XpanDH Hospital Discharge Report, published by XpanDH Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7-eu/xpandh-hdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
The specification herewith documented is for the time being a working specification, and may
not be used for any implementation purposes. No liability can be inferred from the use or misuse
of this specification, or its consequences.
This is the Hospital Dischareg Report HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide for the XpanDH project,
created to assist the work of the pilots for the XpanDH exprimentation
This guide is kept only for documentation purposes, representing an official deliverable of the XpanDH project.
This guide is not intended to replace or override any other Implementation Guide specified by Standard Development Organizations, MyHealth@Eu and/or JA-09.
Please refer to the the HL7 Europe Hospital Discharge Report FHIR IGfor the specifications related to this domain
The project
The mission
Help individuals and organizations successfully adopt
the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) in a way that is empowering and
How to:
Mobilizing and building capacity to ensure the
widespread adoption of the European Electronic Health Records Exchange Format (EEHRxF) across
More details in XpanDH Web Site
XpanDH Adoption Domains/X-Bubbles
What is:
An EEHRxF adoption domain could be
considered as an instantiation of a use case, with a specific case application, that has meaning
from a health system or clinical perspective, with defined implementable requirements (simple if
only one EEHRxF priority category is uses or composite if data from more than one is required),
that satisfies all the conditions for users to be ready to implement data exchange in conformity
to EEHRxF guidelines and specifications
XpanDH will exercise a set of adoption domains,
involving Hospitals, Regional/National organziation, vendors,.., thorugh experimentaion bubbles
(in the Hpandh jargon called X-Bubbles)
domains / X-Bubbles covered by this guide:
- X-Bubble 3: NCZI; organisation to organisation (national). Exchange of discharge reports
between different organisations, such as a hospital and a GP or between a hospital local to the
patient and a specialist centre treating a disease such as a cancer, in order to enable each
clinical actor to be well informed and contribute accurately to the same patient care pathway.
- X-Bubble 4: CHUP; organisation to patient (national. Communicate discharge reports from a
hospital to the patient (within the same country) so that they can be informed, raise questions if
needed, share this information with other caregivers and take any self-care actions indicated in
the report.
- X-Bubble 5: KETEKNY; organisation to national authority.Communicate discharge reports from a
hospital to a national authority to support reimbursement decisions or to contribute content to a
national registry.
- X-Bubble 6: KETEKNY; national authority to organisation. The national authority communicates
discharge reports to a hospital treating a patient, that it has previously received from other
hospitals treating that patient, to enable a smooth transfer and continuity of care (e.g. if a
patient moves home).
More details on X-Bubbles and Adoption Doamin in XpanDH
deliverable D1.4 and D4.1 XpanDH Web Site
Cross Version Analysis
This is an R4 IG. None of the features it uses are changed in R4B, so it can be used as is with R4B systems. Packages for both R4 (hl7.eu.fhir.xpandh.hdr.r4) and R4B (hl7.eu.fhir.xpandh.hdr.r4b) are available.
Global Profiles
There are no Global profiles defined
IP Statements
This publication includes IP covered under the following statements.
- Copyright HL7. Licensed under creative commons public domain
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- ISO Maintains the copyright on the country codes, and controls it's use carefully. For futher details see the ISO 3166 web page: https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html
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- Produced by HL7 under the terms of HL7® Governance and Operations Manual relating to Intellectual Property (Section 16), specifically its copyright, trademark and patent provisions. This document is licensed under Creative Commons "No Rights Reserved" (CC0).
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- The UCUM codes, UCUM table (regardless of format), and UCUM Specification are copyright 1999-2009, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Unified Codes for Units of Measures (UCUM) Organization. All rights reserved. https://ucum.org/trac/wiki/TermsOfUse
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- This material contains content from LOINC. LOINC is copyright © 1995-2020, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc.
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- This material contains content that is copyright of SNOMED International. Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact https://www.snomed.org/get-snomed or info@snomed.org.
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- SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®): AdmissionVoluntaryStatusVS, AllVitalSignsObservationVS... Show 48 more, AllergyIntoleranceSubstancesXpandhVS, AnthropometricObservationVS, BMIObservationVS, BMIProfileXpandh, BloodPressureXpandh, BodyHeightObservationVS, BodyHeightXpandh, BodyTemperatureXpandh, BodyWeightObservationVS, BodyWeightXpandh, CancerStageGradingVS, CancerStageGroupHdrXpandh, CancerStageGroupVS, CircumferenceMeasurementXpandh, CircumferenceObservationVS, CompositionHdrXpandh, ConditionEncounterHdrXpandh, ConditionHdrXpandh, EncounterVoluntaryStatus, ExposureAgentXpandhVS, FunctionalAssessmentScalesVS, FunctionalStatusAssessmentXpandh, HdrConditionMandatoryXpandhVS, HdrConditionXpandhVS, HdrEncounterTypeXpandhVS, HdrTreatedXpandhVS, HeartRateXpandh, ImmunicationTargetVS, Immunization/example-it-1-1, Immunization/example-it-1-2, ImmunizationXpandh, InfectiousContactXpandh, InpatientEncounterHDRXpandh, MedicalDevicesSnomedCtXpandhVS, ObservationVitalSignsXpandh, OxygenSaturationXpandh, PediatricHeadOccipitalFrontalCircumferencePercentileXpandh, ProcedureSnomedXpandhVS, RespiratoryRateXpandh, SkinfoldThicknessVS, SkinfoldThicknessXpandh, TNM_M_ClinicalCategoryVS, TNM_M_PathologicalCategoryVS, TNM_N_ClinicalCategoryVS, TNM_N_PathologicalCategoryVS, TNM_T_ClinicalCategoryVS, TNM_T_PathologicalCategoryVS and TravelHistoryXpandh
- This material derives from the HL7 Terminology (THO). THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see: https://terminology.hl7.org/license.html
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- Admit source: Encounter/SK-Hospital-Encounter
- Condition Category Codes: ConditionEncounterHdrXpandh and ConditionProblemsHdrXpandh
- Condition Clinical Status Codes: ConditionHdrXpandh
- ConditionVerificationStatus: ConditionHdrXpandh
- Observation Category Codes: BMIProfileXpandh, BloodPressureXpandh... Show 13 more, BodyHeightXpandh, BodyTemperatureXpandh, BodyWeightXpandh, CircumferenceMeasurementXpandh, HeartRateXpandh, ObservationResultsPathologyXpandh, ObservationResultsRadiologyXpandh, ObservationVitalSignsXpandh, OxygenSaturationXpandh, PediatricHeadOccipitalFrontalCircumferencePercentileXpandh, RespiratoryRateXpandh, SkinfoldThicknessXpandh and SocialHistoryXpandh
- Organization type: MUDr. Pes Filipes, praktický lékař, Mestská Nemocnica Kubín and Nemocnica - oddělení chirurgie
- ActClass: InfectiousContactXpandh
- ActCode: Encounter/SK-Hospital-Encounter, HdrEncounterClassXpandhVS and InpatientEncounterHDRXpandh
- ActPriority: Encounter/SK-Hospital-Encounter, HdrAdmissionUrgencyXpandhVS and InpatientEncounterHDRXpandh
- ParticipationType: InfectiousContactXpandh and InpatientEncounterHDRXpandh
- RoleCode: Patient/Mracena
- Used by permission of the XpanDH project, all rights reserved Creative Commons License
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