Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide
2.0.0-draft - STU 2 - Draft United States of America flag

Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Financial Management. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-draft built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: PCT GFE Bundle

Official URL: Version: 2.0.0-draft
Standards status: Trial-use Maturity Level: 2 Computable Name: PCTGFEBundle
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.

PCT GFE Bundle that contains all resources for a Good faith estimate submitted by a single GFE contributing provider. Organizations for both the provider and payer MAY be included. This single contributing provider GFE Bundle may be included in a set of GFE bundles from other providers in a GFE Collection Bundle that can then be made available to the patient or sent to a payer for insurance estimation. The scope of this guide does not include coordination of benefits for more than one coverage. This does not serve as a replacement for eligibility, prior authorization or other financial and administrative use cases.


Changes since version 1.1.0:

  • The resource metadata has changed (description)
  • The data elements list has changed
  • One or more text definitions, invariants or bindings have changed
  • Formal Views of Profile Content

    Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
    bdl-1: total only when a search or history
    bdl-2: only when a search
    bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
    bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
    bdl-10: A document must have a date
    bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
    bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
    pct-gfe-bundle-1: SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    pct-gfe-bundle-2: All references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    ... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ... identifier Σ 1..1 Identifier Persistent identifier for the bundle
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
    Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    Fixed Value: collection
    ... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant When the bundle was assembled
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ... Slices for entry ΣC 3..* BackboneElement Entry in the bundle - will have a resource or information
    Slice: Unordered, Open by type:resource
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    .... entry:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... fullUrl Σ 1..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    .... entry:gfe ΣC 2..* BackboneElement SHALL have one or more PCTGFEProfessional or PCTGFEInstitutional resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTGFESummary, PCTGFEProfessional, PCTGFEInstitutional Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization
    .... entry:patient ΣC 1..2 BackboneElement SHALL have the patient subject of care and may have a separate subscriber
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 HRexPatientDemographics Information about an individual or animal receiving health care services
    .... entry:coverage SΣC 0..1 BackboneElement MAY have one Coverage
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTCoverage Insurance or medical plan or a payment agreement
    .... entry:organization SΣC 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both. May also have a payer organization.
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTOrganization A grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
    .... entry:practitioner SΣC 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTPractitioner A person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
    .... entry:attachment SΣC 0..* BackboneElement MAY have attachments as DocumentReference resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource Σ 1..1 DocumentReference A resource in the bundle

    doco Documentation for this format

    Terminology Bindings

    PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
    Bundle.typerequiredFixed Value: collection|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard


    pct-gfe-bundle-1errorBundleSHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    : Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Practitioner).exists() or Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Organization).exists()
    pct-gfe-bundle-2errorBundleAll references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    : Bundle.entry.resource.descendants().reference.where($this.startsWith('#').not()).all((%resource.entry.fullUrl.join('|')&'|').contains(($this&'|')))

    This structure is derived from Bundle

    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
    pct-gfe-bundle-1: SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    pct-gfe-bundle-2: All references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    ... identifier 1..1 Identifier Persistent identifier for the bundle
    ... type 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
    Fixed Value: collection
    ... timestamp 1..1 instant When the bundle was assembled
    ... Slices for entry 3..* BackboneElement Entry in the bundle - will have a resource or information
    Slice: Unordered, Open by type:resource
    .... entry:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
    ..... fullUrl 1..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... search 0..0
    ..... request 0..0
    ..... response 0..0
    .... entry:gfe 2..* BackboneElement SHALL have one or more PCTGFEProfessional or PCTGFEInstitutional resource(s)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTGFESummary, PCTGFEProfessional, PCTGFEInstitutional Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization
    .... entry:patient 1..2 BackboneElement SHALL have the patient subject of care and may have a separate subscriber
    ..... resource 1..1 HRexPatientDemographics Information about an individual or animal receiving health care services
    .... entry:coverage S 0..1 BackboneElement MAY have one Coverage
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTCoverage Insurance or medical plan or a payment agreement
    .... entry:organization S 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both. May also have a payer organization.
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTOrganization A grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
    .... entry:practitioner S 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTPractitioner A person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
    .... entry:attachment S 0..* BackboneElement MAY have attachments as DocumentReference resource(s)
    ..... resource 1..1 DocumentReference A resource in the bundle

    doco Documentation for this format


    pct-gfe-bundle-1errorBundleSHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    : Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Practitioner).exists() or Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Organization).exists()
    pct-gfe-bundle-2errorBundleAll references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    : Bundle.entry.resource.descendants().reference.where($this.startsWith('#').not()).all((%resource.entry.fullUrl.join('|')&'|').contains(($this&'|')))
    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
    bdl-1: total only when a search or history
    bdl-2: only when a search
    bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
    bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
    bdl-10: A document must have a date
    bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
    bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
    pct-gfe-bundle-1: SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    pct-gfe-bundle-2: All references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    ... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
    ... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
    ... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
    ... language 0..1 code Language of the resource content
    Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

    Additional BindingsPurpose
    AllLanguages Max Binding
    ... identifier Σ 1..1 Identifier Persistent identifier for the bundle
    ... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
    Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

    Fixed Value: collection
    ... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant When the bundle was assembled
    ... total ΣC 0..1 unsignedInt If search, the total number of matches
    ... link Σ 0..* BackboneElement Links related to this Bundle
    .... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    .... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    .... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    .... relation Σ 1..1 string See
    .... url Σ 1..1 uri Reference details for the link
    ... Slices for entry ΣC 3..* BackboneElement Entry in the bundle - will have a resource or information
    Slice: Unordered, Open by type:resource
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    .... entry:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 1..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource Σ 0..1 Resource A resource in the bundle
    .... entry:gfe ΣC 2..* BackboneElement SHALL have one or more PCTGFEProfessional or PCTGFEInstitutional resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTGFESummary, PCTGFEProfessional, PCTGFEInstitutional Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    .... entry:patient ΣC 1..2 BackboneElement SHALL have the patient subject of care and may have a separate subscriber
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 HRexPatientDemographics Information about an individual or animal receiving health care services
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    .... entry:coverage SΣC 0..1 BackboneElement MAY have one Coverage
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTCoverage Insurance or medical plan or a payment agreement
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    .... entry:organization SΣC 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both. May also have a payer organization.
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTOrganization A grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    .... entry:practitioner SΣC 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTPractitioner A person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    .... entry:attachment SΣC 0..* BackboneElement MAY have attachments as DocumentReference resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource Σ 1..1 DocumentReference A resource in the bundle
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    ... signature Σ 0..1 Signature Digital Signature

    doco Documentation for this format

    Terminology Bindings

    PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
    from the FHIR Standard
    Additional Bindings Purpose
    AllLanguages Max Binding
    Bundle.typerequiredFixed Value: collection|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard


    pct-gfe-bundle-1errorBundleSHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    : Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Practitioner).exists() or Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Organization).exists()
    pct-gfe-bundle-2errorBundleAll references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    : Bundle.entry.resource.descendants().reference.where($this.startsWith('#').not()).all((%resource.entry.fullUrl.join('|')&'|').contains(($this&'|')))

    Key Elements View

    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
    bdl-1: total only when a search or history
    bdl-2: only when a search
    bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
    bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
    bdl-10: A document must have a date
    bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
    bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
    pct-gfe-bundle-1: SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    pct-gfe-bundle-2: All references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    ... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ... identifier Σ 1..1 Identifier Persistent identifier for the bundle
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
    Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    Fixed Value: collection
    ... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant When the bundle was assembled
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ... Slices for entry ΣC 3..* BackboneElement Entry in the bundle - will have a resource or information
    Slice: Unordered, Open by type:resource
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    .... entry:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... fullUrl Σ 1..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    .... entry:gfe ΣC 2..* BackboneElement SHALL have one or more PCTGFEProfessional or PCTGFEInstitutional resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTGFESummary, PCTGFEProfessional, PCTGFEInstitutional Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization
    .... entry:patient ΣC 1..2 BackboneElement SHALL have the patient subject of care and may have a separate subscriber
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 HRexPatientDemographics Information about an individual or animal receiving health care services
    .... entry:coverage SΣC 0..1 BackboneElement MAY have one Coverage
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTCoverage Insurance or medical plan or a payment agreement
    .... entry:organization SΣC 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both. May also have a payer organization.
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTOrganization A grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
    .... entry:practitioner SΣC 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTPractitioner A person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
    .... entry:attachment SΣC 0..* BackboneElement MAY have attachments as DocumentReference resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
    ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both
    ..... resource Σ 1..1 DocumentReference A resource in the bundle

    doco Documentation for this format

    Terminology Bindings

    PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
    Bundle.typerequiredFixed Value: collection|4.0.1
    from the FHIR Standard
    from the FHIR Standard


    pct-gfe-bundle-1errorBundleSHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    : Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Practitioner).exists() or Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Organization).exists()
    pct-gfe-bundle-2errorBundleAll references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    : Bundle.entry.resource.descendants().reference.where($this.startsWith('#').not()).all((%resource.entry.fullUrl.join('|')&'|').contains(($this&'|')))

    Differential View

    This structure is derived from Bundle

    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
    pct-gfe-bundle-1: SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    pct-gfe-bundle-2: All references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    ... identifier 1..1 Identifier Persistent identifier for the bundle
    ... type 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
    Fixed Value: collection
    ... timestamp 1..1 instant When the bundle was assembled
    ... Slices for entry 3..* BackboneElement Entry in the bundle - will have a resource or information
    Slice: Unordered, Open by type:resource
    .... entry:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
    ..... fullUrl 1..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... search 0..0
    ..... request 0..0
    ..... response 0..0
    .... entry:gfe 2..* BackboneElement SHALL have one or more PCTGFEProfessional or PCTGFEInstitutional resource(s)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTGFESummary, PCTGFEProfessional, PCTGFEInstitutional Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization
    .... entry:patient 1..2 BackboneElement SHALL have the patient subject of care and may have a separate subscriber
    ..... resource 1..1 HRexPatientDemographics Information about an individual or animal receiving health care services
    .... entry:coverage S 0..1 BackboneElement MAY have one Coverage
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTCoverage Insurance or medical plan or a payment agreement
    .... entry:organization S 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both. May also have a payer organization.
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTOrganization A grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
    .... entry:practitioner S 0..* BackboneElement SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTPractitioner A person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
    .... entry:attachment S 0..* BackboneElement MAY have attachments as DocumentReference resource(s)
    ..... resource 1..1 DocumentReference A resource in the bundle

    doco Documentation for this format


    pct-gfe-bundle-1errorBundleSHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    : Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Practitioner).exists() or Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Organization).exists()
    pct-gfe-bundle-2errorBundleAll references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    : Bundle.entry.resource.descendants().reference.where($this.startsWith('#').not()).all((%resource.entry.fullUrl.join('|')&'|').contains(($this&'|')))

    Snapshot View

    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
    bdl-1: total only when a search or history
    bdl-2: only when a search
    bdl-3: entry.request mandatory for batch/transaction/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-4: entry.response mandatory for batch-response/transaction-response/history, otherwise prohibited
    bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
    bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
    bdl-10: A document must have a date
    bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
    bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
    pct-gfe-bundle-1: SHALL have a submitting provider or submitting organization, but not both.
    pct-gfe-bundle-2: All references resources SHALL be contained within the Bundle
    ... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
    ... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
    ... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
    ... language 0..1 code Language of the resource content
    Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

    Additional BindingsPurpose
    AllLanguages Max Binding
    ... identifier Σ 1..1 Identifier Persistent identifier for the bundle
    ... type Σ 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection
    Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

    Fixed Value: collection
    ... timestamp Σ 1..1 instant When the bundle was assembled
    ... total ΣC 0..1 unsignedInt If search, the total number of matches
    ... link Σ 0..* BackboneElement Links related to this Bundle
    .... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    .... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    .... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    .... relation Σ 1..1 string See
    .... url Σ 1..1 uri Reference details for the link
    ... Slices for entry ΣC 3..* BackboneElement Entry in the bundle - will have a resource or information
    Slice: Unordered, Open by type:resource
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    .... entry:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 1..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource Σ 0..1 Resource A resource in the bundle
    .... entry:gfe ΣC 2..* BackboneElement SHALL have one or more PCTGFEProfessional or PCTGFEInstitutional resource(s)
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 PCTGFESummary, PCTGFEProfessional, PCTGFEInstitutional Claim, Pre-determination or Pre-authorization
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant Server's date time modified
    ...... outcome Σ 0..1 Resource OperationOutcome with hints and warnings (for batch/transaction)
    .... entry:patient ΣC 1..2 BackboneElement SHALL have the patient subject of care and may have a separate subscriber
    bdl-5: must be a resource unless there's a request or response
    bdl-8: fullUrl cannot be a version specific reference
    This repeating element order: For bundles of type 'document' and 'message', the first resource is special (must be Composition or MessageHeader respectively). For all bundles, the meaning of the order of entries depends on the bundle type
    ..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ..... link Σ 0..* See link (Bundle) Links related to this entry
    ..... fullUrl Σ 0..1 uri URI for resource (Absolute URL server address or URI for UUID/OID)
    ..... resource 1..1 HRexPatientDemographics Information about an individual or animal receiving health care services
    ..... search ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Search related information
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... mode Σ 0..1 code match | include | outcome - why this is in the result set
    Binding: SearchEntryMode (required): Why an entry is in the result set - whether it's included as a match or because of an _include requirement, or to convey information or warning information about the search process.

    ...... score Σ 0..1 decimal Search ranking (between 0 and 1)
    ..... request ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Additional execution information (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... method Σ 1..1 code GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH
    Binding: HTTPVerb (required): HTTP verbs (in the HTTP command line). See HTTP rfc for details.

    ...... url Σ 1..1 uri URL for HTTP equivalent of this entry
    ...... ifNoneMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing cache currency
    ...... ifModifiedSince Σ 0..1 instant For managing cache currency
    ...... ifMatch Σ 0..1 string For managing update contention
    ...... ifNoneExist Σ 0..1 string For conditional creates
    ..... response ΣC 0..1 BackboneElement Results of execution (transaction/batch/history)
    ...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
    ...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
    ...... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
    ...... status Σ 1..1 string Status response code (text optional)
    ...... location Σ 0..1 uri The location (if the operation returns a location)
    ...... etag Σ 0..1 string The Etag for the resource (if relevant)
    ...... lastModified Σ 0..1 instant