Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API
0.4.0 - release New Zealand flag

Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API, published by Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.4.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/tewhatuora/cinc-fhir-ig/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Post Vaccine Symptom Check day 3 survey

Official URL: https://build.fhir.org/ig/tewhatuora/cinc-fhir-ig/Questionnaire/ActiveMonitoringDay3Survey Version: 0.2.2
Draft as of 2023-08-23 Computable Name: ActiveMonitoringDay3Survey
Other Identifiers: ActiveMonitoringDay3Survey (use: official, period: 7/19/23 --> (ongoing)), Questionnaire-ActiveMonitoring-Day3SurveyQuestionnaire (use: temp, period: (?) --> 7/19/23)

Usage:Workflow Setting: Vaccination Side Effect Questionnaire

Te Whatu Ora 3-day post Influenza/Covid-19 booster vaccination survey.

Survey of side effects and overall experience of Influenza/COVID-19 Booster vaccination after 3 days.

LinkIDTextCardinalityTypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ActiveMonitoringDay3SurveyTe Whatu Ora 3-day post Influenza/Covid-19 booster vaccination survey.Questionnairehttps://build.fhir.org/ig/tewhatuora/cinc-fhir-ig/Questionnaire/ActiveMonitoringDay3Survey#0.2.2
... p01-Intropage 01. This is the first of two surveys about your experience with receiving your vaccine. This survey will take approximately five minutes to complete. You will be asked about any reactions you had after your vaccination(s). If you did not have any there is also a section at the end for you to comment on any other parts of your vaccination experience. Your responses are important and will help contribute to the safety monitoring of vaccines in New Zealand. The information you provide is confidential and is protected by the Privacy Act 2020 and data security safeguards. Please remember this is a survey only, your answers will not result in a medical response to your situation. If you have any concerns about your health after your vaccination, call Healthline at 0800 611 116 or speak to your healthcare professional. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical help urgently and tell them about your vaccinations: tightness, heaviness, discomfort, pressure or pain in your chest or neck difficulty breathing or catching your breath feeling faint, dizzy, or light-headed fluttering, racing, or pounding heart, or feeling like it’s ‘skipping beats’0..1display
... p02-Screeningpage 02. Screening0..1group
.... p02-q01-VaccineTypepage 02 question 1. Please confirm the vaccine(s) that you or your dependent (e.g., child) received 3 days ago1..1choiceOptions: 5 options
.... p02-q02-SideEffectspage 02 question 2. We would like to confirm your answer to the invitation text message. Did you experience any side effects after vaccination?1..1choiceOptions: 3 options
.... p02-q03-SideEffectsScreeningpage 02 question 3. null0..1groupExpressions:
..... p02-q03.1-WhoReceivedpage 02 question 3.1. Who received the vaccine?1..1choiceOptions: 2 options
..... p02-q03.2-WhereReceivedpage 02 question 3.2. Where did you/they go to receive your/their vaccination?1..1choiceOptions: 6 options
..... p02-q03.3-Pregnantpage 02 question 3.3. Were you/they pregnant/Hapu at the time of your/their vaccination?1..1boolean
... p03-EarlyOnsetReactionspage 03. Early onset reactions0..1groupExpressions:
.... p03-q01-SelectedSideEffectspage 03 question 1. Did you/they experience any of the following after vaccination? (choose all that apply)1..*choiceOptions: 5 options
.... p03-q02-AnaphylaxisDelaypage 03 question 2. How long after vaccination did anaphylaxis occur?1..1choiceEnable When: p03-q01-SelectedSideEffects = Anaphylaxis
Options: 5 options
.... p03-q03-SyncopeDelaypage 03 question 3. How long after vaccination did syncope occur?1..1choiceEnable When: p03-q01-SelectedSideEffects = Syncope (fainting)
Options: 5 options
.... p03-q04-SeizureDelaypage 03 question 4. How long after vaccination did the seizure/ convulsions occur?1..1choiceEnable When: p03-q01-SelectedSideEffects = Seizure/ convulsion
Options: 5 options
.... p03-q05-SeizureComorbiditypage 03 question 5. Did seizure/ convulsions occur with:1..1choiceEnable When: p03-q01-SelectedSideEffects = Seizure/ convulsion
Options: 4 options
... p04-Reactionspage 04. Reactions0..1groupExpressions:
.... p04-q01-ReactionsIntropage 04 question 1. Please choose all the reactions that you/they experienced, and if yes describe, on a scale from Minor, Mild, Moderate, Serious, to Severe. For your rating take into account levels of pain, how long symptoms lasted and impact on daily life.0..1display
.... p04-q02-InjectionSiteDisorderpage 04 question 2. Injection site reaction (pain, redness, swelling, or itching at or near the injection site)1..1boolean
.... p04-q03-InjectionSiteSeveritypage 04 question 3. Injection site reaction severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q02-InjectionSiteDisorder = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q04-Feverpage 04 question 4. Fever (a temperature of 38°C or higher)1..1boolean
.... p04-q05-FeverSeveritypage 04 question 5. Temperature/fever severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q04-Fever = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q06-Swellingpage 04 question 6. Swelling of glands (i.e., lymph nodes)1..1boolean
.... p04-q07-SwellingLocationpage 04 question 7. Where abouts did you experience swelling?1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q06-Swelling = true
Options: 3 options
.... p04-q08-SwellingSeveritypage 04 question 8. Swelling of glands severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q06-Swelling = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q09-Chillspage 04 question 9. Chills, shivering, or cold sweats1..1boolean
.... p04-q10-ChillsSeveritypage 04 question 10. Chills/shivering/cold sweats severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q09-Chills = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q11-Headachespage 04 question 11. Headaches1..1boolean
.... p04-q12-HeadachesSeveritypage 04 question 12. Headache severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q11-Headaches = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q13-Rashpage 04 question 13. Rash (not at the injection site)1..1boolean
.... p04-q14-RashSeveritypage 04 question 14. Rash severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q13-Rash = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q15-AchesPainspage 04 question 15. Aches and pains1..1boolean
.... p04-q16-AchesPainsSeveritypage 04 question 16. Aches and pains severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q15-AchesPains = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q17-DigestiveDisorderpage 04 question 17. Stomach symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or loss of appetite)1..1boolean
.... p04-q18-DigestiveDisorderSeveritypage 04 question 18. Stomach symptoms severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q17-DigestiveDisorder = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q19-Fatiguepage 04 question 19. Fatigue or tiredness1..1boolean
.... p04-q20-FatigueSeveritypage 04 question 20. Fatigue or tiredness severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q19-Fatigue = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q21-ChestSymptomspage 04 question 21. Chest symptoms (chest pain/heaviness/tightness or heart palpitations/pounding/racing)1..1boolean
.... p04-q22-ChestSymptomsSeveritypage 04 question 22. Chest symptoms severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q21-ChestSymptoms = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q23-DifficultyBreathingpage 04 question 23. Difficulty breathing1..1boolean
.... p04-q24-DifficultyBreathingSeveritypage 04 question 24. Difficulty breathing severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q23-DifficultyBreathing = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q25-Dizzinesspage 04 question 25. Dizziness or feeling lightheaded1..1boolean
.... p04-q26-DizzinessSeveritypage 04 question 26. Dizziness or lightheaded severity1..1choiceEnable When: p04-q25-Dizziness = true
Options: 5 options
.... p04-q27-OtherSymptomspage 04 question 27. Did you/they experience any symptoms that were not listed above?1..1boolean
.... p04-q28-OtherSymptomsDetailpage 04 question 28. Please explain1..1stringEnable When: p04-q27-OtherSymptoms = true
... p05-DailyImpactpage 05. Impact on daily activities0..1groupExpressions:
.... p05-q01-MissedWorkpage 05 question 1. Did any of the symptoms that you/they reported cause you/them to miss work, study, or normal daily activities?1..1boolean
.... p05-q02-MissedWorkDetailpage 05 question 2. How many days did you miss?1..1choiceEnable When: p05-q01-MissedWork = true
Options: 4 options
... p06-CareSoughtpage 06. Medical advice/care sought0..1groupExpressions:
.... p06-q01-SymptomReliefpage 06 question 1. Did any of the symptoms cause you/them to seek advice or care from a healthcare professional?1..1boolean
.... p06-q02-SymptomReliefDetailpage 06 question 2. Please choose the type of advice or care you/they sought. Please choose all that apply1..*choiceEnable When: p06-q01-SymptomRelief = true
Options: 8 options
... p07-VaccinationExperiencepage 07. Vaccination experience0..1groupExpressions:
.... p07-q01-OverallExperiencepage 07 question 1. How would you/they rate the overall experience at the vaccination site? For your rating take into account informed consent process, staff helpfulness, vaccination site cleanliness etc.1..1choiceOptions: 5 options
.... p07-q02-Commentspage 07 question 2. Do you/they have any comments about your/their vaccine experience?1..1boolean
.... p07-q03-CommentsDetailpage 07 question 3. Please explain1..1textEnable When: p07-q02-Comments = true
... p08-Thankspage 08. Thank you for completing the Day 3 post vaccine survey, your answers have been submitted. You will receive your next survey 42 days after your vaccination. The data collected by these surveys will be made available online on the Health NZ website. Survey data provided online are not identifiable and individual responses are confidential.0..1display

doco Documentation for this format

Options Sets

Answer options for p02-q01-VaccineType

  • null#null ("COVID-19 and flu vaccines at the same time")
  • null#null ("Only flu vaccine")
  • null#null ("Only COVID-19 vaccine")
  • null#null ("Other vaccine")
  • null#null ("Was not vaccinated or do not recall")

Answer options for p02-q02-SideEffects

  • null#null ("Yes")
  • null#null ("No")
  • null#null ("Can't remember")

Answer options for p02-q03.1-WhoReceived

  • null#null ("Myself")
  • null#null ("My dependent/whānau member")

Answer options for p02-q03.2-WhereReceived

  • null#null ("Community vaccination centre")
  • null#null ("General practice")
  • null#null ("Pharmacy")
  • null#null ("Mobile vaccination unit")
  • null#null ("Hospital or emergency room")
  • null#null ("Other")

Answer options for p03-q01-SelectedSideEffects

  • null#null ("Anaphylaxis")
  • null#null ("Syncope (fainting)")
  • null#null ("Seizure/ convulsion")
  • null#null ("I don't know/ unsure")
  • null#null ("None of the above")

Answer options for p03-q02-AnaphylaxisDelay

  • null#null ("0-5 minutes")
  • null#null ("6-10 minutes")
  • null#null ("11-15 minutes")
  • null#null ("16-20 minutes")
  • null#null ("21+ minutes")

Answer options for p03-q03-SyncopeDelay

  • null#null ("0-5 minutes")
  • null#null ("6-10 minutes")
  • null#null ("11-15 minutes")
  • null#null ("16-20 minutes")
  • null#null ("21+ minutes")

Answer options for p03-q04-SeizureDelay

  • null#null ("0-5 minutes")
  • null#null ("6-10 minutes")
  • null#null ("11-15 minutes")
  • null#null ("16-20 minutes")
  • null#null ("21+ minutes")

Answer options for p03-q05-SeizureComorbidity

  • null#null ("Syncope (fainting)")
  • null#null ("Fever")
  • null#null ("Other")
  • null#null ("I don't know")

Answer options for p04-q03-InjectionSiteSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q05-FeverSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q07-SwellingLocation

  • null#null ("Same arm as vaccination")
  • null#null ("Opposite arm to vaccination")
  • null#null ("Other")

Answer options for p04-q08-SwellingSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q10-ChillsSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q12-HeadachesSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q14-RashSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q16-AchesPainsSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q18-DigestiveDisorderSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q20-FatigueSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q22-ChestSymptomsSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q24-DifficultyBreathingSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p04-q26-DizzinessSeverity

  • null#null ("Minor")
  • null#null ("Mild")
  • null#null ("Moderate")
  • null#null ("Serious")
  • null#null ("Severe")

Answer options for p05-q02-MissedWorkDetail

  • null#null ("Less than 1 day")
  • null#null ("1 day")
  • null#null ("2 days")
  • null#null ("3 or more days")

Answer options for p06-q02-SymptomReliefDetail

  • null#null ("Phone advice from a helpline (e.g., Healthline)")
  • null#null ("Care from a GP clinic (including the clinic nurse, a doctor, or a phone call with a person at the GP clinic).")
  • null#null ("Visit to a hospital emergency department")
  • null#null ("Māori Health Provider")
  • null#null ("Rongoā clinic")
  • null#null ("Whānau Ora navigator")
  • null#null ("Pharmacy")
  • null#null ("Other")

Answer options for p07-q01-OverallExperience

  • null#null ("Very poor")
  • null#null ("Poor")
  • null#null ("Average")
  • null#null ("Good")
  • null#null ("Excellent")