CH LAB-Order (R4)
2.0.0 - ci-build Switzerland flag

CH LAB-Order (R4), published by HL7 Switzerland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

: ChargeItemDefinition: Limitations on Vitamin D Test - XML Representation

Active as of 2022-07-01

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<ChargeItemDefinition xmlns="">
  <id value="example-lab-billing-vitamind-focus"/>
  <language value="de-CH"/>
    <status value="additional"/>
    <div xml:lang="de-CH" xmlns="" lang="de-CH"><p><b>Additional Narrative in French language | Vue narrative en français :</b></p><p>Codage affiné (1139) et conditions d'application du dosage de la vitamine D - Nomenclature des Actes de Biologie Médicale (NABM version 56)</p><p>La prise en charge de cet acte est limitée aux situations suivantes :</p><ul><li>suspicion de rachitisme</li><li>suspicion d’ostéomalacie</li><li>suivi ambulatoire de l’adulte transplanté rénal au-delà de trois mois après transplantation</li><li>avant et après chirurgie bariatrique</li><li>évaluation et prise en charge des personnes âgées sujettes aux chutes répétées</li><li>respect des résumés des caractéristiques du produit (RCP) des médicaments préconisant la réalisation de l’acte 1139</li></ul></div>
  <version value="2.0.0"/>
  <title value="Bestimmung von 25-OH-Vitamin D"/>
  <status value="active"/>
  <date value="2022-07-01"/>
  <publisher value="HL7 Switzerland"/>
    <name value="HL7 Switzerland"/>
      <system value="url"/>
      <value value=""/>
    <name value="Marcel Hanselmann"/>
      <system value="email"/>
      <value value=""/>
      <use value="work"/>
               value="Limitationen. Nur einmal verrechenbar im Falle einer separaten Bestimmung der beiden Formen von 25-HydroxyVitamin-D (25-OH-D3 und 25-OH-D2)"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="41345002"/>
        <display value="Rickets (disorder)"/>
      <text value="(Verdacht) Rachitis"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="4598005"/>
        <display value="Osteomalacia (disorder)"/>
      <text value="(Verdacht) Osteomalazie"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="312894000"/>
        <display value="Osteopenia (disorder)"/>
      <text value="(Verdacht) Osteopenie"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="64859006"/>
        <display value="Osteoporosis (disorder)"/>
      <text value="(Verdacht) Osteoporose"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="268029009"/>
        <display value="Pathological fracture (disorder)"/>
      <text value="(Verdacht) nicht traumatische Fraktur"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="443731004"/>
                 value="Assessment using Falls Risk Assessment Scale for the Elderly (procedure)"/>
            value="Beurteilung und Behandlung nach unklarem Sturzereignis bei Patienten ≥ 65 Jahren"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="391040000"/>
                 value="At increased risk of osteoporotic fracture (finding)"/>
            value="bei anamnestisch erhöhtem Frakturrisiko bei Patienten ≥ 65 Jahre"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="90708001"/>
        <display value="Kidney disease (disorder)"/>
      <text value="Nierenerkrankungen, inkl. Urolithiasis"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="73132005"/>
        <display value="Disorder of parathyroid gland (disorder)"/>
            value="Störungen des Parathormons, der Kalzämie und/oder der Phosphatämie"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="119292006"/>
        <display value="Disorder of gastrointestinal tract (disorder)"/>
      <text value="Gastrointestinale Erkrankungen"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="32230006"/>
        <display value="Malabsorption syndrome (disorder)"/>
      <text value="Malabsorptionssyndrome"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="235856003"/>
        <display value="Disorder of liver (disorder)"/>
      <text value="Lebererkrankungen"/>
      <code value="focus"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="761938008"/>
        <display value="Medicinal prescription record (record artifact)"/>
            value="Patienten, die Medikamente, die den Vit. D Stoffwechsel beeinflussen, einnehmen"/>
      <system value="urn:iso:std:iso:3166"/>
      <code value="CH"/>
  <copyright value="CC0-1.0"/>
      <system value=""/>
      <code value="1006.00"/>
      <display value="Vitamin D"/>
      <type value="base"/>
          <system value=""/>
          <code value="1006.00"/>
      <factor value="1"/>