Finnish Scheduling
0.2.0-cibuild - ci-build Finland flag

Finnish Scheduling, published by HL7 Finland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.2.0-cibuild built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ExampleScenario: example-view-own-appointments

Official URL: Version: 0.2.0-cibuild
Draft as of 2024-09-12 Computable Name:

Purpose: this serves to .


Generated Narrative: ExampleScenario example-view-own-appointments

Patient Person

The Patient

Patient's Tablet System

The entity that receives the Administration Requests to show the nurse to perform them

MAR / Scheduler System

The Medication Administration Order Placer

MAR / EHR System

The entity that receives the Medication Administration reports


nullPatientPatientPatient's TabletPatient's TabletMAR / SchedulerMAR / SchedulerMAR / EHRMAR / EHR1. Get today's scheduleend


Generated Narrative: ExampleScenario example-view-own-appointments

Process: Mobile Medication Administration

This scenario demonstrates the process of getting the relevant medication instructions for a patient visit and reporting the results of administration. The scenario is as follows: After the prescription is issued, the institution schedules each individual administration event in the Medication Administration Record (MAR). When preparing for a visit, the nurse queries the MAR for the scheduled administrations, obtaining a bundle of records. The nurse then performs the care activities and registers the results in the device. Upon synchronization of the device and the institution, the results of administration are uploaded to the EHR, thus updating the MAR.


Medication administration requests are in the EHR / MAR, scheduled for each individual intake.


Medication administration Reports are submitted, EHR is updated.

1 1. Get today's schedule Patient Patient's Tablet


Generated Narrative: ExampleScenario example-view-own-appointments

Initial Prescription MedicationRequest

The initial prescription which describes "medication X, 3 times per day" - the exact scheduling is not in the initial prescription (it is left for the care teams to decide on the schedule).

Request for day 1, morning MedicationRequest

The administration request for day 1, morning

Request for day 1, lunch MedicationRequest

The administration request for day 1, lunch

Request for day 1, evening MedicationRequest

The administration request for day 1, evening

Request for day 2, morning MedicationRequest

The administration request for day 2, morning

Request for day 2, lunch MedicationRequest

The administration request for day 2, lunch

Request for day 2, evening MedicationRequest

The administration request for day 2, evening

Morning meds - taken MedicationAdministration

Administration report for day 1, morning: Taken

Morning meds - not taken MedicationAdministration

Administration report for day 1, morning: NOT Taken

Bundle of Medication Requests MedicationRequest

All the medication Requests for Day 1

Contains: Request for day 1, morning, Request for day 1, lunch, Request for day 1, evening, Request for day 2, morning, Request for day 2, lunchRequest for day 2, evening
Lunch meds - taken MedicationAdministration

Administration report for day 1, lunch: Taken

Administration report for day 1, lunch: Taken

Administration report for day 1, lunch: Taken

Search query1 SearchParameter

The search administration request for day 1, morning