CapabilityStatement Comparison between vs


ErrorCapabilityStatement.urlValues for url differ: '' vs ''
ErrorCapabilityStatement.versionValues for version differ: '1.0.0' vs '1.0.1-cibuild'
InformationCapabilityStatement.nameValues for name differ: 'InternationalPatientAccessAPI' vs 'CapabilityStatementExampleApotti'
WarningCapabilityStatement.experimentalValues for experimental differ: 'false' vs 'true'
InformationCapabilityStatement.dateValues for date differ: '2022-12-09' vs '2023-07-04T12:16:44Z'
InformationCapabilityStatement.publisherValues for publisher differ: 'HL7 International - Patient Care Work Group' vs 'HL7 Finland ry'
InformationCapabilityStatement.copyrightValues for copyright differ: 'Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License' vs 'Copyright Epic 1979-2022'
InformationCapabilityStatement.jurisdictionRemoved the item ''
InformationCapabilityStatement.jurisdictionAdded the item 'urn:iso:std:iso:3166#FI'
ErrorCapabilityStatement.kindValues for kind differ: 'requirements' vs 'instance'
InformationCapabilityStatement.instantiatesAdded the item ''
InformationCapabilityStatement.patchFormatRemoved the item 'application/json-patch+json'
InformationCapabilityStatement.implementationGuideRemoved the item '' value for documentation: 'active | inactive | resolved' vs 'Refine a search for AllergyIntolerance resources by clinicalStatus. Active is the only supported clinical status to search by.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least a id value and **MAY** provide both the Type and id values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for AllergyIntolerance resources for a specified patient ID.' value for documentation: 'The category of the condition' vs 'Search for Condition resources by category.' value for documentation: 'The clinical status of the condition' vs 'Refine a search for Condition resources by clinicalStatus. Only clinical statuses of 'inactive', 'resolved' and 'active' are supported for health concerns and problem list items. Only clinical statuses of 'inactive' and 'active' are supported for infections.' value for documentation: 'Code for the condition' vs 'Search for Conditions with a specified code. This is only used when searching for infections.' value for documentation: 'Date of onset for the condition' vs 'Search for Conditions with a specified onset date. This is only used when searching for infections.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least a id value and **MAY** provide both the Type and id values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for Condition resources for a specified patient ID. You can use 'patient' or 'subject' equivalently, but they cannot be used at the same time for different references.' value for documentation: 'Categorization of document' vs 'Refine a search for DocumentReference resources by category.' value for documentation: 'When this document reference was created' vs 'Further refine a search for a given set of DocumentReferences on a patient by specifying a date or date range in ISO format (YYYY[-MM[-DD[THH:MM[:SS][TZ]]]]]) that corresponds to the document creation time. Local server time is assumed if time zone information is not included.' value for documentation: 'Time of service that is being documented' vs 'Further refine a search for a given set of DocumentReferences on a patient by specifying a date or date range in ISO format (YYYY[-MM[-DD]]) that corresponds to the time of the service that is being documented. Not supported for questionnaire-response search.' value for documentation: 'current | superseded | entered-in-error' vs 'Further refine a search for a given set of DocumentReferences on a patient by specifying a status of the document. Currently only supported for questionnaire-response with a status of current.' value for documentation: 'Kind of document (LOINC if possible)' vs 'Further refine a search for a given set of DocumentReferences on a patient by specifying a type code to return only documents of that type. Use the format: type=<code> to search all supported systems with that code or type=<system>|<code> to further refine the search to one code system. Not supported for questionnaire-response search.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least an id value and **MAY** provide both the Type and id values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for DocumentReference resources for a specified patient ID. You can use 'patient' or 'subject' equivalently, but they cannot be used at the same time for different references.' value for documentation: 'Vaccination (non)-Administration Date' vs 'Refine a search for Immunization resources by vaccine administration date. Enter dates in ISO format (YYYY[-MM[-DD[THH:MM[:SS][TZ]]]]). Local server time is assumed if time zone information is not included.' value for documentation: 'Immunization event status' vs 'Refine a search for Immunization resources by status.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least an id value and **MAY** provide both the Type and id values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for Immunization resources for a specified patient ID.' value for documentation: 'Returns prescriptions with different categories' vs 'Refine a search for MedicationRequest resources by category. By default, the search returns all categories. Categories of inpatient, outpatient, community, and discharge are supported.' value for documentation: 'Returns prescriptions written on this date' vs 'Further refine a search for MedicationRequest resources for a given patient by specifying a date or range of dates for when the medication was ordered. Note: all medications will be returned regardless of date range provided on the search.' value for documentation: 'Return prescriptions with this encounter identifier' vs 'Refine a search for MedicationRequest resources by one or more intents.' value for documentation: 'Status of the prescription' vs 'Refine a search for MedicationRequest resources by one or more statuses.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least an id value and **MAY** provide both the Type and id values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for MedicationRequest resources for a specified patient ID. You can use 'patient' and 'subject' equivalently, but they cannot be used at the same time for different references.' value for documentation: 'The classification of the type of observation' vs 'Refine a search for Observation resources by category or SNOMED code. Epic categories are laboratory, vital-signs, social-history, core-characteristics, LDA, LDA-property, LDA-assessment, functional-mental-status, periodontal, labor-delivery, newborn-delivery, and obstetrics-gynecology. Supported SNOMED codes include 384821006, 118228005, 252275004, 275711006, 68793005, 395124008, 314076009, 19851009, and 405825005.' value for documentation: 'The code of the observation type' vs 'Refine a search for Observation resources by code, including but not limited to LOINC code, SNOMED code, flowsheet row IDs, or SmartData Identifiers. Codes associated with the labor-delivery and newborn-delivery categories require that the category be specified.' value for documentation: 'Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period' vs 'Refine a search for Observation resources by specifying a date or date range that a result- or vital sign-based Observation was resulted or recorded. This can also be used to refine the search results for labor-delivery, obstetrics-gynecology, and LDA based Observation searches. Enter dates in ISO format (YYYY[-MM[-DD[THH:MM[:SS][TZ]]]]). Local server time is assumed if time zone information is not included.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least an id value and **MAY** provide both the Type and id values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for Observation resources for a specified patient ID. You can use 'patient' or 'subject' equivalently, but they cannot be used at the same time for different references.' value for documentation: 'A client **SHALL** provide a value precise to the *day*. A server **SHALL** support a value a value precise to the *day*.' vs 'Search for Patient resources using a date of birth in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide at least a code value and **MAY** provide both the system and code values. The server **SHALL** support both.' vs 'Search for Patient resources using the following gender codes: female, male, other, or unknown.' value for documentation: 'The client **SHALL** provide both the system and code values. The server **SHALL NOT** support only code values.' vs 'Search for Patient resources by a patient's identifier. You can use the identifier parameter as the only parameter in a search or in conjunction with other parameters. A patient's identifier must be in the format {<code system>|}<code> or {<ID Type>|}<ID>.'


.copyrightUsed by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons LicenseCopyright Epic 1979-2022
  • Values Differ
  • Values Differ
.descriptionThis CapabilityStatement describes the basic rules for the International Patient Access server actor that is responsible for providing responses to queries submitted by International Patient Access requestors. The complete list of FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters supported by International Patient Access servers are defined in this CapabilityStatement.
  • Removed the item 'This CapabilityStatement describes the basic rules for the International Patient Access server actor that is responsible for providing responses to queries submitted by International Patient Access requestors. The complete list of FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters supported by International Patient Access servers are defined in this CapabilityStatement.'
  • Values Differ
          .implementation.descriptionApotti EKO01 FHIR Server
          • Added the item 'Apotti EKO01 FHIR Server'
          • Added the item ''
            • Removed the item ''
                • Added the item ''
                  • Removed the item ''
                  • Added the item 'urn:iso:std:iso:3166#FI'
                  • Values Differ
                  • Values Differ
                    • Removed the item 'application/json-patch+json'
                    .publisherHL7 International - Patient Care Work GroupHL7 Finland ry
                    • Values Differ
                      • Added the item 'Epic'
                      • Added the item '2023-03-13'
                      .software.versionmarraskuu 2022
                      • Added the item 'marraskuu 2022'
                        .titleInternational Patient Access Server CapabilityStatement
                        • Removed the item 'International Patient Access Server CapabilityStatement'
                        • Values Differ
                        • Values Differ
