id: canonical: # check if this may create issues name: XpandhPatientSummaryIg title: XpanDH Patient Summary description: This guide describes how the Patient Summary can be represented for the purpose of the XpanDH project experimantions. status: draft # draft | active | retired | unknown version: 0.1.0 fhirVersion: 4.0.1 # copyrightYear: 2023+ releaseLabel: ci-build # ci-build | draft | qa-preview | ballot | trial-use | release | update | normative+trial-use # license: CC0-1.0 # jurisdiction: "Europe" # publisher: name: XpanDH Project url: # email: copyright: >- Used by permission of the XpanDH project, all rights reserved Creative Commons License # The dependencies property corresponds to IG.dependsOn. The key is the # package id and the value is the version (or dev/current). For advanced # use cases, the value can be an object with keys for id, uri, and version. # dependencies: # hl7.fhir.uv.ips: current hl7.fhir.uv.ips: 1.1.0 // Update as soon as possible # current # to be removed if no more needed 0.1.x dev hl7.fhir.extensions.r5: 4.0.1 0.1.x # # id: mcode # uri: # version: 1.0.0 # # # The pages property corresponds to SUSHI can # auto-generate the page list, but if the author includes pages in # this file, it is assumed that the author will fully manage the # pages section and SUSHI will not generate any page entries. # The page file name is used as the key. If title is not provided, # then the title will be generated from the file name. If a # generation value is not provided, it will be inferred from the # file name extension. Any subproperties that are valid filenames # with supported extensions (e.g., .md/.xml) will be treated as # sub-pages. # pages: index.xml: title: Home title: Examples title: Downloads # # title: Implementation Considerations # # title: Recommendations # # # The parameters property represents IG.definition.parameter. Rather # than a list of code/value pairs (as in the ImplementationGuide # resource), the code is the YAML key. If a parameter allows repeating # values, the value in the YAML should be a sequence/array. For a # partial list of allowed parameters see: # # parameters: # produce-jekyll-data: true special-url: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - path-resource: - input/terminologies apply-contact: true apply-jurisdiction: true apply-publisher: true apply-version: true show-inherited-invariants: true usage-stats-opt-out: true # excludettl: true # validation: [allow-any-extensions, no-broken-links] # # ╭────────────────────────────────────────────menu.xml────────────────────────────────────────────╮ # │ The menu property will be used to generate the input/menu.xml file. The menu is represented │ # │ as a simple structure where the YAML key is the menu item name and the value is the URL. │ # │ The IG publisher currently only supports one level deep on sub-menus. To provide a │ # │ custom menu.xml file, do not include this property and include a `menu.xml` file in │ # │ input/includes. To use a provided input/includes/menu.xml file, delete the "menu" │ # │ property below. │ # ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ menu: Home: index.html Table of Contents: toc.html # Patient Summary: hospital-discharge-report.html Examples: examples.html Artifacts: artifacts.html Downloads: downloads.html # ╭───────────────────────────Less Common Implementation Guide Properties──────────────────────────╮ # │ Uncomment the properties below to configure additional properties on the ImplementationGuide │ # │ resource. These properties are less commonly needed than those above. │ # ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ # # Those who need more control or want to add additional details to the contact values can use # contact directly and follow the format outlined in the ImplementationGuide resource and # ContactDetail. # # contact: # - name: Bob Smith # telecom: # - system: email # phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other # value: # use: work # # # The global property corresponds to the property, but it # uses the type as the YAML key and the profile as its value. Since # FHIR does not explicitly disallow more than one profile per type, # neither do we; the value can be a single profile URL or an array # of profile URLs. If a value is an id or name, SUSHI will replace # it with the correct canonical when generating the IG JSON. # # global: # Patient: # Encounter: # # # The resources property corresponds to IG.definition.resource. # SUSHI can auto-generate all of the resource entries based on # the FSH definitions and/or information in any user-provided # JSON or XML resource files. If the generated entries are not # sufficient or complete, however, the author can add entries # here. If the reference matches a generated entry, it will # replace the generated entry. If it doesn't match any generated # entries, it will be added to the generated entries. The format # follows IG.definition.resource with the following differences: # * use IG.definition.resource.reference.reference as the YAML key. # * if the key is an id or name, SUSHI will replace it with the # correct URL when generating the IG JSON. # * specify "omit" to omit a FSH-generated resource from the # resource list. # * if the exampleCanonical is an id or name, SUSHI will replace # it with the correct canonical when generating the IG JSON. # * groupingId can be used, but top-level groups syntax may be a # better option (see below). # The following are simple examples to demonstrate what this might # look like: # resources: # Patient/my-example-patient: # name: My Example Patient # description: An example Patient # exampleBoolean: true # Patient/bad-example: omit resources: ValueSet/eHDSIMedicalDevice: name: Medical Device description: Medical Device ValueSet/eHDSIActiveIngredient: name: Active Ingredient description: Active Ingredient ConceptMap/patientSummary2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A - Patient Summary model to this guide description: It shows how the Patient Summary data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. The proposed mapping shows how to represent 'addiitonalInfo' in the casae of a condition, equivalent solution can be applied for other kind of information (e.g. Medications) ConceptMap/subject2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.1.1, A.1.2 - Subject of care model to this guide description: It shows how the Subject data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. The group 2 map shows how to map into the Condition reosurce a problem-specific contact. For other kinds of contacts (e.g. contact for a specific procedure) a simlar apporach can be followed. ConceptMap/allergy2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.1.1 - Allergy model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.1.1 Allergy data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/vaccination2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/prophylaxis information model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/prophylaxis information data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/problem2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.3.1 Current problems model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.3.1 Current problems data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. # ConceptMap/closedproblem2FHIR-eu-ps: # name: A.2.2.2 - Resolved, closed or inactive problems model to this guide # description: It shows how the A.2.2.2 - Resolved, closed or inactive problems data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/result2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.8 - Results model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.8 - Results data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/medicine2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.4.1 Current and relevant past medicines model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.4.1 Current and relevant past medicines data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/functionalStatus2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.3.3 Functional Status model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.3.3 Functional Status data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/medicalDevice2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.3.2 Medical devices and implants model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.3.2 Medical devices and implants data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/pregnancy2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.6 Pregnancy history model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.6 Pregnancy history data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. ConceptMap/procedure2FHIR-eu-ps: name: A.2.3.3 Procedures model to this guide description: It shows how the A.2.3.3 Procedures data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. StructureDefinition/PatientSummary: name: A - Patient Summary description: A - Patient Summary. eHN guideline model. StructureDefinition/Subject: name: A.1.1, A.1.2 - Patient or Subject of care description: Patient or Subject of care. Sections A.1.1 and A.1.2 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/Allergy: name: A.2.1.1 - Allergy description: Allergy. Section A.2.1.1 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/Vaccination: name: A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/prophylaxis information description: Vaccination/prophylaxis information. Sections A.2.2.1 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/ClosedProblem: name: A.2.2.2 Resolved, closed or inactive problems model to this guide description: Resolved, closed or inactive problems. Sections A.2.2.2 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/Problem: name: A.2.3.1 Current problems model to this guide description: Current problems. Sections A.2.3.1 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/MedicalDevice: name: A.2.3.2 Medical devices and implants model to this guide description: Medical devices and implants. Sections A.2.3.2 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/Medicine: name: A.2.4.1 Current and relevant past medicines description: Relevant prescribed medicines whose period of time indicated for the treatment has not yet expired whether it has been dispensed or not, or medicines that influence current health status or are relevant to a clinical decision. Section A2.4.1 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/FunctionalStatus: name: A.2.3.3 Functional Status model to this guide description: Functional Status. Sections A.2.3.3 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/ProcedurePs: name: A.2.3.3 Procedures model to this guide description: Procedures. Sections A.2.3.3 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/Pregnancy: name: A.2.6 Pregnancy history model to this guide description: Pregnancy history. Sections A.2.6 of the eHN guideline. StructureDefinition/Result: name: A.2.8 Results model to this guide description: Results. Sections A.2.8 of the eHN guideline. # Patient/bad-example: omit # # Groups can control certain aspects of the IG generation. The IG # documentation recommends that authors use the default groups that # are provided by the templating framework, but if authors want to # use their own instead, they can use the mechanism below. This will # create IG.definition.grouping entries and associate the individual # resource entries with the corresponding groupIds. If a resource # is specified by id or name, SUSHI will replace it with the correct # URL when generating the IG JSON. # groups: eHNGuidelines: name: eHN Patient Summary Guidelines description: Logical models representing the eHN Patient Summary Guidelines resources: - StructureDefinition/PatientSummary - StructureDefinition/Subject - StructureDefinition/Allergy - StructureDefinition/Vaccination - StructureDefinition/Medicine - StructureDefinition/ClosedProblem - StructureDefinition/Problem - StructureDefinition/MedicalDevice - StructureDefinition/FunctionalStatus - StructureDefinition/ProcedurePs - StructureDefinition/Pregnancy - StructureDefinition/Result # - StructureDefinition/Payer logicalModelsMaps: name: eHN Logical Model mappings description: Concept Maps describing how the eHN Laboratory Guidelines are supposed to be implemented by using this guide resources: - ConceptMap/subject2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/patientSummary2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/allergy2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/vaccination2FHIR-eu-ps # - ConceptMap/closedproblem2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/problem2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/result2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/medicine2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/functionalStatus2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/medicalDevice2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/pregnancy2FHIR-eu-ps - ConceptMap/procedure2FHIR-eu-ps # - ConceptMap/author2FHIR-eu-ps # - ConceptMap/legalAuth2FHIR-eu-ps # # The ImplementationGuide resource defines several other properties # not represented above. These properties can be used as-is and # should follow the format defined in ImplementationGuide: # * date # * meta # * implicitRules # * language # * text # * contained # * extension # * modifierExtension # * experimental # * useContext # * copyright # * packagingId # # # ╭──────────────────────────────────────────SUSHI flags───────────────────────────────────────────╮ # │ The flags below configure aspects of how SUSHI processes FSH. │ # ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ # The FSHOnly flag indicates if only FSH resources should be exported. # If set to true, no IG related content will be generated. # The default value for this property is false. # # FSHOnly: false # # # When set to true, the "short" and "definition" field on the root element of an Extension will # be set to the "Title" and "Description" of that Extension. Default is true. # # applyExtensionMetadataToRoot: true # # # The instanceOptions property is used to configure certain aspects of how SUSHI processes instances. # See the individual option definitions below for more detail. # # instanceOptions: # Determines for which types of Instances SUSHI will automatically set meta.profile # if InstanceOf references a profile: # # setMetaProfile: always # always | never | inline-only | standalone-only # # # Determines for which types of Instances SUSHI will automatically set id # if InstanceOf references a profile: # # setId: always # always | standalone-only