Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API
0.4.0 - release New Zealand flag

Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API, published by Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.4.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/tewhatuora/cinc-fhir-ig/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: MentalHealthAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse

.. MentalHealthAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponseQuestionnaire:Mental Health Assessment Survey
... p01History and Examination
.... p01-q01-IssueDescriptionDescription of presenting issueStruggling with mental health
.... p01-q02-MoodAssessment of MoodSad
.... p01-q03-SleepHygineAssessment of sleep hygieneTired
.... p01-q04-SupportStructureAssessment of whanau and support structuresGood Support Network
.... p01-q05-TraumaIs there a history of previous trauma and stressors?true
.... page 1 question 5.1Please provide information surrounding this history.Lots of stress
.... p01-q06-SuicideAttemptHistoryHave there been any previous suicide attempts?false
.... p01-q07-CigaretteSmokerIs the patient smoking cigarettes?true
.... p01-q01-1-CigaretteSmoker.HowManyHow many cigarettes per day?[not stated] : Less than 10
.... p01-q08-CurrentDrinkerDoes the patient consume alcohol?false
.... p01-q09-RecreationalDrugsDoes the patient use recreational drugs?true
.... p01-q10-PsychiatricMedicationPsychiatric Medication?Panadol
... p02Risk Assessment
.... p02-q01-SuicidalIntentSuicidal Intent?false
.... p02-q02-HarmfulThoughtsThreat to others?true
... p03Current and past psychiatric diagnosis
.... p03-g01Add Diagnosis
..... p03-g01-q01-AddDiagnosis.DiagnosisDiagnosisDepression
..... p03-g01-q02-AddDiagnosis.YearYear of Diagnosis2017
..... p03-g01-q03-AddDiagnosis.PlacePlace of DiagnosisWellington
..... p03-g01-q04-AddDiagnosis.HospitalisationHospitalisation?false
..... p03-g01-q05-AddDiagnosis.ActiveActive?true
.... p03-g01Add Diagnosis
..... p03-g01-q01-AddDiagnosis.DiagnosisDiagnosisAnxiety
..... p03-g01-q02-AddDiagnosis.YearYear of Diagnosis2020
..... p03-g01-q03-AddDiagnosis.PlacePlace of DiagnosisAuckland
..... p03-g01-q04-AddDiagnosis.HospitalisationHospitalisation?false
..... p03-g01-q05-AddDiagnosis.ActiveActive?true
... p04General Practice Information
.... p04-q01-SendNoteSend note to GP Inbox?true
.... p04-q02-PracticeNameGP Practice NameNormal GP Name
.... p04-q03-PracticeEDIPractice EDIXXXXXX

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