New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide, published by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Omaha System CodeSystem

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2024-07-23 Computable Name: OmahaSystem

Omaha System CodeSystem including various domains.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

  • This CodeSystem is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem test-omaha-system

version: versionId: id (PrimitiveType/CodeSystem.meta.versionId): native = id -> 1; Last updated: 2024-07-25 17:28:39+1200

This code system defines the following codes:

PB0000 Problems
DM0000 Domains
SS0000 Signs and Symptoms
CG0000 Intervention Categories
TG0000 Intervention Targets
OM0000 Occurance Modifier
RM0000 Risk Modifier
RS0000 Rating Scale
PB0001 Income
PB0002 Sanitation
PB0003 Residence
PB0004 Neighbourhood/workplace safety
PB0005 Other - Environmental
PB0006 Communication with community resources
PB0007 Social contact
PB0008 Role change
PB0009 Interpersonal relationship
PB0010 Spirituality
PB0011 Grief
PB0012 Mental health
PB0013 Sexuality
PB0014 Caretaking/parenting
PB0015 Neglect
PB0016 Abuse
PB0017 Growth and development
PB0018 Other - Psychosocial
PB0019 Hearing
PB0020 Vision
PB0021 Speech and language
PB0022 Dentition
PB0023 Cognition
PB0024 Pain
PB0025 Consciousness
PB0026 Skin
PB0027 Neuro-musculo-skeletal function
PB0028 Respiration
PB0029 Circulation
PB0030 Digestion-hydration
PB0031 Bowel function
PB0032 Gento-urinary Function
PB0033 Antepartum/Postpartum
PB0034 Other - Physiological
PB0035 Nutrition
PB0036 Sleep and rest patterns
PB0037 Physical activity
PB0038 Personal care
PB0039 Substance use
PB0040 Family planning
PB0041 Health care supervision
PB0042 Medication regimen
PB0043 Technical Procedure
PB0044 Other - Health Related Behaviours
PB0045 Oral health
PB0046 Urinary function
PB0047 Reproductive function
PB0048 Pregnancy
PB0049 Postpartum
PB0050 Communicable/infectious condition
DM0001 Environmental
DM0004 Health Related Behaviours
DM0003 Physiological
DM0002 Psychosocial
SS0101 low/no income
SS0102 uninsured medical expenses
SS0103 difficulty with money management
SS0104 able to buy only necessities
SS0105 difficulty buying necessities
SS0106 Income - other
SS0201 soiled living area
SS0202 inadequate food storage/disposal
SS0203 insects/rodents
SS0204 foul odour
SS0205 inadequate water supply
SS0206 inadequate sewage disposal
SS0207 inadequate laundry facilities
SS0208 allergens
SS0209 infectious/contaminating agents
SS0210 Sanitation - other
SS0211 presence of mould
SS0212 excessive pets
SS0301 structurally unsound
SS0302 inadequate heating/cooling
SS0303 steep/unsafe stairs
SS0304 inadequate/obstructed exits/entries
SS0305 cluttered living space
SS0306 unsafe storage of dangerous objects/substances
SS0307 unsafe mats/throw rugs
SS0308 inadequate safety devices
SS0309 presence of lead-based paint
SS0310 unsafe appliances/equipment
SS0311 inadequate/crowded living space
SS0312 homeless
SS0313 Residence - other
SS0314 exposed wiring
SS0315 structural barriers
SS0401 high crime rate
SS0402 high pollution level
SS0403 uncontrolled/dangerous/infected animals
SS0404 physical hazards
SS0405 inadequate/unsafe play/exercise areas
SS0406 Neighbourhood/workplace Safety - other
SS0407 inadequate space/resources to foster health
SS0408 threats/reports of violence
SS0409 vehicle/traffic hazards
SS0410 chemical hazards
SS0411 radiological hazards
SS0601 unfamiliar with options/procedures for obtaining services
SS0602 difficulty understanding roles/regulations of service providers
SS0603 unable to communicate concerns to provider
SS0604 dissatisfaction with services
SS0605 language barrier
SS0606 inadequate/unavailable resources
SS0607 Communication with community resources - other
SS0608 cultural barrier
SS0609 educational barrier
SS0610 transportation barrier
SS0611 limited access to care/services/goods
SS0612 unable to use/has inadequate communication devices/equipment
SS0701 limited social contact
SS0702 uses health care provider for social contact
SS0703 minimal outside stimulation/leisure time activities
SS0704 Social contact - other
SS0801 involuntary reversal of traditional male/female roles
SS0802 involuntary reversal of dependent/independent roles
SS0803 assumes new role
SS0804 loses previous role
SS0805 Role change - other
SS0806 involuntary role reversal
SS0901 difficulty establishing/maintaining relationships
SS0902 minimal shared activities
SS0903 incongruent values/goals/expectations/schedules
SS0904 inadequate interpersonal communication skills
SS0905 prolonged, unrelieved tension
SS0906 inappropriate suspicion/manipulation/compulsion/aggression
SS0907 Interpersonal relationship - other
SS0908 inappropriate suspicion/manipulation/control
SS0909 physically/emotionally abusive to partner
SS0910 difficulty problem solving without conflict
SS1001 expresses spiritual concerns
SS1002 disrupted spiritual rituals
SS1003 disrupted spiritual trust
SS1004 conflicting spiritual beliefs and medical/health care regimen
SS1005 Spirituality - other
SS1101 fails to recognise stages of grief/process of healing
SS1102 difficulty coping with grief responses
SS1103 difficulty expressing grief responses
SS1104 conflicting stages of grief among individuals/families
SS1105 Grief - other
SS1201 sadness/hopelessness/decreased self-esteem
SS1202 apprehension/undefined fear
SS1203 loss of interest/involvement in activities/self-care
SS1204 narrowed perceptual focus
SS1205 scattering of attention
SS1206 flat affect
SS1207 irritable/agitated
SS1208 purposeless activity
SS1209 difficulty managing stress
SS1210 somatic complaints/fatigue
SS1211 expresses wish to die/attempts suicide
SS1212 Mental health - other
SS1213 narrowed to scattered attention/focus
SS1214 irritable/agitated/aggressive
SS1215 purposeless/compulsive activity
SS1216 difficulty managing anger
SS1217 delusions
SS1218 hallucinations/illusions
SS1219 expresses suicidal/homicidal thoughts
SS1220 attempts suicide/homicide
SS1221 self-mutilation
SS1222 mood swings
SS1223 flash-backs
SS1301 difficulty recognizing consequences of sexual behavior
SS1302 difficulty expressing intimacy
SS1303 sexual identity confusion
SS1304 sexual value confusion
SS1305 dissatisfied with sexual relationships
SS1306 Sexuality - other
SS1307 unsafe sexual practices
SS1308 sexual acting out/provocative behaviors/harassment
SS1309 sexual perpetration/assault
SS1401 difficulty providing physical care/safety
SS1402 difficulty providing emotional nurturance
SS1403 difficulty providing cognitive learning experiences and activities
SS1404 difficulty providing preventive and therapeutic health care
SS1405 expectations incongruent with stage of growth and development
SS1406 dissatisfaction/difficulty with responsibilities
SS1407 neglectful
SS1408 abusive
SS1409 Caretaking/parenting - other
SS1410 difficulty interpreting or responding to verbal/nonverbal communication
SS1501 lacks adequate physical care
SS1502 lacks emotional nurturance/support
SS1503 lacks appropriate stimulation/cognitive experiences
SS1504 inappropriately left alone
SS1505 lacks necessary supervision
SS1506 inadequate/delayed medical care
SS1507 Neglect - other
SS1601 harsh/excessive discipline
SS1602 welts/bruises/burns/other injuries
SS1603 questionable explanation of injury
SS1604 attacked verbally
SS1605 fearful/hypervigilant behavior
SS1606 violent environment
SS1607 consistent negative messages
SS1608 assaulted sexually
SS1609 Abuse - other
SS1701 abnormal results of developmental screening tests
SS1702 abnormal weight/height/head circumference in relation to growth/age standards
SS1703 age-inappropriate behavior
SS1704 inadequate achievement/maintenance of developmental tasks
SS1705 Growth and development - other
SS1901 difficulty hearing normal speech tones
SS1902 absent/abnormal response to sound
SS1903 abnormal results of hearing screening test
SS1904 Hearing - other
SS1905 difficulty hearing speech in large group settings
SS1906 difficulty hearing high frequency sounds
SS2001 difficulty seeing small print/calibrations
SS2002 difficulty seeing distant objects
SS2003 difficulty seeing close objects
SS2004 absent/abnormal response to visual stimuli
SS2005 abnormal results of vision screening test
SS2006 squinting/blinking/tearing/blurring
SS2007 difficulty differentiating colors
SS2008 Vision - other
SS2009 floaters/flashes
SS2101 absent/abnormal ability to speak/vocalize
SS2102 absent/abnormal ability to understand
SS2103 lacks alternative communication skills/gestures
SS2104 inappropriate sentence structure
SS2105 limited enunciation/clarity
SS2106 inappropriate word usage
SS2107 Speech and language - other
SS2301 diminished judgement
SS2302 disoriented to time/place/person
SS2303 limited recall of recent events
SS2304 limited recall of long past events
SS2305 limited calculating/sequencing skills
SS2306 limited concentration
SS2307 limited reasoning/abstract thinking ability
SS2308 impulsiveness
SS2309 repetitous language/behaviour
SS2310 Cognition - Other
SS2311 wanders
SS2401 expresses discomfort/pain
SS2402 elevated pulse/respirations/blood pressure
SS2403 compensated movement/guarding
SS2404 restless behavior
SS2405 facial grimaces
SS2406 pallor/perspiration
SS2407 Pain - other
SS2501 lethargic
SS2502 stuporous
SS2503 unresponsive
SS2504 comatose
SS2505 Consciousness - other
SS2601 lesion/pressure ulcer
SS2602 rash
SS2603 excessively dry
SS2604 excessively oily
SS2605 inflammation
SS2606 pruritus
SS2607 drainage
SS2608 bruising
SS2609 hypertrophy of nails
SS2610 Skin - other
SS2611 delayed incisional healing
SS2701 limited range of motion
SS2702 decreased muscle strength
SS2703 decreased coordination
SS2704 decreased muscle tone
SS2705 increased muscle tone
SS2706 decreased sensation
SS2707 increased sensation
SS2708 decreased balance
SS2709 gait/ambulation disturbance
SS2710 difficulty managing activities of daily living
SS2711 tremors/seizures
SS2712 Neuro-musculo-skeletal function - other
SS2713 difficulty transferring
SS2714 fractures
SS2715 difficulty with thermoregulation
SS2801 abnormal breath patterns
SS2802 unable to breathe independently
SS2803 cough
SS2804 unable to cough/expectorate independently
SS2805 cyanosis
SS2806 abnormal sputum
SS2807 noisy respirations
SS2808 rhinorrhea/nasal congestion
SS2809 abnormal breath sounds
SS2810 Respiration - other
SS2811 abnormal respiratory laboratory results
SS2901 oedema
SS2902 cramping/pain of extremities
SS2903 decreased pulses
SS2904 discoloration of skin/cyanosis
SS2905 temperature change in affected area
SS2906 varicosities
SS2907 syncopal episodes (fainting)/dizziness
SS2908 abnormal blood pressure reading
SS2909 pulse deficit
SS2910 irregular heart rate
SS2911 excessively rapid heart rate
SS2912 excessively slow heart rate
SS2913 anginal pain
SS2914 abnormal heart sounds/murmurs
SS2915 Circulation - other
SS2916 abnormal clotting
SS2917 abnormal cardiac laboratory results
SS3001 nausea/vomiting
SS3002 difficulty/inability to chew/swallow/digest
SS3003 indigestion
SS3004 reflux
SS3005 anorexia
SS3006 anemia
SS3007 ascites
SS3008 jaundice/liver enlargement
SS3009 decreased skin turgor
SS3010 cracked lips/dry mouth
SS3011 electrolyte imbalance
SS3012 Digestion-hydration - other
SS3101 abnormal frequency/consistency of stool
SS3102 painful defecation
SS3103 decreased bowel sounds
SS3104 blood in stools
SS3105 abnormal color
SS3106 cramping/abdominal discomfort
SS3107 incontinent of stool
SS3108 Bowel function - other
SS3501 weighs 10% more than average
SS3502 weighs 10% less than average
SS3503 lacks established standards for daily caloric/fluid intake
SS3504 exceeds established standards for daily caloric/fluid intake
SS3505 unbalanced diet
SS3506 improper feeding schedule for age
SS3507 does not follow recommended nutrition plan
SS3508 unexplained/progressive weight loss
SS3509 hypoglycemia
SS3510 hyperglycemia
SS3511 Nutrition - other
SS3512 overweight: adult BMI 25.0 or more; child BMI 95th percentile or more
SS3513 underweight: adult BMI 18.5 or less; child BMI 5th percentile or less
SS3514 unable to obtain/prepare food
SS3601 sleep/rest pattern disrupts family
SS3602 frequently wakes during night
SS3603 sleepwalking
SS3604 insomnia
SS3605 nightmares
SS3606 insufficient sleep/rest for age/physical condition
SS3607 Sleep and rest patterns - other
SS3608 sleep apnea
SS3609 snoring
SS3701 sedentary life style
SS3702 inadequate/inconsistent exercise routine
SS3703 inappropriate type/amount of exercise for age/physical condition
SS3704 Physical activity - other
SS3801 difficulty laundering clothing
SS3802 difficulty with bathing
SS3803 foul body odour
SS3804 difficulty shampooing/combing hair
SS3805 difficulty brushing/flossing/mouth care
SS3806 Personal care - other
SS3807 difficulty with toileting activities
SS3808 difficulty dressing lower body
SS3809 difficulty dressing upper body
SS3810 unwilling/unable/forgets to complete personal care activities
SS3901 abuses over-the-counter/street drugs
SS3902 abuses alcohol
SS3903 smokes/uses tobacco products
SS3904 difficulty performing normal routines
SS3905 reflex disturbances
SS3906 behavior change
SS3907 Substance use - other
SS3908 abuses over-the-counter/prescription medications
SS3909 uses “street”-recreational drugs
SS3910 exposure to cigarette/cigar smoke
SS3911 buys/sells illegal substances
SS4001 inappropriate/insufficient knowledge about family planning methods
SS4002 inaccurate/inconsistent use of family planning methods
SS4003 dissatisfied with present family planning method
SS4004 Family planning - other
SS4005 inappropriate/insufficient knowledge about preconceptual health practices
SS4006 fears others’ reactions regarding family planning choices
SS4007 difficulty obtaining family planning methods
SS4101 fails to obtain routine/preventive health care
SS4102 fails to seek care for symptoms requiring evaluation/treatment
SS4103 fails to return as requested to health care provider
SS4104 inability to coordinate multiple appointments/treatment plans
SS4105 inconsistent source of health care
SS4106 inadequate treatment plan
SS4107 Health care supervision - other
SS4108 inadequate source of health care
SS4201 does not follow recommended dosage/schedule
SS4202 evidence of side effects/adverse reactions
SS4203 inadequate system for taking medication
SS4204 improper storage of medication
SS4205 fails to obtain refills appropriately
SS4206 fails to obtain immunizations
SS4207 Medication regimen - other
SS4208 inadequate medication regimen
SS4209 unable to take medications without help
SS4501 missing/broken/malformed teeth
SS4502 caries
SS4503 excess tartar
SS4504 sore/swollen/bleeding gums
SS4505 malocclusion
SS4506 ill-fitting/missing dentures
SS4507 sensitivity to hot or cold
SS4508 Oral health - other
SS4601 burning/painful urination
SS4602 incontinent of urine
SS4603 urgency/frequency
SS4604 difficulty initiating urination
SS4605 difficulty emptying bladder
SS4606 abnormal amount
SS4607 hematuria/abnormal color
SS4608 nocturia
SS4609 abnormal urinary laboratory results
SS4610 Urinary function - other
SS4701 abnormal discharge
SS4702 abnormal menstrual pattern
SS4703 difficulty managing menopause/andropause
SS4704 abnormal lumps/swelling/tenderness of genital organs or breasts
SS4705 pain during or after sexual intercourse
SS4706 infertility
SS4707 impotency
SS4708 Reproductive function - other
SS4801 difficulty bonding with unborn baby
SS4802 difficulty coping with body changes
SS4803 difficulty with prenatal exercise/rest/diet/behaviors
SS4804 fears delivery procedure
SS4805 prenatal complications/preterm labor
SS4806 inadequate social support
SS4807 Pregnancy - other
SS4901 difficulty breast feeding
SS4902 difficulty coping with postpartum changes
SS4903 difficulty with postpartum exercise/rest/diet/behaviors
SS4904 abnormal bleeding/vaginal discharge
SS4905 postpartum complications
SS4906 abnormal depressed feelings
SS4907 Postpartum - other
SS5001 infection
SS5002 infestation
SS5003 fever
SS5004 biological hazards
SS5005 positive screening/culture/laboratory results
SS5006 inadequate supplies/equipment/policies to prevent transmission
SS5007 does not follow infection control regimen
SS5008 inadequate immunity
SS5009 Communicable/infectious condition - other
CG0001 Case Management
CG0002 Teaching, Guidance and Counselling
CG0003 Surveillance
CG0004 Treatment and Procedures
TG0001 anatomy/physiology
TG0002 behaviour modification
TG0003 bladder care
TG0004 bonding/attachment
TG0005 bowel care
TG0006 bronchial hygiene
TG0007 cardiac care
TG0008 caretaking/parenting skills
TG0009 cast care
TG0010 communication
TG0011 coping skills
TG0012 day care/respite
TG0013 discipline
TG0014 dressing change/wound care
TG0015 durable medical equipment
TG0016 education
TG0017 employment
TG0018 environment
TG0019 exercises
TG0020 family planning care
TG0021 feeding procedures
TG0022 finances
TG0023 food
TG0024 gait training
TG0025 growth/development care
TG0026 homemaking
TG0027 home
TG0028 interaction
TG0029 laboratory findings
TG0030 legal system
TG0031 medical/dental care
TG0032 medication action/side effects
TG0033 medication administration
TG0034 medication set-up
TG0035 mobility/transfers
TG0036 nursing care, supplementary
TG0037 nutrition
TG0038 nutritionist care
TG0039 ostomy care
TG0040 other community resources
TG0041 personal hygiene
TG0042 positioning
TG0043 rehabilitation
TG0044 relaxation/breathing techniques
TG0045 rest/sleep
TG0046 safety
TG0047 screening procedures
TG0048 sickness/injury care
TG0049 signs/symptoms-mental/emotional
TG0050 signs/symptoms-physical
TG0051 skin care
TG0052 social work/counseling care
TG0053 specimen collection
TG0054 spiritual care
TG0055 stimulation/nurturance
TG0056 stress management
TG0057 substance use
TG0058 supplies
TG0059 support group
TG0060 support system
TG0061 transportation
TG0062 wellness
TG0063 other
TG0064 anger management
TG0065 community outreach worker services
TG0066 continuity of care
TG0067 dietary management
TG0068 end-of-life care
TG0069 genetics
TG0070 homemaking/housekeeping
TG0071 infection precautions
TG0072 interpreter/translator services
TG0073 medication coordination/ordering
TG0074 medication prescription
TG0075 nursing care
TG0076 occupational therapy care
TG0077 paraprofessional/aide care
TG0078 physical therapy care
TG0079 recreational therapy care
TG0080 respiratory care
TG0081 respiratory therapy care
TG0082 speech and language pathology care
TG0083 substance use cessation
OM0001 Individual
OM0002 Family
OM0003 Community
RM0001 Actual
RM0002 Potential
RM0003 Health Promotion
RS0001 Knowledge
RS0002 Behaviour
RS0003 Status