0.1.0 - ci-build

UFIS-SWE-IG, published by UNICOM. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/joofio/ufis-swe-ig/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example PackagedProductDefinition: Oxascand-15mg-Tablet-SE-IS-PPD04

Generated Narrative: PackagedProductDefinition Oxascand-15mg-Tablet-SE-IS-PPD04

identifier: http://ema.europa.eu/example/pcid/?ngen-9?

packageFor: MedicinalProductDefinition: identifier = http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/mpId#SE-100001594-00011083,http://ema.europa.eu/fhir/eurdId#2234; domain = Human use; status = Current; combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm = Tablet; indication = Oxascand påverkar de vid ångestsyndrom vanliga symtomen: ängslan, ångest, rastlöshet och sömnsvårigheter. Vid depressioner med inslag av nyss nämnda symtom kan Oxascand användas tillsammans med sedvanliga antidepressiva farmaka. Delirium tremens, predeliriösa tillstånd och akuta abstinenssymtom som ångest, spänning och excitation i samband med alkoholmissbruk.; legalStatusOfSupply = Medicinal product subject to special medical prescription; classification = N05BA04

containedItemQuantity: 500 Tablet (Details: 200000000014 code200000002152 = '200000002152')


Burk, 500 tabletter (dosdispensering)


*Kingdom of SwedenMarketed


type: Box

quantity: 1

material: Cardboard
