Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/ebm/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Group: SearchStrategy_PubMed_and_Embase_search_for_van_Veldhuisen_2022_systematic_review

Generated Narrative: Group

Resource Group "179592" Version "3" Updated "2023-12-04 16:46:02+0000"

Profile: SearchStrategy

Artifact related artifact:

Artifact related artifact:

Artifact Title: SearchStrategy: PubMed and Embase search for van Veldhuisen 2022 systematic review

Artifact URL: https://fevir.net/resources/Group/179592

Artifact Publisher: Computable Publishing LLC

Artifact Copyright: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Artifact use context: Evidence Communication: SearchStrategy

Artifact Contact: support@computablepublishing.com

Artifact Author: Brian S. Alper:

CombinationMethod: any-of


identifier: FEvIR Object Identifier/179592

type: animal

membership: definitional

name: SearchStrategy_PubMed_and_Embase_search_for_van_Veldhuisen_2022_systematic_review

description: We conducted a search in Pubmed and Embase databases from inception to 28 August 2021. The search strategy composed the PICO method: patients of interest were obese, adult (age ≥18 years old) patients, Intervention was bariatric surgery, Controls were obese patients who did not undergo bariatric surgery, and Outcomes were defined as all-cause mortality, CV mortality, and incidence of CV disease, i.e. incident AF, incident HF, incident myocardial infarction, incident stroke, and incident aortic stenosis. Further, for clarity reasons we investigated myocardial infarction, and not incident coronary artery disease, because it is very difficult if not impossible to define its onset, also this was not uniform across the studies. Somewhat similarly, we investigated stroke and not incident cerebrovascular disease. A few studies, however, further differentiated between ischaemic vs. haemorrhagic stroke, and thus we also separately investigated the effect on ischaemic stroke.


CharacteristicDescription: Pubmed search string

CharacteristicValueExpression: ("Overweight"[Mesh] OR obes*[tiab] OR overweight[tiab] OR body mass index[tiab] OR BMI[tiab] OR "Body Mass Index"[Mesh]) AND (“Bariatric surgery”[Mesh] OR bariatric surg*[tiab] OR bariatric operat*[tiab] OR "Gastric Bypass"[Mesh] OR gastric bypass*[tiab] OR gastroileal bypass*[tiab] OR gastrojejunostom*[tiab] OR gastroplast*[tiab] OR jejunoileal bypass*[tiab] OR ileojejunal bypass*[tiab] OR intestinal bypass*[tiab] OR biliopancreatic bypass*[tiab] OR biliopancreatic diversion*[tiab] OR duodenal switch*[tiab] OR pancreatobiliary bypass*[tiab] OR gastric banding*[tiab] OR stomach banding*[tiab] OR laparoscopic adjustable silicone banding*[tiab] OR bariatric operat*[tiab] OR bariatric procedure*[tiab] OR obesity surg*[tiab] OR obesity operat*[tiab] OR sleeve gastrectom*[tiab] OR gastric sleeve*[tiab] OR metabolic surg*[tiab] OR stomach surg*[tiab] OR weight loss operat*[tiab] OR weight loss surg*[tiab] OR weight reduction operat*[tiab] OR weight reduction surg*[tiab]) AND ("Control Groups"[Mesh] OR "Weight Loss"[Mesh] OR "Standard of Care"[Mesh] OR "Conservative Treatment"[Mesh] OR "Weight Reduction Programs"[Mesh] OR "Life Style"[Mesh] OR non-surgical*[tiab] OR nonsurgical*[tiab] OR conventional therap*[tiab] OR conventional care[tiab] conventional treatment*[tiab] OR standard care[tiab] OR standard therap*[tiab] OR standard treatment*[tiab] OR regular care[tiab] OR regular therap*[tiab] OR regular treatment*[tiab] OR conservative treat*[tiab] OR conservative therap*[tiab] OR conservative care[tiab] OR normal care[tiab] OR normal treatment*[tiab] OR normal therap*[tiab] OR weight low*[tiab] OR weight reduction*[tiab] OR weight loss[tiab] OR losing weight[tiab] OR control*[tiab] OR medical intervention*[tiab] OR lifestyle*[tiab] OR diet*[tiab] OR compar*[tiab] OR matched control*[tiab] OR "Diet, Fat-Restricted"[Mesh] OR calor*[tiab]) AND ("Mortality"[Mesh] OR cardiovascular event*[tiab] OR cardiovascular outcome*[tiab] OR "Heart Failure"[Mesh] OR heart decompensation*[tiab] OR myocardial failure*[tiab] OR heart failure*[tiab] OR "Atrial Fibrillation"[Mesh] OR atrial fibrillation*[tiab] OR Auricular Fibrillation*[tiab] OR "Myocardial Infarction"[Mesh] OR myocardial infarct*[tiab] OR Cardiovascular Stroke*[tiab] OR Heart Attack*[tiab] OR "Coronary Artery Disease"[Mesh] OR Coronary Artery Disease*[tiab] OR Coronary arteriosclerosis[tiab] OR "Aortic Valve Stenosis"[Mesh] OR aortic valve stenosis[tiab] OR aortic stenosis[tiab] OR aortic valvular stenosis[tiab] OR major adverse cardiac event*[tiab] OR major adverse cardiovascular event*[tiab] OR major cardiovascular event*[tiab] OR major cardiac event*[tiab] OR MACE[tiab] OR ischemic stroke*[tiab] OR ischemic cerebrovascular accident*[tiab] OR ischaemic stroke*[tiab] OR ischaemic cerebrovascular accident*[tiab] OR myocardial ischaemia*[tiab] OR myocardial ischemia*[tiab] OR mortalit*[tiab]) AND ("Randomized Controlled Trial" [Publication Type] OR "Matched-Pair Analysis"[Mesh] OR "Case-Control Studies"[Mesh] OR "Propensity Score"[Mesh] OR "Cohort Studies"[Mesh] OR randomi*[tiab] OR randomly[tiab] OR trial[ti] OR cohort[tiab] OR Propensity Score*[tiab] OR MatchedPair*[tiab] OR matched-pair*[tiab] OR paired comparison*[tiab] OR case-control[tiab] OR retrospective*[tiab] OR prospective*[tiab] OR longitudinal*[tiab] OR observational*[tiab] OR follow-up[tiab]) NOT ("Review" [Publication Type] OR "Systematic Review" [Publication Type] OR "Meta-Analysis" [Publication Type] OR "Editorial" [Publication Type] OR "Case Reports" [Publication Type] OR "Comment" [Publication Type]) NOT (("Child"[Mesh] OR "Adolescent"[Mesh] OR "Infant"[Mesh]) NOT "Adult"[Mesh]) NOT ("Pediatric Obesity"[Mesh] OR "Pregnancy"[Mesh] OR "Conversion to Open Surgery"[Mesh] OR "Safety"[Mesh] OR conversion*[tiab] OR safety[tiab] OR technique*[tiab] OR surgery type*[tiab] OR efficacy[tiab] OR maternal[tiab] OR pregnan[tiab])(Pubmed search string)

code: Pubmed search string ()

value: See valueExpression in extensions. ()

exclude: false

period: ?? --> 2021-08-28


CharacteristicDescription: Embase search string

CharacteristicValueExpression: ('obesity'/exp OR 'body mass'/exp OR (obes* OR ‘overweight’ OR ‘body mass index’ OR BMI):ab,ti,kw) AND (‘bariatric surgery’/exp OR 'gastric bypass surgery'/exp OR ‘gastrojejunostomy’/exp OR 'stomach surgery'/exp OR ‘collis gastroplasty’/exp OR ‘vertical banded gastroplasty’/exp OR 'intestine bypass'/exp OR ‘gastric sleeve’/exp OR ‘endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty’/exp OR ‘one-anastomosis gastric bypass’/exp OR (‘bariatric surg*’ OR ‘bariatric operat*’ OR ‘gastric bypass*’ OR ‘gastroileal bypass*’ OR gastrojejunostom* OR gastroplast* OR ‘jejunoileal bypass*’ OR ‘ileojejunal bypass*’ OR ‘intestinal bypass*’ OR ‘biliopancreatic bypass*’ OR ‘biliopancreatic diversion*’ OR ‘duodenal switch*’ OR ‘pancreatobiliary bypass*’ OR ‘gastric banding*’ OR ‘stomach banding*’ OR ‘laparoscopic adjustable silicone banding*’ OR ‘bariatric operat*’ OR ‘bariatric procedure*’ OR ‘obesity surg*’ OR ‘obesity operat*’ OR ‘sleeve gastrectom*’ OR ‘gastric sleeve*’ OR ‘metabolic surg*’ OR ‘stomach surg*’ OR ‘weight loss operat*’ OR ‘weight loss surg*’ OR ‘weight reduction operat*’ OR ‘weight reduction surg*’):ab,ti,kw) AND (‘control group’/exp OR ‘body weight loss’/exp OR (‘non-surgical*’ OR ‘nonsurgical*’ OR ‘conventional therap*’ OR ‘conventional treat*’ OR ‘conventional care’ OR ‘standard therap*’ OR ‘standard treat*’ OR ‘standard care’ OR ‘regular therap*’ OR ‘regular care’ OR ‘regular treat*’ OR ‘conservative therap*’ OR ‘conservative treat*’ OR ‘conservative care’ OR ‘normal treat*’ OR ‘normal care’ OR ‘normal therap*’ OR ‘weight low*’ OR ‘weight reduction*’ OR ‘weight loss’ OR ‘losing weight’ OR ‘control*’ OR ‘medical intervention*’ OR ‘lifestyle*’ OR ‘diet*’ OR ‘compar*’ OR ‘matched control*’ OR ‘calor*’):ab,ti,kw) AND (‘controlled clinical trial’/exp OR ‘Propensity Score’/exp OR ‘Cohort Analysis’/exp OR 'intervention study'/exp OR 'case control study'/exp OR (randomi* OR randomly OR trial OR cohort OR ‘Propensity Score*’ OR MatchedPair* OR matched-pair* OR ‘paired comparison*’ OR case-control OR prospective* OR observational* OR longitudinal* OR retrospective* OR follow-up):ab,ti,kw) AND (‘mortality rate’/exp OR 'all cause mortality'/exp OR 'cardiovascular mortality'/exp OR ‘prognostic factor’/exp OR ‘survival rate’/exp OR ‘outcome’/exp OR ‘major adverse cardiac event’/exp OR ‘heart failure’/exp OR ‘atrial fibrillation’/exp OR ‘heart infarction’/exp OR 'cerebrovascular accident'/exp OR ‘coronary artery disease’/exp OR 'coronary artery atherosclerosis'/exp OR ‘aortic stenosis’/exp OR 'heart muscle ischemia'/exp OR (‘cardiovascular event*’ OR ‘cardiovascular outcome*’ OR ‘heart decompensation*’ OR ‘myocardial failure*’ OR ‘heart failure*’ OR ‘atrial fibrillation*’ OR ‘auricular fibrillation*’ OR ‘myocardial infarct*’ OR ‘cardiovascular stroke*’ OR ‘heart attack*’ OR ‘coronary NEXT/1 disease*’ OR ‘coronary arteriosclerosis’ OR ‘aortic NEXT/1 stenosis’ OR ‘cardiac event*’ OR ‘MACE’ OR ‘ischemic stroke*’ OR ‘ischemic cerebrovascular accident*’ OR ‘ischaemic stroke*’ OR ‘ischaemic cerebrovascular accident*’ OR ‘myocardial ischaemia*’ OR ‘myocardial ischemia*’ OR mortalit*):ab,ti,kw) NOT ('review'/exp OR 'meta analysis'/exp OR 'editorial'/exp OR 'case report'/exp OR 'pregnancy'/exp) NOT (('child'/exp OR 'adolescent'/exp OR 'infant'/exp) NOT 'adult'/exp) NOT ('childhood obesity'/exp OR 'conversion to open surgery'/exp OR 'risk assessment'/exp OR (conversion* OR safety OR technique* OR ‘surgery type*’ OR efficacy OR maternal OR pregnan*):ab,ti,kw)(Embase search string)

code: Embase search string ()

value: See valueExpression in extensions. ()

exclude: false

period: ?? --> 2021-08-28