DK MedCom Condition List
0.1.0 - ci-build

DK MedCom Condition List, published by MedCom. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-07-11 Computable Name: MedComConditionList


This implementation guide (IG) is provided by MedCom to describe the use of MedCom FHIR ®© ConditionList (Danish: Diagnoseoversigt) in document based exchange of condition lists (Danish: diagnoseoversigt) in the Danish healthcare system. The project Shared Condition Overview (Danish: Deling af diagnoseoversigt) is owned by the Danish Health Data Agency (Danish: Sundhedsdatastyrelsen), where MedCom has provided this standard, called ConditionList.

This IG contains profiles for MedCom ConditionList. The purpose of a ConditionList is to gather selected diagnoses into a condition list, thereby providing a well-defined overview of the patient’s current health status and previously significant relevant diagnoses. The diagnoses included in the ConditionList are exclusively selected to be shared by the patient’s general practitioner.

More information about the project Shared Condition Overview can be found here.


The structure of a ConditionList is depicted on the following diagram:

Shows the general MedCom document model. Each document must at least contain the following resources: Bundle, Composition, Organization, Patient and Condition.

ConditionList follows the general MedCom FHIR Document model. This includes the resources Bundle, Composition, Organization, Patient and if relevant Practitioner. To holde information about the patient’s condition(s), the resource Condition is also included. The following sections describe the overall purpose of each profile.


MedComDocumentBundle is used as the Bundle profile for the standard. There wasn’t identified futher needs for restricting the profile.


MedComConditionListComposition creates the structure of the document. It is specifically designed for structuring patients’ diagnoses in ConditionList, inheriting from MedComDocumentComposition. The key differences are: the Composition.type is fixed to “Medical records” to standardize the document type; the Composition.title must be the following in Danish: “Diagnoseoversigt for ‘CPR-nummer’”; and the Composition.section.focus is restricted to reference MedComConditionListCondition.


MedComConditionListCondition is the profile that specifies each diagnoses in a ConditionList. It inherits from DkCoreCondition and further restricts the profile, for example is only codes from SKS-D or ICPC2 a part of the standard.


MedComDocumentPatient This profile describes the basic requirements for information about citizens and patients when exhancging a document. The profile inherits from DkCorePatient and furhter limit the requirements, e.g. may documents only be exchanged for patients with a CPR-number. To limit the MustSupport elements, this profiles does not inherit from MedComCorePatient.


MedComDocumentOrganization is a profile representing Danish healthcare organizations that acts as the author institution in FHIR Documents. The profile inherits from MedComCoreOrganization. It allows for an additional identifier, called “Ydernummer”.


MedComDocumentPractitioner represents the health care professional that acts as the author person. The profile inherits from MedComCorePractitioner and further requires a given and family name to be present.


This profil must not be exchanged, but can be used for internal validation of the metadata associated with a document, as the DocumentReference contains the same information as the IHE XDS metadata standard.


A ConditionList includes several timestamps. These timestamps are present in the profiles MedComDocumentBundle, MedComConditionListComposition and MedComConditionListCondition. They have different purposes:

  • ‘timestamp’ element in MedComDocumentBundle: Represents the time the bundle was assembled. This timestamp must be included.
  • ‘date’ element in MedComConditionListComposition: The last update date of the condition list performed by the patient’s general practitioner must be included (Danish: senest opdateret).
  • ‘recordedDate’ element in MedComConditionListCondition: The date of the individual diagnosis entry in the database (Danish: registreringsdato).
  • ‘onsetDateTime’ element in MedComConditionListCondition: Actual or estimated date the condition began, in the opinion of the patient’s general practitioner (Danish: debutdato).
  • ‘abatementDateTime’ element in MedComConditionListCondition: The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission (Danish: afslutningsdato).


The examples page illustrates the different .


On MedCom Terminology IG all referenced CodeSystem and ValueSets developed by MedCom can be found.


This IG has a dependency to the MedCom Core IG, MedCom FHIR Document IG and DK-core v. 2.0.0, where the latter is defined by HL7 Denmark. These dependencies are currently reflected in XXX which inherits from profiles defined in XXX IG. Further, it is reflected in references to XXX.


Content in this IG can be downloaded in npm format under Download. This can be used to validate local FHIR profiles against.


Non-technical guidelines

On the introduction page for ConditionList the following documentation can be found:

  • Use cases
  • Mapping of documents from the previous IHE-XDS metadata to FHIR (skal måske kun stå under ‘medcom document’?)


MedComs FHIR profiles and extension are managed in GitHub under MedCom: Source code

A description of governance concerning change management and versioning of MedComs FHIR artefacts, can be found on the link.

Quality Assurance Report

In the Quality Assurance report (QA-report) for this IG, there is XXX


MedCom is responsible for this IG.

If you have any questions, please contact or write to MedCom’s stream in Zulip.