Guidance for FHIR IG Creation
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

Guidance for FHIR IG Creation, published by HL7 International - FHIR Management Group. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Working with SQL

This page includes frequently asked questions related to the use of sql in implementation guides (IGs).

An SQL query can be performed and the result set displayed as a table in any narrative page. The SQL query is embedded in the page like this:

{% sql select Name, Value from Metadata %}

This syntax will generate this table in the built IG:

igIdGuidance for FHIR IG Creation
packageIdGuidance for FHIR IG Creation
releaseLabelCI Build
toolingVersionFull5.0.0 (3)
genDateTue, Mar 11, 2025 09:24+0000

The SQL engine that evaluates the queries is SQLite3. The database the SQL is evaluated against is built as part of building the IG, and is available for authors to peruse in the file package.db when the IG is built.

Notes for Authors:

  • Authors wishing to use SQL should use an SQLite3 tool to develop their queries against package.db
  • The tables in the package.db are a moving target. See below for documentation
  • If authors wish to affect the output, they can instead use the json format for the query, which looks like this:
{% sql {
  "query" : "select name as Name, Description, Web from Resources",
  "class" : "lines",
  "columns" : [
    { "name" : "Name", "type" : "link", "source" : "Name", "target" : "Web"},
    { "name" : "Description", "type" : "markdown", "source" : "Description"}
} %}

Which produces this table:


Provides guidance on the process to define implementation guides using the HL7 IG Publisher and HL7-managed IG templates. It also provides guidance on 'best practices' around IG development and information about how to develop and maintain IG templates.

Example patient

Example used to show the use of instance fragments


JSON Control format

The JSON format has the following properties:

  • query: the sql to execute
  • class: the css class name for the table. Default = grid
  • titles: A boolean for whether to include column titles. Default = true
  • columns: A JSON array with a list of column objects. If this is empty, or missing, the columns will be auto-populated with a type if 'auto'

Each column has one of more of the following properties:

  • source: The SQL result field from which the column value is taken. The column will be blank if there is no value. Madatory
  • title: The name to give to the column. Defaults to the source if not provided
  • type: The type of the data in the column - see below
  • target: The result field that contains the target - see in the type table
  • system: A fixed URL or the result field that contains the code system URL - see in the type table
  • display: The result field that contains the code display - see in the type table
  • version: The result field that contains the code version - see in the type table

This table summarises the types of column:

autoThe type of the content will be automatically interprted as best as it can be from the value of the cell e.g. text, markdown, or canonical or URL
linkThe column is rendered as a link where the source column is the text, and the target column contains the URL
textThe column is rendered as plain text
markdownThe column is rendered as markdown
urlThe column is rendered as a URL using the URL as the target
canonicalThe column is rendered as a link to the canonical resource identified in the source result fiel
resourceThe column is rendered as a link to an IG authored resource, using the best name known. The result field is a getResourceKey() or getReferenceKey() value
codingThe column is rendered as a coded value using the source as the code, and the system, version and display as provided, if available

Embedding SQL Results as JSON Data

In addition to displaying SQL query results directly on the page, you can also execute a query and save the results as a JSON data file that can be used in Jekyll/Liquid templates. This allows you to query the IG database, generate JSON data, and then use that data to dynamically build content.

To use this feature, use the {​% sqlToData %} tag with the following syntax:

{% sqlToData myFileName SELECT ... %}


  • myFileName is the name you want to give the _data JSON file (without ".json" extension). The same content will also be assigned to a liquid variable that you use to access the data in Jekyll.
  • SELECT ... is your SQL query

The query results will be saved to _data/myFileName.json and can be accessed in Jekyll using The same content will be assigned to the myFileName variable in the current context. The result is an array of rows where reach rows is a JSON object whoe keys are column names and values are column values.

For example:

{% sqlToData itemQuery
  SELECT count(*) as n from metadata

Number of Metadata Items: {​{ itemQuery[0].n }} 

This queries the Metadata table to count items, saves the results to _data/itemQuery.json, and then generate an HTML output including the count.

Which produces this output:

Number of Metadata Items: 17

View Definitions

You can use ViewDefinitions to generate custom SQL tables that are also added to the package.db file. These can be used when pages are generated (as above), but might also be useful when the packages are used at run-time etc. The outputs are also saved to a json file with the same name as the name of the view definition.

ViewDefinitions are registered with the IG publisher using one or more viewDefinition parameters in the ImplementationGuide Resource that refer to the ViewDefinition to execute by the path to the local JSON file that contains the ViewDefinition. Note that templates are able to register ViewDefinitions using the same mechanism.

Each ViewDefinition generates a table in the output package.db. Table names must be unique (including the list below). It's the responsibility of the IG author to ensure that the names (taken from are unique.

Note that ViewDefinitions are experimental, and the definition or the table created may change without warning. (for now)


By default, the view is executed against the resources defined in the Implementation Guide itself. If desired, additional resources can be brought into scope, but this might have a considerable performance penalty. To specify additional package to bring into scope, use the extension

  "name" : "TableName",
  "resource" : "StructureDefinition",
  "extension" : [{
    "url" : "",
    "valueCode" : "mask"

Where the mask is a package id that might include a wild card, e.g., or hl7.fhir.*, or just *. In any of these cases, the scope of the package specifier is limited to the set of packages that are in scope for the IG by it's listed dependencies and the recursive dependencies of any of those packages.

Base Tables

The following tables are always created by the IG publisher:

Table / Field Name Type Nullable? Description
MetadataMetadata about the IG including things such as build times
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
Name string False Name of Metadata item
Value string False Value
ResourcesA list of all resources defined in this IG. Not including contained resources
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
Type string False Resource Type
Id string False Resource Id
Web string False URL to refer to resource
Url string True CanonicalResource.url (if present)
Version string True CanonicalResource.version (if present)
Status string True CanonicalResource.status (if present)
Date string True (if present)
Name string True (if present)
Title string True CanonicalResource.title (if present)
Experimental string True CanonicalResource.experimental (if present)
Realm string True derived from CanonicalResource.jurisdiction (if present)
Description string True CanonicalResource.description (if present)
Purpose string True CanonicalResource.purpose (if present)
Copyright string True CanonicalResource.copyright (if present)
CopyrightLabel string True CanonicalResource.copyrightLabel (if present)
Json binary False JSON source for resource
PropertiesCode System properties defined by CodeSystems in the IG
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ResourceKey integer False Reference to Resources.Key
Code string False
Uri string True
Description string True
Type string True
ConceptsA list of all the codes defined in the code systems in the IG
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ResourceKey integer False Reference to Resources.Key
ParentKey integer True Reference tp Concepts.Key if not a root concept
Code string True CodeSystem.concept.code
Display string True CodeSystem.concept.display
Definition string True CodeSystem.concept.definition
ConceptPropertiesProperties defined in the concepts in the Concepts table
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ResourceKey integer False Reference to Resources.Key
ConceptKey integer False Reference to Concepts.Key
PropertyKey integer True Reference to Properties.Key
Code string True
Value string True
DesignationsDesignations defined in the concepts in the Concepts table
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ResourceKey integer False Reference to Resources.Key
ConceptKey integer False Reference to Concepts.Key
UseSystem string True CodeSystem.concept.designation.use.system
UseCode string True CodeSystem.concept.designation.use.code
Lang string True CodeSystem.concept.designation.lang
Value text True CodeSystem.concept.designation.value
ConceptMappingsMappings Defined in ConceptMaps in the IG
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ResourceKey integer False Reference to Resources.Key
SourceSystem string True
SourceVersion string True
SourceCode string True
Relationship string True
TargetSystem string True
TargetVersion string True
TargetCode string True
ValueSet_CodesValueSet Expansion Table (flat expansions only) for ValueSets defined in this IG
Key integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ResourceKey integer False Reference to Resources.Key
ValueSetUri string False ValueSet.url
ValueSetVersion string False ValueSet.version
System string False ValueSet.expansion.contains.system
Version string True ValueSet.expansion.contains.version
Code string False ValueSet.expansion.contains.code
Display string True ValueSet.expansion.contains.display
CodeSystemListList of all code systems for the IG. ViewType = 1 somewhat overlaps with the Resources table, but is more convenient for some uses
CodeSystemListKey integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ViewType integer False 1 = all code systems in IG. 2 = all code systems used directly by this ig. 3 = all code systems used by this ig and it's dependencies
ResourceKey integer True Reference to Resources.Key (if from this IG)
Url string True CodeSystem.url
Version string True CodeSystem.version
Status string True CodeSystem.status
Name string True
Title string True CodeSystem.title
Description string True CodeSystem.description
CodeSystemListOIDsOIDs for the Code Systems
CodeSystemListKey integer False Reference to CodeSystemList.CodeSystemListKey
OID string False OID for the code system
CodeSystemListRefsAll resources found that reference the code system
CodeSystemListKey integer False Reference to CodeSystemList.CodeSystemListKey
Type string False ResourceType
Id string False Resource Ig
ResourceKey integer True Reference to Resources.Key (if from this IG)
Title string True A human description of the resource - if known
Web string True URL for reference to the resource
ValueSetListList of all value sets for the IG. ViewType = 1 somewhat overlaps with the Resources table, but is more convenient for some uses
ValueSetListKey integer False Incrementing Primary Key
ViewType integer False 1 = all value sets in IG. 2 = all value sets used directly by this ig. 3 = all code systems used by this ig and it's dependencies
ResourceKey integer True Reference to Resources.Key (if from this IG)
Url string True ValueSet.url
Version string True ValueSet.version
Status string True ValueSet.status
Name string True
Title string True ValueSet.title
Description string True ValueSet.description
ValueSetListOIDsOIDs for the Value Sets
ValueSetListKey integer False Reference to ValueSetList.ValueSetListKey
OID string False OID for the value set
ValueSetListSystemsList of Code systems used by the value set
ValueSetListKey integer False Reference to ValueSetList.ValueSetListKey
URL string False A code system used by the value set
ValueSetListSourcesList of stated source (= Code system source category)
ValueSetListKey integer False Reference to ValueSetList.ValueSetListKey
Source string False stated source ( Code system source category)
ValueSetListRefsAll resources found that reference the value set
ValueSetListKey integer False Reference to ValueSetList.ValueSetListKey
Type string False Resource Type
Id string False
ResourceKey integer True Reference to Resources.Key (if from this IG)
Title string True A human description of the resource - if known
Web string True URL for reference to the resource