{% if ActorDefinition.id %}ID: {{ActorDefinition.id}}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.identifier %} Identifier:

{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.experimental %}Experimental: {{ActorDefinition.experimental}}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.publisher %}Publisher: {{ActorDefinition.publisher}}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.contact %} {% for contact in ActorDefinition.contact %} {% endfor %}
Contact Name Contact Points
{%if contact.name %} {{contact.name}} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
    {% for contactPoint in contact.telecom %}
  • {%if contactPoint.system = 'email' %} {{contactPoint.value}} {% elsif contactPoint.system = 'url' %} {{contactPoint.value}} {% else %} {{contactPoint.value}} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.description %}Description:
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.jurisdiction %} Jurisdiction: {% for jurisdiction in ActorDefinition.jurisdiction %} {{jurisdiction.coding.display}} ({{jurisdiction.coding.system}}#{{jurisdiction.coding.code}})
{% endfor %}

{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.purpose %}Purpose:
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.copyrightLabel %}Copyright Label: {{ActorDefinition.copyrightLabel}}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.derivedFrom %} This actor inherits all the obligations of this actors:
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.reference %}

Reference to more information about the actor:
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.type %}Type: {{ActorDefinition.type}}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.documentation %}Documentation: {{ActorDefinition.documentation}}
{% endif %} {% if ActorDefinition.capabilities %}Capabilities: {{ActorDefinition.capabilities}}
{% endif %}