Person-Centered Outcomes
0.1.0 - ci-build International flag

Person-Centered Outcomes, published by Mountain Lotus WellBeing LLC. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Measure: Person-Centered Goal Follow-Up

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2024-09-17 Computable Name: GoalFollowUpMeasure
Other Identifiers: Short Name (use: usual, ), UUID:bc80e4cf-d267-47bf-ad0d-4d37f8ae2328 (use: official, ), UUID:5c16a2fb-1882-49aa-802b-a0b73ed17c05 (use: official, ), Publisher (use: official, )

Copyright/Legal: Measure definition is copyright 2024 by NCQA.

LOINC(R) copyright 2004-2023 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This material contains SNOMED Clinical Terms(R) (SNOMED CT[R]) copyright 2004-2023 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation. ICD-10 copyright 2023 World Health Organization. All Rights Reserved.

NCQA Measure 2 - Goal Follow-up: % of individuals 18 years of age or older with a complex care need who received follow-up on their PCO goal within two weeks to six months of when the PCO goal and GAS or PROM were identified.

Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) in healthcare measures the extent to which individuals achieve specific goals or objectives. It allows for the quantification and evaluation of progress toward individualized goals, particularly in areas where traditional outcome measures may be insufficient.

Title: Person-Centered Goal Follow-Up
Id: GoalFollowUpMeasure
Version: 0.1.0
Url: Person-Centered Goal Follow-Up
short-name identifier:


version-independent identifier:


version-specific identifier:


publisher (CMS) identifier:


Effective Period: 2024-01-01..2024-12-31
Publisher: Mountain Lotus WellBeing LLC
Author: Mountain Lotus WellBeing LLC

NCQA Measure 2 - Goal Follow-up: % of individuals 18 years of age or older with a complex care need who received follow-up on their PCO goal within two weeks to six months of when the PCO goal and GAS or PROM were identified.

Jurisdiction: 001

Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) in healthcare measures the extent to which individuals achieve specific goals or objectives. It allows for the quantification and evaluation of progress toward individualized goals, particularly in areas where traditional outcome measures may be insufficient.


Measure definition is copyright 2024 by NCQA.

LOINC(R) copyright 2004-2023 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This material contains SNOMED Clinical Terms(R) (SNOMED CT[R]) copyright 2004-2023 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation. ICD-10 copyright 2023 World Health Organization. All Rights Reserved.


These performance measures are not clinical guidelines and do not establish a standard of medical care, and have not been tested for all potential applications. The measures and specifications are provided without warranty.




Goal-directed care in healthcare centers on setting and achieving specific, personalized goals that prioritize an individual's well-being and "What Matters Most" to each person. Rather than just treating symptoms, this approach involves close collaboration between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers to identify individual goals related to health outcomes, functional improvement, or symptom management. Once goals are established, tailored care plans are developed, incorporating various treatments, therapies, and lifestyle adjustments to meet the individual's needs and preferences. Continual monitoring and adjustment ensure alignment with evolving priorities, fostering patient engagement and satisfaction while enhancing overall healthcare effectiveness.

Clinical recommendation statement:

None at this time.

Guidance (Usage): Content TBD.
Population Criteria:
Initial Population: Individuals 18 years of age and older.
Denominator: Individuals 18 years of age and older with a complex care need and has a PCO Goal.
Denominator Exclusion: None
Numerator: Indivuals who received follow-up on their PCO goal within two weeks to six months of when the PCO goal and GAS or PROM were identified.
Denominator Exception: None
Terminology and Other Dependencies:
  • GoalAttainmentLogicversion: {0}0.1.0)
  • PCOCommonversion: {0}0.1.0)
  • PCO Categories
  • PROM Target Measures
  • Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Score
  • Parameters:
    name use min max type
    Measurement Period In 0 1 Period
    Follow-Up Interval In 0 1 Range
    Numerator Out 0 * Patient
    Denominator Out 0 * Patient
    Initial Population Out 0 * Patient
    Denominator Exclusions Out 0 1 Resource
    Denominator Exceptions Out 0 1 Resource
    Resource Type Resource Elements Valueset Name Valueset
    Goal(Goal) category start measure id
    CarePlan(CarePlan) goal
    Observation(Observation) code Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Score Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Score
    Observation(Observation) code PROM Target Measures PROM Target Measures
    Logic Definitions:
    Group Scoring Population Criteria Expression
    64f0d91d56d636294b157d97 Measure scoring:




    Rate Aggregation: None
    Improvement Notation:

    Increased score indicates improvement

    Initial Population
    @description: Includes individuals 18 years of age and older.
    define "Initial Population": {
      Patient person
        where AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 18
    @description: Initial Population individuals with a complex care need and has a PCO Goal.
    @comment: TODO - How do we determine "complex care need?"
    define "Denominator":
      "Initial Population" person
        where exists PCOLogic."PCO Goals"
    Denominator Exclusion
    define "Denominator Exclusions":
    @description: Indivuals who received follow-up on their PCO goal within two
    weeks to six months of when the PCO goal and GAS or PROM were identified.
    define "Numerator":
      "Denominator" person
        where exists PCOLogic."Follow-Up Scores During Measurement Period"
    Denominator Exception
    define "Denominator Exceptions":
    Library Name Name
    GoalFollowUpMeasure Initial Population
    @description: Includes individuals 18 years of age and older.
    define "Initial Population": {
      Patient person
        where AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 18
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic PCO Goals
      A "PCO Goal" is any FHIR Goal that has a category in "PCO Categories"
      and has a start date.
      TODO: or a Goal that addresses a What Matters observation.
    define "PCO Goals":
      [Goal] goal
        where goal.category in "PCO Categories"
          and (goal.start as is not null
    Library Name Name
    GoalFollowUpMeasure Denominator
    @description: Initial Population individuals with a complex care need and has a PCO Goal.
    @comment: TODO - How do we determine "complex care need?"
    define "Denominator":
      "Initial Population" person
        where exists PCOLogic."PCO Goals"
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic PCO Goals During Measurement Period
    // PCO Goals whose startDate falls within the Measurement Period
    define "PCO Goals During Measurement Period":
      "PCO Goals" goal
        where (ToDateTime(goal.start as during "Measurement Period")
          and (goal.hasGAS() or goal.hasPROM())
          and exists goal.carePlans()
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic GAS Scores
    // Observations containing a GAS score.
    define "GAS Scores":
      [Observation: "Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Score"]
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic PROM Scores
    // Observations containing a PROM score.
    define "PROM Scores":
      [Observation: "PROM Target Measures"]
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic Follow-Up Scores During Measurement Period
    Follow-Up Scares are PCO score observations taken during the Measurement Period,
    and during the follow-up period for its Goal. Default follow-up period is 
    2 weeks to 6 months following the goal startDate.
    define "Follow-Up Scores During Measurement Period":
      flatten( "PCO Goals During Measurement Period" goal
        let pcoScores: goal.pcoScores()
          return pcoScores score 
            let scoreDate: score.effective as FHIR.dateTime
            where scoreDate during "Measurement Period"
              and scoreDate during "Follow-Up Interval For"(goal)
    Library Name Name
    GoalFollowUpMeasure Numerator
    @description: Indivuals who received follow-up on their PCO goal within two
    weeks to six months of when the PCO goal and GAS or PROM were identified.
    define "Numerator":
      "Denominator" person
        where exists PCOLogic."Follow-Up Scores During Measurement Period"
    Library Name Name
    GoalFollowUpMeasure Denominator Exclusions
    define "Denominator Exclusions":
    Library Name Name
    GoalFollowUpMeasure Denominator Exceptions
    define "Denominator Exceptions":
    Library Name Name
    FHIRHelpers ToConcept
    @description: Converts the given FHIR [CodeableConcept]( value to a CQL Concept.
    define function ToConcept(concept FHIR.CodeableConcept):
        if concept is null then
            System.Concept {
                codes: concept.coding C return ToCode(C),
                display: concept.text.value
    Library Name Name
    FHIRHelpers ToDate
    define function ToDate(value date): value.value
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic hasGAS
    // where exists obs.performer.resolveRelatedPersons()
    define fluent function hasGAS(goal Goal):
      exists goal.extensions('')
    Library Name Name
    PCOCommon extensions
    @description: Returns any extensions defined on the given resource with the specified url.
    @comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
    content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the
    CQL model info.
    define fluent function extensions(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
      domainResource.extension E
    	  where E.url = url
    		return E
    Library Name Name
    FHIRHelpers ToString
    define function ToString(value uri): value.value
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic hasPROM
    /// Returns true if this Goal has a PROM code in its target.measure
    define fluent function hasPROM(goal Goal):
      exists ( target
        where target.measure in "PROM Target Measures"
    Library Name Name
    PCOCommon carePlans
    // Returns a list of CarePlan that support this Goal.
    define fluent function carePlans(goal Goal):
      [CarePlan] carePlan
        where exists ( carePlan.goal goalRef
            where = goalRef.reference.getId()
    Library Name Name
    PCOCommon getId
    define fluent function getId(uri String):
      Last(Split(uri, '/'))
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic pcoScores
    // Returns a list of Observation including both GAS and PROM scores
    define fluent function pcoScores(goal Goal):
        union goal.promScores()
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic gasScores
    // Returns a list of Observation including only GAS scores
    define fluent function gasScores(goal Goal):
      "GAS Scores" score
        where score.focusGoals() contains goal
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic focusGoals
    // Returns a list of Goal where focus includes the given Observation.
    define fluent function focusGoals(obs Observation):
    Library Name Name
    PCOCommon resolveGoals
    define fluent function resolveGoals(references List<Reference>):
      flatten( references ref
        return [Goal] resource
          where = ref.reference.getId()
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic promScores
    // Returns a list of Observation including only PROM scores
    define fluent function promScores(goal Goal):
      "PROM Scores" score
        where score.focusGoals() contains goal
    Library Name Name
    FHIRHelpers ToDateTime
    define function ToDateTime(value dateTime): value.value
    Library Name Name
    GoalAttainmentLogic Follow-Up Interval For
    Computes the follow-up interval for a Goal based on this measure's "Follow-Up Interval" parameter.
    @return Interval<DateTime>
    define function "Follow-Up Interval For" (goal Goal):
      goal goal
        let startDate: ToDateTime(goal.start as
          return Interval(startDate + start of "Follow-Up Interval", startDate + end of "Follow-Up Interval")