Profile Comparison between vs

Left:Practitioner core BE profile (
Right:BePractitioner (


ErrorStructureDefinition.versionValues for version differ: '2.0.0' vs '2.1.2'
InformationStructureDefinition.titleValues for title differ: 'Practitioner core BE profile' vs 'BePractitioner'
InformationStructureDefinition.dateValues for date differ: '2022-03-24T18:40:52+01:00' vs '2025-01-07T10:28:05+00:00'
InformationStructureDefinition.shortValues for short differ: 'An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)' vs 'Address(es) of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)'
InformationStructureDefinition.definitionValues for definition differ: 'An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats). This data type may be used to convey addresses for use in delivering mail as well as for visiting locations which might not be valid for mail delivery. There are a variety of postal address formats defined around the world.' vs 'Address(es) of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address). Work addresses are not typically entered in this property as they are usually role dependent.'
InformationStructureDefinition.commentValues for comment differ: 'Note: address is intended to describe postal addresses for administrative purposes, not to describe absolute geographical coordinates. Postal addresses are often used as proxies for physical locations (also see the [Location](location.html#) resource). Special remarks for KMEHR users: Note when .use and .type are used they SHALL use the FHIR defined valuesets as per their required binding level in the FHIR specification. In a KMEHR address, the use was defined by CD-ADDRESS but those values can be found in the FHIR valueset. KMEHR values 'careadress', 'other' and 'vacation' are not directly present in the FHIR address-use table but can be mapped to the value 'temp' in FHIR. In those cases, it is RECOMMENDED to also add a .period. In KMEHR, an address might be expressed using free text or a totally structured approach where the streetname and housenumber are put in separate fields. FHIR prefers a more pragmatic approach where the ‘text’ element is used to print on labels. Also, streetname and number are not separate fields as in KMEHR but in a structural approach are given as one or moren ‘line’ elements. It is however RECOMMENDED to use the Streetname, Housenumber and Postbox extensions to express them seperately. Note the FHIR address also allows to optionally define whether the address is a physical, postal or ‘both’ address using the .type field.' vs 'The PractitionerRole does not have an address value on it, as it is expected that the location property be used for this purpose (which has an address).'


        • Values Differ
        .descriptionBelgian federal profile for a practitioner. Initially based on the functional description of the NIHDI.
                      .publishereHealth Platform
                            .titlePractitioner core BE profileBePractitioner
                            • Values Differ
                                • Values Differ


                                NameL FlagsL Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsR FlagsR Card.R TypeR Description & ConstraintsCommentsdoco
                                .. Practitioner 0..*PractitionerA person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
                                0..*PractitionerA person with a formal responsibility in the provisioning of healthcare or related services
                                  ... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifactΣ0..1idLogical id of this artifact
                                    ... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resourceΣ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
                                      ... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
                                        ... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
                                          ... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
                                          0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
                                            ... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                            0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                              ... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
                                              ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
                                                ... Slices for identifier SΣ0..*IdentifierAn identifier for the person as this agent
                                                Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
                                                SΣC0..*IdentifierAn identifier for the person as this agent
                                                Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
                                                be-inv-NIHDI: NIHDI contains 11 or 8 (deprecated) digits without interpunction
                                                be-inv-SSIN: SINN contains 11 digits without interpunction
                                                be-inv-CBE: CBE contains 10 digits without interpunction, the first one is 0 or 1
                                                  ... active Σ0..1booleanWhether this practitioner's record is in active useΣ0..1booleanWhether this practitioner's record is in active use
                                                    ... name Σ1..*HumanNameThe name(s) associated with the practitioner
                                                    Σ1..*HumanNameThe name(s) associated with the practitioner
                                                      ... telecom Σ0..*ContactPointA contact detail for the practitioner (that apply to all roles)
                                                      Σ0..*ContactPointA contact detail for the practitioner (that apply to all roles)
                                                        ... address 0..*??An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)
                                                        Σ0..*??Address(es) of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
                                                          ... gender Σ0..1codemale | female | other | unknown
                                                          Binding: ?? (required): The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

                                                          Σ0..1codemale | female | other | unknown
                                                          Binding: ?? (required): The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

                                                            ... birthDate Σ0..1dateThe date on which the practitioner was bornΣ0..1dateThe date on which the practitioner was born
                                                              ... photo 0..*AttachmentImage of the person
                                                              0..*AttachmentImage of the person
                                                                ... qualification 0..*BackboneElementCertification, licenses, or training pertaining to the provision of care
                                                                0..*BackboneElementCertification, licenses, or training pertaining to the provision of care
                                                                  .... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                                                    .... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                                    0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                                      .... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                                      ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                                        .... identifier 0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this qualification for the practitioner
                                                                        0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this qualification for the practitioner
                                                                          .... code 1..1CodeableConceptCoded representation of the qualification
                                                                          Binding: ?? (example): Specific qualification the practitioner has to provide a service.

                                                                          1..1CodeableConceptCoded representation of the qualification
                                                                          Binding: ?? (example): Specific qualification the practitioner has to provide a service.

                                                                            .... period 0..1PeriodPeriod during which the qualification is valid0..1PeriodPeriod during which the qualification is valid
                                                                              .... issuer 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that regulates and issues the qualification0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that regulates and issues the qualification
                                                                                ... communication 0..*CodeableConceptA language the practitioner can use in patient communication
                                                                                Binding: ?? (preferred): A human language.

                                                                                Additional BindingsPurpose
                                                                                ??Max Binding

                                                                                0..*CodeableConceptA language the practitioner can use in patient communication
                                                                                Binding: ?? (preferred): A human language.

                                                                                Additional BindingsPurpose
                                                                                ??Max Binding

                                                                                  doco Documentation for this format