// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logical Model ps-vaccination.fsh // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical: VaccinationPsEhn Id: Vaccination Title: "A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/ prophylaxis information" Description: """ Vaccination/ prophylaxis information. Sections A2.2.2.1 of the eHN guideline.""" * targetDisease 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Disease or agent targeted" """Disease or agent that the vaccination provides protection against - Preferred system(s): ICD-10*, SNOMED CT GPS""" * vaccine 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Vaccine/prophylaxis" """Generic description of the vaccine/prophylaxis or its component(s) - Preferred system(s): SNOMED CT GPS ATC* (IDMP, when available)""" * productName 0..* string "A. Vaccine medicinal product name" """Brand name of the vaccine medicinal product.z""" * productId 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Identifier of the vaccine medicinal product" """Identifier for the vaccine medicinal product. It could be MPID according to ISO 11615, EMA PMS ID and/or a national identifier. EMA PMS""" * marketingAuthorisationHolder 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Marketing Autorisation Holder" """Marketing Authorisation Holder EMA's Organisations System data (SPOR)""" * numberInSeries 0..* BackboneElement "A. Number in a series of vaccinations/doses" """Vaccination in the vaccination course""" * batchNumber 0..* string "A. Batch/lot number" """A distinctive combination of numbers and/or letters which specifically identifies a batch""" * dateOfVaccination 0..* dateTime "A. Date of vaccination" """The date when the vaccination was administered - Preferred system(s): ISO 8601""" * administeringCentre 0..* Organization "A. Administering centre" """Name/code of administering centre or a health authority responsible for the vaccination event""" * healthProfessionalId 0..* identifier "A. Health Professional identification" """Name or health professional code responsible for administering the vaccine or prophylaxis""" * countryOfVaccination 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Country of vaccination" """The country in which the individual has been vaccinated - Preferred system(s): ISO 3166""" * dateOfNextVaccination 0..* dateTime "A. Next vaccination date" """The date when the vaccination is planned to be given/repeated (e.g. next dose) - Preferred system(s): ISO 8601""" //--- END //--- END //--- END //--- END //--- END