PACIO Personal Functioning and Engagement Implementation Guide
1.9.0 - STU1 United States of America flag

PACIO Personal Functioning and Engagement Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Care. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.9.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CapabilityStatement: Personal Functioning and Engagement Capability Statement

Official URL: Version: 1.9.0
Draft as of 2022-08-12 Computable Name: Personal_Functioning_And_Engagement_CapabilityStatement

This Capability Statement defines the expected capabilities of a Personal Functioning and Engagement FHIR server conforming to the Personal Functioning and Engagement Implementation Guide.

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Personal Functioning and Engagement Capability Statement

  • Official URL:
  • Implementation Guide Version: 1.0.0-ballot
  • FHIR Version: 4.0.1
  • Intended Use: Requirements
  • Supported Formats: XML, JSON
  • Published: 2022-08-12 00:00:00+00:00
  • Published by: HL7 International - Patient Care
  • Status: Draft

This Capability Statement defines the expected capabilities of a Personal Functioning and Engagement FHIR server conforming to the Personal Functioning and Engagement Implementation Guide.

FHIR Server RESTful Capabilities

The PFE Server SHALL:

  1. Support all profiles defined in this Implementation Guide.
  2. Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification.
  3. Return the following response classes:
    • (Status 400): invalid parameter
    • (Status 401/4xx): unauthorized request
    • (Status 403): insufficient scope
    • (Status 404): unknown resource
    • (Status 410): deleted resource.
  4. Support json source formats for all PFE interactions.
  5. Support the searchParameters on each profile individually and in combination.

The PFE Server SHOULD:

  1. Support xml source formats for all PFE interactions.


  1. See the Guidance section for requirements and recommendations.
  2. A server SHALL reject any unauthorized requests by returning an HTTP 401 "Unauthorized", HTTP 403 "Forbidden", or HTTP 404 "Not Found" response code.

Summary of Server Wide Interactions

  • MAY support the batch interaction.
  • MAY support the search-system interaction.

Summary of Server Wide Search Parameters

  • MAY support the _content search parameter.
  • SHALL support the _id search parameter.
  • SHALL support the _lastUpdated search parameter.
  • MAY support the _security search parameter.
  • MAY support the _text search parameter.
  • MAY support the _query search parameter.

RESTful Capabilities by Resource/Profile:


♦ = SHALL expectation;⋄ = SHOULD expectation;▿ = MAY expectation;

Resource TypeSupported InteractionsSupported ProfilesSupported SearchesSupported _includesSupported _revincludesSupported Operations
Observationcreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation, Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection, Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation date, combo-data-absent-reason, code, combo-code-value-quantity, subject, component-data-absent-reason, value-concept, value-date, code-value-string, component-code-value-quantity, based-on, code-value-date, patient, specimen, component-code, code-value-quantity, combo-code-value-concept, value-string, identifier, performer, combo-code, method, value-quantity, component-value-quantity, data-absent-reason, combo-value-quantity, encounter, code-value-concept, component-code-value-concept, component-value-concept, category, device, combo-value-concept, status Observation.subject, Observation.based-on, Observation.patient, Observation.specimen, Observation.context, Observation.performer, Observation.encounter, Observation.device ChargeItem.service, ClinicalImpression.finding-ref, ClinicalImpression.investigation, DiagnosticReport.result, Immunization.reaction, ImmunizationRecommendation.information, MedicationStatement.part-of, Procedure.part-of, QuestionnaireResponse.parent
DiagnosticReportcreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status, Personal Functioning and Engagement Diagnostic Report Note Exchange Profile date, code, patient, identifier, encounter DiagnosticReport.based-on, DiagnosticReport.subject, DiagnosticReport.patient, DiagnosticReport.encounter,, DiagnosticReport.performer, DiagnosticReport.result, DiagnosticReport.results-interpreter, DiagnosticReport.specimen
DeviceUseStatementcreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Use of Device identifier, subject, patient, device DeviceUseStatement.subject, DeviceUseStatement.patient, DeviceUseStatement.device
Conditioncreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile, Personal Functioning and Engagement Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile identifier, subject, bodySite, asserter, recordedDate, code, encounter Condition.identifier, Condition.subject, Condition.bodySite, Condition.asserter, recordedDate, code, encounter
Goalcreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Goal Profile identifier, subject, patient, achievementStatus, addresses Goal.identifier, Goal.subject, Goal.patient, Goal.achievementStatus, Goal.addresses
NutritionOrdercreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Nutrition Order Profile identifier, subject, patient, encounter, orderer, status NutritionOrder.identifier, NutritionOrder.subject, NutritionOrder.patient, NutritionOrder.encounter, NutritionOrder.orderer, NutritionOrder.status
ServiceRequestcreate, update, delete, read, vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch Personal Functioning and Engagement Service Request Profile identifier, subject, patient, status, code, requester, performer, reason reference ServiceRequest.identifier, ServiceRequest.subject, ServiceRequest.patient, ServiceRequest.status, ServiceRequest.code, ServiceRequest.requester, ServiceRequest.performer, ServiceRequest.reasonReference


Conformance Expectation:SHALL

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support create, update, read, search-type.
  • SHOULD support vread, history-instance.
  • MAY support delete, history-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHALL be capable of creating an Observation resource using:POST [base]/Observation/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of an Observation resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHALL be capable of updating an existing Observation resource using:PUT [base]/Observation/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of an Observation resource using:PUT [base]/[Observation]?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of deleting an Observation resource using:DELETE [base]/Observation/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of Observation resources using:DELETE [base]/[Observation]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing Observation resource using:PATCH [base]/Observation/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHALL be capable of returning an Observation resource using:GET [base]/Observation/[id]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning an Observation resource using:GET [base]/Observation/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server SHALL be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/Observation/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a history of a Observation using:GET [base]/Observation/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of Observation resources using:GET [base]/Observation/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Observation.subject - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.subject
    • Observation.based-on - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.based-on
    • Observation.patient - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.patient
    • Observation.specimen - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.specimen
    • Observation.context - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.context
    • Observation.performer - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.performer
    • Observation.encounter - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.encounter
    • Observation.device - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_include=Observation.device
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _revincludes:
    • ChargeItem.service - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=ChargeItem.service
    • ClinicalImpression.finding-ref - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=ClinicalImpression.finding-ref
    • ClinicalImpression.investigation - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=ClinicalImpression.investigation
    • DiagnosticReport.result - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=DiagnosticReport.result
    • Immunization.reaction - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=Immunization.reaction
    • ImmunizationRecommendation.information - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=ImmunizationRecommendation.information
    • MedicationStatement.part-of - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=MedicationStatement.part-of
    • Procedure.part-of - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=Procedure.part-of
    • QuestionnaireResponse.parent - GET [base]/Observation?[parameter=value]&_revinclude=QuestionnaireResponse.parent

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):

  • date (date):

    Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period

  • combo-data-absent-reason (token):

    The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] or Observation.component.value[x] is missing.

  • code (token):

    The code of the observation type

  • combo-code-value-quantity (composite):

    Code and quantity value parameter pair, including in components

  • subject (reference):

    The subject that the observation is about

  • component-data-absent-reason (token):

    The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.

  • value-concept (token):

    The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept

  • value-date (date):

    The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time

  • code-value-string (composite):

    Code and string value parameter pair

  • component-code-value-quantity (composite):

    Component code and component quantity value parameter pair

  • based-on (reference):

    Reference to the test or procedure request.

  • code-value-date (composite):

    Code and date/time value parameter pair

  • patient (reference):

    The subject that the observation is about (if patient)

  • specimen (reference):

    Specimen used for this observation

  • component-code (token):

    The component code of the observation type

  • code-value-quantity (composite):

    Code and quantity value parameter pair

  • combo-code-value-concept (composite):

    Code and coded value parameter pair, including in components

  • value-string (string):

    The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text

  • identifier (token):

    The unique id for a particular observation

  • performer (reference):

    Who performed the observation

  • combo-code (token):

    The code of the observation type or component type

  • method (token):

    The method used for the observation

  • value-quantity (quantity):

    The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)

  • component-value-quantity (quantity):

    The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)

  • data-absent-reason (token):

    The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.

  • combo-value-quantity (quantity):

    The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)

  • encounter (reference):

    Encounter related to the observation

  • code-value-concept (composite):

    Code and coded value parameter pair

  • component-code-value-concept (composite):

    Component code and component coded value parameter pair

  • component-value-concept (token):

    The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept

  • category (token):

    The classification of the type of observation

  • device (reference):

    The Device that generated the observation data.

  • combo-value-concept (token):

    The value or component value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept

  • status (token):

    The status of the observation


Conformance Expectation:MAY

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHALL support create, update, read, search-type.
  • SHOULD support vread, history-instance.
  • MAY support delete, history-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHALL be capable of creating a DiagnosticReport resource using:POST [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of a DiagnosticReport resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHALL be capable of updating an existing DiagnosticReport resource using:PUT [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of a DiagnosticReport resource using:PUT [base]/[DiagnosticReport]?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of deleting a DiagnosticReport resource using:DELETE [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of DiagnosticReport resources using:DELETE [base]/[DiagnosticReport]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing DiagnosticReport resource using:PATCH [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHALL be capable of returning a DiagnosticReport resource using:GET [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a DiagnosticReport resource using:GET [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server SHALL be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a history of a DiagnosticReport using:GET [base]/DiagnosticReport/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of DiagnosticReport resources using:GET [base]/DiagnosticReport/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • DiagnosticReport.based-on - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.based-on
    • DiagnosticReport.subject - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.subject
    • DiagnosticReport.patient - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.patient
    • DiagnosticReport.encounter - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.encounter
    • - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&
    • DiagnosticReport.performer - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.performer
    • DiagnosticReport.result - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.result
    • DiagnosticReport.results-interpreter - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.results-interpreter
    • DiagnosticReport.specimen - GET [base]/DiagnosticReport?[parameter=value]&_include=DiagnosticReport.specimen

Search Parameter Summary:

SHALLpatientreferenceGET [base]/DiagnosticReport?patient=[type]/[id]

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):

  • date (date):

    Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period

  • code (token):

    The code of the report type

  • patient (reference):

    The subject that the report is about (if patient)

  • identifier (token):

    The unique id for a particular report

  • encounter (reference):

    Encounter related to the report


Conformance Expectation:SHOULD

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHOULD support create, update, delete, read.
  • MAY support vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of creating a DeviceUseStatement resource using:POST [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of a DeviceUseStatement resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of updating an existing DeviceUseStatement resource using:PUT [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of a DeviceUseStatement resource using:PUT [base]/[DeviceUseStatement]?[search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of deleting a DeviceUseStatement resource using:DELETE [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of DeviceUseStatement resources using:DELETE [base]/[DeviceUseStatement]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing DeviceUseStatement resource using:PATCH [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a DeviceUseStatement resource using:GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a DeviceUseStatement resource using:GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a history of a DeviceUseStatement using:GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of DeviceUseStatement resources using:GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • DeviceUseStatement.subject - GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement?[parameter=value]&_include=DeviceUseStatement.subject
    • DeviceUseStatement.patient - GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement?[parameter=value]&_include=DeviceUseStatement.patient
    • DeviceUseStatement.device - GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement?[parameter=value]&_include=DeviceUseStatement.device

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):

  • identifier (token):

    Search by identifier

  • subject (reference):

    Search by subject

  • patient (reference):

    Search by subject - a patient

  • device (reference):

    Search by device


Conformance Expectation:SHOULD

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHOULD support create, update, delete, read.
  • MAY support vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of creating a Condition resource using:POST [base]/Condition/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of a Condition resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of updating an existing Condition resource using:PUT [base]/Condition/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of a Condition resource using:PUT [base]/[Condition]?[search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of deleting a Condition resource using:DELETE [base]/Condition/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of Condition resources using:DELETE [base]/[Condition]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing Condition resource using:PATCH [base]/Condition/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a Condition resource using:GET [base]/Condition/[id]
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a Condition resource using:GET [base]/Condition/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/Condition/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a history of a Condition using:GET [base]/Condition/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of Condition resources using:GET [base]/Condition/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Condition.identifier - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=Condition.identifier
    • Condition.subject - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=Condition.subject
    • Condition.bodySite - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=Condition.bodySite
    • Condition.asserter - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=Condition.asserter
    • recordedDate - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=recordedDate
    • code - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=code
    • encounter - GET [base]/Condition?[parameter=value]&_include=encounter

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):


Conformance Expectation:SHOULD

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHOULD support create, update, delete, read.
  • MAY support vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of creating a Goal resource using:POST [base]/Goal/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of a Goal resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of updating an existing Goal resource using:PUT [base]/Goal/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of a Goal resource using:PUT [base]/[Goal]?[search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of deleting a Goal resource using:DELETE [base]/Goal/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of Goal resources using:DELETE [base]/[Goal]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing Goal resource using:PATCH [base]/Goal/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a Goal resource using:GET [base]/Goal/[id]
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a Goal resource using:GET [base]/Goal/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/Goal/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a history of a Goal using:GET [base]/Goal/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of Goal resources using:GET [base]/Goal/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • Goal.identifier - GET [base]/Goal?[parameter=value]&_include=Goal.identifier
    • Goal.subject - GET [base]/Goal?[parameter=value]&_include=Goal.subject
    • Goal.patient - GET [base]/Goal?[parameter=value]&_include=Goal.patient
    • Goal.achievementStatus - GET [base]/Goal?[parameter=value]&_include=Goal.achievementStatus
    • Goal.addresses - GET [base]/Goal?[parameter=value]&_include=Goal.addresses

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):


Conformance Expectation:SHOULD

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHOULD support create, update, delete, read.
  • MAY support vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of creating a NutritionOrder resource using:POST [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of a NutritionOrder resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of updating an existing NutritionOrder resource using:PUT [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of a NutritionOrder resource using:PUT [base]/[NutritionOrder]?[search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of deleting a NutritionOrder resource using:DELETE [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of NutritionOrder resources using:DELETE [base]/[NutritionOrder]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing NutritionOrder resource using:PATCH [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a NutritionOrder resource using:GET [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a NutritionOrder resource using:GET [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a history of a NutritionOrder using:GET [base]/NutritionOrder/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of NutritionOrder resources using:GET [base]/NutritionOrder/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • NutritionOrder.identifier - GET [base]/NutritionOrder?[parameter=value]&_include=NutritionOrder.identifier
    • NutritionOrder.subject - GET [base]/NutritionOrder?[parameter=value]&_include=NutritionOrder.subject
    • NutritionOrder.patient - GET [base]/NutritionOrder?[parameter=value]&_include=NutritionOrder.patient
    • NutritionOrder.encounter - GET [base]/NutritionOrder?[parameter=value]&_include=NutritionOrder.encounter
    • NutritionOrder.orderer - GET [base]/NutritionOrder?[parameter=value]&_include=NutritionOrder.orderer
    • NutritionOrder.status - GET [base]/NutritionOrder?[parameter=value]&_include=NutritionOrder.status

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):

  • identifier (token):

    Search by identifier

  • subject (reference):

    Search by subject

  • patient (reference):

    Search by subject - a patient

  • encounter (reference):

    Search by encounter

  • orderer (reference):

    Search by orderer

  • status (reference):

    Search by status


Conformance Expectation:SHOULD

Supported Profiles:

Reference Policy: literal, logical

Profile Interaction Summary:

  • SHOULD support create, update, delete, read.
  • MAY support vread, history-instance, history-type, search-type, patch.

Modify Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of creating a ServiceRequest resource using:POST [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional create of a ServiceRequest resource using header:If-None-Exist: [search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of updating an existing ServiceRequest resource using:PUT [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}
    • A Server MAY be capable of the conditional update of a ServiceRequest resource using:PUT [base]/[ServiceRequest]?[search parameters]
  • A Server SHOULD be capable of deleting a ServiceRequest resource using:DELETE [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]
    • A Server MAY support multiple conditional delete of ServiceRequest resources using:DELETE [base]/[ServiceRequest]/?[search parameters]
  • A Server MAY be capable of patching an existing ServiceRequest resource using:PATCH [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]{?_format=[mime-type]}

Fetch and Search Criteria:

  • A Server SHOULD be capable of returning a ServiceRequest resource using:GET [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a ServiceRequest resource using:GET [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]/_history/vid
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning resources matching a search query using:GET [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning a history of a ServiceRequest using:GET [base]/ServiceRequest/[id]/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of returning the history of ServiceRequest resources using:GET [base]/ServiceRequest/_history{?[parameters]&_format=[mime-type]}
  • A Server MAY be capable of supporting the following _includes:
    • ServiceRequest.identifier - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.identifier
    • ServiceRequest.subject - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.subject
    • ServiceRequest.patient - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.patient
    • ServiceRequest.status - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.status
    • ServiceRequest.code - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.code
    • ServiceRequest.requester - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.requester
    • ServiceRequest.performer - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.performer
    • ServiceRequest.reasonReference - GET [base]/ServiceRequest?[parameter=value]&_include=ServiceRequest.reasonReference

Search Parameter Requirements (When Used Alone or in Combination):