Validation Results for CH_LAB_ORDER

Generated Wed Jun 19 07:51:36 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.6.11
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • Version 2.0.0 has already been published
  • Publication Request is for version v2.0.0 which is already published
Supressed Messages:7 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4
... OR4 Release is 2.0.10
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 Release is 5.1.0
.... ihe.formatcode.fhir1.1.0 OR4 Release is 1.3.0
.... hl7.terminology5.1.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 5.5.0
... hl7.terminology5.1.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 5.5.0
... OR4 Release is 3.0.0-ballot
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 above. Latest Release is 5.1.0
.... hl7.terminology5.4.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 5.5.0
..... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 above. Latest Release is 5.1.0
.... OR4 Release is 5.0.0-ballot
..... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 above. Latest Release is 5.1.0
..... OR4 above. Latest Release is 2.0.10
..... hl7.terminology5.4.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 5.5.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.sdc3.0.0 MR4
..... hl7.fhir.r4.examples4.0.1 OR4 Release is 5.0.0
... OR4 above. Latest Release is 5.0.0-ballot
... hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog0.1.0 IR4
Templates: ch.fhir.ig.template#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.1.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison:
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 0, warn = 0, info = 307, broken links = 0
Build Errors000

n/a Show Validation Information

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

Different display values (language)

External CodeSystem

No OIDs at the moment

Reference to draft CodeSystem

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-6-histopath-document-with-sr-and-form.jsonCan't find 'Organization/Gruppenpraxis' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.organization)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ch-lab-order-with-sr-and-form.jsonCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.item[9].item[0].definition)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ch-lab-order-with-sr-and-form.jsonCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.item[9].item[1].definition)
fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-ch-lab-order-with-sr-and-form.jsonCan't find '' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.item[9].item[2].definition)


fsh-generated/resources/Condition-ConditionRenalInsufficiency.jsonNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Condition/Diagnosis Severity' (|4.0.1), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =