LK NEHR Sri Lanka Patient Summary (IPS based) Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - STU1 Sri Lanka flag

LK NEHR Sri Lanka Patient Summary (IPS based) Implementation Guide, published by Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: HHIMS IPS Bundle with no medical history

Document Details

Generated Narrative: Bundle LK NEHR Sri Lanka Patient Summary for HHIMS

Document Subject

Unable to resolve subject ''

Document Content

Medication Summary section

Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest

identifier: Prescription identifier/prescription-12345

status: completed

intent: order

medication: Medication (Medication Names#Vitamin-A-&-D)

subject: See (

encounter: See (

authoredOn: 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800

requester: See (

performer: See (

recorder: See (

note: Additional information regarding the patient's medication prescription (By Organization-OrganizationExample @Oct 12, 2023, 1:21:33)


timing: Code: LK-DF-04, Count 2 times, Duration 2days, 2 per 3 days




Generated Narrative: MedicationDispense

status: completed

medication: Medication (Medication Names#Vitamin-A-&-D)

subject: See (

context: See (


*See (

location: See (

authorizingPrescription: See (

whenHandedOver: 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800

receiver: See (

IPS Allergies and Intolerances Section

Generated Narrative: AllergyIntolerance

clinicalStatus: Active (AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes#active)

verificationStatus: Confirmed (AllergyIntolerance Verification Status#confirmed)

type: allergy

code: Allergy to food (SNOMED CT#414285001)

patient: See (

encounter: See (

onset: 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800

recorder: See (

IPS Problems Section

Generated Narrative: Condition

clinicalStatus: Inactive (Condition Clinical Status Codes#inactive)

code: No information about problems (Absent and Unknown Data - IPS#no-problem-info)

subject: See (

encounter: See (

recordedDate: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

IPS Vital Signs Section

Generated Narrative: Observation

status: final

category: Vital Signs (Observation Category Codes#vital-signs)

code: Body Weight (LOINC#29463-7)

subject: See (

encounter: See (

effective: 2022-11-30


  • See (
  • See (

value: 110 kg (Details: UCUM code kg = 'kg')

Procedures Summary Section

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

status: completed

intent: order

code: Cleaning and Dressing (Procedures#Cleaning-and-Dressing)

subject: See (

encounter: See (

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: See (

locationReference: See (

Imaging Summary section

Generated Narrative: ImagingStudy

status: registered

subject: See (

encounter: See (

started: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

basedOn: See (

referrer: See (

location: See (

description: Imaging Description


uid: 89c0c298-6c30-11ee-b962-0242ac120002

modality: X-Ray Angiography (Details: DICOM code XA = 'X-Ray Angiography', stated as 'null')


*See (

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

status: completed

intent: order

code: Imaging requested ( Procedures#X-Ray)

subject: See (

encounter: See (

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: See (

locationReference: See (

Laboratory Investigations Summary section

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

status: completed

intent: order

code: Investigation requested ( Investigations#FBC-WBC-th/uL)

subject: See (

encounter: See (

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: See (

locationReference: See (

Referrals Summary section

Generated Narrative: Task

status: completed

intent: order

priority: routine

description: some information regarding the need for the referral request, if any.

focus: See (

for: See (

encounter: See (

authoredOn: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: See (

location: See (

Notifiable Conditions Summary section

Generated Narrative: Communication

status: completed

subject: See (

encounter: See (

sent: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

List of Encounter Locations section

Generated Narrative: Location

identifier: Provider location identifier/Location-ID-1, Provider location identifier/Location-ID-2

status: active

name: Name for the location

telecom: +27829999999,,

address: 177 Nawala Road Nugegoda Colombo 32350 LK

managingOrganization: See (

List of Practitioners section

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

name: Tom Junes Smith

telecom: ph: 27537652509(WORK),

List of Used Devices section

Generated Narrative: Device


status: active

type: Medical record (SNOMED CT#129465004)


*OpenMRS (Device Classification Codes#OpenMRS)2.5.0

owner: Organization/OrganizationExample "Some Health Facility"

location: Location/ProvidersLocationExample "Name for the location"

Additional Resources Included in Document

Entry 1 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Composition/HHIMSCompositionExampleNoMedicalHistory

Resource Composition:

Generated Narrative: Composition HHIMSCompositionExampleNoMedicalHistory


status: Final

type: Patient summary Document

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

date: 2024-02-20


title: LK NEHR Sri Lanka Patient Summary for HHIMS

Entry 2 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Patient/PatientExample

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient PatientExample

Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

Other Ids:
  • Passport number/Passport-1
  • Passport number/Passport-2
  • Driver's license number/Drivers license-1
  • Driver's license number/Drivers license-2
  • National identity number/National identity number-1
  • National identity number/National identity number-2
  • Senior Citizen Number/Senior citizen number-1
  • Senior Citizen Number/Senior citizen number-2
Contact Detail
Patient Registration System InformationDevice: identifier =; status = active; type = Medical record

Entry 3 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Encounter/TargetFacilityEncounterExample

Resource Encounter:

Generated Narrative: Encounter TargetFacilityEncounterExample

Not done yet

Entry 4 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Condition/NoMedicalHistoryExample

Resource Condition:

Generated Narrative: Condition NoMedicalHistoryExample

clinicalStatus: Inactive

code: No information about problems

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

recordedDate: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

Entry 5 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Communication/NotifiableDiseasesNotifiedExample

Resource Communication:

Generated Narrative: Communication NotifiableDiseasesNotifiedExample

status: Completed

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

sent: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

sender: Device: identifier =; status = active; type = Medical record

Entry 6 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/WeightExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation WeightExample

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Body Weight

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

effective: 2022-11-30


value: 110 kg (Details: UCUM codekg = 'kg')

device: Device: identifier =; status = active; type = Medical record

Entry 7 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/AllergyIntolerance/AllergiesExample

Resource AllergyIntolerance:

Generated Narrative: AllergyIntolerance AllergiesExample

clinicalStatus: Active

verificationStatus: Confirmed

type: Allergy

code: Allergy to food

patient: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

onset: 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800

Entry 8 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/MedicationRequest/MedicationRequestsExample

Resource MedicationRequest:

Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest MedicationRequestsExample

identifier: Prescription identifier/prescription-12345

status: Completed

intent: Order

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

authoredOn: 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800

requester: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

performer: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

recorder: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

note: Additional information regarding the patient's medication prescription (By Organization/OrganizationExample @2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800)




Entry 9 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/MedicationDispense/DrugDispensationExample

Resource MedicationDispense:

Generated Narrative: MedicationDispense DrugDispensationExample

status: completed

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)


*Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

location: Location Name for the location

authorizingPrescription: MedicationRequest: identifier = Prescription identifier: prescription-12345; status = completed; intent = order; medication[x] = Tizanidine (as Hydrochloride) Tablet 2mg; authoredOn = 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800; note = Additional information regarding the patient's medication prescription

whenHandedOver: 2023-10-11 17:21:33-0800

receiver: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

Entry 10 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ImagingStudy/ImagingExample

Resource ImagingStudy:

Generated Narrative: ImagingStudy ImagingExample

status: Registered

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

started: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

basedOn: ServiceRequest X-Ray

referrer: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

location: Location Name for the location

description: Imaging Description



modality: Digital Radiography


*Practitioner Tom Junes Smith


* urn:oid:1.2.840.10008. urn:oid:1.2.840.10008.

Entry 11 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ServiceRequest/GeneralReferralServiceRequestExample

Resource ServiceRequest:

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest GeneralReferralServiceRequestExample

status: Completed

intent: Order

code: No display for ServiceRequest.code (concept: Patient referral)

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

Entry 12 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ServiceRequest/InvestigationsServiceRequestExample

Resource ServiceRequest:

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest InvestigationsServiceRequestExample

status: Completed

intent: Order

code: No display for ServiceRequest.code (concept: FBC - WBC (th/uL))

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

authoredOn: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

Entry 13 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ServiceRequest/ImagingServiceRequestExample

Resource ServiceRequest:

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest ImagingServiceRequestExample

status: Completed

intent: Order

code: No display for ServiceRequest.code (concept: X-Ray)

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

authoredOn: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

Entry 14 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ServiceRequest/ProcedureServiceRequestExample

Resource ServiceRequest:

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest ProcedureServiceRequestExample

status: Completed

intent: Order

code: No display for ServiceRequest.code (concept: Cleaning and Dressing)

subject: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

occurrence: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

Entry 15 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Task/HHIMSReferralTaskExample

Resource Task:

Generated Narrative: Task HHIMSReferralTaskExample

status: Completed

intent: Order

priority: Routine

description: some information regarding the need for the referral request, if any.

focus: ServiceRequest Patient referral

for: Mike John Smith (official) Male, DoB: 1983-05-22 ( Personal Health Number: personal health number)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20; reasonCode = Myalgia

authoredOn: 2023-10-06 13:28:17-0500

requester: Practitioner Tom Junes Smith

location: Location Name for the location

Entry 16 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Practitioner/GeneralPractitionerExample

Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner GeneralPractitionerExample

name: Tom Junes Smith

telecom: ph: 27537652509(Work),

Entry 17 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Location/ProvidersLocationExample

Resource Location:

Generated Narrative: Location ProvidersLocationExample

identifier: Provider location identifier/Location-ID-1, Provider location identifier/Location-ID-2

status: Active

name: Name for the location

address: 177 Nawala Road Nugegoda Colombo 32350 LK

managingOrganization: Organization Some Health Facility

Entry 18 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Organization/OrganizationExample

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization OrganizationExample

identifier: Organization identifier/facility1

name: Some Health Facility

Entry 19 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Device/DeviceInformationExample

Resource Device:

Generated Narrative: Device DeviceInformationExample


status: Active

type: Medical record



owner: Organization Some Health Facility

location: Location Name for the location