        d4752 animal-powered vehicles

Driving a vehicle powered by an animal, such as a horse-drawn cart or carriage.

3      d480 animals for transportation

Travelling on the back of an animal, such as a horse, ox, camel or elephant.

2    BlockL2-d51

This chapter is about caring for oneself, washing and drying oneself, caring for one's body and body parts, dressing, eating and drinking, and looking after one's health.

3      d510 oneself

Washing and drying one's whole body, or body parts, using water and appropriate cleaning and drying materials or methods, such as bathing, showering, washing hands and feet, face and hair, and drying with a towel.

4        d5100 body parts

Applying water, soap and other substances to body parts, such as hands, face, feet, hair or nails, in order to clean them.

4        d5101 whole body

Applying water, soap and other substances to the whole body in order to clean oneself, such as taking a bath or shower.

4        d5102 oneself

Using a towel or other means for drying some part or parts of one's body, or the whole body, such as after washing.

3      d520 for body parts

Looking after those parts of the body, such as skin, face, teeth, scalp, nails and genitals, that require more than washing and drying.

4        d5200 for skin

Looking after the texture and hydration of one's skin, such as by removing calluses or corns and using moisturizing lotions or cosmetics.

4        d5201 for teeth

Looking after dental hygiene, such as by brushing teeth, flossing, and taking care of a dental prosthesis or orthosis.

4        d5202 for hair

Looking after the hair on the head and face, such as by combing, styling, shaving, or trimming

4        d5203 for fingernails

Cleaning, trimming or polishing the nails of the fingers.

4        d5204 for toenails

Cleaning, trimming or polishing the nails of the toes.

4        d5205 for nose

Cleaning the nose, looking after nasal hygiene.

3      d530

Planning and carrying out the elimination of human waste (menstruation, urination and defecation), and clean oneself afterwards.

4        d5300 urination

Coordinating and managing urination, such as by indicating need, getting into the proper position, choosing and getting to an appropriate place for urination, manipulating clothing before and after urination, and cleaning oneself after urination.

4        d5301 defecation

Coordinating and managing defecation such as by indicating need, getting into the proper position, choosing and getting to an appropriate place for defecation, manipulating clothing before and after defecation, and cleaning oneself after defecation.

4        d5302 care

Coordinating, planning and caring for menstruation, such as by anticipating menstruation and using sanitary towels and napkins.

3      d540

Carrying out the coordinated actions and tasks of putting on and taking off clothes and footwear in sequence and in keeping with climatic and social conditions, such as by putting on, adjusting and removing shirts, skirts, blouses, pants, undergarments, saris, kimono, tights, hats, gloves, coats, shoes, boots, sandals and slippers.

4        d5400 on clothes

Carrying out the coordinated tasks of putting clothes on various parts of the body, such as putting clothes on over the head, over the arms and shoulders, and on the lower and upper halves of the body; putting on gloves and headgear.

4        d5401 off clothes

Carrying out the coordinated tasks of taking clothes off various parts of the body, such as pulling clothes off and over the head, off the arms and shoulders, and off the lower and upper halves of the body; taking off gloves and headgear.

4        d5402 on footwear

Carrying out the coordinated tasks of putting on socks, stockings and footwear.

4        d5403 off footwear

Carrying out the coordinated tasks of taking off socks, stockings and footwear.

4        d5404 appropriate clothing

Following implicit or explicit dress codes and conventions of one's society or culture and dressing in keeping with climatic conditions.

3      d550

Carrying out the coordinated tasks and actions of eating food that has been served, bringing it to the mouth and consuming it in culturally acceptable ways, cutting or breaking food into pieces, opening containers and packets, using eating implements, having meals, feasting or dining.

3      d560

Taking hold of a drink, bringing it to the mouth, and consuming the drink in culturally acceptable ways, mixing, stirring and pouring liquids for drinking, opening bottles and cans, drinking through a straw or drinking running water such as from a tap or a spring; feeding from the breast.

3      d570 after one's health

Ensuring physical comfort, health and physical and mental well-being, such as by maintaining a balanced diet, and an appropriate level of physical activity, keeping warm or cool, avoiding harms to health, following safe sex practices, including such as using condoms, getting immunizations and regular physical examinations.

4        d5700 one's physical comfort

Caring for oneself by being aware that one needs to ensure, and ensuring, that one's body is in a comfortable position, that one is not feeling too hot, cold or wet, and that one has adequate lighting.

4        d5701 diet and fitness

Caring for oneself by being aware of the need and by selecting and consuming nutritious foods and maintaining physical fitness.

4        d5702 one's health

Caring for oneself by being aware of the need and doing what is required to look after one's health, both to respond to risks to health and to prevent ill-health, such as by seeking assistance (professional and non professional); following medical and other health advice; and managing risks to health such as injuries, communicable diseases, drug-taking and sexual transmitted diseases.

2    BlockL2-d61 life

This chapter is about carrying out domestic and everyday actions and tasks. Areas of domestic life include, caring for one's belongings and space, acquiring food, clothing and other necessities, household cleaning and repairing, caring for personal and other household objects, and assisting others.

3      d610 a place to live

Buying, renting, furnishing and arranging a room, house, apartment or other dwelling.

4        d6100 a place to live

Acquiring ownership of a house, apartment or other dwelling.

4        d6101 a place to live

Acquiring the use of a house, apartment or other dwelling belonging to another in exchange for payment.

4        d6102 a place to live

Equipping and arranging a living space with furniture, fixtures and other fittings and decorating rooms, arranging ones own space, room.

3      d620 of goods and services

Selecting, procuring and transporting all goods and services required for daily living, such as selecting, procuring, transporting and storing food, drink, clothing, cleaning materials, fuel, household items, utensils, cooking ware, play and recreational materials, domestic appliances and tools; procuring utilities and other household services, and picking up and delivering paper mail or packages.

4        d6200

Obtaining, in exchange for money, goods and services required for daily living (including instructing and supervising an intermediate to do the shopping), such as selecting food, drink, cleaning materials, household items, play and recreational materials or clothing in a shop or market; comparing quality and price of the items required, negotiating and paying for selected goods or services and transporting goods.

4        d6201 daily necessities

Obtaining, without exchange of money, goods and services required for daily living (including instructing and supervising an intermediate to gather daily necessities), such as by harvesting vegetable and fruits, getting water and fuel and picking up and delivering paper mail or packages.

3      d630 meals

Planning, organizing, cooking and serving simple and complex meals for oneself and others, such as by making a menu, selecting edible food and drink, getting together ingredients for preparing meals,cooking with heat and preparing cold foods and drinks, and serving the food.

4        d6300 simple meals

Planning, organizing, cooking and serving meals with small number of ingredients that require easy methods of preparation and serving, such as making a snack or small meal, and transforming food ingredients by cutting and stirring, boiling and heating food such as rice or potatoes.

4        d6301 complex meals

Planning, organizing, cooking and serving meals with large number of ingredients that require complex methods of preparation and serving, such as planning a meal with serveral dishes, and transforming food ingredients by combined actions of peeling, slicing, mixing, kneading, stirring, presenting and serving food in a manner appropriate to the occasion and culture.

3      d640 housework

Managing a household by cleaning the house, washing clothes, using household appliances, storing food and disposing of garbage, such as by sweeping, mopping, washing counters, walls and other surfaces; collecting and disposing of household garbage; tidying rooms, closets and drawers; collecting, washing, drying, folding and ironing clothes; cleaning footwear; using brooms, brushes and vacuum cleaners; using washing machines, dryers and irons.

4        d6400 and drying clothes and garments

Washing clothes and garments by hand and hanging them out to dry in the air.

4        d6401 cooking area and utensils

Cleaning up after cooking, such as by washing dishes, pans, pots and cooking utensils, and cleaning tables and floors around cooking and eating area.

4        d6402 living area

Cleaning the living areas of the household, such as by tidying and dusting, sweeping, swabbing, mopping floors, cleaning windows and walls, cleaning bathrooms and toilets, cleaning household furnishings.

4        d6403 household appliances

Using all kinds of household appliances, such as washing machines, driers, irons, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers.

4        d6404 daily necessities

Storing food, drinks, clothes and other household goods required for daily living; preparing food for conservation by canning, salting or refrigerating, keeping food fresh and out of the reach of animals.

4        d6405 of garbage

Disposing of household garbage such as by collecting trash and rubbish around the house, preparing garbage for disposal, using garbage disposal appliances; burning garbage.

3      d650 for household objects

Maintaining and repairing household and other personal objects, including play material, house and contents, clothes, play and recreational materials, vehicles and assistive devices, and caring for plants and animals, such as painting or wallpapering rooms, fixing furniture, repairing plumbing, ensuring the proper working order of vehicles, watering plants, grooming and feeding pets and domestic animals and taking care of entrances, walkways and driveways.

4        d6500 and repairing clothes

Making and repairing clothes, such as by sewing, producing or mending clothes; reattaching buttons and fasteners; ironing clothes, fixing and polishing footwear.

4        d6501 dwelling and furnishings

Repairing and taking care of dwelling, its exterior, interior and contents, such as by painting, repairing fixtures and furniture, and using required tools for repair work.

4        d6502 domestic appliances

Repairing and taking care of all domestic appliances for cooking, cleaning and repairing, such as by oiling and repairing tools and maintaining the washing machine.

4        d6503 vehicles

Repairing and taking care of motorized and non-motorized vehicles for personal use, including bicycles, carts, automobiles and boats.

4        d6504 assistive devices

Repairing and taking care of assistive devices such as prostheses, orthoses and specialized tools and aids for housekeeping and personal care; maintaining and repairing aids for personal mobility such as canes, walkers, wheelchairs and scooters; and maintaining communication and recreational aids.

4        d6505 care of plants, indoors and outdoors

Taking care of plants inside and outside the house, such as by planting, watering and fertilizing plants; gardening and growing foods for personal use.

4        d6506 care of animals

Taking care of domestic animals and pets, such as by feeding, cleaning, grooming and exercising pets; watching over the health of animals or pets; planning for the care of animals or pets in one's absence.

4        d6507 care of walkways and driveways

Taking care of domestic pathways such as walkways and driveways or entrances to houses (covered or uncovered) for example removing snow, leaves, rubble or sand from enrances as well as spreading sand or other material.

3      d660 others

Assisting household members and others with their learning, communicating, self-care, movement, within the house or outside; being concerned about the well-being of household members and others.

4        d6600 others with self-care

Assisting household members and others in performing self-care, including helping others with eating, bathing and dressing; taking care of children or members of the household who are sick or have difficulties with basic self-care; helping others with their toileting.

4        d6601 others in movement

Assisting household members and others in movements and in moving outside the home, such as in the neighbourhood or city, to or from school, place of employment or other destination.

4        d6602 others in communication

Assisting household members and others with their communication, such as by helping with speaking, writing or readings.

4        d6603 others in interpersonal relations

Assisting household members and others with their interpersonal interactions, such as by helping them to initiate, maintain or terminate relationships.

4        d6604 others in nutrition

Assisting household members and others with their nutrition, such as by helping them to prepare and eat meals.

4        d6605 others in health maintenance

Assisting household members and others with formal and informal health care, such as by ensuring that a child gets regular medical check-ups, or that an elderly relative takes required medication.

2    BlockL2-d71 interactions and relationships

This chapter is about carrying out the actions and tasks required for basic and complex interactions with people (strangers, friends, relatives, family members and lovers) in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

3      d710 interpersonal interactions

Interacting with people in a contextually and socially appropriate manner, such as by showing consideration and esteem when appropriate, or responding to the feelings of others.

4        d7100 and warmth in relationships

Showing and responding to consideration and esteem, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

4        d7101 in relationships

Showing and responding to satisfaction and gratitude, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

4        d7102 in relationships

Showing and responding to understanding and acceptance of behaviour, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

4        d7103 in relationships

Providing and responding to implicit and explicit differences of opinion or disagreement, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

4        d7104 cues in relationships

Giving and reacting appropriately to signs and hints that occur in social interactions.

4        d7105 contact in relationships

Making and responding to bodily contact with others, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

4        d7106 of familiar persons

Showing differential responses to individuals, such as by reaching out for the familiar person and differentiating them from strangers and reacting in an appropriate manner.

3      d720 interpersonal interactions

Maintaining and managing interactions with other people, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner, such as by regulating emotions and impulses, controlling verbal and physical aggression, acting independently in social interactions, and acting in accordance with social rules and conventions, when for example playing, studying or working with others.

4        d7200 relationships

Beginning and maintaining interactions with others for a short or long period of time, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner, such as by introducing oneself, finding and establishing friendships and professional relationships, starting a relationship that may become permanent, romantic or intimate.

4        d7201 relationships

Bringing interactions to a close in a contextually and socially appropriate manner, such as by ending temporary relationships at the end of a visit, ending long-term relationships with friends when moving to a new town or ending relationships with work colleagues, professional colleagues and service providers, and ending romantic or intimate relationships.

4        d7202 behaviours within interactions

Regulating emotions and impulses, verbal aggression and physical aggression in interactions with others, in a contextually and socially appropriate manner.

4        d7203 according to social rules

Acting independently in social interactions and complying with social conventions governing one's role, position or other social status in interactions with others.

4        d7204 social space

Being aware of and maintaining a distance between oneself and others that is contextually, socially and culturally appropriate.

3      d730 with strangers

Engaging in temporary contacts and links with strangers for specific purposes, such as asking for directions or making a purchase. Engaging in temporary contacts and links with strangers for specific purposes, such as when asking for information, directions or making a purchase.

3      d740 relationships

Creating and maintaining specific relationships in formal settings, such as with teachers, employers, professionals or service providers.

4        d7400 with persons in authority

Creating and maintaining formal relations with people in positions of power of a higher rank or prestige relative to one's own position, such as an employer.

4        d7401 with subordinates

Creating and maintaining formal relations with people in positions of lower rank or prestige relative to one's own social position, such as an employee or servant.

4        d7402 with equals

Creating and maintaining formal relations with people in the same position of authority, rank or prestige relative to one's own social position.

3      d750 social relationships

Entering into relationships with others, such as casual relationships with people living in the same community or residence, or with co-workers, students, playmates, people with similar backgrounds or professions.

4        d7500 relationships with friends

Creating and maintaining friendship relationships that are characterized by mutual esteem an common interests.

4        d7501 relationships with neighbours

Creating and maintaining informal relationships with people who live in nearby dwellings or living areas.

4        d7502 relationships with acquaintances

Creating and maintaining informal relationships with people whom one knows but who are not close friends.

4        d7503 relationships with co-inhabitants

Creating and maintaining informal relationships with people who are co-inhabitants of a house or other dwelling, privately or publicly run, for any purpose.

4        d7504 relationships with peers

Creating and maintaining informal relationships with people who share the same age, interest or other common feature.

3      d760 relationships

Creating and maintaining kinship relationships, such as those with members of the nuclear family, extended family, foster and adopted family and step-relationships, more distant relationships such as second cousins, or legal guardians.

4        d7600 relationships

Becomming and being a parent, both natural and adoptive, such as by having a child and relating to it as a parent or creating and maintaining a parental relationships with an adoptive child, and providing physical, intellectual and emotional nurture to one's natural or adoptive child.

4        d7601 relationships

Creating and maintaining relationships with one's parent, such as a young child obeying his or her parents or an adult child taking care of his or her elderly parents.

4        d7602 relationships

Creating and maintaining a brotherly or sisterly relationship with a person who shares one or both parents by birth, adoption or marriage.

4        d7603 family relationships

Creating and maintaining a family relationship with members of one's extended family, such as with cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents.

3      d770 relationships

Creating and maintaining close or romantic relationships between individuals, such as husband and wife, lovers or sexual partners.

4        d7700 relationships

Creating and maintaining a relationship based on emotional and physical attraction, potentially leading to long-term intimate relationships.

4        d7701 relationships

Creating and maintaining an intimate relationship of a legal nature with another person, such as in a legal marriage, including becoming and being a legally maried wife or husband or an unmarried spouse.

4        d7702 relationships

Creating and maintaining a relationship of a sexual nature, with a spouse or other partner.

2    BlockL2-d81 life areas

This chapter is about carrying out the tasks and actions required to engage in education, work and employment and to conduct economic transactions.

3      d810 education

Learning at home or in some other non-institutional setting, such as learning crafts and other skills from parents or family members, or home schooling.

3      d815 education

Learning at an initial level of organized instruction, designed primarily to introduce a child to the school-type environment and prepare it for compulsory education, such as by acquiring skills in a day-care or similar setting as preparation for advancement to school.

3      d820 education

Gaining admission to school, education, engaging in all school-related responsibilities and privileges, and learning the course material, subjects and other curriculum requirements in a primary or secondary education programme, including attending school regularly, working cooperatively with other students, taking directions from teachers, organizing, studying and completing assigned tasks and projects, and advancing to other stages of education.

3      d825 training

Engaging in all activities of a vocational programme and learning the curriculum material for preparation for employment in a trade, job or profession.

3      d830 education

Engaging in the activities of advanced educational programmes in universities, colleges and professional schools and learning all aspects of the curriculum required for degrees, diplomas, certificates and other accreditations, such as completing a university bachelor's or master's course of study, medical school or other professional school.

3      d835 life

Engaging in aspects of life of education institutions, such as university and school related associations, including: clubs, sports, related civic bodies (e.g. school council), and other institutionally-organized initiatives that are not part of the academic curriculum.

3      d840 (work preparation)

Engaging in programmes related to preparation for employment, such as performing the tasks required of an apprenticeship, internship, articling and in-service training.

3      d845, keeping and terminating a job

Seeking, finding and choosing employment, being hired and accepting employment, maintaining and advancing through a job, trade, occupation or profession, and leaving a job in an appropriate manner.

4        d8450 employment

Locating and choosing a job, in a trade, profession or other form of employment, and performing the required tasks to get hired, such as showing up at the place of employment or participating in a job interview.

4        d8451 a job

Performing job-related tasks to keep an occupation, trade, profession or other form of employment, and obtaining promotion and other advancements in employment.

4        d8452 a job

Leaving or quitting a job in the appropriate manner.

3      d850 employment

Engaging in all aspects of work, as an occupation, trade, profession or other form of employment, for payment, as an employee, full or part time, or self-employed, such as seeking employment and getting a job, doing the required tasks of the job, attending work on time as required, supervising other workers or being supervised, and performing required tasks alone or in groups.

4        d8500 employment

Engaging in remunerative work sought or generated by the individual, or contracted from others without a formal employment relationship, such as migratory agricultural work, working as a free-lance writer or consultant, short-term contract work, working as an artist or crafts person, owning and running a shop or other business.

4        d8501 employment

Engaging in all aspects of work for payment on a part-time basis, as an employee, such as seeking employment and getting a job, doing the tasks required of the job, attending work on time as required, supervising other workers or being supervised, and performing required tasks alone or in groups.

4        d8502 employment

Engaging in all aspects of work for payment on a full-time basis, as an employee, such as seeking employment and getting a job, doing the required tasks of the job, attending work on time as required, supervising other workers or being supervised, and performing required tasks alone or in groups.

3      d855 employment

Engaging in all aspects of work in which pay is not provided, full-time or part-time, including organized work activities, doing the required tasks of the job, attending work on time as required, supervising other workers or being supervised, and performing required tasks alone or in groups, such as volunteer work, charity work, working for a community or religious group without remuneration, working around the home without remuneration.

3      d860 economic transactions

Engaging in any form of simple economic transaction, such as using money to purchase food or bartering, exchanging goods or services; or saving money.

3      d865 economic transactions

Engaging in any form of complex economic transaction that involves the exchange of capital or property, and the creation of profit or economic value, such as buying a business, factory, or equipment, maintaining a bank account, or trading in commodities.

3      d870 self-sufficiency

Having command over economic resources, from private or public sources, in order to ensure economical security for present and future needs.

4        d8700 economic resources

Having command over personal or private economic resources, in order to ensure economical security for present and future needs.

4        d8701 economic entitlements

Having command over public economic resources, in order to ensure economical security for present and future needs.

2    BlockL2-d91, social and civic life

This chapter is about the actions and tasks required to engage in organized social life outside the family, in community, social and civic areas of life.

3      d910 life

Engaging in aspects of community social life, such as engaging in charitable organizations, services clubs or professional social organizations.

4        d9100 associations

Engaging in social or community associations organized by people with common interests, such as local social clubs or ethics groups.

4        d9101 associations

Engaging in professional or other exclusive social groups, such as associations of lawyers, physicians, or academics.

4        d9102

Engaging in non-religious rites or social ceremonies, such as marriages, funerals or initiation ceremonies.

3      d920 and leisure

Engaging in any form of play, recreational or leisure activity, such as informal or organized play and sports, programmes of physical fitness, relaxation, amusement or diversion, going to art galleries, museums, cinemas or theatres; engaging in crafts or hobbies, reading for enjoyment, playing musical instruments; sightseeings, tourism and travelling for pleasure.

4        d9200

Engaging in games with rules or unstructured or unorganized games and spontaneous recreation, such as playing chess or cards or children's play.

4        d9201

Engaging in competitive and informal or formally organized games or athletic events, performed alone or in a group, such as bowling, gymnastics or soccer.

4        d9202 and culture

Engaging in, or appreciating, fine arts or cultural events, such as going to the theatre, cinema, museum or art gallery, or acting in a play, reading, being read to, dancing, singing or playing a musical instrument for enjoyment.

4        d9203

Engaging in handicrafts, such as pottery or knitting.

4        d9204

Engaging in pastimes such as stamp collecting, coins or antiques.

4        d9205

Engaging in informal or casual gatherings with others, such as visiting friends or relatives or meeting informally in public places.

3      d930 and spirituality

Engaging in religious or spiritual activities, organizations and practices for self-fulfilment, finding meaning, religious or spiritual value and establishing connection with a divine power, such as is involved in attending a church, temple, mosque or synagogue, praying or chanting for a religious purpose, and spiritual contemplation.

4        d9300 religion

Engaging in organized religious ceremonies, activities and events.

4        d9301

Engaging in spiritual activities or events, outside of a organized religion.

3      d940 rights

Enjoying all nationally and internationally recognized rights that are accorded to people by virtue of their humanity alone, such as human rights as recognized by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the United Nations Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993), and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006); the right to self-determination or autonomy; and the right to control over one's destiny.

3      d950 life and citizenship

Engaging in the social, political, governmental life of a citizen, having legal status as a citizen and enjoying the rights, protections, privileges and duties associated with that role, such as the right to vote and run for political office, to form political associations, enjoying the rights and freedoms associated with citizenship (e.g. the rights of freedom of speech, association, religion, protections against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to counsel, to a trial and other legal rights and protections against discrimination); having legal standing as a citizen.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code