Profile: MSWeightObservation Parent: observation-bodyweight Id: ms-weight-observation Description: "Weight of Patient" * insert MetaSecurityRules * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) Instance: MSWeightObsExample InstanceOf: ms-weight-observation Description: "Example of patient weight" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) * valueQuantity * value = 70 * unit = "kilogram" * code = #kg * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01" Profile: MSHeightObservation Parent: observation-bodyheight Id: ms-height-observation Description: "Height of Patient" * insert MetaSecurityRules * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) Instance: MSHeightObsExample InstanceOf: ms-height-observation Description: "Example of patient height" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) * valueQuantity * value = 178 * unit = "centimeters" * code = #cm * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01" Profile: MSABORHObservation Parent: Observation Id: ms-aborhgroup-observation Description: "ABO and Rh group [Type] in Blood" * insert MetaSecurityRules * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) * code = $LNC#882-1 "ABO and Rh group [Type] in Blood" * effectiveDateTime 1..1 MS * value[x] only CodeableConcept * valueCodeableConcept from loinc-abo-rh-codes Instance: MSABORHObsExample InstanceOf: ms-aborhgroup-observation Description: "Example of patient ABO and RH" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) // * code.coding[0] = $LNC#883-9 "ABO group [Type] in Blood" * valueCodeableConcept * coding * system = $LNC * code = #LA21321-7 * display = "O Pos" * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01" Profile: MSABOGroupObservation Parent: Observation Id: ms-abogroup-observation Description: "ABO Blood Group of Patient" * insert MetaSecurityRules * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) * code = $LNC#883-9 "ABO group [Type] in Blood" * effectiveDateTime 1..1 MS * value[x] only CodeableConcept * valueCodeableConcept from loinc-abo-codes Instance: MSABOObsExample InstanceOf: ms-abogroup-observation Description: "Example of patient ABO" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) // * code.coding[0] = $LNC#883-9 "ABO group [Type] in Blood" * valueCodeableConcept * coding * system = $LNC * code = #LA19710-5 * display = "Group A" * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01" Profile: MSRhStatusObservation Parent: Observation Id: ms-rhstatus-observation Description: "Rh status of Patient" * insert MetaSecurityRules * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) * code = $LNC#10331-7 "Rh [Type] in Blood" * effectiveDateTime 1..1 MS * value[x] only CodeableConcept * valueCodeableConcept from loinc-posneg-codes Instance: MSRhObsExample InstanceOf: ms-rhstatus-observation Description: "Example of patient Rh status" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) * valueCodeableConcept * coding * system = $LNC * code = #LA6576-8 * display = "Positive" * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01" Profile: MSPreferredProduct Parent: Observation Id: ms-preferred-product-observation Description: "Preferred product for transplant" * insert MetaSecurityRules * code.text = "Preferred Product" * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) * effectiveDateTime 1..1 MS * value[x] only CodeableConcept * valueCodeableConcept from nmdp-preferred-product-codes Instance: MSPreferredProductExample InstanceOf: ms-preferred-product-observation Description: "Example of preferred product" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * code.text = "Preferred Product" * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) * valueCodeableConcept * coding * system = "" * code = #PBSC * display = "HPC, Apheresis" * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01" Profile: MSTransplantTimeline Parent: Observation Id: ms-transplant-timeline-observation Description: "Transplant timeline for patient" * insert MetaSecurityRules * code.text = "Transplant Timeline" * subject 1..1 MS * subject only Reference(mspatient) * effectiveDateTime 1..1 MS * value[x] only CodeableConcept * valueCodeableConcept from nmdp-transplant-timeline-codes Instance: MSTransplantTimelineExample InstanceOf: ms-transplant-timeline-observation Description: "Example of transplant timeline" *[TransplantCenter].code = #tc_123 * status = #final * code.text = "Transplant Timeline" * subject = Reference(MSPatientExample) * valueCodeableConcept * coding * system = "" * code = #P * display = "Pending, Case manager to follow up" * effectiveDateTime = "2022-05-01"