Finnish Scheduling
0.2.0 - draft Finland flag

Finnish Scheduling, published by HL7 Finland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.2.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Appointment status to Ajanvarauksen tila

Official URL: Version: 0.2.0
Draft as of 2024-09-09 Computable Name: FiAppointmentStatusCodeMap

Mapping between FHIR Appoinment status codes and the Finnish logical model Ajanvaraus - Ajanvarauksen tila (oid

The Finnish logical model for appointments includes a code set for appointment statuses that differs from the FHIR Appointment.status values.

The Finnish logical model is more detailed when the service is being planned, and separates between states where the need fo a service has been identified but no service provider has yet been identified (#1, Suunniteltu), and when the service provider has been selected (#2, Tilattu).

The FHIR specification uses the Appoinment resource to track information on scheduling and for administrative purposes, and the Encounter resource to track any clinically relevant information (see Appointment Statuses and Encounters). In FHIR, when an encounter starts, its state is tracked with the Encounter resource, and no longer with the Appointment.

The Finnish logical model does not make such a distinction. The same value set records states for when the encounter has started (#6, Alkanut) and when the service is in progress or completed (#7, Toteutunut).

The Finnish logical model does not have a separate state for when the patient has arrived (FHIR status #arrived). It does have a code #10 Ilmoittautunut that matches the FHIR code #checked-in.

The Finnish logical model used to have a separate code for an appointment that has been rescheduled (#5, Siirretty), but that code is now deprecated.

The Finnish logical model does not have any code for appointments that have been entered in error.

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap appointmentstatus-ajanvarauksentila

Mapping from AppointmentStatus to

Group 1 Mapping from AppointmentStatus to

Source Concept DetailsRelationshipTarget Concept DetailsCommentProperties
Codes from AppointmentStatusCodes from
proposedProposedmaps to wider concept8EhdotettuThe Finnish logical model does not separate between proposed and pending codes
pendingPendingmaps to wider concept8EhdotettuThe Finnish logical model does not separate between proposed and pending codes
bookedBookedis equal to3Varattu
arrivedArrivedmaps to wider concept10IlmoittautunutThe Finnish logical model does not separate between arrived and checked-in codes
fulfilledFulfillednarrower7ToteutunutUse Toteutunut when the service related to the Appointment has begun or is completed
cancelledCancelledis equal to4Peruttu
noshowNo Showis equal to9Saapumatta
entered-in-errorEntered in error(not mapped)
checked-inChecked Inis equivalent to10IlmoittautunutThe Finnish logical model does not separate between arrived and checked-in codes
waitlistWaitlistednarrower1SuunniteltuUse Suunniteltu when no service provider has been identified
narrower2TilattuUse Tilattu when a service provider has been identified