// Disease/Stage CodeSystem: NMDPDiseaseCS Title: "NMDP Disease Code System" Id: nmdp-disease-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP diseases" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/disease" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #ABL "ACUTE BILINEAGE LEUKEMIA" * #AISA "ACQ IDIOPATH SIDERBLASTIC ANEM" * #ALD "ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY" * #ALL "ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA" * #AMCL "ACUTE MAST CELL LEUKEMIA" * #AMEGCT "AMEGAKARYOCY/CONGENTIAL THROM" * #AML "ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA" * #ASPGL "ASPARTYL GLUCOSAMINIDASE" * #AT "ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA" * #AUL "ACUTE UNDIFFERENTIATED LEUK-MO" * #BGLUD "BETA-GLUCURONIDASE DEFICIENCY" * #BLSYND "BARE LYMPHOCYTE SYNDROME" * #BRCA "BREAST CANCER" * #BTHAL "BETA THALASSEMIA MAJOR" * #C-HHYP "CARTILAGE-HAIR HYPOPLASIA" * #CGD "CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE" * #CID "COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY" * #CLL "CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA" * #CML "CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA" * #CMML "CHRONIC MYELOMONOCYTIC LEUK" * #CNSCA "CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM TUMORS" * #DIGRGE "DI GEORGE SYNDROME" * #ETC "ESSENTIAL THROMOBOCYTHEMIA" * #EWINGS "EWINGS SARCOMA" * #FA "FANCONI ANEMIA" * #FEL "FAMILIAL ERYTHROPHAGOCYTIC" * #FUCOSI "FUCOSIDOSIS" * #GAUCHR "GAUCHER'S DISEASE" * #GLTROM "GLANZMANNS THROMBASTHENIA" * #GLUCST "GLUCOSE STORAGE DISEASE" * #HCL "HAIRY CELL LEUKEMIA" * #HISX "HISTIOCYTOSIS-X" * #HIV "HIV INFECTION" * #HL "HODGKINS LYMPHOMA" * #HPGC "HEMOPHAGOCYTOSIS" * #HUNTER "HUNTER SYNDROME (MPS-II)" * #HURLER "HURLER SYNDROME (MPS-IH)" * #ICELL "I-CELL DISEASE" * #IMDNP "IMMUNE DEFICIENCY + NEUTROPEN" * #JCML "JUVENILE CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS" * #KOSTMN "KOSTMANN'S AGRANULOCYTOSIS" * #KRABBE "KRABBE DISEASE" * #LAD "LEUKOCYTE ADHESION DEFICIENCY" * #LN "LESCH-NYHAN" * #LNS "LESCH-NYHAN" * #LYSOST "LYSOSOMAL STORAGE DISEASE" * #MANNO "MANNOSIDOSIS" * #MARLAM "MAROTEAUX-LAMY (MPS-VI)" * #MDS "MYELODYSPLASTIC DISORDER" * #MFMM "MYELOFIBRO MYELOID METAPLASIA" * #MLD "METACHROMATIC LEUKODYSTROPHY" * #MM "MULTIPLE MYELOMA" * #MORQUA "MORQUIO A - MPS IVA" * #MORQUB "MORQUIO B - MPS IVB" * #MORQUO "MORQUIO (MPS-IV)" * #MPS "MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS (MPS-V)" * #N-P "NEIMAN-PICK DISEASE" * #NB "NEUROBLASTOMA" * #NCL1 "ENZYME NCL 1" * #NCL2 "ENZYME NCL 2" * #NEUTAD "NEUTROPHIL ACTIN DEFICIENCY" * #NEUTD "CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME" * #NHL "NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA" * #OCID "OTHR COMBINED IMMUNODEFICIENCY" * #OHIS "OTHER HISTIOCYTIC DISORDERS" * #OIEA "OTH ERYTHROCYT DIFFERENTIATION" * #OIIS "OTHER IMMUNE SYSTEM" * #OIMD "OTH INHER METABOLISM DISORD" * #OIMDL "OTH MUCOLIPIDOSES" * #OIMDP "OTH MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS" * #OIPA "OTH ABNORMALITIES OR PLATELETS" * #OMDS "OTHER MYELODYSPLASTIC DISORDER" * #OMF "OTHER MYLEOFIBROSIS/MYLEOSCLER" * #OMMEN "OMMEN'S SYNDROME" * #OMS "OTH MALIGNANCY, SPECIFY" * #OND "OTHER NON-MALIGNANT DISEASE" * #OOL "OTHER LEUKEMIA SPECIFY" * #OPCD "OTHER PLASMA CELL DISORDER" * #OSCID "OTHER SCID" * #OST "OSTEOPETROSIS" * #OTHHGP "OTHER HEMOGLOBINOPATHY" * #PCL "PLASMA CELL LEUKEMIA" * #PHILLY "PROLYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA" * #PNH "PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL HEMOGLOB" * #PV "POLYCYTHEMIA VERA" * #RA "REFRACTORY ANEMIA (RA)" * #RAEB "REFRACT ANEMIA-EXCESS BLASTS" * #RAEBIT "REFRACT ANEMIA-EX. BLAST TRAN" * #RCA "PURE RED CELL APLASIA" * #RCC "RENAL CELL CARCINOMA" * #RETDG "RETICULAR DYSGENESIS" * #SAA "SEVERE APLASTIC ANEMIA" * #SANFIA "SANFILIPPO A - MPS IIIA" * #SANFIB "SANFILIPPO B - MPS IIIB" * #SANFIC "SANFILIPPO C - MPS IIIC" * #SANFID "ANFILIPPO D - MPS IIID" * #SANFIL "SANFILLIPPO (MPS-III)" * #SCA "SICKLE CELL ANEMIA" * #SCHEIE "SCHEIE SYNDROME (MPS-IS)" * #SCID "SEVERE COMBINED IMMUNODEF" ValueSet: NMDPDiseaseVS Id: nmdp-disease-codes Title: "NMDP Disease Value Set" Description: "NMDP disease codes" * include codes from system nmdp-disease-cs * ^experimental = true CodeSystem: NMDPDiseaseStageCS Title: "NMDP Disease Stage Code System" Id: nmdp-diseasestage-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP disease stages" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/diseasestage" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #AP "Accelerated Phase" * #BP "Blastic Phase" * #CP "Chronic Phase" * #CR "Complete Remission" * #IF "Induction Failure" * #IT "Induction Therapy" * #RE "Relapse" * #RM "Remission" ValueSet: NMDPDiseasStageVS Id: nmdp-diseasestage-codes Title: "NMDP Disease Stage Value Set" Description: "NMDP disease stage codes" * include codes from system nmdp-diseasestage-cs * ^experimental = true // Language ---------------- CodeSystem: NMDPLanguageCS Title: "NMDP Language Code System" Id: nmdp-language-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP languages" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/language" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #ARA "Arabic" * #CHI "Chinese-Mandarin" * #ENG "English" * #FRN "French" * #GER "German" * #ITA "Italian" * #JPN "Japanese" * #KOR "Korean" * #OTH "Other" * #POR "Portuguese" * #RUS "Russian" * #SPA "Spanish" * #VTM "Vietnamese" * #nil "no data" ValueSet: NMDPLanguageCodes Id: nmdp-language-codes Title: "NMDP Language Value Set" Description: "NMDP language codes" * include codes from system nmdp-language-cs * ^experimental = true // ABO ---------------- CodeSystem: NMDPABOCS Title: "NMDP Blood Group Code System" Id: nmdp-abo-group-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP ABO blood groups" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/abogroup" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #A "A" * #B "B" * #O "O" * #AB "AB" * #nil "no data" ValueSet: NMDPABOVS Title: "NMDP Blood Group Value Set" Id: nmdp-abo-codes Description: "NMDP blood group codes" * include codes from system nmdp-abo-group-cs * ^experimental = true ValueSet: LNCABOGroupVS Id: loinc-abo-codes Title: "LOINC ABO group Value Set" Description: "LOINC codes for ABO blood group" * ^url = "http://loinc.org/vs/LL2419-1" * ^status = #active * ^copyright = "This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright ©1995-2022, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^version = "Loinc_2.72" * ^publisher = "Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^experimental = true * $LNC#LA19710-5 "Group A" * $LNC#LA19709-7 "Group B" * $LNC#LA19708-9 "Group O" * $LNC#LA28449-9 "Group AB" ValueSet: LNCABORHGroupVS Id: loinc-abo-rh-codes Title: "LOINC ABO RH group Value Set" Description: "LOINC codes for ABO RH blood group" * ^url = "http://loinc.org/vs/LL2972-9" * ^status = #active * ^copyright = "This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright ©1995-2022, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^version = "Loinc_2.72" * ^publisher = "Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^experimental = true //update these codes for the answer list * $LNC#LA21321-7 "O Pos" * $LNC#LA21322-5 "O Neg" * $LNC#LA21325-8 "A Pos" * $LNC#LA21326-6 "A Neg" * $LNC#LA21327-4 "B Pos" * $LNC#LA21328-2 "B Neg" * $LNC#LA21323-3 "AB Pos" * $LNC#LA21324-1 "AB Neg" ValueSet: SCTABOGroupVS Id: sct-abo-group-codes Title: "Snomed CT ABO group Value Set" Description: "Snomed CT codes for ABO blood group" // * include codes from system http://snomed.info/sct where concept is-a #112143006 * ^experimental = true * $SCT#112144000 "Blood group A (finding)" * $SCT#165743006 "Blood group AB (finding)" * $SCT#112149005 "Blood group B (finding)" * $SCT#58460004 "Blood group O (finding)" ValueSet: MSABOGroupVS Id: ms-abo-group-codes Title: "MatchSync ABO Group Value Set" Description: "MatchSync ABO group codes. Combines LOINC, Snomed, and NMDP codes" * include codes from valueset nmdp-abo-codes * include codes from valueset loinc-abo-codes * include codes from valueset sct-abo-group-codes * ^experimental = true // Rh ---------------- CodeSystem: NMDPRhStatusCS Title: "NMDP Rh Code System" Id: nmdp-rh-status-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP Rh Status" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/rhstatus" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #I "Indeterminant" * #P "Positive" * #N "Negative" * #D "Indeterminant" * #nil "no data" ValueSet: NMDPRhStatusVS Title: "NMDP Codes for Rh status" Id: nmdp-rh-status-codes Description: "NMDP codes for Rh staus" * include codes from system nmdp-rh-status-cs * ^experimental = true ValueSet: PosNegVS Id: loinc-posneg-codes Title: "LOINC Pos|Neg Value Set" Description: "LOINC codes for Positive and Negative" * ^url = "http://loinc.org/vs/LL360-9" * ^status = #active * ^copyright = "This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright ©1995-2022, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^version = "Loinc_2.72" * ^publisher = "Regenstrief Institute, Inc." // * include codes from valueset http://loinc.org/vs/LL360-9 * ^experimental = true * $LNC#LA6576-8 "Positive" * $LNC#LA6577-6 "Negative" ValueSet: MSRhVS Id: ms-rh-codes Title: "MatchSync Rh Value Sets" Description: "MatchSync codes for blood Rh. Combines NMDP and LOINC code" * include codes from valueset nmdp-rh-status-codes * include codes from valueset loinc-posneg-codes * ^experimental = true // Race ---------------- CodeSystem: NMDPRaceCS Title: "NMDP Race Code System" Id: nmdp-race-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP diseases" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/race" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #AAFA "African American" * #AFA "Unspecified" * #AFB "African" * #AINDI "South Asian" * #AISC "American Indian South or Centr" * #ALANAM "Alaska Native or Aleut" * #AMIND "North American Indian" * #API "Unspecified" * #CARB "Black Caribbean" * #CARHIS "Caribbean Hispanic" * #CARIBI "Caribbean Indian" * #CAU "Unspecified" * #DEC "Declines or No Race Selected" * #EEURO "Eastern European" * #EURWRC "North American or European" * #FILII "Filipino" * #GUAMAN "Guamanian" * #HAWAII "Hawaiian" * #HAWI "Unspecified" * #HIS "Unspecified Hispanic" * #JAPI "Japanese" * #KORI "Korean" * #MAFA "Multiple Black" * #MAPI "Multiple Asian/Pacific Islndr" * #MCAU "Multiple Caucasian" * #MEDIT "Mediterranean" * #MENAFC "MidEast/No. Coast of Africa" * #MHAW "Multiple Nat. Hw/Oth Pa. Isln" * #MHIS "Multiple Hispanic" * #MIDEAS "Middle Eastern" * #MNAM "Multiple Native American" * #MSWHIS "Mexican or Chicano" * #MULTI "Multiple Race" * #NAM "Unspecified" * #NAMB "North American Black" * #NAMER "North American" * #NCAFRI "North Coast of Africa" * #NCHI "Chinese" * #NEURO "Northern European" * #OPI "Other Pacific Islander" * #OTH "Other" * #SAMOAN "Samoan" * #SCAHIS "South/Cntrl Amer. Hisp." * #SCAMB "Black South or Central America" * #SCSEAI "Other Southeast Asian" * #UNK "Unknown/Question Not Asked" * #VIET "Vietnamese" * #WCARIB "White Caribbean" * #WEURO "Western European" * #WSCA "White South or Central America" ValueSet: NMDPRaceVS Id: nmdp-race-codes Title: "NMDP Race Value Set" Description: "NMDP race codes" * include codes from system nmdp-race-cs * ^experimental = true // Ethnicity --------------- CodeSystem: NMDPEthnicityCS Title: "NMDP Ethnicity Code System" Id: nmdp-ethnicity-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP ethnicity" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/ethnicity" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #NHIS "Not Hispanic or Latino" * #HIS "Hispanic or Latino" * #nil "No data" ValueSet: NMDPEthnicityVS Id: nmdp-ethnicity-codes Title: "NMDP Ethnicity Value Set" Description: "NMDP ethnicity codes" * include codes from system nmdp-ethnicity-cs * ^experimental = true // Transplant timeline ------------------ CodeSystem: NMDPTransplantTimelineCS Title: "NMDP Transplant Timeline Code System" Id: nmdp-transplant-timeline-cs Description: "Code System for NMDP transplant timeline" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/transplanttimeline" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #<4w "Less than 4 weeks" * #4-6w "Between 4-6 weeks" * #7-12w "Between 7-12 weeks" * #12w-6m "Over 12 weeks - up to 6 months" * #>6m "Greater than 6 months" * #NA "N/A : MUD Transplant not preferred treatment" * #P "Pending, Case manager to follow up" ValueSet: NMDPTransplantTimelineVS Id: nmdp-transplant-timeline-codes Title: "NMDP Transplant Timeline Value Set" Description: "NMDP transplant timeline codes" * include codes from system nmdp-transplant-timeline-cs * ^experimental = true // Preferred Product ------------------ CodeSystem: NMDPPreferredProductCS Title: "NMDP Preferred Product for Transplant" Id: nmdp-preferred-product-cs Description: "NMDP Preferred Product for MatchSync patient" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/preferredproduct" * ^version = "2022" * ^status = #active * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^publisher = "NMDP" * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * #PBSC "HPC, Apheresis" * #Marrow "HPC, Marrow" * #CBU "HPC, Cord Blood" * #NP "No preference" * #U "Unknown" ValueSet: NMDPPreferredProductVS Id: nmdp-preferred-product-codes Title: "NMDP Preferred Product Value Set" Description: "NMDP preferred product codes" * include codes from system nmdp-preferred-product-cs * ^experimental = true // ------------------ ValueSet: ICD10GVHDVS Id: icd10-gvhd-codes Title: "GVHD ICD-10 Codes" Description: "GVHD ICD-10 Codes" * include codes from system $ICD10 where concept is-a #D89.81 "Graft-versus-host disease" * ^experimental = true // ------------------ // CodeSystem: NMDPTCCS // Title: "NMDP Transplant Center Code System" // Id: nmdp-disease-cs // Description: "Code System for NMDP Transplant Center" // * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/transplantcenter" // * ^version = "2022" // * ^status = #active // * ^experimental = false // * ^caseSensitive = true // * ^publisher = "NMDP" // * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" // * #ABL "ACUTE BILINEAGE LEUKEMIA" CodeSystem: NMDPPractitionerRoleCS Title: "NMDP Practitioner Roles" Id: nmdp-practitioner-role-cs Description: "NMDP Practitioner Roles" * ^url = "http://terminology.nmdp.org/codesystem/practitionerrole" * ^compositional = true * ^version = "1.0" * ^status = #active * ^version = "2023" * ^experimental = true * ^caseSensitive = true * ^copyright = "National Marrow Donor Program" * ^publisher = "NMDP" * #referringphysician "Referring Physician" * #tcphysician "Transplant Center Physician" * #searchcoordinator "Search Coordinator" ValueSet: NMDPPractitionerRoleVS Title: "NMDP Practitioner Role Value Set" Id: nmdp-practitioner-role-vs Description: "NMDP Practitioner Role Value Set" * include codes from system nmdp-practitioner-role-cs * ^experimental = true ValueSet: LNCCMVGroupVS Id: loinc-cmv-codes Title: "LOINC CMV group Value Set" Description: "LOINC codes for CMV" * ^url = "http://loinc.org/vs/LL3639-3" * ^status = #active * ^copyright = "This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright ©1995-2022, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^version = "Loinc_2.72" * ^publisher = "Regenstrief Institute, Inc." * ^experimental = true //update these codes for the answer list * $LNC#LA6576-8 "P" * $LNC#LA6577-6 "N" * $LNC#LA11885-3 "I" * $LNC#LA9663-1 "I" * $LNC#LA113538-6 "U"