// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logical Model ps-subject.fsh // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical: SubjectPsEhn Id: Subject Title: "A1.1, A1.2 - Subject of care" Description: """Patient or Subject of care. Sections A1.1 and A1.2 of the eHN guideline.""" * identification 1..1 BackboneElement "A.1.1.1 National healthcare patient ID" """A.1.1.1 National healthcare patient ID - Country ID, unique to the patient in that country. Example: ID for Portuguese patient""" * identification.identifier 0..* Identifier "A.1.1.2 Family name/surname" """A.1.1.2 Family name/surname - The family name/surname/last name of the patient. This field can contain more than one element or multiple fields could be present.""" * identification.familyName 0..* string "A.1.1.3 Given name" """A.1.1.3 Given nameÿ - The given name/first name of the patient (also known as forename or first name). This field can contain more than one element.ÿÿ""" * identification.givenName 0..* string "A.1.1.4 Date of birth" """A.1.1.4 Date of birthÿ - The date of birth of the patient [ISO TS 22220]. As age of the patient might be important for correct interpretation of the test result values, complete date of birth should be provided. - Preferred system(s): Complete date, without time, following the ISO 8601ÿ""" * identification.dateOfBirth 0..1 dateTime "A.1.1.5 Gender" """A.1.1.5 Gender - This field must contain a recognised valid value for ""administrative gender"". If different, ""physiological gender"" should be communicated elsewhere. - Preferred system(s): HL7 Administrative Genderÿ""" * identification.gender 0..1 CodeableConcept "A.1.1.5 Country of affiliation" """A.1.1.5 Country of affiliation - Name of country of affiliation - Preferred system(s): ISO 3166""" * identification.countryOfAffiliation 0..1 CodeableConcept "A.1.2.1 Patient address" """A.1.2.1 Patient address - Patient address""" * telcomContact 0..* BackboneElement "Address" """Address""" * telcomContact.address 0..* BackboneElement "A. Street" """A. Street - Example: Rua dos Campeäes""" * telcomContact.address.street 0..1 string "A. House number" """A. House number - Example: 246""" * telcomContact.address.houseNumber 0..1 string "A. City" """A. City - Example: Porto""" * telcomContact.address.city 0..1 string "A. Post code" """A. Post code - Example: 4500""" * telcomContact.address.postalCode 0..1 string "A. State or province" """A. State or province - Example: Vila Nova de Gaia""" * telcomContact.address.stateOrProvince 0..1 string "A. Country" """A. Country - Example: PT - Preferred system(s): ISO 3166""" * telcomContact.address.country 0..1 CodeableConcept "A. Telephone no." """A. Telephone no. - Example: +351 20 7025 6161""" * telcomContact.telephone 0..* ContactPoint "A. Email" """A. Email - Example: jens@bigsmile.eu""" * telcomContact.email 0..* ContactPoint "A.1.2.2 Preferred HP to contact" """A.1.2.2 Preferred HP to contact - This section can be repeated and linked to any specific information in the Patient Summary, for example a link between a rare disease problem (A.2.3.1) and the rare disease specialist responsible for the care of the individual patient (this section).""" * hpToContact 0..* BackboneElement "A. Name of the HP" """A. Name of the HP - Name of the Health Professional that has been treating or taking responsibility for the patient.""" * hpToContact.name 0..* string "A. Role of the HP" """A. Role of the HP - Health professional role""" * hpToContact.role 0..* CodeableConcept "A. HP Organisation" """A. HP Organisation - Health professional organisation""" * hpToContact.organization 0..* BackboneElement "A. Telephone no." """A. Telephone no. - Example: +45 20 7025 6161""" * hpToContact.telephone 0..* ContactPoint "A. Email" """A. Email - Email of the HP/legal organisation""" * hpToContact.email 0..* ContactPoint "A. Network affiliation" """A. Network affiliation - The HP organization is affiliated with a European network, for example an ERN.""" * hpToContact.affiliatedNetwork 0..* BackboneElement "A. Related with" """A. Related with - Identify the entry or entries of this Patient Summary for which the health professional is the preferred contact.""" * hpToContact.relatedWith 0..* Reference "A.1.2.3 Contact person/ legal guardian " """A.1.2.3 Contact person/ legal guardian - Role of the contact person: legal guardian, next of kin, other person to contact - Preferred system(s): HL7 RoleClass""" * contactPerson 0..* BackboneElement "A. Role of that person" """A. Role of that person - Relationship type with the patient (e.g. father, wife, daughter) HL7 RoleCode""" * contactPerson.role 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Relationship level" """A. Relationship level - The first name of the contact person/guardian (Example: Peter). This field can contain more than one element.""" * contactPerson.relationship 0..* CodeableConcept "A. Given name" """A. Given name - The first name of the contact person/guardian (Example: Peter). This field can contain more than one element.""" * contactPerson.givenName 0..* string "A. Family name/surname" """A. Family name/surname - This field can contain more than one element. Example: Espa¤ol Smith""" * contactPerson.familyName 0..* string "A. Telephone no." """A. Telephone no. - Example: +45 20 7025 6161""" * contactPerson.telephone 0..* ContactPoint "A. Email" """A. Email - Email of the contact person/legal guardian""" * contactPerson.email 0..* ContactPoint "" """""" //--- END //--- END //--- END //--- END