5.0.0-ci-build - ci-build
CH EMED (R4), published by HL7 Switzerland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Document Details
Generated Narrative: Bundle Medikationsplan
Last updated: 2020-02-21 12:31:59+0000
Profile: CH EMED Medication Card Document
Final Document at 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100 by Bundle: identifier = UUID:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0; type = document; timestamp = 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100 for Bundle: identifier = UUID:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0; type = document; timestamp = 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100
Document Subject
Generated Narrative: Patient 9616e879-c4d0-411e-88c3-e001cb7a8fcd
Monika Wegmüller Female, DoB: 1943-05-15 ( Medical record number)
Contact Detail | Wiesenstr. 12 Zürich 8003 CH |
Document Content
Entry 1 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:d543ae7b-3a94-4a2a-a120-6ce2ee3027fc
Resource Composition:
Generated Narrative: Composition d543ae7b-3a94-4a2a-a120-6ce2ee3027fc
Language: de-CH
Profile: CH EMED Medication Card Composition
Security Label: N (Details: [not stated] code N = ' N ', stated as ' null ')
identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/urn:uuid:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0
status: Final
type: Medication summary Document
date: 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100
title: Medikationsplan
Entry 2 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:9616e879-c4d0-411e-88c3-e001cb7a8fcd
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient 9616e879-c4d0-411e-88c3-e001cb7a8fcd
Monika Wegmüller Female, DoB: 1943-05-15 ( Medical record number)
Contact Detail Wiesenstr. 12 Zürich 8003 CH
Entry 3 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:9837b87a-aaa7-4389-aa03-39442cee2c45
Resource PractitionerRole:
Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole 9837b87a-aaa7-4389-aa03-39442cee2c45
practitioner: Bundle: identifier = UUID:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0; type = document; timestamp = 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100
organization: Bundle: identifier = UUID:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0; type = document; timestamp = 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100
Entry 4 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:34dc227e-fac0-4104-958e-33510f453631
Resource Practitioner:
Generated Narrative: Practitioner 34dc227e-fac0-4104-958e-33510f453631
identifier: GLN/7601000234438
name: Familien Hausarzt
Entry 5 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:7801bb18-5c19-4d4c-bcb5-536a1f51f83e
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization 7801bb18-5c19-4d4c-bcb5-536a1f51f83e
identifier: GLN/7601000234438
name: Hausarzt
Address Krankenstrasse 2 Zürich 8005 CH
Entry 6 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:be797d45-82c7-4d4a-8d1e-82a7fd26e44e
Resource MedicationStatement:
Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement be797d45-82c7-4d4a-8d1e-82a7fd26e44e
identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/urn:uuid:d0f885ca-afa6-4e7e-905d-f7698f9607aa
status: recorded
dateAsserted: 2012-02-04 14:00:00+0100
informationSource: Bundle: identifier = UUID:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0; type = document; timestamp = 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100
Generated Narrative: Medication #Beloczok
code: BELOC ZOK Ret Tabl 50 mg
Entry 7 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:99e5810c-1afa-43da-8a0e-e7f9086e300a
Resource MedicationStatement:
Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement 99e5810c-1afa-43da-8a0e-e7f9086e300a
identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/urn:uuid:534996fe-5e45-40ed-9388-06fa268e13d8
status: recorded
dateAsserted: 2012-02-04 14:00:00+0100
informationSource: Bundle: identifier = UUID:6b6ed376-a7da-44cb-92d1-e75ce1ae73b0; type = document; timestamp = 2012-02-04 14:05:00+0100
Generated Narrative: Medication #Norvasc
code: NORVASC Tabl 10 mg
Entry 8 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:d5c77e2e-798d-4437-8f73-4875c35065ef
Resource Binary:
Generated Narrative: Binary d5c77e2e-798d-4437-8f73-4875c35065ef
Language: de-CH
contentType: application/pdf
data: (base64 data - 185,520 base64 chars)