HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Rwanda HIV
0.1.0 - ci-build International flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Rwanda HIV, published by Jembi Health Systems. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/jembi/Rwanda-HIV/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: VLSMS VL Result Bundle

Generated Narrative: Bundle VLSMSVLResult

Bundle VLSMSVLResult of type transaction

Entry 1 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Patient/HIVPatientExample

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient HIVPatientExample

Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

Contact Detail
Patient Age In Months388
Patient Age In Years32


PUT Patient/HIVPatientExample

Entry 2 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Specimen/VLSpecimenExample

Resource Specimen:

Generated Narrative: Specimen VLSpecimenExample

Sample reordered: false

identifier: App sample identifier/abc123, Remote sample identifier/def456, Sample identifier/ghi789, Universal Unique Identifier for the sample/123456abc

type: Specimen Type

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

receivedTime: 2022-07-28





note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Specimen/VLSpecimenExample

Entry 3 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Organization/RequestingOrganizationExample

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization RequestingOrganizationExample

identifier: Requesting Organization identifier/facility5

name: A facility name


PUT Organization/RequestingOrganizationExample

Entry 4 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Organization/PerformingOrganizationExample

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization PerformingOrganizationExample

Performing Organization Province: 4

Performing Organization District: 9

identifier: Performing Organization identifier/laboratory1

name: A Laboratory name


*A province name


PUT Organization/PerformingOrganizationExample

Entry 5 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ServiceRequest/HIVServiceRequestExample

Resource ServiceRequest:

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest HIVServiceRequestExample

identifier: HIV lab service request identifier/ORDER12345

status: Completed

intent: Order


*Test Type

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

occurrence: 2012-01-05

requester: Practitioner James Smith

performer: Practitioner Amy White


*Observation Human immunodeficiency virus antibody test

specimen: Specimen: extension = false; identifier = App sample identifier: abc123,Remote sample identifier: def456,Sample identifier: ghi789,Universal Unique Identifier for the sample: 123456abc; type = Plasma specimen (specimen); receivedTime = 2022-07-28; note = additional notes here

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT ServiceRequest/HIVServiceRequestExample

Entry 6 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Practitioner/RequestingPractitionerExample

Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner RequestingPractitionerExample

Clinician User Index: 2

name: James Smith

telecom: ph: 27537652509


PUT Practitioner/RequestingPractitionerExample

Entry 7 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Practitioner/PerformingPractitionerExample

Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner PerformingPractitionerExample

Clinician User Index: 6

name: Amy White

telecom: ph: 27537687534


PUT Practitioner/PerformingPractitionerExample

Entry 8 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/ReasonForHIVTestingExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation ReasonForHIVTestingExample

status: Final

code: HIV Test

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Practitioner Amy White

value: Reason for testing

note: Some comments (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/ReasonForHIVTestingExample

Entry 9 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/PatientPregnantExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation PatientPregnantExample

status: Final

code: Pregnancy status

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Practitioner Amy White

value: Pregnancy test result

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/PatientPregnantExample

Entry 10 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/HIVPatientIsNewExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation HIVPatientIsNewExample

status: Final

code: New Patient Indication

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Practitioner Amy White

value: true

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/HIVPatientIsNewExample

Entry 11 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/BreastfeedingExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation BreastfeedingExample

status: Final

code: Breastfeeding

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Practitioner Amy White

value: true

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/BreastfeedingExample

Entry 12 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/CarePlan/ARVTreatmentRegimenChangedExample

Resource CarePlan:

Generated Narrative: CarePlan ARVTreatmentRegimenChangedExample

identifier: Unique ART number/UAN000123

status: Active

intent: Order

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

period: 2022-12-01 --> 2022-12-01


*MedicationRequest: status = completed; intent = order

note: Some comments (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT CarePlan/ARVTreatmentRegimenChangedExample

Entry 13 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/CarePlan/ARVTreatmentInitiatedExample

Resource CarePlan:

Generated Narrative: CarePlan ARVTreatmentInitiatedExample

identifier: Unique ART number/UAN000123

status: Active

intent: Order

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

period: 2022-12-01 --> 2022-12-01


*MedicationRequest: status = completed; intent = order

note: Some comments (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT CarePlan/ARVTreatmentInitiatedExample

Entry 14 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/MedicationRequest/ARVRegimenMedicationRequestRegimenChangedExample

Resource MedicationRequest:

Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest ARVRegimenMedicationRequestRegimenChangedExample

status: Completed

intent: Order


*ARV regimen

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20


*Observation Change of medication


PUT MedicationRequest/ARVRegimenMedicationRequestRegimenChangedExample

Entry 15 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/MedicationRequest/ARVRegimenMedicationRequestARVExample

Resource MedicationRequest:

Generated Narrative: MedicationRequest ARVRegimenMedicationRequestARVExample

status: Completed

intent: Order


*ARV regimen

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20


*Observation Date determined medically eligible and ready to start HIV treatment


PUT MedicationRequest/ARVRegimenMedicationRequestARVExample

Entry 16 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Encounter/TargetFacilityEncounterExample

Resource Encounter:

Generated Narrative: Encounter TargetFacilityEncounterExample

status: Completed

class: ambulatory

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

actualPeriod: 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20


PUT Encounter/TargetFacilityEncounterExample

Entry 17 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/HIVTestResultExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation HIVTestResultExample

Test Result Entered Manually: false

status: Final

code: Viral Load Result

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Organization HIV Test Services Health Facility

value: 1001

interpretation: Viral Load Suppression Status

note: Viral load not suppressed (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/HIVTestResultExample

Entry 18 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Task/HIVLabResultTaskExample

Resource Task:

Generated Narrative: Task HIVLabResultTaskExample

Result Status Index: 4

identifier: Lab order number/ORDER12345

instantiatesCanonical: ActivityDefinition[http://moh.gov.rw/fhir/ActivityDefinition/LabOrderTaskActivityExample|0.1.0]


status: Completed

intent: original-order

for: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

executionPeriod: ?? --> 2022-07-30

lastModified: 2022-07-30

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


*Viral Load ResultDiagnostic Report for 'HIV 1 RNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Specimen by NAA with probe detection' for '->Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12'


PUT Task/HIVLabResultTaskExample

Entry 19 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/ActivityDefinition/LabOrderResultTaskActivityExample

Resource ActivityDefinition:

Generated Narrative: ActivityDefinition LabOrderResultTaskActivityExample

HIV Viral Load Result Revised By: 2

status: Active

date: 2023-01-01

approvalDate: 2023-01-01

lastReviewDate: 2023-01-01

editor: Someone:

reviewer: Mark Jones:

endorser: Tobias Menley:


PUT ActivityDefinition/LabOrderResultTaskActivityExample

Entry 20 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Transport/SampleDispatchedToLabExample

Resource Transport:

Generated Narrative: Transport SampleDispatchedToLabExample

status: In Progress

intent: order

completionTime: 2022-07-28

authoredOn: 2022-07-28

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)

requestedLocation: Location Requested location name

currentLocation: Location Current location name


PUT Transport/SampleDispatchedToLabExample

Entry 21 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Transport/ResultDispatchedToRequestingFacilityExample

Resource Transport:

Generated Narrative: Transport ResultDispatchedToRequestingFacilityExample

status: In Progress

intent: order

authoredOn: 2022-07-28

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)

requestedLocation: Location Requested location name

currentLocation: Location Current location name


PUT Transport/ResultDispatchedToRequestingFacilityExample

Entry 22 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Location/TransportRequestedLocationExample

Resource Location:

Generated Narrative: Location TransportRequestedLocationExample

status: Active

name: Requested location name


PUT Location/TransportRequestedLocationExample

Entry 23 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Location/TransportCurrentLocationExample

Resource Location:

Generated Narrative: Location TransportCurrentLocationExample

status: Active

name: Current location name


PUT Location/TransportCurrentLocationExample

Entry 24 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/DiagnosticReport/HIVLabResultsDiagnosticReportExample

Resource DiagnosticReport:

Generated Narrative: DiagnosticReport HIVLabResultsDiagnosticReportExample

Test Type

SubjectJane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12
Performer Practitioner Amy White

Report Details

CodeValueFlagsNoteWhen For
Viral Load Result1001Final, Viral Load Suppression StatusViral load not suppressed (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)2022-11-30

Some conclusion text


PUT DiagnosticReport/HIVLabResultsDiagnosticReportExample

Entry 25 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Practitioner/ResultsInterpreterExample

Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner ResultsInterpreterExample

Clinician User Index: 11

name: Jhon Smith

telecom: ph: 27539887534


PUT Practitioner/ResultsInterpreterExample

Entry 26 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Consent/ReceiveSMSMessagesExample

Resource Consent:

Generated Narrative: Consent ReceiveSMSMessagesExample

status: Active

category: Patient consent for SMS messages

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

decision: Permit


PUT Consent/ReceiveSMSMessagesExample

Entry 27 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/ARVAdherenceExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation ARVAdherenceExample

status: Final

code: Treatment compliance

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Practitioner Amy White

value: ARV adherence

note: additional notes here (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/ARVAdherenceExample

Entry 28 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/RepeatHIVTestResultExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation RepeatHIVTestResultExample

status: Final

code: Viral Load Result

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Organization HIV Test Services Health Facility

value: 1001

note: Viral load not suppressed (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/RepeatHIVTestResultExample

Entry 29 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/SuspendTreatmentHIVTestResultExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation SuspendTreatmentHIVTestResultExample

status: Final

code: Viral Load Result

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Organization HIV Test Services Health Facility

value: 1001

note: Viral load not suppressed (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Observation/SuspendTreatmentHIVTestResultExample

Entry 30 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Device/TestingPlatformExample

Resource Device:

Generated Narrative: Device TestingPlatformExample

manufacturer: My testing platform

note: Some comments (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)


PUT Device/TestingPlatformExample

Entry 31 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/HIVTestResultViralLoadLogExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation HIVTestResultViralLoadLogExample

status: Final

code: Viral Load Result

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Organization HIV Test Services Health Facility

value: 2.55

note: Some comments (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)

derivedFrom: Observation Human immunodeficiency virus-1 nucleic acid assay


PUT Observation/HIVTestResultViralLoadLogExample

Entry 32 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Observation/HIVTestResultAbsoluteDecimalExample

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation HIVTestResultAbsoluteDecimalExample

status: Final

code: Viral Load Result

subject: Jane Maria Smith (official) Female, DoB: 1990-12-12

encounter: Encounter: status = completed; class = ambulatory; actualPeriod = 2022-12-01 --> 2023-01-20

effective: 2022-11-30

performer: Organization HIV Test Services Health Facility

value: 2.55

note: Some comments (By Organization/HIVOrganizationExample @2015-02-07 13:28:17-0500)

derivedFrom: Observation Human immunodeficiency virus-1 nucleic acid assay


PUT Observation/HIVTestResultAbsoluteDecimalExample

Entry 33 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Organization/FundingOrganizationExample

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization FundingOrganizationExample

Funding Organization: 1

identifier: Funding Organization identifier/funder1

name: A funding organization name


PUT Organization/FundingOrganizationExample

Entry 34 - fullUrl = http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir/Organization/ImplementingPartnerOrganizationExample

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization ImplementingPartnerOrganizationExample

Implementing Partner Organization: 14

identifier: Implementing Partner Organization identifier/implementing-partner-org1

name: An implementing partner organization name


PUT Organization/ImplementingPartnerOrganizationExample