PACIO Advance Directive Interoperability Implementation Guide
2.1.0 - STU 2 United States of America flag

PACIO Advance Directive Interoperability Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Empowerment. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

: 3f6ba1b2-2744-4cb8-a934-56ab2869e5cc - XML Representation

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<Observation xmlns="">
  <id value="3f6ba1b2-2744-4cb8-a934-56ab2869e5cc"/>
    <status value="additional"/>
    <div xmlns=""><p>If my response above indicates that I do not want life-sustaining treatments,</p><p>I expressly authorize my attending physician to withhold or withdraw artificial nutrition and hydration and instruct my healthcare agent (or, if I have not designated a healthcare agent, my default surrogate), my family and the doctors and nurses who are taking care of me to respect this request.</p></div>
  <status value="final"/>
      <code value="intervention-preference"/>
      <display value="Intervention preference"/>
      <system value=""/>
      <code value="77352-3"/>
               value="Thoughts on artificial nutrition and hydration [Reported]"/>
    <reference value="Patient/b427dedb-c302-4b75-b105-36b7bbcfc1dd"/>
  <effectiveDateTime value="2016-05-18T22:33:22Z"/>
    <reference value="Patient/b427dedb-c302-4b75-b105-36b7bbcfc1dd"/>
               value="If my response above indicates that I do not want life-sustaining treatments, I expressly authorize my attending physician to withhold or withdraw artificial nutrition and hydration and instruct my healthcare agent (or, if I have not designated a healthcare agent, my default surrogate), my family and the doctors and nurses who are taking care of me to respect this request."/>