HTA License Conformance Analysis for PanCareSurPass Project HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide

The content of this page is being developed with the HTA committee, and is subject to further change. Editors are welcome to use this page to pick up errors in their definitions, but should not regard the analysis as final. (Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM))

Expected Copyright(copyright expectations unknown)
Approved:To be resolved

URL Name Copyright Notes
ChemoUnitsVs Chemotherapy cumulative dose units
vs-radiotherapyDoseUnit-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy dose units (WHO ATC)

Expected Copyright

This artifact includes content from Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system. ATC codes are copyright World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology. Terms & Conditions in

Approved:To be resolved

URL Name Copyright Notes
drugsAtc-eu-pcsp Antineoplastic and immunostimulating agents
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • (SNOMED CT (all versions))

    Expected Copyright
    • This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

    • The SNOMED International IPS Terminology is distributed by International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation, trading as SNOMED International, and is subject the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. For more information, see SNOMED IPS Terminology

    • The HL7 International IPS implementation guides incorporate SNOMED CT®, used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation, trading as SNOMED International. SNOMED CT was originally created by the College of American Pathologists. SNOMED CT is a registered trademark of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation, all rights reserved. Implementers of SNOMED CT should review usage terms or directly contact SNOMED International:

    Approved:Some uses are missing the appropriate copyright statement

    URL Name Copyright Notes
    grade-test-vs Grade: follow up
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • laterality-qualifier-lrub-vs Laterality Qualifier Value Set
    mcode-body-location-qualifier-vs Body Location Qualifier Value Set
    mcode-body-location-qualifier-vs Body Location Qualifier Value Set
    mcode-body-location-qualifier-vs Body Location Qualifier Value Set
    mcode-cancer-staging-system-vs Cancer Staging System Value Set
    morphologicAbnormality-eu-vs Morphologically abnormal structure
    otherInfos-condition-vs Other Infors Condition
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • relapse-type-vs Relapse type (Local/Distant/Combined)
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-Gvhd-type-eu-pcsp Gvhd condition
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-ProstheticProcedureType-eu-pcsp Prosthetic Surgical Procedure Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-action-eu-pcsp Surgical Actions
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-affectedOrgan-eu-pcsp Affected Organs (surgery)
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-amputationProcedureType-eu-pcsp Amputation Surgical Procedure Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-calcest-eu-pcsp Calculated|Estimated
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-colostomyProcedureType-eu-pcsp Colostomy Surgical Procedure Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-fromToPosteriorAnterior-eu-pcsp Body Location Qualifier Value Set
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-gastrostomyProcedureType-eu-pcsp Gastrostomy Surgical Procedure Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-hereditary-eu-pcsp Hereditary Predispositions or Disease
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-isotopes-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy Isotopes
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-radiotherapyDoseType-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy Dose Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-radiotherapyType-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-sacrifiedOrgan-eu-pcsp Sacrified Organs (surgery)
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-sct-prophylaxis-cathegory-eu-pcsp SCT Prophylaxis Cathegory
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-sct-prophylaxis-type-eu-pcsp SCT Prophylaxis Type
  • The copyright statement is missing
  • vs-sct-type-eu-pcsp Stem Cell Transplantation type
  • The copyright statement is missing

    Expected Copyright(copyright expectations unknown)
    Approved:To be resolved

    URL Name Copyright Notes
    mcode-cancer-stage-group-vs Stage Group Value Set
    mcode-tnm-distant-metastases-category-vs TNM Distant Metastases Category Value Set
    mcode-tnm-primary-tumor-category-vs TNM Primary Tumor Category Value Set
    mcode-tnm-regional-nodes-category-vs TNM Regional Nodes Category Value Set (Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC))

    Expected Copyright

    This material contains content from LOINC ( LOINC is copyright © 1995-2020, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc

    Approved:Some uses are missing the appropriate copyright statement

    URL Name Copyright Notes
    mcode-observation-codes-distant-metastases-vs Observation Codes for Distant Metastases Category
    mcode-observation-codes-primary-tumor-vs Observation Codes for Primary Tumor Category
    mcode-observation-codes-regional-nodes-vs Observation Codes for Regional Node Category
    mcode-observation-codes-stage-group-vs Observation Codes for Stage Group Category
    vs-docref-doctype-eu-pcsp Document Type
  • The copyright statement is missing

    Expected Copyright(copyright expectations unknown)
    Approved:To be resolved

    URL Name Copyright Notes
    vs-orpha-predisposition-eu-pcsp Hereditary Predispositions (Orphacode) (DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions)

    Expected Copyright(copyright expectations unknown)
    Approved:To be resolved

    URL Name Copyright Notes
    vs-radiotherapyDoseType-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy Dose Type

    Expected Copyright(copyright expectations unknown)
    Approved:To be resolved

    URL Name Copyright Notes
    vs-roa-eu-pcsp Route of administration