PACIO Advance Directive Interoperability Implementation Guide
2.1.0 - STU 2 United States of America flag

PACIO Advance Directive Interoperability Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Empowerment. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 General Guidance
... 3 User Stories and Personas
... 4 User Stories and Personas
... 5 MHAD Guidance
... 6 PACP Guidance
... 7 User Stories and Personas
... 8 PMO Guidance
... 9 Formal Specification
... 10 Security, Privacy, and Consent
... 11 Signatures
... 12 System Use Cases
... 13 Recommended Search Parameters
... 14 Key Terms and Acronyms
... 15 FHIR Artifacts
.... 15.1 ADI CapabilityStatement
.... 15.2 Bundle-composition
.... 15.3 Bundle-identifier
.... 15.4 Bundle-timestamp
.... 15.5 Bundle-type
.... 15.6 Consent-id
.... 15.7 DocumentReference-authenticator
.... 15.8 DocumentReference-author
.... 15.9 DocumentReference-category
.... 15.10 DocumentReference-contenttype
.... 15.11 DocumentReference-custodian
.... 15.12 DocumentReference-date
.... 15.13 DocumentReference-description
.... 15.14 DocumentReference-encounter
.... 15.15 DocumentReference-event
.... 15.16 DocumentReference-facility
.... 15.17 DocumentReference-format
.... 15.18 DocumentReference-id
.... 15.19 DocumentReference-identifier
.... 15.20 DocumentReference-language
.... 15.21 DocumentReference-location
.... 15.22 DocumentReference-patient
.... 15.23 DocumentReference-period
.... 15.24 DocumentReference-related
.... 15.25 DocumentReference-relatesto
.... 15.26 DocumentReference-relation
.... 15.27 DocumentReference-security-label
.... 15.28 DocumentReference-setting
.... 15.29 DocumentReference-status
.... 15.30 DocumentReference-subject
.... 15.31 DocumentReference-type
.... 15.32 ADI Composition Header
.... 15.33 ADI Autopsy Observation
.... 15.34 ADI Care Experience Preference
.... 15.35 ADI Document Reference
.... 15.36 ADI Documentation Observation
.... 15.37 ADI Notary
.... 15.38 ADI Organ Donation
.... 15.39 ADI Participant
.... 15.40 ADI Participant Consent
.... 15.41 ADI Personal Advance Care Plan Composition
.... 15.42 ADI Personal Goal
.... 15.43 ADI Personal Priorities Organizer
.... 15.44 ADI PMO Additional request or instruction ServiceRequest
.... 15.45 ADI PMO Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ServiceRequest
.... 15.46 ADI PMO Initial Treatment ServiceRequest
.... 15.47 ADI PMO Medically Assisted Nutrition ServiceRequest
.... 15.48 ADI PMO No Additional request or instruction Observation
.... 15.49 ADI PMO Participant Observation
.... 15.50 ADI PMO Review Observation
.... 15.51 ADI Portable Medical Order Care Plan
.... 15.52 ADI Portable Medical Order Composition
.... 15.53 ADI Portable Medical Order Hospice Observation
.... 15.54 ADI Preference Care Plan
.... 15.55 ADI Provenance
.... 15.56 ADI ServiceRequest
.... 15.57 ADI Witness
.... 15.58 Personal Intervention Preference
.... 15.59 Clause
.... 15.60 Data Enterer
.... 15.61 Effective Date
.... 15.62 Enclosed Precondition
.... 15.63 Goal Order by Descending Priority
.... 15.64 Informant
.... 15.65 Jurisdiction
.... 15.66 Notary Information
.... 15.67 Participant
.... 15.68 Performer
.... 15.69 Revoke Status
.... 15.70 Version Number
.... 15.71 ADI Composition Status
.... 15.72 ADI Document Reference Status
.... 15.73 ADI Document Revoke Status
.... 15.74 Attester Role
.... 15.75 Consent Type
.... 15.76 Documentation Types
.... 15.77 Healthcare Agent Decisions
.... 15.78 Intervention Preferences - Ordinal
.... 15.79 LOINC POLST CPR Answer List
.... 15.80 LOINC POLST discuss part List
.... 15.81 LOINC POLST Initial Tx Answer List
.... 15.82 LOINC POLST Med assist nutr Answer List
.... 15.83 LOINC POLST review Answer List
.... 15.84 No Healthcare Agent Included Reason
.... 15.85 Personal And Legal Relationship Role Type
.... 15.86 Portable Medical Order Categories
.... 15.87 ADI Goal Category Code System
.... 15.88 ADI Revoke Status Code System
.... 15.89 ADI Temporary Code System
.... 15.90 Healthcare Agent Decision Codes
.... 15.91 Care Plan for Permanent, severe brain damage
.... 15.92 Care Plan for Terminal illness, lack of meaningful interaction
.... 15.93 Care Plan for Unconscious, vegetative state, coma for McBee
.... 15.94 Care Plan for Unconscious, vegetative state, coma for Smith-Johnson
.... 15.95 Example-McBee-ADINotary
.... 15.96 Example-McBee-ADIWitness
.... 15.97 Example-McBee-AutopsyObservation1
.... 15.98 Example-McBee-Bundle1
.... 15.99 Example-McBee-CareExperiencePreference1
.... 15.100 Example-McBee-CareExperiencePreference2
.... 15.101 Example-McBee-CareExperiencePreference3
.... 15.102 Example-McBee-CareExperiencePreference4
.... 15.103 Example-McBee-HealthcareAgent1
.... 15.104 Example-McBee-HealthcareAgent2
.... 15.105 Example-McBee-HealthcareAgentConsent
.... 15.106 Example-McBee-OrganDonationObservation1
.... 15.107 Example-McBee-OrganizationAssembler1
.... 15.108 Example-McBee-OrganizationCustodian1
.... 15.109 Example-McBee-PACPProvenance1
.... 15.110 Example-McBee-Patient1
.... 15.111 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal1
.... 15.112 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal2
.... 15.113 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal3
.... 15.114 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal4
.... 15.115 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal5
.... 15.116 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal6
.... 15.117 Example-McBee-PersonalGoal7
.... 15.118 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference1
.... 15.119 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference2
.... 15.120 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference3
.... 15.121 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference4
.... 15.122 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference5
.... 15.123 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference6
.... 15.124 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference7
.... 15.125 Example-McBee-PersonalInterventionPreference8
.... 15.126 Example-Smith-Johnson-AutopsyObservation1
.... 15.127 Example-Smith-Johnson-Bundle1
.... 15.128 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference1
.... 15.129 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference2
.... 15.130 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference3
.... 15.131 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference4
.... 15.132 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference5
.... 15.133 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference6
.... 15.134 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference7
.... 15.135 Example-Smith-Johnson-CareExperiencePreference8
.... 15.136 Example-Smith-Johnson-DocRef-Bundle
.... 15.137 Example-Smith-Johnson-DocRef-Device1
.... 15.138 Example-Smith-Johnson-DocRef-DocumentReference
.... 15.139 Example-Smith-Johnson-DocumentationObservation1
.... 15.140 Example-Smith-Johnson-HealthcareAgent1
.... 15.141 Example-Smith-Johnson-HealthcareAgent2
.... 15.142 Example-Smith-Johnson-HealthcareAgentConsent
.... 15.143 Example-Smith-Johnson-Notary1
.... 15.144 Example-Smith-Johnson-OrganDonationObservation1
.... 15.145 Example-Smith-Johnson-OrganizationAssembler1
.... 15.146 Example-Smith-Johnson-OrganizationCustodian1
.... 15.147 Example-Smith-Johnson-PACPProvenance1
.... 15.148 Example-Smith-Johnson-Patient1
.... 15.149 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalGoal1
.... 15.150 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalGoal2
.... 15.151 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalGoal3
.... 15.152 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalInterventionPreference1
.... 15.153 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalInterventionPreference2
.... 15.154 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalInterventionPreference3
.... 15.155 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalInterventionPreference4
.... 15.156 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalInterventionPreference5
.... 15.157 Example-Smith-Johnson-PersonalInterventionPreference6
.... 15.158 My Advance Care Goals
.... 15.159 Personal Advance Care Plan
.... 15.160 Personal Advance Care Plan Document for Roger McBee
.... 15.161 Priorities for Goals and Preferences
.... 15.162 us-core-practitioner-kyle-anydoc
... 16 Release Notes