Profile: MII_PR_Person_PatientPseudonymisiert Parent: Patient Id: mii-pr-person-patient-pseudonymisiert Title: "MII PR Person Patient (Pseudonymisiert)" Description: "Dieses Profil beschreibt eine pseudonymisierte Patient*in in der Medizininformatik-Initiative." * ^url = "" * insert PR_CS_VS_Version * insert Publisher * ^date = "2024-02-08" * obeys mii-pat-1 * id MS * meta MS //* meta.source MS * meta.profile MS * identifier 1.. MS * identifier ^slicing.discriminator.type = #pattern * identifier ^slicing.discriminator.path = "$this" * identifier ^slicing.rules = #open * identifier contains PseudonymisierterIdentifier 0..* MS and AnonymisierterIdentifier 0..* MS * identifier[PseudonymisierterIdentifier] ^patternIdentifier.type = $v3-ObservationValue#PSEUDED * identifier[AnonymisierterIdentifier] ^patternIdentifier.type = $v3-ObservationValue#ANONYED //* name ..0 //* telecom ..0 * gender MS * gender.extension contains GenderOtherDE named other-amtlich 0..1 MS * birthDate MS //* birthDate obeys GeburtsdatumRundenAufQuartal * deceased[x] MS * deceased[x] only boolean or dateTime //* deceased[x] obeys TodesdatumKeineZeitangabe //* deceasedDateTime only dateTime * deceasedDateTime MS //* deceasedDateTime obeys TodesdatumKeineZeitangabe * address MS * address ^slicing.discriminator.type = #pattern * address ^slicing.discriminator.path = "$this" * address ^slicing.rules = #open * address contains Strassenanschrift 0..* MS and Postfach 0..* MS * address[Strassenanschrift] only AddressDeBasis * address[Strassenanschrift] ^patternAddress.type = #both //* address[Strassenanschrift].extension[Stadtteil] 0..0 MS * address[Strassenanschrift].type 1.. MS //* address[Strassenanschrift].line ..0 MS //* address[Strassenanschrift].city ..0 MS * address[Strassenanschrift].city.extension contains ExtensionDestatisAgs named gemeindeschluessel 0..1 MS * address[Strassenanschrift].postalCode 1.. MS //* address[Strassenanschrift].postalCode obeys PostleitzahlEinschraenkung * address[Strassenanschrift].country 1.. MS * address[Strassenanschrift] obeys pat-cnt-2or3-char * address[Postfach] only AddressDeBasis * address[Postfach] ^patternAddress.type = #postal //* address[Postfach].extension[Stadtteil] 0..0 MS * address[Postfach].type 1.. MS //* address[Postfach].line ..0 MS //* address[Postfach].city ..0 MS * address[Postfach].city.extension contains ExtensionDestatisAgs named gemeindeschluessel 0..1 MS * address[Postfach].postalCode 1.. MS //* address[Postfach].postalCode obeys PostleitzahlEinschraenkung * address[Postfach].country 1.. MS * address[Postfach] obeys pat-cnt-2or3-char //* maritalStatus ..0 //* multipleBirth[x] ..0 //* photo ..0 //* contact ..0 //* communication ..0 //* generalPractitioner ..0 * link MS //* link.other only $MII-Reference * link.other MS * link.type MS