Referral Prescription
1.0.0 - STU Belgium flag

Referral Prescription, published by . This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: BeVSRequestedServicesNurse

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2024-09-15 Computable Name: BeVSRequestedServicesNurse

Codes indicating the requests that can be asked from a nurse.


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet be-vs-requested-services-nurse

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on:

This value set contains 63 concepts

CodeSystemDisplay (Belgium) (fr)Nederlands (België) (Dutch (Belgium), nl)English (English, en)
  103713001 of catheterverwisselen van katheter
  103715008 of catheterverwijderen van katheter
  113154008 clysis of patient for fluid administrationhypodermoclyse
  127606004 phlebotomytherapeutische aderlating
  166900001 blood sugarbepalen van glucose in bloed met glucosemeter
  173765009 to gastrostomy tubezorg voor gastrostomiekatheter
  174297001 removal of impacted faeces from rectumhandmatige verwijdering van fecale impactie uit rectum
  175852005 of central lineirrigatie van centraal veneuze katheter
  17636008 collectionmonsterafname
  18011004 of bladderblaasspoeling
  182777000 of patientmonitoren van patiënt
  183232006 of penile sheathverschaffen van condoomkatheter
  18629005 of medicationtoedienen van medicatie
  225230008 peritoneal dialysischronische peritoneale dialyse
  225268005 toiletvulvatoilet
  225358003 carewondzorg
  225420001 of anti-embolic stockingsaanbrengen van 'thrombo-embolism deterrent'-kous
  225964003 with personal hygienehulp bij persoonlijke hygiëne
  2267008 tracheostomy tubevervangen van tracheostomiecanule
  233520008 venous cannula insertioninbrengen van perifeer infuus
  276737004 ventilationthuisbeademing
  28177007 irrigationrectale lavage
  385796006 prefill preparation (procedure)uitvullen van medicatie
  385805005 care educationvoorlichten over zorg bij diabetes
  385966005 instillation managementbeheer van blaasinstillatie
  386225006 of bowel (procedure)lavage van darm
  397958003 of implantable venous access port (procedure)benadering van poortkatheter
  41351007 and cleaning of tracheostomy tubesuctie en reiniging van tracheostomiecanule
  413899004 bandagingcompressiebandage
  427391006 of secretions of respiratory tract (procedure)verwijderen van secreet uit luchtwegen
  429723008 involving urinary catheter (procedure)procedure met urinekatheter
  445191009 of suprapubic urinary catheter (procedure)zorg voor suprapubische blaaskatheter
  48817005 of gastrostomylavage van gastrostoma
  56993006 irrigationvaginale spoeling
  57485005 therapyzuurstoftherapie
  6125005 of gastrostomy tubevervangen van gastrostomiekatheter
  75325006 of cystostomy tubeverwijderen van cystostomiekatheter
  762238003 to nasogastric tubezorg voor nasogastrische sonde
  79165006 of cystostomy tubeverwisselen van suprapubische katheter
  81011003 tube removalverwijderen van neussonde
  87750000 of nasogastric tubeinbrengen van maagsonde langs nasale weg
  89826002 tube irrigationspoeling via neus-maagsonde
  90838004 of gastrostomy tubeverwijderen van gastrostomiekatheter
  tmp-prep-x081-2 medication_Appendix 81Préparation des médicaments_Appendix 81Medicatie klaarzetten_Bijlage 81Preparing medication_Appendix 81
  tmp-prep-rsed-5 medication_not reimbursedPréparation des médicaments_non rembourséeMedicatie klaarzetten_niet terugbetaaldPreparing medication_not reimbursed
  tmp-inte-tion-6 bladder catheterizationSondage vésical intermittentintermittente blaassondageintermittent bladder catheterization
  tmp-remo-tube-9 bladder tubeRetrait de la sonde vésicaleblaassondage verwijderenremove bladder tube
  tmp-repl-tube-0 bladder tubeRemplacement de la sonde vésicaleblaassondage vervangenreplace bladder tube
  tmp-inse-tube-9 bladder tubePlacement de la sonde vésicaleblaassondage plaatseninsert bladder tube
  tmp-blad-sion-4 tube supervisionSupervision de la sonde vésicaleblaassondage toezichtbladder tube supervision
  tmp-blad-ance-2 instillation performanceMise en oeuvre de l’instillation vésicaleblaasinstillatie uitvoeringbladder instillation performance
  tmp-blad-ring-1 instillation monitoringSupervision de l’instillation vésicaleblaasinstillatie toezichtbladder instillation monitoring
  tmp-supr-ring-9 bladder monitoringSupervision de la sonde vésicale sus-pubiennesuprapubische blaassonde toezichtsuprapubic bladder monitoring
  tmp-moni-eter-9 catheterSupervision d’un cathéterToezicht katheterMonitoring catheter
  tmp-dres-eter-4 change catheterChangement d’un pansement de cathéterVerbandwissel katheterDressing change catheter
  tmp-care-tube-6 for tracheostomy tubeentretien du tube de trachéotomiezorgen aan tracheacanulecare for tracheostomy tube
  tmp-care-tube-1 for gastric tubeentretien du tube gastriquezorgen aan maagsondecare for gastric tube
  tmp-gast-care-1 tube careentretien de la sonde de gastrostomiezorgen aan gastrostomiesondegastrostomy tube care
  tmp-care-eter-9 for a catheterprendre soin d'un cathéterzorgen aan een cathetercare for a catheter
  tmp-repl-tube-5 tracheostomy tuberemplacer le tube de trachéotomievervangen tracheacanulereplace tracheostomy tube
  tmp-clea-tube-3 tracheostomy tubenettoyer la canule de trachéotomiereinigen tracheacanuleclean tracheostomy tube
  tmp-spec-act0-5 technical provision (B2 act - C act)Disposition technique spécifique (loi B2 - loi C)Specifieke technische verstrekking (B2 handeling - C handeling)Specific technical provision (B2 act - C act)
  tmp-plac-edle-0 needlePlacer/remplacer l'aiguillePlaatsen/vervangen naaldPlace/replace needle

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code